Scientists have predicted when aliens will make contact with us (4 photos). “Reliable contacts of citizens” with aliens! Contacts with extraterrestrials, eyewitness accounts, documentary

Humanity has always wondered what is beyond the Universe, what secrets it hides. One of the biggest mysteries is the existence of extraterrestrial life. Many are confident that aliens exist, and provide evidence of numerous encounters with them.

Official science has not yet recognized the existence of “flying saucers.” But ufologists have been studying them for a long time, and many enthusiasts are uniting to hunt for them.

Despite his position on this issue, official science could not find convincing explanations for some eyewitness accounts, photographs and video evidence.

One of the most famous confirmations of the existence of UFOs is considered to be the Roswell incident, which occurred June 2, 1947 in New Mexico, USA. As many residents of the state testify, in the evening of that day they saw a certain luminous object in the sky, which was moving at high speed in a southeast direction. The next day, its wreckage was found scattered over a large area.

As ufologists later claimed, it was nothing more than a UFO that crashed near the city. Local farmer William Brazel was one of the first to find the wreckage. According to the farmer, the debris resembled heavy-duty and very flexible foil. In addition, the material returned to its original shape after deformation. He also found beams with strange writing written on them. They resembled hieroglyphs.

90 kilometers from the place of discovery, a certain Grady Barnett discovered the main part of the alleged ship, as well as members of its crew. According to Barnett, from a distance they resembled people, but were very small. The height of the aliens did not exceed 140 centimeters. In addition, they were completely devoid of body hair, had huge eyes and a slit where the mouth should have been. There were only four fingers on the “hands”. The skin of the creatures resembled the skin of reptiles and was yellow in color. Their clothes were gray and resembled overalls.

The very next day, the entire area of ​​the crash was cordoned off by the military. They seized all evidence of the crash and sent it for study to military base Wright-Patterson, Ohio.
The information was immediately classified, and journalists were told that the debris found belonged to an American probe.

Case in the Cascade Mountains

In 1947, an American businessman flew over the Cascade Mountains. At a distance of 25 miles from his plane, he noticed nine flying objects that were maneuvering smoothly one after another among the mountains. According to him, they resembled saucers on water. It was after this description that UFOs received another name - “flying saucers.” Arnold claims that the observed objects were moving at speeds that exceed the speed of sound, which is why he is sure that they could not be airplanes.

They tried to investigate the case, but to no avail. Two weeks later, Kenneth made a second flight to the Cascade Mountains with journalist David Johnson. He was supposed to film the “flying saucers” on camera, but their research ended in failure. Kenneth was no longer able to see the mysterious objects.

Thus, the case was not officially confirmed, but it received wide public attention. Over the next two months, more than 800 people reported that they had witnessed a UFO.

Washington Carousel

This is one of the most widespread cases of UFO sightings that occurred in Washington in 1952. Many residents watched a UFO circling over the city for two weeks. The appearance of "flying saucers" caused panic among the city's population. There are many documents, videos and photographs that confirm their presence. In addition, the event was covered by all American publications. One of the photographs showed a UFO over the White House building.

To reassure residents and answer questions from journalists, the Air Force was forced to hold a press conference. Pentagon leaders were unable to give a precise definition of the objects, but announced that they were made of non-solid material, so there was no point in using fighter jets. In addition, the Pentagon admitted that they are observing hundreds of such objects over other territories.

Hinson-Parnell meeting

At night October 11, 1973 two fishermen from Pascagoula, Mississippi, witnessed a UFO. They were Charles Hickson and Calvin Parner. They claim that they not only saw UFOs, but also came into contact with aliens. According to the description, they looked like humanoids with rough skin and an ovoid head.

The fishermen claim that Hickson was taken onto an alien ship and examined there using an instrument that resembled an unattached eye. The partner remained in place at this time, as he lost consciousness. After 20 minutes, Hickson was returned to earth, and the alien ship quickly flew away. Only a few hours later the fishermen were able to come to their senses and tell the local police sheriff about this event. Thus, the incident became public knowledge. Residents of the state showed particular interest in it, since several other similar cases were registered there. Hickson's testimony is not in doubt because he passed a lie detector test.

UFO over Europe

March 30, 1990 Numerous witnesses observed Belgian fighters attempting to pursue the three-star luminous object. Rapidly descending and rising, he escaped his pursuers three times, and his acceleration reached 150 g, which is a fatal threshold not only for a person, but also for the aircraft itself.

Incredible facts

Scottish mathematicians believe that robotic spacecraft created by extraterrestrial civilizations are already present in our solar system.

Researchers Edinburgh University warn that these devices are so high-tech that completely invisible to our eyes. Unfortunately, the whole point is that we do not yet have such advanced technologies to detect them.

We just recently launched a spacecraft Voyager, which today has almost reached the edge of the solar system, but more ancient and advanced in technologically civilizations launched their spaceships into our system much earlier, which means that these devices may well be present here.

Mathematicians Duncan Forgan And Arwen Nicholson believe that alien vehicles use the gravity of stars in order to provide themselves unimaginable speed by our standards. Scientists tried to analyze how the devices could travel at such speeds and found that this was quite possible.

It was hypothesized that ships could reproduce themselves, that is, build new versions of ourselves from dust and gas while traveling through outer space. If we have not encountered any real objects of extraterrestrial origin, this does not mean that we are alone in our galaxy, the researchers said.

Mathematicians have calculated that for alien ships it is enough to travel at a speed that is only 10 percent of the speed of light, so that they can explore every corner of our galaxy for 10 million years.

To fly at such speeds, vehicles need to use the gravity of stars. Our Voyager spacecraft uses a similar technique, but it comes to the aid of the gravity of the planets of our system. If he used the gravity of larger objects, such as stars, he could achieve even greater speed.

It is also quite likely that the devices of extraterrestrial civilizations, cleverly hiding from our eyes, could have been sent and configured to study the intelligent life of our civilization.

In 2011, researchers from University of Pennsylvania wrote that alien artifacts, which we don’t know about, most likely already exist within the solar system, it’s just that no one is really looking for them.

When can we expect contact with aliens?

Scientists have repeatedly predicted that a meeting with aliens will most likely take place already in this century. Many world-famous physicists are convinced that aliens will certainly make themselves known in the very near future, but we may not particularly like this meeting, since the obvious goal of the aliens is seize our resources.

It is curious that periodically here and there messages appear about encounters between humans and aliens, however, none of these contacts have ever been officially confirmed by science.

UFO Encounters

A couple of years ago, a Russian politician Kirsan Ilyumzhinov said that in the 1990s was abducted by aliens in yellow space suits. He was allegedly taken aboard a long, translucent spaceship, where he heard the aliens speak, but could not understand anything.

In Kentucky in the 1970s, there were numerous reports of UFO sightings from various sources, until finally several women came forward and independently reported being abducted by aliens. All three were then put into a state of hypnosis, during which they told the same thing. They also successfully passed the lie detector test.

All this, however, still cannot serve as evidence of a real abduction by alien beings, since all the events could have been inspired by them so strongly that they finally and irrevocably believed that it all happened in reality.

Oil refinery employee Ronnie Dawson from Texas said he managed to escape after being abducted by aliens. As evidence, he provided photographs allegedly depicting unknown flying object, who, in fact, kidnapped him.

A large UFO was also seen in the area Dyess Air Force Base in Texas, and some witnesses stated that they had seen UFOs there numerous times. However, it remains unclear whether these were military tests of earthlings or maybe aliens were actually visiting the base.

To write a script for a famous Hollywood film "Men in Black" the authors were inspired stories of people who claimed contacts with UFOs.

In particular, a certain doctor Hopkins, who studied UFOs, told an interesting story. In 1978 he received mysterious phone call from a man, who stated that he was a representative of a special organization associated with UFOs. The man asked for a meeting. Just as Hopkins agreed and before he could hang up, his doorbell rang.

On the threshold stood a completely bald man whose eyebrows were shaved and there were no lips, although this fact was hidden under a layer of red lipstick. He spoke in a monotone voice and asked stop everything research papers in the UFO area and destroy all collected materials. At the end of the conversation, the guest simply disappeared into the daylight.

Subsequently, Hopkins met with this guy again, but now he was accompanied by a woman. Fortunately for the doctor, it was the last such meeting.

If you believe Vanga's words, there will be End of the world which will be marked arrival of aliens on Earth from the planet Vamfim. The time presented does not bring death for people; on the contrary, they will receive universal knowledge. However, cataclysms on our planet cannot be avoided.

What else did the clairvoyant say about aliens?

Vanga often mentioned aliens. She claimed that they live on a planet third from ours. Wherein aliens often visit Earth, but for what purpose is unknown. One of aliens showed the seer what their house looked like - this heavenly body, as if studded with stars. Everything on the planet is very beautiful, and aliens are moving in leaps and bounds. The extraterrestrial inhabitants speak loudly and loudly, like an echo; they have no houses. Behave aliens strictly.

When will the long-awaited meeting take place?

Vanga told about aliens and then when they come. But not explicitly, but hiddenly - this trait was characteristic of the clairvoyant. Rough calculations show that the event should be expected in 2179. Why? Because in 1979, Vangelia announced that aliens would appear 200 years later.

In 1988, the seer said that she “sees” many aircraft with 3 aliens sitting inside them. They are talking among themselves and preparing for some important event.

What does it mention about their appearance? The fact that they are transparent, similar to the reflection of a person in water, they have something like wings, and the hair is soft, forming a halo. All aliens They work a lot, flawlessly fulfill the tasks assigned to them, and prefer not to communicate directly with people. About future aliens they say vaguely: “The world awaits many revivals and destructions, and harmony will come to it only when we start talking to you.”

What else did you tell me? They have been walking the Earth for a long time, and intelligent life was brought to our planet from space. This happened around 3593000 BC. Why don't people see Vamphim? Alien Planet does not have a constant orbit and is constantly in motion. But sometimes it becomes the third from the Earth, the rest of the time between Mars and Jupiter it cannot be detected.

It is supposed to take about 3600 years to circulate, which is why we haven't encountered it yet. It means that meeting with aliens is a foregone conclusion. But it does not pose any threat; on the contrary, true knowledge will be revealed to humanity. It turns out that we must wait for guests from another planet and greet them as brothers.

Exists extraterrestrial race, which Mr. Charles Hall called "Tall Whites". This race originates near the star Arcturus.

They are tall, with very white skin, about 2 meters tall at maturity and have a humanoid appearance. They have blond hair, not very long; women have more interesting hairstyles. They are blue-eyed, their eyes are larger and elongated and slanted. "Tall Whites" might be almost indistinguishable from humans, except for their chalky white skin color. They have 4 fingers on their hands.

Typical Tall White clothing is an aluminized, tight-fitting suit with holes at the neck and at the wrists and ankles. They also wear gloves of the same material, and sometimes a helmet similar to a motorcycle. Their suits and helmet emit a white glow, about 5 cm. The intensity of this glow can vary from soft to very bright, which can lead to vision impairment.

The lifespan of Tall Whites is about 800 Earth years. Moreover, somewhere up to 400 years they remain practically unchanged, after which they begin the second stage of growth, which can reach 9 feet, i.e. almost 3 meters.

Their spoken language resembles the barking of a dog or the chirping of a bird. The writing resembles ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in appearance. These aliens also have special devices that can reproduce human speech directly “in the head” of the listener.

"Tall white" aliens have very high intelligence and information processing speed. C. Hall says that the speed of their intelligence is 2-3 times higher than that of an ordinary person. The Tall Whites' technology is very advanced. They have small scout ships that can carry multiple individuals. And they have huge spaceships with which they travel between star systems. The shape of their scout ships is elliptical or ovoid, with a flat bottom. They usually emit a white glow. Along the perimeter of such a ship there are windows, shaped like our airplanes. On them they can easily fly to the Moon or Mars, but are not intended for flights into deep space.

Large interstellar ships are about 70 feet high, 300 feet wide and 500 feet long. They are stretched and baked in shape. Their maximum speed exceeds the speed of light by a significant margin. Yes, Einstein was wrong about this.

"Tall Whites" often carry a weapon for protection, in the form of a metal tube, about 40 cm long, which can produce radiation that excites sodium atoms in nervous system, which leads to temporary paralysis. Ch. Hall also mentions ancient Greek legends dating back to 972 BC about a group of tall white "gods" who supposedly came from the star Arcturus. If these were the current Tall Whites, then they were on Earth at least 3 thousand years ago...

This is an interesting observation - although Tall Whites are clearly superior to us in matters of technology, there is evidence that in such concepts as wisdom, mental development, and moral status they are quite comparable to us.

Well, this is another “ufological tale”, or is it information to prepare the population for the future disclosure of one of greatest secrets modernity?


Meetings with fair-haired aliens of the Nordic type, very similar to people, are quite frequent and many questions arise here. Who are they? Why are they here? What are their goals?

Over the past 38 years, ufologist Donald Worley has specialized largely in connecting people with "Nordic Aliens"(another name for “Tall Whites”). He made his conclusions based on more than 200 stories from eyewitnesses who were in contact with them.

According to eyewitnesses, these aliens are almost indistinguishable from humans and have beautiful facial features. They are tall, blonde, usually have long hair, blue eyes, and wear tight overalls. Their height is more than 2 meters. “Nordic Aliens”, like people, have two genders, women and men. Some eyewitnesses even saw their children.

They have telepathic abilities. Let's look at a number of some cases of contact with them. The names of eyewitnesses have been replaced by pseudonyms at their request.

1) VICTOR M., p. Bagishevo

This happened at the end of May 1992. I went fishing on the Cheremshan River. It was early morning, I picked a fish from the nets and was about to start the motorcycle to go home. Suddenly I heard a voice that sounded like it was in my head. He ordered: “Sit down.” I turned around and saw a human figure in the predawn darkness. I realized that in front of me there was no a common person, and perhaps an alien from outer space. He was wearing an aluminized skin-tight suit. On the head is something like a helmet of the same color. I could not see the face, since it was covered with a glass surface like a visor. The alien was slender, about two meters tall.

A conversation began, if it can be called a conversation in the usual sense of the word. The alien, answering my questions, seemed to be replaying film frames right in my brain, and sometimes he simply nodded his head in agreement. He knew what I was thinking and read all my thoughts.

I remember asking him why they didn't openly interact with people. The alien replied that they have instructions prohibiting them from interfering in our lives. They believe that humanity should develop in its own way. Their life expectancy is about 700-800 years according to our chronology. They wear protective devices on their heads to protect them from outside influence and so that no one else can read their thoughts. In general, in just 20 minutes he put so much into my head that even in a book you can’t tell about everything...” Read more

2) DONNA P., Kansas.

This incident happened in November when she was driving her car home. Dona P. saw a bright beam of light ahead, stopped the car and passed out. She woke up already inside the UFO. This is how her first meeting with aliens took place. She was warned of impending disasters on Earth. They also said that they could move from one dimension to another, becoming invisible.

The next meeting took place at her home. At 2:00 a.m., one of the people she remembered from the UFO appeared in the hallway of her house. He told Donna that she had had an implant then. Again he told her about the upcoming changes on Earth.

When Donna P. went public with her story, her life became hell. One group of religious fanatics had been bothering her for a long time. If they knew the truth about those blond aliens, they wouldn't be so worried.

After some time, she was again taken on board the flying ship. She was in a very large round hall. There, some medical procedures were performed and the implant was removed through her ear. Later, Donna was shown the real state of things in the world, the past, the future... Read more

3) DMITRY, Moscow

One day, after reading an article about possible visits to the Earth by aliens, a completely forgotten picture from childhood surfaced in my memory. A strange picture... I am five years old, and I am sitting in a field in a hut made of corn stalks. It was in Kyrgyzstan, where my parents lived then. Suddenly I see a large ball descending over our garden not far from the hut. He sank to the ground and froze in the arable land. Then a slice opened in the ball, like a watermelon, a small ladder descended, and a woman came out. There was a man standing behind her, but he remained in the device.

“Hold out your hands,” the woman told me.

She looked very kind, young, tall. She was dressed, like her companion, in a silver jumpsuit that glittered in the sun, blond hair spread over her shoulders, blue eyes. I sat at the entrance to the hut and willingly extended my hands. Warmth came from her, something was happening inside me. For some reason I wanted to laugh. She also smiled kindly. And that’s it - I don’t remember anything else. But I didn’t tell my mother anything about it. There was some feeling, maybe inspired, that there was no need to tell... Read more

4) MICHELLE, New Hampshire, USA.

As a child, Michelle met Nordic aliens. She is confident in their real existence, as well as the reality of human civilization.

Michelle says: “They are not gods or angels. They are another advanced civilization. They are here because they are responsible for us. I communicated with them in my familiar environment, but they can also change their density and become invisible.

She was also shown the details mass change on the ground. She also said: “A person will survive this fear, which will change it and give experience.”

5) PENNY R., Indiana

One night she woke up from a bright light coming from the ceiling. The whole room seemed to be flooded with light. Suddenly she clearly saw several figures. There were short humanoids with gray wrinkled skin and large black eyes and a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes. He took my hand and said, “Don't be afraid. They are with me,” pointing to the small gray humanoids who stood in the room.

The next day, military and medical personnel arrived in their small town. They spent several days conducting all types of examinations of local residents.


One of the most impressive revelations about the secrets of the Vatican was made by the secretary of Pope John XXIII. In 2005, he made a statement to the press in which he spoke about a strange event involving the Pope. According to his confession, John XXIII had a meeting with a man from another planet, an alien.

So, according to the statement of the papal secretary (the oldest of the Catholic bishops), Pope John XXIII came into contact with a friendly stranger right in the garden of his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.

It happened like this. At that moment, when dad and his secretary were walking in the garden, beings appeared to them, around whom there was a golden aura. The aliens came out of an oval object of blue, amber color. Dad and the secretary knelt down and began to pray, thinking that a miracle had been shown to them. Then, dad decided to approach the stranger and talk to him.

The conversation lasted about half an hour. After dad finished the conversation, he returned to the secretary and said: Children of God are everywhere, although sometimes they do not consider us as brothers.

It is noteworthy that recently a representative of the Vatican made a statement about the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life, which caused fierce debate among believers...

Official science does not recognize the existence of "plates". Nevertheless, some scientists are trying to understand this phenomenon. Recently, hearings on the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life were held at the British Royal Scientific Society.

1. Witnesses from space

It would seem that the people who are closest to them - cosmonauts and pilots - can solve all the mysteries of space. However, many of those who have visited the stars talk about anomalous phenomena and are looking for contacts with the unknown.

Reports and books

In the USSR there were several organizations that dealt with the UFO problem, including the All-Union UFO Association, which was led by cosmonaut Pavel Popovich. It was to him that reports from astronauts, military men and pilots flocked to him about the observation of unidentified objects. According to him, there were a lot of reports. There was “a lot of nonsense,” but there were also stories that deserved attention.

The first data on UFO sightings, according to him, began to arrive during the Second World War: Soviet pilots reported mysterious objects in the sky during the Battle of Kursk. And during the war, US Air Force pilots encountered a cigar-shaped object that emitted blinding rays.

P. Popovich himself did not see anything extraordinary in space. However, during a fighter plane flight from Washington to Moscow in 1978, he saw a luminous equilateral triangle flying parallel to him. This object was seen not only by the astronaut, but no one understood what it was.

P. Popovich’s first wife, 1st class test pilot who set 101 world records on various types of aircraft, Marina Popovich, believes that all astronauts have seen UFOs, but only a few admit it. Her interest in paranormal phenomena awoke after, while in the Pamirs, she, along with her expedition colleagues, observed a floating luminous ball, which quickly disappeared.

For more than 20 years, M. Popovich collected material for her book “UFOs over Planet Earth,” which included eyewitness accounts from Russia and the USA, where she taught in the 90s.

Unidentified flying objects, in her opinion, are not necessarily alien vessels: out of 700 cases of UFO sightings, in 90% of cases these were the remains of rockets, balloons, and glowing swamp gases. But the origin of the remaining 10% has not been established. M. Popovich is sure that UFOs need to be studied: " We are in a cocoon and are afraid to admit that there is a world that is knocking on us", she says.

Foreign experience

Decades after the flight to the Moon, American astronaut Edwin Aldrin admitted that during the mission he observed an unknown ring-shaped object. As irrefutable evidence, he put forward the favorite argument of all conspiracy theorists: " How do you explain the fact that the governments of both the USA and the USSR immediately curtailed the lunar program, and then completely forgot about the Earth’s satellite?"

His colleague Gordon Cooper, a test pilot and American astronaut who has been in space twice, stated that he saw a UFO during flights over Germany in 1951. The astronaut reported his belief in extraterrestrial ships visiting Earth. In his opinion, these ships are much more technically advanced than our existing ones, so earthlings must develop a strategy for establishing friendly contacts with visitors.

"For many years I lived in an atmosphere of secrecy, in which all astronauts also lived. Today I can reveal the secret that every day radars in the United States detect objects whose shape and design are unknown to us", G. Cooper confessed.

In the summer of 2001, former military personnel, pilots and NASA employees were planning to tell their stories to the press and demand congressional hearings, but the September 11 terrorist attacks buried the Disclosure Project initiative.

White sun in space

Pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalenok told reporters that in 1981, while on board the Salyut-6 spacecraft together with Viktor Savin, he observed a luminous object similar to a capsule flying from below through the window. While V. Savin was running for the camera to capture the object, it exploded, leaving a spherical cloud. V. Kovalenko, as expected, reported everything to the state commission, but no official explanation was given for the phenomenon.

One day, waking up during a flight, V. Kovalenok heard a man’s voice. " Great, guys! How long have we been sitting here?"- the emptiness spoke. The cosmonaut grabbed a notebook and, as the doctors taught, began to record sensations. His partner Ivanenko did the same, and V. Kovalenok decided that he was not the only one with hallucinations. It turned out that this mystical voice was a video recorder that had inexplicably turned on with the favorite film of all astronauts - "White Sun of the Desert".

In search of saving the planet

Cosmonaut Georgy Grechko is critical of the stories of his colleagues. He himself has not encountered a UFO, but he is looking for traces that aliens from other planets could have left.

"I'm interested in how our solar system how humanity arose - there are incomprehensible moments here. I'm wondering if someday real flying saucers should arrive, and not those on which women are supposedly taken away, and then they give birth supposedly from aliens", he admitted.

In search of traces, G. Grechko went to Tunguska, Baalbek and Sinai, but so far has not found anything. Nevertheless, he believes that the efforts are not in vain and the efforts of people developing a language to communicate with aliens will come in handy someday.

"We really need this meeting. Now the world is in a stupid situation, and Russia is in a difficult situation. But still there is a way out, even two. True, one is fantastic, and the other is real. The real one is that aliens will arrive and solve all our problems, and the fantastic one is that we can handle it ourselves", jokes G. Grechko.

2. Secrets of the Oval Office

According to polls, more than 80% of Americans believe in UFOs. Presidents do not lag behind ordinary citizens.

Contactor Presidents

In 1950 Americans were no less afraid of aliens than of a nuclear strike from the USSR. President Harry Truman's aide, General Robert Landry, recalled that in 1948, the head of state summoned him to the Oval Office and instructed him to compile a report on the UFO situation every three months.

Ronald Reagan told reporters that in 1974, while still governor, he saw a UFO from an airplane. " When I looked out the window, I saw a sparkling white object. It zigzagged right in front of us. I walked over to Bill Painter (personal pilot) and asked, “Have you ever seen anything like this?” He responded in shock: “Never!"- admitted R. Reagan.

The plane of the future president was pursued for several minutes by a strange object emitting a sharp White light. Not far from Bakersfield, it soared up perpendicularly and disappeared.

Later, at a private screening of Steven Spielberg’s film “E.T.,” R. Reagan said with emotion: “ There aren't even six people in the room who know how true all of this is.".

Major issues in American politics

Even though JFK never made any statements about UFOs, he was surrounded by many parascientific legends. One of them connected the assassination of the president with aliens: supposedly in Texas he was going to talk about contacts between the CIA and extraterrestrial civilizations, but the latter did not want to go public.

Bill Clinton was very interested in this topic. Having occupied the Oval Office, he ordered his assistant to find out “who killed Kennedy and what the real situation with UFOs is.” While in power, he and his wife Hillary mentioned aliens 26 times in their speeches, and when leaving his post, after lengthy legal proceedings, he said: “ If we were attacked by aliens, we would have no time for such games".

Several years ago, Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, during the presidential race, admitted to seeing a silent triangular spaceship, felt an “inner connection” with him and received “commands into my brain.” Despite the American love for UFOs, he was ridiculed and called crazy.

Obamamania and Alienmania

The current American President Barack Obama has to constantly fight off fellow citizens who believe in little green men. The tabloids print "irrefutable evidence" that his inauguration was visited by UFOs, citizens in electronic petitions ask to declassify data about UFOs or formally acknowledge their presence (they were given an official refusal with the wording "we do not have reliable evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial life on the planet"), and journalists ask “provocative” questions.

Answering a question about the “Book of Secrets” containing information about UFOs, which is allegedly kept in the Green Room, where every newly elected American president is introduced, Barack Obama joked in 2009: “ I would tell you what is written in the Book of Secrets, but then I would have to kill you".

By the way, during the election race in the United States, National Geographic magazine found that 65% of Americans believe that if aliens attack the Earth, Barack Obama will be able to cope with them. Most of Americans would like to witness alien invasion, because they consider brothers in mind to be friendly creatures - as in Steven Spielberg’s film “E.T.

3. Plates for politicians

Unlike their Western colleagues, Russian politicians are in no hurry to admit to close contacts of the third degree. Nevertheless, among our political elite there are those who are close to the topic of UFOs.

Kidnapped President

The former head of Kalmykia, President of the International Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov admitted that in 1997 he had an “excursion” to an alien ship. K. Ilyumzhinov was in an apartment in Moscow and was about to go to bed when he felt that the balcony had opened and someone was calling him.

"I came up and saw how the half-pipe was translucent. I went into this pipe and saw people in yellow spacesuits", said K. Ilyumzhinov in the Posner program.

According to him, he communicated with representatives of alien intelligence “at the level of thought” because he lacked air. The hospitable newcomers gave K. Ilyumzhinov a tour of the ship. " Then there was a dialogue: “Why don’t you go live on TV channels and say that you are here? Watch, communicate with us?” They said that "we are not ready for the meeting yet", said K. Ilyumzhinov.

According to the President of the Chess Federation, there were three witnesses to this incident - his driver, assistant and minister, who arrived in the morning and found an empty apartment with an open balcony. They sat down in the kitchen and began calling friends when K. Ilyumzhinov, who had returned from the UFO, appeared from the bedroom.

He later confirmed this story several times, noting that aliens are similar to humans. For K. Ilyumzhinov, this was not the first meeting with a UFO: according to him, in his childhood he saw saucers twice.

Green serpent from the green room

According to popular ufology legend, newly elected American presidents are ushered into the Green Room, where the frozen remains of aliens are kept. One day, journalists asked Vladimir Putin how things were going with this in Russia and whether his American colleagues had shown him the artifacts.

V. Putin assured that such a topic does not exist at the government level. " When I was in the States, my friend and comrade - the President of the United States - did not invite me to any green rooms", said the president.

"Please note that I do not drink strong drinks. And we don’t talk about a green room - we say “green serpent”. You see, these words are very close and similar.", added V. Putin, emphasizing that his American colleague also "gave up."

Secret folders

Dmitry Medvedev, answering questions from journalists, once revealed “secret” information about aliens. " Along with the transfer of a suitcase with nuclear codes, a special folder is brought to the president of the country. It says "Top Secret" and is entirely dedicated to the aliens who visited our planet, - the Prime Minister joked with a serious look. - At the same time, a report is provided from completely closed intelligence services that are engaged in monitoring aliens on the territory of our country.".

According to him, after termination of office, the files are transferred to the next president. D. Medvedev did not tell us how many aliens there are among us, so as not to “cause panic.”

"You can get more detailed information on this topic by watching the famous newsreel documentary "Men in Black"", added D. Medvedev.

4. Hollywood ufology

In one of the episodes of the film "Men in Black" it is said that almost all Hollywood stars are secret aliens from other planets. Not a single actor has yet admitted to his alien origin, but many often talk about their own encounters with “plates.” According to tabloid reports, Hollywood is a favorite hangout spot for UFOs.


Famous actor Russell Crowe recently posted a photo of an “alien ship” over Sydney on his microblog. According to him, he managed to take unique shots when he and his friends installed a camera in botanical garden to photograph bats.

Skeptical readers noted that this could be a passing plane or distortion of the camera optics. Journalists remembered that shortly before the appearance of these shots, Gladiator complained about the lack of press attention to his new film “City of Vice”, and decided that in this way he made up for it.

Contract for day X

Tom Cruise stated that he did not believe in UFOs until he saw what looked like a large helicopter with searchlights. The actor doesn’t remember the next 15 minutes, he admits. After that T. Cruz for a long time complained of strange dreams in which a flying machine with unusual creatures descended towards him.

Apparently, this experience became the reason for the appearance in his marriage contract with Katie Holmes interesting point, according to which, in the event of an alien ship arriving on Earth, the actor’s wife had to support any of Tom’s decisions, including flying to the aliens or donating all the money he earned to them.

The eternal "die-hard" Bruce Willis is sure: it is stupid to assume that we are alone in the Universe. He believes that everyone from time to time encounters events that are difficult to explain. The actor himself once observed a UFO in the mountains.

"I have the feeling that something paranormal is constantly happening to me. I even signed up for a newsletter that lets you know about everything out of the ordinary", admitted B. Willis in an interview.


One of the Ghostbusters, actor Dan Aykroyd, is a longtime member of a UFO-hunting group called MUFON. His passion for plates is also reflected in cinema: the actor’s credits include the popular feature film Psi Factor, as well as the documentary UFO: Secret Files. In it, D. Aykroyd asked questions of concern to eyewitnesses, people from the government, the Armed Forces and NASA.

D. Aykroyd believes that aliens violate US law, because "anyone who unlawfully captures, holds, lures, kidnaps or carries away and holds another person for ransom or reward or for any other purpose" may be subject to imprisonment conclusion. The actor is also convinced that aliens don’t want to have anything to do with humans because we are “crazy and cruel creatures.”

5. UFO in rock style

If encounters with aliens by senior researchers or sales managers most often brought them suffering or ended in nothing at all, then cases of encounters with aliens by musicians were reflected in the work of the latter.

Nobody Told Me

The spiritual leader and ideological inspirer of The Beatles, John Lennon, observed a UFO on the roof of his own house. According to legend, the flying saucer approached the musician so close that he was able to examine the unknown object in detail. However, what he saw scared him. The musician immediately left the roof and called the police. Arriving law enforcement officers were not surprised by J. Lennon’s statement: it turned out that in 1974, particular UFO activity was observed over Manhattan, and that day, in addition to the Beatle, several people from different parts of the city saw flying saucers.

Apparently, the minute meeting with alien creatures impressed the musician: later the world heard his song “Nobody Told Me.” In one of the lines, J. Lennon sang: " There's a UFO flying over New York, but that doesn't surprise me".

Alien fans of the Stones

Another legendary musician, the leader of The Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, also communicated with alien creatures. By the way, his experience of negotiations with aliens was not isolated. Once in an interview, M. Jagger admitted that he had witnessed a UFO visit at least twice. The first story with green men, according to the musician himself, happened to him when he was a child and was vacationing at a children's tourist camp in Glastonbury. M. Jagger is reluctant to talk about the details of this alien visit. The second time the musician witnessed the paranormal was at his own concert in 1969 in Altamont Park. This performance was marked by sad events - the rock musicians' security guards, calling fans to order, shot one of them.

UFO writer Michael Luckman is sure that M. Jagger is a favorite UFO. In one of his books, he said that, in addition to regular UFO visits to the musician’s concerts, aliens also like to appear in M. Jagger’s house. The rock star even spared no expense in installing expensive sensors that should detect the approach of a UFO. Over the years, the equipment worked only once: this happened when M. Jagger was not at home and no one could assess the validity of the system's signal.

David Bowie's Space

Another famous musician, David Bowie, whose stage image resembles the appearance of an alien, also repeatedly encountered UFOs. The artist has a huge number of incredible stories about adventures in the company of little green men, and D. Bowie cites the address of the UFO workshop as proof of their veracity. There, according to the star, aliens can be found especially often.

"In England, I worked for two guys who put out a UFO magazine, and I saw flybys 6-7 times a night when I was hanging out at the observatory, which was for a year. We never reported this to the press", D. Bowie once said.

Blue lights of rock and roll

D. Bowie's successes could be called outstanding if the world had not known another long-term epic - with the participation of Elvis Presley. According to legend, the king of rock and roll was pursued by aliens literally everywhere.

On the night of the birth of the future rock idol, E. Presley's father noticed strange blue lights hovering nearby and remaining there for many years. When E. Presley was 8 years old, he was visited by a whole team of aliens. As the musician himself said, the space travelers arrived while he was with his parents in his house. The aliens made it possible for E. Presley, as a child, to learn about the great glory that awaited him ahead. According to the artist, the alien guest replayed future life events in front of him, as if on a film projector. In the muddy “footage” E. Presley saw himself on stage in a white jumpsuit - the way millions of people on Earth now remember him.

Even after the death of the star, luminous objects did not leave it. During the farewell to the musician’s body, those gathered at the cemetery noticed a light following the funeral procession, which accompanied the mourners all the way to the artist’s grave. Some researchers suggest that E. Presley was an alien who, during the funeral, watched the crowd, hovering over the cemetery in a spaceship.

6. And God created the earth...

Representatives of world faiths have different attitudes towards the UFO phenomenon. The existence of aliens often does not fit into the worldview of believers, who are increasingly turning to their spiritual mentors for clarification.

"Demons" by Vsevolod Chaplin

Orthodox Christians see UFOs as demonic in nature. The priests base their reasoning on the message of the Apostle Paul and the work of the holy fathers, who claim that aliens are a manifestation of demonic forces that deliberately reincarnated themselves into human-like but harmful creatures.

"False apostles, crafty workers take on the appearance of Christ’s apostles, and it is not surprising: Satan himself takes on the appearance of an angel of light. Therefore, it is not a great thing if his servants take on the appearance of servants of truth.", says the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthians.

In addition, the official Orthodox Church, citing the words of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, claims that the desire of people to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence is a manifestation of a weakening of faith, to which the demon is drawn to a person through the temptation of knowledge. If a UFO appears, a Christian is ordered to make the sign of the cross and pray.

In one of his interviews, the head of the department for relations between the Church and society of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, said that there are no UFOs, and eyewitnesses often mistake angels and demons for aliens.

"We know that the created world is not exhausted by material beings. There are angels and demons - they were often mistaken and are still mistaken for so-called aliens. These are real beings, a person comes into contact with them, they periodically reveal themselves. Everyone should know and remember the reality of their existence", he emphasized.

Aliens belong in a bottle

Islam is a younger religion than Christianity, and this should help its representatives to be tolerant of the existence of an alternative world. However, the views of Muslims are not too different from the views of Orthodox believers. They believe that UFOs are a manifestation of the vital activity of genies, who, according to myths, should live in a bottle and not on other planets.

The Koran says that jinn are by nature creatures that emerged from fire, so they give off a slight glow. UFO eyewitnesses often report a dim light coming from a “flying saucer” or other object. This fact finally convinced Muslims that aliens are jinns and do not pose a real danger.

Jews are even less interested in the problems of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to Jewish clergy, the church should not pay attention to such issues. Perhaps this attitude towards the UFO phenomenon is due to the fact that the Torah emphasizes the anthropocentricity of the universe: regardless of the presence of other civilizations, God created only man, who is at the center of the world.

Reasonable Vatican or tolerant Buddhists

Against this background, Buddhists appear to be the most tolerant of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to several surveys conducted by British scientists, more than half of all representatives of Buddhism admit the existence of life on other planets. Approximately 40% of them note that scientific confirmation of this fact will not affect the strength of their faith.

Similar questions were asked of Catholics, 60% of whom said they would be shocked to learn that there were other civilizations in the universe. Pope Benedict XVI, who recently left office, stated that science, like faith in God, is necessary for the preservation of life on Earth, so Catholicism tries to cooperate with science and direct its discoveries to the right direction. The official Vatican has recognized the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

7. UFOs: scientists don't mind

The phenomenon of aliens worries everyone without exception, even scientists who are often skeptical about the numerous stories of UFO eyewitnesses. Despite this, there are many truly respected people in science in the world who are seriously engaged in research into evidence of the existence of alien civilizations.

US Air Force vs. Science

The famous American scientist, Harvard University professor Allen Hynek, who has always been an adherent of the theory that all UFO eyewitnesses are victims of optical illusion or someone's jokes, for several years of work in the project Air Force The US search for extraterrestrial civilizations "Sain" has changed its point of view.

In an interview with American journalists in 1977, A. Hynek said that “all the hype around flying saucers is a craze that should soon fade away.” However, eight years later, talking to the press, the scientist noted that he had changed his mind. " The impetus for reconsidering my attitude towards flying saucers was the completely negative, stubborn attitude towards them on the part of the Air Force", he said. After leaving the project, A. Hynek founded his own organization to study the UFO phenomenon.

However, not all scientists share this approach to the unknown. In his book “UFO: An Attempt at a Scientific Approach,” A. Hynek gives an example illustrating this.

"One summer evening in 1968, a reception was being held for an astronomy symposium in Victoria, British Columbia. More than one hundred astronomers from different countries. Suddenly, a man entered the hall and announced that unidentified flying objects had appeared in the sky. A light chuckle passed through the tables, but quickly died down and the people returned to their conversations. Not a single scientist went outside to see the mysterious natural phenomenon with his own eyes!" - says the book.

Universe of Misunderstanding

In Russia, research into the UFO phenomenon was also carried out. Soviet mathematician and associate professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute Felix Siegel has been studying UFO issues for decades. Now he is considered the founder of domestic ufology, and a little more than two decades ago, his works and the resonant article on UFO research “Inhabited Space” were constantly criticized and were not recognized by the general public.

F. Siegel worked on the multi-volume study “Inhabited Space” for ten years, after which, at the pre-printing stage, the work was censored, depriving it of any mention of UFOs, and also cutting out a piece of text that spoke about the Tunguska phenomenon.

Here, as in his other works, F. Siegel questioned what was already a postulate in world science. For example, he did not believe that the highest speed in the Universe is the speed of light, as well as a number of other theories, including Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

Modern scientists still do not seek to popularize data about UFOs. Thus, Vlail Kaznacheev, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Doctor of Medical Sciences, is confident that the wrong decision regarding the declassification of information about aliens can lead to “colossal environmental, technological and psychological problems planetary scale."

"Russia is at the stage of a new level of enlightenment, which connects us with space and poses this question to humanity in the same way as Vernadsky did", he believes. According to the scientist, the mind may well manifest itself in another space, time and even the Universe.