Educational quiz game “On the Roads of War. Intellectual game on the topic "Through the pages of the Great Patriotic War" material (grade 10) on the topic Intellectual game on the topic of women in war

Quiz on the history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

for students in grades 8-11

1. Attack plan of Nazi Germanyto the USSR?(Barbarossa)

2. An emergency body of the highest military command, created on June 23, 1941?

(Headquarters of the Supreme High Command)

4. The blockade of Leningrad was broken through ( January 18, 1943).

5. The Battle of Stalingrad took place (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943).

6. The battle after which the strategic initiative finally passed into the hands of the Red Army? A radical change occurred during the war years.

(Battle of Kursk)

7. Name of the militaryoperations to liberate Belarus


8. When did the Red Army reach the state border of the USSR?

(March 1944).

9. The operation during which the Red Army ended the Great Patriotic War? (Berlin offensive)

10. Name the outstanding Soviet commanders who were twice awarded the highest military order “Victory”

(Zhukov G.K., Vasilevsky A.M.)

11. The branch of the military in which heroes served three times during the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin


12. Ace pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. Due to severe wounds during the Great Patriotic War, both legs were amputated. However, despite his disability, the pilot returned to aviation and continued to participate in the Great Patriotic War

(Alexey Petrovich Maresyev).

13. Creator of the TT pistol, which is recognized as one of the best pistols of the Second World War?

(Tokarev Fedor Vasilievich).

14. Announcer of the “Soviet Information Bureau”, announcedAdolf Hitler his personal enemy № 1.

(Yuri Borisovich Levitan).

15. This commander was called the “Soviet Bagration.” He had the honor of commanding the Victory Parade in Moscow. Who is this commander?

(commanded -Rokossovsky K.K. (hosted the Victory Parade - G.K. Zhukov).

16. Who and when was the Red Banner of Victory hoisted over the Reichstag?

17. Real name of intelligence officer Paul Siebert, who eliminated 11 German generals?

(Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov).

18. The hero fortress, which has become a symbol of unbending courage, perseverance and heroism Soviet soldiers in the first days of the war (Brest Fortress).

19. Hero city, which stands for its great history, which began in 863, was bravely defended at all times, incl. V Time of Troubles, from Napoleon's troops and in 1941.(Smolensk)

20. How many days did it last heroic defense Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War? Which naval officer led it?

(lasted 250 days from October 30, 1941 to July 4, 1942, the general leadership was headed by Vice Admiral F.S. Oktyabrsky).

21. In connection with the liberation of which cities was the first victorious salute given during the Great Patriotic War? (cities of Orel and Belgorod)

22. How many cities bear the honorary title “Hero City”?

( 12 cities and 1 hero-fortress - Brest Fortress)

23. For the first time, Red Army troops used a system of field rocket artillery, nicknamed “Katyusha” in...

24. Which order was the first Soviet award established during the Great Patriotic War?

(Order of the Patriotic War)

25. The highest military order, established by decree of November 8, 1943

(Order of Victory)

26. This medal was called a soldier's order

(Medal of Honor")

27. During the Great Patriotic War, orders were introduced in honor of outstanding commanders and naval commanders. Which?

(A. Nevsky, M. Kutuzov, A. Suvorov, B. Khmelnitsky, F. Ushakov, P. Nakhimov)

28. List the names of the commanders who led large partisan formations behind enemy lines.

(S.A. Kovpak, A.F. Fedorov, A.N. Saburov, S.V. Rudnev, K.S. Zaslonov).

29. Motto of the workers of the Soviet rear

(“Everything for the front, everything for victory over the enemy”)

30. Which organization dealt with the evacuation of the population and industrial enterprises during the Great Patriotic War?

(Evacuation Council under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR)

31. The rear Ural city during the Great Patriotic War was better known under the name “Tankograd”

(Chelyabinsk, the tractor plant produced the famous T-34 tanks.)

32. Expand the abbreviation PPSh.

(Shpagin submachine gun)

33. Which tank was recognized as the best tank of World War II?

(Tank T-34)

34. To the 60th anniversary of the Victory on Poklonnaya Hill A monument depicting four soldiers has been erected in Moscow. What does each of them symbolize?

(Allied army: these are figures of Soviet, French, American and English soldiers)

35. Titlememorial complex on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd.

(Monument-ensemble “Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad”)

36. What name does the monument to the Russian soldier inBulgarian city of Plovdiv.


37. What is Lend-Lease?

( During World War II, the USSR received free supplies of weapons and food from its allies, primarily the United States. This help got its name)

38. Where and when was the Second Front opened?

(INas a result of the landing of Anglo-American troops in Normandy, June 6, 1944)

39. Where and when was the act signed? unconditional surrender Germany?

(on the night of May 8-9, 1945 in a suburb of Berlin, in Karlshorst)

40. In which city did the international trial of the former leaders of Nazi Germany take place?

( Nuremberg)

41. How many military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow between 1941 and 1945?

(three parades: November 7, 1941, May 1, 1945, Victory Parade June 24, 1945).

42. When did the Victory Parade take place in Moscow?

43. For the heroism shown in overcoming this obstacle in the fall of 1943, 2,438 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. What is this obstacle?

(Fortification system “Eastern Wall” when crossing the Dnieper River).

44. When and where was the first one lit? Eternal flame in memory of those who fell in the Great Patriotic War.

(Pervomaisky village, Shchekinsky district, Tula region, May 9, 1955)

45. The verses of this song, which became the main song of the Great Patriotic War, were published on the third day of the war - June 24, 1941. What song are we talking about?

( « Holy war" IN AND. Lebedev-Kumach music by A. Alexandrov)

46. ​​This symphony was written and performed in besieged Leningrad.

(Seventh Symphony by Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)

47. Which movie character said this phrase? In what movie?

“Who said that we should give up singing during the war?

After a battle, the heart cries for music doubly.” (film “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” movie character Captain Titarenko)

48. Which one literary hero do these words belong? What is the name of this work? Who is author?

“The year has struck, the turn has come,

Today we are responsible

For Russia, for the people

And for everything in the world."

(hero Vasily Terkin from A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”)

49. How many war participants from Tyumen region awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union? (97 or 105)

50. How many people from the Tyumen region were awardedthe title of Full Knight of the Order of Glory? (13 or 14)

51. In what years did the Hero of the Soviet Union, the legendary intelligence officer N.I., study in Tyumen? Kuznetsov? (1926-1927)

52. What is the name of the monument dedicated to school graduates of the city of Tyumen in 1941?

(“Farewell”, second title “To school graduates of the city of Tyumen who did not return from the war”).

53. What was the popular name for the A-40 “KT” tank, created in Tyumen in 1942?

("Flying Tank")

54. A plant in the city of Tyumen, which produced mortars and mines of 82 and 120 mm caliber from the first days of the war.

(Plant "Mechanik", former iron foundry of industrialist N.D. Masharov)

55. In memory of what event was the Siberian Cat Park opened in Tyumen in 2008?

(In February 1944, the Tyumen police spent two weeks collecting cats and cats around the city to be sent to the Hermitage in order to protect the museum’s storage facilities from rodents)

56. The rifle division, formed in Tyumen, took part in the liberation of more than 400 settlements in the Vologda and Leningrad regions, as well as in Karelia and Norway.

(368th Red Banner Rifle Division)

57. In July 1941, a train with an unusual cargo arrived in Tyumen. The cargo was placed in the building of the Agricultural College, now the State agricultural university Northern Trans-Urals.What was this cargo?

( sarcophagus with the body of V.I. Lenin).

58. List at least 5 streets of Tyumen named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

(for example, N. Vatutin, R. Malinovsky, O. Koshevoy, Z. Kosmodemyanskaya, A. Matrosov, M. Jalil, M. Tsukanova, I. Fedyuninsky, Heroes of the Young Guard streets, Krasnodontsev, L. Chaikina, N. Gastello streets , M. Melnikaite, D. Karbysheva, V. Khokhryakova, V. Gnarovskaya, N. Fedorov, F. Shcherbakova, A. Logunova, M. Raskova, A. Maresyeva, Z. Beznoskova, V. Khudyakova, T. Charkova, etc. .d.)

59. What was it called military school in Tyumen and where was it located?

(First Tyumen Military Infantry School, in the Gostiny Dvor building, on Lenin Street, 1)

60. How many enterprises were evacuated to Tyumen at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? What products did they produce?

(22(28), produced boats, motorcyclesM-72, batteries,mortars, mines, jet warheads for the legendary Katyushas, ​​electrical equipment for military aviation and ground equipment, medicines for the front and rear, etc.)

Diana Sviridova

About exploits and glory!

Last week in MBDOU No. 41 "Why" with kids preparatory groups No. 12 and No. 7, was organized and carried out " Game - quiz« The Great Patriotic War» »

Purpose of this event was the formation of patriotic feelings based on familiarization with the military traditions of our people. Thus in children preschool age a conscious attitude towards the Victory Day will be formed. They will be very willing to take part in all festive events dedicated to this day. Veterans will be treated with respect and gratitude.

This event is aimed at maintaining educational interest in the history of one’s country, love for the Motherland, and developing a sense of pride in it.

During the event, the guys not only showed their knowledge and skills, they actively supported the initiative to answer questions quizzes, reasoned independently, reacted to their partner’s statements. Also during quizzes The guys were able to show their dexterity and endurance.

When summing up quizzes, the winners were awarded certificates of honor.

Educator: Sviridova D. A.

MBDOU d.s. No. 41 "Why"

Game - quiz« The Great Patriotic War»

Preparatory group No. 12

Description of work: this material teachers of senior preparatory groups can use in their work when conducting quizzes about the Great Patriotic War.

Target: To form patriotic feelings based on familiarization with the military traditions of our people.

Tasks: Maintain educational interest in the history of your country; instill love for the Motherland and pride in it; actively support the question answering initiative quizzes; activate existing knowledge, independent reasoning, and respond to partner’s statements.

Integration of educational regions: social - communicative, speech, cognitive, physical development.

Equipment: emblems for teams, stars, sticks, cards with military professions and cards with images of military equipment, equipment and clothing, bandages, cards with words for proverbs.

Preliminary work: Reading literature about the Second World War with children, getting to know the branches of the military, looking at paintings and reproductions on the topic wars, watching TV shows, movies about the Second World War at home, conversations in kindergarten and in the family, learning poems and songs about war, listening to CDs on military theme performed by famous singers, compiled together with parents "Books of Memory".

Quiz progress:

Thank you to the Heroes of Victory!

Thanks to the Heroes,

Thanks to the Soldiers,

What the world was given,

Then - in forty-five!

You are blood and sweat

We got the Victory.

You were young

Now they are grandfathers.

We this Victory -

We will never forget!

May the sun be peaceful

Shines for all people!

May happiness and joy

They live on the planet!

After all, peace is very necessary -

Both adults and children!

The Great Patriotic War became one of the most difficult trials that befell Soviet people. There is no family in Russia that the war passed by. Therefore, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields. We remember with gratitude our glorious warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. There is a memory that will never end. IN last years during the celebration of the day Great Victory , we see on the streets. on people's clothes. the cars have orange and black ribbons. What are they needed for? What do they mean?

Educator: - This two-color ribbon is called "Georgievskaya".

She belongs to the Order of St. George, which has traditionally been the highest military award in Russia.

A large image of the modern order is shown. The colors of the ribbon - black and orange - mean "smoke" And «» flame" and are a sign of the soldier’s personal valor on the battlefield.

Today we will have a game dedicated to the memory of those terrible days Great Patriotic War. I invite you to participate in quiz!

Children pull out pieces of paper with numbers.

We welcome the two teams and their captains: team "Border Guards", team "Sailors".

Border Guard Team Captain:

Our team - "Border Guards", our motto:

Border guards on patrol -

The whole country is sleeping peacefully,

Because the border guard

Your peace and sleep will be preserved!

Sailor Team Captain:

Our team - "Sailors", our motto:

We guys love the sea.

Over the seas and over the waves

We are on combat patrol

Today - here, and tomorrow - there!

Educator: We also welcome our guests and the jury. We wish you guys success and victory! For winning the competition, the team will receive a star. Whose team collects more stars, that team wins.

The teams take their places to the music.

Educator: Our people fought everywhere warriors: on land, at sea and in the air.

On the high mountains,

On the steppe expanse

Soldiers protect our Motherland.

He flies into the sky

He goes to sea

Not afraid of the defender

Rain and snowfall. (V. Stepanov "Our Army")

Who is this poem about? (about soldiers). The soldiers served in different kinds troops. Name the types of troops participating in Great Patriotic War.

The teams take turns naming the types of troops. The last team to say the name of the military branch wins.

1 competition "Warm-up" -

Each team will be asked two questions. We answer immediately, without hesitation.


First question to the first team.

What is the name of war, the victory of which we celebrate on May 9? (The Great Patriotic War)

When did it start war? In what month, what date? (War began in the summer on June 22.)

How many years did it last? (the war lasted 4 years.)

Second question to the second team.

What was the name of our country at that time (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (THE USSR).)

Which state attacked our country? (Fascist Germany.)

What is the name of our country now? (Russia, Russian Federation).

Educator: Tell me, who has grandparents who fought in war Who did they fight with and how? (Soldiers, nurses, etc.) Let's remember military professions with you.

2 competition "Military professions"

1. The car is rushing into battle again,

Caterpillars are cutting the ground,

That car in the open field

Controlled … (Tankman)

2. The plane is taking off,

I'm ready to fly.

I'm waiting for that cherished order,

To protect you from the sky! (Military pilot)

3. The Motherland gave the order,

And he goes straight to the Caucasus!

Jumped at night with a parachute -

The road, sometimes a minute! (Paratrooper)

4. Will replace the robot-machine -

He will defuse a bomb or a mine himself.

Shouldn't be wrong at all

To stay alive later. (Sapper)

5. The boy's dream came true -

He came to serve in the company.

Now it shoots: "Tra-ta-ta!"

From a cannon, mortar.

Recently a boy served

But he is the best shooter. (Artilleryman)

6. Worthy of respect

Brave and courageous warrior:

It's hard to get behind enemy lines,

Remain unnoticed

Remember everything, find out

Tell me at headquarters in the morning. (Scout)

“He was also in war as a soldier,

He went on the attack with a machine gun,

Liberated cities

He fought and won." (Hero)

3 competition “Who needs what?”

IN war took part different types troops (aviation, navy, infantry,

different weapons were used (airplanes, ships, tanks, anti-aircraft guns, military of various specialties (pilots, sailors, tank crews, snipers).Fights were conducted on land, both on the water and in the air. Do you know where fought:

Navy? (At sea, on water.)

Aviation? (In the sky, in the air.)

Infantry? (On land, on earth.)

Teams receive two cards with military professions and cards with images of military equipment, equipment and clothing. Children must select cards that depict those items that are required for a particular military profession.

Educator: Our defenders fatherland, what are they? (courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless).

4th competition - relay race "Cities of Heroes"

Educator: - For what merits some cities after wars received the title of hero city?

(This was the name of the city whose inhabitants showed bravery, courage and bravery during wars.)

Guys on site Russian Federation there are many hero cities. What cities do you know?

Name at least four.

(Leningrad (now St. Petersburg),Stalingrad (now Volgograd, Odessa, Sevastopl. Moscow, Brest Fortress (hero fortress, Novorossiysk, Kerch, Minsk, Tula, Murmansk. Smolensk.)

Educator: Guys, do you know who is the most important in the army? (Commander). The outcome of the battle and the lives of the soldiers depend on the skillful actions of the commander. You and I also have commanders - these are our captains.

5 competition "Captains Competition".

Team "Border Guards"

1. What is the name of the festive march of all groups and branches of troops across Red Square? (parade)

2. Hero city, fortress, the first to take the blow of the Nazi invaders. (Brest).

3. Name the highest military rank? (Marshal)

4. Private, Hero of the Soviet Union, who covered the embrasure of an enemy bunker with his body. (A. Matrosov).

5. What weapon is called female name? ("Katyusha".)

Team "Sailors"

1. How many years did it last? The Great Patriotic War? (4 years).

2. Name the legendary city-hero of sailors? (Sevastopol).

3. State award for services to the Motherland. (Medal.)

4. Pilot, hero of the Soviet Union, who committed an aerial ramming. (N. Gastello.)

5. Winter outerwear for soldiers? (Overcoat).


Continues our quiz"Military Relay Race"

6 Relay "Cunning Sappers"

Inventory: 2 baskets and 10 barrels for each team.

The children of each team stand next to each other. In front of the first participant is a basket with kegs. the second empty basket is behind the last team member.

Exercise: pass along the chain "kegs of gunpowder" first from the first basket to the second. then back.

Educator: The respites at the front were short-lived. And again shells exploded and bullets whistled. The nurses fearlessly carried the wounded from the battlefield, bandaged their wounds, and sent them to the medical unit. The soldiers called them "fighting friends".

7 competition "Fighting Friends"

Girls imitate the actions of nurses, bandage the boys "wound" on the head.

Educator: I know the proverbs about war and peace: War is good to hear Yes, it's hard to see. Stand together for peace - there will be no war. Friends are made in battle. If you want peace, be prepared for war.

8 competition "Encryption".

Children are given cards with words; they need to create a proverb from the words.

1. Alone in the field is not a warrior.

2. Get lost yourself and help your friend out.

The results are summed up and the winners are awarded.

1. Thanks to the heroes,

Thanks to the soldiers

What the world was given,

Then - in forty-five!

2. You are blood and sweat

We got the Victory.

You were young

Now they are grandfathers.

3. We this Victory -

We will never forget!

May the sun be peaceful

Shines for all people!

By page


Patriotic War

Pioneer heroes

Dates, numbers


Hero Cities



Pioneer heroes

Shot a Gestapo man during interrogation?

A. Zina Portnova

B. Alena Zaitseva

V. Zoya Kosmedimyanskaya



Pioneer heroes

He fought to the last bullet, and when he had only one grenade left, he let his enemies get closer and blew them up... and himself. What is the name of the hero?

A. Vladimir Vysotsky

B. Alyosha Babochkin

V. Marat Kazei

Marat Kazei

Pioneer heroes

Pioneer, fourteen years old, awarded the order Patriotic War I degree, medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” II degree. Say the hero's name ?

A. Vlad Stashevsky

B. Ira Kukushkina

V. Valya Kotik

Valya Kotik

Pioneer heroes

He died near the village of Ostray Luka in the winter of 1943, and on April 2, 1944, the pioneer partisan was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union ?

A. Lenya Golikov

B. Vladimir Putin

V. Sasha Morozov

Lenya Golikov

Pioneer heroes

She was awarded the Order of the Red Star for bravery and courage; her parents died in Brest Fortress, where she helped the wounded ?

A. Alla Pugacheva

B. Alena Zaitseva

V. Valya Zenkina

Valya Zenkina

Dates, numbers

What is the date when the war began and ended?

Dates, numbers

How long did the siege of Leningrad last?

A. 700 days

B. 200 days

B. 900 days

900 days

Dates, numbers

How many years did the war last?

A. 4 years

B. 5 years

V. 8 years old

4 years

Dates, numbers

When was the Soviet flag hoisted over the Reichstag building?

Dates, numbers

Date of signing the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany?


Name a song that is loved by young and old, it is cheerful and sad, “with tears in your eyes.”?

A. “Victory Day”

B. “Two pieces of sausage”

V. "Valenki"

"Victory Day"


SONG – CALL. Was it first heard when Soviet soldiers were sent to the front from the Belorussky railway station and became a musical symbol, an anthem for the defense of the Fatherland?

A. "Holy War"

B. "Polars"

B. The soldier has a day off.”

"Holy war"


Patriotic song of the war years.

There is a version that it is precisely because of this song soviet soldiers during the Second World War they gave a nickname to... rocket artillery combat vehicles?

A. "Valenki"

B. "Katyusha"

V. "White Birch"



In which song does the soldier go to the cinema and have a day off?

A. “Farewell of the Slavic woman”

B. “Little Blue Handkerchief”

V. “A soldier is walking through the city”

"A soldier is walking through the city"


One of the most lyrical songs of the war years, poet, journalist Alexei Surkov dedicated these lines to his wife?

A. “In the dugout”

B. "Darkie"

V. “Lilies of the valley”

"In the dugout"

City heroes

The city of Russia, the battle for which brought the first victory in the Great Patriotic War to the Soviet Army?

A. Moscow

B. Tbilisi

V. Yakutsk


City heroes

In which city did the famous football death match take place?

A. Kyiv

B. Yakutsk

V. Aldan


City heroes

A city hero who held out under siege for 900 days?

A. Tommot

B. Leningrad

V. Novorossiysk


City heroes

Name the northernmost hero city.

A. Murmansk

B. Aldan

V. Leningrad


City heroes

Remember the famous “Diary of Tanya Savicheva”. What city did this girl live in?

A. Leningrad

B. Yakutsk

V. Novosibirsk


Historical facts

Supreme Commander-in-Chief during the Great Patriotic War ?

A. Lenin V.V.

B. Stalin I.V.

V. Putin V.V.

Stalin I.V.

Historical facts

Which city did the Road of Life supply?

A. Leningrad

B. Aldan

V. Moscow


Historical facts

Letter form from the front?

A. triangle

B. square

V. oval


Historical facts

How many human losses did our country suffer during the Great Patriotic War?

A. 26.6 million people

B. 20 people

V. 5 people

26.6 million people

Historical facts

Who was awarded the title “Marshal of Victory” by the people?

A. Zhukov G.K.

B. Lebedev Inokentiy

V. Lenin V.V.

G.K. Zhukov house button idea question mark with man wise Owl

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU Lyceum No. 21



A quiz is always exciting, it’s a way to prove that you are the best, most competent, and knowledgeable.

The military quiz for February 23 consists of 14 questions with answers, as well as a block of humorous questions.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. What word is the word “army” derived from?
From Latin armare - to arm +
From the French bataille - battle, fight, fight
From Latin divisio - department, division

2. What item in a soldier’s everyday life is intended for eating food in field conditions?
Bowler +

3. What movie is the phrase from?

“We will wear cambric foot wraps and eat margot cream...”
Answer:“12 chairs”, Ostap

“Hit! Just don’t touch the guitar..."
Answer:"Wagtail Army", Gypsies

“You will be a gunner-radio operator, but a pilot at heart, you will fly with a whistle backwards...”
Answer:“Chronicle of a Dive Bomber”, Sobolevsky

4. What is “hail”?
Type of precipitation +
Multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) caliber 122 mm +
TV and radio company +

5. When the shooter hits the middle of the target, they say that he
Made it to the top five
Made it to the top nine
Made it to the top ten +

6. What is a galley?
Kitchen on board +
Cast iron stove with boiler +
“Heart” of the yacht +

7. A Farewell to Arms covers the period
First World War +
Great Patriotic War
Seven Years' War

8. What is the name of the journalistic story by S.A. Baruzdin, in which the author shows portraits of a Soviet soldier from different years?
"A Soldier's Life"
“A soldier was walking down the street” +
"Everyday life at our home"

10. What is “armor”?
Answer: Armament of a warrior in the old days, combat equipment of an ancient warrior.

11. What is a “broadsword”?
Answer: a bladed weapon similar to a saber, but with a straight, long and wide blade, double-edged at the end.

12. What is “boarding”?
Answer: way of doing sea ​​battle, as well as a method of coupling ships to exchange cargo or transfer people.

13. What is not the responsibility of a squad leader?

To develop drill bearing and physical endurance among the soldiers (sailors) of the squad

Train and educate squad soldiers, and when solving combat missions, competently command the squad;

Force you to write letters +

14. What is the name of the song that contains the words:
“I drove past Warsaw, I drove past Orel,
Where Russian glory passed all the paths”?

"The Joy of Victory"
“I was traveling from Berlin” +
"Way home"

Block of humorous questions

How many kopecks did the soldier receive from the Tsar in gratitude for his service (in Russian folk tale"About one soldier")
Answer: three kopecks

How do they say in Rus' about a tall person?
Answer: Kolomna verst

How do they say in Rus' about a short person?
Answer: meter with a cap, two inches from the pot

How do they talk about a knowledgeable, intelligent, competent person?
Answer: seven spans in the forehead

What do they say about a very insightful person?
Answer: sees three arshins into the ground

What do they say about a person who walks unnaturally straight?
Answer: walks as if he swallowed a yardstick

municipal autonomous educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 7 Kaliningrad

MAOU secondary school No. 7


group leader Savich E.A. t. 89114627130

Intellectual and educational game for
high school students

The intellectual and cognitive game “Clever Guys” is carried out in the form of the “intellectual game WHAT? WHERE WHEN?"

The theme of the entire game is "Holy War". Timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

First round "Great battles and battles"(main battles and battles of the Great Patriotic War).

Second round “They Fought for the Motherland”(questions about 20 people - heroes and anti-heroes of the Great Patriotic War).

Third round “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten...”(questions about literary, musical works and films about the war, as well as about the authors of these works and performers of songs).

Teams of 5 people each take part in the game. Age 15-16 years (10th grade). Each team must have a name and emblem (distinctive sign).

The jury evaluates:

level of erudition of participants in matters of history, literature, art.

depth of knowledge of children and adolescents.

Participants are awarded based on the results of 3 rounds.



"Test". Consists of 25 test questions.

"Description". It is necessary to determine the name or name from the description of something or someone. For example, in the round " Historical reference» descriptions of battles and battles are presented, you need to find out what we are talking about

"Video round". Participants are offered video questions on the topic of the game.

"Musical round" Participants are asked musical questions about the theme of the game. For example, songs from the war years are played, you need to guess the artist or the name of the song.

"Pig in a poke." Participants must guess what item is in the bag.

"All in". Decisive round. Teams are asked a difficult question. They must give one, the only correct answer to it in 1 minute. The game requires a presenter and a croupier according to the number of teams.


Let's start the first intellectual game "Clever Guys".

The music of the program “What? Where? When?". The croupiers come to the tables.

Attention, test question: “Stalin ignored all reports and messages about Germany’s preparations for war with the USSR, according to people who knew him closely, because:

1. convinced himself that Germany would not dare to fight on two fronts (against England and the USSR);

2. believed in the strength of the Soviet-German treaties of 1939 and 1940.

3. was sure that these were provocateurs pushing the USSR towards war with Germany.

Time for discussion is 30 seconds. Time!

The correct answer is number one! So LET'S GO!!!



1. On the first day of war it was declared general mobilization and martial law was introduced:

a) in the western regions of the country;

b) from the Volga to the western borders of the country;

c) for the entire European part of the country up to the Urals.

2. The first major defeat of Germany in the Second World War occurred under:

a) Moscow;

b) Stalingrad;

c) Kursk.

3. June 30, 1941 at a meeting of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, it was decided to create a supreme body of power, which included Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Malenkov, and Beria. What name did the newly created government body receive?

a) Headquarters of the Supreme High Command;

b) State Defense Committee;

c) Council of Labor and Defense.

4. The main strategic direction of the German offensive in the summer of 1942 was:

a) northern direction to Leningrad;

b) western direction to Moscow;

c) southern direction to Stalingrad.

5. The operation of the Soviet command, carried out in 1942 under the code name “Uranus”, set the goal:

a) encircle a group of enemy troops near Stalingrad;

b) offensive near Kyiv;

c) protect Moscow as much as possible from a possible new German offensive.

6. The counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad, which began on November 19, 1942, ended with the connection of troops of the Stalingrad and Southwestern fronts in the city area:

a) Boguchar;

b) Kalach;

c) New Kalitva.

7. During the preparation of which operation did the Soviet command choose the tactics of “deliberate defense”?

a) counter-offensive near Moscow;

b) defense of Leningrad;

c) Oryol-Kursk direction.

8. Where during the war did the largest battle take place involving 1,200 tanks and self-propelled guns?

a) near Moscow on Volokolamsk highway;

b) near Prokhorovka;

c) during the capture of Berlin.

9. As a result of what actions of the German army on August 23, 1942, tens of thousands of residents died in Stalingrad:

a) breakthrough of the city’s defense by troops of the 6th German Army;

b) two thousand combat sorties by German aviation;

c) sending two thousand German subversive saboteurs into the city.

10. In what battle was the first time that German troops used Tiger and Panther tanks and the new Foke-Wulf 190 fighters on a large scale?

a) Battle of Stalingrad;

b) defense of Kyiv;

c) Battle of Kursk.

11. What is the code name of the summer operation of German troops in 1943 in the area of ​​Kursk, Orel and Belgorod:

b) “Citadel”;

c) "White Eagle".

12. The German troops surrounded at Stalingrad refused to surrender, their liquidation continued until February 2, 1943, when they capitulated:

a) the last military unit;

b) a group of 24 generals led by Paulus, who had been promoted to field marshal the day before;

c) a large tank group.

13. The first victorious salute during the war years sounded in Moscow:

a) to commemorate the final lifting of the siege of Leningrad;

b) in honor of the liberation of Belgorod and Orel;

c) in honor of the victory in Stalingrad.

14. In September 1942, the chiefs left for Stalingrad General Staff A. M. Vasilevsky and G. K. Zhukov as...

a) coordinator of front actions in the upcoming counter-offensive;

b) Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief;

c) inspector of the People's Commissar of Defense.

15. Which Russian military commander held the rank of marshal of two states?

a) K.K. Rokossovsky (Marshal of the Soviet Union and Poland);

b) N. G. Kuznetsov;

c) K. E. Voroshilov.

16. In order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, the German troops surrounded at Stalingrad were offered to surrender by the commander of the Don Front, General...

a) V. I. Chuikov;

b) N. F. Vatutin;

c) K.K. Rokossovsky.

17. Boris Vasiliev did not take part in writing the script for which film?

a) “Aty-Bati soldiers were coming...”;

b) “And the dawns here are quiet”;

c) “Only old men go into battle.”\

18. This song became famous and popular due to the fact that its performance was filmed, and the song appeared in the film “Concert to the Front.” What song are we talking about?

a) “Blue handkerchief”;

b) “Katyusha”;

c) “In the forest near the front.”

19. What is common in the combat biography of Major General Kolpakchi V.Ya., Lieutenant General Lopatin A.I., Major General Krylov N.I., Lieutenant General Chuikov V.I.?

They commanded the 62nd Army during the Battle of Stalingrad.

20. Troops of which fronts carried out a counteroffensive at Stalingrad?

South-Western, Don and Stalingrad.


"Dates and Events"

1st presenter. You will be offered a list of eight dates and events. You need to compare them in one minute.




Liberation of Kyiv

Battle of Kursk

Battle of Stalingrad

Lifting the blockade of Leningrad

Defense of Moscow

Defense of the Brest Fortress

Operation Bagration

Summer 1944

Battle of Berlin

Correct answer:

1-6 – defense of the Brest Fortress;

8-7 – summer 1944 – Operation Bagration.

"Logical pairs"

1st presenter. You will be presented with a list of people and historical facts. You need to make logical pairs in one minute, removing unnecessary options.

Historical facts

M. A. Egorov

and M.V. Kantaria

Commander of the Russian Liberation Army

N. Gastello

Ground ramming of enemy troop concentrations

A. Matrosov

1st aviation night bomber ram

S. A. Kovpak

Receiving the title of "Generalissimo"

A. A. Kovpak

Carrying out scorched earth tactics

G. K. Zhukov

Raising the Victory Banner over the Reichstag

I. V. Stalin

Covered the machine gun bunker embrasure with his body

Hosted the Victory Parade

Leader of partisan detachments

Led the Victory Parade

Commander of the German 6th Army

Correct answer:

1-6: M.A. Egorov and M.V. Kantaria - hoisting the Victory Banner over the Reichstag;

2-2: N. Gastello - ground ram of a cluster of enemy aircraft;

3-7: A. Matrosov – covered the embrasure of the machine-gun bunker with his body;

4-9: S.A. Kovpak – leader of partisan detachments;

5-1: A.A. Vlasov – commander of the “Russian Liberation Army”;

6-8: G.K. Zhukov - hosted the Victory Parade;

7-4: I.V. Stalin - receiving the title of "Generalissimo".


"Historical reference"

2nd presenter. Descriptions of battles and battles will be offered to your attention. You need to determine in 30 seconds what we are talking about.

1. In this battle, in certain sectors of the front, the fascist German command created multiple superiority in manpower and equipment. However, the advance of German troops was often defeated by the steadfastness and unparalleled courage of Soviet soldiers. One such example is immortal feat 28 Panfilov men who blocked the path of dozens of enemy tanks. What battle are we talking about?

Battle for Moscow.

2. This battle was distinguished by its large scope and focus. More than 4 million people, over 69 thousand guns and mortars, 13.2 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, and up to 12 thousand combat aircraft took part in it on both sides. Thanks to this battle, the anti-fascist coalition strengthened and the struggle of the peoples of Europe against the fascist occupiers intensified. What battle are we talking about?
Battle of Kursk.

3. On December 12, 1942, on the orders of Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, thirteen German divisions (including three tank and one motorized) rushed from the Kotelnikov area to Stalingrad to rescue the 6th Army of Friedrich Paulus from encirclement. On the banks of the Myshkova River, Soviet soldiers stopped the Nazi advance and then forced them to retreat. The operation to relieve the encircled 6th Army of the Nazis failed. Under what name did it go down in the history of World War II?

A) "Typhoon"; B) " Winter Storm"; B) “North Wind”; D) “Ball lightning”.

By the way, Manstein insisted that Paulus, having gathered all his forces, strike towards General Hoth’s tanks rushing towards Stalingrad, but Paulus never decided to start this operation...

4. In what year was Volgograd awarded the honorary title “Hero City” for outstanding services to the Motherland, courage and heroism shown by the city’s workers in the fight against the Nazi invaders?

A) in 1955; B) in 1965.; B) in 1970; D) in 1975

5. At the Battle of Cannae in 261 BC, where Hannibal defeated Terence Varro, for the first time in major battle this was applied. What is it if the Battle of Stalingrad is called the Cannes of the 20th century?

Answer: Environment

6. Before the war, this city was called the “industrial heart” of the region. And during the first 14 months of the Great Patriotic War, one of the factories in this city was the main enterprise of the USSR tank industry, producing up to 40% of the T-34 tanks produced. Name this plant in three words.

Answer: Stalingrad Tractor Plant

7. In the winter of 1943, the Don Front captured 90 thousand soldiers and officers, 23 generals and one... Who?

Answer: Field Marshal General.

21. The following fact speaks about heavy fighting in these places: after the Battle of Stalingrad, on one square meter Earth could be counted from 500 to 1250 fragments. In the spring of 1943, the grass didn’t even grow there. What historical place are we talking about?

About Mamayev Kurgan.

"Biographical information"

2nd presenter. You will be offered descriptions of famous historical figure or an episode from her life. You need to determine in 30 seconds who we are talking about.

1. This military leader was the son of a priest, dreamed of becoming an agronomist, and graduated from a theological seminary. Participated in the First World War. He worked as a rural teacher. He was drafted into the Red Army. When officers with unsuitable social backgrounds began to be dismissed from the army, he disowned his father. And only 14 years later, on Stalin’s orders, he restored contact with his family. HE entered the history of World War II as one of the main authors of the main strategic operations. Who are we talking about?

Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky

2. This military man joined the Red Army as a volunteer in 1918. He was enlisted in the 1st Saratov Infantry Regiment of the 25th Chapaev Division. The Great Patriotic War found HIM at the post of military commissar of the Kirghiz SSR. HE was the first to widely use a system of deep echeloning of artillery anti-tank defense, created and skillfully used mobile barrage detachments in battle. He died on the battlefield and was buried with military honors at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow. Who are we talking about?

Ivan Vasilievich Panfiflov

3. A colonel who fought with THIS military man recalled: “Every phrase that He wrote or uttered was precisely weighed, clearly expressed his thought, so that it did not raise any doubts. While still a young officer, he received the nickname “Slow” from his comrades. His blade-sharp mind and his invincible logic earned him the respect of all his employees. His decision matured only after weighing all conceivable contingencies. HE was captured and returned to his homeland only in 1953. Died February 1, 1957. Who are we talking about?

Friedrich Paulus

4. plot based on the film directed by Sergei Bondarchuk “The Fate of a Man”. The Germans lead the prisoners and force them to sing a song. What song did the prisoners sing?

The prisoners sang the song “Katyusha”.


"Pig in a poke"

2nd presenter. Do you know, dear friends, what it means to “buy a pig in a poke”? Absolutely right, i.e. I don't know what to buy.

1st presenter. So in this round you will guess what is in the bag.

1. Since 1943, the rank of marshal of aviation, artillery, etc. was introduced in the USSR. But the most important of all of them were the marshals of the Soviet Union. Only they had this insignia on their shoulder straps. What did the Marshal of the Soviet Union wear?

Coat of arms of the Soviet Union.

2. What did front-line soldiers call “pocket artillery” during the Great Patriotic War? What's in the bag?

Hand grenade.

3. In besieged Leningrad, feed grain intended for animal feed was proposed to be transported to mills, ground and used as an additive to rye flour in baking. Cellulose was also added to the “siege” bread and... What else was added to the bread? What's in the bag?

Cellulose and sawdust were added to blockade bread.

4. In the book about the fighter “Vasily Terkin,” the author describes various items that belonged to the soldiers that help in everyday military life. What subject are these lines talking about:

“The one in which you spend your life,
Without taking it off - so good!
And when you go to bed,
And when you go to death..."?

We are talking about a fighter's headdress - a hat with earflaps.


"All in"

1st presenter. You must give one, the only correct answer to it in one minute.

  1. Before the capture of Berlin, Marshal Zhukov and his headquarters developed a plan for a night assault on the Seelow Heights using THIS. After the necessary preparation, on the night of April 17, 1945, the troops began to storm the second half of the defense. The Germans could not understand what kind of “new weapon” the Russians had. What did the Soviet troops use to shock the Nazis and break their resistance?

To shock the fascists and break their resistance, 140 floodlights moved forward to illuminate the way Soviet troops and blinded the enemy.

2. Where, according to his will, was Marshal Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, buried?
According to his will, Chuikov was buried where
fought where many of his comrades laid down their lives -
in Volgograd on Mamayev Kurgan at the foot
monument "Motherland".

3. You will receive 3 additional points if you indicate the name of the failed counter operation of the Nazis.

(In response to the onset of the “Winter Storm,” a “Thunderclap” was supposed to be heard, but Paulus did not dare to do it, although Manstein, according to him, took full responsibility upon himself)