Download the bow - attracting abundance with the tapping method. Tapping active points is a method of awakening healing energy. With a detailed atlas Losing weight using the tapping method

The emotional freedom technique (tapping) helped me a lot 3 years ago. I lived for some time in another country and when I returned home, I could not find a decent job. I ran around for interviews for a long time, and everything was not the same, everything was not this, the money was running out, and the disappointment and emptiness intensified. I even fell into depression. I saw that it was my blocks that were preventing me from finding what I needed. In general, I literally I spent hours tapping out my reluctance, my lack of self-confidence, the feeling of “I’m a failure,” and a bunch of other things. She tapped, cried, fell asleep, got up to eat, and continued to tapped again. I didn’t go to interviews for two weeks, I just worked. In general, after two weeks I felt purity in myself and confidence that I was great and the employer would be lucky with me. And literally on the second day after finishing the work, I got my dream job) Thanks to God and this method. The method perfectly relieves acute negative emotions, you physically feel liberation. But in order to do something serious, as in my case, you need to get angry with yourself and take action. In general, I highly, highly recommend this method!
*** Added: 29 Nov 2015. Date of original message: 29 Nov 2015 ***

By the way, on this site there are trainings by an excellent EFT (tapping) trainer Katerina Kalchenko. I bought the “I Love Money” course from her. For me, this course was effective in terms of changes not only in the internal, but also in the physical world.

*** Added: 30 Nov 2015 ***

And here’s what I wanted to say, I realized this and see it in my life and maybe it will be useful to someone.
When working through your blocks, let go of your desire to get rid of them; the more you want to get rid of them, the more they will cling to you. You must accept them, because they are yours, dear ones, even love them, thank them for existing.
Tell this block “Hello, yes, you exist, I recognize you, I love you.”
And in the EFT technique, one must also recognize this block and say, “Despite this and that, I love and accept myself and I love and accept this and that.”
I rarely use EFT now, because I rarely feel bright negative emotions. And quiet negative emotions or to thoughts I simply say “Hi, yes, I acknowledge that you are in me and I accept and love you.” And if it is possible to close my eyes, then looking at her I mentally kiss and embrace this feeling or emotion. Surprisingly, there is always transformation, silence and quiet joy.
Blocks are transformed, wishes will come true by themselves.
But if, against the background of a general calm internal state, what you want does not come, I think you need to deal with it, with hidden programs that are not visible and you do not feel them in the body. The main thing is to understand that happiness and unhappiness are all within us. And we live in such a wonderful age that there is so much wonderful information, books, trainings. And everything can change for the better)

Tapping active points– a method of awakening healing energy. With a detailed atlas Koval Dmitry

Daily tapping of stagnant areas of the body

In order for chronic diseases to recede and the joy of life to return, accustom yourself to short daily tapping.

Opening energy channels on the fingers

Before influencing stagnant zones of the body, we will excite the energy of the palms and open the energy channels on the fingers. In the corners of the nails there are biologically active points that belong to the energy channels of our body. For the practice to be effective, the points must be open to receiving energy. The exercise has its own meaning; it can be performed in the morning, as well as in the evening before bed. To open channels, perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Close your eyes and try to focus on your actions. Bend your arms in front of your chest (palms facing down).

2. Bend your index and middle fingers on your right hand. Run your bent fingers along the side surface of the fingers of your left hand (fingers of your left hand are straight!). Along each finger - 2 times (photo 4).

Photo 4

3. Do the same action for the straightened fingers of your right hand.

The channels on the toes open in the same way. For the tapping below, the channels on the legs do not matter, and this step can be skipped. However, opening the channels always has its own therapeutic value. By opening the channels on your legs, you can receive energy in any comfortable position. So, move the bent fingers of your left hand along the side surface of the toes of your right foot, and right hand open the channels on your left leg. Imagine in your mind how you open the channels and clean the contaminated areas with a scraper of bent fingers, as if from sand. Gray sand comes out of biologically active points, and pure energy enters.

Tapping areas of stagnation

1. We start tapping ourselves or mutual massage from the head. Scalp tapping involves ruffling pinches of the scalp. Round your palm as if you were holding an apple or orange, place it in your hair and pluck, “bite” your head with your fingers, fluffing up your hairstyle. Negative energy accumulates in the hair; vigorously whipping the hairstyle eliminates the negativity.

2. Then we massage our hands. We stretch the arm being massaged forward and vigorously spank it along its entire length with the other massaging hand - from the palm to the shoulder joint. We gradually and slowly rotate the massaged arm in the shoulder joint so that the spanks are evenly distributed on the inner and outer surfaces of the arm. Spank until red. Then we change hands and continue the massage.

3. The next zone is the lateral surface of the ribs below the armpit (Fig. 3, A). For women, this area is especially important, since the lymph nodes associated with the mammary gland are located on the side of the chest. Massage of this area prevents the formation of benign breast tumors. Vigorously tap the right side surface with your left hand. Then we take the armpit with our hand, knead it and gently tap it. We massage on each side surface for 2 minutes.

Rice. 3, a

In European massage, it is not customary to work on the popliteal cavities, elbow joints, and armpits due to the accumulation of lymph nodes.

Chinese practice accepts such restrictions only partially: the lymph node areas are not heated using a heat source. But the ban does not apply to massage, so we boldly perform armpit tapping!

4. Then we perform an important exercise for the chest (for women, this exercise is of particular importance because, like the previous procedure, it improves the condition of the mammary gland). We spread our arms to the sides horizontally with our shoulders and make simultaneous wide swings back with both arms, as if expanding chest. At the same time, we rotate our arms in the shoulder joints in a horizontal direction (the rotation impulse is noticeable only in the palm, its outer and inner sides flash).

Palms up - once, move your arms back, return them forward. Palms down - two, hands back, hands back forward. We do about 50 abductions back.

5. Then with both hands we knead the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, which belongs to primary congestion (Fig. 3, b). When a “withers” forms in this area, the energy of the middle meridian is almost constantly in critical stagnation and needs to be pushed through. We vigorously knead the withers with both hands at the same time, then tap the shoulder girdle (the place where the shoulder straps are worn).

Rice. 3, b

Taoist practices include body massages using clasped palms. Internal energy The massage therapist concentrates as much as possible in the lock, and with this energy clot (direct or reverse lock) an intense massage is performed. In this case, the massage therapist’s hands must be especially dexterous and mobile at the wrists, so that the ability to maneuver around the patient’s body is sufficient. It’s as if your body is being massaged by free fingers.

To train a massage therapist in these techniques, much attention is paid to the joint twisting of two crossed palms. The masseur constantly trains, rotating with two clasped hands. At the same time, it gives deep energy impulses to its own body, because the primary points of energy meridians are located on the palms!

This text is an introductory fragment. author Koval Dmitry

Daily tapping of stagnant zones of the body In order for chronic diseases to recede and the joy of life to return, accustom yourself to short daily tapping. Opening energy channels on the fingers Before influencing stagnant zones of the body,

From the book Great Atlas of Healing Points. Chinese medicine for the protection of health and longevity author Koval Dmitry

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From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

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From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

Quick tapping to improve digestion At the beginning of the last century, gastritis was called “catarrh of the stomach” and already then a connection was established between catarrh and “neurosis” of the stomach. Now there is no longer any doubt that one of the causes of gastritis is autonomic dysfunction (that is,

From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

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From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

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From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

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From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

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From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

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From the book Tapping active points - a method of awakening healing energy. With detailed atlas author Koval Dmitry

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To be angry, offended, irritated, ashamed, afraid... for a person these feelings seem to be natural, for some it does not happen. When negative feelings and emotions accumulate and become unexpressed, they become destructive.

If you have not heard of the meridian tapping technique, search on the Internet or watch an American documentary director Nicholas Polizzi “Emotional Freedom Technique - A remedy for all occasions.”

This method was invented by the American psychologist Dr. Roger Callaghan in the early 80s., and in the 90s the American Gary Craig improved it and created the emotional release technique (EFT). The main thing is that a person can apply it anywhere.

The Meridial Tapping technique works with any type of emotional stress.– this is anxiety, fears, guilt, all types of addictions, limiting beliefs that prevent people from creating a successful prosperous life, as well as physical pain and illness. Any problem that has an emotional basis can be healed using this method.

The technique of tapping meridian points is practically acupuncture, which is also based on the same meridians. Just like tapping, acupuncture achieves its effect by stimulating the energy meridians of the human body. But, unlike acupuncture, tapping does not require the use of needles! “Acupuncture without needles” is one of the important advantages of the tapping method or, as it is also called, the technique of emotional release.

How will the meridian tapping method help?

  • Tapping will help you relax
  • Tapping will ease the pain
  • Tapping will reduce stress levels
  • Tapping will help you get rid of bad habits
  • Tapping will teach you how to overcome your fear and phobias
  • Tapping will remove the influence of childhood memories

Description of the tapping technique

Determine as specifically as possible what worries, scares, saddens, irritates you, for example, at work. And after that, rate the strength of your feelings and emotions on a 10-point scale. A score of 0 means it's not a problem for you at all, a score of 10 means you're beside yourself. Now start hitting the karate point on the edge of your palm and repeating only one of the phrases: “I’m so tired at work. So much tension. It squeezes all the juice out of me. I feel exhausted. The stress at work makes me feel tense and anxious.”

By stimulating the point, we free ourselves and release negativity from ourselves. If sitting inside negative feeling, emotion, it means a block in your body. The truth is that in this case, just speaking out feelings and tapping on the points does not create even more negativity, but on the contrary, it gets rid of it. The clearer and more specific you define the problem in short phrase, all the better.

Now continue tapping in a circle, starting from the point at the beginning of the eyebrow, and say what you feel, moving to the next point with each new phrase.

If during the process of tapping your emotions intensify, this means that until this moment you suppressed them in yourself and did not recognize them. Therefore, continue tapping and you will see how these emotions, after strengthening, will begin to go away.

Tapping itself is similar to how we energetically type on a keyboard or lightly drum on a table. You should tap the dots in a circle (see picture), while simultaneously saying out loud certain phrases and sentences. At this stage, it is very important to call a spade a spade, turn off all censorship, and simply, clearly and out loud say what you feel.

If your stress or problem is buried deep in your soul, neglected, it is better to turn to specialists in the field of psychotherapy.

Tapping is surprisingly easy to learn. Even children can quickly learn it. But to get better results, to be able to use it effectively for yourself and those you love, you need to keep studying, studying and using it.

Here are five mistakes I see with the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Mistake #1 - Don't use it!

Okay, okay, I know this seems a little obvious... haha. But this is a serious problem, and I'm sure you've encountered it. How often have you looked back at an event, the day, or physical pain and thought, “Why didn’t I call on that?”

I know I spent half a day with a sore neck from not sleeping properly before I thought, “Oh! We need to tap on her! "And I should be The Expert and the Tapping Guy- how could I forget? 🙂

If you don't know what tapping can do, here's a short list:

  • Pain relief
  • Weight loss
  • Stress Reduction
  • Turning off depression
  • Clearing resentment
  • Autoimmune diseases

The reality is that this Tapping technique is relatively new to all of us. I've been using it, studying, teaching about it for the last 10 years or so. But in the previous 25 years, I didn't know about it, didn't use it, and didn't have that experience. We lived for many years without this technology, especially in childhood.

We simply haven't had tapping as a part of our lives and have developed many habits that don't include this technique. If you were taught how to tap as a child, and they explained to you that it is as important (or even more important!) as brushing your teeth. Then you will now have different experiences and different habits.

So the main reason why most of us don't use EFT is because we simply forget. There may also be deeper issues associated with not using it, such as self-sabotage, resistance, fear of change, etc. I will cover them separately in future posts. But for now, it's important to just recognize that when you don't use it, it's often simply because you're not thinking about it - and gently and gently remind yourself to USE TAPING! 🙂

Here are some tapping scenarios to clear some of that resistance and those old habits. Try it now and see how it impacts your week.

Karate Point: Even though I haven't used tapping as much as I could have, I am deeply and completely accepting of myself.
Karate Point: Even though I could have made my life easier by using tapping on ____________ (fill in the blank for when you didn't use tapping), I decided to relax and forgive myself now.
Karate Point: Even though I was not used to turning to tapping to solve my problems, I decided to start using it andbecome more creative and remember to use this powerful tool!

Start of Eyebrows: I didn't knock
Edge of the Eye: Why not?
Under the eye: Am I sabotaging myself?
Under Your Nose: May be …
Chin: Or maybe I just forgot
Collarbone: Maybe I'm just not used to doing this
At hand: But I can start using it now
On the head: I'm tapping now!

Start of Eyebrows: And that's great
Edge of the Eye: I prefer to remember
Under the eye: about tapping!
Under Your Nose: I choose to develop this positive habit
Chin: This can help me a lot
Collarbone: This will make my life easier
At hand: And this is the choice I want to make
On the head: I choose when I need it most.

Take a deep breath...

And let it go... Repeat several times or focus on something that came up during these short circles.

Okay, now...

Mistake #2 – Lacks Depth and Precision

I always encourage people to start with global statements because that's usually the easiest way to start and can get things moving in the right direction. What do I mean by global statement? Something in common:

"Even though I'm not happy right now... I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

This statement is global because it is broad and does not focus on a detailed situation.

From there, however, after a round of tapping or two global statements, it is important to be more precise.

So in this case, you can go from: "Even though I'm not happy right now..." as the first statement, to "Even though I'm not happy now because my boss was such a jerk today..."

Now you are focused on a specific event that will bring you better results. The more specific you can be, the better. Which brings us to mistake #3...

Mistake #3 – Not addressing all “aspects” of the problem

Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, was a genius in identifying the importance of “aspects” to getting great results. What is meant by aspects? An aspect is a certain “side” of a problem.

So, in the above case of “Not Happy,” we go from the general to the specific: “I'm not happy because my boss was such a jerk,” to more specific “aspects.”

So here are some potential aspects in this example:

"I'm not happy because my boss yelled at me." (This is the "audible" aspect of the event)

"I don't like the way he looked at me." (This is one aspect of the experience, "visual cues")

“I felt his words hit me in the stomach.” (For example, “body sensation”)

"I'm Worried He'll Fire Me" ("Future Fear")

“It reminds me of how my father talked to me” (“From Childhood”)

"I've never had good relations with my bosses" (“Limiting Beliefs/Past Experiences”)

And we could go on and on!

Now sometimes issues can be handled with global taps, but the great thing about working on aspects is that you will likely discover a lot more things going on in your life. And cleaning up this particular experience with your boss can have serious consequences for a bunch of other things!

For example, you start with experience with your boss. But then you talk like your father talked to you and you heal that relationship problem. After this process, you end up with a new, better (and less reactive) experience with your boss.

If you take the time to do it right, it can have profound consequences that last a lifetime.

Which leads perfectly to mistake #4...

Mistake #4 – Not tapping long enough

This is a mistake I see a LOT of people make. They say, “Yeah, I tried tapping on it, it didn’t work.” And when I ask them how long they've been tapping on this problem, they say a couple of minutes or one or two laps! This is rarely enough.

I see this with physical pain in particular. “Oh, my neck hurt, so I tapped, but the pain didn’t go away...”

“How long have you been doing this?”

"Two or three minutes."


1-minute miracles happen, but most often it requires longer tapping.

I'm not saying you have to spend hours on this, but you should really give tapping on this topic at least 15 minutes of continuous practice. This will help solve the problem.

My trick when I tap on something is to set a timer or some kind of alarm and I promise I won't stop until 15 minutes. This prevents me from quickly giving up, getting distracted, etc. And finally...

Mistake #5 - Not writing down what you're working with

If you're working on your own, it's very helpful to have a pen and paper (or computer) to take notes on what you want to work on or have already worked on. It is important to record your progress on a scale of 1-10 or write down what rises and comes as you tap.

The last element may be the most important - write down other things that come up. (This is the most important point in courses - approx. translator and EFT trainer)

So here's what it might look like. You write down:

“I'm upset about all the bills I received in the mail today. This is a 7 on a scale of 0-10. "

You start tapping, the frustration subsides. But suddenly some kind of anger arises. You write it.

“I'm angry at myself for not working harder this month. At 8".

You tap on it. Relief comes and turns to sadness.

“I'm sad that this keeps happening to me. At 5. "

You tap on it.

You will return to the disappointment you wrote about above. This is 1, you hardly feel it.

Anger has moved to 4. There is still something there, you tap on it further.

As you do this tapping, you remember two events from your childhood.

"That time my father said I'd never amount to anything."

“My mother cried because we didn’t have enough money.”

You write down both events because you know you want to look at them separately.

It's like peeling an onion. And although it may seem difficult at first, once you understand the whole process, it is easy. And it becomes even easier when you write everything down and keep track of what's happening internally.

Another nice thing about writing down everything that happens before and after tapping is that you can come back to the topic later. You don’t always have the time and energy to tap everything at once.

Well, here it is! Top 5 mistakes I see people make using tapping and how to solve them!

See you later…

Thanks to Nick Ortner and for the information.

Translation and comments,

Varvara Semenikhina

Video about mistakes made by tapping trainers

© Koval D., 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

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Tamara, 35 years old

This is simply incredible, Dmitry! I never thought that my liver was connected to my career. Having started tapping myself using your method, I discovered that my character had changed, and instead of a dissatisfied bore, I turned into an optimistic and full of life person. My new image was appreciated by both colleagues and superiors, my salary increased by 3.5 times. And all thanks to such a simple method!

Viktor Vladimirovich, 54 years old, Novosibirsk

I was wary of all kinds of needles and other oriental medicine. But I still tried this simple method. The result for my heart was satisfying!

Konstantin Nikolaevich, Vitebsk, Belarus

The possibilities for reflexology are endless!

If you are ready for self-healing and knowledge, then understanding the methods and possibilities of Eastern reflexology is your path that never ends! I was always ready to learn! But I must admit right away that the desire to work in certain areas of reflexology arose in me due to my own long-standing ailments, cured only with the help of traditional Eastern practice. I appreciated and mastered this healing practice, and now I have not left it for many years. The longer I practice, the more often I affirm that each of us should be able to influence the active zones of our body with the help of reflexology! After all, any person is able to master acupressure techniques (finger pressure) and help themselves become healthy.

This book is far from my first work on reflexology. I preface each of them with important words: the one who helps people does not have a “monopoly” on the patient’s health; the one who helps people has knowledge and practical experience that can and should be passed on. In order to explain the methods of Chinese reflexology and speak the same language with those I help, some time ago I wrote books on the treatment of the spine and joints and on the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract using the Chinese practice of ju (warming the active zones). Then a book was published about the Korean method of su-jok - treatment using active zones on the palms and feet.

The book you are holding in your hands is dedicated to a relatively new method of treatment and diagnosis, which in America and Europe has already been called the “tapping method.” If the previous topics about the spine and digestion did not interest you (and I’m just glad of that!), then we will have to go through the introductory course from the very beginning. If you are familiar with previous books or have practiced heat therapy or acupressure techniques yourself, you can skip part of the introduction! However, do not ignore the information about Japanese and Korean acupressure.

Because this book includes elements not only Chinese medicine, but also other eastern practices.

It seems to me that Japanese and Korean methods of diagnosis and treatment are more suitable for us, Europeans, in terms of psychological sign. Chinese scrupulousness and a powerful theoretical basis always cause protest among young people at first. And the Korean and Japanese approach has an element of determination: confidently, quickly, with a fighting spirit! But at the same time the same basic concepts, as in ancient Chinese practice. In any case, Eastern massage and its Western adaptation can be your method if we get good results. And this will inevitably happen, no matter what technique we try to begin with!

Tapping method - Western branch of Eastern therapy

Let's make an initial assessment tapping method so you can immediately understand what will be discussed next!

To treat our body, Eastern medicine uses special points, located along the so-called energy meridians. Many people know about this from hearsay, but some of my patients at appointments tell me that they have encountered treatment with “needles.” Indeed, a reflexologist influences the points using various techniques: acupuncture (acupuncture), heat treatment, massage, pressure with mechanical devices and even magnets! All these methods have been tested for a long time, work great and, it would seem, do not require expansion. But first of all, modern practice does not stand still, and, secondly, her ancient base so vast that we are always at the beginning of the journey.

So, comparatively new method tapping energy points is based on traditional Chinese and Japanese massage, and largely overlaps with them. Its personality lies in its emphasis on psychological component of treatment.

Since ancient times, the simplest massages—tapping the back of the head—have been used to stimulate vital forces and to concentrate thinking in critical moments among officials, pundits and schoolchildren. Our neurologists, neuropathologists, and reflexologists could not ignore this method of influence, because it gives an interesting result. In the process of such a massage, you can stimulate and excite our nervous system, bring to the surface deep-seated emotions, unwanted subconscious attitudes and programs. And not just pull them to the surface, but also demolish them, as programmers say. That is, mercilessly destroy the negativity accumulated over the years, which gives painful attitudes to the whole body.

The tapping method works with any manifestation of emotional stress. With anxiety, fear, dangerous addiction, overwhelming guilt, and beliefs that limit our success and prosperity. These results were reached by reflexologists working with patients regarding diseases that seemed not directly related to stress. At first, we used reflexology as an excellent method of influencing neurological pain, allergies, immune diseases. But it turned out that massage also eliminates such a basis for immunodeficiency as stress.

How does the tapping technique work on the body?

How does the tapping technique work?

Eastern reflexology is based on the fact that not only ill health, but also any life problem basically starts at the energy level. Correctly influencing the energy system destroys the root of the problem. Tapping changes the neutron bonds that trigger painful reactions or painful behaviors. After several sessions carried out in the desired area of ​​our body, we get emotional freedom. And this is just an addition to general health body, which is generally targeted by reflexology.

By the way, in case of chronic or acute diseases, tapping can remove emotional stress caused by pathology within a few minutes. It is very important! It’s no secret that depressing thoughts about illness, suspiciousness, and hypochondria quite often cause more harm to the body than the disease itself!

Ancient traditional methods of influencing the active zones of the body were physically unpleasant, since the influence was always carried out through pain. Acupuncture (acupuncture) even today is associated with minor pain, although it is considered a very effective technique! But acupuncture requires special medical training, so it is not suitable for self-help.

We will only use fingers on biologically active points.

The tapping method is convenient precisely because outside help is needed only at first, and this help is only theoretical!

The practitioner needs to find out the location of biologically active points and energy meridians. Learn to choose for work those that best correspond to the painful condition or disease prevention. Knowledge of biologically important points and zones will allow us to for a long time relieve pain, that is, quickly provide yourself with first aid.

However, the tapping method is focused not so much on temporarily eliminating illness or stress, but on reducing the duration of treatment and achieving lasting results!

Why is this method convenient for busy, energetic young people, and for older people, for whom it is no longer so easy to seriously delve into the intricacies of Eastern therapy:

The tool for influencing the body is always with us - these are our hands.

We do not use any foreign influence on the body that injures the skin or leads to infection.

Tapping is a great way to relieve stress for yourself and your loved ones.

At first, the idea of ​​​​biologically active zones can be very rough. “Mistakes”, the impact on the “wrong” zones will not cause any complications, but will only use “extra” energy channels. But who knows, suddenly at this moment our intuition will be higher than knowledge, and the body will incline us to tapping the most necessary zones! However, after starting practice, the amount of knowledge is replenished quite quickly, and intuition receives the necessary information support. If only because memory improves significantly thanks to reflexology!

Chapter 1
How to transfer finger energy to the body

The tapping method combines two important components: finger movement and mental accompaniment. Fingers work with energy points, and thinking is concentrated on getting rid of problems that have arisen in the body - physical or psychological.

We can imagine how to work with our psychological constraints. Because each of us has personal experience overcoming some mental problems. We seriously learn this from early childhood throughout our lives. And if we had not learned anything, we would not have come to the need to develop capabilities. Reflexology, of course, puts forward its own requirements for psychological attitudes, and we will follow them as we develop the method.

As for the energy zones of the body, a novice practitioner knows about them only by hearsay. But this is the main subject of influence of any method of reflexology. We proceed from the fact that energy moves in the body, like blood, like lymph, like gastric juice, like air in the lungs. The circulatory system is most suitable for comparison with energy system. It is easy to imagine that not a single tissue of the body will survive more than an hour if it is deprived of blood supply. So, without the movement of energy, the tissue also gets sick and can also die.

A person is healthy as long as the continuous movement of energy is maintained in each of his energy vessels. We will call these vessels meridians. Energy in the meridians, like blood in circulatory system, moves faster or slower, depending on the needs of the body. But as soon as the movement stops, the disease begins. To become healthy again, you need to understand where the energy blockage has formed and eliminate it.

Congestion or stagnation of energy may arise deep in the tissues of organs and systems, but the path to it lies through the external points of the energy meridian. From the fingers and toes to the lungs, heart, and stomach, winding trajectories of energy are laid, which must be activated through the surface points of the meridians. You need to push energy into the deep painful zone. The task of influencing the surface points of the meridian will be assigned to our palms and fingers during the tapping session.

The tapping method restores the functions of organs and systems. Corrects even those violations that may have gone unnoticed by you. It happens that the effects of reflexology begin for one, most bothersome, disease, and after treatment, “minor” problems are simultaneously eliminated. This is because the points we influenced have multifunctional power, just like the energy meridians.

We ourselves can stimulate vital energy if we learn to influence energy flows. In practice, this looks like hitting and pressing special surface points that are capable of transmitting the energy of touch to the epicenter of the disease.

Active points

Points of influence during reflexology are called differently: active points, Chinese points, vital points, biologically active points, acupuncture points (in acupuncture). Their existence on the human body and the body of animals has been known since ancient times.

Modern scientists confirm that these special zones are detected from the moment of birth, although debate about their nature never subsides. In appearance they are completely indistinguishable from other areas of the skin; quite often their location is projected onto large nerve fibers and blood vessels. In the 60s, domestic scientists suggested that active points most often correspond to the places where nerve trunks exit. In the area of ​​points connective tissue loose and has a large number of receptors. Subsequently, it was proven that sensitivity is only one of the characteristic properties of active zones. And to others important property is more high level metabolism in these tiny zones.

So-called mast cells accumulate here, which play an important role in the secretion of heparin (an anticoagulant) and histamine (a hormone responsible for the reaction to allergens, for the dilation of capillaries, and an increase in the secretion of gastric juice).

When working with energy meridians, we will tap the points belonging to these meridians sequentially, as the energy moves. In Chinese therapy, each meridian point is quite rigidly fixed to the body. We will have to spend some time marking the location of the combinations of points. Most often, such painstaking work is required for chronic diseases, when treatment is expected to be long-term.

We will tap with the index and middle fingers. So that the massaging hand does not get tired, tense and does not distract us from our goals for healing, it must be relaxed as much as possible in the wrist. When the wrist joint is relaxed, there is no tightness or tension in either the palm or the elbow joint. In fact, tapping is a good exercise for a massaging hand. In order to feel the beauty of blows on the body immediately, let's do a little massage of the back of the head!

Massage for 3-hour vitality

This massage can be used to relieve chronic headaches, to increase muscle tone in case of fatigue or nervous disorder.

But its main task is to cause a surge of vivacity, a burst of energy before serious mental and psychological tests: an exam, a report, a job interview, before a difficult conversation with a boss and any other psychologically uncomfortable interlocutor for us. The vigor and confidence from a 15-minute massage lasts at least three hours!

The best initial position for an energy massage - standing, so that your hands move behind your back as freely as possible.

1. Open your palms and round them as if holding a small orange in each hand (photo 1). The fingers should become quite stiff, and the wrists should be well relaxed (these are the requirements for pianists). We begin to make fractional frequent blows with hard fingertips along the entire occipital surface of the head - from the crown to the hollow of the neck (we drum for at least 3 minutes). There should be a sensation in your head of many drumsticks beating a continuous beat over the entire scalp.

Photo 1

2. Let's move down and “pinch” the back of the neck for a few minutes - the fingers should be soft, but predatory.

3. Now let's open our palms and make sure that our wrists are completely free. With relaxed palms we strike the shoulders, shoulder blades, and the back (to the level of the lower back). Only the wrists work, the palms cause noticeable random slaps, which are quite unpleasant to withstand! The skin on your back should turn red (although you can spank through light fabric of clothing, as is done in classic Japanese massage techniques).

4. To complete the procedure, smooth the surface of your back with a wide movement of your open palm. You can use two palms at once on the left and right half backs.

Marking energy meridians

We will use many techniques that do not require precise body markings. You can approximately mark the points in accordance with the drawings. When it is necessary to treat a chronic disease according to strictly laid out energy meridians, accurate atlases of 12 main meridians and 2 additional meridians of the human body will come to the rescue. Atlases are quite accurate. To transfer active points to our body, we will, like ancient Chinese healers, use a proportional measure, which in China is called individual cun.

On atlases, active points are applied in compliance with this very individual tsun - not a centimeter, not an inch, but the size of the nail bed of our thumb. If the thumb of a hand is too well developed due to the type of occupation (in the old days this happened to the left finger of spinners pulling thread from a tow), use the less developed finger for proportions - it more reliably preserves natural proportions. In photo 2, A It shows which part of the thumb is used to measure 1 cun. And four fingers folded together make 3 cun (photo 2, b). The index and middle fingers add up to 1.5 cun (photo 2, V).

Photo 2, a

Photo 2, b

Photo 2, in

Psychological adjustment

To begin the psychological adjustment, and at the same time prepare the massaging hand for monotonous tapping, we will do exercises for the fingers. The following exercise should be performed by a massage therapist before starting any manual practice: traditional massage, tapping, acupressure (hand pressure). Manual therapy does not use either weak electric currents (like electrophoresis) or an artificial heat source (like UHF), but only the clean and warm hands of a massage therapist! They must be energetically properly prepared. If you give massage (tapping) to someone in your household, the contact will be more effective. If you are engaged in self-massage, then your own healing begins with preparing your hands.

Preparing your hands

1. Imagine lathering your hands using regular circular motions under a stream of water. warm water. By the way, this can be done in the form of actually washing your hands under running warm water.

2. Let's vigorously stretch our joints. We sharply and quickly clench our fingers into a fist 10 times and slowly unclench them.

3. Then reverse movements: slowly clench your fingers into fists, and then sharply fan them out (10 times).

4. We vigorously tap each other with the fingertips of both hands to create a surge of strength in the fingers.

5. Again we rub our palms in a circular motion, as when washing our hands, and here we finish the preparation.

Stages of mood

The main task of the psychological attitude is to remove the negative attitude. Let's decide what does a negative attitude mean to us as reflexology practitioners? The concept is extremely broad, but we are busy with a specific task - influencing energy meridians. We are interested in how incorrect attitudes can interfere with the elimination of energy stagnation.

A negative attitude in psychology is a concentration on shortcomings:

On what we lack, instead of thinking about what we have;

On what threatens us, and not on what the resources for recovery are;

On the shortcomings of the body, and not on its strengths;

On previous negative experience of treatment, on recurring pain, on disturbing test results, and not on positive dynamics, satisfactory condition today, etc.

There is no doubt that even with such attitudes we will begin to heal and be able to recover! The instinct of self-preservation forces any person to take health-improving actions, even in difficult situations. physical condition: sleep, saving energy - this is also health improvement! Sound sleep is often enough to relieve headaches associated with excess or lack of energy. But influencing your own energy meridians, overcoming fear and disbelief, is just as difficult as interacting with another person if the relationship is burdened with hostility, apprehension, fear or guilt.

The causes of a negative attitude during illness are associated with impaired physiology and unfavorable hormonal levels. “Negative” chemistry of the body gives rise to our hypochondria, and at the same time creates additional blockages in energy vessels. And we find ourselves in a vicious circle, in a trap. How do masters of Eastern practices escape from this trap? Create an emotional mood for treatment!

1. The initial step in psychological attitude is clear identification of the disease. When we treat a chronic disease, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor. You can’t imagine gastritis, vegetative-vascular dystonia or bronchitis. It is necessary that the diagnosis be known for certain, and then we will begin treatment.

If tapping is performed solely for psychotherapeutic purposes, a visit to a psychologist is unnecessary! Let's try to identify the problem ourselves and rate it on a ten-point scale. The initial assessment is very important. Therefore, focus on the degree of unpleasant emotions, and your intuition will tell you how to rate them: from 1 - “this is not a problem at all” to 10 - “it couldn’t be worse.”

2. The next stage is called "core statement". At this stage, we tap on the karateka’s points on the edges of the palm (Fig. 1), and out loud we indicate the problem two or three times, and then our calm and reasonable attitude towards the problem. For example, in this format.