State environmental monitoring. State monitoring in the Russian Federation

Requirements for the format and content of information included in the state fund, the timing of its provision are determined by the Ministry natural resources and ecology Russian Federation in agreement with the interested federal executive authorities.

9. Provision of information included in the state fund, exchange of this information between the unified monitoring system, the unified state system of prevention and liquidation emergency situations and bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision are carried out free of charge using unified system interdepartmental electronic interaction in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 N 697.

10. Access of federal executive authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to information contained in the state fund is carried out free of charge through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Access of individuals and legal entities to information contained in the state fund is ensured by posting it on the official website of the state fund on the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as using the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" .

Access to information contained in the state fund, access to which is limited by federal laws, is provided to users who have confirmed that they have the right to access the relevant information by submitting to the operator documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secret, about a trade secret or other secret protected by law.

to the Regulations on State Environmental
monitoring (state monitoring
environment) and state fund
state environmental monitoring data
(state environmental monitoring)

types of information included in the state data fund of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)

With changes and additions from:

1. Information contained in the databases of subsystems of the unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), in terms of:

a) state monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment, state monitoring atmospheric air, state monitoring of the radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation, state monitoring of internal sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, state monitoring of the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, state monitoring of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and state environmental monitoring of the unique ecological system of Lake Baikal:

results of observations of the state and pollution of atmospheric air, soils, surface waters water bodies, including the marine environment and bottom sediments (according to physical, chemical and hydrobiological indicators) of internal sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, as well as the radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation;

results of assessment of the state and pollution of atmospheric air, surface waters, water bodies, soils and radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation based on the results of observations;

forecast of the state and pollution of atmospheric air, surface waters of water bodies, soils and radiation conditions on the territory of the Russian Federation;

results of assessing the volume of anthropogenic emissions from sources and absorption by sinks of greenhouse gases and the radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) state monitoring of lands:

results of collecting information on the condition of land, observations of land use based on their intended purpose and permitted use;

results of analysis and assessment of the qualitative condition of lands, taking into account the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors, assessment of changes in the condition of lands based on observation results;

forecast of changes in the state of lands, consequences of negative processes;

c) state monitoring of fauna objects:

results of observations of the state of objects of the animal world (including lists of species of objects of the animal world living in each subject of the Russian Federation), the number of objects of the animal world, information on the parameters of the state of objects of the animal world, information on the condition, structure, quality and area of ​​the animal’s habitat peace;

results of assessing the state of the animal world based on observations;

forecast of the state of the animal world and the state of the habitat;

d) state forest pathological monitoring:

results of observations of the sanitary and forest pathological condition of forests, including outbreaks of pests classified as quarantine objects;

results of analysis and assessment of the sanitary and forest pathological state of forests based on the results of observations;

forecast of sanitary and forest pathological condition of forests;

e) state monitoring of the state of subsoil:

results of observations of the state of the subsoil;

results of accounting for the state of subsoil for subsoil use objects, groundwater reserves and their movement;

results of analysis and assessment of the state of the subsoil based on observational results;

forecast of the development of natural and man-made processes affecting the state of the subsoil;

f) state monitoring of water bodies:

results of observations of the state of water bodies, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of water resources, as well as the regime of use of water protection zones;

the results of observations of water management systems, including hydraulic structures, as well as the results of observations of the volume of water during water consumption and drainage;

results of assessing the condition of water bodies, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the condition of water resources, the condition of water management systems, including hydraulic structures, based on observation results;

forecast of changes in the state of water bodies, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of water management systems, including hydraulic structures;

g) state monitoring of aquatic biological resources:

results of regular observations of the distribution, quantity, quality and reproduction of aquatic biological resources that are objects of fishing, as well as their habitat;

results of regular observations of fisheries and conservation of aquatic biological resources;

results of assessment of the condition, distribution, quantity, quality and reproduction of aquatic biological resources, as well as their habitat;

forecast of changes in the state, distribution, quantity, quality and reproduction of aquatic biological resources, as well as their habitat under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;

h) state monitoring of hunting resources and their habitat:

results of observations of the number and distribution of hunting resources (by species), their distribution in the habitat (in terms of hunting grounds and other territories that are the habitat of hunting resources), the state of hunting resources (fertility, morbidity), the state of the habitat of hunting resources (area categories of habitat), the area of ​​hunting lands (publicly accessible, assigned) and other territories that are the habitat of hunting resources;

results of analysis and assessment of the state of hunting resources and their habitat, including the dynamics of changes in the number of hunting resources (by species), based on the results of observations;

forecast of changes in the state of hunting resources and their habitat.

4. Information on state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, contained in the state register of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

Chapter X. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING (STATE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING) (as amended by Federal Law No. 331-FZ of November 21, 2011)

Article 63. Implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) (as amended by Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 N 331-FZ)

State environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) is carried out within the framework of a unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) by federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with their competence established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, through the creation and maintenance of observation networks and information resources within the framework of the subsystems of the unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), as well as the creation and operation of a state data fund authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation by the federal executive body.

Article 63.1. Unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) (introduced by Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 331-FZ)

1. A unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) is created in order to ensure environmental protection.

2. The objectives of the unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) are: regular observations of the state of the environment, including components natural environment, natural ecological systems, the processes, phenomena occurring in them, changes in the state of the environment;

storage, processing (generalization, systematization) of information about the state of the environment;

analysis of the information received in order to timely identify changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and (or) anthropogenic factors, assessment and forecast of these changes;

providing state authorities, local governments, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and citizens with information about the state of the environment.

3. The unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) includes the following subsystems:

  • state monitoring of environmental conditions and pollution;
  • state monitoring of atmospheric air;
  • state monitoring of the radiation situation on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • state monitoring of lands;
  • state monitoring of wildlife;
  • state forest pathological monitoring;
  • state monitoring of forest reproduction; (paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated March 12, 2014 N 27-FZ)
  • state monitoring of subsoil conditions;
  • state monitoring of water bodies;
  • state monitoring of aquatic biological resources;
  • state monitoring of internal sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation;
  • state monitoring of the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation;
  • state monitoring of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation;
  • state environmental monitoring of the unique ecological system of Lake Baikal;
  • state monitoring of hunting resources and their habitats.
  • 4. Federal executive authorities carrying out public administration in the field of environmental protection, federal executive authorities authorized to maintain subsystems of the unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) in accordance with federal laws carry out:

    search, receipt (collection), storage, processing (generalization, systematization) and analysis of information about the state of the environment, processes and phenomena occurring in it, changes in the state of the environment;

    search, receipt (collection), storage, processing (summarization, systematization) and analysis of information about objects that have a negative impact on the environment, about the nature, types and volume of such impact;

    assessment of the state of the environment and forecasting its changes under the influence of natural and (or) anthropogenic factors;

    determination of connections between the impact of natural and (or) anthropogenic factors on the environment and changes in the state of the environment;

    developing proposals to prevent negative impacts on the environment and sending them to state authorities, local governments, legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs;

    sending to government bodies authorized to exercise state control (supervision) and law enforcement agencies information about violations of standards in the field of environmental protection due to the influence of natural and (or) anthropogenic factors and proposals to eliminate such violations;

    sending proposals to state authorities and local governments for their consideration in the preparation of territorial planning documents and (or) proposals to amend these documents in order to create favorable conditions for human life, limit the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment, ensure protection and rational use natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations;

    release of emergency information on the need to reduce the negative impact of natural and (or) anthropogenic factors on the environment; assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing environmental protection measures;

    creation and operation of databases of information systems in the field of environmental protection;

    storing information about the state of the environment, about the processes and phenomena occurring in it, about changes in the state of the environment and providing this information to government authorities, local governments, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and citizens.

    Article 63.2. State data fund of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) (introduced by Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 331-FZ)

    1. The State Data Fund is a federal information system that provides collection, processing, analysis of data and includes:

    information contained in the databases of subsystems of the unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring);

    results of production control in the field of environmental protection and state environmental supervision;

    data from state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

    2. The creation and operation of the state data fund is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law, the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technology and on the protection of information and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    3. Federal executive authorities authorized to carry out state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), as well as state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation participating in the implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), are obliged to forward the information received during the implementation of the relevant monitoring information to the state data fund.

    4. The procedure for creating and operating a state data fund, the list of types of information included in it, the procedure and conditions for its presentation, as well as the procedure for the exchange of such information are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    5. Information included in the state data fund is subject to use by state authorities, local governments, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, citizens when planning and carrying out economic and other activities.

    6. Information included in the state data fund is provided to state authorities, local governments, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and citizens in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    7. Information included in the state data fund and indicating the threat of an emergency situation, including a natural disaster, as well as the state of the environment within the boundaries of emergency zones, is subject to immediate submission to the unified state system for the prevention and response of emergency situations.

    8. Information included in the state data fund and indicating a possible harmful impact on humans of the state of the environment, including components of the natural environment, must be immediately sent to the bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

    9. Exchange of information within the framework of the unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), as well as between the unified system of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), the unified state system for the prevention and response of emergency situations and bodies authorized to implement federal state sanitary epidemiological surveillance, the provision of such information to government bodies, local governments, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and citizens are carried out free of charge.

    10. Based on the information contained in the state data fund, the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation prepares an annual state report on the state and protection of the environment, the procedure for the preparation and distribution of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    State monitoring

    (eng. State monitoring) - a state-provided system of observation, assessment and forecast of the state and dynamics of any phenomenon, process or other object with the purpose of monitoring it, managing its condition, protecting it, identifying its compliance with the desired result, studying public opinion, etc. P. G.m. can be carried out at the national, regional or local levels. Maintaining G.m. possible in different areas, spheres (for example, production, sales, labor, management of the state of natural environment objects, etc.).

    G.m. carried out by specially authorized state executive bodies responsible for the relevant area of ​​activity in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    For example, according to Art. 29 Federal Law “On the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation”** G.m. state of the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, which is an integral part of the unified state system of environmental monitoring of the Russian Federation, is a system of regular observations, assessment and forecast of the state of the marine environment and bottom sediments, incl. observations of indicators of chemical and radioactive contamination, microbiological and hydrobiological parameters and their changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors.

    G.m. of the natural environment consists of carrying out long-term observations of its condition, pollution and natural phenomena occurring in it, as well as assessing and forecasting the state of the natural environment and its pollution (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Hydrometeorological Service”**).

    G.m. atmospheric air - a system of observations of the state of atmospheric air, its pollution and natural phenomena occurring in it, as well as assessment and forecast of the state of atmospheric air, its pollution (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”**), carried out for the purpose of control monitoring of atmospheric air pollution, a comprehensive assessment and forecast of its condition, as well as providing state authorities, local governments, organizations and the population with current and emergency information on atmospheric air pollution.

    G.m. forests is a system of observations, assessments and forecasts of the state and dynamics of the forest fund for the purposes of state management in the field of use, reproduction, conservation and protection of forests and improving their environmental functions. The procedure for implementing G.m. forests is established jointly by the state forestry management body of the Russian Federation and the state environmental protection body of the Russian Federation (Article 69 of the LC RF*).

    G.m. water bodies - a system of regular observations of hydrological or hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical indicators of the state of water bodies, ensuring the transfer and processing of received information in order to timely identify negative processes, predict their development, prevent harmful consequences and determine the degree of effectiveness of water protection measures taken (Article 78 of the Russian Federation *). G.m. water bodies is an integral part of the G.m. system. surrounding natural environment. The procedure for implementing G.m. water bodies is established by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Regulations on the conduct of state monitoring of water bodies**.

    G.m. objects of the animal world - a system of regular observations of distribution, abundance, physical condition objects of the animal world, the structure, quality and area of ​​their habitat (Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Animal World”**). It is carried out in order to timely identify these parameters, assess these changes, prevent and eliminate the consequences of negative processes and phenomena for the conservation of biological diversity, ensure the sustainable state of wildlife objects and their scientifically based use. Procedure for maintaining G.m. objects of the animal world is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Large legal dictionary. 2010.

    See what “State monitoring” is in other dictionaries:

      State monitoring- (English State monitoring) a state-provided system of observation, assessment and forecast of the state and dynamics of any phenomenon, process or other object for the purpose of its control, management of its condition, protection, identification of its compliance... ... Encyclopedia of Law

      State environmental monitoring- (State Environmental Monitoring), a comprehensive system for monitoring the state of the environment, assessing and forecasting changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors (hereinafter referred to as environmental monitoring) ... Dictionary of emergency situations

      state environmental monitoring- state environmental monitoring Environmental monitoring carried out by government bodies of the Russian Federation and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. [Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No.... ... Technical Translator's Guide

      State monitoring of water bodies- in the Russian Federation, part of the state monitoring system of the natural environment, including: regular observations of the state of water bodies, quantitative and qualitative indicators of surface and groundwater; collection, storage, replenishment and... Financial Dictionary

      State monitoring of the continental shelf- in the Russian Federation, a system of regular observations of the state of the marine environment and bottom sediments, including indicators of chemical and radioactive pollution, microbiological and hydrobiological parameters and their changes under the influence of natural and... Financial Dictionary

      State monitoring of fauna objects- in the Russian Federation, a system of regular observations of the distribution, abundance, physical condition of fauna, the structure, quality and area of ​​their habitat. See also: State system of environmental monitoring of the Russian... ... Financial Dictionary

      State monitoring of the state of the exclusive economic zone- in the Russian Federation, a system of regular observations, assessment and forecast of the state of the marine environment and bottom sediments, including observations of indicators of chemical and radioactive pollution, microbiological and hydrobiological parameters and their... ... Financial Dictionary

      STATE MONITORING OF WATER BODIES- a system of regular observations of hydrological or hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical indicators of their condition, ensuring the collection, transmission and processing of the information received in order to timely identify negative processes,... ... Ecological dictionary

      STATE MONITORING OF WILDLIFE OBJECTS- a system of regular observations of the distribution, abundance, physical condition of fauna, the structure, quality and area of ​​their habitat (Law on Fauna) EdwART. Terms and definitions for environmental protection... ... Ecological dictionary

      State monitoring of reclaimed lands- is an integral part of state land monitoring and is a system of monitoring the condition of reclaimed lands. Based on these observations, changes in the condition of reclaimed lands are identified and an assessment of such... ... Official terminology


    • Essays on the biology of prochlorophytes, Pinevich A.V.. The monograph examines the main aspects of the biology of prochlorophytes - a minor subgroup of cyanobacteria, the distinctive feature of which is the chlorophyll-protein light-harvesting complex...

    IN major cities air quality observations have been carried out since 1963, and as such, a unified National System of Observation and Control (OGSNK) for environmental pollution was formed in 1972. General management was entrusted to the State Committee for Hydrometeorology of the USSR (Goskomhydromet of the USSR), which achieved a short period of time for achieving serious successes - regularity of observations, unity of programs and methods, representativeness of observation points, coverage of a vast territory by observation programs. Personnel at observation stations were trained in special methods of sampling, preservation, and transportation of samples with subsequent chemical analyses.

    The most important achievement was the development of the basic principles of the organization observation systems, such as complexity and systematicity of chemical analyzes of water, air, and soil samples; generalization of the information received, which in turn made it possible to ensure comparability of the results of observations of environmental pollution on the territory of the USSR, taking into account various meteorological conditions.

    This made it possible to provide operational forecasts of the state of air quality large regions, formulate such concepts as the assimilation potential of the atmosphere and the potential of air pollution (PPA), air pollution indices (API), etc. With the help of such indicators, it became possible to: rank cities by degree of pollution; highlight priority pollutants; develop methodological approaches to regulating emissions under adverse weather conditions, etc.

    Over the 20 years of work of OGSNK, impressive results have been achieved. This system laid the methodological foundation, which even today is not fully used. For example, when assessing water quality, up to 50 indicators were used with 10-12-fold sampling of water from rivers. Now this is 3-4 analyzes, at best, for 12-14 indicators. A great merit of this period can be considered the unification of methods for chemical analysis of environmental components with the publication methodological literature, as well as the organization of background observations in biosphere reserves, the beginning of calculations of transboundary transport of pollutants by atmospheric flows and waters, the use of data in various types environmental support economic activity.

    Unfortunately, by the beginning of the 1990s. the coherent system of OGSNK was destroyed, partially transferred to other organizations and departments, with the cessation of publications of materials on the state of the environment in many regions of Russia. Only in 1993, by resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation No. 1229, was it created unified state environmental monitoring system(USSEM). According to this decree, the Unified State Measuring System was to be formed as an interdepartmental information and measurement system created for the purpose of information support for decision-making. This is the organization of monitoring of the atmosphere, soils, land waters, marine environments, near-Earth space, background space monitoring, maintaining a state fund of data on environmental pollution, etc.

    Another area of ​​environmental monitoring is related to responding to natural and man-made emergencies and their early forecast. These functions are performed within a single state system prevention and response to emergency situations (RSChS). In its composition federal Service but hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring (Roshydromet) forecasts the spread of pollution in the atmosphere, prepares data on the trajectories of air masses, forecasts the content of hazardous substances in the air, water bodies, fallout on the surface of the earth, specialized analysis and forecast of the state of the ground layer of air in the area of ​​accidents.

    The organization and implementation of environmental monitoring is ensured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by specially authorized federal executive authorities within the limits of their competence.

    Goals of environmental monitoring at the state level include:

    • monitoring the state of the environment, including in areas where sources of anthropogenic impact are located, and the impact of these sources on the environment;
    • assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;
    • meeting the needs of the state, legal entities and individuals for reliable information about the state of the environment and its changes, necessary to prevent and (or) reduce the adverse consequences of such changes.

    Information obtained during environmental monitoring is used:

    • when developing forecasts for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and making appropriate decisions;
    • development of federal environmental programs, targeted environmental programs and activities;
    • exercising control in the field of environmental protection (ecological control) and conducting environmental assessments;
    • forecasting and preventing emergency situations (ES);
    • preparing data for the annual state report on the state and protection of the environment.

    Objectives of state environmental monitoring are:

    • organizing and conducting monitoring of quantitative and qualitative indicators (their totality) characterizing the state of the environment, including its state in the areas where sources of anthropogenic impact are located and the impact of these sources on the environment;
    • assessment of the state of the environment, timely identification and forecast of the development of negative processes affecting its condition, development of recommendations for prevention harmful effects at her;
    • Information Support state authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals on environmental issues;
    • formation of state information resources on the state of the environment;
    • ensuring the participation of the Russian Federation in international systems environmental monitoring.

    The unified system of state environmental monitoring includes the subsystems shown in Fig. 2.2.

    State Environmental Monitoring Data Foundation - Federal Information system, providing collection, processing and analysis of data. It includes:

    • information contained in the databases of the USGEM subsystems;
    • results of production control in the field of environmental protection and state environmental supervision;
    • data from state registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.

    USGEM was formed on the basis of the territorial-departmental principle of construction, which provides for maximum use of the capabilities of existing state and departmental systems about>

    Rice. 2.2. Subsystems of state environmental monitoring of the Russian Federation monitoring the state of environmental protection, sources of anthropogenic impact, natural resources, ecosystems. It identifies basic and specialized monitoring subsystems and subsystems for ensuring the functioning of the system as a whole (Fig. 2.3).

    Rice. 23.

    Roshydromet as the parent organization provides:

    • a) conducting observations of the state and pollution of the environment, assessing the changes occurring in it, as well as forecasting the following hazardous phenomena and factors:
      • dangerous natural phenomena, leading to natural disasters;
      • unfavorable natural conditions for certain areas of economic activity;
      • chemical, radioactive and thermal pollution, physical, chemical and biological (for surface water bodies) processes;
      • changes in the components of the natural environment, including climate change;
    • b) providing the state authorities of the Russian Federation of its constituent entities and local governments with information (data) on the actual state of the environment, as well as information on ongoing and predicted changes in its state;
    • c) providing federal executive authorities, authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations of a unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergencies with operational factual and forecast information in order to ensure the safety of the population and reduce damage to the economy from natural and man-made emergencies;
    • d) providing the bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision with information on the state of the environment to solve the problems of social and hygienic monitoring;
    • e) providing specially authorized government agencies Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection information for comprehensive analysis and assessment of the state of the environment and the use of natural resources;
    • f) providing interested organizations and the population with current and emergency information about changes in the environment, warnings and forecasts of its condition;
    • g) organizing the coordinated functioning of the state observation network, territorial observation systems and local observation systems in order to ensure the necessary completeness and reliability of information on the state of the environment, as well as the comparability of this information throughout the country, optimizing the use of ground-based, aviation and space observation systems;
    • h) organization of coordinated functioning of the state observation system with similar international systems.

    The listed functions are implemented by Roshydromet in cooperation with other government bodies (Table 2.2).

    Departmental monitoring systems are focused on monitoring and assessing the state of individual components of the environment and natural resources. They function according to own programs, which are often not coordinated with other monitoring programs. The list of other parent organizations in the field of environmental monitoring is given in Appendix 1.

    Departmental monitoring systems at the federal level are implemented by relevant services (departments of federal ministries and departments together with specialized research institutes (research institutes), computer centers and organizations of these and sometimes other departments). At the regional, regional and city (district) levels, departmental monitoring systems that have been created and are being created implement their management programs with the participation of specialized organizations located in these territories.

    Interaction between Roshydromet and Russian government authorities in organizing state environmental monitoring


    Areas of interaction

    Ministry of Natural Resources

    Organization and implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) in the territories of state natural reserves and national parks, as well as during the creation and operation of the state data fund of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)

    Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Ministry of Energy of Russia, Ministry of Transport of Russia, Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, Rosstat

    Obtaining and using information Russian system estimates of anthropogenic emissions from sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases

    Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

    Obtaining and using information about the state of the environment obtained during monitoring, laboratory control and emergency forecasting

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Obtaining and using information on the condition and contamination of agricultural lands obtained during state monitoring of agricultural lands


    Use of state registration data of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, the results of production control in the field of environmental protection and state environmental supervision, as well as issues of establishing and revising the list of objects whose owners must monitor atmospheric air


    Use of government topographic maps, as well as information on the condition of lands obtained during state monitoring of lands (except for agricultural lands)

    Rospotrebnadzor, FMBA of Russia

    Obtaining and using information on the state of atmospheric air, surface waters of water bodies and soils obtained during social and hygienic monitoring


    Areas of interaction


    Obtaining and using information on water consumption and drainage on all water bodies, as well as on conducting a general assessment and forecasting of changes in the state of water bodies, their morphometric features, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of water resources obtained during state monitoring of water bodies

    Ros fishing

    Use of information on the state of the habitat of aquatic biological resources obtained during state monitoring of aquatic biological resources


    Using information about the state of groundwater to assess the impact of groundwater on the state of surface water, as well as information about dangerous exogenous and endogenous geological processes to assess their impact on the state of the environment, obtained through state monitoring of the state of subsoil


    Use of information regarding objects of state monitoring obtained during state forest pathological monitoring

    Other interested federal executive authorities and organizations

    Within the framework of international and interdepartmental agreements

    • Lost force due to the publication of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2003 No. 177 “On the organization and implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)”, which in turn was replaced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2013 No. 681 “ On state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) and the state data fund of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)" (together with the Regulations on state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) and the state data fund of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)) .