Schizoid character type. Human personality types: schizoid personality

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People with a schizoid character type are always significantly different from those around them, and have special characteristics that manifest themselves in many directions. The manifestation of the schizoid personality type is facilitated by injuries received even before the birth of the child. No matter what kind of injury it is, it in any case means that the child is in danger.

The most common trauma is when the mother does not want to give birth to this child and is going to have an abortion. Other relatives who insist on terminating the pregnancy (father, grandparents, friends, etc.) and do not want the child to be born may also participate in this. From such rejection comes the anger and energy of rejection of the child, and the child, even in the womb, already understands perfectly well what is happening. And in order to protect himself and save his life, it seems to split into small pieces, subsequently lines of blockages appear between all organs, which interrupt the unified connection of all organs.

In this state, the child shows minimal signs of life, which allows those around him to calm down, and they no longer perceive this child as a threat to their well-being. In principle, this is what the child sought. By breaking himself into fragments, he saves his life. But as an adult, this person begins to experience the most innate feelings for the person who did not want his life. The same negative feelings this person will also have feelings for his mother. Even if the mother did not intend to take the child’s life, but was exposed to severe stress, then this also contributes to the development of a schizoid personality type.

The next traumas for the development of this type of personality are childbirth, and the moment of separation of the child from the mother. When a child is taken away from his mother immediately after birth, he is left alone with this unfamiliar and huge world, and at this moment he feels abandoned.

I would like to note that the parent does not need to feel guilty about what happened. If you read my article about human personality types, you probably remember that the child also accepted Active participation in the formation of his personality and the experiences that he had to endure.

When a child of the schizoid type grows up, it cannot be said that he experiences any fear. However, in reality this is not the case. This person is constantly haunted by fears and some of them are unaccountable. Most great fear for a schizoid, that he has no right to exist and is terrified if he feels that he is in danger of destruction. This person is deprived of a sense of security and it seems to him that he is a stranger everywhere. And all these emotions taken together cause a strong feeling of anger in him.

Each personality type has its own means of defense. A schizoid has three of them. The first type of defense is care. You may have often seen this when, when talking with a person, you felt that he was not here, even though he pretended to be listening, but this was not the case; at that moment he seemed far away from you. If you yourself belong to this type of personality, then you have probably noticed that when you become bored and uninterested, you experience slight tension, then a fog appears in your head and you find yourself in an unknown place, and at this moment you do not hear the voice of your interlocutor and his image as would blur.

The second type of defense of a schizoid is “Beyond oneself.” Other people think this person is strange. He is not from this world. And the third defense is “Needles.” If you believe the words of clairvoyants, then this person’s aura looks like the bristles of a hedgehog. It is difficult to talk with this person, since these needles really prick at the energetic level, causing discomfort and it becomes clear to the other person that they do not want to communicate with him.

It is important to understand here that there are no bad or good defenses, they simply exist. And if you are a schizoid type, then as long as you think that the world is dangerous, you will defend yourself. The only thing you can do is realize that you have them, it is important to see them. And when you begin to understand that the world is not so bad, your defensive reactions will disappear by themselves.

A schizoid person has a narrow, elongated body, although there are also overweight schizoids. Looking at this man, it seems that he is not foldable and clumsy, it seems that every part of him lives on its own. But that’s the way it is, he once split himself in order to survive. This person has weak joints, red and tense, because there are blocks in his joints that look like holes in the aura. A schizoid does not accept physical reality and any actions are unacceptable to him, therefore, when it is time to do something, he opens these holes and releases energy. He becomes powerless and unwilling to do anything; he looks for any excuse, on a subconscious level, not to do what he doesn’t like.

The left and right sides of a schizoid are unbalanced, as there is no balance. His head tilts slightly to the side. And all because at the base of the skull there is the most important energy block, from which energy flows very strongly. That is why a schizoid often experiences headaches.

The schizoid personality type cannot establish eye contact because it avoids looking into the eyes of another. A schizoid usually has a long, thin and tight neck, small shoulders that lack strength. It even happens that one shoulder is larger, the other is smaller, and all because there is more energy in one half than in the other. The schizoid has too long arms and legs that he cannot control. In addition, these people often have cold hands and feet.

The schizoid personality type has a tightly compressed chest. This can lead to various girdling pains. And women of this type cannot have large breasts. Tension also arises around the abdomen, and therefore, no matter how hard a schizoid tries to strengthen the abdominal muscles, it will be difficult for him to achieve any result. No matter what this person does, his stomach will still be flabby, loose and weak. And if you want to get your tummy in order, then cleanse the third chakra and your schizoid character.

A schizoid may have a curved spine and that’s it, because he is often absent from his own body. To smooth out many negative aspects schizoid personality, this person needs to practice meditation often - this is the only remedy that can help you.

In the presence of a schizoid personality type, a person is drawn to talk about high spiritual topics, even if the schizoid person remains silent. He likes to talk about space, love and spirituality, but if you ask something specific, he cannot answer you. If you agree with a schizoid about a business meeting, then do not be surprised if he does not come. It’s just that during a conversation he may move away and not hear you.

If danger arises in his life, then he seems to disappear, he simply does not exist. That is, physically he is here, but he himself is not here. It is also difficult to catch him if he thinks that he simply does not need to be in a certain place. You can look for him as much as you like, but on a subconscious level he will do everything possible to avoid this meeting. You can call him, or come to visit, and at this time he can go about his business. But it's not his fault. This is how his protective powers operate, which protect him from danger, and also so that he does not relive his fears again and again.

The schizoid personality type occurs in people suffering from such an eccentric schizophrenia spectrum disorder as schizoid personality disorder. This means that the behavior and manners of such a person are always very different from the behavior of the people around him.

Although psychiatrists classify schizoid personality disorder as part of the schizophrenic spectrum of mental illnesses, however, unlike schizophrenia or schizotypal personality disorder, people with this disorder generally do not experience psychosis.


A person of the schizoid type is always taken out of the context of social relations. The typical schizoid personality experiences great difficulty in expressing any of his emotions, or does so in a very limited range. This is especially evident when communicating with other people. Some people with this mental disorder also experience cognitive impairment (their thinking is schizoid), distortions of perception, as well as pronounced originality of behavior in Everyday life(the so-called schizoid-hysteroid personality type).

A person with this disorder does not desire intimacy with other people. He tends to avoid any close relationships and is usually unable to experience love. The typical schizoid personality prefers to spend time alone with his thoughts rather than communicate with others or be in a group of people. Under normal conditions, a person with a schizoid personality type is perceived as a typical “loner.”

In addition, the typical schizoid personality has particular difficulty expressing his anger, even in response to direct provocation. This gives others the erroneous opinion that such people are cold and insensitive. Often their life seems to outsiders to be a purposeless existence. Typically, a typical schizoid personality pursues specific life goals that are incomprehensible to other people. Such people often react passively to unfavorable situations; it is difficult for them to give an adequate assessment and determine the significance major events in their lives.

Poor social skills and a lack of desire for sexual experiences mean that people with this disorder have very few friends and rarely get married. It is very difficult for them to work for hire or engage in intensive work, especially if their work activity involves constant interpersonal interaction. But the typical schizoid personality manifests itself magnificently in conditions of social isolation and where remarkable intelligence is required. The examples of many famous scientists, such as Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, clearly convince us of this.

The schizoid typical personality is formed on the basis of an eccentric pattern of internal experience and behavior that runs counter to the cultural norms of humanity. Typically, such people exhibit signs of eccentric behavior in two or more of the following areas: cognition, managing people, interpersonal interaction, and managing their emotions. Their picture of the world is not flexible enough, and schizoid character traits manifest themselves in a wide range of personal and social situations.

The typical schizoid personality is stable in its manifestations throughout life, and the first signs of schizoid personality disorder usually appear in adolescence or youth. The schizoid character type is more common among men than among women. Its prevalence in the general population is between 3.1 and 4.9 percent.


Researchers still don't know for sure what causes schizoid personality disorder. Different theories name different reasons for the development of a schizoid personality.

A person's personality is a combination of thoughts, emotions and behavior that makes each person unique. These characteristics are manifested in our attitude towards the outside world, as well as in the way we see ourselves. Any personality is formed in childhood due to the interaction of heredity and environmental factors.

In normal personality development, children learn over time to accurately interpret social demands and respond appropriately. What goes wrong in children of the schizoid type is not known exactly, but it is quite possible that some factors cause certain problems personal formation. Brain function and genetics also play an important role.

Most experts adhere to the biopsychosocial model of causation. In their opinion, the reasons due to which a person develops a schizoid typical personality is a combination of such factors: biological, genetic, social (for example, the child’s interaction with family and other children) and psychological (character and temperament, confrontation skills stressful situations). This suggests that no single factor can be considered leading - the formation of one or another personality type is a very complex process, which is influenced by all of the above factors. However, studies have shown that there is an increased risk of passing this disease from parents to children.

Who is at risk? The schizoid personality type is often observed among members of the same family. You may be at risk if you have had or have a family member with schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder, or any other personality disorder.

Childhood experiences also play a significant role in the development of this disease. Such factors include:

  • emotional and physical abuse;
  • neglect;
  • psychological trauma or constant stress;
  • emotional coldness of parents.


Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by distancing in social relations and a limited range of expression of emotions in interpersonal contacts. Such personality traits appear starting from early youth and are present in various variations. Typically, a schizoid personality type includes four (or more) of the following characteristics:

Because this personality disorder relies on persistent patterns of behavior, it is most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is quite difficult to diagnose in childhood or adolescence because the child or adolescent is constantly developing. If this happens, the above symptoms should be observed in the child for at least one year.

However, early symptoms of schizoid personality disorder, such as increased interest in individual activities or high level social anxiety are already clearly noticeable in adolescence. The child may be an outcast at school, or lag behind his peers in social development, which is why he is often the subject of bullying or ridicule.

As with most other personality disorders, the manifestations of the schizoid personality type become more intense with age, so the symptoms of this mental disorder are most pronounced at the age of 40-50 years.


Schizoid personality disorder is diagnosed by mental health professionals such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Ordinary therapists do not have sufficient skills and tools for psychological diagnosis.

Unfortunately, many people with schizoid personality disorder do not seek treatment. Typically, people with personality disorders do not seek treatment until their disorder begins to have a significant impact on their life.

The diagnosis of a schizoid personality type is made only by a specialist (psychotherapist or psychiatrist), and it is based on anamnesis and symptoms. It is he who decides whether your symptoms meet the criteria for schizoid personality disorder. In addition, there are a number of specific medical tests (MMPI, TAT, Rorschach test) that make the diagnosis even more accurate.


People with this disorder are often at high risk of developing anxiety or depression. They also have poor social skills and lack meaningful relationships with people. Without treatment, people with this disorder become increasingly uncomfortable in social situations, leading to even greater isolation.

Treatment for schizoid personality disorder usually involves long-term psychotherapy with a specialist who has sufficient experience in treating this personality disorder. Some types of psychotherapy have proven to be very effective in the treatment of schizoid personality disorder.

Psychological counseling helps the patient form the “right” relationship. Often used in conjunction with social skills training to help a person feel more comfortable in social situations.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps address erratic and socially undesirable behavior. A person is taught how to act in social situations, how to respond to obvious and hidden social signals. CBT also teaches you to recognize unusual or harmful thoughts so you can reframe them.

People with a schizoid type are noticeably different from others. Can be traced general features, which are inherent in this type of personality. For example, gait or manner of clothing. A special feature is also isolation and dispassion. Let's talk about this and other things in more detail.

Signs of a schizoid personality type
  1. Personality disorder of the schizoid type can be noticed since childhood. Schizoids love to spend their time in silence and solitude. Communication with peers is of little interest to them. They give great importance their inner reality, they can fantasize for a long time and live in the world of their ideas.
  2. Indifferent to pleasures, emotionally cold. But at heart they are very sensitive, vulnerable and impressionable. In professional activities, people of the schizoid type are tactful, unobtrusive and responsible. The circle of friends changes very rarely. As a rule, such people maintain contact with certain people throughout their lives.
  3. Completely devoid of intuition. They do not feel the interlocutor, other people's mood and do not understand how others treat them. One gets the impression that they are indifferent to everything, but this is not entirely true. It’s just that the schizoid personality type is too fixated on their own experiences and sensations. Schizoids attach great importance to little things, but they do not notice the seemingly obvious facts point-blank.
  4. Despite their apparent detachment, schizoids passionately crave intimacy. But because they are not always understood correctly, they close down. They often behave rather tactlessly because they do not accept the opinions of others. Selfishness manifests itself on a constant basis.
  5. They consider themselves unique, incomprehensible geniuses and incomprehensible sages. The hobbies of schizoids are very unusual. They are concerned about problems of philosophy, science and art. If a child begins to become interested in complex philosophical problems early, this may serve as a signal of the formation of schizoid psychopathy.
  6. They don't know how to speak well. Often the schizoid type has a monotonous and inexpressive voice, pauses and gets confused in words. Plays a passive role in society. He doesn’t care at all about other people’s opinions, so it’s very difficult to offend a schizoid. Sometimes he himself may inadvertently offend his interlocutor while defending his point of view.
  7. They don't care about their own appearance. They may walk around in dirty and torn clothes, not wash their hair for a long time, not shave, and not take a shower. Such a negligent attitude appears due to attention to other, more important things for a schizoid. They are not very concerned about external reality and everything material.
Treatment of schizoid personality type

Unfortunately, drug therapy is powerless here. The drugs show very little results. Being socially isolated, the schizoid-hysteroid personality type begins treatment in connection with an emerging disorder, for example, alcoholism. Often he does not trust doctors, so treatment is ineffective. General therapy includes a program for the emergence of positive symptoms. For example, the patient must remember and describe any positive events happening in his life or simply reflect on a list of pleasant emotions. Many therapists give their patients homework assignments in which they have to play a role in society. Group therapy is helpful, but most schizoids do not like to take part in any social activities.

Almost all schizoids do not consider it necessary to sign up with psychologists; nevertheless, they suffer from their internal thoughts and far-fetched experiences. If a person himself is aware of his own personality disorder, sooner or later he will be able to cope with it and learn to control himself.

The schizoid personality type, as a rule, is expressed by introversion, which manifests itself in an enhanced mode. The individual creates an imaginary “dome of comfort”, being in which gives calm and measured perception of the realities of life. Interpersonal relationships are usually poor or non-existent. There is a contrast of perception in relation to other people and animals, that is, close attachment to representatives of the animal world and alienation in human relationships. Any area of ​​life is associated with loneliness and reluctance to change, compete, or ambitiously achieve anything. Even the sexual aspect of life is expressed either in the complete absence of real sexual contact, or in the presence of a short-term relationship, but exclusively in adulthood. This personality type is not susceptible to fashion trends. In work, their choice falls on backbreaking, difficult-to-perform activities, from which a common person I would refuse.

Examples of “schizoids” among prominent figures

If we consider statistical data on individuals with a schizoid personality type, who are found among the entire population in 7.5% of cases, we can conclude that there is a significant proportion of mentally unstable people. There is no particular gender difference when identifying the frequency of manifestation of schizoid personalities, but, according to some data, the ratio tends to be 2:1, where the preponderance will be on the side of men.

It is amazingly common among famous figures to find those who have a schizoid personality type. Examples? A lot of them. These are outstanding scientists - Albert Einstein, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and famous philosophers - Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and brilliant composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the famous artist Salvador Dali, and many other.

Schizoid character type is not always a prerequisite for illness

Every person has traits that define a schizoid character type. Thanks to them, an individual can prove himself to be an innovator, a thinker or a person with creative potential. The schizoid character type as a predominant trait of a person can result in the fact that he will devote more to theory than to emotional aspects real life. Average people do not always understand the hobbies of schizoid individuals; sometimes these hobbies even seem bizarre to them.

The main nuance of this behavior is the ineffectiveness of theoretical ideas. Emotional satisfaction is achieved in the process of solving a problem, and not in its practical implementation. On the contrary, there is a conscious move away from transferring the idea to the commercial sphere. The schizoid personality type has an interesting feature. She expresses her unwavering attitude towards her popularity among the masses or the influence of money.

What is a schizoid like in childhood?

Every parent worries about their child from the moment he is born and, as they say, until his gray hairs. The schizoid personality type is susceptible to certain disorders. Treatment is more effective if deviations appear at an early age, starting from 3-4 years. The child unconsciously withdraws from parental affection and prefers to engage in solitary activities alone. There is an interest in everything philosophical - these can be eternal questions about life and death, and about the origin of all things, etc.

How does a schizoid position himself in adolescence?

At a later age, in people with a schizoid personality type, one can observe a tendency to complex mathematical calculations, but at the same time a complete inability to solve basic problems in everyday life. The schizoid personality type, which manifests itself at an early age, usually leads to a progressive form of autism.

As for the medicinal method of treating the disorder, one can note an ineffective result. According to statistics, schizoid individuals do not seek treatment for this disease, but undergo treatment for other diseases, in particular alcoholism. If, nevertheless, a schizoid personality type has been diagnosed, a specialist in the field of psychiatry will advise what to do in this case.

Psychotherapy as the main treatment for schizoids

An effective method of treating a patient with a schizoid personality type is psychotherapy, during which the doctor offers a list of standard emotions that the patient should become familiar with and try to experience. May also be offered role-playing games within social life, the essence of which is to instill generally accepted social behavior that is acceptable in certain situations.

Preconditions causing disorder in schizoids

Severe personality disorder of the schizoid type manifests itself in the first years of an individual's life. Period of development of the disorder of this type very long lasting.

Genetic predisposition to schizoid disorder No. Even, for example, at work a patient can achieve significant success, but only in an isolated area. At the same time, those around him may not even know about his illness.

Symptoms of schizoid disorder include:

  1. Emotional indifference or weakly expressed emotion in relation to events happening around.
  2. A constant state of isolation, thoughtfulness, seriousness and aloofness.
  3. Almost complete absence of need for interpersonal relationships.
  4. No need to defend your opinion.
  5. Recognition of the truth of information only if it comes from verified sources, for example, stated in the words of distinguished scientists.
  6. Non-standard thought processes, especially in the analytical field.
  7. Helplessness in everyday life.

The most important factor on the path to relative stability of schizoid personalities throughout life is the correct choice of profession and periodic diagnosis by a psychotherapist.

The result of crossing two radical types

Along with the four dominant personality types, there are also smoothly flowing ones, namely:

I. Schizoid-hysteroid personality type.

II. Hysterical-schizoid personality type.

Despite the fact that these psychotypes come from the main categories, they are fundamentally different from them. It's on your own existing types personality.

The reason for the appearance of such a combination may be the crossing of different personality types of one and the second parent in their child, but only under the condition of clearly defined initial types that are of equal strength and do not drown out each other. Most often, in this combination, the schizoid type occupies the primary position, and not the hysterical one, because it is more stable.

Summarizing the above information, we can talk about identifying the main and secondary types, but without completely suppressing the second. In particular, the individual’s need for introversion, which is understood both as isolation, from the point of view of a schizoid, and as the presence of deep contact from the point of view of necessity for society, is already a trait of a hysterical personality type.

If you are schizoid, the test will definitely show it

Received widespread demand among psychologists personality questionnaire R. Cattell, who is able to conduct both a quick diagnosis of personality type and an in-depth study of it. It will allow you to recognize, if present,
schizoid personality type. The test characterizes personality with 16 factors that allow one to predict behavioral actions in projection onto real world. This technique can be carried out both individually and in groups, covering various areas of application: personnel, professionally oriented, consulting, etc.

What is the final result of diagnostics using R. Cattell’s method?

The methodology is represented by 105 professional questions. The questionnaire allows you to accurately diagnose the individual traits of a particular person, called “constitutional factors,” according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite for diagnosing a patient is limited time. The technique allows us to identify the emotional, intellectual, and communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate, of the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist receives the final result in the form of a psychographic profile of the individual.

This professional program is used in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

Practical significance of diagnostic results using the MMPI2 questionnaire

Second modern techniques psychodiagnostics, which is no less important and popular than R. Cattell’s questionnaire, is the MMPI2 questionnaire.

Its use greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting applicants based on the required personal characteristics. Further use of the methodology will help track and identify employees involved in professional activity, which does not correspond to their psychographic personality profile, which will subsequently lead to increased productivity and minimization of risks. The programs allow you to establish personal characteristics, level of intellectual and vocational training, main motivational impulses for activity, competencies, development potential, etc.

Areas of application can be various types psychological consultation, career guidance, professional selection, harmonization of relationships in teams and much more.

They are characterized by eccentricities in clothing style, facial expressions, gait and behavior patterns. Reality is not the basis for the perception of the world for those people whose nature is dominated by the schizoid type. Being phlegmatic, such a person moves for the most part mechanically, pretentiously, shuffling or jumping. This is the case when the internal installations do not meet the requirements outside world.

1. The schizoid character type is distinguished by a complex, fragmented understanding of reality, where little things are attributed great importance, and the key facts of the situation are overlooked as completely unimportant. Such people look for special meaning in things that usually no one pays attention to.

2. Closedness is a distinctive feature of this type. It is sometimes impossible to recognize the emotions raging in the soul of such a person. The marble face, giving off coldness, does not betray inner feelings. A schizoid places his own interests at the basis of his activities, this prevents him from fully communicating with other people. He often behaves tactlessly with his interlocutor and does not take into account the opinions of others. treats new acquaintances with excessive suspicion. An egoist is not capable of sympathy or empathy.

3. These are professionals in a specific narrow specialization. A scientist devotes his entire life to one project. The doctor successfully promotes a specific treatment method, often not recognized by official medicine. These are a kind of geniuses, capable of defending new ideas in science and creating their own. Most collectors are characterized by a schizoid model of behavior, so they seem obsessed with their hobby.

4. In the work community, people who are characterized by a schizoid character type are valued for their unobtrusiveness, strict adherence to business formalities, and independent decision-making. They are held up as examples of business acumen devoid of emotion. They have close friends with whom they communicate throughout their lives. Persons with schizoid traits difficult to establish with colleagues at a new place of work. Having just joined the team, such a colleague rejects any attempts by colleagues to penetrate his inner world. The more persistent he is, the deeper he will withdraw into himself.

Persistence and the desire for independence force the schizoid to independently delve into the details of each project. Thus, over time, his qualifications will be higher than those of his work colleagues, although initially in many cases it was possible to simply ask them for advice. It is important to force the schizoid to listen to the opinions of other specialists, then the productivity of the coordinated work of the entire team is guaranteed.

5. Schizoid psychopathy develops if individual signs of schizoidism reach extremes. In this case, the patient becomes impossible. Moderately severe schizoid psychopathy allows the patient, against the background of absolute social inability, to achieve significant results in the field of science or art. A severe form of schizoid psychopathy manifests itself in an irresistible desire to completely protect oneself from communication with people, to remain completely alone.

Experts advise everyone who recognizes a schizoid type of behavior in their character to learn to express it in conversations with relatives and friends. You need to be clearly aware of the line beyond which decent personality traits go to extremes and are perceived negatively by others. Thus, excessive restraint turns into isolation and detachment. An unwavering proactive attitude is an important quality, but communication skills are modern society are of particular value.