Is there evidence of parallel worlds? Do parallel universes exist? Ten facts for. People have thought about multiple universes since time immemorial.

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Do you know how it happens? You come to the beach: the water is cold. You don't know whether to swim or not. A beautiful girl is standing nearby. She also doubts. Sees you. And you know: if you ask her name, you will leave with her and forget everything. Even who he came with. You just have to ask. But you just remember it later. Once a day or a week. This momentary memory does not leave my head. Memories of another life that did not come true...

The existence of your alternative life from the point of view of physics

To prove the theory of alternative realities, let's take a moment to dive into history: in 1915, two stunning ideas turned the scientific world upside down - Einstein's theory of relativity and the birth of quantum mechanics, which radically changed our understanding of the Universe. But nevertheless, it did not answer all the questions.

Having realized the gaps in these theories regarding the issues big bang and its consequences, for decades now the brightest minds in the world have been searching for a more universal theory of everything. And finally, string theory comes out from behind the scenes and answers most of the inconsistencies in the research.

Its idea is that everything that exists in this Universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings of energy (which are located inside the atoms of molecules), with each string vibrating in its own way, giving rise to its own types of particles. It's like notes on a guitar string. Simply put, the Universe is an endless symphony of this orchestra. Absolutely everything that surrounds us is music from these tiny strings.

It turned out that string theory is not one theory, but a collection of many, a very large number of theories. Each of them describes its own Universe with its own laws of physics. It seemed like a failure...

Or the greatest triumph? Because the idea came to the fore that - attention - our Universe is not alone. And there are many of them. There is a certain greatest Multiverse. With such a hypothesis, suddenly everything fell into place: each Universe has its own laws of physics, and therefore it is impossible to come to uniform indicators.

Many scientists were dissatisfied with the theory of the Multiverse, because, firstly, the calculations are not the same for everything and everyone, which was never the case in physics in the first place, and secondly, because they are simply impossible to verify! It seems to many that this version can only become a reality in the next “Interstellar” by Christopher Nolan, where the heroes will find some kind of funnel into the neighboring Universe.

But according to most forecasts, there is a possibility that within a dozen years we will look at our current doubts in the same way as those who once believed that the Sun revolves around the Earth. And if you take a look at the brilliant scientist of our time, Brian Greene, perhaps you will dispel your doubts right now.

If this incredible theory is correct, then the incredible consequence follows from it: inside this Multiverse there may be other copies of ours. solar system, copies of the Earth and, therefore, copies of all of us. And if that's the case, then that's it possible options development of our lives.

In some other Universe, your copy may live exactly the same, but in another, everything may be different. At infinity, your copy can endlessly make other decisions.

This means that in some Universe, Viktor Tsoi is still alive. And Hitler became the founder of postmodernism in painting. Or somewhere there is an Earth where it has already happened nuclear war. Or where dinosaurs didn't go extinct! And evolution took a different path.

From a mathematical point of view

Let's consider our topic from a philosophical point of view using the example of the film "Mr. Nobody" (if you have always been tormented by the topic of life choices, your alternative life, or you are now at a crossroads, we strongly recommend this film to you) together with the philosopher, the author of the channel "Hidden meaning". There is no longer any talk about Multiverses, the laws of physics, or Christopher Nolan. We are talking about a hero who can see his other lives depending on the choices he makes. And this is what he says, already an old man:

“In the life of each of us, a hundred choices happen every day, and there are no good or bad ones. It’s just that each choice creates a different life, a different unique world. But every life deserves to be lived, every path deserves to be walked. Because each of our other lives is correct. They all have the same meaning. Everything in the world could be different, but have the same meaning.”


Let's decipher: no one will argue that any thing in our world has meaning. And this meaning does not change over time, because one of the main principles of thinking says: “If there is one thing, then there is also something opposite.” Accordingly, if something changes, it means something doesn’t change (stop, don’t explode your brain yet, read the next paragraph).

For example, a person is constantly changing: the cells of our body are renewed hundreds of thousands of times throughout our lives, but we still remain the same person, and do not become someone else. This means that despite the complete change in our body, something in us remains unchanged. This “something” in philosophy is called essence, or meaning. That is, things change, but their meanings do not change. Example: a car is on fire - but the “meaning” of this car is not on fire. Moreover, if a person dies or is not even born, his “meaning” will not disappear, because birth and death are that same unchangeable thing that does not depend on the emergence or destruction of the thing to which it relates. Therefore, any change in a thing is already inherent in its meaning. And any possible actions that a person commits, and all possible options for his life are also already presupposed by his meaning.

That is, you already exist in all possible variants. However, philosophy is philosophy, but still the choice is different. And it is “Mr. Nobody” that shows us that, given the equivalence of an infinite number of choices, the best choice still turns out to be the one based on freedom, and not on external factors.

This means that there are many alternative lives of ours. How to live with this?

What does everything you read mean specifically to you?

This means that your infinite copies in the infinite Universe make an infinite number of different choices in the same fate. And your goal is to make your copy as happy as possible. Keep the rest for yourself in alternative lives.

Do you know what it should be like in the end? You come to the beach: the water is cold. You don't know whether to swim or not. A beautiful girl is standing nearby. She also doubts. Sees you. You ask her name and leave with her, forgetting everything. Even who he came with. And you understand that this is exactly the life that has come true.

British scientists from Oxford have proven the existence of parallel worlds. The head of the scientific team, Hugh Everett, explained this phenomenon in detail, MIGnews writes on Friday.

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity was a consequence of the creation of the parallel worlds hypothesis, which ideally explains the nature of quantum mechanics. She explains the existence of parallel worlds even using the example of a broken mug. There are a huge variety of outcomes of this event: the mug will fall on a person’s foot and will not break as a result, the person will be able to catch the mug as it falls. The number of outcomes, as scientists previously stated, is unlimited. The theory had no basis in fact, so it was quickly forgotten. During Everett's mathematical experiment, it was established that, being inside an atom, one cannot say that it really exists. To establish its dimensions, you need to take an “outside” position: measure two places at the same time. Thus, scientists have established the possibility of the existence of a huge number of parallel worlds.

Parallel world: Will a person be able to live in another dimension?

The term “parallel world” has been familiar for a long time. People have been thinking about its existence since the beginning of life on Earth. Belief in other dimensions appeared with man and was passed down from generation to generation in the form of myths, legends and tales. But what are we modern people, do we know about parallel realities? Do they really exist? What is the opinion of scientists on this matter? And what awaits a person if he ends up in another dimension?

Opinion of official science

Physicists have long been saying that everything on Earth exists in a certain space and time. Humanity lives in three dimensions. Everything in it can be measured in height, length and width, therefore within these frameworks the understanding of the universe in our consciousness is concentrated. But official, academic science recognizes that there may be other planes that are hidden from our eyes. In modern science there is a term “string theory”. It is difficult to understand, but is based on the fact that in the Universe there is not one, but several spaces. They are invisible to people because they exist in a compressed form. There can be from 6 to 26 such measurements (according to scientists).

In 1931, the American Charles Fort introduced a new concept of “teleportation places”. It is through these areas of space that one can get to one of the parallel worlds. It is from there that poltergeists, ghosts, UFOs and other supernatural entities come to people. But since these “doors” open in both directions - into our world and one of the parallel realities - then it is possible that people can disappear into one of these dimensions.

New theories about parallel worlds

The official theory of a parallel world appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century. It was invented by mathematician and physicist Hugh Everett. This idea is based on the laws of quantum mechanics and probability theory. The scientist said that the number of possible outcomes of any event is equal to the number of parallel worlds. There can be an infinite number of similar options. Everett's theory was criticized and discussed among scientific luminaries for many years. However, recently, professors from Oxford University were able to logically confirm the existence of realities parallel to our plane. Their discovery is based on the same quantum physics.

Researchers have proven that the atom is the basis of everything, like construction material of any substance, can occupy different positions, that is, appear in several places simultaneously. Like elementary particles, everything can reside at several points in space, that is, in two or more worlds.

Real examples of people moving into a parallel plane

In the middle of the 19th century in Connecticut, two officials, Judge Wei and Colonel McArdle, were caught in the rain and a thunderstorm and decided to hide from them in a small wooden hut in the forest. When they entered there, the sounds of thunder ceased to be heard, and all around the travelers there was deafening silence and pitch darkness. They groped for a wrought-iron door in the darkness and looked into another room full of a faint greenish glow. The judge walked in and instantly disappeared, and McArdle slammed the heavy door, fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Later, the colonel was found in the middle of the road far from the location of the mysterious building. Then he came to his senses, told this story, but until the end of his days he was considered crazy.

In 1974, in Washington, one of the employees of the administrative building, Mr. Martin, went outside after work and saw his old car not where he left it in the morning, but on the opposite side of the street. He walked up to it, opened it and wanted to go home. But the key suddenly did not fit into the ignition. In a panic, the man returned to the building and wanted to call the police. But inside, everything was different: the walls were a different color, the telephone was gone from the lobby, and there was no office on his floor where Mr. Martin worked. Then the man ran outside and saw his car where he had parked it in the morning. Everything returned to its usual places, so the employee did not report the strange incident that happened to him to the police, and only spoke about it many years later. Probably on a short time The American found himself in parallel space.

In an ancient castle near Comcrieff in Scotland, two women disappeared one day, unknown to where. The owner of the building, named McDogli, said that strange things happen in it and there are old occult books. In search of something mysterious, two elderly ladies secretly climbed into a house that the owner had abandoned after an ancient portrait fell on him one night. The women entered the space in the wall that appeared after the painting fell and disappeared. Rescuers were unable to find them or any trace of the tartans. There is a possibility that they opened a portal to another world, entered it and did not return.

Will people be able to live in another dimension?

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to live in one of the parallel worlds. Although there are many cases of people crossing into other dimensions, none of those who returned after a long stay in another reality completed their journey successfully. Some went crazy, others died, others unexpectedly grew old.

The fate of those who crossed through the portal and ended up in another dimension forever remained unknown. Psychics constantly say that they come into contact with creatures from other worlds. Supporters of the idea of ​​anomalous phenomena say that all the missing people are in those planes that exist parallel to ours. Maybe everything will become clearer if there is a person who can get into one of them and return back, or if the missing suddenly begin to appear in our world and describe exactly how they lived in a parallel dimension.

Thus, parallel worlds may be another reality that has remained virtually unexplored over all the millennia of human existence. Theories about them so far remain only guesses, ideas, conjectures, which modern scientists have only explained a little. It is likely that the universe has many worlds, but do people need to know about them and get into them, or is it enough for us to simply exist peacefully in our own space?

THE UNEXPLAINABLE: In the world of the invisible - Parallel worlds

Review compiled by Nikolay Altov

(The material does not pretend to be theoretical generalizations)

Exists physical world, parallel to the earth's

This world is very similar to our earthly world. And not only similar. Most likely it is also terrestrial, but the Earth in it is also parallel to our Earth. And people, animals, and plants there are similar to our earthly ones. They live and exist really parallel to us and appear quite often in our world. And they not only appear, but sometimes remain in our world. And people and objects of our world sometimes end up in this parallel world, and sometimes they also remain there forever.

The surface of the parallel Earth almost coincides with the surface of our Earth. It also has seas and continents, and ships also ply the expanses of parallel seas. A number of evidence about the appearance of these ships in our world is given by N.N. Nepomnyashchiy in his book “Encyclopedia of Anomalous Phenomena of the World”, 2007 edition, in the article “Airships”.
"There is an ancient Irish legend. One Sunday, when local parishioners were gathered for mass in Clare, an anchor with a rope tied to it fell straight from the sky and caught on the arch above the doors to the church. As people poured out into the street to find out what was happening, Then they saw with horror: an airship with a crew on deck hovered over the church. One of the crew members jumped overboard and, as if being in the water, swam through the air to the anchor to free him. People wanted to grab the sailor, but the priest forbade them to do so. Seeing a hostile crowd, the sailor “surfaced”, climbed onto the ship, the people on board cut the rope, and the ship began to rise upward until it was out of sight.

There is one intriguing point in this legend: the anchor remained in the church and, as proof of what happened, is there to this day."
Now imagine this story from the perspective of a sailor from a parallel world who descended in the water to the bottom of his pond to free a snagged anchor. At the bottom he sees living people and a functioning church. Evil faces and threatening shouts. If in their world people know as little about parallel worlds as we do, you can imagine the sailor’s surprise.

Let us remember the legend about the sunken city of Kitezh. Until now, sometimes the lights of religious processions can be seen through the water and the ringing of bells can be heard. Isn't this the same situation? The city of Kitezh has gone into a parallel world and continues to exist there? What if you lowered a diver with a telephone connection there, when the lights are visible, when two parallel worlds came into physical contact? Maybe the parishioners there won’t take him for the devil and tear him to pieces? Maybe you can establish a connection with a parallel world by phone?

In the same place N.N. Nepomnyashchy gives another interesting case. An RAF fighter pilot says: "This story took place in June 1942. Our squadron was based at Derna, on the Libyan coast, and we were patrolling the Levant Sea...

On this day, my partner Finney Clarke’s engine malfunctioned; the technicians were unable to repair it immediately and sent me alone on a free search. The sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. And suddenly I saw such a thing that I had to wipe the lenses of my safety glasses: to my left, half a mile from me, a sailing ship was sailing, small, elegant, completely different from the rough ships of the aborigines. It had a large square sail on it, and on the sides there were oars churning the water! I had never seen anything like it, and in order to see the ship, I approached it without descending. Several shaggy and bearded men in long white robes stood on the deck. They looked in my direction and shook their raised fists. On the bow of the ship, on either side of the stem, were painted two huge human eyes.

The engine suddenly stalled, and I put the Hurricane into gliding mode, hoping to reach the shore. But then the engine roared again. I banked, gained altitude and again found myself above the strange ship. Now the oars were motionless, and there were more people on deck - everyone was staring at me. I decided to make them raise the flag. He turned around, caught the ship in the crosshairs, turned it slightly to the side and pressed the machine gun trigger. Smoky trails stretched forward, bullets foamed a strip of water along the ship's course. No reaction other than waving his arms...

The pilot decided to attack the ship, whose crew was clearly hostile. However, this time the weapon failed, and the strange ship suddenly disappeared. And a week later his partner F. Clark died. He managed to report to the base that an enemy sailing ship was attacking. Then the connection was lost."
Did F. Clark die? The ship from a parallel world marked a physical hole from our world to this parallel world. Trying to approach the ship, the plane could slip through this hole and remain in a parallel world. The hole closed and radio communication was cut off. And the parallel world took the pilot and the plane from our world, just as our world took the anchor from it in the case described above. By the way, it would be nice to study the physicochemical properties of this anchor. Maybe we would have evidence that the anchor was not made in our world.

A huge number of other cases that can be considered a contact of two worlds are cited by Nikolai Nepomnyashchiy and other researchers of anomalous phenomena in their books, and Charles Fort is the first researcher in history to devote an entire book to these contacts: “Fragments of Interplanetary Catastrophes. The Book of the Damned.” He draws our attention to the fact that animals and objects enter our world at a very low speed, clearly not from the cloudy heights. Fish, snakes, shrimp remain alive, snow and ice blocks sometimes do not break. One day snowballs fell of such a size that from a distance they resembled a flock of white sheep in a field. Try dropping a snowball, even the size of a head, not a ram, at least from the second floor of the house. Will he remain intact?

About Robert Monroe's travels into a parallel physical world

The authors of some books call all sorts of worlds that are not our world parallel, incl. astral and mental worlds. But we will call parallel to our physical earthly world only other also physical worlds of the planet Earth, consisting of exactly the same physical matter, just as two parallel rails of the same railway track are made of the same matter. Also, we will not call the physical worlds of other planets worlds parallel to ours. These are simply other worlds, physical worlds of other planets. That's what we'll call them.
We will now talk not about the astral travels of the famous astral traveler R. Monroe to the astral world, but about his unique travels to the physical world he accidentally discovered, similar to our earthly one, but not ours. There are reasons to consider this world parallel to ours, but they are not enough to state this unambiguously. R. Monroe astrally teleports to this world and cannot say anything definite about its spatial position relative to the Earth. But the people there are similar to us in the structure of both the physical body and soul, their society is structured almost the same as ours, nature, weather, technology, etc. are similar.

Against the background of all these similarities, the differences do not look so significant, but they are there, and allow us to unequivocally state that this world is not ours. So, if you find yourself in someone else’s apartment, you will find a certain similarity with your own apartment, but, undoubtedly, you will also find evidence that this apartment is not yours after all.

R. Monroe describes his travels to this world in the book “Journeys Out of the Body.” Chapter 6, "Mirror Image". Once, after entering the astral plane, R. Monroe found himself near some astral wall with a hole: “... it was a hole in some wall about two feet thick (it continued endlessly in all directions in the vertical plane) ... The outline of the hole exactly coincided with the shape of my physical body... I carefully entered the hole."
R. Monroe did not immediately get used to the new world, he was not immediately able to see there with astral eyes, and he did not immediately develop astral flights there. But soon everything worked out, and he even met there a person close in vibrations, into whose body he at times moved in and lived in the new world in a physical body, as a full-fledged person of this world. When R. Monroe infiltrated a man from that world, he involuntarily completely took control of his physical body and this man found himself in situations typical of multiple personalities.

Unfortunately, we cannot here describe all the most interesting details of R. Monroe’s life in this parallel physical world; read them in his book, but we will give a brief generalized description of this world by Robert Monroe himself. Overall, this world “…is a physical, material world very similar to our own. Natural conditions it is exactly the same: there are trees, buildings, cities, people, man-made objects and all the other accessories of a developed, civilized society. There are houses, families, businesses, and the inhabitants of that world also have to earn their living. There are roads and transport, including rail.

Everything is exactly the same, except for the “trifles”... this place cannot relate to either the present or the past of our world. The most important difference comes down to the level scientific development. I did not notice any electrical devices... I did not see any signs of internal combustion engines, gasoline or oil as a source of energy, but mechanical energy is known there.
A careful examination of one of the locomotives, pulling a train of old-fashioned-looking passenger cars, showed that it was equipped with a steam engine. The carriages... were made of wood, and the locomotive itself was made of metal, but appearance it was very different from our outdated models... Neither wood nor coal were used as a heat source to produce steam...”, but some kind of removable, periodically replaced huge hot tanks, which the technical staff handled very carefully.
"The streets and roads of this country also differ from ours - mainly in width. Transport moves along lanes that are almost twice as wide as ours - their cars are much larger than ours ... the interior is about fifteen by twenty feet in area. Cars move on wheels, but they deprived of inflating tires... Cars move... at a speed of about fifteen to twenty miles per hour...

Customs and traditions are also different from ours.

...the inhabitants here were not aware of my presence until I accidentally and unintentionally met one person whom I can only describe as “myself living there” - and “merged” with him. Only one explanation comes to mind: having fully realized myself living and acting “there,” I found myself connected with a person very similar to myself “from there” and began to inhabit his body from time to time...

Having moved into him, I did not feel any mental presence of that person. All knowledge about him and his life I received from his family and gleaned from what, apparently, was the memory bank of his brain ... One can only guess what difficult situations he found himself in due to short periods of memory loss after my intrusions ... "

Was it not from this world that a sea vessel left its anchor in our world? And isn’t that where our plane flew? Is it not from this world that hundreds of tons of live fish and all other living creatures fall into our world with rain almost every year? And softly, without collapsing, huge snowballs fall onto the fields, reminiscent from a distance of a flock of white sheep? And is it not from this parallel physical world that sometimes the ringing of the bells of the holy city of Kitezh reaches us, which, in the not very distant past, was the city of our physical earthly world?

There is a parallel world of green children

As in the case of the parallel world of Robert Monroe, there is no direct evidence that the world of the green children belongs to the system of parallel worlds of the Earth. We can consider here as indirect evidence the complete compatibility of green children with the people of the Earth and the possibility of the transition of people in a physical body from the world of green children to our earthly world without the use of any vehicles.
We give a description of the world of green children based on the book by Nikolai Nepomnyashchiy “Encyclopedia of Anomalous Phenomena of the World”, 2007 edition, article “Green Children of Vulpit”.

“In the middle of the 12th century, in the English village of Woolpit, a boy and a girl suddenly appeared before the eyes of the peasants who were harvesting the harvest. However, these children were not like all the others: their skin, their hair and clothes... everything was green...”. The children were taken to the owner of the village, Sir Richard Kane.

“The green children spoke a language that no one understood, but managed to show by signs that they were hungry. Sir Richard Kane and his servants were kind to them and generously offered a variety of food and drinks. But the children refused everything, despite obvious signs of hunger ". Only when they were offered green bean pods did the children “...realize that they could eat it, but they couldn’t take the grains out of the pods until one of the villagers showed them how to do it. And then they greedily attacked this food.” .
Over time, "...the children gradually became accustomed to the human diet and their skin practically lost its green color. They were baptized, but the boy died within a few months. His sister, however, adapted perfectly to ordinary food ... and completely lost her green color. Some for a time she worked in the village, and Abbot Ralph describes her as a “cheeky and capricious” girl... she managed to get married and live happily for the rest of her life...

The children were frightened, stunned and crying when they appeared in the harvest field; they held each other's hands, as if indicating mutual support; when the reapers addressed them in their own dialect, they were not understood, but after a few months the children spoke perfectly in a new language for them...

According to William and Ralph, the children explained to everyone that they had come from a Christian country called the Land of St. Martin... The children said that they were tending their father's sheep in the Land of St. Martin when they heard a strange sound and saw an alluring dazzling light... The only thing the children remember further - how they found themselves in a field near Woolpit, completely amazed and frightened by the bright summer sun of eastern England. They explained to the villagers that in the Land of St. Martin there is never more light than in England at morning or evening twilight..."
Over time, the children added various details to their story. "...The children said that they passed through some kind of tunnel, at the end of which they saw a sparkling light. Having come out to this light, they were very stunned and confused by the commotion that their appearance caused among the peasants, and could not find the way to the tunnel Subsequently, they added another message about the Land of St. Martin: it can be seen at a great distance, like a luminous country on the other side of a large lake or river...

So, we have before us a number of facts that, although they look quite strange, must still be interpreted somehow. Let us imagine that in the middle of the twelfth century, in a field near the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, peasants encounter strange-looking children. They don't speak English. They don't know the usual local food. They claim to have passed through some kind of cave or tunnel from a strange place where there is less light than the fields of East Anglia. The boy soon dies, but the girl survives, loses her strange color, grows up, gets married and fits completely into the environment around her."
Among other hypotheses, which, in our opinion, do not deserve attention, put forward to explain the appearance of green children, N. Nepomniachtchi cites the following: “They came from some other world, from another dimension, from a parallel universe or from a distant planet.”

Unfortunately, the green children said nothing about the color of their father or the other adults in their world. Perhaps in their world only small children have the green color and as they grow older they lose this color. This assumption is consistent with the fact that they lost it in our world with age, and also with the fact that they did not express surprise at the non-green color of the people of our world. Of course, the chroniclers simply might not have recorded the latter.
The home world of the green children clearly differs from our world and from the parallel world of Robert Monroe in the twilight of its maximum illumination, the green color of the children, and a different type of food. Thus, we can assume that the Earth has at least two different parallel physical worlds and talk about the existence of a system of parallel physical worlds of the Earth, in which our physical world most likely does not occupy any special position.

Guests from parallel worlds come to us

We have already considered two such guests. These are the unique green children of Woolpit. There is reason to consider many other mysterious creatures that occasionally appear in our world as such guests. The first candidate for such a creature is the so-called. "Bigfoot", which for hundreds of years has been discovered in single copies in different places of our world.

Biologists argue that a population of unique creatures must be large enough to exist for hundreds of years and not become extinct. But a large population of such large creatures as Bigfoot cannot exist secretly on our Earth for any long time. For this reason, scientists are trying to disown the existing evidence of the existence of Bigfoot, believing that such an existence is absolutely impossible in our time.

We can agree with scientists that there really is not a large enough population of Bigfoot people on our Earth, but none of our knowledge prohibits the existence of such a large population in one of the parallel worlds of the Earth. There is a huge, staggeringly huge amount of evidence that our earthly world is not completely isolated from parallel worlds. The parallel worlds of the Earth have many places of contact and interpenetration in space-time, and through these places people, animals and objects penetrate from one parallel world to another.

One of the representatives of Bigfoot is the Australian Yowie, which is reported by Nikolai Nepomnyashchy in the book "Encyclopedia of Anomalous Phenomena of the World", article "Yowie". “Almost none of the modern zoologists recognize its existence... The first documentary mention of this creature appeared in 1835...” One of the many witnesses, Australian surveyor Charles Harper, describes his meeting with Yowie, which took place in 1912:

"Huge ape stood 20 yards from the fire, growling, grimacing and pounding its chest with huge paws resembling hands... I think the height of this creature reached 5 feet 8 inches... Its body, legs and arms were covered with long brownish-red hair that swayed from every animal movements. In the dim light of the fire it seemed to me that the fur on the shoulders and back of the animal was black and long; but what especially struck me was that the creature so closely resembled a person and at the same time there were significant differences...

I noticed that the metatarsals (feet) were very short, shorter than in humans, and the phalanges were very long - this proves that the soles of the feet could also grasp objects. The fibula of the leg is much shorter than that of humans. The femur bone is very long and disturbs the proportions of the leg. The body is very large... The shoulders and forearms are long, large and very muscular, they are covered with shorter fur.

The face and head were very small, but incredibly human-like. The eyes are large, dark, piercing, deep-set. In the terrible mouth were two large fangs that protruded above the lower lip even when the jaws were closed. The stomach resembled a bag hanging down to the middle of the thighs - I can’t say whether it was a prolapse or a natural position.

I looked at the creature for several minutes while it stood upright, as if the fire of a fire had paralyzed it."
"...Rex Gilroy, who founded the Yowie Research Center in the late 1970s, reports that he has collected more than 3,000 eyewitness accounts. However, this could not shake the skepticism of Australian scientists who claim that the first and only primate living in Australia is a human ".

Many mysterious events and phenomena of our world can be explained by the interaction of parallel worlds. Studying the patterns of this interaction will give us the opportunity to penetrate parallel worlds, systematically study them and use their riches. Perhaps in some scientific institutions, under the cover of deep secrecy (in our dark civilization they love this), such a study has been going on for a long time. But this will not be able to remain a secret when it comes to the practical development of the lands of parallel worlds. The era of geographical discoveries is coming again!

Space-time worlds have portals of entry and exit

Several thousand years ago, people were given the idea that the whole world was one single flat earth with edges and one single sky above it. It is this idea that is enshrined in the Bible and some people religiously believe in this picture to this day.

Then people learned that there were other planets similar to our Earth, on which life was also possible. The Earth is only one of a huge number of such planets in the Universe, and the Universe itself is one single space-time world, the so-called. space-time continuum. This idea was formed modern science and it is held by the vast majority of people today.
But now it is becoming more and more obvious that even our single space-time Universe is not the only material universe in the world. Parallel to it, other Universes exist with their own stars and planets, with their own space and time. And there are places in the space-time of each Universe where different material Universes connect with each other, and through which people or objects of one Universe can move to another Universe. Such places in modern esotericism are called space-time portals.

Thus, from a flat religious picture of the world, almost all people have already moved to a three-dimensional scientific picture of the world, and some of the people have already begun to move to a multidimensional esoteric picture of the world, for example: “In order to come to the planet, you need to go through a certain space-time portal ". Let's say, if you fly to Jupiter and do not find a portal through which it is possible to get into the time frame of the existence of this planet, then it may seem to you that the planet is uninhabited, devoid of life. Portals allow you to penetrate into those dimensions of the planet where life exists" ( Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn, Messages from the Pleiades, 2006, Chapter 3.

Considering the manifestations of parallel worlds of the Earth in our world, we have already paid attention to the existence of places of contact and interpenetration of different parallel worlds of the Earth, a kind of gate that is located in certain places of two parallel worlds, and which open and close at certain times.
Obviously, such a portal suddenly opened in front of the green children of Wolpit in the form of a tunnel with light at the end, and these children crossed through this tunnel into our world. When they, frightened by our world, wanted to return back to their world - alas! The portal was already closed, the entrance to the tunnel from which they had just emerged had disappeared. And the portal to a parallel world for Robert Monroe’s astral body was a hole in some endless astral wall and was constantly open. The portal through which the anchor of a sea vessel fell from a parallel world onto a church in England did not have clear visible boundaries in space and did not exist for long.

Likewise, the portal that opened for an English pilot patrolling over the Levant Sea in 1942 had no visible boundaries. Here we observe the manifestation of several fairly widespread anomalous phenomena that can be called portal or near-portal. As the plane approached the ship, the engine stalled. The pilot began to glide, trying to reach the shore, but when he flew a sufficiently large distance from the ship, and therefore from the portal, the engine roared again. It can be assumed that the engine stalled when the plane entered the portal space, but when the plane left the portal space, the engine started up again, which confirms its serviceability. Likewise, when the plane approached the ship, the weapon malfunctioned.

This is very similar to how car engines stall when some UFOs approach them, and then start themselves when the UFO moves away. It is possible that such UFOs are nothing more than a manifestation in our world of an opened portal to a parallel world. In this case, the case of UFOs moving in space, the portal manifests its ability to move in space. And the ability to travel through time, which manifests itself in the ability of portals to open and close over time, is already familiar to us.

“...the weapon failed, and the strange ship suddenly disappeared,” says the pilot. Here he reports two separate phenomena: 1) the plane entered the portal space, 2) the portal closed, and he could no longer see the ship belonging to another world. This pilot was lucky - the portal closed right in front of his nose. His partner was unlucky a week later; he managed to slip through an invisible portal and ended up in a parallel world. Interestingly, radio contact with his plane was lost. This means that radio waves, like electromagnetic waves of the optical range - light, do not pass from one parallel world to another when the portals are closed.

Indeed, if the plane did not collapse when passing through the portal, then the pilot had time for new radio communication sessions. Even if the plane’s engine stalled in the portal space, then at a distance from the portal in a parallel world, the engine could start working again. Even if the engine never started working, this plane was adapted for landing on water and, given the excellent weather, could make such a landing without problems. The pilot could then radio his home airfield, fix the engine, and take off again. Perhaps he took off there, in a parallel world... But the portal closed, and he, like the “green children of Woolpit,” could not return back and could not report anything to our world.

There is nothing to suggest that the plane should have been destroyed while passing through the portal. An iron anchor with a rope flew through a similar portal without any traces of destruction, the “green children of Vulpit” passed in their clothes, an entire church in the city of Kitezh left with the land on which it stood, with all the buildings, utensils and people, and which is still functioning today in a parallel world (there is evidence) safe and sound. Finally, let's remember about flying saucers. There is reason to believe that some of them penetrate into our world precisely through such space-time portals. Perhaps individual flying saucers can even create or open such portals themselves when they need it.
Thus, we have reason to assume that portals between parallel material worlds can move only in space, only in time, and simultaneously in space and time. Material formations (people, objects, electromagnetic waves, airplanes, flying saucers, churches with the ground on which they stand) can pass through a portal from one parallel world to another without destruction or damage. All that remains is to learn how to use such portals and we will have the opportunity to safely penetrate into parallel material worlds and back without any spaceships. Of course, we will learn this. A grandiose era of great geographical discoveries on parallel Earths awaits us!

An example of conscious use of a portal of parallel worlds

It happened in the Sicilian city of Taconi in the 18th century. It is recorded in the historical chronicles of the city. “It was here that the respected artisan Alberto Gordoni lived, who on May 3, 1753 was walking through the castle courtyard and suddenly suddenly disappeared out of the blue, “evaporated” in front of the eyes of his wife, Count Zaneni and many other tribesmen. Amazed people dug up everything around, but did not find any depressions where one could fall in. Exactly 22 years later, Gordoni appeared again, appearing in the same place from which he disappeared - in the courtyard of the estate.

Alberto himself claimed that he did not disappear anywhere, so he was placed in a mental hospital, where only 7 years later the doctor, Mario’s father, spoke to him for the first time. Until that time, the artisan retained the feeling that very little time had passed between his “disappearance” and “return.” Then, 29 years ago, Alberto suddenly fell into a tunnel and came out through it to a “white and unclear” light. There were no objects there, only bizarre devices. Alberto saw something that looked like a small canvas, covered in stars and dots, each pulsating in its own way.

There was one oblong creature with long hair who said that he had fallen into a “crack” of time and space and it was very difficult to bring him back. While Alberto was waiting for his return - and he fervently asked to be taken back - the “woman” told him about “holes that open in the dark, about certain white drops and thoughts that move at the speed of light (!), about souls without flesh and body without a soul, about flying cities in which the inhabitants are forever young."

The doctor was sure that the artisan was not lying, and therefore went with him to Tacona. Alberto took a step and... disappeared again, now forever! Holy Father Mario, making the sign of the cross, ordered to fence off this place with a wall, calling it the Devil's Trap" (V. Chernobrov. Encyclopedia of Mysterious Places of the World. Published in 2006, article: "The Devil's Trap").

Obviously, that “crack” of time and space into which Alberto fell is one of the types of portals known to us that connect our world with some other material world parallel to ours. A woman in a parallel world not only knew about the existence of portals between parallel material worlds, but also knew how to use these portals at her own discretion. She sent Alberto back through the same portal to our world.

True, for her this task was not trivial. She told Alberto that "it would be very difficult to get him back." And she succeeded, in our time, only 22 years later. But it worked! Those. she deliberately used the portal of parallel worlds when she needed it. She accomplished something that almost all of our esotericists, not to mention scientists, have not even dreamed of yet. And when did you do it?! Back in the 18th century. And it’s like a canvas, all covered in glowing pulsating stars and dots, very much reminiscent of a modern electronic control panel for some complex device.

Since the Earth has many parallel material worlds, let’s call the world that Alberto ended up in the parallel world of Gordoni. Already in the 18th century, people from the parallel world of Gordoni, although with difficulty, could arbitrarily use portals to visit our world. Obviously, in the 250 years since then, the technology of using portals in this world has not stood still. Most likely, now the people of the Gordoni world are already doing this easily and naturally. And it is unlikely that they do not take advantage of the opportunity to visit our world and solve some of their problems in it.

And we all think that we are alone in the Universe. Rather, we are probably in the position of a child left alone for a short time in his children's room. And ahead of us lies a joyful meeting with wise and loving parents, with other adults, and with other human children, like us. The humanity of Gordoni's world in this scheme can be our older brother, who is not yet allowed to interfere in our lives. Why aren't they allowed? - Yes, maybe we're sleeping. And maybe in literally Those esotericists who talk about the beginning of the awakening of humanity are right.

There are worlds of love and worlds of fear

For an ordinary person, our earthly world is a world of fear. A common person afraid of everything. I could go on and on about what he is constantly afraid of. Diseases, violence, injustice towards him, towards his family members, towards relatives. He is afraid to eat unwashed vegetables and drink tap water, he is afraid of thieves and hooligans who can harm him personally, his family, home, car, and dacha. He is afraid of fires, storms and floods. He is afraid own feelings, afraid to express spontaneous love or hatred. He is afraid to say the wrong thing or not. He is afraid of something always and everywhere. He's afraid, afraid, afraid...

An ordinary earthly person is accustomed to his fear. He considers this order in the world normal. He is constantly concerned about his safety. He puts locks on the doors, washes his hands before eating, washes his clothes, avoids dark streets, observes the rules of decency and the law, hides matches from children, regularly cleans his apartment and clothes from dirt and dust, washes, gets vaccinated...
They say that there are people who are not afraid of anything in our earthly world. If such people exist, then it is obvious unusual people, this is an exception to the rule. And most likely, almost all of them live behind the high fence of a madhouse or a monastery, in conditions specially created for them. And this rare exception only confirms the rule: our earthly world is a world of fear, total fear, all-encompassing fear.

But there is also a world of love. Alas, not on Earth. Probably every person has been in the world of love in a dream, and I, Altov, have been there too. If such a world exists in a dream, then somewhere it exists in reality, in objective reality. And everything there is not the same as on Earth. No, there are many similarities in form: people, objects, water, flowers, houses, forests... All this is there, but nowhere is there any danger to humans, even the slightest. Instead of danger, love is spilled and fragrant everywhere. Whatever you touch, whatever you eat or drink, whatever you say or think, no matter how you are dressed or undressed - everything is appropriate, everything is good, everything arouses joy in you and those around you and lifts your spirits.
And you yourself are filled with love for everything that exists and generously pour it out on everything around you without any effort. People understand you instantly or without words at all and radiate endless love. Like other human needs, sex there is not considered something intimate and shameful; it is as natural and involuntary as breathing. In general, no one limits you in any needs. There are worries there, the lives of people there are also filled with activities, aspirations, feelings, goals. But nothing is done there without love, just as nothing is done on Earth without fear or apprehension.

There is no dirt in this world. There is garbage, there is dust, but they are not infested with microbes dangerous to human health, which infest our earthly dirt. Every speck is clean and sterile, and also filled with grace. I, Altov, walked up to the wide window sill in the room, on which there were several pots of flowers, and between the pots I noticed small debris and dust. With my palm I scooped up this debris and dust from the window sill into another palm, and then several times poured them from one palm to the other, admiring the beauty of the dust particles and specks. I was aware that it was garbage and dust and that it had no place on the windowsill, but it was not what we call dirt on Earth. These specks and specks of dust were completely clean and did not stain; there was no need to wash your hands after them.

Somewhere, in some parallel physical world, there is a wonderful world of love, which is even difficult to describe in earthly words. Why are we so unlucky that we find ourselves in a world of fear?

A good answer to this question is offered by the Pleiadians (Barbara Marciniak. Bringers of the Dawn. 2006 edition. Chapter 3: “Who are your gods”). According to the Pleiadians, our gods are powerful, compared to us, multidimensional beings, very far from perfect, but capable of creating inhabited worlds similar to our earthly world according to their understanding and discretion. These beings evolve like us humans, but at their own level of existence.

Just as the primary food of humans is the varied flesh of plants and animals, the primary food of these multidimensional entities is the varied emotions of humans. Just as there are people who prefer plant foods and people who love meat, among multidimensional beings there are those who prefer the emotions of fear and those who prefer the emotions of love.
Humanity is a kind of vegetable garden of multidimensional beings. Initially, for many millions of years, mainly the emotions of love were grown in this garden. The garden was beautifully maintained and produced abundant harvests. People lived on Earth in love and were themselves a powerful source of love, which they poured out on everything around them and especially on their gods. In terms of their perfection, people then were almost equal to the gods, they were also multidimensional and had 12 DNA helices.

But 300 thousand years ago, this garden, the Earth, was captured by other gods who preferred the emotions of fear. They began to cultivate among people violence and war, lies and deceit, illness and suffering, horrors like Armageddon, national and religious strife, ignorance, and lack of funds to meet the needs of people. They filled the Earth with many special devices that arouse anxiety and fear in people, simplified man by destroying his 10 DNA helices, and instilled in him the idea of ​​his original insignificance and sinfulness. They turned the Earth into the world of fear in which we now live.

But the gods of love intend to reconquer the Earth, restore all 12 DNA helices in humans and again turn our earthly world into a world of love. The struggle is now going on in all dimensions. According to the Pleiadians, the turning point in this struggle will come in 2012. And the role of people in this struggle is not the last; we must clearly express our firm intention to live in a world of love. Even with destroyed DNA, we from birth have great spiritual power, capable of creating reality (they are now trying to use this in the methods of transurfing, etherling, simoron, etc.), but the gods of fear, through violence and deception, forced us to renounce our power and give it to our superiors and to the gods. Remember the words of the main prayer of Christians: “Thy will be done…”. This is renunciation... of oneself, of one’s strength.

And somewhere there is a world of love, in which all people, gods and all nature love and understand you, where you are not infected or maimed, humiliated or limited in your needs, not pitted against other people and nature, not fooled, They don’t threaten you with Armageddon and don’t make lists of sins for you, where...

What do four-dimensional bodies look like in our three-dimensional world?

What is a plane? - This is a set of parallel straight lines. What is volume? is a set of parallel planes. What is four-dimensional volume? - This is a set of parallel three-dimensional volumes, three-dimensional worlds.

What does a stationary three-dimensional cylinder that intersects it look like on a plane? - Like a fixed circle or ellipse. In the three-dimensional world, what does a stationary four-dimensional cylinder that intersects it look like? - Like a stationary ball or ellipsoid.
What will we observe if a four-dimensional ball flies through our three-dimensional world? Let's say a ball crosses our world through your room. You will see how suddenly a small dark ball appears in the air in the middle of the room. Before your eyes, this ball increases in size, for example, to the size of a soccer ball, then its size begins to decrease and it just as suddenly disappears.

What would a four-dimensional person look like in our three-dimensional world? - The question is more complex. Everything will depend on where this person will intersect the volume of our three-dimensional world. If at the level of the legs, then it will be two spherical objects. If at the level of the torso and arms, then it will be a large ellipsoid from the torso and two smaller ones from the arms.
Now imagine this 4D person walking. Then two ellipsoids at foot level will fly in our three-dimensional world, periodically overtaking each other. At the level of the torso and arms - two ellipsoids from the arms will make oscillatory movements near the large ellipsoid from the torso.

Now imagine a walking four-dimensional person, whom our three-dimensional world cuts on the torso at the level of the fingers. A person’s fingers are almost straightened, and the entire palm, with fingers, oscillates up and down with every step, either completely passing through our world or completely leaving it. What will we observe?

When four fingers pierce our world one after another, we see that next to the large ellipsoid from the body, 4 small ellipsoids from the fingers appear one after another. Then we see that these 4 ellipsoids merged into one larger ellipsoid, almost a cylinder with rounded ends - into an ellipsoid from the palm, and another small ellipsoid from the thumb appeared nearby. Then the fifth small ellipsoid merges with the cylinder, and the cylinder itself soon turns into an almost ball, which is formed by the cross section of the hand along the wrist.

What will we observe in the section at neck level? When a person walks, his body rises and falls with each step. We will see the cross-section of the shoulders, then the cross-section of the neck, then the cross-section of the head smoothly turning into each other. The large ellipsoid of the shoulders will smoothly turn into a small ball from the neck, then into a larger ball from the head, then everything in the reverse order.
And according to what laws will the cross-sectional ellipsoids of a four-dimensional person move in our world? Will such an ellipsoid fall in the gravitational field of our globe? - And he won’t think about it. It is obvious. After all, such an ellipsoid is not free, it is part of a four-dimensional person, and will only move with him. To us, three-dimensional people, he only seems free, since we do not see his four-dimensional force connections. What about inertial forces when the direction of motion changes abruptly? - Yes, the same thing. In such cases, we observe the movement of a non-free body in our three-dimensional space and the forces of its inertia add up to the forces of four-dimensional connections.

Now let’s compare our ellipsoid sections with a UFO. UFO researchers are baffled by their ability to change their shape during flight, scatter into several objects or merge into one, not obey the laws of inertia and gravity of our world, appear out of nothing in our world and disappear from it without a trace. But precisely these qualities, as we have seen, are completely natural for a three-dimensional section of moving four-dimensional objects.

Of course, a flying saucer with humanoids, stuffed with all sorts of technology, can hardly be classified as such ellipsoidal sections of four-dimensional bodies, but it can use for its movement some kind of four-dimensional force connections and fields that we are not yet able to detect in the three-dimensional world. Currently, some flying saucers are created by earthly people, and some are created by intelligent beings of other material parallel three-dimensional worlds of our four-dimensional world.

Most likely, man-made flying saucers of three-dimensional worlds differ significantly in their properties from three-dimensional sections of four-dimensional bodies. But I, Altov, was unable to find in the ufological literature a corresponding division of all UFOs into similar groups.
The actual presence of UFOs and their unusual properties for our three-dimensional world, the actual presence of parallel worlds and portals between them, indicate that the world around us is in fact not three-dimensional, but at least four-dimensional, and science has yet to discover many laws of the four-dimensional world . What we call a UFO and what we define as a space-time portal connecting two parallel three-dimensional material worlds with each other obviously exist according to the laws of the four-dimensional world.

The outstanding ufologist V. Azhazha in his book (V.G. Azhazha, V.I. Zabelyshensky. The UFO Phenomenon. Arguments of Ufology. Published in 2007. Part 5. Section “Steps to Knowledge”) writes that “...the three-dimensional ones filling our Space bodies are not only direct objects of this Space, but also three-dimensional sections of multidimensional bodies, which we cannot observe in their full form when we use only the capabilities of our three-dimensional Space."

But it seems that not all three-dimensional bodies should be considered three-dimensional sections of multidimensional bodies. Those three-dimensional bodies that completely obey the laws of our three-dimensional physics and do not show any connection with spaces of higher dimensionality are most likely only three-dimensional bodies of our world and nothing more. Three-dimensional sections of multidimensional bodies do not obey, or do not completely obey, three-dimensional laws. They behave abnormally in our three-dimensional world. And, perhaps, only this obvious three-dimensional anomaly indicates that they have some kind of connection with the world of the fourth dimension.

Of course, this issue will be finally resolved only after science discovers and studies the laws of the four-dimensional world. In the meantime, science, it seems, still does not even suspect, or pretends that it does not suspect, that the material physical world of the fourth dimension exists at all, and that it consists of many parallel material physical three-dimensional worlds similar to our world. True, in modern science there is a public idea of ​​the four-dimensionality of our world, but time, not space, is considered as the fourth dimension in this idea, and therefore it has nothing to do with the topic of our conversation.
As we see, in the four-dimensional picture of the world there is a place for UFOs, and for many parallel material three-dimensional worlds, and for portals between parallel worlds. Moreover, all of them are integral components of such a picture, its attributes. Someday, the rulers of states will give our earthly science the opportunity to openly recognize anomalous phenomena as objective phenomena and begin their serious scientific study; they will allow it and all humanity to enter the four-dimensional expanses of the Universe.

Transition to a parallel world and back in front of witnesses

It happened in Rostov on January 14, 1978 in the narrow corridor of the service passage of the water sports complex "Oktyabrenok" (Priyma A.K. 20th century: a chronicle of the inexplicable. Phenomenon after phenomenon. Published in 1998. The story "The Door to Another World"). Four men walked one after another along “...a purely service corridor with concrete walls without windows. The corridor stretched along the basement of the building next to the wall of the swimming pool.” The traveler to the parallel world was named Mikhail Babkin, age 30, he walked third in this column.
“Suddenly, Mikhail stumbled, although there seemed to be nothing to stumble on. There were no potholes in the smooth concrete floor of the underground corridor. And yet, Babkin’s left foot, as he felt, flew into some kind of pothole, a recess in the floor. Mikhail briefly cried out, and Nikolai Leontiev, walking a step ahead, looked back, surprised.

- Misha screamed, I sharply turned my head back, looking at him, and saw something that I simply couldn’t believe my eyes. Misha, I see, falls to the left. His shoulder digs into the concrete wall and goes into it like a knife through butter. Then his whole body disappears into the wall.

“I was walking along the corridor and absentmindedly staring right at the back of Mikhail’s head when he swayed and he screamed. The next second, Mishka fell to the left and dived with his whole body into the wall, as if into water. He disappeared, dissolving into her. I was stunned! He rushed to the wall and started rummaging along it with his hands. What's happened? Maybe there is some kind of secret door somewhere in this place? I didn't find the door. My hands slid along the monolithic rough concrete surface.

- I hit my left shoulder against something that, judging by the sensation, was a door. The door swung open and I flew into a tiny dark room, barely able to stay on my feet. On the left stood an object that looked like a medical bed. And right in front of me stood the next door, slightly open. There was a narrow window cut into the right wall of the room. In it one could see crowns, treetops, completely covered with thick green foliage. It was a clear sunny day outside the window. The treetops swayed, shaken by the wind. I was completely taken aback. It is now six o'clock in the morning, and here, outside the window, the day is in full swing. In addition, I walked along a corridor that was underground. And from the window in this little room there is a view from at least the fourth floor. Finally, it was January. Well, outside the strange window it was a summer day.
Moving as if in a trance, Mikhail stepped forward and pushed with his palm the door looming in front of him, slightly open. He stepped over its threshold and entered the next, also small room...

And again Babkin saw another door right in front of him.
- ... Acting like an automaton, I walked forward, opened the door and burst into a very strange room, or, if you like, into a certain space.
There was absolute darkness there. And in this inky haze some bright dots sparkled rhythmically...

- ... Suddenly I see, against the background of flickering lights, black humanoid silhouettes appeared in front of me... The heads of all the silhouettes were square! The figures stood in front of me in a chain. There were five of them." Babkin heard the voices of the figures not with his ears, but in his head. They realized that they had taken the wrong person they needed and decided to erase Babkin’s memory.
“Babkin, unknown to him, came out of the state of semi-hypnotic trance in which he had been before the figures appeared. Clarity of thought returned to him... Mikhail rushed away as fast as he could... The doors slammed behind him one after another.

Vitaly Kravchenko:
- Almost an hour has passed since Misha fell into the wall. We searched the entire sports complex... We returned to the “back”, to this underground corridor, and in complete despair began to tap the wall...
Nikolay Leontyev:
“I slowly walked along the concrete wall and pounded on it with my fist, looking for a secret, carefully hidden hole. And suddenly Misha Babkin flew out of the wall, head first, like a traffic jam, shouting “...your mother!” He collapsed on all fours on the floor, almost knocking me off my feet.

Mikhail Babkin:
“I fell out into the corridor, wildly turning my head and shouting something wild and inarticulate. I clearly heard the door behind me slam shut with a loud thud. I looked around - there was no door in the wall!.. The guys said that they had been looking for me... for about an hour. And according to my personal feelings, I stayed in some delusional other world in no case for more than five minutes... It turns out that time there flows at a different speed than here on Earth? "

The question of trust in these three young men, as well as the question of the existence of parallel material worlds, is something everyone decides for themselves. Personally, Altov, I have no reason to doubt the truth of the story. The case for contacts with parallel worlds is typical. Let's take a poltergeist, when, like Babkin, various objects often fly straight out of the wall, water pours, or flames blaze. And in cases where a UFO abducts people, they are often removed from the room directly through the walls, ceiling, closed windows or doors.

"Usually, an abduction occurs at night or in the early hours of the morning. At first, a person thinks that he is dreaming. Then he realizes that he is awake or awake. Then some force takes him out of the bedroom and then through the walls of the house - outside. As a rule, people are surprised that they can penetrate walls or closed windows with such ease, feeling only a slight vibration" (V.G. Azhazha, V.I. Zabelyshensky. The UFO phenomenon. Arguments of ufology. Published 2007. Part 3. Section "Abduction. Peculiarities").

Basic properties of UFOs

All quotes here are from the book by V.G. Azhazh, V.I. Zabelyshensky. UFO phenomenon. Arguments of ufology. 2007 edition.
- UFOs may not fall into the Earth's gravitational field without showing any visible resistance to gravity.
- UFOs can change the direction of movement at enormous speed, even in the opposite direction, without rounding the trajectory, or instantly gain enormous speed, stop instantly, without showing any visible influence of inertial forces on them.

UFOs can appear in our three-dimensional world out of thin air and disappear into nowhere. “...often they do not fly from the sky, do not fly into the sky or even into the distance, beyond the horizon, but simply appear out of nothing and disappear, dissolving in the air” (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. About the genesis of UFOs).

Massive manifestations in our world. According to calculations by V. Azhazhi (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. About the genesis of UFOs) “... the number of landings, flights and sorties” of UFOs reaches “3,000,000 in 20 years,” or, on average, more than 400 per day. "... alien starships circle and circle above our planet like scheduled planes of local airlines."

UFOs can come in many different shapes. “A wide variety of UFO shapes have been noted - 75% of reports are disk, oval, sphere, triangle and star” (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. Observed UFOs. Shape of objects).

The predominant size of a UFO: 6-30 meters. “UFOs usually have dimensions of 6-30 meters. There are known cases of detection of UFOs measuring hundreds or more meters” (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. Some features of UFO detection and identification).

UFOs usually do not emit light or make sounds. “In 80% of cases, no emissions or sounds were observed emanating from the UFO” (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. Observed UFOs. Emissions, emissions and sounds).

UFOs are capable of moving at very high speeds. “The speed of a UFO can exceed the speed of a jet plane by five or more times. At altitudes up to 30 kilometers, the speed of a UFO usually does not exceed 10-20 thousand km/h. At altitudes of 250-300 kilometers, UFO speeds close to 100,000 km/h have been repeatedly recorded. " (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. Some features of UFO detection and identification).

UFOs can change their shape and size during flight, and one UFO can turn into several or several separate UFOs merge into one. "In the simplest case, a large object can split into several smaller objects or change size and shape as a result of docking with one or more objects. In a more complex (to our understanding) version of polymorphism, the shape of the UFO changes without separation or docking. Visually, this process looks like as plastic deformation of a material body" (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. Provocative mimicry of UFOs).

As the UFO approaches the equipment, internal combustion engines begin to malfunction or stall, strong interference or low-frequency modulated signals appear in the operation of radio stations, “complete blocking of the operation of transmitting and receiving equipment, illumination (blinding) of indicator screens of monitors, false or unstable readings of measuring instruments, activation of electronic security or emergency warning systems, failure of weapon control systems" (Part 2. Impact of UFOs on nature and technology. Impact on electronic equipment).

Impact of a UFO on a person: “...loss of the ability to control the musculoskeletal system, local or general increase in body temperature, injury, electric shock, loss of consciousness, fear turning into panic, radiation injury, levitation, abduction” (Part 2. Impact of a UFO on psychophysiology of living organisms. Impact on humans).

All known aliens were on our Earth, in our air and among our microbes without spacesuits, like the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth. "...all these aliens walk around our planet, breathe our air as if nothing had happened. Without any spacesuits. They are all so different, as if different planets, but for some reason everyone breathes our mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Moreover, by our microbes!!!" (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. About the genesis of UFOs).

The aliens "...know perfectly well our calendars, our maps, everything about us, while we know nothing about them!" (Part 1. Characteristics of UFOs. About the genesis of UFOs).
This concludes our review of the main properties of UFOs noticed by various observers. This is not an exhaustive list. UFOs exhibit many unusual properties for our three-dimensional world, which can be classified in different ways.

Let us pay attention to the fact that the vast majority of UFOs do not emit either light or sounds. It is precisely such UFOs that can represent ordinary natural three-dimensional sections of natural multidimensional bodies, and UFOs with aliens are aircraft of inhabitants of three-dimensional worlds, including earthlings, created by them using multidimensional technologies.

What does a three-dimensional world look like in a multidimensional one?

We have already talked about how the three-dimensional world looks in four dimensions - it is a plane, or in a more general case, some two-dimensional surface. From the four-dimensional world, any point of our three-dimensional world is visible and accessible as a certain point on the surface. But in this case, our three-dimensional world appears two-dimensional to creatures from the four-dimensional world.
How does the four-dimensional world appear to the four-dimensional beings themselves? From the above it is obvious - three-dimensional! For fifth-dimensional beings, the four-dimensional world itself is a surface, and our three-dimensional world is already a line. For six-dimensional creatures, their own world is three-dimensional, the five-dimensional world is a surface, the four-dimensional world is a line, and our three-dimensional world already looks like a point that has no dimensions!

For the seven-dimensional world, our three-dimensional world is no longer even a point. This, from a spatial point of view, is nothing! Our science does not have a scientific term for such a phenomenon. Such objects are unknown to our science, not even to mathematics. They have not been scientifically researched at any level. Maybe they can be compared with the modern concept of vacuum? This is an open question. It may be possible, but it needs to be scientifically proven. So far, it seems no one has tried. Therefore, we will leave this question for the scientific future.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that three-dimensionality is not a unique feature of our world. For a being of any dimension, his own world is spatially three-dimensional. The very concept of dimensionality of space turns out to be relative. So for seven-dimensional beings, our three-dimensional world has no space at all.

How can we, three-dimensional beings, imagine the space of a four-dimensional world? We have already talked about this - like a set of parallel three-dimensional spaces. This is easier said than imagined. Each such parallel three-dimensional world has its own spatial laws and its own time. We know this from the experience of people visiting three-dimensional worlds parallel to ours. It seems that our concept of physical space does not apply to worlds with dimensions greater than three. The same should be said about the concept of time.

Therefore, probably, people who have been astrally or mentally in the fourth dimension talk about the absence of space and time there in our usual three-dimensional understanding. At the same time they say that the world and its change is still felt there.

Of course, we can say that it has its own, local, relative three-dimensional space and time of four-dimensional beings. This relative three-dimensional space of four-dimensional beings is similar to our ordinary three-dimensional space. And three-dimensional perception of the surrounding world is possible for creatures of any dimension. But, obviously, direct perceptions of higher dimensions are also available to creatures of any dimension, for example, the world of the fourth dimension.
The direct perception of a four-dimensional world is hardly comparable to the perception of a three-dimensional world. First of all, there is no three-dimensional space, as well as three-dimensional time. There are no familiar three-dimensional space-time images with the help of which three-dimensional perception is accustomed to seeing and describing the world around us. Usually, people who are able to look at the world around them with four-dimensional eyes cannot describe it using three-dimensional images. It just needs to be seen with four-dimensional vision. And this is hardly accessible to every person - for this you need to have a sufficient level of development of consciousness.
An even greater level of development of consciousness must be achieved in order to retain impressions from the four-dimensional perception of the world after the return transition to three-dimensional perception. But there are people who are able to preserve them to some extent. They sometimes even try to make three-dimensional analogies of four-dimensional impressions. Perhaps someday we will consider some such analogies.

For now, we note that our world is, of course, multidimensional and our consciousness can see it in different dimensions depending on the degree of development. The more developed the consciousness, the greater dimensionality it can perceive. Currently, almost all people are able to perceive only the third dimension. Perhaps our “ascended” teachers and gods are capable of perceiving the fourth dimension.

By the way, doesn’t the esoteric “ascension” itself actually mean the emergence in a person of the ability to consciously perceive the four-dimensional world?

Conscious perception of the world can be of different dimensions, regardless of what dimension the world itself has in which this consciousness is aware of itself. If you look for examples of consciousnesses of different dimensions in the world around us, then the following line of dimensions is possible: zero - minerals, first - plants, second - animals, third - humans, fourth - gods and ascended teachers of humanity.

We are not able to perceive the world of creatures with the fourth dimension of consciousness in its entirety, just as animals are not able to perceive and understand the human world in its entirety. But we must be able to fully understand the world of animals, plants and minerals. This seems self-evident, but we have not yet achieved such an understanding. Perhaps the reason we haven’t achieved it is that we don’t yet understand that before us is the consciousness of another dimension, completely different from our third.

What is the specificity of perceiving the second dimension of consciousness, precisely as a dimension? This question is not yet even explicitly addressed to science. Of course, in some aspects this issue was scientifically considered, the specifics of the perception of the world by animals were studied in one way or another, but not in terms of the dimension of consciousness.

In general, at present the term “multidimensionality of consciousness” itself is applied in psychology almost exclusively to various nuances of human consciousness, i.e. to what we define as the consciousness of the third dimension in the series of consciousnesses of minerals, plants, animals, people, gods. Here, based on some characteristics, people are distinguished as having one-dimensional consciousness, two-dimensional consciousness, etc., but this, obviously, is not the aspect of research into the multidimensionality of consciousness that we are considering here.

As a result, we can say that there is multidimensionality

How often do you think about how our world would be structured today if the result of some key historical events was it different? What would our planet be like if dinosaurs, for example, had not gone extinct? Our every action and decision automatically becomes part of the past. In fact, there is no present: everything we do at this moment cannot be changed, it is recorded in the memory of the Universe. However, there is a theory according to which there are many universes where we live a completely different life: each of our actions is associated with a certain choice and, making this choice in our Universe, in a parallel one, the “other me” makes the opposite decision. How justified is such a theory? scientific point vision? Why did scientists resort to it? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

Many Worlds Concept of the Universe

The theory of a probable set of worlds was first mentioned by the American physicist Hugh Everett. He offered his solution to one of the main quantum mysteries of physics. Before moving directly to Hugh Everett’s theory, it is necessary to understand what this mystery of quantum particles is, which has haunted physicists around the world for decades.

Let's imagine an ordinary electron. It turns out that as a quantum object it can be in two places at the same time. This property of it is called the superposition of two states. But the magic doesn't end there. As soon as we want to somehow specify the location of the electron, for example, we try to knock it down with another electron, then from quantum it will become ordinary. How is this possible: the electron was at both point A and point B and suddenly at a certain moment jumped to B?

Hugh Everett offered his interpretation of this quantum mystery. According to his many-worlds theory, the electron continues to exist in two states simultaneously. It's all about the observer himself: now he turns into a quantum object and is divided into two states. In one of them he sees an electron at point A, in the other - at B. There are two parallel realities, and in which of them the observer will find himself is unknown. The division into realities is not limited to the number two: their branching depends only on the variation of events. However, all these realities exist independently of each other. We, as observers, find ourselves in one, from which it is impossible to leave, as well as to move to a parallel one.

Octavio Fossatti /

From the point of view of this concept, the experiment with the most scientific cat in the history of physics, Schrödinger’s cat, is easily explained. According to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, the poor cat in the steel chamber is both alive and dead. When we open this chamber, it is as if we merge with the cat and form two states - alive and dead, which do not intersect. Two different universes are formed: in one, an observer with a dead cat, in the other, with a living one.

It is worth immediately noting that the many-worlds concept does not imply the presence of many universes: it is one, simply multi-layered, and each object in it can be in different states. Such a concept cannot be considered an experimentally confirmed theory. For now, this is just a mathematical description of the quantum mystery.

Hugh Everett's theory is supported by physicist and professor at Australia's Griffith University Howard Wiseman, Dr Michael Hall from the Griffith University Center for Quantum Dynamics and Dr Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California. In their opinion, parallel worlds really exist and are endowed with different characteristics. Any quantum mysteries and patterns are a consequence of the “repulsion” of neighboring worlds from each other. These quantum phenomena arise so that each world is different from the other.

The concept of parallel universes and string theory

From school lessons we remember well that in physics there are two main theories: general theory relativity and quantum field theory. The first explains physical processes in the macrocosm, the second - in the microcosm. If both of these theories are used on the same scale, they will contradict each other. It seems logical that there should be some general theory that applies to all distances and scales. As such, physicists put forward string theory.

The fact is that on a very small scale certain vibrations arise that are similar to vibrations from an ordinary string. These strings are charged with energy. “Strings” are not strings in the literal sense. This is an abstraction that explains the interaction of particles, physical constants, and their characteristics. In the 1970s, when the theory was born, scientists believed that it would become universal to describe our entire world. However, it turned out that this theory only works in 10-dimensional space (and we live in four-dimensional space). The remaining six dimensions of space simply collapse. But, as it turned out, they are not folded in a simple way.

In 2003, scientists found out that they can collapse in a huge number of ways, and each new method produces its own universe with different physical constants.

Jason Blackeye /

As with the many-worlds concept, string theory is quite difficult to prove experimentally. In addition, the mathematical apparatus of the theory is so difficult that for each new idea a mathematical explanation must be sought literally from scratch.

Mathematical Universe Hypothesis

Cosmologist and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Max Tegmark put forward his “theory of everything” in 1998 and called it the hypothesis of a mathematical universe. He solved the problem of the existence of a large number of physical laws in his own way. In his opinion, each set of these laws, which are consistent from the point of view of mathematics, corresponds to an independent universe. The universality of the theory is that it can be used to explain all the variety of physical laws and the values ​​of physical constants.

Tegmark proposed that all worlds, according to his concept, be divided into four groups. The first includes worlds located beyond our cosmic horizon, the so-called extra-metagalactic objects. The second group includes worlds with other physical constants, different from those of our Universe. The third is worlds that appear as a result of the interpretation of the laws of quantum mechanics. The fourth group is a certain set of all universes in which certain mathematical structures appear.

As the researcher notes, our Universe is not the only one, since space is limitless. Our world, where we live, is limited by space, the light from which reached us 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang. We will be able to reliably learn about other universes in at least another billion years, until the light from them reaches us.

Stephen Hawking: black holes are a path to another universe

Stephen Hawking is also a proponent of the many universes theory. One of the most famous scientists of our time first presented his essay “Black Holes and Young Universes” in 1988. The researcher suggests that black holes are a path to alternative worlds.

Thanks to Stephen Hawking, we know that black holes tend to lose energy and evaporate, releasing Hawking radiation, which is named after the researcher himself. Before the great scientist made this discovery, the scientific community believed that everything that somehow fell into a black hole disappeared. Hawking's theory refutes this assumption. According to the physicist, hypothetically, any thing, object, object that falls into a black hole flies out of it and ends up in another universe. However, such a journey is a one-way movement: there is no way to return.

For thousands of years, people have wanted to cross the threshold of mystery and find out what lies on the other side of reality. How to get to another world? There is no final answer to this question, but turning a blind eye to the huge amount of facts, evidence real people and scientific explanations are simply impossible.

What is a parallel world?

The parallel world, or the fifth dimension, is a space invisible to the human eye that exists together with real life of people. There is no dependence between him and the ordinary world. It is believed that its size can vary greatly: from a pea to the universe. Patterns of events, rules of physics and other “firm” statements that are valid in the human world may not work at all in the invisible reality. Everything that happens there may have slight deviations from the usual way of life or differ radically.


The multiverse is an invention of science fiction writers. Recently, scientists are increasingly turning to the works of science fiction writers, because many years of observational experience have shown that they almost always predict with amazing accuracy the development of events and the future of humanity. The concept of the multiverse suggests that, in addition to the world familiar to earthlings, there are a huge number of unique worlds. Moreover, not all of them are material. The earth is connected to other invisible realities at the level of spiritual connection.

Speculation about the existence of parallel worlds

Since ancient times, there has been much speculation about whether the fifth dimension actually exists. It’s interesting that the question of how to get to another world was asked by great minds of the distant past. Similar thoughts can be found in the works of Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios. Some have even tried to prove the existence of the “other side” through scientific research. Democritus argued that absolute emptiness conceals a large number of worlds. Some of them, he says, are very similar to ours, even in the smallest details. Others are completely different from earthly reality. The thinker substantiated his theories based on the basic principle of isonomy - equal probability. Pundits of the past also spoke about the unity of time: the past, present, future are at one point. It follows from this that making the transition is not so difficult; the main thing is to understand the mechanism of transition from one point to another.

Modern science

Modern science does not at all deny the possibility of the existence of other worlds. This moment is studied in detail, something new is constantly discovered. Even the fact that scientists around the world accept the theory of the multiverse already speaks volumes. Science substantiates this assumption using the principles of quantum mechanics, and supporters of this theory believe that there are an incredible number of possible worlds - up to 10 to the five hundredth power. There is also an opinion that the number of parallel realities is not at all limited. However, science cannot yet answer the question of how to get into a parallel world. Every year more unknown things are revealed. Perhaps in the near future people will be able to travel instantaneously between universes.

Esotericists and psychics claim that it is quite possible to get into another world. However, please note that this is not always safe. In order to penetrate the secret world, it is necessary to change the way the brain works. It is advisable to practice the following: lying on the bed, try to fall asleep, relax your body, but keep your mind conscious. Achieving this or similar consciousness will be difficult at first, but it is worth continuing to try.

The main problem for beginners is that it is very difficult to relax the body and be conscious at the same time. In such cases, a person unbearably wants to twitch, move at least a little, or he simply falls asleep. About a month of training - and you will be able to accustom your body to such practice. After this, you should plunge deeper into the new state. Every time new sounds, voices, pictures will appear. Soon it will be possible to move to another reality. The main thing is not to fall asleep, but to realize that you have crossed the threshold of a parallel world. This method is also possible in another variation. You need to do the same thing, but immediately after waking up. Having opened your eyes, you need to fix your body, but keep your mind awake. In this case, immersion into another world occurs faster, but many cannot stand it and fall asleep again. In addition, you need to wake up only at a certain time - preferably around 4 am, since it is during this period that a person is at his most subtle.

Another way is meditation. The key difference from the first method is that there is no connection with sleep, and the process itself must occur in a sitting position. The difficulty of this approach lies in the need to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts that constantly visit a person as soon as he tries to concentrate. There are many techniques to tame unruly thoughts. For example, you should not interrupt the flow, but give it freedom, but not join in, but be just an observer. You can also concentrate on numbers, a specific point, etc.

The danger that other worlds conceal

The reality of parallel worlds is fraught with many unknowns. But the real threat that can be encountered on the other side is malevolent entities. In order to control your fear and avoid trouble, you need to know who and what causes anxiety. Entering a parallel world will be much easier if you know that frightening entities are just products of the past. Fears from childhood, movies, books, etc. - all this can be found in parallel reality. The main thing is to understand that these are only phantoms, not real beings. As soon as the fear of them disappears, they will disappear on their own. Residents invisible worlds mostly friendly or indifferent. They are unlikely to frighten or create trouble, but still you should not irritate them. However, there is still a chance to meet an evil spirit. In this case, it is enough to overcome your fear, because there will still be no harm from the activity of the otherworldly entity. Do not forget that the past, present, and future are in contact, so there is always a way out. You can also think about home, and then the soul will most likely return to the body.

How to get to a parallel world through an elevator

Esotericists claim that the elevator can help in the transition to a parallel world. It serves as a “door” that you need to be able to open. It is best to travel through the elevator at night or in the dark. You must be alone in the booth. It is worth noting that if any person enters the elevator during the ritual, nothing will succeed. After entering the cabin, you should move through the floors in the following order: 4-2-6-2-1. Then you should go to the 10th floor and go down to the 5th. A woman will enter the booth, you cannot talk to her. You should press the button for the 1st floor, but the elevator will go to the 10th. You cannot press other buttons, since the ritual will be interrupted. How do you know when the transition is complete? There will only be you in the parallel reality. It should be noted that there is no point in looking for a companion - the escort was not a person. In order to get into the human world, you need to perform a ritual with the elevator (floors, buttons) in the reverse order.

Gateway to another reality

You can penetrate another reality with the help of a mirror, because it is a mystical gateway to all other worlds. It is used by sorcerers and magicians who have the necessary knowledge. Passing through the mirror is always successful. In addition, with its help you can not only travel to other universes, but also cast magic. That is why the custom of hanging mirrors after a person’s death continues to this day. This is done for a reason, because the soul of the deceased wanders around his home throughout the day. Thus the astral body says goodbye to past life. The soul itself is unlikely to want to harm its relatives, but at such moments a portal opens through which various entities can enter the room. They can frighten or try to drag the astral body of a living person into a parallel reality.

There are several rituals with mirrors. To answer the question of how people get into parallel worlds, it is necessary to understand the essence of the mirror ritual, because it is this object that is the original guide to another world.

Mirror and candles

This is an ancient method that is still used today. You need to place two mirrors opposite each other. They must be parallel. The candle must be purchased in advance from the temple. You need to place it between the mirrors so that you get a corridor of many candles. Don't be alarmed if the flame starts to fluctuate, this could very well happen. This means that invisible entities are already with you. You can use more than just candles for this ritual. LEDs or color panels are suitable. But it is best to use candles, since their blinking corresponds to the frequency of the human brain. This helps a person enter a meditative state. And you must enter it, because, being conscious, you can be very scared. The consequence may be not only an interrupted ritual, but also another entity joining you. The ritual must be performed in complete darkness and silence. There should only be one person in the room.

Mirror and prayer

You need to buy a round mirror on Saturday. Its perimeter should be covered with the words “Our Father” on the contrary, written in red ink. On Thursday night you need to place a mirror under the pillow, mirror side up. You need to turn off the light, go to bed and say your name backwards. This must be done until sleep overtakes. A person will wake up in another world. In order to get out of another reality, you need to find an animal in it that will be exactly the same as in real life, and follow him. The danger of the whole action is that the guide may never be found, and the astral body will forever remain in a parallel world or, even worse, between worlds.

Path to the past

For many years and even centuries, people have wanted to know the answer to the question of how to go back in time. There are two known methods, which can move a person in time. The most famous are “wormholes” - small tunnels in space that serve as a link between the past and the present. But... Scientific research shows that the “hole” will close faster than a person can cross its threshold. Based on this, it can be argued that as soon as scientists find a way to delay the opening of the tunnel, they will become justified not only from an esoteric, but also from a scientific position.

The second way is to visit places on Earth that have a certain energy. Such journeys have a huge amount of real evidence. Moreover, sometimes people don’t even know how to get into the past, but end up there by accident, having visited an energetically strong place on the Earth. A territory with pronounced supernatural energy is called a “place of power.” It has been scientifically verified that the operation of any installations there deteriorates or even fails. And those indicators that can be measured are off the charts.

Working with the subconscious

Another way is to work with the subconscious. How to get to a parallel world using your brain? Quite difficult, but doable. To do this, you need to enter a state of strong relaxation, create a gate and go through the portal. Sounds simple, but to achieve results. several factors are required: great desire, mastery of meditation techniques, the ability to visualize space in detail and... lack of fear. Many people say that when they achieve results, they often lose touch with the other world out of fear. It takes some time to overcome it, so you should be prepared to find yourself in another reality at any moment.