Military Observer.  Military Observer Modernization of large anti-submarine ships of Project 1155

The presence of a powerful navy is one of the main signs of a strong military power. Moreover, in addition to the appropriate quantitative and qualitative composition, a modern fleet must have one more ability - the ability to solve combat missions at a considerable distance from its own bases. In other words, naval forces are obliged to be able to protect the geopolitical interests of their country anywhere in the World Ocean.

One of the main tasks of warships in the far sea zone is to fight enemy submarines, primarily their strategic nuclear missile carriers. Included Russian fleet such problems can solve large anti-submarine ships(BOD) project 1155 "Frigate". According to NATO classification, they belong to anti-submarine destroyers.

The development of Project 1155 began in the first half of the 70s in the Northern Design and Technical Bureau; the lead ship of the series, the Udaloy BOD, was launched from the stocks of the Yantar shipyard in 1980. In total, 12 UAVs of this series were built, the last of them, the ship “Admiral Panteleev”, was accepted into service Pacific Fleet in December 1991, that is, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In 1990 and 1991, two ships were laid down under the modernized project 1155.1 - Admiral Chabanenko and Admiral Basisty. Later they planned to build two more BODs of Project 1155.1, but these plans were never implemented. Of the laid down ships, only the Admiral Chabanenko was completed.

The sharp decrease in the number of ship personnel, which followed the collapse of the USSR, turned Project 1155 ships into real “workhorses” of the Russian Navy. For example, the large anti-submarine ship Severomorsk spent a long time patrolling in the Gulf of Aden, protecting merchant ships from pirates. Another ship of the project, Admiral Vinogradov, was also involved in performing similar tasks. And “Admiral Panteleev” made several long-distance voyages in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Project 1155 ships are the most advanced submarine hunters

According to its main characteristics, the Project 1155 BOD is considered one of the most advanced anti-aircraft defense ships in the world. These ships absorbed all the achievements of the Soviet military-industrial complex. Project 1151.1 turned out to be even more successful - while retaining the anti-submarine capabilities of the basic series, it additionally received powerful anti-ship weapons. The only weak point of the Project 1151 BOD can be called the lack of systems air defense long-range, which does not allow ships to fight aircraft - the main carriers of anti-ship weapons.

History of the creation of Project 1155 ships

Rapid development submarine fleet Already in the late 60s, it forced the leadership of the Soviet Navy to think about creating a new generation of anti-submarine ships with a greater range of detecting and destroying the enemy. In addition, it was necessary to strengthen the protection of the BOD from missile weapons and increase the power artillery weapons. In the early 70s, the Northern Design Bureau received the task of developing a project for a new anti-submarine ship. Work on it began in 1972.

Initially, the designers wanted to take project 1135 as a basis, which would make it possible to build a new BOD on ready-made stocks. However, the military demanded that the ship be equipped with a new generation hydroacoustic system and that anti-submarine helicopters be placed on deck, so the restrictions imposed by the small size of the 1135 had to be abandoned. The new SJSC "Polynom" was significantly superior in its characteristics to the previous generation complexes "Titan-2" and "Titan-2T", but at the same time it weighed almost 800 tons and had a length of 30 meters. It is not surprising that the project eventually surpassed the milestone of 7 thousand tons of total displacement.

Large anti-submarine ship of Project 1155 "Vice Admiral Kulakov"

The shape of the ship's stern contours was dictated by the need to accommodate two helicopters and a landing deck for them. The BOD received AK-100 and AK-630 artillery weapons, and the Kinzhal multi-channel air defense system as its main air defense system.

They decided to equip the ship with a gas turbine power plant, which had a higher specific capacity and a relatively small size compared to a steam turbine.

In July 1977, the lead ship of the project, Udaloy, was laid down on the stocks of the Yantar plant. Literally a few months later in Leningrad at the plant named after. Zhdanov, work began on the second ship of the series - the BOD "Vice Admiral Kulakov". "Udaloy" was accepted into the KSF at the end of 1980, and twelve months later, "Vice Admiral Kulakov" followed it to the north.

In total, 12 Project 1155 ships were built and became part of the Pacific and Northern Fleets. The last in the series was the ship "Admiral Panteleev", which was laid down in 1988 and launched in 1990. At the moment, four ships of this series have already been decommissioned and disposed of (including Udalaya), and another eight continue to serve in combat.

Currently, the Northern Fleet includes: “Vice Admiral Kulakov”, “Admiral Levchenko”, the large anti-submarine ship “Severomorsk” and the BOD “Admiral Kharlamov”. Moreover, the latter is now in reserve. The following Project 1155 BODs are assigned to the Pacific Fleet: Admiral Tributs, Admiral Panteleev, Marshal Shaposhnikov and the ship Admiral Vinogradov. Currently, “Marshal Shaposhnikov” is under renovation, which began in 2016.

Improved project 1155.1 "Frigate"

At the end of the 80s, the modernization of Project 1155 began. The improved version was designated 1155.1. The developers set themselves the task of creating a ship with a greater degree of versatility, which would more harmoniously combine anti-submarine, anti-ship and anti-aircraft functions.

In the modernized version, two 100-mm artillery mounts were replaced by one 130-mm twin one, and the ship also received the Vodopad anti-submarine complex, which made room for eight Moskit anti-ship missiles. In addition, the AK-630M anti-aircraft guns were replaced with the “Kortik” complex (ZRAK), which seriously strengthened the anti-aircraft capabilities of the BOD. Also, the ships of the modernized project received a new, even more advanced sonar system.

Thanks to all of the above improvements, the anti-submarine ship has practically turned into a universal destroyer that is capable of solving a significant range of combat missions.

Large anti-submarine ship of project 1155.1 "Admiral Chabanenko"

Initially, it was planned to build ten ships of Project 1155.1, the first of which, Admiral Chabanenko, was laid down in 1990. The following year, construction began on the second ship in the series, and pre-orders were made for two more ships. However, the USSR soon gave up its life, and all these plans remained unrealized. Only the lead ship, Admiral Chabanenko, was able to be completed; the second BOD of this project was dismantled on the slipway.

In general, project 1155.1 turned out to be very successful. It can be called further development the concept of Project 1134 missile cruisers, which, in addition to powerful anti-submarine weapons, also had anti-ship missiles on board. Its only weak point can be called the absence of a long-range air defense system on board.

Currently, the Admiral Chabanenko BOD is part of the Northern Fleet.

Description of the design and its main features

The hull of the ship of the project is steel with an elongated forecastle (2/3 of the length), a significant camber of the frames in the bow and a double bottom along its entire length. The torpedo-shaped antenna radome of the hydroacoustic complex is located at the bow end. The ships of this project are equipped with a roll control system, which reduces it by three times.

The building is divided into compartments by fire-resistant partitions; non-combustible materials are used in the interior decoration. The ships of this project have a foam extinguishing system.

In the aft and middle parts of the ship there are three groups of superstructures, in the design of which aluminum and magnesium alloys are widely used. Hangars for two Ka-27 helicopters are located in the aft superstructure.

It should also be added that the designers paid great attention to the habitability of the ship, taking into account its use in various climatic conditions. Officers are accommodated in comfortable single and double cabins, midshipmen - in rooms for two and four people, and sailors occupy cockpits with a capacity of 12-14 people. On board there are special rooms for sports, recreation, and an infirmary for receiving sick or wounded people.

The main power plant (GPP) consists of two M9 gas turbine units. Each of them includes a sustainer (9 thousand hp) and an afterburner (22 thousand hp) engine. This design allows for rational use of fuel. Another important advantage of a gas turbine power plant is the ability to quickly reach maximum speed – 10-15 minutes. For a steam turbine installation, this process can take more than an hour.

To supply energy to ship systems, four gas turbine generators are used, each with a capacity of 1250 kW.

The basis of the anti-submarine weapons of ships of this project is the Polynom hydroacoustic complex, which in its characteristics is several times superior to the previous generation SAC. It is capable of detecting an enemy submarine at a distance of 40-50 km. In addition to submarines, Polynom can detect torpedoes and anchor mines. You can also add that the Project 1155 BOD is the smallest of all equipped with this complex. There is a towed antenna at the stern of the ship.

Weapons: artillery, missiles, anti-submarine

The anti-submarine weapons of Project 1155 ships include:

  • Missile system URK-5 "Rastrub-B". With its help, you can hit not only enemy submarines, but also his surface ships. The complex's launchers are located under the ship's navigation bridge;
  • Two torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber. They are located on an electrically driven rotating platform;
  • Two RBU-6000 bomb-launching rocket launchers, each of which has 12 barrels with a caliber of 213 mm. They are located at the stern of the ship.

The artillery armament includes:

  • Two 100-mm automatic guns AK-100 caliber. They are designed to destroy air, surface and coastal targets. The rate of fire of the AK-100 reaches 60 rounds per minute, and its firing range is 21.5 km. Cooling is carried out using sea water;
  • Four six-barreled AK-630 automatic mounts. They are capable of hitting various targets, both surface and air. The AK-630 is the ship's main air defense weapon at short ranges. The rate of fire is 5000 rounds per minute, and the destruction range is 5 thousand meters;
  • One 45mm salute weapon 21-KM.

The anti-aircraft weapons complex of the ships of the series consists of two Kinzhal air defense systems. They are placed in below-deck containers on the stern and forecastle. The rockets launch vertically. The complex is capable of firing at four targets, at which up to 8 missiles are aimed at once to increase the probability of destruction.

Layout of weapons systems on the BOD 1155

The Project 1155 BOD radar equipment includes the Fregat-MA three-dimensional radar. It is capable of detecting surface and air targets at a distance of 300 km. To detect low-flying targets, a two-dimensional Podkat radar with a detection range of 30 km is used. The ships of the series are also equipped with a target tracking radar for the Kinzhal complex, an artillery fire control radar and a missile firing control radar.

Modernization of BOD project 1155

At present, a decision has been made on a large-scale modernization of Project 1155 ships. Its main focus will be to increase the anti-ship capabilities of the BOD.

The ships will receive new 130-mm artillery mounts, Redut air defense systems with vertical launchers and, most importantly, Caliber cruise missiles. The possibility of arming ships with Onyx anti-ship missiles will also be considered. Work has already begun and is scheduled to be completed by 2022. The cost of modernizing one ship will be approximately 3 billion rubles. This is much cheaper than building new destroyers or anti-submarine ships.

After modernization, the ships will receive new capabilities, they will become more versatile and will be able to remain in service for another ten or fifteen years.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

project 1155

A country

  • Shipyard "Yantar"
    Plant No. 190 named after. A. A. Zhdanova
  • USSR Navy
Previous typeLarge anti-submarine ships of Project 1134-B
Years of construction 1977 - 1991
Built 12
In service 8
Main characteristics
Displacement6930 (normal)
7570 (full)
Length145.0 (according to KVL)
163.5 (highest)
Width17.2 (according to KVL)
19.0 (highest)
Draft5.2 (average)
7.87 (according to the radome of the GAK antenna)
Engines2 afterburning gas turbine engines, 2 sustainer gas turbine engines
Power2x25 250 l. With. (afterburner gas turbine engines)
2x9000 l. With. (marine gas turbine engines)
Mover2 fixed propellers
Travel speed32 knots (full), 18 knots (economic)
Cruising range5000 nautical miles at 14 knots with maximum fuel capacity), 2400 nautical miles at 32 knots
Sailing autonomy30 days (according to provisions)
Crew220 (including 29 officers)
Radar weaponsMP-145
Radar "Fregat"
Artillery2x1-100mm AU AK-100 (1200 rounds)
2x1-45mm 21-KM
Flak4x6-30 mm ZAK AK-630
Missile weapons2 air defense systems "Dagger" (64 missiles)
Anti-submarine weaponsSJSC "Polynom"
2x4 PU PLUR "Rastrub-B" (8 PLUR 85-RU)
2x12-213mm RBU-6000
Mine and torpedo weapons2x4 533mm TA PTA-53-1155 (8 torpedoes 53-65 K, SET-65 or PLUR 83RN)
Aviation group2 Ka-27PL helicopters

Large anti-submarine ships of Project 1155(code - "Frigate", NATO code - Udaloy) - a type of large anti-submarine ships (according to NATO classification - anti-submarine destroyers). They were adopted in 1980 by the USSR Navy, and currently 8 units (including 1 Admiral Kharlamov BOD has been in reserve since 2006) are in service with the Russian Navy. Two more ships, Admiral Chabanenko and Admiral Basisty, were laid down under Project 1155.1, of which only the first was completed.

Project development history

The project of a large anti-submarine ship of Project 1155 (code "Fregat") was developed by the Northern Design Bureau under the leadership of N.P. Sobolev and V.P. Mishin. According to the original TTZ (tactical-technical specifications) of 1973, the ship was designed as a development of patrol ships of Project 1135 with the elimination of the latter’s shortcomings (including: the lack of a helicopter and the imperfection of hydroacoustic means that were not capable of providing target designation for PLUR at the full firing range - 90 km) . Initially, it was planned to limit the standard displacement of the BOD to 4000 tons, but in the end the size restrictions were abandoned due to the inclusion in the TTZ of the requirement to place on the ships of the Polynom project a new generation SJSC, which has greater weight and size characteristics than the SJS of the previous type "Titan-2" and "Titan" -2T".

History of construction

A total of 12 ships of this type were built.

  • "Marshal Vasilevsky" (1983)
  • "Admiral Kharlamov" (1989)


Power plant

The main power plant, completely identical to the power plant installed on the Project 1135 Burevestnik patrol ships, consists of 2 M9 gas turbine units (gas turbine units), each of which is designed so that it works only on its own shaft line. Each unit includes a GTD D090 main engine with a power of 9000 hp. With. and afterburning gas turbine engine DT59 with a capacity of 22,500 hp. With. An emergency control post for afterburning gas turbine engines is provided; During normal operation of all ship systems, the main mechanisms are controlled using a pneumoelectric system. Gas outlet from the gas turbine engine is carried out from each echelon into 2 chimneys: this allows, if necessary, to make an aggregate replacement of the gas turbine engine.

The electrical power system consists of 4 (2 each in the bow and stern engine rooms) GTG-1250-2 gas turbine generators of 1250 kW each, of which one GTG in each of the ship’s engine rooms has heat recovery boilers operating on the heat transfer of GTG exhaust gases, which supplement the steam production steam boilers and provide steam to general ship consumers.


Now these are the main Russian ships in the far sea zone - they are the ones sent to the Gulf of Aden to fight Somali pirates, which Russia has been actively waging since 2008.

As a source at the main headquarters of the Navy told Izvestia, the 30-year-old BODs will be equipped with modern A-192 Armat guns, "Caliber" missiles and the latest air defense and missile defense systems with missiles from the S-400 Redut.

Thanks to this modification, the BODs will actually become destroyers and will be able to destroy not only submarines, but also surface ships, aircraft, missiles and ground targets. That is, they will become universal warships,” explained the publication’s interlocutor.

According to him, modernization of the BOD 1155, according to preliminary calculations, will cost 2 billion rubles for each ship, while the cost of building a new destroyer of a comparable level starts from 30 billion rubles.

Retired Admiral Vladimir Zakharov explained to Izvestia that the modernization of the BOD 1155 will make it possible in a short time to obtain a ship that meets all the urgent requirements of the fleet.

A new destroyer for the far sea zone, which can replace the Udalykh, will appear no earlier than 2020. New ships of such displacement as the BPK 1155 are not even in the project yet. And among modern ships, only frigates of the . But they are almost half the size, therefore less autonomous - they cannot sail far from the base - and carry less weapons, Zakharov explained.






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    Vice Admiral Kulakov 2012.

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    Vice Admiral Kulakov 2012.

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    Vice Admiral Kulakov 2012

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    Vice Admiral Kulakov 2012

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    Vice Admiral Kulakov 2012

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    Vice Admiral Kulakov 2012

    Vice Admiral Kulakov-7-stern ramp & flight deck.JPG

    Vice Admiral Kulakov 2012

Write a review of the article "Large anti-submarine ships of Project 1155"


  • Apalkov Yu. V. Ships of the USSR Navy. Directory in 4 volumes. - St. Petersburg. : Galeya Print, 2003. - T. II, part I. Aircraft-carrying ships. Rocket and artillery ships.. - 124 p. - ISBN 5-8172-0080-5.
  • Apalkov Yu. V. Ships of the USSR Navy. Directory in 4 volumes. - St. Petersburg. : Galeya Print, 2005. - T. III. Anti-submarine ships. Part I. Large anti-submarine ships. Patrol ships. - 124 s. - ISBN 5-8172-0094-5.
  • Apalkov Yu. V. Anti-submarine ships. - Morkbook. - M., 2010. - P. 147. - 310 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-903080-99-1.
  • Pavlov A. S. Udaloy type BOD. - Yakutsk, 1997. - 40 p. - ISBN not specified.
  • . - Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.: Naval Institute Press, 1996. - ISBN 1557501327.


An excerpt characterizing the Large Anti-Submarine Ships of Project 1155

“Yes, you are,” she said, pronouncing this word “you” with delight, “another matter.” I don’t know a kinder, more generous, better person than you, and there cannot be one. If you had not been there then, and even now, I don’t know what would have happened to me, because... - Tears suddenly poured into her eyes; she turned, raised the notes to her eyes, began to sing and began to walk around the hall again.
At the same time, Petya ran out of the living room.
Petya was now a handsome, ruddy fifteen-year-old boy with thick, red lips, similar to Natasha. He was preparing for university, but recently, with his comrade Obolensky, he secretly decided that he would join the hussars.
Petya ran out to his namesake to talk about the matter.
He asked him to find out if he would be accepted into the hussars.
Pierre walked through the living room, not listening to Petya.
Petya tugged at his hand to attract his attention.
- Well, what’s my business, Pyotr Kirilych. For God's sake! There is only hope for you,” said Petya.
- Oh yes, it's your business. To the hussars? I'll tell you, I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything today.
- Well, mon cher, did you get the manifesto? - asked the old count. - And the countess was at mass at the Razumovskys, she heard a new prayer. Very good, he says.
“Got it,” answered Pierre. - Tomorrow the sovereign will be... An extraordinary meeting of the nobility and, they say, a set of ten out of a thousand. Yes, congratulations.
- Yes, yes, thank God. Well, what about the army?
“Our people retreated again.” They say it’s already near Smolensk,” Pierre answered.
- My God, my God! - said the count. -Where is the manifesto?
- Appeal! Oh yes! - Pierre began to look in his pockets for papers and could not find them. Continuing to pat his pockets, he kissed the hand of the countess as she entered and looked around restlessly, apparently waiting for Natasha, who was no longer singing, but also did not come into the living room.
“By God, I don’t know where I put him,” he said.
“Well, he’ll always lose everything,” said the countess. Natasha came in with a softened, excited face and sat down, silently looking at Pierre. As soon as she entered the room, Pierre's face, previously gloomy, lit up, and he, continuing to look for papers, glanced at her several times.
- By God, I’ll move out, I forgot at home. Definitely...
- Well, you'll be late for lunch.
- Oh, and the coachman left.
But Sonya, who went into the hallway to look for the papers, found them in Pierre’s hat, where he carefully placed them in the lining. Pierre wanted to read.
“No, after dinner,” said the old count, apparently anticipating great pleasure in this reading.
At dinner, during which they drank champagne for the health of the new Knight of St. George, Shinshin told city news about the illness of the old Georgian princess, that Metivier had disappeared from Moscow, and that some German was brought to Rostopchin and told him that it was a champignon (as Count Rastopchin himself told), and how Count Rostopchin ordered the champignon to be released, telling the people that it was not a champignon, but just an old German mushroom.
“They’re grabbing, they’re grabbing,” said the count, “I tell the countess to speak less French.” Now is not the time.
-Have you heard? - said Shinshin. - Prince Golitsyn took a Russian teacher, he studies in Russian - il commence a devenir dangereux de parler francais dans les rues. [It becomes dangerous to speak French on the streets.]
- Well, Count Pyotr Kirilych, how will they gather the militia, and you will have to mount a horse? - said the old count, turning to Pierre.
Pierre was silent and thoughtful throughout this dinner. He looked at the count as if not understanding at this address.
“Yes, yes, to war,” he said, “no!” What a warrior I am! But everything is so strange, so strange! Yes, I don’t understand it myself. I don’t know, I’m so far from military tastes, but in modern times no one can answer for themselves.
After dinner, the count sat quietly in a chair and with a serious face asked Sonya, famous for her reading skills, to read.
– “To our mother-throne capital, Moscow.
The enemy entered Russia with great forces. He is coming to ruin our dear fatherland,” Sonya diligently read in her thin voice. The Count, closing his eyes, listened, sighing impulsively in some places.
Natasha sat stretched out, searchingly and directly looking first at her father, then at Pierre.
Pierre felt her gaze on him and tried not to look back. The Countess shook her head disapprovingly and angrily against every solemn expression of the manifesto. She saw in all these words only that the dangers threatening her son would not end soon. Shinshin, with his mouth folded into a mocking smile, was obviously preparing to mock the first thing presented for ridicule: Sonya’s reading, what the count would say, even the appeal itself, if no better excuse presented itself.
Having read about the dangers threatening Russia, about the hopes placed by the sovereign on Moscow, and especially on the famous nobility, Sonya, with a trembling voice, which came mainly from the attention with which they listened to her, read last words: “We ourselves will not hesitate to stand among our people in this capital and in other places of our state for consultation and leadership of all our militias, both now blocking the paths of the enemy, and again organized to defeat him, wherever he appears. May the destruction into which he imagines throwing us fall upon his head, and may Europe, liberated from slavery, exalt the name of Russia!”
- That's it! - the count cried, opening his wet eyes and stopping several times from sniffling, as if a bottle of strong vinegar salt was being brought to his nose. “Just tell me, sir, we will sacrifice everything and regret nothing.”
Shinshin had not yet had time to tell the joke he had prepared for the count’s patriotism, when Natasha jumped up from her seat and ran up to her father.
- What a charm, this dad! - she said, kissing him, and she again looked at Pierre with that unconscious coquetry that returned to her along with her animation.
- So patriotic! - said Shinshin.
“Not a patriot at all, but just...” Natasha answered offendedly. - Everything is funny to you, but this is not a joke at all...
- What jokes! - repeated the count. - Just say the word, we’ll all go... We’re not some kind of Germans...
“Did you notice,” said Pierre, “that it said: “for a meeting.”
- Well, whatever it is for...
At this time, Petya, to whom no one was paying attention, approached his father and, all red, in a breaking, sometimes rough, sometimes thin voice, said:
“Well, now, papa, I will decisively say - and mummy too, as you wish - I will decisively say that you will let me in.” military service, because I can't... that's all...
The Countess raised her eyes to the sky in horror, clasped her hands and angrily turned to her husband.
- So I agreed! - she said.
But the count immediately recovered from his excitement.
“Well, well,” he said. - Here’s another warrior! Stop the nonsense: you need to study.
- This is not nonsense, daddy. Fedya Obolensky is younger than me and is also coming, and most importantly, I still can’t learn anything now that ... - Petya stopped, blushed until he sweated and said: - when the fatherland is in danger.
- Complete, complete, nonsense...
- But you yourself said that we would sacrifice everything.
“Petya, I’m telling you, shut up,” the count shouted, looking back at his wife, who, turning pale, looked with fixed eyes at her youngest son.
- And I’m telling you. So Pyotr Kirillovich will say...
“I’m telling you, it’s nonsense, the milk hasn’t dried yet, but he wants to go into military service!” Well, well, I’m telling you,” and the count, taking the papers with him, probably to read them again in the office before resting, left the room.
- Pyotr Kirillovich, well, let’s go have a smoke...
Pierre was confused and indecisive. Natasha's unusually bright and animated eyes, constantly looking at him more than affectionately, brought him into this state.
- No, I think I’ll go home...
- It’s like going home, but you wanted to spend the evening with us... And then you rarely came. And this one of mine...” the count said good-naturedly, pointing at Natasha, “she’s only cheerful when she’s with you...”
“Yes, I forgot... I definitely need to go home... Things to do...” Pierre said hastily.
“Well, goodbye,” said the count, completely leaving the room.
- Why are you leaving? Why are you upset? Why?..” Natasha asked Pierre, looking defiantly into his eyes.
“Because I love you! - he wanted to say, but he didn’t say it, he blushed until he cried and lowered his eyes.
- Because it’s better for me to visit you less often... Because... no, I just have business.
- From what? no, tell me,” Natasha began decisively and suddenly fell silent. They both looked at each other in fear and confusion. He tried to grin, but could not: his smile expressed suffering, and he silently kissed her hand and left.
Pierre decided not to visit the Rostovs with himself anymore.

Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, went to his room and there, locking himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. They did everything as if they had not noticed anything, when he came to tea, silent and gloomy, with tear-stained eyes.
The next day the sovereign arrived. Several of the Rostov courtyards asked to go and see the Tsar. That morning Petya took a long time to get dressed, comb his hair and arrange his collars like the big ones. He frowned in front of the mirror, made gestures, shrugged his shoulders and, finally, without telling anyone, put on his cap and left the house from the back porch, trying not to be noticed. Petya decided to go straight to the place where the sovereign was and directly explain to some chamberlain (it seemed to Petya that the sovereign was always surrounded by chamberlains) that he, Count Rostov, despite his youth, wanted to serve the fatherland, that youth could not be an obstacle for devotion and that he is ready... Petya, while he was getting ready, prepared many wonderful words that he would say to the chamberlain.
Petya counted on the success of his presentation to the sovereign precisely because he was a child (Petya even thought how everyone would be surprised at his youth), and at the same time, in the design of his collars, in his hairstyle and in his sedate, slow gait, he wanted to present himself as an old man. But the further he went, the more he was amused by the people coming and going at the Kremlin, the more he forgot to observe the sedateness and slowness characteristic of adult people. Approaching the Kremlin, he already began to take care that he would not be pushed in, and resolutely, with a threatening look, put his elbows out to his sides. But at the Trinity Gate, despite all his determination, people who probably did not know for what patriotic purpose he was going to the Kremlin, pressed him so hard against the wall that he had to submit and stop until the gate with a buzzing sound under the arches the sound of carriages passing by. Near Petya stood a woman with a footman, two merchants and a retired soldier. After standing at the gate for some time, Petya, without waiting for all the carriages to pass, wanted to move on ahead of the others and began to decisively work with his elbows; but the woman standing opposite him, at whom he first pointed his elbows, angrily shouted at him:
- What, barchuk, you are pushing, you see - everyone is standing. Why climb then!
“So everyone will climb in,” said the footman and, also starting to work with his elbows, he squeezed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate.
Petya wiped the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his sweat-soaked collars, which he had arranged so well at home, like the big ones.
Petya felt that he had an unpresentable appearance, and was afraid that if he presented himself like that to the chamberlains, he would not be allowed to see the sovereign. But there was no way to recover and move to another place due to the cramped conditions. One of the passing generals was an acquaintance of the Rostovs. Petya wanted to ask for his help, but thought that it would be contrary to courage. When all the carriages had passed, the crowd surged and carried Petya out to the square, which was completely occupied by people. Not only in the area, but on the slopes, on the roofs, there were people everywhere. As soon as Petya found himself in the square, he clearly heard the sounds of bells and joyful folk talk filling the entire Kremlin.
At one time the square was more spacious, but suddenly all their heads opened, everything rushed forward somewhere else. Petya was squeezed so that he could not breathe, and everyone shouted: “Hurray! Hurray! hurray! Petya stood on tiptoes, pushed, pinched, but could not see anything except the people around him.
There was one thing on all faces general expression tenderness and delight. One merchant's wife, standing next to Petya, was sobbing, and tears flowed from her eyes.
- Father, angel, father! – she said, wiping away tears with her finger.
- Hooray! - they shouted from all sides. For a minute the crowd stood in one place; but then she rushed forward again.
Petya, not remembering himself, clenched his teeth and brutally rolled his eyes, rushed forward, working with his elbows and shouting “Hurray!”, as if he was ready to kill himself and everyone at that moment, but exactly the same brutal faces climbed from his sides with the same shouts of “Hurray!”
“So this is what a sovereign is! - thought Petya. “No, I can’t submit a petition to him myself, it’s too bold!” Despite this, he still desperately made his way forward, and from behind the backs of those in front he glimpsed an empty space with a passage covered with red cloth; but at that time the crowd wavered back (in front the police were pushing away those who were advancing too close to the procession; the sovereign was passing from the palace to the Assumption Cathedral), and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow to the side in the ribs and was so crushed that suddenly everything in his eyes became blurred and he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, some kind of clergyman, with a bun of graying hair back, in a worn blue cassock, probably a sexton, held him under his arm with one hand, and with the other protected him from the pressing crowd.

As stated by the representative of the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense for the Navy, Captain First Rank Igor Dygalo, by 2022, 5 large anti-submarine ships of Project 1155 will be repaired and modernized.

Large anti-submarine ships (BOD) of Project 1155 are one of the main “workhorses” of the Russian fleet. 4 BODs of this project - "Admiral Tributs", "Admiral Vinogradov", "Admiral Panteleev" and "Marshal Shaposhnikov" together with the missile cruiser "Varyag" form the "core" of the Pacific Fleet. Another 4 BODs - "Admiral Kharlamov", "Admiral Levchenko", "Vice Admiral Kulakov" and "Severomorsk", as well as the BOD "Admiral Chabanenko", built according to the improved project 1155.1, are part of the Northern Fleet.

Project 1155 ships were built in parallel with Project 956 Sarych destroyers in the 1980s. "Sarychs" were intended to strike surface targets and provide air defense to ship formations. Project 1155 ships were built as anti-submarine destroyers (called “large anti-submarine ships” in the Russian fleet). Project 1155 BODs, unlike the Sarychs being built in parallel with them, turned out to be excellent ships. The extremely unsuccessful design of power plants, the unreliability and demanding operating conditions of Project 956 destroyers due to total underfunding in the 1990s, led to their wholesale “dropout” from the Russian fleet. At the same time, Project 1155 BODs, thanks to their reliability and perfect design, for the most part managed to survive the “dark times” and at the moment they actually make up the bulk of Russian destroyers.

Project 1155 BODs have enormous anti-submarine capabilities - their “main caliber” is 8 launchers with Rastrub anti-submarine missiles (on the Admiral Chabanenko they are replaced by supersonic anti-ship missiles Moskit, and anti-submarine weapons are replaced by Vodopad anti-submarine missiles fired through torpedo tubes). At the same time, the ships are equipped with a powerful low-frequency hydroacoustic station (GAS) “Polynom”, capable of even partially “looking” under the so-called layer. thermocline - boundary between layers of water different temperatures, poorly permeable to sound waves, and confidently detect enemy submarines at a great distance. BODs also have powerful torpedo armament and depth chargers, which make it possible to destroy even attacking enemy torpedoes with a high probability due to special “drifting” mines fired in the path of the torpedo with fuses that react to the noise of the torpedo’s propellers as it approaches. They have BOD data and powerful aviation weapons - the ship’s hangars house 2 Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters at once. The only disadvantage of the Project 1155 BOD is the absence of a medium or long-range air defense system - the Kinzhal air defense system available on the ship is capable of only providing air defense to the ship in the near zone. However, its ability to intercept enemy anti-ship missiles is the highest. The ships are also equipped with powerful radio-technical weapons, in particular the Fregat phased array radar and the Podkat specialized two-dimensional radar with an extremely narrow radiation pattern, designed specifically for detecting low-flying targets.

In conditions of very low rates of replenishment of the Russian fleet with new ships, the Project 1155 BODs will, apparently, serve for a very long time, especially since they have enormous modernization potential. As Igor Dygalo stated, during the repair and modernization of these ships, a huge amount of work will be carried out to replace life support systems and radio-technical weapons. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the ships will receive the latest modifications of the Fregat radar, and the AK-630 anti-aircraft guns will be replaced by the promising Pantsir-M anti-aircraft gun and missile systems - the creation of this complex, which is a “marine” version of the well-known air defense system. Pantsir-S is in full swing and could enter service as early as 2018, and it is quite likely that with new promising missiles that have almost twice the effective range compared to the existing 9M335 missiles of this complex.

It is also quite likely that the Kinzhal air defense system will be replaced with the latest Redut air defense system or with a naval version of the new Tor-M2U air defense system, which is also expected to be put into service by 2018-19. There are also projects for large-scale modernization of the Project 1155 BOD with the replacement of Rastrub anti-submarine missiles with launchers that support the use of Kalibo family cruise missiles and Onyx supersonic anti-ship missiles. According to some reports, the Admiral Kharlamov BOD is already undergoing a similar modernization. After such a modernization, the ships will receive many times greater combat capabilities and will become excellent destroyers, capable of not only effectively fighting enemy submarines, but also delivering powerful attacks on enemy ship groups, hitting targets with Caliber missiles at a depth of hundreds of kilometers from the enemy coast and will be able to highest efficiency provide collective air defense of the ship's formation. Moreover, the cost of such modernization is estimated at 2 billion rubles, while the cost of a new destroyer is no less than 30 billion.

Large anti-submarine ship Project 1155.
Large anti-submarine ship Project 1155 code "Frega". It was developed as an improved patrol ship of Project 1135 in order to eliminate their main shortcomings: the lack of a helicopter, the short range of sonar systems. Lead ship "Udaloy".

Large anti-submarine ship Udaloy.

Large anti-submarine ship Udaloy - built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on February 5, 1980. and entered service on December 31, 1980, and already on January 24, 1981. became part of the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). In 1982 participated in complex exercises of the Northern Fleet, as part of the Kyiv aircraft carrier, the Kirov missile cruiser, and the Zharkiy missile cruiser. September 20-26, 1983 took part in the Ocean-83 exercises.

In October 1983 As part of the ships of the BOD "Admiral Isakov", the destroyer "Desperate", and the tanker "Genrikh Gasanov" escorted the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Novorossiysk" to the latitude of Gibraltar. At the end of March 1984 made an official visit to the island of Cuba (Havana, Cienfuegos). Board numbers: 444(1980), 480(1981), 695(1983),656(1985), 612(1990), 637(1993). Decommissioned: 1997

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Levchenko- built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on February 21, 1985. and entered service on September 30, 1988, and already on May 1, 1989. became part of the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). In January 2009 participated in joint naval exercises with Turkey "Turrash-2009". In August 2010 conducts patrols and protects ships from pirates in the Horn of Africa - Somalia. Board numbers: 405(1988), 691(1989), 671(1990), 605(1993). Decommissioned: in service.

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Chabanenko- built within the framework of project 11551, code “Fregat-M”. Launched on June 16, 1994. and entered service on January 28, 1999, and became part of the Northern Fleet (SF). In 2008 participated in the joint naval exercises of the Russian Federation and Venezuela “VENRUS-2008”. In November 2009 and April 2010 conducts patrols and protects ships from pirates in the Horn of Africa - Somalia. Board numbers: 534(1994), 437(1994), 650(1999). Decommissioned: in service.

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Vinogradov.

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Vinogradov- built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched June 4, 1987 and entered service on December 30, 1988, and already on May 1, 1989. became part of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). In December 2008 went to the far one. Then he took part in joint Russian-Indian exercises. At the beginning of 2009 and at the end of 2010, he patrols and protects ships from pirates in the Horn of Africa - Somalia. In 2012 took part in the Russian-Chinese exercise Maritime Cooperation 2012.Board numbers: 493(1988), 554(1989), 606(1992), 572(1993).Decommissioned: in service.

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs - built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on March 26, 1983. and entered service on December 30, 1985, and already on February 15, 1986. became part of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). From December 5, 1992 to May 23, 1993 was part of a detachment of peacekeeping forces maintaining order in the Persian Gulf. from February 3 to February 19, 2004 participated in a campaign to Korea dedicated to the centenary of the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War. In 2005 took part in the joint Russian-Indian exercise "Indra-2005". From July 30 to October 15, 2009 as part of a detachment of the Pacific Fleet (tanker "Boris Butoma", sea tug MB-99) participated in the UN mission to combat piracy off the coast of Somalia. From June 29 to July 8, 2010 took part in the operational-strategic exercises Vostok-2010. July 25, 2010 took part in the parade of ships in Vladivostok in honor of the Russian Navy Day. Board numbers: 415(1985), 472(1987), 592(1988), 552(1992), 564(1993). Decommissioned: in service

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Zakharov.

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Zakharov- built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on November 4, 1982. and entered service on December 30, 1983, and already on January 18, 1984. became part of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). Named in honor of Admiral Mikhail Nikolaevich Zakharov.

In 1987 made the transition to KTOF - from October 21 to October 25 - visit to Luanda (Angola), then from November 6 to November 11 to Maputo (Mozambique), from November 17 to November 23 to Victoria (Seychelles) and already on November 29 to December 3, friendly visit to Bombay (India).

From May 12 to May 16, 1988 as part of a detachment of ships (TAKR Novorossiysk, Em Boevoy) paid an official visit to Wonsan, as part of military-technical cooperation with North Korea.

Since 1989 military service in the Persian Gulf - protection of peaceful shipping of the USSR, together with the floating base "Ivan Kolyshkin", MTSh "Rear Admiral Pershin", "Kharkovsky Komsomolets" and "Vice Admiral Zhukov"

Since August 1990 to February 1991 performed combat service tasks in the South China Sea area, Cam Ranh (NRT).

February 17, 1992 a gas turbine unit exploded in the aft engine room, which caused a massive fire. Repairs were considered impractical, and the ship was written off as a 2nd category reserve.

Board numbers: 472 (until 1984), 443 (1984), 441 (1987), 464 (1988), 541 (1990), 501 (1991), 513 (1993). Decommissioned 1994

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Spiridonov.

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Spiridonov- built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on April 28, 1984. and entered service on December 30, 1984. and already on March 4, 1985. became part of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). Named in honor of Admiral Emil Nikolaevich Spiridonov.

From July 4 to July 8, 1986 as part of a detachment of ships (TAKR Minsk, BOD "Tallinn") visited Wonsan on an official visit, as part of military-technical cooperation with North Korea.

In the summer of 1986, as part of the 183rd brigade of anti-submarine ships of the 10th OPESK Pacific Fleet, participated in command post exercises in the Sea of ​​Japan.

From March to September 1989, military service in the Persian Gulf - protection of peaceful shipping of the USSR, conducted 6 convoys consisting of 15 ships.

In 1991 combat service in the Persian Gulf together with the Marshal Shaposhnikov BOD.

Board numbers: 409(1984), 563(1987), 541(1988), 533(1990), 555(1993). Decommissioned 2001

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Kharlamov.

Large anti-submarine ship Admiral Kharlamov- built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched June 29, 1988 and entered service on December 30, 1989. and already on April 1, 1990. became part of the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). Named in honor of Admiral Nikolai Mikhailovich Kharlamov.

From June 30 to July 5, 1993 paid a visit to Halifax (Canada), from July 7 to 11, 1993. - to Boston (USA) and from July 8 to 11, 1994 - to Rotterdam (Holland). In 1996 and 1997, it was the best ship in the Navy in anti-submarine training.

In January 2001 guarded the area where the nuclear submarine "Kursk" crashed

In 2001-2003 underwent a medium repair at SRZ-82.

Since 2006 is in reserve.

Board numbers: 498(1990), 606(1991), 678(1993).

Large anti-submarine ship Marshal Shaposhnikov - built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on December 27, 1984. and entered service on December 30, 1985, and already on February 15, 1986. became part of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). Since July 14, 1988 to February 13, 1989 served in combat in the Persian Gulf, escorting ships and protecting them from pirates. In 1990 participated in the evacuation of Soviet citizens from Ethiopia. Since December 15, 1990 to August 30, 1991 served in combat service in the Persian Gulf, performing the functions of a reconnaissance and tracking ship for multinational forces participating in Operation Desert Storm.

Board numbers: 430(1985), 469(1987), 555(1989), 534(1990), 543(1993).

Decommissioned: in service

Large anti-submarine ship Simferopol - built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on December 24, 1985. and entered service on December 30, 1987, and already on May 1, 1988. became part of the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). On the stocks, he changed two names: “Marshal Budyonny” and “Marshal Zhukov” eventually entered service under the name “Simferopol”. At the end of 1995 was renamed "Severomorsk". Board numbers: 487(1988), 684(1991), 619(1994). Decommissioned: in service.

Large anti-submarine ship Vice Admiral Kulakov.

In the period from December 23, 1983 to February 16, 1984 performed combat service tasks in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic. From June 28 to July 24, 1985 participated in convoy training exercises in the North Atlantic. From March 24 to April 7, 1986 - exercises in the Norwegian Sea. From May 26 to December 18, 1988 - combat service in the Mediterranean Sea. In October 1988 The KPUG, consisting of the Vice-Admiral Kulakov BOD and the Zadorny TFR, took part in the Soviet-Cuban exercise “Commonwealth”. July 26, 1992 replaced the Red Banner Naval Flag of the USSR with St. Andrew's. May 2011 - participation in the 2-week international Russian-Norwegian exercise "Pomor", with a call at the port of Tromso. April - September 2012 - combat service (159 days) patrols and protects ships from pirates in the Horn of Africa - Somalia.

Board numbers: 401(1981), 623(1983), 659(1988), 666(1990), 400(1993), 626(2010).

Information provided by the commander of the engine group in 1980-82. Fedorov Sergei Alexandrovich.

Large anti-submarine ship Marshal Vasilevsky.

Large anti-submarine ship Marshal Vasilevsky- built within the framework of project 1155, code “Fregat”. Launched on December 29, 1981. and entered service on December 8, 1983. and already on January 18, 1984 it became part of the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). Named in honor of Marshal Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky.

March 1986 carried out combat service in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya, monitored the aircraft carrier Coral Sea.

Board numbers: 472 412(1983), 645(1985), 630(1987), 652(1990), 687(1997). Decommissioned 2007

The presence of a powerful navy is one of the main signs of a strong military power. Moreover, in addition to the appropriate quantitative and qualitative composition, a modern fleet must have one more ability - the ability to solve combat missions at a considerable distance from its own bases. In other words, naval forces are required to be able to protect the geopolitical interests of their country anywhere in the World Ocean.

One of the main tasks of warships in the far sea zone is to fight enemy submarines, primarily their strategic nuclear missile carriers. As part of the Russian fleet, large anti-submarine ships (BOD) of Project 1155 “Frigate” are capable of solving similar problems. According to NATO classification, they belong to anti-submarine destroyers.

The development of Project 1155 began in the first half of the 70s in the Northern Design and Technical Bureau; the lead ship of the series, the Udaloy BOD, was launched from the stocks of the Yantar shipyard in 1980. In total, 12 UAVs of this series were built, the last of them, the ship “Admiral Panteleev,” was accepted into the Pacific Fleet in December 1991, that is, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In 1990 and 1991, two ships were laid down under the modernized project 1155.1 - Admiral Chabanenko and Admiral Basisty. Later they planned to build two more BODs of Project 1155.1, but these plans were never implemented. Of the laid down ships, only the Admiral Chabanenko was completed.

The sharp decrease in the number of ship personnel, which followed the collapse of the USSR, turned Project 1155 ships into real “workhorses” of the Russian Navy. For example, the large anti-submarine ship Severomorsk spent a long time patrolling in the Gulf of Aden, protecting merchant ships from pirates. Another ship of the project, Admiral Vinogradov, was also involved in performing similar tasks. And “Admiral Panteleev” made several long-distance voyages in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Project 1155 ships are the most advanced submarine hunters

According to its main characteristics, the Project 1155 BOD is considered one of the most advanced anti-aircraft defense ships in the world. These ships absorbed all the achievements of the Soviet military-industrial complex. Project 1151.1 turned out to be even more successful - while retaining the anti-submarine capabilities of the basic series, it additionally received powerful anti-ship weapons. The only weak point of the Project 1151 BOD can be called the lack of long-range air defense systems, which does not allow the ships to fight aircraft - the main carriers of anti-ship weapons.

History of the creation of Project 1155 ships

The rapid development of the submarine fleet already at the end of the 60s forced the leadership of the Soviet Navy to think about creating a new generation of anti-submarine ships with a greater range of detecting and destroying the enemy. In addition, it was necessary to strengthen the protection of the BOD from missile weapons and increase the power of artillery weapons. In the early 70s, the Northern Design Bureau received the task of developing a project for a new anti-submarine ship. Work on it began in 1972.

Initially, the designers wanted to take project 1135 as a basis, which would make it possible to build a new BOD on ready-made stocks. However, the military demanded that the ship be equipped with a new generation hydroacoustic system and that anti-submarine helicopters be placed on deck, so the restrictions imposed by the small size of the 1135 had to be abandoned. The new SJSC "Polynom" was significantly superior in its characteristics to the previous generation complexes "Titan-2" and "Titan-2T", but at the same time it weighed almost 800 tons and had a length of 30 meters. It is not surprising that the project eventually surpassed the milestone of 7 thousand tons of total displacement.

Large anti-submarine ship of Project 1155 "Vice Admiral Kulakov"

The shape of the ship's stern contours was dictated by the need to accommodate two helicopters and a landing deck for them. The BOD received AK-100 and AK-630 artillery weapons, and the Kinzhal multi-channel air defense system as its main air defense system.

They decided to equip the ship with a gas turbine power plant, which had a higher specific capacity and a relatively small size compared to a steam turbine.

In July 1977, the lead ship of the project, Udaloy, was laid down on the stocks of the Yantar plant. Literally a few months later in Leningrad at the plant named after. Zhdanov, work began on the second ship of the series - the BOD "Vice Admiral Kulakov". "Udaloy" was accepted into the KSF at the end of 1980, and twelve months later, "Vice Admiral Kulakov" followed it to the north.

In total, 12 Project 1155 ships were built and became part of the Pacific and Northern Fleets. The last in the series was the ship "Admiral Panteleev", which was laid down in 1988 and launched in 1990. At the moment, four ships of this series have already been decommissioned and disposed of (including Udalaya), and another eight continue to serve in combat.

Currently, the Northern Fleet includes: “Vice Admiral Kulakov”, “Admiral Levchenko”, the large anti-submarine ship “Severomorsk” and the BOD “Admiral Kharlamov”. Moreover, the latter is now in reserve. The following Project 1155 BODs are assigned to the Pacific Fleet: Admiral Tributs, Admiral Panteleev, Marshal Shaposhnikov and the ship Admiral Vinogradov. Currently, “Marshal Shaposhnikov” is under renovation, which began in 2016.

Improved project 1155.1 "Frigate"

At the end of the 80s, the modernization of Project 1155 began. The improved version was designated 1155.1. The developers set themselves the task of creating a ship with a greater degree of versatility, which would more harmoniously combine anti-submarine, anti-ship and anti-aircraft functions.

In the modernized version, two 100-mm artillery mounts were replaced by one 130-mm twin one, and the ship also received the Vodopad anti-submarine complex, which made room for eight Moskit anti-ship missiles. In addition, the AK-630M anti-aircraft guns were replaced with the “Kortik” complex (ZRAK), which seriously strengthened the anti-aircraft capabilities of the BOD. Also, the ships of the modernized project received a new, even more advanced sonar system.

Thanks to all of the above improvements, the anti-submarine ship has practically turned into a universal destroyer that is capable of solving a significant range of combat missions.

Large anti-submarine ship of project 1155.1 "Admiral Chabanenko"

Initially, it was planned to build ten ships of Project 1155.1, the first of which, Admiral Chabanenko, was laid down in 1990. The following year, construction began on the second ship in the series, and pre-orders were made for two more ships. However, the USSR soon gave up its life, and all these plans remained unrealized. Only the lead ship, Admiral Chabanenko, was able to be completed; the second BOD of this project was dismantled on the slipway.

In general, project 1155.1 turned out to be very successful. It can be called a further development of the concept of Project 1134 missile cruisers, which, in addition to powerful anti-submarine weapons, also had anti-ship missiles on board. Its only weak point can be called the absence of a long-range air defense system on board.

Currently, the Admiral Chabanenko BOD is part of the Northern Fleet.

Description of the design and its main features

The hull of the ship of the project is steel with an elongated forecastle (2/3 of the length), a significant camber of the frames in the bow and a double bottom along its entire length. The torpedo-shaped antenna radome of the hydroacoustic complex is located at the bow end. The ships of this project are equipped with a roll control system, which reduces it by three times.

The building is divided into compartments by fire-resistant partitions; non-combustible materials are used in the interior decoration. The ships of this project have a foam extinguishing system.

In the aft and middle parts of the ship there are three groups of superstructures, in the design of which aluminum and magnesium alloys are widely used. Hangars for two Ka-27 helicopters are located in the aft superstructure.

It should also be added that the designers paid great attention to the habitability of the ship, taking into account its use in various climatic conditions. Officers are accommodated in comfortable single and double cabins, midshipmen - in rooms for two and four people, and sailors occupy cockpits with a capacity of 12-14 people. On board there are special rooms for sports, recreation, and an infirmary for receiving sick or wounded people.

The main power plant (GPP) consists of two M9 gas turbine units. Each of them includes a sustainer (9 thousand hp) and an afterburner (22 thousand hp) engine. This design allows for rational use of fuel. Another important advantage of a gas turbine power plant is the ability to quickly reach maximum speed – 10-15 minutes. For a steam turbine installation, this process can take more than an hour.

To supply energy to ship systems, four gas turbine generators are used, each with a capacity of 1250 kW.

The basis of the anti-submarine weapons of ships of this project is the Polynom hydroacoustic complex, which in its characteristics is several times superior to the previous generation SAC. It is capable of detecting an enemy submarine at a distance of 40-50 km. In addition to submarines, Polynom can detect torpedoes and anchor mines. You can also add that the Project 1155 BOD is the smallest of all equipped with this complex. There is a towed antenna at the stern of the ship.

Weapons: artillery, missiles, anti-submarine

The anti-submarine weapons of Project 1155 ships include:

  • Missile system URK-5 "Rastrub-B". With its help, you can hit not only enemy submarines, but also his surface ships. The complex's launchers are located under the ship's navigation bridge;
  • Two torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber. They are located on an electrically driven rotating platform;
  • Two RBU-6000 bomb-launching rocket launchers, each of which has 12 barrels with a caliber of 213 mm. They are located at the stern of the ship.

The artillery armament includes:

  • Two 100-mm automatic guns AK-100 caliber. They are designed to destroy air, surface and coastal targets. The rate of fire of the AK-100 reaches 60 rounds per minute, and its firing range is 21.5 km. Cooling is carried out using sea water;
  • Four six-barreled AK-630 automatic mounts. They are capable of hitting various targets, both surface and air. The AK-630 is the ship's main air defense weapon at short ranges. The rate of fire is 5000 rounds per minute, and the destruction range is 5 thousand meters;
  • One 45mm salute weapon 21-KM.

The anti-aircraft weapons complex of the ships of the series consists of two Kinzhal air defense systems. They are placed in below-deck containers on the stern and forecastle. The rockets launch vertically. The complex is capable of firing at four targets, at which up to 8 missiles are aimed at once to increase the probability of destruction.

Layout of weapons systems on the BOD 1155

The Project 1155 BOD radar equipment includes the Fregat-MA three-dimensional radar. It is capable of detecting surface and air targets at a distance of 300 km. To detect low-flying targets, a two-dimensional Podkat radar with a detection range of 30 km is used. The ships of the series are also equipped with a target tracking radar for the Kinzhal complex, an artillery fire control radar and a missile firing control radar.

Modernization of BOD project 1155

At present, a decision has been made on a large-scale modernization of Project 1155 ships. Its main focus will be to increase the anti-ship capabilities of the BOD.

The ships will receive new 130-mm artillery mounts, Redut air defense systems with vertical launchers and, most importantly, Caliber cruise missiles. The possibility of arming ships with Onyx anti-ship missiles will also be considered. Work has already begun and is scheduled to be completed by 2022. The cost of modernizing one ship will be approximately 3 billion rubles. This is much cheaper than building new destroyers or anti-submarine ships.

After modernization, the ships will receive new capabilities, they will become more versatile and will be able to remain in service for another ten or fifteen years.