Kob chief analyst. KOB - Fricopedia. Internal predictor of the USSR

COB: Concept of Public Safety

According to the teachings of the sect, the “Global Trans-Jewish Predictor” is to blame for all the troubles of humanity - a group of people who secretly controls the world (“world behind the scenes”). Adherents of the sect on high levels Kabbalistic initiation - they receive “secret” information that the Global Predictor is of “alien origin.”

The political wing of the sect is known under the names “Course of Truth and Unity”, “Conceptual Party “Unity” (KPE).
“In 1998-99, on the basis of the religious teachings of the KOB and on the model of the RSDLP (with a time difference of exactly 100 years), the Conceptual Party “Unity” (in Hebrew - “Yichud”) was created.”

Connections: Some of the sect's functionaries maintain connections (which they do not hide) with the Israeli Kabbalist Michael Laitman, whose teachings the Hasidim also call “Kabbalah for the goyim.” According to some reports, the “Dead Water” sect has connections with the State Duma, with the leaders of a number of socio-political movements; Higher military officials are widely involved in the activities of the movement.

Specific goals of activity: seizure of power, control over the information space of Russia, establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship, declared desire for the physical destruction of the Orthodox Church and everyone actively preventing the spread of the “Dead Water” ideology.

The sect is focused on attracting as many active followers as possible into its ranks, one of whose duties is to promote the teachings of the movement in all possible ways, including using the media, replication and distribution of printed materials. The sect's literature is distributed free of charge (like Jehovah's Witnesses) or at the lowest possible prices.

In the “Dead Water” sect (the neo-Kabbalistic teaching of which is known as the “Concept of Public Security”, KOB) there is a kind of “Rodnoverie Uniatism”. Namely, as components of the sect, “Dead Water” includes neo-pagan “Rodnoverie” structures, such as community "Artel "Forge of Svarog" and youth organization "Prav"

The latter was created by the priests of the sect in order to attract young people interested in “native faith” into the ranks of the Talmud-Kabbalistic sect.
Both of these “Rodnoverie” organizations are essentially totalitarian sects.

A few more links:

· The Orthodox Church calls the movement of General Petrov, the founder of the Communist Party of Ukraine, one of the most dangerous sects in modern Russia.

· The Akhtubinsk City Court of the Astrakhan Region, at the request of the prosecutor, prohibited the activities of the extremist movement “Towards God's Power”.

· Prevention of FGM 3 with Chizhikov - about new type sects in general and KOB in particular.

· General Petrov is a 31st degree Mason and a leading Zionist!

· Manifestation of extremism in the teachings of Kob in inciting interreligious hatred - Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

And now an analysis of the original statements of the COB.

About the “Jewish-Masonic conspiracy” and the “world government”

This text begins with a parable about the Jews (who and why they sell parables to people, see). The KOB preacher freely fantasized it from Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale, but brought it as if the author was actually Saltykov-Shchedrin, i.e. distorted for the unpretentious reader. That. very important material begins with the goal of gaining solidarity in advance.

Statement: " Many sources indicate the existence of some kind of “world conspiracy”".

Sources, however, are not cited or mentioned here. Simply because there are no such reliable sources and if you provide links to unreliable ones here, then all the intrigue will collapse in the eyes of the one who is not too lazy to look at them carefully for reliability.

The search is limited to Masonic and Jewish organizations. But since these organizations are "secret", then the researchers are limited to general discussions about structures; at best, they describe them in a very vague form.

those. This is how he modestly admits that no researchers can reliably discover these conspiracies, of course because of their mystery, but KOB penetrates through all the secrets!

The secret of the conspiracy was revealed by the Concept of Public Security (CPS). It is possible to understand and recognize its existence only after mastering the basic provisions of the PSS.That's the quality of the evidence. The conspiracy follows from the theory of the COB, not from the facts.

So everything is in the “control theory” of COB. And to manageit is possible to influence an object “purely” “informationally”. Now, attention! When one person transmits information to another, then this new information “entered the person’s brain” inevitably changes all the information that “sat” in his head earlier, “before that.”

But this is a categorical lie. KOB clearly does not understand anything and makes this statement in the hope that someone who also does not understand will read it and will simply believe it. Moreover, KOB expects that the word used, which, despite the importance of the topic, is not given a contextual definition, will simply sound to give the text a scientific appearance. The statement is ignorant and it cannot be said that it is not true because it is formulated absurdly from the standpoint of understanding the mechanisms of the psyche.

The control action is scientifically called "direct connection": connection FROM subject TO object.

This is also a distortion. Concept "direct connection"does not exist as a term in science:) there is the concept of positive feedback or negative feedback, there is the concept of “correlation” (which does not imply control), A "direct connection"- an everyday, loose concept that generally presupposes causal sequence of processes, but science needs to be mentioned.

Despite the attempt to make his far-fetched theory scientific and despite obvious fraud, the proof of the world conspiracy did not actually take place, but the necessary impression of competence and, therefore, the correctness of statements like Generally speaking, one of these "clans" and is "world government".

Regarding application be hstructural method of management at the global level, then here this method has owners. These owners can be called “world government”, “forces of the West”, “world behind the scenes”.

Here’s a simple trick: simply all the troubles in the world are declared to be the machinations of a global conspiracy, but without revealing the specifics: who, where and how exactly controls this conspiracy. Troubles can be called, well, so be it. Further, on the basis of such phony reasoning, with exactly the same lightweight resourcefulness, all global conclusions are drawn.

About pseudoscientific ideas .

What meaning of the word "egregor"? In the dictionary of foreign words "unit"(French agregat): 1. Mechanical connection of several parts into one whole.

They took and arbitrarily replaced the esoteric word egregor with an aggregate :) In fact, a word denoting essence subtle world, comes from(ancient Greek . ἐγρήγοροι, “guardians”) - in occult and new (non-traditional) religious movements - the soul of a thing, a “mental condensate” generated by the thoughts and emotions of people and acquiring independent existence. Fraud again.

All processes in the Universe are oscillatory in nature.

This is a lie. There are processes that are not of an oscillatory nature.

“every thing” emits a corresponding “field of vibrations.”

There is no such concept as a field of oscillations, even in quotation marks. And only KOB knows how to emit a field. The phrase is illiterate.

Each such field has its own characteristics: frequency, amplitude, nature of oscillations

Not true. Not every field has such properties, for example, a static electric or magnetic field. Then the fantasy gets stronger and stronger:Moreover, some such fields consist of a certain set of frequencies (one might say a certain “set of frequencies”).

The organs that make up a certain integral organism each emit their own vibrations (for example, in a person, the liver “emits” some vibrations, the kidneys - others, etc.).

No one except KOB and similar esotericists (such as bioresonance fraud) knows about this and has not documented this.

IN In 1978, under the auspices of the USSR Academy of Sciences, research began on the “Kirlian effect”. It turned out that there is a weak electromagnetic field around every person.

Glow occurs only under the influence of currents high frequency and amplitude, this is the well-known stimulated emission of electrons from functional groups of organic substances. It does not exist without exposure to UHF. “Kirlian effects” are not something new in science, but are just a sensational creation and have nothing in common with what is attributed to them (see. ).

Electrons in the air, getting into this field, start accelerate and ionize air molecules.

It is not true. There are no free electrons in the air, and electrons arise precisely during ionization. When exposed to UHF, they do not accelerate linearly (since these are oscillations around a certain center with a UHF frequency) and, most importantly, it is electrons, not ions, that emit a glow when returning from an excited state.

However, there are people who have the ability to see the human biofield.

There are no such people, the aura is an illusion, see. .

Modern official science already recognizes the existence of a human biofield.

Only puts it into it - a completely different concept. There are no references to this important statement in the COB.

From the perspective of the trinity it looks like this. Man radiates energy u. (“Do you feel the energy coming from this person?!”).

From somewhere the concept of trinity suddenly appears. And the subjective assessment of “energy” suddenly replaces the physical one.

By interacting with other vibrations that exist in the Universe, they can “superimpose” on them (“saddle”) and due to this be transmitted over vast distances. In the limit, this means that vibrations emitted by a person are present (exist) in all corners of the vast Universe.

It is not true. Simply because there is a concept of maximum speed of interaction and there is no long-range action. Therefore, the short-term existence of a person simply cannot spread over any significant part of the universe.

Everything said above must be combined with torsion fields, which were discovered by our physicists in the 90s... In their work "Theory of physical vacuum" its author G.I. Shipov writes...

About the swindlers Akimov and Shipov and what it is torsion fields can be read in. From all this anti-scientific and ignorant nonsense, the conclusion is drawn:

biofield radiations of many people containing the same same thing at the same time MEP rennuyu information, generate an energy information system on field media(matter is the general biofield). This energy information system is called egregor.

Well, in addition to the biofield simply emitted by a person, with a slight imagination of the COB, egregors become independent entities that can be “nourished” and they influence people, in exact analogy with similar scientific theories of the esoteric.

This is the “science” in COB.

About sectarian activities.

A sect is an organization that claims to cut off part of society and make these people incompatible with certain ideas of the general culture, see. This creates discord that destroys mutual understanding and destroys society. This is done in order to gain influence on people cut off from culture, that is, power and what it brings.

The signs of a sect and how society can fight it are described in the article. KOB has all these features.

Public Safety Concept(the epic name “Dead Water”) is the only legitimate Concept in the country at the moment, since it passed parliamentary hearings in 1995 State Duma Russia, where it was approved and recommended for implementation.

The concept of Public Safety is holistic and covers all aspects of life modern Society. It sets out in clear lexical forms:

  1. Analysis of worldview systems. Definition of all processes occurring in the Universe as mutually nested processes - “trinity of matter-information-measure”.

  2. Sufficiently general theory of control (SACT). This is a description of all particular processes occurring in the Universe as controlled or self-governing processes. These processes are formalized and endowed with clear measures. From the same positions, the processes occurring in social systems, in particular in Russia, are also considered.

  3. Global historical process - as a private process in evolutionary development biosphere of our Earth. The factor of managing the global historical process has been identified and formalized. Approaches to understanding the control of the global evolutionary process are identified.

  4. The role and place of Russia in the global historical process.

  5. Model of society existing on Earth— global slave civilization (crowd-“elite” pyramid). The structure of such a model and the mechanism for maintaining its sustainable functioning have been determined. The objective reasons for the current collapse of the crowd-“elite” pyramid have been revealed (Law of Time). Justified the inevitability of the transition to a new model structure of human society and such a model is proposed. The mechanism of its sustainable functioning is substantiated.

  6. Changing the logic of people's social behavior (Law of Time). It is convincingly shown that in the middle of the 20th century there was a change in the ratio of reference frequencies: “biological” and “social”. This led to a qualitatively new information state of society, in which humanity has never been before in its entire multi-thousand-year history. This new information state changes people’s attitude to what is happening around them, and there is a “change in the logic of social behavior.” This, in turn, does not allow people to be governed according to the rules (laws) that existed “before.” A government that does not understand this is doomed to failure. We need rules (“laws”) that would correspond to the objectively existing information state of society.

  7. Comparative analysis of the "sacred scriptures"(Torah, Bible, Koran, Vedas, etc., as well as ancient and modern occult and esoteric teachings). The role of religious teachings and cults in management is revealed social processes. It is concluded that “God is one, but faiths are different.” This removes the confrontation between different religious faiths and reconciles them with each other. At the same time, this thesis is a “unifying idea” in Russia, a multinational and multi-religious country.

  8. Analysis of psychological reasons in the management of social systems. The types of human psyche and their characteristics are given. The relations between men and women in their mutual dependence on the implementation of management in social systems are analyzed. The modern teaching of R. Hubbard “Dianetics” is examined in detail. A forecast is given about the influence of the new information state of society (the Law of Time) on carriers of various types of psyche.

  9. The process of reproduction of generations in their connection with the reproduction and accumulation of material and intangible products produced in the social association of labor (this is what is now called the “economy”). The causes of destruction have been revealed National economy Russia. The role of the existing global credit and financial system is shown as one of the means of managing countries and peoples. A model of a diversified national economy in a qualitatively new information state of society and measures for its implementation have been developed.

COB is a system of views on the current world order.

The concept of Public Security with the help of management theory through consideration of the evolution of the biosphere and humanity, the global historical process, economics, philosophy, sociology and a number of other sciences comes to an understanding of what is happening in modern world processes, the origins of the global systemic crisis on planet Earth and shows ways to bring Russia and all of humanity (including each individual) onto the path of crisis-free harmonious development in harmony with the laws of nature (the universe, the biosphere, etc.).

It's no secret that modern civilization has accumulated a lot of problems related not only to biosphere and environmental factors, but also in social sphere there is no way to see well-being. And it’s not just about someone’s personal activities to oppress the biosphere and peoples - it’s about the inaction of everyone else!

Excuses like: “What can I do alone?”, sounding from the lips of millions, or “Let the government make sure everyone has a good time” do not help solve the problem, they only show that the person making excuses agrees with the current state of affairs - agrees to be controlled, so that some “elite” lives better than him without any special reasons or merits; agrees not to understand anything in the life of society as a whole, as if his life does not depend on the life of all humanity. But that's not true. We and only we are responsible to our children and grandchildren for our country, for our world, for all of humanity. Nothing happens on its own; good will does not exist separately from the people who embody it. Everyone chooses for himself who he is - a Man or a plant.

We strive to be People! Join us!

What will KOB give me?

Understanding true life values, certainty in the ways to achieve them, gaining the opportunity to fully realize one’s human potential, happiness and joy of life

What can I do

Learn to formulate your goals, determine specific actions to achieve them, and predict results based on management theory.

Manage your life (thoughts and actions) through understanding cause-and-effect relationships and modeling the flow of life events.

Formation of oneself as a holistic harmonious personality

What can I do

Learn to identify and selectively filter out the negative control influences exerted on the daily modern man, in particular, through the media, public organizations, “cultural” manifestations, through the influence of individuals.

Free yourself from dogmas and prejudices that block creative and mental activity through rethinking the inherited culture and targeted self-education.

To independently understand what political and economic processes are actually taking place in my country and the world, who is behind them, in whose interests they are carried out. Free yourself from imposed illusions about origin and goals social processes, develop an independent, informed point of view, protect yourself from manipulation.

The opportunity to change the world around you: help your family and friends solve their problems, help your country and the whole society become better

What can I do

Gain confidence in your abilities, in the real feasibility of change, by testing in practice the impact of adjusting your worldview on changing the flow of life events for the better.

See the origins of the current problems of your family, your loved ones, your team, the state and society, and understand ways to resolve them.

Understand that “being human” also means being socially useful and contributing to the development of a happy and fair society.

Where should I start learning COB?

There is a simple way for beginners (“simple” does not mean “effective”; for those who are not “afraid” of books, we still recommend starting with them), which will help you understand the basics: what is COB, learn the basic terminology, concepts, to understand in general what is happening in the world and around each of us, this is a 32-hour course of lectures by K.P. Petrov.

You can start by watching short videos on key BER topics:

These video recordings and courses of lectures give an idea of ​​the main provisions of COB in their interrelation, introduce the terminological apparatus of COB and allow you to begin to navigate other works on COB: they help you see the whole and understand which fragment of the overall mosaic we are talking about.

But do not expect that after watching the video lectures you will begin to deeply understand the COB - the lectures give only the most general, overview idea of ​​the Concept, their goal is to interest the viewer or to examine any individual issues.

This is a retelling of KOB, the primary source is the work of the USSR VP.

Knowledge is in books.

Based on our experience, communication with people mastering COB, recommendations of the VP, we can propose the following procedure for mastering the Concept of Public Safety.

Articles and works about COB“A sufficiently general theory of management” (SACT) is the core, the basis of the Concept of Public Security, the “prism” through which the analysis of processes occurring in the world is carried out. Without mastering DOTU, you will not be able to feel sufficiently mastered COB.

The archive “All works of the USSR VP” includes all books and analytical notes of the USSR VP published to date. All works in the latest edition at the time the archive was created (checked against updates on dotu.ru) have full names in Russian. All analytical notes have a date indicated at the beginning of the file names. Since the books of the VP of the USSR are often developed from analytical notes, works related to both analytics and books will only be in the “Books” section. The preferred page size is A5 everywhere.

The “Other Languages” archive includes all books and analytical notes of the USSR VP on foreign languages published to date. All works in the latest edition at the time the archive was created (checked against updates on dotu.ru) have full titles in the published language. All analytical notes have a date indicated at the beginning of the file names.

To avoid problems with unpacking due to long file names, unpack the archive into a directory “closer” to the root disk. For example, in C:\, D:\Books, D:\Books\COB, etc.

A few more facts about KOB

  1. There are no strict dogmas or unproven ideas in KOB; any system of prohibitions on independent thinking and analysis is denied. The basic principle when mastering COB should be: “Do not rely on the “authority” of the team of authors! Everything you read or heard must be passed through your own system of understanding the world, thought out by you independently. Only what you accept after self-reflection should become your guide to action and life guidelines.”
  2. All KOB materials can be found on the Internet in open form, completely free of charge. Books, lectures, audio recordings - everything can be downloaded and viewed; in KOB there is no “closed”, “esoteric” information “for initiates”.
  3. KOB has hundreds of thousands of supporters, mainly in Russia and the CIS. This is despite the fact that no money is spent on the development and promotion of KOB ideas - the information is disseminated by people who, having read it themselves, understand the importance of passing on knowledge to loved ones and acquaintances.
  4. The Concept of Public Security is currently the only one that has undergone parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and, on the basis of expert opinions of specialists from the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, received approval from the highest legislative authority on November 28, 1995 ().
  5. Based on the materials of the Concept, training courses are conducted in a number of universities in the country. Lecturers on COB regularly speak to a variety of audiences, from law enforcement officers to participants in youth rallies. Representatives of the team of authors regularly speak at major international forums in different countries world, convey information from the COB to the leadership of various states and the European Parliament.
  6. In 1998, V.V. Putin, who at that time held the position of head of the FSB, was familiarized with the materials of the concept and gave instructions to the relevant structures to study the issues raised by the KSB.
  7. In 2013, Russian President V.V. Putin signed a document with the same name “Concept of public safety in Russian Federation", in which the issue of conceptual power was raised for the first time at the state level. The document can be viewed on the Kremlin website

It's no secret that modern civilization has accumulated a lot of problems related not only to biosphere and environmental factors, but also in the social sphere it is impossible to see well-being. And it’s not just about someone’s personal activities to oppress the biosphere and peoples – it’s about the inaction of everyone else! And also that the goals declared by the government are often very different from the goals actually set before them. But the implementation of such management (in which the achieved goals differ from those for which the state apparatus supposedly works, and these achieved goals are not advertised even after achievement, and the announced goals are declared “temporarily unachieved” due to certain problems; but then , which from the point of view of some is a problem that prevents the achievement of one or another goal, may be the goal of management of other subjects) is possible only in a society of politically and managerially illiterate people. And excuses like: “What can I do alone?”, heard from the lips of millions, or “Let the government make sure that everyone is happy,” do not help solve the problem, they only show that the person making the excuse agrees with the current state of affairs - I agree to be controlled so that some “elite” lives better than him, without any special reasons or merits; agrees not to understand anything in the life of society as a whole, as if his life does not depend on the life of all humanity. But that's not true.

Every society is governed in one way or another, for which reason the global historical process can be considered as a global management process, firstly, embracing many processes of regional management (policies of regional states and international, non-state forces: the mafia, Diaspora Jewry) and, secondly, - secondly, occurring in hierarchically higher processes of life of the Earth and Space.

The theoretical basis of the Concept of Public Safety is Sufficient General Theory Management (general enough to describe any process of management or self-government on its basis). From the perspective of DOTU, all means of managing human society can be divided into generalized groups, the hierarchy of priorities of which is built from the most effective to the least effective. Such means of influencing society, the meaningful use of which makes it possible to control its life and death, are:

Worldview information, methodology, mastering which, people build - individually and socially - their “standard automatisms” for recognizing particular processes in the completeness and integrity of the Universe and determine in their perception their hierarchical ordering in mutual nesting. It is the basis of a culture of thinking and completeness management activities, including intra-social sovereignty both within the region and on a global scale.

Information of a chronicle, chronological nature all branches of Culture and all branches of Knowledge. It allows you to see the direction of the flow of processes and correlate with each other the private sectors of Culture in general and the branches of Knowledge. When possessing a worldview consistent with the Universe, based on a sense of proportion, it allows one to highlight particular processes, perceiving the “chaotic” flow of facts and phenomena into a worldview “sieve” - a subjective human measure of recognition. (In the present context, culture refers to all information that is not transmitted genetically through the succession of generations).

Factual and descriptive information: description of private processes and their relationships is the essence of information of the third priority, which includes the beliefs of religious cults, secular ideologies, technologies and facts of all branches of science.

Economic processes, as a means of influence, subordinate to purely informational means of influence through finance (money), which is an extremely generalized type of information of an economic nature.

Means of genocide, affecting not only the living, but also subsequent generations, destroying the genetically determined potential for their development and development cultural heritage ancestors: nuclear blackmail - threat of use; alcohol, tobacco and other drug genocide, food additives, all environmental pollutants, some medications - real use; “genetic engineering” and “biotechnology” are a potential danger.

Other means of influence, mainly force, - a weapon in the traditional sense of the word, killing and maiming people, destroying and destroying material and technical objects of civilization, material cultural monuments and carriers of their spirit.

Although there are no unambiguous distinctions between the means of influence, since many of them have qualities that allow them to be classified as different priorities, their hierarchically ordered classification allows us to identify the dominant factors of influence that can be used as means of control and, in particular, as means of suppression and the destruction of managerially and conceptually unacceptable phenomena in the life of society.

When applying this set within one social system, these are generalized means of managing it. And when they are applied by one social system ( social group) in relation to others, when the concepts of management in them do not coincide, this is a generalized weapon, i.e. means of warfare, in the most general sense of the word; or - means of supporting self-government in another social system, in the absence of conceptual incompatibility of management in both systems.

This order determines the priority of the named classes of means of influencing society, since changes in the state of society under the influence of means of higher priorities have much greater consequences than under the influence of lower ones, although they proceed more slowly without “noisy effects.” That is, over historically long time intervals, performance increases from the first to the sixth, and the irreversibility of the results of their application, which largely determines the effectiveness of solving problems in the life of society in the sense of once and for all, decreases.

To implement complete management of society, it is necessary not only to have an idea of ​​​​the highest priorities of management tools, but also to act on them. And accordingly, it is impossible to escape the influence of information priorities. If you can escape from war to a place where there is no war, you don’t have to sit on a needle, it’s practically even possible to withdraw from life in society and move on to subsistence farming. But none of the people is capable of replacing the entire society with his own person, therefore, while remaining to live in society, willy-nilly, one will have to reckon with it and those who control it. KOB's position is that true democracy is possible only when every member of society understands HOW the entire society as a whole is governed and WHY this management is carried out. That is, he owns all the means of management and consciously supports the goals facing him as a member of society and society as a whole through his activities. But to achieve the unity of goals of the entire society, it is necessary for each member to achieve a certain culture of thinking and worldview:

If we recall the general school biology course, known to everyone, and look into our own psyche, then we can say that the information and algorithmic support of human behavior includes: 1) innate instincts and unconditioned reflexes(both the intracellular and cellular level, and the level of types of tissues, organs, systems and the body as a whole), as well as their membranes developed in culture; 2) cultural traditions that stand above instincts; 3) one’s own understanding, limited by feelings and memory; 4) “intuition in general” - that which emerges from the unconscious levels of the individual’s psyche, comes to him from the collective psyche, is the product of obsessions from the outside and obsession in the inquisitorial understanding of this term; 5) God’s guidance in line with Providence, carried out on the basis of everything previous, with the exception of obsessions and obsessions as direct intrusions from the outside into someone else’s psyche, contrary to the desire and conscious will of its owner.

In the psyche of every individual there is a possible or actual place for all this. But there is also something that sets humanity apart from the biosphere of the planet, but biology, psychology and sociology do not pay attention to this, and this is not written about in either school or university textbooks. The essence of this default is as follows:

Any individual of the biological species “Homo sapiens” can be a carrier of one of the following types of mental structure that are more or less stable throughout adult life:

Animal type of mental structure- when all the behavior of an individual is subordinated to instincts and the satisfaction of instinctive needs, regardless of the circumstances.

The structure of the psyche of a biorobot, a “zombie”- when behavior is based on culturally conditioned automatisms, and the internal psychological conflict “instincts” - culturally conditioned automatisms” in behavioral situations is in most cases resolved in favor of culturally conditioned automatisms. But if changing socio-historical circumstances require the abandonment of traditional norms of behavior in a particular culture and the development of new ones, then the “zombie” gives preference to the established tradition and refuses the possibility of creativity.

Demonic structure of the psyche characterized by the fact that its bearers are capable of creativity and, with a strong-willed order, can step over both the dictates of instincts and historically established cultural norms, developing new ways of behavior and resolving problems that arise in their personal lives and in the life of societies. Whether this will be good or evil in the everyday understanding of these phenomena to others depends on their real morality. Having acquired this or that power in society, demonism requires unconditional service to itself, giving rise to the most cruel and sophisticated forms of suppression of others. One of the most sophisticated variants of the manifestation of forcing others to be virtuous was cited as a model of behavior by F. M. Dostoevsky in “The Village of Stepanchikovo and its Inhabitants” (Thomas).

Human structure of the psyche characterized by the fact that each of its bearers is aware of the mission of man - to be God's vicegerent on Earth. According to this circumstance, he builds his personal relationship with God in Life and meaningfully, in a strong-willed manner, sincerely contributes to the implementation of God’s Providence in the way he feels and understands it. Feedback (in the sense of pointing out his mistakes) is closed from Above by the fact that a person finds himself in certain circumstances that correspond to the meaning of his prayers and intentions. In other words, God speaks to people in the language of life circumstances.

People themselves gave birth to another type of mental structure.
The structure of the psyche lowered into unnaturalness- when a subject belonging to the biological species “Homo sapiens” intoxicates himself with various psychotropic substances: alcohol, tobacco and the harder drugs of our day. This leads to an unnatural distortion of the nature of the physiology of the body, both in the aspect of metabolism and in the aspect of the physiology of the biofilm, which results in multiple and varied disorders of mental activity in all its aspects (from the work of the senses to the intellect and expression of will)1, characteristic of the types of mental structure of the animal, zombie, demonic (carriers of the human type of mental structure do not intoxicate themselves). Thus, a humanoid subject becomes the bearer of an organization of the psyche that has no natural place in the biosphere, and in terms of the quality of its behavior, which does not correspond to the prevailing circumstances, it turns out to be the worst of animals2. And for this violation of his own predetermined status in the Earth’s biosphere, he inevitably receives retribution in Life.

At the same time, if a subject becomes dependent on dope, then he acquires a persistent distortion of his biofield. And, accordingly, according to the parameters of his spirit, he ceases to belong to the biological species “Homo sapiens”. In addition, most daturas are genetic poisons, i.e. they disrupt the functioning of the chromosomal apparatus and destroy the chromosomal structures of those who accept them into their bodies. Defective chromosomal structures are passed on to offspring, which in one way or another undermines their health, potential for personal development and creativity. This is especially the case if conception occurs before the systems for restoring chromosomal structures operating in the body have time to correct the damage. But if genetic poisons enter the body too often and in such quantities that the body’s chromosomal structure restoration systems do not have time to correct all the damage, then the offspring are simply doomed to degeneration.
It is these circumstances that make it possible to call this type of mental structure - generated by people themselves and reproduced by the culture of society - descended into unnaturalness.

For the human structure of the psyche, informal, non-dogmatic and non-ritual faith in God throughout life and action in line with God’s Providence of one’s own free will are normal, i.e. For a person, paganism in Monotheism is normal.

The type of mental structure is determined by upbringing, i.e. The failure of a person to achieve a human type of mental structure by the beginning of adolescence is the result of the depravity of the culture of society and unrighteous upbringing on the part of parents. Therefore, being an adult and realizing this fact, a person is able to move from any type of mental structure to a humane one - the basis for further personal and social development.

Depending on the statistics of the distribution of people by type of mental structure, society generates its own social organization, develops its culture, either by promoting the conservation of the achieved state and relapses of attempts at slavery, or by helping to ensure that the humane structure of the psyche is recognized as the norm and is guaranteed to be reproduced by culture during the succession of generations as the basis for further personal and social development of peoples and humanity as a whole.

And without achieving a humane mental structure, at least by the majority of members of society, it is impossible for the people to gain power, just as it is impossible to resolve those global problems, associated with the life activity of the species Homo Sapiens, which by the beginning of the 21st century hung over the entire Earth.

What is the Public Safety Concept?

Concept [lat. conceptio] - 1) a system of views, one or another understanding of phenomena, processes; 2) a single, defining plan, the leading thought of something. works, scientific work (Dictionary of foreign words. 12th ed., stereotype. - M.: S48 Russian language, 1985, 608 pp.). The concept of public safety is both the idea of ​​building a truly worthy society of people and a certain understanding of the world order that allows us to bring this idea to life.

Among the information on COB there are economic studies and theory, there are works on ideologies, and historical analyzes (a large section of the main book “Dead Water” is called “Depressurization” and is historical), and, most importantly, information on the methodology of knowledge that can help to find harmony with oneself and with God, to achieve a human psyche, to learn to cognize the objective world.

The concept of public safety in the body of work in which it currently exists was developed, starting in 1987, by a public initiative group that chose the name “Internal Predictor of the USSR” (IP USSR). Since then, the USSR as a state has disappeared, but the activity of the public initiative continues under the same name, not only because it has become a kind of brand name, but also because we do not recognize (in the legal sense) the liquidation of the USSR in pursuance of the directives of the “world behind the scenes”, Masonic Lodges, CIA and Council national security USA.

USSR Internal Predictor: explanation of accepted terminology

The term “predictor-corrector” is the name of one of the methods of computational mathematics. It uses successive approximations to find the solution to the problem. In this case, the algorithm of the method is a cycle in which two operations are performed in sequence one after another: the first is the prediction of the solution and the second is checking the prediction to ensure that it meets the requirements for the accuracy of solving the problem. The algorithm ends when the forecast meets the requirements for the accuracy of solving the problem.

In addition, a control scheme in which a control signal is generated not only on the basis of information about the current state of the system, but also on the basis of a forecast of its future behavior, is also sometimes called a “predictor-corrector” (predictor-corrector, translated into Russian, although in essentially a “pre-pointer-corrector”). According to the predictor-corrector scheme, in principle, the highest quality of control is ensured, since part of the information circulation circuits is closed not through the accomplished past, but through the predicted future. This circumstance makes it possible to reduce the delay of control relative to the disturbing influence to zero, and, if necessary, move to proactive control, in which the control action anticipates the reason forcing control. By revising conflict situations, from the point of view of control theory, the predictor-corrector scheme quite often excludes even the possibility of confrontation with a system that is proactively prepared for it.

That is, the term “predictor-corrector” is quite widespread among specialists in mathematical and technical fields of training in the West.

Towards social systems control according to the predictor-corrector scheme, as is clear from history, was carried out already in ancient times. So the highest priesthood ancient egypt were called “hierophants,” which meant their ability to read fate (i.e., the matrix of possible states) and foresee the future. The latter is the basis of management, since: to manage is to, on the basis of knowledge of possible states, lead the system (in this case, society) to a selected specific option from many possible ones. Naturally, the choice of option is determined by the true morality and arbitrariness of those who have risen to foresight and management on its basis.

The priesthood is engaged in life-giving for the benefit of society.

The phonetics, root and conceptual system of the Russian language are such that it is impossible to translate this phrase into other languages ​​without losing shades of meaning and many associative connections. In order not to burden the boys and girls from Langley with the need for an adequate selection of words from the American lexicon, we chose the commonly used phrase predictor-corrector, which already carries the semantic load we need, but not yet in a general, but in a narrow technical and mathematical sense. Thus, we excluded the possibility that translators, in the words of A.S. Pushkin, “straw horses of enlightenment,” fulfilling a social order, choosing some other words, will impose on the English-speaking reader a perverted understanding of what we are talking about.

It is useful for the Russian-speaking reader to know the term predictor-corrector. But in relation to questions of history and sociology, he should use the words of the Russian language, which is native to many: PRIEST, PRIESTLY, SPEAKING OF LIFE - despite the fact that for a thousand years the healers - the hierarchy of the Byzantines and the translators of the Bible - have defaced and distorted the objective meaning of these words:

With foresight, knowledge, and words, to direct in advance the course of society’s life towards poverty and prosperity, keeping society in harmony with the Earth’s biosphere, Space and God.

Witch doctors are engaged in the selfish exploitation of society on the basis of the knowledge they have mastered, for which purpose they deliberately cultivate ignorance and perverted knowledge in society.

This is the difference between priesthood and witchcraft.

The harmony of society, its culture and the biosphere of the Earth presupposes a global level of responsibility and CARE for the well-being of all peoples of the Earth. Because the English language nowadays it is most commonly used as a global language of communication different people, then we had to make sure that all English speakers understood what we wanted to convey to their consciousness, and not what the owners of the “fake donkeys of enlightenment” wanted to impose on them as our opinion.

In the same way, we ourselves do not need the terms: “concept”, since there is a Russian life structure; “autocracy of conceptual power”, since in the Russian language it is quite possible to do without dead words.
But our opponents must understand that their monopoly is over. Figuratively speaking: We pour our “spring water” into their “old wineskins” so that their “skins” burst: we don’t like both their “skin” and their intoxicating “wine”!

COB(Concepts of Public Safety) - a set of conspiracy theories, pseudoscientific ideas, religious beliefs and unconfirmed facts united by the idea of ​​a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. KOB also refers to the movement of the same name.

KOB covers many aspects of human life and, tearing off the covers, opens eyes to: history, physics, biology, linguistics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, politics, economics and more.

Just a treasure trove of fricism: here you can find telegony, bioenergetics, sobriology and much more. It seems that the KOB sect combines almost all possible directions.


COB does not have a clear definition. The only thing that can be found on this topic is given below.

The concept of public safety (CPS) develops from the objective fact that: if we recall the general school biology course, known to everyone, and look into our own psyche, then we can argue that the information and algorithmic support of human behavior includes: 1) innate instincts and unconditional reflexes (both at the intracellular and cellular level, and at the level of types of tissues, organs, systems and the organism as a whole), as well as their membranes, developed in culture; 2) cultural traditions that stand above instincts; 3) one’s own understanding, limited by feelings and memory; 4) “intuition in general” - that which emerges from the unconscious levels of the individual’s psyche, comes to him from the collective psyche, is the product of obsessions from the outside and obsession in the inquisitorial understanding of this term; 5) God’s guidance in line with Providence, carried out on the basis of everything that preceded it, with the exception of obsessions and obsessions as direct intrusions from the outside into someone else’s psyche, contrary to the desire and conscious will of its owner.

Very good starting material for analysis. It is written heavily and concisely - you should read it at least twice.

Without finding fault with the form of presentation, the following is striking: this is something that is not clear - it is, according to the author, a direct consequence of the well-known school biology course. What is an objective fact in the translated text is unclear. Judging by the stylistic logic of the text, an objective fact is the ability to affirm all five postulates, remembering the school biology course. Here you really can’t argue. This can even be asserted without remembering the school course, and in general, in order to assert anything, it is not necessary to go to school. Why then so many unnecessary words? The text is especially loaded with the expression “information and algorithmic support of human behavior includes.” The one highlighted in black is clearly superfluous, and the rest can be redone up to three words.

That is, for now, KOB is a purely religious teaching with elements of psychology.

COB concept

The main theme, of course, is the “world behind the scenes” - or more precisely, the ancient Egyptian Jewish priesthood, which has its current base in Switzerland. Moses is the representative of this very priesthood, and he led the Jews through the deserts for forty years so that the latter would lose all cultural traditions and values ​​and become an object of brainwashing, servants to seize conceptual and ideological power on the planet.

All the evil in Rus' appeared after the adoption of Orthodoxy (actually, “Judeo-Christianity”), imposed by the Jews. Accordingly, the essence of the concept is that a certain “Internal Predictor of the USSR” is opposed to the “Global Predictor”, which is understood as a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. The abbreviation USSR stands for “Conciliar Socially Just Russia.”


IN ancient times, 1300 BC e. Hermetic healers of the ancient Egyptian hierarchy of Amun developed schemes for deliberate sealing (hiding) and distortion of the ideas of mankind.

Subsequently, purposeful perversions were introduced into humanity's ideas about social governance schemes, hiding their upper former priestly echelon, which went underground; into philosophical knowledge.

To disorient those who are aware of these control schemes, hermetic healers planted theories of world conspiracies, world governments, which are intended to fool the crowd, to hide the true egregorial-matrix unstructured methods of supranational governance.

Global supra-Judaic predictor

Blame for all of humanity's ills "Global supra-Judaic predictor"- a group of people that secretly controls the world (the world behind the scenes).

USSR Internal Predictor

“Internal Predictor of the USSR” (IP USSR)- a public initiative group that has been developing the Concept of Public Security since 1987. Despite the disappearance of the USSR as a state, the activities of the public initiative continue under the same name, since it, firstly, has become a kind of brand name and, secondly, because non-recognition (in the legal sense) of the liquidation of the USSR in pursuance of the directives of the “world behind the scenes”, Masonic lodges, the CIA and the US National Security Council.

Division of people according to mental types

  • Animal type of mental structure- when all the behavior of an individual is subordinated to instincts and the satisfaction of instinctive needs, regardless of the circumstances.
  • The structure of the psyche of a biorobot, a “zombie”- when behavior is based on culturally conditioned automatisms, and the internal psychological conflict “instincts - culturally conditioned automatisms” in behavioral situations is in most cases resolved in favor of culturally conditioned automatisms.
  • Demonic structure of the psyche- characterized by the fact that its bearers are capable of creativity and, with a strong-willed order, can step over both the dictates of instincts and historically established cultural norms, developing new ways of behavior and resolving problems that arise in their personal lives and in the life of societies.
  • Human structure of the psyche- is characterized by the fact that each of its bearers is aware of the mission of man - to be God's vicar on Earth.
  • Descended into unnaturalness- the structure of the psyche - when a subject belonging to the biological species “Homo sapiens” intoxicates himself with various psychotropic substances: alcohol, tobacco and the harder drugs of our day.

Management priorities

The means of influence of the “secret government” on society are six management priorities. They are used as tools to zombify and control humanity using unstructured methods.

  1. Worldview priority- manipulation through imperceptible changes in the system of views, ideals, principles, beliefs that determine a person’s perception of the world around him. A very long and difficult process, but the most insidious.
  2. Chronological priority- changing and concealing facts of history and chronology. The division of knowledge into separate disciplines and their measured dissemination in order to ensure people’s performance but exclude their independence and the ability to understand the processes taking place around them.
  3. Factual priority- this includes ideologies, religions, philosophy. With the help of this priority, consciousness is quietly processed. Man is controlled and directed to the right channels, ideas about depravity and violence are implanted in him. Atheism and many religions were introduced to confuse and pit people against each other.
  4. Economic priority- as a means of influence through finance (money). According to the ideology of the KOB, “usurious” loan interest, inflation, “usurious banks”, and the central bank are the means by which the world Jewish mafia exercises world domination.
  5. Weapons of Genocide- this is alcohol, genetically modified foods, food additives, etc. These weapons act somewhat slower than weapons of destruction, but their results are more effective. Weapons of Genocide change the genes of people, weakening them morally and physically. It destroys not only the living, but also subsequent generations.
  6. Weapon of Destruction- these are armies, military forces. This method is the crudest and most obvious. If you want to seize the resources of a country, you send an army, occupy it. But this method guarantees confrontation - rebel groups are formed, partisan movements. This priority is very rough and ineffective compared to others, but its performance is maximum.

Economics of KOB

In order to prevent the Jewish mafia from exercising world domination, it is necessary to completely prohibit “usury.” The state should issue loans at a 0% rate, which will ensure rapid growth in the well-being of citizens.


KOB involves replacing the Russian ruble with the so-called. “energy ruble”, which must be provided by a certain amount of electricity introduced into the production and consumption system of the state. For example, the government plans banknote emission and determines: to provide 1 ruble, install 1 kilowatt × hour of electricity.

Electricity can enter the production and consumer system of the state from other states (as, for example, it comes from Russia to Finland). The Energy Ruble, if necessary, should be exchanged only for similar energy currencies of other states.

Law of time

Since the first third of the twentieth century, technology began to be updated more often than human generations changed. And thus the “elites” lost their former advantage: their monopoly on knowledge lost all meaning.


  • Zaznobin Vladimir Mikhailovich- the most famous theorist, aka the VP of the USSR. It is distinguished by incoherent oral speech, no less incoherent presentation of thoughts on paper, with a conglomeration of numerous terms in order to increase the meaning of what is said. As a rule, he speaks not to the point, and often carries complete nonsense, sufficient to recognize the case as clinical. Apparently, he deliberately talks nonsense, and his goal is to lead a personal sect. Does not accept criticism, reacts to the slightest with aggression.
  • Petrov Konstantin Pavlovich(d. 2009) - is the most famous practitioner of KOB. It was he who promoted the KOB lectures on the Internet. The “KOB Introductory Lecture” received particular popularity. According to the statement of the VP of the USSR, he is not a member of this organization. He differs from the first figure in his sanity, good sense of humor and often knowledge of the matter he is talking about. If the first is a speaker for mentally ill people, then General Petrov is for completely normal people, and also has enormous charisma.
  • Efimov Viktor Alekseevich- also gives lectures to KOB.

Conceptual party "Unity"

On May 15, 2007, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation satisfied the claim of the Federal Registration Service for liquidation political party- “Unity Conceptual Party.” The official reason for liquidation was the insufficient number of registered members at the time of verification in several regions. KOB split into Petrov and Zaznobin, as well as into many original schools (there are many, for example, VKontakte groups).

Find direct followers " Dead water“It’s possible in today’s Duma - in the parliamentary Security Committee, for example. An expert of this State Duma committee and editor-in-chief of the St. Petersburg newspaper “Society and Ecology” Sergei Lisovsky speaks about KOB’s adherents in power in his own newspaper as follows:

Our President V.V. Putin, while still director of the FSB, became acquainted with KOBA. I have his official response with his signature, where he speaks very approvingly and reports that the special services have been given the task of studying conceptual materials and strengthening security measures for Russia. Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Gryzlov is also familiar with KOBA; I met with him in the State Duma. They were handed over to the KOB and the Speaker of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov. Almost the entire “St. Petersburg team” in Moscow knows the Concept... And how can one not know it, if it was created in St. Petersburg...


Participants in groups and forums dedicated to COB can be divided into three main groups:

KOB supporters- supporters of the COB itself, the smallest group of people (approximately from 1 to 10 percent). They read the materials of the VP of the USSR, they are inquisitive, quite interesting interlocutors in some issues, they are not eager to get involved in politics. Their authorities are the VP represented by Zaznobin, and to some extent Efimov, although they themselves say that they do not recognize authorities, they disown Petrov and KPE like the plague. They are based mainly in St. Petersburg, at Efimov University. Activities are carried out mainly through Efimov. Their materials are quite difficult and voluminous, and therefore not popular. Thanks to the Internet, they are found everywhere, but in extremely small quantities. The main goal is “enlightenment” and “increasing the morality” of society. Their goal: “Become Human and help others become.”

KPEeshniks- a slightly larger group of people (10-15 percent or more, difficult to estimate) who claim to be Marxists. Petrov, Zaznobina and Efimova do not recognize their authority as their own. Apparently, they don’t read the VP materials; their science is KOB lectures by Petrova and his followers. The category in the political sense is relatively dangerous in terms of potential, not much different from other radical parties and movements. They are mainly based in Moscow at the Petrov Academy of Management and in Novosibirsk. Activities are carried out along party lines. Dialogue with them is difficult - “everyone who is not with Petrov is against us,” “Petrov is a general, and you...!” The interesting thing is that General Petrov will always be a general, as if this is a great achievement and proof of greatness and righteousness, but you will go from an enemy of the people to just an ordinary zombie fool. The main goal is to intercept state power and introduce the ideas of the KOB into Petrov’s editorial office from this level. Or: “Take power and force everyone to become human.”

Sympathizers- the largest group (70 percent of all). They can be divided into three main subgroups:

  • KOBovtsy-Zhdanovtsy- mixed supporters of KOB and SBNT. We are familiar with KOB materials to the extent that they are. Their activities are anti-alcohol and based on patriotic feelings. In the political sense, the category is not the most active; they occupy mainly driven roles, that is, their patriotic feelings can be manipulated. For the most part, they are sincere patriots, but sometimes quite narrow-minded. Quite a lot of people are simply fans of a sober lifestyle, but in general they do not pose a danger. KOB - SBNT do not have clearly defined boundaries. The main goal is to sober up the Russian people.
  • KOB members-Slavophiles- the most degenerative branch of COB, but not the most numerous. This may include those who sympathize with the Rodnoverie, Yinglings, games of the gods, Vedism, and to some extent the readers of V.N. Megre (although he is not related to the Vedas, but due to the nature of the schizophrenic symptoms of his supporters, his supporters can be classified in this group). These are people close to pantheism who deify nature and are interested in the COB itself insofar as. They do not pose any danger. My head is a mess of shit. There are no interlocutors; communication with them often resembles communication with the mentally ill. There is no political activity at all. The main goal is the revival of the great Slavic culture. In the case of Maigret - family estates and rapprochement with nature.
  • Truth fighters- this includes all the world’s rescuers from the behind-the-scenes world government. They are obsessed with the ideas of films about conspiracies, they replicate films like “Money is a pyramid of debts”, ideas about a moneyless system of relations, as well as everything that begins with the words “The truth about ... (vaccinations, beer, HIV, GMOs, etc., and etc.)". Dialogue with them is practically impossible, since everything is the machinations of the behind-the-scenes, especially everything that contradicts conspiracy theories. According to their latest data, KOB is also behind-the-scenes machinations, but there is still interaction. I did not observe any political activity. The main goal is to save and deliver the world from the dictates of the behind-the-scenes government.

Expert opinion of the Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Non-Traditional Religions

Expert opinion of the Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Non-Traditional Religions No. 47/15-e dated August 14, 1999 on the nature of the doctrine and activities of the movement “Towards God's Power”, carried out at the request of the director of the Orthodox Society “Panagia” M. Yu. Medvedev