Second highest in a cunning way. Free second higher education Is it possible to get 2 degrees at the same time?

Many citizens who want to improve their competence are wondering whether it is possible to get a second higher education for free.

In this article we will look at the circumstances in which this is permissible.

Is it possible to get a second higher education for free according to the law?

From the standpoint of state guarantees, authorities are not obliged to provide citizens with the opportunity for free higher education.

Along with this, upon receipt of the first one, it is permissible to go to the budget.

As for the second, in most cases we are talking about paid knowledge.

The following categories of citizens are exceptions:

  • military personnel who have received the appropriate first education;
  • graduates of creative universities, for example, GITIS or GNESINK.

The above groups may qualify for free admission. There are also beneficiaries who receive special discounts. These include combatants, as well as, in some specialties, holders of honors diplomas.

How to get a second higher education for free without benefits

Not everyone who wants to study for free has the corresponding privileges. Despite this, it is also possible for them to save money and still achieve their goal. Let's consider several ways.

Obtaining a second higher education at the expense of an employer or receiving a grant

In some cases, employers are interested in their employees receiving additional education.

For example, if a person has performed well and can be promoted, but for this it is necessary that he have certain qualifications.

The peculiarity of this format is that a special agreement is concluded, within which the number of years to be worked after completion of studies is stipulated.

If a student is expelled or leaves the university of his own free will, the employee is obliged to fully reimburse the money spent by management. This option is more common in a corporate environment.

Getting a grant is another option, but to take advantage of it, you need to prove to sponsors that a particular person is worth a chance. Funds prefer to invest in promising young people with unique knowledge or skills.

The second education is free on the basis of the first higher education

Conventionally, the second education is called a master's degree.

This formulation is not entirely correct, since it is simply more high level first higher.

For most programs in state universities Admission to a master's program on a budget is acceptable.

How to enroll in a master's program is described on the website of each specific institution.

The second higher education is free if the first one is paid

A citizen of Russia has the right to win a competition for state-funded education once.

That is, if a person studied for the first time on a paid basis, then he can claim a new budget place at another university.

However, he will be admitted under general conditions, that is, along with other applicants.

The same rule applies to those who study part-time.

Distance free higher education

Under certain life circumstances, girls and boys think about the possibility distance learning. Modern technologies provide such an opportunity.

This is not yet possible for all specialties, but many professions can be learned via the Internet.

It is not yet possible to obtain free higher education and a university diploma.

Universities are ready to provide online courses, but not free. This form is paid for via bank transfer.

Free military education as a second higher education

To receive military education as a higher education, you must be a contract soldier and submit an application to study at the chosen university.

At the same time, such the person must already have a civil education at the bachelor's or specialist level. In order to determine where to get a military education, it is worth purchasing a directory of educational institutions.

other methods

If none of the options work, then you can try to cheat a little.

Two methods are common:

  • concealing information about the availability of first studies and submitting a standard package of applicant documents;
  • simultaneous study at several universities, for example, full-time and evening.

If the second scheme is widespread, then the first one may reveal itself, and the consequences will not be the most favorable. For example, in Moscow and other major cities a common database already exists.

It is acceptable to receive a second education for free, that is, on a budget basis. On the one hand, this is easier to do for those who have a number of privileges. On the other hand, if the student himself wishes, one can always find a way to do this. It is up to the individual to choose whether to receive an education, paid or not.

A second higher education is now more relevant than ever, but the process of obtaining it raises many questions. The legislation explains to future students how to obtain a second higher education.

Second higher education: features and advantages

Additional education provides an opportunity improve qualifications and professional level any citizen, and also contributes to broader inclusive development. Therefore, obtaining a second higher education has predominantly advantages. The only downside is financial losses, since this type of education does not involve a budgetary form of training. In this case, receiving additional education has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • less time spent: instead of 5 years, it will take 3.5 years to complete the program;
  • opportunity to work and study at the same time with other activities;
  • higher status and professional level of a specialist having two higher education, accordingly, wages will be higher;
  • gaining new knowledge and skills has a positive effect on the graduate’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

Before as get a second higher education, it is important to decide what professional priorities the applicant currently faces. This can be either a radical change of profession or mastering a new branch of an already familiar specialty.

Nuances, important points

It is important for applicants to know that the length of study often depends on how radically the new specialty will differ from the one already obtained. In most cases this time is about 3 years.

An important feature is that, despite the exclusively paid basis, the cost of the second education is still lower than when receiving the first education on a contract basis.

You can enroll for a second time at any university in the country, the rules are basically the same. So, after choosing a specialty, an applicant needs to find out from the dean’s office of the chosen university how to get a second higher education, all the nuances of admission and a list necessary documents. After this, the applicant must pass the required entrance examination and, having waited for its results, conclude a contract with the university, paying part of the agreed amount.

Student schedule, receiving a second higher education, is often compiled taking into account individual wishes And student opportunities. This may include training in the evenings or weekends, as well as by correspondence or externally.

Editorial "site"

The need for education is undeniable. It is the key to success and career growth. High competition in the labor market forces young specialists (and not only) to acquire additional knowledge in related professional fields. Yesterday's graduates of educational institutions and experienced specialists want to get a second higher education. “How long to study?” - a question that worries each of them.

Who gets a second higher education and why?

There are many reasons why people pursue a second degree. This is either a banal habit of studying, or a necessity of life, or simply because there is nothing to do (“let it be”). If we look at the statistics, 61% of students receiving a second higher education are working specialists. What prompted them to do this was the desire to climb the career ladder. Indeed, often to build a successful career you need to have knowledge in related areas of work. The remaining 39% include those who do not like their first profession, who work outside their specialty, who hope for a salary increase, etc. For example, an accountant can get a second degree Teacher Education, realizing that numbers are not his calling, or wanting to make a childhood dream come true. People strive to radically change their lives thanks to a second diploma.

Which form of training is best to choose?

You can choose any: full-time, part-time, evening or part-time. It all depends on the intended goals and capabilities of the person. Most often, full-time students are those who do not yet have any work experience. Evening uniform means studying three to four days a week. Class times are usually from six to nine. During combined training, classes are held both during the day and in the evening. The most attractive form of obtaining a higher education diploma is by correspondence.

Many people who want to get a diploma cannot attend classes for various reasons: for health reasons, because of the territorial location of the university, etc. This problem can be solved by receiving a second higher education remotely.

Requirements of higher educational institutions

There are no age restrictions for applicants to study. At any age you can get a second higher education. How much to study will depend on many criteria, including how much the first specialty and the second, desired, differ from each other.

The basis for enrollment is a diploma of first higher education. It is worth noting that some universities set restrictions. They only accept students who have graduated from state or accredited commercial universities.

As for the duration of training, with a complete retraining, due to the large number of special subjects, it can be increased.

Upon admission from educational institution an agreement is concluded, which specifies the terms, conditions of training, a list of subjects studied and payment terms.

The main difficulty is the training schedule, because most often people receiving a second higher education already work somewhere. For such students, sometimes it is possible to study according to individual plans. But most often educational institutions adhere to standard programs.

Second higher education: how long to study?

Citizens who already have one diploma can be enrolled in both the first and subsequent courses. At the same time, the university independently decides how many tests and in what form an applicant who wants to receive a second higher education will take.

How much to study mainly depends on the specialty obtained during the first training. If the content academic disciplines is radically different, the training period can reach five years.

Also, training at a university can be carried out on a reduced basis. educational programs. This decision is made educational part and depends on what subjects and to what extent the person has previously completed. In this case, the duration of the program cannot be less than 1.5 years.

In what cases does the period of obtaining education increase?

The duration of study can be extended by a year in two cases. Firstly, when developing an individual curriculum for combined and correspondence forms.

Secondly, by provision It can be provided in the presence of medical indications or in other exceptional cases.

How can you reduce the training period?

When calculating the duration of training, the disciplines already studied and passed during the first education are taken into account. This process called re-offset. It includes the recognition and inclusion in the new academic list of previously obtained grades.

In addition, the possibility of reducing the duration of study depends on the student’s abilities. There is a possibility early delivery exams. According to the rules, such consent can be given by specific educational institution. To do this, you need to write an application addressed to the rector, after which an individual syllabus will be changed.

Distance higher education

A second higher education, distance education, implies a traditional form of education, but at a distance. That is, as when entering a regular institute, you can choose both full-time, correspondence, and combined forms of study.

It runs throughout the semester. Most often, enrollment is carried out twice a year: before the start of the next semester. But there are also universities that are not tied to the semester.

The most popular directions for obtaining a second higher education

Currently, among many areas, the most popular are law, pedagogy and economics. According to demand there are quite a large number of proposals.

For example, he strives to obtain a second higher education most of applicants. This is due to the fact that everyday life confronts us with problems in which knowledge of rights and laws would simplify their solution. Therefore, the number of institutions producing certified lawyers is increasing every year.

The second higher education has never lost its popularity, and against the backdrop of emerging prospects it has become even more in demand. Everyone can choose a different profile at their own discretion.

A second higher education in Moscow was rare even less than ten years ago. Today, according to statistics, 20% of specialists have already received a second diploma, and 6% are on the way to defending it. This once again speaks of the desire of our citizens to develop and move forward.

Hello reader! If you have looked at this page, then you, like me, are interested in the question of how to get a second higher education? Well, it’s a worthy goal, all that remains is to figure out exactly how to achieve it.

Second higher education: is it necessary?

First of all, I would like to remember that not so long ago a huge number of disputes and rumors appeared that very soon the Ministry of Education will simply deprive students of the opportunity to obtain a second higher education, and the well-known Bologna system will only contribute to this. However, despite all these speculations, this type of education still remains in demand and relevant.

The most surprising thing is that the proposed training system has a lot of advantages, and among the disadvantages we can only highlight additional financial costs. Remembering my student life, I greatly regret that I did not continue my studies at one time, because this is a unique chance, upon leaving the university, to become not only a qualified, but also a comprehensive specialist. Accordingly, the demand for such a graduate on the labor exchange is rapidly increasing.

And yet, as statistics show, many graduates are in no hurry to get a higher education again, dreaming of at least a little break from textbooks and endless exams. Not many people think about resuming a couple of years later. educational process, however, sometimes work obliges, and unfulfilled desires also remind of themselves with slight nostalgia. So people between the ages of 28 and 40 become repeat students and come to this decision quite consciously.

Positive aspects of a second higher education

When I was still a student, I considered higher education an unnecessary pathos in a portfolio, but several years later I came to appreciate its necessity. This is exactly what I want to tell you about, maybe my colossal experience will be useful to someone.

1. Obtaining a second higher education does not take five years of your life, but a maximum of 3.5 years, and this time does not necessarily have to be spent at your desk every day; it is enough to simply show up for the next session. However, in this case, of course, you will have to personally negotiate with the teachers, explaining all your need and employment at your main job.

2. A second higher education allows you to become a multidisciplinary specialist; the main thing is to make the right choice, and not become just a “polyglot” in your life.

3. Workers with two “towers” ​​are always at a premium; accordingly, their wages are calculated at an increased rate. In addition, the head of a particular enterprise is unlikely to “throw away” such valuable employees. So you don’t have to worry about unemployment, and your income will be above average.

4. Obtaining a second higher education ensures rapid career growth or advancement along the so-called “trade union ladder.” Simply put, such qualified specialists rarely remain “in the shadows”.

5. In any case, advanced training in life certainly won’t hurt; moreover, it will noticeably increase self-esteem, teach communication skills and demonstrate the comprehensive development of the now former graduate.

As for the disadvantages of this form of training, there are only two. Firstly, a second higher education former student can get exclusively on a paid basis, that is, the state, alas, does not finance such good intentions. Secondly, to resume studying you will have to find a window in your busy daily routine, which is very difficult for busy and accomplished individuals. However, if desired, such “BUTs” can always be resolved, because, as we know, “the end justifies the means.”

The right choice

If, nevertheless, the desire to obtain a second higher education is final and irrevocable, then it is important to be able to make the right choice.

What is meant in this situation?

When a tanker, for example, dreams of becoming a free artist, then we can safely say that his life was in vain. The fact is that you need to develop your main specialty, and not “bury” it, since such career experiments will certainly not end in success, prosperity and universal recognition. Well, an engineer cannot become a teacher of Russian literature, and an athlete cannot become a medical worker, and such combinations simply lose the significance of the first higher education.

So, if the first education was engineering and physics, then the second can become economic. If a graduate is a biologist by profession, then nothing will prevent him from improving his knowledge and becoming a ecologist. But a qualified physician certainly wouldn’t mind having a second higher education diploma marked “Psychologist.”

As for lawyers, it will not be at all difficult for them to retrain as economists, and for philologists - as journalists. A mathematician, for example, can master the specialty of a financier, and a teacher can become a translator.

So now it becomes clear to everyone by what criteria the choice of specialty for obtaining a second higher education should be assessed. It is important not to realize your unfulfilled childhood dreams, but to establish yourself and significantly expand your horizons in an already mastered field of work.

Common questions from potential applicants

As you know, established adults receive a second higher education, so it is important to approach this issue with maximum responsibility. First of all, find out the price of such pleasure, and only then, based on financial capabilities, decide on the choice of a faculty closer to your main specialty.

So, it is impossible to get a second higher education for free, even if the first one was provided on a contract basis. However, the cost of training is significantly lower than the first time. Some people, in order to save money, prefer a master's degree to the second "tower", which is an economically beneficial compromise. However, this form of education, alas, does not provide the desired “crust”, operating within the framework of the first higher education.

Every graduate should understand the following pattern: The more different the acquired and future specialty is, the longer it will take to study. However, in general, it takes only three years to achieve this goal - no more.

As for the place of obtaining a second higher education, there are no problems here. Almost all universities in the Russian Federation provide such a unique and in-demand opportunity today, so you don’t have to travel to another city or capital.

I used to be sure that all you need is money, and any university will accept you as a student with open arms. However, it turned out that even with repeated admission there are some nuances that are useful to know about.

1. You need to finally decide on your future specialty, and then go to the dean’s office and find out the duration of study, the cost of one semester and other nuances. Only if everything is satisfactory, you can begin collecting documents, which will subsequently be submitted for consideration by the admissions committee.

2. After this, you should not relax, because an applicant is not a student at all, but an exam or testing separates these two statuses. It should be clarified that even Entrance exams are required when receiving a second higher education But whether these are tests, written answers to questions, an interview or a dictation is decided by the leadership of each university individually.

3. You must appear for the exam at the specified time, and after writing it, you can consider yourself enrolled in the ranks of students. As a rule, the exam is just a formality, and everyone who wants to continue their studies is enrolled in a new course.

4. After the long-awaited enrollment, all that remains is to conclude a contract for the specified number of years and be required to pay the cost of the first semester. Submit the received receipt to the dean's office, and then wait for the start of classes.

Organization of the educational process

As a rule, the learning process takes place during the day and evening on certain days of the week, and less often on weekends. The class schedule is chosen on an individual basis, so if you are busy at your main job, you can always come to an agreement with the teachers.

All students are combined into one group, since there are not so many people willing to undergo repeated training. If the group is too large, then according to the list it is divided into two subgroups, each of which has an individual educational process.

If a student is too busy a person, then he can always get a second higher education through correspondence or external studies. The duration of training also varies and depends on the desired level of qualifications and regularity of visiting the university.

The second higher education, just like the first, prepares future bachelors and specialists, so this issue When concluding a contract after admission, you should definitely make your final decision.

Conclusion: To summarize, we can conclude that an additional “crust” is a unique opportunity to achieve great success in your career and not consider yourself an ordinary person. However, it is necessary to receive it not for the sake of “sweet words”, but for the further implementation of the set goal.

As they say: “It’s never too late to learn,” so maybe it’s time to gain new knowledge and significantly expand your own horizons, and not play the role of a “copier”, doing the same monotonous work day after day? Moreover, it is now known how to get a second higher education.

We wish you success!

P.S. It is interesting to know what specialty you have in your first higher education, and who you are going to study for in your second higher education. Share with us below in the comments.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to simultaneously receive two higher educations. After I was criticized by my “norm controller” for an article about, saying that higher education is not only gaining knowledge in the chosen profession, but also the formation of a personality in a general cultural sense, a diploma of higher education today is the necessary minimum, which will allow us to achieve a lot in modern life etc., I remembered that some particularly persistent students managed to get two higher education degrees while I received only one.

I’m not sure that anyone needed these two higher educations, but suddenly you are thinking about how to get the most out of everything, for example, two higher educations at the same time. Then this article is for you.

How to get two higher educations at the same time.

While I was preparing the material for writing the article, I found quite a lot of options on how you can get two higher educations, but some of them look quite strange and raise some questions about their legality. Therefore, I will describe an option that is definitely legal and widespread.

Did someone get 2 diplomas at the same time?

This option is to receive two higher educations simultaneously at your institute. Most likely, the teachers themselves will offer you a second higher education and, perhaps, teachers of different specialties will offer you more than once. This option is very simple in the sense that you study at your university, you will be directed to where you need to go, where you will be told what documents to carry and applications to write, in general, no problems from a bureaucratic point of view. You will also study at your university, which is also good. In addition, the study time for the second higher education program will be reduced, so you will study one to two years less than in your main specialty.

One of the disadvantages of such an event is that you will have very little free time, and such a second higher education does not happen for free, so you will have to spend money. And if you want to get a second higher education in this way, think carefully about whether you can complete your studies with two diplomas at the same time. Because it will be very unpleasant to put in a lot of effort, spend money and get nothing as a result.

There are also advantages to obtaining two higher degrees, but only if there is an opportunity to get an education in a specialty that interests you; if there is no such opportunity, then it is quite difficult to find the advantages. In the eyes of an employer, will you be a more interesting option than your competitors? This is far from a fact; some employers, on the contrary, say that a person who spent his youth reading books is somewhat strange and they do not hire such people. It is better to study two specialties at once, rather than receive correspondence education then when you work? Who would know what kind of education would be needed, only time can tell.