Presentation on the topic: Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Presentation on the history of the "Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'" Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'

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Military victories over the Mongol-Tatars In 1301, the first Moscow prince Daniil Alexandrovich defeated the Horde near Pereyaslavl-Ryazan. The consequence of this campaign was the capture by Daniil of the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich, who was subsequently killed in a Moscow prison by Daniil’s son Yuri, and the annexation of Kolomna to the Moscow principality, which marked the beginning of its territorial growth. In 1317, Yuri Danilovich Moskovsky, together with the army of Kavgady, came from the Horde, but was defeated by Mikhail Tverskoy, the wife of Yuri Konchak (daughter of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Uzbek) was captured and subsequently died, and Mikhail was killed in the Horde. In 1362, a battle took place between the Russian-Lithuanian army of Olgerd and the united army of the khans of the Perekop, Crimean and Yambalutsk hordes. It ended in victory for the Russian-Lithuanian forces. As a result, Podolia was liberated, and subsequently the Kiev region. In 1365 and 1367, the Battle of Void, won by the Ryazan people, and the Battle of Pyana, won by the Suzdal people, took place respectively. The Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, the battle of Russian troops led by the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy with the Mongol-Tatars, led by the ruler of the Golden Horde, Temnik Mamai, on the Kulikovo field in 1380. Although it did not lead to the elimination of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus', however on the Kulikovo field was inflicted swipe under the dominance of the Golden Horde, which accelerated its subsequent collapse. An important consequence K.b. there was a strengthening of the role of Moscow in the formation of the Russian state. In 1848, a monument was erected on Red Hill, where Mamai had his headquarters. After the unsuccessful raid of the Great Horde Khan Akhmat and the so-called “Standing on the Ugra” in 1480, the Mongol- Tatar yoke was completely eliminated.

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“Mongol invasion of Rus'” - Reasons for the defeat of Russian troops. Mongols. Genghis Khan (1206-1227). Tatar-Mongol invasion. In 1241-1242 The Mongol-Tatars devastated Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Batu's first campaign in northeastern Rus' 1237-1238. Fight against the invasion of the Crusaders. Social structure. Management system of the Golden Horde.

"Mongol-Tatars" - Battle of Kalka. What lands were conquered by the Mongol-Tatars during the 2nd campaign? When did the Battle of the Sit River take place? Capture of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars. What is the goal of the Mongol-Tatars? Army of the Mongol-Tatars. Kurultai 1235 Ryazan 3-7 thousand Battle of Ryazan. Torzhok. Read the document. Conquests of the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century.

“Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Rus'” - Flight of the Swedes to the ships. King northern country makes plans to conquer Rus'. ORDER OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY, ESTABLISHED BY CATHERINE I in 1725. What was the strength of the Tatar-Mongol army? Swedes' naval campaign against Rus'. Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky. Alexander Nevskiy. Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.

“Batu’s Troops” - The Tatars plundered the Pechersky Monastery and did not even leave the graves alone. I. Glazunov. Monument to the defenders of Kozelsk in 1238. Prince Yuri himself was beheaded in the battle. Diorama “Defense of Kozelsk”. Evpatiy Kolovrat P.P. Litvinsky. On March 4, 1238, a battle took place with the Mongol-Tatars on the City River.

"Genghis Khan" - Genghis Khan is the greatest conqueror. 1162 - deep in the heart of Asia, on north Gobi Desert, a boy was born. Bloodthirsty and cruel barbarian. The chosen one of the gods? Genghis Khan. The chosen one of the gods. Vyuginova A. Yu. history teacher of school No. 147. Genghis Khan is a man of the second millennium. A great conqueror. Great commander?

“Batu’s invasion of Rus'” - I. Krylov. Armament of the Mongols. Stan - camp Forage - food for horses and livestock. Vocabulary work. In what year did Batu's soldiers return to the Lower Volga? Which Western countries were ruined by Batu? Genghis Khan. Invasion from the East. Evpatiy Kolovrat. Which cities of Southern Rus' were burned? I have partially mastered the material, many questions still require additional work.

summary of presentations

Power of the Golden Horde

Slides: 21 Words: 1714 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Russian lands under the rule of the Golden Horde. Baskaki. Join in educational activities. Degree of assimilation. Correct execution of the test. New concepts. Fill out the table. Define the concept. Ulus. Duties of the Russian population. Write down the definition of concepts. Representatives Mongol khans. Consequences of Horde rule. Correct execution of tasks. Evaluate your work. Received knowledge. Give yourself a mark. Golden Horde. Dependence of Russian lands. Goal: Evaluate your work in class. Learn the table.

- Power of the Golden Horde.ppt

History of the Golden Horde

Slides: 13 Words: 2521 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Civil strife in the Golden Horde. Great changes have occurred in the history of the Golden Horde. Genuine civil strife in Ulus. Tokhtamysh. The reign of Tokhtamysh. Confrontation between Tokhtamysh and Tamerlane. The defeat of the city of Bolgar by Tamerlane. Idegey. Making a dream come true. Idegey's plans. Fall of Idegei. Collapse of the Golden Horde. Consequences for the Chuvash Bulgarians.

- History of the Golden Horde.ppt

Mongol-Tatars in Rus' Slides: 26 Words: 822 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0 Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Number of people. Establishment of the Horde yoke. Peculiarities Mongolian state. Formation of the Mongolian state. Mongol-Tatars. Genghis Khan. Title of Genghis Khan. Military campaigns of the Mongol-Tatars. Battle of the Kalka River. After the battle on the Kalka River.

Problematic issues

. Volga Bulgaria was captured. The number of Batu's troops. Mongol-Tatars in Rus'. Ryazan was destroyed. Question for the class. Mongol-Tatars in Rus'. Hike to Southern and South-Western Rus'. Mongol-Tatars in Rus'. Education of the Golden Horde. Statement. Reasons for the defeat of Rus'. Golden Horde yoke.

- Mongol-Tatars in Russia.ppt Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars Slides: 29 Words: 2515 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0 Mongol-Tatar invasion. Chronology of events. Territory conquered by the Mongol-Tatars. You must believe everything we write. ABOUT appearance

Mongols. About the attire of the Mongols. About their marriage. Lifestyle and activities. Belonging to a clan was paramount. Control. Creation of an empire. Genghis Khan. Reforms of Genghis Khan. Stages of Genghis Khan's campaigns. Empire of Genghis Khan.

Mongol Empire

and dominions in 1300-1405. Batu's campaigns. Approximate strengths of rivals. Invasion of Russian lands. First meeting. Chronicle of the battle. 1237 – 1238 – fall of northeastern Rus'. Defense of Kozelsk. - Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars.ppt. Data on the number of Batu's troops. Defense of Ryazan. Prince of Ryazan Yuri. Eupraxia of Ryazan. Ryazan fell. The filthy ones approached the city. The Tatars broke into the Ryazan walls. Boyar Evpatiy Kolovrat. Conquest of North-Eastern Rus'. The conquerors besieged the small fortress of Moscow. The Mongols came to Vladimir. Siege of the city. New army. The road to Novgorod. Batu moved south. The Tatars fought near the city. Invasion of South-Western Rus'. Tithe Church. Mongol generals. The Mongol invasion of Rus'. Consequences of the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

- Mongol invasion of Russia.pptx

Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'

Slides: 24 Words: 1083 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16 Mongol - Tatar invasion of Rus'. Conquest of Rus'. Wars between states. Algorithm of actions. Work evaluation criteria. Hatred of peoples towards each other. Selection plan historical facts . Mongols and their way of life. Genghis Khan. Reforms of Genghis Khan. Conquest of China and Central Asia

. Power of Genghis Khan. Mongolian and Russian warriors. Battle of the Kalka River. Ögedei. Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Defense of Ryazan. Evpatiy Kolovrat. Opinion of L. Gumilyov. Massacre of the residents of Kozelsk. Textbook text. The yoke of the Mongol-Tatar khans. Consequences of the invasion of Rus'. Choose your arguments.

- Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russia.ppt

Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus' Slides: 26 Words: 2015 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1 Mongol-Tatar yoke. Mongols. Genghis Khan. Temujin. Transition from primitiveness. People from hell. Conquests of Genghis Khan. Death of Genghis Khan. Division of power. Minorat. Golden Horde. Batu's campaigns. Common Mongolian

western campaign

. Invincible army. Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus'. The beginning of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Surviving Russian princes. Rus' under the yoke. Consequences from the yoke. Gumilyov's position. Russian princes. Argumentation. Metochion of an Orthodox bishop. Yoke. Concept. Thank you for your attention. - Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia.pptx

Mongol-Tatar yoke. In North-Eastern Rus' it lasted until 1480. The term “yoke,” meaning the power of the Golden Horde over Russia, does not appear in Russian chronicles. Eradicating cowardice from their own, they stood up for bloody weeding. Executing some and pardoning others, they weakened themselves on the sly. The siblings fought like dogs. Russian lands retained local princely rule. The establishment of tributary dependence occurred later. In 1259, the Mongol military leader Burundai forced the Romanovichs to demolish the fortifications of several Volyn cities. In 1277, the Galician-Volyn princes, together with Nogai’s troops, invaded Lithuania (at Nogai’s suggestion).

- Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia.pptx

Battle of Kalka

Slides: 34 Words: 2370 Sounds: 0 Effects: 91 Center for ART Education. First meeting with the “unknown people.” Russian Land. Kurultai at the source of the river. The conquests of Genghis Khan. Subjugation of the Buryat tribes. Khan Kotyan. Father-in-law of Mstislav the Udaly. Mongols and Russians. A detachment of Mongol light cavalry. Scheme of the Battle of Kalka. Russians and Mongols in battle. Russian princes in captivity. Folk epic. Coalitions. List of Russian princes. Let's solve the crossword puzzle. Period in history. Great Khan

. Kalka River. Nickname of Mstislav. The Mongols went to the Volga. The smallest military unit. One of the Mongol commanders. Allies of the Russian princes. Epic hero.

- Battle of Kalka.pptx

Standing on the Ugra River Slides: 23 Words: 878 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0 Overthrow of the Horde. Akhmat with a large army moved to the Russian borders. In 1476 Grand Duke Ivan III stopped paying tribute to the khan. Akhmat managed to come to an agreement with the Polish-Lithuanian king Casimir IV. In January 1480, his brothers rebelled against Ivan III. Ivan

III started
gather troops to the banks of the Oka River. The miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Akhmat's troops moved freely across Lithuanian territory. Russian regiments are waiting for him on the Oka. Confrontation on the Ugra. On October 3, Ivan III left Moscow and headed to the city of Kremenets. To prevent an attack from the rear, the Tatars ravaged the upper reaches.
“The Mongol-Tatars swept over Russia like
clouds of locusts, like a hurricane, crushing everything
met on his way. They ravaged cities, burned villages,
A huge number of people died, many were taken away
into captivity, mighty cities disappeared from the face of the earth forever,
two centuries, Russia allowed Europe to overtake itself.”
A.I. Herzen

Formation of the Mongol state
The first conquerors
Mongol campaigns
First meeting of the Mongolians
and Russian squads
Campaign of Khan Batu
Rus' under the yoke
Threat from the West

XII century mongol tribes
roamed the steppes
Central Asia,
in the valleys
the Onon and Kerulen rivers.
Mongol tribes
had different names:
Mongols, Merkits,
Kereits, Oirats,
Naimans, Tatars.

Mongolian yurt

Main activities

Main activities
Cattle breeding
(sheep and horses)

Late 12th century
Decomposition process
tribal relations
tribal nobility
("black people")
ordinary Mongols
Folds a special type
management nomadic feudalism
The main wealth is
livestock and pastures

Temujin (Temuzhin)
Livestock growth
Clashes due to
Wars between clans
During these clashes
at the end of the 12th century. a native stood out
from the Noyon family - Temujin.
Civil Wars
resumed with renewed vigor.
In 1206 at the kurultai
Temujin was proclaimed
Great Khagan of all Mongols and gave him the name
Genghis Khan (“Great Khan”, “Sent by God”).

Genghis Khan
(1206 – 1227)
By uniting the Mongolian
tribes Genghis Khan
begins aggressive
Genghis Khan's campaigns?

Working with text
Fill the table
"The Campaigns of Genghis Khan"

During the conquests, finally
principles of construction have been formed
Mongol army,
in the laws of Genghis Khan - “Yasa”
(“collection of instructions
and teachings").
Yasa has established a collective
responsibility in battle.
Think about the reasons
Mongol - Tatar victories?
Genghis Khan on an ancient Chinese miniature

Mongol - Tatar army
thousand's manager
10 000
“Yasa” is the most severe discipline, collective
responsibility for behavior in battle
Main strength
Intelligence service

The Kyiv chronicler spent the outgoing year 1222
with a laconic phrase: “THE WAS NOTHING THE SAME” “THE WAS NOTHING.”
The year passed unusually calmly, without the usual princely
strife and raids of the steppe inhabitants.
Rus' lived its normal life.
Peasants plowed, skilled artisans in the cities
created beautiful products, merchants counted turnover.
A white stone cathedral was built in Rostov, and in Suzdal
church doors were gilded in Nizhny Novgorod during the merger
The Oka and Volga built a powerful fortress and so on throughout Russia
Rus' was living out its last year of peace.

And in the steppes between the Don and Volga an unprecedented war began.
Having escaped from the Caucasian gorges into the steppe expanse,
Mongol army, commanded by experienced
generals of Genghis Khan - Jebe-noyon and Subedei-bogatur,
defeated the army of Alans - the ancestors of modern Ossetians.
Following this, the conquerors attacked the inhabitants
Azov steppes - Polovtsians.
What kind of relationship did the Russians have?
and Polovtsian peoples?

Khan Kotyan
Polovtsian Khan Kotyan
asked for help
to the Russian princes:
“Defend us. Otherwise you won't help
we will be cut off today, and you in the morning
you will be cut off."

In the spring of 1223, the princes gathered in Kyiv to discuss:
Mstislav Mstislavovich Udaloy, Prince Galitsky
Mstislav Romanovich the Old, Prince of Kyiv
Mstislav Svyatoslavovich Chernigovsky
In addition to three
Mstislavov at the congress
There were also
15 princes.
Mstislav Galitsky
Mstislav the Old
“Let's help the Polovtsians. If we don't help them, then they
will go over to the side of the Tatars, and they will have more power,
and we will be worse off from them.”

May 31, 1223 battle on the river. Kalke
Causes of defeat
Russian-Polovtsian troops?

1227 - Genghis Khan died,
his successor Khan Ogedei continued
the business he started.
Before his death Genghis Khan
divided his empire into uluses.
In 1235 at the Ogedei Kurultai
decides on a new trip
to Europe. And to lead this campaign
there will be Batu - Khan, to whom
belonged to the lands to the northwest
from Khorezm - Polovtsian steppes,
Rus' and beyond.
Khan Batu, son of Jochi,
grandson of Genghis Khan

Russian army
(by the 12th century basis)
Compare the Mongol and Russian armies.

1236 - the Mongols ravaged and
captured Volzhskaya
many trade stores were destroyed
cities – Bilyar, Kernek,
Zhukotin, Suvar.
At the same time the Mongols
subjugated the peoples
Volga and Kama regions:
Bashkirs, Mordovians.
Autumn 1237
Mongol-Tatar tumens
came close
to the southeast
borders of Rus'.
The first Russian city,
who met with
Mongols - was Ryazan.

This was just the beginning.
Working with text and map, fill out the table
"Batu's Campaigns"

Evpatiy Kolovrat - the last defender
Ryazan land.

Mercury Smolensky
Turning south from Torzhok,
Batu spread his army in the form
huge loop, trying to capture
everything that survived in central Rus'.
But the departure was not at all easy.
Batu's troops.
The Smolensk squad stood in the way
led by his commander
Mercury. After numerous
attempts of the Mongol-Tatars
and couldn’t break through the barrier
Smolensk warriors.
And here is the Mongol leader himself
led them into battle. In a cruel
Mercury died in single combat, but so did the enemy leader
fell by his hand. Tumen turned his troops to the southeast
to Kozelsk.

Defense of Kozelsk March 25 – May 13, 1238
The small town of Kozelsk was defended for 50 days,
ancient tribal center of the Vyatichi.
In a bold night attack, the residents of Kozelsk destroyed
more than 4 thousand enemies. Death was found under the walls of Kozelsk
three noble commanders from Batu's army. When the Mongols
finally burst into the city, the defenders rushed
into hand-to-hand combat. The city was destroyed.
they called him
"Evil City"

During 1237 - 1241
Mongol - Tatars conquered
most Russian principalities.
From foreign invasion not
only suffered
Smolensk, Pinsk,
Vitebsk and Polotsk principalities
And most of Novgorodskiy
When returning from Europe
in 1243 in the lower Volga
Dad will create his own
state - Golden Horde.
For most Russians
the principalities will begin to be difficult
a period that has gone down in history
like the Mongol - Tatar IGO.

The reasons for the defeat of Rus' in the fight against the Mongols

In 1243, Batu created his own state in the lower reaches of the Volga
Golden Horde.
At the beginning of 1243, Tatar ambassadors arrived in Rus',
who demanded that all Russian princes appear
to Batu's headquarters.
There was no strength to resist the new invasion.
The Russian princes had to, forgetting their former pride,
set off on a journey with gifts for the khan and his closest
From now on, all of Rus' found itself in political and economic
dependence on the rulers of the Golden Horde.

Yoke is a political and economic system
Political dependence:
Z.O. approved the Russian princes
to reign in the Russian principalities
Khan's governors in Russian cities
relied on armed units;
Regulation of political
relations between Russian princes
by means of a shortcut;
Duty to supply warriors
to the Horde army
Annual payments
Horde - tribute (“Exit”);
khan's requests
Contents of the Horde

The system of domination of the Golden Horde over Russian lands
Golden Horde
until the 60s XIII century
Under Ivan Kalita
(1325 – 1340)

Russian principalities
Growth and strengthening

1. Who threatened Rus' from the West?
2. What are their goals?
3. Evaluate which enemy was more dangerous.
The one that came from the West
or Mongol-Tatars?
Give reasons for your answer.

Alexander Nevskiy
(1252 – 1263)
Hood. P. Korin

1246 – death of Yaroslav, father of Alexander Nevsky, in Mongolia.
Alexander - Prince of Pereyaslavl and Novgorod.
1249 – 1250 – Alexander’s trip to Sarai and Karakorum.
1250 – Alexander – Grand Duke of Kyiv and Novgorod.
1252 – Alexander’s second trip to Sarai. Break with brothers
Andrey and Yaroslav;
- Nevryuev’s army entered North-Eastern Rus', Kuremsha invaded
to the Galicia-Volyn land;
- Alexander - Grand Duke of Vladimir-Suzdal,
Novgorod-Pskov and Polotsk-Vitebsk lands.
1253 – reflection of the German raid on Pskov and the treaty
with a German order.
1256 – Finnish campaign of Alexander’s squad.
1257 – 1259 – Tatar census in Rus'. Alexander's third trip
to Saray. Treason of Vasily, son of Alexander.
1262 – uprisings in Rostov, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl against
tribute collectors.
1263 – Alexander’s last trip to Sarai, illness
on the way back.
November 14, 1263 – Death of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Gorodets.

He was 43 years old.
In the word above the tomb of Alexander Nevsky
Metropolitan said:
“Children of May understand that already
The sun of the land of Suzdal has set.
You won't find yourself like that anymore
there is not a single prince in the land of Suzdal.”
In the first half of his life he defended
Rus' on the battlefield.
The second half was protected and saved
wise diplomacy, humility, so
how I understood that there were still no forces capable
resist the Tatars.
Was ranked among the Russian Orthodox
Church to the face of the Saints.
Alexander Nevskiy. Icon

In the 18th century Peter I at the site of victory
ordered to be erected over the Swedes
Alexandro - Nevsky Lavra,
where the ashes were transferred
In 1721 Peter I established
Order of Alexander Nevsky.
The order's motto read:
"For labors and the Fatherland."
July 29, 1942 established
Military Order of Alexander Nevsky.
During the Great Patriotic War
this order was awarded to 40,217
officers of the Red Army.

1. Traditional assessment
CM. Solovyov, V.O. Klyuchevsky
and most historians
2. There was no yoke in Rus'
L.N. Gumilyov
There were allied
relations between Rus' and the Horde. Rus
paid tribute, and the Horde in return
for Rus' was great
ensured the safety of Russians
system of relations of conquerors
3. A. Fomenko, V. Nosovsky
(Mongols) and defeated (Russians),
The so-called Mongol -
which manifested itself in
Tatar yoke - just
political, tributary and
specific period in history
military dependence.
Russian state, when the country
was divided into two parts:
peaceful, civilian population,
ruled by princes;
permanent regular army
Horde under control
military leaders - khans.

Genghis Khan was born on the banks of the Onon River in Mongolia. There is quite detailed information about both Genghis Khan’s appearance (tall, strong physique, wide forehead, long beard) and about his character traits. With the talents of a commander, he combined organizational abilities, unyielding will and self-control, which neither failures, nor insults, nor disappointed hopes could shake.

He possessed enough generosity and friendliness to retain the affection of his associates. Without denying himself the joys of life, he, unlike most of his descendants, remained a stranger to excesses incompatible with the activities of a ruler and commander, and lived to an old age, retaining his mental abilities in full strength.

Coming from a people who at that time stood at the lowest level of culture, Genghis was deprived of any education, did not have time to acquire the knowledge that he ordered to teach his sons, and until the end of his life he did not know another language other than Mongolian. Naturally, his range of ideas was very limited; Apparently, he felt like only an ataman who leads his warriors to victories, brings them wealth and glory, and for this has the right to the best part of the spoils.

There is no reason to believe that from the very beginning he had extensive plans of conquest; all his wars were caused by events. The idea of ​​world dominion appeared among the Mongols only under the successors of Genghis Khan. In the eyes of his contemporaries and posterity, Genghis Khan was the sole creator and organizer of the Mongol Empire.

The people of Ryazan did not have the strength to repel such a strong enemy. All residents of Ryazan died. Following Ryazan, the Mongol-Tatars occupied Kolomna, Moscow, Tver, and Vladimir. The conquerors destroyed and burned beautiful Russian cities. Why did Rus' submit to the Mongol-Tatars?

Since 1243, Rus' began to pay tribute to the Golden Horde. The princes obeyed the orders of the khans, the Russian land was subjected to devastating raids. Over time, the Golden Horde began to be torn apart by internal contradictions. Numerous descendants of Genghis Khan fought for power. The powerful Golden Horde was in decline.

Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy () - Grand Duke of Moscow (from 1359) and Vladimir (from 1362), son of Ivan II.


Under Dmitry Donskoy, a white stone Kremlin was built in Moscow in 1367. He led the armed struggle of the Russian people against the Mongol-Tatars; led their defeat in the battle on the river. Leader (1378). In the Battle of Kulikovo 1380 (upper Don) he showed outstanding military leadership talent, for which he was nicknamed Donskoy. Kremlin During the reign of Dmitry Donskoy, Moscow established its leadership position in the Russian lands. Dmitry Donskoy for the first time transferred the great reign to Vasily I without the sanction of the Golden Horde. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. Basil I

Dmitry tramples the defeated Tatar Murza with his foot; it seems that he has just struck him down with a six-feather, which he holds tightly in right hand. The Tatar warrior is alive, he is rising, although there is neither strength nor passion in his movements. But Dmitry no longer pays attention to the defeated enemy; he looks beyond the dusty horizon, where Mamai’s defeated army is running. ml