List of modern educational technologies (according to G.K. Selevko). List of modern educational technologies Authors of educational technologies in school

In Russian society today, the fundamental idea of ​​secondary education is the idea of ​​development. School is one of the important factors in the formation of personality, therefore it should be the basis for the development of Russian society, which is impossible without constant modernization.

The development of the school is carried out through the introduction of innovations. One of the areas for the development and application of innovations is educational (pedagogical technologies).

Relevance of using educational technologies

  • Modern educational technologies in school quite easily integrate into the general educational process in classroom settings and do not change the established educational standards in any way;
  • Penetrating into the real learning process, such technologies help achieve goals in a particular subject;
  • With their help, the humanization of education is smoothly carried out and a person-centered approach is applied;
  • Educational technologies help children develop intellectually, teach independence, goodwill in relationships with the teacher and with peers;
  • A feature of pedagogical technology is its individual approach to the development of personality and its creativity.

In pedagogy, several definitions of educational technology are given. Summarizing and analyzing them, we can conclude that modern educational technologies at school- this is a set of certain actions of the teacher aimed at achieving the goal within the framework of his chosen method.

The essence of pedagogical technology is:

Defining specific learning objectives;

Content differentiation;

Organization of the educational process in the best possible way;

Means, methods and techniques of teaching;

Professionalism of the teacher;

Objective assessment of results.

Signs of educational technology:

  1. Economical. In a short period of time, the teacher must achieve his goals using the means of his work. This will be an assessment of the quality of the pedagogical system.
  2. Modern educational technologies in school imply guaranteed achievement of goals and effectiveness of teaching.
  3. Pedagogical technology belongs to the idea of ​​reproducibility, which includes consistency, integrity, projection and controllability.
  4. The possibility of correction allows you to go back and change the set course to clearly achieve the goal.
  5. Visual contact involves the use didactic material and visual aids, as well as special equipment to optimize the educational process.

Our modern conditions life gave impetus to the emergence and development large quantity personality-oriented pedagogical technologies.

Popular modern educational technologies in school:

  1. Traditional technologies. Their basis is a teaching method based on explaining the material with the help of illustrations. Teacher Special attention devotes itself to the presentation of new information, which is presented in the form of a monologue. The consequence of such a learning process is a low level of communication skills of students, which leads to the inability to build a full, detailed answer using their own opinion. The advantage of this technology is clear organization, consistency in the learning process, and the use of visual material.
  2. Gaming technologies. They are effective means for organizing the interaction between teacher and students during a lesson, which arose in ancient times. During this process, the children play and learn at the same time, which arouses great interest among them. As a result, the habit of working independently, listening carefully, thinking and remembering is acquired. Students fantasize and easily develop their skills, which does not cause difficulties in learning educational material.
  3. Project method. It arose in the first half of the twentieth century and is aimed at creating interest among students in certain educational problems and stimulating critical thinking. It is focused on children's independence. They plan, organize and evaluate their activities themselves, working in groups and individually.
  4. Collaborative learning method. It involves the collective organization of the educational process. Children work in groups or pairs using a variety of learning tools. As a result of such activities, the child trains memory, develops logical thinking, works at an individual pace, systematizes acquired knowledge, takes responsibility for the entire group.
  5. Differentiated teaching method. This process implies a personality-oriented individual approach to students, where the main task is to reveal everyone’s abilities.
  6. Test technologies. They are used for children from grade 5 and especially widely for grades 9 and 11 to determine the final level of knowledge. This type of training is mainly focused on oral completion of tasks from simple to more complex.
  7. Information Technology. This is the full range of computer capabilities and the use of others technical means in lessons in high school. Currently, multimedia presentations are widely used, both by teachers to explain new material and by students to demonstrate their developments, conclusions and creative works on this topic.

It should be noted that all technologies are closely related to each other and the teacher can combine them in his teaching method.

Thus, modern educational technologies in school can increase the efficiency of the learning process, educate a full-fledged, comprehensively developed personality and solve other problems facing educational institution in our society.

  • Educational technologies

List of modern pedagogical technologies (according to G. Selevko)

(according to Selevko G.)

Pedagogical technologies based on humane-personal orientation of the pedagogical process

4.1. Pedagogy of cooperation
4.2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili
4.3. System E.N. Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person
4.4. Vitagen education technology (A.S. Belkin)

Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities ( active methods training)

5.1. Gaming technologies
Gaming technologies in the preschool period
Gaming technology in junior school age
Gaming technologies in middle and high school age

5.2. Problem-based learning
5.3. Technology of modern project-based learning
5.4. Interactive technologies
Technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing” (RDMCHP)
Discussion technology
Technology "Debate"
Training technologies

5.5. Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture (E.I. Passov)
5.6. Technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov)

Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process

6.1. Programmed learning technology
6.2. Level differentiation technologies
Differentiation by level of development of abilities
Model “Intraclass (intrasubject) differentiation” (N.P. Guzik)
Model “Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results” (V.V. Firsov)
Model “Mixed differentiation” (subject-lesson differentiation, “mixed group model”, “stratum” differentiation)

6.3. Technology of differentiated learning based on children's interests (I.N. Zakatova)
6.4. Technology of individualization of learning (I. Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)
Individual model educational programs within the framework of productive education technology
Model of individual educational programs in specialized training
6.5. A collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)
6.6. Group activity technologies
Model: group work in class
Model: training in mixed-age groups and classes (RVG)
Models of collective creative problem solving

6.7. Technology S.N. Lysenkova: forward-looking learning using reference schemes with commented control

Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material

7.1. “Ecology and dialectics” (L.V. Tarasov)
7.2. “Dialogue of Cultures” (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov)
7.3. Consolidation of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)
7.4. Implementation of the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, M.B. Volovich)
7.5. Modular learning technologies (P.I. Tretyakov, I.B. Sennovsky, M.A. Choshanov)
7.6. Integration technologies in education
Integrated educational technology V.V. Guzeeva
Technology of education of ecological culture
Global education concept
Concept of holistic pedagogy
Civic education concept

7.7. Content integration models academic disciplines
Model “Integration of Natural Sciences”
Model of "synchronization" of parallel programs, training courses and topics
Model “Integrated classes (lessons)”
Model "Integrated days"
Model of interdisciplinary connections

7.8. Concentrated learning technologies
Suggestive immersion model
Temporary immersion model M.P. Shchetinina
Technology of concentration of learning using sign-symbolic structures
Features of ideographic models

Subject pedagogical technologies

8.1. Early and intensive training literacy (N.A. Zaitsev)
8.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in primary school(V.N. Zaitsev)
8.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin)
8.4. Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)
8.5. System of step-by-step teaching of physics (N.N. Paltyshev)
8.6. Technology of music education for schoolchildren D.B. Kabalevsky
8.7. Author's pedagogical technologies of "Russian Teachers of the Year"
Author's technology for the formation of musical thinking “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 92” A.V. Zaruby
Author's technology for teaching Russian language and literature “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 93” O.G. Paramonova
Author's technology for teaching literature “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 94” M.A. Nyankovsky
Author's speech development technology junior schoolchildren“Teacher of the Year in Russia - 95” Z.V. Klimentovskaya
The author's technology for developing students' personality while studying French“Teacher of the Year in Russia? 96" E.A. Filippova
Author's technology of labor training and education “Teacher of the Year in Russia? 97" A.E. Glozman
Author's technology for teaching mathematics “Teacher of the Year-98” V.L. Ilyina
Author's technology of musical education “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 99” V.V. Shilova
Author's technology for teaching Russian language and literature “Teacher of the Year in Russia 2000” V.A. Morara
Author's technology of teaching “Technology” “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2001” A.V. Krylova
Author's technology of teaching a foreign language “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2002” I.B. Smirnova

8.8. Technologies of textbooks and educational-methodical complexes
Technology of teaching materials “Educational program “School 2000-2100”

Alternative technologies

9.1. Technology for teaching children with signs of giftedness
9.2. Technology of productive education (Productive Learning)
9.3. Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)
Features of language culture acquisition
Technology "Other Mathematics"

9.4. Workshop technology
9.5. Technology of heuristic education (A.V. Khutorskoy)
Forerunners, varieties, followers

Natural technologies

10.1. Nature-appropriate technologies for teaching language (A.M. Kushnir)
Nature-appropriate technology for teaching reading A.M. Kushnira
Nature-appropriate technology for teaching writing by A.M. Kushnira
Nature-appropriate teaching technology foreign language A.M. Kushnira

10.2. Summerhill Free School Technology (A. Neill)
10.3. Pedagogy of freedom L.N. Tolstoy
10.4. Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner)
10.5. Self-development technology (M. Montessori)
10.6. Dalton-plan technology
10.7. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)
10.8. School Park (M. A. Balaban)
10.9. Holistic model of the free school T.P. Voitenko

Developmental education technologies

General fundamentals of developmental education technologies
11.1. Developmental education system L.V. Zankova
11.2. Technology of developmental education D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova
11.3. Technology of diagnostic direct developmental training (A.A. Vostrikov)
11.4. A system of developmental education with a focus on developing the creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov)
11.5. Personally oriented developmental training (I.S. Yakimanskaya)
11.6. Technology of self-development of the student’s personality A.A. Ukhtomsky - G.K. Selevko
11.7. School of Authorized Education (N.N. Khaladzhan, M.N. Khaladzhan)
11.8. Integrative technology of developmental education L.G. Peterson

Pedagogical technologies based on the use of new and cutting-edge information tools

12.1. Development technologies information culture
Model “Informatization (computerization) of educational institutions”
12.2. Computer as an object and subject of study
12.3. Technology of using information and computer tools in subject teaching
12.4. Computer lesson technologies
12.5. Technology of mastering and developing computer support tools for the learning process
12.6. Technology of using the Internet in the educational process
TOGIS model (V.V. Guzeev, Moscow)
Telecommunications technologies

12.7. Education and socialization by media and communication
12.8. Media education technology
Model “Media education” as a training course
Model “Media education integrated with basic education”
Model “School Center SMK”

12.9. Use of ICT tools in school management

Social and educational technologies

13.1. Family education technology
13.2. Technologies of preschool education
13.3. Technology “School is an education center in social environment"(S.T. Shatsky)
13.4. Technologies of social and pedagogical complexes
Model “School - coordinator of educational activities social institutions»
Model “Commonwealth of School and Industry”
Model “Complex social- pedagogical support child"
Model “SPK as a specially designed environment”

13.5. Technologies of additional education
13.6. Technologies of physical education, saving and promoting health
13.7. Technologies of labor and professional upbringing and education
Technology of labor education and training in a modern mass school
Technology of contextual professionally oriented training

13.8. Technology for educating the spiritual culture of the younger generation
13.9. Technologies of religious (confessional) education
13.10. Technologies for raising and teaching children with problems
Model of differentiation and individualization of training
Compensatory learning technologies
Technology of working with problem children in public schools
Technologies for correctional and developmental education of children with mental retardation

13.11. Technologies of social and pedagogical rehabilitation and support for children with disabilities disabilities life activity (disabled)
Technology of working with mentally retarded children
Technology of working with children with special educational needs

13.12. Technologies for rehabilitation of children with impaired social connections and relationships
Model “KDN - coordinating center of social and educational work in the region”
Model “Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors”
Model "Social Shelter"
Technology of anti-alcohol and anti-drug education of children and adolescents
Model “Correctional (Penitentiary) Institution”

13.13. Technologies for educating subjective social activity of a person
13.14. Technology for establishing public relations (PR? technologies)

Educational technologies

14.1. Technology of communist education of the Soviet period
14.2. Technology of “hard” collective education A.S. Makarenko
14.3. Collective technology creative activity I.P. Ivanova
14.4. Technology of humane collective education V.A. Sukhomlinsky
14.5. Technology of education based on systematic approach(V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova)
14.6. Educational technologies in modern mass schools
14.7. Technologies of individualized education
Generalized classification characteristics of individualized education technologies
Model (technology) of pedagogical support (O.S. Gazman)
Technology of tutor support for individual educational programs (T.M. Kovaleva)
Neurolinguistic programming technology

14.8. Education in the learning process
14.9. Technology of organizing self-education according to A.I. Kochetov, L.I. Ruvinsky

15.1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg, B.A. Broide)
15.2. Model “Russian School” (I.F. Goncharov)
15.3. Technology of the author's School of Self-Determination (A.N. Tubelsky)
15.4. Agroschool A.A. Katolikova
15.5. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)
15.6. Center distance education“Eidos” (Khutorskoy A.V., Andrianova G.A.)
Other types of copyright schools

In-school management technologies

16.1. Basic control technology secondary school
School management technology in development mode
Technology of school management based on results (according to P.I. Tretyakov)

16.2 Control technology methodical work(G.K. Selevko)
Pedagogical advice
16.3. Technology for optimizing the management of an educational institution (Yu.K. Babansky)
16.4. Technology of pedagogical experiment
16.5. In-school monitoring technology
16.6. Technologies for design and development of technologies

Modernization concept Russian education determines priority goals and objectives, the solution of which requires high level quality of education. Today, society is interested in graduates with developed cognitive needs, aimed at self-development and self-realization, able to operate with acquired knowledge, navigate the modern information space, work productively, collaborate effectively, and adequately evaluate themselves and their achievements. In a changing world, the education system must develop such a quality as professional universalism - the ability to change spheres and methods of activity.

Currently, society has already changed its priorities, and the concept of a post-industrial society (information society) has emerged. It is more interested in its citizens being able to independently, actively act, make decisions, and flexibly adapt to changing living conditions.

The modern information society challenges all types of educational institutionsthe task of preparing graduates capable of:

Navigate in changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, applying it in practice to solve a variety of emerging problems;

Think critically independently, see emerging problems and look for ways to rationally solve them, using modern technologies; clearly understand where and how the knowledge they acquire can be applied; be able to generate new ideas and think creatively;

Work competently with information (collect the facts necessary to solve a certain problem, analyze them, make the necessary generalizations and reasoned conclusions, apply the experience gained to identify and solve new problems);

Be sociable, contactable in various social groups, be able to work together in different areas, in different situations, preventing or skillfully getting out of any conflict situations;

Work independently on developing intelligence and cultural level.

Of the variety of innovative areas in the development of modern didactics, the following stand out: pedagogical technology (educational technology).This is because:

In the conditions of the existing class-lesson system of classes, they most easily fit into the educational process, do not affect the content of training, which is determined by educational standards and are not subject to any serious adjustments;

Educational technologies allow, by integrating into the real educational process, to achieve goals in a specific academic subject by the program and standard of education;

Educational technologies ensure the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy - the humanization of education and a student-oriented approach;

They ensure the intellectual development of children and their independence;

Ensure goodwill towards the teacher and each other;

A distinctive feature of most technologies is special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality; clear orientation towards the development of creative activity.

What is meant by the concept of “pedagogical educational technologies”?

In the scientific and pedagogical literature there are different interpretations of the concept of “pedagogical educational technology”.

"Technology" - this is a detailed way of carrying out a particular activity within the framework of the chosen method.

"Pedagogical technology"- this is a structure of a teacher’s activity in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and imply the achievement of a predicted result.

Analyzing the definitions, we can identify the criteria that make upessence of pedagogical technology:

Unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what);

Selection and structure of content (what);

Optimal organization of the educational process (how);

Methods, techniques and means of teaching (using what);

Taking into account the required real level of teacher qualifications (who);

Objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is this true).

Essential features inherent educational technologies are:

Diagnostic goal setting and effectiveness imply guaranteed achievement of goals and effectiveness of the learning process;

Cost-effectiveness expresses the quality of pedagogical technology, which ensures a reserve of teaching time, optimization of the teacher’s work, and achievement of planned learning outcomes in a short period of time;

Algorithmability, projectability, integrity and controllability reflect various aspects of the idea of ​​reproducibility of educational technologies;

Adjustability presupposes the possibility of constant operational feedback focused on clearly defined goals;

Visualization addresses the issues of using various audiovisual and electronic computing equipment, as well as the design and use of a variety of teaching materials and visual aids.

In the current conditions, the emergence of various personality-oriented technologies became natural. Therefore, technologies include:


Purpose of using technologies and/or techniques

Description of implementation

technologies and/or methods in practical professional activities

The result of using technologies and/or techniques

Project technology

Develop imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities; creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, stimulating cognitive activity, developing presentation and self-presentation skills, increasing motivation to learn the language.

Students draw Greeting Cards, publish wall newspapers, maintain thematic albums, carry out multimedia and interactive projects (presentations). Then the guys demonstrate their work in class, talk about its merits and, thus, master the art of presentation and self-presentation.

Increasing motivation to learn the language, students independently carrying out research and cognitive activities, applying the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and firmly mastering educational material. As a result of project activities, the following works were created - “Holidays in Russia and Australia”, the Beatles group, “Walt Disney Cartoons”. Interest in the subject has increased. Development of independence.

Project method, L. Vygotsky

This method allows you to organically integrate students’ knowledge from different fields around solving one problem, makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, while generating new ideas.

familiarizing students with the methodology of working on the project;

familiarization with program vocabulary and grammar, mastery of educational skills provided by the program;

familiarization with authentic material on the topic

preparation of material for creating a computer presentation on banking systems and banks themselves

students putting forward their ideas about mini-projects;

formation of groups and distribution of tasks among project work; independent work of students on mini-projects, mutual and self-control;

control by the teacher of prepared materials, making additions and changes; preparing reports in the form of multimedia presentations, creating booklets, composing dialogues;

presentation and defense of projects;

discussion of results, summing up work

While working on a project, students improve their oral and written language skills, independently select information, and practically use the knowledge gained in class. Project activities encourages students to make statements in English without fear of making mistakes or giving the wrong answer. Working in a group creates a situation of success for each student. Joint implementation of project tasks leads to the creation of a friendly atmosphere.

Group technologies

O.S. Anisimov

Any task in the context of group learning is structured in such a way that each group member actively works for a certain time.

For example, using group work in an English lesson to develop speaking skills, we provide the opportunity for each student to speak for 10-15 minutes in one lesson, while traditional education It will take 3-4 hours to interview each of the 10 students.

Teachers who use group work can easily provide students with different potentials and abilities with tasks at different levels. At the same time, the student who was considered the “weakest” will feel able to complete the task given to him, which will ultimately increase his motivation to study this subject.

Thus, one of the advantages of this technology is the intensification of the educational process, which in most cases leads to increased academic performance.

Another advantage of group learning is the ability to implement a multi-level approach to teaching a foreign language

Group technologies.


Development of students’ speech, communication, thinking, intelligence, mutual enrichment. independent decision educational task

Using this technology, I structure the lesson as follows:

I. Preparing to complete a group task.

1. Statement of a cognitive task.

2. Instruction on the sequence of work

3. Distribution of didactic material to groups.

II Group work.

4. Familiarization with the material, planning work in a group.

5.Distribution of tasks within the group.. Individual completion of the task.

7. Discussion of individual work results in a group. Discussion of the general task by the group /comments, additions, clarifications and generalizations/.

III. Final part.

9. Reporting the results of work in groups.

10. Analysis of a cognitive task, reflection.

11. General conclusion teacher about group work and the achievement of each group

Group form work is a form independent work students through direct interaction with each other.

Using group technologies in educational process, the teacher directs the work through oral or written instructions given before the work begins. There is no direct constant contact with the teacher during the learning process, which is organized by group members independently. A group form of work is a form of independent work of students with direct interaction between them

Group learning technologies optimize the learning process, making it more effective and personally focused. The state of uncertainty of students is removed, which contributes to the formation of social motives for learning, which are based on the desire to achieve the desired status among classmates.

The purpose of educational technology, based on the use of motives for personal self-improvement, represents a new level of developmental education.

The main description of this technology is the moral-volitional and cognitive motivation of students.

The result of developmental education technology is the formation in students of a psychological attitude (dominant) towards self-improvement.

Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture

Intensive technology for teaching a foreign language was developed by the Bulgarian scientist G. Lozanov and gave rise to a number of practical options in our country, for example, the methodology of G. A. Kitaigorodskaya.

The technology of communicative teaching of foreign language speaking has been developed in detail by the Lipetsk school, headed by Honored Cultural Worker E.I. Passov.

Formation of foreign language communicative competence in schoolchildren, carrying out intercultural communication with native speakers

Foreign language communicative training involves the development of communication skills in the main types of speech activity: speaking, understanding what is perceived by ear (listening), reading and writing.

It is applied for:

1. Development of self-regulation skills and

self-education among students;

2. Stimulating interest in classes;

3. Development personal qualities students;

4. Formation of monologue speech skills;

5. Formation of listening skills;

6. Development of creative abilities of students in grammar;

7. Creating conditions for consolidating students’ knowledge of grammar in practice;

8. Organization of interdisciplinary connections to familiarize schoolchildren with the culture of world civilization.

Expanding educational opportunities in the organization academic work and greater success in learning

Information and communication technologies for teaching foreign languages,M.N.Evstigneev, P.V.Sysoev

Development of lexical, grammatical, pronunciation skills of students;

Effective teaching of reading and writing, monologue and dialogical speech;

Development of the ability to understand foreign language speech by ear;

Development of communication skills;

Broadening your horizons;

Development of skills in working with computer programs and MS Office applications.

Using a computer as a source educational information, visual aid, simulator, diagnostic and control tools; means for preparing texts and storing them; graphic editor, speech preparation tools.

Creating your own media library.

The use of Internet resources, presentations and educational videos at all stages of studying a certain topic/section, as well as at various stages of the lesson: at the stage of goal setting, speech warm-up, familiarization with new material, consolidation of material, monitoring the assimilation of information received.

Application of computer programs for

studying vocabulary, practicing pronunciation, teaching dialogic and monologue speech, teaching writing, practicing grammatical phenomena.

Increasing students' interest in the process of learning English; positive dynamics in the quality of knowledge, average score; improving skills in working with MS Office applications (creating own presentations, use of Internet resources, etc.). Participation in the city seminar of foreign language teachers “Development of communication skills of students in foreign language lessons and during extracurricular activities", 03/26/2009 ( extracurricular activity"Mother's day"). 2nd place in the city competition “First Steps”, dedicated to Yuri Gagarin.

Computer techologies

G.R. Gromov, A.P. Ershova

The use of multimedia technology in the educational process assumes and allows for more complete, deeper control of the educational process itself.

Students prepare presentations in Power Point to demonstrate previously learned material, which are supported by audio and video accompaniment.

The use of computer technologies makes it possible to intensify the cognitive activity of students.

Their use gives good results and increases students' interest in the lesson.

Information and communication technology

Activation of the learning process,

Increased visibility,

Increasing the effectiveness of teaching and learning,

To make the learning process more interesting, which contributes to the successful assimilation of the studied material,

Formation of individual work skills,

To realize all the advantages of using ICT, I create my own computer presentations in the POWER POINT program, all components of which must be adequate to the learning objectives. Such presentations help to quickly and effectively use the necessary visuals in the classroom. When learning new lexical units, it is advisable to use pictures and photographs, which allow for a non-translation method of presenting vocabulary.

When studying grammar, it is possible to highlight the most complex and important information in an animated way. Animating objects allows students to further emphasize meaningful components. With further study of this topic, you can repeatedly return to any slide, delving into all the intricacies of the phenomenon being studied. This form of presenting material is suitable for everyday work.

Gaming technologies serve to enhance the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. For example, a version of the famous TV quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” (Who knows English best) - this is not an option for every lesson, but completing a quarter in this way or studying a large section of the textbook seems quite acceptable specifically for improving cognitive activity modern schoolchildren.

The possibilities of presenting new educational information are significantly expanded when using a computer.

The use of ICT in English lessons helps to increase the motivation of students and enhance their speech and mental activity, effectively assimilate educational material, form an integral system of knowledge, allows rational use of study time and increases the pace of work in the lesson without compromising the assimilation of knowledge by students, introduces an element of novelty, allows students to a fundamentally new level of mastery of a non-native language.

Health saving technology

Mityaev A.M.

Formation of healthy lifestyle skills

Cycle of events:

Speeches on the topic:

“Health-saving technologies in foreign language lessons”;

"New Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards"

“Technologies for building a health-saving learning environment for schoolchildren”;

Formula for healthy growth";

Conversations on healthy image life;

Extracurricular activity "NO to drugs"

Special media release on drugs.

Conducting a social survey among high school students on bad habits;

Participation in the “Unified Health Day”

Development of the Health program

Physical education lessons in a foreign language lesson.

Breathing exercises;

Sports and game events

Increasing student motivation for a healthy lifestyle

Positive dynamics of the influence of sports on bad habits

Gaming technologies(role-playing and business games)


The purpose of gaming technologies is to solve a number of problems:

– didactic (broadening horizons, cognitive activity; formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities, etc.);
– developing (development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy, creative ideas, skills to establish patterns, find optimal solutions, etc.);
– educational (nurturing independence, will, formation of moral, aesthetic and ideological positions, nurturing cooperation, collectivism, sociability, etc.);
– socializing (familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions.

The place of games in the lesson and the time allocated to the game depend on a number of factors in students’ preparation, the material being studied, the goals and conditions of the lesson, etc. For example, if the game is used as training exercise during initial consolidation, you can devote 20-25 minutes of the lesson to it. In the future, the same game can be played by repeating the material already covered. The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson.

The game form allows you to intensify the cognitive activity of students.

Their use gives good results, increases the children’s interest in the lesson, and allows them to concentrate their attention on the main thing - mastering speech skills in the process of a natural situation, communication during the game


S.A. Shmakov



A.B. Friedman


Train, educate,
develop, arousing interest among
students through
application of game moments
in class and extracurricular
events; preservation
traditions of gaming culture
people, organization of educational

Use during lessons and extracurricular activities
activity, dynamic, ophthalmological
pauses, breaks, holidays.

Training is carried out through active forms:

competition games; quizzes; Olympics; role-playing games etc.

Gaming technologies are only effective in combination with
other methods and means of teaching.
In my practice I use systematically
the following stages of the lesson:

Updating knowledge (technique of creating a game

consolidation of new material (game situation)

Increasing students' interest in studying the subject, increasing the effectiveness of educational activities.

Activation of students' cognitive activity in English lessons. Improving the quality of knowledge tested by oral questioning, questionnaires and diagnostic work

Method of individual approach Passov E.I., Kitaigorodskaya G.A.

Activation of study skills, independent work

Increasing learning activity and quality of learning material

Increasing motivation to learn

Dialogue of cultures

(V.S. Bibler, S.Yu Kurganov)

Formation of socio-cultural competence

Fostering tolerance and respect for foreign culture and traditions

Acquaintance with the culture of the countries of the language being studied.

Comparison of traditions and cultures of your country and the country of the language being studied.

Overcoming the cultural barrier and minimizing culture shock in a globalized world.

Systematic work with texts of regional studies. Studying the history, culture, traditions, sights of the country of the language being studied (Incorporated into the teaching and learning complex).

Work on regional studies projects.

Creating presentations

Conducting individual, group or elective courses on regional studies: “Country Studies of France”, “Business French” Conducting extra-curricular activities on this topic (holidays “Easter”, “Christmas”, ....). comparison with the traditions of their holding in Russia.

Participation in regional presentation competitions “Sights of the countries of the language being studied”, “City Lights”, etc., as well as in Internet competitions on regional studies and festivals.

Annual holding (participation) of a decade of a foreign language with events with regional content: viewing videos and presentations on the history, culture, traditions, sights of the country of the language being studied; holding extracurricular events of a regional nature, reading competitions, quizzes.

Studying the literature of the country of the target language.

Adaptation of students to conditions and realities modern world in the context of globalization.

Expanding students' horizons.

Fostering tolerance and respect among students for elements of foreign cultures.

Increasing interest in the subject and motivation to learn a foreign language.

Pedagogy of cooperation

Auto. Amonashvili Sh.A., Shatalov V.F., Lysenkova S.N.

Teach students to work according to the principle: “do as I do”

Assessing the child’s activities, the use of marks is limited, an individual approach, communication skills, freedom of choice and the joy of learning, linguistic flair, comprehension of beauty, comprehension of the beauty of everything around him, providing conditions for an expanded and in-depth amount of knowledge

What happens: teaching without coercion; the idea of ​​advance in learning; freedom of choice, etc.

Collaborative learning

Aronson D, Slavin M.B., Johnson M.

Development of communication skills

During the lesson; at various stages

Increased motivation

Problem-based learning, I.Ya. Lerner

Creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and active independent activity students with their permission, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of thinking abilities occur.

Problem-based learning is based on the creation of a special type of motivation - problem-based, and therefore requires adequate construction of the didactic content of the material, which should be presented as a chain of problem situations

The teacher creates a problem situation, guides students to solve it, and organizes a search for a solution. Thus, the student becomes the subject of his own learning and, as a result, he acquires new knowledge and new ways of acting.

Activation of educational and cognitive activity, raised to the level creative processes, most of all expresses the transformative nature of activity. Its creative nature is always associated with the introduction of something new, with a change in the stereotype of actions and conditions of activity.

The main thing is satisfaction with the activity, which has a positive effect on the motives and methods of learning, and on the students’ disposition to communicate with the teacher, with classmates, and on creating favorable relationships in the activity.

Integration (unification) of academic disciplines

Formation of a scientific picture of the world, unification of branches of science on a single logical basis.

There is a study of not only individual disciplines, but their unification. Students understand that it is not only knowledge of a foreign language that is important, but also the ability to express in a foreign language what is important and necessary for them: telling about where a foreign friend can go in the city, introducing an exchange family to traditional Russian cuisine. In addition, the integration of academic disciplines allows you to understand the phenomena of one subject through another (Russian and English languages).

The main function of language (communicative) is being realized: the student not only speaks a foreign language, but discusses issues that are important and interesting to him.

Interactive technologies

Activation of feedback between teacher and student, activation of student’s cognitive activity

When questions, difficulties or the need to discuss a phenomenon arise, feedback between teacher and student is activated. Difficulties are eliminated, problems and questions are discussed.

The difficulties encountered are eliminated, and the student’s cognitive activity is activated.

Personality-orienteddevelopmental education (I.S. Yakimanskaya)

Development of a person’s personality, disclosure of his capabilities, talents, formation of self-awareness, self-realization.

The main result of the study should be the formation of cognitive abilities based on the mastery of relevant knowledge and skills

educational material (the nature of its presentation) is based on identifying the content of the student’s subjective experience, including the experience of his previous learning;

the presentation of knowledge should be aimed not only at expanding its volume, structuring, integrating, generalizing the subject content, but also at transforming the existing experience of each student;

During training, constant coordination of the student’s experience with the scientific content of the given knowledge:

actively encouraging the student to educational activities, which provides him with the opportunity for self-education, self-development, self-expression in the course of mastering knowledge;

the educational material is organized in such a way that the student has the opportunity to choose when completing assignments and solving problems;

stimulating students to independently choose and use the most meaningful ways for them to study educational material;

control and evaluation of not only the result, but also the learning process, i.e. those transformations that a student carries out while mastering educational material;

100% academic success; high quality;

Realization of students' talents, capabilities, self-awareness;

The stimulus for cognitive activity among students has increased.

Technology of person-centered learning.

Student-centered learning in modern school. (Yakimanskaya I.S.) Modern educational technologies. (Selevko G.K.)

Formation of a comprehensively developed, professionally trained personality.

1. Multi-level approach – focusing on different levels of complexity of the program material available to the student. 2. Differentiated approach - identifying children according to knowledge and abilities. 3. Individual approach - distribution of children into homogeneous groups: academic performance, abilities. 4. Subjective-personal approach - treating each child as unique and inimitable.

Increasing student interest in learning activities;

Formation of positive motivation for learning.



Goals: to form the dialogical personality of students,

develop humanitarian thinking,

contribute to the accumulation of experience

dialogical perception (dialogue of ideas, dialogue of cultures, dialogue of people, student reflection)

The main purpose of this technology is that in the process of dialogical communication in the classroom, students look for various ways to express their thoughts, to master and defend new values. At the same time, dialogue is considered as a special sociocultural environment that creates favorable conditions for an individual to accept new experiences and change a number of established meanings.

Dialogue in the lesson is a special didactic and communicative atmosphere that helps the student not only master the dialogical way of thinking, but also provides reflection, develops the intellectual and emotional properties of the individual (sustainability of attention, observation, memory, ability to analyze the activities of a partner, imagination). In such lessons, the content of educational material is assimilated both as a result of memorization and as a result of communication, during which there is an appeal to personally significant meanings, to the depths of one’s own consciousness.

Dialogical pedagogical activity is aimed at creating by the teacher an environment that contributes to the accumulation of dialogic experience in solving humanitarian problems by the individual. It is important not just to teach a child declensions and conjugations, not just to convey the knowledge accumulated by mankind, but to help him “fit” into the context of culture, to help him find mutual language with another (the world, nature, man) and realize the interdependence on each other in this world.

Formation of dialogical speech skills

Formation and development of skills to actively listen to your interlocutor

Development of skills to competently express one’s own thoughts

Instilling interest in lessons

foreign language

Conducting debates and seminars

Preparation public speaking schoolchildren at conferences

Conducting integrated lessons

Case method,

Harvard Business School faculty

Increasing the level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​in general;

Effective assimilation and use of terms;

Development of creative thinking, discussion skills;

Developing the ability to work in a team.

Within elective course « English language in the field of intercultural communications" students solve cases pre-compiled by the teacher, which include thematic questions of a problematic nature, tasks for audio and video fragments, statements for discussions (including proverbs and sayings), and current problem situations of a communicative nature.

Gaining knowledge, skills and abilities business communication, development of monologue and dialogic speech of students.

Linguistic and regional approach, N.A. Salanovich, E.S. Dikova

Expanding the horizons of students;

Acquaintance of students with the realities and culture of the countries of the target language.

Carrying out open lessons, extracurricular events: “Mother’s Day”, “In the World of Slang”, “Karadag Reserve”, holding the annual “Decade of the English Language”.

Participation in the city seminar of foreign language teachers “Development of communication skills of students in foreign language lessons and in extracurricular activities”, 03/26/2009 (extracurricular event “Mom’s Day”).

Speech development technology

Speech development in English lessons

Reading stories, with a complicated retelling (from a third person, on behalf of a random witness, passerby). Compiling stories and proposals using substitution tables; Writing summaries and essays according to plan; Compiling stories based on plot pictures; Learning roles, dramatization; Writing poems on a given topic; Learning proverbs, sayings, phraseological units; Vocabulary work, etymology of words

Development competent speech, correct construction proposals, expression of thoughts

List of modern educational technologies

(according to G.K. Selevko)

Name of technologies

Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process


Pedagogy of cooperation


Humane-personal technology Sh.A.Amonashvili

Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities

Gaming technologies


Problem-based learning


Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture (E.I. Passov)

Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process


Technology of level differentiation of training.


Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results (V.V. Firsov)


Culture-educating technology of differentiated education based on children’s interests (I.I. Zakatova).


Technology of individualization of learning (Inge Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov


Software learning technology


A collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)


Group technologies.


Computer (new information) teaching technologies.

Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material


“Dialogue of Cultures” (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu Kurganov)


Implementation of the theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions (M.B. Volovich)

Subject pedagogical technologies.


Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)

Alternative technologies


Waldor pedagogy (R. Steiner)


Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)

Natural technologies


Nature-appropriate literacy education (A.M. Kushnir)


Self-development technology (M. Montessori)

Developmental education technology


Personality-oriented developmental training (I.S. Yakimanskaya)


Technology of self-development training (G.K.Selevko)


School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg, B.A. Broide)


Model "Russian school"



School-Park (M.A. Balaban)


Agricultural school of A.A.Katolikov.


School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)

Modern educational technologies and/or methods

List of technologies for certification

Scroll modern educational technologies

(according to G.K. Selevko)

No. Name technologies

1. Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process

1.1. Pedagogy of cooperation

1.2. Humane-personal technology Ш. A. Amonashvili

1.3. System of E. N. Ilyin: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person

2. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities

2.1 Gaming technologies

2.2. Problem-based learning

2.3. Technology communicative teaching of foreign language culture (E.I. Passov)

2.4. Technology intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov)

3. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process

3.1. Technology; S.N. Lysenkova:promising- anticipatory training using reference diagrams with commented control

3.2. Technology level differentiation of training.

3.3. Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results (V.V. Firsov

3.4. Culture-educating technology differentiated learning according to children's interests (I. I. Zakatova).

3.5. Technology individualization of learning (Inge Unt, A. S. Granitskaya, V. D. Shadrikov

3.6. Technology program training

3.7. A collective way of learning CSR (A. G. Rivin, V. K. Dyachenko)

3.8. Group technologies.

3.9. Computer (new information) educational technologies.

4. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material

4.1."Ecology and dialectics" (L. V. Tarasov)

4.2."Dialogue of Cultures" (V. S. Bibler, S. Yu Kurganov)

4.3. Consolidation of didactic units-UDE (P. M. Erdniev)

4.4. Implementation of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions (M. B. Volovich)

5. Private subject pedagogical technologies.

5.1. Technology early and intensive literacy education (N. A. Zaitsev)

5.2. Technology improving general educational skills in primary school (V.N. Zaitsev)

5.3. Technology teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R. G. Khazankin)

5.4. Pedagogical technology based on; effective lesson systems (A. A. Okunev)

5.5. System of step-by-step teaching of physics (N. N. Paltyshev)

6. Alternative technologies

6.1. Waldor pedagogy (R. Steiner)

6.2. Free labor technology(S. Frenet)

6.3. Technology probabilistic education (A. M. Lobok)

6.4. Workshop technology

7. Nature-appropriate technologies

7.1. Nature-based literacy education (A. M. Kushnir)

7.2. Self-development technology(M. Montessori)

8. Technology developmental education

8.1. General Basics technologies developmental training.

8.2. System of developmental education L. V. Zankova

8.3. Technology developmental education D. B. Elkonina-V. V. Davydova.

8.4. Systems of developmental education with a focus on developing the creative qualities of the individual (I. P. Volkov, G. S. Altshuller,

I. P. Ivanov)

8.5. Personality-oriented developmental training (I. S. Yakimanskaya)

8.6. Technology self-development training (G.K. Selevko)

9.1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E. A. Yamburg, B. A. Broide)

9.2. Model "Russian school"

9.4. School Park (M. A. Balaban)

9.5. Agricultural school of A. A. Katolikov.

9.6. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)

The teacher can also use other modern educational technologies.

List of modern pedagogical technologies(according to Selevko G.)

Pedagogical technologies based on humane-personal orientation of the pedagogical process

4.1. Pedagogy of cooperation
4.2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili
4.3. System E.N. Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person
4.4. Vitagen education technology (A.S. Belkin)

Pedagogical technologies based on activation and intensification of students’ activities (active learning methods)

5.1. Gaming technologies
Gaming technologies in the preschool period
Gaming technologies in primary school age
Gaming technologies in middle and high school age

5.2. Problem-based learning
5.3. Technology of modern project-based learning
5.4. Interactive technologies
Technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing” (RDMCHP)
Discussion technology
Technology "Debate"
Training technologies

5.5. Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture (E.I. Passov)
5.6. Technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov)

Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process

6.1. Programmed learning technology
6.2. Level differentiation technologies
Differentiation by level of development of abilities
Model “Intraclass (intrasubject) differentiation” (N.P. Guzik)
Model “Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results” (V.V. Firsov)
Model “Mixed differentiation” (subject-lesson differentiation, “mixed group model”, “stratum” differentiation)

6.3. Technology of differentiated learning based on children's interests (I.N. Zakatova)
6.4. Technology of individualization of learning (I. Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)
Model of individual educational programs within the framework of productive education technology
Model of individual educational programs in specialized training
6.5. A collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)
6.6. Group activity technologies
Model: group work in class
Model: training in mixed-age groups and classes (RVG)
Models of collective creative problem solving

6.7. Technology S.N. Lysenkova: forward-looking learning using reference schemes with commented control

Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material

7.1. “Ecology and dialectics” (L.V. Tarasov)
7.2. “Dialogue of Cultures” (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov)
7.3. Consolidation of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)
7.4. Implementation of the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, M.B. Volovich)
7.5. Modular learning technologies (P.I. Tretyakov, I.B. Sennovsky, M.A. Choshanov)
7.6. Integration technologies in education
Integrated educational technology V.V. Guzeeva
Technology of education of ecological culture
Global education concept
Concept of holistic pedagogy
Civic education concept

7.7. Models for integrating the content of academic disciplines
Model “Integration of Natural Sciences”
Model of "synchronization" of parallel programs, training courses and topics
Model “Integrated classes (lessons)”
Model "Integrated days"
Model of interdisciplinary connections

7.8. Concentrated learning technologies
Suggestive immersion model
Temporary immersion model M.P. Shchetinina
Technology of concentration of learning using sign-symbolic structures
Features of ideographic models

Subject pedagogical technologies

8.1. Technology of early and intensive literacy training (N.A. Zaitsev)
8.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in primary school (V.N. Zaitsev)
8.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin)
8.4. Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)
8.5. System of step-by-step teaching of physics (N.N. Paltyshev)
8.6. Technology of music education for schoolchildren D.B. Kabalevsky
8.7. Author's pedagogical technologies of "Russian Teachers of the Year"
Author's technology for the formation of musical thinking “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 92” A.V. Zaruby
Author's technology for teaching Russian language and literature “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 93” O.G. Paramonova
Author's technology for teaching literature “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 94” M.A. Nyankovsky
Author's technology for developing the speech of junior schoolchildren “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 95” Z.V. Klimentovskaya
The author's technology for developing students' personality when learning French “Teacher of the Year in Russia? 96" E.A. Filippova
Author's technology of labor training and education “Teacher of the Year in Russia? 97" A.E. Glozman
Author's technology for teaching mathematics “Teacher of the Year-98” V.L. Ilyina
Author's technology of musical education “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 99” V.V. Shilova
Author's technology for teaching Russian language and literature “Teacher of the Year in Russia 2000” V.A. Morara
Author's technology of teaching “Technology” “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2001” A.V. Krylova
Author's technology of teaching a foreign language “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2002” I.B. Smirnova

8.8. Technologies of textbooks and educational-methodical complexes
Technology of teaching materials “Educational program “School 2000-2100”

Alternative technologies

9.1. Technology for teaching children with signs of giftedness
9.2. Technology of productive education (ProductiveLearning)
9.3. Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)
Features of language culture acquisition
Technology "Other Mathematics"

9.4. Workshop technology
9.5. Technology of heuristic education (A.V. Khutorskoy)
Forerunners, varieties, followers

Natural technologies

10.1. Nature-appropriate technologies for teaching language (A.M. Kushnir)
Nature-appropriate technology for teaching reading A.M. Kushnira
Nature-appropriate technology for teaching writing by A.M. Kushnira
Nature-appropriate technology for teaching a foreign language A.M. Kushnira

10.2. Summerhill Free School Technology (A. Neill)
10.3. Pedagogy of freedom L.N. Tolstoy
10.4. Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner)
10.5. Self-development technology (M. Montessori)
10.6. Dalton-plan technology
10.7. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)
10.8. School Park (M. A. Balaban)
10.9. Holistic model of the free school T.P. Voitenko

Developmental education technologies

General fundamentals of developmental education technologies
11.1. Developmental education system L.V. Zankova
11.2. Technology of developmental education D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova
11.3. Technology of diagnostic direct developmental training (A.A. Vostrikov)
11.4. A system of developmental education with a focus on developing the creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov)
11.5. Personally oriented developmental training (I.S. Yakimanskaya)
11.6. Technology of self-development of the student’s personality A.A. Ukhtomsky - G.K. Selevko
11.7. School of Authorized Education (N.N. Khaladzhan, M.N. Khaladzhan)
11.8. Integrative technology of developmental education L.G. Peterson

Pedagogical technologies based on the use of new and cutting-edge information tools

12.1. Technologies for mastering information culture
Model “Informatization (computerization) of educational institutions”
12.2. Computer as an object and subject of study
12.3. Technology of using information and computer tools in subject teaching
12.4. Computer lesson technologies
12.5. Technology of mastering and developing computer support tools for the learning process
12.6. Technology of using the Internet in the educational process
TOGIS model (V.V. Guzeev, Moscow)
Telecommunications technologies
12.7. Education and socialization by media and communication
12.8. Media education technology
Model “Media education” as a training course
Model “Media education integrated with basic education”
Model “School Center SMK”

12.9. Use of ICT tools in school management

Social and educational technologies

13.1. Family education technology
13.2. Technologies of preschool education
13.3. Technology “School is a center of education in a social environment” (S.T. Shatsky)
13.4. Technologies of social and pedagogical complexes
Model “School is the coordinator of educational activities of social institutions”
Model “Commonwealth of School and Industry”
Model “Complex of social and pedagogical support for the child”
Model “SPK as a specially designed environment”

13.5. Technologies of additional education
13.6. Technologies of physical education, saving and promoting health
13.7. Technologies of labor and professional upbringing and education
Technology of labor education and training in a modern mass school
Technology of contextual professionally oriented training

13.8. Technology for educating the spiritual culture of the younger generation
13.9. Technologies of religious (confessional) education
13.10. Technologies for raising and teaching children with problems
Model of differentiation and individualization of training
Compensatory learning technologies
Technology of working with problem children in public schools
Technologies for correctional and developmental education of children with mental retardation

13.11. Technologies of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation and support for children with disabilities (disabled people)
Technology of working with mentally retarded children
Technology of working with children with special educational needs

13.12. Technologies for rehabilitation of children with impaired social connections and relationships
Model “KDN - coordinating center of social and educational work in the region”
Model “Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors”
Model "Social Shelter"
Technology of anti-alcohol and anti-drug education of children and adolescents
Model “Correctional (Penitentiary) Institution”

13.13. Technologies for educating subjective social activity of a person
13.14. Technology for establishing public relations (PR? technologies)

Educational technologies

14.1. Technology of communist education of the Soviet period
14.2. Technology of “hard” collective education A.S. Makarenko
14.3. Technology of collective creative activity I.P. Ivanova
14.4. Technology of humane collective education V.A. Sukhomlinsky
14.5. Technology of education based on a systematic approach (V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova)
14.6. Educational technologies in modern mass schools
14.7. Technologies of individualized education
Generalized classification characteristics of individualized education technologies
Model (technology) of pedagogical support (O.S. Gazman)
Technology of tutor support for individual educational programs (T.M. Kovaleva)
Neurolinguistic programming technology

14.8. Education in the learning process
14.9. Technology of organizing self-education according to A.I. Kochetov, L.I. Ruvinsky

Pedagogical technologies of copyright schools

15.1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg, B.A. Broide)
15.2. Model “Russian School” (I.F. Goncharov)
15.3. Technology of the author's School of Self-Determination (A.N. Tubelsky)
15.4. Agroschool A.A. Katolikova
15.5. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)
15.6. Center for Distance Education "Eidos" (Khutorskoy A.V., Andrianova G.A.)
Other types of copyright schools

In-school management technologies

16.1. Basic technology for managing a comprehensive school
School management technology in development mode
Technology of school management based on results (according to P.I. Tretyakov)

16.2 Technology for managing methodological work (G.K. Selevko)
Pedagogical advice
16.3. Technology for optimizing the management of an educational institution (Yu.K. Babansky)
16.4. Technology of pedagogical experiment
16.5. In-school monitoring technology
16.6. Technologies for design and development of technologies