A brief description of the teacher's work experience. Page of teacher Sorokina G.N. Experience in design activities in preschool educational institutions

Svetlana Ryazanova
Description of teacher's work experience

As Vasily Sukhomlinsky said Aleksandrovich:

I am firmly convinced that there are qualities of the soul without which a person

can't become real teacher,

and among these qualities comes first

The ability to penetrate into the spiritual world of a child. "

In my opinion, this is a fairly clear definition of my style. work.

What is the secret of success? Educator? Probably, especially the relationship to the world around us and to oneself. Desire to cooperate with pupils, parents, colleagues. But the most important secret, in my opinion, is the ability to see a personality in each child and accept him for who he really is. Simply put, all training and upbringing can only be built on love for children and one’s business.

Also in teacher's work Resourcefulness and ingenuity are required.

What do I need for work –

These are pens and notepads, these are balls and notes,

These are buttons and combs, these are books and lacing,

Drill, screws and a hacksaw, a lot of rags, pearl barley,

Glue, construction set, microscope - even a roll of wire.

All this will be useful to me for a successful project,

on child development.

Even a jar will do for the newest object,

For the entertainment of guests.

I can break, build, move and tailor

Imagine, formulate, dig up everything and dig up everything.

Appreciates my employer my zeal and passion,

After all, I'm just - teacher, well, there’s a general in the group!

All this contributes to an interesting, educational and dynamic learning process, and if we say modern language, then the system-activity approach in working with children. Today it is important not so much to give a child as much knowledge as possible, but to ensure his general cultural, personal and cognitive development, and equip him with such an important skill as the ability to learn. To do this, I create a subject-development environment with a program implemented in a preschool educational institution and age-specific characteristics pupils.

The environment contributes to the formation and development of the child’s activity, the manifestation of curiosity, his own individuality, the accumulation of playful, creative, research experience. The diverse content of the environment awakens initiative, motivates to activity, gives the child the opportunity to independently organize the process of cognition, obtain a clear result of his activity, make it a positive experience and personal achievement. In my group, every child will find something to their liking.

In his work I contribute to conservation physical health children using various means and techniques (games, manuals, didactic materials) . All conditions have been created for this.

When we talk about a systems-activity approach in work with children, first of all, I must say about the project method, which I widely use both in direct educational activities and in working with parents. Projects are thematic, short-term and long-term, with the involvement of parents and guests.

I cannot remain silent about the Integrated approach to lifelong educational activities. (joint, organized, independent). For example, my favorite theatrical activity can easily be combined with artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, arts and crafts development, taking into account an individual approach to children.

Collective Job– one of the means of socializing a child in a team, developing his universal human values (kindness, decency, responsiveness, mercy).

In his work I use ICT extensively. This is a wonderful means of understanding the world. It is used in direct educational activities, as well as during holidays and family gatherings. This is an invaluable thing that erases all the edges of the impossible! Huge space to show children many previously hidden things.

Using the productive activities of children makes the subject-spatial environment in the group more meaningful for the child. And therefore, in its multifaceted working with children, I pay a lot of attention to productive activities, using it in games (director's, author's).

If we talk about the degree of compliance with modern trends in the development of education, then I use work: individual approach to each child. Taking into account his needs, capabilities, physical and mental development.

I pay special attention to the emotional comfort of each child. I created an album for each child called “My Achievements” or "Success Diaries", in which children collect their stickers, stars and medals behind: good deeds, correct answers, for performances at holidays and for everything that a child can do in kindergarten! Children love and are proud of their achievements! I believe that a child's emotional comfort is of great importance for the development of a successful personality.

Also in the locker room, conditions have been created for the safety of children. works, folders with files called "My opening day". Works collected for the entire time spent by the child in kindergarten. Are freely available for parents and children.

I collect portfolios for each of my pupil, which allows me to pay more attention to everyone and achieve more high results. Certificates and gratitude are added to the portfolio for the participation of children and parents in holidays and projects, in open events and exhibitions both inside and outside the kindergarten. These documents are available to parents, and they can independently monitor their child’s progress, developing in him a sense of success.

Play is the leading activity in the preschool period. I developed many games and benefits for children, according to development zones, taking into account the requirements FGOSDO: There are 37 of these games. Every child can find something to do that interests them. This allows you to form cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities.

Speaking about the degree of compliance with modern trends in the development of education, I Working on SUCCESSFUL SOCIALIZATION OF A CHILD IN SOCIETY. I introduce children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.

I pay great attention to moral problems, education in children such universal human values ​​as kindness, decency, responsiveness, mercy. This is not only a visit to regional monuments and museums.

I use children's productive activities to make leaflets for the neighborhood with congratulations. Creation of newspaper walls by children and parents for the holidays for the library and other societies. organizations. My children also participated in the selfie project "Freeze" to the 70th anniversary of the victory. Parents prepared the work.

SUCCESSFUL SOCIALIZATION OF A CHILD IN SOCIETY HELP: cooperation with social institutions. This district library, where children not only get acquainted with literary works, but also learn to communicate and feel their importance in the team; cooperation with the Charitable Foundation "Old age is a joy" and with Children's Home No. 13. This teaches children Compassion, empathy, a desire to help, and children develop moral qualities.

My Collaboration with parents is a special topic. At the beginning of every person’s journey, next to a defenseless baby are the most important people in his life - his parents. To educate parents, I have created a large selection of information material. Parents can receive advice on issues that interest them. Particular attention is paid to the focus of the group – celiac disease. I picked it up guidelines, a selection of recipes and information about medical centers dealing with this problem.

I would like to pay special attention "Family living room" which I spend regularly with parents and children. In establishing contacts with children, it is important that parents and educators were allies. My "family living rooms" contribute very well to this. Parents watch their children and play with them, and I draw conclusions, give recommendations and advice. If necessary, I turn to specialists.

I also conduct master classes for parents and children. My goal work master classes not only introduce methods, techniques and techniques working with children. The main thing is to give the opportunity to work together, to be together, doing one common thing. After all, we all know that joint work unites! this should strengthen ties in the family, and I can draw conclusions about the psychological situation in the family...

Using Internet resources - a group has been created on social networks. For remote communication with parents.

I Share work experience. I conduct master classes for fellow teachers in the region, in the city and for the creative group of the APPO. Was a participant in the Fifth Cultural and Health Exhibition “Totosha. Healthy development". On well-known Internet portals I exhibit Printed work. And maam. ru and ns portal. I am a mentor to young professionals.

I am actively involved in public work in your kindergarten. I participate not only in holidays, PROJECTS AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT, but also when planting plants on the territory of the kindergarten. I have gratitude and certificates for participating in competitions.

And a little more poetry About myself...

In my there is a lot of positive work,

Smiles and loud laughter of children

And there is great promise in this

For all my ideas and passions.

I want to create - but I’m not a poetess,

I want to be beautiful -

But I'm not a princess.

I want to fly - but I'm not a tester,

I'm just very wise teacher.

I value children, I love them seriously,

And I don’t scold them for their mistakes in the heat of the moment.

I want you to each pupil,

Developed, preserved, preserved

All that is very important for anyone,

And we all received it as a reward.

After all, children are our continuation,

Our meaning of life, incentive and soul.

What they will be, no doubt

It depends on us - I tell you not jokingly.

Thank you for your attention.

Consultation for teachers

Advanced pedagogical experience of a teacher:
Study, synthesis, dissemination and implementation

As a rule, in most preschool institutions this is the most difficult section to implement. methodological work with personnel.

The study of best practices can be organized by the head or senior teacher in any preschool institution, even if it has worked for 1 year, provided that there are at least several experienced teachers in the team. Learning from experience cannot be spontaneous. It is based on the high indicators of certain types of work identified during monitoring, as well as on the relevance of the problems facing this teaching staff. For example, there is work to be done on a new annual task, a new problem has been posed - integration of education, etc., therefore it is necessary to identify in advance what positive things have already been achieved in the team.

However, it is not enough to just identify positive experiences and leave it at that. It is also necessary to create it systematically and purposefully, based on the needs of practice and the relevance of the tasks. If the necessary experience has not been identified in a preschool institution, it should be created, and above all, on the problems identified educational program in the future for several years.

When starting work on creating experience, you should clearly formulate the topic and set before the teacher or the entire group the task of accumulating experience. It is advisable to invite the teacher to draw up a description of the group based on the topic of the experience (knowledge, abilities, skills of children, their attitude to the problem, etc.). Based on the analysis of the results, draw up a long-term work plan in which to determine the conditions that need to be created, the content, methodology and forms of work - classes, conversations, etc.

We offer a structure for creating experiences on some topics using the example of one month. Having developed a long-term plan for the whole year and implemented it, the teacher will be able to analyze and describe his experience at the end of the year. The role of the senior educator is to help him select illustrative material, take photographs or videos, and, of course, help in generalizing and disseminating experience.

Topic: “Formation of grammatically correct speech”

Forms of work Content
Working on the word Working on a proposal
Speech development classes
Awareness classes
Other activities
Didactic games
Didactic exercises
Individual work
Other forms of work

Topic: “Acquaintance with fiction, the use of theatrical activities”

Forms of work Content
Frontal exercises
Excursions, targeted walks
Audiovisual aids
Educational games
Creative games
Holidays and entertainment
Other forms of work

Topic: “Introduction to fine arts”

Forms of work Content
Painting Graphic arts Architecture
Frontal exercises
Part of other awareness activities
Part of the lesson in other sections
Excursions, targeted walks
Drawing, modeling, applique, manual labor
Reading fiction
Audiovisual aids
Educational games
Creative games
Holidays and entertainment
Other forms of work

Topic: “Introducing preschoolers to the area”

Forms of work Content
Frontal exercises
Using TSO
Part of the lesson on other sections of the Program
Excursions, targeted walks
Looking at illustrations
Reading fiction
Use of computer technology
Didactic games
Productive activity
Working with parents
Creative games
Holidays and entertainment
Other forms of work

In the methodological room, it is advisable to arrange an exhibition “To help those involved in accumulating work experience” (recommendations for accumulating experience, experience on a similar problem, thematic catalogs).

Throughout the year, systematic observation of the teacher’s work, assistance in analyzing the results, and selecting materials that reflect the experience (audio and video recordings, photographs, etc.) are necessary.

Having received positive results from the work done, ways to disseminate the experience should be determined. This could be a speech at a teachers' meeting, presentation of practical materials, notes, long-term plans, demonstration of individual techniques or work systems.

Summary of advanced teaching experience - an integral part of methodological work. It involves a description of the content of work on the problem, showing the most stable, characteristic, repeating methods, approaches, forms of organizing work, convincingly demonstrating why these methods and techniques are optimal.

One of the most difficult forms of summarizing material is a written report at a teachers' meeting. But there are other, simpler forms of generalizing experience. For example: Show work, open viewing. Teachers are invited to look at the techniques and forms of organizing children that have become an established norm for this teacher, a proven way to achieve high results.

The teacher can speak at a teacher's meeting, seminar, consultation with a story about the experience, where he will directly share concentrated information in a live presentation, give examples, identify problems, reasons why difficulties may arise in mastering the technology of experience.

The most difficult form of generalizing experience is its description. It assumes a deeper level of generalization, reveals the system of work, the origins of experience and the ways of its formation.

Approximate scheme for describing the experience

Practice shows that the most common errors when describing experience are:

  • The description of a fairly well-known experience, widely represented in the methodological literature, therefore the description of the teacher does not bring novelty. Such experience is advanced for this team, but it is more expedient to generalize it in other forms;
  • Presentation of general thoughts and conclusions, use of theoretical calculations from the literature. Such material can be called a message, annotation methodological literature and used to expand the pedagogical horizons of educators;
  • The system of leading ideas is not always revealed; the most significant components of the methodology are poorly identified, revealing the logic of experience, the sequence of actions of the teacher in it;
  • Superficiality in the description, substitution of work analysis with individual examples and pictures.

Having determined that the created or identified experience is interesting and new for a given teaching staff, the senior educator organizes work to disseminate it.

Forms of experience presentation:

  • A speech at a pedagogical council may be accompanied by a demonstration of visual material (children’s work, didactic games and so on.);
  • Group viewing;
  • A school of excellence (SPO), which is organized by a teacher who has a system of work on a specific issue. It is planned to conduct several viewings, after each of which the head of the school explains why he acted this way and not otherwise, what he was guided by in his actions, shows the children’s works, his plan, answers questions from the participants of the school and offers tasks: to use that in his teaching practice or another technique, method of organization, etc. Before the next screening, a conversation is held about what the SHPO students managed to use in their practice and what the results were. At the end of the year, the head of the school visits the students and analyzes to what extent they have mastered the material. The number of listeners should not exceed 3-4 people;
  • A master class is one of the main forms of disseminating experience, which involves the teacher talking about his creative laboratory and showing children or modeling on adults the use of certain innovative techniques and ways of organizing children;
  • Panorama display – modeling of different approaches to solving the same or similar educational problems, demonstrated successively by different teachers. This can be done with children who have been worked with using these technologies, or with adults playing the roles of children;
  • A journal of best practices, in which each teacher describes the “highlights” of his work on a particular issue and gets acquainted with the experience of his colleagues, after which a discussion and evaluation of the material is held;
  • Presentation of materials in the teaching room, which is also a form of dissemination of experience. These can be notes from a series of classes on a topic, long-term plans for work on a problem or topic, original didactic games and other visual materials;
  • Creative report, during which the following takes place:
    Demonstration of fragments of experience - different types of activities, work in everyday life;
    Demonstration of elements of pedagogical technology (sequences of actions);
    Clarification of the features of pedagogical technology in conversations with the author of the experience;
    Collective analysis of what was viewed under the guidance of a senior educator;
    Study of teaching materials and business documentation;
    Thematic and personal exhibitions of the author's experience;
    Meetings with children with whom the author of the experiment worked;
    Familiarization with the conditions in which the work was carried out;
    Discussion based on the results of observations, during which it is necessary to highlight elements of the experience that can be used by other teachers, to determine under what conditions the experience can be effective; determine which materials from the viewed ones will be of interest to teachers and can be published, presented in the method room, etc.
    Showing fragments of the work of a master teacher - individual classes, work in everyday life, materials, manuals, recommendations developed by an innovative teacher.

The introduction of best practices can also be organized in any institution, regardless of the quality of the staff, since using the experience of colleagues from one’s own or another preschool institution can significantly improve the work of a given teacher and the team as a whole. Therefore, the preschool institution should have information about existing experience in the district, city, country, and abroad. This information can be reported at a teachers' meeting, presented at an exhibition in the methodological room with recommendations for implementing the experience.

A work plan is drawn up with educators who will implement the experience, which includes studying this best practice, studying the theory of the issue and drawing up a long-term plan for introducing the experience, that is, determining the forms and types of work that the educator will use.

To systematize work based on best practices, it is advisable to draw up a long-term plan

Age groups 2007-2008 academic year 2008-2009 academic year year 2009-2010 academic year year
2nd junior group AND.
Using game techniques to get acquainted with the environment
Using game techniques to get acquainted with the environment
Older IN.
An integrated approach to working with children on the topic “Space”
Development creativity in modeling classes
Preparatory group WITH.
Introducing children to the dial and telling time using a clock

C – creation of experience.
I – learning from experience
O – generalization of experience.
R – dissemination of experience.
B – implementation.

Generalized pedagogical experience of the teacher

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 4 "Romashka"

city ​​of Belev, Tula region



Topic: “Monitor training technology in working with preschoolers”

Idea: By including the child in the process of self-realization and personalization, the teacher encourages active communicative activities.

IPM 2. Conditions for the formation of experience.

Introducing many innovations while working in kindergarten, I realized that innovative technologies should not be one-sided, offering the development of only the mental abilities of children. Innovation in education should primarily involve the process of developing confidence little man in yourself, in your own strengths. In my opinion, today, the most difficult innovation lies in the consciousness of the teacher himself. It is necessary to change the authoritarianism of education in the thinking of teachers. My task is to put the child on an equal level with myself, to give the child the opportunity to adequately manage himself and the world around him. I think innovation in education should focus on creating individuals who are primed for success.

A child’s mastery of the position of a subject requires a special pedagogical technology, the essence of which is to deploy a palette of various children’s activities in front of the child and transfer the student to the position of a subject of children’s activity. For this purpose, I use elements of monitor training in working with children older than school age.

As the analysis of teaching practice in modern education In recent years, a transition to humanistic methods of teaching and raising children has clearly emerged. But still in educational process contradictions persist between:

- “frontal” forms of education and purely individual methods of educational and cognitive activity of each child;

Between the need for differentiation of education and the uniformity of content and teaching technologies,

Between the predominant explanatory and illustrative method of teaching and the activity-based nature of teaching.

One of the important directions for solving these problems is the introduction of new pedagogical technologies.

The idea of ​​forming experience was inspired by studying the theory of S. Wilderspin, who organized mutual teaching schools (monitoring schools) for young children.

In my work, I tried to modernize the technology of monitor training and adapt it to work with preschool children. We assumed that its implementation in kindergarten practice would be successful provided:

  • taking into account sensitive periods of child development;
  • taking into account the different levels of development of children;
  • well-established social interaction: establishing communication connections between participants in the process (teachers and children), a dialogue form of relationships;
  • motivation of the child’s activity in the process of interaction;
  • stimulation of children's activity;
  • creating an atmosphere of passion.

The introduction of monitor learning will require not only the psychological readiness of children for new ways of learning, but also a fundamental change in the pedagogical paradigm - the relationship between the teacher and the student, the style of behavior of the teacher.

While working on the problem, I went through several stages:


Preparatory (Definition of goals, objectives of research) – 2009-2010 academic year


Formative (Studying scientific and methodological literature on the problem, identifying the potential capabilities of the preschool educational institution, highlighting the main directions in work, etc.) - 2009-2010 academic year


Current (Planning, regulation, creation of a subject-development environment, methodological base, etc.) 2010-2011 academic year


Diagnostic (Selection of diagnostic material for children, first diagnosis of children) 2010 – 2011 academic year


Analytical (Analysis of work in this area, analysis of children’s diagnostics) – 2011-2012 academic year


Final (Summarizes, formulates conclusions, conducts consultations on work in this direction) 2011 – 2012 academic year

IPM 3. Theoretical basis of experience.

Domestic and foreign psychologists argue that a preschool child strives to achieve integrity, but the very concept of integrity in relation to a preschool child is not interpreted unambiguously. So, M.V. Krulecht believes that holistic developmentchild is “the unity of individual characteristics, personal qualities, the child’s mastery of the subject’s position in children’s activities.”

Research by scientists recent years convincingly prove that the intensive intellectual, emotional and personal development of a child, his well-being and social status in the peer group are associated with mastering the position of a subject of children's activity. This position is manifested in independence of goal setting and motivation of activity, finding ways and means of its implementation, self-control and self-esteem, and the ability to get results.

Based on the fact that the motivation of a child’s activity is one of the conditions for the success and effectiveness of learning, we studied the most common motives that influence the behavior of each person, relying on the research of A.V. Petrovsky. “The basis of the motivation of a person as an individual,” writes A.V. Petrovsky, “one should look not in his biological nature and not in the mysterious desire for “self-actualization,” but in real social relations, in his activities, in his social life.” A. V. Petrovsky identifies, first of all, a person’s need for self-expression as one of the main motives of activity.

Another motivator of human activity is his personalization, that is, recognition by other people as a person significant to them. By including the child in the process of self-realization and personalization, the teacher encourages everyone to engage in involuntary but active mental activity and achieve solutions to the assigned tasks. We found the implementation of these motives in the earlier experience of teaching schoolchildren.

The English teacher S. Wilderspin (1792-1866) organized mutual education schools (monitorial schools) for young children. The work in them was based on the method of mutual teaching, intended for teaching school-age children. The organization of the children and the environment was as follows: in each class, the most capable child was appointed as a monitor, and then the teacher could use his help, encouraging him to repeat his explanation loudly and clearly, while the other children reproduced this explanation just as loudly and clearly. The monitors were allowed to pose questions to the children at their own discretion. The monitors were detained after classes and trained separately. At the same time, S. Wilderspin noted that it is necessary to “make sure that monitors do not imagine too much about themselves, because the tendency to ambition is so great at an early age.”

Analyzing all of the above, we come to the conclusion that the problem of developing the intellectual abilities of children has been and is being given great attention and is given great importance.

IPM 4. Relevance and prospects of experience.

The preschool years are the period of the most intensive development, the age of great potential, the birth of personality, the formation of the foundations of self-awareness and value orientations, manifestations of the child’s first creative abilities, his individuality.

How to help a child enter the modern world and get to know it, become familiar with its values, teach him to be independent and skillful, able to enter into real business relationships with adults and peers, make decisions and be responsible for their consequences - this is not a complete range of questions that are asked thoughtful kindergarten teachers and parents of preschoolers.

The modern model of education presupposes high requirements for the development of children’s competence in the communicative sphere, the sphere of relationships to the world, to people, to themselves.

Preschool age is a sensitive period for the fundamental development of a person’s personality and it is very important to choose such educational technologies, which will be focused on understanding and establishing humane relationships between children and the outside world and people. In my opinion, and It is precisely the technology of monitor learning that presupposes a high development of communication skills, a flexible organization of direct educational activities, taking into account the multi-level development of children. Organization of training using elements of this technology creates a comfortable environment and a situation of success, stimulates the cognitive interest of children, and contributes to the development of their general educational and communication skills.

The essence of introducing elements of monitor training is that almost all children are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think, each makes their own special individual contribution to solving the common problem: there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of doing things.

primary goal implementation of this technology – development of free communication between preschoolers and adults and children.

Tasks :

  1. Development of all components of children's oral speech;
  2. Enriching children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them;
  3. Encouraging children to actively interact in the system of social relations.

As you know, motives are a powerful activator of human activity. The attitude towards the matter and its effectiveness are largely determined by the nature of the dominant motives. We studied the most common motives that influence the behavior of each person, based on the research of A.V. Petrovsky. He identifies, first of all, a person’s need for self-expression as one of the main motives of activity. Another motive for activity is its personalization, that is, recognition by other people as a person significant to them.

The desire to earn praise and approval from adults, to establish and maintain good relationships with people is also one of the most significant motives for interpersonal behavior for a child in older preschool age. Another equally important motive is the desire for self-affirmation. In children's role-playing games, this is realized in the fact that the child strives to take on the main role, lead others, is not afraid to enter into competition and strives to win it at all costs. Along with motives of this type Prosocial motives begin to play a significant role in the behavior of preschool children: empathy, the desire to help another person, and some others.

The process of personality development and improvement of a child’s behavior based on direct imitation of people around him, especially adults and peers, becomes very noticeable in preschool age. We can say that this age represents a sensitive period in the development of personality based on imitation, accompanied by the consolidation of observed forms of behavior, initially in the form of external imitative reactions, and then in the form of demonstrated personality qualities.

Therefore the idea experience is as follows: by including the child in the process of self-realization and personalization, the teacher encourages, as it were, involuntary, but active mental and communicative activity.

IPM 5. Novelty of experience

  • Adaptation of monitor technology to working conditions with preschool children;
  • The features of the personality-oriented interaction between the teacher and children have been identified (creation of a unified emotional and sensory basis for the interaction process; constant “appeal to the child” as an equal” and the ability of the teacher to take the position of the child and act in it; ensuring the leading role of the teacher, who at the same time organizes a joint activity, in the form of “co-creation” between the teacher and the child, and participates in it, which gives rise to a complex of personal manifestations of both subjects of educational educational process);
  • The structural components of monitor training technology are identified;
  • The features of using elements of monitor training in working with low-performing and gifted children have been identified;

IPM 6. Targeting of experience

The experience can be used by educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions, schools, institutions additional education. The experience is available to both beginning teachers and experienced teachers. Can be used when organizing group work.

IPM 7. Labor intensity of experience

  1. It is impossible to transfer all stages and structural components of monitor technology to work with preschool children. Within the framework of kindergarten, some components of activity technology seem meaningless. We have to take into account that the older preschooler, due to age restrictions, does not have sufficient experience necessary to implement them.
  2. The implementation of this technology requires a lot of training from the teacher, both for children - monitors, and for the organization of a diverse subject-development environment.
  3. There is a high probability of children overestimating their capabilities, since many children have not formed an adequate assessment of their personality.
  4. Poor speech development in children slows down the communication process.

IPM 8. Technology of experience.

It is well known that personality develops only in the processown activities.You can teach a person to swim only in water, you can teach a person to act only in the process of activity, you can teach a child to communicate with adults and peers only in the process of live, free communication.

However, it is important that internal The motives for such communication were pleasant emotions associated with job satisfaction, a sense of personal competence, and self-esteem. Monitor training, just in time, implements all these approaches.

How do we implement this technology in preschool educational institutions?

I watched older preschoolers play with the kids. They try to teach them, protect them, imitate the teacher. But still, this shows a child’s spontaneity, so kids trust them more, quickly accept their rules, they are more open with older children than with adults, they communicate as if on the same wavelength, trusting and opening up to each other.

And this feature formed the basis of my idea - to organize creative laboratories, the leaders of which will be the children themselves.

For example, implementing in younger group project “Book Week” the Storyteller comes to visit the kids, this is a child who has taken over as a teacher for a while. The storyteller is interesting to children as a character, but at the same time she solves educational problems in her own way: she teaches children to listen, analyze, and draw conclusions.

Children - monitors take this very seriously and prepare. The teacher works through the course of the event with the child, learns something by heart, and children prepare some material at home with their parents. But basically, I rely on material familiar to children of older preschool age. For example, this is conducting experiments, excursions, telling familiar fairy tales, etc.

An important point is the preparation of a subject-development environment. Children's laboratories are not stationary; we prepare them as needed in one group or another, according to the topic. All children in the group can take part in the preparation by making their proposals. I try to make the subject-development environment rich, bright, and mobile.

In kindergarten we organize such laboratories - research, creative, young readers, etc. The head of the laboratory can come up with his own name for the event and suggest a plot. Every child can become a leader. It depends on the desire, interests of the children, and knowledge of the material. But everyone definitely tries themselves in one activity or another. After all, everyone wants to be in the role of a teacher.

Why do we think that the teacher will do a better job of explaining? Younger children look forward to meeting their older friends with great pleasure and perceive them as a real educator.

This technique allows you to solve problems that are especially relevant for children and older preschool age: the development of communication and creative abilities, the formation of the social and personal sphere.

I give every child the opportunity to express themselves in one activity or another. Someone works in the Kalya-Malyamych workshop, someone runs a laboratory, someone conducts excursions.

Children who are usually modest and not talkative in life are revealed in the role of educator. This raises their self-esteem and they feel confident in their abilities.

For children with weaker abilities, a standard lesson plan may require clarification. I believe that it is for such children that monitor learning technology is a supporting factor. The essence of training such child monitors is that new information is given in small doses in combination with individual tasks and is accompanied by a detailed discussion of each fragment by the children themselves. The role of the teacher in the work of the laboratory has a coordinating function. Monitor training acts as one of the types of maintaining children’s activity and increasing self-esteem. Children with weak abilities need to create a situation of success more than others.

For gifted children and children with good abilities, this technology is not supportive, but stimulating, activating independent cognitive activity. With such children, more complex material is prepared, and the role of the teacher in the work of the laboratory is reduced to a minimum. However, I adhere to the theory of S. Wilderspin that it is necessary to “make sure that monitors do not imagine too much of themselves, for there is a great tendency towards ambition even at an early age.”

Nobody forces children to work in the laboratory, but almost all children express a desire to “be in the teacher’s place.”

Children can work in pairs, which combines two pupils at will. Each child in a pair performs his own task. For example, in a teaching situation in visual arts, one child can talk about the features of the landscape, the diversity of landscapes, and the second child tells the technique of performing the work. Pairs can be static or dynamic. Thus, each child of the couple can express themselves in one or another type of activity and support each other in a difficult situation.

The main advantages of using this technology:

  • in the process of speech, mental activity skills are developed, memory work is activated, and previous experience and knowledge are mobilized and updated;
  • every child and monitor and the children they invite to their laboratories feel relaxed;
  • responsibility increases not only for one’s own successes, but also for the results of collective work;
  • an adequate self-esteem of the individual, one’s capabilities and abilities, advantages and limitations is formed.

The introduction of monitor technology into work with children is carried out gradually, taking into account age characteristics preschoolers.

Junior preschool age- technologies are used: work in pairs and “round dance”.

Pair work - children learn to interact with each other, pairing up at will. Working in pairs, the child feels proud of his achievements and feeling self-esteem from completing the task. Working in pairs has a positive effect on the initial stage of developing self-esteem in a child.

“Round dance” - at this age the adult is the leader, since children cannot independently complete the task in turn. The teacher, with the help of a ball or other object, teaches children to complete a task one by one, thereby developing in them such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

Middle preschool age- technologies are added: “chain”, and at the end of the year - “carousel” and “interview”.

“Chain” - the initial stage of work was the interactive technology “Round Dance”. Using the “chain” technology, children continue to develop skills of voluntary behavior, such as: following the rules of turn, the ability to work in a team, subordinating their desires to the desire of the team. But unlike other ages, the children themselves monitor the observance of the order.

"Carousel" - in this technology, the created dynamic pair stimulates communication between all children. Each new dialogue develops in the child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance, cooperation skills, and the ability to accept and understand a new perspective on a problem. This is achieved due to the fact that each new dialogue is somewhat different from the previous one (questions, intonation), thereby creating a situation of success, in the process of which the child continues to form a positive self-esteem. The teacher invites the children to agree on who will be paired with whom, which of the pair of children will stand in the outer circle, and who in the inner. Children in the inner circle ask questions to the outer circle.

“Interview” - thanks to this technology, children actively develop dialogical speech, which encourages children to interact “adult - child”, “child - child”. At the initial educational stage, the teacher himself chooses the child who will be interviewed (by counting, etc.). The questions used are not complicated, such as: “What did you like?”, “What did you not like?”, “What did you do?” etc.

Senior preschool age- technologies are added: work in small groups (work in threes), “big circle”.

Small groups (work in threes) - are created for children who are afraid to open up in large groups. Due to the fact that these groups are relatively stable and small in number, favorable conditions are created for the disclosure of such children. Children are asked to agree with whom they would like to join the subgroup and are allowed to choose those with whom they would feel comfortable.

At this age, children create small groups at will, in which they feel comfortable and reveal their potential.

The “Big Circle” technology is a technology that allows each child to speak out and develop communication skills, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions from the information received and solve the problem. The teacher creates a problematic situation or gives a description of a logical problem and offers to discuss it, encouraging children to constructive interaction.

Each child in the “Big Circle” expresses his opinion, then transfers the right to express his thought to another child, taking his hand. After listening to all the statements, one of the children draws conclusions from the information received.

In older preschool age, thanks to the introduction of this technology, the child learns to communicate, interact with people around him in joint activities, learn basic rules and norms of group behavior, which allows him in the future to get along well with people and establish normal business and personal relationships with them. .

Thus, the joint activity of preschoolers during monitor technology occurs in a process of goodwill and mutual support, which allows children not only to gain new knowledge, but also to develop their communication skills, transfers them to more high levels cooperation.

IPM 9. Effectiveness of experience.

The use of this technology involves the formation of a UUD. Monitoring the formation of universal preconditions educational activities was carried out according to the following indicators:

1. Formation of personal prerequisites for UUD:

Formation of cognitive and social motivation;

Formation of adequate self-esteem;

Formation of the ability to come to the aid of a friend;

Developed ability to take into account someone else’s point of view.

2. Formation of regulatory prerequisites for UUD:

Ability to work under instructions from an adult;

Understanding the specified error and its correction at the request of an adult;

Ability to maintain a task throughout the entire duration of the task;

Willingness to choose an occupation for yourself from those offered to choose from.

3. Formation of communicative prerequisites for UUD:

Initiative cooperation:

Ability to ask questions; ask for help; formulate your difficulties;

Offer assistance and cooperation;

Shows activity in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive problems.

Collaboration planning:

The ability to ask questions necessary to organize one’s own activities and cooperate with a partner;

Ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities.


Ability to formulate one’s own opinion and position;

The ability to construct statements that are understandable to a partner;

Ability to construct a monologue statement;

Ability to conduct oral dialogue in accordance with grammatical and syntactic rules native language;

The ability to listen to your interlocutor.

Communication management:

The ability to adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

Ability to provide mutual assistance in cooperation;

The ability to take into account the position of the interlocutor when working in pairs or in a team;

Ability to take different positions in interaction;

Active and interested participation in joint activities.

Upryantseva Natalya Viktorovna teacher of preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 “Beryozka” p. Alexandrovskoe
Description of material: I offer you information from my experience working with children of senior preschool age. This material will be useful to teachers of senior groups Methodological development, will help develop theatrical abilities in children.

Information from work experience “Development of theatrical activities with children of senior preschool age”

Theater in kindergarten- on the one hand, this is a game, an accessible, interesting and emotionally pleasing activity for a child, and on the other hand, it is a powerful means of correction and all-round development of the child. Interacting with other characters, the child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his partners, learns to feel his dialogue partner, listen and hear him, feelings and emotions are enriched, the baby worries about the heroes of the fairy tale, “lives” their life. Theater reveals the inner world of a child, removes the burden of “tightness,” and liberates the most shy children. Thus, theatrical activities help the formation of a more stable emotional-volitional sphere in children - will, endurance and self-control are formed; the child learns to control his emotions and regulate behavior depending on the current action. In the process of practicing character dialogues, the vocabulary is activated, sound pronunciation, intonation and expressiveness of speech are improved, children learn to build dialogues and use them in different situations. Thus, we can say that theatrical activities make it possible to comprehensively overcome problems in the development of children’s speech. On stage, a child has to focus his attention and hold it for a relatively long time, which contributes to the development of voluntary attention and the ability to concentrate on a specific episode. With the development of attention, children gain the opportunity to direct their consciousness to the main features of the plot of a literary work, to the character traits of the characters. No less important is the formation of voluntary memory in preschool age. Children remember the text, their roles, the sequence of actions, and know when it is their turn to engage in dialogue. The child learns to set a facial task and look for ways to implement it. Children's knowledge about theater as a form of art deepens, their horizons and children's ideas about the surrounding reality expand, which contributes to the development of the child's cognitive sphere. Through theatrical and play activities, the child learns to see the beauty in life, the ethical and moral foundations of consciousness are laid. The particular value of theatrical activity is that it involves the integration of several educational areas, and this necessary condition for organizing the educational process in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards. According to the new Federal State Educational Standards, educational problems are solved most effectively when the teacher purposefully uses an integrative approach in organizing the educational process. Theatrical activities integrate the following educational areas: Cognitive development, children's knowledge about theater as a form of art deepens, their horizons broaden. Speech development involves the development of all aspects of speech. The vocabulary is activated, sound pronunciation is improved, children learn to build dialogues.
"Reading fiction." Through familiarization with works of art of various genres, children are introduced to verbal art, the development of literary speech, the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste. Artistic- aesthetic development. In the process of making attributes and elements of costumes for the fairy tale chosen for acting together with children, children develop their productive activities, develop children’s creativity, and become familiar with fine arts. Through listening and discussing folk, classical, children's music, singing together, playing the musical instruments, children develop musical abilities, the ability to emotionally perceive music, and become familiar with the art of music. Children are included in the system of social relations through the images of their heroes. They “live” the life of their character, “try on” his character, learn to evaluate the actions of the heroes work of art. But in order for a preschool child to show theatrical creativity, it is necessary to enrich him life experience vivid artistic impressions, provide the necessary knowledge and skills. To do this, I did the following work:
In the group, I equipped a theater corner, as well as a “quiet corner”, where the child can be alone and rehearse some role or look at illustrations for theatrical performance. Since the subject-development environment should ensure the right and freedom of choice of each child to dramatize his favorite work, in I placed the theatrical activity zone different types puppet theater– finger, bi-ba-bo, as well as masks, props, dolls, decorations. In addition, I periodically updated the material, focusing on the interests of different children. This created the conditions for personalized communication with each child. Since the development of curiosity and research interest is based on creating a range of opportunities for modeling, searching and experimenting, in the area of ​​theatrical activities I placed various natural and waste materials, fabrics, costumes, and costumes for mummers. Taking into account the gender-role characteristics of children, equipment and materials were placed in the theatrical activity area that met the interests of both boys and girls.
Theatrical activities simultaneously perform cognitive, educational and developmental functions. Therefore, through their content, form and methods, I strived to achieve three main goals: - the development of speech and skills in theatrical and performing activities; - the creation of an atmosphere of creativity; - the social and emotional development of children. The content of my classes was not only familiarization with the text of a literary work or fairy tale, but also with gestures, facial expressions, movements, and costumes. The most important methodological principle was practical action every child. When reading or telling something, I tried to express the sincerity and genuineness of my feelings towards what I read or told. But in no case did she try to impose her assessments or relationships. On the contrary, she gave the children the opportunity to speak out, show emotional activity, and tried not to suppress the timid child, turning him only into a spectator. I tried to prevent children from being afraid of making a mistake, so that the child would be afraid to go on stage. Therefore, when inviting a child to “play” or “show” something, I proceeded from the real capabilities of specific children. In order to more clearly reveal their capabilities and talents in theatrical activities, children must acquire many skills and abilities. To relieve muscle tension, I used the following exercises: “Greet each other with both hands in turn,” “Look for your friend,” “Don’t confuse the movements”; games: “Cabbage”, “Rearrange your height”. Finger game training: “Morning”, “Finger boy, where have you been?”, “Drummers”, “Soldiers”, “We are masters”, “Woodpecker”, “Washing clothes”, “Let’s threaten”, “I’m playing”, “Goodbye” helps develop fine motor skills.
To teach children the means of verbal expression, I used articulatory gymnastics: “Mom chops cabbage,” “Snake’s sting,” “Horse,” “Brushing teeth,” “Starting a motorcycle.” She invited the children to say the most familiar words with different intonations: “take”, “bring”, “help”, “hello” (friendly, casual, pleading, demanding). She drew the children's attention to how the meaning of a phrase can be changed by rearranging the logical stress (each time to a different word): “Bring me a toy,” “Mom has gone to work.” I also used tasks - exercises “Different moods”, “I am happy when...”, “I am sad when...” To develop diction, I used tongue twisters, games “Give me a word”. In order to develop imagination, thinking, and memory, I offered children finish " Short stories» For example:
1. The boy returned home from a walk, his mother meets him and says: “I have news for you.” What news could his mother have?
2. The boy says to himself quietly: “How scary!” What could he be afraid of?
3. What can one pencil think about while lying in a box of pencils?
To create a more vivid image, children need to have expressive plasticity and facial expressions.
To develop plastic expressiveness, I offered children:
1. Walk on pebbles across a stream on behalf of any character (fairy tale, short story, cartoon) of their choice.
2. On behalf of any character, sneak up on a sleeping animal (hare, bear, wolf).
3. Depict a walk of three bears, but in such a way that all the bears behave and act differently.
When children performed these exercises, I made sure that the children themselves noticed differences in the performance of their friends and sought to find their own movements and facial expressions.
Children especially liked exercises for developing expressive facial expressions:
1. Salty tea.
2. Eat lemon.
3. Angry grandfather.
4. The light went out and came on.
5. Dirty paper.
6. Warm - cold.
7. They got angry with the fighter.
8. Offended.
9. I'm sad.
10. Show how the cat begs for sausage.
I also invited the children to act out small scenes where it was necessary to emphasize the peculiarities of the situation with facial expressions. For example, depict how a boy was given a new car or how a child was afraid of a bear. Development creative activity Children benefited not only from classes in theatrical activities, but also from individual work with each child.
I built my classes according to the scheme:
- introduction to the topic, creating an emotional mood;
- theatrical activities (in various forms), where the teacher and each child have the opportunity to realize their creative potential; - emotional conclusion, ensuring the success of theatrical activities.
To develop self-confidence and social behavior skills, I tried to organize children’s theatrical activities in such a way that each child had the opportunity to express themselves in some role. To do this, I used a variety of techniques: - children choosing a role at will;
- assignment of the most timid, shy children to roles; - distribution of roles according to cards;
- playing roles in pairs.
Children are always ready to play fairy tales. This is their way of understanding the world. In a creative atmosphere, a child develops faster and more fully. He, entering a fairy tale, receives the role of one of its heroes, involuntarily absorbs into himself that attitude towards the world that gives strength and perseverance in the future life. Theatrical activities allow you to develop the experience of social behavior skills, since each fairy tale has a moral orientation. As a result, the child learns about the world with his mind and heart and expresses his attitude towards good and evil. Favorite heroes become role models. Also in my practice I widely use such a form as making attributes for a future production; children draw and cut out what is needed.
Since the development of children's theatrical activities and their accumulation of emotional and sensory experience is a long-term work, the participation of parents was required. I conducted consultations for them, gave advice and recommendations. I updated the material in the corner for parents, trying to find interesting and accessible games, tasks, and exercises that they could use independently at home. She also organized exhibitions of games, exercises, and tasks for the development of motor skills, speech development, intonation expressiveness, imagination, thinking, and memory. Thematic evenings “Christmas” and “What does autumn give us?” were organized for parents, in the preparation of which they took part Active participation(making costumes, masks, scenery).
The fundamentals of dramatization and acting were consolidated and revealed in music classes, in independent theatrical activities, at holidays and entertainment.

Description of the pedagogical experience of the teacher Podgornova L.S.

Subject: “Game activity as a means of comprehensive development of preschool children”

1. Justification of the relevance and prospects of the experience. Its importance for improving the educational process.
“Let the children play while the game pleases them, attracts them and at the same time brings them enormous benefit!”
E.A. Pokrovsky

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education, a significant difference is the exclusion from the educational process of educational activities as not corresponding to the patterns of child development at the stage of preschool childhood. Therefore, it becomes urgent for us, teachers of preschool institutions, to search for other forms and methods of working with children. The essence of the change also concerns the model of the educational process. Preschool children need not to be taught, but to be developed. They need to develop through activities accessible to their age - games.
The leading activity of preschool children is play. At proper organization the game creates conditions for the development of the child’s physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities and ensuring the social success of the preschooler. Three interconnected lines of child development: feeling, cognizing, creating, fit harmoniously into the child’s natural environment - a game, which for him is both entertainment and a way of understanding the world of people, objects, nature, as well as the sphere of application of his imagination. In my work, I devote a large place to didactic games. They are used both jointly and in independent activity children. Didactic games serve as educational tools - children master the characteristics of objects, learn to classify, generalize, and compare. The use of didactic games as a teaching tool increases children's interest in educational activities and ensures better assimilation of the program. In my work with preschoolers, I use various types of didactic games, but in our modern times, preference is given to electronic didactic games.
The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of a preschool institution is one of the newest and current problems in domestic preschool education. But today there is an acute problem associated with the organization of play activities of modern children. They are spoiled by the abundance and variety of games and toys, which do not always carry the necessary psychological and pedagogical information. Both parents and educators are experiencing difficulties: the games parents played and what educators practiced and applied in their lives for years have now, in changed conditions, stopped working. Sensory aggression from the child’s environment (Barbie, robots, monsters, cyborgs, etc.) can lead to a crisis in gaming culture. Therefore, we, teachers, are required to be able to navigate the world of modern games and toys, maintaining a balance between the child’s desire and benefit for him, paying more attention to modern non-traditional didactic and educational computer games, promoting adequate socialization of the child. The problem of play, as a means of all-round development of children, is one of the pressing problems, both theoretically and practically.

2. Conditions for the formation of the leading idea of ​​experience, conditions for the emergence and formation of experience.
In a variety of educational systems, play has always been given and continues to have a special place. And this is explained by the fact that the game is very in tune with the nature of the child. For him, playing is not just an interesting pastime, but a way of modeling the adult world, its relationships, acquiring communication experience and new knowledge.
With the introduction of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal State Educational Standards, with the definition of new educational goals that provide for the achievement of not only subject, but also personal results, the value of the game increases even more.
Using the game for educational purposes in the process of implementing psychological and pedagogical support programs allows you to develop communication skills, leadership skills, build competence and teach the child to learn in conditions that are emotionally comfortable for him and in accordance with the tasks of his age.
The game acts as the most important activity through which I, as a teacher, solve all educational problems, including learning. Approaches to organizing the education and upbringing of children have been revised. The abandonment of the educational model in kindergarten, that is, from classes, forced us to move to new forms of working with children that will allow kindergarten teachers to teach preschoolers without them even realizing it. If previously it was believed that the main educational efforts of a teacher were focused on conducting classes, now the educational potential is recognized for all types of joint activities of teachers and children.
I, as a teacher, form the social skills of the future preschooler necessary for successful adaptation to school, I strive to organize a unified developing world - preschool and primary education. I choose the forms of work independently, depending on the number of students, the equipment of the group, experience and creative approach. So, in the morning, when the pupils are cheerful and full of energy, I carry out the most labor-intensive activities: conversations, observations, looking at albums, didactic games, work assignments. As the children get tired, I include them in role-playing games, outdoor games, and reading fiction. Alternation various types children's activities throughout the day helps me provide variety and balance while maintaining the leading role of play. In order to improve the health of preschool children great importance is given to physical activity. When working with young children I use mainly playful, story-based and integrated forms of educational activities, and with older children educational activities is developmental in nature. I teach children creative partnerships, the ability to discuss a joint project, and assess their strengths and capabilities.
I would like to note that children are constantly in play, for them it is a way of life, therefore, as a modern educator, I organically “build” any activity into children’s play, which makes the educational effect more significant. Play has become the content and form of organizing children's lives. Game moments, situations and techniques are included in all types of children’s activities and the child’s communication with me. I fill daily life children with interesting activities, games, problems, ideas, including each child in meaningful activities, promoting the realization of children's interests and life activity. By organizing educational activities for children, I develop in each child the desire to show initiative and independence, to find a reasonable and worthy way out of various life situations, the desire to:
1. So that any children's activity (play, work, communication, productive, motor, cognitive - research, musical and artistic, reading) is motivated. To do this, I create problematic situations for activities that become part of Direct Educational Activities, projects, observations, excursions, and provide children with a choice of several types of tasks. I, a teacher, am accustomed to a democratic style of communication with children, I consult with them, have heart-to-heart conversations on various topics. My students trust me and enjoy playing and communicating with me.
2. In order for children to be active participants in the educational process, I build Organized Educational Activities in such a way that most The children spoke, discussed the topic, participated in artistic creativity, experiments, and work.
3. To ensure activity and success of children, good attitude to peers was stimulated, encouraged, celebrated using screens of good deeds, mood screens, noted in the portfolio, gratitude to parents for the good upbringing of children. These pedagogical techniques are good at stimulating children to engage in joint educational activities with teachers.
4. In order to become an example of a modern educator, I carefully think through the content of the developmental environment by age, constantly updating the gaming and visual environment depending on the topic of organized educational activities. When planning, I use types of independent free children's activities in a specially prepared developmental group environment, where children can consolidate knowledge, skills, and abilities in independent games and interaction with the environment.

3. Theoretical basis of experience.
Research by psychologists and educators on the influence of gaming activities on the development of preschool children shows that the need to use games in the education of preschool children is an undeniable truth. The fact that children easily learn “playfully” was noticed and proven by the great teacher K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, E. N. Vodovozova. Much credit for developing the problem belongs to E. A. Flerina, N. P. Sakulina, R. I. Zhukovskaya, E. I. Radina, and others.
Research by Z. M. Boguslavskaya, specifically devoted to the study of the characteristics of play activity of preschool children, showed that interest, active attitude towards educational material It manifests itself most easily in children if this cognitive material is included in playful, practical or visual activities in the game.
According to G.K. Selevko: “... a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-government of behavior is formed and improved.”
Analyzing the research of scientists, we can conclude that theoretical aspect The problems of the comprehensive development of preschool children in the process of play activities are covered in the literature in sufficient detail, but the practical side requires further research.

4. Experience technology. The system of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, techniques of education and training.
Games logically and systematically must naturally be included in the holistic educational process (organized educational activity, educational activity during regime moments, independent educational activity). I think through and plan in advance the mandatory “presence” of games and gaming techniques at every lesson in any age group; joint games with adults (didactic, board-printed, theatrical, corrective and preventive, mobile); daily free play without direct guidance from the teacher. When conducting organized educational activities, I use the game as: part of the lesson, methodical technique, form of implementation, method of solution, etc. At a younger age, I effectively use gaming fairy tale characters; at an older age - the use of fairy-tale and entertaining plots as the outline, the core of direct educational activities (for example, travel games with the completion of various cognitive tasks, entertainment games, etc.).
When conducting organized educational activities, I take the position of an organizer, a research partner who, together with the children, obtains new information and is sincerely surprised by the results obtained together.
Every day I plan and organize joint games: outdoor games; didactic; desktop-printed; theatrical (director's, dramatization, theater games); role-playing; games to develop facial expressions and relieve muscle tension; correction of the developmental features of speech, movements, vision and hearing of children; preventive games and exercises: prevention of flat feet, various diseases.
When organizing and conducting joint games, I take the position of an equal partner, the position of a “little child” who needs to learn the game, rules and actions.
To develop free, independent play, I create a full-fledged object-based play environment and initiate the emergence of games based on children’s interests. When conducting independent play, I take the position of “creator of the play space”, “active observer”. Therefore, I don’t interfere unnecessarily in children’s games and don’t distract them from the game’s plot.
In the long-term plan, I prescribe various types of games (they are presented above) with which children are not yet familiar, or a familiar game, but with a new goal. I carefully study the characteristics and interests of each child so that the planned game is in demand by children and brings them pleasure.
When conducting organized educational activities, I use the game as a basis for solving problems of children's development in various directions.
These recommendations will help teachers implement an important requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education - to organize psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children in the context of play activities based on the individualization of the educational process. And this is very important, since the developed standard does not allow the transfer of the translational, educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a preschool child. Preschool child- a person who plays, therefore the standard states that learning enters a child’s life through the gates of children’s play
The work done with parents is very important. It is necessary that they clearly know that the family is capable of developing the comprehensive development of the child already in preschool age. Conditions for comprehensive development must be created at a young age.
Parents need to strive to stimulate the child’s interests in all-round development and create all the conditions for this. I have offered several recommendations for the use of educational games.
In my work I use the following forms of working with parents:
1.Parent meetings;
2.Quizzes “Learn by playing”, “Let’s play”
3. Questioning and testing of parents “Games and toys in a child’s life, their meaning and mental development”
4.Individual consultations, recommendations;
5. Visual types of work (information stands, moving folders, exhibitions of children's works, demonstration of a card index of games, display and explanation of relevant literature).
6.Individual work with children
7.Parents help the kindergarten in decorating play corners.

5. Performance analysis.
The result of my work was the positive dynamics of children’s play activities. The use of non-traditional gaming methods and techniques with preschoolers made it possible to achieve high, stable results and achieve the goals set. Children have become active and sociable in communicating with peers, acquaintances and strangers in various communication situations. We learned to agree on the theme of the game, agree on the sequence of joint actions, establish and regulate contacts in a joint game. Preschool children began to express themselves more creative independence in Game.
Children's interest in games has increased, which confirms the effectiveness of use unconventional methods and techniques in the development of gaming activities. Parents began to pay more attention to games with their children. The presented experience proves that it is necessary to use a variety of non-traditional gaming methods and techniques that make the process of gaming activity interesting and accessible.
As a result of joint play activities, children learned to transfer play actions from one toy to another. She widely used demonstration games in her work.
Experience result:
- the level of speech development has increased and speech etiquette;
- the ability to control one’s emotional state and the state of children has appeared;
- conscious behavior and communication in society appeared.
- emotional contact with the families of pupils has increased.

7. Targeted recommendations for using experience
The results obtained will have practical value:
– for teachers of preschool educational institutions
– for parents in terms of organizing joint activities with their child at home;
I consider the most acceptable forms of broadcasting work experience to be:
– information brochures containing a description and illustrative material of the methodology for conducting games, organized forms of educational activities, joint activities of a teacher with children, parents with children;
– master classes, events
– consultations;
– open days for parents and teachers of other preschool educational institutions;
– DOW website.

8. Visual application
In my experience, I offer materials on organizing and conducting work on the social and communicative development of preschoolers in kindergarten in various forms: educational activities, consultations, long-term planning, games and play exercises.

Summary of the role-playing game “Going to the store for gifts” in the middle group

Purpose of the game: formation of children’s social experience through play activities.
Continue to introduce children to social reality.

To consolidate children’s ideas about the profession of driver, conductor, and salesperson.
Establish rules of conduct in in public places(transport, shop).
Educational: To develop in children the desire to do something nice for others.
Instill elements of social communication skills, develop role-playing dialogue “seller - buyer”.

Educational: foster positive relationships between children.
Instilling in children respect for the work of the driver and controller.

Preliminary work: conversation about the work of the seller, looking at paintings, illustrations depicting transport, a driver on a bus, observing transport, creating a game environment “We are eating, eating!”
Reading fiction: I. Pavlova “By Car”, B. Zhitkova “Traffic Light”.
Material: Toys, bags, wallets with candy wrappers, steering wheel, bag with tickets for the conductor, cash desk.
Progress of the game.
Children enter the hall.
Educator. Hello my friends!
I am happy about this meeting.
What's up, kids?
You are smart and good!

Educator: Children, do you like holidays?
Children: Yes.

Educator: What holiday do you look forward to (love) the most?
Children: New Year.
-Teacher: I also love the New Year, when it smells like a Christmas tree and tangerines.

-Educator: Why (why) do you love New Year? What do you like about this holiday?
Children: children's answers.

-Educator: Grandfather Frost gives gifts, everyone congratulates each other and prepares gifts for family and friends. I also love receiving gifts, because it’s so nice, and I also like giving gifts.

-Educator: Do you like to give gifts?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Children, on the eve of the New Year, a new toy store has opened in our city. Here you can buy gifts for friends and family.
Children, let's visit a new store and buy New Year gifts for our family and friends.
Educator: Children, what should we take with us to the store? (bring to the point that it is necessary to take money, the teacher hands out money (candy wrappers).
Educator: The store is located far away, on the next street. How can we get to the store?
Children: Car, bus.
Educator: I suggest we go by bus, because there are a lot of us. Where can we get a bus?
Children: Build.
Educator: Good idea, what should we build from?
Children: From the chairs.
Educator: Will there be chairs instead of seats?
Construction of a bus.
Educator: Here we have built a bus, to travel by bus, we need to choose a driver.
Educator: Who will be the driver? (the boy gets the steering wheel).
Who will be the conductor? (hands the child a bag with tickets).
When boarding the bus, the teacher reminds the rules of behavior, the boy lets the girl through. The conductor gives tickets to passengers.
Educator: Come on, children, we will remember the rules of behavior in transport.
Children: You need to fasten your seat belts, you can’t make noise, you can’t play around, you need to listen carefully to the controller when she announces a stop.
Educator: We are all ready for the journey and take our seats.
Bus driver - Attention, the bus is leaving! Fasten your seat belts.
The bus departs to the accompaniment of music.
The music plays “We are sitting on the bus...”
When leaving the bus, the teacher reminds that boys get off first and shake hands with girls.
Educator: Here we are at the store. Let's remember the rules of behavior in the store.
A variety of toys are placed on the shelves.
Educator: Children, go to the display case and look at the toys.

Educator. I will be the seller, and you are the buyers, get in line.

Teacher-seller: Dear customers, we are happy to serve you in our store.
Have you already chosen something (addresses the first child), what should you offer (show)? Who are you choosing a gift for? (the teacher offers a variety of goods).
After serving 2-3 people, the teacher changes roles with the children.
Educator. Children, I also want to buy a gift for my friend, who can replace me while I choose a gift?
The child stands behind the counter and takes on the role of a seller. The teacher gets in line: “Whoever is last, I will be behind you.”
After everyone has bought gifts, the teacher thanks the “seller” for his help.
Children leave the store. The teacher can offer the role of driver to another boy. The children “return” to kindergarten with a song.

Consultation for parents: “The role of educational games for children 3 - 4 years old”

What is necessary for a child to grow up smart, inquisitive, and quick-witted? It is necessary to listen to the child, understand the characteristics of his age, and evaluate his own individual capabilities.
The age of three years for a child is the milestone at which early childhood ends and preschool age begins. At this age, the child gradually begins to separate himself from adults and enters into a more independent life. By the age of three, the child already understands, knows and can do a lot, strives to learn more and more. The adult's task is to help him with this. Familiarity with the objects around him is the main thing in the mental development of preschoolers. Shape, color, size, location in space, movement of surrounding objects - everything that captivates a child.
The games and activities offered to children for this age are based primarily on the child’s actions with a variety of objects. Games in which the child will have to compare objects by shape, color, size, and also find the same ones among them, are useful for perception. An adult sometimes does not need to pay attention to other important features of objects (for example, their properties, purposes). If difficulties arise in the baby, you need to help him.
When organizing games with a child, you need to take a close look at him and evaluate his individual characteristics. So, for example, if your child copes with tasks quickly and easily, you can offer him more complex ones. If he has difficulties, it is better to linger longer on the simpler ones. Under no circumstances should you blame your child for not being able to do something, even if his peers do it easily.
Do not forget that it is important not only to teach a child certain knowledge and skills, but also to develop the ability to defend his decision and instill in him self-confidence. Special attention must be paid to the implementation of creative tasks, because they usually have multiple solutions. You also need to teach your child to accept criticism without offense and put forward new ideas. Here it is necessary to take into account the child’s individual traits: if he is brave enough and self-confident, then you can begin to teach him to critically evaluate his answers. But if the baby is indecisive or shy, it is better to first support any initiative and encourage him. If the child tries to change tasks very quickly, in this case it is necessary to captivate him with the task, teach him to find new details in it, enriching the familiar with new content. If performing game task, the child stops at the smallest details, thereby not moving forward, you need to help him leave what is unnecessary and choose one option, practice the ability to smoothly move from one idea to another, which is important when performing creative tasks.
When working with your child, do not forget that the baby’s actions are just beginning to become purposeful. It is still difficult for him to firmly follow the intended goal and he is easily distracted, moving from one activity to another, because. Children get tired quickly. A child can only focus on a small number of objects at a time. When a child sees new and bright objects, he easily becomes interested, but he can also easily and quickly lose interest. Therefore, if you want to organize educational games and activities, remember three rules:
1. You should not give your child toys that you plan to play with for constant use, so that the child does not lose interest in them.
2. While playing, the child should not be distracted by foreign objects. Everything unnecessary needs to be removed from the baby’s field of vision.
3. keep the games very short (5 minutes is enough) and fairly simple. But always ensure that the child finishes the job he has started. After this, you can change the game to a new one. You will immediately notice that the child’s attention will come to life again.
Every game is played with other children and with an adult. It is in the game that the child learns to rejoice in the success of a friend and endures his failures. Support, goodwill, a joyful atmosphere, fantasies and inventions - only in this case will games be useful for the development of the child.
Each game can be played with one child or with several. It’s even better to play with the whole family, putting off your own chores for at least a few minutes. The joy that you bring to your child will become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together will help you make your life together more fun and kind. So play together with your baby!

Educational games for children senior group
Games aimed at developing logic in senior preschoolers
Game "Find options".

Target: develop logical thinking and intelligence.
Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of 6 circles.
Description: Give the child a card with a picture of 6 circles, ask them to paint them in such a way that there are equal numbers of filled and unshaded figures. Then view and calculate all painting options. You can also hold a competition: who will find greatest number decisions.

Game "Wizards".
Goal: to develop thinking and imagination. Game material and visual aids: sheets with images geometric shapes.
Description: Children are given sheets depicting geometric shapes. Based on them, it is necessary to create a more complex drawing. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form of a competition: who can come up with and draw the most pictures using one geometric figure. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.
Game "Collect a flower".
Target: develop thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize.
Game material and visual aids: cards depicting objects related to the same concept (clothing, animals, insects, etc.).
Description: Each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). Then the game is played in the same way as in lotto: the presenter distributes cards with images of various objects. Each participant must assemble a flower from cards, the petals of which depict objects related to the same concept (clothing, insect, etc.).
Game "Logical endings".
Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.
Description: Children are asked to complete the sentences:
Lemon is sour, and sugar... (sweet).
You walk with your feet, but throw... (with your hands).
If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair... (below the table).
If two are more than one, then one... (less than two).
If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha... (left later than Sasha).
If a river is deeper than a stream, then a stream... (smaller than a river).
If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother... (younger than the sister).
If right hand right, then left... (left).
Boys grow up and become men, and girls... (women).
Game "Ornament".
Target: develop logical thinking and analytical ability.
Game material and visual aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.), cut out of colored cardboard (figures of one group are divided into subgroups differing in color and size).
Description: Invite your child to consider how you can create patterns from geometric shapes on a playing field (sheet of cardboard). Then lay out the ornament (according to a model, according to your own plan, under dictation), using concepts such as “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”.
Game "Helpful - Harmful."
Target: develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.
Description: consider any object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative sides, for example: if it rains, this is good, because the plants drink water and grow better, but if it rains for too long, this is bad, because the roots of the plants may rot from excess moisture.
Game “What did I wish for?”
Target: develop thinking.
Game material and visual aids: 10 circles of different colors and sizes.
Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher ordered. Explain the rules of the game: when guessing, you can ask questions, only with the words more or less. For example:
- Is this circle larger than red? (Yes.)
- Is it bigger than blue? (Yes.)
- More yellow? (No.)
- Is this a green circle? (Yes.)
Game "Plant Flowers".
Goal: develop thinking.
Game material and visual aids: 40 cards with images of flowers with different shapes petals, size, core color.
Description: Invite the child to “plant flowers in the flowerbeds”: in a round flowerbed all flowers with round petals, in a square flowerbed - flowers with a yellow core, in a rectangular flowerbed - all large flowers.
Questions: what flowers were left without a flowerbed? Which ones can grow in two or three flower beds?
Game "Group by characteristics."
Target: consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.
Game material and visual aids: cards with images of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).
Description: lay out cards in front of the child with images of different objects that can be combined into several groups according to some characteristic. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruits; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrots - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.
Game "Remember faster."
Description: invite the child to quickly remember and name three round objects, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.
Game "Everything that flies."
Target: develop logical thinking.
Game material and visual aids: several pictures with various objects.
Description: Invite the child to select the proposed pictures based on the named characteristic. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animate that can fly, etc.
Game "What is it made of"
Goals: develop logical thinking; consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.
Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be made from it. For example: tree. (You can use it to make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils.)
Game "What happens...".
Target: develop logical thinking.
Description: invite the child to take turns asking each other questions in the following order:
- What is big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)
- What is narrow? (Path, mite, face, street, etc.)
- What happens to be low (high)?
- What is red (white, yellow)?
- What is long (short)?