Adjectives starting with n characterizing a person. Unusual adjectives: examples, compliment adjectives. For a faithful friend

Hello my dears.

You know, in one book it is written that Italian language It looks like candy - it is so pleasant that it simply “melts” in your mouth. And I declare that English gives even more pleasant sweetness when you know beautiful adjectives in English. These are what we will study with you today. We have about 30 adjectives ahead with translation, examples and even voiceovers.

Adjective Example
Bitter- bitter The desert tastes bitter. Are you sure the recipe is correct? - The dessert tastes bitter. Are you sure the recipe is correct?
Curious- curious He was too curious to be an ordinary student. He seemed too interested in everything. - He was too curious to be an ordinary student. It seemed that he was interested in everything.
Adorable- delightful, lovely She looks adorable in this picture. - She looks lovely in this photo.
Cozy- cosy The new house they bought is very bright and cozy. - The new house they bought is very bright and cozy.
Comely- cute, pretty She is so comely when doesn't argue. - She's so sweet when she doesn't argue.
Brave- brave He was as brave as he seemed to be. - He was as brave as he seemed.
Charming- charming She looked so charming in that amazing dress of hers. - She looked so charming in her amazing dress.
Quiet- quiet The place is very quiet. I wish I could spend more time there. - This is a very quiet place. I wish I could spend more time there.
Doubtful- doubtful The results of the competition are doubtful . - The results of the competition are doubtful.
Smooth- smooth The cover of the lake was very smooth. As If the storm has never happened. - The surface of the lake was very smooth. It was as if the storm had never happened.
Delicious- delicious The dinner was absolutely delicious. Will you share the recipe with me? - Dinner was incredibly delicious. Can you share the recipe with me?
Astonishing- amazing The end of the film was completely astonishing . - The ending of the film was simply amazing.
Delightful- delicious It was a delightful meeting. I got acquainted with so many interesting people. - It was a delightful meeting. I met a lot of interesting people.
Lovely- Beautiful What a lovely dress you are wearing! Where did you buy it? - What a beautiful dress you are wearing! Where did you buy it?
Excited- excited He looks very excited. Do you know what happened? - He looks very excited. Do you know what happened?
Convenient- comfortable It is very convenient when you live close to the place of your work. - Living near your place of work is very convenient.
Alluring- charming, attractive The view from the roof was extremely alluring. - The view from the roof was incredibly attractive.
Fancy- fantastic She made such a fancy gift for her. How long did it take her to create it? - She gave her a fantastic gift. How long did it take her to make it?
Attractive- attractive This place seems attractive for many tourists. - This place seems attractive to many tourists.
Apparent- obvious She made it apparent that she was unwilling to go anywhere . “She made it obvious that she didn't want to go anywhere.”
Excellent- fabulous The taste of the wine was excellent. - The taste of the wine was great.
Fabulous- amazing, incredible The performance was fabulous. Music, costumes, scenery - everything was on the highest level. - The production was amazing. Music, costumes, scenery - everything was at the highest level.
Helpful- useful Your advice turned out to be extremely helpful. - Your advice turned out to be incredibly useful.
Modern- modern And there you can watch a modern version of once famous poem. - And there you can see a modern version of a once famous play.
Pleasant- nice It was such a pleasant gift that I couldn’t pronounce a word. “It was such a nice gift that I couldn’t say a word.”
Splendid- delicious What a splendid performance it was! - What a delightful performance it was!
Wonderful- excellent It was such a wonderful evening! - It was an excellent evening.

Eh, I didn’t even want sweets after so many adjectives. I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did, and that you will now use them in your speech much more often. By the way, you can find even more descriptive words, but this time relating to people’s characters.

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No other language has such a rich verbal flavor as Russian: from high literary to slang, from artistic to colloquial. From school we know that the term “adjective” means nothing more than a sign of an object, depending on its shape, condition, character, color, size and affiliation. And it is this part of speech that has a degree of comparison, can be qualitative, relative and possessive. Many people are interested in learning about unusual adjectives that can be used to originally and clearly characterize a person, both positively and negatively.

A spoon of honey for your girlfriend

Stinginess with beautiful words significantly repels the fair sex from her beloved. A woman is sure that if a man is not able to appreciate her external characteristics and character, then he does not love her very much. Unusual adjectives that characterize a person, in this case a girl, will help to enrich your vocabulary and please your beloved. If it’s hard to wrap your head around all these epithets, you can use a pen and notepad. So let's get started:

  • Intoxicating, intoxicating, stupefying, magnetic, hypnotic - capable of turning your head and temporarily depriving you of your mind stronger than any alcoholic drink, it is difficult to resist the gaze of such a beauty.
  • Blooming, fragrant, elegant, chic, dazzling, irresistible, stunning, awesome - when her bewitching beauty and aroma do not leave a man indifferent for a second.
  • Irreplaceable, necessary - and no others are needed.
  • Flammable, volcanic, burning, explosive. Beware! This gentle-looking creature will give you some pepper.
  • Incomprehensible - when it is difficult to unravel and understand the whole essence of an attractive person.
  • Hospitable - this is a good adjective suitable for a hospitable wife, whose table is always bursting with delicious dishes prepared by her hands, and she does it all from the bottom of her heart.
  • Sensational - in other words, impressive, eye-catching and shocking to the public. This also includes the fashionable word “shocking”.
  • Outstanding, amazing, unique, inimitable, extraordinary - unlike others, distinguished by its exclusivity.
  • Authentic - this epithet will especially surprise your beloved, it means “real”, “genuine”.
  • Selfless - ready to make sacrifices, in this case for the sake of love.
  • Hellish (in youth slang “hellish”), deadly - a particularly dangerous type of woman.
  • Petite, fragile, graceful - these compliment adjectives will be appreciated by girls for whom the parameters of their figure are of particular importance.
  • Sunny, radiant, festive - this bright person cannot imagine her existence without smiles, a positive mood and positive emotions infecting others.
  • Seductive, sexy, sexy - such passionate adjectives emphasize the tempting intimate qualities of the beloved.
  • Playful, fiery, active - like champagne, a playful, energetic fidget, for whom it is terribly boring to sit in one place.
  • Mobile - always and everywhere on time, easy-going, fast.
  • Rebel is a rebel by nature.
  • Marmalade, chocolate, caramel, honey, strawberry - these are delicious and sweet epithets that men especially like to say to their ladies.
  • Creative, talented, brilliant - the emphasis is placed not only on external data, but also on the ability to think creatively.
  • Cosmic, fantastic, fabulous, magical - above everything earthly, the ideal of all life.
  • Obstinate, rebellious, unapproachable, snowy - these examples of adjectives will be appreciated with dignity by a woman who knows her worth.
  • Psychic, mystical, witchcraft, piercing, supernatural - this is how one can characterize an insightful woman, capable of looking into the most secluded corners of the soul with just one glance, possessing magical attractiveness and unusually subtle intuition; she cannot be fooled.

So you can list adjectives ad infinitum. If fantasy works very well, then original epithets will be invented on the fly. And also these words will fit perfectly into congratulatory lines or are suitable for a fiery SMS message.

Praises for beloved men

Why should all the laurels go to women? Not fair. Good word and the cat is pleased, as they say folk proverb. Representatives of the stronger sex also have the right to frequent compliments heard from their significant other, for example:

  • Venerable, authoritative, stellar, super popular - he is popular with many women, but his attention is given to only one.
  • Phenomenal, ingenious, inventive, unique, exceptional - a man with high level intelligence, not devoid of imagination and creativity. This person cannot imagine his existence among everything boring and gray; he definitely needs to stand out.
  • The laid-back one is that same spontaneous boy whose behavior sometimes resembles a child, and this does not spoil, but only decorates the character of his loved one.
  • Skillful - a jack of all trades, not only in business, but also in the ability to love and deliver extraordinary pleasure in bed.
  • Unsurpassed, irresistible, divine - no one can compare with him, you won’t find such gold in the daytime with fire.
  • Fashionable, stylish, spectacular, entrancing, impressive, brilliant - a person with good taste, dressed to the nines, knows how to present himself in society, knows a lot about fashion and doesn’t mind showing off about it.
  • Charismatic - a charming man who is difficult to pass by.
  • Sports, athletic, muscular - a self-conscious macho who will be proud not of his beer belly, but of the six-pack on his torso.
  • Avant-garde, fantastic, creative, modernistic - a generator of endless original ideas, turning them into reality.
  • Incorruptible is an honest person who is difficult to lure into the net with material means.
  • Outlandish - a rare specimen in its nature.
  • Mind-blowing, paradoxical, unpredictable, enchanting - a surprise man.
  • Steely, inaccessible, self-sufficient, independent - a man famous for his strong freedom-loving character, whose heart and affection are not so easy to win.
  • Ebullient, stormy, seething, fiery, volcanic, sultry - his body and flow of feelings literally melts, such a man makes you feel hot in bed.
  • Royal, majestic, knightly - courageous man with noble manners, a real lion.
  • Deafening - causing the most violent and hot feelings.

Unusual adjectives can transform everyday dullness into a riot of bright, dazzling colors, give a kaleidoscope of positive emotions and give a person an incentive for further action.

Warm words to a friend

When writing a poem of praise for the birthday of a dear and priceless friend, a selection of epithets that are not worn out to holes will come to the rescue. They can be used not only on special occasions, but also in everyday moments.

  • Eccentric - constantly surprising,
  • Valiant - he is not afraid of anything in this life.
  • Impartial - this unusual adjective can be used to describe an open, honest person with objective thinking.
  • Unshakable - a persistent person with a huge reserve of endurance.
  • Resilient - an optimist who looks at life from a positive point of view.
  • Multifaceted - a versatile personality.
  • Irreplaceable is a unique person, without whom it is difficult to imagine existence.
  • True, undeniable, proven - such a friend will never let you down, set you up or betray you.

Examples of adjectives are inexhaustible, you just need to use your imagination to the fullest.

For a faithful friend

Truly reliable friends who do not covet other people's happiness and material wealth can be counted on one hand, but they exist. And they deserve sincere, warm speeches that justify their strong, unyielding character. So let's look at some:

  • Major is an incorrigible optimist, the soul of the party, who knows how to cheer up in a matter of seconds.
  • Indispensable, super-devoted - a true keeper of secrets, a truly faithful friend.
  • Revered - an honest, open person.
  • Indestructible - such a good adjective is suitable for a reliable, fighting girlfriend.
  • Savvy is an experienced woman who is ready to give practical advice.
  • Filigree - possessing many talents and skills.
  • Endearing is one of the most unusual adjectives, meaning “temperamental”, “energetic”, endowed with passion, ready to get involved in an adventure.
  • Guests are always welcome when they come.
  • Courage - endowed with the lion's share of enthusiasm, mischief and energy.

Now you don’t have to rack your brain over what adjectives there are to exclusively describe a like-minded person.

Bright epithets for mom

No one deserves as many sincere, truly good and warm words as the dearest person on earth - a mother. Her heart and soul will literally bloom from sincere epithets spoken to her. Adjectives can be used both during a conversation and in writing a sincere song, poem or wish. Sweet, kind, gentle, beautiful, good - everyday words that are often found. It’s interesting to know what adjectives there are that not everyone hears. So, let's look at them:

Unusual adjectives will help you expand your horizons, choose a unique and clear description, and also conquer your loved ones to the depths of your soul.

Original words for dad

Father, like mother, is the closest and dearest person on earth. It is he who gives lessons in survival in crisis situations, guides you on the right path, teaches you to achieve your goals, no matter what the circumstances. Unusual adjectives that give a positive assessment of the father's character also occur; let's look at some:

  • Superheroic - brave, strong, like a knight, without fear.
  • Highly moral, well-born - a person with a noble character.
  • Punchy - going straight to the goal.
  • Brave - endowed with strength and courage.
  • Magnetic - eye-catching, endowed with charisma that does not exude.
  • Elite, luxury, first class - in other words, the best.
  • Cardinal - quickly, sharply and categorically making a decision.
  • Amazing, incredible, stunning - an excellent, special person, not like everyone else.

Saying a toast or coming up with a congratulatory speech for your father using adjectives that characterize his personality is now as easy as shelling pears.

A little about colleagues

It is important to prove yourself not only among family and friends, but also among the work team, where not everyone can be pleased. There come times when you need to objectively evaluate not only your efforts, but also the skills of your business partner. The easiest way to do this is in a congratulatory form, by writing poetry in a postcard, using unusual adjectives that characterize a person, for example:

  • Competitive is an individual who is able to withstand any, even the most dangerous, competition.
  • Progressive - an advanced person who makes a significant labor contribution.
  • Unflappable - a calm, stable partner who is difficult to break.
  • Busy - an enterprising, intelligent person with a serious, responsible approach to work.
  • Enlightened - well-read, erudite, deep-thinking.
  • Experimental - with a huge amount of experience.
  • Efficient, constructive - an adequate person, capable of thinking logically and making the right decisions.
  • Innovatorsky is a creatively gifted person.
  • The jeweler is a very neat and efficient worker.

Heard about yourself Nice words the employee will definitely take note and continue to justify them, so as not to fall face down later.

Kind words to the teacher

In the fall, all teachers celebrate their professional holiday. The best gift for them will not be a cake or flowers, but respect, discipline, diligent efforts of students in mental work and a bouquet of warm congratulations with unusual adjectives that characterize a person. This:

  • Respectable - deserving of respect.
  • Favorite - loved by many.
  • A decorous person is a strict person who has an understanding of the limits of decency.
  • The right one stands for justice, objectively assessing the situation and people’s actions.
  • Virtuoso is a seasoned expert in his field.
  • Status, aesthetic - having impeccable taste, well-groomed.
  • Modern - advanced, keeping up with the times.
  • Entertaining - interesting to listen to, you won't be able to sleep during lessons.
  • Bravura - always in a good mood.

The teacher will express great surprise when he receives such rare and pleasant adjectives - compliments from a student who is not too lazy to write them down.

Stimulating epithets for son

Every loving parent always sets their child as an example to others and is proud of their child’s talents and achievements. Often words of praise sound in an ordinary form, but what if you give your adored son a surprise in the form beautiful wishes filled with unusual adjectives? Such as enviable, seductive, gifted, innovative, fearless. And also rocket, jet, egotistical, complacent, keen-eyed, chattering, original.

Eulogies for a daughter

Let's look at some of them: wondrous, meek, grasping, mischievous, most excellent. And also: brainy, fashionable, nimble, amazing.

Non-standard food ratings

When various dishes are served at a party, and they turn out to be very tasty, I want to say an original, unusual adjective, not limited to the hackneyed ones: cool, cool, awesome, super. Let's take a look at them, this is a tasty one - very appetizing, you want to eat it. And also: heavenly, masterpiece, outstanding, unsurpassed, excellent, signature, phenomenal.

Extraordinary Ability Assessment

A selection of adjectives that characterize a person as a gifted person. For example: dizzying, super-genius, mega-talented, unconventional. And also: extraordinary, spherical, skillful, expressive, significant.

Unique comments to photos on social networks

In the open spaces of popular social networks Comments from friends and acquaintances often appear under user photos. strangers. To stand out and write clear, sincere words, you can use your imagination and choose a suitable unusual adjective, such as cool, ruddy, charming, captivating, delightful, expressive, crisp, awesome.

Youth epithets

For example: nishtyakovsky, awesome, trump, awesome, ace, high, mega, awesome, awesome, cool, high-end.

After reading the article, you will certainly come up with an idea about what adjectives you can choose for another reason. This article is useful for broadening your horizons and enriching your vocabulary.

Hello! Very often, when we are asked to describe ourselves or another person in English, we limit ourselves to a verbal depiction of appearance. Meanwhile, a person is a versatile personality, with his own character traits and other characterizing features. Without using these words, you cannot tell anything about a person as an individual.

Describing a person in English

In the vast majority of cases, in order to talk about a person, we use characterizing adjectives. In this article, I tried to collect the most popular adjectives that can be used to describe a man or girl as an individual. For this purpose, you can use words that are part of the following categories:

  1. Character traits:
  • Personality traits
  • Mental capacity
  • Strong-willed qualities
  • Attitude towards other people, towards property, towards work

Dictionary for describing appearance in English Adjectives characterizing a person in English

When talking about appearance, we describe height, age, voice, clothing. For example, growth can be high ( tall), short ( short) or average ( medium), and age - elderly or old ( old), middle-aged ( middle-aged) and young ( young). Speaking about the voice, you can indicate that it is hoarse (cracked), voiced ( crisp) or melodic ( tuneful).

A smile can be charming ( engaging), charming ( charming) and sincere ( sincere) or vice versa, cunning ( cunning), played out ( forced) and insincere ( artificial). You also need to express your own opinion about how a person looks, using the following adjectives:

  • winsome - attractive
  • agreeable - pleasant
  • stylish - fashionable
  • dapper - neat (only about men),
  • lovely-looking - delightful
  • awkward - clumsy
  • untidy-looking - sloppy

Adjectives about character traits

Describing a personality in English involves talking about character traits, habits and preferences. Sides of character can be both positive (intelligent, optimistic, extroverted) and negative (stupid, pessimistic, introverted). And sometimes the same feature, depending on intonation and context, can be both positive and negative (determined, thrifty, obstinate).

When characterizing an individual, do not forget to clarify why you call him that. For example, when you say that a girl is hardworking, explain why you think so:

Any is very hard-working. It can work all day without any break at all. I really admire the way it studies and works. (Annie is a very hard worker. She can work all day without a break. I actually admire the way she studies and works).

Table of characterizing adjectives

The criteria that make up a person’s character are also varied. For ease of memorization and pronunciation, I have placed them in a compact table with translation and transcription. This will make it easier for you to navigate the criteria and remember the characterizing adjectives.




Personality traits

persistentpersistent[ pə "sist (ə)nt ]
incorruptibleincorruptible[ ‚ɪnkə"rʌptəbəl ]
resourcefulquick witted[kwik witɪd]

Mental capacity


Strong-willed qualities


Attitude towards other people

truthfultruthful ["tru:Ɵfəl]
sensitive, gentletender["tendər]
good-naturedgood-natured[ˈɡudˈ "neɪtʃərəd]
selflessselfless[self les]
highly moralmoral["mɔ:rəl]

Attitude to property


Attitude to work

Sometimes in a conversation there is a need to describe someone we know or, on the contrary, a person completely unfamiliar to us. Moreover, we can talk not only about appearance, but also about personal qualities, with which the speaker is dissatisfied or delighted. In Russian, we can use participles, adjectives and stable speech patterns for these purposes. In foreign speech, all these means are also present, but most often, adjectives in English that characterize a person help us reveal the image of the character under discussion in all its details. Today we will look at a large volume of new words that allow us to colorfully and fully describe the qualities and appearance of any individual.

Adjectives describing appearance

A person's appearance consists of various factors. It is treated as relatively permanent signs: eye and hair color, timbre of voice, height, age, physique, facial features, etc.; and frequently changing properties: style of clothing and shoes, possible jewelry, accessories. The variety of adjectives allows you to convey both the general impression of people’s appearance and clearly differentiate each feature. The table below provides a list of various definitions that describe appearance person in a neutral, positive and negative way.

Appearance description
Positive features Neutral facts Negative coloring
Beauty and attractiveness: attractive - attractive;

cute - adorable;

beautiful/handsome – beautiful/handsome;

fit – excellent, ideal body shape;


bald – bald;

curly - curly;

blonde - blond;

redhead - red;

shoulder-length – long to the shoulders;

wavy - curly.

scruffy - sloppy;

fat – too thick, greasy;

flabby – saggy, flabby;

awkward - clumsy;

repulsive - repulsive, disgusting;

ugly - ugly;

Age and height:

young – young;

old – old;

tall – tall;

short – short;


presentable – respectable, representative;

well-built - well built;

gorgeous – magnificent, amazing;

well-dressed - well dressed;

Body type:

chubby – chubby;

plump – well-fed, plump;

muscular – muscular

slender – slender;

thin - thin;

stocky – stocky;


pale – pale;

suntanned - tanned;

Of course, it is impossible to convey everything in one table English adjectives characterizing a person’s appearance or describing various nouns. But we tried to provide the most diverse and frequently used examples in speech for initial study. Next, we will consider what lexical means can be used to characterize the behavior, principles and views of an individual.

Adjectives in English that characterize a person as a person

All people tend to have a natural sensitivity and reaction to actions, which gradually turns into an individual manner of behavior, while simultaneously developing a special outlook on life and its values. The complex of these actions shapes a person’s character and precedes the formation of a full-fledged personality. According to the scale of the phenomenon, in various languages ​​there is such a huge number of words and expressions about the qualities of people that it is simply not comparable with similar vocabulary used to denote appearance.

For this category, we have also compiled a table in which adjectives in English characterizing human qualities are presented with translation. As mentioned earlier, there are about several thousand such lexical units, and, naturally, you cannot rewrite all of them, much less memorize them. We have selected almost a hundred English definitions that characterize an individual from a positive or negative side. For convenience, the words are summarized into small thematic groups. Let's look at them.

Expression of Personality Qualities
Criteria Strongly positive aspects Neutral qualities depending on the context of the phrase Sharply negative aspects
Behavior in society sociable - sociable;

punctual - punctual;

civil – well-mannered;

friendly - friendly;

noble - noble;

tactful - tactful;

communicative - sociable;

consider – delicate;

aloof – aloof, aloof;

self-confident - self-confident;

tolerant - tolerant;

dominant – dominant;

indifferent – ​​indifferent;

independent - independent;

practical – practical;

sneaky - sneaky;

vindictive - vindictive;

uncontrollable - uncontrollable;

arrogant – arrogant;

bad-mannered - poorly mannered;

boastful - boastful;

selfish - selfish;

maladroit – tactless;

Emotional states energetic – energetic;

determined - decisive;

happy – happy;

hot-blooded – ardent;

impressionable – impressionable;

cheerful - cheerful;

excited - lively;

excitable – excited;

impulsive – impulsive;

compassionate - sympathizer;

alert – alert;

thoughtful - thoughtful;

violent – ​​hot-tempered;

fussy – nervous;

unstable – unbalanced;

inert – inert, sluggish;

low – depressed;

pompous - pompous;

angry - angry;

The ability to think, learn, create able - capable, talented;

creative - creative;

bright – smart;

understanding – understanding;

clever - smart;

adroit - dexterous, skillful;

quick witted - resourceful;

imaginative - gifted with a rich imagination;

keen - insightful;

ordinary - ordinary;

forgetful - forgetful;

ambitious - ambitious;

incapable - incapable;

blunt - slow-witted;

small-minded – limited;

uneducated – uneducated;

foolish - stupid;

dim-witted – narrow-minded, slow-witted;

Strength of character brave - brave;

incorruptible - incorruptible;

fair-minded - fair;

diligent – ​​executive;

plucky – decisive;

courageous - brave;

purposeful – purposeful;

critical – critical;

stubborn - stubborn;

committed – convinced, believing in the idea;

calm – unperturbed;

devout – devout;

fearless - fearless;

proud – proud;

straightforward - frank;

weak-willed – weak-willed;

spineless - spineless, characterless;

irresponsible - irresponsible

faint-hearted – without willpower, faint-hearted;

indecisive - hesitant;

Other congenital or acquired qualities and properties easy-going – good-natured;

careful – caring;

wise - wise;

courteous – gallant;

dedicated - devoted;

polite – polite;

sensible - prudent;

gentle - gentle;

obstinate – stubborn;

candid – sincere;

shy – shy;

obedient – ​​obedient;

observant - observant;

playful – frivolous;

vain – vain;

greedy - greedy;

lily-livered – cowardly;

malicious - malicious;

stingy – stingy, miser;

cruel - cruel;

torpid – apathetic;

close – closed;

rude - rough;

boring - boring;

We have studied adjectives to describe various properties and qualities of people, and are now able to describe the character of any person in the world. English language. Let's continue to improve our English in the next classes!

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Here are the most full list adjectives that positively characterize a person. The list does not include obscene words and words that are professional terms used by a narrow circle of people for professional purposes (not in colloquial speech).

The list does not include words such as: “handsome”, “blue-eyed”, “stately”, “slender” and the like. They describe appearance, but (although they are adjectives used to describe a person) have no relation to character and are unable to shed light on personality traits.

Note: the list contains words that can be both an adjective and a participle (depending on the context in which the word is used at each individual point in time).

Also, remember: that some words are neutral in color and characterize a person from the good side only depending on the context in which it is used. But in the same way, it can be used not as a description of positive personality traits, but simply as a statement of fact (without a specific coloring).

If you need the most complete characterization of a person (both positively and negatively), you will find it at the above link.


  • Adventurous (positively characterizes if used in in a good way)
  • Adequate
  • Gambling (here in the meaning - a positively gambling person, for example - an athlete or passionate in study, work, i.e. - very enthusiastic)
  • Active
  • Careful
  • Altruistic (altruistic)
  • Ambitious (if positively ambitious, in a good sense, we are talking about the healthy ambitions of an adequate person)
  • Apolitical
  • Ascetic
  • Assertive (able to confidently defend one’s rights, not depend on external assessments, influences, and do this without trampling on the rights of others)
  • Artistic
  • Aristocratic


  • Vigilant
  • Harmless
  • Fearless
  • Sinless
  • Carefree
  • Unpretentious
  • Defenseless
  • Good-natured
  • Envious
  • Selfless
  • Serene
  • Harmless
  • Trouble-free
  • Immaculate
  • artless
  • Thrifty
  • Reckless
  • Conflict-free
  • Impassive
  • Ingenuous
  • Fearless
  • Uncompromising (if this uncompromisingness is directed in a positive direction. For example, an uncompromising fighter for the truth, an uncompromising doctor fighting diseases, an uncompromising teacher who destroys ignorance, etc.)
  • Cheerful
  • Reasonable
  • Noble
  • Grateful
  • Benevolent
  • Trustworthy
  • Well-behaved
  • Prosperous
  • God fearing
  • timid
  • Brutal
  • Buntovskaya
  • Experienced
  • Fast acting


  • Imposing (here in the meaning - relaxed, relaxed)
  • Important
  • Polite
  • Lucky
  • Slave
  • Eloquent
  • Great
  • Generous
  • Thoughtful
  • Funny
  • weighty
  • Loyal
  • Believer
  • insinuating
  • Imperious
  • Amorous
  • Attentive
  • Exalted
  • Abstinent
  • strong-willed
  • Free
  • Freedom-loving
  • Susceptible
  • Enthusiastic
  • Impressionable
  • Corrosive (in a good way: for example, meticulously studies all work tasks and professional issues)
  • Outstanding
  • Highly moral
  • Highly educated
  • Highly developed
  • Highly active
  • Highly ideological
  • Highly competent
  • Highly moral
  • Highly organized
  • Highly patriotic
  • Highly productive
  • High energy
  • Hardy


  • Gallant
  • Harmonious
  • Brilliant
  • Heroic
  • Deep Thought
  • Deep (here in the meaning - not empty, filled person)
  • Talkative
  • Big-headed (meaning – smart, quick-witted)
  • Proud
  • Hot (if used in a positive sense)
  • Hospitable
  • Literate
  • Humane
  • Gutta-percha


  • Visionary
  • Gifted
  • Delicate
  • Efficient
  • Business
  • Democratic
  • Bold (sometimes audacity is required to implement bold plans and this personality trait becomes positive)
  • Daring (see above. same as daring)
  • Active
  • Diplomatic
  • Disciplined
  • Valiant
  • Kind
  • Kindest
  • Friendly
  • good-natured
  • Conscientious
  • Dobronravny
  • Respectable
  • Kind-hearted
  • Prey
  • Confiding
  • Quick-witted
  • Long-suffering
  • Domovity
  • Worthy (most worthy)
  • Meticulous (for example, a person is meticulous in studying professional duties, tasks and observing rights... a useful quality for many professions and especially for studying something, for becoming a person as a professional in his field, etc.)
  • Friendly
  • Spiritual and moral
  • Spiritual
  • Soulful


  • Natural


  • Complaining
  • Compassionate
  • Iron (here meaning impenetrable, solid, reinforced concrete)
  • Feminine
  • Woman-loving (useful attribute in certain circumstances and in some professions)
  • Cute (the property is at least neutral and does not characterize a person negatively. Characterizes it positively only sometimes)
  • Sacrificial
  • Cheerful
  • Life-loving
  • Viable
  • resilient


  • Funny
  • Caring
  • Provocative
  • Pensive
  • Incendiary
  • Prosperous
  • Interested
  • Seasoned (here in the meaning – seasoned, experienced, hardened in troubles)
  • Inveterate
  • Wonderful
  • Intricate (if this adjective means something positive, then it characterizes it at least – neutrally)
  • Entertaining
  • Busy
  • Amusing
  • Busy
  • Thrifty
  • Abstruse
  • Robust
  • Sane
  • Noble
  • Mature


  • Idealistic
  • Ideal
  • Ideological
  • Selective
  • Inventive
  • Sophisticated
  • Exquisite
  • Exquisite
  • Dissident
  • Interesting
  • Intellectual (intellectually developed)
  • Intelligent
  • Initiative
  • Informed
  • Ironic
  • Exceptional
  • Sincere
  • Tempted
  • Tested
  • Executive


  • Cool
  • Customer-oriented
  • Flirty
  • comme il faut
  • Comical
  • Competent
  • Compromise
  • Sociable
  • Communicable
  • Comfortable (for example: comfortable in communication, in resolving controversial issues, etc.)
  • Specific
  • Competitive
  • Competitive
  • Constructive
  • Conservative
  • Correct
  • Creative
  • Eloquent
  • Painstaking
  • Gentle
  • Cultural


  • Laconic
  • Affectionate
  • Light (here not light in weight. For example: easy to communicate, easy to climb person, etc.)
  • Lyrical (characterizes neutrally, but in some cases is a positive property)
  • Logical
  • Polished
  • Loyal
  • Loving
  • Kind
  • Curious
  • Curious (for some situations and professions this personality trait is positive)
  • Loving


  • Speak little
  • Insensitive (under certain circumstances, this character trait can be positive)
  • Mannered
  • Masterful
  • Experienced (here in the meaning - very experienced, knowledgeable in something)
  • Melancholic (characterizes neutrally, in in some cases is a positive characteristic. For example, when it is necessary to exclude people of choleric temperament from the candidates being considered... in this case, characterizing him as “melancholic” will benefit him)
  • Dreamy
  • Weather dependent
  • weather sensitive
  • Cute
  • Merciful
  • Gracious
  • Peaceful
  • Peaceful
  • World-contemplative
  • Multifaceted
  • Large family
  • Experienced
  • Long-suffering (in some cases this serves as a positive characteristic)
  • Many faces
  • Mobile (here meaning mobile, easily moving, etc.)
  • Powerful
  • Fashionable
  • Moral
  • Motivated
  • Wise
  • wisest
  • Tricky
  • Musical
  • Courageous
  • Manly
  • Masculine (a masculine woman, for example. Sometimes this is positive characteristic, sometimes it’s just a neutral description, sometimes it can serve as a negative feature)
  • Thinking
  • Soft (here in the meaning - soft in nature, not to the touch)
  • Soft-hearted


  • Observant
  • Devout
  • Reliable
  • Resourceful
  • Naive
  • Assertive
  • Assertive (in a good way. For example, a persistent sales manager does not give in to customer refusal and achieves his goal through persistence)
  • Well-read
  • Caring
  • Concerned
  • Undemanding
  • Unperturbed
  • Not militant
  • Unimpressive (a useful property for... for example, a surgeon and other specialists who require a certain amount of insensitivity in order to efficiently perform their professional tasks)
  • Non-hostile
  • Unharmful
  • Temperate
  • Unproud
  • Non-bilious
  • Unfeminine (a useful property for a man, rather negative for a woman)
  • Gentle
  • Independent
  • Disinterested (useful feature when disinterest in something is required in order to be objective)
  • Indispensable
  • Unarrogant
  • Simple
  • Extraordinary
  • Kindly
  • Not angry
  • Kindly
  • Not vindictive
  • Non-impulsive
  • Uncomplicated (neutral feature, in some cases – useful. May mean that the person is simple and without unnecessary “cockroaches”)
  • Inexperienced
  • Unspoilt
  • Incorrigible
  • Non-conflict
  • Unselfish
  • unselfish
  • Not lazy
  • Unhypocritical
  • Unevil
  • Terse
  • Unobtrusive
  • Unobtrusive
  • Non-offensive
  • Is not dangerous
  • Extraordinary
  • Not bad
  • Incorruptible
  • Direct
  • Not idle
  • Inflexible
  • Unprincipled
  • Unpretentious
  • Not easy
  • Teetotal
  • Partial
  • Non-irritable
  • Lean
  • Uncalculating
  • Unsharp
  • Untimid
  • Unromantic
  • Lack of pride
  • Grumpy
  • Die-hard
  • Undisguised
  • Atypical
  • Non-trivial
  • Non-standard
  • non-acquisitive
  • Unfussy
  • Non-vain
  • Leisurely
  • Undemanding
  • Unpleasant
  • Resilient
  • Unbending
  • Non-emotional (can characterize a person positively if he is required to lack emotionality, equanimity, restraint, etc.)
  • Normal
  • Moral


  • Charming
  • Charming
  • Seductive
  • Educated
  • Communicative
  • Objective
  • Required
  • Gifted
  • Obsessed (here in the meaning - obsessed with work, business, etc.)
  • Lively
  • Spiritualized
  • Mischievous
  • Optimistic
  • Experienced
  • Organized
  • Original
  • prudent
  • Special
  • Special
  • Thorough
  • Careful
  • Witty
  • Neat
  • Brave
  • Responsible
  • Responsive
  • Frank
  • Open (here in the meaning - open with soul; open to everything new, to the world, open to people; open to new knowledge, information, etc.)
  • Outgoing
  • Desperate
  • Awesome
  • Awesome
  • Charming


  • Retentive
  • Paradoxical
  • Pathetic (pathetic)
  • Patriotic
  • Pedantic
  • Advanced
  • Perspective
  • Captivating
  • Prolific (both literally and figuratively - prolific physically, creatively)
  • Pliable
  • Mobile
  • Positive
  • Teachable
  • Understandable
  • Consistent (for example: consistent in actions, decisions, etc.)
  • Positive
  • Penitential
  • Flexible
  • Obedient
  • Useful
  • Sovereign
  • Full
  • Full-fledged
  • Positive
  • Popular
  • Startling
  • Decent
  • Dedicated
  • Consistent
  • Obedient
  • Constant (here in the meaning - constant in his views, principles, attitude, etc.)
  • Amusing
  • Awesome
  • Respectful
  • Truthful
  • Truth-loving
  • Righteous
  • Correct
  • Orthodox
  • Pragmatic
  • Practical
  • Excellent
  • Devotee (here meaning faithful)
  • Prekind
  • Predictable
  • Warning
  • Prudent
  • Wonderful
  • Beautiful
  • Curious
  • Successful
  • Friendly
  • Cool
  • Diligent
  • Decent
  • Exemplary (here in the meaning - role model)
  • Principal
  • Punchy
  • Prompt
  • Progressive
  • Advanced (here in the meaning – highly experienced, knowledgeable, knowledgeable in something)
  • Productive
  • Penetrating
  • Mischievous
  • Insightful
  • Enlightened
  • Illustrious
  • Simple-minded
  • Simple-hearted
  • Professional
  • Professionally suitable
  • Prosperous
  • Quick
  • Direct (meaning straightforward, straightforward, etc.)
  • Straightforward
  • Straightforward
  • Scared
  • Punctual
  • Worthwhile
  • Traveler
  • Inquisitive


  • Equal
  • Equivalent
  • Glad
  • Welcoming
  • Broken
  • Developed
  • Merry
  • Talkative
  • Versatile
  • Reasonable
  • Vulnerable
  • Uninhibited
  • Efficient
  • Reasonable
  • Rational
  • Calculating
  • Refined
  • Rational
  • Reactive (here meaning highly active, fast, energetic, etc.)
  • Realistic
  • Rare
  • Rare
  • Efficient
  • Decisive
  • Risky
  • Respectable
  • Romantic
  • Handy (here in the meaning - able to do a lot with his hands, capable of a lot with his hands)


  • Original
  • Self-sufficient
  • Selfless
  • Self-critical
  • Self-confident
  • Independent
  • Secular
  • Freedom-loving
  • Freethinker
  • Peculiar
  • Restrained
  • sexy
  • Sexual
  • Family
  • Sentimental
  • Warm (here in the meaning - a sympathetic person, sincere, welcoming, genuine, etc.)
  • Compassionate (here – compassionate, compassionate)
  • Serious
  • Strong (not necessarily physically strong, for example: a mentally strong person, mentally strong, mentally strong, etc.)
  • Cute (here we are not talking about appearance, but in the meaning – cute, interesting, endearing, nice, etc.)
  • Skeptical
  • Modest
  • Scrupulous
  • Talkative
  • Complex (for example – complexly organized, etc. it can be like negative characteristic, and positive. This word can only be described in a positive light if it is given a positive connotation in context)
  • Sharp-witted
  • Brave
  • Sharp-witted
  • funny
  • Humble
  • Smart
  • Collected (here in the meaning - organized, disciplined person)
  • Conscientious
  • Savvy
  • Solid
  • Compassionate
  • Wealthy
  • Specific (positively characterizes if used with positive connotations)
  • Calm
  • Capable (meaning – gifted, talented)
  • Stable (steady, solid, sane, emotionally stable, socially stable, etc.)
  • Sedate
  • Persistent
  • Passionate
  • Swift
  • Stress-resistant
  • Strict
  • Shy
  • Happy


  • Tactful
  • Talented
  • Solid (here in the meaning - reliable, stubborn, courageous, unbending person)
  • Creative
  • Temperamental
  • Patient
  • Warm (about warmth)
  • Quiet
  • Explanatory
  • Tolerant
  • Demanding
  • sober
  • Trembling
  • Touching
  • Hardworking


  • Convincing
  • Convinced
  • Dear
  • Good
  • Confident
  • Shifty
  • Passionate
  • Daring
  • Lucky
  • Amazing
  • Livable
  • Smiling
  • Skillful
  • Moderate
  • Peaceful
  • Smart
  • The smartest
  • Unique
  • Persistent
  • Controlled (the word can characterize both on the good side and on the negative side - depending on the context and circumstances)
  • Balanced
  • Diligent
  • Plodding
  • Complaisant
  • Successful
  • Compliant
  • Refined
  • sympathetic
  • Scientist
  • Courteous
  • Resilient (eg: mentally, emotionally, professionally, etc.)


  • Fanatical (for example – fanatically devoted to work, family, children, etc.)
  • Fantasizing
  • Fartovy (from the word “fart”)
  • Fatish (depending on the context - in some cases this serves as a positive, negative or neutral characteristic)
  • Philosophical (for example: philosophically minded, philosophically reasoning, etc.)
  • Phlegmatic (neutral characteristic, but phlegmaticity can be considered a virtue when a person of a specifically phlegmatic type is required, and all other types are undesirable)
  • Photogenic
  • Fundamental (here meaning durable, strong)


  • Charismatic
  • Cold Blooded
  • Hospitable
  • Sleek
  • Economic
  • Good
  • Brave


  • Purposeful
  • Focused
  • Whole (whole personality)
  • Chaste
  • Tenacious
  • Ceremonious
  • Civilized


  • Philoprogenitive
  • Honest
  • Humane
  • Philanthropic
  • Clear
  • Sincere
  • Clean (the word is used both literally and figuratively)
  • Sensitive
  • Sensual
  • Sensitive
  • Freaky (in a good way)
  • eccentric


  • Playful
  • Shebutnoy
  • Chic
  • Nimble
  • Jocular


  • Generous
  • Scrupulous
  • flaunting
  • Dapper


  • Exotic (exotic)
  • Economical
  • Economical
  • Economically literate (economically prepared)
  • Expert
  • Extravagant (sometimes this word can be described positively, sometimes negatively. Depends on the context)
  • Vigorous
  • Emotional
  • Empathetic (capable of empathy)
  • Extreme
  • Erudite
  • Shocking
  • Elitist
  • Spectacular


  • Humorous
  • Humorous
  • Legally literate/illiterate
  • Nimble


  • Tongue
  • Bright
  • Ardent (about any inclinations of a person. For example: an ardent defender of children, an ardent reformer, an ardent slacker and lazy person, an ardent hater of fools)
  • Furious (here the same as above - a rabid fan of his profession, for example)
  • Clairvoyant


  • All of the above words can positively characterize both a man and a woman, a teenager and, in many cases, a child. To do this, you need to change the ending of each word, changing the gender of the word from masculine to feminine.
  • This list of words is useful when creating characteristics, resumes, self-presentation, cover letters (when looking for a job), essays, and is applicable wherever you need to describe a person (his character traits, behavioral characteristics, personality traits, etc.).
  • The collection of words was collected manually by the author of the site. And the author has copyright. Use the list for personal, non-commercial purposes and do not use for reprinting or publication (entirely or individual fragments) on any media (electronic, paper, etc.).