Where is Virginia located in America. Open left menu virginia. Racial composition of Virginia's population

It is located in the eastern part of the United States and is the tenth largest in the state. This is a rather picturesque part of America - there are the Appalachian Mountains, numerous rivers, and tall trees. And in general, I must say, there is something to see here.

general information

The state capital is the city of Richmond. Its population is only 200 thousand people. But the largest city is Virginia Beach, with about half a million residents. By the way, this is a resort town where thousands of tourists come every year to enjoy the waves and bright sun. There are a huge number of hotels and beaches, so there is a place to relax. Interestingly, in the eastern part of the state the area is very swampy. This is not observed on the western side, since it is in that direction that the Appalachian Mountains are located - they stretch for two thousand kilometers! By the way, the state of Virginia is in 12th place in terms of population density (out of all 51). In total, more than eight million people live there. An interesting fact is that quite a lot of Germans live in this state - more than 12%. About 20% are African-American, about 11% are British, 10% are Irish and only 11.5% are Americans. Moreover, the percentage of residents is less than one! Although, if you look at history, you can find out that initially people lived in the state

It is always interesting to learn various facts about a particular place. For example, the state of Virginia was nicknamed “the mother of presidents,” and all because eight US presidents were born here. Among them, by the way, is the world famous Another fun fact about the Pentagon (as you know, it is located in Virginia) - it has too many toilets, twice as many as needed. And all because the building was built in 1940 - then the toilets for dark-skinned and light-skinned people had to be separate. And more recently, in the summer of 2011, the state of Virginia suffered an earthquake. This is the first time such a strong cataclysm has occurred on And in general, it must be said that earthquakes are rare here. However, on that August day, people watched as the walls of their houses began to shake. Fortunately, there were no casualties. And one more interesting fact: Virginia is a state whose flag features a half-naked girl.

Not without oddities

Each country or city has its own laws, its own peculiarities, which may not be clear to visitors. Sometimes something even seems ridiculous, strange and completely unusual. Virginia is no exception. Quite strange laws apply on its territory. For example, quite recently they abolished the provision, the essence of which was that on Sundays they did not sell salad, but you could easily buy beer or wine. By the way, it is strictly forbidden to work on this day of the week. Radar detectors are also prohibited in the state, and when overtaking cars you must sound a signal. One of the most ridiculous laws is that it is forbidden to tickle girls and push your wife out of bed. Spitting at sea gulls or on the sidewalk is also prohibited (quite an interesting combination). A man can be imprisoned for two months if he slaps a girl on the back. And finally, one more absurd situation - a woman has the right to drive a car on the main street only when her husband walks in front of the car, regulating its movement with a red flag. As you can see, the state of Virginia (USA) does not lag behind other cities where rather strange regulations apply - for example, in India a person who weighs less than 110 kg cannot lose weight.

Places for rest

Virginia is a place where you can truly have a nice vacation. Moreover, there is something for everyone. For example, Virginia Beach (a city included in the Guinness Book of Records as the resort with the longest beach in the world) is a place for lovers of outdoor activities. Sea, sun, parties, clubs, shopping centers - it’s all there. Or you can go to Norfolk - a port city. And those who like a quiet pastime will love the Hamptons. In general, a vacation in Virginia is intended for those people who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy tranquility.

Main attraction

As mentioned earlier, there is a lot to see in these places. There really are a lot of interesting sights here, but the most important is the great gloomy swamp (Virginia, USA). This is a wetland located in the southeastern part of the state on the plain. It is safe to say that this small corner is one of the last in all of America that has not been touched by man. This is which covers almost 500 km of dense forests and water. The Great Dismal Swamp (Virginia, USA) has a completely unique ecosystem. Limitless rich flora and fauna, diverse nature, mysterious atmosphere - all this attracts the attention of tourists and local residents. By the way, the Great Swamp is included in the list of the most unique places in the USA. Scientists have a version that it was formed due to the last shift of the continental plume. But this is just one opinion, since there are a huge number of them.

Virginia State Map:

Virginia (English Virginia; also Virginia) is a state in the eastern United States, one of the so-called South Atlantic states. 10th state within the state. Population - 7.2 million people (2000; 12th place in the USA). Ethnic composition: African American - 19.6%, German - 11.7%, Hispanic - 11.2%, English - 11.1%, Irish - 9.8%.

The capital is Richmond, the largest city is Virginia Beach, other large cities are Alexandria, Lynchburg, Norfolk, Newport News, Portsmouth, Hampton, Chesapeake.

The full official name of the state is the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Official nicknames are “Old Dominion”, “Mother of Presidents”.

The official motto is “It will always be so with tyrants!” (lat. Sic semper tyrannis!).

Year of formation: 1788 (10th in order)
State slogan: This is how it will always be with tyrants.
Formal name: Commonwealth of Virginia
State's largest city: Virginia Beach
State capital: Richmond
Population: more than 7.2 million people (12th place in the country).
Area: 110.8 thousand sq. km. (35th place in the country.)
More large cities in the state: Alexandria, Lynchburg, Norfolk, Newport News, Portsmouth, Hampton, Chesapeake.


The area of ​​Virginia is 110.86 thousand km² (35th place in the USA). In the east the state is washed by waters Atlantic Ocean; in the south it borders with the states of North Carolina and Tennessee; in the northeast - with the state of Maryland, in the northwest - with the state of West Virginia, in the west - with Kentucky. The Delmarva Peninsula in eastern Virginia is separated from the main state by the Chesapeake Bay.

The eastern part of the state is heavily swamped. The western part is located on the threshold of the Appalachian Mountains, the system of which includes the Cumberland Plateau and the Blue Ridge. The state's most significant rivers are the Potomac, Rappahannock, Shenandoah and Roanoke. More than 60% of the state is covered by forests. The climate is transitional from temperate to subtropical, humid, with hot summers and mild winters.


Traditionally, the territory of present-day Virginia was inhabited by the Indian tribes of Cherokee, Chickahominy, Meherrin, Monkhan, Pamunki, and others. They belonged to three large ethnic groups, the largest of which was Algonquin, the other two were Iroquois and Sioux.

At the end of the 16th century (1587), when England began to colonize North America, the province was named Virginia (“Virgin”) in honor of Queen Elizabeth I, who never married. IN early XVII century, the London Virginia Company was created here, financing Jamestown (the original capital of the province) and other English settlements.

In 1780, during Revolutionary War, the capital was moved to Richmond. On June 25, 1788, Virginia became the tenth and largest of the original thirteen US states. After the war Virginia for a long time was the main political center of the country: the authors of the constitution, as well as eight presidents and other prominent politicians, came from here.

Industrial development, which began in the 1840s, was frozen by the Civil War, but gained momentum again in the 20th century. In April 1861, Virginia officially joined the Confederacy. In 1863, the western part (now the state of West Virginia) separated from it. During the war, Virginia became the main arena of battles - the battles of Bull Run, Petersburg, Fredericksburg, etc. took place here. On April 9, 1865, in the village of Appomattox, General Robert E. Lee signed the act of surrender.

During post-war Reconstruction, Virginia was officially readmitted to the United States in 1870.

In 1967, a black citizen was elected to the state legislature for the first time since 1891, and in 1969, a Republican governor led the state for the first time since the end of the Civil War. In 1989, for the first time in US history, an African American, Lawrence Wilder, was elected governor of a state.

On August 23, 2011, an earthquake measuring about 5.9 on the Richter scale occurred on the east coast. Tremors were also felt in North Carolina, Maryland, New York, Ohio and the District of Columbia metropolitan area. There have been no reports of casualties or damage, and there is no threat of a tsunami. Most offices and government institutions were evacuated during the earthquake. The Capitol and Pentagon were also evacuated. Two nuclear reactors were shut down.

Daria Lapenkova

The Commonwealth of Virginia or the “Old Dominion” is the tenth state that entered the union on June 25, 1788. It is part of the group of South Atlantic states, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, its neighbors are: in the south - North Carolina and Tennessee, in the north - in the west - West Virginia, in the northeast - Maryland, in the west - Kentucky. With a total area of ​​110,785.67 sq. km, the state ranks 35th in size in the country. About 60% of the state is covered with forests, and the eastern part is heavily swamped. Along the southeastern edge of the Appalachians runs a chain of mountain ranges - the Blue Ridge. The Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay are two of the state's most important geographic features. The largest and most significant rivers are usually the Roanoke, Shenandoah, Potomac, and Rappahannock.

Home to more than 8 million people, Virginia is the twelfth most populous state. Capital - city Richmond, and the most populous city is Virginia Beach, founded in 1888. Virginia Beach, as you can guess by its name, is famous for its beaches and resorts, and even takes pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records as the city with the longest public beach. In addition, three US military bases have settled in the city. Another major city is Norfolk – a port city founded in 1682 on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. During the war of 1775-1783, the headquarters of the British governor was located here, and now the US Navy base Norfolk is located in the city. City Newport News It is famous for its shipbuilding: a considerable part of American nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers were built here. Among the others major cities note Chesapeake And Arlington.

The history of the Commonwealth of Virginia often begins with the founding of Jamestown in 1607, which became the first permanent English settlement in the New World. Initially, Jamestown was the capital of the colony, and only in 1780 it was moved to Richmond. The Virginia General Assembly, founded July 30, 1619, is today recognized as the oldest legislative body in the Western Hemisphere. Colonization North America took place from the end of the 16th century by the British, and the state received its name in honor of Queen Elizabeth I, who never married. The London Virginia Company and numerous English settlements were established in the territory.

This painting by American artists Sidney King and Keith Rocco depicts the landing of the colonists, 1607.

During the American Revolution, Virginia witnessed the final surrender of British forces at Yorktown, and later became known as the birthplace of many Revolutionary-era figures and future American presidents, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Eight US presidents (in addition to those mentioned above - James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Woodrow Wilson) were natives of Virginia, more than from any other state. No wonder Virginia is often called the “mother of presidents.”

During the Civil War, in 1861, Virginia joined the Confederacy. Later, in 1863, the western part, West Virginia, separated. Virginia became the main battlefield: it was here that the battles of Fredericksburg, Bull Run, Petersburg, etc. took place. And it was here that the act of surrender was signed by General Robert E. Lee on April 9, 1865. During Reconstruction, in 1870, Virginia was again officially admitted to the United States.

The modern government of Virginia is almost identical in structure to the federal government and is divided into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The Virginia General Assembly consists of 100 members of the House of Representatives and 40 members of the Senate. The governor and lieutenant governor are elected every four years. Governors cannot be elected or serve consecutive terms. The Virginia court system consists of the Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Court of Appeals, district courts, and lower circuit courts (juvenile and other). Virginia has 13 electoral votes in the presidential election, and holds 11 seats in the US House of Representatives. The state governor is Republican Representative Robert McDonnell.

Seal of Virginia, created in 1776, with the motto « Sic simper tyrannis » (Latin for "this is how tyrants end") refers to the declaration of independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. The seal depicted is Virtus - a female figure, a symbol of Roman virtue, the genius of the Commonwealth, she leans on a spear in right hand. Under her left leg lies a prostrate male figure - a symbol of tyranny and the defeat of Great Britain in the fight against the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Commonwealth flag has the seal placed in the middle on a blue background and was first used in 1861.

The state's economy is highly diverse, but the public sector is the leading source of income for state residents. A large place is given to the tobacco, rubber, food, chemical and engineering industries. About 30% of the territory is allocated to farms where the main crops are grown: soybeans, cotton, tomatoes, nuts, potatoes, corn, etc. Cattle and sheep are raised, and fishing is also well developed.

According to 2010, the state's GDP was $424 billion. It should be noted that since the end of the 20th century, the high technology sector has been actively developing in the state. Forbes magazine named Virginia the most business-friendly state in the United States in 2009.

The commonwealth is also home to several top-ranked public and private colleges and universities. There are 176 of them in the state; a special place is occupied by:
University of Virginia : founded in 1819; the campus designed by Thomas Jefferson is now a UNESCO heritage site;

College of William and Mary : founded in 1693, ranked fourth among best universities USA in 2009 according to Forbes magazine. Future US presidents studied here - the already mentioned Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Tyler; the same college graduated such famous personalities as future Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Barack Obama Christina Romer, David Brown - NASA astronaut;

Virginia Tech (1872);

Virginia Commonwealth University (1838);

Virginia Military Institute (1839) : among the graduates is George Marshall, five-star general, laureate Nobel Prize peace.

U Washington and Lee University (1749) and etc.

Virginia is the “cradle” of not only presidents, but also other famous people: George Mason, one of the “Founding Fathers”, author of the Declaration of Human Rights, participant in the drafting of the US Constitution, Patrick Henry - first governor of Virginia Pocahontas – Indian princess Matoaka, daughter of the leader who united 25 tribes; Pocahontas's marriage to an English tobacco planter was the beginning of many famous noble families in Virginia, John Smith - national hero of America, sailor, one of the founders of Jamestown, William Styron - 1968 Pulitzer Prize winner, writer, Booker Taliapher Washington- politician, writer, fighter for the education of American blacks, Lawrence Wilder - the first African American governor from 1990-1994.

Virginia State Flag.

Virginia (geographical map).

Richmond. State Capitol, built according to the design of T. Jefferson. 1785

Virginia (Virginia) is a state in the eastern United States. It occupies an area of ​​110.7 thousand sq. km. Population - 6.9 million people (2000). The administrative center is Richmond.

Hampton. Hampton University building (formerly the Institute). Founded in 1868.

Largest cities: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Alexandria, Newport News, Hampton. The western part of the state is occupied by the Appalachians: the Cumberland Plateau and the Blue Ridge. In the eastern part there is a partially swampy lowland. In addition, Virginia has access to the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Large rivers: Potomac, Rappahannock, James, Shenandoah, Roanoke.

Virginia. Skyscrapers of Richmond.

The climate is temperate, humid, with hot summers and mild winters. The state hosts large military and naval bases. In 1607, John Smith founded the first English colony in what is now Virginia. And in 1788, Virginia became the tenth US state. In 1863, the western part separated from the state and became the independent state of West Virginia.

Virginia. Dam in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

The state of Virginia is the birthplace of 8 US presidents. Thus, George Washington was born in the town of Mount Vernon, and his family estate was located here. The estate, which now houses a museum, has survived to this day. The state includes Arlington, a suburb of Washington, located on the right bank of the Potomac River. Arlington is home to the largest building of the US military department - the Pentagon. Burial is at Arlington National Cemetery, founded in 1864. American soldiers who died in wars and armed conflicts. In 1931, a monument to the unknown soldier was erected here, where a guard stands guard. President John Kennedy was buried in the cemetery in 1963, followed by his brother Robert Kennedy in 1968.

Virginia. The administrative center of the state is Richmond. Science Museum.

Richmond. White House of the Confederacy. 1818.

Richmond is a port on the James River. Founded in 1737 on the site of a fort, it became the state capital in 1779. In 1861-65. - the center of the confederation of southern slaveholding states. In the years Civil War occurred in the vicinity of Richmond major battles. Among the city's attractions: Richmond Battlefield National Park, the Capitol (1785, architect T. Jefferson), the Church of St. John (1741), Museum of the Confederacy, Museum of Fine Arts.

Norfolk. View of the city from the bay.

The city of Norfolk is the main US naval base on the Atlantic coast. Located in the southeast of the state. Founded in 1682, it received city status in 1845. During the colonial period, the city was a major trading center. Attractions: St. Paul's Church (1739), Douglas MacArthur Memorial, Chrysler Museum, Art Museum.

A popular tourist center in the state is the town of Williamsburg, located in southeastern Virginia. The settlement here arose in 1633. In 1698-1778 - the capital of Virginia. The city received the name Williamsburg in 1699. During the Civil War the city suffered greatly. In 1928, on the initiative of J. Rockefeller, restoration work began in Williamsburg. The historical part of the city was recreated. Williamsburg became a colonial-style museum town.

Virginia. Shenandoah National Park.

Virginia. Shenandoah National Park. Mountains.

The state is located national park"Shenandoah." Established in 1926, the park straddles the "belt of ridges and valleys" that make up the western Appalachian Mountains. The park covers an area of ​​85 thousand hectares. It covers the northern tip of the Blue Ridge, the core zone of the Appalachians, which is composed of the most resistant rocks, and rises above the valley of the Shenandoah River, which flows in a longitudinal valley. The valley is dug by rivers in a strip of more pliable rocks belonging to the Hercynian (Paleozoic) folded structures. Within the park there are well-preserved tracts of Appalachian forests, which are the subject of protection and observation.

Virginia. Portsmouth. Naval hospital building.

Virginia. Portsmouth. Panorama of the city port.

Virginia. Portsmouth. Yacht harbor.

On June 25, 1788, another state became part of America, becoming its 10th state - Virginia. This territory in the southern United States on the Atlantic coast is famous for its tobacco and timber. This is the state of queens and presidents, attractive to tourists in many ways.

Virginia ranks 35th in the country in terms of area - 110,785 km 2. The population is just over 8 million. The capital is the city of Richmond. Largest cities: Virginia Beach, Alexandria, Norfolk.

Richmond is the capital of Virginia

Virginia is one of the first territories to be settled by Europeans. Already at the end of the 16th century, Great Britain made it its colony, forming a number of small towns. The future state of Virginia came into possession of the United States as a result of the War of Independence.

During the Civil War, Virginia was one of the main cities where active military operations were conducted. As a southern state, it supported the Confederacy and vigorously resisted the Yankees. And it was here that General Lee signed the act of surrender that ended the war.

origin of name

Virginia was named after Queen of England Elizabeth I. That is why the state is sometimes called “royal”. Another version of the name is "Virginia". It comes from the English Virgin - virgin. This was the nickname of the queen, who never married.

Territories and climate

Virginia on the map

The state of Virginia is located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the mainland, it also includes the Delmarva Peninsula. Most of of the state (60%) is occupied by forests. The rest is occupied by mountain ranges, plateaus and swamps.

The climate in Virginia is mild, temperate, turning into subtropical. Winters are characterized by high temperatures and humidity. In summer the weather is hot, typical a large number of precipitation.

Internal composition of the population

Virginia has a large black population - 20%. About 12% of residents are natives of Germany. There are not many descendants of the British here - about 11%. Of the religions, Christianity is the most developed, especially Baptistism.


Virginia ranks among the world's leading mineral producers. These are oil, sand, coal, gas. A significant part of the economy is related to naval forces USA.

Developed in Virginia and Agriculture. From here large quantities of tobacco, apples, corn, and soybeans come into the country. On high level There is a woodworking industry, especially furniture manufacturing.

Interesting things in the state: attractions, places, events

Virginia is rich in various natural and architectural monuments.
Worth going to:

  • Appomattox Courthouse (where the Instrument of Surrender was signed)
  • George Washington's estate
  • Shenandoah Park

Shenandoah Park

Every year the capital of Virginia hosts Chamber Music Festival. Tourists will be interested in the bridges and tunnels across the bay to the peninsula. The route will impress with its beauty Skyline Drive in the mountains.

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