Army of burning hearts of Donbass self-defense. Summary of the military situation in Donbass: the DPR army punished the punitive forces for shelling the outskirts of Gorlovka. Video from a local resident and message from military officers

The situation at the front in Donbass had seriously deteriorated by Tuesday evening. Military correspondents and local residents report heavy fighting in the vicinity of Gorlovka and Donetsk. Shelling and clashes were also recorded in other directions of the front. When shelling the village of Spartak on the outskirts of Donetsk, the Ukrainian Armed Forces used 122 mm artillery.

Video from a local resident and message from military officers:

“Powerful fighting goes on all evening near Gorlovka. The whole of Golma is shaking from the powerful blows of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. There haven't been fights like this for a long time! Residents are going down to the basements!”

From the militia: “GORLOVKA is on fire! Golma, take cover! Plus it's very close. The fragments flew by. Don't wait for warnings! Dolomite, the battle does not stop. They use both small and heavy weapons. By the way, the Minsk racers had a get-together there today, so we grabbed it. Everything is as usual. The High side is thundering. On the part of the “unfavorable Metalist”, small arms. The battle continues in the direction of Dolomitnoye. The enemy is using small arms and mortars. Golma is under attack from small arms and BMP1. Dill is shelling Dolomite. Explosions are coming closer and closer to Golme.”

From military officers: “The north of Gorlovka (Golm) is under artillery fire. Rifle and short-range machine guns in the areas: Novoazovsky district, Trudovsky (Petrovka Donetsk), northern Gorlovka and Kalinovo LPR. Small arms and mortars are deployed in the areas: Yabp and districts, Debaltsevo-Svetlodar bridgehead, Bakhmutka highway (Slavyanoserbsky district).”

“I was sitting in the house when four shells fell. I was as deaf as a stump. And then we started with drones”...

An elderly woman, confusedly, talks again and again about how Ukrainian Armed Forces shells flew into her house. And as if this were not enough, after the mortar attack, they began to bombard the yard with converted AGS charges from drones, preventing firefighters from putting out the fire.

A broken and burnt roof, broken glass and frames by fragments, a cozy house just yesterday, today has become another victim of war.

- “I earned everything with my own hands, and now in my old age I am left without a stake and a yard”….
Nadezhda Filippovna is sobbing.”

Interview from Yuri Kotenok:

Alexey Sosonny (“Viking”) - head of the apparatus of the Donbass Volunteer Union, a native of Gorlovka, marine, battalion commander of the DPR Armed Forces - about comrades in arms, reliable and life-loving; about “Motorola” - a marine, a hero of Donbass; about combat coordination and the transformation of the militia into an army.”

Over the past 24 hours, based on the results of today’s briefing by the official representative of the DPR UNM, Daniil Bezsonov.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy has violated the ceasefire 16 times. The areas of 9 settlements of the Republic and the area of ​​the Donetsk airport were subjected to shelling from the Ukrainian armed forces.

In the Donetsk direction, Bryzhinsky’s militants from the 93rd mechanized brigade, using infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns, fired at the areas of settlements: Yasinovataya, Vasilyevka and Mineralnoe.

Ukrainian militants continue to keep them at bay civilians living in the territories occupied by Kyiv.

Nationalist gangs traditionally show the most aggression. In the places where they are deployed, the National Police has recorded a surge in crimes being committed.

In particular, according to the information we have, militants of the 24th nationalist battalion "Aidar" carried out terror on the residents of Dzerzhinsk and surrounding areas settlements.

The Aidar bandits, constantly intoxicated, intimidate civilians and rob grocery stores. In April of this year, the police recorded 14 crimes.

Civilians are afraid to go out in the dark, and dissatisfaction with the actions of the National Battalion militants is growing among them. The Ukrainian command fears the growth of protest sentiments among residents of the settlements of the Dzerzhinsky city council, and therefore the commander of the 53rd brigade, Gruzevich, was given instructions by the headquarters of the occupation forces to pacify the raging nationalists with the involvement of units for this purpose military service law and order

However, the ongoing activities do not bring the expected results. “Aidarovites” are going into open clashes with the military police and Ukrainian military personnel. As a result of one of these incidents, which occurred two days ago in Dzerzhinsk, a soldier of the 53rd mechanized brigade received a closed craniocerebral injury.

At the positions of the 35th Marine Brigade in the area of ​​n. n. Bogdanovka another incident occurred, which the brigade command, according to established tradition, is trying to hide.

Thus, on May 6, a serviceman of the 18th battalion, senior warrant officer Lisenko, while intoxicated, mixed up the paths and left the forest belt to the flank positions of the neighboring company, where a group from the 73rd Naval Special Operations Center was located.

Due to inconsistency of actions and confusion, the would-be special forces opened fire on the senior warrant officer who had been drinking heavily, as a result of which he was wounded.

The naval special forces were disappointed when, instead of a trophy in the form of a wounded saboteur, they received a drunken warrant officer from the 35th brigade.

Material from the resource “Army of Burning Hearts of Donbass”. ============================ “They glorified Donbass. Georgy Beregovoi (1921-1995). Georgy Timofeevich Coastal pilot-cosmonaut, twice hero Soviet Union. He received his first Star in the fiery year of 1944, and the second for his feat in space exploration. He spoke about himself very modestly: “I am a pilot. A man of the profession. It was as a pilot, as a private in my profession, that I had the opportunity to fight in the Patriotic War, to experience post-war years new aircraft, to participate in space exploration.” The title of one of Georgy Timofeevich’s autobiographical books, “Three Heights,” is very symbolic. Attack pilot, test pilot, cosmonaut - three goals that different time Our fellow countryman set before himself the three heights that he had mastered. Having become a lieutenant general of aviation, Beregovoi passed on his experience and knowledge to the young Argonauts of space for a long time, working as the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. Georgy Beregovoy never forgot about the earth, which gave him a ticket to heaven. He always returned with great joy to his beloved Donetsk region and supported his fellow countrymen. Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy was born on April 15, 1921 in the village of Fedorovka, Poltava province of the Ukrainian SSR (now Karlovsky district, Poltava region, Ukraine) - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (the only one awarded the first Hero star for the Great Patriotic War, and the second - for space flight). Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Lieutenant General of Aviation, Candidate psychological sciences, USSR cosmonaut No. 12. G. T. Beregovoy was born earlier than anyone else who was in orbit (he was born 3 months earlier than John Glenn, but later than Joe Walker, who made suborbital space flights on the X-15 in 1963 and died in 1966 , before Beregovoy’s flight). Having made a space flight at the age of 47, Beregovoy was for several years the oldest person to be in orbit (he was surpassed by Lev Demin in 1974). Soon after the birth of Georgy Timofeevich, the family moved to the city of Enakievo in the Donbass. While studying at high school in Yenakievo (1928-1936) he was an instructor, then the head of the aircraft modeling section at the city Children's Technical Station. After graduating from the eighth grade, he began working as an apprentice electrician at Yenakievo metallurgical plant. He studied at the Yenakievo flying club. In 1938 he graduated from the Yenakievo flying club and was drafted into the Red Army. In 1941 he graduated from the Voroshilovgrad School of Military Pilots named after the Proletariat of Donbass. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1942. He was an ordinary pilot, then a flight commander, and deputy squadron commander. He fought on the Kalinin, Voronezh, 1st Ukrainian and other fronts. From March 1943, deputy, and from September - squadron commander of the 671st Assault Aviation Regiment (from May 1943 - 90th Guards) as part of the 4th Guards Assault Aviation Division (5th Assault Aviation Corps, 5th I air army) first as part of the Voronezh, then the 1st Ukrainian, and later the 2nd Ukrainian fronts. During the war years he made 186 combat missions on the Il-2 attack aircraft. Was shot down three times. For heroism, courage and courage shown in air battles of the Great Patriotic War, on October 26, 1944 he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. By April 1945, the squadron commander of the 90th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (4th Guards Assault Aviation Division, 5th Assault Aviation Corps, 5th Air Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front) Guard Captain G. T. Beregovoy committed 108 combat missions. He bombed and stormed enemy tanks, artillery batteries, river crossings and trains, was shot down 3 times, burned on the plane 3 times, but always returned to duty. For the courage and bravery shown in battles with enemies, on October 26, 1944 he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1945 he graduated from the higher officer courses, and in 1948 he completed the test pilot course. From 1948 to 1964 he worked as a test pilot. Mastered more than 60 types of aircraft. Without interruption from his main job, he graduated from the Air Force Academy (now named after Yu. A. Gagarin) in 1956. On April 14, 1961, he was awarded the title “Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.” In 1948 he graduated from higher officer courses and test pilot courses. In 1948-1964 he worked as a test pilot. He tested more than 60 types of aircraft, including: MiG-15 (1949), MiG-19P (1955), SM-12 (1957), SM-30 (MiG-19) (1956), Yak-25 (1949) ), Yak-27K (1956), Su-9 (1958), Tu-128 (1962). I was the first to master the GSh-4 pressure helmet in practice. In 1949, while testing the MiG-15 fighter with a swept wing, he first mastered piloting a jet aircraft in a spin. He taught pilots how to enter a spin and recover an aircraft from a spin on Su aircraft. In 1956 he graduated from the Air Force Academy (since 1968 named after Yu. A. Gagarin). In 1961 he was awarded the title “Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.” In 1963, he enlisted in the Soviet cosmonaut corps (Air Force group No. 2 - additional recruitment). In 1963 he joined the Soviet cosmonaut corps. Passed. full course preparation for flights on Soyuz-type ships. On October 26-30, 1968, he made a space flight on spaceship"Soyuz-3". During the flight, an attempt was made (unsuccessful) to dock with unmanned ship Soyuz-2 in the shadow of the Earth. The flight lasted 3 days 22 hours 50 minutes 45 seconds. For completing a space flight, he was awarded on November 1, 1968 the second Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union. For completing a space flight on November 1, 1968, he was awarded the second Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1972 - 1987 - head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. In 1987, he retired with the rank of lieutenant general of aviation. On January 22, 1969, during a ceremonial meeting of cosmonauts in the Kremlin, officer Viktor Ilyin fired at the car in which Beregovoy was traveling, mistaking it for Brezhnev’s car (the mistake was also facilitated by Beregovoi’s certain external resemblance to Brezhnev). The driver sitting next to Beregovoy was mortally wounded; Beregovoi himself was slightly wounded by fragments of the windshield. In 1972-1987 - head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. He had scientific works in the field of astronautics and engineering psychology. Protected candidate's thesis At the institute physical culture named after Lesgaft and received a PhD in psychological sciences. In 1987 he retired with the rank of lieutenant general. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 8th-10th convocations (1974-1989). He did a lot of public work. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1981). Author of the books “Earth - Stratosphere - Space”, “Space for Earthlings”, “Three Heights”, “The Edge of Courage”, “Heaven Begins on Earth”, “At the Call of the Heart”. He died on June 30, 1995 during heart surgery. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery (site No. 11). Awards: Medal "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 2271 (October 26, 1944) Medal "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 48 (November 1, 1968) 2 Orders of Lenin 2 Orders of the Red Banner Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree Order of Alexander Nevsky 2 Orders of the Patriotic War war, 1st degree, 2nd Order of the Red Star, Order “For Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR" III degree Medal "For Military Merit" (1949) Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (1945) Medal “For the Capture of Budapest” (1945) Medal “For the Capture of Vienna” (1945) 11 anniversary medals Hero of Socialist Labor of the People’s Republic of Belarus Order “Georgi Dimitrov” (Bulgaria, 1970) Medal “25 Years of People’s Power” (Bulgaria) Medal “ 100th anniversary of the fall of the Ottoman yoke" (Bulgaria, 1979) Medal "100 years since the birth of Georgi Dimitrov" (Bulgaria, 1983) Order of the State Banner (Hungary, 1985) Order of the Red Banner with diamonds (Hungary) Gold medal "For military commonwealth" (Hungary, 1980) Cross of Grunwald, III degree (Poland) Order of Tudor Vladimirescu, V degree (Romania) Order People's hero(Yugoslavia) [source not specified 1570 days] Gold medal of the Exhibition of Achievements National economy USSR - VDNKh USSR (1969) Gold medal named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky of the USSR Academy of Sciences Gold medal named after Yu. A. Gagarin (FAI) State Prize of the USSR (1981) Memory: G. T. Beregovoy on a stamp of the USSR Post Commemorative silver coin of the National Bank of Ukraine. 5 hryvnia. 2011 Honorary citizen of the cities of Kaluga, Shchelkovo (Russia), Lugansk, Enakievo, Vinnitsa (Ukraine), Telavi (Georgia), Pleven, Sliven (Bulgaria). A bronze bust of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General G. T. Beregovoy on the Alley of Military Glory in the Park of Eternal Glory in Kiev was solemnly opened by the Prime Minister of Ukraine N. Azarov on May 1, 2013 (the author of the idea of ​​​​creating the Alley of Military Glory is Guard Aviation Colonel Oleg Guk ). A bronze bust was installed in Yenakievo. A memorial stele was erected in Yenakievo honorary citizen cities. In Yenakievo, an avenue, a park and a square are named after Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy. The bell in memory of G. Beregovoy is the largest of nine bells installed in 2009 on the bell tower of St. George's Church, located in the park named after. Beregovoy in Yenakievo. The inscription “In memory of Georgiy Beregovoy from the Yanukovych family” is carved on the bell. In Yenakievo there is a museum of cosmonaut Georgy Beregovoy (formerly a local history museum). Memorial plaque at the school in Yenakievo, where G. Beregovoy studied from 1928 to 1936. A memorial plaque was installed on the house in the village of Chkalovsky (Shchelkovo), in which the Hero lived. A memorial plaque with sculptural portraits was unveiled on May 9, 2015 at house No. 2 in Star City in memory of three pilots - participants in the Great Patriotic War: G. T. Beregovoy, N. F. Kuznetsov and P. I. Belyaev (sculptor Andrei Sledkov). In the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan) a street is named after Beregovoy. In 2011, the Donetsk Planetarium was named after Georgy Beregovoy. On April 8, 2011, the National Bank of Ukraine issued a silver coin with a face value of 5 hryvnia, dedicated to Georgy Beregovoy. April 15, 2011 South Railway from the Karlovsky railway station solemnly launched a new train No. 92/91 with the service “Poltava - Moscow” under the name “Georgy Beregovoy”. In 2012, the name of G. T. Beregovoy was assigned to the Donetsk Lyceum with enhanced military-physical training and the educational complex of the school-lyceum “Open Space Lyceum” of the Simferopol City Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. He is the prototype of the cosmonaut General Krutogorov from Alexander Kazantsev’s novel “The Faetians” (1974). Presumably served as the prototype for the title character of “Song of a Test Pilot” by Vladimir Vysotsky.”

Anna Petrovna sat on a bench in the hospital square and cried. Today she turned 70, but neither her son nor her daughter came to congratulate her. True, her roommate, Evgenia Sergeevna, congratulated her and even gave her a small gift. Moreover, the nurse Masha treated me to an apple in honor of my birthday.
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The boarding house was decent, but the staff was generally indifferent. Of course, everyone knew that old people were brought here to live out their lives by children, to whom they became a burden. And Anna Petrovna was brought here by her son, as he said to rest and get treatment, but in fact she was just disturbing her daughter-in-law. After all, the apartment was hers; it was later that her son persuaded her to write a deed of gift for it. When he asked me to sign the papers, he promised that she would continue to live as she lived at home.

But in reality it turned out differently, they immediately moved the whole family to her and a war with their daughter-in-law began. She was always dissatisfied, she didn’t cook properly, she left dirt in the bathroom and much more. At first the son stood up, but then he stopped and started shouting himself. Then Anna Petrovna noticed that they began to whisper about something, and as soon as she entered the room, they fell silent. And then one morning her son started talking about how she needed to rest and get treatment. His mother, looking into his eyes, asked bitterly: “Are you sending me to an almshouse, son?” He blushed, fussed and answered guiltily: “What are you talking about, mom, it’s just a sanatorium.” You'll lie down for a month, then go back home.

He brought her, quickly signed the papers and hurriedly left, promising to return soon. He only showed up once: he brought two apples, two oranges, asked how things were, and without listening to the end, he rushed off somewhere. She has been living here for two years now. When a month passed and her son never came for her, she called her home phone. Strangers answered, it turned out that the son had sold the apartment and it was now unknown where to look for him. Anna Petrovna cried for a couple of nights, but she still knew that they would not take her home, that now she would shed tears. After all, the most offensive thing is that she was the one who offended her daughter for the sake of her son’s happiness.

Anna was born in the village. She got married there, to her classmate Peter. There was a big house and farm. They didn’t live richly, but they didn’t go hungry either. And then a neighbor from the city came to visit his parents and began to tell Peter how good life was in the city. And the salary is good and they provide housing right away. Well, Peter got excited, let’s go, let’s go. Well, I persuaded him. They sold everything to the city. The neighbor didn’t deceive me about the housing; they gave me the apartment right away. We bought furniture and an old Cossack. It was on this Cossack that Peter had an accident. The husband died in the hospital on the second day. After the funeral, Anna was left alone, with two children in her arms. To feed and clothe people, they had to wash the floors in the hallways in the evenings. I thought when the children grew up they would help. But it didn't work out.

Her son got into a bad situation, she had to borrow money to avoid being imprisoned, then she spent two years paying off her debts. Then my daughter Dasha got married and gave birth to a child. Until a year everything was fine, but then my son began to get sick often. She had to leave work to go to hospitals. Doctors could not make a diagnosis for a long time. It was then that they found some kind of sore in him, which is treated only in one institute. But there is such a queue.

While my daughter was visiting hospitals, her husband left her, at least he left the apartment. And then somewhere in the hospital she met a widower who had a daughter with the same diagnosis. They liked each other and began to live together. And five years later he fell ill with her, and she needed money for an operation. Anna had money, she wanted to give it to her son for a down payment on an apartment. Well, when my daughter asked, she felt sorry to spend it on a stranger, because her own son needed the money more. Well, she refused. The daughter was very offended by her, and when she said goodbye, she said that she was no longer her mother, and when it was difficult for her, not to contact her. And now they have not communicated for twenty years. Dasha cured her husband and they took their children and went to live somewhere by the sea. Of course, if it were possible to turn everything back, Anna would have done it differently. But you can't bring back the past.

Anna slowly got up from the bench and slowly walked into the boarding house. Suddenly he hears: - Mom! My heart began to pound. She turned around slowly. Daughter. Dasha. Her legs gave way and she almost fell, but her daughter ran up and caught her. - Finally, I found you... My brother didn’t want to give me the address. But I threatened him with legal action that I sold the apartment illegally, and he immediately split. With these words, they entered the building and sat down on the couch in the hall. - Forgive me, mom, for not communicating with you for so long. At first I was offended, then I put it off, I was ashamed. A week ago I dreamed of you. It's like you're walking through the forest and crying. I got up, and my soul felt so heavy. I told my husband everything, and he told me to go and make peace. I arrived, and there were strangers there, they didn’t know anything. I looked for my brother’s address for a long time and found it. And here I am. Get ready and come with me. Do you know what house we have? Big, on the seashore. And my husband told me: if your mother feels bad, take her to us. Anna hugged her daughter gratefully and began to cry. But these were already tears of joy...

today at 08:00


We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!

We wish that your dreams come true instantly, as if with the wave of a magic wand, and that the festive mood accompanies you all year round. New discoveries and opportunities! Let everything in life turn out beautifully, like in a fairy tale! Happy holiday!

Yesterday at 23:30



On New Year's Eve, Katya decided to put on her pajamas, burn her lips with tea, cry and fall asleep. The fact is that a couple of years ago, just before the holiday, my mother left and took the magic with her. Since then, I haven’t wanted a market tree or Jingle bells.

Mom has always been an entertainer. She organized “Fun Starts” and a game of “Shander-Stop”. On December 31, I poured fragrant tea into a thermos, made sandwiches and prepared an expedition into the forest. There they looked for mouse tracks, hedgehog holes, and Baba Yaga's hut. Determined north-south. As soon as blueness spread in the air, mommy became thoughtful and shared her premonition that a miracle awaited them at home. That's what happened. The open window with a red flap sticking out was shaking, and gifts were warming up under the tree. At the age of five, Katya fanatically dreamed of “playing with cut-out pictures.” In kindergarten, they were available in a single copy and were given to more discerning friends. Therefore, when I found exactly these: with a giraffe, bunnies and a yellow elephant, I roared with happiness for an hour.

And here it is again the end of December. Vanity, rustle of foil, citrus slices and stars of Bethlehem. In order not to poison her soul, the girl sat all the way at work. I cleaned folders, sent congratulations, counted lights. I returned late, around ten. That evening I went up to my floor and was stunned. Under her door, Santa Claus was fast asleep, wrapped in a “fur coat.” His hat flew off and it was clear that the guy was young, perhaps even the same age, and leaving him on the cement floor was a crime. By the morning, bronchitis or even pneumonia will break out. Therefore, she dragged the mummer into the house, covered him with a blanket and settled down next to him.

At exactly midnight the poor fellow began tossing and turning. Then he sat down, apologized, shyly introduced himself and told his story.

He walked past kindergarten, when suddenly a big-eyed woman jumped out of the gate and began to beg to play Santa Claus. Someone's grandfather, who was hired for this role, was hospitalized with a stroke, and the children were already wearing bunny ears. I had to agree, jump into felt boots decorated with broken toys, attach a beard and wrap my red robe around me. Play six matinees and lose your voice. When I returned to the utility room to change clothes, it turned out to be closed. The manager went home, swinging a bag with gifts, the teacher on duty, having given away the last “snowflake”, was drinking wine with the nanny, and the caretaker got into trouble that he had no authority. I had to go to the bus stop without money and in makeup.

The people in the transport were cheerful, invitations to visit and treats with cognac immediately poured in. He went around all the apartments, congratulated the children and collapsed exhausted.

Katya and Santa Claus talked all night. In the morning, the guy slapped himself on the forehead, reached into the bag and fished out a modest box for the girl. For some reason, instead of laughing, she began to cry, although there were only “cut-out pictures” with a giraffe, little hares and a yellow, surprised elephant.

© Irina Govorukha



Gregory Lemarchal is a French singer. Born: May 13, 1983, La Tronche, France. Died: April 30, 2007, Paris, France.

Those who are dear and loved leave
Suddenly, irrevocably, hopelessly,
Almost impossible!
It would seem that youth, dawn
And there are still so many ways ahead.
But the bright light of sunset burned out
And only one road is open to them.
White snow will hide time without a trace
Years gone by and days gone by,
A short life has completed its run.
The Lord, as you can see, takes the best!



“Save them, Lord!”

Nastya was the daughter of a horse-drawn railway conductor. She had not had her mother for a long time. Every day before school, Nastya brought hot coffee and breakfast to her father’s place where the carriages were parked.

One day before Christmas, when there were no lessons at school, Nastya brought her father lunch - a pot of cabbage soup and a stack of hot pancakes. Having quickly eaten, the conductor began to eat pancakes when the bell of the approaching carriage rang - there was no time to eat. “Bring the pancakes home, Nastya; I’ll eat at home already!” - said the conductor and began to climb onto the imperial (seats at the top of the car). Nastya jumped into the carriage. “He’ll eat it later,” she thought, trying to pull the drawer out from under the bench. The box, as luck would have it, did not budge. “I’ll put it on the bench. Nothing. The paper is thick; Now dad will get off, see, hide and eat at the bus stop.” There was no time to think: at that moment the horsecar started moving. Nastya, putting the bundle on the bench, jumped out and ran home to change clothes to go to the teacher to decorate the Christmas tree.

Nastya was happily returning from school, quickly ran up the stairs and involuntarily stopped at the door, hearing voices: “Here,” the hostess said, “the lady arrived at the place, got up and went to the door, and then some woman gasped: “Talma- then (note: Talma is a woman’s cape, a sleeveless cloak.), lady, they got dirty!” And the talma is light and brand new. What do you think? The public also joined in. What, they say, what order! They sent for the controller. He’s angry, and Arkhipych didn’t keep silent, well, that’s it, that’s it!..” - “So what?” – the neighbor’s voice was heard. Nastya froze with fear. “The place was denied to my darling.” Nastya’s hands and feet went cold, and she grabbed the door handle. The hostess looked out. “Nastenka, what grief we have,” she began and did not finish, looking at the poor girl’s deadened face.

Christmas Eve. The bad weather howls and hums, throwing fine frosty dust into the faces of passers-by. But on the street, despite the bad weather, there is noise and movement. A little girl makes her way through the crowd. Her face is pale and worried. She quickly passes street after street and finally stops in front of a large house with a wide entrance.
– Does the head of the horse-drawn railway live here? – she timidly asks the doorman.
- Here. Go up the back stairs to the second floor, to the right.
The right door to the second floor was open. Nastya slipped into it and stopped on the threshold of the kitchen. A cook in a white apron stood at the stove, stirring something in a large saucepan.
– Anna Alekseevna, what’s taking so long? – suddenly a clear child’s voice rang out, and a girl of about eight, dressed in a white dress with a purple belt, appeared at the kitchen door. -What took so long? Oh, what kind of girl?

And before the cook had time to turn in Nastya’s direction, the girl found herself near the door.
- You're probably visiting dad from the orphanage?
“No,” Nastya answered, “I need the gentleman who is in charge of the horse-and-iron.”
- So this is my dad. Let’s go, dad is home,” and, taking Nastya by the hand, she pulled her along.
- Young lady, young lady, Zhenechka, let the girl wait here.
But Zhenechka did not listen and led Nastya along a long corridor. She stopped at the door, opened it and, leaving Nastya in a large, richly decorated room, ran away. Several minutes of painful waiting passed. Suddenly Zhenya entered the room, and with her a tall, middle-aged gentleman.
“Here’s a girl,” Zhenya said, took Nastya’s hand and led her to her father. Nastya gathered all her courage.
“Mr. Chief,” she said timidly, “it’s not my dad’s fault, it was I who put the pancakes on the bench.”
- What kind of pancakes, girl?
Here Nastya could not stand it and began to sob, covering her face with her hands and shuddering with her whole body. The gentleman was confused, not understanding what this little girl wanted from him. He sat down on a chair, drew Nastya to him and began to quietly stroke her trembling shoulders.
- Stop it, girl, tell us who your father is and what trouble happened to him?
These words were spoken so tenderly and affectionately that Nastya soon calmed down and began her story in detail and in detail. She named the line her father traveled on, his number, first and last name; told how her father told her: “Nastya, Nastya, bring the pancakes home,” how the lady ruined the talma and the controller threatened her father with resignation from his position.

- Mister Chief! Punish me, I’m very guilty, and my dad didn’t do anything,” Nastya finished, lowering her head guiltily.
The tall gentleman was silent. Zhenya was also silent, clinging to her father. The nanny entered the living room, quietly wiping away tears.
“Zhenya,” the gentleman suddenly said, “if a great misfortune happened to your dad, would you go to protect him, would you agree to be punished in his place?” Eh, my daughter?
“Yes,” the girl answered firmly and seriously. His face lit up. He pulled his daughter towards him and said something in her ear.
“Nastya,” said Zhenya, “my dad tells you not to cry anymore.” My dad won't allow you to be hurt.
Nastya looked up at the tall gentleman with fear and hope. “Yes,” she read in his gentle smile.
And suddenly everyone became cheerful and started talking. The room definitely became brighter. So, at least, it seemed to Nastya, from whose soul a heavy burden had been lifted.
The snowstorm has long since subsided. The clear sky was shining bright stars. A solemn bell rang through the city, announcing joy to the Christian world.
“God save the good gentleman and the little lady,” Nastya whispered as she went out into the street.
“Save them, Lord!” - she repeated, crossing herself at the church, which was shining with lights.
Many, many times that evening and long after, these words were repeated in the conductor’s family, where peace and contentment returned again.