Cities where Russian writers and poets drew inspiration. Galich Kostroma history

World Writer's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world on March 3. Often, award ceremonies for various literary prizes and honoring the most distinguished literary figures.

Writers and poets whose work has served people for many years bring glory to any city or region. We should be proud that great masters artistic word were born, lived and created their creations in one or another Russian city. And the cities and their inhabitants are forever glorified on the pages of the classics of Russian literature.

Especially for Writer's Day, the Russian housing booking service website revealed the most popular literary cities in Russia among tourists.

The leaders in terms of duration of vacation are the resorts of Yalta and Pyatigorsk - from 6 to 9 days. In other cities the rest period is from 2 to 4 days.

The cheapest accommodation will cost in Tyutchev’s homeland, in the Bryansk region - from 975 rubles. per day. And in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s homeland, in the Tver region, tourists will cost 6,688 rubles for one night’s stay in local accommodation facilities.

the site determined that best cities For families with children, Chekhov's favorite Yalta and the birthplace of the author of "Dark Alleys" Ivan Bunin are Voronezh. People also travel to Yalta in groups and couples. But a popular party place for large companies is the Tver region. For traveling together, they choose Bryansk and Kostroma.

Popular literary cities of Russia among tourists

It is difficult to remain indifferent to Yalta - a cozy sunny city lying on the Black Sea coast among mountains and forests... So Anton Pavlovich fell in love with it, so much so that he even bought a house in a village on the outskirts, where he lived for almost five years. Therefore, it would be surprising if a monument to the writer did not appear in Yalta, which today stands in the Primorsky Park, almost at the very shore. The monument, created by the sculptor G. Motovilov, turned out to be somehow “alive” and non-trivial - Anton Pavlovich simply sits, fixing a calm, peaceful and wise look at the sea that he loved so much.

Before purchasing a plot of land in the village of Autka on the outskirts of Yalta, Anton Pavlovich visited here several times. And in 1898, a writer suffering from tuberculosis was forced to go to the Crimea, here on the purchased land, in less than a year, a two-story house with a mezzanine was built, which the Yalta residents nicknamed the “White Dacha.” After Anton Pavlovich’s death, his sister looked after the dacha; it was she who took care of the safety of the furnishings and things; in the very first year, Belaya Dacha began to be visited as a museum. Officially, Chekhov's house was given museum status in 1921; in the 60s, a building was built here to house a library. You can visit the museum now, learn a lot about the life and work of Anton Pavlovich, and also admire the garden, where many plants were planted by the hands of the writer.

The literary heritage of St. Petersburg is not inferior in importance to Yalta. Great Russian writers chose the northern capital as a place of study and residence; the image of this city remained on the pages of the wonderful works of classics of Russian literature. The years of A. S. Pushkin’s youth and creative maturity passed in St. Petersburg. Here, on the Black River, he was mortally wounded. In the works of the poet, the city of the great Peter acts as a symbol of the greatness of Russia. This is a city of arbitrary authorities and gendarmerie, who do not allow him to freely engage in creativity. Many of N.V. Gogol’s creations retain their appearance northern capital 19th century. This is the city of heroes of the books of the satirical writer, a place that matches his spirit.

Moscow has always been considered the main cultural center of Russia. The names of many famous Russian writers and poets add to the glory of this city. A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, A. S. Griboyedov, I. A. Krylov, F. M. Dostoevsky, D. I. Fonvizin were born here. The great Pushkin spent his childhood in Moscow and began writing his first poems. He often returned here and visited Moscow literary salons. The image of the main Russian capital remained captured on the pages of the poet’s works. Love to ancient city conveyed in poems and prose by M. Yu. Lermontov. The well-studied customs and life of the Moscow nobility became the basis for the creation of A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” main topic“humiliated and insulted” in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky took its basis from the Bozhedomka hospital yard, where the writer as a child became acquainted with the life of disadvantaged people.

Pyatigorsk can be called the most literary domestic resort. A lot of events happened there - both real and artistic. Here, in different time there were the most famous writers and figures of other arts: Pushkin, Lermontov, Glinka, Griboedov, Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, Leo Tolstoy, Gnedich, Alyabyev, Griboedov, Belinsky, Chaliapin, Gorky, Nikolai Yaroshenko, Balakirev, Khetagurov, Chekhov, Ilf and Petrov, Sergey Mikhalkov. It is not surprising that this resort was most often mentioned in documentaries and works of art. Even those who have never been to Pyatigorsk can more or less imagine Proval, the Flower Garden, the Restoration, and Diana’s Grotto. This is a place where reality and fiction are indistinguishable.

Voronezh is the birthplace of I. A. Bunin, a writer and poet, one of the talented masters of lyrical prose. In the suburbs of Voronezh, A.P. Platonov (Klimentov) was born, who in his autobiographical stories showed the difficult life of a simple working man and children deprived of real childhood and youth.

The names of many literary figures add to the glory of Tver and the Tver region. A. Pushkin visited these places several times, staying with his friends. Here the poet took a break from the bustle of metropolitan life; the picturesque nature of the region inspired him to create. The famous Russian satirist M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in the Tver outback, and in the sixties of the 19th century he served as vice-governor of Tver. Many prototypes of the heroes of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s works, including cruel feudal landowners and “Judas Golovlevs,” were noticed by the author on Tver land.

The poet K.N. Batyushkov was born in Vologda, here he spent the second half of his life and was buried in the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery. The life of the author of lyrical poems, many of which were set to music, N. M. Rubtsova is inextricably linked with the Vologda land. This region gave Russian literature many other famous names: N.V. Klyuev, Igor Severyanin, V.F. Tendryakov, A.Ya. Yashin, S.S. Orlov, V.T. Shalamov.

Oryol is called the third literary capital. I. S. Turgenev, N. S. Leskov, L. N. Andreev, A. A. Fet, M. M. Prishvin and other names of Russian writers and poets are closely associated with the Oryol region. I. S. Turgenev was born in Orel and spent his childhood years on the Spasskoye-Lutovinovo estate. Many of the author’s works appeared as a result of observations of the life of his native country. Throughout his life, the Oryol region attracted N. S. Leskov. Representatives of different classes of Oryol residents make up a gallery of images from his stories and tales. The writer L.N. Andreev spent his childhood and youth on Pushkarnaya Street. The native street served as material for Andreev’s first story; the heroes of many other works lived on the streets of Orel and its environs familiar to the writer. Oryol province is the birthplace of M. M. Prishvin; various circumstances brought A. A. Fet to the city.

In the Bryansk region in locality Ovstug is the estate of the noble Tyutchev family, where one of the main poets of Russia, F.I. Tyutchev, was born and raised. The building was reconstructed according to Gorodkov’s design, where today there are thousands of authentic exhibits from the life of the writer. There is a bust of the poet here, and near the pond there is a monument to F.I. Tyutchev. The museum complex includes mills, gazebos on the island and linden alleys. The museum is the center of cultural tourism in Russia, which is visited annually by up to 100,000 people.

Starting from the 18th century, Kostroma declared itself as a literary cradle: actor and playwright F. Volkov, playwright A. O. Ablesimov were born here... But Kostroma’s fate was especially tightly connected with the literature of the 19th century. The Ostrovsky family came from Kostroma: in the Shchelykovo estate Kostroma region there is a museum-estate of the famous playwright A. N. Ostrovsky. The work of N. A. Nekrasov is also connected with Kostroma - his childhood passed on the border of the Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions in the village of Greshnevo, and in his mature years he often visited the Kostroma forests to hunt in the villages of Shoda, Malye Vezhi, Zharki and Vederki. The writer A.F. Pisemsky studied and lived in Kostroma, and the poet N.A. Pleshcheev was born here. The Decembrist poet P. A. Katenin (a friend of A. S. Pushkin), and the poetess A. I. Gotovtseva (a friend of P. A. Vyazemsky), and Yu. V. Zhadovskaya (she was highly appreciated by Vyazemsky) loved to visit the Kostroma lands. . G. Belinsky). The playwright V. Rozov lived in this city already in the 20th century.

*Average room rate per night/average number of nights booked

Modern linguistic and cultural space of the Kostroma region. Features of the public speech space of the city of Kostroma and the Kostroma region and compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language. The influence of Kostroma folk dialects and sociolects on the speech culture of residents of the Kostroma region.

Folklore of the Kostroma region. The existence of folklore in the Kostroma region.

History of collecting folklore in the Kostroma region: V. A. Andronnikov, A. A. Shirsky, V. I. Smirnov, Fr. P. Florensky and others.

Kostroma as a folklore character and poetic image in literature

Kostroma saints and Kostroma shrines in book culture and literary creativity. Lives of the saints of the Kostroma land: Pachomius of Nerekhta, Jacob of Zheleznoborovsky, Macarius of Zheltovodsk and Unzhensky, Paisius of Galich, Gennady of Kostroma, Abraham of Chukhlomsky. The theme of holiness and righteousness in works of art created on Kostroma material.

The feat of Ivan Susanin as one of the main symbols of the Kostroma land and its reflection in literature.

Enlighteners on the Kostroma land in the 18th - early 19th centuries: F. G. Volkov, A. M. Kutuzov, N. F. Grammatin, A. O. Ablesimov.

“Noble nests” of the Kostroma province and their role in the literary process of the “golden age”.

The life and work of writers closely associated with the Kostroma region: P. A. Katenin, Yu. V. Zhadovskaya, S. V. Maksimov, A. N. Ostrovsky, A. A. Potekhin, A. F. Pisemsky, N. A . Nekrasova, V. S. Rozova.

Writers who glorified Kostroma: P. Svinin, A. Pleshcheev, V. V. Rozanov, P. Florensky, I. D. Sytin, A. N. Solovyov-Nelyudim, A. F. Razumov and others.

Modern prose of writers of the Kostroma region: problems and artistic originality.

Works of Kostroma writers about the Great Patriotic War.

Works by Kostroma writers about children and teenagers.

Literary tales of Kostroma writers.

Native nature in the works of writers and poets associated with the Kostroma region.

Kostroma region in the works of poets of different eras.

Contemporary poetry of the Kostroma region.

Literary circles and societies on the territory of the Kostroma province (region).

Training courses (thematic blocks) of the module “Philology”

Nekrasov, dedicated to Russian children (“Bees”, “General Toptygin”, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, etc.)

"Niva", "In the capital"

“Spring” (“The snow is already melting...”), “Autumn” (“Autumn has come...”), etc.

Works by Kostroma writers about children and teenagers

Silantyev's childhood. Nurse. Petrunka's life

“Miracles in a sieve” true story. "Pea jelly with warm linseed oil." "Cry of the Lapwing"

"Dancing in the Club"

"Vetla on Nevorotimaya"

“Your City”, “Morning and Evening”, “Friends and Clouds”, etc.

The theme of childhood in the “non-childish” lyrics of Kostroma poets

Contemporary Kostroma writers working for children and teenagers

6th grade. Apt Kostroma word

The course allows you to implement a regional component when studying the Russian language. It correlates with the content of the federal component of the educational program. In grades 5–6, schoolchildren master such sections of the language as vocabulary and phraseology, so the teacher will be able to rely on the theoretical information received by schoolchildren and purposefully work on improving the students’ speech and developing their linguistic sense.

Basic content training course

Topics, problems for additional development within the framework of extracurricular and independent work

Dialects of the Kostroma region, their history and sources of study.

Features inherent in Kostroma dialects. Phonetic, morphological-syntactic and lexical features of Kostroma dialects

The place of Kostroma dialects in the dialect division of the Russian language.

Lexico-thematic and lexico-grammatical groups of Kostroma dialect vocabulary.

Dialectal lexicography. Vocabulary of dialects of the Kostroma region as an object of lexicography. Dialectal linguistic geography. Information about Kostroma dialects in works public figures, local historians, researchers of the past and present. Results and prospects for studying Kostroma dialects.

Outstanding linguists of the Kostroma region.

Peculiarities of dialects of different regions of the Kostroma region

Ratio literary language and dialects on the territory of the Kostroma region: Kostroma regionalect. Language of the city.

Live folk speech in dialect texts.

Kostromskoe folk word orally folk art and rituals. Dialectal features reflected in the language of ditties of the Kostroma region. Proverbs and sayings, fairy tales, folk stories, legends, songs, tales, lamentations, etc. as sources of information about Kostroma dialects.

Kostroma folk word in works of art. Folk vocabulary in poems: Yaroslavl-Kostroma background. The language of folk rituals of the Kostroma region, recorded.

Kostroma folk word in works of art. Kostroma folk colloquial vocabulary in works. and the living folk word: the lexicographic activity of the writer. Kostroma folk speech in the works of other writers of the 18th–20th centuries. Kostroma folk word in the works of modern writers and poets (optional).

Kostroma folk word in works.

Kostroma folk word in the works of modern Kostroma writers and poets (optional).

Toponymy of the Kostroma region . Toponyms as witnesses to the history of the Kostroma region. Toponyms as a source of information about the features of the landscape of the Kostroma region, the material and spiritual culture of its inhabitants. Toponyms in oral folk art. Toponymic legends.

Reflection in toponymy of the features of dialects of the Kostroma region.

Speech culture of residents of the Kostroma region.

Features of the public speech space of the city of Kostroma and the Kostroma region and compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language. The influence of Kostroma folk dialects and sociolects on the speech culture of residents of the Kostroma region

(Image of the Kostroma land in literary words)

The content of the course consists of works written at different times and belonging to different genres: fiction and memoir prose, lyric and lyric poetry, religious literature (hagiography). They are united by a common aspect of analysis: schoolchildren are invited to see how the image of the Kostroma land is created in literature, how part of this image becomes the image of people with bright, sometimes difficult characters, who for many centuries lived, worked on the Kostroma land, committed heroic deeds or glorified their homeland with his spiritual asceticism.

This approach allows us to achieve a holistic sound of the course and have an emotional impact on older teenagers, for whom at this stage personal development and the search for moral guidelines in life are the most important task.

Key theoretical concepts courses are “artistic image”, “ literary hero", "character", relevant for the study of literature in grades 7 - 8 and well mastered by students within the framework of the basic educational program.

Invitation to the electronic library

The electronic library is being created as a social project based on the publishing activities of the Kostroma Regional Writers' Organization, which has a rich literary heritage. Writers of three generations, new authors in 17 literary studios and associations (there are more than 200 of them), passionate teachers, students and schoolchildren write works according to the laws of truth, kindness and love for everything native. This feature of gifted people living far from cultural centers, is still preserved. We pin our hopes on her, devoting Special attention unknown authors.

We are reviving the traditional “Literary Week”, holding creative seminars, poetry competitions, publishing thematic collections: “Victory Day”. “By the right of memory and duty”, “Let those who follow be more vigilant”, “On Kostroma land”, “Unforgettable”, “Heirs of Victory”, “Parental home”, and others. Constant analytical selection of the best works, classes in literary studios, creatively prepared literature lessons - I read about this in the Mezhevo regional newspaper, an essay by A. N. Zamyshlyaeva, review lectures, publications, creative evenings and discussions of new books allow us to imagine the literary process, ensuring preservation and development native language, attention to the fates of loved ones and to the peculiarities of life in their native land.

Our authors work according to the principle: “Your own is dearer, closer and more instructive than the “virtual”. Literature has always been the custodian of good traditions and moral guidelines. But without a reliable publishing system, interesting collections, original books of prose and poetry are published in small editions and remain unknown...

I am building provincial confidence: good people are in demand in literature, but they are only being pushed aside by the heroes of “killer” plots. A century earlier, Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy had a desire to depict the vulgarity of life. It is written in his diary: “And at night the idea came to mind to place among this vulgarity good man" Russian literature has always sympathized ordinary people. And in working with new authors we hope for good people- for those who save their word for good.

Unfortunately, learning programs According to the literature, they were cut. Reduced interest in the book. Even the best works are published in small editions. Books by Kostroma authors for children are almost never released to readers. The tradition of reading aloud - family reading - is being lost. Regional libraries and educational institutions do not know many writers of the Kostroma region. This is only part of the motives that inspired the idea of ​​the project “Electronic Library of Contemporary Kostroma Literature”, a non-profit publication, first edition - 2012, developed for the future and therefore timely connected with the regional program for computerization of educational and cultural institutions.

The world is changing, the perception of accessible and transcendental space is changing. Now the road to all ends is really long. Over the years, you begin to appreciate the spiritual attachment to the places where you come from, where true love for the Motherland begins. Many colleagues admit that in addition to the Call of space and the future, the Call of a specific home does not subside in a person, small homeland, calling out to native voices. How to awaken this call without literature. The “virtual” thirst for knowledge, of course, captivates; entertainment Internet sites leave neither time nor energy for a young person to remember himself, remember who he is, where he comes from.

And yet the basic basis is attractive - the computerization of schools, educational institutions, libraries and, of course, the presence of computers in many families...

Our project is unique for the Kostroma region, it has the opportunity further development and replication, can be continued on an ongoing basis, and from the first stage is available for evaluation with specific indicators using a very simple accounting system.

Expanding the readership. Activating creative interests in children and adolescents using similar examples. Creating conditions for the emergence of new literary centers, studios, and associations where they have not yet appeared.

Works presented in publications of the writer's organization receive increased circulation, can be used by teachers as literary local history, and become more widely available on an electronic basis. And most importantly, they will testify to their indifference to everything that becomes close and understandable in their native land, focusing on the peculiarities of the people’s characters, moral and spiritual guidelines.

To a certain extent, under favorable circumstances, such works create natural history; it orients human capabilities and the abilities of young people towards the formation of a spiritual and moral society. The project presents writers and new authors with portraits, biographical information, reviews, creative characteristics, introduces the first books, names the main publications.

Literature – history and philosophy in images and pictures that develop the imagination. Interest in the destinies of loved ones and relatives, in one’s ancestry, anchors one’s soul and memory in the land where a person grows up. Understanding the past and present of one’s native land provides the basis for realizing oneself among people, belonging to the people as a citizen of Russia. This is the main goal of a long-term education program, and it is for this that ours is created. digital library. It will be useful every day in recognizing people’s national culture, will reinforce the system of humanitarian and labor education, and will remind you of the traditions of the aesthetics of everyday life, art, literature...

From best works a mosaic of provincial life is taking shape. Respect for the parental home, communication in the family and at school, the desire to understand loved ones, the attractiveness of the lives of famous fellow countrymen who went down in the history of their native land - fit into the continuous education and formation of personalities.

New creative evidence of cognitive attention to the world that influences feelings and represents a natural cultural environment, ideally necessary for the spiritual and moral growth of the individual, received through literary associations from all over the region, will not go without interested reading. The feeling of family, native home, native school, native land is strengthened by concentrated perception and is reflected in artistic self-expression on the feeling of the beauty of the native word and awakens a life-giving interest in literature. With this step-by-step project we are forming a documentary fund of evidence modern life. Intelligently used electronic capabilities do not deny the role of such educational creative communication.

To be continued...

literary reading work by N.A. Nekrasov’s “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, we learned that the events described in it took place on Kostroma land, where the writer often visited. In our research, we decided to find out how the fates of 19th century writers are connected with our small homeland.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (/78) N. A. Nekrasov was associated with the Kostroma region throughout his life. The Nekrasov family estate, Greshnevo, was located near the border of the Yaroslavl and Kostroma provinces. The opposite right bank of the Volga, lying opposite Greshnev, already belonged to the Kostroma district. The poet often visited here.

Nekrasov was closely acquainted with many natives of the Kostroma province. The most famous among them is the poet’s “friend-friend” Gavrila Yakovlevich Zakharov, a peasant in the village of Shoda, Kostroma district, to whom he dedicated his poem “Peddlers.” Another acquaintance of Nekrasov is the peasant of the village of Vezhi, Kostroma district, Ivan Savvich Mazaikhin, who became the hero of his famous poem about grandfather Mazai.

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (1825–1893) A.N. Pleshcheev - Russian writer, poet, translator, was born in Kostroma, in the family of an official who came from an old noble family. Many of the poet’s works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred romances were written by the most famous Russian composers based on Pleshcheev’s poems.

Alexey Feofilaktovich Pisemsky () A.F. Pisemsky is a novelist, playwright, born in the Ramenye estate, Chukhloma district, Kostroma province. He studied at the Kostroma gymnasium, then at Moscow University. He served as an official in the Kostroma Chamber of State Property. In 1919, the Chukhloma Museum of Local Lore named after A.F. was founded in Chukhlom. Pisemsky.

Efim Vasilyevich Chestnyakov (1874 - 1961) E.V. Chestnyakov (Evfimy Samoilov) - Russian artist, writer, poet, sculptor, born in the village of Shablovo, Kologrivsky district, Kostroma province. He lived almost his entire life in his native village. He studied painting and drawing in St. Petersburg with the famous artist Repin.

Returning to his native village, he lived like a peasant: he plowed, sowed, mowed, and in the winter he was engaged in painting and sculpture. All his life Chestnyakov studied and recorded ditties, songs, and ancient rituals. He himself composed fairy tales, sculpted various sculptures and toys from clay. He did not sell his works, did not show them at exhibitions, but simply gave them as gifts to his fellow villagers. Therefore, art experts for a long time they knew nothing about Chestnyakov.

After his death, museum workers came to the village of Shablovo. They found, carefully restored Chestnyakov’s works and transferred them to the Kostroma Museum fine arts. In the village of Shablovo, the house-museum of Efim Chestnyakov was opened in 2004. The Kostroma Region annually hosts the Generous Apple festival and the Chestnyakov Readings.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky () The life and work of the great Russian playwright are inextricably linked with the Kostroma region. His father acquired the Shchelykovo estate. Alexander Ostrovsky liked these places so much that he began to come here every summer.

Vladimir Andreevich Kostrov was born on September 21, 1935 in the village of Vlasikha, Bogovarovsky district, Kostroma region, into the family of a military man. Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow University (1958) and the Higher Literary Courses (1967).

He worked as an engineer at a plant in Zagorsk (Sergiev Posad). Has an invention in the field chemical technologies(polaroids).

He began publishing poems in the 50s in the magazine “Youth”. Worked as a journalist in the magazines “Technology for Youth”, “Smena”, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “ New world"(1986-92). Member of the Writers' Union since 1960.

The first book in the collective collection “Dorm” was published in 1961. Then collections of poems “First Snow” (1963), “Kostroma - Russia” (1964), “ Unexpected joy"(1974), "Selected" (1972), "Revealed to the Eye" (1980), "Daily Light" (1984), "Stratostat" (poems, 1987), "Poems and Poems" (1989), "Song, Woman and the river" (2001), etc.

Laureate of the State Prize of Russia (1987), the Golden Calf Prize (for ironic poetry, 1987), the Moscow City Hall Prize (1998), named after Alexander Tvardovsky(1987), named Ivan Bunin(2000), named after Andrei Platonov (2000). Three times laureate of the television competition “Song of the Year” (songs by Muradeli, Pakhmutov and others were written on his poems), author of poems and libretto of the opera “Giordano” (composer Laura Quint).

Compiler and executive editor of the anthology “Russian Poetry: 20th Century” (Olma-Press, 1999, second edition, expanded and revised - 2001). In the anthology in chronological order Poems by hundreds of venerable and half-forgotten, famous and youngest authors are presented.

Vice-president of the international Pushkin Foundation “Classics”. Professor of the Literary Institute named after. A. M. Gorky.

KOSTROV, Vladimir Andreevich (b. 21.IX.1935, village of Vlasikha, Bogovarovsky district, Kostroma region) - Russian Soviet poet. Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University (1958). Worked as an engineer. Published since 1957. One of the authors of the collective collection of poems by Komsomol poets “Dorm” (1961), author of the collection “First Snow” (1963). Kostrov's poems about labor Soviet people, about the beauty of his native land, about the bold daring of his contemporaries are romantically elevated, their rhythms are energetic, the poet tends to be hyperbolic.

Lit.: Anninsky L., Costumes and characters, “Banner”, 1962, No. 9; Krasukhin G., Poetry of working labor, “Moscow”, 1964, No. 1.

D. A. Kakurina

Brief Literary Encyclopedia: In 9 volumes - T. 3. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1966