Report on theoretical practice. Report on pre-graduate practice. An example of a report on practice at the State Veterinary Hospital

The practical task is important stage educational process, implying the assimilation of theory in practice. Most students, after several courses of study, undergo practical training in production or at their own educational institution. At the end of this period, a report on the practice must be completed and submitted to the teacher. How to write a report, how to format it and what documents to include in the structure, this will be discussed further, and as a bonus, a sample template will be attached to each subsection.

Typical structure of a report by type of practice

In most universities, students undergo 3 types of internship during their studies - educational within the educational institution, then production (technological) at the selected enterprise, and graduation from the university is not complete without pre-graduation practice. You need to figure out what to write in a practice report based on its type.

Educational practice (introductory). Example

Training practice is also called introductory practice, as it involves a superficial familiarization with the enterprise and the production process without a practical component. Structure and plan of the report educational practice are the simplest practice report options. If you compare it with the archived version, which is a standard sample, the only difference is the lack of a practical part.

The practice takes place in the educational institution itself by groups of students to obtain maximum information about the organizational structure of the enterprise. The training practice report includes several structural elements:

  • title page;
  • brief summary;
  • content;
  • introduction to the report;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • indication of the bibliographic list of used literature;
  • application documents;
  • a set of documents related to the internship – diary, review, description.

You can view the design of a training practice report using the following example:

Internship. Example

Drawing up a report on production practice- is more responsible and hard work, since the student is actually in production, which means that the structure will have both a theoretical and a practical part. In addition to all the structural elements specified in the previous version of the practice, the work experience report may include the university’s own design requirements.

The structure also contains:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • applications;
  • bibliography.

As a rule, the internship report contains 30-40 pages, proving with its internal content the actual internship at the enterprise. The title deed must be indicated by the signature and seal of the head of the enterprise. The accompanying documents are a student’s practice diary and a testimonial, such as a review from a supervisor.

You can see how to write a report on industrial practice using the following example:

Undergraduate practice. Example

The most crucial moment in a student’s education is completing pre-diploma internship. The completed report is submitted just before the defense of the diploma, after which the student is issued documents confirming receipt of education. The structure of the report on pre-diploma internship contains all of the above subsections, but in the main part of the text and in the final subsection information regarding the thesis is mentioned.

The structural elements are the same - title page, outline, introduction, main part, conclusion and literature. Before a student undertakes an internship, he needs to select a future topic for writing a diploma, since the topic of the diploma and pre-diploma internship must necessarily overlap. Writing a thesis and defending it is a kind of conclusion of the student’s pre-diploma practice and study in general.

You can see what a pre-diploma practice report should look like in the example below:

Universal samples

The student's internship report must fully comply with the requirements regarding the design and composition of the text part. There are generally accepted standards for what the title page, introduction and conclusions in a practice report should look like, regardless of the type of practical work and the university.

The rules for designing a title page do not depend on the type of practice and other factors; a sample can be seen in the example below:

An example of what an introduction should look like:

An example of what a conclusion should look like in a student’s practice report can be seen in the picture below:

Before starting to write a report on the practice and design of the title page, introduction, main part, conclusion and other attachments, the student needs to consult with the teacher, which year samples should be used, and also where to get them - in the manual from the educational institution or universal templates according to GOST .

Ready practice reports on the Internet. How can they be used?

Practice is an integral element educational process lawyer, economist, teacher and other future specialists. Accordingly, everyone will be faced with the question of what a practice report is and how it should be prepared. Most teachers provide instructions and resumes for internships, but the main source is the Internet.

The easiest way to properly format and write a report is to download a ready-made version of the report on the Internet that meets all the requirements and GOST. If there is a report on the Internet that corresponds to the topic of the student’s practice, this does not mean that the document needs to be copied and passed off as one’s own work. You can use it as a template, but make your own amendments, views and methods, making the work absolutely unique.

How to work on a practice report on your own, what materials will help?

Having received a referral for an internship from a supervisor, it is important for the student to immediately get to work writing a report on the internship, so that as they visit the production site, they can keep working notes in a timely manner. To do this, you need to take a manual from the department, which will describe all the requirements for the structure and format of the report. After this, several steps are required:

  1. Drawing up a title page– it displays the standard header of the university, the type of work, the name and base of completion, the student’s personal data, the city of the university’s location and the year of delivery.
  2. Drawing up a work plan– an example of a plan can be in the manual or compiled by the student independently, including 3-4 tasks research work, the maximum allowed number of paragraphs is 10.
  3. Writing an introduction– a short announcement of future work, which is based solely on the outline of the article. The introduction should follow several principles:
  • relevance– you need to write about the importance of the industry of the enterprise, as well as the need to study this area, describe the basis for internship, its role in this area, and also the importance of internship for the student as for a future specialist;
  • target– it is indicated that the student’s knowledge will be applicable in the course of studying the practical functioning of production;
  • tasks– there will be as many tasks as there are points in the content; these points are simply paraphrased in the context of the phrases “research”, “study”, “analyze” and “characterize”;
  • an object– the organization in which the student is undergoing an internship;
  • item– the work of the enterprise, which was studied by students during practice;
  • research methodology – the methods by which information was collected and analyzed are indicated;
  • information base – describes the materials that the student collected for the report.
  1. Main part - This part of the work is difficult to predict, since much depends on the university, the student’s specialty, and the enterprise. But most often the report includes the following paragraphs:
  • indication of the characteristics of the enterprise;
  • determining the characteristics of financial activities;
  • description of the characteristics of the area of ​​activity;
  • identification of problems, as well as a description of methods and ways to solve them.
  1. Conclusionsummary completed work, which indicates how much the goal stated in the introduction was achieved. You can also reflect the results of tasks that contribute to achieving the goal. In simple language, for each paragraph you need to make a conclusion in a few sentences. The conclusion can be 2-3 pages long, demonstrating how the student familiarized himself with the enterprise, followed the internship schedule, and the student’s assessment of the compliance of the conditions.
  2. Bibliography– all primary sources used by the author are indicated here. You can indicate borrowed phrases, quotes, formulas, ideas, etc., using links or footnotes.
  3. Applications– the report must be accompanied by documents from the database that were used for the analysis. These could be sample contracts, financial reports, job descriptions, questionnaires, etc.

Additional materials that a student needs to write and submit a report on practice are a ready-made diary (a sample of how to fill out a diary is given at the department), characteristics of a master's student, a review, and a presentation for further defense of the report. During the preparation of the report, the author may need materials from the place of practice - financial statements, charter, job descriptions, time sheets, contracts, etc.

What documents, besides the report, must be submitted to the educational institution regarding the internship?

When drawing up a report on practice, the student needs to remember that at the time of submitting the work, he should have in his hands not only the work itself, but also additional materials:

1. Characteristics- characterization forms are also issued by the department only for production and pre-graduate practice. This is a brief review from the production supervisor about the student’s work performance.

2. Diary - The student’s individual practice book and diary forms are also issued by the department. The diary contains a schedule of visits to the workplace, daily records of the work done, after which the signature of the supervisor of the practice or the head of the organization is required.

3. Certificate of internship – A sample certificate at the enterprise is issued either by the dean’s office (in the library) or by the production personnel department. The help looks like this:

What is needed to successfully defend a practice report?

When the report is ready, the student needs to prepare to defend it. To do this, you will need to correctly prepare the report in accordance with the rules of the manual or GOST, prepare a presentation and demonstrate it. The presentation consists of several slides:

  • display of the title page;
  • name of the enterprise and the name of the scientific supervisor from the company;
  • introduction of work indicating the goals and objectives of the internship;
  • conclusion highlighting the results and conclusions made by the author;
  • a brief schedule of information from the main part, tips and recommendations from the author;
  • results of the presentation.

Requirements for report formatting and visual aids

After writing the work, special attention should be paid to the design of the text and other elements so that the report is approved by the head of the enterprise and accepted by the teacher at the university. To work in WORD without modifications, you need to download the frame for the report according to GOST.

According to GOST, the student adheres to the following points:

  • the volume of work is 30-40 sheets;
  • the text is typed in Times New Roman font 14-1 point;
  • line spacing – 1.5;
  • margins on the right 15 mm, on the left 30 mm, bottom and top 20 mm;
  • headings and subheadings start on a new sheet with continuous numbering in the upper right corner;
  • each section begins with a heading at the top and center of the page in capital letters without ending punctuation or hyphenation;
  • after each heading they make 3 indents and then write the text;
  • drawings and tables are signed with a number and title;
  • footnotes in the text are indicated by square brackets or at the bottom of the page under a line;
  • The list of references is written in alphabetical order, first Russian sources, then foreign ones.

Feedback from the practice manager

The review from the internship supervisor from the company where the student is interning is a kind of testimonial written by a company representative. The review usually contains several points:

  • name of the organization and period of the internship;
  • true information about the trainee;
  • trainee job description;
  • evaluation of student work.

Most often, the document is drawn up by the student himself, using a ready-made sample or template, and the head of the practice or the head of the company simply signs the review, confirming the truthfulness of each word. The sample review form looks like this:

Explanatory note. Example

An explanatory note is a certificate in which the student presents a report on the internship in a brief form, describing his actions and information about the internship. You can get a sample certificate from the enterprise department (library) of the university, it looks something like this:

Study practice is a common thing for a student. Many people perceive it as just another adventure. Some take it quite seriously and hope to gain invaluable experience. And here's a surprise: most often, expectations are not met. But this does not negate the fact that students will have to somehow solve the problem of how to write a report on practice.

A lot has been said about writing and proper design of other types of work in our telegram channel. And here we will tell you how a student can correctly write and format a report on educational practice, and provide a sample.

How to properly prepare a report on educational practice

The report itself rarely raises questions. It is enough to simply describe how the practice went, what goals were set and what results were achieved. Most students begin to worry when they start registration. They are interested in the following questions:

  • How to correctly compile, write and format a report on industrial practice in accordance with GOST?
  • How to write a diary, character reference and report for the defense?

There are other problems for young specialists who want to do an internship. Often more experienced employees do not allow students to production processes. Collect useful information in such practice it is extremely difficult.

Or imagine: you find yourself in a training practice, and they are trying to assign all possible responsibilities to you. Then so much material is collected that simply bringing it back to normal is something out of science fiction. What to do when it is very difficult or completely impossible to write and format a paper correctly?

You need to start from the very beginning. We read and remember how to write a report on industrial practice at an enterprise, look at a sample and learn practical recommendations.

General rules and requirements for preparing a practice report

Despite the presence of their own requirements at each university, which can be found in methodological literature your university, there are standards for preparing an internship report:

  1. The total amount of work does not exceed 40 sheets of standard A4 format.
  2. Practice report numbered on all pages(except for the title page and appendix to practical work).
  3. The text of the work is printed in black font Times New Roman format 12-14 point. Between the lines set double or one and a half spacing.
  4. Newline indentation is 1.25 pt.
  5. Each section its name. The new section starts with new line.
  6. Before creating a document, set acceptable page indents: left margin 30 mm, right margin 20 mm, top and bottom indentation 20 mm.
  7. When preparing a practice report according to GOST it is unacceptable to hyphenate words. However, many university departments allow word hyphenation, so check this point with your department.

If you study in technical university, you may need a frame for the report.

Design of the title page of the practice report

The title page of educational practice is practically no different from the title pages of other works. The header of the sheet, as usual, contains information about the educational institution and the student. This is followed by the name of the work, that is, a report on the completion of educational practice, the city and year of completion.

By the way! If you have more important things to do than a practice report, our readers now have a 10% discount on any type of work.

Competently formatting a practice report: a sample of filling out information blocks

Practice report structure:

  • title page;
  • content or work plan;
  • the main part with a description of the work done;
  • conclusion;
  • bibliography or list of references;
  • applications.

Having a clear understanding of what sections this document consists of, you can easily figure out what to write in the introduction of the practice report, in the conclusion and its other parts.

General requirements for the content of an educational report on practice

If you are going to do this part in the report, do it correctly. The content is the second page of the work, so teachers pay close attention to it. Even the main part cannot boast of such honors.

To find out how to correctly compose content, you should refer to GOST. IN state standards The standards for formatting any scientific work and its sections are clearly stated.

However, each university has its own standards and requirements, so don’t be lazy and go to the methodological office - this is the best way to avoid mistakes.

To make an auto table of contents in Word, in the menu "Insert" you need to select an item "Link", then - "Table of Contents and Indexes". In the tab "Table of contents" select "Structure panel" and set the table of contents parameters in the window that opens.

Introduction of the internship report

If everything is clear with the title page and the content, then the introduction must not only be formatted correctly, but also know what can and should be written there. In this part of the work, goals and objectives are set, and the relevance of the report on practice is substantiated.

By the way, if this legal practice, then most likely you will need to provide samples of documents that you created.

When the goals and objectives for educational or even pre-graduate practice are clear, it is very simple to create a report and its main part.

Main part of the practice report

This is a kind of practical part of the production practice, the project. The structure of the enterprise is clearly and clearly described here. It’s not so easy to characterize the receiving party, especially if you weren’t really allowed anywhere. But it is in this part that you try do not allow critical subjective assessment.

After the company to which you were sent is described, you need to summarize the material and cover in detail all the processes in which you were involved. Also indicate what kind of support you were provided with during your internship.

Conclusion of the internship report

At the end of the main part, there is a conclusion in which the main conclusions and proposals of the report on practice are formulated. How can you quickly and beautifully write a conclusion in a practice report so that the teacher does not ask additional questions, and the student can finally take a deep breath?

It is enough to remember that the main conclusions of the work and the results of practice are briefly outlined here. To avoid missing anything, remember the goals and objectives set in the introduction.

When the report is ready, it's time to carry it for signature by the head of the organization. Don't expect someone from the company to read your manuscripts from cover to cover. Most likely, your teachers will do it. So go for it!

References and characteristics

The list of references when preparing a report on practice is done in the following order:

  • legislative acts and other legal documents;
  • manual and training resources, Internet resources.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to properly create a bibliography in an internship report:

  1. Open the menu Links, select a tab Bibliography. Select the desired list option from the drop-down list. The created insert will not show anything except the blank, which we will work with further.
  2. Place the cursor at the end of the paragraph where you link to the source. Opening the menu again Links/Insert link/Add new source.
  3. You will see a window where you only have to fill in the necessary fields (author, source name, place, year, publisher, and so on). Please note that in the column Source type It can be not only a book, but also an electronic resource, an article and other types of sources.
  4. As soon as you add a source, brackets will appear at the place where you placed the cursor with a link to the bibliography. If changes have not been displayed in the bibliography itself by this point, go to its settings and click the button Updating references and bibliography.

How to format applications in an internship report

If possible, be sure to attach attachments, as they will help you better understand the essence of the enterprise and your work on it in particular. These can be photocopies of any documents or reference materials, annual reports, graphs, diagrams. The quality of the applications in the practice report plays a huge role.

Knowing how to properly format applications, you can competently summarize your work and make it more understandable.

On what basis are appendices to the report generated? The application of any work includes:

  • drawings,
  • tables,
  • graphic materials.

There are certain standards that must be followed when creating attachments to the practice report. Here are the main ones:

  1. Every new application starts with a blank page. At the top in the center is written the heading “APPENDIX” with a serial number assigned to it, corresponding to the link in the text of the work. Below it is the title of the table, figure or other graphic object (starts with a capital letter with a separate line in the center).
  2. Numbering of applications can be done using Russian letters (except o, ё, й, з, ь, ь, ъ, ы) or the Latin alphabet (except for letters I, O). If the number of applications exceeds the number of letters of one of the alphabets, Arabic numerals can be used. If only one supplement is attached to the diploma, it is designated by the capital letter A.
  3. Application page numbering must be continuous. Numbering starts from the first digit from the first page of the application.

Pay special attention to how tables should be formatted. This graphic element allows you to improve the clarity of examples and calculations. We want to tell you exactly how to do it correctly. Every picture, graphic, and table must be numbered in one of the following ways:

  1. Continuous numbering throughout the practice report.
  2. New numbering with the beginning of each new chapter.

When creating applications, also look through the materials on how to properly design diagrams if your work is technical. And if everything is clear with other types of information provision, then scheme raise the most questions among students.

Scheme must be clear and visual. All inscriptions are clearly visible and made in the same style as other graphic objects in the practice report. The lines of the diagram are clear. All elements have clearly visible boundaries.

In a properly designed diagram, connections and sequences can be easily distinguished. The inscriptions succinctly reflect the essence of the diagram and all the ongoing processes that you want to describe.

Samples of practice report formatting

Here are samples and templates that will help you prepare your report faster:

How to submit a report on educational practice in one click?

We hope that our examples and samples of student educational practice helped you and made it easier to defend practical work. There is no way to instantly do everything right. But if you turn to student service for help, you will get quick and reliable help from experienced specialists.

An internship report is a student’s work, the purpose of which is to show the members of the evaluation committee what achievements the student managed to acquire during the internship. During their training, future specialists will have to undergo several types of practice, and for each of them they will need to write a report.

What is a practice report

In total, the student must undergo three types of internship during his studies. The first of the practices is student practice. The second is production. And the last one is pre-diploma. One should not think that each of the practices has the same features and characteristics. Each type of practice has its own characteristics. In accordance with this, a report on the practice is written.

You will take the first type of practice in the second or third year of study, depending on the discipline in which you are studying. In this practice, you will be little immersed in the work environment. You are unlikely to be assigned specific tasks. You will most likely get acquainted with the activities of the enterprise and go on excursions. During this period, it is important to make some notes for yourself that you may need to write a report on the practice.

During industrial practice, you will already be immersed in the process of full-time work activity. But at the same time, a curator will help you. This is a mandatory measure that is necessary for the student to fully complete practical training.

During pre-graduate practice, you will accurately perform the work of a specialist in your field. Naturally, a curator will also monitor your activities, but his mission will be focused only on control, and not on the direction of your activities. At this stage, it is important to prove yourself well. There are cases when a student has proven himself so well in the workplace that after graduating from university he was hired at the exact place where he did his internship. This way, you will automatically have a profession and there will be no need to look for a job after receiving your diploma.

If you still doubt that you can write a report on your practice yourself, then you can always contact us, and we will allocate a competent specialist to write a report on any type of practice.

There are several points that are similar for all three types of practice:

  • General objectives related to summarizing the course of study;
  • Obtaining theoretical information, which is presented in writing;
  • Obtaining practical knowledge and describing it in a brief form;
  • A general understanding of the type of activity that the student will be involved in after completing the course;
  • Studying the company's activities from the point of view of a full-fledged employee.

The internship report is an important analytical work that does not simply include a description of the student’s activities at the internship stage. The report should contain clear recommendations for improving the company's performance. This will prove that the student really understood the essence of the problems of the enterprise.

With the help of an internship, a student truly understands what will await him after graduation. Thus, when he starts working, it will not be new to him. It will be easier for him to adapt to the team; he will carry out work assignments independently without outside help. Moreover, with the help of successful internship, he will be able to make a full contribution to the company's activities.

In order for the report to meet the requirements, it is necessary to properly study not only the company’s activities itself, but also study regulatory documents, acts and similar information.

How to write a practice report

The first step in writing a report will be to receive an assignment for practice at your university. Often the task is also called methodological instructions. This is a form in which you need to write a report. The manual will be given to you by the department of your university.

Further, when you have received an assignment for practice, you need to clearly understand that you must attend all practical classes without missing a beat, since they will give you in a brief form exactly the information that you will later include in the report. Any day you miss can cause a huge knowledge gap. Thus, if you attended all the classes and devoted yourself entirely to work, then it will not be difficult for you to write a report on your internship. At least you will understand what you are writing about.

But there are many examples when students do not attend internship for certain reasons. For example, a student works during his studies outside of his specialty, but he needs to undergo an internship formally. Or the student simply does not want to go to practice because he understands that after graduation he will not work in his specialty. But you still need to close the issue of writing a report. And at the same time, he doesn’t want to lose face in front of the teacher and fellow students. It is at such moments that our company will come to the rescue.

Those who still want to write a report on their own should first collect as much information as possible about the company. This may include regulations and documents, as well as specific information relevant to your business.

As soon as you have collected enough material and texture, you need to draw up a work plan to structure the information received and present it in an accessible form. If we talk about the structure of the practice report, then for all three forms the structure will be the same and unchanged. Only the volume and nature of information differs.

What does a practice report consist of?

There are generally accepted standards for the structure of practice reports. Typically, the report consists of:

  • Title page. This is the main page of the report, which contains information about the trainee, supervisor, department, university, as well as about the enterprise and topic of work.
  • Contents of the report. This is a listing of all sections of the report, including appendices.
  • The introductory part, called introduction. This is a short introductory section that describes the general meaning of how to build a practice. This lists the goals and objectives that the author of the work planned to accomplish.
  • The main part of the work. This section is divided into theory and practice. Students especially have a lot of problems at the stage of forming this part of the work. If the theoretical part is still somehow written independently, then the practical part of the practice report is most often ordered.
  • Final part. This is a list of findings from the work. Here the student must give himself an assessment of the work done. It is mandatory to include recommendations in the conclusion.
  • Applications. These are grouped materials that the student refers to in his work. These may be company regulations, other important documentation, legal references and much more.

Types of practice reports

If we are talking about the very first report that you have to write, then there are several features that need to be taken into account. This is a simple type of report in which there is no practical part, since it is assumed that the student will only learn to delve into work activity during the apprenticeship. Moreover, student practice is often carried out in the form of lectures, so it is important to collect as much theoretical information as possible. For the purposes and objectives of the author, the work should not be described directly about labor practice.

If we focus on the report on industrial practice, then the work here should be more serious and structured. The formatting of the report must fully comply with general university standards. But it happens when your particular educational institution puts forward its own requirements for the preparation of this type of report. In this case, you should be guided by these recommendations. It is important to understand that production practice requires independent work student within the enterprise. This will need to be shown in the report.

And the last type of report is pre-graduation practice. The structure of such a report will not differ from previous types of reports. But here you will need to make a note about the diploma project, which will be written immediately after completing the internship. The report on pre-diploma practice can be used to write a diploma. The mention must be made in order to obtain permission to defend the thesis project. If the topic of the report and the diploma do not coincide, then you may not receive admission. The report is accompanied by a diary on pre-graduation practice, a description from the place of work (the enterprise where you completed your internship), as well as an explanatory note.

What is an explanatory note to the report

This is a short form of practice report. It describes point by point what the student did during his working life, as well as what documents regulate his activities.

The teacher usually reads this document first. That is why he should not have any questions about whether you wrote the practice report yourself. Everything should be completely clear to him from this document.

How to write a description for an internship report

The characteristics are a document written by the head of practice addressed to the student. But most often it happens that students write a testimonial for themselves, and the curator simply signs it.

How to write and fill out a diary about your internship

This document is mandatory for all types of practice. This is a table that includes information for each day of internship. This table contains the number and actual time spent at the workplace, as well as a description of the activity by day. It is not difficult to fill out such a diary, but only if the student actually attended classes. If he did not attend work, then when filling out the diary he will have to use his imagination. Usually writing a diary is not difficult since in fact it is just one or two sheets with the history of visiting the place of internship.

How does the defense of a written internship report proceed?

Protecting a practice report is easy for those who actually spent time completing the internship. The acquired skills simply remained in the head, and during the defense they need to be confirmed, justified and described. There's nothing complicated about it. But what about those who, for certain reasons, were unable to complete the internship? In this case, our company is also ready to provide assistance and prepare a project to defend the practice report.

The student must study his report completely so that if questions arise, he can answer them immediately without hesitation. Moreover, you should have a visual representation of where the answer to the question might be located in the body of the report. Structurally, the presentation should be in the form of slides. The first slide will contain the same information as the report title page.

The second slide should contain brief information about the company where the internship was completed. You can immediately set a goal for completing the internship. That is, you describe the company’s activities and equate your work with this activity. That is, you answer the question - Why did I do my internship in this company?

On the third slide you will place brief information from the main part of the work. It is best to break it down into numbered paragraphs so that your listeners can visually see what you want to convey to them.

On the fourth slide you can place conclusions about the work done. You can add more additional slides on the topic of work. Try to navigate the presentation slides as best as possible. For each slide, you should have a clearly calculated time for your presentation, so that a situation does not arise when you have already told a certain block, but the slide is still old or, on the contrary, ahead of your story.

A mandatory element of training is practical training (usually this event is carried out in the 3rd-4th year). Based on the results, students must prepare a review and description of the results. This causes confusion for students who do not know how to write a field trip report if they are not provided with a sample.

How to write a report on your internship

Each student is assigned two supervisors - one from the educational institution, the second from the organization. The report on the student's practical training at the enterprise is checked by both managers, and both put their signature (and the company employee most often also puts a seal). Theoretically, you can contact any of the managers for help and advice. However, the issues they can help with are quite different.

The company's HR department may have a sample for filling out a report on a student's work experience if they regularly accept interns (there is an agreement with the university) - but the requirements change every year, so you should not rely too much on the works of predecessors. Reporting requirements in 2019 may be completely different than they were in 2017 or even 2018. In a small company where the student got a job himself, most likely no one will know how to fill out a report; There is nowhere for such a company to take a sample from. Therefore, it is better to take the current form from the department or from the head of the educational institution. A manager from the organization can help with collecting material in the company, explaining how everything works, what the company structure looks like (all this is needed for the production practice report).

Structure of the industrial practice report

The structure of the practice report is similar to any scientific work(an example of which would be coursework).

Example 1

Indicative plan:

  1. Title page.
  2. Table of contents.
  3. Introduction.
  4. First section - general characteristics organization (field of activity, market position).
  5. The second section is the disclosure of issues related to the individual topic.
  6. The third section contains recommendations for improving the organization of business processes from the perspective of the area of ​​training (technical, legal, economic or other aspect).
  7. Conclusion.
  8. List of sources used.
  9. Applications.

If in others educational work applications are optional (their role depends on the topic), then the sample report from the enterprise certainly includes this item.

Example 2

Examples of applications: constituent documents, financial statements, primary documentation, extracts from orders, management reporting.

To defend, you need to prepare a short report on your internship - the most important thing you learned during your time working in the company.

Introduction of the report

The report should begin with an introductory text, the content of which is regulated by the requirements of the university.

Writing an introduction doesn't require creativity. It is enough for the trainee to formulate the tasks for which he will undergo an internship.

Example 3

In the text of the introduction, you can use constructions like: “The main purpose of undergoing industrial practice is the collection and analysis of data about ... at LLC ....”

Depending on the features professional activity the design may differ from the one above, but the Internet allows you to find a separate example of a report on internship within your specialty.

Example 4

Another example of writing a report suggests that the relevance of the topic of an individual task and the connection with the selected organization are first substantiated: “The average number of employees of Korovushka LLC is more than 100 people, so the issues of accounting for settlements with personnel are relevant.”

Main part of the report

The most time is required to compile the main part; it is this part that reveals the content of the practice report.

The main part is divided into several chapters. Its structure in general view might look like this:

  • Chapter 1.<Наименование главы>
  • Chapter 2.<Наименование главы>
  • 2.1 <Подзаголовок 1>
  • 2.2 <Подзаголовок 2>
  • 2.3 <Подзаголовок 3>
  • Chapter 3.<Наименование главы>
  • 3.1 <Подзаголовок 1>
  • 3.2 <Подзаголовок 2>

You may be required to report according to a different plan. The number of chapters may be fewer, and they should be devoted to specific aspects of the activities of the base company. Most often, students are guided by reports on practical training issued by the department (examples or samples) and repeat their structure in their report.

We will indicate what each chapter should contain. The first part is dedicated general description activities of the organization visited by the student, consideration of its position in the market, external environment (legal norms, economic situation in the field of activity).

The second chapter should cover the organization's operating methods (i.e., how tasks are performed or problems are solved), particularly those that the student has used during his tenure.

The third part is analytical in nature and is devoted to a narrow issue determined by the individual task. This chapter necessarily uses actual illustrations (graphs, tables), calculations, and comparisons. Often in the third chapter it is necessary to formulate proposals for improving any aspect of the enterprise’s activities.

Writing the first chapter of a production practice report

Most often the first section is a brief description of companies. This is how the industrial practice report differs from other student work: example course work, which begins with a consideration of theoretical provisions, is not applicable here. The differences are due to the specifics of the practice as a variety educational activities: the student does not comprehensively study a certain scientific question ( theoretical aspects And practical use), but gets acquainted with the activities of a real company in one aspect or another.

On the first day of practical training, the student is introduced to the workplace, told the history of the company, describes the areas of activity, and the organizational structure. This is the information that can be included in the first chapter. Such a description will be appropriate regardless of the student’s specialty, but it is still better to focus on your area of ​​training and consider in more detail the department to which the student is assigned.

Figure 1. Example of a company's organizational structure for an industrial practice report

Typically, a company's website is helpful for making the first chapter. Basic information can be gleaned from the constituent documents and from conversations with employees.

Writing the second chapter

The second chapter of the report deals with issues related to the topic of practice. The topic can be assigned to a student individually (and subsequently become the topic of a thesis) or be common to a group of students. The internship report should cover this topic.

Example 5

Examples of economic topics:

  • Analysis of the use of authorized capital.
  • Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors.
  • Analysis of income, expenses and financial results.
  • Audit of settlements with buyers and customers.
  • Analysis of the formation of production costs.
  • Methods for estimating production costs.

Example 6

Examples of legal topics:

  • Types of employment contract.
  • Features of legal regulation of women's labor.
  • Legal aspects of employee motivation.

When choosing a topic, it is extremely important to assess whether the practice base will sufficiently cover the topic.

Example 7

If a student is assigned to a store that does not have its own workshops, it is unlikely that he will be able to write something about estimating the costs of production. If the company does not have hired employees (an individual entrepreneur works alone, or in a limited liability company only the founders themselves work), disclosing issues related to employment contracts will also be inappropriate.

Example 8

This chapter may examine the legal basis for organizing processes (current legislation and local regulations), methodology, methods and tools, distribution of responsibilities between employees.

Writing the third chapter

A report on practical training at an enterprise may be limited to two sections, but is often supplemented by a third chapter - recommendations or at least identification of problems and optimization reserves. A report on completing pre-diploma industrial practice can become the basis of a diploma, so the third chapter should be given close attention in order to facilitate your work in the future. Identification of problems should be accompanied by an analysis of performance indicators, illustrating the suboptimality of the current state of affairs.

The internship supervisor can suggest what innovations are planned for implementation at the enterprise - their projects can be used as proposals for improvement.

Conclusion of the industrial practice report

Once the student has described his activities in detail, his final task is to confirm that the goals were successfully achieved.

Example 9

At the end of the report, you can include the following points:

  • Description of achievements and experience gained.
  • Difficulties that had to be overcome.
  • The relevance of your professional activity and its social, scientific or economic importance.
  • Suggestions and comments on organizational issues.
  • General impressions and plans for the future.

The conclusion sums up the entire note on the results of the internship. Here you need to tell how this internship was useful, what you learned during it, what useful things you did for the organization that accepted you.

Preparation of a report on production practice

Correct preparation of a production practice report - necessary condition getting a high rating. The order of execution corresponds to the list of sections of the document:

  • Title page. The sample is provided at the department; the differences from the title page of the course work are insignificant (a different type of work and two supervisors are indicated).
  • The next page is a sheet of contents (table of contents). The design is no different from the design of content in other works: the title of the section and the page on which it begins are indicated.
  • The rules for formatting text also do not differ from the requirements for formatting other types of work. The text is printed on white A4 sheets on one side, in Times New Roman font size 12 or 14, with one and a half (less often single) spacing.
  • The reference list of the production practice report is drawn up in accordance with GOST.

Additionally, a diary is filled out - a report on the practice by day.

Example 10

A sample of filling out this document for an economics student:

  • 02/05/2019 - Getting to know the workplace. Induction training.
  • 02/06/2019 - Study of the structure of the enterprise.
  • 02/08/2019 - Study of accounting policies.

Figure 2. View of the diary as part of the internship report

The diary can be printed in the form of a table with dates and completed tasks, or entered manually into a special notebook. The company assures the completed diary that the trainee actually worked these days and completed the tasks assigned to him within the specified time frame.

At the final stage of preparation, it is useful to use a sample of filling out a report on industrial practice as an example of correct formatting. This is due to the fact that the requirements in universities vary, different departments approach issues differently appearance documents.

Educational practice is one of the forms of student learning initial courses, which is aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and preparing for practical tasks. Typically, such practice is approved in advance by the university and takes place in accordance with a specific curriculum.

The educational practice of any student, regardless of the type of activity, should end with writing a report. This is, in a way, the result of the acquired skills and knowledge.

The ease and advantage of educational practice lies in the fact that most often these classes take place in a group. Usually, during practice, a group of students is taken on an excursion to an enterprise, where they learn in detail its structure, analyze its activities, gain useful information for themselves, become familiar with the rules of work, and realize what they will have to face after graduating from university.

Already at the initial stages of internship, many students have a question about how to write a report on internship. To do this, first of all, you need to collect the following information as you complete your internship:

  • Information about the organization where the internship is carried out and its structure;
  • Information about the work of the department in which the classes took place;
  • Information about the responsibilities of people working in this department;
  • Documents contained at the enterprise, all kinds of archives and extracts.

In addition, the report on educational practice should be supplemented by the so-called practice diary.

An internship diary is a document that contains detailed information about what the student did every day of the internship. It indicates the date and type of work performed.

A very good step would be to ask the head of the educational practice for an example of a report, as well as certain requirements for it. The fact is that very often in many universities the requirements for registration differ from generally accepted requirements, especially recently.

How to submit a report on educational practice

Perhaps the most the hard part writing a report means preparing it in accordance with all rules and standards. The sequence of writing a correct report is as follows:

  1. Design of the title page in accordance with the requirements of the university;
  2. The content is an integral part of the report;
  3. On the third sheet you should write the individual assignment that was given to each student, as well as the name and initials of the teacher or supervisor (depending on the title of the supervisor’s position). You can also note the date of issue of the individual assignment;
  4. After this, you need to proceed directly to writing the report itself. The first point is introduction. It includes the goals and objectives set by the university. It is necessary to reflect the real state of things as realistically as possible: what can be studied and mastered during the internship;
  5. The next stage is the main part of the report. The first step is to compile a description of the enterprise where the internship took place. In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate whether the company provided all the necessary information and to what extent it completed its work in relation to students;
  6. In the first half of the main part, you need to reflect the overall operation of the enterprise in accordance with reality. The second part is difficult in that the student will have to work hard with various graphs, analytical tables, and also draw his own conclusions;
  7. The last stage is writing a conclusion. In conclusion, you need to focus on the tasks set initially. You can describe what skills you acquired, what difficulties you encountered, what conclusions you drew for yourself, and also describe the experience gained.

To make it more clear what to include in the introduction and conclusion, you should study the very definitions of these concepts.

Introduction is the part of the work that helps highlight general idea about the report. It contains up-to-date information and also briefly covers all the work material that was collected and analyzed by the student.

The conclusion is part of the report in which the student independently analyzes the degree of mastery of the material and the fulfillment of all the requirements that were initially presented to him. It’s worth focusing on successful moments, but you shouldn’t lose sight of those skills that you never managed to master.

Special requirements when preparing a report on educational practice

Each higher education institution usually puts forward its own reporting requirements, whatever they may be. But there is a list of generally accepted standards that every student must use:

  • The title page must contain the name of the educational institution, city, surname and initials of the student and teacher or curator, as well as the specialty and year in which the internship was completed;
  • The standard volume of a training report should not be shorter than 30 sheets and longer than 40 sheets;
  • The printed version of the report is typed in Times New Roman font, 14-1 point;
  • Line spacing should always be one and a half;
  • The right margin should be 15 mm, the left - 30 mm. Upper and lower margins – 20 mm each;
  • Each heading and subheading, as well as section, is typed from a new page. They should be numbered in the upper right corner. Numbering is continuous;
  • Section headings should be positioned top center. They are written in capital letters. Under no circumstances should words be hyphenated or punctuated at the end of headings. Before you start writing the section itself, you need to indent three lines from the heading;
  • If the text contains a table or figure, then it must have its own title and serial number. They should be numbered in accordance with the order of appearance in the text;
  • If the report contains footnotes, they are indicated either in square brackets or at the bottom of the page, under the line;

The last stage of preparing a training report is compiling a list of used literature and sources. The order in which they are listed is as follows:

  1. Documents used when writing the report;
  2. Books, magazines and other literature;
  3. Links to sites used.

Sources should be listed in alphabetical order. The only note: in accordance with generally accepted rules, Russian sources are listed first, followed by foreign ones.

The title of each textbook in the literature used must also be formatted in a certain way. For example: Strepetov O.V. Modern management. -M: EKSMO, 1995. – 184 p. That is, the information is indicated in this order:

  1. Surname and initials;
  2. Title of the textbook or manual;
  3. City of publication;
  4. Publishing house;
  5. The year of publishing;
  6. The page from which the information is taken.

It happens that there are two identical surnames. In this case, you need to look at the letter of the first initial.

It should be remembered that the rules for formatting literature can be adjusted by a higher education institution, so you must have a sample available.

Additional appendices to the report on educational practice

In addition to the report itself, you need to write a few more documents that are required when submitting the report:

  • Practice diary;
  • Explanatory note;
  • Characteristic.

Each of these points should be discussed in more detail.

Diary of educational practice

It is worth noting that the practice diary is a unique document. It is not required for any work other than all kinds of reports. This application must be no less than two pages and no more than four.

The essence of keeping a diary is a detailed daily schedule of your actions during the internship. The fact that the diary form is issued by the educational institution immediately makes the work much easier; you just need to fill it out.

It happens that a student does not attend practice every day. This can happen either due to special circumstances or by agreement with the curator. In this case, you still need to fill out certain dates in the diary, relying on your imagination and imagination.

The diary should indicate the date of completion of a certain action and the result of the execution. Don’t forget to write out your work in full.

In addition, the practice diary should contain information regarding the following types of work:

  • Listening to all kinds of briefings and lectures;
  • Visiting excursions;
  • Participation in social activities and assistance to the trade union;
  • Studying enterprise documents.

Your diary entries should be brief, clear and to the point.

Explanatory note to the report on educational practice

The explanatory note is the first thing the inspector will pay attention to. The explanatory note is written independently. It contains information about what you did in practice, what skills you acquired and what knowledge you gained from it.

In short, an explanatory note is a summary of the completed practice. You should not write it in more than one sheet.

The note should indicate all your actions. It should be written in the same style as the report itself.

Be sure to write the note in such a way that the inspector will definitely have the feeling that you yourself completed the internship and compiled a report on the completion yourself.

Characteristics from the place of practical training

The characteristic is perhaps the only section of the report on educational practice that is written not by the student, but by the supervisor of the practice.

In the testimonial, the teacher notes the trainee’s level of performance from his point of view. It can also describe the practical skills that the student has received, his professional quality character, as well as virtues that may be useful in the future. Special information that is important from the point of view of the curator is also indicated.

Try to interact with your supervisor as much as possible during your internship. This will provide you with a good characteristic, which the inspector will definitely pay attention to.

These documents must be attached to the training practice report. They are required to be submitted along with the report in any educational institution in the country.

Example of a training practice report

Attached to the article are several competent, correct reports on educational practice, which you can refer to when compiling your own report.

You can take a practice report, an example of which is most suitable for your topic, as a basis and fill it out according to the rules and standards of your educational institution.

Thus, writing a report on educational practice must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. There are many requirements for the student, and if you fulfill them, you can pass the work without any problems, but you need to be very careful: it is very easy to lose sight of any small flaw.