Effective advice. How to learn to think: recommendations and effective tips. No “Diets”, Instead Healthy Eating

Many people know that fast metabolism is the key to weight loss. Nevertheless, the idea has long been ingrained in our minds that speeding it up is a mission impossible. Good news: to lose weight, you don't have to eat cabbage leaves and chicken breast for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is enough to know non-obvious ways in which you can speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds quickly and easily.

Drink matcha tea

Researchers found that the content of epigallocatechin gallate in Matcha is 137 times higher than in green and black teas. This type of cahetin has anti-cancer properties, reduces the risk of memory and attention disorders, and improves skin condition. In addition, the compound stimulates the breakdown of fat and blocks the formation of a “lifebuoy” on the stomach. And one serving of the drink contains four grams of protein - almost as much as an egg!

Take Vitamin D

If there is a supplement that absolutely all Russians should take, then it is definitely vitamin D. A deficiency of sun (which is where this vitamin is formed in the body) and heat in most of our country negatively affects not only the mood, but also the figure. As a result of research, it was found that people whose blood levels of this compound are normal lose extra pounds faster than people with its deficiency. Vitamin D also accelerates muscle growth and makes the body more resilient. Take it in the form of dietary supplements and eat more salmon, tuna and eggs.

Eat organic meat and eggs

Hormones dictate how we use the energy obtained from food. The body must always find a balance between thyroid, sex, growth, appetite and hunger hormones. All this happens to keep us fit, energetic and cheerful. These processes are very often disrupted due to harmful biologically active substances that we receive along with hormone-filled meat, dairy products and eggs. If you want your metabolism to work smoothly, pay attention to organic products.

Don't overuse snacks

We all remember that adherents of a healthy lifestyle have always urged us to be sure to have a snack during the day. Nuts, dried fruits or cottage cheese - it seems nothing harmful. Latest Research shows that snacking actually slowly but surely leads to weight gain. Moreover, the more often you eat (even small ones), the greater the likelihood of visceral fat formation. It is deposited around the abdominal organs and disrupts metabolic processes. It is also dangerous because it increases the risk of heart disease, cancer and varicose veins.

Eliminate diet soda

Yes, yes, it has no calories, but it does have a lot of harmful sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin and sucralose. Drinks containing these chemical compounds, increase appetite and change the body's normal response to sugar. They lead to metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by high blood pressure, permanent elevated levels glucose and cholesterol in the blood and an increase in visceral fat mass.

Eat dark chocolate

Swiss scientists decided to prove that their country’s signature delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy. They found that people who eat thirty grams of dark chocolate daily have low levels of stress hormones and a fast metabolism, unlike those who do not eat sweets. Experts believe that flavonoids found in cocoa play an important role in regulating metabolism. They reduce stress, which can slow down fat burning. We repeat: a small amount of good dark chocolate, not milk chocolate!

Eat Whole Grain Products

By receiving pies and buns made from wheat flour as fuel, the body relaxes because it does not require much energy to assimilate them. But to digest wholemeal pasta or whole grain bread, the body needs additional effort. A lot of energy is spent, metabolism accelerates, and, therefore, fat is not deposited. Your choices are whole foods that are also rich in fiber: brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, wholemeal bread and pasta.

Try to walk a lot

We sleep about eight hours and spend the same amount of time sitting at work. It turns out, most We have been without movement for days. The human body was not initially adapted to such a regime: our ancestors were constantly moving, farming and hunting. It is not surprising that the problem of excess weight is now very acute. One way to burn more fat every day is to move. So walk more during your lunch break and take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Eat carbohydrates in the evening

You heard right! We have always believed that the body only converts carbohydrates into energy during the day. If you eat them at night, they will certainly turn into fat. But a new study by European scientists says the opposite. Experts recommend eating dinner before bed. Of course, we are not talking about hamburgers or other high-calorie foods. It turned out that if you eat a fruit salad, rice with chicken breast, or buckwheat with salad before bed, your stomach will begin to digest this food only the next day. The body will burn more calories. Scientists also say that those who “stretch” their carbohydrate intake throughout the day have higher blood sugar levels than those who eat them at night.

Drink full fat milk

Agree, we are all attracted by the inscription “1% fat” on the milk package. But nutritionists and doctors unanimously insist that you should not believe in this marketing ploy. This milk does not contain calcium, which helps the body metabolize fat more efficiently. In addition, constant consumption of low-fat foods leads to leaching of calcium from bones, which leads to osteoporosis.

Have a cheat meal

Experts of all stripes (nutritionists, trainers and psychologists) agree that once a week you can allow yourself to relax a little and have a cheat meal. This is a planned departure from the diet. By the way, it does not lead to weight gain back if everything is done according to the rules. Our body very quickly gets used to diets, changes in diet and adjusts energy consumption to the new amount of incoming calories. The body stops responding correctly to the diet, and the weight rises. To prevent this from happening, you need to arrange “shake-ups” in the form of a planned diet violation. Select a day, as well as a food (such as a hamburger) that you have been craving for the past seven days. Just don’t turn your cheat meal into an afternoon binge!

Keep your home cool

We like to think that the more we sweat, the more fat we burn. Bikram yoga, for example, is performed in a room heated to forty degrees. Its adherents claim that all toxins come out with sweat, and you lose weight faster. A group of researchers who published their work in one of medical journals on the treatment of diabetes, proposed a different theory. According to her, low indoor temperatures are more effective in losing weight. It turns out that sleeping in a ventilated bedroom can gradually lead to weight loss. You are freezing, and to warm up, the body begins to break down visceral fat.

Do interval training

You can’t lose weight without physical activity, we know this from childhood. Nevertheless, it is interval (circular) training that is the type of activity that can speed up weight loss significantly. You alternate high-intensity exercise with low-intensity exercise, while losing six times more fat tissue than during regular cardio training. Yes, your body is working to the limit of its capabilities - it is difficult, but what is the result!

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

Don't rush to panic! This is not a typical diet that involves dangerously cutting back on fats and carbohydrates. The diet involves consuming as many fruits, vegetables, fiber, whole grains and fish as possible. But foods with a high glycemic index (baked goods made from wheat flour, milk chocolate) should be removed from the diet. Such food provokes the onset of inflammatory processes in the body, which, in turn, increases the risk of overweight and obesity.

Run on an empty stomach

Perhaps this truth is known to many, but we will repeat it. Jogging on an empty stomach is a great way to speed up your metabolism. In the morning, the level of glycogen, which is the source of energy for the body during physical activity, is minimal. Without receiving fuel from the outside (that is, from food), the body will have no choice but to extract energy for training from what is most accessible. That is, from fats. This is actually what those losing weight need.

Eat more almonds

A study conducted a few years ago proved that those who want to lose weight should eat almonds. First, these nuts contain monounsaturated fats, which regulate insulin levels in the blood. And secondly, nutritionists have found that it is almonds that help their patients not to overeat, because they quickly satiate and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. In addition, the fats contained in almonds cannot be completely digested, because the fiber from these nuts acts as a kind of barrier.

Dim the lights

It turns out that you can slow down your metabolism not only with the help of poor nutrition. Before going to bed, most of us, as a rule, scroll through our Instagram feed or respond to messenger messages that have accumulated during the day. So, studies have shown that the light from mobile phone screens in the dark affects the appearance of excess weight! Not directly, of course, but indirectly. The fact is that at night the sleep hormone melatonin is produced, which helps speed up metabolism. When the light is on, biologically active substance stops being produced. So dim the brightness of your device screens, and if possible, avoid using them at all before bed.

Drink black coffee

Black coffee is a healthy drink and speeds up your metabolism. The metabolic rate of Americano drinkers is sixteen percent higher than that of cappuccino drinkers! Scientists have also found that coffee makes people more resilient and more adaptable to intense physical activity. So a cup of espresso or Americano before your workout will help you get the most out of your trip to the gym.

Less stress!

According to a study conducted by American scientists, stress slows down the process of digesting food. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that when we are nervous, we are actually drawn to fatty and sweet foods. With permanent psychological stress, cortisol (the stress hormone) is constantly released into the blood and affects not only your mood, but also your figure. High level cortisol over a long period of time leads to excess insulin in the blood, which is why excess weight appears and degradation muscle tissue, slow metabolism and other health problems.

Forget about naps

Advice, mainly relevant for freelancers, housewives and students: try not to sleep during the day. Scientists have found that people whose daily routine includes mandatory naps gradually slow down their metabolism. The fact is that those who like to take a nap during the daytime disrupt circadian rhythms (cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes, associated with the change of day and night), which play an important function in maintaining metabolism. If you cannot stay awake during the day, reduce your diet by 50-60 calories.

Eat more legumes

We ourselves are surprised. It turns out that those who eat a handful of legumes daily weigh on average 3 kg less than those who do not. This is despite the fact that this serving contains two hundred calories. No magic - just a combination of protein and fiber. Research shows that people who consume sufficient quantity dietary fiber, over time they hardly gain weight. In addition, it accelerates weight loss by thirty percent (with physical activity and the right diet).

Eat protein for breakfast

Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast. This could be cottage cheese, an egg white omelet or chicken breast. Nutritionists say that the digestion of this substance requires twice as much energy as the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. This way, right in the morning, you “rock” your body and set your body in the mood for increased calorie burning.

Drink plenty of water

Another way to wake up your body early in the morning is to start the day with a glass of water. This, by the way, is also one of the easiest and cheapest methods to speed up metabolism. Water suppresses appetite, involves fats accumulated in the body in metabolic processes and absorbs a certain amount of calories during the digestion of food. Its deficiency slows down fat burning, because the body’s main task is not losing weight, but restoring fluid balance.

Nov 30, 2017 Sergey

From morning to evening we are busy with a lot of things: work, shopping, meetings, etc. There is a catastrophic lack of time. If you think about it, we are not spending our time rationally. The result is physical exhaustion and a devastated soul. Effective advice will help change everything.

If you use the recommendations below for at least 2 weeks, you will be surprised at the positive changes!

You need to make it a rule to keep your back straight for the next 7 days, when walking and sitting. Memory and intelligence will be better.

2 hours before bedtime you should not sit at the computer or watch TV. This will affect your ability to clearly communicate your thoughts.

You can't eat before going to bed. If dinner is 2-3 hours in advance, then you can sleep peacefully, and you will get up quickly in the morning. At the same time, you will feel rested.

When preparing food, try to use salt and pepper as little as possible. Then, after 2 weeks, you will need less food to feel full. Swelling will disappear. In a month you will see that you have lost 3-5 kilograms

You should not drink carbonated and sweet drinks. As soon as you feel thirsty, drink purified water. She's more useful.

To ensure deep and restful sleep, it is advisable to give up tea and coffee for 14 days. As a result, there will be fewer wrinkles on the face and puffiness will decrease. You will stop being nervous about everything.

Say no to smoking. Instead of 1 cigarette, eat an apple or orange. In 2 weeks you will feel full of strength and energy.

When you say goodbye to someone, instead of the usual “goodbye” or “bye,” say “I really want to meet you again.” Farewell takes on a tone of sincerity and kindness.

Try walking down the street and smiling. The smile should be natural. Don't worry about what others will think. Over time, it will be easier for you to contact strangers.

If a person causes hostility, it is necessary, mentally, to give him a gorgeous gift. You will be surprised how soon your relationship with him will improve. Perhaps he will even become your friend.

For 2 weeks, you only need to talk on the phone about business. See how much time is freed up for other things.

If you are offered a new business that seems unfamiliar, don’t worry and don’t think about possible failures. Feel free to begin your duties. You will succeed!

Find at least 1 day a week to relax in nature. Why not have a picnic in the forest, or relax near the river? Then you can find harmony.

Start changing your life in better side using cool tips for people!

Looking for effective weight loss tips? You may have already been on a diet, but it did not bring tangible results. We have prepared effective tips on how to lose weight without dieting, hunger and mental fatigue.

The main problem of those losing weight is that they choose a failed way to lose excess weight. The feeling of hunger that comes immediately after giving up your usual caloric intake is a signal to the body to save calories, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and fat accumulation even on a diet. And you will not lose weight in this state, besides, you will lose your good mood and will feel depressed due to a severe lack of calories.

Yes, we all know that to lose weight and burn fat, we need to take in fewer calories than we burn. And stopping eating seems to be the best way to lose weight. But that's not true. We have prepared real tips for losing weight at home with comfort and guaranteed results.

The weight loss “industry” is full of myths. People, following advice, do absolutely crazy things, most of which have no basis. How can you lose excess weight, for example, by eating an additional product? That's right, no way. However, over the years, scientists have discovered several strategies that are truly effective in losing weight.

1. Drink Water, Especially Before Meals

It is often claimed that drinking water can help you lose weight, and this is true.

Drinking water can speed up by 24-30% within 1-1.5 hours, helping you burn more calories.

One study found that drinking half a liter of water half an hour before meals helped dieters consume fewer calories and lose up to 44% more weight.

2. Eat Eggs for Breakfast

Eating eggs has many benefits, including helping you lose weight.

Research has shown that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can help you consume fewer calories over the next 36 hours, and lose more weight and more body fat.

If, for some reason, you can’t eat eggs, it’s okay. They should be replaced with any other source of quality protein.

3. Drink Coffee (Preferably black)

In fact, coffee is unfairly demonized. Quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants and may have a number of health benefits.

Studies have shown that the caffeine contained in coffee can speed up metabolism by 3-11%, and speed up fat burning by 10-29%.

Just don't add sugar or other high-calorie ingredients to it. This will negate all the benefits of coffee.

4. Drink Green Tea

Like coffee, green tea also has a lot of benefits, one of which is helping with weight loss.

Green tea contains small amounts of caffeine, but also contains powerful antioxidants called catechins, which work together with caffeine to increase fat burning.

Although the evidence is mixed, there is plenty of research showing that green tea (either as a drink or as an extract) can help you lose weight.

5. Cook with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very healthy. It's high in special fats called medium-chain triglycerides, which are digested differently than other fats.

These fats have been shown to speed up your metabolism by 120 calories per day, as well as reduce your appetite, causing you to consume 256 fewer calories per day.

Keep in mind that this is not about adding coconut oil to the top of your meals, but about replacing some of your current dietary fats with it.

6. Add Glucomannan

A fiber called Glucomannan has been shown in several studies to aid in weight loss.

This is a type of fiber that absorbs water and sits in your gut, making you feel fuller and helping you absorb fewer calories.

Studies have demonstrated that people who supplemented with Glucomannan lost slightly more weight than those who did not.

7. Reduce Extra Sugar Intake

Added sugar is one of the wrong ingredients in the modern diet, and most people consume too much of it.

Research has shown that sugar (and high fructose corn syrup) consumption is closely linked to the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and more.

If you want to lose weight, you should reduce your sugar intake. To be on the safe side, read labels, because so-called healthy foods can be loaded with sugar.

8. Eat Less Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are usually sugar or grains that have exposed fiber and lack nutrients (including white bread and pasta).

Research has shown that refined carbohydrates can spike blood sugar levels, creating spikes that lead to hunger, food cravings, and increased food intake over the next few hours. Eating refined carbohydrates is directly linked to obesity.

If you are going to eat carbohydrates, make sure they contain their natural fiber.

9. Go on a Low Carb Diet

If you want to experience the full benefits of cutting carbs, then consider all the ways you can achieve this, and then move on to a low-carb diet.

Numerous studies have shown that this diet (or “eating”) can help you lose 2-3 times more weight than a standard low-fat diet, while improving your health at the same time.

10. Use Small Plates

Some studies have shown that using small plates automatically helps people consume fewer calories. Paranormal trick, however, it works.

11. Practice Portion Control or Calorie Counting

Portion control (eating less) or eating to lose weight can be very helpful for obvious reasons.

There are also studies showing that keeping a food diary detailing what you eat, or taking photos of all your meals, can help you lose weight.

Anything that increases your awareness of what you eat can be used.

12. Have a Stock of Healthy Foods for When You Get Hungry

Having healthy foods nearby can help keep you from eating something bad if you get too hungry.

A few snacks that are easy to take with you and simple to prepare, including whole fruit, a handful of nuts, baby carrots, yogurt, and a hard-boiled egg (or two).

13. Brush Your Teeth After Eating

Although there are no known studies on this, most people recommend brushing and/or flossing after lunch. Then you won't be tempted to have a late night snack.

14. Eat Spicy Food

Spicy foods such as red hot peppers contain Capsaicin, which can speed up metabolism and slightly reduce appetite.

15. Do Aerobics

Aerobic exercise (cardio) is a great way to burn calories and improve your physical and mental health.

They are incredibly effective for losing belly fat, the harmful fat that tends to accumulate around your internal organs, and cause metabolic deterioration.

16. Power loads

One of the bad things about dieting is that it tends to decrease muscle mass and decrease metabolism, often leading to wasting.

The best way to avoid this is by doing some resistance exercises such as strength training. Research has shown that strength training can help speed up your metabolism and prevent you from losing precious muscle mass.

Of course, this is important for more than just fat loss. You also want to make sure you look good. And to do this, perform strength exercises that will help preserve and increase muscle mass.

17. Eat More Fiber

18. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits have certain properties that make them effective for weight loss.

Research has proven that people who eat vegetables and fruits tend to lose weight. This food is also very healthy and natural, so its consumption is important in every way.

19. Chew More Slowly

This is necessary so that the brain understands that you have eaten something. Some studies have shown that chewing more slowly helps you eat fewer calories and increases the production of hormones associated with weight loss.

20. Get a good night's sleep

Sleep is highly underrated, but it can be very important for both healthy eating and exercise.

Research has shown that poor sleep is a strong risk factor for obesity, associated with an 89% increased risk of obesity in children and a 55% increased risk in adults.

21. Overcome Your Food Addiction

Recently, in 2014, a study of 196,211 people found that 19.9% ​​of people fell into the category of food addicts.

If you experience overwhelming cravings and can't seem to keep your food intake under control no matter how hard you try, then you may be a food addict.

In this case, seek help. Losing weight without solving this problem is almost impossible.

22. Eat More Protein

Protein is the most important nutrient which leads to weight loss.

Consumption has been shown to increase metabolism by 80-100 calories per day, while helping you feel fuller and eat up to 441 fewer calories per day.

One study found that protein at 25% of calories reduced obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, and reduced the desire to snack in the evening by half.

This is the most important tip in the article.

Simply adding protein to your diet (without restricting anything) is the easiest, most effective, and most delicious way to lose weight.

23. Whey Protein Supplements

If you are looking to add enough protein to your diet, taking a supplement will help.

One study found that replacing some calories with whey protein could cause you to lose up to 8 pounds while increasing lean muscle mass.

24. Don't Drink Calories Including Sugary Soda and Fruit Juices

Sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse. Studies have shown that the calories in liquid sugar may be the only biggest reason fat deposits in modern nutrition.

For example, a study found that sugar in sugary drinks is associated with an increase in the risk of obesity in children by up to 60%, for each daily serving.

Keep in mind that this applies to both fruit juices and other drinks that contain similar amounts of sugar, such as coca. Eat the whole fruit, but use fruit juices sparingly (or avoid them altogether).

25. Eat Only Single-Component Foods (natural foods)

If you want to be slim, healthy person, then the best thing you can do for yourself is to eat whole, single-ingredient foods.

These products are natural, and if your menu consists mostly of them, then it is very difficult to gain weight.

Keep in mind that the real product does not require a long list of ingredients because the real product itself is an ingredient.

26. No “Diets”, Instead, Healthy Eating

The main advice on how to lose weight is to give up diets in their usual sense. One of the huge problems with “diets” is that they almost never work over the long term.

On the contrary, people who tend to “diet” end up gaining more weight, and studies have shown that dieting predicts future weight gain.

As opposed to dieting, make it your goal to become a healthy, happy, fit person. Focus on nourishing your body rather than exhausting yourself. Replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. And you will immediately feel the result.

As you can see, all the tips for losing weight without dieting come down to: proper nutrition, which eliminates empty calories, junk foods and hunger. You won’t be able to switch to this lifestyle right away, but by implementing one piece of advice, you will gradually see the extra pounds disappear and life becomes joyful.

Every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend huge sums of money on expensive cosmetics and salons to do this. After all, the basis of beauty is home care.

Skin care at home

Remedy for swelling

Dissolve salt in water: about 2 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water. The solution must be very concentrated. Soak a towel in it and apply it to your face for about 10 minutes. Puffiness will go away, and your face will take on a fresh look.
Lip plumpness

Apply a rich cream or lotion to your lips. Vaseline or olive oil also work great. Take a soft toothbrush and massage your lips with it for 1 minute. Now your lips are smooth and plump.
Radiant and hydrated skin

If you have dry skin, then there is a way to rehabilitate it and fill it with moisture. Steam the skin a little and massage it, rubbing in olive oil. Do this for 7 minutes. For best results, repeat the procedure every 5-6 days.
Get rid of rashes

If you suffer from acne, you can reduce its appearance and prepare your skin for makeup by using honey. Cleanse your face and apply honey for 15 minutes. Then wash it off warm water. Of course, it will not be possible to cure acne skin in this way, and without identifying the cause of this disease, it is impossible to do it at home. But the skin will be less irritated.
Sudden pimple

If there is a slight inflammation on your skin that spoils the whole appearance, you can remove it with the help of cosmetic eye drops. Apply a little product to a cotton pad and put it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Then apply it to the site of inflammation for a couple of minutes. Your hated pimple will become less noticeable and will not hurt.
Makeup removal

Prepare an effective, low-budget makeup remover. Mix olive oil and peeled or mineral water in a ratio of 1: 3. That’s it, the sensational micellar water with oils is ready! Removes even waterproof makeup and nourishes the skin.
Ingrown hairs

It is very easy to make a scrub that will remove the problem of ingrown hairs. In a small bowl, mix 1 tsp. baking soda, the same amount of oatmeal and 1 tbsp. l. water. Stir and scrub your feet and other areas for 5 minutes in the shower.
Get rid of bags under your eyes

Add 1 tsp. baking soda in a glass of water or tea. Mix well and soak cotton pads in the solution. Apply them to the bags for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply your daily moisturizer. You'll be surprised how refreshed your outlook will be.
Shiny hair

For a super cool mask you will need: 1 banana, 1 tbsp. l. honey and half a cup of beer. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply the mixture to your hair for 1-2 hours, then rinse. Make a mask once a week. Your hair will radiate health.
Long eyelashes

Mix half a teaspoon of coconut oil with 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Apply the product to the entire length of your eyelashes before going to bed 3 times a week.
Anti-aging mask

15 grams of algae seeds (buy at the pharmacy) diluted with a small amount of water room temperature. Almost immediately the seeds swell; you need to stir them well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take the resulting viscous and thick mixture in your hands and apply it to your face with stretching movements. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then remove the mask with a napkin.
These methods really give amazing results. If you carry out the procedures regularly, your appearance will change for the better. Don’t be lazy and always take care of yourself, regardless of the time of year or mood.

Elizaveta Babanova


Do you dream of waking up every day filled with energy, positive about the work ahead, with full confidence that you can do anything?

And after lunch, instead of the usual fatigue, feel a surge of fresh energy?

And at the end of the working day, still be emotionally filled to communicate with family and friends? So the question “How to increase efficiency and performance” is relevant for you.

Today I will share with you effective methods, which helped me transform from a person with perpetually low blood pressure and lack of stable quality energy into someone who happily gets up at 4 in the morning. At the same time, during the day, instead of the typical decline for all people, I experience an energy boost. That is, throughout the day I experience increased performance.

When I follow all of these tips (and it really is possible!), I live my life to the fullest, and the day ends with a feeling of deep satisfaction and confidence that I lived it to the maximum.

When thinking about how to improve efficiency, we constantly draw energy from different sources: food, people, books, films. But we often take it “on credit” (coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food), and after a while we pay with our physical and mental health. And we can develop healthy habits that, due to the correct lifestyle in the present, will give us energy and increased performance, without stealing all this from the future.

For example, a breakfast of fruits, nuts, and organic cottage cheese increases mental and physical performance, and also gives you the same burst of energy as a sandwich with coffee, but in the second case, after several hours, fatigue and apathy will set in, and there is no talk of increased performance. I have to.. Caffeine first gives energy, then a decline and deterioration follows. The right food not only gives you energy immediately after eating it, but also maintains increased performance throughout the day. This happens with many other factors that affect the quality of our lives.

So let's get straight to the methods that will help you become a more energetic and more effective person.

Physical body

1. Do you want to know how to increase efficiency and get more things done throughout the day? Get up at 4 am. Maximum at 5.

2. Take a contrast shower (1-3 minutes). hot water 15-60 seconds cold, repeat 3 times). This recommendation is certainly not for everyone, but for people with a fairly healthy body. However, if you do this, you are guaranteed increased performance from the very morning and throughout the day.

3. Drink on an empty stomach 1 liter of clean water at room temperature or slightly warmed. This amount of water is no less important than a morning shower. Your body will be cleansed of toxins released at night. This means that the quality of your energy will increase significantly and you will be able to increase the efficiency of any of your activities.

4. Go to bed no later than 22.00.People who lack energy and who are wondering “How to improve their performance” very often do not follow a sleep schedule. Going to bed late does not increase mental and physical performance, but decreases it.

5. At least 2 hours before bedtime, do not watch or read anything aggressive, do not watch the news. If you watch something unpleasant before going to bed, you will deprive yourself of a peaceful rest and the next day you will be overwhelmed, which will significantly reduce your performance.

6. Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air and sun. This way you will be able to significantly increase your performance.


7. In the morning, drink a vegetable smoothie or eat a fruit (for example, an apple). After 20-30 minutes you can have breakfast. For breakfast, I prefer nuts, mint tea with honey, or organic kefir with a spoon of honey. Pay attention and, especially if you often ask yourself the question “How to increase efficiency.”

8. It is very useful to eat 1 teaspoon of pollen in the morning. You can also eat pollen during the day when you need a boost of energy. Increased performance is then guaranteed to you.

9. Never overeat. If you have done this more than once, then, most likely, you have noticed that after overeating, strength begins to leave the body and you want to sleep. Heavy snacking is not the best way to improve your performance.

10. 80% of foods consumed should be vegetables, 20% - fruits, grains, nuts. Very little dairy products. If you eat meat or fish, eat these foods a maximum of 2-3 times a week and only during lunch. In the evening they do not have time to be digested, which makes sleep restless. Accordingly, the next day you feel overwhelmed and you have to think about how to increase your performance with low-quality energy sources.

11. Sprout wheat or green buckwheat - they give a huge surge of energy and rejuvenate the body, and also increase mental and physical performance.

12. Always drink BEFORE meals; after meals, do not drink for at least an hour, preferably two.

13. Don't eat at least 3 hours before bedtime.

14. If you still drink alcohol, then do not drink more than 1 glass of wine (no hard liquor!) in one evening. Remember that alcohol is a borrowing of energy from the future, and sooner or later you will have to pay for it with a lack of energy and increased performance.

15. During the day, after the morning liter of water, drink another 2-4 liters.

16. Gradually reduce caffeinated drinks. Drink only herbal teas and water. Previously, I could not imagine life without a cup of coffee in the morning and strong tea in the afternoon, but as soon as I completely gave up caffeine, I no longer experienced a strong breakdown around 10-11 am and in the afternoon around 3-4 pm. I forgot what pre-lunch and post-lunch fatigue syndrome is!


17. Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes a day. Many experts recommend exercising 2-3 times a week. This may be enough to maintain physical fitness, but to increase energy and personal effectiveness, you need to give yourself physical activity every day. You don't eat only 3 times a week. And sport is as important a source of energy as food.

18. Try to combine cardio training (running, jumping, aerobics, dancing, cycling) with stretching (yoga, Pilates, at worst, remember school gymnastics) and strength training (do not confuse it with pulling bags from the grocery store). It is physical activity that will help you increase your efficiency and performance significantly.


19. If your main engine (body) is in order, you need to take care of the emotional component of your fuel in order to increase your efficiency. To start the day on a positive note, use these options for morning emotional recharging:

  • Watch a video of one of your teachers/person who inspires you. After this, a surge of increased performance will come by itself, because nothing inspires like a personal example.
  • Read a few pages of books on personal or spiritual development.
  • Meditate for 15-30-60 minutes immediately after waking up.
  • Listen to audio recordings during your morning routine. It is useful for the fair half of humanity to combine morning routine with audio programs. Now you can combine cultivation appearance with a qualitative improvement in the inner world.
  • Write in your journal - spend 10-15 minutes writing about either your latest thoughts, observations, or what you learned in the last day. As Tony Robbins says, “If your life is worth living, it is worth writing down.”

20. Several times a day, do short breathing exercises, exhaling and inhaling deeply, focusing on your breathing. This will help you constantly feel an influx of energy, and therefore increase your efficiency.

21. Constantly pay attention to everything that develops positively during the day. We have a tendency to focus on what is going wrong, and by focusing on the positive aspects, we reprogram ourselves and begin to see the whole picture of the day in an increasingly objective and positive way.

22. If you love prayers, read them several times a day. If your path is meditation, periodically turn your attention inward and concentrate on the feeling of “here and now.”

23. Eliminate idle pastime from life (empty programs, gossip and discussion of things that do not add additional value to your life). You have a choice: you can chat with your colleagues for 15 minutes during a break, or you can read a chapter of a personal development book instead. What will give you the greatest impetus to development? Remember that “those who read books control those who watch TV.”

24. Keep a list of things you need to stop doing. Stop doing this. You will free up a huge amount of energy for more important things.

25. In the evening, write down at least 5 things you are grateful for today.


26. Make a list of important tasks that will help you (or your company) reach a new level of development, but for which you most often do not have enough time. A list of important tasks will increase your mental and physical activity, because it will inspire you to new achievements.

27. Start your day with these. Dedicate 1-2 hours of your most valuable morning time to creative tasks.

28. To progress in important matters, turn off Skype, phone and log out Email. Work for at least 60-90 minutes before getting distracted. Working in this mode will bring much more results than working with constant interruptions.

29. Take a short break every 2 hours. Stretch, walk around the office, if you work from home - jump in place, do a few stretches. This is one of the best ways to increase your performance, because our brain works much easier when it periodically switches.

30. Do a liver cleanse (I practice the Andreas Moritz method). If you have asked the question “How to increase efficiency and performance,” then, first of all, pay attention to your health. It should be fine.

31. Take oils (linseed, nut, etc., which are most suitable for you).

32. Use a body brush before showering to clean out pores. The body will absorb more oxygen through open pores, filling your body with additional energy.

33. Gradually switch to environmentally friendly products for body care and home cleaning.

34. Visit the sauna at least once a week.

These tips are my concentrated experience over 10 years of improving my daily routine and increasing efficiency at work. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of all the techniques that can be used to improve the quality of life, but if you want to succeed in other areas of life, they may come in handy.

But if you constantly feel low in energy, begin to gradually introduce these principles into your life, and over time you will feel like a different person - energetic, filled with positive energy and much more efficient.

Remember that life is not a sprint, but a long marathon, so it is better to introduce new habits day by day than to try to do everything at once and quickly burn out. Consistency and constancy are the secrets of the most successful and effective people in our world.

Have you noticed that the title of the article promises 35 tips, but only 34 are given? As the 35th point, I will post the most interesting recommendation from my readers on my blog. Share what methods of effective recharging you use and become my co-author in this article.