Testing the level of self-esteem using the Stolyarenko method online. Test questionnaire “Determining the level of self-esteem” S.V. Kovalev

Find out what kind of self-esteem you have (adequate, high or low)

1. How often are you tormented by thoughts that you should not have said or done something?
a) very often - 1 point;
b) sometimes - 3 points.

2. If you associate with a brilliant and witty person, you:
a) try to defeat him in wit - 5 points;
b) you will not get involved in the competition, but will give it its due and leave the conversation - 1 point.

3. Choose one of the opinions that is closest to you:
a) what seems to many to be luck is actually the result of hard work - 5 points;
b) successes often depend on a happy coincidence of circumstances - 1 point;
c) in a difficult situation, the main thing is not perseverance or luck, but a person who can approve or console - 3 points.

4. You were shown a cartoon or parody of you. You:
a) laugh and be glad that there is something in you
original - 3 points;
b) you will also try to find something funny in your partner and make fun of him - 4 points;
c) be offended, but don’t show it - 1 point.

5. Are you always in a hurry, don't have enough time, or do you take on tasks that exceed the capabilities of one person?
a) yes - 1 point;
b) no - 5 points;
c) I don’t know - 3 points.

6. You choose perfume as a gift for a friend. Buy:
a) perfume that you like - 5 points;
b) perfume that you think your friend will be happy with,
although you personally don’t like them - 3 points;
c) perfume that was advertised in a recent TV show.

7. You like to imagine various situations, in which you behave completely differently than in life?
a) yes - 1 point;
b) no - 5 points;
c) I don’t know - 3 points.

8. Does it bother you when your colleagues (especially young ones) achieve more success than you?
a) yes - 1 point;
b) no - 5 points;
c) sometimes - 3 points.

9. Does it give you pleasure to argue with someone?
a) yes - 5 points;
b) no - 1 point;
c) I don’t know - 3 points.

10. Close your eyes and try to imagine 3 colors:
a) blue - 1 point;
b) yellow - 3 points;
c) red - 5 points.


50-38 points. You are happy with yourself and confident. You have a great need to dominate people; you like to emphasize your “I” and highlight your opinion. You don't care what people say about you, but you yourself tend to criticize others. The more points you have, the more suitable the definition is: “You love yourself, but don’t love others.” But you have one drawback: you take yourself too seriously and do not accept any critical information. And even if you don’t like the test results, most likely you will “defend yourself” with the statement “everyone’s calendars lie.” It's a pity…

37-24 points. You live in harmony with yourself, you know yourself and you can trust yourself. You have a valuable ability to find a way out of difficult situations, both personal and in relationships with people. The formula for your attitude towards yourself and others can be expressed in the words: “Happy with yourself, happy with others.” You have normal healthy self-esteem, you know how to be a support and source of strength for yourself and, most importantly, not at the expense of others.

23-10 points. Obviously, you are dissatisfied with yourself, you are tormented by doubts and dissatisfaction with your intelligence, abilities, achievements, your appearance, age, gender... Stop! Who said that loving yourself is bad? Who inspired you that a thinking person should be constantly dissatisfied with himself? Of course, no one demands self-satisfaction from you, but you must accept yourself, respect yourself, and maintain this fire within yourself.

Study of personality self-esteem.

Option I
Test instructions

Each person has certain ideas about the ideal of the most valuable personality traits. People focus on these qualities in the process of self-education. What qualities do you value most in people? U different people These ideas are not the same, and therefore the results of self-education are not the same. What ideas about the ideal do you have? The following task, which is performed in two stages, will help you figure this out.

Stage 1

Divide a sheet of paper into four equal parts, label each part with Roman numerals I, II, III, IV.

Four sets of words are given that characterize positive traits of people. In each set of qualities, you must highlight those that are more significant and valuable to you personally, which you prefer over others. What qualities these are and how many there are – everyone decides for themselves.

Read the words of the first set of qualities carefully. Write down the qualities that are most valuable to you in a column along with their numbers on the left. Now proceed to the second set of qualities - and so on until the very end. As a result, you should end up with four sets of ideal qualities.

In order to create conditions for an equal understanding of the qualities by all participants in the psychological examination, we provide an interpretation of these qualities:

I. Interpersonal relationships, communication.

  1. Politeness– observance of rules of decency, courtesy.
  2. Caring– a thought or action aimed at the well-being of people; care, care.
  3. Sincerity– expression of genuine feelings, truthfulness, frankness.
  4. Collectivism– the ability to support common work, common interests, collective principles.
  5. Responsiveness- willingness to respond to other people's needs.
  6. Cordiality- a cordial, affectionate attitude, combined with hospitality, with a willingness to serve in some way.
  7. Sympathy– a responsive, sympathetic attitude towards people’s experiences and misfortune.
  8. Tact– a sense of proportion, which creates the ability to behave in society without hurting people’s dignity.
  9. Tolerance– the ability to treat other people’s opinions, character, habits without hostility,
  10. Sensitivity– responsiveness, empathy, ability to easily understand people.
  11. Goodwill– desire for good to people, willingness to contribute to their well-being.
  12. Friendliness– the ability to express feelings of personal affection.
  13. Charm- the ability to charm, attract.
  14. Sociability– ability to easily enter into communication.
  15. Mandatory- loyalty to word, duty, promise.
  16. Responsibility– necessity, obligation to be responsible for one’s actions and actions.
  17. Frankness– openness, accessibility for people.
  18. Justice– an objective assessment of people in accordance with the truth.
  19. Compatibility– the ability to combine one’s efforts with the activity of others in solving common problems.
  20. Demandingness– rigor, expectation from people to fulfill their duties and duty.

II. Behavior

  1. Activity– manifestation of an interested attitude towards the surrounding world and oneself, towards the affairs of the team, energetic actions and actions.
  2. Pride- self-esteem.
  3. Good nature– gentleness of character, goodwill towards people.
  4. Decency– honesty, inability to commit vile and antisocial acts.
  5. Courage– the ability to make and implement one’s decisions without fear.
  6. Hardness– the ability to insist on one’s own, not to give in to pressure, steadfastness, stability.
  7. Confidence– faith in the correctness of actions, absence of hesitation or doubt.
  8. Honesty– directness, sincerity in relationships and actions.
  9. Energy– decisiveness, activity of actions and actions.
  10. Enthusiasm- strong inspiration, elation.
  11. Integrity– honest performance of one’s duties.
  12. Initiative– desire for new forms of activity.
  13. Intelligencehigh culture, education, erudition.
  14. Perseverance– persistence in achieving goals.
  15. Determination– inflexibility, firmness in actions, the ability to quickly make decisions, overcoming internal fluctuations.
  16. Integrity– the ability to adhere to firm principles, beliefs, views on things and events.
  17. Self-criticism– the desire to evaluate one’s behavior, the ability to reveal one’s mistakes and shortcomings.
  18. Independence– the ability to carry out actions without the help of others, on one’s own.
  19. Equilibrium– even, calm character and behavior.
  20. Determination– having a clear goal, the desire to achieve it.

III. Activity

  1. Thoughtfulness- deep insight into the essence of the matter.
  2. Efficiency– knowledge of the matter, enterprise, intelligence.
  3. Masteryhigh art in any area.
  4. Understanding- ability to understand meaning, intelligence.
  5. Speed– swiftness of actions and actions, speed.
  6. Composure- concentration, smartness.
  7. Accuracy– the ability to act as specified, in accordance with the model.
  8. Hard work– love of work, socially useful activities that require effort.
  9. Passion- the ability to devote oneself completely to any task.
  10. Perseverance– diligence in something that requires a long time and patience.
  11. Accuracy– observance of order in everything, thoroughness of work, diligence.
  12. Attentiveness– focus on the activity at hand.
  13. Foresight- foresight, the ability to foresee consequences, predict the future.
  14. Discipline– habit of discipline, consciousness of duty to society.
  15. Performance– diligence, good performance of tasks.
  16. Curiosity– an inquisitive mind, a tendency to acquire new knowledge.
  17. Resourcefulness– the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations.
  18. Subsequence– the ability to carry out tasks, actions in a strict order, logically.
  19. Performance– the ability to work hard and productively.
  20. Scrupulousness– precision to the smallest detail, special care.

IV. Experiences, feelings

  1. Cheerfulness– a feeling of fullness of strength, activity, energy.
  2. Fearlessness- lack of fear, courage.
  3. Gaiety- a carefree and joyful state.
  4. Soulfulness– sincere friendliness, disposition towards people.
  5. Mercy- willingness to help, forgive out of compassion, philanthropy.
  6. Tenderness- a manifestation of love, affection.
  7. Love of freedom– love and desire for freedom, independence.
  8. Cordiality– sincerity, sincerity in relationships.
  9. Passion– the ability to give oneself completely to one’s passion.
  10. Shyness– the ability to experience a feeling of shame.
  11. Excitement- a measure of experience, mental anxiety.
  12. Enthusiasm- a great upsurge of feelings, delight, admiration.
  13. Pity- a tendency to feel pity and compassion.
  14. Cheerfulness– constancy of feelings of joy, absence of despondency.
  15. Lovingness– the ability to love deeply and many.
  16. Optimistic– cheerful attitude, belief in success.
  17. Restraint– the ability to restrain oneself from expressing feelings.
  18. Satisfaction- a feeling of pleasure from the fulfillment of desires.
  19. Coolness– the ability to remain calm and self-possessed.
  20. Sensitivity– ease of occurrence of experiences, feelings, increased susceptibility to external influences.


Carefully consider the personality traits you wrote out from the first set, and find among them those that you possess really. Circle the numbers next to them. Now move on to the second set of qualities, then to the third and fourth.

Processing test results

Count how many you have found real qualities (R).

Count the quantity ideal qualities, written out by you ( AND; qualities written out in the first stage), and then calculate their percentage:

C = (R / I) * 100%.

Levels of self-esteem
Inadequately low Short Below the average Average Above average High Inadequately high
0-10 11–34 35-45 46-54 55-63 64-66 67
0-15 16-37 38-46 47-56 57-65 66-68 69
Option 2
Test instructions

Carefully read the set of 20 personality traits: accuracy, kindness, cheerfulness, perseverance, intelligence, truthfulness, integrity, independence, modesty, sociability, pride, conscientiousness, indifference, laziness, arrogance, cowardice, greed, suspicion, selfishness, impudence.

In the column " ideal“Under number (rank) 1, write down the quality from the above that you value most in people, under number 2 - the quality that you value a little less, etc., in descending order of importance. Under number 13, indicate the quality - shortcoming - from the above, which you could most easily forgive people (after all, as you know, there are no ideal people, everyone has shortcomings, but some you can forgive, and some you cannot ), at number 14 is the flaw that is more difficult to forgive, etc., at number 20 is the most disgusting, from your point of view, quality of people.

In the column " I"Under (rank) 1, write down the quality from the above that is most developed for you personally (regardless of whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage), at number 2 - the quality that is slightly less developed for you, etc. in descending order in order, under the last numbers are those qualities that are least developed or absent in you.

Sample form for the test
Processing test results

In column No. 3, the respondent must calculate the difference in rank numbers for each written quality. For example: such a property as “neatness” in the first column (Ideal) is ranked 1st, and in the second (I) – at 7th; d will be equal to 1-7=-6; such a quality as “principledness” ranks 3rd in both the first and second columns. In this case d will be equal to 3-3=0; a quality such as “indifference” is ranked 20th in the first column, and rank 2 in the second. In this case d will be equal to 20-2=18, etc.

Column No. 5 calculates the amount d 2, that is:

Σd 2 = d 1 2 + d 2 2 + d 3 2 + … + d 20 2;

R = 1 – 6Σd 2 /(n 3 – n), Where

  • n– number of pairs being compared

In the case of n=20, the formula takes the following form:

R = 1 – 0.00075Σd 2

Values R will be within [-1; +1].

Levels of self-esteem
Inadequately low Short Below the average Average Above average High Inadequately high
[-1; 0] (0; 0,2] (0,8; 1]
Interpretation of test results

Self-esteem can be optimal And suboptimal. With optimal, adequate self-esteem, the subject correctly correlates his capabilities and abilities, is quite critical of himself, strives to realistically look at his failures and successes, tries to set achievable goals that can be achieved in practice. He approaches the assessment of what has been achieved not only with his own standards, but also tries to anticipate how other people will react to it: workmates and loved ones. In other words, adequate self-esteem is the result of a constant search for a real measure, i.e. without too much overestimation, but also without being overly critical of your communication, behavior, activities, experiences. This self-assessment is best for specific conditions and situations.

The optimal level includes self-esteem " high level " And " above average"(a person deservedly values, respects himself, is satisfied with himself), and also " average level"(a person respects himself, but knows his weaknesses and strives for self-improvement, self-development).

Self-esteem may be suboptimal - too high or too low.

Based inappropriately high self-esteem a person develops a misconception about himself, an idealized image of his personality and capabilities, his value to others, to the common cause. In such cases, a person ignores failures in order to maintain the usual high assessment of himself, his actions and deeds. There is an acute emotional “repulsion” of everything that violates the self-image. The perception of reality is distorted, the attitude towards it becomes inadequate - purely emotional. The rational grain of the assessment falls out completely. Therefore, a fair remark begins to be perceived as nit-picking, and an objective assessment of work results as unfairly underestimated. Failure appears as a consequence of someone’s machinations or unfavorable circumstances, which in no way depend on the actions of the individual himself.

Man with inflated inadequate self-esteem does not want to admit that all this is a consequence of one’s own mistakes, laziness, lack of knowledge, abilities or incorrect behavior. A severe emotional state arises - the affect of inadequacy, main reason which is the persistence of the existing stereotype of overestimating one’s personality. If a high self-evaluation is plastic, changes in accordance with the real state of affairs - increases with success and decreases with failure, then this can contribute to the development of the individual, since she has to make every effort to achieve her goals, develop her abilities and will.

Self-esteem may be low, i.e. below the real capabilities of the individual. This usually leads to self-doubt, timidity and lack of daring, and the inability to realize one’s abilities. Such people do not set difficult-to-achieve goals, limit themselves to solving ordinary problems, and are too critical of themselves.

Too high or too low self-esteem disrupt the process of self-government, distort self-control. This is especially noticeable in communication, where people with high and low self-esteem cause conflicts. At inflated self-esteem conflicts arise due to disdainful attitude towards other people and disrespectful treatment of them, too harsh and unfounded statements addressed to them, intolerance to other people's opinions, manifestations of arrogance and conceit. Low self-criticism prevents them from even noticing how they insult others with arrogance and indisputable judgment.

At low self-esteem conflicts may arise due to the excessive criticality of these people. They are very demanding of themselves and even more demanding of others, they do not forgive a single mistake or mistake, and they tend to constantly emphasize the shortcomings of others. And although this is done with the best intentions, it still becomes a cause of conflict due to the fact that few can tolerate systematic “sawing.” When they see only the bad in you and constantly point it out, then hostility arises towards the source of such assessments, thoughts and actions.

Affect of inadequacy arises as an attempt by people with high self-esteem to protect themselves from real circumstances and maintain their usual self-esteem. This leads to disruption of relationships with other people. Experiencing resentment and injustice allows you to feel good, remain at the proper level in your own eyes, and consider yourself injured or offended. This elevates a person in his own eyes and eliminates dissatisfaction with himself. The need for inflated self-esteem is satisfied and there is no need to change it, that is, to come to grips with management itself. Conflicts inevitably arise with people who have different ideas about a given individual, his abilities, capabilities and value to society. The affect of inadequacy is psychological protection , it is a temporary measure because it does not solve the main problem, namely, a fundamental change in suboptimal self-esteem, which is the cause of unfavorable interpersonal relationships.

These techniques allow us to solve several more research and practical problems. Here are some of them:

I. There are several forms of human activity: communication, behavior, activity, experiences. A person can also be considered as a subject of self-government. Since the simultaneous implementation of all these forms of activity is difficult, the individual shows interest in one or two areas of his life. Indeed, everyone has observed people who live “in the world of people,” “in a closed world,” “in the world of affairs,” and “in the world of feelings.” It would be natural to assume that when performing the technique, people choose more qualities in the area that interests them more. This allows find out what area their interests and preferences lie in. For this purpose, you need to calculate how many “ideal” qualities were written down for each of the four blocks and compare the resulting numbers with each other. The leading level will be the level of human activity where the most “ideal” and “real” qualities are collected, as well as their percentage.

II. Available an idea of ​​the value orientations of a group different from others in age, gender, profession; To do this, you need to calculate how many people chose this or that quality and with what rank of importance. If this number is converted into a percentage, then an interesting opportunity opens up to compare groups with each other in terms of preference for personality traits and the degree of importance of individual properties for it. Ranking these properties according to the number of people who chose this property shows what place it belongs in the holistic system of ideas about personality.

III. Available an idea of ​​how each individual person differs from other people in their value guidelines . To do this, you need to create an average “portrait” value orientations the group he belongs to. Then we need a qualitative analysis of the qualities he has chosen and those personality traits that are most often found in the group as a whole. Thus, against the background of group preferences, it is possible to identify individual characteristics.

  • Self-Esteem Test/ Stolyarenko L.D. Fundamentals of psychology: Workshop. – Rostov n/d, 2003. P.479-480

Few people can look at themselves from the outside and objectively evaluate their self-esteem. Our test will help you become an outside observer for a moment to understand what you should strive for.

Previously, we published an article on how to get rid of excellent student syndrome. This is the main opponent of a sober, correct view of the world and normal self-esteem. If you are being stalked Bad mood, depression and failure, try to figure out if you have such a syndrome by reading the corresponding article.

Self-esteem test

This test very simple. You will be asked 8 questions, after answering which you will calculate the number of points and understand what your self-esteem is. Each question must have only one answer.

Question 1: How do you deal with failure? What do you do if you fail?

a) I get upset and depressed;
b) I’m upset, but I’m looking for a way out of the situation;
c) I don’t worry, because it makes no sense.

Question 2: How would you describe yourself?

a) failures follow me everywhere;
b) I try to learn from my mistakes;
c) I am a winner in life.

Question 3: are you...

a) pessimist;
b) realist;
c) optimist.

Question 4: if you are busy and have a lot to do, and your colleagues ask you to help them solve some difficult problem, then...

a) you will help them, because you have no other choice;
b) you will help them if you are with them a good relationship and you are free;
c) you won’t help them in any case.

Question 5: If you can't cope with something important, then...

a) try to do everything yourself;
b) let your colleagues and friends know that you need help and continue to search for a solution;
c) I will make sure that someone else does my work.

Question 6: If someone deliberately stands in front of you in line, what will you do?

a) nothing, because perhaps he or she is in a hurry;
b) politely tell the person that he is wrong. If you get a refusal, you will try to solve the problem differently;
c) your personal time has been taken away, so don’t stop until the person gets in line according to the rules.

Question 7: If you were offered a job related to human resources management, what would you do?

a) refused because it is very difficult and you will have a lot of responsibility;
b) would take time to think, to assess their capabilities and ask for advice from relatives and friends;
c) would immediately agree.

Question 8: How often do you meet people on your own initiative?

a) almost never or never;
b) rarely, from time to time. There must be a good reason or my interest;
c) I always make acquaintances when I am in the appropriate mood.

If you scored from 8 to 16 points inclusive, then your self-esteem is low and self-confidence is probably lacking. In this case, we recommend reading the article on how to increase self-esteem and develop self-confidence. Remember that your case is very common and thousands of people every day around the world get rid of insecurity in various ways.

If your scores are between 17 and 31, then you're all in in perfect order. Try to continue to look at the world with a sober eye and evaluate your capabilities as objectively as possible. Most likely, you are a good friend and comrade, and also have your own hobbies that bring you pleasure. An article about the 20-minute rule will help you get even more out of life, which will tell you how to learn to develop healthy habits.

Try not to go to extremes, be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes, but also don’t forget about yourself. Happiness and harmony lie in the balance between self-sacrifice and selfishness, which are two extremes of one sad ending - loneliness. Work on yourself, because our whole life lies in self-improvement. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Checking self-esteem in schoolchildren. Tests

Afanasyeva Rimma Akhatovna, social studies teacher MCOU "Unyugan Secondary School No. 1", Unyugan village, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra
Description: I bring to your attention four tests to determine the level of self-esteem of students with keys for processing. The teacher gives the processing key to the students after they mark the answers to the questions in the test and calculate the number of points. Processing of test results can be recorded on the board or on a presentation slide, if it is provided for the lesson.
Purpose: The tests are intended primarily for social studies teachers, and will also be of interest class teachers, psychologists, sociologists, parents and children.
Relevance: The relevance of these tests is due to the fact that most teachers and parents do not pay due attention to certain aspects and characteristics of personality. One of these factors is self-esteem. The dynamics of self-esteem will help not only improve your results in the learning process, but also strengthen your position in society. Social factors such as relationships with others, criticality, self-demandingness, and attitude towards successes and failures depend on self-esteem. Self-esteem influences further development personality and effective human activity. Incorrect self-evaluation occurs due to discrepancies in a person's capabilities. Often this is the main reason for inappropriate behavior (emotional breakdowns, increased anxiety, etc.). The objective expression of self-esteem is manifested in how a person evaluates the skills and achievements of others (having inflated self-esteem, a person begins to underestimate the results of others). In our time, improving the quality of learning and knowledge acquisition continues to remain relevant. In order to identify the reasons for student failure, it is necessary to take into account the student’s personal characteristics. Undoubtedly, self-esteem has the greatest influence on the success of learning at any school age.
Target: identify the dynamics of self-esteem in the process of learning and the formation of a teenager’s personality.
Tasks: select methods for studying schoolchildren’s self-esteem; interpret the data obtained, conduct an analysis; formulate conclusions based on the test results obtained.
Preparation and material: The teacher prepares a test to check the self-esteem of schoolchildren, thinks through the processing of the results and how he will provide the children with a key for the test result.
"In a certain sense, everyone is what he thinks he is" - Francis Herbert Bradley

Methodology for determining self-esteem of students in grades 7-9
We answer the questions: “yes” (+), “no” (–)
1. You persistently and without hesitation implement decisions made without stopping in the face of difficulties?
2. Do you think that commanding and leading is better than obeying?
3. Compared to most people, are you quite capable and smart?
4. When you are assigned a task, do you always insist on doing it your own way?
5. Do you always and everywhere strive to be the first?
6. If you took up science seriously, would you sooner or later become a professor?
7. Do you find it difficult to say “no” to yourself, even if your desire is impossible?
8. Do you think that you will achieve much more in life than your peers?
9. Do you have time to do a lot in your life, more than others?
10. If you had to start your life over again, would you achieve much more?
Processing the results:
Count the number of "yes" (+).
6-7 (+) – high self-esteem;
3-5 (+) – adequate (correct);
2-1 (+) – underestimated.

Test "Self-Assessment of Self-Confidence" (grades 5-7)
On the answer sheet, mark your agreement with the given statements with a “+” sign, and your disagreement with a “-” sign.
Calculate the sum of points, one “+” = 1 point.
1. I usually expect success in my affairs.
2. Most often I am in a good mood.
3. All the guys consult with me and take me into account.
4. I am a confident person.
5. I think that I am smart and resourceful.
6. I am sure that everyone always needs me.
7. I do everything well.
8. In the future, I will definitely fulfill my dreams.
9. People often help me.
10. I try to discuss my plans with close people.
11. I like to take part in sports competitions.
12. I demonstrate independence in study and work.
13. I am little worried about possible failures.
14. I try to plan my activities.
15. I rarely regret what I have already done.
16. I am confident that I will achieve success in the future.
17. I like to take part in various Olympiads and competitions.
18. I study better than everyone else.
19. I am more often lucky than unlucky.
20. Studying is not difficult for me.
Sum of points __________________
17-20 points - high degree self-confidence, independence and determination when making responsible decisions.
11-16 points - the need to discuss your actions with friends and family; choose problems of medium difficulty.
1-10 points - lack of confidence in one’s abilities, the opinion of what has been achieved is critical, the level of aspirations in the planned activity is clearly underestimated.

Test “My self-confidence” (grades 7-9)
Read ten statements and decide to what extent you agree with each of them.
1 point. I completely disagree.
2 points. I rather disagree than agree.
3 points. Doesn't matter.
4 points. More likely to agree than to disagree.
5 points. I completely agree.
1. If I put in enough effort, I always manage to solve difficult problems.
2. If people don't agree with me, I can still find ways to get what I want.
3. I easily manage to stay on the path leading to the goal and achieve it.
4. I have enough resources to cope with unexpected situations that arise in a variety of areas.
of my life.
5. I am confident that I can deal effectively with the unexpected.
6. I always say yes to new opportunities.
7. I calmly accept difficulties that arise in both my personal and professional life.
8. I am able to solve most of the problems I encounter.
9. Most Nowadays I feel like a living, energetic person.
10. I am confident that I can handle anything that comes my way.
Processing the results:
41-50 points. You have all the signs of a confident person.
31-40 points. More often than not, you are confident that you are able to get out of the dead ends that you sometimes find yourself in. However, there are situations in which you give in.
21-30 points. You often feel nervous in certain circumstances.
10-20 points. Your self-confidence seems to be quite low at the moment, but it can be dealt with.
“No matter what heights you reach, there will always be something that you are not very good at and there will always be more of it than what you are good at. Therefore, do not let your shortcomings lower your self-esteem. Forget about them and develop yours strengths" - Richard Branson

Each person has certain ideas about himself: how smart, handsome, sociable, courageous and capable of achieving results he is. Personal self-esteem has a great impact on our behavior and decisions, achievements, and, as a result, on our entire lives. That is why so much attention in psychology is paid to the process of its research.

Psychological tests to determine the level of self-esteem are intended to reveal the objective degree of assessment of oneself as an individual as a whole. Today, there are many methods for adjusting self-determination, however, in order to change your image using these methods, you must first determine at what level a person’s self-esteem is.

About self-esteem

To a person with low level self-esteem is extremely difficult to realize oneself in life, it interferes with a large number of complexes and self-doubt. Psychological tests help to identify problems associated with assessing one’s self, which means that in the future these problems can be solved either independently or with the help of psychologists.

It is worth noting that a clear level of self-esteem is very difficult to determine, because in different situations a person can think and define his condition differently. Therefore, when taking tests, you should analyze only those situations that occur in everyday life.

With this small online test from 10 questions you can determine the level of self-esteem: high, normal or low. The result will tell you which of the three self-esteem indices you are closer to and, perhaps, will provide an incentive for qualitative changes in your life!

1. How often are you tormented by thoughts that you should not have said or done something?

  • a) Very often
  • b) Sometimes

2. If you associate with a brilliant and witty person, you:

  • a) Try to beat him with wit
  • b) You will not get involved in the competition, but give it its due and leave the conversation

3. Choose one of the opinions that is closest to you:

  • a) What many people think is luck is actually the result of hard work
  • b) Success often depends on a happy coincidence of circumstances
  • c) In a difficult situation, the main thing is not perseverance or luck, but a person who can approve or console

4. You were shown a cartoon or parody of you. You:

  • a) You will laugh and be glad that there is something original in you
  • b) You will also try to find something funny in your partner and make fun of him
  • c) Be offended, but don’t show it

5. Are you always in a hurry, don't have enough time, or do you take on tasks that exceed the capabilities of one person?

  • a) Yes
  • b) No
  • c) I don’t know

7. Do you like to imagine different situations in which you behave completely differently than in life?

  • a) Yes
  • b) No
  • c) I don’t know