Events dedicated to nature conservation. "action plan for environmental education." Competition "Who's the odd one out?"

Anastasia Karaganova

Target: formation in children and parents of a sense of belonging to all living things, a humane attitude towards environment and a desire to take care of preserving nature.

Tasks: Create ecologically favorable environment on the territory of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of priority areas. Organize a practical environmental activities of children and parents. Develop mutual understanding and mutual assistance between children, teachers, parents, the need for constant self-development ecological culture. To instill in children an attentive, reasonable, caring attitude towards the surrounding nature of your region.

Promotion "Clean World"

1. Discussion with children plan and content of the action, setting goals and developing paths and means of its implementation.

2. Conversations with parents, purchasing necessary items inventory: gloves, clothespins, bags.

3. Making a poster with children - an appeal to the residents of the city. Kinel about maintaining order and cleanliness in the city.

4. Cleaning areas of debris.

5. Digging in, whitewashing trees, watering.

6. Appeal to residents of the microdistrict about maintaining cleanliness and order (demonstration and hanging a poster on environmental theme).

7. Photo session “The cleanest and most beautiful area”.

Promotion “Look how nice the house you live in”.

1. Conversations about caring for your family nature.

2. Observation of trees and shrubs on the site.

3. Excursion to the Children's Park.

4. Hiking to a birch grove.

5. Speech by the eco-propaganda team "Sprout".

Promotion "Let's decorate the world around you» .

1. Purchase of flower seedlings.

2. Planting seedlings of trees and shrubs on the plots.

3. Planting flower seedlings in flower beds.

4. Caring for flower beds.

5. Slide show (photo) "The world of flowers in our area".

Promotion "Don't chase the pigeons".

1. Purchasing bird food.

2. Excursion to the children's park.

3. Feeding pigeons.

4. Bird watching, conversation.

Promotion "A Smart Look at Garbage".

1. Purchasing equipment for garbage collection.

2. Cleaning up garbage on the territory of the children's park in Kinel.

3. Making crafts from industrial and household waste.

4. Decorating the territory of the kindergarten with crafts.

Publications on the topic:

Weekly plan of events dedicated to World Water Day Working with children Monday 1. Conversation: “Who lives in the water”; 2. Reading fiction: A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”; 3. Experimental game.

Plan of events for the 2015 academic year dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory GOAL: Formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War(education of patriotic feelings in children preschool age) based.

Plan of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Second World War PLAN of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War GOAL: Formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War.

Plan of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. It is necessary to restore this connection in order.

Plan of events dedicated to Mother's Day Municipal preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 180 “Sun” Frunzensky district of Saratov Plan of thematic events.

Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature Municipal preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 22” Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature No. Name of the event.

Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature in the senior group Long-term planning for the year of literature in senior group No. 3 “Little Bunnies.” Senior group February Topic Program tasks 1. Competition –.

Proposals for the action plan for the Year of Ecology

Name educational organization _MOU "KSOSH No. 55"_____



8-11 grades

Key managers

Cool watch “Save nature”

Formation of ecological culture and environmental consciousness of schoolchildren.

Develop skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature; teach to see and understand the beauty of living nature;teach the basics of environmental knowledge.

To instill in students a responsible attitude towards the environment; develop the ability to assess the condition natural environment, make the right decisions to improve it;R develop an emotionally friendly attitude towards nature, spiritual, moral and aesthetic feelings.



5-11 grades

Key managers

Participation in the “Plant Your Forest” campaign

September, April

Territory of Kraskovo

8-11 grades

Key managers

Book exhibition “World Animal Day”



Head of the library Davydov V.P.

Ecological game “Journey to the Eco-Kingdom – Natural State”:



1-4 grades

Primary school teacher

Project “Winter Garden” - landscaping of school premises



Students in grades 5-10

Head of offices, senior managers

Environmental poster competition “Live for the Planet!”



5-11 grades

Biology teacher Ermakova A.M., senior supervisor

Drawing competition “Walks in nature”



1-4 grades

Yurkova V.A.

Photo competition “My pet”



2-4 grades

Key managers

Competition "Nature Experts"



5-6 grades

Ermakova A.M., senior manager

Environmental campaigns “Feathered Friends”, “Bird Canteen”


School Park

3-4 grades

Teachers primary classes

Educational and game program “Green Tales: Ecology for Kids”



1.2 classes

Teacher classes

“Nature conservation - health protection” cool watch



1-11 grades

Key managers

Operation Birdhouse


Territory of Kraskovo

1-10 grades

Ermakova A.M.

Crossword competition. puzzles, dedicated to the Day birds



5-7 grades

Morozova S.V.

All-Russian lesson “Water Keepers”



2-8 grades

Ermakova A.M., Kvyatkovskaya S.M., Nagimova M.Kh.

"Earth Day". Video lecture



5-8 kdassy

Ermakova A.M., Kvyatkovskaya S.M.

Operation "Clean Yard"

March, April

School grounds

6-11 grades

Class teachers

Project “Flower Kaleidoscope” Design of school flower beds

May June

School Park

Labor brigade

Ermakova A.M.

Fomina T.A

Excursions and visits to museums: Zoological Museum, Darwin Museum. Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

During the year

During the year


3-5 grades

6-8 grades

8-9 grades

Key managers

Responsible for environmental education

"The ABC of Ecology"

Extracurricular activity in 6 classes

Form of work: quiz

Target Events: environmental education of students, create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom


    Expand students' horizons in the field of ecology

    Arouse children's interest in studying wildlife

    Formation of environmental competence

    To foster an environmental culture in schoolchildren, a desire to work with encyclopedias, reference books, and expand children’s knowledge

    Form a holistic view of the world and man's place in it.

    Cultivate accuracy and hard work

    Develop teamwork skills

    Stimulate cognitive activity students

Planned result:

To improve schoolchildren’s knowledge about ecology, the role of humans in nature and life, the need to protect and care for the environment

Formed UUD:


Improve knowledge about ecology


Develop the ability to work in a team, find a common solution, and the ability to argue your proposal;

Develop the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other, mutual control and mutual assistance as the task progresses;


Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation.


Build self-esteem abilities based on success criteria educational activities

Equipment: multimedia complex

Preliminary preparation:

Three teams of 8 people are formed, each of which is given homework:

    Draw a picture, leaflet, poster “Take care of the Christmas tree!” (choice of forms of work) and prepare a speech

    Come up with a team name

    A jury of teachers is selected and discusses the evaluation criteria and scores for each competition. Based on the results of each competition, preliminary results are summed up.

Progress of the event:

    introduction teachers

    Presentation of the jury, teams, captains

    "Green Planet"

    "Beast Planet"

    "Planet of Anxiety"

    "Planet MBOU "Secondary School No. 8""

8) Conclusion

Progress of the game.

Hello dear guests. We are pleased to welcome you to our extracurricular activity class.

Good afternoon guys. I ask you to turn to each other, extend your hands to each other, palms up, wave, smile. And may your day become brighter with a smile. Take your seats. I see that you are in a good mood, and I hope that you and I will work very friendly and actively today. I don't even doubt this.


And now everyone is looking at slide 1, and guess what we will talk about today (Presentation No. 1. ABC of ecology)

Today people talk a lot about ecology. What is this? The word ecology comes from two Greek words “oikos” - house, dwelling and “logos” - knowledge, teaching. Ecology is a science that studies the relationship of all living organisms on our planet Earth.

And today we have gathered to take part in the environmental lesson “The ABCs of Ecology”. You have chosen the teams. Let's welcome them! (Slide 2)

From the beginning, let me introduce you to our jury

(presentation of the jury members)

I invite you to take a trip to eco-planets on an imaginary spaceship

So, to the start, attention, ... “Let's go!”

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our spaceship

arrives at " Green planet"(Slide 3) 10 questions are prepared for all teams, which must be answered quickly; the jury counts the number of correct answers.

"Green Planet"

Competition 1 “Guess the plant”

1 team "EAGLES"

1) Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (maple, rowan)

2) From what flower did Thumbelina come from? (tulip)

3) Who wears the same color in winter and summer? (fur tree, pine tree)

4)Which coniferous tree sheds its needles in the fall? (larch)

5) How many years does an oak tree live? (300-400)

6) When does lilac bloom: in spring or summer? (spring)

7) What Danila, the master, couldn’t do (stone flower)

8) This is a light-loving coniferous tree. Can grow on sandy soils.

Its crown always rises high into the sky. What kind of tree is this? (pine)

9)Which tree flowers produce the best honey? (Linden)

10) This tree is called “weeping” (willow)

2nd team "YASTREBY"

    Fortune telling flower (chamomile)

    The artist gave a million of these flowers to the singer (rose)

    Finding a flower of this plant with five petals is good luck (lilac)

    What is the popular name for the calendula flower? (marigold)

    What position do yogis like to sit in? (lotus)

    What is the name of the cherry blossom tree in Japan? (sakura)

    Red tea is made from the flowers of which plant (hibiscus, hibiscus)

    This berry will help normalize vision (blueberry)

    The largest flower (rafflesia)

    This medicinal plant is called cat herb (valerian)

Team 3 "SHARKS"

    Did the evil stepmother send her stepdaughter for this flower in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”? (lily of the valley)

    The fruits of which tree are rich in iron? (Apple tree)

    This tree has “trembling” leaves (aspen)

    What the merchant promised to bring to his youngest daughter Alyonushka (the scarlet flower)

    Ellie fell asleep in a field of these flowers on her way to Emerald City(poppy)

    According to legend, the flower of this plant indicates a treasure (fern)

    The first berry of summer helps get rid of kidney stones. (strawberry)

    Continue. The daisies hid, drooped... (buttercups)

    Which flower was addressed with the words “Fly, fly, petal through the west to the east?” (seven-flowered flower)

    Flower that fell on Azor's paw (rose)

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our spaceship is setting off! Don't forget to fasten your seat belts!

Listen to a short travel information.

    The largest migratory fish is the beluga, which lives in the Volga River and the Caspian Sea. The length of this sturgeon fish reaches 5 m, and its weight is 1 ton. The largest beluga, weighing 1230 kg, was caught in the lower reaches of the Volga in 1922.

    The largest nests are built by bald eagles found in the United States. A nest 2.9 m wide and 6 m high was discovered. It is possible that several generations took part in the construction of such a nest. The weight of the nest exceeds 2 tons.

    Hatchery mounds built by weed chickens in Australia reach 4.75m in height and 10.6m in length. It is estimated that the construction of such a nest requires 289 m 3 of material weighing more than 300 tons.

    The smallest nests are found in birds of the long-winged order of the hummingbird subfamily. The bumblebee hummingbird's nest is no larger than half a walnut shell, and the deeper bee hummingbird nest is no larger than a thimble.

    Migratory marine fish, salmon, find the mouth of their native river, covering a distance of up to 4000 km.

Leading: Attention! We arrive at " Beast Planet" (Slide 4)

Nature has vibrant colors,

And let her live without fear,

Let both animals and birds live,

Let a person not be afraid of anyone!

Competition 2 “Who are we talking about?” Presentation No. 2.

1 team "EAGLES"

1.This person comes from Central America often mistaken for a rat. Although in fact it is a swamp beaver. Name it.

(nutria) Slide 2

2. This animal is called the pearl of the Siberian taiga. Also in Kievan Rus his skins were replaced by money. The cost of its fur is not inferior to that of sea otters and chinchillas. Who is he? (sable) Slide 3

3. This fish is used to fight malaria. (gambusia) Slide 4

4. Which bird is the largest on Earth? (ostrich) Slide 5

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1. The bare, flat, scaly tail of this animal and its aquatic lifestyle gave medieval monks reason to classify it as a fish and include it in the monastery menu during fasting, when eating meat was not allowed. What kind of animal is this? (beaver) Slide 6

2.These beautiful birds are traditionally considered the property of Elizabeth

(swans) Slide 7

3.This delicious fish is named after a Mediterranean island. Its first fishery was organized near it. What is it called?

(Sardinia island) Slide 8

4. Which bird flies the highest? (eagle) Slide 9

3rd team "Dolphin"

1. When he was a teenager, he was called “neblyuy” and “pentyukh”. What do they call him when he grows up? (reindeer) Slide 10

2. On the lek, the male of this small bird seems to repeat “It’s time to sleep, it’s time to sleep!” (quail) Slide 11

3. Abroad, in a restaurant you will be served regular mackerel, but on the menu they will call it differently. How? (mackerel) Slide 12

4.Which bird can fly tail first? (hummingbird) Slide 13

Competition 3 “Who’s the odd one out?”

Teams are offered three sets of animals. You need to find the odd one out in each group and explain your choice.

1 team "EAGLES"

    Peregrine falcon, lion, antelope, coyote, hyena

    Horse, dog, big pond snail, cat, cow

    Dog, lynx, goat, cow, horse

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1) Mole, earthworm, centipede, May beetle larva, dragonfly

2) Bream, dolphin, pike, crucian carp, catfish.

3) Grasshopper, bee, fly, mosquito, rock pigeon

Team 3 "SHARKS"

    Seagull, petrel, fish owl, kingfisher, bat

    Cat, walrus, octopus, rhinoceros, shark

    Bat, pigeon, ostrich, butterfly, flying fish

Competition 4 “Lost Animal”

Teams are asked to insert missing animals into sentences

1 team "EAGLES"

1) In bad weather, a good owner... will not kick out (the dog)

2) Not all.. Maslenitsa (cat)

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1)…there will always be dirt (pig)

2) Knows...whose meat the dog ate (the dog)

Team 3 "SHARKS"

1) Old... will not spoil the furrows (horse)

2) Better... in the hands than... in the sky (tit, crane)

Leading: Attention! Attention! The red button on board lit up! It means we're flying past “Planets of Anxiety” (slide 5. Presentation 1)

Attention attention!

We received a radiogram from the planet Anxiety:

Our planet is a living house!

But how can she live under a smoky hood?

Where the gutter is the ocean!

Where all nature is caught in a trap!

Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion.

Where the grass groans: “I can’t take it anymore!”

Card No. 1


Card No. 2


Everything is connected to everything

Card No. 3


Everything is connected to everything

Environmental situation competition

Card No. 4


Everything is connected to everything

Environmental situation competition

Card No. 5

Exercise. Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

Competition for fans

1.What is the science of mushrooms called? (mycology)

2.Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

3. “Royal mushrooms.” A kilogram of such mushrooms can cost more than 4 thousand dollars - significantly more expensive than gold.

What mushrooms are we talking about? (king truffle)

4.Her tail is like a whip, it’s great for driving away biting insects. ( cow)

5. His tail helps this wonderful jumper maintain balance.


6. She only has a tail in infancy, and then disappears.


7. The black triangles on the white fluffy royal robe are the tips of their tails. (ermine)

8. On the tail of this representative of the cat family there is a fluffy tassel, and in it a sharp claw (lion)

9. This mushroom has many names: grandfather’s tobacco, Galkina banya, devil’s tobacco. What is the real name of this mushroom? (Raincoat)

10. This nocturnal animal sleeps with its tail wrapped around its head. (lemur)
11.Which mushrooms never harbor worms? (chanterelles)

12. Which mushrooms appear first? (Mols and lines)

13. What plant is named after the bird's eye? (crow's eye)

14. This prickly animal begins to shake its tail when meeting an enemy. At the same time, long needles come off and fly in all directions. (porcupine)

15. What formidable animal cannot stick out its tongue at all? By the way, the female of this animal carries her cubs in her mouth. (crocodile)

16. What mushroom is called “chelysh” while it is small and young? (boletus)

17. This jumping animal has the head of a hare, the body and front legs of a mouse, the hind legs of a bird, and the tail of a lion. (jerboa)

18. These insects build nests, which we call hives, but they are considered wild insects. (wasps)

19. How many legs does a fly have? (6)

20.The fruit of this tree made it possible to open universal law gravity (apple tree).

Leading: Dear passengers! Our spaceship is approaching

To “Planet MBOU Secondary School No. 8” (slide 6)

contest " Homework» Defense of the project “Save the Christmas trees!”

Slide 7 (after the girls’ performance)

We cut down forests and arrange landfills.

But who will take everything under protection?

The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest.

It's time for humanity to understand

Taking away the wealth from Nature,

That the Earth also needs to be protected:

She is just as alive as we are!


Leading: So, our space journey is coming to an end.

While the jury is summing up the results, I would like to once again address you with the words of D. Rodovich: (Slide 8)

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet!

Our planet is beautiful and amazing, let's take another look at our blue planet, part of the vast, endless Universe

Teacher.So, our competition has come to an end. I ask the jury to sum up. The jury members sum up the results.

(event continues)

Student. Poem (slide 10)

Let's save the planet!

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole Universe,

There is only one in the whole Universe,

What will she do without us?

5Reflectionintrospection and self-assessment of the process and result of the activity

Continue the sentences:

Today in class I learned...

The most interesting thing in the lesson was...

The most difficult thing for me was...

Today's lesson showed me...

We have achieved the goal of our lesson...


1. M.M. Bondaruk, N.V. Kovylina. Biology. Additional materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in biology and ecology in grades 10–11. Volgograd Publishing house "Teacher" 2008

2. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P. Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby.-M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010.-192 p.

3. Internet resources

4. Molodtsova Z.V. In the land of environmental mysteries. – Novosibirsk, 1996.

Sinitsyna E.I. Smart riddles - M.: “List”, 1999.-144 p.

5. Rat M.V. What is ecology or how to save nature. – M., 1993.

Team Evaluation


Number of points





1. Competition “Guess the plant”

1 riddle - 1 point Max. – 10 points.

2. Competition “Who are we talking about?”

1 title -1 point Max. – 4 points.

3.Competition “Who’s the odd one out?”

1 title -1 point Max. – 3 points.

4. Competition "Lost Animal"

1 title -1 point

Max. – 2 points.

5. Competition of environmental situations

Max. - 5 points

6.Project protection

Max. - 5 points


29 points

Answers. Environmental situations.

Card 1.

About 13-14 million tons of petroleum products enter the World Ocean annually. Oil enters water bodies as a result of leakage during tanker loading, tanker accidents, or the discharge of residual oil cargo.

Exercise. Describe briefly further development environmental situation during an oil spill, its consequences and suggest ways out of this situation.

Oil pollution is highly toxic. The taste of the water deteriorates, and the fish acquires an unpleasant and irremovable aftertaste. At a concentration of petroleum products above 0.5 mg per liter, fish die; at a concentration of 1.2 mg per liter, plankton and benthos cannot survive. The toxic oil film prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of the World Ocean and disrupts its normal gas exchange (up to 50% of oxygen and 82% of moisture enter the atmosphere due to the ocean).

Oil glues the feathers of seabirds. If the oil is fresh, it acts as a poison. The oil film prevents oxygen from penetrating deep into the sea. Algae and crustaceans are suffocating. The fish have nothing to eat - they die from hunger. Control over the transportation and unloading of oil is necessary.

It is necessary to comply with regulatory organizational and economic and production measures when operating facilities associated with the transportation of petroleum products. If a leak occurs, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate the consequences: cleaning the ocean surface with the help of special reagents, limiting the spread of oil spills, rescuing animals.

Card 2.

Man is part of living nature. Human health is determined not only by the condition environment, but also lifestyle, nutrition. The city's stores have a fairly wide selection of dairy products. At the same time, private individuals in unspecified places sell milk in recycled plastic bottles.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation, its possible consequences on human health and suggest ways to solve it.

When consuming milk purchased from private individuals, you can get food poisoning, since polyethylene containers cannot be heat treated. Microbes in untreated bottles can cause acute intestinal diseases. If milk from a sick animal is sold, there is a risk of contracting foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis and other diseases. Persons selling milk in plastic containers often do not have certificates about the health of animals and the quality of the products sold. In addition, bottles can be collected from trash containers.

It is best to buy milk and dairy products in stores, since the products in this case are certified and sales dates are indicated. If milk is purchased from private owners, it is necessary to ask them for a veterinary certificate about the health of the animal and the quality of the product, pay attention to the cleanliness of glass containers and appearance sellers, boil milk.

Card 3.

Maritime transport extremely pollutes the world's oceans. Tin cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags and other garbage are thrown away. Fishermen leave synthetic fishing nets in the sea.

Exercise. Analyze the consequences of pollution of the World Ocean by maritime transport, propose a way out of this environmental situation.

This leads to ocean pollution, turning it into a landfill. Marine animals are dying, in particular leatherback turtles and seals. They mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and swallow them. The stomach becomes clogged and the animals die. Very often, when opened, tin cans, lumps of fuel oil, and other objects are found in the stomachs of sharks, since sharks, when hungry, grab everything.

Often sea animals (seals, whales, dolphins, birds) cannot live and eat normally, since their body is tightly bound by a mesh, it does not decompose in nature and therefore causes suffering to the animals throughout their lives.

Measures: do not throw garbage into the ocean that is not disposed of in nature, conduct educational work with sailors and passengers of maritime transport, introduce fishing quotas.

Card 4.

Uncontrolled use mineral fertilizers(nitrogen and phosphorus) leads to water oversaturation organic compounds. This causes the growth of blue-green algae.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation and suggest ways to solve it.

The rapid development of blue-green algae (“blooming of water bodies”) is accompanied by intensive consumption of oxygen dissolved in water, the lack of which subsequently causes their death. As the algae die and settle to the bottom, they decompose, which also consumes oxygen. All this entails mass death of flora and fauna. Algae secrete a large number of substances that inhibit zooplankton and microflora, and in some cases poison fish, poultry, livestock and humans.

It is necessary to regulate the application of mineral fertilizers to fields, to monitor compliance with the rules for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses and farms. In case of contamination of water bodies with fertilizers, do not allow livestock into the water body. Fight for the restoration of water resources, carry out wastewater treatment measures, as they also stimulate the proliferation of blue-green algae.

Card 5.

On one distant island, people decided to destroy mosquitoes. They used pesticides for this. The mosquitoes did disappear, but after a while a lot of rats appeared. They attacked fields and barns in hordes local residents, eating grain. People could not understand why this “scourge” appeared.

Exercise. Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

Pesticides that kill mosquitoes ended up on plants, which, in turn, fed on cockroaches (insects). The insects fed on the plants, but did not die from the poison. At the same time, it accumulated in their bodies.

These cockroaches were caught by lizards. They weakened from the poison and became easy prey for cats. The poison turned out to be fatal for cats. Soon there were no more of them left on the island. The time has come for rats.

Extra-curricular environmental activities must be carried out at school. After all, this is an excellent way through which teachers can have an educational impact on students in a form that is interesting to them. Why is it important to address the environment? Because it is the science of the relationships between living beings and nature. And since a person occupies an important place in this system, the topic cannot be ignored.

Federal State Educational Standard

I would like to say a few words about the standards in accordance with which environmental measures were included in the mandatory program primary school. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the tasks educational system lies in the formation of a spiritual and moral personality. And education in this regard is very multifaceted in content. It includes instilling in children pride in their people, teaching them about different values, and conveying to children the essence that they are an integral part of this world.

Therefore, the goal is to form a culture among schoolchildren, which will subsequently manifest itself in their attitude towards health, the environment, as well as in compliance with moral standards in the system value orientations. Because they are all future members of society. And only people with the right worldview regarding our nature are able to lead the planet out of the catastrophic situation in which it now finds itself.

This is why environmental activities at school are so important. The names reflect their very essence: lessons in kindness and thinking, eco-excursions, a club for nature researchers, a laboratory for a young ecologist. In fact, there are plenty of ways to get children interested in nature. And some of them can now be discussed.

Conversation with primary school students

When conducting environmental events at school for children, it is very important to pay attention to the topic. The teacher must present it competently and clearly to the children so that they understand the significance of the conversation. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the following goals, which are:

  • Formation of basic knowledge and ideas about ecology.
  • Analysis of positive experience in interaction with the environment.
  • Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.
  • Development of individual abilities of schoolchildren.

At the end of the class hour, children will have to learn that ecology is a science that teaches respect for the environment. It is also important to convey to them that the disappearance of animals and birds, as well as the deteriorating flora, is the fault of people. And therefore it is very important to protect Natural resources, protect them. After all, we came to this world, which initially, without human intervention, was even more beautiful.


An environmental extracurricular activity in elementary school should be interesting. And since you can’t captivate kids with a lecture, you’ll need something that can add variety to the lesson.

There is a great idea - an imaginary journey along an ecological trail. The teacher will need to prepare a demonstration presentation in advance. You don't need many frames - 15-20 is enough. At the same time, as a thematic soundtrack, you will need to include the soft singing of forest birds to create an immersive effect. And before starting the presentation, the teacher will have to bring the kids up to date - what they will talk about and why.

After this, you can begin the story. The first few frames should show children a beautiful forest, colorful birds and funny animals living in it. At the same time, the teacher seems to be telling a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a forest. And cheerful, perky birds lived in it. Animals also lived there. They hunted and frolicked in the clearings. Let's get to know them! Who do you recognize?" - in this case, you need to switch slides with images of different animals so that the children shout out their names (raccoon, hedgehog, bear, fox, deer, wolf, etc.).

The next frame should depict a person. The teacher continues: “But one day a man came to the forest. And he built houses, roads and factories nearby. However, this was not enough for him. He began to cut down the forests, which destroyed this beautiful little ecosystem. Factories dumped their waste into lakes and rivers, which polluted all the water bodies in the area. And the smoke from the chimneys of the factories poisoned the air. Vacationers started lighting fires and forgetting to take out their trash. Animals and birds have nowhere to live. And the forest turned into a dreary and scary place.”

At the same time, after each phrase, you need to show the corresponding slide - with the cutting down of trees, lighting fires and subsequent fires, dirty reservoirs, littered surroundings. Visualization is very important, since only through visualization will children be able to understand the state of the modern ecosystem and what human carelessness can lead to.

Questions and tasks for kids

Environmental education activities at school should be instructive and effective. Therefore, interaction between the teacher and students is mandatory. Otherwise, without interaction, it will not be possible to understand whether the children have mastered the topic or not.

Upon completion of the fairy tale-presentation given in the example above, the teacher will have to involve the students in a discussion. Children must answer why no one lives in the forest now. The answer is simple - because man destroyed it. If the schoolchildren have mastered this, then they can begin the task - the “mission” to imagine restoring the forest ecosystem.

Children will need to be given cards with pictures of the trees they will “plant”, and on the back of the cards there will be riddles. Students need to guess them to find out the name. For example:

  • A Russian beauty is standing in a clearing, wearing a green blouse and a white sundress! (Answer: birch).
  • I saw a beautiful berry in the forest! The basket is heavy, good... (answer: rowan).
  • He is tall and mighty! The acorn, its fruit, is rough. The leaves rustle among the clouds... in the wind (answer: oak).

Having guessed the riddles, the children, having previously divided into groups, must prepare short message about the type of tree they fell, using reference books and books available on the table. Then you can complete exactly the same task, but related to birds and animals.

Class hour for the senior group

For students high school it is necessary to draw up a more serious scenario for an environmental event. Its goal is to form in children a negative moral assessment of human violations observed in the sphere of nature, as well as to develop a negative attitude towards the irresponsible and thoughtless attitude experienced by people towards our environment. The tasks are as follows:

  • Expand children's understanding of environmental laws.
  • Increase interest in nature.
  • Foster a humane attitude towards the environment.
  • Create a desire to participate
  • Promote environmental ideas.

Before you arrange Classroom hour, it will be necessary to conduct preliminary preparations in which all children will take part. It is recommended to give them the following tasks:

  • Prepare an appeal on behalf of Nature to a person (each individual).
  • Make a video with the whole class, interviewing other students on the topic of protecting the ecosystem.
  • Write poems.

Then, when the day of class comes, the children can start it with preparations.

Laws of ecology

During class time, it wouldn’t hurt to tell children about them as well. In accessible language, of course, and preferably with examples. It might look like this:

  • Law No. 1: “Everything is connected to everything.” To protect the partridge population in Norway, thousands of birds of prey were destroyed. It did not help. Soon the partridges were overwhelmed by an epidemic and they all died. It is not surprising, because owls and hawks played the role of orderlies, eating sick birds. This prevented epidemics.
  • Law No. 2: “Everything has to go somewhere.” Burning or burying garbage does not mean getting rid of it. One substance decomposes into another, and the air is poisoned, which leads to climate change and human diseases.
  • Law No. 3: “Nothing comes for free.” Between 1958 and 1962, two billion (!) sparrows were destroyed in China, as they were considered agricultural pests. But in the end, a lot of insects developed that actually caused damage to the crops. As a result, China began to purchase sparrows from other countries. I had to pay for my actions.
  • Law #4: “Nature knows best.” Many people arrogantly want to “improve” the ecosystem, which usually disrupts natural processes. There is no waste in nature. For each organic matter there is a separate enzyme that acts on decomposition. But man creates those substances that do not decompose anything, but only accumulate in the ecosystem. And they pollute it.

If you include such an informational and educational block in the scenario of an environmental event, you will be able to make the class hour more visual and productive.

High school tournament

Environmental activities at school for adult students (grades 9-11) should be more complex and meaningful. A quiz-type tournament would be a great option. It is better to conduct it among parallels so that there are more participants. By the way, such events are usually included in the school’s environmental week.

The tournament begins with the introduction of teams. For this, points are awarded (using a 5-point system). The name and motto of the team must correspond to the environmental theme.

Then the tour begins. Each team is given four clues in turn. If they answer first, they will receive 4 points. If they guess from the second clue, they will be awarded 3 points. If they give the answer from the third, they will receive 2 points. If all four clues are used, then one point is awarded. For example:

1) It lives up to 2,000 years.

2) The trunk does not rot in water - it only grows stronger and turns black.

3) Furniture, parquet and barrels are made from it.

4) In one of Pushkin’s poems a mermaid sat on this.

The answer to this selection is oak. You can offer the following hints to the other team:

1) It releases phytoncides that kill harmful bacteria.

2) It makes the best firewood.

3) Its bark is used to make useful things, decoctions, and medicines.

4) This is a Russian tree.

We are talking, of course, about birch. You need a lot of such collections to make an environmental event at school for high school students interesting, intellectual and useful.

Nature as a universal value

A seminar with this name can also be a good environmental event at school. Its goal is to determine what exactly the true value of nature is, as well as what its components are. In addition, it is important to develop in students the ability to notice the beauty around them and to instill in them personal responsibility for the preservation of the ecosystem.

You can start such a seminar with a group assignment. Give everyone cards with descriptions. natural areas and landscape forms. Students need to identify their names and provide several appropriate epithets that could characterize them. Example card: “They are not in Antarctica, North America and Europe. There are about thirty of them on the entire planet. And they occupy about 11% of the Earth.” We are talking about the desert, and this would be the correct answer.

After completing this task, it will be possible to invite students to familiarize themselves with the cost of biosphere services. The last time such research was conducted by the University of California was in 1994. And it turned out that:

  • The average cost of biosphere services is ~33.27 trillion dollars per year.
  • Rivers and lakes - $1.7 trillion.
  • Marine ecosystems - $21 trillion.
  • Tropical forests - $3.8 trillion.
  • Land ecosystems - $12.3 trillion.

This is what the scientists reported. By environmental activities in school you can actually come up with a lot interesting tasks. The most important thing is that they are informative and practical.

About the negative impact

You can also organize environmental events for high school students. This topic is just right for teenagers. It will be useful for them to learn about the acceptable level of negative impact of anthropogenic and natural environmental hazards on humans and the environment.

They should also be familiarized with the regulation of environmental impacts, quality control of natural components and sources of impact on them, as well as monitoring of environmental risks. As part of the discussion of such a topic, some may develop a special interest in pursuing this at a professional level. During such events, some decide on their future activities in adult life.

Earth Day

This is a big environmental holiday, the date of which is April 22. Therefore, school events dedicated to nature are usually held during the week that includes this day. And in addition to educational lectures, classes and tournaments, it is now customary to organize truly useful events that can bear fruit. One of them is called “Let's decorate the world around us.”

This promotion involves the school purchasing flower seedlings, shrub and tree seedlings. Then, when the date of the environmental holiday comes, the children, together with their teachers, plant them in the plots and flower beds. Then, responsibilities for caring for the plants are distributed among the students. Thus, you will not only be able to contribute to the ecosystem by slightly enriching it, but you will be able to demonstrate to children in practice how difficult it is to get flowers, trees and bushes to take root, not to mention growing them yourself. Students will gain some environmental experience and will begin to be more respectful of nature and its resources.

MKOU "Togul Basic Secondary School"

Methodological development of extracurricular activities

"Ecological assortment"

Borovtsova A.V.

This event is held among grades 6-8, the duration of the event is 45 minutes.

Form of organization of student work: group.

Target: creating conditions for nurturing a sense of love and responsibility for our native nature.

Tasks: to develop students’ knowledge about the nature of their native land;

Develop communication skills;

Foster citizenship and respect for nature

Extracurricular activity goals:

Educational: reveal aesthetic, cognitive, health, practical significance nature in people's lives; expand students’ ideas about the nature of their native land;

Developmental: continue to develop group work skills, stimulate cognitive interest in the subject, and broaden students’ horizons.

Educational: developing a sense of responsibility to the team, developing the ability to argue and defend one’s point of view, as well as listen to the opinions of others; cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature, norms of behavior in nature and environmental responsibility;

Formed UUD:

Personal UUD : - meaning formation, - the student’s internal position at the level positive attitude to surrounding people and the environment.

Regulatory UUD: - acceptance and preservation of the task, - the ability to take into account the identified guidelines for action in new conditions, - adequate perception and understanding of the assessment, - performance of actions in a materialized, loud speech and mental form.

Communicative UUD: - taking into account different opinions and the desire to coordinate various positions in cooperation, - the ability to negotiate and come to general decision in a joint activity, - skill control the actions of the partner, - the ability to formulate and ask questions.

Cognitive UUD:-arbitrary construction of speech statements in oral and written form, - reasoning in the form of connection of simple judgments about an object, - establishment of analogies, - use of sign-symbolic means.

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, presentation “Ecological assortment”, video clip about ecology”, physical map Russia, physical map of the world, on the board "Ecological miracle tree", chips in the form of a globe

Preliminary preparation:

  • form teams (3), come up with a team name and motto corresponding to the theme of the event;
  • draw environmental signs;
  • Collect natural and waste materials from the list.

Event plan:

  1. Organizational moment -2 min.
  2. Main part:
  • Station “Miracle Tree” - 5 min.,
  • Station “Ecological situation” - 10 min.,
  • Station "Biosphere" - 5 min.,
  • Station "Red Book" - 5 min.,
  • Station “We are creators” - 10 min.,
  • Station “Native Land” (information) - 3 min.,
  1. Summing up - 5 min.

Progress of the event:

  1. Organizing timeThe teams take their places and introduce themselves.

The teacher introduces the jury members and introduces the rules of the game Slide 1-2.

I would like to hold our event under the following motto: “How can you know yourself? Only through action, but never through contemplation.” (J.V. Goethe)

  1. Main part (2 minutes).

Slide 3. Photo series . Look around - how beautiful and amazing world surrounds us! Blue sky, gentle sun, expansive meadows, green forests, majestic mountains, a unique world of plants and animals. Everything is created intelligently and conveniently for the life of all living beings. Nature is generous and selfless, it provides everything for human life - food, water, clothing, fuel, and surrounds us with beauty.

Slide 4. Video “Ecology”(environmental pollution)

Guys, tell me, what is this video about?

What are we going to talk about today?

Of course, today we will talk about ecology, the problems of environmental pollution and its protection.

Our class today is unusual, we are going with you on an environmental patrol.

Slide 5. We will stop at various stops, solve problems, complete tasks and, of course, earn points. For each point earned, the team receives a globe chip.

Slide 6-15. Stop 1 “Ecological miracle tree”

Here we will test your knowledge of ecology. The guys take turns approaching the miracle tree, picking off a piece of paper with a question written on it. Discuss as a team for 1 minute and give an answer, if they find it difficult to answer, this question another team may answer. For every correct question 1 point.


  1. What plants are bioindicators that reveal general environmental pollution?(lichens).
  2. What does the term "ecology" mean?(“ekos” - house, “logos” - teaching).
  3. What components pollute the atmosphere?(dust, gases, smoke, microorganisms, noise, radiation).
  4. What components pollute the hydrosphere? (domestic and industrial wastewater, fertilizers, petroleum products, garbage, microorganisms, algae).
  5. What components pollute the lithosphere? (fertilizers, pesticides, industrial waste, household waste, radioactive waste).
  6. In what year was the first red book published and why was it called that?

(1971, red color - color alarms, dangers, warnings).

  1. What is a reserve? (A specially protected territory or water area, completely or partially excluded from economic use for conservation purposes natural complexes, protection of animal and plant species, as well as observation of natural processes).
  2. Are earthworms beneficial?(yes, they are food for animals and birds, they participate in improving the structure of the soil - they loosen the soil, form humus, and disinfect the soil).
  3. What role do animals and birds of prey play?(they are orderlies).

Slide 16. Stop “Ecological situation”

Guys, at this station each team receives a card with the environmental situation(Annex 1). Discuss the task and give an answer.

Slide 17. Stop “Biosphere”Guys, on your desks is the text of a story with environmental errors.(Appendix 2) . Find them and suggest rules for behavior in nature. For each correct error found, 1 point.

Guys, tell me why this stop is named like that? Indeed, the biosphere is a shell in which all components of living and inanimate nature: water, soil, air, animals, plants and humans.

Slide 18-20. Stop "Red Book"

Student :

Protected by the Red Book

How many rare animals and birds,

For the multifaceted space to survive

For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

So that souls do not become empty,

Animals are protected

Snakes are protected

Even flowers are protected.

Guys, at this stop you are invited to guess the animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book of the Fltai Region. Name them (on the teams’ tables there are photos with animals and plants). For each animal or plant you guess, you get 1 point; if you name this animal correctly, you get another extra point.

  1. Guys, what is the role of the red book?


I love my region. How strange to hear

After all, every person loves his own land!

But the sky is blue here, the sun is higher!

And May is painted the color of lilac here.

Summer smells like rain and hay,

The river is calling with coolness...

And autumn is dressed in gold,

Clouds float in wisps,

Winter beckons into the distance along the ski track,

On a frosty morning the snow crunches,

And the river will overflow its banks in April.

And the forest rustles in the spring,

I love my region! I've seen a lot of places

And you can go around half the world,

But closer and dearer than our native land,

I don't think I can find any more.


Once having gathered my last strength,

God created a beautiful planet

Gave her the shape of a big ball

And planted trees and flowers there

Herbs of unprecedented beauty

Many animals began to live there

Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds

Here's a gift for you, people, own it

Plow the land, sow the grain

I bequeath to you all from now on

You take care of this shrine.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves,

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.


What's happened? What was forgotten? What's broken?

I understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!

There is no longer any nature left on earth,

And we live in the environment.


I feel the pain of loss more and more,

It's bad for the flora and fauna.

And in salads they say only nitrates,

And there are nitrates in every fish.


The planet is becoming more and more alarming every year!

And it’s clear even to a mosquito:

Or will we take care of our nature,

Or we'll fly into the ozone hole!


People, people, what have you done to the planet?

You yourself have lost your way

After all, there is no other like this in the world,

And nature doesn’t have any spare parts!


I don't want this kind of world

Where everything is so gray and dull...


What have we done to nature?

How can we look her in the eyes now?

Into the dark poisoned waters

Into the heavens that smelled of death.


My planet is a human home,

But how can she live under a smoky hood?

Where is the gutter ocean?

Where all nature is caught in a trap,

Where there is no place, neither stork nor lion,

Where the grass groans: “I can’t take it anymore.”


I look at the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive!

And the continents whisper to us:

Take care of us, take care of us!

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask

Take care of us, take care of us!

The deep river is sad

Our own, losing our shores,

Take care of us, take care of us!

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie

Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe

So beautiful and dear,

And lips whisper: “I won’t lie,

I will save you, I will save you!”

  1. Summing up (reflection 2 minutes)
  1. What new did you learn today?
  2. What do you remember most today?
  3. Do you consider yourself environmentally conscious people?

Slide 27. Guys, I would like to end today’s event with the following statement:“I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth - and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch nature with your heart.”(E.L. Prasolova)

Thank you! All the best to you!


  1. Ecology.6-11 grades: extracurricular activities, research activities students/comp. I.P. Cherednichenko.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-134p.
  2. Fadeeva E.O., Babenko V.G. Ecology. Organisms and their habitat. From NC ENAS, 2002, -72- (Teacher's Portfolio).
  3. Environmental education at school: classes, games, events / author-comp. I.G. Norenko.- Volgograd: teacher, 2007.-139p.
  4. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy image life/ status V.V. Balabanova, T.A. Maksimtseva.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.-154p.
  5. Internet resources.
  6. Extracurricular work in biology grades 6-11. S. M. Kurgansky. – M.: VAKO 2015. – 288 s (biology teacher’s workshop)

Annex 1.

Situation No. 1

On one distant island, people decided to destroy mosquitoes. They used pesticides for this. The mosquitoes did disappear, but after a while a lot of rats appeared. They attacked the fields and barns of local residents in hordes, eating grain. People could not understand why this “scourge” appeared.

Exercise . Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

(Pesticides that kill mosquitoes fell on the plants, which, in turn, fed on the cockroaches (insects). The insects ate the plants, but did not die from the poison. At the same time, it accumulated in their bodies.

These cockroaches were caught by lizards. They weakened from the poison and became easy prey for cats. The poison turned out to be fatal for cats. Soon there were no more of them left on the island. The time has come for rats.)

Situation 2.

Maritime transport extremely pollutes the world's oceans. Tin cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags and other garbage are thrown away. Fishermen leave synthetic fishing nets in the sea.

Exercise. Analyze the consequences of pollution of the World Ocean by maritime transport, propose a way out of this environmental situation.

Answer . This leads to ocean pollution, turning it into a landfill. Marine animals are dying, in particular leatherback turtles and seals. They mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and swallow them. The stomach becomes clogged and the animals die. Very often, when opened, tin cans, lumps of fuel oil, and other objects are found in the stomachs of sharks, since sharks, when hungry, grab everything.

Often sea animals (seals, whales, dolphins, birds) cannot live and eat normally, since their body is tightly bound by a mesh, it does not decompose in nature and therefore causes suffering to the animals throughout their lives.

Measures: do not throw garbage into the ocean that is not recycled in nature, conduct educational work with sailors and passengers of maritime transport, introduce fishing quotas.

Situation 3.

Uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus) leads to oversaturation of water with organic compounds. This causes the growth of blue-green algae.

Exercise . Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation and suggest ways to solve it.


The rapid development of blue-green algae (“blooming of water bodies”) is accompanied by intensive consumption of oxygen dissolved in water, the lack of which subsequently causes their death. As the algae die and settle to the bottom, they decompose, which also consumes oxygen. All this entails mass death of flora and fauna. Algae release a large amount of substances that inhibit zooplankton and microflora, and in some cases poison fish, poultry, livestock and humans.

It is necessary to regulate the application of mineral fertilizers to fields, to monitor compliance with the rules for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses and farms. In case of contamination of water bodies with fertilizers, do not allow livestock into the water body. Fight for the restoration of water resources, carry out wastewater treatment measures, as they also stimulate the proliferation of blue-green algae

Appendix 2.

A story with errors

"Sunday in the Woods"

For a week there was only talk in class about a future trip to the forest. At the last moment the teacher fell ill. But we decided to go to the forest ourselves. We already knew the road, stocked up on food, took a compass, and didn’t forget the transistor.

With cheerful music we notified the forest - we have arrived! The days were hot and dry, but the heat was not felt in the forest. A familiar road led us to a birch grove. Along the way, we often came across various mushrooms - boletus, boletus, and russula. What a harvest! Some cut off the elastic legs of the mushrooms, some twisted them, and some pulled them out. We knocked down all the mushrooms that we didn’t know with sticks.

Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving the grove, Petya threw away plastic bags and cans. He said: “Microbes will destroy them anyway.” The burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye. In the bushes we found the nest of some bird. After holding the warm bluish eggs, they put them back. The sun rose higher and higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. We found a hedgehog at the edge of the forest. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them - he would come in handy at school. We are already pretty tired. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Petya decided to show us how formic acid is produced. He planed the sticks and began to plunge them deep into the anthill.

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it became darker, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. It started to rain quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hid under it.

Lively, we walked to the station, jumping over puddles. And suddenly a snake slithered across the road. “It’s a viper,” Petya shouted and hit it with a stick. We approached the snake and saw two yellow spots on the back of its head. “It’s not a viper,” Masha said quietly, “it’s really.” “Anyway, he’s a reptile!” Petya answered.

We approached the station with armfuls of meadow and forest flowers. An hour later the train was already approaching the outskirts of the city. It was a fun day!


  • do not play loud music;
  • do not pull out mushrooms, and do not knock down even inedible ones; because

the mycelium is destroyed, medicine for animals disappears,

the insect-fungi-tree community is disrupted;

  • For a fire, collect dry wood instead of breaking branches. In warm, dry weather, it is prohibited to make fires in the forest;
  • do not leave polyethylene, as it does not break down easily

microorganisms (completely destroyed after 220 years) and

metal cans (destroyed after 100 years);

  • the fire after burning should be covered with earth or flooded

water until combustion stops completely;

  • do not touch bird eggs - the bird may leave the nest;
  • do not take animals and chicks from the forest to the city - if they do not die in the city, they will die when you want to return them to the forest again;
  • Do not stick sticks into the anthill - relationships are disrupted

in this complex community;

  • do not hide under a lonely tree during a thunderstorm - it can

hit by lightning!

  • do not destroy snakes in any way, even vipers;
  • Meadow and forest flowers should not be picked - the life of those picked

flowers are short-lived.

Appendix 3.

Small swan