What is a disciplinary battalion? Disciplinary hell. Disbat is not an army

Recently, FACTS published material about how two prisoners from the guardhouse of the disciplinary military unit A-0488, stationed in the capital, took a sentry hostage, took away his machine gun, and held him all night until Alpha intervened. in the tension of father-commanders. The terrorists explained to the investigation that the guardhouse sergeants brutally beat them, and after one of the prisoners, trying to commit suicide, cut his wrists, he was handcuffed to the door.

Did the defendants tell the truth? Could similar things happen in a unit where, it would seem, discipline should be especially strong?

“Waiting for “definition” in the company, I lost five kilograms in one day.”

A young man came to the editorial office of FACTS, who, according to him, served a sentence in the disbat for a year and a half and was released in 1997. He asked that his name not be used in the publication.

In the disbat you asked the soldiers how they were living. They told how they marched in formation, worked, and re-educated. So - all this is window dressing, for the press. Neither the privates in a military unit, nor the cadets at a military school will ever tell a journalist the truth! If any of them opens their mouth, they will be beaten for the rest of their lives.

I won’t say why I ended up in disbat; I’ve already served my time. Before that he was a cadet at a military school. After the trial, they brought me to the disciplinary battalion. It was Friday the 13th. Immediately at the checkpoint I got punched in the face so that I wouldn’t think I was too tough. And he ended up in quarantine, where he stayed for a couple of weeks, waiting in horror for the day of assignment to the company. During this time, I lost probably five kilograms - out of fear.

What were the reasons for such panic fear?

After new recruits arrive in the company, the thieves begin to determine who you are: “the devil,” “the man,” or “the thieves.” These concepts came into the disbat from the “maloletki” (colony for juvenile delinquents). There are fewer "thieves" out there. There are a lot of “Chertuganov”, but even more are needed to work and serve everyone else. The “definition” began after lights out. They beat me all evening and all night. There were four of us newbies. Two broke at once. My friend lost consciousness and they didn’t beat him anymore. I held on until the end, and in the morning I could not get up - my whole chest was blue-violet, as if a shell had hit it, and my nose turned into a bloody mess. But he deserved the title of “man.”

Please tell us more about this “hierarchical ladder”.

Among the four disbat companies, only one is subject to the officer's regulations. The rest are under criminal conditions. In each company there are three or four thieves who have been through a juvenile colony or an adult prison. They stick together as a “family” and enjoy unlimited influence. “Men” live on their own and do not serve anyone. Sometimes a position is bought for oneself with money. Each criminal has two or three “shniryas” - those who wash and iron him, polish his boots until they shine. They are proud that they are close to the thieves. And there are also those who are omitted - one or two in a company. These are "blue". The rest are afraid to even touch them. They have separate wash basins and toilet stalls. If you go there, consider yourself like that. I'll tell you a story. A “blue” got into the company, no one knew about it, and he did not show himself in any way. Lived like normal person. I left the company, and suddenly a “malyava” (letter) came from freedom to the boss: “Who was in your company? This is a cock, lowered.” The whole company, including the boss, ate soap after that.

To remove the shame from yourself. The rule is stupid, in general...

Did you eat a lot?

Well, one piece at a time. The godfather, however, only licked it.


The thug's rosary is twisted; if it falls, it is considered “finished” and cannot be lifted from the floor. Unless he picks up the last “pin” to throw it away. And if someone raised it, they will give him a freebie. They will hit you hard in the shoulder or chest.

In heart?

This is how it is done in the army. There was a guy sitting with me in the guardhouse. He was already a “grandfather” and hit the “spirit” (a soldier in his first year of service. - Author) so hard that his heart stopped. They gave “grandfather” five years.

After “fighting off” do they end up in the hospital?

We had a former boxer named Tyson. He hit the soldier so hard that his spleen ruptured. We managed to take him to the hospital. And they “beat off” another one - they hit him in the chest, and he fell on the back of the bed with his head. And he died.

“The warrant officer’s special baton tore out a piece of skin from the person being beaten.”

Have there been any suicides?

The guys cut their wrists. One hanged himself. While they were carrying him on a stretcher to the medical unit, the corpse... raised his hand - the muscles began to contract. Those who carried him fell unconscious.

Are there ways to get out of the disbat without serving until the end of the term?

You wrote about an escape attempt, when one fugitive was shot from a guard tower, two were detained on the territory of the disbat, and another managed to escape. Another guy was about to run through sewer hatch in the dining room, got stuck in a pipe and almost suffocated. They barely dragged him out of there by his feet. There is another way out - commissioning. To do this, you need to go to the hospital, and then it’s a matter of technique: you pay the doctors one hundred or three hundred dollars and they’ll give you a commission. But getting to the hospital is difficult. Even with enuresis.

How are such soldiers treated?

They beat me, of course. And if they suddenly suspect that he is mowing, just hold on! Oh, they don't like that in the army. It is believed: got in, serve, gain respect.

And how to do this?

Of course, you can't win respect with work. Some openly suck up to thieves, others pay. Basically, disobedience and rebellion against officers are valued. But the command of the unit is fighting the rebels, putting them in the guardhouse. It is not easy to stay there for ten days - it is so cold in autumn and winter that the prisoner constantly runs in circles to keep warm. Only one chamber is more or less warm, where the pipe from the boiler room passes. To train particularly violent ones, knee-deep water and bleach are poured into a concrete bag. This is called a "gas chamber". After this, anyone will agree to anything!

Are prisoners handcuffed to the wall?

Easily! And they hang you up and beat you. I wonder if the warrant officer (gives his last name) who was in charge of the guardhouse when I was in the disbat is still serving? He had a special rubber baton that stretched upon impact and tore out a piece of skin. The ensign often practiced in this way. Of course, for officers, serving in a disbat is exile. I accidentally saw the cases of two of our officers who came to us for official inconsistency. But almost all of them become sadists in one way or another.

The godfather yelled at the cooks: “What are you giving me? I don’t like soup without water in it!”

When we arrived at the unit, lunch in the canteen was quite decent: pea soup, pasta with meat and pancakes with compote. The convict cooks said that “this happens every day.” This is true?

I repeat: who will tell you the truth? You walk around hungry all day with one thought - about food. You wake up in the morning and dream: “I’m going to breakfast, let’s eat. What happiness!” You come back from breakfast - what you ate, what you listened to the radio. At work you think: “It’s almost lunch, maybe we’ll get some food.” No, the same thing - thin soup and a few spoons of porridge. Life is completely different for thieves. There is such a thing as “fitting”. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the cooks “prescribe” normal food to the thieves on a special, separate table: meat, dumplings, dumplings. In the evenings they bake cakes for them. I remember how the godfather once yelled at the cooks: “What are you giving me? I don’t like soup without water in it.” They were so afraid of him that they only put meat and potatoes on the plate. These cooks are the most unfortunate people in the disbat, although sometimes they can throw themselves an extra piece. They know: if they don’t please you in some way, there will be a “killing” in the evening.

Yes, we arrived an hour and a half before lunch. They wouldn't have had time to prepare so quickly...

A disciplinary battalion is an army within an army. When big bosses suddenly show up for an inspection, they will do everything possible to make the inspectors gasp.

“I don’t regret that I passed the disbat”

If there is no officer in the company in the evening, “balloons” are placed at the windows and doors to monitor the routes of approach to the barracks. Lists of “sharoviks” are available in each company. The senior “sharovik” is the head of the so-called guard, which includes “devils” and recently arrived “men”. You must stand on guard so carefully that it is not noticeable from the outside. Just a little bit - the “balls” immediately transmit: “The officer on duty has entered the zone ... “It will reach the boss - and through feedback: “Watch where he is going ... “” “He’s coming here!” Everyone quickly manages to lie down in bed. One day the “sharovik” barked: “Lieutenant Colonel so-and-so is coming to our company.” And he heard. And he punished the entire company - on Sunday he sent them to drill. If you miss the balls, they will hit you. I also stood “on guard” for three months.

During the showdown, the thieves and the guilty go to the utility room, where there is a toilet and washbasin. After lights out, you can only move along the aisle between the beds by crawling. Spotlights from the guard towers shine directly into the windows of the barracks. If the sentry notices that someone is moving inside, he will immediately raise the alarm.

And the thieves move at a crawl?

They leave before lights out. If there is no one to punish, they simply wash, smoke, and tattoo themselves with an ordinary electric razor with a needle attached to it. Of course, it hurts, then there are suppurations... But they are thieves, they need tattoos! During the morning inspection, the officer looks to see if anyone has any fresh tattoos or bruises. The thieves are interested in ensuring that no one gets bruises, otherwise the whole company will suffer, and they too. That's why they hide the beaten man. When, after identification, my chest was a solid bruise for a week, none of the officers “saw” me.

What kind of relationship exists between officers and thieves?

Throughout the army, officers turn a blind eye to hazing. It's convenient for them. The commander may not appear in the company, but order will be maintained there. They put pressure on thieves only for show. In fact, there is a truce between them. I remember that the boss of the entire zone was locked up in the guardhouse for some offense. The zone was in revolt - the officers were afraid to even enter the territory. And the boss was released.

What year of school did you get there from?

From the third. In fact, cadets rarely end up in disbat. But, to be honest, I don’t regret that it happened this way. There I realized that I was worth something. Now I have no criminal record, I found Good work. But the main thing is that I am not afraid of anything or anyone in life.

“What prompted the former disbat member to make dubious revelations - one can only guess”

After a conversation with a former convict of the disbat, we considered it necessary to consult with an officer who, after serving for many years in the disciplinary battalion, retired and now has nothing to do with the Armed Forces.

About the “gas” chambers in the guardhouse - incredible nonsense. And the ensign (he gives the same last name) did not have a rubber baton. Although he is a tough person, it is true. There were riots, an officer was even taken hostage. But then we managed to suppress the emergency on our own. There were also escapes. The last one in my memory was when the officer on duty himself, having drunk vodka with four convicts at night, took them out of the gate. He was then sentenced to four years. We fought fiercely with such a phenomenon as “lowered” - we mixed the bowls on the tables, and turned off the water in the washbasins, except for one, and let everyone into the toilet blindfolded, so that they would not see who went into which stall. “Determinations” happened, although the Transcaucasians (now there are no longer any of them in our army) knew how to come to each other’s rescue in such cases, and the Slavic brothers thrashed each other with joy. But it was impossible for the officer not to notice the bruises during the morning check.

The commander’s press secretary also commented on the story of the former disbat member Ground forces Ukrainian Major Alexander Naumenko:

Not a single journalist has ever been refused entry to a disciplinary unit. A sane person should understand: if the leadership of the Ministry of Defense had the slightest doubt about the order in this part, then the journalist would not have set foot there. Yes, incidents do occur, but they are immediately stopped by the convicts themselves or the sergeants, and the perpetrators are punished in accordance with the regulations. There are fairy tales about dumplings and dumplings for farmers. And “horror films” with corpses coming to life and sadistic officers are not serious. I have been serving for 18 years and have never heard anything like this - although, fortunately, I was not in the disbat. One can only guess what prompted the former disbat member to make dubious revelations. But throwing a stone at the structure that helped you correct yourself and start new life, - at least dishonestly.

The commander of the disciplinary unit, Colonel Andrei Shander, put an end to this story:

What this guy talked about may have happened once, but not with me. I've been serving here for three years now. The country is changing for the better, and so is our part.


Disciplinary Battaliondisbat") - a special military unit in which military personnel convicted of criminal offenses during compulsory service and military college cadets serve their sentences until they receive their primary officer rank. Created for the same purposes in accordance with the previously existing criminal code. The period of service of convicts in the "disbat" was not counted towards the total service life, with the exception of special occasions(order of the district commander). At the end of the 80s, the period of service by decision of the Military Tribunal was increased to three years. There were disbats in each district, divided into “sea” and “land”. The military personnel were divided into a “permanent” composition (non-convicted persons, who held positions from squad commanders to battalion commanders) and a “variable” composition - convicts. "Permanent" officers the rank was assigned one higher than in ordinary units (platoon commander - captain, company commander - major, battalion commander - colonel). A serviceman sent to Disbat ("diesel") by the decision of the Military Tribunal, upon arrival in Disbat, is deprived military rank, which is restored to him after serving his term of service in Disbat (or release on parole). A serviceman sent to a disbat (application of Article 34 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to a convicted person) by a decision of the Military Tribunal, after serving his assigned term, had no criminal record (Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR).

Since the end of the summer of 1942, on the basis of Order No. 227 of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin created front-line penal battalions for officers and army penal companies for Red Army soldiers, sergeants and foremen. Combat schedule of penal units of the Red Army - gg. there were 60 penal battalions and 1049 penal companies. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, they were transformed into disciplinary battalions and remained under this name even after the collapse of the USSR in armed forces Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries.

Currently, the procedure and conditions for keeping convicted military personnel in Disciplinary Battalions are determined by the “Regulations on the Disciplinary Battalion in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, No. 669 and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 302 dated July 29, 1997. Time of stay convicted in the Disciplinary Battalion on time military service is not included (except in cases of a petition from the command of the unit addressed to the Commander of the military district under whose subordination the Disciplinary Battalion is located to count the period of stay in the Disciplinary Battalion against the period of active military service), but the convicts remain military personnel and wear the shoulder straps of privates (sailors). After serving 1/3 of the sentence, a convict who has embarked on the path of correction can be enrolled in the “category of those undergoing correction” and allowed to serve in uniform or to work outside the territory of the unit (with or without escort). After serving at least half of their sentence, convicts included in the “category of those undergoing correction” may be eligible for parole.


  • Great Patriotic War 1941–1945: encyclopedia.- / Ch. ed. MM. Kozlov. -M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1985. -832 p. with illustration, 35 l. ill.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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Disbat sounds, you see, harsh. Almost the same as the penal battalion during the war, which was thrown into the most hopeless areas of battle - in order to atone with blood for wrongdoing before the Motherland. In today's peacetime, there are only two disciplinary battalions left in Russia. And, of course, no one redeems anything in them with blood. Although rumors of difficult conditions stays in the disbat are passed on among soldiers by word of mouth. This is now a kind of high security army correctional facility.

On Tuesday, Separate Disciplinary Battalion No. 28 marks its 25th anniversary of its formation (until 1986 it was a disciplinary company).


Soldiers from neighboring units are brought to us specifically for excursions,” says Major Alexander Ilchenko, deputy battalion commander for educational work, with a grin. “We show them the real conditions in which convicts serve their sentences. As the commanders later say, after such an excursion the soldiers sacredly honor the regulations of military service and are not eager to become our clients.

In fact, the 28th Separate Disciplinary Battalion in Mulino (this is the Nizhny Novgorod region, the famous Gorokhovets training ground - the largest in Europe) looks like an ordinary military unit. Checkpoints, barracks, parade ground, sports town... And - barbed wire, towers, vicious dogs, fencing systems like in a prison, three levels of protection. On this side of the disbat there is a security company (freestylers), on the other there is a zone for temporary stayers (convicts). The gap between them is huge, although both are soldiers of the same age.

Soldiers for the security company are selected at the conscription stage - with a stable psyche. The loads are colossal. One hundred guards a year is the norm. Almost daily classes with convicts are also not sugar. It is no coincidence that soldiers and officers here receive a bonus “for special conditions of service.”

Now we have 162 people serving sentences for committing crimes, the military officer clearly reports. O. battalion commander Major Vitaly Yudakov. - In total there are 800 people on staff.

So you have a shortage? Can I report vacancies in the disbat? - we ask the major.

“We are always happy to accept new clients,” Vitaly Anatolyevich reacts to the joke. - Here the military court decides who will be our wards.

The main contingent in the disbat are those convicted under Article 335. These are hazing relationships - “hazing”, in all its manifestations. There is also “theft”, “extortion”, “illegal abandonment of a unit”, and, a little less often, “desertion”.

Refused to wash the barracks...

Sergei Grigoriev was brought to Mulino from Volgograd, where he served in one of the Air Force units. The boy looks gloomily from under frowning eyelids and still, it seems, does not fully understand where he ended up. Sergei has Article 232, Part 1 - double failure to comply with an order, 6 months in prison.

Why did you get the sentence? - I ask him.

He refused to wash the floors in the barracks...

Grigoriev comes from Abkhazia, where washing floors is considered not a man’s job. The Russian boy has adopted the “laws of the mountains” and now he will have to study the “laws of disbat” for six months. Cleaning the toilet should seem like a pleasure to him...

Valery Bedrizov, who has spent almost a year here, has a different story. He, a sergeant, sent the company orderly, a soldier of his conscription, to restore order in the toilet. He sent it in three letters.

I don’t know what came over me then. “He lost his temper and hit him,” Valera blushes.

The blow from the boxing sergeant was delivered professionally - his colleague’s spleen was ruptured. Bedrizov was given two years of disqualification...

Before serving, the 24-year-old managed to graduate from a construction college in Perm, work as a construction foreman and build three 17-story residential buildings. Here, in the disbat, Valera has already earned himself a light regime and has the right to leave the zone without an accompanying machine gunner. Most likely, in a month or two he will receive the right to parole - conditional early release.

I will work from home in my specialty, I need to compensate 100 thousand rubles for the damage to the victim,” says Valera. - I regret that this happened, but the disbat taught me a lot...

What is the corrective power of disbat? They don’t beat you here, they don’t mock you, they don’t throw you into a cesspool; even the guardhouse (analogous to a punishment cell) was free on the day of our arrival.

We simply force the convicts to live according to the rules and fill every minute with classes,” says Major Yudakov.

There are a lot of things to do. If this is drill training - constant pacing on the parade ground, so much so that stars float before your eyes. If physical training - then sweat. Studying the charter - so that every line bounces off your teeth. Plus cleaning the barracks without a hint of hackwork. For the slightest refusal - a guardhouse, the presence in which is not taken into account in the term of serving the sentence - delays release every day. Nobody wants to sit, it’s better to do everything without complaint. So absolutely everyone does it, even the “proud and independent” Caucasians.

Caucasians - more than half

Representatives North Caucasus in disbat - more than half*, 96 people out of 162. For the most part These are Dagestanis. The statistics are truly alarming. IN Russian army There are now about a million people serving. Of these, a little more than 20 thousand are Caucasians - that’s 2%. In the Mulino disbat, 59% of convicted highlander soldiers **.

We have no differences based on nationality,” emphasizes Major Vitaly Yudakov. “Everyone here cleans the toilets and eats lard under the same conditions.” Friendship of peoples, so to speak, in miniature.

On the territory of the disbat there is an Orthodox church and a prayer room for Muslims. On Thursdays, the convicts are visited by Father George and Father Vladimir, and on Fridays by Mullah Mansur Hazrat. By the way, the church here was built with our own hands from scrap materials. But it is not easy to become one of the believers; one statement that you cannot live without prayer is not enough. Only those who do not have any violations are allowed to go to church.

Correction by disbat also has its own considerable advantage - a criminal record is not marked on the military ID. Only the entry in the column “ last place services" - military unit 12801.

After the disciplinary battalion, when applying for a job, our clients calmly write in the application form “we do not judge,” says Major Alexander Ilchenko. - By the way, only 5% of former disbat members subsequently end up in crime. The rest prefer to live according to the laws. This also says a lot.

Rusichi ROOIVS

Disbat is a disciplinary battalion, that is, a military unit special purpose, where military personnel who have committed grave disciplinary violations regarding military service end up.

A separate disciplinary battalion is a special-purpose formation in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. This is a separate military unit where military personnel who were sentenced for committing criminal offenses during military service serve their sentences. Also included in disbats are cadets from military schools and higher education institutions. educational institutions until they are awarded the first officer rank.

For what actions are they sent to disbat?

Disbats are formed for the purpose of serving a sentence by military personnel in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The period of service of the guilty in a disciplinary unit is not included in the total period of military service, with the exception of only individual cases (by order of the commander of the military forces of the district or region). That is, a guilty serviceman who has served the entire period of punishment for the committed act in a disciplinary battalion is then sent to complete his term of service for the period that remained until he was sentenced.

Today, soldiers and sergeants are sent to separate disbats to serve criminal sentences:

  • those who have committed criminal offenses during military service;
  • sentenced by a military court to such punishment.

Let us note that after serving their full term in the disbat, military personnel who have fully served their required term of service under the law do not have a documented criminal record.

The perpetrators are sent to such a battalion solely by decision of a military court. Persons liable for military service are sent to these correctional institutions who have committed criminal acts that are not classified as grave, but which, in accordance with the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are punishable by imprisonment for up to 2 years. In most cases, military personnel are disciplined for such offenses as going AWOL and using hazing against newly arrived colleagues.

In disciplinary battalions, the norms of the general military regulations, and not the Code of Criminal Procedure, are applied. In addition to serving his sentence in the disbat, the released serviceman has the obligation to serve out his stipulated term in a regular army unit. Only after this he receives his documents without a mark on the presence of a criminal record. The key differences between a correctional unit and a standard military unit are:

  • undeniable adherence to the norms of the charter;
  • a rigid and clearly established daily routine;
  • complete absence of dismissals.

The awarded compulsory work in the disbat, as a rule, represents economic activity.

Features of the organization

In most cases, the total number of disbats is approximately 300 convicts. The procedure and conditions of stay of convicted military personnel in a special battalion are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 1997 No. 669 and Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 302 of July 29, 1997.

In accordance with these regulations, the time served in disbat is not included in the total period of military service. However, in order to achieve its inclusion, it is necessary to send a petition to the command of the military unit addressed to the commander-in-chief of the military forces of a certain region or district within whose control the disciplinary battalion resides. This document must indicate the reason and request for inclusion of the period of stay in the disbat in the total period of service.

At the same time, while serving their sentence in a special battalion, convicts retain the status of military personnel and wear the shoulder straps of privates. After the convict has served 1/3 of his sentence, if his behavior is excellent, he may be transferred to a correctional unit, he may also be allowed to serve in uniform or to perform work outside the military unit (with or without the supervision of a convoy) ).

They are sent to disbats for various criminal acts against the service: theft, hazing, etc. In accordance with the norms of current legislation, the maximum term of serving a sentence in disbat is 2 years. In most cases, depending on the severity of the crime, the military court imposes a sentence of 6 to 18 months.

New convicts arriving at the disbat are required to undergo quarantine upon arrival. Then they undergo a month of intensive drill training, and only after passing these stages the convicts are assigned to companies.

Mode of serving a sentence in disbat

In addition to daily strict drill training and strict adherence to the regulations, there are also many restrictions and prohibitions in force in special battalions. For example, visits with relatives and friends are carried out according to a set schedule, and such visits last only a few hours. All meetings with relatives take place under the supervision of a convoy or controllers.

As a rule, transfers from relatives are not allowed. It is strictly forbidden to bring tea or coffee, as well as alcoholic drinks, into the area. Prohibitions also apply to stationery. Thus, in most disbats, convicts are allowed to have one ballpoint pen and two refills, two notebooks and no more than ten envelopes.

From a group of reforming convicts who are different good behavior, they may be sent for parole.

The disciplinary battalion is not a zone or a prison in the direct sense, but it is characterized by the presence of most of the attributes of captivity and imprisonment. Some convicts attempt to escape, but such attempts in most cases end in failure. If they cross the border of a zone or restricted area, such fugitives are caught, after which the sentence served is added for such offenses.

Serving a term in disbat is not recorded in the personal file as a criminal record, and therefore is not taken into account during the period of military service. Therefore, most convicts return to their units to complete their period of military service. IN in some cases For excellent behavior, the period of service in the disbat is counted towards the service life. Ordinary convicts from the rotating composition are transferred to the reserve from the disbat; they receive the nicknames of “ringers.”

End of sentence in disbat

Previously, after the end of their sentence, soldiers received money and traveled under their own power to their units to complete their military service. However, often during the move they committed new criminal acts due to various circumstances. Therefore in last years released convicts from a special battalion are sent to a unit exclusively under the supervision of a supervising officer or warrant officer. Often this wait is prolonged due to the lack of responsible employees for supervision or funds for business trips. Also, military units may be located in the Far North, from where it takes too long to get there, as a result of which convicts often overstay their sentence.

In the special battalion, the movement of convicts and communication between them is limited. For example, it is strictly forbidden to communicate with convicts from other units. Based on this principle, convicts who received punishment for committing one crime and accomplice are distributed into different units. During the entire period of serving their sentence, they do not have the right to exchange even a few words. For violating this rule, they face disciplinary action, and punishment in the form of a guardhouse located on the territory of a special battalion is also often applied.

Video about the disciplinary battalion

In most cases, before being sent to disbat, convicts serve a certain amount of time in a pre-trial detention center. Therefore, they often adopt not only the manner of speaking, but also the criminal experience from the inmates in the detention center. After serving their sentence in the disbat, convicts are sent to serve out their term in the army.