The influence of outstanding people on society. Dependence on the opinion of society. Questions and tasks

The influence of society on a person's personality is quite large. It shapes character traits inner world and views on life are exactly the same as in the immediate society in which a person finds himself. A person’s personality is formed from birth and how the parents raise the child will determine everything. future life person.

A person is very dependent on where and with whom he communicates. But it is precisely all these components that shape the personality and further thoughts of people. If a child is instilled with a state of care, warmth, kindness and honesty from childhood, then in the future he will be able to achieve a lot and the environment around him. negative society will not be able to influence him. If a person lives in a society where lies, lawlessness and violence constantly occur, then such individuals often become aggressive and very often do not end their lives very well.

Society consists of different layers of the population and, as a rule, these cells adhere to their boundaries. Sometimes people from the lower strata of society, who are not able to put up with their not very good situation, are able to achieve high success, but there are not many such people. Unfortunately.

Modern society

Modern society can be considered quite advanced and civilized. But this is if we consider the situation on a global scale. Naturally, there are still corners of the earth where society is not as developed as in major cities and countries. Although this is also not an indicator. IN modern world Even within the same country, there are different layers of society that create a kind of border between themselves. Often this depends on such indicators as: financial situation, level of education and upbringing, general views on life and attitude towards others. The diversity of modern society is amazing, but this does not at all prevent people from communicating with each other and intersecting in various life situations, even being in different layers of social status. But you shouldn’t think that such multi-layering is a whim of modernity; this situation has always been there. If you look at the history of creation, then such a division existed before.

We should not forget that the main element of society is a person who bears within himself a connection with the biosphere. It is this connection that indicates the presence of an internal confrontation of a person, which gives hope that, after all, the entire biosphere will remain intact, since this is the natural habitat of the person himself. It is this hope that allows us to maintain harmony in everything and in maintaining life, without bringing the community to self-destruction.

Man is a herd animal. He is unable to survive alone, his body is not designed for implementation of complete self-sufficiency and effective protection from external factors. Therefore, wanting to lead a normal, comfortable life, he is forced to look for ways to interact with other members of society. How does society influence its habits and character?

A long time ago

In ancient times, the human tribe was no different from a pack of animals. It also had leaders who led the others, and outcasts who had a different appearance or character. The latter were treated in every possible way, humiliated, and bypassed during the division of booty and trophies. Of course, no one wanted to be on the list of expulsions, so everyone tried to be similar to each other, the same. This applied to both behavior and clothing or primitive jewelry-amulets.

Over time, this identification of “friend or foe” turned into a fashion, different for countries, classes, and religions. With the help of clothing, belonging to a profession, faith, political party, social movement. By changing clothes, one could become invisible in the camp of an enemy or competitor and learn about his plans.

The same applied to behavior. Peculiar greetings and addresses, various curtsies and expressive movements remarkably helped to recognize the origin of a person Defined system rituals are still inherent in every religion. And their non-compliance causes complaints from fellow tribesmen.

Modern society

Despite the general democratization, the growth of tolerance, the blurring of boundaries between peoples, society still requires a person to remain within the framework of a certain average picture of behavior. Of course, today you will no longer be burned at the stake for wearing an unusual outfit, but for failure to comply with the notorious dress code at work you may be deprived of your bonus or given a reprimand. In this way, a certain control is carried out, an indication of the acceptable boundaries of individuality.

However, even today there are structures that require complete identity from their members. We are, of course, talking about the army and other special services. Working in them means almost complete renunciation of one’s self, strict compliance with requirements and adherence to rules governing speech, behavior and appearance.

We should not forget about countries professing Islam. They still adhere to certain rules when selecting clothes for women. A demonstrative refusal of them can bring serious problems and troubles.

In contrast to them Western countries moving away from the concept of “fashion”. Status clothing is practically not in demand there. Moreover, they blur the lines not only between classes and age groups, but also between genders. Comfortable unisex is gaining more and more fans, taking the concepts of “masculinity” and “femininity” into the past.

Psychological explanation

So, to this day, every person experiences a certain influence of the society in which he lives. In order not to be criticized and ostracized, he is forced to comply with the requirements of society. This forces him to hide some part of his individuality, adapting to the image that the majority wants to see. In return for such efforts on himself, he receives a good attitude from others, a certain portion of “affection” from them.

Refusal of such compromises leads to a wave of criticism aimed at returning the “lost sheep” to the fold. To listen to it or not is a decision that everyone makes independently. However, it is impossible to achieve success by giving up a full life in society in order to demonstrate your individuality. Therefore, a person striving for well-being will definitely find a way out and become more flexible in order to meet his own interests.

Most likely, a strong person will take into account only the criticism that comes from those whose lives are affected by his actions. Since the dissatisfaction of these people can result in certain troubles for her, she will adjust her behavior until an option is found that suits everyone. In this case, human egoism will be balanced by reasonable altruism.

Man is a creature with an animal essence and at the same time endowed with reason. This duality sometimes tears him apart, but it also helps him survive among his own kind. He manages to do this by finding a compromise between the desire to be himself, a bright individuality, and the requirements of the pack-society. This precarious balance is easily caught by those who listen to criticism, but only change external behavior, while remaining a whole person inside. Such flexibility turns out to be the key to success and universal respect.

Hello! In this article I would like to touch on the topic influence of society on a person.

This topic is one of the most key in achieving success in life. What is the essence of the influence of our environment (link) on our success? Remember, there have probably been examples similar to the one below in your life.

Well, let's take the most understandable and common case. In the evening after work, men gather in the yard to drink beer and play dominoes or cards (in most cases, dominoes). Everything goes on day after day according to the same scenario. It seems that the men are not alcoholics, but there are no other interests in life. Everyone is happy with everything.

And suddenly a very out-of-the-ordinary case occurs. One of the players, let’s call him “Petrovich” for example, was hit on the head by an amusing thought: “Yes, I put all this on me! I want a prosperous and successful life!” And Petrovich decides to branch out from the news of society in order to do something useful. And so our Petrovich misses one evening (does not come to the beer and domino party). The second time it doesn't come. Well, society is not particularly worried yet. Well, you never know what happened, a person fell ill. And then the moment comes when Petrovich’s lack of presence in society begins to be felt and disturbs the team. A society of gentlemen goes to Petrovich and begins to inquire about the reasons for his absence. And then Petrovich gives them something they never expected: “I’m tired of drinking beer and playing dominoes. I want to become an exemplary family man and climb the corporate ladder in production. I went to advanced training courses to study.”

After this, the society makes its first modest attempt to return the lost sheep to the fold. Petrovich is adamant and stands his ground. The next day the persuasion becomes more persistent. Let's assume that our hero holds up well and doesn't give in. Then heavy artillery enters the battle: “Do you Petrovich not respect us?” Ridicule begins, then insults. They may even assign our Petrovich to the “Left Hand Adventists” sect.

But Petrovich is decisive and adamant. And now the moment comes when the portrait of our hero appears on the honor board at the production site. And his salary is increased and maybe even moved up the career ladder. And then suddenly insults and ridicule are unexpectedly replaced by respect and reverence. Everyone is whispering in the corners: “Look, this is our Petrovich! How the man rose! Lucky. We would like that." All! Petrovich from an outcast of society suddenly, somehow magically turned into a respected person, after the ingratiating “handling” with whom he did not wash his hands for a week.

And most importantly, everyone around sincerely believes in luck and intervention in the matter beyond natural forces.

But in fact, everything is simple. The man wanted it and achieved it. And he did not cave in to society, but stubbornly and purposefully moved forward.

Now let's look at the anatomy of the entire process.

The whole story can be divided into three main stages.

Stage 1 - persuasion

Stage 2 - ridicule

Stage 3 – respect and honor

Based on this whole story, it is clear that if you have made a decision to seriously change something in your life, especially to achieve success and wealth, then be prepared to go through three stages:

  1. They will pull you back and talk you out of your decision. Moreover, the absolute majority of people with whom you share your plans will often dissuade you.
  2. When people see that persuasion does not help, they will “spit” after you. And if you are lucky, they will not care, but simply laugh at you.

You shouldn't be offended by people for this. Most of us have behaved this way towards others at some point. I think that the roots of this phenomenon are in natural instincts and trivial herd feelings. This is our nature.

Therefore, I suggest being aware of this, not holding a grudge against people, and not stopping at the first and second stages. Moreover, the third stage is our reward!

  1. At the third stage, you achieve your plans, and those who laughed at you admire you. They will do this openly or you will hear rumors about yourself that will flatter you.

Finally, I’ll tell you that all this is not a theory. I have experienced all this myself. Believe it or not, they even classified me as a sectarian and took me to a psychologist, and there is plenty of ridicule and jabs.

However, unlike the gray herd, I am growing and will achieve my goals, but they will remain in their warm comfortable swamp, where vacation is only when the great guru and teacher allows it, income is limited by the salary ceiling and there is not enough money for my son to buy a bicycle.

Now think seriously. What are you willing to do for better life, which is in beautiful dreams and dreams? Are you ready to go through all the stages of social pressure? Write in the comments

By the way, those who leave their first comment will receive a good gift.

By the way, I give practical advice on the topic of the influence of society on a person. I didn’t follow him at the time and regretted it. Now I try to strictly follow it: Talk less to those around you (unless they are successful and positive people who are always ready to support you) about your goals and plans. This rule especially applies to relatives (including parents). If you follow this rule, then the second stage will be the least painful for you. How less people knows about your plans, the fewer people will drag you back into the swamp. Agree, it is easier to overcome the resistance of a couple of people than of the entire society as a whole.

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a short excerpt from the movie “Rocky Balboa”. Very wise and Right words. I repeat them now to my eldest son.

Since personality is a product of cultural, not biological evolution, it can be assumed that it is society, and not nature, that has the maximum influence on personality. Society is able to influence a person positively - by developing it, and negatively - by suppressing it.

A person spends a third of his life learning to live in the most difficult of existing worlds- in the world of social relations

Sheniy. Recently, experts have come to the conclusion that a person learns this complex art throughout his entire life. These are the requirements of modern society. This process is called socialization.

A person inherits a lot not only from his distant animal ancestors, but also from his immediate ancestors - parents and their parents. A human being, being born more helpless than young animals, is nevertheless much more prepared to assimilate social experience. If it had been otherwise, it would hardly have been possible to teach him logical thinking and symbolic language. After all, a monkey cannot learn this, despite all the efforts of scientists.

Socialization must begin at childhood, when approximately 70% of the human personality is formed. If you are too late, irreversible processes will begin. It is laid down in childhood foundation socialization, and at the same time this is its most vulnerable stage. Children isolated from society perish socially, although adults sometimes consciously seek loneliness and isolation, indulging in deep thought and contemplation. Even when adults are isolated against their will and for a long period of time, they do not die spiritually and socially. On the contrary, overcoming difficulties, they develop their personality and learn new facets in themselves.

It has already been said that socialization is often thought of as preparing children for life in the adult world. How are these two worlds different? Are the differences between them that significant? Is special training really necessary to move from one to the other?

Children and adults differ in: height, physical strength, mental abilities and the ability to use them to their advantage, attitude to dangers and risks, the ratio of rational and emotional components, the amount of acquired knowledge, the ability to learn from their own mistakes, the ability to make the right decisions in difficult situations, the desire take on additional responsibility. The list can be continued if desired.

But the main difference is performance social roles. Children- the only category of the population that does not have social statuses and social roles, except for the statuses of “child”, “male/female”, “son-daughter”, “nephew”, etc., which they do not yet fully comprehend. Since children are not producers of material goods and do not belong to the category of economically independent population, they cannot have professional, economic or political statuses and roles. They are not familiar with what constitutes the essence of statuses - the range of rights and responsibilities. They do not know the responsibilities of an engineer, a doctor, a teacher, a parliamentarian, etc. They don’t know what responsibility or social norms are, although adults told them about many of them.

Theoretical and very rough knowledge of social roles does not allow us to conclude that children have mastered or internalized them. They play the role, but do not behave in accordance with the requirements of the social role: they only have a playful exploration of the social world. Adults never play a role, except for the so-called playful method of teaching in business.

The relationship that develops between parents and children is a decisive moment of socialization. They find themselves in the most crucial moment- when a person is most susceptible to good and evil, when he is most trusting and open to everything new, namely during infancy. Second characteristic- relationships last a lifetime and, therefore, have an impact longest lasting impact. The third feature is that parent-child relationships are the closest and closest of all existing in human society.

Many are convinced that parental feelings are transmitted biologically and awaken with the birth of the first child. Indeed, in all living creatures - from birds to mammals - parental care is genetically programmed. However, for human beings this is only half true. Parenthood is primarily a socially acquired attitude. Almost exclusively among people, children are deliberately abandoned or transferred to be raised in

another family is either transferred to state custody. Only man came up with special institutions for street children and a system of sanctions, with the help of which they either punish for violations or reward for respecting parental relations.

Already in ancient times, judging by surviving sources, children were killed, abandoned to their fate, sold into slavery, pawned, mutilated, terrorized and raped by their own parents. Such measures were justified by the most enlightened minds of mankind. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that it was not at all necessary to feed crippled children, and the ancient Roman thinker Seneca proposed drowning weak and deformed babies. The ancient Spartans elevated the massacre of physically weak babies to the rank of state policy. Long before them, primitive tribes freed themselves from children during periods of drought, famine and malnutrition. The Middle Ages are replete with reports of beatings, bullying, parental despotism and indifference to children. The Russian “Domostroy” - a set of everyday rules and instructions of the 16th century - is imbued with the spirit of unquestioning obedience of children to their parents. According to the Code of 1649, children are denied the right to complain about their parents. The murder of a child was punishable by a year in prison, and the murder of a parent was punishable by death.

Strange as it may seem, in most countries of Europe and Asia until the 20th century there was practically no concept parents' responsibility to their children. On the contrary, it was extremely exaggerated children's responsibility to their parents. Thus, throughout almost the entire history of mankind, there has been an asymmetry in the relationship between parents and children: the responsibility of some has been exaggerated, while the responsibility of others has been diminished.

Only in the 20th century did a turning point occur in parenting relationships. They returned to the natural course for human nature. The principle of partnership and mutual responsibility is included in the system of civil rights in all civilized countries. The number of children in one family by that time had sharply decreased, and their value increased sharply. The idea that parents should live for the sake of their children, and they, in turn, for the sake of future children, returned humanity to the mainstream of humanistic values ​​and restored the natural chain of socialization.

In the course of centuries of development, human society has created parenthood in relationships complex systems values, traditions, norms and rules of behavior, mechanisms of social control (corporal punishment, excommunication, honoring elders, deprivation of parental rights).

Youth ends the active period of socialization. Young people usually include teenagers and young adults aged 13 to 19 years (they are also called teenagers). At this age, important physiological changes occur (one of them is the onset of puberty), which carry certain psychological changes: attraction to the opposite sex, aggressiveness, often unmotivated, a tendency to take thoughtless risks and the inability to assess the degree of its danger, an emphasized desire for independence and independence .

Psychophysiological changes cannot but affect the course and content of socialization. A penchant for innovation and creativity, non-recognition of any and all authorities, on the one hand, emphasized autonomy and independence, on the other, give rise to a special phenomenon called youth subculture. She is associated with three main non-

Negative features, symbolic phenomena: drugs, sex and violence. Adolescence is called a “difficult age”, a “turning point”. Its content lies in a change in behavioral characteristics: from almost complete obedience, characteristic of small children, young men move to restrained disobedience - hidden disobedience to parents. If earlier they looked at the world through the eyes of their parents, now they keep a double count: they build a parallel value system and views on the world, which only partially overlap with the position of parents, and partially with the views of peers.

During this period, the formation of the foundation of the personality ends, its upper - worldview - floors are completed. Awareness of one’s “I” occurs as an understanding of one’s place in the life of parents, friends, and the surrounding society. At the same time, there is a constant search for moral guidelines associated with a reassessment of the meaning of life. Teenagers and young men are more susceptible to negative evaluations those around you, especially when it comes to clothing, appearance, behavior, circle of acquaintances, i.e. everything that makes up social environment and social symbolism of “I”. Hypertrophied independence is expressed in the emphasized harshness of their own assessments: for many teenagers, “good” and “correct” are only what they like.

Psychophysiological maturation changes practically nothing in the social economic situation teenagers The social statuses of parents and young men are still incompatible: parents earn a living, bear moral and legal responsibility for their children and the integrity of their property, and participate in social and industrial life. Adults are owners, managers, guardians, producers, legislators, consumers, defenders, etc. And teenagers are not economically independent; they still demand social protection and do not act as participants in legal relations. Their role range is extremely limited. They are not owners, managers, producers, legislators. They are just consumers. Although legally they cannot make vital decisions, psychologically teenagers

ripe for them. But parents limit them. This is the original contradiction.

In this regard, sociologists talk about role disenfranchisement teenagers have fewer rights and responsibilities compared to adults. Having fewer opportunities, teenagers are faced with such global ideological and moral problems that in adulthood have already been decided. Lack of life experience forces them to do much more errors than adults, children or old people do. But the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of mistakes, the seriousness of their consequences: crime, drug use, alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, violence against the individual. Many teenagers drop out of school, as a result of which the natural process of socialization is disrupted. Lack of knowledge immediately affects the economic situation; teenagers and young men find themselves in a worse situation in the labor market. In developed countries, the unemployment rate among 18-year-olds is 3 times higher than that of adults.

Scientists believe that sexual promiscuity, alcohol abuse and recklessness are nothing more than trying to play the role of adults. It is possible that the same reason prompts many to leave school, because... The student’s status is considered “non-adult”. It does not contribute to achieving success in life, and with it, recognition in the peer group.

Today's youth are divided into several generations. It no longer acts, as before, as a single generation opposing the older generation. Within youth, several generations confront and coexist, professing different ideals and values ​​that are inadequate to the norms and values ​​of the other.

Young people in the difficult period of transition from childhood to adulthood face many complex problems that they are not able to solve, relying on their childhood experience or life experience adults. They need peer group, facing the same problems and having the same values ​​and ideals. It provides its members with the freedom and independence they need, as in an adult subculture, and at the same time preserves community for them.

The social protection and emotional belonging they need as young adults. A group of peers of the same age is considered quite suitable for the role of judges of deeds and actions performed by young people. Thanks to peers, a teenager learns to look at himself through the eyes of other people who are not relatives, but equal in age. In a peer group, an individual seems to try on the social clothes of an adult.

In general, we can say that as soon as a child begins to listen to the opinion of the group to the same extent as to the opinion of his parents, he begins to grow up. This happens at 10-12 years of age. At an older age, grades and the opinions of the peer group begin to dominate. And this can continue throughout life: starting from adolescence, a group of peers no longer leaves a person’s life. All adult life is spent surrounded by many peer groups: at work, at home, in leisure.

Living next to many groups, a person himself influences them and is influenced by them, but always tries to preserve his personality and individuality.

Concepts:socialization, childhood, adolescence.

Questions and tasks

1. The institution of motherhood and fatherhood plays an important role not only in the life of society as a whole, but also in the fate of each individual person. What role does he play in your life? How much influence does your mother or father have in shaping your personality? How are the functions of education distributed among them, who does what?

2. Compare the means of influence of adults on a child and vice versa. Draw conclusions.

3. What role did it play in the development of your personality?
peer group? Write a short essay using
using the material in this paragraph.

4. What are the characteristics of adolescent behavior and what are they associated with?

5. How have the views of scientists and society on the problem of relationships between parents and children changed?

*6. Children and adults represent two different worlds. Try to continue exploring it on your own or with the help of adults. The object of surveillance may well be your family (or a family of friends). Observe how the relationships between these worlds are built and formulate your conclusions in a short essay.

*7. Remember your childhood, observe the behavior of your younger brothers and sisters and answer:

a) How do children’s role-playing games change with age?
is new at 7 or 10 years old?

b) What roles do children master outside of play settings?
ki, say, when mom sends her to the store to buy something
ducts? In this and similar cases, what methods are mastered?

c) In which half of life - first or second - is a person
masters more social roles and cultural norms?

Problem. Some parents believe that they should treat their son (or daughter) as a peer in matters of dress, speech, taste and behavior in order to show him an understanding of his teenage problems. Do you agree with this point of view?

Workshop 1. In the eastern states of the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. prisoners were brought in in dark hoods. They were not allowed to see each other, they were isolated and communicated only with the Bible. What is this, cruelty? Nothing like this. Americans believed that every person could start over. We must not deprive him of this chance. But the path of correction is then easier when the burden of a poisoned past does not dominate you.

Give a comment from the point of view of socialization theory.

Workshop 2. Experts say: a person who first tried drugs after 20 years of age is already a complete drug addict by the age of 30, but at the same time retains his personality. And a child who started using drugs at the age of 13 completely degrades as a person by the age of 23.

Why? Explain the problem from the perspective of socialization theory.


Concluding the book, the author would like to dwell on practical issues, the solution of which will largely determine your admission to university. So, ahead of you are passing final exams at school and preparing for entrance exams to a university. What will be required of you? The first thing that university teachers will want to know about during the exam is how firmly you have mastered the basic minimum knowledge of social studies as part of the school curriculum. Moreover, we are talking about the totality of knowledge for grades 8-9 and 10-11. They need to be summarized, since topics covered in grades 8-9 are not covered in grades 10-11; they are only briefly repeated for a smooth and logical transition to new material.

The required minimum in both cases is established by the Ministry of Education and is expressed in two mandatory minimums of knowledge in social studies - separately for grades 8-9 and 10-11. If you compare these textbooks, you will find repetition of some topics For example, the topic “Spheres of Society” is present at a minimum for grades 8-9 and 10-11. Such repetition does not imply that the textbook for grades 10-11 should cover the same topic in the same volume and with the same content. Repetition indicates the importance of a given problem or a given concept for a school graduate, and not for the author of the textbook. Repetition of the topic also means that it can be included in exam questions in grades 10-11. In addition, there are topics that are not repeated, but this does not mean that topics from grades 8-9 will not be encountered in the entrance exams.

Thus, when preparing for final school exams, focus on the minimum for grades 10-11, but when preparing for university entrance exams, also study textbooks for grades 8-9. To do this, you need to make a summary mini-

mum for two courses, adding up all the topics and discarding the repetitive ones. The author suggests making you a list of concepts and problems that you need to know at the entrance exams to a university in the course “Social Studies”.

Here’s an article to think about, about your dependence or independence from society. The test at the end of the article will help you understand in more detail.

Modern man lives in society, and one way or another he is forced to participate in some kind of collective activity. It is physically impossible for a civilized person to be excluded from it. He is dependent on her. There can be no one-sided dependence. If that were the case, modern society would fall apart, and all the people would go in different directions. Society includes a person’s entire environment, his family, friends, classmates, even the information that he receives in the process of life, this is also a kind of society. A person largely depends on society; his way of thinking, living and physical health. Society influences a person to a large extent. It is worth noting that a person learns to live a third of his life in the most complex of existing worlds - in the world of social relations. This process is called socialization.

Socialization begins in childhood, when approximately 70% of the human personality is formed. In childhood, the foundation of socialization is laid, and at the same time this is its most vulnerable stage, because During this period, a person begins to absorb information like a sponge; he also tries to imitate adults, taking from them not only good qualities, but also bad. And during this period, adults can impose their opinions, and the child at this moment is defenseless against the demands of elders, he will be forced to submit to them, which can affect further development person as an individual.
The entire process of personality development can be divided into several stages in accordance with the age of the child:
· Early childhood (0-3)
· Preschool and school childhood (4-11)
· Adolescence (12-15)
· Youth (16-18)

The biggest influence on a person’s personality is the opinion of their parents. What a child acquires in the family during childhood, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life. The importance of the family as an educational institution is due to the fact that the child lives in it for a significant part of his life, and the foundations of the child’s personality are laid in it.
- IN preschool age another significant one from the point of view of personal development social group becomes a collective. As a rule, this is the kindergarten team. The development of a child’s personality is influenced by his relationships not only with peers, but also with teachers. The child learns the norms of discipline and interaction with others. The child wants to be respected by his peers and to have many friends. IN kindergarten he can gain life experience, because he communicates with children of his own age, takes something from them, trying to imitate.
- During adolescence, children often experience a crisis of personality development. The crisis of this age is characterized by a spirit of contradiction, the desire to do everything in one’s own way, to acquire one’s own experience of successes and failures.
- By the age of 18, as a rule, a child’s personality is fully formed. It is impossible to radically change an already established personality; you can only help the child correct his behavior. Therefore, it is so important to promptly instill in a child moral and ethical values, to teach him the norms of behavior and human relationships when the child’s personality is still developing. Youth completes the active period of socialization. At this age, important physiological changes occur that carry certain psychological shifts: attraction to the opposite sex, aggressiveness, often unmotivated, a tendency to take thoughtless risks and the inability to assess the degree of its danger, an emphasized desire for independence and independence. During this period, the formation of the foundation of the personality ends, its upper - worldview - floors are completed. Awareness of one’s “I” occurs as an understanding of one’s place in the life of parents, friends, and the surrounding society. Teenagers and young men are more susceptible to negative assessments from others, especially when it comes to clothing, appearance, behavior, and circle of acquaintances.

Dependent person is someone who has allowed another person's behavior to greatly affect her or him, and who is obsessed with trying to control that person's behavior. Addiction is associated with low self-esteem and a huge amount of negative emotions: fear, anxiety, lingering despair, anger, shame, guilt, etc. The life of addicted people is full of long-term stress. In fact, it was stress, including strong feelings about another person, that created in them this type personality. These people are capable of experiencing a lot, but, as a rule, are not able to act in the right direction, since negative emotions take away all their energy. Dependent people are so involved in other people's lives that they feel insignificant without a relationship with someone. At the same time, they, of course, try to drag others into their own lives, including into their negative experiences. Dependent people become so accustomed to “taking care” of another that they often offer intrusive help even when the other person does not need it, or when this help is absolutely useless.

Independent person- this is also a self-sufficient, independent person who is aware of personal responsibility for his life. Signs of an independent person:
· Responsible.
· Material independence.
· Self-sufficiency.
· Lives his own life.

For the full development of personality, a person needs communication with other people. Otherwise, social norms and value orientations established in society will not be perceived or will be perceived distorted. Communication with those who are more developed forces one to reach a higher standard, sets a higher standard than that of a loner, and a person in a group strives for the best - after all, he knows that the best exists, but a loner has no idea about it suspects.

Only direct communication in a group, personal contacts and achieving openness with other people give a person the opportunity to perceive someone else’s and convey his life experience. Relationships between people that develop in groups teach a person to comply with existing social norms; they carry within them value guidelines, which are acquired by the individual; the group is the place where a person practices his communication skills; From group members, a person receives information that allows him to correctly perceive and evaluate himself, preserve and strengthen everything positive in his personality, and get rid of the negative and shortcomings. The group gives a person self-confidence, provides him with a system positive emotions necessary for its development.

From all of the above we can conclude that a person will always depend and change for society. Because society can be taken as a small group of a person’s friends, as well as family, and since a person spends almost all his time with them, he depends on their opinions and decisions. Almost every person is in average dependence on society, i.e. a person thinks about what people say about him, every day he listens to people’s opinions and listens to them, acts as he was told.