Open competitions for grants. Competition of presidential grants for educational projects. Photography, painting and design competition “Golden Turtle”

Announced All-Russian competition presidential grants for educational projects. Deadlines by stage: May 19, 2016, July 7, 2016, September 8, 2016, October 27, 2016.

Organizer: All-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Rectors" in accordance with the Presidential Order Russian Federation No68-rp dated April 05, 2016 “On ensuring in 2016 state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions and implementing socially significant projects and projects in the field of protecting human and civil rights and freedoms.”

Subject of the grant:

  • implementation of projects in the field of education (including additional vocational education);
  • carrying out educational work and disseminating scientific knowledge;
  • promoting the spread of distance learning;
  • preservation and popularization historical heritage Russia;
  • implementation of projects in the field of study and popularization of the Russian language and literature;
  • research and monitoring of the state of civil society

The main criteria for determining the winners of the competition are:

Our official group In contact with: , .
  • compliance of the project with the goals and conditions of the Competition;
  • relevance and social significance of the project;
  • detailed design of the project, incl. compliance of project activities with its goals and objectives, optimal mechanisms for its implementation;
  • specificity, significance and achievability of project results;
  • the realism and validity of the presented project budget (including the validity of costs in terms of the volume of activities and
  • expected results of the project; compliance of expense items with the proposed project activities);
  • the applicant has experience in implementing similar projects (in terms of direction and scale);
  • availability of qualified specialists who are planned to be involved in the implementation of the project;
  • availability of additional sources of financing;
  • territorial scope of the project;
  • availability of mechanisms to ensure sustainability and development of project results.

Contacts: Directorate of Grant Programs of the Russian Union of Rectors. Address: 125009, Moscow, Romanov lane, building 4. Metro “Arbatskaya”, “Lenin Library”, “Borovitskaya”, “Okhotny Ryad”. Contact phone: 8 499-220-12-40. Email: [email protected]

During 2017-2018, many competitions with tempting grants will take place in Russia. Of course, we won’t be able to list all of them, but we will definitely present the most interesting ones, in our opinion, to you in this material. Further in the text, current information will be provided about competitions on various topics that will be held in the Russian Federation, starting from the summer of 2017 and ending in 2018.

Perhaps we will open our review from a photo competition simply called: “Water Treasures of Russia.” As the name suggests, to take part in it, you need to photograph water landscapes of any region of the Russian Federation. The organizer of the event is Federal agency water resources.

The participant must be 16 years old at the time of submitting the application. However, for children aged 6 to 16 there is a separate nomination: “Water through the eyes of a child.” Otherwise, prizes are awarded in such categories as: “Landscapes”, “People and water”, “Civilization and water”, “Hydraulic structures”, “Water - the cradle of life”, “Water as an element”, “Propaganda” environmental safety" and "Take care of the shores."

The deadline for accepting photographs is October 1, 2017. Prizes will be awarded to winners from December 1st to December 31st.

Photo competition “National holidays of the peoples of Russia”

Another competition in Russia, held in the period 2017-2018, which is related to photography, is the “National Holidays of the Peoples of Russia”. Actually, from the name you can understand that the goal of this event is to improve the knowledge of Russians and guests of the Russian Federation about local customs and traditions, so to speak, a brief, but at the same time, capacious acquaintance with the culture. The organizer is the Agency for Press and Mass Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The participant in the competition must be 18 years old at the time of submitting the application. Victory here can be won in the categories “Best Photograph”, “Series of Photographs” and “Portrait”.

The deadline for accepting photographs is July 1, 2017. The following grants for the winners are established as prizes: Diploma of the 1st degree with a monetary reward of 35,000 rubles, Diploma of the 2nd degree with a monetary reward of 25,000 rubles and Diploma of the 3rd degree with a monetary reward of 15,000 rubles.

Photography, painting and design competition “Golden Turtle”

For photography enthusiasts, applications for participation in the “Golden Turtle” competition are open until June 30. It will be of interest to both photographers, artists and designers. There are no country restrictions for event participants. The organizer is the My Equator charitable foundation.

In 2017, the festival will be held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. One of its goals is to attract the attention of a wide audience to nature conservation and the conservation of rare and endangered animal species.

The funds received from the sale of tickets and souvenirs will go to the needs of the curators and wards of the My Equator Foundation.

Travel story competition “Russia 2017”

Finishing with the topic of photography, we would like to immediately move on to covering the themes of the stories. The open competition about unique travel “Russia 2017” is notable precisely because in order to take part in it, you need to come up with a fascinating story about your past unforgettable adventures. The organizer of the event is the website "Tourister".

A competition participant can submit only one work. His story should be about the journey that took place no earlier than January 1, 2017. The text volume is at least 10,000 characters without spaces.

The story must be tied to the subjects of the Russian Federation, represented in the following nominations: “Central Russia”, “Golden Ring”, “South of Russia”, “Altai and Baikal”, “ Far East", "Siberia", "Ural", "Volga region", "North-West Russia and Kaliningrad" and "Caucasus". There is also a separate category “Crimea”. The main part of the text should be tied directly to one of the presented subjects.

As a prize, the winners in each category will be awarded a gift certificate in the amount of 15,000 rubles for purchases in the Ozon online store, valid for one calendar year.

Dmitry Gorchev Literary Prize

For literature lovers, the organizer, represented by the Dmitry Gorchev Literary Prize committee, has established a competition for absolutely all authors who feel feelings and emotions boiling inside them, ready to burst out.

Each participant has the right to send no more than two texts of a maximum of 2000 words each. The main nomination of the Award is “Beauty/Abomination”. The genre of the text can be very different: short story, essay, travel diary, fairy tale, grotesque, or even absurdist realism.

In 2017, the monetary reward for the winners of the competition is 7, 5 and 3 thousand rubles, respectively. In addition to this, the Russian Gulliver publishing house will reward its own winner with an amount of 10,000 rubles.

Literary Prize "NOS"

The organizer, represented by the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, is holding new competition traditional literary prize"New Literature"/"NOS". Deadline - July 31, 2017.

The participant can submit his work, written in the genre of prose text, previously published in a book, magazine, newspaper or in electronic media.

The winner receives a cash reward in the amount of 700,000 rubles along with a gift - a figurine symbol of the Prize. In addition to this, there are other prizes, but with smaller amounts: 40 thousand for the shortlist finalists and 200 thousand each for the Reader's Choice Award and the Critical Community Prize.

James Dyson Competition

The James Dyson Charitable Trust is proud to support innovative engineering inventions. One of the goals of the event is that such an invention should help solve one of the pressing problems of humanity. Deadline - July 20, 2017.

Achieving more with less is the main principle that will guide the selection of the winner. National winners will be given the chance to compete for a cash award of $2,500, while internationally the top engineers will have the opportunity to compete for $40,000, with an additional $6,000 going to the lucky winner's university. Finalists who reach competitions at the international level receive the same amount.

Competition for women in science from L’ORÉAL-UNESCO

In 2017, it will be already 10 years since the first competition “For Women in Science” was held. Deadline - July 15, 2017.

Contestants must meet the following criteria: be successful in science, provide significance and practical benefit to scientific research, and also wish in the future to completely connect my life with the scientific environment.

The main prize of the competition is 500,000 rubles.

Competition for personal scholarships for the 2017-2018 academic year from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia gives everyone the opportunity to receive a personal scholarship named after A.A. Voznesensky, E.T. during 2017-2018. Gaidar, D.S. Likhacheva, Yu.D. Maslyukova, A.A. Sobchak, A.I. Solzhenitsyn and V.A. Tumanova.

Grants from NUST MISIS 2017-2018 for inviting leading scientists

National Research University of Technology"MISiS" provides an opportunity for everyone at the international level to receive grants to support scientific research in the field of scientific direction together with leading scientists invited for a short period of time.

Grants are awarded from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. The short period for inviting a leading scientist to conduct joint scientific research ranges from two weeks to four months. The amount of monetary remuneration is 0.2-1.6 million rubles.

Project competition 2018, organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Project competition 2018 within the framework of international associated laboratories and international scientific associations, held jointly by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and National Center scientific research in France. It will be carried out within the framework of international associated laboratories (IAL) and international scientific associations (INO). Its main task is the development of international scientific cooperation.

Fundamental scientific research projects that have been agreed in advance by scientists from Russia and France enrolled in the MAL and the INR can take part in the competition.

Until December 31, 2018, you can submit your project for subsequent receipt of a grant on the following topics: “From the molecular to the cellular picture in human pathologies”, “Nanostructures of semiconductor compounds: synthesis, properties, devices”, “Absorption spectroscopy of molecules of interest to physics” planetary atmospheres, including the Earth’s atmosphere: from the development of experimental methods to global modeling and databases”, “Collective phenomena in semiconductor nanostructures in the terahertz and mid-infrared ranges”, “Kinetics and physics of plasma of pulsed discharges and their afterglow”, “Ion exchange membranes and processes "", "Laboratory of macrocyclic systems and materials based on them", "Innovative materials and nanomaterials based on special functional building blocks", "Directed transport of RNA into mitochondria: from mechanism to therapy of mitochondrial diseases", "Helioplasma", "Interdisciplinary research in prehistoric art in Eurasia" and "Co-evolution of humans and the environment in Eastern Siberia."

For topics such as "Perspectives on elemental separation", "Glacial archives of climate data and environment“Vostok”, “Catalytic processing of biomass into valuable products” and “French-Russian laboratory for research in the field of oncogenesis: study of epigenetic markers and nuclear structure in carcinogenesis”, agreements are valid until the end of 2019 inclusive.

Until December 2020, experiments will be carried out related to the topic “Critical and supercritical phenomena in functional electronics, acoustics, fluidics”, and until 2021 - “Large-scale aerial observations of the Siberian region”.

The duration of the project participating in the competition ranges from 1 to 4 years. The maximum grant size is 700,000 rubles. Applications will close on December 1, 2017, and the results will be announced in March 2018.

Competitions and grants 2017-2018 in Russia

With this material, we made it clear to you that in Russia in the period 2017-2018 there will be many competitions on a variety of topics, in which both ordinary residents of the Russian Federation and foreign guests with an academic degree can take part. Choose the best for yourself! Always.


The all-Russian grant competition “Territory of Educational Projects - School” has been announced. Deadline June 30, 2017

Organizer: Rybakov Fund

Goal of the competition: Identification and support of project activity educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, aimed at full cooperation between teachers, students and their parents with local communities in order to ensure equal educational opportunities for everyone.

The competition is held for school teams (teachers, parents, graduates) who are ready to implement a project at school within school year. The competition is aimed at identifying and supporting school projects worthy of development and replication in educational organizations our country.

All projects are divided into categories: metropolitan schools, city schools and rural schools.

  • "School of High information culture" Use projects modern technologies V educational process and culture of working with information
  • "School of Growing Up" Projects for a school of stages, as a school of growing up, taking into account leading activities, organization of the design of an educational space for different age groups of schoolchildren
  • "The school is a resource center." Projects of network interaction with organizations of different levels of education (school - university, school - preschool educational institution, school - school, school - secondary vocational education, etc.),
  • "School of professional self-determination." Projects for organizing professional self-determination of schoolchildren. Career guidance, interaction with business, organization of first professional tests and labor practices for students.
  • "The school is the center of society." Organization and implementation of projects for the local community, surrounding areas, programs and courses for adults, involving graduates and parents in the life of the school.

An application for any of the nominations can be submitted by the Applicant for one of two cash prizes:

  • in the amount of no more than 1,000,000 (one million) rubles;
  • in the amount of no more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) rubles.

The total prize fund of the Competition is 22,500,000 (twenty-two million five hundred thousand) rubles. The prize fund is distributed among the winners of the Competition by providing targeted donations in cash for the implementation of the Projects submitted for participation in the Competition.

If you have questions about the competition, write [email protected]

How to help our project?

If you like our work, we would appreciate your donations. They will allow us to develop and launch new projects within the “Parishes” portal. Contributions can be transferred in several ways.