See what "unpk" is in other dictionaries. State University - educational, research and production complex Unpk current


Educational centers and institutes of Oryol State Technical University

  • Regional resource center for informatization of education

The regional resource center for informatization of education in the Oryol region (official website “”) was opened on the basis of the Oryol State Technical University in 2003. The center is part of the system of resource centers created within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment (2001-2005)”.
The main goals of creating the center are:

  • coordination of work related to the development of a unified educational information space;
  • implementation of a unified technical policy in the field of informatization of the education system;
  • scientific, methodological and consulting support in mastering the latest information and communication technologies;
  • integration, administration and support of existing structures of scientific, scientific-methodological, information, personnel and material and technical support for the development of a unified educational information environment;
  • training and retraining of personnel in the field of information and communication technologies;
  • monitoring the processes of informatization of the regional education system, accounting for extra-budgetary and regional funds attracted for the development of the educational information environment.
As structural unit OrelSTU center solves the problems of technical, organizational, scientific, methodological and consulting and service support for hardware and software of the corporate educational information environment of OrelSTU:
  • development and support of the Educational Process Management Information System of Orel State Technical University;
  • technical support, maintenance and consulting support of the university’s local networks and global communications systems;
  • technical support, maintenance and consulting support of computer equipment and software;
  • development and support of an Automated system for the preparation, support and control of information content of the Internet representative office of OrelSTU;
  • support for the official Internet representation of OrelSTU, including filling out university-wide sections and subsections.
  • Regional Academic Center of Competence for Open Source Software

The regional academic center of competence in the field of open source software (Linux competence center) was opened on May 16, 2006 on the basis of the Oryol State Technical University. On this day, a memorandum of understanding was signed between OrelSTU and IBM Eastern Europe/Asia LLC.
Goal: promoting the development, implementation and dissemination of automated information systems based on open standards, open source software and modern technologies IBM.

  • Cisco Networking Academy

The Cisco Local Network Academy was created at the Oryol State Technical University with the support of the Administration of the Oryol Region, the Central Black Earth Association, the Coordination Committee of Associations of Economic Interaction of Subjects Russian Federation and Cisco Systems in 2007.
The main goal of opening the academy is to provide enterprises and organizations in the Oryol region with qualified specialists in the field of network technologies and solutions from Cisco Systems.
The Network Academy currently provides training under the CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) program, which provides a full range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to pass the corresponding certification exam. Full-time, part-time and distance learning forms are possible.

  • Industrial Safety Expertise Center

The Center for Industrial Safety Expertise of Orel State Technical University (Center) conducts research into the technical condition of load-bearing and enclosing structures of any buildings and structures for industrial and civil purposes of the 1st and 2nd levels of responsibility, and also carries out an examination of the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. The center has the right to:

  • carrying out an industrial safety examination (of buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility) in accordance with license D-00-06310 (P), issued Federal service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision of the Russian Federation (Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation);
  • carrying out an examination of design documentation for construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities, as well as technical devices used at such facilities, in accordance with license DE-00-005724 (P), issued by Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation;
  • carrying out design work regarding the inspection of buildings and structures in accordance with license GS-1-57-03-26-0-5753001010-000549-1, issued Federal agency on construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation.
This year, licenses will be obtained to examine the industrial safety of gas facilities and lifting mechanisms. The center is equipped with modern instruments and equipment to conduct the necessary research when assessing the technical condition of load-bearing and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, has a certified laboratory and all the necessary regulatory documentation.
The center employs highly qualified experts and specialists who are well-known scientists in the Russian Federation in the field of developing methods and means for monitoring products and structures, as well as in the field of construction sciences - these are 3 doctors technical sciences, 3 candidates of technical sciences; the rest of the specialists have higher or incomplete degrees higher education, some are studying in graduate school and doctoral studies. Among the Center's employees there are 2 third-level specialists and 4 second-level specialists. Scientists working at the Center are authors of textbooks and teaching aids for universities, monographs and reference books that are directly related to the activities of the Center, as well as the authors of dozens of inventions on non-destructive testing of materials, structures and products. In 2006, the Center conducted surveys of 16 large facilities in the Oryol region and more than 20 industrial and ventilation pipes (brick, reinforced concrete and metal).
  • Regional Center for Intellectual Property

The Oryol Regional Center for Intellectual Property was created in 2004 within the structure of the Oryol State Technical University, which is a supporting organization Federal Institute industrial property (FIPS). The legal basis for the creation of the Center was the Agreement between the Board of Administration of the Oryol Region and the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks Rospatent and the Agreement between OrelSTU and FIPS. The functioning of the Center is carried out with the support of the Department of Industry, Production and Scientific and Technical Infrastructure of the Governor's Office and the administration of the Oryol region.

  • Oryol Regional Center for Logistics and Marketing

Detailed information about Orlovsky's activities regional center logistics and marketing can be seen on the website.

  • Educational and Research Institute of Information Technologies
  • Financial and Economic Institute
  • Institute of Technology
  • Institute of Evening Education and Additional vocational education
  • Institute of Aesthetic Education

Faculties and departments

  • Faculty of New Technologies and Automation of Production (Dean: Pilipenko O. V.)
    • Automated processes and machines for chip-free processing of materials (Head of the department: Dorofeev O. V.)
    • Dynamics and strength of machines (Head of the department: Malinin V. G.)
    • Theoretical and applied mechanics (Head of the department: Yeshutkin D.N.)
    • Engineering graphics and CAD (Head of the department: Ustinov D. E.)
    • Electrical equipment and energy saving (Head of the department: Kachanov A. N.)
    • Mechatronics and international engineering (Head of the department: Savin L. A.)
  • Faculty of Food Biotechnology and Commodity Science (Dean: Zomiteva G. M.)
    • Technology of baking, confectionery and pasta production (Head of the department: Koryachkina S. Ya.)
    • Technology and commodity science of food products (Head of the department: Ivanova T. N.)
    • Technology and organization of catering, hotel management and tourism (Head of the department: Artemova E. N.)
    • Chemistry (Head of the department: Kutsenko S. A.)
    • Occupational safety and environment(Head of the department: O. A. Pchelenok)
  • Faculty of Humanities (Dean: Frolova N. A.)
    • Sociology, cultural studies and political science (Head of the department: Starostenko K.V.)
    • Russian language and pedagogy (Head of the department: Bobylev B. G.)
    • Tourism, recreation and sports (Head of the department: Makeeva V. S.)
    • Physical culture (Head of the department: Kotkov N. N.)
    • Philosophy and history (Head of the department: Aronov D.V.)
    • Foreign languages ​​(Head of the department: (Makarova N. A.)
    • Intensive Study foreign languages(Head of the department: Kliorina L. A.)
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences (Dean: Matyukhin S.I.)
  • Faculty distance learning(Dean: Katunin A.V.)
  • Faculty of Evening Studies (Dean: E. L. Dolgikh)
  • Educational and Scientific Research Institute of Information Technologies (Director: Konstantinov I. S.)
    • Information systems (Head of the department: Konstantinov I. S.)
    • Instrumentation, metrology and certification (Head of the department: Podmasterev K.V.)
    • Electronics, Computer Engineering and information security (Head of the department: Eremenko V. T.)
  • Financial and Economic Institute (Director: E. F. Zlobin)
    • Faculty of Finance (Dean: Vasilyeva M.V.)
      • Public administration and finance (Head of the department: Uvarova A.Ya.)
      • Accounting and taxation (Head of the department: Popova L.V.)
      • Finance, money circulation, credit and banks (Head of the department: Mashegov P.N.)
      • World economics and statistics (Head of the department: Sizova I. Yu.)
    • Faculty of Economics and Management (Dean: Izmalkova S. A.)
      • Economics and management (Head of the department: Izmalkova S. A.)
      • Entrepreneurship and Marketing (Head of Department: Lukin V.P.)
      • Economic theory and personnel management (Head of the department: Smirnov V.T.)
  • Law Institute (Director: Astafichev P. A.)
      • Theory and history of state and law (Head of the department: Sizov V. E.)
      • Constitutional and municipal law (Head of the department: Astafichev P. A.)
      • Civil law and process (Head of the department: Dikhtyar A. I.)
      • Criminal law and process (Head of the department: Nazarenko G.V.)
      • Financial and business law(Head of the department: Pashin A. L.)
  • Institute of Technology (Director: Kirichek A.V.)
    • Faculty of Technology and Design and Technological Informatics (Dean: Vasilenko Yu. V.)
      • Automated machine and tool systems (Head of the department: Sotnikov V.I.)
      • Mechanical engineering technology and design and technological informatics (Head of the department: Brusov S.I.)
    • Faculty of Light Industry (Dean: Vanin V.S.)
      • Machines and apparatus for food production (Head of the department: Koryachkin V.P.)
      • Technology and design of garments (Head of the department: Rodicheva M.V.)
    • Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education (Dean: Zharkikh E.V.)
      • Mechanical engineering technology (Head of the department: N. E. Moskina)
      • Electrical engineering disciplines (Head of the department: Dyachenko S. V.)
      • Computer Science and information Technology(Head of the department: Yakovlev R. N.)
      • Management (Head of department: Bondareva S. R.)
      • Mathematical and natural disciplines (Head of the department: Bykova V.N.)
      • Humanitarian disciplines (Head of the department: Rubtsova T. A.)
  • Institute of Transport (Director: Sevostyanov A.L.)
    • Service and repair of machines (Head of the department: Novikov A. N.)
    • Lifting and transport, construction and road machines (Head of the department: Ushakov L. S.)
  • Institute of Architecture and Construction (Director: V. I. Kolchunov)
    • Architecture (Head of the department: Kolesnikova T. N.)
    • Design (Head of the department: Koveshnikova E. N.)
    • Building structures and materials (Head of the department: Kolchunov V.I.)
    • Urban construction and economy (Head of the department: Nikulin A. I.)
    • Construction highways(Head of the department: Danilevich D.V.)
  • Institute of Further Professional Education (Director: G. A. Kharlamov)

Famous teachers

  • Avrashkov P.P. - Higher mathematics
  • Korndorf S.F. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, author of many books)
  • Kachanov A.N. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor) Head of the Department of Electrical Equipment and Energy Saving
  • Zagryadtsky V.I. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Education)
  • Svidchenko S.Yu. (Ph.D.) - Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Equipment and Energy Saving
  • Nazarenko G.V. (Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, author of many books; one of the best lawyers in Russia)

The State University - UNPC was founded in 1954. This year, a training and consulting center of the All-Union Correspondence Mechanical Engineering Institute was opened in the city of Orel. In 1961, a general technical faculty was opened on the basis of UKP, which in 1964 was transformed into the Oryol branch of VZMI. The university developed in this status until May 17, 1993, when the branch was transformed into an independent state polytechnic institute (OrelGPI). In 1995, Orel State Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Orel State Pedagogical Institute Technical University(Orel State Technical University). OrelSTU is the first university in Russia to develop and implement the concept of deep integration of education, science and production in the form of an educational, research and production complex, which became the basis for the development of education, economics and social sphere region. This status was officially consolidated on November 25, 2010, when OrelSTU was renamed into a federal state university educational institution higher professional education " State University— educational, scientific and production complex.”

Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Information Security (EVTIB).

The EVTIB department produces specialists (design engineers, bachelors and masters in a number of electronic specialties), who are in demand by many enterprises in Orel and the Oryol region, including Prioksky Terminal CJSC, Nauchpribor CJSC, Proton-Electrotex CJSC, Elektrotex CJSC, NPP LLC Astron Electronics, LLC OKB Tekhnoavtomatika, Rostelecom, OJSC Novigator, CJSC Sintek, etc.


educational research and production complex

education and science

Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. - St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. - 527 p.


educational-scientific-pedagogical complex

education and science


Usage example



educational-research-production complex

education and science

. Academician 2015.

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