Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases. Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education. Help Desk Phone

Gynecologist-infectious disease specialist, specialization - infectious urogenital pathology. Work experience as a gynecologist since 1980. He specializes in urogenital diseases of an infectious nature, endocrinology in obstetrics and gynecology, and is proficient in the method of ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology.

Pediatrician, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Pirogov Russian State National Research Medical University. Experience as a pediatric infectious disease specialist since 1997. Dealing with the problems of kidney damage in children with type 1 diabetes. Knows methods of treating pathologies of infants, problems of frequently ill children, including herpesvirus and other infections

Gynecologist, specialization - infectious urogenital pathology. Work experience as a gynecologist since 1983. Pays great attention to patients suffering from infertility and other pathological conditions that have developed as a result of an existing or past infectious disease.

Gastroenterologist. In 2009 Graduated with honors from the Izhevsk State Medical Academy. In 2010 received a therapist certificate upon completion of the internship. In 2012 She completed her residency in internal medicine at the IPK FMBA of Russia in Moscow.

Pediatric ultrasound diagnostics doctor. Born 04/23/1961 - pediatrician Ultrasound diagnostics. Work experience since 1985. He graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogov in 1984, and completed an internship at the 4th Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital. Since 1985 until 1987 he worked in the 6th children's clinic.

In the early years, the clinical base of the department was the hospital named after. S.P. Botkin and Children's Clinical Hospital named after. I.V. Rusakova. Since 1972, the main pedagogical, medical and scientific work was carried out on the basis of Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, now G.N. Speransky, and since 1984 - Tushino Children's City Hospital. Currently, Clinical Hospital No. 2 on Sokolinaya Gora is attached to the clinical bases of the Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases.
The founder of the department and its first head was Professor M.E. Sukhareva (1897-1991), an outstanding teacher and scientist, student of A.A. Kisel - the founder of domestic pediatrics. A team of wonderful infectious disease specialists and teachers was created: Lyubov Abramovna Berzina, Evdokia Aleksandrovna Linyaeva, Kaleria Vulfovna Blumenthal, Izolda Nikolaevna Rudenskaya, Antonina Aleksandrovna Chuprynina, Nora Leonidovna Makhlinovskaya, Tatyana Anatolyevna Rumyantseva worked at the department during these years. From 1966 to the present, a wonderful teacher, clinician, dedicated pediatric infectious disease specialist, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences Lidia Fedorovna Nesterina has been working at the department.

Under the guidance of Professor M.E. Sukhareva’s department became a genuine school of pediatric infectious disease specialists in the USSR. The main directions of scientific research of the department during this period concerned the study of dysentery, salmonellosis and other intestinal infections, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). The results of these works are reflected in 200 publications, including monographs.
From 1972 to 1984, the department was headed by Professor Vladimir Sergeevich Kazarin. A lot of methodological work was carried out at the department, attention was paid to the publication of new educational and methodological manuals, “Recommendations for the treatment of emergency conditions in infectious diseases in children”, monographs “Croup in Children” and “Infectious Mononucleosis in Children” (Prof. V.S. Kazarin and others) were published, awarded state prizes. L.A. was enrolled as an assistant of the department. Pavlova, who graduated from graduate school and defended her PhD thesis on the problems of yersiniosis. Lyudmila Alekseevna - a clinician with extensive experience, a specialist in children's infectious diseases, still works at the department.

From 1985 to 2002, the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases was headed by Professor V.P. Timina, a talented doctor, scientist and teacher, one of the leading specialists in the field of infectious pathology in the USSR. During this period, the department carried out a large amount of pedagogical, medical, advisory and scientific activity, the problems of pharmacokinetics of antibacterial drugs in meningitis, pneumonia, emergency conditions in children, yersiniosis, and acute intestinal infections (AEI) were studied. Under the leadership of V.P. Timina protected 14 master's theses and 1 doctorate.
Igor Ivanovich Sidorov, Vladimir Semenovich Levin, Emilia Olegovna Ispolatovskaya, Irina Ivanovna Ulyanovskaya worked successfully and fruitfully at the department over the years.
Particular impact on the organization educational and methodological work The department was supported by a wonderful teacher and infectious disease clinician Evgenia Vitalievna Stanzo, who was the head of the department for more than 15 years educational part departments. After graduating from graduate school, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Chebotareva, now a professor and head of the academic department, came to the department. Tatyana Aleksandrovna's main scientific and clinical interests are related to the problems of studying respiratory viral infections, herpes viral infections and immunology.

The contribution of the department to the training of medical personnel for infectious disease specialists during improvement cycles in various cities of Russia is invaluable, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, etc. and in residency (more than 50 clinical residents) for 50 years.
Since 2002, the department has been headed by Professor Lyudmila Nikolaevna Mazankova, a specialist in the field of childhood infectious diseases with a priority interest in the study of intestinal infections, microecological aspects of pathology, viral diseases and other nosologies, Honored Doctor of Russia.
The department's staff currently includes experienced teachers, clinicians and infectious disease specialists: associate professor, candidate of medical sciences. L.F. Nesterina, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences L.A. Pavlova, professor, doctor of medical sciences T.A. Chebotareva, Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences S.G. Gorbunov, professor, doctor of medical sciences A.A. Cheburkin, assistant, Ph.D. G.D. Gusev.
At the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases, constantly improving, pedagogical process in general education programs in the specialty “Infectious Diseases”. Every year, 200-250 pediatricians and infectious disease specialists are trained in certification cycles, and on-site cycles are carried out in different cities Russia (Voronezh, Izhevsk, Krasnodar, Astrakhan, etc.), as well as to Kazakhstan (Astana).
Curricula in the specialty “Infectious Diseases” are constantly updated, the training of specialists is based on new concepts and technologies for providing medical and preventive care to children with infectious pathologies in conditions of epidemiological instability.
Continuous and distance professional education, carried out at the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, is an important factor in maintaining high level professional training of pediatricians and infectious disease specialists.

The main directions of the methodological work of the department are optimization of the educational process, improvement lecture material, mastering new forms of practical training and conducting seminars, telecommunication lectures, development and implementation of test questions and control of the 4th generation. The results of this work are reflected in more than 100 methodological recommendations and books. Over the past 10 years, the staff of the department have published 156 printed works, including: a reference book for a practicing physician “Children’s Infections”, 2009 (edited by Prof. L.N. Mazankova), 108 articles in rating journals, 25 methodological recommendations. Professor T.A. Chebotareva received RF patent No. 2456020 (priority dated March 30, 2011) “Method for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections in children with bronchial asthma.”
As part of integration and implementation into practice scientific achievements in the field of infectious diseases and various specialties of pediatrics, the department’s staff and leading Russian specialists organized and held 7 annual all-Russian scientific and practical interdisciplinary conferences for doctors “Infectious aspects of somatic pathology in children.”
The conferences continue to unite the interests of pediatric infectious disease specialists and pediatricians of various profiles in the field of studying childhood diseases associated with infectious agents and having so-called somatic masks of infectious pathology. The attention of specialists in various fields is focused on consolidating efforts in the fight against infection-associated pathology by improving diagnostics, differential diagnosis, standardizing the algorithm for the treatment and prevention of infections and their adverse outcomes.
The conferences are attended by leading infectious disease specialists and pediatricians of various specialties, who realize that progress in reducing childhood morbidity and mortality is possible only through the joint efforts of pediatricians and infectious disease specialists.

The research work of the department staff is carried out in the following main areas: improving methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts in children; studying the epidemiology, etiopathogenesis and improving the differential diagnosis of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children; optimization of diagnosis and treatment of bacterial purulent meningitis.

Within the framework of these areas, research topics were developed:
. Clinical and genetic aspects of studying OKI in children.
. Viral and combined diarrhea in children in modern conditions.
. Nutritional support and hypoosmolar rehydration mixtures in the treatment of viral diarrhea in children.
. Features of opportunistic infections in the age aspect.
. Interferon status and interferonogenesis in acute respiratory viral infections and acute intestinal infections in children.
. Immunobiological effects of probiotics in acute respiratory viral infections and acute intestinal infections in children.
. Microecological aspects of the study of infectious pathology.
. Differential diagnosis of infectious and non-infectious exanthems in children.
. Development of methods for modern assessment of the state of intestinal colonization resistance during rotavirus infection in children of the first year of life.
. Modern possibilities for improving pre- and probiotic therapy for infectious diseases in children.
. Epidemiology and clinical options, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Clostridium difficile infection in children.
. Differential diagnosis of Kawasaki syndrome.
. Current state of the measles problem.
. Development of a concept for modernizing the prevention of influenza in children at high risk of the disease.
. Differential diagnosis of infectious and non-infectious inflammatory bowel diseases in children.
Among these areas in last years priorities became the dynamic monitoring of the variability of the clinical picture of rotavirus infection depending on age, premorbid background and the identification of risk factors for adverse outcomes and consequences of rotavirus infection; unification of domestic clinical recommendations for the etiopathogenetic treatment of rotavirus infection both in the acute period and during the period of convalescence; conducting scientific and clinical research on the development of methods of probiotic therapy and antiviral therapy for rotavirus infection.
Scientific research is carried out in collaboration with leading research centers and clinics, including the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. N.F. Gamaleya, State Scientific Center for Coloproctology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Professor I.L. Khalif), University Clinic of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenova (Professor G.A. Lyskina, Professor E.S. Zholobova, Professor N.Yu. Golovanova), Institute of Allergology and Immunology.
As a result of 50 years of activity, 7 doctoral and 53 candidate dissertations have been prepared and defended, including 1 doctoral and 11 candidate dissertations over the past 12 years.
Treatment and advisory work is carried out at the Tushino Children's City Hospital, Children's Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after. G.N. Speransky, CIB No. 2, Moscow. Consultations, clinical discussions, regular scientific and practical conferences with the participation of hospital doctors are the constant work of the department’s employees.

Long-term and fruitful scientific, practical and pedagogical work in the most important areas of the fight against childhood infectious diseases has allowed the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases to take one of the leading places in the system of postgraduate education of doctors in infectious diseases of childhood.
The editorial board of "RMZh" and the pediatric faculty of the RMAPO sincerely congratulate the department on its anniversary and wish its employees - head. department prof. L.N. Mazankova, associate professor L.F. Nesterina, associate professor L.A. Pavlova, prof. T.A. Chebotareva, Doctor of Medical Sciences S.G. Gorbunov, prof. A.A. Cheburkin, ass. G.D. Guseva good health, prosperity and new creative


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Infectious diseases department No. 34

One of the structural divisions of the City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin is the infectious diseases department of viral hepatitis No. 34, which is located in building No. 7 on the third floor. The activities of the department are carried out on the basis of permits adopted by the Moscow Government and the Department of Health. The location of this unit within the State Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin guarantees the epidemiological safety of patients being examined and treated for viral hepatitis with an acute or chronic course. There are a total of 50 beds for patients admitted with nosologies:

  • liver damage caused by viruses type A, B, C, D, G in acute form;
  • chronic forms of hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis as complications of chronic hepatitis;
  • patients undergoing examination for jaundice of unknown origin;
  • alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.

The main practical and research vectors of the work of the infectious diseases department of the Botkin Hospital:

  • apply modern methods diagnostics for the fastest and highest quality establishment of the nosological form of viral hepatitis;
  • development and implementation of the most appropriate tactics for managing hepatitis patients in a hospital setting;
  • the most accurate determination of the degree of damage to the liver parenchyma;
  • regular work on testing the latest antiviral agents, assessing the effectiveness of their use in patients with various forms viral hepatitis.

The diagnostic and therapeutic methods used in the daily work of the department are in full compliance with all international standards recommended by WHO and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Diagnostics is carried out in the following areas:

  • external examination by an infectious disease specialist and assessment of the patient’s condition;
  • clinical laboratory tests of blood, feces, urine, etc.;
  • instrumental methods - x-rays, radioisotope diagnostics, endoscopy, ultrasound examination, liver elastography, MRI and CT, pancreatocholangiography and other techniques that allow, in combination, to form the clearest picture of the nosology and select the right treatment.

A big advantage of the infectious diseases department is its location on the territory of a multidisciplinary hospital; in addition, the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education is based here, headed by Professor, Doctor of Sciences N.M. Belyaeva. regularly consults patients and supervises scientific works graduate students. Associate Professor Tetova V.B. works at this base. and Ph.D. Sapronov G.V., as well as residents and graduate students.

Patients, if necessary, receive consultations from leading specialists of the clinical diagnostic center in cardiological, hematological, ENT, surgical, therapeutic and other areas. The medical staff of infectious disease specialists are personnel with extensive practical experience who are proficient in all modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for acute and chronic liver damage of various origins, including the use of the latest antiviral agents.

Infectious diseases department No. 36 of the Botkin Hospital

Infectious diseases department No. 36 can accommodate 50 patients, housed in two, three or four-bed wards. Most of Of the available 15 rooms, it is equipped with a central oxygen supply system, there is a separate toilet and shower. All wards are divided depending on the incoming contingent into “diagnostic” and “intestinal”. The second category is for intestinal infections, so here each patient has a personal potty; after the person is discharged, they are thoroughly disinfected.

The department deals with the following nosologies:

In the daily practice of the department, both traditional and the latest methods of clinical, laboratory and special diagnostics of infections of various origins are used - PCR, IF, CT, MRI, ultrasound, EGD, RRS and so on.

The average hospital bed turnover is from 3 to 20 days, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the infection. If necessary, patients of the department receive consultations from employees of the departments of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and doctors - specialists of other profiles from the clinical diagnostic center of the Botkin City Clinical Hospital.

Characteristics of the 36th infectious diseases department

The infectious diseases department is located on the second floor of the seventh building of the Botkin Hospital. Patients are accommodated two, three or four in a room, each with a toilet, shower, and oxygen can be automatically supplied. All wards (there are 15 in total) are divided into “diagnostic” and “intestinal”, i.e. infectious.

The 36th infectious diseases department is structural unit multidisciplinary hospital, so patients can, if necessary, consult with doctors of different profiles - cardiologists, ENT specialists, surgeons, therapists. Heads of two departments of RMAPE (infectious and tropical diseases) prof. Belyaeva G.P. and Assoc. Konstantinova T.N., as well as their employees regularly provide advisory assistance patients of the department, including patients with concomitant pathologies (stroke, heart attack, trauma, hematological diseases, etc.).

In addition to the above-mentioned departments of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the Moscow Toxoplasmosis Center is based in the department.

1932 - organization of the Department of Infectious Diseases TsOLIUV, clinical base - City Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin.

Professor Mikhail Petrovich Kireev - the first head of the department (1932-1943), he published classic works on typhus, drug disease, scarlet fever, diphtheria, the phenomenon of chronic carriage of pathogens, created methods of immunotherapy (antitoxic serum) and prevention (combined scarlet fever vaccine), substantiated organization of treatment of infectious patients (isolation of patients, construction of boxed units). The first “Guide to Infectious Diseases for Outpatient Physicians” was published.

Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Georgy Pavlovich Rudnev headed the department from 1944 to 1970. He studied the bacteriological and hematological aspects of brucellosis, plague, anthrax, tularemia. Author of the classic monograph “The Plague Clinic,” which was awarded a government prize. Under the leadership of G.P. Rudnev defended more than 60 doctoral and master's theses; his students headed most departments of universities, and also became heads of large departments of research institutes and medical institutions, the work “Guide to Infectious Diseases” by G.P. Rudneva appeared reference book for infectious disease doctors of different generations.

Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikiforov headed the department from 1970 to 1990. He devoted his scientific and practical activities to an in-depth study of diphtheria, typhus and typhoid fever, cholera, anthrax, plague, botulism, toxoplasmosis, and HIV infection. Under the leadership of V.N Nikiforov at the Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin, scientific and practical centers on botulism and toxoplasmosis were created. Vladimir Nikolaevich’s monograph “Botulism”, being the result of studying the pathogenesis, clinical picture, new approaches to treatment, remains relevant today. The study of the pathogenetic aspects of infectious-toxic shock in typhoid fever made it possible to reduce the mortality rate from the disease during the epidemic in a number of regions of the USSR. For the first time in the country, together with Professor N.M. Belyaeva (1989), a plan and program for a training cycle for doctors on the problem of HIV infection was developed, and to this day training cycles on the problems of HIV and opportunistic infections are regularly conducted. V.N Nikiforov traveled 27 times to various countries of the world to provide assistance to health authorities, including Mongolia, Kenya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Vietnam, which was a manifestation of personal courage and strength of character.

Professor Mels Khabibovich Turyanov headed the department from 1990 to 2004. One of the first in the country to systematize the results of studies of the clinical and pathogenetic role of prostaglandins in intestinal infections, developed modern problems diphtheria (new classification of diphtheria, rationale for intravenous administration of anti-diphtheria serum). The results of scientific research were included in the monograph “Diphtheria” (1996). In 1994 M.Kh. Turyanov, as the chief infectious disease specialist of the USSR Ministry of Health, eliminated a major outbreak of cholera in Dagestan. Thanks to his initiative, the department prepared new educational cycles: “Viral hepatitis and HIV”, “Outpatient care for infectious patients”, “Phytotherapy for infectious patients”, “Homeopathy for infections”. Under the leadership of Mels Habibovich, the monograph “HIV infection and AIDS - opportunistic diseases” was published. The “Unified Program for Infectious Diseases” was revised, new certification and certification tests and standards for infectious diseases were created.