Words about school are beautiful, touching in prose. Wishes to the school. Congratulations on graduating from school in verse

My school

Everything important in a person’s destiny begins with school. What you will be in your school years is what you will become in later life. I study at a wonderful school No. 1 in the city of Abakan. I am sure that this school will be able to educate and teach. My school has the best teachers. I think that not every person can let a child into his heart, give him love, care and kindness.

The school where I study is seventy years old. But it seems to me that none new school I cannot convey the kindness and warmth that radiate from the walls of my school, which for years has kept the sounds of change, the loud exclamations and laughter of students, the strict but correct instructions of teachers...

I like my school. My older brother also studied there. When I was little, I often went to school with my brother on various holidays and with trepidation, entering this temple of science, looked at its high arches. I knew for sure that I would come here again in a few years, only with a briefcase on my shoulders. That's exactly what happened. Now I have been studying at school for seven years, and I really love it and, of course, the teachers. But school gives not only knowledge. She gives irreplaceable life experience. She prepares us for the new interesting life. Like a caring and kind mother, she gives all the most valuable things she has, without demanding anything in return.

I love my school and am glad that I study there. Here I opened mine inner world, came to know my inner self. School is my second home, and every time I come here with a smile and a good mood.
They take place at school better years my our life - youth. And I give part of it to my school. I’m glad that my youth is spent here!

When on a gloomy autumn day
For the first time I entered school,
Warmth washed over me
Like from a burning fire.

I walked slowly down the hall.
Everything was unfamiliar to me.
Now I know my school
And every corner of it.

And along familiar corridors
I usually head to class
And despite all the talk
I'm glad to go every time.

And even though now everything is familiar to me
But on a gloomy day, like the first time.
School will warm me with warmth...
And I will enter a familiar classroom.

Irina STARIKOVA, 7th grade A

The school you want to study at

For me, school is a second home. Here we communicate, consult and grow up. For many, school is about more than just education. No wonder adults say that school years are best time their lives.
Even in childhood, a person decides who he should be, what profession to choose. At school, character is formed, our attitude towards the world around us is formed, here we are taught to think logically. How more people learns, the more he understands himself, the environment, and loved ones.

I would compare school to a huge library in which all knowledge is collected, you just need to want it and extend your hand.
What is it like, the school where I want to study? A difficult question that gives you a lot to think about. School is an integral part of life, so children should feel good and comfortable there. It should be light, spacious, and thought-provoking.
It doesn’t matter at all what the school looks like outside and inside, the main thing is that we, the students, like the teachers.
A school is not just a building. This is the world we live in. Every brick of this universe is important. Pull one out and the whole thing falls apart like a house of cards. Therefore, the school must be united and united.

Alena KAPCHEGASHEVA, 8th grade D

School of my dream

A person spends the most important years of his life in school. It is here that he finds true friends, is determined in the choice of his hobbies, and for the first time encounters life's difficulties and rejoices at his first victories. School remains a bright stage in every person’s life path for a long time.

I am lucky because I study in a wonderful first school. For nine years now, every morning I have been happy to open the school doors and plunge into a colorful, noisy, loud world. This is a special world of students and teachers, in which everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. I feel like, having crossed the school threshold, I find myself in this stream and float, observing my direction. I can’t help but feel that I am a small part of a large organism called SCHOOL.

I like everything about my school! I like the narrow staircases, the round wooden railings, the bright classrooms, but most of all, the people. We have wonderful teachers! They don’t just teach lessons, they try to make everyone interested in their subject. All together and each teacher individually teaches us not only to compose formulas, prove theorems, write chemical reactions, thanks to our teachers, we comprehend the most important science: to be honest, kind, communicate skillfully, and truly be friends.
And if someone says that there are more modern, more comfortable schools in the city of Abakan, I will not argue. Eat. But if they ask me: “What is it like, your dream school?” I will proudly answer: "This is my home school No. 1."

Ksenia TIMERKHANOVA, 9th grade D

School... So much is contained in this word. Here are memories of successes and failures, memories of first love and first friendship. Here, each of the students goes through the path of becoming from a kid who does not know who he is or what he represents, into a worthy young man or girl. May our school continue to flourish for many, many years to come!

Today we would like to congratulate our School on its anniversary and say: “Thank you very much!”
You raised so many children and raised them to be kind, sympathetic people who know how to love!
Our school is a place where you are always welcome and the doors are open to everyone, where they will always help with good advice, support and listen. We wish our school to welcome only good, kind and obedient children into its walls, success and development for many years to come!

Congratulations to my beloved, native school, which educated and released many worthy people into life. I wish you further systematic development and prosperity. I wish that every generation of youth within the walls of their home school feels in demand and needed. And so that each of the students finds something important, interesting and attractive here for themselves. Happy anniversary!

Congratulations to everyone on the anniversary of this wonderful school. I would like to wish many years of activity to this educational institution, to these wonderful teachers, to these kind and sensitive school staff. I also wish purposefulness and enthusiasm to each of the students, vigor and strength to each of the parents. Be healthy, everyone, believe in yourself, and let our beloved school help us all realize our dreams, learn something interesting and discover something amazing every day.

Congratulations to the wonderful staff and director of the school, from which talented, gifted graduates emerge every year. We wish you further fruitful activity, growth and prosperity. Let these long years of work be an excellent indicator of the great professionalism, quality training and global experience of teachers. Happy school anniversary!

Dear teachers, school administration, students, parents and guests, today I want to congratulate all of us on the anniversary of our wonderful school. I wish everyone good health, determination, prosperity and self-confidence. May our school prosper, giving our children the right knowledge, good education and joyful memories. Let everyone in this school be creative and successful.

Our native school celebrates its anniversary today! I would like to congratulate our wonderful director, the entire teaching staff and of course all the students on this date! We wish our school only prosperity and development, and our teachers wisdom, patience and inspiration!

I sincerely congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our school. Let everyone within the walls of this institution be able to reveal their talent and show their abilities. Let children receive correct knowledge and exciting leisure time. May all teachers be respected and successful in their work. Let parents be kind and attentive to their children. I wish everyone good health and great luck.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the school and I want to wish that every morning here begins with kind greetings, cheerful smiles, interesting lessons, loud changes, wonderful hobbies and great aspirations. May our teachers and students, parents and all school staff be healthy, may the school be proud of its children, and may children never forget their native source of first knowledge.

Congratulations to our beloved School on its anniversary! We wish that the bright minds studying within these walls will always be at their best and can boast of their successes. Let your home school prosper, surprise you with the level of knowledge and prospects for opportunities. Success, achievements and wonderful results!

Wishes to the school from graduates of different years will always live within its walls. First of all, words of gratitude are dedicated to the school. The students are grateful to the school not only for the knowledge they have received, but also for true friends, and for the best years of carefree childhood and youth.

In verse

In prose

In my childhood there were two reliable fortresses. The first fortress is my parental home, which gives me love, comfort and care. The second fortress is a favorite school. She welcomed me into the coolness of her noisy corridors, like a caring mother. She taught me justice and restraint, and gave me the necessary knowledge for a great life. It had everything: ups and downs, tears and laughter, first love and hopes. Dear school! I wish you to give the world new geniuses and talented specialists for many years to come!

Wonderful school years! The long-awaited call for recess. A sweet bun for a written off problem. Multi-colored crayons, drawing lessons, the world. Breathtaking astrology, new worlds, bright dreams! Silent corridors on exam day. Trembling in the knees. Points scored, graduation. Dance with the most beautiful girl in the class. The envy of the boys. Pride in the eyes of teachers... My dear school! I wish you a fresh breeze through your windows and worthy students into your spacious classrooms!

I wish everyone to love their school and want to go to it even in the mornings, when the cruel alarm clock rings as hard as they can and calls for responsibility. Or a few days before summer holidays when the gentle spring sun takes you away with thoughts of a new bike or the warm sea. Because when you return to your home class after the holidays and see the teachers, you will understand that you are bored and will happily lose yourself in attention on your favorite subjects. School of knowledge, school of life. My first milestone passed. Thank you!

Treacherous tears welled up in my eyes from tenderness, and my heart somehow jumped and sank inside me at the sight of tiny and serious kids who for the first time crossed the line into adulthood, full of their own decisions made and everyday school tasks.

“Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness,” says popular wisdom. The life of every person is illuminated by a teacher. The teacher opens “the door to an extraordinary country full of riddles and secrets”, in Big world to whom his life is dedicated. The profession of a teacher is far from easy and very difficult, requiring from the teacher himself enormous attentiveness, a sense of tact and cordiality. us, so to speak, personality, without damaging or destroying our individuality! It is sometimes up to the teacher what will sprout and ripen from that small seed that he once sowed. It is not an easy task to teach children. And a huge responsibility lies, first of all, on the shoulders of the first teacher, the person who, as a rule, leaves the deepest mark on the souls and destinies of his students. With him, children bravely open the way to the world of knowledge, which begins with the alphabet and primer. Any of us remembers our first call, first lesson, first answer, first school holidays, their first prom, marking the end of primary school. And all this is connected with the name of the first teacher.

For me, it was the name of Tatyana Anatolyevna Prokhorova. My memory helpfully takes me back to that seemingly not-so-distant morning of September 1, 1983. Here we are, tiny girls and boys, dressed in brown dresses, white aprons, with lush bows and dark blue uniform suits, in polished shoes, holding in one hand a huge bouquet of flowers, and in the other - a heavy briefcase with a cute lion cub on it lid and two fasteners on the sides, donated by the kindergarten, we walk in pairs towards the school. Festive and solemn music sounds, and none of us understands why our mothers and grandmothers quietly wipe their eyes with white handkerchiefs. With amazing ease, having picked up one of us, the adult man, along with his burden, announces the surrounding area with the cheerful ringing of a bell. It would later become clear that the uncle was a high school student, and with the ringing of the bell, the next stage of our life began, full of worries and devoid of childish playfulness and carelessness. Then we were all divided into two groups, two classes. Two young women, Tatyana Anatolyevna Prokhorova and Galina Vyacheslavovna Kalashnikova, came out into the middle of the clearing. The first became a teacher in my “A” class, and the second became a teacher in “B”. From my small stature, everyone around us seemed big, but literally a few years later I not only caught up, but also surpassed my mentors. The head teacher of the school called our names, and with delight and joy we lined up in one line next to our first teacher. I was able to see her in more detail only when we scattered like small peas into our places and calmly settled down at individual white desks with a rising tabletop and a special recess for pens and pencils on its surface. A modest, charming woman with a surprisingly kind look and a sweet smile entered the class. Her dark eyes enveloped us with their warmth and had a calming effect on each of us. In those few minutes, while Tatyana Anatolyevna silently looked at her first-graders, it seemed as if she had managed to penetrate the soul of each student, study his character, hear his thoughts. Everyone involuntarily became silent. Her voice sounded clear and loud. The classes became more and more exciting and interesting every day. Tatyana Anatolyevna introduced us to the natural world and captivated our children's hearts. She turned a simple school lesson about learning about the world into a whole journey. Personally, I was never bored in class because Tatyana Anatolyevna always found interesting and more difficult tasks for those who already understood new material. In mathematics lessons, she taught us not just to solve, but to think logically, which was very useful to me in high school and in my current life. The Russian language and Native speech were truly lessons in developing the culture of speech and language. Tatyana Anatolyevna has always been a serious teacher, strict and fair. But during breaks and after classes, she lived the life of the students: our worries, sorrows, our children's problems. She could understand everyone and tried to help everyone. Cool watch became a real holiday for us, no matter what the conversation was about. Tatyana Anatolyevna taught us to live in a group and for a group, tried to unite and make friends with all the children in the class, although we were all so different and different from each other.

The first teacher, or mentor, is very important in the life of any person. He is like a skilled craftsman, in whose hands there is not just inanimate clay or plasticine, but a completely unformed living personality, and only his skill and professionalism can determine future fate your daily efforts and efforts.

To be a real teacher is a talent, because a teacher must be able to convey his experience and knowledge to children. Probably every teacher wants his student to achieve success in the future. But one of the most important joys for a teacher is the gratitude of his students. I want to say a huge thank you to Tatyana Anatolyevna for everything she did for us, for the fact that she, sparing no effort and time, patiently and persistently put into our little children’s heads the knowledge that will always be useful to us in life.

Somehow, those who had been coming here for several years already looked especially grown-up, those who were already past the exciting first lesson, with its timid and timid moments and fear of something unknown and unusual. Appearance These children already spoke about self-confidence and certain knowledge of their upcoming fate. Other people will take care of their further education, and the first teacher will hand over the reins of class leadership to a new person, no less responsible and serious than himself, called upon to grow delicate flowers and turn them into a beautiful garden with an individual and unique aroma.

How lucky I am, because on my life’s path I just met such a professional gardener, who skillfully combines the “carrot and stick” principle in his work, which had a very beneficial effect on my character and was useful in shaping my destiny in the future. In my opinion, Elena Vladimirovna Medvedeva best matches the image of our strict and at the same time gentle and caring professional gardener. We still have a good relationship with her, although more than a decade has passed since graduating from school. We talk about all sorts of topics related not only to school issues. Elena Vladimirovna is a pleasant conversationalist and an attentive friend, a responsible and punctual person.

It’s hard to imagine that at the time of our first meeting she was much younger than I am now. For the previous three years, our school life, as elementary school students, did not rise above the second floor of the building; I watched the high school students with great envy; they seemed to me so mature and wise, and besides, the coveted peak was available to them. Finally, the time has come when I, too, joined the tempting life in a hitherto unfamiliar place, full of multi-subject classes and teachers. A young woman with short hair and a marvelous, almond-shaped eye shape entered the class in which the first meeting with the new and unusual took place; she was wearing a large checkered dress and a wide belt. As wisdom rightly says: “Everything in a person should be beautiful, both the external and internal world!”, So Elena Vladimirovna is magnificent in all respects! I would like to note that I am not saying this for the sake of a nice word; ask any other student, his parents, school colleagues, friends, etc. - we all know well the openness and sincerity of this person. Deep decency, kind and sensitive attitude towards children, and all this, in my opinion, looks very advantageous against the backdrop of everyday school life. Elena Vladimirovna is not only a very knowledgeable language arts teacher, giving knowledge in her native speech and excitingly leading us to a high-society ball with Natasha Rostova and, together with us, empathizing with Anna Karenina’s unrequited feelings, but also an excellent psychologist and organizer. My class trip to Polenovo, trips to Suzdal and Leningrad to the accompaniment of the song of the same name in the 11th grade will remain in my memory for a long time. It seems to me that in order to talk about your subject with such interest and reverent love and tenderness, you need to devote yourself so completely to school and your chosen profession.

The morning after the prom was also unforgettable, when we, girls and boys, like sliding colorful leaves in the autumn leaves, smoothly circled under the windows of the hospital in which future mom Alexandra's daughters and our beloved teacher. It seems to me that thanks to Elena Vladimirovna, two important qualities became developed in me, which in many ways made my current life easier. This is a feeling of optimism and the belief that tomorrow will certainly be better than today. I think that I will not be a pioneer, and I will say that internal self-discipline and a strong core make life much more joyful and happier. I remember well the festive “lights” and parties, OPT lessons, summer practice in the fields of my native state farm “Zaoksky”.

How often do we hear around us that a person behaves differently, at home he is alone, but at work he is completely different. I am very glad that, as they say, Elena Vladimirovna is a constant quantity. I remember how once, in a telephone conversation with me, Elena Vladimirovna shared her life principle: “I simply unload the burden of household problems and worries before crossing the threshold of school, and vice versa.” A school is a school, and a family is a family, and when talking about the latter, you feel the importance it plays in her life. This is what she herself says about her family: “I love my family very much and value it,” says Elena Vladimirovna. “I don’t even know if I would have succeeded as a teacher and as a person if there were other people next to me.” This is my support and support. I am grateful to my husband for his patience and understanding. My children make me happy because I see that they are becoming exactly what I want them to be, they are caring, which means they will good people." I sincerely wish that in life this wonderful person everything worked out and was fulfilled, and warmth and friendship brought me closer to my students, making them one and giving this world a ray of goodness and joy.

The roaring sounds fell silent, and the sky, which witnessed the solemn event, sent its blessing to Earth.

School days.
Kick it.

But not yesterday.
Time flattery...

Even if this is already the past,
And everything happens here and now,
And I can come back at any time,
Rewrite this story...

What's there, what's here
- God.

About Me
Holy flash
In the shower,
Lighting up
In my
A candle
Blinding Spirituality
From all this modesty,
Languidly striving to the blue heights,
In four dimensions...

Going through the school of life,
We get points.
Like in chess, from the queen,
And to the small pawn.

So as not to lose yourself,
We need a rating of five.
To take luck by the tail,
"Five" is required again.

Live quietly in your apartment,
That's enough - "four"
If you have resigned yourself, then smoke.
Here's a three for you.

You barely got up from a hangover.
“Two” is enough for you to know.
Behind the prison fence
Life smells like a stake.

Only at the end of her studies
Measuring life by century,
Give yourself a simple answer:
Was he human?

Summer said goodbye to us yesterday.
This morning autumn has arrived.
Circling the first autumn leaf,
She called us to school for the first time.
The sun waved its hand at us kindly,
Inviting us into the world of school time.
We stepped on the school threshold,
They suddenly became older and seemed more serious.
After all kindergarten we passed and
Childhood is over.
This is our first call,
Inviting us to first class.
School opened the world to knowledge for us.
We forgot our toys at home,
Replacing them with pens, notebooks,

This is prose, the prose of life, just prose.
Not poetry, not lilies of the valley and roses.
Not walking under the moonlight and sighing.
Not romances, serenades and suffering.
This prose is the daily routine
Envelops you in a gray web,
And hobbles and entangles with mud,
And slowly gets sucked into the quagmire.
This is prose. Days and months change,
Black and white dull repetition
Calmness, roundness, expectedness,
Wheels have monotonous rotation.
This is a crushing bit of everyday life.
So many lives and loves have been ruined for her!
And the little boats...

It's everyday time
This is life's prose.
It contains realities of honey and burden,
Unresolved cases are a thorn.

Prose is different:
There is about joy and happiness,
There is something that glorifies feelings,
In her love the world is beautiful.

There is something sad and difficult,
A life full of evil and troubles.
It contains unrequited love,
Gray fog will hide the light.

Prose is dreams and fairy tales,
Everything is possible for the mind in it.
The world in her is full of bright colors,
Faith in the Cosmos and in people.

How we write the prose of life,
This is how we will live it.
What do we love about it, what...

Watch where are you rushing?
Where are my years going?
Wait, slow down a little,
After all, my tears did not go away.
And the school doors all closed,
The last number has arrived
And as if we turned around,
And they became larger than an adult.
Now the controversy will begin again,
We'll run around again
But let's not forget our schools,
And how good it was for us when we studied, my friend.
There we met life and childhood,
There we learned to love,
There we met a most wonderful boy,
And we fell in love again like a knock.