The most powerful armies in the world. Which army in the world is considered the most combat-ready? Japan Self-Defense Forces

The ranking of the ten strongest armies in the world for 2018 was compiled based on data Global Firepower. The military power of each state was assessed according to more than 50 different criteria. The economic situation of the states also played a significant role in its place in the ranking.

10 Germany

10th place - German Army

Germany opens the top ten strongest armies in the world. Until July 1, 2011, in Germany, all adult citizens of the country were required to serve under conscription (6 months of military service or alternative labor service in social and charitable organizations). Now the Bundeswehr has moved to a fully professional army. Germany has been a member of NATO for many years, so in the event of any military threats, it can count on the help of the United States and other allies.

9 Türkiye

9th place - Turkish Army

Ninth place is the Turkish Armed Forces. Military service is mandatory for all male citizens aged 20 to 41 who have no medical contraindications. The service life in all types of aircraft is 12 months. A Turkish citizen can be exempted from conscription after paying an amount of 16-17 thousand Turkish liras to the country's budget. One of the strengths of the Turkish army is its extensive combat experience: the Turks have been fighting various terrorist organizations near their borders for many years.

8 Japan

8th place - Japanese Army

The total strength of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is 248 thousand people, in addition, there are 56 thousand reservists. The Japan Self-Defense Forces are staffed on a voluntary basis. This country has the third largest economy in the world, so it is not difficult for Japan to allocate serious money for the maintenance and development of its army. Japan's military budget is $44 billion, which is quite significant for a military of its size. The main rivals that the Japanese fear are China and North Korea. In addition, the Japanese still have not concluded a peace treaty with Russia.

7 South Korea

7th place - South Korean Army

The official date of creation of the South Korean armed forces is considered to be November 30, 1948, when the “Law on the Creation of a National Army” was published and the conscription system was introduced. Military service in South Korea is compulsory for all men over 18 years of age, and its duration, depending on the type of military service, ranges from 21 to 24 months. The upper age limit for conscripts is 36 years. South Korea has been at war for more than 60 years—peace has never been concluded between Pyongyang and Seoul.

6 UK

6th place - British Army

The armed forces of the United Kingdom have a long history, having participated in many European and colonial wars, including: Seven Years' War, Napoleonic Wars, Crimean War. In Great Britain, conscription was introduced only for short periods, primarily due to the world wars of the 20th century, and the last conscripts were demobilized from the army in the 60s. Meanwhile, Great Britain participates in almost all military conflicts where the United States is present (wars in Iraq, Afghanistan). Therefore, the experience of the British Army is not lacking.

5 France

5th place - French Army

Fifth place is occupied by the armed forces of the French Republic. On the eve of the First World War, France had the largest army in Europe. France is a nuclear weapons country. The official position of the French government has always been the creation of a "limited nuclear arsenal at the minimum necessary level." Since February 1996, the army in France has transferred from a conscription system to a contract system. However, at the beginning of 2018, speaking to representatives of the country’s armed forces, French President Emmanuel Macron said: “I want to assure everyone that universal conscription will be introduced. It will be managed by all ministries related to this, not just the Ministry of Defense,” Macron emphasized.

4 India

4th place - Indian Army

The fourth place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world in 2018 is occupied by the Indian armed forces. There is no compulsory conscription in India. India ranks first in the world in terms of arms imports. He is also a member of the nuclear club. IN modern history India has had three bloody wars with Pakistan and a huge number of border incidents. There are unresolved territorial disputes with huge China.

3 China

3rd place - Chinese Army

The top three are opened by the People's Liberation Army of China. There is military conscription in this country, but it is not compulsory. Military service is voluntary and prestigious. The conscript must pass various tests, since it is very difficult to get into the army. The armed forces of the People's Republic of China are divided into five military command zones and three fleets, organized according to territorial principles: east, north, west, south and center.

The Chinese army is constantly improving its technical level. If 10-15 years ago, most types of military equipment in service with the PLA were outdated copies of Soviet models, today the situation has changed dramatically. Currently, the PRC is working on the creation of a fifth generation fighter, its latest developments in the field of tank building and missile weapons they are not much inferior to samples made in Russia or the West. Considering the enormous resources (financial, human, technological) that China has, the armed forces of this country in the coming years will become a formidable rival for the countries that occupy the first positions in this ranking.

2 Russia

2nd place - Russian Army

Second place goes to the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Military service in the RF Armed Forces is provided for both by contract and by conscription. Military service is regulated by Federal Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and military service" Males aged 18 to 27 years are subject to compulsory military service.

The Russian army has the world's largest stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and a well-developed system of means of delivering them. The problem for Russia is the fact that most of its army's weapons are represented by outdated Soviet models, the new Combat vehicles enters the troops, but this process is slow. Rearmament costs enormous amounts of money; it is not a fact that the Russian economy will be able to withstand this burden. It is worth noting that in the coming years, Russia may be displaced from second place by China.


1st place - US Army

For many years, the US Army has confidently held first place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world. Americans have their military bases almost all over the world. U American soldiers the most modern military equipment, which is updated frequently. The United States has a huge nuclear potential, which includes about 7 thousand nuclear warheads. The Navy has 20 powerful aircraft carriers, the state also has the largest air force in the world, which has about 13,362 units.

The strength of modern armed forces largely depends on their funding (here the United States is the leader by a wide margin). Therefore the huge American defense budget– one of the main components of its success. It allows the Americans to develop and purchase the most modern (and most expensive) weapons systems, supply their army with the highest level, simultaneously conduct several military campaigns in different parts of the world.

Any state. And it exists in every country. But which armies in the world can rightly be called the best?


In tenth place are They include land, air, and sea. It is worth noting that the total population of the state is approximately 77-78 million people. And the active manpower is estimated at ~ 410,500 soldiers. At the same time, there are approximately 185 thousand military personnel in reserve. And the number of ground combat equipment is about 14,000 units. At the same time there are approximately 200 military vessels. In the air there are 1007 attack aircraft, bombers and fighters. And finally, the budget. Each year, $18,185 billion is spent on defense.

It cannot be said that Türkiye at all times could boast of a powerful army. But constant conflicts(both external and internal) forced the armed forces of a given state to rise to a completely new level.

Japan and Germany

Next after Turkey, in ninth place in the ranking, is Japan. The population of this state is 127 million people. The active manpower is 250 thousand military and approximately 58,000 in reserve. Ground equipment is available in the amount of 4329 units, in the military navy less - only 131 ships. IN air forces- about 1690 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers. $40.3 billion is spent on defense annually.

The Japan Self-Defense Forces were founded in 1954. The military policy of this state is very interesting. The main principles: do not attack, do not use nuclear weapons, control the activities of the armed forces and cooperate with the United States.

Eighth place in the ranking, which lists the strongest armies in the world, is occupied by the Bundeswehr (Germany). On the day it was founded (07/07/1955), the German Ministry of Defense also opened. There are currently 180,000 military personnel per ~80,000,000 population (plus 145 thousand military reserves). Ground equipment is impressive in its quantity - 6481 units. has at its disposal 81 military vessels. And they have 676 units of equipment. Approximately $36.3 billion is spent on defense annually.

South Korea, France and England

7th, 6th and 5th places are occupied by the armed forces of South Korea, France and England. They also joined the strongest armies in the world. The population of South Korea is less than 50 million people. And this number accounts for 625,000 military personnel plus almost 3,000,000 (!) in reserve. The equipment is also striking in its numbers: 12,619 combat vehicles, 166 ships and 1,451 units in the air fleet.

Talking about the size of the world's armies, it is worth noting that in France almost 11,300,000 people are fit for service, or 1/6 of the entire population! That's a lot. Why was France included in the rating called “The Strongest Armies in the World”? Because her troops are truly unique. The French army remains one of those that is entirely equipped with equipment and all kinds of weapons from its own manufacturer. It is also interesting that many women serve in the ranks of the armed forces of this country; their percentage of the total number of military personnel is 15!

England was also included in the list of “The most powerful armies in the world.” And it's no wonder why she ranks fifth. After all, the British army is directly involved in hostilities in many hot spots. But that is not all. In addition, British military forces participate in UN operations to maintain widespread security and peace (not many armies in the world are involved in this).


Many are surprised to learn that the armed forces of this particular state are on the 4th line of the ranking called “The most powerful armies of the countries of the world.” But it is so. The population is almost 1.3 billion. And about 2,143,000 people liable for military service! There are 1,325,000 people serving. The total number of equipment is 23,545. It is not surprising that in 2012 this state ranked first on the entire planet in terms of arms imports. By the way, it is interesting that in India everyone serves under a contract - no one is forced.


Naturally, when talking about the most powerful armies in the world, we cannot forget about China. In total, there are 2,335,000 military personnel in the armed forces of this state. The same number are in reserve. And an amount of 155.6 billion (!) dollars is spent annually on defense. By the way, in terms of the total number of equipment, China is not much ahead of India. This state has at its disposal 27,320 units of combat vehicles, ships, bombers, etc.

The Chinese army has certain characteristics. Or rather, the requirements for military personnel. Men with tattoos cannot serve in the Chinese army. Even with those whose diameter does not exceed two centimeters. And since 2006, military schools have become closed to those who snore. This was explained by the fact that snoring prevents many from falling asleep, and as a result, sleep-deprived soldiers who cannot fully engage. And it was also stated that all military personnel whose problems include obesity are automatically deprived of the opportunity to grow in their careers.

1st and 2nd places

The Russian Federation and the United States are the armies in the world that are rightly considered the best. Our country is home to ~143,000,000 people. And the total number of military personnel (both reserve and active manpower) exceeds 3 million. Russia has a powerful Navy and aerospace forces, and the total number of equipment is almost 65,000 units.

But the USA still ranks first in the ratings. The total population is ~321,400,000, supported by 2.5 million military personnel (both reserve and live force). The amount of equipment is approximately the same, but there are fewer military personnel. It turns out that no other army in the world can compare with Russia. But why then is the USA in first place? It's simple. Our Russian army has a budget of ~47 billion dollars. Only. And the USA spends 581 (!) billion on this.

10.19.2015 at 11:12 · Pavlofox · 94 740

Top 10 Most Powerful Armies in the World 2015

There is only one way to know for sure which state has the strongest army in the world, but, fortunately, it is unacceptable. Today's military forces largest states do not participate in full-scale military conflicts. How to evaluate the power of armies different countries? There is a global firepower index for this purpose. It includes more than 50 factors by which military strength is assessed. This is the amount of equipment, manpower, the size of the defense budget, availability natural resources And so on. It should be noted that this data is constantly changing and needs to be clarified. In addition, many indicators, while reflecting quantity, say nothing about quality. For example, a country may have many submarines, but they will be outdated and significantly inferior in combat effectiveness to modern models. In addition, not all countries have access to the sea, and therefore do not have a navy. The firepower index takes this factor into account and does not exclude such states from the rating. So, the most powerful armies in the world in 2015 - which of our neighbors around the globe should we be wary of?


Opens the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world in 2015. Despite the fact that according to the country's constitution, it does not have the right to have an offensive army, Japan's military forces are very powerful. The country's arsenal includes all types of weapons, and the technical equipment of the army is one of the best in the world. Due to territorial disputes with the DPRK, the country intends to further increase defense spending. Japan currently spends about $49 billion on military needs.


In ninth position among the most powerful world– . After World War II, the country was limited to defense forces only, but in last years Germany is actively building up its military strength. Military spending is $45 billion. The number of troops is about 185 thousand people. Despite such a small army, German ground forces are in no way inferior to Russian ones.


It ranks 8th in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world. The country spends $34 billion annually on military spending. The size of the army is about 640 thousand people, in the reserve there are about 3 million inhabitants. Due to the constant threat from its closest neighbor, North Korea, the country is constantly increasing its military capabilities.


In seventh place on the list of the strongest armies in the world is. The country spends about $18 billion on military needs, but this spending is expected to increase due to the difficult situation in Syria. The Turkish army is considered the best in the Middle East. It actively participates in many NATO operations.


It occupies sixth position in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world in 2015. The key to the success of this country, whose army numbers 230 thousand people, is the presence of a full range of weapons of its own production. And don’t forget that France is one of the nuclear powers.


It ranks 5th in the list of the most powerful and combat-ready armies on the planet. Gone are the days when England had unhindered dominance of the seas. But, although the status of the strongest maritime power has long been lost, the country continues to remain on the list of the most serious military forces in the world. England has all types of weapons in its arsenal, and a military budget of 53 billion dollars allows it to improve and modernize the army.


In fourth place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world is. It's a paradox, but this one is far from the best rich country surpassed many economically developed countries in terms of military strength. The secret lies in the number of troops. The country's army numbers about 1 million 300 thousand people. In addition, India has nuclear weapons and a navy, which increases its combat capability. The country's military spending is $46 billion a year.


The third place in the ranking of the most powerful armed forces on the planet is occupied by a country that evokes fear and respect at the same time -. Thousands of years ago, numerous discoveries were made here that allowed human civilization to take a big step forward. And today, China continues to amaze the world with its tenacity and ability to quickly make amazing strides both in the economy and in the development of military technology. China has reached third place in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world not only due to the number of its troops - and they number more than two million people. In the event of a military conflict, the Celestial Empire can call up another 5% of the population and the size of the Chinese army will increase to 60 million. The numbers are simply stunning. In addition, the country has nuclear potential and a large amount of military equipment. China has long been suspected of using industrial espionage to copy the best weapons of other countries, in particular Russia and the United States. Spending on the military budget is the second in the world ($126 billion). It is possible that China unofficially spends much more on equipping its army.


It is in second place in the list of the most powerful armies in the world in 2015. It has advanced military technology, and its army is considered the most powerful ground force in the world. The country's arsenal includes a strong and large navy, including more than 60 modern nuclear submarines. Power air force The Russian army is comparable to the United States Air Force. Russia surpasses the United States in the number of heavy military equipment, in particular tanks. country - the largest in the world. The army consists of about a million people. Russia spends approximately $80 billion annually to support the combat capability of the army. All this together gives the country the right to consider its army one of the strongest in the world in 2015.


1st place – . Whatever one may say, the United States has the most powerful military force today. No other country in the world has such a military budget as here. Almost 613 billion dollars - this is how much the United States spends on annually increasing its power. And this despite the fact that the country reduced spending on the army by 7% in connection with the withdrawal of its troops from Iran and Afghanistan. The size of the army is almost one and a half million people and about 700 thousand are in reserve.

What else to see:

A new edition of the annual report, The Military Balance, is due out today. It is published - always in a very impressive volume - International Institute Strategic Studies (IISS). This organization, located in Britain, is considered one of the most authoritative in this field. The IISS has been publishing its annual reviews of military strength and the state of troops of different countries since 1959.

This year, as in the past, the review will include information on the military capabilities and military economies of 171 countries. Detailed data indicates each country's fighting forces, army personnel levels, weapons stockpiles, and economic performance of military-industrial complexes.

Analysts in uniform consider these reports to be reference book, who are simply a useful source, but agree that the institute's staff tries to be objective when preparing its annual document. Well, at least to the extent that the mentality of a Westerner allows.

There is no text yet, but the three main characters have already been determined

The report is due to be released on February 14, but customers will actually be able to start analyzing it only from tomorrow morning. For now, Tsargrad analysts have an extended summary of it. It is clear from it that the main characters of the document will be three countries - the USA, Russia and China. Moreover, additional articles (along with traditional descriptions of new orders for weapons and delivery schedules) will be devoted to the last two.

On general background descriptions of the modernization of strategic forces in these three countries will be separate reviews of Chinese and Russian aviation weapons (remember the recent “leak” of information about the Russian X-101 aircraft-launched strategic cruise missiles, discussed with reverence and a slight trembling in the voice in the American magazine The National Interest), as well as the development of artificial intelligence for defense. Russia will “receive” an additional “bonus” in the form of thematic texts on the modernization of its strategic forces.

As a new feature, the latest The Military Balance 2018 evaluates in detail military development in China, Russia and the United States, as well as in France and Great Britain. This, presumably, indirectly but indisputably declares the “pool” of the first five leading armies of the world. A sort of permanent committee of the “Security Council” of the secret military “UN” of our world. The similarity is complemented by an indication of a separate analysis of the military potential of Norway, Qatar, Sudan, Uganda and Venezuela - as if they were non-permanent members of an armed and very dangerous “Security Council”, without the right of veto...

In addition, they promise to describe and graphically depict major events in the field of defense procurement in 2017, as well as show and outline a number of new weapons developments. Among which the Russian combat aircraft Su-57 (T-50) is specifically mentioned. Much attention will be paid naval forces. “National cyber capabilities” are considered separately.

The first armies of the world were identified by Russian military experts

While the world's militarized public is waiting for the release of a new IISS review, Tsargrad asked Russia's leading military experts to express their opinion on the top strongest armies in the world.

Closest to what IISS does in terms of professional activity military expert Igor Korotchenko ( Chief Editor magazine "National Defense", director of LLC "Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade"), although he was skeptical about the very compilation of such ratings, spoke traditionally academically:

“We are not talking about which army is the largest, but which army is the strongest and most combat-ready, which army has the widest range of weapons to solve certain problems of political leadership.”

Based on these considerations, the expert believes that “at a minimum, the armies of the United States and Russia will lead this rating,” since “today both the United States and Russia are the largest militarily powers - in terms of both parity and availability in arsenals, including strategic nuclear weapons."

Further, according to Korotchenko, the ranking will include China, Japan, Great Britain, and India. “Well, I don’t rule out that the army of North Korea,” he added to the top 7 most combat-ready armies in the world. But at the same time he made a reservation: “It must be said that compiling such ratings is a rather artificial thing. Because only war can accurately assess the real situation. And God forbid that it happens.”

“But we can confidently say today that the Russian Armed Forces are rightfully one of the best in the world both in terms of technical equipment and in combat and morale. Therefore, regardless of the compilers of the ratings, we can sleep peacefully, considering that the army reliably ensures our security,” concluded Igor Korotchenko.

But another well-known military expert, Viktor Litovkin, gave a completely different rating of the world’s armies: “The largest armies in the world are: the United States army is first, the Chinese are in second place. Then is the North Korean army. Then is the Russian army. And on I can probably place the Turkish army in fifth place."

When asked why this was so, the expert just shrugged: “This is if we talk about numbers. The largest army in terms of numbers is the United States, China is in second place, North Korea is in third place. And so on. “The size of each of these armies exceed 1 million 200 thousand people, at a minimum,” he noted.

“But if we take it in terms of power, in terms of combat potential, then, of course, the United States is in first place, Russia is in second, China is in third,” Viktor Litovkin especially emphasized. “In fourth place, in principle, everything is there.” more complicated. This is the French army, and the English, and the German, and so on."

Another prominent Russian expert in the military field, military observer of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Viktor Baranets, outlined and substantiated his point of view in great detail: “All ratings that from time to time fall into the public information network, emanating either from the United States or from others NATO countries, often smack of very serious politicization. This is the case. Secondly, the methods of compiling ratings among experts raise very serious questions. I am saying that it is difficult, for example, today to compare the American and Russian armies, which in terms of the quantity and quality of nuclear weapons "They are not inferior to each other in anything. But the Americans still like to put themselves in first position and push Russia to second."

"I believe that today the level of armament Russian army, and its combat readiness, mobility, logistics, weapons - all this suggests that the Russian army is in no way inferior to the American one, the expert emphasized. - True, the Americans have a favorite argument: Russia has the strength general purpose, that is, by non-nuclear forces in smaller quantities and in lower quality. And here I would partly agree: in the years after the collapse Soviet Union We seriously damaged our general purpose forces and took a very long time to restore them.”

As for the world top armies, Viktor Baranets outlined the following order in it: “I am absolutely sure that the Americans will put themselves in first place in this ranking. They will put Russia in second, otherwise it will be illogical - over the past two or three years, American generals they simply declared in unison that the biggest military threat to the armed forces of the United States of America is the Russian army. In third place, of course, will be the Chinese army. This is an army with nuclear weapons, it is considered the largest in the world in terms of the number of bayonets under battle flags. it has almost 2.5 million people.

“In fourth place, no matter what we say, I would still put the half-million-strong Turkish army. We must not forget that in addition to the fact that it has a contingent of half a million, it is very well armed. It has a very serious degree of combat readiness, as evidenced by actions of its units in Syria,” Baranets noted.

“As for the further ranking, I would put the Indian army in fifth place - taking into account its number, of course. And then I would put the North Korean army. Because both armies have nuclear weapons,” he concluded.

1. USA
2. Russia
3. China
4. India
5. Türkiye
6. North Korea
7. France
8. UK
9. Germany

In principle, the assessments of “Tsargrad” coincide with this rating... almost. Because it is necessary to take into consideration one more, no, even two circumstances.

The first is that in terms of nuclear potential, Russia and the United States are equal to each other. This is officially stated in the START treaty. According to the law of mathematics, we are therefore obliged to remove these quantities from the formula. Just like the nuclear weapons of other powers. Let's also remove other things that are equal - weapons of the same class and quality, logistics, and management.

And then the remaining aspects of the issue come first in the formula: the size of the army, the quality of its main weapons, its training, cohesion, combat experience and morale.

And in this sense, there is no need to even guess: the armies of Russia and the United States each have their own touchstone for demonstrating these qualities: Syria, respectively, and Afghanistan. The war is waged by conventional means, the war is waged primarily by air and special operations. The war in both cases has approximately the same political background in the form of a legitimate government trying to cope with the armed opposition.

And now we look at the results that Russia has achieved in Syria, and that the United States has achieved in Afghanistan. They are, to put it mildly, opposite.

Add to this the fighting spirit, which in one army gives rise to heroes one after another, and which forces the other army to huddle in bases and hide behind the backs of government troops - and the picture will be complete.

1. Russia (morale, combat experience, weapons)
2. China (numbers, weapons, ideology)
3. USA (weapons)
4. DPRK (morale, numbers, ideology)
5. Israel (combat experience, morale, weapons, ideology)
6. India (numbers, weapons)
7. Türkiye (combat experience, weapons)
8. Iran (morale, combat experience, ideology)
9. Vietnam (morale, weapons)
10. France (weapons)

All that remains is to compare with the list that IISS produces. But for some reason there is confidence that no matter what it is, the top 10 of “Tsargrad” will be more correct.

An integral component of any state is the army, whose role is to protect the country and the people living in it from serious threats, such as military clashes within, or aggression from other powers. We present to your attention 10 the most powerful armies in the world 2018 of the year.

10 Egypt

In 10th position on the list of the strongest armies in the world in 2018 are the armed forces of Egypt. The state is home to 95.69 million people, while 428.5 thousand soldiers serve in the army. The vast majority of them are conscripts; 415 thousand are in the Air Force Reserve. At the end of 2015, 5.5 billion US dollars were allocated from the state budget for the country’s defense.


With a total population of more than 80 million inhabitants, the active manpower is estimated at 180 thousand soldiers. The country has 145 military personnel and a good material base. The Navy has 81 units of equipment, and the Air Force has 676 combat vessels of various modifications at its disposal. Ground military formations have 6,481 units of equipment at their disposal. Every year, more than 36 billion US dollars are allocated from the country's budget for defense needs.


According to the results of the latest census, Turkey is home to 79.4 million people, 186.6 thousand of whom are liable for military service. The active manpower indicator is 410.5 thousand people. The Navy is armed with 194 combat units, the air fleet has 1,007 aircraft, and ground military units have 13,850 units of equipment at their disposal. Expenditures from the state treasury on defense amount to 18.2 billion US dollars per year.


There are almost 127 million people in the country, of which 57.9 thousand are liable for military service. The housing construction indicator is 250 thousand people. The Navy's combat reserve is 131 units of equipment, and the fleet has 1,591 of the latest aircraft at its disposal. Ground military units have 4,330 units of equipment in their arsenal. Every year, more than 40 billion US dollars are allocated from the state budget to ensure a quiet life for citizens. It is noteworthy that after the defeat in World War II, numerous international treaties prohibited Japan from conscripting more than a strictly specified number of people into the army. Despite this, the army of this state is one of the most trained in the world thanks to excellent funding and the high development of modern technologies.

According to the latest data, in the near future the Japanese army will be equipped with offensive weapons, which will certainly have a positive impact on its position in the ranking of the most powerful armed forces in the world.


There are 64.1 million British citizens living in the country, 182 thousand of them are liable for military service. Housing workers are considered to be 150 thousand people. As for the material base, the Navy has 76 units of equipment at its disposal, the air fleet has 879 combat vessels, and the ground units have 6,624 combat units in their arsenal. Budget expenditures to finance defense needs amount to 55 billion US dollars.


The total number of residents of the country is 66.5 million people, of whom 195.7 thousand ordinary soldiers and more than 100 thousand police officers are considered liable for military service. 205 thousand military personnel are active manpower. The Navy has 120 units of equipment at its disposal. The navy has 118 vessels of various modifications, and the arsenal of ground units includes 7,890 combat units. Every year more than 35 billion US dollars are spent on defense needs. Distinctive feature French troops are that they use equipment exclusively of their own production, and more than 15 percent of the soldiers are representatives of the fair half of humanity.


India is home to 1.2 billion people, of which 2.14 million are military personnel. The AHS indicator is 1.3 million people. The Navy has 295 units of equipment, military aviation– 2086 units. The balance of ground units includes 21,165 units of equipment. The country's budget expenditures on the army are also considerable - 40 billion US dollars. The Indian army consists exclusively of people serving under contract; the salaries of the military are one of the highest in the state.


This is not the first year that third place in the Top 10 most powerful armies in the world has gone to China. It is one of the most populous countries in the world, with 1.36 billion people. There are 2.3 million soldiers in reserve, the able-bodied manpower is 2.3 million. The Navy has 715 ships in its arsenal, and aviation has 2,942 aircraft. The ground units are armed with 23,665 units of military equipment. Every year China spends 155.7 billion US dollars on defense.


Considering the population of 142.42 million people, the number of people liable for military service in Russia is 2.4 million. The number of regular troops is 770 thousand people. The Navy has 352 combat units in its arsenal, and the air fleet has 3,547 units of military equipment. Ground military equipment is estimated at 61,086 pieces. The country's defense is one of the state's priorities; more than $46.6 billion is spent on it annually.

Not everyone will agree that the Russian army only takes second place in the world rankings.
In our opinion, the Russian armed forces are justifiably inferior to the American ones. Take at least the population
countries It is likely that the USSR had the most powerful army on the planet, but times are not the same...