How to learn to make a scary look. Power of the gaze: gaze can be extremely dangerous! Frightened and panicked faces

Visual influencers can help and facilitate the achievement of our goals. With a special look, you can subdue a person by imposing certain actions on him. In this short article we will show you how to achieve this.


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Hitler's magical look

German sociologist Erich Fromm analyzed the personality of Hitler and tried to uncover the secret of his mesmerizing gaze.

“All the witnesses agree that Hitler’s eyes were cold and the expression on his face as a whole - and that any warm feelings were alien to him. This trait can be repulsive - and it really repels many ... but also, can also be a source of magnetic force... Some had fear on his face, and some admiration. ”

There are 2 ways to help develop a magical look:

The first way

  • Take a piece of paper and draw a circle in the center and paint in black diameter 1.5 cm.
  • Hang this sheet at a distance of 2 ... 2.5 meters from yourself and within 15 minutes continuously and without blinking look into the black circle.

By doing this exercise daily, you will develop a "magical look" in yourself.

Second way

Having slightly relaxed the muscles of the face, look at your reflection in the mirror. Direct your gaze to your eyes or to the bridge of your nose. Avoid frequent blinking, look at the point 20 ... 25 seconds.

But, it is important to remember! That in ordinary life it is better not to abuse such a look, because people under such a look begin to get nervous.

Usually, during a conversation, it is customary not to embarrass your interlocutor.

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And if you want to unbalance the interlocutor, choose a "vulnerable spot" on his body or clothing... For example, bad teeth, unkempt nails, unclean shoes, stains on clothes, etc. - and gaze there.

Your interlocutor will immediately get nervous

And if, in addition to everything, you portray a sarcastic smile, then only a very self-possessed person or someone who does not care about anything can maintain composure against such a technique. It feels like it's like the sun is shining brightly in your face, only while you're still very ashamed.

The same, but in a more delicate and gentle way can be done with a distracted gaze or directed past the eyes of the interlocutor - at the ear, forehead, chin or lips.

Glance is of great importance in inter-sex communication. Many women claim that they fall in love with a man after the first eye contact. If a man can withstand a woman's persistent gaze, expressing his determination in it, in further communication she will unconsciously show more respect for him.

A woman's look at a man is the primary test of his masculine qualities.

To quickly look away in such a situation, to be embarrassed is to admit defeat. However, a woman must also be confident enough in her abilities to decide on such a test.

If the person you like looks away, keep looking at him. If after that he looks at you again, this is a sure sign of sympathy. If at the same time a smile appears on his face, you can start a conversation without a doubt.

Which look is considered casual and which is a conscious challenge? Normal eye contact time, after which both people naturally abduct their eyes, does not exceed 2–3 seconds. If the person stares at you for longer, they probably have an interest in you.

A glimpse in the struggle for leadership

Glance is the most powerful non-verbal mode of influence. He can subdue a person and set the nature of your further communication. However, can it be called a tool - something that we can consciously use for our own purposes? Can a person's will break the instinctive desire to look away under a persistent and unbending gaze?

In nature, the strongest male will have the most persistent gaze. It is often possible to see how a large animal, meeting the gaze with a smaller representative of its own species, turns away, as if yielding and obeying that. Body size, muscle mass, jaw size, and other traits will certainly influence the necrovascular definition of a dominant male. However, this is not enough.

A look is a sure sign of real strength, vital energy, the ability to fight to the end, the readiness to die in battle.

Man is a social being, therefore, not only natural factors affect him. This is morality, ethics, and social position. Thus, a long look in culture can simply be regarded as incorrect behavior, and that is why a shy desire to avert our eyes will arise in us. However, the main factor influencing the persistence of the gaze is will. This is what can make the gaze your strongest psychological weapon.

The importance of eye contact

How else does our view affect communication? The following facts are known in psychology:

  • People who make eye contact during a conversation are perceived to be more honest and open.
  • Lack of eye contact in dialogue is read by us as lack of interest.
  • During a time, a good speaker always looks around the audience in order to make eye contact with everyone. This makes his speech more convincing.
  • Eye contact is essential when meeting someone. An open and good-natured look at 30% forms the primary attitude of a person.
  • A quick look away during an acquaintance is read as an unsteadiness of character and a willingness to obey.

One thing follows from these facts: the strong-willed ability to keep a gaze in front of another person makes the image of the beholder more powerful, domineering and influential.

However, these rules cannot be called universal. Much depends on both the nature of the look and the person. Someone will consider a long look a manifestation of impoliteness, someone will start to get angry, someone will get scared.

It is necessary to maintain a balance of modesty and perseverance in the look, corresponding to the specific situation of communication with a person.

The main thing is not to provoke a defensive or negative reaction. You can subdue a person to your will with a glance by instilling respect and demonstrating a strong character, and not aggression. The gaze should be calm, intent, without a shadow of pretense and shamelessness.

So can you develop a strong gaze? One that subdues and inspires respect? There are many dubious exercises on the Web, like looking at a candle flame and circles on paper. But the look is a continuation of your inner state, and it will certainly be different in sparring with a piece of paper and with a real person.

All gaze enhancement exercises will be meaningless if you cannot focus your mind on one subject while doing them. How do you want to influence others if you cannot even influence yourself?

Japanese shogun Yoritomo Tashi, who had exceptional influence on people

Fortitude is an indicator of the strength of your will and thoughts. There is one proven exercise to get your thoughts under control and increase your concentration. Count slowly from one to ten, pausing between words. If even one thought distracts you from the process, start over. Try to increase the counting time by a couple of units every day. Various techniques contribute to the same.

After you've made some progress in controlling your thoughts, try exercising in public. Choose faces from the crowd that show a less faint character than yours. Try to hold their gaze, keeping only one thought in your mind that blocks your desire to turn away. “I’m uncomfortable”, “what an awkward situation”, “this is so stupid” - all these ideas just should not reach your mind.

Once this is mastered, begin to selectively approach the thought that you hold during the competition. It should not only hide your psychological weaknesses, but also give strength to your gaze.

Concentrate on the desire to subdue, show strength, authority.

Developing a confident look is not an easy task, but once you do it, you will see how quickly the attitude of others towards you will change.

Ecology of life: The human gaze has tremendous power. Much can be said about a person and his character by his gestures, gait, facial features, but I think hardly anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather his gaze. A glance can say a lot about the inner world of a person.

Eyes are clearer than words
Words sometimes only confuse the meaning ...
And the look ... Well, will he deceive
Someone who can read in it.

The human gaze has tremendous power. Much can be said about a person and his character by his gestures, gait, facial features, but I think hardly anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather his gaze. A glance can say a lot about a person's inner world.

It has long been noticed that a person can influence those around him with his gaze. A glance can convey the whole gamut of feelings - love, hatred, contempt, regret, gratitude ... .. It is no coincidence that there are such expressions as "caress with a glance", "goosebumps from the look", "admiring glance", "haughty glance".

From all this, the conclusion involuntarily suggests itself: the look has energy.

The gaze is a powerful force with which you can blind, charm, control and manipulate people. A glance can subdue oneself, a glance can neutralize the hostile intentions of a person or an animal.

If you stare at a person for a while, he will definitely feel it.Scientists decided to test this ability to feel someone else's gaze by experiment.

The experiment, which involved 100 people, was carried out as follows. A person was seated in the center of the room, and the second was seated behind him so that the subject could not see him. And this second had to periodically gaze at the person sitting in front of him. If the subject felt the gaze, he spoke about it. The results were stunning. In 95 cases, people felt another person's gaze directed at them.

History has brought to us the names of famous personalities who had a special, magical look, which people could not withstand and looked away. Caligula, Ivan the Terrible, Paul I, Hitler, Stalin had a heavy, bewitching look, from which many felt uncomfortable.

There are cases in history when people killed with the power of their gaze. Thus, they dealt with the objectionable members of the caste of assassins, which existed in Alexandria in the pre-Christian period. The look of a man who lived in Sicily in the middle of the 19th century possessed a similar feature.

The gaze of a person who is in a state of the strongest emotional excitement, in a state of passion is extremely dangerous. This was known in antiquity. That is why people were blindfolded before execution. By the way, the executioners who carried out the death sentence died very early, as a rule, before they reached the age of 40.

How do representatives of modern science treat all this?

The Soviet scientist Kazhinsky (1890-1962) was engaged in research in the field of telepathy and biological radio communication. He put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but also simultaneously emits electromagnetic waves with certain frequency characteristics.

Ronald Ross (1857-1932), Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine, was of the same opinion. The scientist conducted a series of experiments, during which the subjects were asked to use their eyes to act on a tiny magnetic needle suspended from a silk thread. And many managed to turn the arrow with their eyes.

In 1989, Soviet scientists conducted an experiment somewhat unusual for those years, the purpose of which was to test the paranormal abilities of the healer Anna Lokhatkina, famous in those years. She was asked to use her gaze to influence a laser beam passing through a hollow cylinder. A few minutes after the start of the experiment, a gray haze appeared in the cylinder, and a few minutes later the laser beam simply disappeared. It was at this moment that the device, with the help of which the healer's eyes were constantly monitored, recorded a short-term sharp expansion of the woman's pupils.

On the basis of a number of experiments and studies, a version was put forward that the pupil is the main channel of energy transmission of the eyes.

Even in the old days, it was believed that the size of the pupils is associated with vitality:a person full of life has larger pupils than an old or seriously ill person. Pupils dilate when a person has a need for information, which is why they are dilated in children.

Pupils dilate in times of danger or stress, when a person needs as much information as possible to make a decision. Pupils constrict in a tired person who has lost interest in life, which also indirectly confirms the version that energy is transmitted through the pupil - the constriction of the pupil prevents the outflow of energy reserves from the body.

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Today, there are more assumptions and hypotheses in this area than proven facts. One we can say with confidence - a person's gaze, which is one of the main means of communication between people, can have both a beneficial effect and cause huge, and sometimes irreparable harm.published

Since the invention of the camera, photographs have brought joy to many people and provided a view of the world from many different angles. Photos have a profound effect on people, be they shocking shots or pictures filled with kindness. However, some of the photos are so shocking that they are considered too scary or disgusting for widespread distribution. But thanks to social media, it has been possible to collect the most mysterious, sinister and creepy photos on the Internet.

At first glance, this photo is all right: a few divers enjoying snorkeling. But the diver in the background lies at the bottom apart from the rest. Few people realize that in the background is the corpse of a murder victim, thrown into the ocean a few days before the other two divers decided to dive in the area. The photo itself does not look scary, but only if you do not know what story is behind it.

Many people dislike spiders anyway, but these trees in Pakistan cause real horror. In 2010, the country experienced a terrible flood, many areas were flooded, including parts of Sindh province. The spiders, who could no longer hide on the ground, climbed the trees, and stayed there. As a result, they built nests in the leaves. In general, Sindh is not the place to go for people suffering from arachnophobia.

Many people know famous characters in horror films such as Jason or Michael Myers, but the most famous and terrible is Freddy Krueger. In this old photo, which may seem already sinister from this, there are only three children who are looking at the camera. However, in the background, you can see a man who is frozen in a strange position and grins eerily. And he looks suspiciously like Freddy Krueger.

Imagine that you are walking through the city and suddenly come across an ad. A small piece of white paper with handwritten text stuck with a strangely shaped piece of clay. The ad reads: “While you are reading this, a man is standing high above you in one of the windows, and he is filming you. Then he will make a little doll out of you, put you in the same place with others and play strange games with them. " When you finish reading the note, these words are likely to get stuck in your mind. After all, you will never know if there was someone there who will then play with your doll in something terrible.

It was drawn by a little girl who wanted to tell that she has an imaginary girlfriend. In the picture, the girl wrote: “This is Lisa. She is my friend. My mom and dad can't see her, so they said she was an imaginary friend. Lisa is a good friend. " However, looking at Liza, one cannot say that she is such a pleasant friend: she has a bloody mouth, hands, eyes and chest.

Little is known about this photograph. The girl looks at films in the vending machine, and her head hangs unnaturally back. Some believe that the surveillance camera captured a girl possessed by demons. The true origin of the photograph, as well as the circumstances under which it was taken, were never revealed. One thing is clear: you cannot turn your head like that, avoiding serious injury.

In family photos, people usually laugh or smile. Unfortunately, sometimes the situation dramatically turns the other way. For the family in this photo, everything changed in one second. At that moment, when the photographer pulled the trigger, the corpse, which had lain for some time under the ceiling, fell next to the family. It is not difficult to imagine how terrified these people were.

There are tons of events that mark the beginning of something important in life, and the wedding is one of the main ones. However, as this photo shows, weddings don't always go as planned. While the happy couple got engaged in front of the house, behind them stood a group of strangely dressed people who looked like followers of some kind of cult. They all turn and watch the unsuspecting guests and newlyweds.

Among the extensive collection of eerie items are a pair of human skin gloves. Ed Gin, who became famous for other terrible deeds, made them out of his victims. It's one thing to hear about maniacs, and another thing to see the fruits of their actions. The worst thing is that the texture of the skin of the hands is visible on these gloves.

Surely there is nothing worse than realizing that you are about to die. This is precisely what was in the minds of many of the victims of Auschwitz. When they were brought to these cells, people thought it was for something else. They were actually gas chambers, and once someone was there, there was no turning back. The photo shows the scratches from the nails of victims who realized that they would not get out and are already dying from the gas.

This is a photograph of a soldier shell-shocked on the battlefield. At first glance, this is just a person smiling with full mouth, but the sparkle in his eyes and a wide smile are terrifying and repulsive. It looks like the soldier is really mad.

Hardly any of the readers knows what it means to face your death face to face. Unfortunately, some people don't have a choice. In this picture of a burning wind turbine, you can see a couple of people standing on top, realizing the horror of their situation. Nothing could be done, the only way out was on fire, and both died.

One quick glance at this photo is enough to understand that something is wrong here. The girl seems to be afraid of the photographer and backs away from him in fear. The photo was taken by Robert Ben Rhodes, the serial killer who kidnapped the girl in the photo. This is 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters, she was also killed. But first, Robert cut her hair and made her wear heels and a black dress. Between 1989 and 1990, he is believed to have tortured, raped and murdered more than 50 women, although there are only three confirmed murders.

Even at first glance, this photo is creepy. The child behind the stairs seems to be trying to fit into the frame, but not too noticeable. The worst thing about this famous shot is that it was taken in the famous haunted house in Amityville. At the time of the shooting, there were no children in the house, and the photographer did not see anyone behind the stairs. It is believed that this photo is a fake, however, given the location and time of the shooting, it can be assumed that this photo is an eternal mystery.

This eerie shot was taken by a video surveillance camera in a hospital a few moments before the patient's death. Something terrible and black stands on the bed, bending over the patient. None of the hospital staff have seen anyone like it. It is believed that cameras can capture otherworldly phenomena that are not perceived by the human eye. When you see this, it's hard not to believe in the existence of spirits and demons around us.

A glance can be more dangerous than a direct threat. Sometimes an ominous look is enough to set the enemy in awe and retreat. How to strike a person with a sinister look?

Have you, like many other people around the world, always wanted to give someone a mysterious, sinister look? Surely you have tried to do this more than once, but you never succeeded. Or, perhaps you are too afraid of getting into an unpleasant situation if you do it wrong. Believe it or not, once you've learned the skills technique, it's not that hard to hit someone with an evil eye.

1. Give the person a stern look

1.1 Consider the consequences and prepare for a response. The sinister gaze is designed precisely to be noticed. He must embarrass the target and make him feel guilty. But, unfortunately, this can lead to confrontation. Your target may ask you what went wrong. You probably won't want to continue the conversation with this person if the conversation has already begun to annoy you. Moreover, the target may take your sinister gaze as a challenge and try to start a fight.

Prepare your escape route in advance if you intend to avoid an unpleasant conversation. Do not look maliciously at a person if you are standing in the same line with him or are in a class. Better to strike him with an ominous look when you are already leaving the room. So the enemy will not be able to put you in a hopeless position.

Prepare an answer in advance in case the person still wants to talk to you. You can end the conversation with a simple "nothing", but this will not give the interlocutor an answer to the question of what he did make you angry.

1.2 Think about the target and its motive. Generally, a sinister look is personal. It has both psychological and physical effects, but doesn't work very well for bystanders who haven't done anything wrong to you. Therefore, you need to keep someone as a target in your imagination. If there is no one in mind, then you should look for a person who has offended you in some way. Jealousy is one of the most common reasons for an angry stare.

Your target may be a stranger who annoyed you, for example, by ordering the last cupcake, singing too loudly and out of tune, or refusing to calm down an overly loud cry of his child.

Also, the target can be a person whom you have known for a long time, because you disliked him for his external manifestations and his character. This can be a brother or even a teacher's favorite, who never makes mistakes.

1.3 Choose the right moment. It depends on who exactly was targeted. Since the menacing gaze is designed specifically to be noticed, you need to wait until the target does the act that annoys you. For example:

If you are unfamiliar with a person, wait until he annoys you, say, taking the last cupcake that you madly wanted.

If you know your target, you can glare at it after every little thing. Let's say she sneezed or straightened her hair.

1.4 Concentrate on past and present grudges to collect all the energy. The sinister gaze is not just a gaze that must be directed in a certain way. Your target should feel the anger and hatred emanating from you. Chances are, you've already thought about her wrongdoing (such as annoying singing). If you want to demonstrate to a familiar person how unpleasant he is to you, then you should concentrate on past grievances in order to bring together all this negative energy:

Think of all the unceremonious acts he has done in the past. Think of the injustice that happened: While he was dodging dress code, you were even fined for a shirt that slipped out from under your trousers when you bent down to get something out of your backpack.

If you can't remember past grudges, think about topics that upset or anger you, such as discrimination, politics, violence, and the like.

Focus on the event that really pissed you off. The more fresh this event is in your memory, the stronger your feelings will be.

1.5 Maintain the received energy and thoughts. Once you start managing negative emotions, learn to hold them back. You need to keep this anger in your head while you pierce the person with your gaze.

If you are having a hard time conserving energy, imagine that something is wrong with your target, for example, they drop their cupcake (icing down) right on a dirty floor.

1.6 Put on a relaxed expression and remain calm. Quiet anger is more frightening than out-of-control rage. Do not grumble angrily, snarl, or furrow your brows. This does not frighten, but only deprives the gaze of the necessary power.

In this case, it is necessary to squint or, on the contrary, open your eyes wide. It is advisable to stretch the curl of the lips in a straight line, as if you have tasted something bitter.

1.7 Look at the person until they notice you and make eye contact. This may not happen quickly. But don't give up. Continue to gaze intently at the person without taking your eyes off. Eventually, the person will "feel" someone else's gaze and will turn around to look at you.

1.8 Make eye contact for a few seconds and then look away. The better you know the person, the longer you need to look at them. For example, if a stranger took the last cupcake you wanted to buy, a glance of half a second or a second would be enough. If you know him as the teacher's boring pet, then give him a second or two of your piercing gaze.

Keep in mind that the longer you watch, the more likely the person will turn to you.

Then look away and relax your face so that it regains its usual expression.

1.9 Return to the previous lesson. Act like nothing happened. This will further focus attention on your sinister gaze and make the person realize that they did something wrong. Also, a glance will make it clear to the target that they should not approach you and even try to fight back.

2. Improve your technique

2.1 Once you have started negative thoughts, continue to develop them. This will make the look even more intense.

2.2 You should not look straight ahead while in the field of view of a person. If you are within sight of a person, try to stand so that he is looking at your face from the side. So you can slowly turn your head and look at him, piercing with an eerie look.

2.3 Squint or open your eyes wide. By changing the usual gaze, you signal the target that they were wrong. This is the first step that will make the person feel uncomfortable.

2.4 Press your lips into a thin line. Do not bite your teeth and snap. It's not scary at all. This will make you look like a cartoon villain, which will only make your opponent laugh, not frighten him.

2.5 Lower your chin slightly. This will allow you to look at the target from under your brows, and your face will take on an angular outline, which will make it more formidable.

2.6 Turn your head slowly to look around the person. You will look even more sinister if he is already looking in your direction. So he will probably be able to feel your gaze on himself, if he has not done so before.

2.7 Try to make eye contact and hold it for a few seconds. Thus it is necessary to look "through" the person. Try not to blink, as this will de-tension your eyes.

For a more contemptuous facial expression, you can slightly raise an eyebrow.

2.8 Leave as if nothing happened. Break eye contact and walk away as soon as the person notices your intimidating gaze. You can slowly look away and return to your previous activity if you have no way to leave.

Tips for a stern look

Choose the right moment and wait for the person to pay attention to you to give him a menacing look.

To add a dark look, apply dark makeup to complete the look.

Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend.

A chilling look can provoke unwanted confrontation or an unpleasant conversation. Keep this in mind if you don't want to talk to the person you are about to pierce with a sinister look.