Preparation for a creative design competition. Preparation for a creative journalism competition. Anna Filatova, VGIK, Faculty of Sound Engineering

Speaker: Svetlana Sukhanova, CEO Creative association "Art-Premium", born in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Music College named after. I.-L. Rimsky-Korsakov and St. Petersburg State University culture and arts. Svetlana is a laureate international competitions“Hope. Talents. Masters", Bulgaria; “Folklore Without Borders”, Bulgaria; "Gitta di Pezaro", Italy. In 2009, she founded her own company – the creative association (TO) “Art-Premium” in St. Petersburg. During this time, she attracted a star pool, thousands of talented children, and achieved government support. Among the permanent members of the jury, with whom TO works closely, are artists and cultural figures, famous musicians, choreographers, choreographers, vocalists, instrumentalists: Oscar Kuchera, Bedros Kirkorov, Farukh Ruzimatov, Rodion Gazmanov, Olga Safronova, Albert Galichanin and many others. In 2014, Svetlana opened representative offices in Moscow and Novosibirsk.

Why are competitions and festivals necessary? What prospects does participation in such events bring for the creative life of a student of a specialized educational institution?

In our country, the market for offers from organizers of events in the format of creative competitions and festivals is overcrowded. If earlier, in the 90s, this industry was supervised by cultural committees, now there are many independent organizations offering services not only in Russian cities, but also international projects.

Every teacher will confidently say that for the development of their students, be it a choreographer, musician, vocalist or a group working in the theater genre, maximum participation in stage activities is necessary, which requires impeccable preparation of the learned material.

The stage allows students to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of creativity, develop artistry, come into contact with an appreciative audience, and introduce them to a new world of colors and sensations. For the sake of realizing these goals in the child’s life, parents send him to a creative educational institution. And only stage activities make it possible to reveal the talent of a student at any age.

With the right choice of competition, each participant has a unique opportunity for self-realization of creative potential: providing material “for judgment” to professionals always implies professional growth. It is not always possible, when studying in a regional school class, to notice inaccuracies in the perception of pedagogical methods and not always, given staffing limitations, it is possible to analyze errors down to the smallest detail educational process. Unfortunately it is so.

Presenting competitive program expert members of the jury, students and their teachers, can receive competent advice on their further training scheme, recommendations for improving professional skills and obtaining further education in the best specialized educational institutions in the country.

What should you consider when choosing a competition?

When choosing a competition, you should pay attention to those criteria that will have a positive impact on the further growth of the child. First of all, the composition of the jury. Here you need to pay attention that the strongest and most interesting team of experts are teachers of prestigious secondary specialized and higher educational institutions and practices, whose creative life filled with touring and concert activities, they will be the ones who will be able to explain to the contestant the importance of learning along with the basic educational process in such disciplines as stage behavior, stage image, preparation for a performance. Another important factor when choosing a competition is the stage, which must be fully technically equipped and prepared for the child’s performance. All teachers understand how difficult it is to sing into an untuned microphone, how difficult it is to dance on a wooden floor with joints on the stage of the House of Culture, or to play on an unevenly tuned piano. All parameters can be tracked only by organizers who have a clear understanding of the artist’s “rider”. Organizers must be professionals, preferably with higher specialized education.

I am always surprised how companies that have nothing to do with creativity work on organizing competitions. For example, travel companies. We often receive questions from participants, for example, asking for advice on which parts of a Beethoven concerto a young musician should play for greater effect on stage. Only a person who knows all the intricacies of a large form of a musical work can help in this matter. You can’t learn this on your own without having your own experience of stage life in the past and a diploma from a specialized university.

It is important to consider the availability educational programs in the competition: master classes, seminars, advanced training courses. For more than 3 years, we have been conducting a dense educational process for both competitors and their teachers based on our projects. To learn and sort out mistakes that prevent you from developing at a rapid pace is the main task of such courses. Certificates from the jury and international standard, certificates of completion of advanced training courses are invaluable for teachers, since during their certification these documents are an important indicator of their professional activities.

Preparing for the competition. What is important to know?

The entire system of preparing for a competition or any other significant performance is clearly reflected in my memory. In childhood and adolescence, these moments occupied one of the most important places for me when setting priorities in spending my weekdays and weekends. The most important and difficult stage.

I am often asked at what age it is necessary to prepare a student for a competition. There are no clear indicators! From the moment he himself is mentally ready. Moral readiness can only be determined by a strong desire to create and achieve results by showing your creations to other people. “Without dancing on the floor,” as choreographers say.

I completed my first competition at the age of 11. Late? Considering that the educational process in my life began at the age of 10, it is not too late. But at the same time, I was no longer in junior group, but to the middle one, where you are evaluated with competitors who have more than one year of work behind them.

Also among the participants in our projects were children as young as 5 years old. And these kids won the Grand Prix! This has happened twice in our company’s activities. A colossal success for a child, and talent played a major role here, of course. But the teacher’s work did not lag behind in its labor intensity and professionalism.

It is important to consider how the material is given to the child; it is important to be meticulous in every detail of its reproduction. Not least in preparation for the competition is artistry - natural or acquired.

The stage allows the little artist to open up, and stage fright is only a symptom of those who spend few hours on it.

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Creative competition is an exam that allows you to evaluate the applicant’s ability to creative activity in any area.

Future journalists write essays and articles, artists paint on canvas, actors demonstrate stage speech and acting skills, and vocalists sing passionately.

Unlike the ZNO, there is no single standard for the procedure for conducting and evaluation criteria for a creative competition. Programs and assignments are developed by teachers of the same educational institution, they conduct it, and they themselves consider appeals regarding the objectivity of evaluating applicants’ work.

The creative competition program consists of an explanatory note that describes in detail general provisions competition, requirements for the level of preparation of the applicant, description of the task, criteria for evaluating the work, list of recommended literature.

According to the rules, universities announce the programs of creative competitions no later than four months before the start of their holding, so there is enough time to prepare.

Preparing for a creative competition

If you are preparing on your own, find and download the programs of creative competitions from previous years in advance, familiarize yourself with them, read the recommended literature, so to speak, go through the theoretical stage. When the university announces the program of the creative competition for the current year, you have four months for thorough practical preparation for the topics specified in the program.

You can study with a tutor to prepare for a creative competition, but only if you yourself cannot study the subject in your chosen field. educational institution no preparatory courses.

If the university has preparatory courses, definitely sign up and attend, they will not bring additional points (additional points are awarded for preparatory courses only for natural, mathematical and engineering specialties), but these courses are taught by the same teachers who develop programs and assignments for creative competition, checking the work of applicants.

On the one hand, this is an opportunity to “pull up” the level of knowledge to the required level, on the other hand, if you conscientiously attend and complete the course program, you are already “in” for the teacher (perhaps he will personally check your work!), He is interested in continuing to work with smart students , in this case, your talent will not go unnoticed, a high score is guaranteed.

For example, consider:

Creative competition for the Faculty of Journalism

This could be writing a journalistic piece based on the results of a press conference simulated for applicants.

Previously, the program of the creative competition contains a list of topics for the press conference, usually 15-20 topics. Please note that the program may include indicative topics, i.e. They leave themselves room for “maneuver”; the topic in the exam may differ from those indicated in the program and you will not make any complaints.

Communication between applicants and participants (or a participant) in a conversation takes place for a certain time (the duration must be indicated in the competition program); during the process, the progress of the conversation, questions and answers can be recorded on paper; the use of recording equipment is prohibited.

Based on the collected materials, within one and a half to two hours, the applicant writes a journalistic work in an arbitrarily chosen genre of a given volume, usually up to two sheets of A4 paper.

Use printed sources of information: textbooks, reference books, etc. when writing written work also prohibited.

The secrets of preparing for creative exams are shared by those who have successfully passed them - students of the areas of "Acting", "Urban Planning", "Graphic Design", "Animator" and "Journalism", "Producer", "Cinematographer", "Sound Director" , "Actor".

Kirill Semenikhin. St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Acting


The creative competition consists of three rounds and an interview. For each round the maximum number of points is 100.


Three weeks before the exams, I started preparing my repertoire. I trained every day, told fables, poems, sang songs to friends...

The exams were taken by all course masters: teachers stage speech, stage movement, vocals.

The most exciting thing was the interview after the entrance exams. I was asked to talk about my family, my favorite books, authors... It was especially pleasant to hear at the end: “Thank you, we are waiting for you on August 31.”

You need to prepare for the theater all your life. And for exams... I don’t even know. Are you worried? This is normal, I wish I knew the secret myself on how not to be nervous.

Ksenia Kolchanova. SPbGASU, Architecture faculty, direction of urban planning


Upon admission you need to take two entrance examinations creative orientation: drawing of a fragment of the interior and a three-dimensional composition of geometric bodies. The maximum score for each exam is 100 points.


I started preparing for admission in advance: I went to art school for six years, and from the 10th grade I went to courses at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering. Of course, they won’t teach you how to draw from scratch here, but they will help you improve your knowledge and understand what exactly is expected of you in the exam. When preparing for entrance exams, there is no single formula that will work for everyone. The main thing is to read the assignment carefully and work.

The examiners are nice people who understand that you are nervous and try their best to create a friendly atmosphere. And you just need to understand what interests you, what you would like to do and what inspires you.

Yulia Popova. SPbGUPTD, “Graphic design in the art space”


Drawing, painting and composition, art history testing. Maximum - 100 points. For admission you must provide admissions committee a folder with the best works in the preview (drawing, painting, composition - about five works in each discipline).


The level of preparation seemed sufficient to me: I had five years of art education behind me and several more in a children's art studio. A person who is confident in his abilities should succeed without the help of Olympiads and various paid courses. It is important to understand whether there is a need to pay money for something you can do yourself.

Don't apply to just one university. And remember that after passing the exams, a long-awaited rest awaits, but now this is only a small life test that you can overcome.

Anna Vlasova. St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Journalism


The entrance exam takes place on one day and consists of oral and written parts, for which you can get 40 and 60 points, respectively.


How you link the questions on the ticket with the agenda will play an important role in the interview, so if you are not in the habit of following the news regularly, then you should start doing so at least a month before the exam.

An essay in a creative competition is an essay with texture. It should be based on real situations. Even this, it would seem, general theme“My Conversation with the President” can be revealed at personal experience. Another important point is to learn how to write in 90 minutes. Set a timer and practice.

The most important thing is to be positive in the exam. There is no need to cram until the last minute, because what you could do, you did yesterday, and before the exam itself, it’s better to calm down and tune in to pleasant communication with the examiner. Don't focus on the fact that your fate will be decided now. To be honest, she had already made up her mind during the preparation process.

Anastasia Pleshak. St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Drawing, painting, composition. The maximum score for each exam is 100.


In 10th and 11th grade I attended preparatory courses. The difference between “before” and “after” was colossal, but it all depends on your desire for the goal. We had those who passed the entrance exams well, preparing on their own. But it’s not worth the risk - our direction is very specific, and the requirements are very different from other creative faculties.

I RECOMMEND! Before an exam, I am always calmed by the thought that I did everything I could, so I just need to go out and show everything I can. I am motivated by thinking about what I want to achieve. Without clear goals, I would hardly be able to do anything.

Kristina Mironova, Moscow Art Theater School, Production Department


In addition to the Unified State Exam results in Russian language and literature, producers need to pass two competitions: oral and written. If you don't pass the first one, you won't get to the second one.


I entered the studio school for the third time, so I can’t say that this experience was successful. To pass creative competitions, for the first exam I needed to learn how to speak correctly, express my own opinion on various kinds things and don’t suppress your excitement, but just exhale and tune in to a simple conversation with interesting people. An even bigger role was played by how much I understand the modern theatrical process and art in general.

Everyone is asked completely different questions and, it seems to me, the commission immediately sees right through the applicant and asks what he is capable of answering. You just have to catch this wave in communication.

I would like to advise the applicant to sincerely love the theater, to realize that this is a very complex mechanism of which you want to become a part. Read books, go to theaters and exhibitions, know important names in the theater field, do not forget about the history of the theater and look at everything deeper. And it is very important to have inner masculinity - this is a useful quality for a future producer.

Polina Naboka, VGIK, Cinematography Department


To enter the cinematography department, you need to go through several rounds. First, you submit a set of documents. If you get a passing grade on it, then you move on, and there is an eight-hour shoot - four hours in the pavilion, four hours on location. Then you take physics and then an interview with masters.


My secret to success is belief in miracles.

I advise you to be as confident as possible in what you are doing. Believe in it and love, not see your own life without it. Only when you have all this, you can enter a specialized university.

Anna Filatova, VGIK, Faculty of Sound Engineering


Entrance tests consist of three rounds. First, a director's script is presented, which is performed at home. In the second part of the first round, you complete a task based on the film you watched.

The second round is physics and technical testing aimed at determining the presence of musical ear and auditory memory.

Third round – music and interview.

Plus Unified State Exam results in Russian language and literature. It’s difficult to talk about the number of points – it’s more of a rating. You are either one of the lucky ones or you are not.


I attended preparatory courses to have an idea about the profession and entrance tests. I also have a secondary music education, experience working in musical groups is always a plus.

Think carefully before you act. Often, guys enter VGIK simply because it is VGIK, and then they regret their decision, the wasted time and leave because their fantasies do not correspond to reality. But in fact, in addition to parties and fame, what awaits them is titanic work, a large number of technology, physics and the need to expand your knowledge every day.

If a person is ready for all this, you need to believe in yourself. Anyone can apply.

Timofey Koshkin, MGUKI, Theater Department


When entering the theater department, you need to pass three or four “exams”, which are mini-speeches in front of future fellow students and course masters - the “commission”. I went through three rounds: I read poems, fables and sang songs. It was fun.


My secret to success is that my mom and dad are former actors.

Believe in your own strength and relax.

Pros: The ability to present the material in a clear and interesting way, a lot of exclusive information about the intricacies of the DVI in the country's leading universities, the ability to prepare for the internal exam, taking into account its specifics; deep knowledge in the field of journalism. Ease of communication, ability to find an approach to the student and interest the student in the subject. Sense of humor)) Cons: None) Description: Very productive classes! As a result, 90 points in the internal exam at MGIMO and 92 at MSU - budget places in both universities. Initially, I didn’t think about the budget at MGIMO as something achievable, but thanks to Leonid Vladimirovich it became a reality) During the classes, I received from him a lot of quite rare and detailed information on history (especially the 20th century), as well as on the modern political situation . Leonid Vladimirovich advised me to read a lot of literature, which I subsequently used in exams, taught me how to correctly structure an essay, express my thoughts in a non-trivial way, develop a writing style and professionally ask questions in interviews (which helped a lot at the DVI at Moscow State University). In addition, Leonid Vladimirovich introduced me more closely to the profession of journalist and told me a lot about its internal specifics. I am very grateful to him and recommend these classes to everyone!

Grade 5+

I contacted Marina Serafimovna a month before the start of the DVI in journalism. During the classes I learned many skills that were useful to me! I learned to write essays, interviews, reports. I collected the necessary information about the media and arrived safely. Marina Serafimovna is an excellent teacher, a sociable and erudite person. Thank you!

Grade 5+

We have been studying with Anatoly Vladimirovich for several months and plan to continue classes next year. He found it very easily mutual language with a not-so-simple child (a talented but extremely lazy boy), I showed him how music could be interesting, besides music school. For us, the most important thing is that the child began to understand what he could not understand for 2 years at music school in a very short time. Anatoly Vladimirovich helped us not only with solfeggio, but also with preparing for the exam in the specialty. They wanted to expel us from the music school, but in 3 months we achieved 3 in solfeggio and 4 in our specialty. No one has ever been able to do this with our child before :)

Grade 5+

Svetlana, m. Kaluzhskaya

Ordering services: Music. Solfeggio. Music exams.


She is a very good teacher, I really liked her. The classes were always interesting. Now I am preparing for exams, so I interrupted cooperation, but I want to resume it in the summer. I studied pop contemporary vocals. I told the tutor what repertoire I liked, she said that it would be better for me to develop my skills, and we mutually selected the right repertoire. In two months we sorted out two songs. The tutor never canceled classes, she is very well equipped workplace, the room is very bright and large. My vocal skills have improved significantly.

Grade 5

What kind of creative competition is this?

To enroll in the Faculty of Design, in addition to the Unified State Exam, you need to pass a creative competition. It includes an interview and a review of your creative project. Depending on the chosen profile, the creative competition may differ in what kind of creative project you present.
The minimum score is 60. If you score below, you will not be able to participate in the competition.

What kind of interview?

An interview is a dialogue between the applicant and the admissions committee. You may be asked about authors, trends, movements of a certain era, for example, Antiquity or the Early or High Middle Ages. Applicants come across questions about trends from the 14th to 20th centuries. You will also be asked to characterize one of the eras. Be prepared that you may be asked additional questions.

So, what is this creative project?

A creative project is a series of your works (6–12) that reveals your potential. Work must correspond to the training profile. You can choose the topic yourself.

There are special evaluation criteria:

  • stylistic unity;
  • conceptual completeness of the series;
  • originality of the author's concept;
  • harmonious color and composition solution;
  • clear presentation of the project.

What are some examples of creative projects?

If you choose the “Communication Design” profile, these can be a series of posters or covers, if “Animation” - a series of characters or frames for a cartoon.

How can you prepare for a creative competition?

1) If you decide to study design, you probably already have some work or sketches. Use them. Improve and practice.
2) Follow the news of the design world and be sure to try to understand art.
3) If you are a student in grades 10–11, sign up for preparatory courses. You will receive the necessary knowledge and advice for preparing your own project.
4) Well, if you live somewhere in Novosibirsk and there is no opportunity to come to classes at HSE, then study at an online school.

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