Complaints about the university. Where to complain about a private university. Internet, journalists, media

In this part, the applicant must set out in detail all the circumstances of the conflict with the teacher, indicating the details of the student against whom the actions were directed, the class, the name of the teacher, the subject they are teaching. The section should contain as much information as possible, and it should be formatted in an official style.

  • Requests for measures to be taken against the guilty person.
  • A list of attached materials, which should include all evidence of the teacher’s guilt, if available.
  • Date and signature.
  • Important! The use of profanity, insults or deliberately false information is not permitted. And also, it should be taken into account that anonymous complaints are rarely considered, since the law requires the submission of a document reflecting the applicant’s data.

Complaint about a teacher. where to complain about a school teacher?

If objectively there is no such possibility, or these conversations with the teacher did not lead to a positive resolution of the dispute, then a written complaint will have to be sent to the teacher. If a written complaint against a teacher is submitted to the dean’s office of a given educational institution or directly to the management of this institution, then it should be submitted to the student personally.

If such a complaint against a teacher is filed with the relevant educational authority of the city or region, for example, the department or committee of education of the city or region, then it can be sent by mail.

Over the course of about a month, the complaint will be checked for the reliability of the arguments, after which the student will be officially (in writing) notified of what decision was made on the complaint. It is worth filing a written complaint against a teacher briefly, outlining the main points of the conflict.

Complaint about a teacher

Sample complaint against a teacher from parents to the Ministry of Education In a collective complaint against a teacher, you must indicate the names of all applicants, the names and details of the parents should be entered in the “header” of the complaint. Next is the text. A collective complaint against a teacher (sample) may look like this: COMPLAINT to the Ministry of Education (region, region) against a teacher for humiliating children We, parents, (names of children). Our children are studying in class high school City no. The teacher (teacher's name) insulted our children during a chemistry lesson and kicked them out of the classroom.

The teacher decided that during test work they cheated and distracted each other from completing the task. The teacher called me boorish and ignorant. And then she tore the children’s notebooks and demanded that they leave the class. This whole situation happened in front of our classmates, who fully confirm our children’s story about what happened.

If the teacher’s behavior affected the child’s mental state or physical health, then a statement is written - a complaint against the teacher (a sample of writing a statement will be provided at the police station, after asking the parents about the reason for the appeal). The reason for this may also be a demand for a bribe from parents.

  • Court - if required moral compensation or financial compensation.
  • How to write a complaint against a school teacher: general rules Making a complaint against a teacher based on the principle “paper will endure anything” is not suitable. Emotionality, dozens of exclamation marks are unnecessary.

    The facts need to be stated. A complaint against a teacher is filed in the standard way - by filling out the “header”. Indicate the name of the institution where the document is addressed and to whom. Enter your details: Full name, address and contacts. Next in the center of the sheet is a “complaint” and a statement of the essence of the conflict.

Sample complaint against teacher

A complaint against a teacher can be filed by any student of a particular educational institution if the teacher violates the law. In addition, a complaint against a teacher should be sent to a student if the teacher systematically and grossly infringes on the legitimate interests of the student or several people studying at this educational institution. It often happens that teachers do not fulfill the obligations assigned to them by the management of the educational institution and the law.
For example, if the teacher systematically does not show up for classes with students and does not conduct the lectures, seminars, and courses necessary for them. Due to the fault of teachers who do not fulfill their legal obligations, exams scheduled for students to take by an educational institution may be disrupted. In addition, they complain about other, out-of-the-ordinary cases and behavior of teachers.

How to write a complaint against a teacher in 2018

There is no desire for knowledge, because even if they teach, even if they don’t, she either gives bad marks or ignores those who want to answer. The mother of one student complained to the director, and the child was so tortured that they had to change schools.

Sample complaint against a university teacher


Help me please! How to properly file a collective complaint against a teacher at a university? The teacher does not want to accept the test due to personal hostility. read answers (1) How to correctly file a complaint against the teacher. He openly extorts money, changes requirements every day and asks questions not on the topic of the subject, in general, it is impossible to pass the exam. read the answers (1) Topic: How to write a complaint Where to send and how to correctly file a complaint about the actions of the music teacher of GBOU gymnasium 1595 Natalya Vyacheslavovna Nesterova in regarding my read the answers (1) Topic: Sample complaint How to write a complaint against a college teacher. Because of his hostility towards the child, he lowers his grades and does not give him the opportunity to correct them.

Example of a complaint against a university teacher

Today, in the geology of oil and gas, they defended the analysis of maps, which I submitted on April 14 and no errors were identified read answers (1) Topic: What to do How to properly file a collective complaint against a university teacher and formulate claims. Sincerely, Alexander Belov. read answers (1) Topic: Collective complaint against neighbors Where can you file a complaint against a technical school teacher if she lowers a student’s grades. read answers (1) In what form should I write a complaint against a teacher who corrupts female students, addressed to the rector of the university from his parents. Thank you. read answers (1) Topic: Teacher's behavior A teacher at a children's art school received written complaints from colleagues and a student's parent about the teacher's violation of professional ethics. read answers (1) Topic: Terms of the contract Need help writing a complaint against a trainer-teacher at a sports school.

Sample complaint against a college teacher

Let's return to the problem: based on all of the above, the entire group in which OChCh studies does not have a very good relationship with this SD. Almost the entire group remains silent and endures bullying (in literally this word) this SD. The progress of the lesson directly depends on the flow of urine in the head of the diabetic at a given moment.

It is impossible to predict the mood and course of senile thoughts. If there is peace there, then SD loves all students without exception. If any cockroach crosses the line, then everyone is an enemy, you can’t trust anyone, you urgently need to look for a trench and shoot back.

All students, without exception, are fed up with this state of affairs, but when an offer is received to write a statement to the dean’s office about the incompetence of this teacher and ask them to remove the fuck out of this miracle in feathers, everyone else begins to shrug their shoulders and make excuses in every possible way, citing the impossibility of anything change and offer to *be patient* (a situation that is extremely unusual for the Russian Federation, right?) OHChzhe cannot stand it, because there is a feeling self-esteem and when they start wiping their feet on him FOR NOTHING, NOT ABOUT ANYTHING, NOT FOR ANYTHING, NOT FOR ANYTHING - patience bursts. It should be noted that earlier this SD had already been expelled from one faculty after the suffering students wrote a COLLECTIVE statement.

Where can I complain about university teachers for extorting money?

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Complaint against a university teacher

You can write an anonymous complaint to the administration. If this does not give any results, there are many hotlines - the Ministry of Education, the line dedicated to the fight against corruption, the government hotline, the mayor of the city, the governor. In general, they really like “scandalous” calls and I can tell you for sure that they will take up this issue.

An anonymous complaint to the rector’s office will not yield anything, since they do not have the ability to make serious decisions using anonymous letters. The complaint must be personal and must be accompanied by supporting evidence. In this case, the rector can initiate proceedings at the local level, request explanatory notes from the alleged culprits, etc. There is a chance that the alleged culprit will turn out to be the real culprit and will not want a formal investigation. In this case, he can repent and not do this again, resign of his own free will or by agreement of the parties, that is, without shame. The rector does not have the right to make a decision on the fact of bribery on his own. He is obliged, as a manager and responsible official, to transmit information about a possible offense to the prosecutor's office, which will determine whether a violation of the law has occurred or not.

It seems to me that in these cases people complain to the department for combating economic crimes. They give you “marked” bills and provide so-called “accompaniment” of the moment of giving a bribe, they appear immediately after you and confiscate the money, filming everything on camera.

Probably, ideally, it is necessary to somehow record this fact (take a photograph, record it on a voice recorder, on a video camera) and write a statement to the prosecutor’s office and attach evidentiary facts. This option of getting an education needs to be eradicated.

You can complain directly to the rector. As a rule, the rector has visiting hours when he receives visitors on various issues. This is where we must first go. And then everything depends on what exactly he tells you.

To begin with, I suggest you contact the dean of the faculty, if this does not help, go to the rector, if this does not help, then go to the administration of the education department, well, if this measure does not help you, go straight to the prosecutor’s office.

Well, definitely not to the deconate. To power structures. To the anti-corruption organization.

Go to the prosecutor's office, they will help you prove it.

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Hello, Alexey! Expulsion from the university is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Charter of the Institute, the Procedure for applying disciplinary measures to students and removing disciplinary measures from students

(Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated March 15, 2013 N 185 “On approval of the Procedure for applying disciplinary measures to students and removing disciplinary measures from students

So, according to these norms:

3. Disciplinary measures are applied for failure to comply with or violation of the organization’s charter, carrying out educational activities, internal regulations, rules of residence in hostels and boarding schools and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities.

4. For committing a disciplinary offense, the following disciplinary measures may be applied to a student:



However, in order to apply disciplinary punishment, the following procedure must be followed:

8. Before applying a disciplinary measure, the organization carrying out educational activities must request a written explanation from the student. If, after three school days, the specified explanation is not provided to the students, then a corresponding report is drawn up.

9. The disciplinary measure is applied no later than one month from the date of discovery of the offense, not counting the time of absence of the student specified in paragraph 7 of this Procedure, as well as the time necessary to take into account the opinions of student councils, representative bodies of students, councils of parents (legal representatives) of minor students of the organization carrying out educational activities, but not more than seven school days from the day of submission to the head of the organization carrying out educational activities, a reasoned opinion of the specified councils and bodies in writing.

If you do not have an expulsion order in your hands, then you have not yet been expelled and the rector’s actions are illegal. You can appeal the rector's actions to the Department of Education.


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Dear Alexey.

It is advisable for you to familiarize yourself with the Charter of your university.

According to clause 2.1.3 of your agreement, the Institute has the right to expel you in cases of “... academic failure, late payment...” - you do not deny academic debt. Therefore, there is no violation on the part of the Institute in this part.

The rector says that the university is no longer involved in higher education and will only engage in retraining and advanced training.

The rector should not “talk” about this, but an order should have been issued and all students should have been made aware that the institute will cease to engage in higher education and will focus only on retraining and advanced training. This, as I understand it, did not happen.

He also says that they tried to call me in the summer.

If they could not reach you by phone, they should have sent you a written notification about the presence of a debt for the session, indicating that if you do not appear and do not pay off the “debt” for it, then on the basis of clause 2.1.3 you will be expelled . This didn't happen either...

First, ask for a copy of the deduction order. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Education”, a student who was expelled should have been issued an appropriate certificate within 3 days from the date of the expulsion order. If they don’t give you this, write a complaint to the St. Petersburg Department of Education.


Dear Alexey!

I will complement my colleagues. According to Art. 61 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ
(ed. dated July 23, 2013) “On education in the Russian Federation”

4. The basis for termination of educational relations is the administrative act of the organization carrying out educational activities on the expulsion of the student from this organization. If an agreement has been concluded with the student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student on the provision of paid educational services, in case of early termination of educational relations, such agreement is terminated on the basis
administrative act of an organization carrying out educational activities on the expulsion of a student from this organization. Rights and
responsibilities of the student provided for by the legislation on education and local regulations of the organization carrying out
educational activities are terminated from the date of his expulsion from the organization carrying out educational activities. The activities of the university are conducted in accordance with the charter and other local acts, you can familiarize yourself with them.

5. In case of early termination of educational relations, the organization
carrying out educational activities, within three days after
issue of an administrative act on the expulsion of a student is issued to the person
expelled from this organization, a certificate of training in accordance with Part 12 of Article 60 of this Federal Law.

By virtue of clause 25 of the Federal Law:

Educational organization operates based on the charter, approved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The activities of the university are conducted in accordance with the charter and other local acts, you can familiarize yourself with them.

In accordance with Art. 45 Federal Law:

In order to protect their rights, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students independently or through their representatives has the right:

1) forward to the organization's governing bodies carrying out educational activities, appeals regarding application to employees the specified organizations, violating and (or) infringing on the rights of students,
parents (legal representatives) of minor students,
disciplinary sanctions. Such requests are subject to mandatory
consideration by the specified bodies with the involvement of students, parents
(legal representatives) of minor students;

2) contact the commission for resolving disputes between participants
educational relations, including on questions about the availability or
absence of conflict of interests of the teaching staff;

3) use not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation other ways to protect rights and legitimate interests.

You have the right to appeal the expulsion.


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By virtue of Article 61 of the Federal Law “on education in the Russian Federation”

4. The basis for termination of educational relations is the administrative act of the organization carrying out educational activities on the expulsion of the student from this organization.

Moreover, by virtue of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 15
March 2013 N 185 “On approval of the Procedure for applying to students and
removal of disciplinary measures from students" the use of such a measure as the expulsion of a student is an extreme step and to apply it it is necessary to complete the entire procedure - notification, request for an explanatory note, council meeting, decision-making, etc.

If this did not happen to you, then you have the right to go to court to appeal the actions of the university in accordance with Article 45 of the Federal Law “on education in the Russian Federation” and the general claim procedure

Alexei! In order to begin any actions, you first need to obtain documentary evidence, which, as I understand, you do not have in your hands. Start by contacting the rector with a written application to provide you with the opportunity to submit debts during the session. Depending on the answer, it will be possible to move further, demand a written order of expulsion, check it for compliance with the Legislation, and try to appeal this order to the Department of Education. Simply writing complaints without documentary evidence of the actions of the institute’s management has little prospects, and talking can’t help matters. Today they will answer you in words like this, and then they will say that everything happened exactly the opposite. Therefore, first get at least some documents, and then you can think through a plan for further actions based on the documents.

You can appeal to the current administration educational institution about your expulsion to the court, filing a statement of claim to declare the expulsion order illegal, to restore and collect compensation for moral damage.

Of course, first you need to get a copy of the order on your expulsion and see on what basis you were expelled, what is the wording of the deduction there. And of course, see if this wording of the order for your expulsion corresponds to the Charter of the university and the regulations, if any, on expulsion.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes that

1. An educational organization operates on the basis of a charter approved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

This university charter must set out the corresponding responsibilities of the student, and if your actions did not violate these responsibilities, then expulsion is not legal. In addition, after the university discovers the misconduct, no more than a month must pass. Before issuing an expulsion order, the university administration must receive written explanations from the student regarding this issue. If there are such violations of the expulsion procedure, there is a possibility that the court will make a decision declaring your expulsion illegal.

Apparently the expulsion procedure itself was violated; no written explanation was received from you regarding your lack of progress.

In addition, the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” also establishes the circumstances under which expulsion is not allowed:

Art. 46. ​​6. It is not allowed to take disciplinary measures against students during their illness, vacation, academic leave, maternity leave or parental leave.

fee 33%

Hello Maxim!

In accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ
“On higher and postgraduate professional education”

For violation by a student of the duties provided for by the charter of a higher educational institution and its internal regulations, disciplinary sanctions may be applied to him, up to and including expulsion from the higher educational institution.

A disciplinary sanction, including expulsion, may be imposed on a student of a higher education institution after receiving a written explanation from him.

Disciplinary action is applied no later than one month from the date of discovery of the offense and no later than six months from the date of its commission, not counting the time the student was ill and (or) on vacation.

That is, if you did not pass (retake) exams and tests within the prescribed time, then this is considered a violation of the rules of the university and is the basis for your expulsion.

According to clause 4, clause 6, clause 8, clauses 13-16 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated March 15, 2013 N 185 Moscow “On approval of the Procedure for applying to students and removal of disciplinary measures from students"

For committing a disciplinary offense, the following disciplinary measures may be applied to a student:


expulsion from an organization engaged in educational activities.

For each disciplinary offense, one disciplinary measure may be applied.

P When choosing a disciplinary sanction, an organization carrying out educational activities must take into account the severity of the disciplinary offense, the reasons and circumstances oh conditions under which it was committed, the student’s previous behavior, his psychophysical and emotional state, as well as the opinion of student councils and representative bodies of students.

Before applying a disciplinary measure, the organization carrying out educational activities must request a written explanation from the student. If, after three school days, the specified explanation is not provided to the students, then a corresponding report is drawn up.

The student’s refusal or evasion to provide a written explanation is not an obstacle to the application of disciplinary measures.

The application of a disciplinary measure to a student is formalized by order (instruction) of the head of the organization carrying out educational activities, which is communicated to the student, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student against signature within three school days from the date of its issuance, not counting the time the student is absent from the organization, carrying out educational activities. The refusal of the student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student to familiarize themselves with the specified order (instruction) against signature is formalized by the appropriate act.

The student, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student have the right to appeal to the commission for the settlement of disputes between participants in educational relations disciplinary measures and their application to the student

TThat is, when making a decision on your expulsion, the university must take into account the reasons and circumstances under which you did not pass the tests, copies, the opinion of student councils and representative bodies of students, and also received YOUR letter. EXPLANATION.

Therefore, if a letter was not requested from you before placing the order. explanation and the opinion of the students was not taken into account, then you should appeal the Order to the commission for resolving disputes between participants in educational relations.

Therefore, you should now obtain the Order of Dismissal and file your complaint immediately. If the ORDER has not been issued, then first you should send a letter. a complaint to the management of the university and the department of education.

P By filing a justified complaint and the correct position, you have every chance of resolving the issue out of court.

I can provide a service for drawing up a complaint, as well as advise on the prospects for resolving the issue via Chat or Skype.

Sincerely, F. Tamara

Good afternoon, I am a second-year student at a Moscow university. From the first days strange things began with the organization educational process. We were constantly taken off as couples for various events. We liked it for the first few months, but then we still wanted to start studying normally. Later, all the guys in our course began to understand that we were just extras. The most interesting thing is that all these trips to events are mandatory. When someone says that they came here to study and not to have fun, they receive a threat from the dean: “Then you won’t pass the exam,” “I’ll fail your diploma.”

She (the dean) is really inadequate. At the open days, she told everyone about the excellent education at her university. Of course, everything turned out to be much worse. And this summer, for example, we had to hang the same noodles on applicants. About the fact that we worked for half the summer for free for a university in admissions committee, I’m generally silent. By the way, this work did not count as practice. We are working on it now, on weekends.

We are now in our second year. The story with the events is not over. Recently they collected our passport data from us for some kind of Olympic torch relay. What is this? Where is it? Do not say anything. We only know that it will take place over three days, one of which falls on Sunday. Tomorrow we will be removed from classes again so that we can go to the freshman initiation; the dean has already printed an order to remove us from classes. How tired of all this! Every day is a fight for your rights. We all really want to learn. What should we do? Where to contact? Where should i write?

to the Ministry of Education and Science, they can quickly revoke the license to carry out educational activities.

In general, if there is a training agreement, we file a claim with the university about improper fulfillment of the terms of this agreement (indicate specific points) addressed to the rector and wait a month. For this purpose, I also recommend that you study Article 34 of the Federal Law “On Education”; it will be useful to learn about your rights.

1. Students are granted academic rights to:

10) freedom of conscience, information, free expression of one’s own views and beliefs;

12) academic leave in the manner and on the grounds established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, as well as maternity leave, parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years in the order, established by federal laws;

14) transition from paid training for free education in cases and in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education;

18) familiarization with the certificate of state registration, with the charter, with a license to carry out educational activities, with a certificate of state accreditation, with educational documentation, other documents regulating the organization and implementation of educational activities in educational organization;

27) combining education with work without compromising the development of the educational program or the implementation of the individual curriculum;

28) obtaining information from an educational organization about the employment situation of the population of the Russian Federation in the professions, specialties and areas of training they are mastering;

2. Students are provided with the following measures of social support and incentives:

2) provision of food in cases and in the manner established by federal laws and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) provision of places in boarding schools, as well as provision of residential premises in dormitories in accordance with this Federal Law and housing legislation;

3. Persons who are mastering a basic educational program in the form of self-education or family education, or who have studied in an educational program that does not have state accreditation, have the right to undergo external intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities in the corresponding educational program that has state accreditation. Specified persons who do not have a basic general or secondary general education, has the right to undergo external intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities according to the corresponding state accredited basic general education program, free of charge. When passing certification, external students enjoy the academic rights of students in the relevant educational program.

4. Students have the right to attend events of their choice that are held in the organization carrying out educational activities and are not provided for curriculum, in the manner established by local regulations. Involving students without their consent and minor students without the consent of their parents (legal representatives) in work not provided for in the educational program is prohibited.

5. Students have the right to participate in public associations, including trade unions created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to create public associations of students in the manner prescribed by federal law.

6. Forcing students and pupils to join public associations, including in political parties, as well as their forced involvement in the activities of these associations and participation in propaganda campaigns and political actions is not allowed.

7. Students mastering the basic educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational and higher education, have the right to create student groups, which are public associations of students, the purpose of which is to organize temporary employment for such students who have expressed a desire to work in various sectors of the economy in their free time from study.

8. Organizations carrying out educational activities, the financial support of which is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets, within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, provide students with budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets with scholarships, living quarters in dormitories, boarding schools, and also implement other measures of their social support provided for by this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

9. In the event of termination of the activities of an organization carrying out educational activities, cancellation of the relevant license, deprivation of its state accreditation for the relevant educational program or expiration of the state accreditation for the relevant educational program, the founder and (or) the management body authorized by him of the said organization ensure the transfer of adult students from their consent and minor students with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) to other organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs appropriate level and focus. In case of suspension of a license, suspension of state accreditation in full or in relation to certain levels of education, enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training, the founder and (or) the management body of the said organization authorized by him provide a transfer at the request of adult students, minor students at the request of their parents (legal representatives) to other organizations carrying out educational activities in basic educational programs of the appropriate level and focus that have state accreditation. The procedure and conditions for making such a transfer are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

Complaint to the Ministry of Education

Every person at least once in his life has become involved in a conflict with a school teacher, a school director, or with the entire management of an educational institution. Usually there are two opinions on this matter, one of which is always polarly different from the other:

  1. The student “sits on the neck” of the teachers and is the undisputed culprit of the incident.
  2. The culprit is a teacher who takes advantage of his official position and does not value his students at all.

If you do not want your children to become a victim of misconduct on the part of the school, you should be able to write a complaint to the appropriate authorities, following the format and filing rules.

Grounds for filing a complaint

The most powerful lever of influence on educational institutions is a complaint to the Ministry of Education and Science. If you write a complaint directly to the Ministry of Education, you will not leave any chance for the violators, even if they are covered up by the management of the institution. An alternative is to file a complaint with your local education department, but the first option is much more effective.

So, what does it take to properly file a complaint with the Ministry of Education? First, make sure that your problem can really be solved by this authority. If you are not satisfied with the renovation of the premises, or you have quarreled with your child’s teacher for personal reasons, you will most likely be refused help. The Ministry of Education controls such striking examples of incompetence, negligence and abuse of power as:

  • Misuse of official position;
  • Incorrect or intentionally unfair assessment of student knowledge;
  • Extortions, such as fundraising for a non-existent class fund, etc.;
  • Physical and psychological violence.

Law enforcement and court

The reason for writing a complaint to the Ministry or Department of Education may also be violations of the school’s internal rules. The assessment system is a rather complex topic, and assessment rules are usually established at teachers' meetings. But one thing is certain - assessment occurs only on the basis of the child’s knowledge. Assessments for behavior, which we are so accustomed to observing in the diaries of elementary school students, cannot in any way affect the assessment of knowledge. Strictly speaking, they should not be in diaries and journals at all; the maximum is a mark of unsatisfactory behavior, placed in a free column.

How can I complain to the Ministry of Education?

Most easy way– write an email on the special website of the Ministry. The advantage is that you can write it while sitting at home, without tedious queues and traveling around the city - you just need to sit down at the computer. Many people mistakenly believe that emails are ineffective, but such statements are just an example of an outdated post-Soviet mentality. Electronic forms of communication are successfully used all over the world, you just have to understand the system.

Do not forget that you will be refused consideration if your letter:

  • Does not correspond to the theme of the site;
  • Does not contain the name and contact information of the sender;
  • Contains offensive language or threats;
  • Does not comply with typing rules (there are abbreviations, letters of the Latin alphabet, the text is typed in capital letters etc.)

Written or printed complaint

You need to write an application to the Ministry or local department of the education department according to the standard format:

You need to write who the complaint is addressed to, and also write the name settlement, name of the institution and full name of the director. Then write your first, last and middle names, as well as your address and contact information.

Describe the nature of the problem, describe in detail the conflict, all the people involved, and the laws and rules that were violated.

Write your requirements, ask that appropriate measures be taken, and write the deadlines within which you want to receive an answer (in the case of the Ministry, this is rather a symbolic point, since the deadlines are established by law, but it is better to write to the department according to such rules).

You can file a complaint with your local department office by following all of the rules above. Find official portal department and complain online, or submit your grievance during a personal visit to the department. Check the sample, follow the instructions, and the offender will certainly suffer a well-deserved punishment.

How to properly file a complaint? Sample, example of how to correctly write a claim or complaint?

Evil will not be punished if you do not punish it. There is no justice without your participation.

0) Applicant

1) WHO is the complaint against? (Not what, but who!)

2) Evidence

3) Structure of the complaint

4) You have the right not to know! Always ask questions!

5) Where to send?

6) Cyclicality

7) Why is all this needed?

8) Psychological attitudes that help you become a high-quality complainant.

9) Internet, journalists, media.

10) Rake (common mistakes).

Samples and examples of complaints with specific results:

Complaint about inconvenient exit for cars (04.07.2015)
From Leningradskoye Shosse to the sports club “Gold’s Gym”.

Result: a smooth, comfortable turn is made.

“I, Dmitry Andreevich Varskoy, assistant to the deputy State Duma VI convocation, 07/04/2015 at approximately 18:36, while turning towards the parking lot of the Gold’s Gym fitness club (Leningradsky Prospekt, 31, building 30), I saw an inconvenient arrangement for club members to turn from Leningradskoye Shosse.

The fact is that:
1) The turn is not rounded, but rectangular.
2) The turn starts from the middle of the gate you need to enter.

This is inconvenient and creates daily difficulties for Gold’s Gym members.
On top of everything else, this creates more emergency situations at this turn every day.

The workers who are organizing this change said on July 3, 2015 that this was the case.
I don't care. It is not right.

1) Urgently organize a normal turn in accordance with the diagram in the appendix:
- the turn should begin immediately from the pillar;
- the turn must be rounded;
2) Explain in writing what kind of work is currently being carried out at this turn and who is their initiator? On what basis are they carried out?
3) Report in writing the names of all organizations related, in one way or another, to these works.
4) Impose a fine on officials and organizations that committed violations of the law during the conduct of these construction works.
5) List, referring to the rules of law (specific legislative acts, documents), all violations committed during these construction works.
6) Inform in writing the full name, exact names of positions and departments of the officials of the Moscow Government responsible for carrying out these works.
7) Conduct an inspection of officials of the Moscow Government responsible for carrying out these works. If theft, abuse of official powers and corruption are detected, initiate a criminal case.”

Complaint about neighbors (03.02.2014)

Result: Tenants have been evicted. The owner was fined.

"I, . . . . born, live at the address: 125599, Moscow, st. Marshala Fedorenko, 8, bldg. 4, apt. . In sq. No. 400 at this address (Moscow, Marshala Fedorenko St., 8, building 4), which is located directly above my apartment on the floor above, migrants of Asian and Caucasian appearance have been living for about 15 years, numbering more than 8-10 people who may be radical extremists and supporters of terrorist organizations.

On April 24, 2013, we were “flooded” by neighbors from apartment No. 400. In the kitchen, water was dripping from the chandelier. We went up to investigate, but no one opened the door for us. We called the housing office (everything is recorded in the log there), a plumber came, the residents of the apartment. No. 400 was opened for him. They needed urgent replacement of the “ventilators” (as written in the log). The electrician wrote about our chandelier that “it was turned off until it dried.”

On January 9, 2014, we started making repairs and called the electrician again. The electrician said that the chandelier cannot be repaired, but did not record this anywhere. After that, we contacted the police again and wrote a statement asking to find the owner of apartment No. 400.

On January 14, 2014, we made repairs and again water stains appeared in the corner of the kitchen above the sink and in the hallway. My mother went to the housing office, as a result of which a leak report and a commission conclusion were drawn up (attached).

On January 17, 2014, we wanted to know about the work done at the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Western Degunino region. The Russian Department of Internal Affairs for the Western Degunino district said that the case was stopped due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Then we turned to district police officer Sergei Mikhailovich Bravikov and said that the door in apartment No. 400 was not opened for us and asked us to find the owner of the apartment.

After that, in the evening, district police officer Sergei Mikhailovich Bravikov came and said that he had found the owner of the apartment and gave us his cell phone. We did not file a statement with the police this time.

We called the owner of the apartment, and he said that he would come and sort it out on the spot.

On January 17, 2014, the owner of apartment No. 400 came, looked at the damage and suggested that his tenants simply cover everything up themselves. We refused, after which he began to be “rude” and said that he would not pay for anything. His mother told him that she would go to court, to which he replied: “You shouldn’t have started this, according to my documents everything is clear - Russians live.”

For about 15 years, the apartment has been rented to migrants of Asian and Caucasian appearance, who live there in larger numbers (at least 8-10 people), although only 2 people are registered.

In connection with the increased terrorist threat, I fear for my life, since radical extremists and supporters of terrorist organizations may live in the apartment where, according to documents, two citizens of the Russian Federation live, but in fact more than ten illegal migrants live.”

In connection with the above, I request:

1) Check the local police stronghold No. 12 of the Western Degunino district at the address: Moscow, Businovskaya Gorka, 1, building 1 for corruption ties with the owner of the apartment at the address: Moscow, st. Marshala Fedorenko, 8, building 4, apt. 400. Explain in writing on what basis the local police do not take any measures, despite the direct order of the Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Lieutenant General of Police Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin and the actions of Operation Zaslon-2.

2) Conduct an urgent inspection of the apartment at the address Moscow, st. Marshala Fedorenko, 8, building 4, apt. 400, to identify illegal migrants. Additionally, check the migrants living there for involvement in extremist and terrorist organizations.

3) If illegal migrants are identified in this apartment, initiate a criminal case against the owner of the apartment under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

4) Oblige the owner of the apartment to compensate the victims for the resulting material damage.

5) Take control of the apartment and constantly check it for the presence of illegal migrants, as well as for more people living in it than registered.

Where to go and complain if the university does not return the money after the student is expelled?

Where to go if the university does not return money after a student is expelled?

The institute was deprived of state accreditation. Students are transferred to another university. We studied in a paid department. We paid for the semester in advance. All documents and statements have been written. There is an order for expulsion. There is a certificate of transfer from another university. We wrote an application for a refund. But our institute (from which we are transferring) has not returned the money for more than a month. What to do in this case? Where to contact? Is it also possible to collect penalties for violating the deadlines for eliminating deficiencies? If yes, then how to write such a statement and where?

Lawyers' answers (1)

Where to go if the university does not return money after a student is expelled? The institute was deprived of state accreditation. Students are transferred to another university. We studied in a paid department. We paid for the semester in advance. All documents and statements have been written. There is an order for expulsion. There is a certificate of transfer from another university. We wrote an application for a refund. But our institute (from which we are transferring) has not returned the money for more than a month. What to do in this case? Where to contact? Is it also possible to collect penalties for violating the deadlines for eliminating deficiencies? If yes, then how to write such a statement and where?

to start a complaint to Rosobrnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor

If after this the money is not returned, then only through the court

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How to write a complaint against the university

OChCh has a teacher in his major subject. This teacher is female, old, 60-70 years old somewhere. Old girl (hereinafter, SD), cat. obvious disadvantage in life + insanity flourishes along with sclerosis. Often forgets who's name in a group of 7 people,
forgets what he was talking about in the previous minute. He has been teaching for 40 years and during these 40 years he has not received ONE academic degree. There is obvious incompetence in the subject being taught. Maintained only by the equally rotten structure of the university: the university is no different in its love for its students, although
Tuition fees are exorbitant.
Namely: in the dean's office they are rude, do not fulfill their duties (or do a GREAT favor), and express open contempt for the lowest form of life - students. There is no concept of *printing out a report/essay/abstract in a university, except when taking dictation on a typewriter. I wonder where the money goes? NO textbooks for a group of 7 people
ENOUGH for everyone. The ones that exist are from the 60s-80s. It won’t be possible to transfer from this university, because there are no analogues with this specification in the city? .

Let's return to the problem: based on all of the above, the entire group in which OChCh studies does not have a very good relationship with this SD. Almost the entire group remains silent and endures the bullying (in the literal sense of the word) of this SD. The progress of the lesson directly depends on the flow of urine in the head of the diabetic at a given moment. Predict the mood and

the course of senile thoughts is impossible. If there is peace there, then SD loves all students without exception. If any cockroach crosses the line, then everyone is an enemy, you can’t trust anyone, you urgently need to look for a trench and shoot back. All students, without exception, are fed up with this state of affairs, but when an offer is received to write a statement to the dean’s office about the incompetence of this teacher and ask them to remove the fuck out of this miracle in feathers, everyone else begins to shrug their shoulders and make excuses in every possible way, citing the impossibility of anything change and offer to *be patient* (a very unusual situation for the Russian Federation, right?)
but he can’t stand it, because he has a sense of self-esteem, and when they start wiping their feet on him FOR NOTHING, NOT ABOUT ANYTHING, NOT FOR ANYTHING, NOR FOR ANYTHING - patience bursts.
It should be noted that earlier this SD had already been expelled from one faculty after the suffering students wrote a COLLECTIVE statement.

Now, attention, the question: What to do, where to write the application, in what order, what to expect if the application to the dean’s office is not satisfied? HOW TO DEFEND HUMAN RIGHTS legally?
I ask ONLY people who are competent on this issue to speak out.

Thank you very much in advance. If clarification is required, I will clarify.

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