Severe stress during pregnancy. How to deal with stress during pregnancy? Solving problems and dealing with strong fears

“That’s it: now you’re pregnant and you can’t be nervous. Stress during pregnancy can harm the baby, you must control yourself and radiate positivity around the clock.” These truths are hammered into the head of a pregnant woman so much that she finds herself in a vicious circle of constant tension. After all, an attempt to tightly control emotions in order to prevent negative experiences in itself keeps the nervous system on edge.

Doctors agree that short-term, mild stress can affect pregnancy even in a positive way for both mother and baby. He progressively prepares them for the passage of a crucial period of their life - childbirth.

Nature protects a woman

On the one hand, pregnancy itself is already a strong stress for the body and psyche. On the other hand, this is the natural physiological state of a woman, and nature has provided for everything. A lady “in position” is in a special psychological state of concentration on her inner world and on the unborn child. It reaches its peak during childbirth and then continues throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. All these processes occur under the influence of changes occurring in her nervous and endocrine systems that regulate pregnancy. Physiological changes contribute to the creation and strengthening of a close symbiotic bond between mother and child and significantly alleviate stress during pregnancy. This connection, in turn, helps shift the woman's focus to the unborn child. In other words, everything that worried and worried her before, everything that could upset or frighten her, now affects her with much less force.

But of course this does not mean that future mom doesn't worry at all. Fears, anxieties, worries, stress are the eternal companions of absolutely any pregnant woman. In addition, pregnant women, as a rule, continue to work and lead a socially active lifestyle, which means that stalemate situations cannot be avoided.

What are we afraid of during pregnancy?

Changes occurring in the body.

The belly grows, weight gains, toxicosis interferes with life, hormonal levels change. It’s scary to turn into a “hippopotamus” and stop being attractive. Worried about whether the previous form will return after childbirth.

All in your hands. A nutritious diet, walks in the fresh air and moderate physical activity can not only significantly reduce stress during pregnancy, but also keep the body in good shape, avoiding unpleasant consequences.

How will it go, how painful it will be, will I be able to stand it. This question is constantly spinning in my head and also leads to stress for the pregnant woman. The closer the cherished date, the worse it is.

In fact, it’s not for nothing that pregnancy lasts for 9 months. During this time, psychological restructuring occurs. A woman is preparing for childbirth. In the later stages, when the belly is already large and noticeably in the way, he even dreams about them. Imagine this day in detail, positively. Exactly the way we would like to spend it. You will see, in many ways this will be the case. Very good at reducing tension special courses to prepare for childbirth.

Concern for the baby's condition.

A pregnant woman listens sensitively to her condition day after day, every hour and minute.

Visit your doctor on time and don’t stress yourself out. Frequent trips to the clinic and tests are not an annoying obstacle, but professional supervision and your peace of mind.

Tension in the family.

The spouse's reaction is not always what is expected in romantic films. For a dad-to-be, the news of fatherhood can be just as stressful. And dreams of how he will carry you in your arms and blow away dust particles may crumble. In addition, there are always many advisers around a pregnant woman who begin to dictate to a previously free individual what to do and how to live correctly in principle.

Don't beat yourself up. You can easily do without flowers and pineapples at 3 am. Give your partner time to get used to the new quality. Focus on the positive aspects of your new condition. How the baby begins to push, how pleasant it is to carry new life. Gently but clearly indicate your boundaries to your advisors.

How does constant stress affect pregnancy?

No matter how much we are told that pregnant women should not worry, we still forget about it. However, let's take care of our health and that of the baby, because there are examples of negative consequences:

  • Miscarriage and premature birth.
  • Oxygen starvation of a child. Stress during pregnancy provokes the release of the hormone cortisone into the blood. It increases blood sugar levels and causes little oxygen to reach tissues. The consequences are deviations in the development of the child. The baby’s nervous system may suffer, and in the future there may be anxiety, fears, autism, poor adaptability in a team, a tendency to depression, and hyperactivity. And this is not the whole list...
  • Neurosis in a pregnant woman
  • Decreased immunity
  • Heart diseases

Always remember: you always have how to react to a particular event. Someone will throw a tantrum over a spilled cup of coffee, while for others, serious family trials will not be a reason to give up. The harm of stress during pregnancy lies not in the negative events themselves, but in your reaction to them. The good news is that you can learn to choose this reaction yourself!

Where to put your nerves?

It’s scary to read about the consequences of stress on pregnancy. But we are all living people. And in 9 months anything can happen to us. How to deal with tension? Where should you put your nerves? Anna Matulyak, head of the Family Counseling Center, family and reproductive psychologist, author and presenter of the art therapy project for expectant mothers “Waiting for a Miracle,” shared exclusive advice for healthypeople.bel.

  1. Don't be afraid of emotions. Many expectant mothers exaggerate the impact of negative experiences and try in every possible way to avoid them. For example, a woman needs to go to bed for conservation, she is scared and upset, but she tries in every possible way to drive away these thoughts from herself and forcibly switch herself to the positive. You can't do that. The tension that is created as a result is much more harmful. It is important to accept and acknowledge real feelings: “Yes, I am worried and worried. I'm worried about the child. “I’m doing everything I can and I’m putting myself in the capable hands of the doctors and I hope that everything will be fine.” If you want to cry, cry. If you allow yourself to experience emotions, they will go away. If you forbid yourself, they will remain with you - in your unconscious, in your body, and this, of course, will affect the child’s condition.
  2. Look for sources of positive emotions and support. Be sure to identify for yourself what or who can be a resource for you. Let others help you cope with stress. Walking with a friend, chatting on the forum with other pregnant women, going to the movies, traveling and having fun. Do not deny yourself pleasures.

  3. Perform special . It's no secret that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. During physical activity, endorphins are released - hormones of happiness, which is what we need for a pregnant woman to “calm the nerves.” Be sure to consult your doctor about what kind of physical activity will be beneficial for you and not contraindicated. You can dance or just walk in the fresh air to pleasant music. There can be many options, the main thing is not to sit idly by.
  4. Try meditation and visualization. No special knowledge or skills are required. Even children can do this - dream and imagine pleasant things. Choose a suitable time and place (so that you will not be disturbed), close your eyes and imagine anything that can evoke pleasant images, emotions and sensations in the body. If you love the sea, you can imagine yourself on the beach, enjoying life on the warm sand to the sound of the sea or swimming in warm water. It is not so important whether you remember past experiences or dream and fantasize about the future. The main thing is that it causes positive emotions and pleasant sensations in the body that will make you completely forget about what this stress is.
  5. Connect aromatherapy. It is easy to combine, for example, with relaxation and visualization. Fill a well-ventilated room with your favorite scents that make you feel good. You can mix scents and add several oils to the aroma lamp at once.

  6. Get creative. Many people immediately reject this option, citing the fact that “I’m not a creative person.” But in fact, this is one of the most effective ways cope with stress during pregnancy. You don’t need to have superpowers to knead a piece of plasticine in your hands or mold it into a circle or square. But the process itself will bring quite a lot of benefits - the massage of the fingers and palms, which takes place during the sculpting process, relieves tension well. You can sculpt or draw a “problem” or “cause of stress”, and then get rid of it, thereby helping yourself get rid of negative emotions. Draw with your hands, your toes, no matter what, the process itself is important. If the result is critical for you, think about such types of creativity as knitting, embroidery, scrapbooking - the concentration necessary for these activities balances the nervous system.
  7. Contact specialists. If you understand that you can’t cope on your own or the level of anxiety is too great, seek help from specialists.

What to do if you find yourself in the midst of stress?

  • Focus on your breathing. Think about making it level.
  • Lightly touch the tummy and mentally or auditorily talk to the baby, imagine him
  • Find someone you can get support from. Sometimes just speaking up is enough.

Yes, severe prolonged stress during pregnancy certainly negatively affects the health of both the pregnant woman and the baby. But it is important to understand: it is impossible to avoid experiences in our lives. Don't hold them back. Cry if you cry. But at the same time, pregnancy is the time to learn to accept yourself, fill your life with pleasant moments, increase stress resistance and not be afraid to turn to loved ones for support.

The materials on the site are informational in nature and are intended for educational purposes. The information should not be used as medical advice. Only your attending physician makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. The site's editors are not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the site.

Journalist. Two higher education- journalist and psychologist. Member of the Belarusian Union of Journalists. Winner of the Belarusian Union of Journalists award. Experience in the profession - 15 years. Work experience in medical topics - 12 years. Belorussian State University- 2002-2007 Specialty - print media. Belarusian State Pedagogical University them. M. Tanka - 2017-2019 ‒ diploma with honors. Specialty - psychologist. Job: Editorial office of the newspaper “Polesskaya Pravda” (Pinsk), correspondent; Since 2007 - editorial staff of the newspaper "Medical Bulletin" (Minsk). Correspondent, curator of Minsk; Since 2017 - correspondent for the information portal " Healthy people", correspondent of the newspaper "Medical Bulletin". I am one of the compilers of the book “History of Health Care of the Republic of Belarus” (Minsk, 2009). I prepare both printed materials and video content. Since 2018. Organizer and author of the idea of ​​competitions for the site - “Sultry Doctor”, “Best Day”, as well as “Stylish Season” on In 2019 - laureate of the Golden Pen award of the Belarusian Union of Journalists.

Over the past two decades, studying the effects of stress on the body has become one of the most important areas medical science. This is no coincidence, because almost every person faces stress. Depending on how we respond to stress, it can be beneficial - if it pushes us to act more effectively. Or, on the contrary, it is harmful - when it gets out of control and overwhelms us.

A negative reaction to stress is similar to normal mood swings.

Loss of appetite and insomnia can have a harmful effect on you and your baby.

You cannot allow these symptoms to torment you for a long time - moving into the second and third trimesters. Learn to deal with stress.

You must approach this issue constructively and do everything to regain your peace of mind. Here are some tips for coping with stress.

Talk about what makes you nervous.

Don't keep your fears inside, give them a way out in the form of words. Alternatively, you can try to psychologically lean on your husband. Every day in the evening, but preferably not right before bed, discuss your worries and concerns with him.

Together, it will be easier for you not only to find solutions in difficult situations, but also to simply remain calm.

And also treat troubles with humor. Besides your husband, you can talk to someone else. For example: with relatives, a friend or even a doctor.

A good solution would be to sign up for some classes for pregnant women. There, you will be able to communicate with other mothers to understand that other pregnant women have the same problems. You can also try to find yourself a hobby, for example, or something else.

If conventional remedies do not help, consult a psychologist.

Eliminate the source of stress.

Try to avoid situations that throw you off balance. If you are overwhelmed with different things, give up those that are not very important to you. If you have too much work and housework to do, then put some of it aside or assign it to someone else.

Learn to distribute and control your time! Mastering time management skills can take you a long way in this regard.

Sometimes it helps to sit down with a notebook and organizer to make a to-do list. Planning will help you feel that you have everything under control and all your affairs are “sorted out.” With this, you can cope with the feeling of being drowned in the chaos of responsibilities that have piled up on you.

Get a good night's sleep.

During sleep, not only the body, but also the soul is restored. Therefore, sound and healthy sleep is very important in the life of a pregnant woman, and, in general, of any person.

Tension and fears are often associated with the fact that a person does not get enough sleep.

If you are faced with this problem, then you will be interested in reading about methods to cope with insomnia.

Eat right.

Due to lack of time, many women eat poorly and do not follow their diet. All this leads to the fact that during pregnancy, your resistance to stress decreases. And in addition, it negatively affects the growth and development of the child.

Lack of discipline in nutrition for a pregnant woman is doubly harmful.

Therefore, take care of your daily menu; you will need three large meals or six small ones during the day, at a minimum.

Relaxation techniques.

Taking a warm bath (not a hot one) is a great way to relax. Pamper yourself and take a bath after a hectic day. You can listen to relaxing music during the process, it will help you calm down and take your mind off your worries. You can also fall asleep faster if you do this in the evening before bed.

Use a classic stress-relieving method like massage. Ask your husband to rub your shoulders or go to a professional.

Be sure to tell your massage therapist that you are pregnant.

Use these and other relaxation techniques to combat stress. Most of these methods are useful not only during pregnancy, but also at any other time when you need to relieve tension.

Reduce factors that trigger stress.

Maybe the problem itself is not worth the attention you are paying to it. For example, if you are nervous at work, then think about whether it is worth it. If you don’t have the opportunity to quit or change jobs, then try to go to maternity leave early. You can also try to negotiate with your boss about reducing your working hours or delegating some of your responsibilities to someone else. This will most likely help you reduce your workload and cope with stress more easily.

Remember that stress may increase after the birth of your baby. Therefore, now is the time to learn to cope with it and control yourself.

Unfortunately, busy days happen outside of plans and schedules. They do not bypass expectant mothers either. Troubles at work, disagreements with her husband, everyday troubles... During pregnancy, a woman often perceives various problems too acutely. But you can learn to react to external stimuli in a less painful way.

Stress during pregnancy: how to help yourself?

1. Directed aggression. Often, the expectant mother, knowing the harm of negative emotions, forbids herself to experience them: “I can’t cry,” “Stop being angry,” etc. However, emotions do not disappear anywhere, but are simply transformed into bodily tension and increased muscle tone. Therefore, in order to truly free yourself from negativity, it can be useful to allow “forbidden” behavior, adapting it to the place. Are you angry at a colleague who took advantage of your position to get the promotion you were hoping for? Keep a piece of plasticine on hand that you can knead, roll... With such actions, all the tension goes into your hands and fingers, and stopping manipulation leads to relaxation of these parts of the body and relieving irritation. For the same purpose, we take pencils and paper: with quick movements, draw something on the paper (doodles or a cartoon of the offender), then tear the piece of paper into many small pieces, collect them into a fist and crumple up a ball, which you then throw in the trash.

2. Monotonous activity. Don't try to drive away obsessive thoughts and feelings. It is better to switch your attention to any monotonous activity that is pleasant for you. For example, you can start making baby sling beads - they will come in handy after the baby is born. They are convenient to always take with you, take them out of your bag, for example, if you are irritated while waiting in line. Bright colors will attract attention, the use of natural materials will have a calming effect on the senses, and tying, weaving and picking beads will calm the nerves and help you relax during pregnancy. In addition, an additional reminder of the future baby will evoke pleasant emotions.

3. Water procedures. Water has always been considered a good helper in the fight against fatigue and tension. Many people find exercise in the pool helpful. If training is not recommended for medical reasons, you can provide yourself with a relaxation session in the shower. Close your eyes and feel how drops of water fall on your body and flow down, try not to think, but just feel the water on your skin. Stand there for a few minutes, feeling how the drops carry away your problems with the water. Repeat to yourself: “Everything flows, everything changes, this too will pass.” This meditation will help you relax.

4. Just the facts. Sometimes, in order to stop being nervous, it is enough to simply remove the uncertainty of the situation by receiving Additional information. You're not very worried about good tests, and the doctor only scared you with the upcoming hospitalization? Read the literature on this issue, consult another specialist, collect all the data before drawing conclusions and getting upset. If the situation is really not going very well, then try to mentally build a scenario in which the current situation is perceived as relatively good, since the alternative could be worse. For example: “If I hadn’t come to the consultation this month, I could have harmed the baby, but everything can be fixed.”

5. The business side of the issue. To reduce stress during pregnancy, you can switch from the emotional side of the issue to the business side, that is, get down to business: the technical side of the problem, planning, solving, etc. If you are very annoyed by the audibility in the apartment and very noisy neighbors (parents sort things out loudly, at night a child cries, a teenager listens to music at full volume during the day), instead of being nervous, keep yourself busy looking for options real solution this problem. Perhaps it’s time to think about renovations, then it will be possible to soundproof the walls, because your baby will soon also start bothering the neighbors. In general, a way out can always be found.

Pregnancy is a special period, accompanied by fireworks of emotions that are not always positive. Difficulties at work, problems in the family, bad tests... This list of reasons for worrying is different for every pregnant woman. And only a few can boast of composure and absolute “immunity” to stress. Severe nervous tension negatively affects not only psycho-emotional state women, but can also complicate the course of labor or affect the formation of the fetus. Let's figure out what the causes of stress during pregnancy are in order to take control of the situation in time, and how stress during pregnancy is dangerous for a woman and her baby.

When a woman says “I’m stressed!”, most likely she is upset, scared, or outraged about something. But this is not an accurate description of the term “stress” and is more typical of its one type - neuropsychic stress.

WITH scientific point vision, stress - emotional excitement negative character, which can be provoked by a variety of factors, for example, hunger, cold, photophobia or other phobias.

During pregnancy, short-term emotional stress is more common, which often resembles a storm of negative emotions. It rarely leads to systemic disorders during pregnancy and is manifested exclusively by bad mood.

Chronic stress or distress during pregnancy is more dangerous. This condition occurs against a background of prolonged nervous tension. Such “harmful” stress often disrupts the functioning of the entire body, affecting the hormonal levels, immune function and well-being of a pregnant woman.

Stress develops gradually. The first phase is the activation of the female body in response to overexertion nervous system. Then the second phase gradually begins - active resistance to the situation that has arisen. If stress drags on, the third phase begins - global exhaustion of the female body with subsequent complications. As a result, a woman may develop an infectious disease, worsen a chronic pathology, or develop a nervous disorder.

Stress during pregnancy - causes and development features

During the gestational period, stress follows a certain scenario. It leads to stimulation of hormonal processes, which leads to pathological synthesis of glucocorticoids and catecholamines. This leads to the destruction of glucose in the pregnant woman’s body and a short-term jump in blood sugar. The body immediately reacts to this by synthesizing excess insulin, which utilizes sugar, which provokes unscheduled heat formation. Then, to “rest”, the body reduces insulin production, which is often called transient functional type diabetes.

But the influence of nervous stress during pregnancy on a woman’s health does not end there. In conditions of insulin deficiency, the synthesis of sugars from amino acids starts. But their reserve in a woman’s body is limited, so to obtain energy, the body also begins to break down fats. The product of their breakdown is ketones, which cause general intoxication. As a result, the brain suffers muscle, heart. Often this condition is accompanied by severe oxygen starvation.

Repeated repetition of such a stress algorithm leads to a decrease in thyroid function, disruption of the nervous system and immunity. Such disorders can affect the development of the fetus, so it is unwise to ignore frequently recurring stress.

What can cause severe stress during pregnancy? First of all, stress is triggered as a result of acute anxiety, the source of which can be:

  • Fear for the baby. While he is quietly developing in the mother’s tummy, the woman is unable to somehow influence his well-being or find out if everything is okay. It is especially difficult for women who have experienced miscarriage and loss of a baby in the past.
  • Fear of future motherhood. Mild anxiety when thinking about the upcoming meeting with the baby and his future upbringing often occurs in women. But sometimes this excitement develops into a real test for the female nervous system and it is impossible to avoid severe stress.
  • Contact with the outside world. Endless tests and queues in medical institutions, nervous passengers on the subway, a rude saleswoman in a supermarket - this is just the tip of the iceberg of possible provocateurs of stress during pregnancy.
  • Work misunderstandings. The teachings of a disgruntled manager and unfriendly colleagues are perfect conditions for chronic stress. And if we also take into account toxicosis, frequent delays due to regular examinations by a gynecologist and the inability to concentrate on work, then it becomes obvious that stress at work during pregnancy occurs very often.
  • Shock situations. Pregnancy does not exclude tragic turns in life. Anything can happen: divorce, dismissal, death of relatives in an accident, unplanned move.
  • Family environment. If the climate in the family is bad, conflicts often occur and misunderstandings are constantly present, there are uncomfortable living conditions, then emotional discomfort is guaranteed.

On a note! Excessive impressionability, suspiciousness and lack of support from loved ones only aggravate the impact of stress on pregnancy.

How to understand that you are stressed during pregnancy - symptoms

You can tell that a woman is stressed by her emotional outburst. However, some women experience stress silently and do not know it themselves.

The first signs of stress in a pregnant woman are considered to be:

  • sleep disturbance (insomnia or, conversely, a constant desire to take a nap);
  • obvious changes in appetite (refusal to eat or binge eating);
  • inability to work fully (fatigue, memory loss, lethargy);
  • groundless fears or worries;
  • signs of depressive mood (apathy, feeling of hopelessness, detachment);
  • panic attacks (fear of leaving the house, lack of air);
  • deterioration of health (tachycardia, hypertension, dizziness, dyspepsia);
  • obvious decrease in immunity.

Important! Such a complex of symptoms in a pregnant woman is a good reason to refer her to a psychologist.

How stress affects pregnancy

Minor physiological stress often occurs during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and pregnancy companions such as vomiting, headache, and weakness. This often makes a woman nervous and emotionally tense, but negative influence it is not observed on the fetus. In other cases, when stress is caused by external stimuli, and the woman experiences a deep emotional shock, the consequences for her and her baby can be disastrous.

Stress during pregnancy: consequences for the child

The first weeks of pregnancy are decisive, so the best thing that loved ones can do is to protect the pregnant woman from stress. It can affect pregnancy and the baby in two ways:

  • On the one hand, during the first few weeks the baby is still microscopically small and reliably protected from the influence of stress. “Stress” hormones do not enter the fertilized egg even after its implantation, since until the 10th week the placenta is not yet functioning, and there are no ways for them to enter the baby’s blood.
  • On the other hand, the first trimester is the time of formation of organ inclinations. And the presence of stress during early pregnancy worsens the functioning of a woman’s hormonal system and metabolic processes. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict how this will affect embryonic development.

Interesting! American scientists who studied the nature of the development of autism made an interesting discovery. It turned out that women who carried a baby in conditions of constant stress had twice the risk of having an autistic baby than women who did not experience this condition.

Stress during pregnancy in the second trimester is no longer as dangerous for a woman as in the first. But in relation to the baby, everything changes exactly the opposite. For him, this period is very important, because the development of the organs and systems established in the first trimester is in full swing, and any negative factors can disrupt this process. Of course, the baby will not have any serious developmental abnormalities, but the following disorders may occur:

  1. Hypoxia and complications after it. Under the influence of stress, uteroplacental blood flow is disrupted. If measures are not taken in time, the baby continues to develop in conditions of oxygen deficiency and important substances. As a result, the newborn may experience neurological disorders, he may have too low weight, and poor Apgar scores.
  2. The birth of a premature baby. Stress is like a catalyst for uterine hypertonicity. If a woman experiences a severe shock before the 22nd gestational week, she may experience a miscarriage, and if after this period, premature birth. A premature baby may have developmental delays or neurological disorders in the future.

On a note! Babies whose intrauterine development took place in a stressful environment are prone to provoking conflicts after birth and are often mentally unstable.

After the 28th gestational week, the mother’s stress does not affect the baby’s physical development. But the fetus is already able to empathize with the mother and also experiences a kind of stress. This condition often provokes such correctable disorders in the newborn as poor sleep, refusal to eat, frequent regurgitation, and increased muscle tone.

Stress during pregnancy: consequences for women

If stress in the early stages is not dangerous for a baby, then for a woman it can become a serious reason for grief:

  1. Worsening of toxicosis. Even moderate stress can turn mild nausea into uncontrollable vomiting. Drowsiness, dehydration also occur, and blood counts deteriorate. This often causes hospitalization.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. Hormones are the first to respond to stress. Depending on the condition of the female body, this can cause unsuccessful implantation of the embryo or improper fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. Often, a fertilized cell, without attaching to the endometrium, leaves the uterus along with menstrual blood.
  3. Hypertonicity of the uterus. The connection between increased uterine tone and anxiety has long been established. Therefore, stress often causes the threat of miscarriage.
  4. Freezing of the fetus. Very often, a frozen pregnancy occurs due to stress.

Advice! If you notice bloody discharge or abdominal pain after a nervous shock, consult a doctor immediately.

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most comfortable period for a woman. Toxicosis is already behind us, and the delights of the third trimester in the form of clumsiness have not yet arrived. Therefore, there are no external reasons for stress. Since the emotional state in this period is elevated, minor irritants are unlikely to provoke strong feelings. But if something really serious happens, the stress will be very active.

On a note! For women, stress during this period is not dangerous, which cannot be said about the baby. Therefore, if you cannot cope with nerves, ask your doctor to prescribe mild sedatives.

Stress in the third trimester of pregnancy is not dangerous for the baby, but a woman may experience one of the following complications:

  1. Premature delivery. The female body is designed in such a way that if sharp fluctuations in hormones begin at this stage and the tone of the uterus increases, it may decide that it is time to give birth.
  2. Weakness of labor. The natural birth process is complex and involves many mechanisms of the hormonal system. If during pregnancy a woman was in stressful conditions, the likelihood of insufficient labor activity increases. Often you have to resort to stimulation and even caesarean section.
  3. Incorrect position of the baby. The tone of the uterus caused by stress does not allow the fetus to take the correct position before birth. In such a situation, the birth process is accompanied by complications, which increases the risk of birth injuries in the child. Sometimes natural childbirth becomes impossible.

How to cope with stress during pregnancy

If you realize that you are under a lot of stress, calm down. Concentrate on the thought that the most important thing at the moment is not the problem that has arisen, but the health of your baby. Think about who among your loved ones can help you pull yourself together and ask for help. If you have no one to rely on, consult a psychologist.

If you are able to curb your feelings on your own, you can use the following tips:

  1. Conquer your fears. If the cause of stress is fear for the baby, tell the doctor about it and undergo additional examination, if necessary. If the reason is something else, try to solve it in a similar way.
  2. Find a passion. A hobby will distract you from bad thoughts and give you a lot of positivity.
  3. Learn to pamper yourself. If you want something sweet, allow yourself one of the most delicious desserts. If you want to ride on a swing, don’t stop, because there’s a baby living inside you.
  4. Let go of the fear of labor pain. Although women hide it, they are absolutely afraid of this pain. You need to come to terms with this, don’t stress yourself out and undermine your baby’s health with your stress.
  5. Don't hide your pregnancy. Often women in the early stages do not advertise their position, and silently endure frequent reprimands from their boss for being late or poor performance. Tell him that you are pregnant, and he will understand your position. This way there will be at least one less stress in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  6. Voice all your desires. Pregnancy is a time of whims and strange desires, so take advantage of this moment.

Take care of your pregnancy and don’t let stress harm your beloved baby. Tune in to the positive and get maximum pleasure, because pregnancy ends very quickly. And remember that the birth process, the health of your baby, and future lactation depend on your peace of mind.

Video “Stress and nerves during pregnancy”

Research has shown that severe stress during pregnancy can leave a serious mark on the unborn baby. Women who were constantly in a tense state during this period were more likely to have babies with any defects.

What is stress?

Today, people often diagnose themselves on their own, without even fully understanding this or that concept. But you can’t self-medicate. In common usage, “stress” is interpreted as a negative state of tension.

In medicine, this term means a nonspecific response of the body or an adaptation syndrome that develops under the influence of excessive or new influences (for example, emotional or physical stress). There are several types of stress:

  • Emotional stress. Psycho-emotional anxiety of a person in various life situations, when the fulfillment of social and biological needs ceases for a long period.
  • Eustress, which is caused by a positive mood.
  • Psychological stress. Due to the influence of extreme circumstances, there is a feeling of excessive psychological stress and discord in public behavior.
  • Distress. Appears when periodically exposed to some unfavorable situation or deep shock. It is the most severe and dangerous because the body cannot cope with it alone.

As you can see, the understanding of what stress is in its usual and medical meaning is as follows: a stressful state is considered to be an ordinary nervous excitement or emotional experiences inherent in people with excessive emotionality.

How to determine

Stress during pregnancy has its own specific symptoms and signs, which are common to all people and specific to pregnant girls. In the latter case, difficulties may arise in determining the stress state, since the signs of both sometimes converge. Signs are divided into physical and behavioral.

Physical symptoms include:

  • sudden weight loss (exception - toxicosis);
  • frequent headaches and pressure changes as a sign of stress;
  • redness, itching and rashes, no diseases are detected during the analysis;
  • panic attacks with increased heart rate;
  • muscle tone (on latest dates it can cause premature birth);
  • contractions of the stomach, accompanied in some cases by vomiting (difference from toxicosis in frequency and controllability);
  • insomnia;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • pressure changes.

Behavioral signs include:

  • irritability, not the mild irritability that is accompanied by all pregnant girls, but frequent “explosions”;
  • a depressive state, again there may be a divergence of concepts here, but it is better to contact a psychologist who will help;
  • excessive tearfulness, remember that tears for no reason are not a good sign;
  • difficulty concentrating or thoughts of suicide.

If you notice these symptoms in yourself, try to analyze latest events and your condition before and after this situation.

Reflection on a child

Women experiencing constant stress during pregnancy expose their child to the influence of stress hormones - cortisones. Due to stress, a woman may lose her appetite, and malnutrition or the resulting toxins also negatively affect the development of the baby. Cortisone increases sugar and reduces the supply of oxygen to cells. Together, these two aspects can lead to congenital diseases.

Passivity, lack of initiative, hyperactivity, problems concentrating on one thing, poor self-control - this is what severe stress during pregnancy can lead to. This child is more likely to need treatment with antidepressants. In addition, due to constant stressful situations, a child may have asymmetry of fingers, toes, ears, eyes or a low IQ.

Impact on boys and girls

Girls who are expecting the birth of a baby should expect different consequences of severe stress during pregnancy:

  • When expecting a girl, increased fatigue and unhealthy sleep affect the mother's high nervousness. And this very nervousness can cause premature birth and cause the girl to miss her “first cry.”
  • When expecting a boy, the unstable emotional state of the mother can also cause premature onset of labor and increase the chance of entanglement of the umbilical cord.

Problems for babies

A baby born prematurely under severe stress is at greater risk of respiratory disease, blindness, and developmental delays. Sleep problems in early and infancy, a high-risk group, are all problems inherent in children born to mothers who are depressed. Psychological comfort and healthy sleep is the best prevention of problems. Good mood, the state of the cardiovascular and immune systems, and metabolic function depend on sleep.

Several ways to fight

The effects of stress during pregnancy can be dire. IN ideal Of course, throughout the entire period of gestation, be away from stress and deep emotional experiences. But this is unlikely in real life. In case of an unexpected stressful situation, you need to know how to cope with it.

  1. Physical exercise. Sport helps overcome nervous stress, improves the condition of the body as a whole, gives a boost of vivacity and energy, improves mood and is in excellent shape. But the main thing is to remember that physical activity should not be contraindicated by a doctor during pregnancy. Here is the minimum and harmless load for girls in this position: walks or slow walking on a machine, swimming, water aerobics or exercises on a stepper.
  2. Pregnancy consultant. Who is this? This is a woman who has already given birth or is at a period that is a couple of months longer than yours. Especially for the first time, a girl is very worried about situations that she does not understand, which causes enormous stress during pregnancy, because it is unclear whether what is happening is normal or not. And if you can turn to an experienced woman who has gone through this difficult period, it will significantly reduce anxiety.
  3. Meditation. Based on research by experts, meditation significantly reduces the negative effects of stress, pain, blood pressure and heart rate, and also improves sleep. Before starting meditation, find a comfortable position, set a timer for 5 minutes, place your hands on your stomach, close your eyes, focus on your breathing until the time runs out. Of course, this is the most simplified version.
  4. Severe consequences Severe stress during pregnancy can be prevented by practicing relaxation breathing. But you need to do this regularly, only then will there be results. How it's done? We place our hands on our stomach and breathe, so to speak, “with our stomach,” feeling the movements of our hands together with our stomach. Over time we improve, we pause before exhaling.
  5. Massage. This useful procedure helps relieve back pain, leg cramps, head pain and other ailments of pregnant girls.

As you can see, the methods of dealing with stress are completely simple, and the effect of them is amazing: not only calming the nervous system, but also improving the health of the body, relieving tension throughout the body.


Overstrain of the nervous system can occur due to various reasons. Here the main role is given to the mark that is considered the norm for a girl. Great importance given to the psychological state at the moment. After all, even the worst things can be accepted much easier in a good mood. Here are the most common causes of stress during pregnancy:

  • Fear of previous births. The most common fear. Limited knowledge in this area and fueled by rumors about the unbearable pain of this process and no less danger.
  • Feelings about the situation. Everyone is afraid of a pregnancy going wrong. Even when the birth of a child is planned, it takes a certain period of time to get used to the idea of new role. But the woman has 9 months to do this.
  • Increase in volume. Yes, yes, all girls are afraid of extra pounds, and as a result, loss of attractiveness. Here we must remember that the form can be put in order.
  • Domestic and family troubles. It's hard to insure against this, but you need to be prepared for the worries of a new addition to the family. This is very important if this is your first child.
  • Unrest at work. Alas, until the 30th week, a pregnant woman is obliged to work as a full member of the team with all the problems and worries.
  • Concerns about the child. The first trimester is the fear of miscarriage, the second is fetal activity, the third is premature birth.

All of the above signs are an integral part of pregnancy. But despite them, this is a wonderful time, and the time of motherhood is even more wonderful.

Frozen pregnancy

There is no reliable information that even the most severe stress on the body during pregnancy leads to fetal fading. In general, this phenomenon has not been fully studied. Experts consider genetic, autoimmune or gynecological diseases in women to be the main reasons for miscarriage. But among some doctors there is still an opinion that stress affects a negative outcome for the child.

Solving the problem

It is necessary to understand the specific cause of stress and try to eliminate it. Solving the problem in this situation will lead to satisfaction and improved mood. If negative emotions caused by fears, then you need to quickly make up for the ignorance due to which fears arise. After all, the unknown is scary. Today, many programs and trainings have been developed for expectant mothers, which clearly explain how the body changes during this period, and advise how to alleviate the condition as much as possible. The waiting time for the baby to appear is completely natural, so it should not cause much discomfort. When there is uncertainty and some chaos in your head, the right decision would be to consult a psychologist.

Nerves under control

During the second trimester, the girl becomes happier: toxicosis, hormonal boom and the first tests have already been completed, now is the time to enjoy her new status. In the second trimester, stress during pregnancy, as a rule, does not depend on the woman, big influence here they have strong shocks and minor experiences. It is during this period that the formation and development of the child, or rather its organs, occurs, and damage causes the most severe harm. This, of course, will not cause any special mutations, but there will be negative consequences:

  • Due to disturbances in the uteroplacental blood flow, the child cannot receive nutrients and oxygen in full.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus: up to the 22nd week it can cause a missed pregnancy, which can then lead to too early birth of a premature baby.
  • After birth, a child who was under constant stress during development in the womb will strive more for stressful situations, since they are the norm for him.

If you still feel nervous, consult a doctor to prescribe mild sedatives. It is better to take action in time to avoid consequences.

First trimester

Stress during early pregnancy works on an all-or-nothing basis. The fetus is well protected from any physical injury, since the small size of the uterus is hidden in the pelvic area. And there is no reason to worry about uteroplacental blood flow. But, if you look at it from a different angle, all the organs and systems of the developing fetus are just being formed, so even the most minor injuries can lead to interruption of development and death of the fetus.

It is already clear how stress during pregnancy affects the child, but what effect does it have on the mother? A nervous state during this period can cause severe toxicosis in a woman. Due to worries, mild nausea in the morning can become quite difficult and round the clock.

Healthly food

The good mood of a pregnant girl may depend on the absence of unpleasant sensations of heartburn and toxicosis. To avoid these irritants, you need to control your diet. And statements that you can consume whatever you want are wrong, because a pregnant woman does not always want healthy foods.


The effects of stress during pregnancy on a child can be severe, so the smallest details, even the number of calories consumed, are important to avoid it. Until 14-15 weeks, you should not change your usual diet, 16-28 you need to consume 25-30 kcal per kg of weight, then 29-35 kcal per kg of weight. It is not recommended to eat sweets, flour or fast food.