Pronunciation chn or shn is enough. Pronunciation of combinations – chn– and – th. Pronunciation of foreign words

When pronouncing a combination of letters h And n Mistakes are often made. This is due to a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation, according to which in many words this combination was pronounced as [shn]. According to the norms of modern Russian literary language, the combination – chn– usually pronounced as [chn], especially in words of book origin (greedy, careless) as well as in words that appeared in the recent past (camouflage, landing etc.).

However, traditional pronunciation [shn] is preserved in the following words: of course, on purpose, scrambled eggs, trifling, birdhouse. In addition, pronunciation [shn] instead of the spelling "chn" it is required in female patronymics ending in – ichna: Ilyinichna, Lukinichna, Nikitichna, Kuzminichna and so on.

Some words with combination – chn– in accordance with modern norms of literary language, they are pronounced in two ways - or as [shn], or how [chn]: bakery, laundry, cheap, decent, dairy, creamy and etc.

IN in some cases different pronunciation of the combination – chn- serves for semantic differentiation of words:

[chn] – [shn]

heart attack is a heart friend;

midnight serenade – midnight owl, night owl.

According to old Moscow standards, the combination -wha- pronounced like [PCS] in a word What and in words derived from it: nothing, something etc. Currently, this rule is maintained for all specified words except the word something -[Thu]. In all other words, the spelling - th - is always pronounced as [cht]: mail, dream and etc.

Pronunciation of foreign words

The Russian language is characterized by a tendency for the sound appearance of borrowed words to adapt to Russian phonetic

laws In accordance with this, some borrowed words with the letter e after the original hard consonant “Russianized” and are pronounced with a soft consonant before e. For example: museum[z"e], academy[d"e].

However, a number of words retain a hard consonant before e. For example: business[ne], test[te].

Hard consonant before a letter e

















Soft consonant before a letter e
















Words in which it is necessary to observe one or another pronunciation of a consonant are given in the dictionary appendix to this chapter.

Test tasks

Exercise 1. Read the sentences, using a dictionary to determine the correct stress in the highlighted words.

1. Expert decided to re-check the quality cottage cheese on wholesale market.

2. In the first quarter We let's conclude an agreement about the gasket gas pipeline.

3. On the cover catalog depicted a porcelain pendant on a silver chain.

4. I started to get sick sealed tooth. To ease my suffering, the doctor had to seal him again.

5. Many schools have already introduced school uniforms: boys have trousers and jackets, and girls have nice ones corrugated skirts and blouses.

6. Chain With shells from porcelain looked much better more beautiful on her neck than on her hand.

7. Today our company sent barge With flounder to Moscow.

8. The saleswoman began to lift a heavy box with cakes, but the employee helped her, thereby making it easier her work.

9. B catalog things from this company turned out to be more beautiful, than in catalog company "Maria".

10. Cottage cheese turned out to be tasteless and had to be thrown away garbage chute.

11. We bought beets By wholesale price.

12. In the past quarter chain there were a lot in this store more beautiful and were cheaper.

13. Input oil pipeline action was scheduled for the second quarter this year.

14. Agreement about the delivery of a batch of high quality porcelain will be signed only after expert will give his conclusion.

16. For provision healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to exclude from your diet cakes And alcohol.

17. Experts prepared a new one catalog quality alcoholic products.

18. By expert's petition commissions guardianship over the object will be carried out by the city mayor's office.

19. In the last quarter this year experts one of the companies entered into a profitable deal agreement, what were they for awarded.

20. Spoiled the child did not want to eat meatballs and reached for cake.

21. Flounder– sea fish, which can be bought at wholesale price.

22. In the old ones blocks no city water supply

23. Security resident safety, security oil pipeline – the most important tasks facing the special forces.

24. For breakfast we prepared a salad from cottage cheese with beets and boiled flounder.

25. During the conference it was signed agreement about ensuring air transport safety.

26. Expert gave a conclusion about the absence of nitrates in beets And sorrel.

27. Marine shell on chain- a beautiful decoration.

28. While the soup was cooking sorrel, I did meatballs.

29. On funeral we expressed condolences relatives of the deceased.

30. We let's conclude an agreement about guardianship only in the next quarter.

31. During long voyages, the sides barges overgrow shells.

32. Expert on real estate spoke about various scams.

33. In drug treatment dispensary conversations were held about the dangers alcohol.

34. We ordered at the restaurant beets with mayonnaise, potatoes, flounder, and for dessert - a piece cake.

35. House management coming soon will conclude an agreement with a construction campaign to repair the water supply system and garbage chute.

36. He calls acquaintances to express their condolences and warn that he will not be able to attend funeral.

37. Porcelain need to be wrapped in sheet, otherwise it may break.

38. He will call me when I get a new one catalog.

39. Porcelain and gold chain put up for sale in the past quarter.

40. Expert found traces in the victim's blood alcohol.

41. Cottage cheese as useful as sorrel.

42. To the department social protection received petition about guardianship over orphaned children.

43. Experts decided to check the conditions agreement.

44. Our neighbors ordered kitchen headset by catalogue.

45. Brought to the shoe factory rubber And tarpaulin

46. ​​The management decided give bonuses employee for timely security production materials.

47. The office was installed computer, to ease work expert.

48. Make a profitable deal agreement it was possible only with expert's request.

49. We looked through catalog with the offered products and decided to conclude agreement with this company.

50. The young economist managed to conclude agreement on financing the development of the latest software provision and thereby bypass the competing company, for which he was awarded board of directors.

51. Experts claim that food must be consumed cottage cheese and other dairy products, as many vegetables as possible, e.g. beets, carrots, cabbage, and greens - sorrel, dill, parsley.

52. Spoiled children eat in large quantities candies and cakes.

53. In the neighboring quarter there are garages -shells, and in our quarter They are not here.

54. A little boy was afraid seal tooth, and mom tried encourage him, promising to buy him a lot cakes

55. After each shift, the storekeeper must seal doors of the warehouse in which they are stored corrugated paper and rubber.

56. Security employees of the enterprise with new equipment significantly made it easier their work.

57. In two quarter there is a store selling cakes

58. You need to go through two quarter before wholesale market.

59. In this catalog presented most beautiful products from porcelain.

60. The court will consider your petition about guardianship over my son.

61. We can ease your life if you tell me who else took part in this scam.

62. Kitchen the knife was so dull that cakes just broke it, but flounder And beets didn't cut at all.

63. More beautiful this kitchen headset I didn't see anything.

64. Experts legal department advised turn on V agreement additional clause regarding acceptance wholesale batch of goods.

65. In the furniture department of our shopping center you can purchase beautiful kitchen headsets, and also conclude contracts on wholesale furniture supplies.

Brief spelling dictionary

The dictionary contains words that often show fluctuations in stress and pronunciation. The stressed vowel in words is indicated by a capital letter.

Those words where stress fluctuations are not observed in the basic form (nominative case singular), and in other grammatical forms (for example, luggage, beard, board etc.), are marked with the following marks, indicating which accentological type given word applies:

(n) – words with fixed stress;

(o) – words that have an accent on the ending in oblique cases;

1 – words in which type 1 stress shift occurs;

2 – words in which type 2 stress shift occurs;

3 – words in which type 3 stress shift occurs;

4 – words in which type 4 stress shift occurs;

5 – words in which type 5 stress shift occurs.

adequate (de)

ACADEMY (not de)


antenna (te)



ball 1


bow (n)

pool (se)


petrol line

costume jewelry (te)



pain (n)


board 1



keychain (n)


drill: drill, drill etc.

buffer 1

shaft 1

monogram 1





TAKE A LOOK: I'll take a look, I'll take a look, I'll take a look etc.

turn on: turn it on, turn it on etc.

CAPACITY: will accommodate, will accommodate etc.

age (n)

wolf 2

wave 4

thief 2

harm (O)

reprimand (n)


gas pipeline


coat of arms ironing

Mute: Jamming, jamming etc.

year 1

Goal 1

mustard plaster (shn)






graphA (O)


priming (n)

dirt (n)


grandfather (n)


detective (de; te)

village 2

hyphen (de)

director 1

dispensary (se)




doctor 1

chisel: hammering, hammering etc.

job title 2


board 5

confessor (O)


Capacity (n)

tourniquet (O)

rod (O)

gland 4

bile (acceptable bile)

biliary (acceptably biliary)


Mute: drown it out, drown it out etc.


loan: I'll borrow, I'll borrow etc. (n)

to conclude: you will conclude, you will conclude etc.





freeze: You'll starve, you'll starve etc.




clog: You clog, it clogs etc. beast 2

Call: You call, it rings etc.

Earth 5

the Omen


needle 3

identical (de)



X (n)

Index (de)

interview (te)


exclude: exclude, exclude etc.


expired (period)


cabaret (re)

border (O)

stone 2

a drop (n)

cafeteria (te)



brush 2


glue: glue, glue, glue etc.

ring 3


computer (te)

of course (shn)

root 2

spit 3


cottageEdge (te)

tap (n)

more beautiful


CREAM (re) (n)

roll: It's tilting, it's tilting etc.

fortress 2

circle 1

hook (O)

cube (n)


camp 1

lazer (ze)

swan 2

ift (n)






trifle 2

terrain (n)


almond (O)

minus (n)

centuries old

MODEL (de)

starve: you're staring, you're staring etc.

motel (te)

garbage chute

emery (O)

tilt: It's tilting, it's tilting etc.


on purpose (shn)






news 2

nail 2




Region 2




Hoop 2 flint

dress: dress it, dress it etc.


window 3

District 1



horde 3

Order 1

Order 1

settled (O)


disable: Turn it off, turn it off etc.

unpin: Unpin, unpin etc. open

split off: flake off, flake off etc.


eyeglass case (shn)

pantheOn (te)

boy 2

partner (te)

sail 1

scenery (n)


MOVE: Move it, move it etc.


plan (n)

Glider (permissible E)


fetus (O)



plane 2



story 2


submit 2

cheer up

to plug: connect, connect etc.


signature (n)


candlestick (sh)

Call: You call, it will call etc.

regiment (O)

band 4

it's time 5


funeral: from the funeral, at the funeral

honor (n)

Laundry (sh)



profit (n)











Pinch: we'll pinch you, we'll pinch it etc.

carried out



sermon 2


profile (n)


trifling (sh)


separate: you will separate, you will separate etc.






river 5

belt (O)

renoE (re, me)

rubEzh (O)

ruble (O)




drill: drill, drill etc.

sweater (te)



earring 4


orphan 3

tablecloth 2

birdhouse (shn)

stock (n)

pan 4

speed 2



cheekbone 3

boring (shn)


Sloboda 4

servant 3

resin 3



sable 1, 2



convening (n)

pine 3


back 5 Wednesday 5

means (n)

glass 3

wall 5


kernel (n)

sterlet 2

foot (O)

side 5



build 1

line 4

stanzaA 3

sole (O)

soup 1



tendency (te, de)

Tennis (te)

shadow 2

heating conduit

thermos (te)


circulation (O)

volume 1

tone 1

poplar 1

bargaining, bargaining 1

end (O)

trail 4

cable (n)

cane 2


shoe (n)

rear 1


taken away



Coal 2

Give: Give it, give it etc.



kill: You'll die, you'll die etc.





JUNK (n)

iron (O)


Infringe: We'll hurt you, we'll hurt you etc.


queen (O)


fund (n)


move 1



Hill (O)

choir 1


crystal (O)

price 5

church 2


tea 1

canoe (O)

quarter 2


step 1 scarf (n)

gear (O)

chimpanzee (ze)

closet 1

chauffeur (n)

font (n)

headquarters 1


stamp 1 (te)


storm (n)

fine (n)

jester (O)

cheek 5


gap 2

shield (O)


psychic (se)


Legally Divine

language (O)

Scrambled eggs

yEm Manger (n)

barley (O)

Chapter 7
Correctness of written speech (Workshop)


Principles of Russian spelling:

1) morphological (morphemic)– a vowel is checked by stress, and a consonant is checked by selecting a word in which this consonant is clearly heard (before a vowel or sonorant). This pattern applies to all significant parts of the word;

2) phonetic– spelling depends on pronunciation (prefixes on - salary -, vowel s after prefixes, alternating consonants, etc.);

3) traditional (historical)– writing cannot be explained in terms of current state language; You can't check a vowel or a consonant.

Combination chn, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. [ chn]: precise, durable. However, in some words chn pronounced like [ shn]: of course - horse[shn]O, boring - boring[shn]O. In some cases, pronunciation options are acceptable: bulo[shn]aya – bulo[chn]and I. In new words chn pronounced like [ chn]: removable[chn]oh, then[chn]th etc. In some words the pronunciation [ shn] is deprecated: creamy - plum[shn]y, brown - measles[shn]left(*):

Combinations with unpronounceable consonants.

When several consonants coincide between vowels in some combinations, one of the consonants is not pronounced. Such cases are accompanied by corresponding marks in the dictionary.

1. In combinations stn, zdn And stl consonants are not pronounced [ T] And [ d]: charming - lovely[sn]y, reed - tr[sn]ik, private owner - cha[sn]ik, staircase - l[sn]itsa, regional - regional, sixteen - six[sn]teen, peer - sparkling, starry - starry, late - late, idle - right, happy - happy[sl]envious, envious - jealous[sl]willowy, compassionate - sting[sl]willowy, conscientious - owl[sl]willow In a number of words belonging to the book style, in combinations stn, zdn And stl consonants [ T] And [ d] are not completely lost: ac T ma, glis T ny, compos T ny, holly T ny, without d on, free of charge d ny, braid T Lyavy, pos. T bark.

2. Combinations stsk, ntsk And ndsk pronounced with the consonant [ ts s] in place of combinations ts And ds: tourist - turi[ts s]cue, racist – rasi[ts s]cue, amateurish - amateur[ts s]cue, Irish – Irish[ts s]cue, Icelandic – Islan[ts s]cue, Scottish – Scotlan[ts s]cue

3. In combinations stk, zdk And ntk pronunciation of the consonant [ T] is saved: zhes T cue, weighed T ka, no weight T ka, hangman T ka, trip - eat[With T To]ah, bulky - thunderous[With T To]y, graduate student T ka, laboratory technician T ka, waiter T ka, cold T ka. Consonant [ T] is not pronounced in a loanword that has long been mastered in colloquial speech Dutch oven (oven) – golla[NK]A.

4. In combinations rdc And rdch consonant [ d] not pronounced: heart - behold[rc]e, core – se[rc]Evina, little heart - behold[RF]Ishko.

5. In combinations vstv And lvv first sound [ V] is not pronounced in words feeling, hello And remain silent as well as their derivatives: feeling - chu[st]in, feel - chu[st]howl, sensitive – chu[st]attentive, sensual – sensitive[st]vein; hello - hello[st]wow, hello - hello[st]howl; to remain silent - silent[st]in-vat.

In other cases, in place of the first V in combination vstv pronounced [ f]: clear - I[f]national

6. Combined lnc consonant not pronounced [ l]: sun - with[nc]e.

4. IN words of foreign origin, which are not widely used, have specific pronunciation features. for example, in words from different fields of science, technology, politics, culture, as well as proper names, there may be a lack of qualitative reduction of unstressed vowels.

1. In the first and second pre-stressed syllable, at the absolute beginning of a word, as well as in post-stressed syllables at the absolute end of a word after consonants or vowels in place of a letter O pronounced vowel [ O] without the reduction characteristic of Russian words: b[O]a, b[O]rdo, with[O]no, G[O]gen, B[O]dler, b[O]lero, r[O]To[O]ko, M[O]nparnas, M[O]Passan,[O]nore,[O]tello,[O]ttava, t[O]rnad[O], vet[O], credit[O], Karuz[O], Castres[O], Mexico[O], adázhi[O], true[O], how[O], for the sake of[O], Toki[O], Fideli[O].

2. In some less common proper names in pre-stressed syllables, combinations of letters ao, oa, oo, oh And woah pronounced as they are written, i.e. without reduction: Aogasuma Island –[O]Gasuma, Oaxaca City –[oa]Háka, Moorea Island – M[oo]rea, Lawrival – L[OU]rival, luoravetlany – l[woah]ravetlany.

3. In non-Russified borrowed words in place of letters e And I unreduced vowels can be pronounced in all pre-stressed syllables: legáto –[l'e]gáto, Vespucci –[v'e]spuchchi, Nero –[n'e]ron, gyaur –[g'a]Ur, Lyashko –[l'a]school, genocide –[g'e]notsud, Benvenuto –[b'env'e]no, lambiasis –[l'a]mbioz, Lyatoshunsky –[l'a]Toshunsky.

4. After [ and], [w] And [ ts] in some loanwords unstressed letter e can be pronounced without reduction: masterpiece – w[uh]dévre, Chéné – Ш[uh]nyé, ginseng – well[uh]Nishén, Gerard – F[uh]rár, time pressure - ts[uh]ytnot, centuria – c[uh]nturia, Ceres – C[uh]rera, myelut – mi[uh]lút, pitet – pi[uh]tet, chevrolet – sh[uh]vrolé, Sheri-dan – Sh[uh]Ridan, Gerardin – F[uh]rarden.

5. At the beginning of words of foreign origin, as well as after a vowel in place of a letter uh sound is pronounced [ uh]: ek-ran –[uh]faucet, efur –[uh]fur, eucalyptus –[uh]vkalupt, Evry-dukka –[uh]vriduka, dielectric – di[uh]lecturer, coefficient - co[uh]fficient, Buenventura – Boo[uh]nventura. The pronunciation in these cases of the sound [ And] is incorrect, as it gives the speech a reduced stylistic coloring.

6. In most words of foreign origin, consonants before e soften. However, in many non-Russianized loanwords, the consonants before e do not soften. Labial consonants can be pronounced firmly [ p, b, c, f, m] and dental consonants [ t, d, s, z, n, r]. A special mark is given next to such words in the dictionary. Recently, there has been a tendency to preserve the hardness of the consonant, if that is the pronunciation in the source language. In the console de- There is a tendency towards soft pronunciation. Some words allow two options for pronunciation of a consonant. However, there are no unambiguous rules for the pronunciation of hard-soft consonants before e It is impossible to give, each case should be checked in the dictionary and memorized.

Questions for self-control:

1. What are accentological options and what are their main types?

2. What causes the instability of stress norms in nouns, short adjectives, verbs and participles?

3. What basic laws determine the pronunciation norms of the Russian language?

4. Why is there a mixing of drums [ ó ] And [ uh], designated in writing accordingly by the letters e And e?

5. What trend is observed in the pronunciation of hard consonants before soft ones?

6. What is the pronunciation of combinations - chn- And -sh- becoming obsolete?

7. What are the main features of the pronunciation of foreign words?

Lecture 5



1. Subject and nominative accuracy of speech.

2. The problem of lexical compatibility.

3. The problem of speech redundancy.

4. Appropriateness of word usage.

5. Logical errors word usage.

6. Purity of speech.

As noted, under lexical norms are understood rules of word usage. Compliance with lexical norms – the most important condition correct, precise and expressive speech.

1. To achieve accuracy of speech, First of all, a clear understanding of the subject of speech itself is necessary, as well as knowledge of the meaning of the word used in modern language. Often, speech errors arise precisely when the speaker or writer cannot adequately express his thought, using words in a meaning that is unusual for them. Here are a few examples of such errors from applicant essays: “Pechorin goes to Persia, not finding a use for his mind and his resourcefulness(?)"; "He created around himself range(?) a well-read person”; “Matryona lives alone in an old hut. Her only roommates(?) is a cat, mice and cockroaches"; "Andrey Bolkonsky touches(?) with Kutuzov and becomes his adjutant.”

Closely related to the problem of accuracy of speech (subject and conceptual) is the ability to distinguish between the so-called paronyms, those. words (most often with the same root), similar in sound, but having different meanings and used differently, for example: enter - act, introduce - provide, distant - distant, human - human - humane etc. Failure to distinguish between paronyms also leads to annoying and absurd mistakes, examples of which, alas, are numerous in the same works of applicants: "Lermontov showed infertility(futility?) of the activities of his hero.”; “The harmony of nature gives rise to thoughts about the inviolability of moral arrangements(foundations?) of this world.”; "Tatiana contraindicated(opposite?) Onegin and Lensky.”; “Pushkin was bound by strong nodes(ties?) with the Decembrists."

2. Compliance with lexical norms is impossible without knowledge lexical compatibility, those. the ability of words to connect with each other. The fact is that in speech some words are freely combined with others if they suit their meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility. So, very similar definitions - long, lengthy, long, long-term, long-term, long-lasting– are “attracted” to nouns in different ways: one might say long (long, long) period; long (long) way; long training sessions; long-term (long-term) loan.


It is not we who speak the words, but the words, sounding internally in us, speak themselves... Moreover, the... word equally includes both the creation of the world and our psyche...

The world, the whole universe, speaks to us.

Father Sergius Bulgakov,

"Philosophy of a name"

This manual is entirely devoted to issues of orthology, that is, only one, but very important aspect of speech culture - normative. The processes of language normalization are entirely determined historically and territorially, and are inextricably linked with the peculiarities of the development of specific languages. In this regard, even closely related languages ​​differ in how the process of normalization occurs and their norm is fixed. IN modern science the concept of "culture of speech" has expanded to include a culture of language proficiency, a culture of language communication, a culture speech behavior. However, the culture of speech, being irreducible to correctness, includes the latter as a necessary element.

Changes taking place in the modern Russian language are often a reflection of sociocultural changes in society... Thus, the return of old concepts led to the revival of already forgotten or even unfamiliar words for many supper, confessor, Alexy. On the other hand, we have to note the seemingly inevitable “dying” of words mercy, chastity, piety

Irreversible and natural process of borrowing from foreign languages as one of the “elements” of the evolution of language (affecting not only vocabulary, but also morphology, syntax) now leads to an unjustified influx of sometimes “poorly digested” linguistic phenomena from English, as in their time from German and French... Words, which entered the language along with the realities of Western life, cause problems with spelling, and with the placement of stress, and with a correct understanding of the meaning, without which the “life” of a word in a non-native environment is impossible. As a result, we constantly hear mutilated English, sometimes mutilated both in form and content. We are barbaric towards native language, what to say about someone else's!

Another sign of modern communication not only between ordinary people, but also between the authorities, the state and citizens is the penetration of jargon, vulgarisms, and swear words into speech. This trend coincides with the changes that the Russian language underwent after 1917. In those years, the “language of the street,” rude, colloquial, vulgar, served as confirmation of the “correct” class affiliation, and the literary language betrayed the “rotten intelligentsia” and the “damned bourgeoisie.”

The problem of circulation is also acute. If, when communicating, men can choose words depending on the situation master, comrade, sir, citizen, man, fellow countryman, son, brother, commander, chief, then a woman now sometimes simply cannot do without or simply faceless-universal treatment on you, or cannot avoid indicating gender and age stranger, which, of course, does little to promote effective communication.

Correct speech is traditionally defined as compliance with a language norm. Despite the fact that the concept of norm is the central category of speech culture, the theory of norm, it must be admitted, remains contradictory in many respects. As noted by the most authoritative translator, language expert, philosopher V.V. Bibikhin, “linguistics as a whole and in principle has abandoned the concept of a model of correct speech. In an important sense, it took shape as a science when it abandoned such a model... In the first steps of science, the need to necessarily distinguish scientific research from that which is associated with the clarification and prescription of a norm was felt with significant acuteness. “It would be strange,” wrote Alexey Aleksandrovich Shakhmatov, “if an academic institution, instead of showing how they speak, decided to indicate how to speak.” For comparison... almost the entire grammatical tradition from the mid-17th to the beginning of the 19th century - and it was also pan-European - did not occur to consider language other than in the light of the universal norm dictated by the basis of the language, i.e. With reason.<…>Without focusing on “good writers,” without establishing a single and unified model for language and speech, without striving to capture the “genius” of language, without admiration for “good taste,” it was not possible to talk about the word.” Let’s think about the fact that “we mark every step ... of life with a word” and we have the power to make our life in language reasonable, and language and speech alive.



Literary language connects generations of people, therefore its norms, ensuring the continuity of traditions, must be as stable as possible. On the other hand, language is a living phenomenon; it is constantly updated and developed, responding in its own way to changes occurring in people’s lives. The norm, therefore, cannot but reflect the real changes taking place in the language. This mobility often leads to the fact that for the same linguistic phenomenon There is not just one way of expression, but more: the old norm has not yet been lost, but along with it a new one is emerging. Another way in which variants arise is a tendency towards stylistic demarcation (book and colloquial variants). Do not confuse the variants of the norm allowed in literary language, with deviations from the norms, of course, which did not receive “citizenship rights” in it, that is, simply mistakes.

So, a norm is not a list of prohibitions; it often appears in the form of two lists - mandatory and permissible (additional). The new enters the language contrary to existing rules: it usually appears on the periphery or even outside of literary use - in common speech, professional speech, and everyday life.

There are norms that are imperative (strictly mandatory, not allowing for other implementation, for example, spelling) and dispositive (optional, not strictly mandatory, allowing options). We meet the first ones when we decide the question: how should we speak or write?; and with the second - how best to say? Of course, it is impossible to give recipes for all cases of speech practice. Availability of standard options, different forms for the expression of the same linguistic phenomenon, it enriches speech, creates opportunities for a more accurate and subtler formulation of the statement. But at the same time, the choice in each specific case must be justified, stylistically justified.

1. Taking advantage explanatory dictionary Russian language, determine lexical meaning words norm. What, from your point of view, influences the establishment of rules in a language, the consolidation as a norm of one of possible options word usage, grammatical form, pronunciation options?

2. Compare the following definitions of literary language norms. What signs of the norm are emphasized in each of them? What other signs could you name?

a) The speech of older generations always seems “correct”... The norm is recognized as what was, and partly what is, but not at all what will be... The norm is an ideal, once and for all achieved, as if cast for eternity.

(A.M. Peshkovsky)

b) The norm corresponds not to what “can be said”, but to what has already been said and what is traditionally said in society...

(E. Coseriu)

c) A norm is a set of language means that are most suitable (“correct”, “preferred”) for serving society, emerging as a result of the selection of linguistic elements (lexical, pronunciation, morphological, syntactic) from among coexisting…, newly formed or extracted from the passive stock the past in the process of social, in a broad sense, assessment of these elements.

(S.I. Ozhegov)

d) A norm is not only a socially approved rule..., but also a rule that reflects the laws of the language system and is confirmed by the word usage of authoritative writers.

(K.S. Gorbachevich)

3. The following letter is included in one of the works of the writer and philosopher G. Gachev. What makes it difficult to read and adequately perceive? “Translate” this text “from Russian into Russian” and compare the time spent reading and understanding the first and second versions.

Hello, dear dear, respected husband, Iater writes to you, your faithful wife, Iraba, dila, I wish you well, taxi arrived, life, galubchik calmed the soul, dirjis, more firmly, fall down, sgary

4. Find examples of non-compliance with the norms of modern literary language. What property of the norm do they indicate?

1. Without feeding and drinking, you won’t recognize the enemy ( Greek last). 2. And the word “film,” by the way, was female, they said "adventure film" ( Panova). 3. The high porch on the street of the Zubinsky house was furnished with carriages ( Aksakov). 4. The wanderer in the house talked a lot about the miracle of the universe ( Fet). 5. Her walks last a long time. Now either a hill or a stream involuntarily stops Tatyana with their charm ( Pushkin). 6. Our job is to study, study, try to accumulate as much knowledge as possible ( Chekhov). 7. New furniture from Moscow has appeared ( Turgenev). 8. Aunt Dasha and I went to the Lumiere Cinema for the first time. That's what they called cinema back then ( Paustovsky).

5. Changes in norms are often caused by the laws of analogy and economy of linguistic means. Read the characteristics of these laws of language development and give examples of their operation, using the material from the previous exercise and your own observations.

a) The law of economy is that native speakers prefer shorter forms of linguistic expression, seeking to save time and effort.

(E.D. Polivanov)

b) The action of the law of analogy is expressed in the likening of one form of linguistic expression to another, correlating with the first in formal and meaningful (semantic) expression. The law of analogy leads to the equalization of stress in entire categories of words..., the likening of morphological forms and forms of control.

(K.S. Gorbachevich)

6. Read a fragment of V. Voinovich’s story “Through Mutual Correspondence.” What norms of literary language are violated in the letter of the heroine of the work?

Our weather is cold and there is a lot of snow. The old people say that the harvest will be bountiful. Berne joined the CPSU party because he was transferred to an accountant and the work was very responsible. Vanya, go quickly. Mom will bake mushroom pies. They are waiting for you. To this end, I remain with greetings. Your Luda.

7. Read the sentences from exam papers applicants. Suggest options for correcting the errors speech errors. Think about what caused these errors.

1) The monument to Pushkin in the city of Ivanovo is a beautifully crafted brown stone. 2) The groans of the wounded and dead were heard on the field. 3) Masha loved Dubrovsky and that is why, like a truly Russian woman, she refused him. 4) His main goal in life is the good of his neighbor. 5) His eyes looked at each other with tenderness. 6) He couldn’t take his eyes off the running moose. 7) During his lifetime, Pushkin wrote the poem “Monument”. 8) The girls tore the last from themselves and knitted mittens for the soldiers. 9) Early in the morning Bazarov went to catch frogs and quickly found them mutual language. 10) Natasha ran into the hall with her black curls thrown back. 11) Fortunately, Okudzhava did not suffer from a musical illness. 12) The Lermontov family has died out! 13) Lermontov’s grandmother wanted to transfer her grandson’s corpse from Tarkhan to St. Petersburg at all costs, and after a few months she succeeded. 14) Of course, it’s a pity that Lermontov died so early, because if he had lived longer, like, for example, Leo Tolstoy, how much more he could have done! 15) When visiting museums, I always think with admiration how much I can take away from here! 16) Lermontov’s mother was a clumsy fool. 17) Pushkin, like Lermontov, in free time wrote poetry. 18) Lermontov’s father was always on the move, so his wife fell ill with consumption. 19) Lermontov’s mother was not a beauty, but her facial features were quite symmetrical. 20) Masha was good to everyone, but it didn’t work out with her husband. 21) B Last year During his life, Lermontov attended literary circles, and Petersburg finally saw a wiser poet. 22) I always reread with pleasure the following poems by Lermontov: “Died,” “Poet,” “Slave of Honor.”


Orthoepia (Greek orthoépeia, from orthós - correct and eposé - speech) - a set of norms national language, ensuring the unity of its sound design. The Need for Ownership spelling standards language is convincingly argued by the famous domestic linguist M.V. Panov: “Every person speaks more than he writes (and usually listens more than he reads). First, a person learns to speak and only then - to write. Written communication skills sit on top of and depend on oral skills.”

Pronunciation of vowels

Often in lively colloquial speech, stressed [e] is replaced by [o] and vice versa. The reason for the errors is the influence of written language. At the beginning of 1917, the First All-Russian Congress of Russian Language Teachers high school unanimously decided to reform Russian spelling. Among the radical changes adopted was the following: “... to recognize the use of the letter E as desirable, but not mandatory...”. As a result of this optional status of the seventh letter of the Russian alphabet (by the way, the “youngest” one, introduced into use in 1797 by N.M. Karamzin), a non-distinction between E and E was established in writing, which causes confusion between the vowels [e] and [o].

List of words with stressed vowels [e] and [o]

Words with accent [e]



being [in meaning life -e and -e]

dead wood


shine, But: to sparkle, to sparkle


black ice


bigamist, But: bigamy

same-, foreign-, same-, tribal, But: multi-tribal

expired (year), but: expired (blood)

polygamist, But: polygamy



settled life



Priozerye, But: lakeside



blooming (for-, from-, dis-)

Words with accent [o]


faded (po-) [ add. -le-]





uttered [ add. -re-]

maneuver, agility,

maneuverable [ add. -Not]

reliable (without-, good-, not-) [ add. hopeless]





frozen [ add. -me-]

saddle stitcher





Pronunciation of consonants

In the position before the sound [e], denoted in writing by the letter e, in borrowed words both soft and hard consonants are pronounced. Lack of softness is often characteristic of dental [d], [t], [z], [s], [n] and the sound [r]. However, the consonant before is pronounced softly e in words academy,cream,press, museum,tenor and many others. See lists of such words below.

Words with firmly pronounced consonants before e

adept [de]

detective [dete]

adequate [de]

anesthesia [ne, te]

annexation [ne] [ add. Not]

antiseptic [se]

atheism [te]

atheist [te]

take-take [be, be]

business [ne]

businessman [ne] [ add. Not, meh]

hetaera [te]

grotesque [te]

landing stage [de, der]

devaluation [de] [ add. de]

degradation [de]

depression [de]

dehumanization [de]

disabillier [de]

disavow [de]

disintegration [dezynte]

disinformation [disinformation] [ add. misinformation]

disorganization [de] [ add. de]

disorientation [de] [ add. de]

decahedron [de]

dequalification [de]

neckline [de, te]

low-cut [ add. de]

decompensation [de]

decor [de]

delicacy [te]

demarche [de]

demos [de]

dumping [de]

dendrologist [de]

denomination [de]

denunciation [de]

dermis [de]

desegregation [de]

detective [dete]

detector [dete]

determinism [dete]

de facto [de]

deflector [de]

deflation [de]

decibel [de]

decimeter [de]

de-escalation [de]

de jure [de, re]

indexing [de]

computer [te]

condensate [de]

capacitor [de]

consensus [se]

confidential [de] [ add. de]

corps de ballet [de]

cosecant [se]

crater [te] [ add. those]

credo [re] [ add. re]

crepe de Chine [de] [ add. re]

laser [ze]

manager [ne] [ add. meh, nah]

management [ne] [ add. meh, nah]

minstrel [re] [ add. ne]

simulate [de]

nonsense [se]

orchid [de]

pantheon [te]

panther [te] [ add. those]

ground [te]

reverence [ie] [ add. no]

pretentious [te]

providential [de]

producer [se]

protégé [te]

prosthesis [te]

protection [te]

rendezvous [de]

requiem [re, uh]

reputation [me] [ add. re, meh]

secant [se]

St. Bernard [se]

maxim [te] [ add. se]

sepsis [se]

setter [se, te]

synthesis [te]

sonnet [ne] [ add. Not]

stress [re]

thesis (anti-) [te]

thesaurus [te]

thesis (anti-) [te]

timbre [te]

tempera [te]

tendency [te, de]

tender [te, de]

tennis [te]

T-shirt [te]

thermos [te]

terms [te]

terracotta [te]

terzetto [te]

third [te]

tête-à-tête [tetatet]

tetrahedron [te]

track [re] [ add. re]

phoneme [ne]

phonetics [ne]

maid of honor [re]

meatball [de]

cicerone [ne]

showman [meh]

psychic [se]

Words with softly pronounced consonants before e

academy [not de]

takes [not bere]


tasting [ de and de]

deduction [ add. de]

disinfection, disinfect

deodorant [ de and de]

decade [ add. de]

decadent [ add. decade]




demilitarization [ add. de]


dismantling [ add. de]

depression [ add. de, re]


definition [ add. de]

hyphen [ add. de]

deformation [ add. de]





congress [ add. re]

congressman [ add. re, meh]



cream [ add. re]

compartment, But: coupe [ pe]


mixer [ add. se]





press conference


progression [ add. re]

registry [ add. es]


safe [ add. se]

sexology [ add. se],But: sex [se]

cervelat [ add. se]

service [ add. se]

session [ add. se]

athlete [rts]

therapist [ add. te]


thermonuclear [ add. te]

terror [ add. te]

fashionable [ add. ne]


express [ add. re]

expression [ add. re]




yachtsman [xts]

Pronunciation of words with combinations chn, cht, chsh

Combination chn pronounced as [sh] in the words: mustard plaster,Certainly,on purpose,laundry,birdhouse,boring,fried eggs and some others. [sh] is consistently preserved in female patronymics with –ichna: Nikitichna,Lukinichna. In modern pronunciation the combination chn usually sounds like [ch"n], displacing the variant [sh] in accordance with the tendency for the pronunciation to become closer to the spelling: bulo[ch"n]aya, gorni[ch"n]aya. See below for a list of such words.

balalaika player [ add. shn]


everyday [ add. shn]

bakery, noun[add. shn]

baker [ add. shn]

bakery [ add. shn]

bottle [ add. shn]

housemaid [ add. shn]

mustard plaster [shn]

mustard [shn]

mustard [shn]

feverish (white-) [sh] buckwheat,

buckwheat [ add. shn]

poor student [ add. shn]

bachelorette party [shn]

sufficient [ add. shn]

kalachny [ add. shn],But: with a cloth snout in a row [shn]

of course [shn],

brown [ add. shn]

cinnamon (from cinnamon)

hawker [ add. shn](tray seller)

tray (from tray)[add. shn]

hawker (lotto player)

lotochny (from lotto)

dairy, noun [add. shn]

milkman [ add. shn]

thrush (disease)

thrush (salesman) [add. shn]

milk [ add. shn]

something, pronoun, noun

for nothing [pcs], *for nothing about anything [pcs]

nothing [piece]

eyeglass case [shn]

spectacled [shn]


pepper shaker [ add. shn],But: damn pepper shaker [ shn]




candlestick [ add. shn]

night owl [shn]

midnight [shn]


decency [ add. shn]

decent [ add. shn]

laundry [shn]

gingerbread [ add. shn]

gingerbread [ add. shn]

trifling [shn]


cordial; But: dear friend [shn]


birdhouse [shn]

birdhouse [shn]; R. pl. -chen[shen]

boring [shn]

Is it enough?


C student [ add. shn]

rag picker [ add. shn]

rag picker [ add. shn]

rag [ add. shn]

improvement [utsh]

improved [utsh]

improve [utsh]

to [pcs]

hatmaker [ add. shn]

cap [ add. shn],But: to head-to-head analysis

casual [shn] acquaintance

scrambled eggs [shn]

egg [ add. shn]

barley [ add. shn]

Difficulties of Russian accent

The languages ​​of the world use different accent systems: monotony ( different types force stress), polytony (musical stress, tone), synharmonism. In Slavic languages, the verbal accent is monotonic (dynamic) stress (Russian, Polish, Bulgarian), polytonic (musical) stress (Serbo-Croatian) and longitude. In the history of a language, accent systems can replace one another: ancient musical stress in most Slavic languages, including Russian, changed to dynamic. The difficulties of setting Russian stress are associated with two of its features: verbal stress in the Russian language is free, that is, it can be on any syllable of a word, and mobile, that is, not tied to a specific morpheme in the word.

Words of foreign origin, as a rule, retain the place of stress that they had in the source language. Therefore, if you know that, for example, in English nouns most often have stress on the first syllable, and in French - on the last, then pronounce the words bartender, marketing, management with the stress on the first syllable, and the French engraver, dispensary, blinds, rubber, driver - with emphasis on the latter.

In words denoting units of length and ending in -meter, the stress falls on the last syllable: kilometer, centimeter, millimeter, etc.

IN difficult words with the second part -wire, with the general meaning of “a device for transporting any substance or energy”, the emphasis falls on the root -water-: gas pipeline, water supply, gas pipeline, light pipeline, etc.

Among Russian words, the “record holders” in terms of errors in pronunciation are the verbs to call and put. The stress in forms of the former should not fall on the root syllable. The second verb, firstly, in the forms of the past tense and imperative mood should not be pronounced with emphasis on the root, and secondly, it does not have prefixless forms in the literary language.

8. Edit the sentences. Point out the disadvantages of phonics.

1) The proposed project is designed to ensure the timely start of work at all sites. 2) The Commissioner spoke about the dispossession of kulaks, and these stories influenced the Cossacks. 3) It is impossible not to note such a striking feature of South Russian dialects as akanie. 4) There are plenty of problems, and the main one is the surprises of capricious weather. 5) Indication is the registration of any information. 6) The Organizing Committee decided to improve nominations for awards. 7) In experiments, it is often impossible to clearly measure the momenta of secondary particles. 8) Information on sending goods can be obtained by phone. 9) In oratory, irony is sometimes used as one of the stylistic devices. 10) We discussed this problem with world-famous scientists. 11) All devices are built on elements of a universal system of industrial automation elements.

9. Read the words. Formulate the basic spelling rules.

Heat, naughty, jargon, kings, regret, thirty, jacket, jasmine, horses, blinds, thicket, rye, wife, price, whisper, dance, watch, sorrel, position, intelligentsia, inflation.

10. Place emphasis on commonly mispronounced words. Test yourself using the spelling dictionary.


SPOILED, spoiled

SPOILED, spoiled



COSSACK, Cossack; pl. COSSACKS, Cossacks

PLIERS (from mite)



LOCK, chunk; pl. Slices, slices






STARTED, started, started


NORMALIZE, I normalize

BITTER, embittered

INFORM, I will inform

PLAN, plan


PORT, port; pl. PORTS, ports

VERDICT, sentence; pl. SENTENCES, sentences

SIDED, sided

ACCEPTED, accepted, accepted





PLUM (juice)


CREATED, created, created

CREATED, created, created


MEANS, means, means


CAKES, cakes

NOTIFY, notify, notify

COAL,coal; pl. COALS, coals

ACNE, acne



NEEDLES, pine needles



SORREL, sorrel; with sorrel


11. Indicate the meaning of words that differ in the place of stress. Test yourself using the spelling dictionary.

atlas - atlas

conducting - conducting

vision - vision

iris - iris

expired - expired

pincers - pincers

laurel - laurel

glacier - glacier

petty - petty

mounted - mounted

naked - naked

lowland - lowland

sharpness - sharpness

Review - review

portable - portable

transitional - transitional

movable - movable

underwater - underwater

driveway - driveway

Drive - drive

damned - damned

risky - risky

sable - sable

feet - feet

Tones - tones

characteristic - typical

12. Indicate the stressed syllable in the highlighted words; check yourself!

Beauty, according to Polykleitos, lies in SYMMETRY (according to Polykleitos - proportionality): finger with finger, all fingers with the wrist and hand, and these latter - with the ELBOW and ELBOW - with the hand, and all parts with all.

BUREAUCRACY consists of hired servants, ARISTOCRACY - of idols, DEMOCRACY - of idolaters (Bernard Shaw).

On Arbat in the CULINARY there are excellent CAKES.

The elevators and garbage chutes in the building did not work.

It was raining and it was getting cold; she wrapped herself in a SCARF; alas, she did not have an UMBRELLA.

For breakfast, cottage cheese, croutons and GRAPEFRUIT were served.

13. Announcers rarely make mistakes. And yet, in their speech, errors in the pronunciation of words were noticed (and you?; check yourself!).




One day a young announcer mispronounced the word STATUE.

Almost all pop singers pronounce the word BANT incorrectly in indirect cases. Decline the word BANT, indicate the emphasis in all cases.

SORREL and RHUBARB are from the buckwheat family.

I really love SORREL soup. - And I love compote with RHUBARB and pies with SORREL.

The AIR plant is the oldest medicinal plant. Famous doctors wrote about him: Dioscorides, Galen, Avicenna. HEALTH WEATHERS use calamus root as a DRUG for many diseases. AIR is mentioned in many poems and prose. “Who steers the oar so deftly // Through calamus and marigold?” Who is the author of these lines? Do you remember? No? He wrote the most heartfelt poems: “It was in early spring...”, “In the middle of a noisy ball by chance...”, “My bells, steppe flowers...” Do you remember? Not again? He wrote with the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers under the pseudonym “Kozma Prutkov”. Do you remember? That's right, his name is Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

The ADONIS plant is one of the most important heart remedies. Poets more often mention the mythical ADONIS:

“Cyprida’s beautiful darling!

Know how to endure, my Adonis,

Her momentary grievances."

(A.S. Pushkin)

Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece "The Last Supper" is located in the refectory of the monastery of Santa Maria Grazie (in Milan).

All AIRPORTS and PORTS were subjected to massive BOMB strikes. There is nothing left of AIRPORTS and PORTS.

The government expressed its condolences to the families of the victims.

Please issue me a RESERVATION for the ticket.

Grandma was frying pancakes in two FRYING PANS.

14. Indicate the stressed syllable in the highlighted words; check yourself.

Until recently, in this small town the sidewalks were made of BOARDS. People walked on BOARDS, and across the road on DIRT, drowning in DIRT.

In my opinion, BAMBOO ski poles are MORE BEAUTIFUL than duralumin ones.

- “The most unbearable thing about the casemate was the lack of WINDOWS.” (From the notes of M.N. Volkonskaya).

At the FUNERAL the DEPARTURE prayer was read.

Shareholders' funds are used by key INDUSTRIES of the economy.

Publishers and WHOLESALE buyers cooperate on the principle of mutually beneficial CONTRACTUAL relations.


The grandmother got down from the OVEN and said: “There is cabbage soup and porridge in the OVEN.” What should you get from the OVEN?

He walked to the DOOR. There was a note sticking out of the CRACK in the DOOR. There was a box with CAKE at the DOOR.


Portraits of ancestors hung along the walls.

According to Sechenov, not only involuntary, but also voluntary movements have a REFLECTORY nature.

Mozart CREATED his first sonatas and symphonies at the age of 8.

The purpose of mnemonics is to EASILY remember the necessary information using associations.

The friends talked NON-SILENCE for three HOURS.

There were two ROWS of fruit trees along the road.

The forward scored two GOALS.

The soldiers took two STEPS forward.

The hay was swept into four stacks.

My father bought me two BALLS.

Two red BALLS FLOATED above the girl.

Hello, who is this CALLING? Pavel Ivanovich?.. There is no director... When will you call?

The convening of the congress is expected. It is necessary to DEEPEN and STRENGTHEN what has been previously achieved.

EXPERTS from the International Monetary Fund have arrived in Moscow.

The rules have been REPEATED.

New buildings are occupied.

Light and gas are already ON.

The work has been ACCEPTED.

The meeting was HELD.

Evgenia Viktorovna is BUSY.

In the 21st century, an attempt will be made to visit Mars.

15. Knowing the peculiarities of stress in French and English languages, From the list of words below, write down the French and English words.

Sweater, ballet, prompter, yacht, finish, compote, broth, omelet, meeting, midshipman, repertoire, boarding, battalion, salad, guipure, veil, pudding, leader, costume, avant-garde, director.

16. Insert the missing letters.

Future, v...n...gret, derm...tin, ...importantly (in debt), incident, competence (awareness), compos... compromise, compromise, competitor...capable, ascertain, ob...k (e or e),, p...slip, precedent (case serving as an example).


Hello. I am writing my question for the third time. Please, help. In which cases is the pronunciation only chn, in which only shn, and in which are both options acceptable: Antique, bakery, bachelorette party, Ilyinichna, milky, dishonest, excellent, poultry house, trifling, wheat, heartache, of course, two-kopeck, to the head. , mustard plaster Thank you very much)

Help does not do tests or homework.

Question No. 280260
Hello! Please help me explain to students when the combination “chn” is read as “chn” (exactly), and when as “shn” (of course). The same thing with the combination “cht”: pronunciation “sh” (to), and “cht” (mail). Is there any pattern? Thank you in advance

Answer help desk Russian language

Combination chn, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. [chn]: to[chn]y, pro[chn]y, vicious, Milky [chn]y, etc.

However, in some words chn pronounced [sh]. Here are the most common words where [sh] is pronounced: of course - kone[sh]o, boring - boring , birdhouse - starling [sh]ik. The pronunciation of these words must be remembered. Besides, [shn] is in place chn pronounced in female patronymics in -ichna: Nikiti[sh]a, Ilyini[sh]a. In some words, options are possible: bakery - bakery and bakery, laundry - laundry and laundry.

It should be noted that in the Russian language there is a tendency to replace the pronunciation [shn] with the pronunciation [chn]. Number of words where chn pronounced as [shn], is steadily decreasing. Previously they used to say korea[sh]evy (now this pronunciation is no longer allowed), molo[sh]y, sin[sh]evaya (porridge), plum[sh]y (now this pronunciation is considered obsolete, but is still acceptable). In new words in place chn pronounced only [chn].

Combination Thu always pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. [thu]. And only in a word What and its derivatives ( to, something, something, nothing etc.) is pronounced [pcs]. The exception to this exception is the word something, where it is pronounced [thu].

Question No. 247877
Please tell me in which words, when pronounced, “SHN” is read:
Antique, library, bakery, bottled, oriental, forever, mustard plaster, sunflower, secondary, single, unprofitable, pepper shaker, shopkeeper, of course, penny, Kuzminichna, feverish, pettiness, scientific, on purpose, night, eyeglass case, excellent student, monotonous, stove , renal, decent, trifling.

Thank you in advance.
with uv. Alexandra

Russian help desk response

Use a spelling dictionary. You need to find the mark [shn] in the corresponding dictionary entries.

Question No. 247424
please tell me, there are districts in Moscow: Maryino, Vykhino, etc. How would it be correct: “I’m a bakery in Maryino” or “in Maryino”, “pharmacy in Vykhino” or “in Vykhino”, etc. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Question No. 246594
Hello, please tell me how to pronounce it correctly: Bakery, scrambled eggs, of course, and in general all combinations of the letters “ch” and “n”.

Russian help desk response

The combination CN is usually pronounced in accordance with the spelling. In some cases, the pronunciation [shn] next to the pronunciation [chn] is acceptable: bakery ya. In some words, instead of _chn_, it is pronounced [shn]: scrambled eggs, of course. All pronunciation options are recorded in dictionaries.

Question No. 239022
Hello! Could you please tell me the pronunciation of the combination "chn"? For example, the word “bakery” is correctly read [buloshnaya], but what about the word “scientific”?

Russian help desk response

Pronounced as written.

Question No. 237393
Please tell me, are there rules that regulate the pronunciation of the words “of course”, “bakery”, “boring”, etc. with the sound “sh” instead of “h”?
Thank you very much!

Russian help desk response

The combination CN is usually pronounced in accordance with the spelling. In all cases when [shn] must be pronounced in place of a chn or [shn] can be pronounced along with [chn], the corresponding instructions are given in the dictionary.

Question No. 219972
Hello! Help resolve the question of the acceptability of the phrase “bread-bakery I”, we know that “bread-bakery I” is grammatically correct, but is this word possible in another version! Is it acceptable?

Russian help desk response

The only correct spelling of the adjective is: bakery (for example, in the combination _bakery products_).
Question No. 206747
I’m interested in knowing where to find the transcription of the words: faded, happened, sad, alienation, carver, unclench, splash, human, take, bakery. Kuzminichna, scrambled eggs, trifling

Russian help desk response

You can find information about the pronunciation of words in spelling dictionaries.