Young scientists held a conference dedicated to development prospects. Young scientists, graduate students and students gathered at the FSN conference. Meeting of young scientists

On February 8, 2018, the V All-Russian Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists with international participation “Man in the Orthodox Church: the view of the young”, organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, took place in the Main Building of PSTGU on Likhov Lane.

This scientific event was preceded by a joint divine service, which consisted of Matins and the Divine Liturgy. After all the participants and guests of the conference gathered in the Cathedral Chamber, introduction said the dean of the faculty, Igor Pavlovich Ryazantsev.

The first speaker at the plenary session was a representative of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova Olga Sushchenko. Her report was devoted to the attitude of modern young people towards the institution of marriage. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the values ​​associated with marriage are currently greatly distorted. Most young people consider cohabitation before marriage to be a more responsible form of behavior than marriage without it. Moreover, about half of these respondents consider themselves Orthodox people.

Then the floor was given to the representative, MGIMO teacher Alexander Stikhin. He devoted his speech to describing the place of “soft power” in modern society, as well as the significance of this instrument of influence on society for the Orthodox Church.

The next speaker was Denisa Bakhledova, a representative of the University of Presov in Slovakia, who spoke about the view of Christian psychology on childhood trauma. Special attention The report focused on the Christian view of human suffering. The first session of the plenary session was concluded by the representative of Moscow State Pedagogical University Natalia Sabanina, in which she touched upon the problem of the existence of two parallel worlds: real and virtual. It was noted that the involvement of children in the virtual world leads to serious negative consequences for them at all levels: physical, mental and spiritual, which is caused by children’s inadequate assessment of the degree of virtuality of what happens to them on the Internet.

The second session of the plenary session was opened by a student of the Department of General Sociology, Daniil Razinkov. He reviewed the educational strategies of PSTGU students. As a result of his research, it was found that the majority of respondents received exactly the specialty that they wanted or considered upon admission as one of the options. At the same time, most students believe that in order to get a well-paid job higher education is not at all mandatory. Then the floor was given to student of the Department of Social Work Vladimir Emelyanov, who spoke about the need for more active participation laity in the life of the Church and, in particular, in its social activities, and also showed how this can be done.

Then a student of the Department of Tourism, Irina Kozhevnikova, spoke. Her report was devoted to trends in the development of tourism in Montenegro and, first of all, its Orthodox direction. The program of the plenary session was completed with a speech by master's student of the Department of Economics Dmitry Rudyak. In his speech, he outlined the need for rehabilitation of former prisoners in modern Russian society. He identified the creation of specialized rehabilitation centers as one of the priority options for solving this problem.

After a short break, the conference continued its work in the format of three sections. At the section “Orthodox Man and Family”, headed by the head of the department of general sociology Igor Pavlovich Ryazantsev, 6 people spoke. As part of the presented reports, issues related to the state of the modern family and factors that currently influence the spiritual, emotional and physical health its members.

Within the framework of the section “Man in the Social Space of the Orthodox Church,” which was led by the head of the department of social work, Tatyana Valeryevna Zaltsman, 8 speeches were made. The speakers touched upon the issues of conducting missionary and research expeditions, compiling characteristics of individual regions of our country, as well as issues related to providing assistance to one’s neighbor in the light of Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

At the section “Orthodox person in the economic and socio-political sphere of society”, which was led by the head of the Department of Tourism Alexey Ivanovich Tkalich, 9 speeches were made. The speakers covered the issues public life V modern Russia, as well as problems of tourism development in our country.

15/11/2017 - 17/11/2017


dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky






All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference
dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky


The Yaroslavl region will become one of the centers for celebrating the 800th anniversary of the birth of Prince Alexander Nevsky in Russian Federation. For our region, for its residents, this date has special significance. Alexander Nevsky was born and spent his childhood in Pereslavl-Zalessky. In preparation for this celebration, it was decided to hold an All-Russian scientific and practical conference on the problems and prospects for the development of ecological tourism. On the territory of the Yaroslavl region a large number of unique natural sites, different protection status (more than 350 are specially protected natural areas), lakes Pleshcheyevo and Nero, the Rybinsk Reservoir, the Volga River, many Red Book species. All this can contribute to the development of eco-tourism in the region.

Research-oriented students, graduate students, undergraduates, young scientists from universities and research institutes are invited to participate in the Conference; leading scientists and specialists, representatives of federal, regional and municipal authorities, zoos, national parks, political parties And public organizations, funds mass media and other interested parties.


Natural resource potential for regional development
International and government programs ecotourism
Problems and prospects for the development of regional ecotourism
Features of organizing ecotourism in specially protected areas natural areas
Ecological trails: scientific and information technology support
National parks as ecotourism sites
The role of zoos in the development of regional ecotourism
Bioecological approach to organizing ecotourism
The role of local history in organizing tourism programs
Features of the development of recreational ecotourism
Role educational organizations in the development of ecotourism
The role of hotels and catering establishments in the development of ecotourism
Patriotic education of children and youth, family ecotourism
Organization of ecotourism for people with disabilities health
Problems of unregulated ecotourism and vandalism
Recreational resources of the region as a source of national health
Patronage as effective tool investments in the development of a tourism cluster


Sending the registration form (), materials and annotations until October 30, 2017 to the Organizing Committee at the address [email protected]
Arrival and registration of participants, opening November 15, 2017
Work of sections in areas November 16, 2017
Conducting a round table “Problems and prospects for the development of ecological tourism in the Yaroslavl region. The role of regional government structures in supporting tourism sites” final plenary session, closing of the Conference November 17, 2017


Part 1

The answers to tasks 1–31 are a number, or a sequence of numbers,

or word (phrase). Write your answers in the answer fields in the text


1 Society in the broadest sense of the word means

1) the entire material world in its diversity

2) bringing people together based on hobbies and interests

3) part of the natural environment (nature) transformed by man

4) the way and form of existence of humanity


2 Society is characterized as a dynamic, developing system

1) presence of structural elements and subsystems

2) communication social system with natural environment

3) the presence of interdependence within elements and subsystems

4) the emergence of new elements to replace the disappeared ones


3 The political sphere of social life directly relates to

1) victory of an opposition candidate in parliamentary elections

2) the country’s economy enters a period of recession, stagnation

3) demographic boom in certain regions of the country

4) development by historians of a new scientific concept


4 Are the following judgments about society true?

A. Society is a universal form of interconnection and interaction of people, a way of existence of humanity.

B. On modern stage society is completely concentrated in its hands

control over natural resources.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


5 The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated:

1) Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon River and the start of the war against Gaul

2) the struggle for power in the Roman Republic of supporters of Gaius Marius and Cornelius Sulla

3) active development in Ancient Greece trade, navigation, the establishment of colonies by the Greeks in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions

4) the victory of the Spartans over the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War, the transition of the commander Alcibiades to the side of the Spartans


6 Young scientists held a conference, dedicated to the prospects once-

orbit national science, expressing the danger that low levels

income, lack of material incentives to work contribute to the “leakage

brains,” the mass exodus of young professionals abroad. This

measures can be used to illustrate the relationship between such

spheres of society such as

1) economic, political

2) social, economic, spiritual

3) spiritual, political, economic

4) economic, social


7 Japanese society is distinguished by its commitment to history and tradition. The Japanese themselves claim that they represent a post-industrial traditional society and new technologies, modern technology do not interfere with tradition.

Find in the list the signs that allow you to assert that elements of traditional society are preserved in modern Japan.

1) The Japanese respect and honor the emperor (mikado), symbolizing

unity of the nation.

2) Many residents of Japan are adherents of the ancient Shinto religion, which dates back to pagan cults and the deification of nature.

3) The Japanese are building artificial islands from garbage and erecting earthquake-resistant skyscrapers on them.

4) The Japanese remain committed to family principles and celebrate family holidays and rituals.

5) Residents of Japan travel on hovercraft and along multi-tiered highways.


8 Which historical type of society is characterized by the emergence of mass standardized serial production, mechanization and automation of production processes, and the unconditional predominance of economic incentives for work?

1) agricultural 3) traditional

2) informational 4) industrial


9 Country N. is located in the Northern Hemisphere. It is multinational, with the majority of the population living in urban agglomerations. Which Additional Information allows us to conclude that the country's society is of a post-industrial type?

1) The territory of the country is located in two parts of the world and different climatic zones.

2) The country is governed by electronic networks; the majority of the working population is employed in the service sector.

3) The government of the country develops and approves social laws.

4) Recently, a referendum was held in the country on the status of the state language.


10 Are the following judgments about social progress true?

Social progress

A. is not able to influence relationships between people, spirituality and moral qualities of people.

B. includes the introduction of new technologies that facilitate human work and, among other things, free up his time for rest and creativity, increasing the comfort of work and life.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


11 Gradual, non-catastrophic transformations in society, implying an organic combination of the old with the new, the accumulation of changes, are characteristic of such forms of social change as

1) leap 3) evolution

2) revolution 4) degradation


12 Tribes of nomads invaded a rich, prosperous country from the north, ruining irrigated farming systems, cities, and cutting off traditional trade routes. Cities and villages were deserted for many decades. Society moved from a more perfect one to less perfect, primitive forms.

This example illustrates such a form of social change as

1) reform 3) regression

2) modernization 4) evolution


13 Towards global problems modern world related to ecology, human impact on nature, refers

1) actions of international terrorist organizations

2) predatory destruction of forests in the Amazon jungle - “the lungs of the planet”

3) a decrease in the birth rate in a number of developed countries

4) local wars that pose a threat to stability in a number of regions


14 In a number of countries in Asia and Africa, excessive and uncontrolled population growth leads to the continued threat of hunger; many children do not have the opportunity to attend school or receive medical care.

This example can serve as an illustration of this type of global problems of the modern world, such as

1) environmental

2) socio-demographic

3) military-political

4) cultural and humanitarian


15 Are the following judgments about the threats and challenges of the 21st century true?

Threats and challenges of the 21st century.

A. due to increased scale economic activity man, his intervention in natural complexes, the use of non-renewable natural resources.

B. are associated with the gap in the level of development between the rich countries of the “global North” and the backward, poor countries of the “global South”, and the desire of the South to restructure the world order.


16 Scientists believe that one of the negative consequences of the globalization process is

1) the increasing lack of competitiveness of a number of industries national economies

2) bringing countries and peoples closer together through the formation of global social networks, increasing dependence of countries on imports

3) affirmation in the minds of the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth of universal humanitarian values

4) successful development of technical and technological innovations in various regions of the world


17 Globalization of economic processes, formation of a single world

market related to

1) the formation of international terrorist centers that train militants

2) the desire of many countries and nations to preserve unique national cultures

3) the creation and activities of the United Nations (UN)

4) the activities of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the development of transnational corporations (TNCs)


18 Political global problems of the modern world include

1) declining birth rates and aging of a number of European nations

2) the threat of the proliferation of nuclear weapons beyond the countries that are members of the “nuclear club”

3) the gap in the levels of development of poor and rich countries, the inability of a number of countries to solve their social problems

4) crisis of spiritual values ​​of modern humanity


19 Using such a criterion of social progress as strengthening the moral foundations of society, we can illustrate

1) dissemination of environmental production standards automobile fuel

2) introduction of a new generation of electronic equipment in the oil and gas industry

3) introduction of special laws protecting animals and imposing sanctions for cruelty to them

4) conducting research in the field of genetic engineering, creating organic matter with predefined properties


20 Are the following statements about terrorism true?

A. International terrorism is a powerful economic structure and is ahead of national states in the development of a network of interaction.

B. International terrorism is a response to the aggressive invasion of values Western world to other regions of the world.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect


21 Example constructive interaction human society with nature is

1) disruption of the ecological balance of steppe regions, their desertification

2) construction nuclear power plants posing a threat natural environment and people

3) creation of natural reserves and sanctuaries, restoration individual species animals, environmental legislation

4) transfer of environmentally “dirty” industries to “third” world countries


22 Social scientists from the country of N conducted a public opinion poll. Citizens participating in the survey were asked the question: “Where, in your opinion, are the elements of traditional society most evident in the modern world?” Scientists offered respondents their answer options.

Based on the results of the survey, a diagram “Elements of traditional society in the modern world” was compiled:

Find the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) About a fifth of the citizens surveyed said that they consider the family to be the most important element of a traditional society.

2) Folk superstitions and ancient religions, according to the majority of respondents, are the most important relics of the past in the consciousness of modern man.

3) More than a quarter of citizens participating in the survey named the preservation of monarchical regimes as the leading relic of the past.

4) Handicrafts and traditional crafts were highlighted as the main feature of archaic survivals by a third of respondents.

5) Slightly fewer citizens, compared to the recognition of popular superstitions, recognized the preservation of traditional religions as the main feature of the past.


23 In the country of R., a survey was conducted by a sociological service. Citizens 18-25 years old and 40-50 years old participating in the survey were asked to choose the continuation of the phrase: “ Global problems modernity can be resolved by..."

The survey results were calculated by scientists and presented in table form (data are given in%):

Find in the list below conclusions that can be drawn based on

survey data, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The younger generation of citizens participating in the survey does not believe in the possibility for humanity to limit its needs.

2) Among the representatives of the older generation there are significantly more supporters of the spread of the ideas of humanism, tolerance, and environmental culture than among the youth.

3) A larger percentage of respondents among the older generation believe that global problems can be solved through agreements and constructive contacts between the leading countries of the world.

4) Both the younger and older generations believe that a return to the cave lifestyle, to nature, is the main way to solve global problems.

5) Young people, to a lesser extent than the older generation, pay attention to the need to establish a strict world order.


24 Find in the list given the characteristic features of society that distinguish it from nature.

1) is subject to the action of objective laws that do not depend on the will and desires of people

2) is a collection of all forms and methods of interaction between people and their groups

3) is the external, natural habitat of humans and human communities

4) creates culture and, in turn, is formed under the influence of culture

5) represents all of humanity as a whole, both in the present and in the past and in the future


25 Are the following judgments about the processes of globalization true?

Scientists believe that globalization is a positive consequence

A. the formation of universal ideas about the political rights and freedoms of citizens, the values ​​of democracy.

B. the threat of extinction of local cultural traditions.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


26 Write down the blank in the table:

Answer: .

27 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “social institutions”.

1) family

2) dacha cooperative

3) state

4) church

5) market

6) business partnership

Find two positions that “fall out” from the general series and write them down in the table

the numbers under which they are indicated.


28 Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented below the series, and write down the number under which it is indicated. 1) international terrorism

2) environmental disasters

3) global problems of our time

4) dehumanization of culture

5) proliferation of nuclear weapons


29 Establish a correspondence between types of societies and specific characteristics,

illustrating them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


30 Read the text below, each position indicated by a letter.

(A) Society is a part of the material world separated from nature, but closely connected with it. (B) Society and people are able to influence the natural environment, nature, adapting it to their needs. Nature, in turn, acts as a system interacting with society. (B) According to scientists, human activity has already led to climate change on our planet. (D) But the power of people over nature, it seems, is imaginary and doubtful. (D) Every year many people die due to natural disasters, oceanic tsunamis, floods, and fires.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

1) factual nature

2) character value judgments

3) the nature of the theoretical provisions

Write down under the letter indicating the position the number expressing it



31 Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

The following most general indicators can be distinguished: _______________ (A). From epoch to epoch there is an increase in labor productivity based on the improvement of means and organization of labor; which in turn entails the improvement of the workforce, brings to life new production skills and knowledge and changes the existing __________ (B). Simultaneously with the progress of productive forces, there is an increase in the volume of scientific information. Science turns into a direct ___________ (B) of society. Under the influence of progress in social production, social needs rise, and methods of satisfying them, lifestyle, culture and way of life are improved. ____________ (D) social life occurs on a planetary scale, leading to the formation and functioning of ___________ (D) ideals, norms and values. Humanity is gradually turning into a single whole. But the main indicator and criterion of social progress is the expansion of freedom. Consequently, in order to determine whether a given stage in the development of society is more progressive compared to the previous one, it is necessary to find out how fully the essential features of ____________ (E) are realized in the life of the people of a given society.

Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms: 1) manufacturability 6) groups

2) internationalization 7) historical progress

3) division of labor 8) universal human

4) human freedom 9) matrix

5) productive force

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.


Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 32–35.

Eastern civilization

It is known that world history began in the East, which is the center of civilization. The most ancient social and political institutions arose and acquired stable forms here. No wonder the ancient Romans said with respect: “The light comes from the East.”

What is the East? We are talking not about a geographical, but about a civilizational, historical and cultural concept. This is a gigantic human integrity, very heterogeneous and contradictory. She has some common features: reproduction of established social cultures, stability of lifestyle, strict priority of religious and mythological ideas and canonized styles of thinking, dissolution of the individual in the team.

The East is, first of all, a traditional society and a traditional path of development. Where did this tradition come from, how and by whom was it established? According to orientalists, the tradition was, firstly, borrowed from the cyclical nature of agricultural work, on which the prosperity of the first centers of civilization directly depended. Secondly, having taken shape in the first state entities, they tried in every possible way to oppose themselves to the barbarians and establish their priorities as decisive and extremely important.

The main cultural dominant here are myths, religious cults, rituals and ceremonies...

The most important element characterizing the East is “oriental despotism.” Despotism as a form of power and the general structure of society arises where private property has no priority and the land belongs to the rural community. In order to organize intercommunal work, a government body is formed, which, gradually gaining strength, becomes despotic in relation to the community members. However, this power does not deprive the community of autonomy in solving its own problems. By deducting rent-tax to the state, the community lived with its own concerns, and the community members were of little interest in who was replacing whom at the top of the political pyramid. However, both state rulers and their servants were not interested in the joys and misfortunes of the peasants. The main thing is to receive the traditionally established rent-tax on time.

(E.I. Popov)

32 Expand, based on the text, the author’s understanding of Eastern civilization (“East”). Give four features that distinguish Eastern society.

33 What conditions for the formation of an eastern traditional society does the author give, referring to oriental scientists? Give them based on the text and illustrate any of them with a specific example.

34 What does the author see as the most important element characterizing the East? What, according to the author, are the reasons for the formation of a special organization in the East? (Give two reasons.) Based on your knowledge of the course, give any sign of Eastern society other than those indicated in the text.

35 The author emphasizes that the main culture and dominant of Eastern society are myths, religious rituals and rituals. Formulate your own interpretation of the author’s thought (expand the author’s thought). Based on social studies and history courses, give three specific examples that illustrate the cultural heritage of Eastern civilization.

36 What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social progress”? Using knowledge from a social science course, compose two sentences containing information about social progress: one sentence about the criteria for social progress and one sentence revealing the inconsistency of social progress.

37 Information revolution after

board of changes, each of which is illustrated with an example.

38 Smoiv rseovmreenmneynin omgio r mniarzay via yuchet lsoevteekvay smt. alMin okgoime puchjuetneyre io tImenchtaeryunte, tch. tso fsoirmmvuollia--

express your point of view on the role of the computer and World Wide Web in life

modern society. Give two arguments to support it.


according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain

at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-paragraphs


40. svPorii vmeydsiltie

necessary arguments to justify your position.

When completing the task, use the knowledge gained from studying the course

social sciences, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life

neither his own life experience:


“The most important task of civilization is to teach man

think". (T. Edison)


“...civilization, culture - is precisely that complex

system of abstract ideas (religious, state-

cultural, moral, philosophical and artistic),

which are produced by the entire life of the nation.” (K.N. Le-



“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and himself

destroy or harm yourself." (Book of Ecclesia-



“Truly, if we call power over nature a miracle,

milk, then it manifests itself most of all in disasters.” (F. Be-



“Cursed be these interests of civilization, and even

civilization itself, if it is necessary to preserve it

skin people." (F. M. Dostoevsky)


“The real progress of mankind depends not so much on

as much from the inventive mind as from consciousness.”

(A. Einstein)


« Man of sense adapts to the world, inaccurately

the crazy one tries to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, about

progress always depends on the foolish.” (J.B. Shaw)


“If only people knew that the goal of humanity is not

material progress, that this progress is inevitable

growth, and the goal is one - the good of all people." (L.N. Tolstoy)


“Social progress is in inverse ratio

to the degree of coercion, violence or power exerted -

in public life, and, conversely, in direct relation

to the degree of development of freedom and self-awareness, or anarchy."

(L. Mechnikov)


“Man masters nature without having yet learned

control yourself." (A. Schweitzer)

Does it make sense of the rest?

2. Society in the broadest sense of the word means

3. As an example of the influence of natural factors on the development of human civilization, we can point out

4. An example of constructive interaction between human society and nature is

5. In which sentence is the concept of society used in the most in the narrow sense?

6. Society as dynamic The system is distinguished by the following feature:

7. Young scientists held a conference dedicated to the prospects for the development of domestic science, expressing the danger that low incomes and the lack of material incentives to work contribute to “brain drain”, the mass departure of young specialists abroad. This example can be used to illustrate the relationship between such areas of society as

8. What series of concepts and terms are associated with economic life society?


ethnos, social conflict, status and prestige, small group.


spirituality, scientific community, artistic image.


power, law, elite and masses, democratic traditions.


market, insurance funds, securities, venture firms, costs.

9. Are the following judgments about society true?

A. Society acts as an integral part of the material world, being in unity and interaction with nature.

B. At a certain stage of its development, society became isolated from nature and, in addition to objective laws, was subject to laws determined by the will and desires of people.

10. Are the following statements true?

A. The destruction of old social relations and the emergence of qualitatively new ones is a characteristic feature of a social revolution.

B. Variety social revolutions- scientific and technical revolutions, leading to the emergence of fundamentally new ways of interaction between man and nature.

11. What series of concepts and terms are associated with the post-industrial stage in the development of society?


rural community, class division, subsistence farming.


globalization, microprocessor, electronic networks.


guild regulations, inherited statuses, authoritarian power.


factory production, transport infrastructure, market.

12. A common feature industrial and traditional society stands

13. Using such a criterion of social progress as strengthening the moral foundations of society can be illustrated

14. Which of the above judgments can be used to justify the inconsistency of social progress?


In the process of development of society, measures of legal liability are revised, and the most severe punishments are eliminated.


Humanity adopts laws at the supranational level prohibiting certain methods of warfare.


A number of discoveries by scientists had dual consequences, and new types of weapons of mass destruction emerged.


New types of treatment facilities introduced in production make it possible to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

15. Tribes of nomads invaded a rich, prosperous country from the north, ruining irrigated farming systems, cities, and cutting off traditional trade routes. Cities and villages were deserted for many decades. This example illustrates such a form of social change as

16. Integrative processes of modernity have found their manifestation in (in)

17. Global problems of the modern world cover different spheres of society. TO demographic problems applies

18. Global ecological problems modernity are associated with


increased technical and technological capabilities of people to influence natural processes.


human inability to interact constructively with nature.


lack of attention of people to a healthy lifestyle and harmony with nature.


preserving the ethnic and religious diversity of the world.

19. Are the following judgments about social changes true?

A. Revolutions act as the most painful forms of social change for people.

B. Reform is a change in public life, usually initiated and carried out by the authorities.

20. Are the following statements about globalization true?

A. Globalization has both positive and negative consequences.

B. Third World countries experience only the negative impact of globalization processes.

Answers to Part A assignments

10th grade basic level.

Option 1.

  1. Which concept characterizes both society and nature?

a) system;

b) the entire material world;

c) forms and methods of interaction between people;

d) stage historical development humanity.

  1. Highlighting the main elements of society, their interrelation and interaction, scientists characterize society as

a) system; c) material world;

b) part of nature; d) civilization.

  1. One of the subsystems of society as a whole is

a) biosphere; c) nature;

b) spiritual culture; d) labor collective.

  1. A stable system of socially significant connections characterizing a representative of a particular society refers to the characteristics

a) person; c) individuality;

b) individual; d) personalities.

  1. A distinctive feature of the concept “personality” is that a person has

a) emotional and sensory reactions to environmental influences;

b) responsibility for their actions and their consequences;

c) the conditioning of behavior by genetic characteristics;

d) instincts of self-preservation and care for offspring.

  1. Properties that reflect the biological nature of a person include

a) communication using articulate speech;

b) the need to be in society;

c) the ability to think abstractly;

d) adaptation to environmental conditions.

  1. Young scientists held a conference dedicated to the prospects for the development of domestic science, expressing the danger that low incomes and the lack of material incentives to work contribute to a “brain drain” and the massive emigration of young specialists abroad. This example can be used to illustrate the relationship between such areas of society as

a) economic, political;

b) social, economic, spiritual;

c) spiritual, political, economic;

d) economic, social.

  1. Are judgments about art correct?

A. Art is a specific form of human knowledge of the world, based on an artistic image.

B. Art reflects a person’s idea of ​​the beautiful and the ugly, and forms an aesthetic picture of the world.

  1. In which of the following sentences is the concept of “culture” used in the sense of “the totality of the spiritual achievements of a people in a certain historical era”?

a) culture is a kind of “second nature”, an environment created by the mind and creative efforts of man;

b) Old Russian culture is characterized by an organic combination of pagan and Christian traditions;

c) this person, without a doubt, has a low level of culture and should not be allowed into decent society;

G) distinctive feature democratic political culture is the broad participation of the people in government.

  1. On instructions from a biology teacher, a student conducted a study of air pollution levels in the city center. What additional information will allow us to conclude that the student used theoretical methods of cognition in his work?

a) compiling a diary of observations of lichens growing on trees;

b) measuring the level of air pollution using special instruments;

c) putting forward a hypothesis that the level of pollution affects the nature of the flora in the city center;

d) a description of the condition of the plants located in the central park of the city.

  1. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “activity structure”. Find two positions that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) goal; 2) motive; 3) means; 4) subject; 5) communication; 6) socialization.

  1. Experiment;
  2. System analysis;
  3. Math modeling;
  4. Classification;
  5. Methods of cognition.
  1. Need
  2. True
  3. Cognitive instinct
  4. Process
  5. Activity
  6. Result
  7. Ideal images
  8. Objectivity
  9. Subject


Control testing on the topic: “SOCIETY. HUMAN"

10th grade basic level.

Option 2.

  1. Unlike nature, society

a) is a system;

b) is in development;

c) acts as a creator of culture;

d) develops according to its own laws.

  1. The concepts of “element”, “structure”, “interconnection” characterize society as

a) part of the material world;

b) social environment human habitation;

c) an integral system;

d) a set of communities.

  1. Society in a broad sense is called

a) all residents of the state;

b) a group of people united for joint activities;

the surrounding world as a whole;

d) all ways of interaction between people and forms of their association.

  1. The terms “self-esteem”, “self-realization”, “self-development” refer to the characteristics of a person as

a) an individual; c) an individual;

b) personality; d) biological individual.

  1. The main manifestation of a person’s personality is (are)

a) participation in the life of society;

b) the nature of the course of mental processes;

c) genetically inherited qualities;

d) features of thinking and memory.

  1. Both man and animal have

a) social needs;

b) behavioral activity;

c) desire for self-development;

d) a conscious attitude to reality.

  1. The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated:

a) Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon River and the start of the war against Gaul;

b) the struggle for power in the Roman Republic by supporters of Gaius Marius and Cornelius Sulla;

c) the active development of trade and navigation in Ancient Greece, the establishment of colonies by the Greeks in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions;

d) the victory of the Spartans over Athens in the Peloponnesian War, the transition of the commander Alcibiades to the side of the Spartans.

  1. Are judgments about cognition correct?

A. The only true source of knowledge is direct sensations, empirical experiences and experiments.

B. Not all true knowledge can be felt and observed, conclusions and conclusions can be confirmed in practice.

a) only A is true; c) both judgments are correct;

b) only B is true; d) both judgments are incorrect.

  1. Unlike nature, culture

a) is a system that obeys the spontaneous laws of development;

b) includes living organisms;

c) is distinguished by the integrity and complexity of connections and relationships, the interdependence of all elements;

d) is a product of the creative activity of society and man.

  1. Man has different ways and means of cognition. Which of the following is characteristic of religious knowledge?

a) putting forward and justifying hypotheses, selecting theoretical arguments and foundations;

b) conducting a series of experiments designed to prove the assumptions made;

c) reliance on life experience, observations of natural phenomena;

d) taking on faith certain judgments and assumptions about supernatural forces and beings.

  1. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of “folk culture”. Find two positions that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
  1. Anonymity of most works;
  2. Preservation and transmission from generation to generation;
  3. Epic tales;
  4. Popular TV series;
  5. Bestsellers;
  6. Student jokes and tales.
  1. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.
  1. Introduction new system remuneration in education;
  2. Social transformative activities;
  3. Reorganization of the emergency medical service;
  4. Increasing the size of maternity capital;
  5. Introduction of new tax rates on business activities.
  1. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

  1. Need
  2. Interest
  3. Motive
  4. Process
  5. Activity
  6. Result
  7. Reflection
  8. Target
  9. Subject

Write your answer in order of numbers.