Why nothing just happens. Nothing just happens. What cheers me up

I got to the Academy "Universe of Happiness" for a reason! It was no coincidence that I met my friend Lena Dolphin after almost a year of silence. To her question: "how are you?" I answered angrily and with tears in my eyes that it was bad and better not to live than to live like that. I had a DESPAIR, which just flickered from all sides! I didn't want to live! Yes, I did not see the joy of life, did not see a way out of situations that simply covered me from all sides. I felt lonely and with a whole bunch of problems.

Lena calmly listened to my “whining”, and then she said: “you need to finish the school I graduated from,” to which I again angrily replied: “I graduated from many schools, I wanted to be useful to do something for the soul, but what what's the point ??? " But tactful Lena continued, as if not noticing my irritation, and on the same day she introduced me to Irina Tsyganenko, who so clearly, accessible and convincingly told everything about how she put everything on the shelves, that after thinking for almost half of the night, I didn’t I could wait until morning to say: “YES, I will study, and I want to change. That's how I got into the Spiritual Healing course.

Yes! Nothing in our life happens just like that! We just need to figure it out, to understand the meaning of those situations that are dumped on us! I understand now that then the Lord gave me another chance in life to “LIVE”. Find yourself and understand what is the meaning of my life and why I am on planet Earth! To understand the depths of my Soul. Who am I? And - will change! Do not blame others, do not be offended, but thank God for the fact that they were sent to me! From all my soul, I am grateful to the Lord that he sent me such a great teacher-healer and "doctor" of our souls, a woman of the finest soul, from whom comes the unmeasurable energy of love, understanding and kindness - Elena Nikolaevna!

I had the feeling of a "little girl" who is just beginning to learn to walk and with every movement she comprehends something new, surprising, not always understandable and even frightening. And with every step there is a desire to take more and step further. And when I like Small child I stumbled and fell, Elena Nikolaevna's light and confident hand lifted me up and put me back on my feet! And I walked on. Her patience and understanding helped me move further and further. As a child, I’m naughty and restless, but with the help of wonderful teachers, their faith and patience, I believe that over time I will grow from an “ugly duckling” into a beautiful “swan”.

In my life I studied constantly, was I always in search of something? FOR THE FIRST TIME in the School of Parapsychology, I came into contact with the fact that the basis is practice, not theory, and most importantly, they work!

At first, oh, how difficult it was to be diligent, patient, practice and believe that everything works out for me. I didn’t always have enough patience, although I understood what was needed, as the proverb says, “you cannot easily pull a fish out of the pond”. How many times have thoughts appeared, or maybe it’s not for me, I don’t see, I can’t, I don’t understand, they rolled like sea waves from time to time, and I had to start learning, and even now, to discard them, change them your consciousness, change your beliefs.

And our teachers - "WIZARDS" always came to the rescue! Belief in oneself and a desire to move forward appeared again! Now the same practices that at first seemed intangible are easy to do, although many still need to be done for more than one day, or even years, to achieve perfection. Yes, there is still no full awareness, there is no boundless faith in God! BUT I believe that everything will come, it only takes time, work and patience.

After completing the course "" a lot has changed in my life! I became calm, and my husband became more understanding. I began to look at myself in the mirror! I have problems with breathing, sometimes the blocks come out - I do the practices given by Elena Nikolaevna, and everything will return to normal. Only now I began to see and thank the Lord, in what a beautiful place I live. For the first time in many years, she began to swim in the sea. I find time to look and hear the world around me: the surf, birdsong, smell the trees, flowers, admire the world around me! And the list goes on! And all this thanks to the International Academy "Universe of Happiness"!

I thank the Almighty that I study at school! I thank fate for meeting with the great master Elena Nikolaevna, for invaluable knowledge, openness, patience. For support and assistance at any time of the day or night and in any situation. Lyuba for her severity and understanding. Irina for softness, warmth and clarification. Michael for his perceived work, for Personal Area and the site. And also I want to thank Lena Dolphin, because thanks to her, I study at school and for her all-round support! And all the students for their group support!


I'm also just learning how to do miracles!

I wish you all success, Lyudmila Koshchuk (Bournemouth, UK)

Ilya Bogdanov,

Senior Specialist, Brokerage Operations Department, IC "Peter Trust"

Learning to trade on other people's mistakes. On my own.

It takes a lot of effort to achieve anything. To achieve the goal, you need to draw up a plan and follow it step by step.

We all perfectly understand these common truths.

But how often do we move away from them, give ourselves slack, get lazy and hope for a lucky break?

As in any business, in the financial markets the same rules are valid, following which you will inevitably come to a result. Whether it is portfolio investment or speculation in financial instruments.

And, as it usually happens, we learn from the mistakes of not strangers, and only by stepping on the same rake, and sometimes more than once, do we learn the lessons that the Universe does not get tired of patiently teaching us.

About seven years ago, graduating from university, in one of the courses on world financial markets, through the efforts of one very inspiring teacher, I was introduced to trading in the foreign exchange market. Running quotes, changing charts, which were the result of the efforts of millions of participants around the world, of course, fascinated me.

It seemed that by participating in the general process, albeit a speculative trade, you are getting involved in something global, large, influencing planetary processes.

As you understand, I had a strongly romanticized perception of this sphere, which I could not get rid of for a long time.

Having graduated and thinking seriously about the sphere professional activity, I decided, if I was interested in the area of ​​the foreign exchange market, to see how the companies themselves that provide access to individuals for trading in currencies work, to see the whole “kitchen” from the inside, to understand the rules of the game and, in principle, to look at this area from the inside out.

As you probably guessed by now, I was very disappointed with what I saw. I am disappointed with the lawlessness that was going on then in the area where there was no regulation in Russia, and even now it, frankly speaking, is pretty lame.

And then I found out that there are companies providing access to Forex in countries with serious regulators, for example, the American NFA or the British FCA.

But that is another story.

But it was during that period that I began to take the first timid steps in the speculative field.

And as happens with everyone who has set foot on this path, I faced the main driving forces in the world of financial market transactions: fear and greed.

In fact, as practice shows, it is not so difficult to make money by speculating in the markets. You need an understanding of market movements, the actions of its participants, some basic knowledge of technical analysis of charts, the influence of fundamental news indicators, a clearly defined action plan, how to use this knowledge and, most importantly, strict risk management rules, without which all of the above makes no sense.

And, it would seem, it sounds good, plan everything, act and start raking money with a shovel. But in practice, of course, everything looks different.

We are all human, and as soon as we start to trade, emotional reactions to what is happening, the projections of our "mind" with conjectures about what may be, regrets about what could have been, drive from the fact that there is. That in one word cloudes the view and makes it difficult to see the situation soberly and trade the market, and not your expectations and imaginary prospects.

And when the system of work was formed, and I started trading with real money, the first thing I encountered was fear. It’s scary that the profit that is already there will melt if the price suddenly turns around, not reaching my goal. I close the deal, and the price reaches the target, but without me, and I get less profit than I planned using the system.

It is scary to hold a position when the current minus on the deal, because suddenly it will be even greater. I close, and the price reverses, goes in the direction of the target, and there would be a profit, but I have already exited, having fixed the loss.

We learn over time. We also learn to work with fear. And I began to trust the system more, not to leave ahead of time, unless the market situation changed dramatically. And it bore fruit. And the account grew smoothly with an average yield of 5-7% per month.

But then the companion of fear appears - greed, which can make you make even more serious mistakes than fear. Mistakes that can be simply lethal for your account, because on occasion of greed, we often begin to neglect the rules of risk management - the cornerstone of any trading system.

Most newcomers, like me, do not have enough deposits at the beginning of their trader's path to make 5-7% per month a comfortable existence, cherish and cherish the hope of finding the coveted "grail" - a miracle trading system that will allow " disperse "a modest sum of money up to millions in a short time. It's so boring and "hungry" to see 5% of the result at the end of the month from your initial 100, 300, 500, 1000 dollars.

“But your system works, you are a super trader! So why don't you just increase the volume per trade, and the profit will flow like a river !? ”, - whispers greed, paired with your swelling Ego.

This is how I lost my first deposit.

Then there was an extremely difficult, but very important period of experiencing this loss, self-flagellation, disappointment and detachment. As a result, the idea of ​​making money by speculation was shelved until a rethinking and admission of one's own mistakes came.

And at this stage, a significant fork occurs.

Someone forever abandons the idea of ​​trading, disappointed in the very opportunity or after analyzing and realizing that this way of making money is simply not suitable for them. And these are extremely happy people).

Someone does work on mistakes, learns to work with their inner peace, emotions and Ego, and again undertakes to storm the market peaks. And this kind of inner work is extremely useful not only in trading, as you know, but also in life in general. But it is worth noting that such a work of self-knowledge can be done not only with self-doubt from market losses, but in a variety of other ways.

And there is a third group of people who decide to automate their trading system and isolate their trading from the influence of emotions as much as possible.

I also decided to take the third path.

Together with a fellow programmer, we selected one of the trading systems, which showed a graph of growing profitability on the back test, and wrapped it in a software shell. We launched it on a remote server and began to wait for mountains of profits to flow to us.

The system behaved quite steadily, and over time, we decided to entrust it, in addition to our modest capital (by the way, of course, not the last), also the funds of third-party investors.

The trading went briskly, the current profitability was approximately equal to the previous indicators of the system according to the back test, and in six months the trading robot brought us 300% profit, from which we were extremely happy, and everyone quietly in his mind began to draw beautiful pictures of his new life, with which was associated with future profits.

At this moment, as usual, our attention lost concentration on the main thing, and a gap appeared in our system, which greed, directed by our Ego, did not fail to take advantage of.

And I made a mistake. An old mistake. I stepped on the same rake, after which the lump only managed to heal.

The risks were on me. According to the tests for the previous periods, the system showed the required results 9 months a year, and at the end of the year, starting from November, it did not reach the required indicators. And the original rule, from which it was impossible to deviate, was to turn off the robot in late October - early November.

When November began, there was an unrecorded loss of 3% of the total amount of the deposit for the current open transactions, taking into account already 300% of the previous income. We began to discuss what we were going to do: fix the loss and end trading for this year, or wait for the deal to turn out to be profitable, and only then turn off the robot, which was contrary to our original rule.

We decided to wait for the profit on the deals, because what will change one or the other day.

But my colleague still trusted me more in this matter, believing that my past experience gave me an advantage. But, as I wrote above, at that moment I missed the second version of the fork with deep reflection and immediately decided to make the responsibility for the success of trading at the mercy automatic system trusting her more than himself.

After all, the system in the process can be almost autonomous, but there is still someone who turns it on and off. Well, at least not yet).

In short, I made a mistake, broke my own rule, and left the robot to trade. Processes began in the market, to which my colleague and I did not adapt it, and the trade balance began to fall sharply. And so sharply that we did not have time to notice when all the profit earned in six months was eaten up by negative transactions, and the question arose not to earn, but to save the initially invested funds, our own and investors.

And it was necessary to make a decision on what to do next. Close immediately without looking, or wait for the optimal moment to exit. We closed the deals and disabled the robot. As a result, the profit remained about 1% plus to the initially invested funds.

And even then, greed made us hesitate in our decision.

Judging by the chart, the price was at strong monthly support, and there was a temptation to leave everything as it is in the hope that the price will turn in our direction. And I must say, the price turned around and went. If we did not close it, then in the end it would be possible to leave the market even with more than 300% percent. And even here, our trader's pride, which had fallen asleep, managed to be wounded by the omnipresent regret.

In general, then I received another slap in the face, and received the most impressive lesson in my practice. That sometimes it is better to sacrifice small for the sake of more. That there are rules that must be strictly followed, especially since you have established them yourself. And if there is no agreement with oneself, then where does the agreement with the world around come from.

And that there are no "grails". There is no magic wand. That overnight to achieve the goal, if it is really high, only a few succeed, and then by a happy coincidence, in conjunction with their efforts. And the rest need to go long and hard on the intended path, and over time, if you do the right things, there will certainly be the right result.

For me, it is better to spend years forming a trading history with an average return of "5% per month", and with this impressive story and self-confidence, backed up by practice, to attract third-party funds for management, than to spend the same years looking for a chimera, a mythical grail , and in the end to remain at a broken trough with a shattered psyche and uncontrollable Ego.

Sasha Chichikova is 21 years old. For the first time I noticed her at the presentation of projects of the creative media workshop "Egalite". As a person, I liked her precisely because she did not try to please. She behaved so naturally, calmly. But she was more struck by her thoughts, observations, author's, deep, accurate. I understood: Sasha is not one of the majority.

I grew up in a large family, we are seven children, - Sasha recalls. - And so all seven of us with my mother went to have a rest at the dacha. Every summer my mother gave us someone: ducks, a goat. When they bought us a goat Squirrel, we played with it like a dog. We went to the forest and hung knapsacks and scarves on Belochka. And this is the most unique warm memory when you are in the forest, your family is with you. You can sit on a pine log, lie on the green moss, look at the sky and just think. And most importantly, to feel with the whole body this log or moss. And Squirrel walks over you and pokes her delicate muzzle in your face. And you are happy that you have collected a half-liter jar of blueberries, strawberries!

Break down

I just graduated from high school, played prom. I immediately tried to enter the Institute of Culture, but did not pass. Then I decided to go to Kiev to the Theological Seminary. I entered and studied there for a couple of months, and for the weekend I decided to go home. We live in a private house. On the 3rd floor there is a window, a floor and a very small distance between them. And not yet sealed slabs with stakes. By negligence, I caught my toe on the stake and, due to the small distance, turned over and fell out through the window. Thank God that my brother's wife Tamil was nearby, she is a nurse. It's good that it was she who first approached me, and not someone else. They would start to turn me over, lift me. And she had a towel under her head, and we were waiting for an ambulance. I remember everything that happens in fragments. I open my eyes, I'm on the ground, Tamila strokes my face and says: "Sasha, everything is in order, the ambulance is already on its way." And I have a feeling: I am lying on my back, and my pelvis and legs are twisted, as it were. Then I remember being asked in the ambulance if I had taken something. I won't forget cutting my favorite cool jersey. Resuscitation ...

Do not understand

When I was in intensive care, I did not understand what was happening. A few days later I was transferred to the ward, a council of doctors gathered, but they did not really say anything. I was 17 then, and they only asked: “How do you feel? My feet were pricked with a needle - do you feel it? - Do not feel! Until the end, I did not realize how serious it was. One doctor came to me, and then I cried. "Why are you crying?" - “I cry, because I can't turn over myself, I lie like a vegetable, everything hurts, my back is cut.” - "Oh, don't be upset, well, you won't walk, you won't!" And then I just settled down. I called my mother, and she with tears: "Sasha, you have a serious injury."

As a result, Sasha suffered a fracture of the thoracic spine. 11th and 12th vertebrae, compression of the spinal cord gave complications to the legs. They say that if only the lower back suffered, then there would be no such consequences.


It's great that our family is a believer. During that period, live communication with God helped me a lot. When you lie and say, as it really is, what is. I spoke with God and always felt that He was there, never leaves me and really supports me. I would not say that I was severely depressed. I remember that my dad and I prayed to understand why this happened. It just doesn't happen.

A person walks through life and meets people who, along the way, talk about God. And he, let's say, has a superficial attitude to faith: I go to church on holidays, I pray, and I'm fine with God. It happens that you want to do something not very good, but inside you: do not do it, do not do it! And through this inner voice God can speak. And the man insists on his own: I will live like this for a while, then I will listen. When "later" comes, the Lord can move away from a person, remove the protection. I think that it happened interspersed with me.


I spent four months in hospitals. When I arrived home, then another six months - bed rest. Although the doctors insisted that she lay for the whole year. And these six months are the time when you think. But you don't think that life has failed, you just think. I began to keep a diary, made notes on the computer: “The first snow fell, I am lying on the bed. I look out the window, but I can't see where the snow is falling. As if he is falling into oblivion. " That is, I see how the snow swirls in the air, and what happens below - I do not know. Our life is the same: you see what is on the surface, what is happening now. But you don’t know what will happen next, you don’t see all the depth and where, in the end, your life will come, where it will slow down, where it will stop.

Be together

Very often in large families there is a separation: everyone is on his own. In our family, we have achieved that we are all together. We support each other if there is any problem. We try to make it always visible: we are one big friendly family. When there are many children, it's great! We are all so different, but at the same time, somewhere very similar. We have four sisters in a row. And one sister is not like the one behind her, but after one. I, too, look like a sister who walks through one. If not for the parents, perhaps there would not have been such cohesion. They taught us from the very beginning that we must stand for each other, that each other must be protected.


Recently returned from Scotland. The country is magnificent and the people are the same. If I walk around Minsk, then they look at me with a different look, what about, a beautiful girl! And they look: poor, unhappy. I used to catch these glances, I always paid attention, and it was uncomfortable. Now I don’t react to these views, I don’t care. I remember walking, smiling, and a guy meeting me, and so gloomy. I accidentally hooked him: "Oh, sorry!" And I myself smile. He looked at me: "It's okay." And he answered me with a sincere smile, wishing have a good day... I saw a light on in this man.

In Scotland, you are on a par with everyone. In a bar, a guy came up to me to make acquaintance, and in his eyes I did not see pity or desire to get acquainted, because no one supposedly met me. I saw interest in me. Then why do the majority of Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians have such a wrong perception of us? I really want our society to change its perspective.


When I compare myself "before" and "after" the injury, this is heaven and earth. Before, I didn't really think about what will happen next? I wasn't serious. I was seventeen years old - the wind in my head. And then you suddenly break down. And at first, life changes catastrophically: you give out all your beautiful things because you won't wear them anymore, beautiful shoes because they no longer suit you. When you are left alone with your thoughts, you think: yes, it happened to me, but what next? When I started to get up, sit in the stroller, do something, I comprehend everything. I do not want to waste time on empty affairs. I want to see the result of my work and how I can use this result further.

I became very careful with people. More and more I look at the person, whether it is possible for him to open up. That is, I begin to evaluate and think: what is possible and what is not. I also became very serious for my 21 years old. When I communicate with people from my past life, I often hear: “Sasha, why are you so serious? Easier, easier to treat! " - "And how is it easier? .." Life is given to us for self-development, improvement so that you find your place and realize yourself. And most importantly, I would not follow fashion, but build on my abilities and desires.


It touches me when they say: "You are so brave, strong, you do not lose heart!" I do not want to be perceived as a strong person.
Think of me as just a person, not a role model or admiration. I AM a common person... And there is nothing supernatural about the fact that I am in a wheelchair and at the same time smiling. Or you meet with a young man, you communicate, and a moment comes when he says: “How can you get you to your feet? What can you do to make you walk? " Why can't you just communicate, just to like me? Why do I need to be healed, and not perceive me as I am?


At first it was very difficult for my parents. Now they have learned to look at me as a full-fledged independent person. My mother is a kind, trusting person. When we talk to her heart to heart, she learns from me that one should not blindly trust people. And she became much stronger. Previously, she could go and cry, but now she understands that it is impossible to cry. My sisters were strengthened in spirit. When I broke down, everyone was stressed, shocked. In the hospital I said: "Don't touch me, I don't want anything." The sisters pulled themselves together: “No, Sash, you have to. We must eat, we must give up painkillers. " And we all began to take seriously what is happening, consciously, because, I repeat, nothing happens in life just like that.


To be honest, between “want” and “must” I often choose “want”. So far, I cannot force myself to completely devote myself to the work if I do not like it. I'm not talking about some household chores, but about serious things. I wanted to go to study speech therapy. Before me was opened a list of professions that I can learn according to the group of disabilities: lawyer, linguist, accountant ... Of all the proposed ones, psychology turned out to be the closest. But I stood my ground: "Why can't I go to a speech therapist ?!" - "How are you going to massage the child's larynx?" - "My hands are working!" - "How are you going to get the items for teaching children?" - "I will put everything that I need beside me." But they only work within the framework of the list. Therefore, I chose the specialty "psychologist and social teacher".

Now I am making a bias towards self-development, so I want to go to study in the Czech Republic after I finish my studies here. In the Czech Republic there is free education if you know Czech... I want to try myself in the modeling business as a photo model. It's interesting to me, I enjoy it. I myself like to take pictures, because a photo frame is a moment, an instant and that's it! And you don't know what happened before this shot and what will happen after it.

To be realized

I am active and this activity comes from within. I need movement. When a person needs a speaker, he took it and went to the store, then got on the bus and took a walk. You can't go to the store or walk your dog so calmly in a stroller. This is not the same feeling. Therefore, you try to realize yourself in projects. But I don't rush there, there, there. I only choose what is really interesting to me. And I approach this responsibly.

When I feel sad, I lie down on the floor with an asterisk, turn on the music, or just open the window wide open to hear the sound of the wind, the rustle of leaves. I lie down and start thinking as if about nothing. Then I will get up to myself: “During all this time I have met many unusual, interesting people, I participated in the project "The Goddess of Femininity", I had a cool photo shoot, I went to Poland, I am not indifferent to the social theme of our city ... "Why am I so sure that if I walked, I could achieve all this?

To help

Today I can say that I am useful. Recently I had my first experience: I was in a camp for children from problem families who live in rural areas. I was invited to the last evening so that I could tell the children something, talk to them. I spoke simply, naturally, easily. I shared with them some of my experiences, told how I got injured. Then they come up to me and say: “Sasha, we liked you so much. We are with arms and legs, but we don't do anything like that in life. Let's talk, correspond! " Now we are talking, some of the guys write about their problems. I start talking to them, and it becomes easier for me myself because I can help them in some way.


Archive 12/15/2014

Dear readers, today I am completing the "Good Mood Recipes" competition, which was held on my blog. Meet the latest entries. And I give information to all the contestants: follow the news, one of these days, in the very, very near future, we will sum up the results of the competition. Be attentive, stay in touch. And our readers have room for thought - after all, our participants have sent so many recipes for a good mood. I hope that we are all energized by the positive.

Today I am publishing a competitive work from Nina Vilisova. It is called "Nothing in this life happens just like that", she participates in the nomination "Mental recipes for oneself, beloved, family and family hearth". Many of my blogger friends know Nina Vilisova very well. I myself often correspond with her, communicate and never tire of being amazed at the resilience of this fragile mother. Nina keeps her blog A healthy way life, publishes the electronic magazine "Bereginya", let's get acquainted with her work. I give the floor to Nina.

Nothing in this life just happens

Hello dear readers! I probably won't say anything special and wise in my article, but think again why in life each of us have situations in which we ask ourselves the question: "why?", "Why did this happen to me?" , we blame ourselves, others, loved ones ... Believe me, nothing happens to us in this life just like that! This is my firm conviction. All that happens is a lesson given to us that we must go through. If we do not pass it with dignity, it will be repeated until we solve it correctly. And if we still do not understand something from this lesson, we can step on the same rake all our lives.

I want to tell you about my story, personal life experience... It so happened that I alone bring up four wonderful babies, one of whom is sick from birth with such a serious disease as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. To be honest, we all had to go through a lot of good and bad things. But, such a thought never left me, she seemed to always walk ahead of me, and I saw her in big letters- I am the happiest person on Earth and the Lord loves me, and I am so ungrateful ... I grumble, despondent, despair, swallow pills (yes, this was before).

But it’s true: I’m not alone, ALL my children are with me (there are families in which husbands take their joint children away from their wives during divorce), I would not have survived this; also with a child who has cerebral palsy, there are children with the same disease who cannot walk or speak at all, and my child, even with some disabilities in the body - while walking, running, enjoys life along with the rest children.

And thirdly, in fact, the father of my children can live with us in peace, because there, in another house somewhere, he still lives alone with his 14-year-old son, but, alas, it turns out that more than a day he cannot be under the same roof with us. He rips him off like a devil, it becomes very difficult for him. Why is that? I have already asked myself this question more than once. Or maybe this is God's providence? After all, if he had stayed with us, our life was completely different, just imagine a family where the husband drinks alcohol every day without drying out, this constant smell of alcohol and tobacco in the house drives his wife away, and all this is in front of four young children.

I waited for 12 years because of naive love, hoping that the time will come, and he finally wants to stay with us, with me he will not behave as he did with the first ex-wife, everything will be different for us, because we love each other very much. Stupid and funny, isn't it? But seriously, in my soul there is still that bitterness and resentment for unfulfilled hopes. But now I have every opportunity to start living my own real life- a new house, a new village, and I believe that these times will be better for us than before.

I have been doing blogging on the Internet for more than 4 years now, and they regularly write letters to me here, asking where I find the strength to raise and raise one four children ?! Well, I think the moment has come to tell about all this.

What cheers me up

Sometimes we feel apathetic, powerless, unprepared for any activity. Perhaps there was a loss of something important, that which formed the basis of our idea of ​​ourselves and of life. When dreams collapse, perspectives break, each of us should be aware of one thing: everything happens for our good, personal growth and well-being.

1. Smile often. It has been said more than once that a smile is like a vitamin, a medicine for health. A smile filled with good feelings inspires people to do good things. And what to do when, instead of smiling, you want to shed a tear? Don't hold back. When it’s bad at heart and you want to cry, it’s better to go wherever your tears are, people around you will not see and cry. Don't suppress an emotional cry. Tears help relieve the state of mind. Tears bring purification.

And we should give a smile to those around us. What can a smile do to a person ??? It cheers up the one who smiles and the one to whom we smile. It strengthens the striving for the good in the one who smiles, and in the one to whom he smiles. It helps to establish people's trust in each other, makes it possible to establish close spiritual relationships. Promotes education in people of faith, hope, love. A smiling person disposes people to himself, makes them spiritually rich, heals their souls, possessing healing power.

A smile affects the character of people, kills anger, hostility, enmity, hatred. A smiling person is handsome healthy person... A smile is a mirror of health, remember this. Look at these smiles of lovely children, how happy they are, isn't it true that the soul becomes light and joyful.

2. Physical education and sports are great to cheer you up. In the summer, she loved to bathe in the morning, to do morning jogging. And in winter - I really like skiing. Since childhood, during my school years, I went to the ski section three times a week, and physical education lessons were always held on the ski track.

When the weekend or vacation came, they would always go skiing in the woods with their two younger brothers at home. It was very interesting to watch and observe the amazing footprints of forest dwellers. I remember seeing fox tracks and walking for kilometers past various trees and bushes. It was an amazing time.

Now I try to instill in my children a love for sports, physical education, in winter - skiing and skating.

3. Delicious and healthy recipes to cheer up. The mood and condition of our body mainly depends on how we eat. You can increase the body's resistance to all kinds of diseases with the help of simple and proven folk remedies.

a) Be sure to make it a rule to drink a glass of boiled warm water with the addition of freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey. This drink cleanses the body, gives energy and vitality for the whole day.

b) Especially during the winter and spring seasons, be sure to take a vitamin mixture. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body and strengthens memory. She prepares like this:

We take 200 g of dried apricots, figs, walnuts, raisins, prunes, lemon and a glass of honey. Scroll dried fruits and lemon through a meat grinder (make sure that no bones come across), add honey, place in a glass jar and keep in a cool place. This mixture can be consumed in a tablespoon in the morning and at night every day.

Eating lemon will restore digestion and disturbed microflora in the intestines, strengthen immunity, add strength and energy to the body, strengthen bones, nails and hair, and improve skin condition. Many years ago, a very good neurologist recommended this vitamin mixture from dried fruits to my son and me during his illness. Since then, every winter I have been harvesting it for future use, and not only for a sick child, but also healthy children take it with pleasure instead of sweets to maintain immunity.

c) You shouldn't forget about yourself too. After all, if you look at yourself in the mirror and like yourself, it already means a lot. In captivity, the mood rises. For these purposes, I will share with you my favorite female miracle cure for rejuvenation.

Miracle mixture of honey, garlic and linseed oil

This magical composition helps to cleanse the body of toxins, instills in a person courage, health, smoothes and refreshes the skin, burns fat, improves metabolism in the body, enhances hair growth and even restores their previous color, fighting gray hair. Preparing a miraculous composition is quite simple.

For 1 kg of honey, you need to take 180 grams of flax oil, 4 small lemons and 3 medium-sized heads of garlic. A couple of lemons should be peeled, the other two are used with the peel. Garlic and lemons are ground in a meat grinder or blender, then mixed with butter and honey. The mixture is stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place. Eat shortly before meals, about half an hour, in a tablespoon. A month after the start of the reception, you can take a break for a week, then start "rejuvenation" again.

4. Hanging in a state of grief and apathy is dangerous for a person who actually ceases to live and fully develop. Therefore, you need to find a hobby, something to your liking, something that would bring joy, and devote yourself to this business. It is known how an interesting hobby can cheer up a person, fill him with new meaning, help him re-believe in himself and his strength.

When fatigue overcame me in the summer, I had to do a lot of things in the gardens and around the house in one hand, and another time just out of a feeling of loneliness, pain and resentment at someone, at such moments I went to my bees or just went to nature to hug birch. You know how great it helps to forget past bitterness, gain strength and energy. Everything seems to be clearing up in my head.

5. If all the ways to put yourself in order and to raise your mood have been tried, and the soul is still not calm and some kind of blackness, then the best way to help yourself is to help other people. Start helping those in need. This can be charity events, performances, assistance to orphanages and disabled people. Start with those who are near, whom you see every day, start with those who are close! Take care of your parents, your own children, may they have enough for happy life... If possible, help financially. But even if this is not possible, only sincere love can perform miracles and heal wounds. Give them your warmth and affection, show love with generosity and selflessness. The meaning of life will immediately return, even after experiencing a very great loss, as soon as you start caring for those around you. By doing so, you will help yourself cope with tremendous feelings of fear, anxiety, and uselessness.

Alik's POV What kind of bad luck? How much time has passed, and I still can't find myself a boyfriend. Here, Zhenya is all right with this, although I do not approve of his lifestyle. But at least he has regular sex. But I can't sleep with unfamiliar person ... I guess I'm old-fashioned. Plus, no guy wanted to date me for over a month. Then some kind of stupidity always happened, and the guys quickly disappeared. Sadly, I'm used to it. Although, like everyone else, I dream of finding my love, and so that we never parted. Just like in books or movies. That would be great! Of course, dreaming is not harmful. So I thought, seeing Zhenya with his new "friend" with an envious glance. I want it too, oooo! Eh, go to eat, or something ... Together with a crowd of the same hungry students, I went down to the first floor in the dining room. What do we have here? Mmm, borschik, my favorite! I love it, but I don't know how to cook at all. I tried to learn a few years ago, but broke half of the dishes and almost burned the kitchen. After that, my mother forbade me to approach the stove closer than a meter, although I, in principle, cook well. And she herself prepares borscht, but for some reason it is not so tasty. How it smells! Little red and in the middle a white round of sour cream! Here's how you can not love him! I put the plate on the tray and walked to my favorite table by the window, not taking my hungry eyes off my charm. Mom always said that you need to look at your step. If only I did not let her words deafen! Then I wouldn't knock my soup right on top of the big guy. A head and a half higher and in the shoulders like two of me. Powerful muscles roll under the thin shirt. The T-shirt, by the way, is white-white, only now it was decorated with red spots and stuck beets. And I also saw that the guy had short blond hair and very angry eyes. It seems that now they will beat me. “Sorry,” I squeaked and closed my eyes in fright. A stream of air poured over my body, and when I opened my eyes, the guy was no longer there. Only a paw fell on his shoulder. - Waaa! - that there is no urine, I yelled, jumping to the side and attracting the attention of all those who have not yet looked at me. - Why are you yelling like that? - the round eyes of my classmate Ruslan looked at me. - Why are you sneaking up behind? - I grumbled, putting the tray on the table and pressing my hand to my chest on the side where the heart is. - And so all the nerves, stress after stress. - Yeah, here I am about the same. How did you manage to cross the road to Vadim? - Aah, what's the matter with him? - oh, I have some bad premonitions. - Nothing, he's just been boxing for eight years. Besides, the fifth year, two years older, after all. Be careful, - he snapped me on the nose and smiled cheerfully. Oh, sometimes I think he likes me. But Ruslan is straight, besides, he is dating someone. Sorry, good boy. Then I saw the spilled soup and shuddered inwardly. This guy will slap me with one left, not even a wet place will be left. I'm like a midge to him. God forbid once again to appear in his eyes! Damn, I didn't ask Ruslan from what faculty he was! But nothing, if we have not crossed before, I hope we will not meet further. Vadim's POV Damn, it was such a wonderful day! I almost got the job, all I have to do is go through the interview. I dressed decently, even put my hair in order. And so the devil pulled me to have a snack before the meeting! I have never eaten in this canteen, but here the devil beguiled me. And after all, this ... this blonde toddler had to throw his soup on me! The clothes were hopelessly spoiled, which meant that my dream of finding a part-time job was crying. “Sorry,” he squeaks in a low, frightened voice. I can't fucking hit him, but I'll kill him! Fearing not to restrain myself, I once again glanced at the shrinking boy and with a brisk step left the dining room. Never again will I enter this damned place! Alik's POV Needless to say, now I looked around at every step and generally behaved like the last paranoid, afraid to meet that very Vadim. By the way, I was hiding from him very successfully, so much time has passed, and still have not been caught. Zhenya, an infection, again went on a spree, said not to be disturbed, and here I am tormented by fear and dissatisfaction. Later, at home, it suddenly dawned on me that the guy was handsome. Yes, big, strong, but it's great! Such one will always protect, I'm small, weak ... oh, something took me in the wrong place. Found something to dream about. I'd better go for a walk with the dog. My dog ​​is gorgeous, a German shepherd. And his name is generally otpad - Musik. It's not my fault, it's all my little sister. And it was like this: they gave me a dog for my birthday, and Irka let's poke her finger at it and shout "Musik!" Despite all my resistance, no one dared to contradict the five-year-old child. By the way, the character of the dog was appropriate: cheerful, cheerful and loving. All in me. On the street, the rain has recently ended, autumn, after all. I threw a light jacket over my shoulders and went for a walk with the dog. Such a good day: it's warm, the sun has come out, even the asphalt has dried up, only in some places there are large and not very puddles. And Musik and I will go to the park, we will stretch our paws. And then with this study there is absolutely no time, no one normally walks with a dog. It's beautiful, there are almost no people, some trees are so yellow, some are red, and most have remained green. Birds have crawled out from somewhere, a bright solar disk is reflected in a small resemblance of a lake. And then I saw HIM. No, it can't be true. Avoiding him at the university for so long and meeting the devil in the park ?! This could only happen to me. Wait a minute, he has no time for me now. Next to the guy (a light windbreaker, light jeans, wow, what a handsome man!) There was some kind of silicone mud with terrible makeup and glued on nails. Moreover, on such stilettos that I wonder how she is even able to stand. She giggled shrilly and touched him with her paws, which were clearly superfluous for her. And this ... athlete-bodybuilder just smiled, approving of her inclinations. Well, another straight on my head, besides, with a girl, I don't care that she's so scary. - Come on, Musik, we have nothing to catch here, - I whispered, turning back. Only now the dog was against my plans, he wanted to walk. He looked in the direction of the doves and ran briskly. Did I tell you that I was small and weak? So, this is not an exaggeration. This shaggy brute is much stronger than me. Well, what did you smell there, you pervert ?! Everything turned out to be much simpler. The dog just wanted to play, and he considered the silicone beauty the best candidate. Only this fool, seeing that a shepherd dog was rushing at her with a joyful squeal, and I was on a leash, could not resist on my stilettos and collapsed into a big puddle, splashing Vadim's jeans. And Musik, like a decent dog, stopped next to Madame sitting in a puddle, sat down and beautifully bowed his head to one side, they say, is everything all right? Then I flew up, muttering apologies and pulling a handkerchief out of my pocket as I walked. Vadim was in a deep trance and showed no signs of life. - Excuse me, did you hurt yourself? - I cooed over the mud, trying to pull her out of the puddle. In response, she began squealing something about mad dogs, the police and a muzzle, for some reason pointing at me. Then I somehow got out of the puddle and, slapping poor Vadim in the face, hobbled to the exit, muttering such curses that my ears wilted. “But you have to wear sneakers,” I muttered after her, and only now realized that I was left alone with a guy who, apparently, had just lost his girlfriend. - Oh ... Vadim has already recovered from the shock and now his look promised me all the torments of hell. "You ..." he roared, raising his fist for lack of words. I pulled my head into my shoulders. Now they will beat. - Once again you will show it to my eyes ... I didn't have to repeat it twice. I never noticed the ability to run long distances, but now I have them. I allowed myself to catch my breath only in the courtyard of my own house. His legs gave way, his throat hurt, and it hurt in his side, but Musik was happy. Vadim's POV Today is the most wonderful day - today I am going on a date with the most beautiful girl in the faculty! A month of continuous work on seduction - and now she is mine! At first everything went more than smoothly, and then ... I have already forgotten about this toddler, what kind of kid did he appear in my life again ?! That's exactly what I thought, fascinated by watching the first beauty of the linguistic faculty flounder funny in a dirty puddle and swear worse than a shoemaker. Then they hit me in the face for nothing, painfully scratching my cheek with sharp claws. The little one muttered something with displeasure and turned to me. What a vivid mixture of horror and doom was reflected in his eyes! I even thought: Am I really that scary? But this thought was quickly lost against the background of the fact that all my efforts again went down the drain! "You ..." I growled, feeling my fists itch. It is forbidden. I have a principle: do not offend the little ones. - Once again, you will show me in the eyes ... The small one was blown away by the wind. And I, rubbing my cheek and cursing fate, went to my favorite bar. Something I wanted beer. Alik's POV I didn’t come across an athlete-bodybuilder for as long as it was enough for me to stop worrying. Of course, I doubt that he has forgiven me the silicone crap, but his anger should subside. And I have great joy: Zhenya decided that it was time to devote himself to his studies, that is, he was like a couple for two days. After that, he decided that he had fulfilled his duty to society and again scored everything. No persuasion helped, although I earned a cake as a bribe. I was also entrusted with drawing a wall newspaper. Once in the first year, when I was small and stupid, I had the misfortune to blurt out that I could draw. Since then I have become the only "artist" on the course. They gave me a sheet of Whatman paper, brushes and paints, shoved me into an empty auditorium and said: "Draw." Well at least they didn't lock him up so he wouldn't run away. So I sit, makin, biting my lip out of zeal. Hands up to the elbows in paint, I think my face looks even worse. Is that why your nose starts to itch just when you can't touch it? Sod's Law. So, I draw, I admire my creation. Eh, it's time to change some water, otherwise it’s quite brown. I took two cans, just in case, so now I grabbed them and, looking around furtively, went to the toilet. Well what can I say ... it's not my day. The law worked again universal gravitation troubles to my ass, and the dirty water somehow mysteriously ended up on Vadim's white shirt again. More precisely, I just dumped the contents of the cans on it. The guy looked at himself in disbelief, amazement. - Will you beat me? - I asked resignedly, deciding that it was better to look fate in the face. Vadim's POV Tell me, how did I manage to fail my certification? So I think: how? But still, I succeeded. For some reason, I initially did not expect anything good from this day. At first he crammed all night and, as a result, did not get enough sleep. Then he almost froze in the shower, trying to cheer up, besides, the eggs burned out, and the neighbor's grandmother dug into my door mat. Well, what does she care about him ?! Seething with anger, I almost tore off the buttons while putting on my shirt. This bore requires everything to be perfect, so today I will be an exemplary student. Then he missed the bus and all the way listened to the rantings of some aunt about the lack of culture of modern youth. And mind you, I listened to her in silence. And of course, everything had to turn into a toddler. Unfortunately, I noticed it too late. About when the water from the damn cans was halfway to my new white shirt. I feel somehow wet. Looking at the brown spots on my clothes, I was no longer angry. - Will you beat me? - a timid voice brought me out of prostration. I looked up. Before me stood a skinny something with a face smeared with paint, hands, even hair in places! He clutched dirty jars to his chest, at the bottom of which the same brown water splashed. He looked so miserable that his heart ached. What did he even say? Beat? How can you beat this? - Is it your hobby - to spoil people's clothes? I asked with a sigh, examining him carefully. - N-no, - the boy squeezed out with difficulty. - I didn't mean it, it just comes out that way. - What is your name, miracle? - Alik. That is, Alexander, but you can just Alik, - stammering, muttered this misunderstanding. - It suits you, - I grinned. - Vadim. - O-och-chen nice, - apparently, it's time to wind up, otherwise the guy began to stutter out of fear. - Okay, see you. And this, - I somehow hesitated, - be more careful next time. The guy quickly nodded and began to retreat sideways. Funny kid. Immediate and sweet. May God help me remember when was the last time I met a guy? A year and a half ago, and we parted not too pleasantly. And for some reason I want to protect this boy. He will either kill himself or cripple someone else. Or first he will cripple someone, and then that someone will cripple him. I'll have to look after the kid. It's a pity ... Alik's POV To say that I was shocked is to say nothing. I thought that my blue carcass would be found in the nearest ditch, but that's how it came out. He is not only beautiful, but also good. And in general, after all that I did to him, well, not me, but my total bad luck, it’s surprising that he didn’t kill me. And in general, if we have already met so many times under such conditions, perhaps this is fate! The last time he was even so kind ... - Alik, why are you in the clouds? - Ruslan shook me by the shoulder. - A? - This is the third time I have called you. Are you in love or what? - he laughed merrily and slapped me on the shoulder. - Of course, don't you know yet? - I sneered, nevertheless, blushing a little. - Everything, I'm home. - Where? We were given a couple more. - I know, I just found a part-time job. If I don't leave now, I won't be in time. Bye. Indeed, I found a job and I really like it. Of course, it's simple, and the salary is not very high, but the people there are cheerful and very kind to me, although I have already broken my plate. I got a job in a cafe, either a waiter or an errand boy, in general, what they say, then I do. “Hi,” a familiar voice said when I was already running out of the university. I turn slowly and cannot believe my eyes. Vadim is standing, all so stunning, smiling and straightening his bag. “Hello,” I greeted politely, trying not to shake my voice, because everything inside trembled. - Maybe you will still call me Uncle Vadim? - the guy winced. “I'm not that old anymore. How are you doing? - W-good. - Am I so scary? - No. - Then why are you stuttering? I can't say that I like him, can I? What if he's homophobic? Then I'll definitely get to know his fists. While I was thinking, the guy had already moved on to the next question. - Where are you in a hurry? - To work. Do you know the waterfront cafe? - Of course, I often go there. Now I will come more often, - he smiled and walked on. Didn't understand what happened now? Was he flirting with me? But he's straight, isn't he? Then one thought came to me: he came up to me, he spoke to me himself! He likes me? Uraaaa! Inspired by this thought, I quickly got home, ate a chocolate bar to celebrate and ran to work. Everyone praised me today, because I was very smiling with the visitors, did not break anything and even received a tip and the phone number of some blonde, which I immediately threw away. After that we met several times in the corridors, and he always greeted and asked how he was doing, and if he could not talk, he just nodded and smiled. I fluttered like on wings. It's so cool! Only now, apart from these short conversations, there was nothing else. Gradually all my enthusiasm faded away. And how can he not be lost if he does nothing else? I became a little distracted, even Zhenya noticed during a break between clubs. All my thoughts were occupied by this guy. And now I was slowly rubbing the counter, remembering how his eyes were shining when he was sitting on a bench in the corridor on the fourth floor ... - Alik, take the coffee to the sixth table, - my immediate boss gave me a friendly slap on the head. - Enough of the crows to count! “I’m going,” I grumbled, putting the snow-white cup on the tray. - Not a minute of rest. I looked out from behind the counter: two guys with a girl were sitting at a small table. The most common, nothing special. Vadim is much better. Damn, am I going to compare all the guys I meet with him ?! I take the tray and go to the table. Normal job is to bring coffee. Only my total bad luck returned. At that moment, when I approached the table, one of the guys decided to get up and moved the chair, while pushing me. The tray overturned and hot coffee spilled right on this guy's back. He jumped up, screamed, I dropped the tray in horror. The boss ran up, began to apologize to him, shouting that I should also apologize. “W-I'm sorry,” I muttered, my head lowered. - Forgiveness ?! Are you even crazy? the guy yelled, pushing me in the chest. - I have a burn all over my back, you clumsy seal! - I ... I am very sorry ... - Yes, I do not care! You ruined my things, you bastard! How am I going to go out on the street now ?! - Legs, - came a quiet voice behind my back, from which the guy somehow sat down. - Or do you want to be carried out? I turned around, not trusting my ears too much. Vadim stood behind me and glared at the unfortunate guy with an angry look, while his posture expressed absolute calmness. - But he ... - Should I repeat it, or did you understand everything? - I directly saw how muscles tightened under a thin sweater. The guy nodded apprehensively. - Goodbye then. And a happy road. Be careful not to stumble. Vadim waited until the unfortunate man left the cafe and turned to me. - You managed to get in here too. How clumsy you are ... Vadim's POV Having made a decision, I immediately began to implement my idea. Found out everything I could about this guy and it surprised me. I don't understand why he gets into trouble just next to me. Previously, nothing like that was noticed behind him. But nevertheless he continued to look after him. From the side, so that he did not see, although sometimes he spoke to him. Just because I wanted to see an embarrassed smile and a blush on my cheeks. He looked happy, and I myself was a little happier. Then I began to notice that he became thoughtful and almost did not smile. Maybe something happened to him? I don't know why, but I felt responsible for him, like for a kitten I picked up on the street. So sweet, affectionate ... damn, I'm going to explode with overwhelming emotions! No one has ever evoked such feelings in me, it's just ... mind-blowing! I wanted to see him so much, it was already itching in my nose. I think Alik said that he works in my favorite cafe. Well, great. I arrived just in time to intercede for the poor guy, who, judging by his face, was about to cry. The impudent immediately lost all claims, and Alik looked at me big eyes... They read distrust, amazement and a drop of admiration. - You managed to get in here too. How clumsy you are ... - I said, realizing that I wanted to hug him. Strange, I thought guys were no longer attracted to me. But I was wrong. If I have already picked up a kitten, then I will not be able to leave him. - Let's go, - I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the exit - But how ... - he squeaked, but did not resist. We left the cafe, walked along the embankment, and I sat him down on a bench. The farthest end, closed on all sides by low-growing trees, is the best place to talk. - How are you? - It's already good, thanks. - Alik, can I ask you? - waited for a nod and gathered his thoughts. - Will you let me take care of you? - In what sense? - Don't you understand? - I stared into his eyes, as if trying to convey everything that I feel. "I see, but ... are you serious?" - bewildered look of green eyes. - More than. He once again looked into my eyes and ... rushed with a kiss. I immediately hugged my fragile body, enjoying the sweetness of his lips. - Did you lean on sweets again? - I whispered, looking up for a second. - Yes, you know, - a smile, and again his lips on mine. POV Author - What do you want today: fish or chicken? - Asked a short blond guy, looking into the face of a large brown-haired man. - Kitten, you know, I will eat everything that you cook, - he sighed wearily, apparently, the conversation began a long time ago. - Then I will prepare a vegetable salad for you, - the boy pouted, but suddenly his face brightened. - I'll buy myself a cake. “Nothing sweet,” the second frowned. - You already eat so much of it that I really don't know how much more. We'd better buy you apples. And he pointed to the counter where there were large red apples. - Then there are grapes! - Kitten, you will burst, - the guy laughed, but looking at the pouting face continued: - Okay, apples, grapes and lollipop. Will it fit? - Vadichek, you are my best, - the blond beamed and even reached out to the older guy, but remembered that they were not alone. - I'll cook you a fish. Stuffed as you like. “And how did I manage to get such a treasure,” the brown-haired woman said, running her finger over her partner's cheek. - I will not give it to anyone and I will not let it go anywhere. - And I love you, dear. Gentle smiles, meant only for each other, a full basket of groceries, and the guys, elbowing, chuckling, go to the checkout. How many such happy moments were there during their still short relationship? Do not count. And how much more will be.