Read with expression and speak expressively. Rules for correct and beautiful reading of poetry. What to read aloud

Many children do not like to learn poems and then recite them at the blackboard or in public. The process of memorizing itself is not inspiring, but also “with expression.” They often don't even understand what this means. And in general, what do these teachers want from them? If you want your child to be able to read poetry with expression already in the 3rd grade, then our website has selected for you good recommendations and advice.

  1. The first thing you can do is find recordings of poems performed by artists and play them for kids to listen to. To begin with, you can stage those performers whom the children know. Finding them is not easy, but it is possible.
  2. The second method is more complicated, but if you can motivate the guys, then you will succeed - take them to reading programs. Of course, it will be good if these are school courses, because children themselves inspire more trust in children.
  3. The third option is to invite one or a couple of actors to the lesson so that they show how to read correctly in class, and not from the stage. This point is very important. Close live contact and intimate space create an excellent atmosphere. Even imperfect, but lively reading will make a strong emotional impression on all children.

But it is important that consolidate everything you hear, because it can disappear instantly.

  • Talk to children without judging their statements, but simply ask provocative questions.
  • Play in a creative form with what you have lived and heard (exercises for actors that can be found in the book called “The Theater Where Children Play” are suitable).
  • Let the children express their emotions in colors and draw abstract drawings on the theme of what they heard.
  • If the teacher has directing skills, you can play an improvisation sketch.
  • If a child comes into contact with an ideal acting reading, this will become a springboard for him to make his own attempts.

Our site believes that You can understand poetic speech if you compare it with prose. Therefore, when you read a poem, you must be captivated by its theme, understand why we are reading it: what we want to push or lead the viewer to, what we want to tell him. If you want to defend the main idea, you must use your words.

How is prose different from poetry? You need to discuss this issue specifically with the guys. Let them try to determine and then formulate an answer on their own, and then the teacher will refute or confirm their guesses, and, if necessary, complement them. You can use some bright provocation in a conversation, for example, you can write on the board or quote N. Tikhonov: “Poems differ from ordinary speech, like the movement of runners from calmly walking people.” Let the children try to explain what we are talking about.

You can adhere to this position: poetry differs from prose in its rhythm, orderliness, and regularity. The basis of the poem is an emotionally heightened system of experiences, which emphasizes all forms of conveying feelings and thoughts in speech. In poetry, speech does not flow in a continuous stream, but is divided into speech beats by intonation-semantic (logical) pauses. The location of these pauses is most often suggested by punctuation, and if you do not pay attention to this, the verse will become meaningless.

It is also important to know first what children felt and understood while reading. At this stage, you should not impose your understanding. The first impression is very important, even if it is strange, unclear and chaotic. The child may not fully understand the meaning, but some emotional pictures, thoughts and outbursts will definitely remain. Just if you talk, it will stick. It is better to move the discussion into a circle where everyone creates creative energy and everyone is equal, rather than in a regular classroom where the teacher stands opposite the children who are sitting at their desks. The main thing is that the teacher remembers that he needs to work using clarifying questions, such as: “Did I understand correctly... What do you mean...”, and not begin to evaluate judgments.

The guys must answer the questions posed; if this is difficult to do, then they write the answer on pieces of paper.


The phrase “expressive reading” began to be actively used in mid-19th century and implied the skill of artistic expression and the discipline of teaching this skill to children. Expressive reading is the skill of displaying in words the sensations and reflections that fill highly artistic work, showing the performer’s individual assessment of the author’s work.

Expressive reading involves reciting from memory or reading from a book while adhering to the principles of literary pronunciation. At the same time, the figurative and ideological essence of the work is most fully expressed. Expressive reading is used as a technique for teaching language.

Reading is characterized by four criteria:

  • Fluency is the speed of reading. Determines the perception (understanding) of the text read. Fluency is typically measured by the number of words or characters read per minute.
  • Correctness implies leisurely reproduction without altering the essence of a literary work.
  • Consciousness is an understanding of the author’s idea, comprehension of the artistic methods with which the idea is embodied, and an understanding of one’s own attitude to the work.
  • The expressiveness of reading is formed during the analysis of a literary work.

To read a text expressively means to find a way, through oral speech, to truthfully and accurately convey the intentions and feelings contained in the composition. This means of transmission is intonation.

Intonation represents the interaction of the components of oral speech (tempo, sound, stress, rhythm, pauses). The components support each other. The interaction between them is generated by the content and emotions of the text, the goal that the author sets for the reader.

Characteristics of the principles of teaching expressive reading

The principle of expressive reading is comprehension of the artistic essence and intent of the composition. It is important to identify the extent to which the text is clear to listeners. Understanding the task, the goal that is pursued when reading, will help make reading effective. The success of transmitting a work largely depends on the beauty, literacy, and brightness of the reader’s speech. The content allows you to accurately identify which means to use when transmitting the text.

Expressive reading involves persistent, labor-intensive work on the means of conveying the intent, feelings and content of the work. Proper breathing, distinct pronunciation of sounds, and skills in accurately conveying emotions through speech are important.

Expressive reading involves the use of brightness means, such as:

  • Intonation.
  • Logical stress.
  • Pause.
  • Pace.
  • Height and strength of voice.


The importance of intonation and its elements when reading is very great, therefore, when forming speech expressiveness, one should Special attention pay attention to the development of intonation brightness.

Intonation components:

  • The force that manifests itself in stress and determines the dynamics of oral speech.
  • A direction that predetermines the melody of speech and is demonstrated by the voice following sounds of different pitches.
  • A hue or timbre that determines emotional coloring.
  • Speed, which is expressed in prolonged speech and pauses. Predetermines the rhythm and tempo of speech.

The recitation of a literary work by a teacher, a schoolchild and an actor differs, since the conditions of expressiveness are different for them. The actor has perfect command of his voice and other means, and also has the opportunity to thoroughly prepare for reading. There are other requirements for the student. By watching videos of performances by professional readers, you can learn to read a work with the correct intonation.

Principles of Expressive Reading

The rules of expressive reading are a set of recommendations that help quickly and effectively develop literary reading skills in schoolchildren. The reading instruction is aimed at developing a culture of handling the book and contains recommendations on preparation and correct reading.

A lesson in expressive reading should arouse interest in literary creativity and cultivate a love of figurative words.

Tips for parents on developing a child’s reading interest

  • You should buy books for your child that are colorfully designed and have exciting content.
  • It is not the duration of reading that is important, but the frequency. That is, it is better to read many times for 15 minutes than once for an hour and a half. A gentle reading mode for a child is preferable - read three lines, rest.
  • To form a habit of communicating with a book, you need to read to your child every day.
  • The read work should be discussed with the family and the child should be told about the author.
  • When remembering a work, you need to slightly alter the text, this will help you understand whether the child remembers the content well.
  • Advise your child about the works of your childhood, share your impressions of them.
  • Buy books from authors your child likes and create his own library.

Many years later, already in adulthood, the child will associate books with loved ones and dear people, with the warmth of home.

Memo to parents

  • Reading is an entrance into the world of knowledge; it is a guarantee of a child’s success in school.
  • A child will love books only thanks to the combined efforts of the school and family.
  • Familiarize yourself with the main requirements of expressive, fluent, conscious reading.
  • The recommended list will help you choose books for your child.
  • Your own children's library will allow you to exchange books with friends, which will help increase interest in reading.

Knowledge of works of children's literature and the works of children's writers and poets makes it easier for parents to choose books for their child. Such knowledge is also an indispensable component of the professionalism and competence of a teacher or educator, a specialist working with children.

The discipline “Children's Literature with Workshop on Expressive Reading” is designed to familiarize parents and teachers with the literary works of children's poets and writers. The purpose of the subject is to improve the skills of analyzing children's literary works, and examines the importance of literary reading in the development of a child's personality.

The structure of the discipline “Children's Literature with Workshop on Expressive Reading” is a historical, chronological way of presenting material on literature for children. It also includes a logic-based workshop on expressive reading.

Student Reading Guide

Memo No. 1: Reading rules

  • You need to spend at least a quarter of an hour a day reading, sitting comfortably, preferably not lying down.
  • If you read with the TV or music on, it will be difficult to understand what the text is about. Therefore, you should turn off the TV, music, and remove all objects that distract your attention.
  • There is no need to rush when reading and concentrate on time, otherwise the meaning of the text or poem will remain unclear and slip away.
  • It is necessary to take breaks, pauses, and exercise minutes.
  • You need to analyze the actions and actions of the characters in the work and draw conclusions for yourself. Discuss what you read with friends.
  • Mark the place where reading was interrupted by placing a bookmark between the pages.
  • Entertaining and interesting information You can write it down in a notepad. It will be useful in the future.

Cheat Sheet #2: Expressive Reading

Expressive reading is impossible without understanding the meaning of the content of the work.

  • Maintain the correct pace and rhythm when reading. There is no need for haste here.
  • Diction - pronunciation should be intelligible, loud, and distinct.
  • Be sure to pause when there are punctuation marks.
  • Using logical stress, highlight the key words of a literary work.
  • Poems or text, when read, should have an emotional connotation.
  • Understanding of the content is required readable poem or prose.

Memo No. 3: Correct work with the book

The ability to work correctly with a book and process information from printed sources is of exceptional importance for high school students. The inability to work with a book will affect your performance at school, since homework and class work will take up a lot of time. This state of affairs will lead to the student getting tired, and the ability to absorb knowledge will decrease.

  • It is necessary to develop the skills of correct, fluent, meaningful reading.
  • Expressive reading. Read the text or poems, determine the main idea of ​​the creation, find individual elements in the content and their semantic significance, read again.
  • Define chronological order actions of a literary work.
  • Extracurricular activities involve keeping a diary of works read, using a list of books recommended by the teacher, and the skill of recording data about a work from the title page.

Expressive recitation of a poem

Poetry best gives a child an understanding of the essence of expressive reading. When a good reader recites poems or texts that have long been familiar to them, listeners begin to understand them in a new way. They get into the mood of the person uttering the words.

Actors, thanks to their talent, knowledge and professional skills, read poetry, captivating the audience. By carefully watching videos of performances by famous artists, you can borrow interesting techniques for reading poetry and prose.

The literature lesson at school is designed to arouse interest in artistic, figurative words, and cultivate a love for books. Expressive reading is an important skill that allows you to convey to listeners the intent of a work and its ideological content. Reveal the subtlest nuances of feelings, experiences, and sensations of the characters in a literary text or poetry. Videos of performances by professional readers will help you find a way to penetrate into the heart of your listeners while reading the text.

Posted On 05/09/2018

All children are still in kindergarten They teach poetry, and every child can teach, but not all children can read beautifully. And why? Because no one taught them to do this. Teachers will lower your grade if you read poetry in an ugly way and simply tell a dull story.

How to read poetry beautifully?

Intonation plays a big role in poetry. Intonation must also be observed when you are telling prose, but in the case of poetry it is even more important. But how can one learn to read poetry correctly and beautifully and what needs to be done for this, what rules to follow? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Rules for correct and beautiful reading of poetry:

  • Work on your diction. The success of reading poetry will depend on how accurately, correctly and beautifully you pronounce each word and combine them into one phrase.
  • Observe punctuation marks. They are the ones who determine the intonation with which you need to read. A period is a long pause, a comma is a short pause, a question mark is a question, an exclamation mark means raising notes in the voice, etc.
  • Get to the heart of the verse itself. When you understand what you are talking about, you will not just recite what you have learned by heart, but you will experience, together with the author, all the emotions that the poem calls for.
  • Don't cram. Learn to read a poem with expression right away, as soon as you start learning, otherwise you will automatically recite it dryly and without expression.
  • Don't rush anywhere. A poem is an art. Having certain logical pauses makes your reading even more expressive. This will also help hide awkward pauses.
  • Having an ear for music will simplify the task. But even without an ear for music, you can achieve success if you work hard at it.
  • Work on your facial expressions, sometimes you can also use gestures. You can practice in front of a mirror.
  • Feel what you say and try to experience it. And you will succeed!

Parents should help their children learn to read poetry beautifully, this is taught in at a young age, because then the talent remains for life. And if your child is too young to go to school and learn poetry, worry about his comfort. and other cotton clothing will provide complete comfort to your baby. Your child will grow up healthy and happy.

Memorizing poems by heart is one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.

When memorizing poems with children, the teacher sets himself several tasks:

  1. Arouse interest in the work and a desire to know it.
  2. Cultivate a love of poetry.
  3. Help to understand the content of the work as a whole and the content of its individual words and phrases.
  4. Teach to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.
  5. Teach to read poems expressively, with natural intonations.

What is it in different people read poetry! Some are monotonous and sluggish. Others highlight features of poetic meter. Still others are loud, emotional and unnatural. But with pleasure we listen to someone who reads the way he speaks in life, with lively expressiveness, clear speech, experiencing the emotions affected by this work.

Is it possible to teach a child to read poetry expressively? Yes, you can. The concept of “speech expressiveness,” according to teachers and psychologists, is integrated in nature and includes verbal (intonation and its components) and nonverbal (facial expressions, gestures, movements, postures) means of speech expressiveness, which are closely interconnected and complement each other .

Here are a few steps to help your child read poetry with expression.

  1. Select a passage for expressive reading.

1) The poem should be accessible, close and understandable to children in content.

2) The younger the child’s age, the shorter the line and the poem itself. For children 2 years old, two to four lines are enough, 3-4 years old - one or two quatrains, 5-7 years old - up to five quatrains, depending on the child’s interest and level of memory development.

3) A poem for kids should be dynamic (mostly actions, without descriptive moments, with short lines, simple rhythm. Older preschoolers are able to perceive metaphors, comparisons, small descriptions, but still dynamism is important.

4) The verse must correspond to the character of the baby. Therefore, you need to try to choose a poem that will be interesting to him. It will be easier for a mischievous and restless person to learn and reproduce the funny poems of Daniil Kharms, and for a dreamer - the calmer, smoother-sounding poems of Sasha Cherny and Valentin Berestov.

5) Poems for children must be of high quality, because poetry is a source and means of enrichment figurative speech, development of poetic hearing (the ability to subtly sense artistic form, melody and rhythm native language, ethical and moral concepts.

Good poems by modern poets are important.

You cannot use weak poems by non-professionals, with inaccurate rhymes, a violation of structure, or with illiterate use of the word form.

  1. Read the poem expressively to adults themselves.

Before introducing your child to the chosen poem, you need to look through it in advance, select the desired mood, intonation, and place accents, highlighting the main word. And then read the poem yourself slowly and with expression. You can imagine that you are performing from the stage, and the child is your main viewer and critic. The child must see and understand what it means to read with expression. Therefore, you need to read as emotionally as possible, correctly placing logical stresses, making pauses where necessary, adhering to the rhythm of the poem as accurately as possible.

  1. Find out whether everything in this text is clear to the child.

If necessary, you need to parse every line, every word. At this stage, the main thing is that the baby understands what the poem is about and there are no words that are incomprehensible to him.

  1. Determine the mood of the poem.

Determine with your child how and in what mood you should read the text, sad or happy.

You can practice reading the first line with your child in different moods: joyful, sad, surprised, incredulous.

  1. Place logical emphasis.

It is important to learn to identify the main words of the text and highlight them in your voice when reading.

- after reading this word, take a short pause (be silent for a bit) Usually in a statement (oral or written) there are words, phrases, sometimes sentences that are its logical and emotional centers and which must be somehow highlighted, otherwise the meaning what we talk or read about may be misunderstood or not entirely true. You need to practice reading the line with your child, highlighting the main words with your voice. It is better to read with your child in turns (an adult reads in order to give a reading example) until your student is able to highlight the main words with his voice.

  1. Select the desired reading pace.

It is important to choose the desired reading pace, observing short and long pauses when reading. As a rule, the pace of reading depends on the content (what the text is about, mood ( sad poems, as a rule, are read more slowly than joyful ones, depending on the type of speech (narration is read faster than description or reasoning). You need to practice reading the same sentence at three different paces (fast, medium, slow). If your child has difficulty changing the pace, you can give a reading example or read with him.

  1. Learn to take pauses.

It is important to learn how to use short and long pauses.

It is necessary to explain to the child that a pause is a stop while reading. The pauses are short (we are silent for 1 second). Short pauses are made where there is a comma or after the main word. The pauses are long (we are silent for 3 seconds). Long pauses are made at the end of a sentence, at the end of a poetic line

  1. Reading a poem out loud.

Reading can be accompanied by facial expressions and gestures. They will make the performance more interesting and emotional.

Learned and forgotten? After the poem has been learned, you need to try to maintain the child’s interest in it. A learned poem can be given to grandparents for birthdays or used in home concerts. You can recite a learned poem from the perspective of your favorite characters. Everyone has it fairy tale hero your own character and, accordingly, your own manner of speech. Try to get used to the role of, say, Cheburashka or Pinocchio, and tell yourself or together with your child the rhyme you have learned.

Work on teaching children expressive reading is carried out:

  1. During educational offers for a whole group of preschool children.
  2. In joint activities in the process of familiarization with fiction.
  3. In musical celebrations and entertainment.
  4. In artistic speech competitions.
  5. In individual work with children (at scheduled moments during the day in the morning and evening).

Interaction with parents.

  1. Advice, consultations, individual conversations on teaching children expressive reading.
  2. Seminars - workshops, parent meetings.
  3. Video show of the winners of literary arts competitions.

In the section on the question How can you learn to speak beautifully and expressively? Maybe there are some books? given by the author Adapt the best answer is The previous responder is right in many ways. You cannot learn to speak coherently in just a few lessons from Ilona Davydova, and suppressing a yawn. This is how girls learn English to use one phrase “chu handrid dallars pyo knight”.
Read science fiction: Robert Sheckley, Viktor Savchenko, Harry Harrison, Clifford Simak, A. B. Strugatsky, of course, “The Man Without a Face” by Alfred Bester. Our translators from the 70s speak excellent Russian - this will teach you not only to speak, but also to think concisely, coherently, competently and, most importantly, consistently. Oh, by the way, A. Haley: Airport, Hotel, Potent drug.
One by-effect from what has been read and learned - Loneliness.

Answer from Aibolit aibolit[guru]
Donald Carnegie

Answer from Marat[guru]
At all, more books read: memory is trained, formed
thinking, and through it - competent speech.

Answer from short[guru]
Just reading books and magazine articles is, of course, useful, it will expand your horizons and vocabulary, but from here to the ability to speak beautifully there is a huge distance. We need focused work! There is such a science - oratory (rhetoric), and teaching aids there is something about it... But the whole problem is this. that even if you study textbooks and read the speeches of famous speakers, speeches of writers, etc. as examples to follow, there will still be little use, because any skill is developed only in the process of training, practice - and nothing else.
So: 1. buy a textbook on rhetoric, but only one that has a clear practical focus (less theory, more examples and useful exercises). 2. Try to write one small essay every day, in a few phrases, on a topic that is familiar to you, for example, football, fishing... and then read it expressively, or better yet, retell this essay. Work for a month and there will be very noticeable changes.

Answer from Dubnium Nilsborium[guru]
I wonder why? For good, it is enough to speak simply and clearly. Even if it is not particularly beautiful and expressive. But in order to hang noodles on one’s ears, it is necessary to do just that... Maybe it’s better for us to learn to speak honestly to everyone? But this is only after we learn to think. And now, first of all, they teach you to speak beautifully, but they not only don’t teach you to think at all, but they teach you that it is completely unnecessary, especially if you know how to speak beautifully and expressively. This “beautiful and expressive” looks very much like “insincere and hypocritical.” Involuntarily, Bazarov is reminded: “Arkady, don’t speak beautifully...” P.H. behind this “beautiful” there is something bad...

This is not only mastery of reading techniques: the ability to read necessarily includes the emergence of one or another attitude both to the work itself and to the reality that is depicted in it. And this skill must be developed from a very early age.

Of course, full comprehension of what you read is possible only on the basis of solid reading skills, which allows you to quickly and completely perceive the content. I practice reading skills in every lesson. The most important thing is to prevent reading errors.

In my lessons, the children read a lot under class control. Children follow their friend’s reading and correct mistakes. I improve my skills constantly - every day, in every lesson.

The lesson usually begins with a speech warm-up (grade 1):

The plane takes off: ooh-ooh.
The cars are moving: w-w-w.
The horses galloped: clop-clop-clop.
A snake crawls nearby: shhhh.
A fly hits the glass: s-z-z.

The teacher can come up with material for speech warm-ups himself. During reading lessons in all grades, we teach children poems, tongue twisters, and tongue twisters, which contribute to the development of speech and clear pronunciation of sounds.

In reading lessons for second grade students, I use a consonant chart. Students take a deep breath and as they exhale read one row of consonants:


Children love role-playing. The following exercises and games are very useful:

  • “Hide and Seek” (I read anywhere, the guys must find and join in the reading),
  • “Tugboat” (I read, and the children try to keep up with me).

I pay a lot of attention to retelling. In grades 1–2, schoolchildren retell without a plan; in grades 3–4, they use a plan that they often draw up themselves.

And, of course, a huge role is played by reading “to oneself.” Before this, I make sure to give several questions that the children must answer after reading the text. Thus, they learn to highlight the main thing, become accustomed to meaningful reading, and learn to formulate their thoughts. But I try to use this type of reading in high school. primary school(3–4), when reading skills are more developed, children make fewer mistakes when reading.

Simultaneously with the development of reading technique, it is necessary to work on expressiveness - methodically, calmly, unobtrusively. Work on expressive reading is carried out only after the text has been read many times and in a variety of ways. I will dwell on practicing expressive reading in more detail.

By expressive reading we mean: logical stress, pause, intonation.

Usually in a statement (oral or written) there are words, phrases, sometimes sentences, which are its logical and emotional centers and which must be somehow highlighted, otherwise the meaning of what we are talking or reading about may be misunderstood or not entirely true. This is what logical stress (one of the most important means of intonation and sound expressiveness) serves, which K.S. Stanislavsky called it “the trump card of speech expressiveness, the index finger,” which distinguishes the most important word in a sentence or text. “The highlighted word contains the soul, the inner essence, the main points of the subtext.”

In texts placed in educational books on reading for primary classes, the main thing in individual works is highlighted with the help of discharge and a large indentation before and after the main lines. For example, S.Ya. Marshak “Native Language Lesson” (L.A. Efrosinina “ Literary reading. 1 class"):

“...They write in black and white,
They write with pens and chalk:
“W e need

In other works, children's attention is drawn to words through highlighting. For example, K.G. Paustovsky “What kinds of rains there are” (M.V. Golovanova, V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimanova “Literary reading. 4th grade”):

“...But now the first drops begin to drip. People's word“Speckling” well conveys the appearance of rain, when still rare drops leave specks on dusty roads and roofs.”

But, unfortunately, there are no such highlights of the main thing in the text and poetry.

In oral speech or when reading, logical stress is helped to perform its highlighting function by the following intonation-sound means: voice strength, tempo, pauses, lengthening individual sounds(both vowels and consonants), syllable-by-syllable pronunciation, etc.

For example, N. Nosov “Patch” (L.A. Efrosinina “Literary reading. 2nd grade”):

“Bobka had wonderful pants: green, or rather khaki. Bobka loved them very much and always boasted:
Look, guys, what kind of soldier’s pants I have!”

Favorable material for teaching schoolchildren logical stress are fables, the main idea (moral) of which must be highlighted when reading.

In grades 3–4, I suggest that children themselves highlight important information in the text using the logical emphasis of words, phrases and sentences.

Also, pauses play a huge role in live speech and reading. A speech pause is a stop that divides the sound stream into separate parts.

I begin my work on placing semantic pauses with proverbs that are given in reading books. A large number of proverbs are posted in Russian language textbooks for grades 1 and 2. (S.V. Ivanov, M.I. Kuznetsov UMK “21st century”). When performing exercises, I always teach children to emphasize the main thing using pauses and logical emphasis. In high school, I suggest doing this work yourself. Children themselves highlight the main words and prepare for reading, understanding the meaning of the proverb. When called, teachers explain the proverb and read it expressively.

There are several types of pauses. A psychological pause most often coincides in the text with an ellipsis, which signals some kind of great emotional excitement. And in oral speech, to indicate such a state or the desire to hint at something, to interest the listener, a pause is made in these places.

For example, A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” (M.I. Golovanova, V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimanova “Native speech. 4th grade”):

“The coffin broke. Virgo suddenly
Alive. Looks around
With amazed eyes,
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
“How long have I been sleeping!”
And she rises from the grave...
Ah!.. and they both burst into tears.”

To draw children's attention to the ellipses, I ask the question: “What would happen if we read this passage without observing pauses in places where there are ellipses?”

After listening to the children, I generalize. And I suggest making sure that pauses are necessary. Children read without pauses, making sure that their speech becomes poorer.

It is impossible to properly organize the process of teaching expressive reading without the ability of students, on the one hand, to accurately capture thoughts and feelings from the intonation of the speaker or reader and, on the other hand, to accurately convey them using intonation during their own reading. In addition, it should be remembered that intonation in general is one of the aspects of speech culture, the thought of which should not leave the teacher in any lesson.

There are intonations: narrative, interrogative, exclamation, enumeration, etc.

Narrative intonation does not cause any particular difficulty for children.

Questions and exclamations are much more difficult. Work on intonation begins in 1st grade. The preparation includes the following tasks:

For example, L.E. Zhurova, O.A. Evdokimov “Primer”:

Introducing the word "Ay".
Children lay out this word using a box of letters and learn to read it correctly. I help children: “If you get lost in the forest, what will you do? Let’s call for help now.”
At the same time, work is underway with this word in the “Recipe”. Children learn to read and write it correctly.

Children become familiar with the intonation of enumeration in more detail in the 4th grade when studying homogeneous members of a sentence. We start getting acquainted with them in the Russian language lesson with simple sentences:

“There they played, swam, worked in the garden.”.
I invite the children to read this sentence expressively. As a result of collective work, a marking appears: “There they played, / swam, / worked in the garden.”

It is jointly concluded that the reading of homogeneous members of a sentence is characterized by the tone of enumeration, the presence of pauses, each homogeneous member is pronounced with a raised voice. After the first special acquaintance with enumerative intonation, I require students to strictly observe it in any phrase they pronounce or read with homogeneous members, I am not limited to reading and Russian language lessons. Work with intonation begins with the ABC period and continues until the end of 4th grade, but gradually becomes more complicated.

I practice correct intonation when reading by role. The material in reading books for this purpose is varied and rich.

All the work carried out will give the desired result if children reach for the book and love to read. Lessons help with this extracurricular reading. At the end of 1st grade, the children always visit the library with me, sign up and choose their first books. The purpose of my extracurricular reading lessons is to teach children to choose books on their own, to work with a book skillfully, to find their friend and assistant in a book, to make children fall in love with a book.

In extracurricular reading lessons, children hear stories about what they have read, expressive reading of passages, and recitation of poetry by heart. I often give tasks to draw a picture for a book, but I don’t force them to do it. Many children express a desire to have special notebooks where they write down passages and poems they like, and write a review of a book they read. I strongly encourage these attempts. During extracurricular reading lessons, I try to listen to “weak” students and praise them. I always remember that the worst thing is to extinguish the interest of these children in reading, in books.

In 2007–2008 academic year I started working on the teaching and learning complex “21st century” edited by N.F. Vinogradova: teaching reading and literature occurs in unity - there is no traditional division of reading into classroom and extracurricular, but special work with children's books is provided.

Listening lessons are taught in 1st grade. The traditions of literary listening have a long history. This includes many years of experience in family reading, and the methods of “folk pedagogy” (L.N. Tolstoy), and various systems created by the great teachers of Russia, who oriented the school teacher towards the formation of artistic taste, aesthetic and mental development of children.

Literary listening is the most important link in the training, education and development of first-graders. The purpose of listening lessons is to enrich the reading experience, develop reading interest, aesthetic taste of students, and their desire for independent communication with a book. To introduce a child to reading, it is necessary not only to teach him to listen to another person reading a work, but also to perceive and understand it. Listening to a literary word, the child absorbs the music of his native speech and wants to hear the text he likes again. Literary listening lessons are not only a necessary stage of preparation for mastering the literature program in subsequent grades, but also a condition for entering the world of the art of speech and educating a sensitive and thinking reader.

The main task of literary listening lessons is to teach the art of listening to a fairy tale, a story, a poem. This skill will allow the child to emotionally perceive the work, think about moral categories - good and evil, friendship and enmity, love and hate, and also experience joy, fun, pride, sadness, sadness, tenderness, admiration and other feelings. Listening lessons are a daily school for enriching moral and emotional experience, spiritual and aesthetic development. I prepare especially carefully for literary listening lessons: I determine intonation patterns, pauses, logical and psychological stresses. By perceiving the teacher’s expressive reading, six-year-old first-graders enrich their reading experience, learn to listen and hear piece of art, and later they begin to imitate the teacher.

I will give a fragment of a literary listening lesson in which children are introduced to A. Blok’s poem “Bunny” (L.A. Efrosinin’s “Literary Reading. 1st Grade”).

1. Listening to a poem (read by the teacher). This poem is very close to the children’s mood and perception of the world around them, since the lesson is held in late autumn. While reading, I watch the children, their facial expressions and gestures. After reading, I ask the question: “Did you like the poem? Why?". Each student expresses his opinion about the piece he listened to.

2. Working with the work. Identification of the author's point of view and the poet's feelings. At this stage of the work, modeling is used: “How does a poem begin?” Students remember. I read the first lines again:

"To the little bunny
On a damp hollow
Before my eyes were amused
White flowers..."

Children model the first picture on pieces of paper: with colored pencils they draw a summer landscape (sun) and a circle with the letter “Z”.

"Gloomy, rainy
Autumn has come,
All the cabbage was removed
Nothing to steal.
Poor bunny is jumping
Near the wet pines,
It's scary to be in the clutches of a wolf
Gray to get..."

Schoolchildren model the second picture: they draw changes in the world around the bunny (rain) and a circle with the letter “B”.

The students remember the last lines:

“If only it were warmer,
If only it were drier...
Very unpleasant
Walk on water."

They simulate the third picture, in which the bunny’s dreams are conveyed: “Thinking about summer.”

3. Work on expressive reading.“How should we read every picture drawn by a poet? What feelings should we awaken in our listeners?” The guys try to read the poem expressively, and those who cannot read yet evaluate their classmates.

Work on expressive reading does not stop in any lesson. I always try to achieve correct and expressive reading. I remember this in extracurricular activities. Every year I take part in Theater Week. I show various works, prepare costumes for the children, and invite parents. Children participate with interest. I take part in all school events with my class.

“...To make you respect yourself without pride;
to love and help your neighbor without cunning or calculation;
value family;
to be imbued with love and desire for good to one’s Motherland even
until he is ready to lay down his head for her;
comprehend your life and your work, no matter how it may be,
apparently insignificant, and in this work there is more than one
burden, but to some extent also pleasure,
show the reasonable use of leisure..."

It is these goals that a primary school teacher must be able to achieve when teaching children to read.


  1. Vokhmyanina L.A., Ignatieva T.V., Fedosova T.A. Programs educational institutions. - M.: Primary classes, 2004.
  2. Lomizov A.F. Expressive reading while learning syntax and punctuation. - M.: 1986.
  3. Svetlovskaya N.N. Methodology for conducting extracurricular reading lessons. - M.: 1993.
  4. Stanislavsky K.S. Collected works. - M.: 1955. - vol. 3.
  5. Proceedings of the First Congress of Russian Language Teachers in military educational institutions(December 22–31, 1903). - St. Petersburg: 1904.