“We do not change the way of life! Fatherland we do not change Fatherland we do not change

"We are not changing the pension system, we are keeping it. We are talking about the need to make the pension system self-sufficient," said Andrey Makarov, chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on budget and taxes, commenting on the results of the discussion by the State Duma deputies the government bill on changes in the pension legislation.

The State Duma deputy gave a short excursion into history. The Russian pension system emerged 90 years ago, when the old-age pension was called the senility pension, and the average age of life expectancy was 30 years less than it is now.

Later, in the middle of the last century, much more money was transferred to the pension budget, due to the observance of the law, which gives all citizens of the country "the right to work." Those who dodged work were simply imprisoned. And all, without exception, the workers replenished the budget. Whereas today a large percentage of the working population of the country evades taxes in every way.

In other countries, decisions to raise the retirement age were made in response to the economic crisis. And in our country, there was talk about the need for such a step back in the mid-90s. Then he got up sharply during the 2008 crisis. Then the president decided to take the path of pension valorization. “It was a very significant increase. foreign countries reduced social guarantees, we increased them, "Makarov emphasized.

Our pension system, like the rest of the world, is based on joint responsibility. Employed taxes are used to pay pensions to those who have become retired today.

The MP believes that everyone needs to explain the need for pension reform. “The biggest problem of communication between people and the state is that we often lack trust. And the pension system is always based on trust. You can build an ingenious system, but if people do not believe in it, it will not work. only if you have installed this system and then do not change it for many years. "

Today, there are approximately 147 million people working in Russia, with 47 million of pensioners. "Today, the state guarantees the existing pension, and the president in his decree said that our task is to ensure the growth of pensions. It will no longer be possible to fulfill the task of growth outstripping inflation in this perspective," Andrei Makarov emphasized.

He also assured that with the introduction of the reform, "next year we will ensure the growth of pensions is twice as high as inflation. And we have calculated this until the age of 24. In 2019, people will receive an increase in their pensions - 1,000 rubles a month."

According to the deputy, the pension system should be built at least 50 years in advance. This requires an absolute set of measures: to provide people with the opportunity to retrain if they suddenly become unclaimed. Review the amount of unemployment benefits. We also need economic measures that can motivate the employer to leave people of pre-retirement age, and not fire them. These measures should be considered as a whole. And already today, in the first reading of the bill, their consideration has begun.

"Today we need to decide on the main thing: in which direction we are going. If we agree that the main task is to increase the pension and the quality of life, then this is the only possible way. And if we want the system to stagnate ... this is a choice", - concluded Andrey Makarov.

The government bill on amendments to the pension legislation was approved in the first reading. State Duma deputies have clarified the basic norms. The deadlines for discussing the amendments have been more than doubled - until September 24 instead of August 18.

Larisa Tkachuk, chief marketing officer at Megafon, manages the first emotional brand on the Russian telecom market, but believes that in work you need to be extremely rational.

"We appeal to people who are not discouraged and can influence events."
"Firm's Secret": Everyone recognizes that the market has moved from quantitative to qualitative growth. MTS and VimpelCom reacted to the changes and carried out a rebranding. Is Megafon expecting something similar?
Larisa Tkachuk:
Rebranding involves changing positioning. And we do not change the selected audience and do not change the values.

SF: What are they?
They are expressed in our slogan "The future depends on you." We appeal to people who are not discouraged and can influence events. Visual communication tuning is possible. But rebranding is not. And our colleagues from MTS and VimpelCom simply did what they had to do. It is simply impossible to compete further without a strong brand.

SF: "Beeline" and MTS have always focused on a wide target audience, and "Megafon" - on young people. Will the company become a hostage to its positioning?
The new audience of MTS is still unclear to us. And "Beeline", judging by its advertising images, after rebranding defines the audience in the same way as we do. Our subscriber is a person aged 20-30 who never leaves the drive. It's hard to be attractive to everyone.

SF: Rebranding of Beeline and MTS is the work of the British agency Wolff Olins. Who worked on your brand?
The basis of the brand was offered to us by Enterprise in 2001. It was only the core that needed to be refined and supplemented. What we live with now is the work of the McCann Erickson agency and, of course, Megafon itself. After all, the main task in creating a brand is to determine the company's position in the market so that it corresponds to the client's business goals. And this is a job for marketers.

Cellular operator "Megafon" was formed in May 2002 by merging North-West GSM, Sonic Duo and several regional cellular operators. Megafon's shareholders are the Swedish-Finnish TeliaSonera (35.6%), Telecominvest (31.3%), the Alfa Group-controlled company CT-Mobile (25.1%), the Bermuda IPOC fund (8 %). The license coverage of Megafon OJSC and its 100% subsidiaries covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. At the end of May, the company's subscriber base amounted to 25.4 million subscribers. Average ARPU exceeds $ 10 per month (for MTS it is $ 7.3, for VimpelCom - $ 7.5). Megafon's 2005 revenue was $ 2.4 billion, operating profit was $ 647.4 million, and net profit was $ 393.6 million. VimpelCom - 52%), and the net profit increased 2.3 times.

“It works for us, but not for other operators”
SF: After the rebranding of Sistema Telecom, MTS announced an active promotion of converged services. Before that, it was Megafon that had the image of an innovator. Are you afraid of competition?
We are not afraid of competition at all. In any of its manifestations. As foreigners say, don’t work hard, work smart. All Big Three operators work in the same direction. Convergence and multimedia are the mainstream of the European cellular market. First you are a mobile operator, then a service company. But when everything that needs to be done has already been done in the field of customer care, operators move on to additional services and services. They are turning into multimedia companies. They try to make sure that all applications and services that one can imagine are accessible via a mobile phone.

SF: And what imaginary services have you already made available?
In 2004, at the Norwecom exhibition, we were the first in Eastern Europe to demonstrate a long distance video call - Peter contacted Moscow. In the same year, we launched mobile television in Moscow, then in the North-West and North Caucasus. The video on demand service and broadcasting of five channels are still available only in the North-West branch, but we plan to bring them to the federal level.

SF: What else will you do in the near future?
Let's make an mp3 store. Using a search on the Internet, you can download full-fledged music files with your phone. But we will not disclose all plans, this is a commercial secret. And this is not the most important thing, believe me. We have 600 services in the Volga region. Let's add five more - so what? There can be as many services as you want, but today it is difficult to understand them. Therefore, they are not interesting to anyone and, as a result, are not needed. Now everyone is trying to simplify access to them.

SF: And how can this be achieved?
Make the interface as transparent and accessible as possible. Last year, for example, we launched the Megafon Pro additional services portal. It is triune: a SIM-portal in the SIM-card of the phone, a web-portal on the Internet and a WAP-portal for those who access the Network from a mobile phone.

SF: VimpelCom also has such a portal, and MTS even has its own iMode Internet access service. Thus, the image of an innovator cannot be preserved. Are you planning to do anything original?
Now we are introducing uniform WAP and GPRS settings for all Megafon subscribers, regardless of the tariff plan and region. For the first time in history, a network of this scale will have uniform settings for a huge number of phones of different models. Mobile Internet can be configured with the click of a button. It works for us, but not for other operators.

"In Japan, the mobile phone replaces not only the computer"
SF: What percentage of the total income do additional services bring to Megafon?
In Europe, the maximum percentage of revenues from value-added services in the operator's total revenues is 20%. For Megafon, it is 16-17%. The most active consumers of additional services are young people. To find out the weather forecast for tomorrow, the elderly turn on the TV and wait for the news, and the young ones go to the website. Well, it is clear that the future of these services grows with them. This future is easy to imagine when looking at Japan, where the mobile phone replaces more than just the computer. The Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo has a Celica service: a user can touch a mobile phone to the infrared port in a store and buy a can of cola. You can use your phone to buy tickets and check in for your flight at the airport. The same phone number is a document for entering the office. In fact, it replaces a credit card and a pass.

SF: What is hindering the emergence of such services in Russia?
In Japan, and in European countries, many services are initially included in the device itself - manufacturers make them to order, and operators are engaged in the sale of phones. Our situation is different. Launching a new service, we depend on whether a certain phone model will enter the Russian market. The situation can be drastically changed by the release of special phones that will be configured for our networks. MTS has done this with iMode, but it cannot be said that it has achieved success.

SF: Why do you think it happened? MTS did everything "according to the rules" - it sold already "wired" phones, and the services were adapted for the Russian consumer.
The problem is in the content creation industry. In Russia, the profit from the sale of content is divided between the operator and the content provider. The Japanese model assumes that the operator earns only on GPRS traffic, and this provides a powerful incentive for the development of the content market. As a result, we don't have many services. And those that exist are rather of the same type.

SF: Logos and melodies?
Yes, these are mainly the services of the so-called content service. Which is not surprising: what the operators are able to offer are in demand. There is also a mental specificity of the consumption of services. In Japan, for example, there are services that may seem infantile to us. For example, you send your personal characteristics - year of birth, name, photo. And they send you the name of the profession that would suit you. Professions are comic. For example, an animal hairdresser or a costume designer in a puppet show. We would call it children's toys, but there it is very popular among adults. Although, perhaps, the point is in the eastern mentality. Horoscopes and predictions are so important there that in China, for example, not a single building is built until now before the site is studied by the geomancer.

"You have to be very rational to make an emotional offer."
SF: Are you making successful recipe campaigns or waiting for inspiration?
We take the same steps every time. It's like a constructor - you can fold a parallelepiped, or you can also add a square. We compare ourselves with competitors and do a SWOT analysis of our offers. If we see a gap somewhere, we launch new services and tariffs. And only then all this is embodied in advertising images. A laboratory-like approach. You have to be very rational to make an emotional proposal.

SF: So there is no room for inspiration in your technology?
Do you want to hear about a miracle from me? You will not hear the story of how Apple was created. So that I come home and some kind of creative idea suddenly dawns on me - there is no such thing. When I put on an Indian sari to the New Year's party, different and rather unexpected thoughts came to my mind, but they never came back. All our marketing campaigns are the results of research, which are carried out with the same precision as in scientific laboratories. The form in which they are embodied, of course, requires creative effort. But an advertising agency is engaged in this, and it needs to set a clear task. The agency only creates material for promoting the idea, but the main thing is the idea itself. It must be formulated, and it is not born overnight as a miracle. Any idea is based on specific business goals, which are measured in minutes and bytes.

Pavel Kulikov

The legendary actress Lyubov Orlova left for Switzerland every one and a half to two years. There, in one of the cosmetology clinics, they literally stopped time for her. With the help of a surgical scalpel and rather painful procedures. Today beauty does not require such sacrifices. Leading experts of the Ethel Beauty and Medical Cosmetology Center tell the readers of Bryanskaya TEMA how to become only more beautiful and younger over the years.

Laser resurfacing of face and body

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, cosmetologist Olga Remez says:

V last years glossy magazines are full of photographs of women who have made laser facial skin rejuvenation. The result is mesmerizing, and the desire to trust the laser and call the cosmetology center arises by itself. What do you need to know about this procedure? The mechanism of action of CO2 laser resurfacing lies in the fact that the laser beam is divided into hundreds of microbeams that act on the skin like a matrix grid. If during laser resurfacing with a carbon dioxide laser, a continuous burn is formed on the skin, then the fractional CO2 laser makes thousands of microscopic pinholes in the surface layer of the skin. The surface layer itself, a few microns thick, completely evaporates, and the deep layers, those where collagen fibers lie, are intensely heated. The thermal effect activates the process of collagen fiber formation, which contributes to the remodeling of the facial frame and its rejuvenation.

There are quite a few indications for CO2 laser resurfacing on the face. These are fine shallow wrinkles, skin laxity and loss of elasticity (age-related changes), enlarged pores, acne scars, wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet), hyperpigmentation, dull, uneven complexion.

Laser eye resurfacing is very good at shrinking the skin flap and can be an alternative to blepharoplasty.

Also, CO2 laser resurfacing is effective for working out problem areas of the body and helps to cope with stretch marks and stretch marks (including postpartum), scars, warts and papillomas.

Before the procedure, the doctor applies an anesthetic gel, and then either an application from his own plasma is performed or a professional moisturizer is applied. For the face, two to three procedures are enough with an interval of two to three months, for the body - five to six procedures. Recovery takes up to 7 days. The achieved effect lasts up to two years.

The obvious advantages of a carbon dioxide laser lie in its efficiency. However, in addition to her, he has other advantages. These are accelerated recovery (the rehabilitation period lasts no longer than a week), comfort, painlessness and safety of procedures, reduced risk of hyperpigmentation, absence of complications (bleeding, rough scarring, hematomas, etc.), delicacy and controllability of exposure, preservation of the protective properties of the skin.

Thread lifting Aptos

Dermakosmetologist, trichologist Irina Kozmenko says:

Aptos is a thread lifting procedure that appeared in Russia back in 1996. At first, it was used exclusively by plastic surgeons. Later, the threads were modified and now they are actively used in cosmetology. There are two types of threads: absorbable and non-absorbable. The Aptos line is designed to solve a wide range of aesthetic problems, including: wrinkle correction, eyebrow lift, reconstruction of the Oji line lost over time. With the help of Aptos thread lifting, it is possible to form an oval of the face, relieving the patient of the so-called flaps.

In cosmetology, absorbable threads are most often used, which include L-lactic acid. It provides additional
rejuvenating effect due to stimulation of tissue rehydration and revitalization and slows down the aging process.

There are 25 different modifications of threads, which allows you to individually approach each specific problem of a particular patient.

The main advantages of Aptos thread lifting technology in comparison with other alternative rejuvenation procedures are: maximum and immediate visible effect after the procedure. When the skin is not only tightened, but also its condition improves. Over time, the effect grows and reaches its maximum after two months. It is safe to say: no other cosmetic procedure gives such a quick and impressive result. It lasts from two to five years.

Maximum safety of the procedure is guaranteed by the use of suture materials that do not cause allergic reactions and other side effects... I would like to especially note the minimal injury rate of the technique. Especially when compared to plastic surgery. In fact, Aptos thread lifting is an excellent alternative to the once famous but receding circular facelift.


Dermatologist, cosmetologist Anastasia Leonova says:

- No matter how we take care of our skin, it still gives out the true age: elasticity is lost, wrinkles, spider veins, pigmentation appear.
Modern hardware techniques of non-surgical facelift help fight age-related skin changes. One of these procedures is face photorejuvenation.

Photorejuvenation is a therapeutic technique for exposing the face to flashes of broadband pulsed light. The procedure is performed on a multifunctional platform M22 from Lumenis (USA, Israel). As a result of the course of such procedures, many skin defects are eliminated: age-related changes and shallow wrinkles, freckles, age spots, acne, spider veins, hemangiomas. The purpose of the procedure is also to activate the production of the skin's own collagen. Intensive synthesis of "youth proteins" provides an increase in elasticity and tightening of the skin. At the request of the patient, the facial procedure can be carried out in separate zones: cheeks, nose, nasolabial triangle, chin. Rejuvenation of the bikini area, buttocks, abdomen, neck, décolleté and, which is especially popular, the skin of the hands, is effective. After all, it is the hands that often give out our true age.

The session lasts 15 to 40 minutes. For achievement optimal result 4-6 procedures are enough with an interval of a month. To obtain the maximum rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to use phototherapy with botulinum toxin, contour plastics and biorevitalization.

Fillers (contour plastics)

The cosmetologist, chief physician of Ethel Ekaterina Alyoshina says:

Fillers are perhaps one of the most studied cosmetic procedures based on hyaluronic acid. One of the most valuable properties of fillers is versatility. With the help of fillers, you can add volume, move the tissue away, creating symmetry, create an anti-edema effect (for example, in the area under the eyes).

Fillers have a cumulative effect. If they are applied correctly, then after three to five years a woman looks as if time not only stopped for her, but even turned back a little. And facial features become aesthetically more expressive.

A highly professional cosmetologist can literally sculpt a face with the help of fillers. Raise the fallen cheekbones, lay out a clear line of the oval of the face and much more. There are birth defects such as, for example, a sloping chin, as well as pronounced asymmetry of the face. And then the same fillers will come to the rescue.

Recently, Radiesse fillers have appeared that strengthen bone tissue.

The newest technique of fillers based on hyaluronic acid is performed taking into account the ligamentous apparatus of the face. Over time and under the influence of gravity, our ligaments weaken. I give my patients an example of sailing on a ship. To lift them, you need to pull the ropes. When the ligament goes down, the skin of the face goes down behind it.

Fillers pull our sails perfectly. Depending on the problem, the drug can be placed deep or in the middle layers of the dermis. It is very important that this is done by a competent specialist who thoroughly knows the anatomy of the face and foresees what the results will be.

The popularity of fillers, unfortunately, has led to the fact that they began to be put literally "on the knee" by cosmetologists without proper education. Recently, the doctors of our Center more and more often have to correct such "jambs": edema, the consequences of overcorrection and even the formation of biofilms, which often cannot be treated even with the help of antibiotics.

It must also be remembered that drugs are incompatible with each other. Therefore, you should always know the name of the filler that was used. The Center for Beauty and Medical Cosmetology "Ethel" is confident that beauty must, first of all, be healthy!

Svetlana Ershova

We do not change the fatherland


Konstantin Vasilievich Skvortsov.

Russian writer. Born in 1939 in Tula, lived in Zlatoust and Chelyabinsk. Member of the Writers' Union, headed the regional writing organization. Currently - co-chairman of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation.

Master of Dramatic Poetry. Member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts. Author of twenty plays in verse

"A whimsical motley carousel of folk characters and types, vivid psychological portraits of historical figures, the dynamics and acuteness of the plot, the reprisal and musicality of the language, the feeling of theatrical nature give a creative impetus for director's and actor's imagination, making Skvortsov's plays welcome guests on the country's stages."

Laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prizes: them. M.Yu. Lermontov (2000), them. A.I. Fatyanov (1986), them. E.F. Volodin (2002), them. M.N. Alekseeva - (2005), laureate of the "Public Recognition" forum (2001), laureate of the national prize "The Bright Past" (2004), laureate of the Bolshoi literary award Russia for the best work of 2004 (2005). Recipient of a diploma of the All-Russian literary prize "Alexander Nevsky" (2007).

He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, For the Development of Polish Culture, and the Medal for the Development of Russian Thought named after V.I. IA. Ilyin.

Lives in Moscow (Peredelkino).

"People who leave their homeland for foreign lands are not respected in a foreign land, but shunned at home."

Aesop, VI century. BC NS.

We also do not know how to cherish

The time allotted to us ...

As if we are gods, as if eternal! ..

But we are mortal, plebeians and ranks -

All are doomed to oblivion.

But at least once for a moment, believe me

That the great lot is given - immortality,

That we should break the usual foundations

And the connections of the world ... What is worth fighting! ..

And then we, people, will become scared,

How little we live. After all, our share is

The universal moment ... And now

We are wasteful and stingy at the same time!

In vain, comprehending the secrets of the light,

To ask for a minute of life like a coin -

Nobody will give! .. Behind this only death!

And you won't have time for anything else! ..

They say to me: they came at the wrong time! ..

But hear - the clock is knocking in the silence -

All on time! .. History does not sleep!

The clock is ruined - check the time!

Answer me, almighty man,

What time is it now? Which day? Which century?

Konstantin Skvortsov

1971 year


Then, in the early seventies, I still did not know how incredibly lucky I was.

I was invited to a regional seminar for young writers, in which I was supposed to take part famous poets: Lyudmila Tatyanicheva, Mikhail Lvov, Valentin Sorokin. Seats for the seminar participants were booked at the Chelyabinsk hotel. I arrived a little later, all the poets left for a performance in Magnitogorsk. Organizer of this seminar Gennady Suzdalev asked Konstantin Skvortsov to meet me ...

At that time, in literary and near-literary get-togethers, they judged a lot about a strange and talented young man who prefers loneliness, and if communication

That's selective. This young poet was Kostya Skvortsov.

He came up to me, introduced himself and said very simply: “What are you going to do alone in the hotel? I invite you to visit. "

The hostess of the house, Tamara, Kostina's wife, greeted me as if we had known each other all our lives. By chance, but for a long time this house became a haven for me not only, but also for many creative people. Here I was fortunate enough to communicate with Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Georgy Taratorkin, Oleg Efremov and even the Consul General

Then the USSR was in Indonesia. Also, by chance, Konstantin and Tamara became my friends and remain so to this day.

The main theme, or Your unique "I"

Even then I happened to read the first two dramas of Konstantin Vasilyevich "Alena Arzamasskaya" and "The Gorge of the Winged Horses." I remembered my first impression of what I read - shock, feeling of sincerity and involvement in what was happening, as if my consciousness and my "I" had moved in time and space. Then there was a premiere at the Chelyabinsk theater-drama - change ”and“ Mentush ”. Then - premieres in St. Petersburg and Moscow, in Ozersk and other cities of Russia.

What amazes in the creativity of K. Skvortsova?

theme, its own star, its own unique "I", and K. Skvortsov - this is Russia from himself and himself - from Russia, all of it - a country not monumental picturesque, but a country tragically unknown, where everything is deep and in breadth must be resolutely opened anew, even if "The very abyss on the edge" ...

Even seemingly personal is inseparable from Russia

I remember my mother at the smoked stove,

Tired, taking us to sleep

With a knife sharpened by the flickering of a candle

She shared bread during the last war.

And I consider it a great happiness

Drink cold water from a ladle,

Where, freezing into four parts

People managed to split the match.

Their fires were extinguished and reddened again

In the snows, where Yermak walked with his squad ...

For six thousand years we have been dividing our land

And we cannot divide everything in any way.

What a difficult work of the soul, hidden from prying eyes! A significant period of life has already been lived. Konstantin Vasilievich, no doubt, took place as creative person... And most importantly, this is the person you believe, he is convincing both in creativity and in life. His grandson, having been educated in Canada, could not stay there. He returned to Russia, to the Urals, where his parents live, where his grandfather lived. Who knows, most likely, the poet's love for his native land was also convincing for his grandson.

The meeting with the Snezhinets of the poet and playwright Konstantin Skvortsov was not the first and, I really want to believe, not the last.

We will be grateful to him for the generosity of his soul, which he shared with us, letting us into a special world - the world of the living word.

K. Skvortsov has many wonderful lyric poems, several wreaths of sonnets, but his main theme is Russian history and Russian people. Georgy Markov is very accurate in assessing the work of Konstantin Vasilyevich: “When I talk about Sholokhov, I used the concept of a“ national galaxy ”. The same applies to Konstantin Skvortsov. He has a "national galaxy", and in terms of nationality it is huge. "


It was in May Russia

Until the recent great disaster.

Dying. Father asked

I have spring water.

As for a holiday I put on a shirt,

Slightly clung to the body of the soul ...

And the people looked in surprise,

How he drank slowly from the ladle ..

Apparently he thought that he would return strength

This moisture ... But it seemed to me

What he wants to know in advance

How cold it is there, in the depths ...

Near the outskirts a gray-haired wanderer,

Praying at the saint's well

He told me: “Between people and water

There is an invisible Higher connection. "

Oh, I don’t know. And there's only one thing for me

There is little consolation,

That the father did not see that

How conscience and honor are desecrated,

Like a tear rolled down the sky

Leaving traces on the heart ...

Like Russia, looking into our eyes,

Silently waiting for spring water.

Say Say

N ...

Traces left

Through the dew of our morning dreams.

Like a desert of water

So you longed for sweet words.

In the white church of the dawn

Good luck and got us married.

Say Say!..

I looked at you and was silent.

Your desperate look

And the groans of awakened owls

I am a hundredfold dearer

Sweet trills of learned words.

After all, not for the sake of comfort

We have exceeded our rights.

And not at all then,

To listen to empty words.

Say Say!..

You were right, dear.

But I may be alone

I know the bitter value of words.

And the resin flowed down

Over the bark, over blueberries, over mosses,

So that you don't sleep

And rushed about these verses.

Here we are together again

Love again - no match for others.

Why don't we live

Are we all paying someone else's bills?

In the white church of the dawn

I put a golden candle ...

Say Say!..

I look at you and say nothing.

Vereya residents were assured that the city will not lose its historical heritage after the transformation!

Throughout the Naro-Fominsk district, parliamentary hearings on the initiative to transform the municipality into an urban district continue. In the last issue of the "Week of the Moscow Region" we have already written about the meetings of the people's representatives with the top officials of the region and the region.

The majority of urban and rural settlements, after a short discussion, unanimously said “yes” to the appointment of public hearings. Last week, the turn came to the urban settlement of Vereya.

Verey Phobia

In addition to the head of the Naro-Fominsk district, Vadim ANDRONOV, the deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma Oleg ROZHNOV and the head of the main department of territorial policy of the Government of the Moscow region Alexander KOSTOMAROV took part in the work of the Verei Council of Deputies.

By the way, Vadim Vadimovich and Oleg Alexandrovich attended every meeting held in the district, where they acted as the very wise men who could explain to local residents and officials all the advantages of transforming the district into a district. This was the first time that Alexander Konstantinovich took part in the hearings.

In theory, the presence of such "distinguished guests" was supposed to hint to the local residents that they had not come here to frighten, but rather to calm them down, to give full information, but, apparently, among the Vereians, fear of innovations is still winning out common sense.

If we ignore the little things, then the main phobia of the inhabitants of Vereya - the loss of the historical heritage and the significance of the city - was incomprehensible to the people with the old hardening of innovation.

The head of the urban settlement Vladimir ANISIMOV drew a parallel with the transformation of the district into a district, recalling the way of life during Soviet Union... Also Vladimir Leonidovich was in solidarity with local residents in their "phobia", however, as it turned out later, the Vereians and the leadership had absolutely nothing to fear.


Vadim Andronov, who was the first to take the floor, said that he had come to Vereya to communicate with the people and dot the i's.

Every city and rural settlement districts unite with each other - at the councils of deputies decisions are made to support the initiative and schedule public hearings, a month after them, if approved, the papers are transferred to the regional level, - said the head of the district. - Territories and population should only benefit from the formation of an urban district. This is the requirement of the governor. He even promised additional funding to those settlements that would support his initiative and adhere to constructiveness.

Vadim Vadimovich also emphasized that the relevant categories of citizens will in no case be deprived of benefits or other forms of social support. And the current head of the settlement can remain in his place, only his position will now be called differently.

And what, there will be no more the city of Vereya? But what about his story? - a question was asked from the audience, as soon as the head of the district had time to finish his speech.

Alexander Kostomarov decided to act as a "valerian" for the concerned residents. He told the audience about the successful practice of transforming districts into districts and focused on the fact that such a reform does not take place in a "voluntary-compulsory" manner, when the people are simply presented with a fact, but first of all - with agreement with residents, local administrations, and so on. Further.

But at the same time, you are absolutely right when you say that status is very important for the population of Vereya and, believe me, we are very sensitive to this, ”the official said. - The Moscow region is rich settlements with a decent history. And in each of them, where the transformations have already taken place, nothing has changed, no losses. The city of Vereya, as a name, will certainly be preserved, but most likely not as an urban settlement. In addition, during the time allotted for holding public hearings, which is more than a month, we will see you more than once. Will be held a large number of meetings in various formats with councils of deputies, with residents. You need to understand that we are not changing the structure or way of life in Veree. We are just changing the form of management.


Speaking about the efficiency of transformations, Kostomarov said that it increases due to the speed of decision-making - that is why a single-level management system will be more profitable. In addition, there is a clear chance to get into various programs at the regional and federal levels.

By the way, there are enough cultural monuments in Verey, tourism is developing well, and recently a new reserve has even appeared here - "Seven Keys". So the head really should think about the advantages of the transformation, and follow the example of the Ateptsev deputies, who decided not to drag out, but immediately started talking about financing certain objects and allocating money for improvement.

Oleg Rozhnov added a few words about why the transformation will be beneficial for Vereya.

With changes, there are always fears, but here you need to understand that they will only benefit, - the deputy is sure. - If we talk about the financial side, the budget will be formed according to the principle of a common boiler. And, as you know, in the Naro-Fominsk region there are rich settlements that are a kind of donors, therefore, at their expense, Vereya has a potential chance to increase her treasury.

Oleg Rozhnov also emphasized that thanks to the transformation of the district into a district, per capita funding for sports and recreation and leisure activities will increase by two and a half times. Will not stand aside and educational sphere... As for travel in transport, on the contrary, it may decrease.

Alexander Kostomarov decided to sum up the meeting, who urged the deputies to schedule public hearings.

As a result, the Verei "parliamentarians" set a public hearing for November 26th. Perhaps by this time the head of the urban settlement, the deputies and the residents themselves will realize all the advantages of transforming the district into an urban district and so cherished by them historical heritage the city will not only be preserved, but also multiplied.