Congratulations on the last call to graduates in prose. Congratulations on the last bell in prose Words of congratulations to the school administration on the last bell

School students, graduates of grades 9-11, teachers and class teachers will very soon begin to receive beautiful, sincere and warm congratulations on the last bell of 2018.

Representatives of the federal and local administrations, deputies, senators and officials will be the first to greet everyone involved with a wonderful holiday in a solemn and official manner. From the podium on the line, the director and head teacher will address the children and teaching staff.

They will thank the teachers and class teachers for their daily dedicated work, and they will wish the young boys and girls leaving school a happy and easy journey into the big, bright and colorful adult world.

TO good words Parents of students will join. They will say a huge thank you to their mentors for their love and attention to the schoolchildren, and they will wish their offspring to confidently step forward along the path of life, not be afraid of emerging obstacles, appreciate good, loyal friends and never forget about such simple human qualities as sincerity, honesty, understanding and confidence. For happy life they are no less important than a successful career, material well-being and position in society.

Beautiful congratulations on the last call to teachers in verse

The most beautiful congratulations on the last bell to teachers are dedicated in verse on the line at school. Pupils of different classes and graduates turn to the teaching staff. All of them thank their mentors for the gift of knowledge, love, care and attention, which they generously gave, are giving and will give to children.

Boys and girls wish their teachers good health, iron nerves and angelic patience, which they simply cannot do without during educational process. After all, schoolchildren are not always responsible, play pranks in class, forget to do homework and play around during recess. Calling them to order can sometimes be very difficult, but a real teacher copes with this task perfectly and knows how to explain to children in a gentle but persistent manner that there is time for business and time for fun.

Poems with congratulations on the last call to teachers from students

How many heartfelt words were spoken,

And we will repeat them more than once:

Congratulations to the teachers,

And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For the fact that we were raised and taught,

Educated, sowed goodness,

Skills and knowledge invested,

They gave understanding and warmth.

We wish you success and good luck,

Health and strength for many years to come,

Students who are diligent and obedient.

And we will never forget you!

Congratulations, beloved ones,

And dear teachers,

We spent a lot with you,

The best days in life.

Congratulations on what happened,

I managed to teach

Doubt, know, share,

Remember, believe and love.

We wish you wonderful years,

Much, much ahead

And health - infinity,

And good luck on your way!

You brought so much new knowledge,

And the students were saved from ignorance!

But now the school year has come to an end,

This means a vacation awaits you!

We wish you to gain inspiration,

So that in the fall they hurry with impatience

Go back to your native, favorite class,

To teach wisdom to all of us!

And the farewell bell rings again,

Solemn and a little sad.

Congratulations to you today,

And my heart is filled with excitement again.

Thank you for the educational year -

Rich and slightly magical,

For knowledge and wisdom of words

From all your students.

The last bell is ringing this May,

He heralds a time of change.

For many it will be a farewell

But new ones will come to you in return.

So don't let your patience fade away

And the thirst for knowledge flourishes in school.

Let the pedagogical fraternity

Successfully continues education!

Official congratulations on the last call in prose to graduates from the administration

Solemn, official congratulations on the last bell in prose to graduates come from the school administration and representatives of federal, city, district and rural authorities. Students who have completed the eleventh grade are approached by the director, head teacher, local officials, employees of management structures and deputies of various levels.

Children planning to leave their home school walls are greeted with a successful completion school year and transition to a new stage in life. Adults say how proud they are of such a wonderful generation of young boys and girls who have grown up to be sincere, honest and open people, always ready to unselfishly help everyone who needs it.

Eleventh graders are given a farewell message beautiful phrases and wish you a straight, bright and wide path in life, reliable friends nearby and great luck. Separately, graduates are advised to never deviate from their path, achieve their goals, always remain real people in any situation and never forget their home school, classmates and teachers, who invested a piece of their huge, sincere and generous soul in each student.

Texts in prose for official congratulations from the administration to graduates on the day of the last call

The last call is the end of an important life stage and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. I wish that bright memories warm your hearts, and that the future attracts you with its vast possibilities. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and dreams. Let all your plans come true, let your plans come true, let victories and triumphs appear on the horizon. Happy holiday and enjoying the moment, bright grandiose prospects!

Congratulations on your graduation! Last call - here you are entering a big and adult life. I wish only easy and bright paths to find myself and my calling. May you be blessed with good fortune and may all your dreams come true. Have a great mood and a little perseverance to achieve great plans and desires.

The last school bell has rung! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold; you enter adulthood. So much has happened over the years: the joy of first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights of parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in studying were, the first letters you wrote, the words you read? All this is far behind us. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you has probably decided on your choice of profession. Now you will make all decisions yourself. And it depends only on you how yours will turn out. further fate. Wishing you easy undertakings, successful achievements, and a bright future!

Dear graduates! Today you say goodbye to school and enter adulthood, the last school bell rings for you. To its sounds, one remembers all school defeats and victories, joys and sorrows, first love, first teacher, and one becomes a little sad... We wish you further successful studies, the right choice of profession, easy victories and new achievements, new useful acquaintances and hobbies!

Dear Guys! This day begins new stage of your life, it's time to do conscious choice and rely heavily on own strength. The last call is not a reason to be sad about your past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep him, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you. We, your mentors and parents, are always ready to support you and help you whenever you need it.

Touching congratulations on the last bell from the first teacher to primary school graduates

Very touching congratulations on the last call from the first teacher to graduates primary classes sound inspiring and optimistic. The mentor wishes her grown-up children good health, diligence in their studies and success in creativity. In beautiful rhymed or prose lines, the teacher encourages the children not to be afraid of the obstacles that arise along the way, to move forward confidently, to value the friends they have made at school and to always remain sincere, honest and open people, regardless of the situation. Students listen to such speeches with pride and pleasure and solemnly promise their second “mom” to never forget her and to fully use the knowledge and skills that she gave.

Congratulations in verse and prose to primary school graduates from the first teacher

You're going to fifth grade - you're big,

Beautiful, tall, cool,

And wise and literate too.

And there is no one more valuable in the world!

May your studies be easy for you,

And the big world will open with a smile,

And the sun from heaven smiles at you,

And there will be many amazing miracles!

Dear children, you have passed the initial stage of school life and have successfully overcome your first obstacles, made your first discoveries, and achieved your first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed the fourth grade, now your adult life begins and you have more serious goals ahead of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

You have completed fourth grade,

I sincerely congratulate you on this!

You have gained so much knowledge

I wish you new successes,

And also great happiness to everyone!

May knowledge bring light to you!

May the fifth grade give a lot

Various discoveries and victories!

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is behind you, you are already graduates of primary school! With which I sincerely congratulate you! Now new subjects and teachers await you, you will have to work harder and try harder. I wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! I believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

The school year has ended

That's it, goodbye, fourth grade.

Are you graduates today?

Congratulations on this!

No more elementary school

Middle management is waiting for you.

I wish you success

And “fives” at the same time!

Kind congratulations in verse and prose on the last call from parents to 9th grade students

It is very joyful and pleasant to hear the kindest congratulations in verse and prose on the last call from parents to 9th grade students. In these sincere, touching speeches, mothers and fathers express boundless love for their grown-up sons and daughters, admire their diligence in acquiring knowledge and rejoice that, in addition to the basic school curriculum, the guys have learned a lot human qualities, such as honesty, friendly support, mutual understanding, compassion and willingness to help everyone who truly needs it. After all, it is these characteristics that are valued more than any material goods, social status and material wealth.

Additionally, on this significant day, parents welcome boys and girls who have decided to leave school to continue their studies at college and gain specific skills necessary for further development and acquiring a useful and necessary working profession. They want to always follow their dreams, not be afraid of obstacles that arise along the way, and never forget their favorite school and the first life lessons they learned there.

Options for kind congratulatory texts in poetry and prose for 9th grade graduates from parents

Ninth grade behind me

Looks like graduates

Only - eh! Is it really in the past?

Your glory days?

If you want, stay in school

If you don’t want to, forget it

After all, it lies in front of you

Only yours, special way.

Whatever happens,

No matter how fate turns out,

Always remember that school is

Your best years!

Congratulations on your graduation, on the successful completion of 9th grade. We sincerely wish you to find your path in life, be able to achieve your high goals, not forget your friends, confidently strive for your dreams and fill every day of your life with bright colors and victories.

Your first adult graduation -

You have completed ninth grade!

Follow your dreams -

Everything will be as you decided!

Let learning be easy

Let everything go without problems!

May luck smile

Without exception, to all of you!

It seems like just yesterday it was September 1st and the first bell in your life rang for you! 9 years have flown by, all the exams are behind you and today you are celebrating your long-awaited graduation! You face a difficult choice, whether to continue studying or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, we want to wish you success in all your endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere actions!

Ninth grade is graduation for many,

Go back to school with your head again,

And there will be new friends, teachers,

But the choice is yours and the place at the helm!

We wish you to work and study,

Take life very seriously,

Be kind and help people,

But never forget school!

Be proud that you studied here,

And we have reason to be proud of you,

You are so smart and purposeful

And inspired by future success!

Short beautiful congratulations on the last call to graduates in verse

Kind, short and beautiful congratulations on the last bell to graduates are dedicated in verse by the school principal, head teacher, subject teachers, class teachers and parents. In sonorous and inspiring rhyming lines, they welcome eleventh graders to their graduation from school and the transition to a whole new fateful level.

Now a great responsibility will fall on the shoulders of yesterday's schoolchildren. They will have to decide for themselves where to go further to study and what profession to choose as their life’s work. Of course, the adults nearby will certainly help with advice and unobtrusive hints, but the final choice will remain with the graduates themselves.

But today, smart eleventh-graders are still standing on the line, listening to the trill of the bell, brushing away tears from their eyelashes, which are completely natural for saying goodbye to their beloved school, and are inspired by the beautiful parting speeches in verse that adults dedicate to them.

Several short congratulatory poems for graduates on the line in honor of the last bell

The last call is a holiday with a little sadness -

There's a little ache in my chest from loss,

And everyone now remembers something different,

But he believes that the best is yet to come.

Cherish hopes: from home, from school,

Fly to the sun, strengthened, and up,

I wish you a successful, rich, cheerful life,

Strive, surpass yourself, ascend!

School for you today

He will say: “In bon voyage

And involuntarily sad

You'll feel a little better.

There's so much behind

Happy school years,

Let them leave

There is a good trace in the heart.

Let your dreams come true

Plans will come true.

Only you guys

Remember the main thing:

No matter what happens

Ahead with you

Try to be

The best people.

Hooray! Lessons are over

And with them school worries

Gone forever.

The graduate's soul sings!

And my heart beats to the beat of joy,

Laughs joyfully with happiness!

It's time for wonderful youth!

Hurray for graduates! Hooray!

The last call is not the last,

You are adults now

But it won't be long before

And you will bring your children to class!

And again - the call is so familiar

The trill will stir your soul.

In the meantime, we say goodbye for a while,

Until life connects again!

The last bell rang

A holiday of joy and tears.

The wind is warm, the wind is summer

Brought congratulations:

May luck be with you

Happiness and new victories,

To those who say: “Goodbye,

Relatives school is the light of the sun!”

Warm congratulations on the last call from the class teacher to 11th grade graduates

Very touching and warm congratulations on the last call from the class teacher to 11th grade graduates are especially dear and pleasant. After all, it was this teacher who spent the most time with the children throughout his long school life and was sometimes closer to them than their parents and friends.

The children consulted with the class leader on issues that arose during the learning process, shared their problems and asked for help in conflict situations. And the teacher always responded to this call and tried with all his might to resolve negative situations and return a cozy atmosphere, friendliness and calmness to the class.

Together with their class teacher, the children overcame the first obstacles and very sincerely rejoiced at their success in their studies and creativity.

And now it’s time to say goodbye and go on your way. Graduates will leave their home school and fly to cities and countries to improve this world and bring kindness, sincerity and warmth of their hearts into it. And the class teacher will go to work again on the first day of autumn and meet new fifth-graders who have just graduated primary school. But this will happen a little later. Now the class teacher looks with love and awe at his grown, smart, beautiful students, tells them wonderful parting phrases and wishes them great happiness, success and good luck on the way to a bright, rich and colorful adult life. These simple words act as a motivator on graduates and inspire them to do good deeds and good deeds.

Congratulations in verse and prose for graduates from the class teacher

Happy graduation, young friends! All doors are open for young people, all chances are available. Let the choice you make lead you to success, sincere joy and victories! Yesterday's schoolchildren, you don't even know the limits of your capabilities. Make strict teachers admire your achievements. Let them proudly say: “Yes, these are our talented graduates!”

May you succeed in everything in life,

and may all paths be open,

Fortune will smile on the one who walks,

although it will be difficult ahead.

Dare, discover, find out,

give birth to children. And the time will come,

I believe you will bring them to school,

and cross this threshold.

We will meet them as family and raise them,

we will teach you and your homeland to love,

Life goes on, I know that for sure

and each of you must be someone in it.

I will watch you furtively,

I will be proud and worried,

And now, as a mother, I will be glad

to see you on my doorstep.

The school phase of your life is over. Everyone has a long voyage ahead of them on the turbulent oceans of life. In addition to good luck, love and health, we wish you to follow your cherished dream to the end. Don't retreat, fight, wish! Good luck and bright successes on an exciting, difficult, but very enjoyable path of life. Good luck to you, young captains!

I'll open an empty classroom tomorrow,

It’s sad, I’ll smile quietly.

And proud of you guys

Sadness will immediately give way.

You were once chicks,

Now you are a flock of white birds.

May fate be good to you

And may life give you happiness.

Friends! You just got your tickets to real adulthood. Today's graduation will mark the beginning of a glorious journey towards life's alluring horizons. Don't stumble. Very Talented and energetic, you can achieve anything you want! Your bright mind, your drive, your youth guarantee a million tempting chances. Happy graduation!

The best congratulations on the last call to subject teachers from graduates

The best congratulations on the last call to subject teachers from graduates should sound beautiful, respectful and with a touch of humor. These can be funny, funny poems or optimistic prose texts dedicated to various subjects and the teachers teaching them.

It is best to dedicate a separate piece or one verse to each teacher. This will give the congratulatory speech a personal touch and make it more sincere and heartfelt.

Texts for congratulating subject teachers on the last call from graduates

We study all living things, Your office is like a museum,

There are herbariums, paintings, the bodies of snakes in formaldehyde,

And the skeleton in the closet, intelligent, has been standing for how many years,

You are a biologist, our scientist, Natural Sciences are granite!

Let genetics help you make a discovery,

In complex DNA webs, the secret of life can be revealed.

Let us thoroughly educate ourselves about our body.

Be happy, healthy, have fun in the world!!!

We can't have culture

Without knowledge of literature,

And if you want to know the world,

Literature's purpose

In the soul of a beautiful formation.

And on this glorious day and hour,

Teacher, congratulations!

A long time ago, the ancestors believed: The Earth stands on three pillars.

All because our ancestors rarely traveled to foreign lands!

They didn’t want to open the textbook, they didn’t go on the Internet,

They didn’t look for the country on the map, It’s as if they weren’t even there!

Now we have before us the atlas of the world. We have worn it to holes,

And thanks to geography, For opening up the whole world to us.

You have invested everything in us,

Proving year after year,

What does mathematics need?

May a pair of your kind hands

No voltage controls

Queen of the recognized sciences!

We all congratulate you today!

The ancient world is a very serious subject in the life of society.

Too religious, dressed in mammoth skin.

A man... It's hard to tell the difference from a monkey.

The herd gallops in the middle of the clearing... Can’t speak...

There is no science in the ancient world. Internet not available...

Sleep well - club in hand And run, catch lunch.

We'll find out in a year or so, but now

Our graduating class sincerely congratulates you!

Congratulations on the last call to the class teacher from parents and students

Parents, 9th grade students and 11th grade graduates dedicate very kind, touching and tender congratulations on the last bell of 2018 to the class teacher. Official words are not used here, but the most beautiful, reverent and inspired phrases are selected, filled with love and boundless gratitude to the teacher, who for so many school years has sincerely and selflessly given the warmth of his soul to his class.

Collection of congratulations for the class teacher from parents and students of grades 9-11

The class teacher is not just one of the teachers, he is a mentor, psychologist and practically a parent! You have always raised us and shown us the right path in this difficult world and we are grateful to you for that! We wish you wonderful students, enthusiasm in your work, and most importantly, human happiness! Thank you for everything!

There were many teachers who taught us.

We will remember them all.

However, not for them at first

We would like to say a few words.

The manager is the coolest

We got it, no doubt about it.

You were with us every hour

For many years.

Thank you very much for everything!

We really love you very much.

Close you have become our soul

And you mean so much to us.

Teacher, really, you are from God,

A wonderful, kind person.

May life give you a lot of happiness,

May success await you in everything!

The last bell rang and we said goodbye to school. Thank you, our class teacher, for all the lessons we have learned, they will definitely be useful to us in life, for your attention, care, sensitivity and perseverance. Thank you for the great knowledge that we absorbed into ourselves like sponges. Forgive us for all the torment, for our antics, sometimes absenteeism and frequent failures. You gave us happy school years - we are extremely grateful to you for such a wonderful journey that will remain in our hearts, no doubt, for the rest of our lives. We want to wish you health and personal happiness, stellar success, prosperity, and of course, diligent students. We love you very much.

You are the most valuable teacher to us,

After all, we ran to you with our misfortune and happiness.

You rejoiced with us when there was success,

And we settled our differences.

Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing for us,

After all, for so many years under your leadership

Our class learned friendship and work,

Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your enormous work.

Rest assured that it was not in vain.

We wish you strength for many years to come.

You are a great leader by vocation!

The class teacher is almost a parent, and maybe in some sense even more. After all, parents rarely get to see their child from the side from which the class teacher sees him. Thank you for your patience and affection, may this last call not be your last, and may future students also know what it is like when you are their class teacher.

At the very threshold of hot summer, all schools in the country celebrate an amazing holiday that unites both sadness and joy - Last Bell. This day is special for many people, but most of all for 11th grade graduates. At the ceremony, the most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose, parting words and good wishes for the Last Bell from the class teacher, parents, and classmates are addressed to them.

Wishes in prose for the last call of 2017 graduates from the director and teachers

The most difficult time for the Last Bell is for teachers, head teachers and directors. It is they who will have to deliver the most important prosaic speech with wishes to the graduates. But writing a beautiful and easily understood text is not always as easy as it seems at first glance. After all, listeners can only remember and appreciate a sincere address filled with warmth and kindness. Fortunately, there are several tips that make it easier to write a beautiful speech for the Last Call from the principal and teachers:

  1. Initially, you should decide on the form of the speech. Poems are more presentable, but prose always sounds sincere;
  2. A speech that mentions real funny or sad moments from the school life of graduates is remembered much longer;
  3. Any wishes in prose for the Last Call to graduates from the director and teachers should be light and harmonious;
  4. The time of upbringing and education is left behind. There is no need to fill your speech with unnecessary instructions and moralizing;
  5. The use of visual objects, presentations and videos is not superfluous during the presentation. This way, the wishes from the director and teachers will be remembered by the graduates for life.

Text of best wishes to graduates from teachers and director on the Last Call

Dear children! How quickly the years flew by. Eleven years ago you joined our school family. You have declared yourself as new students who came to school with serious intentions. We entered the classroom with a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity.

But 4 years flew by quickly. You have moved to high school. She greeted you with equations with many unknowns, which you diligently solved. It seems like just yesterday you were standing here - confused fifth graders. You timidly looked at me - your new cool mother. Since then, multi-colored asters have bowed to the school threshold seven times, and seven winter blizzards have rustled. During your training, teachers became like family to you, they left an indelible mark on your hearts.

What happened in our school life: lessons, competitions, holidays, evenings, educational hours. Of course, there were some broken glass, paper airplanes in class, painted diaries, and lost briefcases. All these are valuable drops in the great ocean of school life. Until recently, you reverently held the hands of your parents. Today the threshold of our school is still the same, but you have become different. Curious children have turned into adult boys and girls who have a new, but very interesting life ahead of them.

Today you solemnly celebrate the completion of the first stage on your life path. All this time you were supported by teachers, parents and me, your class teacher. And today the doors to you have opened Big world with a lot of possibilities. Together we conquered new heights in the land of knowledge, learned to understand ourselves and each other, and defend our point of view and principles. This is the knowledge and skills that will help you emerge victorious from difficult everyday challenges. Believe in yourself. You are unique individuals who will definitely achieve success. Be worthy of the respect of others and make me, the class teacher, happy with your achievements.

Bon Voyage!

Beautiful wishes for the Last Bell 2017 from the class teacher to graduates

A class teacher is not a position, but a way of life and a state of mind! Choosing beautiful wishes On the last call to graduates, the class teacher first of all thinks not about the form, but about the deep semantic content of the lines. And this task is not easy. In your speech, you can remember the years spent at school desks (the past cannot be erased), but we must not forget about the future. A cool mother can wish the kids an easy path in life, fast career growth, quick achievement of goals and overcoming all difficult obstacles. Beautiful wishes for the Last Call from the class teacher to graduates can be heartfelt prose or deep meaningful poetry.

Examples of beautiful wishes for graduates from the class teacher on the Last Bell

The time has come to part,

A sad custom in the country...

Let's forget awards and titles -

Now you and I are on an equal footing;

Now wither in the office

Without your care, flowers...

How quickly you have grown, children!

What a pity that you have to go!..

A sad sob-alarm

Your last bell is ringing

And you won't be around anymore

And I conclude as a result,

That there is no one better than you in the whole world,

And it wasn’t - that’s the whole point!..

Good luck, grown children!

Happy and good journey to you!

Today your last bell rings,

Painfully familiar, carried away to childhood,

And touching every corner of the soul,

It opens a new door to your life!

You are my children, we have become like a family,

It's time for us to say goodbye, you are all adults!

A new path awaits everyone in life,

But autumn will still miss you!

You keep the memory of your school years,

Let everyone find their own path in life,

Everything is in your hands from now on,

And new goals are already waiting at the doorsteps!

The day has come when it's time to part

And thousands of roads fall under your feet.

Find the one that will bring you into the public eye.

May no one be happier in life than you.

11th grade, you said goodbye to school.

I'm happy for you. After all, in your new life

There are so many victories, discoveries and decisions waiting for you...

Go, good time! Don't have any doubts.

Good wishes in verses for Last Call 2017 from parents

At the Last Call, attention is drawn not only to graduates and teachers, but also to parents. It was they who gave the school the next generation of students, they raised them up to 1st grade, supported and mentored them throughout all 11 years of study. Thanks to diligent moms and dads, the parent committee was actively involved in social activities, support for the school and improvement of the school grounds. The end is the end, on this important day they are fully aware of the adulthood of their recently young children and strive to express the most important parting words for the future. Good wishes in poems for the Last Call from parents do not have to be solemn or deeply lyrical in nature. Short funny, perhaps even funny lines also have a place.

Texts of good wishes to graduates on the Last Call from parents

The “school marathon” is over

Last call ready.

He will proclaim with a ringing bell

The hour of departure into the world is new.

I wish you, son

Stay the same smart.

Good luck to you in all your endeavors,

Everything you want to achieve!

On behalf of my parents, I want to congratulate you all.

Standing in front of me, catching the moment.

Last call school path will glorify

It will open the door, leading you into an adult life.

After all, 10 years, crushing the granite of science,

And choosing the pearls of knowledge in it,

Led by a mentor without boredom,

You began to understand a lot of things.

From the first letters looked for in the primer,

The teacher gave you his soul.

To the laws of life peculiar to the earth,

He brought you, placing you firmly on dry land.

I thank the patient teachers,

That our children were selflessly led.

Trying to fill the ranks, they are the first.

They taught us to love life so as not to pass by.

And I won’t forget to wish, of course,

Diligently multiply what is given.

To the joy of everyone, work selflessly.

And never forget the school walls.

Just one wish;

Everything requires effort,

Whatever path you choose in life.

You said goodbye to childhood.

Now I would like to find a way

To comprehend the main essence in life.

There is preparation for life,

Skill and dexterity

And God did not offend you with his mind.-

Health is strength

And so that there is happiness,

You must achieve it through hard work.

Work is the basis of life

For the benefit of the entire Fatherland,

Which means it will be good for you too.

Work or study

The goal is to be useful to people

And take place in your own destiny,

To be happy, successful,

Let not be sinless in everything,

But love life with faith

Live in the heart

You deserve happiness!

And always be determined

Conquer any obstacles!

Cheerful wishes for the last call to classmates

The last bell is the first truly adult and responsible event in the lives of schoolchildren. This is a kind of line, crossing which graduates leave their childhood far behind. Many guys try in every possible way to delay the moment of saying goodbye to everything close, familiar, safe and dear. And others, on the contrary, are looking forward to this important step, secretly watching the older students. But both the former and the latter experience a slight sense of fear about the future and upcoming changes. It is not surprising that at the most solemn moment at the Last Bell, graduates prefer to give each other funny and funny wishes. This makes it easier to defuse the situation and create a relaxed atmosphere.

If you are looking for funny wishes for the Last Call to classmates, carefully review our collection. In it you will find several suitable options.

The funniest and funniest wishes for the Last Call to Classmates

I congratulate you on your graduation!

The school has been our home for a long time.

We can talk about the Universe like snobs,

We'll gird the torso with general's ribbons,

Let's go out with an army of smart guys to scare the kids.

At the last ball we'll dance a little summer -

A ritual for becoming an adult.

We will scatter among armies and institutions.

Girls will be eager to get married: there is no time to wait!

Let's celebrate Freedom Day cheerfully and coolly,

To fit into a new collar after the ball.

So why run away from school in euphoria?

The last bell is a favorite holiday for schoolchildren completing their studies. As a rule, it is held at the end of May before final exams. This day is kind of the end of a learning marathon with lessons, tests, breaks, homework and activities. All students, both junior and senior students, teachers and parents of schoolchildren are involved in the celebration of this significant day. The ceremony involves speeches by the director, invited guests, class teachers, members of the parent committee, theatrical performances from first-graders and creative groups of the school. On this day, the graduates themselves dress either in school uniform, or in formal suits, over which they tie ribbons with the inscription “Graduate” and pin small bells.

How quickly time has flown by
Since the first lesson was.
Today you have all grown up,
The last bell rings.

You won't forget your school lessons,
Your class, friends, teachers.
Now you will involuntarily feel sad,
The classroom door will be closed.

You guys have become adults.
Today you are graduates!
Once upon a time there were kids
Without letting go of mom's hand.

Good luck to you in your adult life,
Don't forget the school route.
And value your friendship,
After all, the past years cannot be returned.

I wish you truthful, honest actions,
You cherish the joy of meetings.
Grow up, value your friendship,
Manage to save the school waltz!

The bell rings for the last time
You will not return to class again.
School time has passed
It's time to go into the adult world.

We wish that life gives
More light and warmth,
Made all my wishes come true
May you find your calling.

Congratulations on your graduation! Last call - here you are entering a big and adult life. I wish only easy and bright paths to find myself and my calling. May you be blessed with good fortune and may all your dreams come true. Have a great mood and a little perseverance to achieve great plans and desires.

Last farewell call...
He sums up school life.
It rings, sending you all on a good journey,
You can't get back to school childhood anymore.
The school walls have become your family,
What fun it was during recess.
In memory of the crazy school years
Let them remain for life, forever.
How long have you been waiting for this finest hour!
... but school and class will remain in the past.
That moment is filled with joy, optimism,
Walk through life with confidence and dignity.

Today you say goodbye to school,
Stepping towards a new life.
Let your plans come true -
We want to be so proud of you.

We wish you not to make a mistake
And strive towards the chosen goal.
Although we are a little sad,
Today we will say: “May it be good!”

School for you today
He will say: “Bon voyage!”
And involuntarily sad
You'll feel a little better.

There's so much behind
Happy school years,
Let them leave
There is a good trace in the heart.

Let your dreams come true
Plans will come true.
Only you guys
Remember the main thing:

No matter what happens
Ahead with you
Try to be
The best people.

So you have become big,
Just completely grown-ups!
May the road be wider
So that there are no problems!

And learn and love,
And strive for kindness
Treasure your school friendships,
Be happy everywhere!

Well, lessons are over,
And summer awaits us ahead,
The holidays are just around the corner,
Happiness is ready to come to us!

We say "Goodbye" to everyone!
We want to say thank you
To the teachers for all their efforts,
For the knowledge that they tried to give!

May everyone, teachers and children,
Have a great time relaxing in the summer
And everyone is happier in the world
They'll be back to school in the fall!

They rang and flew by
Our school days.
We didn’t have time to look back -
We are already graduates.

The hour has struck, the time has come
Achieve big victories.
There are many roads ahead -
Keep the light green.

Good luck and patience to everyone,
High marks to everyone. Hooray!
Happiness awaits - away with doubt!
No feathers to everyone!

School time is over
Today is the last call.
And those problems became funny
I couldn't decide once upon a time.

Feel free to say goodbye to school,
Without sadness, your whole life is ahead.
Meet me with a cheerful smile
Make your way and go!

Yesterday is behind us,
You don't need to rush to class.
Today is a significant, wonderful day,
Your last bell will ring.

There are uninvited tears in my eyes,
And good words are heard.
Bright, cheerful smiles,
Wishes of happiness and goodness.

Today childhood is leaving you,
Scatter like birds now.
But remains forever in the heart
School door open!

The last call is a long-standing tradition of Soviet and now Russian schools, which became a real holiday for schoolchildren. Graduation day is the most joyful and at the same time saddest day for every graduate. For some students, it foreshadows the holidays, and for graduates, the beginning of new working weeks - preparation for graduate exams and admission to universities. But, in any case, the last bell is a long-awaited event and the school always solemnly sees off its graduates. Time flies by, the carefree school years are gone, and an adult and independent life lies ahead.

We have prepared for you the most beautiful and touching congratulations on the last bell for graduates and teachers. These are congratulations for the graduates from the school principal, and from the first teacher, and from the class teacher, and from parents.

Congratulations and wishes for the last bell at school

Let them say that time heals
That the circle will not open for days,
However, evening comes -
And everything changes around...
The candle will drop its cooled trace
In harmony with a strange silence
And suddenly you want to be in the palm of your hand
Catch a fallen star:
And between the future and the past
With dreams and childhood behind me
Like a fragile bridge thrown
Today is graduation night!

Congratulations to school graduates from the director

Oh, the last lesson is over. We are entering the summer season.
Today is the last call, guys, we congratulate you!
You have become adults now, and it’s time to say goodbye to school,
The door of life is open to you, let the heights submit to you!

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day! Graduates, you are our pride and joy!
Today is your holiday, you are rightfully honored,
We are all incredibly happy about the last call,
And now you will carry the banner into adulthood!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness,
There will be enough for many years to come.
Let the bad weather be left behind,
So that there is love and respect.

Congratulations on the last bell from the class teacher (grade 11)

Dear, my dear graduates!
Now you are standing on the threshold of adulthood, one more step and you will say goodbye to childhood. What your life will be like next largely depends on the decisions you make in the near future. Try to think through everything clearly and carefully, don’t be led by other people’s desires and fantasies, believe in yourself, boldly go towards your goal, don’t be afraid, try and don’t give up! Believe in a bright future, it awaits you just outside the school door! Remember, school doors are always open for you! Know that I love you very much and am always glad to see you! Everyone was striving for the last bell,
The school path seemed boring.
So why the point?
Did you smear a crystal tear?
Saying goodbye isn't easy
after all, childhood is at school
I've been swinging on swings for so many years,
But there’s no escape from time:
An adult has already been given a ticket to life.
May your endeavors be successful
Every plan is crowned with victory,
Tricky problems are solved
Only excellent! Happiness to you, children! So eleven years have flown by,
You have matured and learned a lot.
You can answer without a doubt,
Lots of questions – that’s why we get medals!

Thank you, dear ones, for coming through.
The paths are difficult, you are not afraid.
For finding a loophole to science,
And they remained kind and affectionate.

May your path be bright and joyful,
Now, like birds, in free flight
You rushed upward, and with joy let
You can safely follow the adult path!

Congratulations from the class teacher (9th grade)

My dear ninth graders!
The time has come when the last bell will ring for you. It was school
It’s easy for you to get in, but it will be a little more difficult to get out: exams await you.
For many, the moment of leaving school is a long-awaited one: after all, perhaps, each of you wants to feel like an adult, become independent, and go to a technical school. But at the same time, this moment is sad: over 9 years of study, we got used to each other, became friends, united. Let us, my dears, not forget school and each other!
I want to believe that each of you will find your own path in life. Strive to get an education, find an interesting job and start your own family.
School gave you a start in new life, taught you sciences, culture and
ethics to turn you into smart, literate, successful, independent, moral individuals.
You must take away from school and implement wisely only what is useful. AND
Don’t forget the main thing: we build our own lives!
At this moment I would like to quote the lines of the poet Eduard Asadov:
Always be cheerful
Never be sad.
It will be difficult - brace yourself,
There will be wind - don’t bend,
It will hurt - don't cry
Don't hide your eyes in your palm.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If there are tears, wipe them away,
If you're scared, hold on.
Remember, life is life!

Congratulations and wishes to graduates from the first teacher

My dear children!
Congratulations on your successful completion of 9th (11th) grade!
Even if everything didn’t always work out for you, this is just the beginning of your whole life.
And many problems were not solved, but every day you moved forward more boldly.
I know school is hard for some of you,
But the most important thing is that you become human every day and hour.
Let only the smooth road be the path of your life.
I wish you only happiness, you can’t turn away from the right path. Dear Guys!
We met with you - there was the first call,
Various colors of foliage and the first lesson.
Little eyes sparkled, arms stretched up,
I told you, and you smiled at me for the first time.
We were friends, you studied hard,
They excelled in both classroom and school work.
Sometimes we fought, but more often we fell in love,
We were inspired by the desire for our cherished dream.

Those four years flew by in an instant,
Victories remain, adversity has disappeared.
Then others taught you science,
You have become dear to them, just like to me.

You have grown, become stronger, matured,
Ready to move mountains on your way!
Your day has come!
You've all been waiting for him.
Doubts away!
Be brave, good luck!
May good luck accompany you in everything,
And your cherished dream will come true,
And even to an unsolvable problem
There is always a solution.

Guys, I wish you to pass your exams successfully and choose your future career wisely. life path.
Break a leg!

Congratulations on the last call from parents to children (grade 11)

Dear children!
11 years ago we brought you, holding your little hands in ours
hands, to our school. And today is a significant day: you say goodbye
with your school. You have almost passed the 11 year long exam. Left
just a little bit: to summarize. All this time we were with you,
your parents and teachers. Our dear children, you are more precious than anyone in the world!
With bad marks and validol, but we finished school.
No matter how long we slept with you, we wrote essays.
And sometimes there was a lot of crying in the house because of the task.
We didn’t scold you too much; we helped you as much as we could.
There is no greater joy for us than the success of our own children. Guys! The day of farewell to school has come! These years have flown by
amazingly fast. They taught you a lot. There were all sorts of things, but
I want the memories of the years spent at school to remain only
pleasant and bright memories. Let's not be sad. Let yours
life will be cheerful and ringing, like a school bell. Our beloved children!
You have grown up and many of you
They will leave school and their favorite class...
And, having fluttered out of the school nest,
You may never come back...
I'm in a hurry to catch up with my fathers and mothers
Parting words to say to you today:
- Go for it! Everything will work out for you,
After all, they have given you a supply of solid knowledge!
And if the difficult choice confuses you,
There is a sure way to get out of trouble!
How to proceed? Moms and dads have advice
Ask mentally - and you will receive an answer!
So that later, in moments of rare meetings,
It’s okay to look your parents in the eye.
And we are with great hope and joy
We'll be looking forward to seeing you home!
And those who remain have time to do everything:
To succeed both in friendship and in studies,
Find the right path among the many
And you can’t leave the chosen course! You were born, raised,
Once upon a time they brought me to school,
Believe me, we didn’t know then
That children could grow up
So fast. Our dears,
Don't lose face
Achieve everything, dear ones,
To make mother and father proud.

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents of graduates

Our glorious teachers,
Thank you for your work and patience.
You're on a school board ship
They raised another generation.
And today, having raised the sails,
Turning to your horizons,
Look the graduates in the eyes
Smile at each other as you say goodbye! Dear, beloved teachers! Our series with you has come to an end, the series that you and I wrote together. It had everything: joy, grief, happiness, resentment, love, and much more. We are grateful to you that in the end everything ended so well. You got graduates - we got literate children. Thank you for what you have done. Thank you for your work, which helps everyone in life. Without you, without teachers, everything in the world would be different! Once again we thank you!
Well, you guys, don’t forget school and your teachers. No matter how much
they had students, your attention will never be superfluous.

Congratulations to school graduates from first graders

Dear graduates!
Congratulations on your last call!
We felt a little sad, guys.
That you are leaving the school house soon.
We look at you with great admiration,
You are the pride of our school, without embellishment!
And in a wonderful mood today
Congratulations on the last day of school!
And you were once kids,
And we also entered first grade,
It probably seems to every mother today,
That you were all like us.
You were also very worried
When you came to your first lesson,
It happened that problems were not solved
And you were impatiently waiting for the call.
You also ran during school breaks,
Screamed and screamed from the heart,
And you were knee-deep to high school students...
Now you are not kids at all.
You are respectable and mature people,
You all have exams ahead of you.
Someday we will be like that too,
And the kids will come to congratulate us.
Guys! We wish you success,
After all, you deserve the highest praise!
And you will succeed, we know!
And your graduation party will be the best! Always be good, always be beautiful,
Always be cheerful, kind, nice, sweet.
Don't face grief and don't be sad,
Smile more often, in a word, be happy! Let everyone be proud of your success -
Parents, friends, teachers, -
After all, you can do better, more beautiful
A planet called Earth!

Wishes to teachers from school graduates

My dear teacher!
Have a joyful and bright life! May you never meet naughty and harmful children! Children's radiant, sincere smiles to you, so that your notebooks are error-free, so that your lessons are calm, useful and fruitful!
We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that your health does not fail. To
the mood was always high. Let the family be warm and comfortable.
Success, good luck, luck and complete satisfaction from work. Thank you for your noble and glorious work! Our dear (name of class teacher)!
With all our hearts we want to tell you that we love you very much! Thank you for always supporting us, helping us in everything, taking great care of us and becoming a second mother to us. We are so used to you that we can’t even imagine how we will continue without you. After all, you were always ready to stand up for us when we messed up somewhere, always supported us and said words that really helped us to believe in ourselves and move forward again, to our victory, and never stop there. And thanks We have become a real family to you.
We wish you all the very best: health, happiness,
love, success in work. We also wish you obedient children, whom you will again raise as your own.
And we have grown. It’s a pity, of course, that we have to leave, but we promise that
We will visit you and communicate with you easily and interestingly. And know that these (*) people who have become family will never betray you, will never forget you, will never say anything bad about you. We have only bright and bright memories of our school life with you.
(Name and Patronymic of the teacher), we love you very much! Thank you for everything!
Your 11th (*) grade.

Beautiful poems for teachers for the last bell

Thank you, Teachers!
Not only do we gain knowledge at school,
Here we are becoming stronger and smarter,
We are walking into a great life together with her,
We are gradually growing up with her!
When the problems and equations are over.
And we will know a lot by heart,
We will write all the dictations, essays,
Then for a moment we will be overcome by sadness...
But we know that there is no need to be sad at all!
And we need to thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Those who taught us knowledge and friendship,
He taught me to laugh, to believe, to love life!
Thank you, dear teachers!
You have all done so much for us...
Let the graduation sounds like a cheerful whirlwind,
But we will never forget you! Our dear, beloved,
Dear teachers!
About your sincere, eternal love
We cannot remain silent today!
You tried a lot for us,
How much effort and work they put into us!
We tell you honestly and directly:
We will never forget you!

Congratulations on the last bell and graduation from classmates

We studied together for many years!
I wish you, friends, joyful victories!
So that we don't study in vain,
For knowledge to be useful,
So that on the way to your destiny
We met only kind people!
Dear and dear classmates!
I wish everyone to find love,
So that your soul burns clearly
And let the blood boil with passion.
So that they love and remain faithful,
They gave birth to a lot of children,
Let hope and honesty live in the heart
And may you live many days.
Long life to you, joy,
And let life be marmalade,
And so that from this sweetness
My soul was always happy! The last lesson is over,
The loud bell has fallen silent,
And bright sadness and sadness
They fly into the vast distance.
And tomorrow a new life awaits:
Don't be afraid of her. Hold on!
With your mind and work
Our Russian home will rise again.
And it will flare up, proud of its greatness,
There is a star above the Motherland of Happiness!

Beautiful congratulations for school graduates

Time flew by unnoticed
You have grown up for serious things.
A glorious path awaits some
and victorious
And for others - a simple earthly lot.
You will fly across the world,
But it will remain with you all
This is the last call forever,
And your friendly class will be remembered.
I would like to wish you so much:
And goodness, and happiness, and victories,
Without bumps in life's road,
With the benefit of beautiful lives lived,
for long years.
And also, so that you can calmly
Look into your own eyes,
Live life beautifully and with dignity,
Be lucky in your destiny.
And also, so you don’t forget
Your dear classmates,
So that they call, invite you to visit,
They spared no time on them.
And also, so that they remember the minutes,
The ones we all spent together
And more than once they flew in from everywhere
From different parts of the big Earth. The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead! From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world,
Which step to take - the decision is yours
Should I continue my studies?
Should I go to work?
You control your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life! Don't be sad that you won't be returning to school,
Youth is a wonderful time,
All we can do is wish
I wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

Last call

Such a holiday will not be ruined by the weather,
Sharikov’s wreath soars into the sky...
The school years are over,
Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, happy liberation!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! There will be no more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
The bell rings loudly for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't ask you homework,
Don't wake up for first lesson
This just made me sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now a thing of the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
School will be remembered only for good things.
At school today is the last call. Good luck to you, graduate,
Happy fate and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magical spring
Will help solve all problems!
Let the dream become accessible,
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
May life and beauty please you
And a calling will be found!

We invite you to watch and download for free to congratulate graduates on graduating from school.

At the last bell celebration, there are usually many beautiful congratulations and parting words in poetry and prose. The class teacher, first teacher, subject teachers and parents wish the graduates of grades 9 and 11 all the best in their future. Representatives of the administration also congratulate the guys on their official instructions. But school students themselves can also perform at the graduation. Using the beautiful congratulations we have selected on the last bell of 2018, they will be able to thank their teachers in an original way. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with a beautiful video example of the guys’ performance. A simple hint will help you create a cool number for all the school teachers.

Touching congratulations on the last call to teachers - from graduates of 11th grade

Graduates of 11th grade can congratulate their beloved teachers and true teaching friends on the last bell holiday in both prose and poetry. Beautiful wishes and gratitude will perfectly complement other numbers of the festive evening. For graduates of 11th grade, we have selected the best congratulations to teachers for the last bell. Guys can use cool and beautiful wishes to write their personal words of gratitude.

Congratulations on the last bell to teachers in touching poems from 11th grade graduates

Among the poems and prose we have selected with congratulations to teachers, graduates of 11th grade will find many good wishes. Gratitude to teachers can be included in a separate issue. Both prefects and all school graduates can perform original works.

Teachers, we have often gotten on your nerves,

And they tested your patience for hundreds of days,

You were the discoverers for us, the first,

And you had a little more difficult time with us.

Anyone who has not been in your shoes cannot imagine

What was going on in your soul at times?

Today we want to congratulate you on your graduation,

Like adults and wiser people already.

For a whole year they frightened us with final exams,

They said that we would never give them up,

But we humbly accepted all the challenges of fate,

Well, now all the worries are behind us.

Our souls are now burning with new fire,

And knowledge comes out of us, as if from ears,

We will forever remember our school,

And relatives and our class teachers.

You have long become our home school,

Our childhood dreams were formed in you.

Our dear, beloved and best teachers,

We are leaving school with you in our hearts.

Our last bell has already rung,

He won’t call us again for another call.

Thank you school, you taught us to live,

We will idolize you all our lives for this.

Taking the first steps into adulthood, I would like to thank all our teachers and administration for their enormous contribution to each of us. Thank you for your knowledge, care, support and eternal motivation. Thank you for believing in us and always helping. We sincerely want to meet your hopes and achieve the heights to which you pushed us with all our might. Thank you for everything, and we wish you all the best for many years to come!

From future geniuses, artists, deputies, lawyers, inventors, doctors, travelers, teachers and just good, kind people, our words of gratitude for warmth, responsiveness, patience, common truths, discoveries, understanding, answers to questions, help, attention, happiness in eyes, responsibility, flawless performance of duties, approach. After all, the most important thing in life is to be a worthy person with an open heart. Thanks for teaching me this.

Official congratulations on the last bell to 2018 graduates in prose - from the school administration

Both teachers and administration can say parting words to former students of the school at the last bell celebration in 2018. The director is usually invited to speak at events, but one of the head teachers can also replace him. The sample texts we have selected will help you wish the guys all the best. Official congratulations in prose, pronounced at the last bell by the school administration, will give all graduates a great mood.

Examples of official prose with congratulations for graduates from the administration on the last call of 2018

Official prose can be not only discreet, but also beautiful. It is perfect for including useful parting words and advice to graduates from the school administration. The examples we have selected can be used as a basis for writing new official congratulations for the last call. Or you can use them without any changes.

Well, the day that you have all been waiting for has come. You have already marked your last call, passed all the exams, so you have every right to rest. I would like to congratulate you on entering a new life, an adult life that will be filled with various situations. At times you will not know what to do, but take my word for it that there are no hopeless situations. I look at you and can’t get enough of you, because you are all simply incredibly beautiful today. I know how impatiently you were waiting for this day, so I want it to go exactly as you wish. May all your dreams and desires come true, and may your ideas and plans come true. I only want to see you happy and joyful. The main thing is that you do not lose the connection that has been established between you. School friendship is priceless, and you will see it.

My dear graduates, I look at you and cannot understand how you all grew up so quickly. It seemed to me that we only recently met you, and today I am already seeing you off on a new journey. I would like to wish you that your whole life will go exactly the way you want it. Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid to take risks, because it's all good for you. Learn lessons for yourself from every day, from every situation, to become even stronger and more developed individuals. I don’t even doubt that you will all achieve success, because you can, my dear guys. You have no idea how much potential is hidden within you. I congratulate you on becoming completely grown-up, real individuals. A lot of interesting, productive and useful things await you ahead, so don’t miss out. Happy holiday!

My dear graduates, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the fact that one of the most important days in your life has arrived. Graduation night is a holiday that is never forgotten, so just enjoy this day. Enjoy every second, because later it will be the memories from your prom that will warm you up. My dears, I hope that you can just rest and relax today, because from tomorrow serious tests await you, in the form of admission to university, entrance exams and so on. Believe in your abilities, because you are, in fact, very capable and smart guys who have achieved significant results in eleven years of study. I believe in you, my dear graduates. May your every day be full of pleasant moments and positive emotions.

Our dear graduates, I cannot believe that this long-awaited holiday has arrived. Most of all, of course, you were waiting, because adult life is so attractive. However, be prepared for the fact that a wide variety of problems and issues await you, but you can cope with all this if you make the effort. I want to wish each of you only good health and good luck in life. Each of you is capable of achieving unprecedented heights. You all have incredible potential, so don't doubt yourself. And you should spend this wonderful holiday in such a way that you have something to remember later. This day belongs only to you, so enjoy every second. Graduation only happens once in a lifetime. Have a safe and happy celebration. Remember every moment!

I want to congratulate our current graduates who have done a great job to receive these coveted diplomas. I would like to note that I have never before seen such united and friendly guys who helped and supported each other until the last day. Let it always be this way, my dear and beloved graduates. Don’t let adult life scare you with its problems and questions, because everything in this life can be solved. Don't be afraid of change because it always leads to the best. I want each of you to find your calling in this life, your place. This process may take for a long time, however, believe that it will fully justify itself. Be happy, my dear graduates. We believe in you, we believe that you will succeed. Don’t forget about your home school, because you are always welcome here.

Beautiful congratulations in verse on the last call to graduates - from subject teachers

Most subject teachers have developed friendly relations with the class and the students themselves. Therefore, many of the school’s teachers will want to speak at the last bell with parting words for the children. In them, teachers can give advice for the future or simply wish teenagers good luck in teaching. Subject teachers will be able to select beautiful and funny congratulations for graduates in verse for the holiday of the last bell in the following selection of examples.

Examples of beautiful congratulations in verse on the holiday of the last bell for graduates from teachers

Unusual congratulations in verse from teachers will be a real gift for all graduates. After all, usually the children themselves performed in front of teachers with different numbers and performances. Such attention will be very pleasant for students and will leave them with the kindest and warmest memories of the last bell holiday.

We had both joys and hardships,

But the light of your eyes always remained,

And if you look at the past years,

I always remember you with warmth.

You gave birth to love in my soul,

There is no better release in all the land,

You gave me an abundance of different emotions,

Filled with energy for many days and nights.

Beyond the territory of the native school threshold,

There are a lot of paths and roads in the world,

Where to go? The decision is yours alone

After all, now only you control your destiny.

There is only one wish from teachers:

Show patience, courage and effort.

And no matter what path you choose,

Try to comprehend the deep essence of life.

You have already completely said goodbye to childhood,

Now find such a remedy within yourself,

So that we can see the depth and essence of life,

And choose a worthy and correct path.

You now have good preparation in hand,

There is knowledge, abilities, skills and dexterity.

You have the youthful strength for this,

We wish that you always have happiness.

I wish you school, perky graduate,

An easy fate, and in the future, good luck,

Let the acquired knowledge be a crystal spring,

Will be able to help with the tasks set by life.

Let your main dream come true,

And fate gives you what you zealously desire,

May the surrounding beauty always please you,

So that each of you can find your true calling.

How strange, exciting and irrevocable,

The school bell sounds so piercing.

The last lesson - and the whole vast world

He will open the roads and leave you at your feet.

Fly, graduate, spreading your wings of knowledge,

Dare, believe in yourself on a difficult path.

And the school will never leave you,

And don’t forget to visit her too.

Lovely congratulations from the class teacher on the last bell of 2018 to 9th grade graduates

Both teachers and the class teacher can give 9th grade graduates a great mood and original congratulations on graduation. He can wish the children excellent studies in lyceums and colleges. And can also note the positive qualities of each of the former students. The poems and prose we selected for class teachers for the last bell will help in composing such an original congratulation.

Examples of sweet congratulations from class teachers to 9th grade graduates on the last bell of 2018

Touching and sweet congratulations from the class teacher will certainly please each of the 9th grade graduates. Kind parting words from teachers will help them forget about their worries and spend the festive evening in a great mood.

School time flew by very quickly,

Our children have matured and grown stronger,

New paths are now eagerly awaiting them,

Which they need to walk with dignity!

We wish you guys, in spite of difficulties,

Prove yourself, find your calling!

To please loved ones, to make this world brighter,

Congratulations on your graduation, from the bottom of our hearts, graduates!

And we wish you a very bright path in life!

Let this graduation evening be remembered for a long time,

Let it be a new bright star in your memory.

We wish you never to forget your native school,

Always fly to her in difficult times with your heart.

So that you can live correctly and wisely in this world!

Let this graduation be the beginning,

So that you all find piers in life.

May success await you ahead,

What everyone dreams of will come true.

Let the road be covered with flowers,

Let the dashing blizzard pass you by,

Let only joy meet along the way,

And every single dream comes true!

Dear graduates, I will remember your friendly class for its unique enthusiasm, glorious passion, wonderful characters and ability to make friends. I hope these wonderful qualities will help you in your adult life, which will begin soon for you! Happy last call! Let it resonate in your young hearts with the melody of good luck!

My dear children, today you will open a new door and step into adulthood. But there it’s the same as at school. I wish you to pass all life lessons with honor and pass the exams of fate with flying colors. Let there always be a faithful friend nearby who will give you a cheat sheet and a loving heart that will share with you the sweetness of victory. Happiness to you, my beloved guys, high achievements and well-deserved grades.

Good congratulations on the last call from parents - for graduates of grades 11 and 9

On the occasion of the last bell, beloved mothers and fathers must give good parting words to their children. Our next selection of poems will help with this. With its help, you can compose an original number with wishes from those closest and dearest to the graduates. We have selected the best congratulations for the last bell for modern parents.

Examples of kind congratulations to graduates of grades 11 and 9 on the last call from parents

Our dear children,

How dear you are to us,

Congratulations on your certificate

We are all gathered now!

We wish you good luck,

So that success accompanies

Let it be heard more often

Young, perky laughter!

We wish you to study

To receive diplomas,

Honest, righteous and true

To live on our planet!

The whole school is almost behind us

Now, now you are seniors!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

We want to play hopscotch.

And may you almost grow up

But you are all children at heart,

We believe, yes, with all our hearts,

We believe, we believe in it.

And in congratulations we wish you,

To be the happiest adults,

After all, there is a lot ahead of you,

What we missed.

Graduate, today is a holiday at school

And parting speeches sound.

The future awaits and intrigues

Promises feelings, the joy of meeting.

Let independence give

Novelty, opportunity of perspective!

May it be a great success in life

Work in a good, friendly team!

You have gained enough knowledge,

Eleven years have flown by,

Let's get down to business

Time is fleeting.

We say goodbye to you:

“Goodbye, goodbye! »

We will follow you.

We wish you success,

Don't forget school days!

And bon voyage!

Today you are a little worried,

Today I'm a little happy

And, of course, you can understand,

After all, there is a new path ahead of you!

He waits, calls, scares a little,

Great things beckon

But let the path be remembered,

That she took me to school every day!

The best congratulations from the first teacher on the last bell - for graduates of grades 9 and 11

The appearance of the first teacher at the last bell will be a wonderful gift for all graduates. After all, it was this teacher who helped them study the first sciences and solve the first important problems. First teachers can select beautiful and touching congratulations for the holiday of the last bell from the verses listed below.

Examples of the best congratulations for graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the last bell from the first teacher

For the first graduating teachers, we have compiled an excellent selection of congratulations in verse. Children will certainly like touching and sweet wishes and will leave them with good memories. A performance by the first teacher before graduates can be included both at the end and at the beginning of the holiday program.

The last step and here she is,

A special big life.

Today we will drink wine for you,

May we wish you to strive upward.

Prestigious work for you,

And a wonderful family,

Always straight roads

Desperately beautiful.

When it's easy to laugh and joke

The work is hard - be persistent!

Luck is always easy for you to catch!

Now, the time has come to say goodbye to childhood,

The boys all grew up in an instant.

Various emotions are crowded in the soul,

Your teacher completely wilted from sadness.

We wish you all the best for your graduation,

May life be full in every sense,

Let emotions always play joyfully,

So that she is filled with smile and happiness.

Already, like the Cat - the one from Pushkin - learned

(Only the gold chain is missing!):

After all, the certificate has already been awarded to you,

Flowers were given from the kids!

“Taught - awarded! "...But have you become smarter?

And aren’t the “pants” from Pythagoras too small?!

It's time to gather stones

It will come, and you won’t notice how soon!

So scrap your certificate

And recharge your brain for your diploma!

Both the century and the system have long since changed,

But the climate in the school remained -

Deep approach to knowledge

Progress and a bold look forward!

Take it like a relay race,

This habit of schoolchildren -

Always be the first in everything

And continue climbing up the mountain!

One milestone has been successfully taken -

You have received your certificate!

Graduates dance to the sounds of an ageless waltz,

Yesterday's girls and boys are simply unrecognizable,

The lush dresses rustle, and the hairstyles are a sight to behold,

The boys are all in tails, a real show.

May you remember your graduation evening for a long time,

May your school years always be remembered by you,

You are entering adult life - good luck,

May all your wishes come true to boot.

Cool congratulations on the last call to subject teachers - from school graduates

You can congratulate your favorite teachers not only with general, but also with personal poems. For school graduates, we have selected excellent examples of congratulations for all subject teachers on the occasion of the last bell.

Examples of cool congratulations for subject teachers from school graduates on the last bell

The examples below are great examples to include in a last call program. Cool poems told by graduates to subject teachers will create an amazing festive atmosphere. Also, after performing original poems, graduates can present each of their teachers with the appropriate diplomas or certificates: “The most fun teacher”, “The kind teacher”.

About current, about light and about mechanics

We learned a lot from you.

Thank you for being in physics

Our whole class figured it out.

Let me congratulate you on the holiday,

To say that you are our favorite teacher.

God bless you with good health