Information about the surface of the Voronezh region. Relief of the Voronezh region. Video sketch about Voronezh

On the territory of the Voronezh region, three large orographic elements are clearly distinguished: the Central Russian Upland, the Kalach Upland and the Oka-Don Plain. These landforms have come a long way in development, and their surface features largely depend on geological structure, tectonic regime and relief formation processes in the past and present. Both internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) forces take part in the development of the relief of any territory. The development of the relief depends on their ratio. Endogenous forces create large surface irregularities (positive and negative), and external forces tend to level them: smooth out positive ones, fill negative ones with sediment.

The position of the Voronezh region in the center of the Russian Plain determines common features relief. Within the Russian Plain in our region, the Central Russian and Kalach uplands and the Oka-Don lowland plain are clearly distinguished. The average altitude of the area above sea level is about 180 meters. The highest elevations are located in the northwestern part. Here they lie at a level of 250 meters or more, and in the vicinity of the village of Gorbanevo, Nizhnedevitsky district, there is the highest absolute point - 259 meters above sea level. The lowest elevations, as a rule, are confined to the bottoms of river valleys, and in the largest valley of the Don River, at the southern border of the region, there is the lowest elevation - 57 meters. It corresponds to the average long-term water level in the Don River bed. Average height fluctuations within the region are about 100-150 meters.

The modern relief of the territory was formed over a long period of time. The territory was flooded by the sea, and in place of the sea basins, sedimentary rocks almost a kilometer thick were deposited. Then the sea retreated, and in continental conditions the sedimentary rocks were destroyed. This happened repeatedly. The main reason for these shifts was smooth vertical movements earth's crust. They continue to this day. Influenced natural processes the terrain is constantly changing. Currently, the relief is influenced by flowing waters (rivers and streams), melt and groundwater, landslides, as well as economic activity person. The work of the internal forces of the Earth continues - oscillatory movements of the earth's crust occur at speeds from -2 (lowering) to +4 millimeters per year (rising). They affect river slopes and flow speeds surface waters, channel, slope, karst and other processes of modern relief formation.

Uneven speeds of tectonic movements led to the separation of the Central Russian Upland, the Kalach Upland and the Oka-Don Plain.

Every year, an increasing number of our compatriots come to the conclusion that visiting is good, but home is better. We are talking about the development of the domestic tourism market in Russia. Indeed, why spend money on air travel and face the difficulties of a language barrier if there is something to see in our country? The nature of the Voronezh region is amazing, and the variety of natural landscapes will allow everyone to find a place to relax here to their liking.

General information

The Voronezh region is located in the central part of the East European Plain. This region is characterized by a temperate continental climate with a pronounced change of seasons. Voronezh and its surroundings are a forest-steppe zone, but a significant area of ​​it is occupied by cultivated fields. You can admire animals and plants in natural conditions in local nature reserves.

The nature of the Voronezh region is diverse and multifaceted. There are also forests here (no more than 10% of the total territory), mostly mixed. The most large river region - the Don, and many of its tributaries also flow in the region.

Nature reserves of the Voronezh region

In the vicinity of Voronezh there is a large number of rare plants and animals that are under protection. In total, there are currently 172 protected areas in the region. natural areas, the most famous of which are: Voronezh and Khopersky reserves. In such areas, the natural landscape and vegetation are preserved as much as possible. Forests in protected areas are mostly natural plantations created by nature without human intervention.

Thanks to the proximity of forest, steppe and swampy areas, about a thousand species of plants, including very rare ones, are found in the reserves. Diverse and animal world: The populations of muskrats and giant noctule that live here in natural conditions are of greatest interest to scientists. The nature of the Voronezh region in its original form is a peaceful neighborhood of the most various types birds, mammals and reptiles. Moose, roe deer, wolves, foxes, martens, hedgehogs and a huge number of birds coexist successfully in protected areas.

Flora and fauna

The Voronezh region can also be appreciated outside the boundaries of the reserve. Rare and incredibly beautiful bustards and steppe eagle can be found throughout this region. In an ordinary forest or planting you can find a roe deer, a hare, a wolf or a fox. In some places there are wild boars and sika deer. Beavers live near ponds.

If we talk about the green world of the outskirts of Voronezh, the pine forests and oak groves are of the greatest interest. It is noteworthy that all forests are multi-tiered. The steppes also deserve attention; in this region they are divided into cereals and forbs. Today, in their pristine state, steppe areas have been preserved only in small pieces outside the reserves. The reason for this is the favorable climate of the Voronezh region, ideal for farming. There are also natural food meadows; their vegetation cover usually consists of a mixture of meadow, steppe, forest, weed and marsh plants.

Voronezh miracles

The nature of the Voronezh region boasts unique monuments erected without human help. If you move from the village of Kostenki along the Don riverbed to the south, you can see unusual chalk ledges on the right side of the bank. The most interesting relief of these hills is in the place where the river widens. Lovers of unusual landscapes should also visit Divnogorye. Here today you can see two groups of chalk pillars formed naturally under the influence of moisture and winds.

If you ever have to make a presentation-project “Nature of the Voronezh Region”, do not forget to tell us about Krivoborye. This is a unique place where the Don takes a sharp turn. The picture is complemented by a steep sandy shore covered with forest. In the Voronezh region there is another similar place - Bald Mountain, this natural attraction is located near the village of Dukhovoe.

Many Russian residents are still under the rule of stereotypes and believe that Voronezh city compared to the capital - a province. There is some truth in these words, but in fact, Voronezh has long turned into a million-plus city with an established agglomeration.

The city itself is located on the banks of the Voronezh reservoir and the Don River. By the way, places on the river became living scenery for the immortal movie Quiet Don. The capital is only 515 km from here. It's a night train ride. It's faster by car. There are plenty of places for walks, as well as attractions, so coming here is a must.

Etiology or history of the name of the city of Voronezh

Probably the simplest assumption would be that the name of the city comes from crossing the words crow and hedgehog. In his works, this idea was developed by the Russian linguist Sreznevsky. But the German linguist Vasmer, the author of the etymological dictionary of the Russian language, suggested that the city took its name from the adjective voronoi.

The most correct assumption, in the opinion of researchers, was set out in the toponymic dictionaries of Melkheev and Nikonov, where it was said that the color of the water in the rivers was really the root cause of the name. And the particles hedgehog or tender come from possessive adjectives and names of the ancient Slavs.

History of Voronezh

To this day, archaeologists find ancient monuments from the times of the Arbashevskaya and Srubnaya cultures. According to a number of assumptions, this particular area is described in the ancient Aryan epic. In the north there is an archaeological complex between the Lysaya and Barkovaya mountains. It contains 34 monuments from past centuries and 568 mounds.

The Voronezh fortress was going through difficult times: after its construction, it was burned in April 1590. Only 4 years passed and the city was cut down again. There is no royal decree on the founding of the city in the archives, but an order from boyar Yuryev dated 1586 was found.

True, there is evidence that the Voronezh fortress had already stood for a year by this time. One of the main attractions of Voronezh, without a doubt, is the Russian Navy, which Peter I collected for the war with Ottoman Empire. Strengthening the Azov Fleet was a strategic move to prevent a war on two fronts. Peter created an admiralty in the city and ordered the construction of the first regular navy in the history of the country.

In 1833, Voronezh experienced famine due to severe drought, and when the crisis passed, the first exhibition of rural achievements was organized in five provinces.

When the university was transferred from Yuryev to Voronezh in 1918, Voronezh University appeared on its basis State University. In the 1930s, a large military airfield was based in the city, as well as a bomb-throwing range and a shooting range. It must be said that by the end of the 50s, a liquid rocket engine was developed in the city, which made it possible to achieve the second cosmic speed.

Based on this development, an engine was created for the Vostok spacecraft, on which Yuri Gagarin launched into space. It was in Voronezh that the production of the Tu-144 aircraft was established. The first Soviet airbus and wide-body aircraft were built here. In 1972, a reservoir appeared, which, by the way, is the largest in the region.

In 2012, the city was finally given the title of millionaire city.

Territory, climate, relief of Voronezh

The city of Voronezh is located between the Central Russian Upland and the Oka-Don Plain. In fact, the Central Russian forest-steppe stretches here. The city covers the right and left banks of the river of the same name. It's metropolitan time here. The climate is moderate.

Winter is changeable and can be slushy, but in the last 5-6 years February has been very cold, up to 30 degrees and below.

Hot summer, alternately dry and rainy.

Very mild and rainy autumn. The reservoir is frozen at the turn of November and December. Spring ice drift occurs from March to April. There is fish in the reservoirs all year round. But fishermen don’t like the reservoir.

They say that the entire periodic table is collected here, it is dangerous to swim here, and sometimes such terrible monsters get caught in the nets that the media film them.

Could the Voronezh nuclear power plant be the reason for this?

Voronezh has very uneven terrain throughout its territory. This is due to its location surrounded by an active structure on the border between hilly terrain and plain. Every year there is soil movement, which causes microseismic vibrations.

The right bank of the city is occupied by a hilly plateau, and the left bank lies in a lowland, turning into a river zone. By the way, echoes of the relief terrain are reflected in the names of the streets. This is how the Bazarnaya and Sandy mountains appeared.

Today, environmentalists are seriously concerned about the state of the Voronezh reservoir. It is heavily polluted. In order to clean the reservoir, work is underway to increase the average depth.

In addition to the Don River, within the city limits there are the Usmanka, Peschanka and the Blue Danube stream. There are also three large and several small lakes.

The city has several very beautiful parks and squares. In particular, these are Koltsovsky and Petrovsky squares, Orlyonok, Scarlet Sails and Tanais parks. People gather here after work to breathe air, look at the fountain or read a book.

Ecology of Voronezh

Like any big city, Voronezh suffers from large quantity sewage discharged into water bodies. The abundance of cats and dogs adds to the problems. To resolve the issue of their arrangement in Voronezh, relevant public organizations function. Many industrial facilities are concentrated in a small area, which negatively affects nature. The lion's share of atmospheric emissions comes from vehicles. Measures are being taken to solve problems with waste disposal. Thus, in 2011, a new solid waste landfill was opened.

The left bank has long and confidently held the palm in terms of area pollution due to toxic gases and smog spreading throughout the city. By the way, the group Sektor Gaza took its name from these areas and sang the praises of their native land in songs, although not always disingenuous. The cleanliness of residents suddenly became a serious problem. Illegal landfills are multiplying every day. They are also the cause of fires. One-time, but very dangerous cases of oil spills, wastewater leaks from a meat processing plant.


Voronezh Big City, but it does not reach the status of a metropolis. This is due to low income levels, a constant influx of migrants and a high percentage of elderly people. With low income, Voronezh residents are in no hurry to start a family, and therefore a demographic crisis is possible.

Finding a job is not so difficult, but you will have to look for a job with career growth and a good salary.

The average salary increased 2.5 times compared to 2014 and amounted to two 32 thousand rubles in 2019.

In Novovoronezh, which is called the city of peaceful atoms, with a population of 37 thousand people, the salary is even higher. It averages 35 thousand rubles. But the work here is dangerous; the bulk of the population works at Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant. The average duration is not encouraging: for men it is 41 years, and for women it reaches 57.

Education and culture

Voronezh is often called the City of Students. There are reasons for this, because there are more than 36 universities and 53 colleges. According to average data, 127 thousand students study there.

There are even more schools, almost 130. And they account for more than 118 thousand children. In count foreign students the city ranks third in the country.

Just think, there are more than one and a half thousand students from Africa, America and Europe. Entrance exams are the busiest time. Schoolchildren with excellent results at VSU are a priority, as it is included in the list of the best in the country. But admission here lasts until August and many students, to be on the safe side, submit documents to other educational establishments. VSU has branches in many cities in the region.

Education in Voronezh is cheaper than in the capital, but tariffs are still high. The most prestigious professions are economist, lawyer and diplomat. The most economical option is to enroll in the Faculty of Geography.

Walking places in Voronezh

Tourists have a lot to see in the city. Voronezh is often associated with the cartoon about the kitten from Lizyukov Street. Many people don’t believe that such a street really exists, but it’s true. The monument to the kitten and the wise crow stands on that very street and tourists take pictures near it.

On Plekhanov Street, an unusual composition catches the eye: a lady sits on a chair, bowing her head sadly. She is waiting for someone, since the second chair is empty. This monument is especially close to the fair sex. Near puppet theater there is a monument to White Beam.

There are rumors that if you make a wish and rub Bim's ear, it will come true. Locals They tell this sign with a smile, but from time to time they themselves visit the monument and whisper their wishes in Bim’s ear. From frequent rubbing my ear became completely white.

In Voronezh, you can’t help but go to Admiralteyskaya Square, walk along the bridge, and attach your padlock to the lovers’ railing. Major events and flash mobs take place here. Then you can go to the Arsenal Museum, by the way, the oldest in the city.

If you rent a car, you can go to the castle of Princess of Oldenburg, preserved by the Nazis. It is believed that the ghost of a princess lives there.

For shopping, go to Petrovsky Passage, where you can also have a delicious lunch and even rent a room.

And RK Parnas will invite you to have fun with a nightclub, sauna, swimming pool and bowling alley.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan Balagan City you will plunge into the atmosphere small town. By the way, there is nothing similar even in Moscow. The Middle Ages, democracy and freedom of opinion reign here. At your discretion, any dish and beer from a home brewery.

Administrative division of the city into districts

The city is divided into six large districts. Two of them, Levoberezhny and Zheleznodorozhny, are located on the left bank. The buildings here are quite old, although Voronezh developers are now actively developing this territory. The population mainly consists of workers from factories and research institutes. The people are friendly and flexible. Families have little income

There is a black district called Koldunovka, where sorceresses and witches are rumored to live. By the way, there is also Drunken Street, where moonshine is always sold. All names say:

  • Pasture - where horses were sold,
  • Crosses is an area next to the cemetery. On the outskirts of the left bank there are holiday villages.

This whole picturesque picture ends in an area called Mashmet. He has long gained notoriety. They say bandits live here. They say it's scary to leave the house here. There have always been many Caucasian and Gypsy families here.

The counterbalance to Mashmet is the VAI region, which is between the Shinny plant, thermal power plant and SK. The microclimate in the area is not pleasant. Visitors rarely want to settle here. Too far from the center, and the neighborhood does not inspire confidence. These areas always appear in crime reports. However, development in the areas is active. Housing here is cheaper to buy and rent. On Selskaya Street they offer houses with excellent views and clean air. The finishing, however, is rough, but the price is not bad.

In the western part of the city there is the greenest and cleanest district, Sovetsky. It is surrounded by forests. Prices are higher here.

The Leninsky district is now the most actively developed. Here is the most beloved shopping center by the townspeople, Gallery Chizhova. There are no free lands now. Lenin Square is a great place for walking, as Koltsovsky Square is nearby.

Kommintern district is considered the most dynamic and youngest. It is home to a third of the city's population. There is a memorial, the Monument of Glory, and there is a road to the largest shopping centers in the city.

Finally, the Central District represents the historical part of the city. There are many squares, theaters, and parks here.

Cost of new buildings

While housing costs are falling in other Russian cities, Voronezh is experiencing steady growth. The price per square meter averaged 48.4 thousand rubles. in January 2020. This is 4.8% higher than in December 2019. Analysts attribute the rise in price of new housing to the transition of developers to working under new laws from July 2019. Now they cannot attract money from shareholders for the construction of the facility, and financing is carried out with the help of banks, which require not only the return of funds, but also the payment of interest on loans issued. The developer includes additional costs in the cost of new housing.

On the primary market, the sales price by number of rooms is as follows:

The average cost of a one-room apartment is RUB 2,017,064. The most affordable option is located in the Zheleznodorozhny district. The cost of an apartment here starts from 1.7 million rubles.

The average cost of a two-room apartment is RUB 3,119,676. The cheapest one is located in the Left Bank region. Its price is 2.3 million rubles. The most expensive “kopeck piece” is located in the Leninsky district and costs 3.7 million rubles.

The average price of a three-room apartment is RUB 4,061,867. The economy segment starts from 2.9 million rubles, and comfort class housing with an improved layout starts from 5 million rubles.

Video sketch about Voronezh

Voronezh region located in the southwest of the European part of Russia between 49°34" and 52°06" north latitude and 38°09" and 42°54" east longitude. The area of ​​the Voronezh region is 52,400 km 2 and exceeds the size of the territories of many European countries - Albania, Denmark, Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Switzerland. But among the subject regions Russian Federation the region is in 54th place in size and area, inferior to the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory 45 times, Tyumen region - 27 times, Arkhangelsk region- 11 times, Magadan region - 9 times. From north to south, the Voronezh region stretches for 278 kilometers, from west to east - for 354 kilometers. The region includes 32 administrative districts, 15 cities, 4 urban-type settlements, 15 working settlements, 471 rural settlement With total number 1,717 rural settlements. The total population is 2,333,477 people (01/01/2016). The administrative center of the region is the city of Voronezh.

Physiographic location. The Voronezh region is located in the central part of the Russian Plain. Its relief presents three main orographic elements. In the west - the Central Russian Upland, in the east - the Kalach Upland and the Oka-Don Plain. A feature of the modern relief is the many ravines. The climate is temperate continental. The main water artery is the Don River. All other rivers belong to its basin. Three quarters of the territory is covered with fertile chernozem soils. According to the natural zoning, the Voronezh region is a typical forest-steppe and steppe, the border between them conventionally runs along the Rossosh - Kalach line.

Economic and geographical location. The Voronezh region is part of the Central Black Earth economic region. In the north its neighbors are Tambov Region and Lipetsk region, in the west - Kursk region and Belgorod region. The neighboring position contributes to the formation of intense connections between them. Voronezh region is part of "Central Black Earth" associations for economic interaction. In the east, the Voronezh region borders the Volgograd region and Saratov region, in the southeast - with the Rostov region. In the southwest there is the border with Ukraine (Lugansk region). The region's territory is crossed by the most important transit transport routes of meridional and latitudinal directions, including international ones. This is the shortest route from the industrial center to North Caucasus and Ukraine.

Geopolitical situation. The Voronezh region is one of 46 regions of the Russian Federation (including 83 subjects, in addition to the regions, 9 territories, 1 autonomous region, 21 republics, 4 autonomous okrugs, 2 cities). The Voronezh region occupies a border position and is the center of the Western Border District. A large military group is stationed on its territory. Customs and border posts appeared on the border with Ukraine, which complicated economic and cultural ties with this republic. The region also borders the politically unstable multi-ethnic North Caucasus region.

In general, the Voronezh region occupies a favorable economic and geographical position. However, its geopolitical position is Lately became more complicated, as the common economic, political and cultural space with Ukraine and other republics of the former USSR was violated.


Brief description of the Voronezh region

1.Name - Voronezh region

2.Position on the mapVoronezh region borderswith Tambov, Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov, Belgorod, Kursk and Lipetsk regions, as well as with Ukraine. Area area is 52.4 thousand km². The population for 2013 is 2,330,377 people. Administrative center - Voronezh city .

3.Nature of the Voronezh regionThe Voronezh region is located in the central part of the East European Plain. In the west of the region there is the southern part of the Central Russian Upland, with heights of 220-260 m. Main river region - Don. .Climate of the Voronezh region– temperate continental.Located in forest-steppe and steppe zones. The soils of the Voronezh region are mainly chernozems. Natural vegetation has been almost completely replaced by fields. Small portions of the steppes remain in protected areas. Forests occupy 8.3% of the region's territory. These are pine, oak, oak-pine forests, alder and aspen forests.In the Voronezh region they live: foxes, hares, wolves, beavers, ferrets, wild boars, roe deer, sika deer and other mammals. Rare birds: steppe eagle, bustard, golden eagle.
There are 172 protected areas in the region natural areas. The largest of them are the Khopersky and Voronezhsky reserves. Live nature The Voronezh region needs universal care and careful treatment.

4. Features of the economy A The Voronezh region, with natural chernozems occupying 75% of its area, is a large producer of agricultural products and a food supplier for the industrial regions of Russia: the cultivation of grain (barley, wheat, rye) and industrial (sunflower, sugar beet) crops. The industry is represented by mechanical engineering and mechanical processing enterprises (Machine Tool Plant; Voronezhselmash), radio electronics (Electronics Plant), production of airbuses, mining and processing equipment, bridge structures and much more.

5. Ecology of Voronezh and environmental problems of the Voronezh regionDirectly in Voronezh, the main contribution to air pollution comes from motor vehicles and enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. The main pollutants of the Don River are organic matter, phosphates, nitrogen, iron, copper compounds and petroleum products. The Voronezh reservoir remains the most polluted. Pollution atmospheric air exhaust gases from vehicles is the most important environmental problem for the Voronezh region. There are 42 enterprises that discharge wastewater into surface water bodies.The main problems in the region are waste storage issues, violations are allowed in the field of forest management. A big environmental problem has become the development of nickel rocks in the Novokhopersky district, which threatens environmental disaster not only ours, but also other areas. The destruction of rare animals and plants is also a problem in our region.

6.Environmental protection. Measures are being taken to protect water bodies, reconstruction, major repairs and construction of new treatment facilities, repair and cleaning of filtration fields; construction of industrial storm sewerage; clearing river beds and reservoirs. Restoring the number of rare plants and animals, listing endangered species in the Red Book, restoring forests, rallies and protests to prevent the development of nickel deposits.