Will the Ministry of Education postpone the start of the school year? Postponement of the start of the school year: who will win and who will lose? Lee's school year from September 15

From September 1 to September 15, it receives more and more responses. Parents, teachers, deputies, and representatives of the tourism industry are vigorously discussing this initiative. They agree on one thing: the idea deserves attention. Just don't rush. It is proposed to weigh the pros and cons, ask the regions for their opinions, and look at foreign experience.

Alexander, an English teacher at one of the Moscow schools, learned from a news release that children might not be able to sit at their desks on September 1st.

"This is very unexpected. I teach English language V primary school besides, I also classroom teacher. I can’t even imagine that the national and beloved holiday of September 1st was postponed for two whole weeks. Firstly, this is an old and beloved tradition. Secondly, school break and so very big. Children are becoming unaccustomed to school, to each other, and they are forgetting what they were taught in the last school year,” says Alexander.

In addition, according to the teacher, after the summer it is not possible for schoolchildren to get into a working rhythm right away.

“What will happen, will we start learning for real by mid-October? Of course, September is still a warm month, but school program designed for studying subjects from September 1st. Any transfer must be foreseen in advance, it must be carefully prepared for it,” says Alexander.

If you follow the logic of the author of the transfer idea school year— , schools will be able to set their own holiday dates. That is, it is not at all necessary that studies in some of them will begin on September 15th. What will happen if somewhere the teachers’ council decides that it is necessary to study from December 1? What could this lead to?

“The transfer can be different. I am for the regions to decide this,” says Lyudmila Myasnikova, chairman of the Moscow City Parents’ Committee, sharing her opinion.

“In some of them, on September 1, children still help adults, this concerns agricultural work,” she says.

It turns out that our children have more vacations than European ones. Three whole months. And this is not counting quarter and trimester holidays. That is why the Moscow City Parents Committee does not see any point in postponing the start of the school year.

The State Duma also agrees with the public opinion.

“Let’s ask teachers too, because we have the longest holidays in the world. Teachers don’t have time to go through all the material, many topics are left for self-study, children are overwhelmed with homework, the workload is incredible. Experts expressed their opinion - to shorten the vacation time so that children consistently study the programs. And not in schools, but in classrooms,” adds Alena Arshinova, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education.

What about the start date of the school year abroad? It turned out that Italy, Austria, and Germany have been shifting the start of the school year for a long time. So that the tourist flow does not dry out. But, for example, in Germany, there is no uniform law on education. Haven't heard of it there either educational standards. Children study from textbooks recommended to them by the school teacher. And he, in turn, is guided by his own ideas about educational process. Each land also has its own educational laws. In Finland, the school year lasts from mid-August to the end of May. In France, the country is divided into three zones - A, B and C, and each has its own holiday schedule. But the vacation time for French schoolchildren is 2 months shorter than for Russian students.

It turns out that on the one hand it is proposed to borrow Western experience, but doing this in our conditions is unlikely. Whether tourism revenues will increase is also a highly controversial issue.

“It turns out that there is a real collapse going on at airports, train stations and bus stations before September 1. There are no tickets at all or they cost exorbitant amounts of money,” says Irina Yasinskaya, general manager of the travel agency Nordic Tour.

“And this has been happening since time immemorial. Parents and children, of course, are offended, because the weather at this time of year is wonderful, the velvet season begins: it’s not hot in September and you can swim until October. If the start of the school year is postponed, then the situation will level out. And for tourism and this is good for prices. Hotels will not be empty," says Irina Yasinskaya.

The first two weeks of September are, as they say, disastrous for the tourism industry. Everything changes only in mid-September, when parents go on vacation without their children.

By the way, the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation opposes the idea of ​​postponing the start of the school year in schools from September 1 to September 15. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Education and Science Natalya Tretyak on the TV channel.

Officials believe that the shift in the start date of the school year is stressful for both students and parents. “The issue of the beginning of the school year is quite complicated today, and there will be stressful situation for many of our fellow citizens: both those who study and those who work in educational institutions. For every Russian family. We believe that this will have a negative impact on the educational process,” said Natalya Tretyak.

Lawmakers are ready to seriously discuss the idea of ​​delaying the start of the school year. Of course, if it is first submitted for public discussion.

“If such a decision is made, it will be by the Ministry of Education and Science. And, naturally, based on the opinion of the parent community and teachers, which should decide what is more important than rest or knowledge,” Alena, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education of the Russian Federation, told Vesti.Ru Arshinov.

“They say that it is inconvenient for parents, and this is done for them. The law assumes that any parent can write a statement at school that the child will be absent from such and such a date, and the law does not even stipulate the terms of such absence. That is, it turns out that every parent can plan their own holidays for their children,” explains Alena Arshinova.

But there is one condition. In this case, education for schoolchildren should be organized remotely.

“This suits everyone. Our legislation is flexible. So I believe that the initiative to postpone the start date of the school year can be discussed, especially since there is positive foreign experience that is useful for the economy,” Alena Arshinova argues for her opinion.

“I believe that Knowledge Day, of course, is different in every school, and what date it will take place is not important. But everyone wants a holiday, so that this atmosphere is everywhere - rulers, balls, white bows, knowledge lessons,” she said Vestyam.Ru Lyudmila Myasnikova, chairman of the Moscow City Parents Committee.

It turns out that the initiative has the right to life. But all the experts we interviewed agree on one thing: the popularly beloved holiday - Knowledge Day - must be preserved.

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin spoke in favor of postponing the start of the school year in schools. In this way, he wants to support tourism in the regions and extend the “velvet season.” According to him, the academic year can begin on September 15.

“From August 25 to September 1, the whole country is sitting at airports... Why can’t the beginning of the school year be made floating?” he said. “We want to bring this issue to the State Council...”

The official gave an example: this practice exists in Spain, Italy, and France.

The proposal did not find support in the Ministry of Education and Science: First Deputy Minister Natalya Tretyak stated that she did not consider such changes appropriate. The opinions of other experts were divided.

Evgeny Yamburg, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, doctor pedagogical sciences, Director of Education Center N 109:

Firstly, one cannot be guided only by pragmatic considerations. There is a “Day of Knowledge”: it is a solemn and touching day. And secondly, learning programs today is busy. You need to complete everything in 35 weeks. And any shift will affect educational process. This is not a good idea and has nothing to do with school.

Irina Abankina, director of the Institute for Educational Development, National Research University Higher School of Economics:

Any change in the educational process must pursue a clear educational goal. This is more important than tourism and transport problems. This initiative will entail a serious restructuring of the curriculum: it is necessary to redistribute the workload across quarters. It will be difficult to implement, and the result will not be so obvious.

Yuri Barzykin, vice-president of the Russian Union of Tourism Industry (RST):

The initiative to postpone the start of the school year is not new. We talked about this in the early 2000s, when I was vice governor Krasnodar region. But when it is implemented, it cannot be allowed that, as parents and children are now sitting in airports and train stations on the eve of September 1, they are also sitting before September 15-20. It is important to identify the regions that need it. By the way, this measure most likely will not require a major change in federal legislation. The length of the academic year is regulated by regional curricula. Therefore, it is possible to adopt the relevant regulations at the local level in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science. At the same time, we should not forget that if children in the northern regions start the school year later, they must finish it later or, for example, catch up syllabus during the May holidays.

Lyudmila Kazantseva, teacher, Omsk:

I support Levitin's initiative. Because every year I see a picture - at the beginning of September, a third of the class is missing. The “velvet season” is beginning at our resorts - we are accommodating to schoolchildren and allowing them to miss a week or two. But it’s hard for the kids - they have to “catch up” with their classmates.

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The start of the school year may be postponed due to the continuation of the tourist season in Crimea and Sochi. This proposal was made by presidential aide Igor Levitin. As an example, he cited Spain, Italy and France, where the authorities delayed the start of the school year due to the tourist season.

Presidential aide Igor Levitin suggested move the start of the school year from September 1 to September 15. He believes that the first days of September are still a favorable period for tourism. Levitin made a statement to the government Voronezh region– at a meeting on the state and prospects for the development of tourism in the region. “We want to bring this issue to the State Council... From August 25 to September 1, the whole country sits at airports. When I was in my previous position, I kept asking: “Why can’t we make a floating start to the school year? Why does the whole country need to come to school from September 1?" he noted.


Due to this former minister transport recommended those responsible for education in the Voronezh region to consider the issue about postponing the start of the school year.“Who in the Voronezh region can make a decision - the school year starts from September 15th? In general, is it regulated by someone or not? Here we are all flying away from Crimea and Sochi on September 1st, and goodbye, until next May... And it’s the season yes," the official said.

As an example he brought Spain, Italy and France, where the authorities delayed the start of the school year due to the tourist season. Voronezh officials responded to this proposal by saying that the transfer was “theoretically possible.”