Scenario of the concert program in Afghans. The script for the thematic program “Time Has Chosen Them,” dedicated to the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Song introduction “Cranes” - quietly

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Presentation for the lesson

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  • Familiarize students with the reason for the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.
  • Definition historical significance Afghan war.
  • Foster a sense of duty, responsibility, self-sacrifice, and patriotism.

Expected results:

  • preparing students for participation in the socio-political life of the country, readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland;
  • solving the problem of generational continuity;
  • increasing the status of heroic-patriotic education in educational institutions.


On the screen: Slide 1
In front of the stage there are stands with photographs of fellow countrymen who died in “hot spots”. In front of each photo is a lit candle.
Poems are heard behind the scenes:

1 presenter:

The boys get summonses
And the boys leave to serve.
They have this duty:
Protect the Fatherland from the enemy.
Mothers see off their sons
And they are given orders,
They will kiss you deeply and cross you
And they will cry pitifully like a woman.
And the fathers, waving at the glass of “bitter”,
Knowing how hard a soldier's path is,
They say, squeezing their hand tightly:
“Don’t forget to write, son.”
The young men of Russia take the oath,
They take an oath in front of the banner.
The young men do not yet know
That they won't all come home.
There are fewer and fewer graying mothers and fathers,
They all go to another world...
And my son remains in granite,
Remains forever young!

Presenter 2: These heartfelt poems were written by Lyudmila Matveevna Plyatseva, a mother who lost her only son.

Presenter 1: Every woman, seeing her son, brother, or lover off to the army, hopes for a meeting, but not all hopes are destined to come true.

Presenter 2:

You didn't want me to become a widow,
To look longingly at the sky at night.
Washing my face with tears, not with water,
Whispering: “Come back! You haven’t been home for a long time!”
Even though you hear my earthly voice,
And although you have no right to return to me,
Let your whisper be heard everywhere,
In the murmur of a stream and in the rustle of an oak forest.
Forgive me that I became a widow,
But don’t worry, my love, don’t,
I remember you - that means you are alive,
All this is like a reward for my soul.

Slide 2

Presenter 1: More than 20 years ago, the ten-year war in Afghanistan ended. These events played a significant role in the history of our Motherland. And knowledge of history is necessary, since those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat the mistakes humanity has made.

Presenter 2: For the first time, the issue of sending our troops into Afghanistan was put on the agenda on March 15, 1979, when an anti-government rebellion broke out in Herat. Afghan leaders requested military assistance in suppressing this rebellion by sending Soviet troops into the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA).

Presenter 1: The officially declared main goal of the Soviet military presence in the DRA was formulated unambiguously - to provide assistance in stabilizing the situation and repelling possible external aggression. They were instructed to protect the local population from gangs, as well as distribute food, fuel and basic necessities. Our government hoped that the deployment of troops would be short-term.

Slides 3-4

Presenter 2: On December 25, 1979, at 15.00, the entry of a limited contingent of Soviet troops into the territory of Afghanistan began, through Kushka to Herat and Kandahar, and then to Kabul.
On the night of December 27, 1979, special groups of the USSR KGB “Zenith” and “Thunder”, formed during the operation in Afghanistan from Alpha employees, together with special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate, stormed the presidential palace on the outskirts of Kabul. The entire operation “Storm-333” lasted no more than 20 minutes; in addition to the palace, 17 more objects in Kabul were captured.
The next morning people began to arrive in Kabul. Soviet troops. Thus began the ten-year Afghan war...

Slide 5


We are given only an hour before departure,
Just an hour of last rest.
They told us: we are flying to Afghanistan.
Yesterday's boys are flying to Kabul.
Today we are not writing any lines.
And, entrusting your fate to the domes,
Let's descend into the Afghan sands,
And we will measure the rocks with our boots...

Slides 6-7

Presenter 1: Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, a major general, was appointed commander of the 40th Army, that is, a limited contingent sent to Afghanistan. When planning any military operations, the army command was closely faced with the only problem: how to save people's lives? Both Soviet and Afghan! How to avoid the death of soldiers?

Slide 8

The song by A. Rosenbaum “In the Black Tulip” is playing.

Presenter 2: On April 14, 1988, the foreign ministers of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Soviet Union and the United States signed five documents in Geneva on a political settlement of the situation around Afghanistan. According to the Geneva Agreements, which came into force a month later, Soviet troops were supposed to leave Afghanistan in nine months.

Slides 9-10

Presenter 1: The first withdrawal of our troops took place in June-July 1980. In 1983, several more units were returned to the territory of the Soviet Union. The large-scale withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was carried out in three stages. The first one was October 1986. The second – May 15, 1988. Third – February 15, 1989. Troops left the territory of Afghanistan in a combat situation. The main problem was organizing military guards for the columns on the march.


I take off over Kabul for the last time.
Home! Home! Now it's forever.
The night is full of stars and jet noise.
And somewhere in it my star burns.

The roll is at the limit, the nerves are at the limit.
And overload does not raise your hands.
Do you remember me, birch, pine, spruce?
You are as far from me as the stars.
Below lies a strange midnight city:
Tens of thousands of tiny lights.
Tens of thousands of stars, spilled onto the mountains,
And each one poses a threat to me.

Above the safety zone, circles,
A huge liner rushes to the heights,
And the flames of false targets flare brightly,
To ward off a hostile star.

And down there, I know there are a lot of them,
Ready to rush predatorily into flight,
And splashes of hot metal
Plunge a plane full of people into it.

And everyone, everyone, everyone knows it
And everyone, everyone is waiting tensely,
When it suddenly howls and blinks
The signal that the pilot will give us!

Border! Motherland! And that means we will be alive.
Now the airfield will wait for us.
We smile at each other happily,
Shine, my star, thunder, fireworks thunder!

Slide 11

Presenter 2: The last battalion to leave Afghanistan was the 201st Division. Before the withdrawal of B.V. Gromov formed a battalion and, knowing that he would no longer have to meet with him, thanked all the fighters and said that on this special day the reconnaissance battalion of the 201st division would go down in history as the last unit of the Soviet troops to leave the territory of Afghanistan. But the last one to leave Afghanistan was an armored personnel carrier, in which the commander of the 40th Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, rode.


Sleep well, mothers and fathers,
Brides-wives, dear to the heart.
We sacredly preserve the honor of our native country,
We, your faithful sons, Russia.
And, having met on their native land,
Lost in the cycle of memories,
Let's remember the guys who didn't return
A single minute of silence.

Slide 12

A minute of silence is announced.

Slide 13

Presenter 1: The most difficult result of the Afghan war is the death of our soldiers and officers. 13,833 military personnel, including 1,979 officers and generals, were killed or died from wounds and illnesses, 572 KGB servicemen, 28 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 190 military advisers, of which 145 were officers, were killed, 6,669 Afghans became disabled, of which 1,479 people were disabled 1- th group. Hepatitis affected 115,308 people, typhoid fever affected 31,080 soldiers and officers. During the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, all the obelisks that were installed at the sites where soldiers and officers of the 40th Army were killed were evacuated to their homeland.

Presenter 2: The Russian army has long been famous for its victories: on the battlefields against the Mongol-Tatar yoke, during the Patriotic War of 1812, and selfless heroism on the fronts during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Internationalist warriors complemented the glorious history of Russian victories. It is not without reason that many of them were awarded state awards for dedication, courage and heroism shown in providing international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan. In our time, Russian boys have not run out of loyalty to the duty and traditions of older generations: an unyielding will to win, courage, courage.

Slide 14


Uncover your souls. Cover your guns.
People, is it possible to win a war?
It's as hard as giving back to an old lady.
Beautiful youth, girlish spring.

People, every shot is a crossbow.
Stop listening to the drums warily,
And march enthusiastically in formation to be shot.
Cover your guns. Uncover your souls.
Maybe we should take off our soldiers' boots?
Let's put something better on our feet,
And let's do something to help those who are without a leg?

People, stop listening to the drums!
People, we will be alive at sea and on land!
Self-destruction is not a good fate!
Cover your guns! Uncover your souls!

Petliura’s song “Light the Candles” is playing.


Director of the Novoozernovskaya secondary school


/Polisan T.A./


gala event,

dedicated to the Day honoring the memory of participants in hostilities on the territory of other states

Against the background of the melody

1 presenter Day of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan -
Not a red date in the tablets
Not a holiday, but a laceration,
For those who caught her,

2 presenter Without marches and festive carcasses,
without loud speeches, that after -
From thousands of hearts only souls -
From memorable dates What's the point to them?

1 presenter From the dryness of numbers they will not be resurrected,
They will not return from honors,
Perhaps in heaven they will be together,
Will they allow us to gather today?

2 presenter Day of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan -
Not a holiday red date,
On the day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan,
Sorry for everything, guys...

Presenter 1: 1979 Cold December. From morning to evening, radio and television broadcast messages that, according to an agreement between the two countries, at the request of the government of friendly Afghanistan, a limited contingent of Soviet troops is being introduced into the territory of this country to protect order and democracy.

Presenter 2: On December 25, 1979 at 15.00 Moscow time, the 40th Army entered ancient land Afghanistan. She entered as a guarantor of stability and tranquility in this country. Thus began a military action that remains a heartache for many today.

Presenter 1: The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years 1 month and 18 days. 550 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers passed through this war. 72 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Over 15 thousand of our soldiers died on foreign soil, 6 thousand subsequently died from wounds and illnesses, 311 people went missing. These were the largest losses of the Soviet Army since the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the war still resonates with pain in people's hearts.

Presenter 2: Afghanistan... This word causes anxiety, pain and tears for many. For almost 10 years the alarming word Afghanistan has been heard! But wars must end. Otherwise, there is no point in them... They say that there was no point in the Afghan war from the beginning. “Political mistake” - that’s how it was defined today. And everything again became simple and clear - for those who were not there. And for those who weren't expecting...

Presenter 1: On February 15, 1989, General Gromov, the commander of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, reported that the withdrawal of Soviet troops from this country was completed and not a single Soviet soldier remained on the long-suffering soil of Afghanistan. Our people have been waiting for this day for nine difficult years.

Presenter 2: 25 years ago this war ended. And February 15 became a day - a symbol, a day of Remembrance. Every year on this day all former Afghans and participants in other hot spots, veterans of the Great Patriotic War gather, although the word former is probably not appropriate here. Because all this time the memory, pain and bitterness of those who were there and those who waited here are alive.

Presenter 1: Bronze obelisks stood above the planet

Soviet boys with immortal youth

The sacred memory stood over the planet,

A sacred, eternal and imperishable memory.

Presenter 2: At our meeting , dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, as well as on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the following are present:

Presenter 1: The floor is given

Presenter 2: Students from class ___ are invited to the stage to sing _________

Presenter 1: Students from class ___ will perform next with the song “My Army”

Presenter 2: Afghanistan in the history of the country

Heavy, bloody page

Soldiers returning from war

And the mothers of the dead will dream about it.

Presenter 1: The current generation should not forget the tragedy of the Great Patriotic War, the Afghan events, we must remember those who honestly fulfilled their military duty and risked their lives for the great goal of peace on earth.

Many years have already passed,

But old wounds ache

And there is pain in my soul for those guys,

Who died there in Afghanistan.

At night I dream of Kandahar,

Explosions, mines and spinner,

Ambushes of enemies, and a black tulip,

And a red-hot Kalash front sight.

And they were twenty years old:

For some it is less, for others it is more;

And death sent greetings

Some earlier, some later.

Remained young at heart

All mothers, relatives and friends,

And in memory of loved ones and friends,

And on cold obelisks.

How hard it is to look into your eyes

To the hero's father and mother

And drink a hundred grams for those guys

Who did not return from the battlefield.

So let us stand tall in memory

For those who are no longer with us,

So that we don’t dream about the churchyard at night

And that bloody war in Afghanistan.

Presenter 2: Let us honor the memory of those who died for peace on earth with a minute of silence. (metronome sound)

Presenter 1:

Birds fly below

The clouds are floating below.

The world is beautiful, soldier,

Yes, your work is not easy.

You'll make it to the end

You will save the light above the world -

You look like your father

You look like your grandfather...

Presenter 2: Students from ____class are invited to the stage with a musical and poetic composition “ Everlasting memory heroes"

Presenter 1: What is a “black tulip”? This was the name given to the planes that carried their burdensome cargo - dead soldiers - through the passes, taking their bodies home so that their relatives could mourn and say goodbye to them for the last time. The army lost people on the roads, in minefields, in hospitals. But, obeying the order, she continued to follow orders.

Presenter 2:
The engines groan
They either cry quietly or grumble.
Tons of sorrow weigh on the wings,
The “black chart” set course for the homeland.

Beneath it are only the teeth of the Hindu Kush
They sparkle white in the night.
The country does not expect such a “jackpot”
"Tulip" takes soldiers home.

Soldiers in zinc uniforms
They lie in formation without moving.
The stamp of guilt on the commanders
Do not wash away with tears and prayers.

A mournful silence reigns
And you can't see the beauty of the stars.
We are returning from a mission,
Dropping tears from above.

Video. Monologue of the pilot of the “black tulip”

Presenter 2: Pupils of the ____ class of the most successful ____________________ are invited to the stage

Presenter 1: 9th grade student ______________ is invited to the stage

With a poem by Yu. Ryabinin "Spell"

Men had to die

Now in an open field, now in cramped dungeons

With silent words on your lips...

What was in them - the last, unknown:

Farewell to life, about native places

Memories?.. Greedy prayer

About a miracle?.. Wild, crazy fear?..

Staunch contempt for your murderers?..

And fell on the stones or sand

With a face distorted by death throes,

And a thin hair broke off

Holy words to betrotheds and wives.

But there was so much hidden in the unsaid

Men's love, care, kindness,

That all this, without perishing, was embodied

In the imperishable sounds of bitter purity.

They are only available when you are alert at heart,

I am not deaf to the words of children and the cry of birds,

Through the noise of rain and snow, a vague rustle

Your imperfect hearing will catch it.

From the darkness of the years, distant mournful copper

"I'm sorry for the pain caused by death...

Comfort yourself... And be happy with someone else..."

And it will ring out with a long, weak groan,

Like a dying string:

"And yet with him - both faithful and worthy -

Tearslessly, silently, remember me."

Presenter 2: Song « Afghan Waltz" will be performed by an 11th grade student ____________________________

Presenter 1: A student of ___ class ______________ is invited to the stage to read the poem “Red Daisy”

Presenter 2: Many were not destined to return to their native threshold; they died during the Great Patriotic War and other wars.And our sacred duty is to preserve the memory of them as faithful sons of the Fatherland.

Presenter 1: A student of ____class ______________ is invited to the stage

Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes,

Time has chosen you.

TO immortal feat,

To the highest of inspirations,

Not like getting to the top

They go from step to step,

They fly towards immortality,

Like flaming birds, -

Giving myself completely,

And not by particles.

Courage is not fashion

Fast, fleeting,

Courage is the essence of a man,

Durable, long, eternal.

Video clip "Cranes"

Presenter1: The memory of many guys, the memory of those who passed away in peacetime will be eternal.

Heroes don't die

And they don’t go into storage

Their death does not incapacitate

They are among us forever.

Presenter 2: A student of ___ class is invited to the stage _________ Withsong "Throw to Heaven"

Presenter 2: Time inexorably does its work. The war goes deep into history. And I would like to wish you all good health, joy, confidence in the future, peace and harmony, love. A student is invited to the stage____ __________ with the verse “Cherish the world”

Treasure the world, treasure it!

Notice, rejoice, take

Rainbows, sunrises, stars in the eyes -

It's all for you, for you, for you.

We heard a trembling word -

Rejoice. Don't ask for a second one.

Don't waste time. To nothing.

Rejoice in this, him!

How long is the song destined to last?

Can everything in life happen again?

A leaf in the stream, a bullfinch, an elm above the roof...

Will this happen a thousand times!

The evening is illuminated on the boulevard

Poplar burning candles

Rejoice, don't spoil it with anything

No hope, no love, no meeting!

Thunder strikes from a cannon in heaven.

Rain, rain! There are freckles on the puddles.

Spins, dances, hits the pavement

Large rain the size of a nut.

See the beauty in the ugly,

See the river floods in the streams!

Who knows how to be happy in everyday life,

He really is a happy man!

And the roads and bridges sing,

The colors of the forest and the winds of events,

Stars, birds, rivers and flowers:

Treasure the world, treasure it!

Presenter 1: Every time gives birth to its heroes. But feat of arms has always stood on a high moral pedestal, crowning the best qualities of a human citizen, patriot, and internationalist. Nowadays, guys have not run out of loyalty to the duty and traditions of older generations.

Presenter 2: Despite the reassessment of military events, the feat of Soviet and Russian soldiers remains worthy. They are morally impeccable. The feat of a warrior is a feat of faith, duty, oath.

Presenter 1: years will pass. Much may be forgotten over time. The current discussions about wars, and the reproaches that hurt them so painfully, will sink into oblivion. These wars will remain an indelible tragic mark among the people. There will remain poems and songs born during the war, telling about the fortitude and courage of soldiers.

Video clip “How young we were”

Presenter 1:

Years have passed, decades have passed

When the smoke of war hung over the world.

What a pity that grandchildren and children forget,

Who paid with their lives for their dreams.

Students of _____ class are invited to the stage with the song “One, two, the army is coming”

Presenter 2:

Among worries, among smiles,

Such as in the hall, kind eyes

I say "thank you" to life

For every moment, for every hour,

For a ray of sunshine,

For the joy of the day.

If only you were immortal

The land that nurtured me!

And the sky is endlessly blue

Over a golden field of rye...

We congratulate all of you people

With this great happiness - to live!

I. Rovnyagin

Leading2 : Our meeting is coming to an end. We say a big thank you to all those who, without sparing themselves, stand up to defend our Motherland, who protect the peace of peaceful citizens. Thank you for your valor, thank you for the fact that, having gone through hell and death, through blood and tears, you manage to preserve human kindness.

Presenter 1: And now we say to you until we meet again, and we are sure there will be! Goodbye!

Rally scenario
On the Day of Withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan.
The Afghan war is terrible
“February 15 is the Day of Remembrance of the Russians who performed
official duty outside the Fatherland"
On February 15, 1989, the conditional line of the State
border of the USSR, passing along the bridge across the Amu Darya,
our last soldier crossed -
Lieutenant General B.V. Gromov. The withdrawal from
Afghanistan with a limited contingent of Soviet troops.
Let's remember this joyful and sad day - let's bow
the fallen and embrace the living!
2 slide video
Slide 3 (The melody from the song “Cranes” sounds)
Against the background of music
The boys were leaving
From Afghanistan
Through the passes
And Salang...
The boys were leaving
Early in the morning,
And in the mosque
The mullah spoke.
And there was a prayer
Like salvation
What guys
Allah will protect...
Don't forget February and Sunday,
Joy and smiles
On the lips.

4 slide The nine-year-old is over, no one and no one
undeclared, heroic and tragic war. But in
She still has a long life to live in human memory, because her story
written in the blood of soldiers and the tears of mothers, obelisks and
tin stars and the frontal wind rushing into
our lives, songs.
Events go further and further into history
Afghan war. Soldiers and officers with dignity and
honorably fulfilled their international duty in
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
I'm glad to hear
that's forever over
the bloodshed of our brothers, fathers and sons. But it hurts
think about how many children remain disabled. And also
it’s more painful to peer at photographs of warriors who
died. How many obelisks are worth in Afghanistan alone?
earth. How many feats were accomplished by our guys
on the soil of Afghanistan...
5 slide Thirteen thousand eight hundred eighty three
the funeral came to different cities and sat down former USSR With
December 25, 1979 to February 15, 1989.
6 slide
Listen to these scary numbers. How many
mothers' hearts were broken by this immeasurable

Hello, mom, I'm writing a letter again.
Hello, mom, everything is fine as before.
The mother is unable to tear herself away from the grave mound,
The son is in the ground, and in the palm of his hand is a piece of paper from this letter.
He is alive in him, he laughs and so wants to live long.
Hello mom, hello eternity!

7,8,9 slides
Among the dead are our fellow countrymen, guys who studied at
school number 1. This is Ivanov Valery, Kalinin Sergey and Andreev
Andrey, who died in Chechen war in 2001.
Ivanov Valera. He was born into the family of an officer and his dream was to become
The military lived in it since childhood. Upon completion of the 1st city
school became a cadet at the Leningrad Higher
Artillery Military School.
I didn’t go to Afghanistan by order, I just decided to try it out
myself. Valery served for a little more than two months
Afghan soil. October 7, 1988 cover group,
commanded by Lieutenant Ivanov, was subjected to
attack and shelling by rebels in the area
settlement Tazhkurgan. Shot from a grenade launcher
BRDM2, in which the lieutenant was located, was shot down. Before
approach of the reserve group, mortally wounded, he
continued to lead the defense. Ivanov Valery
Viktorovich died on the battlefield.
Posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.
From a letter from battalion commander Yuri Kolenyuk:
“Hello, dear parents of Valerik! Writes it to you
friend - Yuri. I’m writing these lines, and my throat is constricting from
bitterness. God, how unfair all this is! I've been through it too

Afghanistan...How many lives it took... And Valerka, he
should have lived. People like him should live..."
(Lights a candle).
Kalinin Sergey. He was born and raised in Bologoye.
He was interested in technology and loved playing hockey.
In 1978 he graduated from eight classes of school No. 1 and
entered technical school No. 7. Studied to be a mechanic
studied at night school. After completing his studies he worked
in the carriage depot.
Sergei had a dream - to learn to be a driver. But in
military registration and enlistment office, where he came with a request to send him to
driver courses, he was refused because he was not yet 18 years old.
They suggested coming in the fall. And in the fall he joined the army. By
upon completion of sergeant training, Sergei was sent to
Afghanistan, where his short life ended
Andreev Andrey. Andrey was born and raised in the city
Bologoe. In 1995 he graduated from school No. 1 and entered
vocational school No. 14, specialty
general-purpose tractor driver, mechanic
repairer. After graduating from college, he worked at Armaturny
factory in the mechanical assembly shop, then was a driver
Andrey was fond of technology, he called his loader
"swallow" and repaired it in his spare time
time. At the plant Andrey was appreciated for his conscientious work and
For his mother, Andrei was “the light in the window”; with him she had no
there were no problems. He was affectionate and caring
son, assistant in business, fair and reliable in

Andrey died while performing a combat mission in Chechnya
republic. That their son was in Chechnya, at home
They only found out when he died...
(Lights a candle).
They were not destined to return to their native threshold... But
memory of our boys who did not return from those wars,
the memory of those who passed away in peacetime will
10 slide
A minute of silence...Comrades, stand up
And in memory - imagine the fallen heroes.
The sound of their names is forever in our hearts.
A minute of silence, a minute of silence...
Slide 11 (The song “Forgive Soldiers” plays)

Scenario of the event dedicated to Afghan Day "Living Memory"


1 presenter:

I want the country to be proud
May your day be beautiful,

To fall asleep in captivity of a good feeling

Remembering good people… (1 slide Monument to the Afghans)

2 presenter: Hello, dear friends! Our meeting today is a tribute to the memory of all those involved in the heroic and tragic wars of the 20th century. It takes place on the eve of the celebration of the 26th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the 70th anniversary of Victory Day in the Second World War, so all the words and songs will be dedicated to these events.

1 presenter: We called our meeting “F "living memory", because those are alive who fought, fulfilling their international duty in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Abkhazia, Transnistria, Chechnya, ... other hot spots. (slide - photo about Afghanistan)

2 presenter: Live, That's why that the memory of the dead are sacredly preserved by their comrades in arms, their families and loved ones. And this memory will live as long as We Let's remember this for now We we talk and sing about it. (slide – photo of our Afghans from events)

1st lesson:

2 lessons: This means that somewhere in the silence of the night evil bullets whistle hysterically,

And that in this struggle, as in any war, life and death stand side by side again.

3 lessons: This means that in this harsh battle your peer, fellow countryman, your neighbor.

Protecting your love and hope, there is a welcoming light from our windows.

4 lessons: Protecting everything that we value so much, he fights this righteous battle

Our happiness and work, our peaceful life, are shielded from trouble.

5 lessons: High, high above the earth the blue is a time of peace over the Motherland

We hear not simple and strict words: “Combat is awarded with an order.”

Song “Partisan Son” Alina Absalyamova

1 presenter: It just so happened that the Russian soldier defended not only his homeland, but also helped fraternal peoples. And this was called “fulfilling an international duty.” And then, back in 1979, the Russians went to help build happy life deep into Asia . (slide – photo of a helicopter, soldiers in Afghanistan)

On December 25, 1979, at 15.00 Moscow time, an airborne division, military transport aircraft, engineering units crossed the state border of the USSR, and motorized rifle divisions of the Red Banner Military District were on high alert. A limited contingent of Soviet troops began to enter Afghanistan, through Kushka to Herat and Kandahar, and then to Kabul.

(Watching the documentary video “Password “Afghanistan. The Beginning” 2 minutes. 20 sec .)

The order for the movie arrived.
Time has chosen you

Spun in an Afghan snowstorm,

Friends called us at a terrible hour,

We put on a special uniform.

And in the fire of mountain difficult roads

They sprinkled their blood on their campaigns,

Didn't notice in the whirlwind of worries,

How minutes are compressed into years.

Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -
These qualities are not for show.
The Motherland has countless heroes.
Time has chosen you
(10th grade students perform the song “Combat Batyanya”)

2 presenter: The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years, 1 month and 18 days. It was at that time that we learned how dangerous the profession of a helicopter pilot is, that the word “spirit” can mean not only something sublime, but also an unwashed, bearded creature with a Kalashnikov at the ready.

Military jargon has been enriched with new terms: “cargo – three hundred”, “cargo – two hundred”, “green stuff”, “spinner”... Song “Katyusha” Girls Ensemble

Presenter 1.

In the history of every state there are wars... and every nation has heroes of these wars. And should we judge the righteousness or unrighteousness of wars that have long remained in history? The wounds hurt equally. We left Afghanistan. But not all bullets were recovered. And this wound will not heal soon. And we must remember and honor those who honestly carried out the order so that the war would finally end for them.

Presenter 1.

During the presence of the Soviet contingent in Afghanistan, about 15 thousand people from among the Soviet military personnel were killed, almost 50 thousand were wounded, more than 300 people are still considered missing.

Presenter 2.

Academician A.D. Sakharov once said: “I have a dream - to erect two completely identical monuments: to the First and Last who died in Afghan war. The first is Major Bizyukov, a military adviser, killed in March 1979. The last one was junior sergeant Igor Lyakhovich from Donetsk, who died on February 7, 1989. And the numbers on the tombstones are “1” and “14453”.

(Song performed by 11th grade students “Officers”)

Presenter 1.

11 of our fellow villagers fought in Afghanistan and 12 of Chechnya. And thank God that they all returned home alive. Only one died - Sergei Vladimirovich Ivygin.

(A story about him and a presentation with his photographs)

Presenter 2.

In memory of those who died in Afghanistan, fulfilling their military, human and international duty, a Minute of Silence is declared.

(The metronome sounds. The soldiers also light the candle - the Afghans pass the candle to each other.)

Presenter 1.

Thank you, Afghan warriors, for showing us all an example of courage, perseverance, selfless love for the Motherland and true male friendship.

There's a song playing "Medley" performed by an ensemble of girls.

Presenter 2.

February 15, 1989. The last battalion of the 201st division to leave Afghanistan across the Friendship Bridge across the Amu Darya. Before leaving, Boris Gromov, commander of the 40th Army, formed a battalion and, knowing that he would no longer have to meet with him, thanked all the soldiers and said that on this special day the reconnaissance battalion of the 201st division would go down in history as the last unit of the Soviet troops who left the territory of Afghanistan. This huge column was closed by the commander of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov. I put all my pain into this courageous man in these lines:


Our pain and fears are a shadow

Merged with your worries,

Finally the last day has come

Finally we waited for him.

Who stood up, who fell under fire,

You can’t ask fate what or who,

For nine years you lived this day,

For nine years they fought to reach him.

How to measure the pain of hot wounds?

Ease the grief of mothers?

Afghanistan will burn your heart

And in the arms of your Motherland.

Boris Gromov.

Presenter 2. We are proud of you, and no matter how much time passes, we will remember you! After all, this is our story. There is no future without the past. And you and I still have to live and live... We, future conscripts, are proud that we study at a school where internationalist soldiers studied. They fulfilled their patriotic duty with honor and dignity and are an example and model for us.

And we would like to challenge you to a duel. To do this you need to go through simple and interesting competitions.

    "Exemplary Soldiers" We need helmets, boots, foot wraps, huge trousers and other accessories of military life. In the army, privates must have time to get dressed while the match is burning, so let your men try to fulfill this condition - put on as much clothing as possible in a short time. For interest in military uniform you can include funny things, women's clothing and children's hats. The award goes to the most suitable “soldier” for the army and the most extravagant military man.

    "Accurate shooter"- game of darts.

    "Army cuisine"“This is a comic competition. The presenter places raw, unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel the potatoes. But when those who wish are selected, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The winner is the one whose dish is the last (potatoes, 2 knives, dishes or plate)

    “Assembling and disassembling the machine" - for correct execution.

    "Four ends» Need 2 thick ropes equal length. They are tied in the middle, and loops are tied at all four ends. 2 students and 2 guests take loops in their hands and stand in the corners of an improvised square. At a distance of two meters from each participant, a stone or any other object is placed to the periphery. At the signal, all players try to grab their stone. The one who does it first wins.

(clothesline, stone or any other object)

2 presenter: Let there be a peaceful sky above our planet.

Let the sun shine brightly.

Let children's laughter sound fun.

Let our great Russia prosper.

1 presenter: And we hope and wish you that the dark and dark days will never return, that for wives and mothers they will not repeat themselves, but that those painful days and nights of waiting for anxiety will remain in the past.

Presenter 1. People, stop listening to the drums!

People, we will be alive at sea and on land!

Self-destruction is not a good fate!

Cover your guns! Uncover your souls!

Now we invite all guests to the Hall of Memory of Sergei Ivygin - to honor his memory and lay flowers.

We take flowers and take the candle to the Hall of Military Glory)

Poem dedicated to S. Ivygin.

Goal: to cultivate patriotic feelings in students.


  1. Formation of ideas about military duty and loyalty to the Fatherland.
  2. Formation of experience of moral behavior of the individual.
  3. To expand students' knowledge about the wars in which the Russian, Soviet and Russian Armies participated.
  4. Foster respect for the memory of the dead and the values ​​of life.


    Information sheets on the geography and history of Afghanistan.

    Video clips on military topics.

    Recordings of songs of Afghan warriors.

Music sounds, songs “From Afghanistan to Chechnya”

Beginning – 1 slide

Paunina A.V. – 2.3 slide

Then, at 45, while celebrating the Victory, everyone was sure that the last war in human history had ended. But fate decreed otherwise. The grandchildren of those who mined the world took up arms again.

1979 The April revolution was victorious in Afghanistan. But the victory of the revolution did not resolve the internal contradictions of the Afghan people: there was civil strife, some groups of the population fought with others. The Afghan government more than once turned to the USSR government with a request for military assistance.

And so on December 12, 1979, at a meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, a decision was unanimously made to send Soviet troops into Afghanistan; the first casualties occurred within two hours. This is how something began that you want to forget, but that you definitely need to remember! Remember not to repeat it!

War is a terrible, cruel phenomenon. But as long as anger and hatred exist on Earth, there will also be wars that inflict wounds on people. Russian people have a special love for their native land, for the place where they grew up, for their Motherland. This love from time immemorial is manifested in their readiness to defend, without sparing their lives, their Fatherland.

4.5 slides: “Flap your wings, Rus',” performed by a 9th grade student

Mikhnevich T

Slide 6:

Scene No. 1 (background of oriental music)

In the foreground, an Afghan man prays to God, speaks the Afghan language, and his family is nearby.

“Oh Allah. Give peace to my heart, my home. Send the Russians home. Give them a thirst for life, not a thirst for war. Let sheep and camels walk the mountain paths. No need for mines and tripwires. Russians have their own mother, we have ours. They love their children, we love our children. Let grief divide us and unite us in joy.” (Translator translates)

Scene 2 (phonogram of church music).

Mother and daughter ask God.

“Save my son. Give him the strength to reach the bridge, I don’t need much happiness. Give me just one thing, leave him alive.”

Daughter: “God save my father. Let him return home in peace. Dad, hear me, I don't want to live alone. When I was a child, my mother once said that if you ask your father, he can do anything. I ask you and God to stay alive."

Scene No. 3 (Chernov A, Laux S, Darchuk M)

Outpost, two soldiers are filling the magazine of a machine gun.

Anton: “Friends leave, enemies remain. And so all our lives, tomorrow our people will go out with the girls in Ashgabat. And we count the cartridges so as not to get captured"

Semyon: Am I not your friend?

Anton: You are a brother.

Anton: That's it, brother.

An officer:

“And tomorrow the dismissal order. I wonder whether I will retire alive or posthumously. My daughter will receive a pension posthumously. Wounded cripple, mess with me. Forgive me, dear, for such thoughts, I know I have no right to leave our daughter alone. Well, I’ll tell you what, brothers. For battle.

No one but us, for us there are no tasks impossible, death is better than dishonor, honor for yourself - glory to the Motherland!

Stills from the film 9th Company.


For those who defended and will defend their Motherland. For Krasnoyarsk children who have no impossible tasks. We dedicate the song to the anthem - Airborne Forces "Sineva".

Against the background of the song “Sineva” slides 7,8,9,10.

Slide 11.

Leonova S.

The earth keeps the scars of the past war,
The names of the dead, insensitive granite,
Red carnations, cold marble,
The sobbing of women at the gravestones.
Afghan...And again we send our sons into battle,
Without beards, who did not have time to fledge
And the crutches are already knocking on the pavement again.
Oh, my Rus', oh, my pain is Russia!
Where can I find words like these?
And where can I get such strength?
To talk about your fate without tears.

Slide 12

Vasilovskaya L.

During the most difficult period of the war, Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, a major general, was appointed commander of the 40th Army, that is, a limited contingent. When planning any military operations, the army command was faced with a single problem: how to save people’s lives? Both Soviet and Afghan! How to avoid the death of soldiers?

Slide 13

Reznik N. Pobedikh

Slide 14

Pavlova L.

Many were not destined to return to their native threshold; many very young boys were killed on the rocky Afghan soil, among them our fellow countrymen.

Goncharenko L.

Achinsk in Russian military history not marked with anything. It was neither a frontier nor a point in military operations, and this city on the Chulym coast is far from all conflicts where blood is shed. But there are quite a few traces of the Afghan war here.

Pavlova L.

Private sapper Vyacheslav Kozhevnikov, who lived only 18 boyhood years and died in December 1980, did not return home.

Slide 15.

Goncharenko L

In April 1982, Galina Vasilievna Drozhzhina received a funeral for her only son. The group under the command of reconnaissance company sergeant Boris Drozhzhin fell into the enemy ring and faced an unequal battle. Drozhzhin died covering his comrades.

Slide 16

Pavlova L.

On the first day of 1984, shooter Alexander Plaunov died in an unequal battle. And in July of the same year, senior lieutenant Vladimir Shteingauer burned down in an exploded helicopter, several years short of his 25th birthday.

Goncharenko L.

Senior Lieutenant Yuri Molodenkov, an air gunner on the Mi-8 helicopter, also died a heroic death. During the landing, the helicopter was fired upon and caught fire. Molodenkov, having called fire on himself, covered the group’s retreat.

Goncharenko L.

168 soldiers drafted by the Achinsk military registration and enlistment office fought in this war. 9 officers died a heroic death, 1 was missing. Today in Achinsk, 169 Afghan soldiers continue to go through life with us.

Slide 17 (Mikhailov N.V.)

Slide 18

Reznik A
On February 15, 1989, the last armored personnel carrier with our soldiers crossed the Friendship Bridge across the Amu Darya, along the fairway of which the border with Afghanistan runs. This huge column was closed by the commander of the 40th Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov. This courageous man put all his pain into these lines:

Vasilovskaya E

Our pain and fears are a shadow
Merged with your worries,
Finally the last day has come
Finally we waited for him.
Who stood up, who fell under fire,
You can’t ask fate what - to whom,
For nine years you lived this day,
For nine years they fought to reach him.
How to measure the pain of hot wounds?
Ease the grief of mothers?
Afghanistan will burn your heart
And in the arms of your Motherland.
Slide 19.

Paunina A.V.

Politicians lost the Afghan war. The Armed Forces fulfilled their duty with honor. Time will still give its assessment and draw conclusions about everything that has happened over the long and alarming years.

Slide 20.

Leonova A.

1. The guys left Afghanistan
Through the passes and Salang...
The guys left early in the morning,
And the mullah was crying in the mosque.
And there was a prayer
Like salvation that guys
Allah will protect...
Don't forget February and Sunday,
Joy and smiles
On the lips.

Slide 21

Paunina A.V. , Levkutnik A., Darchuk M.

The sister bent over the soldier in alarm,
He is silent, not even a groan for a day.
He arrived at the medical battalion from battle yesterday
All wounded, arms torn off.
Tears tremble on her eyelashes,
They'll fall off in a hot cascade.
The silent soldier suddenly moved his lips,
He whispered to her: “Sister, don’t.
I can stand everything, but I don’t need tears,
Don't cry, or your hands won't grow.
I'll give you a million Red roses
For your compassion and torment.
I'll give you a million red roses,
But not like the artist to the princess.

I'll collect them in a bouquet, let them reach the stars,
Let a new song be born."
The nurse secretly wiped away her tears
And she pressed her lips to the bandages:
“Get well soon, dear, and then there will be roses
They will remain with us as an eternal song..."

Song The song performed by I. Shvedova “White Waltz” is played.
To the sounds of a waltz, a girl in a white dress appears in the hall; this is a symbol of the song, a symbol of the bride, youth, and expectation. She waltzes around the classroom and involuntarily stops in front of the mournful figure of her mother, freezing, looking at her. The girl in black throws her black scarf over her, like a black mark, a sign of trouble. A girl in a white dress leaves sadly and mournfully.

Slide 22

Yarovaya D

The battles end, but history is eternal. The Afghan war is also a thing of history. But she will live long in human memory, because her story was written with the blood of soldiers and the tears of mothers. She will live in the memory of orphans left without fathers. It will live in the souls of those who participated in it. The generation scorched by its fire, like no one else, learned the military and moral lessons of that heroic and tragic Afghan war, undeclared by anyone.

Slide 23

Paunina O.I.

Obelisks, gravestones,

Names, names, names...

Some fragile woman in black

Clutches his still wet handkerchief from tears

She bowed, laid flowers,

She stroked the letters of the slab with her hand.

How dear is this grave to a mother,

And these trees and these bushes.

I wrapped up a lump of strawberries with me,

She straightened a strand of graying hair.

And again she looked at the black slabs.

Unable to hold back the accumulated tears.

She didn't cry, she just moaned quietly,

And silence answered her with a groan

And the mother, raising her hands, said in a barely audible voice:

“I send a curse to you, war.”

Paunina A.V.

Sleep well, mothers and fathers,
Brides-wives, dear to the heart.
We sacredly preserve the honor of our native country,
We, your faithful sons, Russia.
And, having met on their native land,
Lost in the cycle of memories,
Let's remember the guys who didn't return
A single moment of silence.

Video clip “Leaving”