Thank you letter to a loved one. Ways to express gratitude to a man

Any person is pleased to know that he is not indifferent to anyone, and the male half of the population is no less curious and vulnerable in this than the female half. Therefore, in order to please your beloved, just let him know that your thoughts are occupied with his person. It can be a short “I think of you” or a longer message that every minute of your day is accompanied by thoughts about him. You can just wish him Good night or good morning. Having received such an SMS, the guy will thereby receive confirmation of what you like, and this, in turn, will improve his mood and brighten up the rest of the day.

Meeting Reminder

Let your boyfriend know that you miss him and look forward to meeting him. It is not necessary to directly say that you are counting the seconds until the moment you see each other again. You can send an unobtrusive reminder of the time, for example, “Today at 20:00, don’t be late” or a playful SMS “For every minute you are late tonight, a kiss from you.” It doesn't matter what the content of the message will be - the main thing is that your boyfriend understands that meeting him has a special meaning for you.

Gratitude for the time spent together

Any guy will be pleased if you thank him for any actions or deeds, and when a girl says “Thank you” only for the time spent together, this will not leave any male representative indifferent. After the next date, write words of gratitude in an SMS message, express how good it was for you together. For example, “I had a good time with you”, “Thank you for this evening, I look forward to the next meeting”, “Time with you defies reasonable description, it was incredible.” Do not be afraid to give thanks when you feel in your heart, sincerity is always pleasant.

Declaration of love

If your relationship has reached the level where you are ready to confess your love or have already done so, feel free to write three cherished words in an SMS message. Even if the guy already knows about your feelings, every reminder of them will please him. You can send a short “I love you”, or you can resort to the creations of poets, send quotes from songs, famous aphorisms about love. Express your love in all the ways available to you, trying to make each of them special, and then your beloved will look forward to the next message himself.

Probably, many girls know the feeling when, after a date with a guy, there is a slight understatement. There is simply a desire to continue communication, if not in reality, then through the Internet or telephone. If you want to tell him something else, very pleasant and tender, do not torture yourself and do as your heart tells you.

Is it okay to text a guy first?

If you have already started a romantic relationship with a guy, then you have every right to write to him first. Too intrusive, of course, can not be too. The main thing here is to know the measure.

When a relationship is at its very first stage, young people are often embarrassed to write to each other. In fact, an innocent message will not put you in a bad light. On the contrary, you will show your lover that you are also interested in communication. Moreover, many guys are attracted to girls who themselves are able to take the first step.

What to write to your beloved guy?

The hardest part is the beginning of the letter. Many girls for a long time cannot figure out how to contact a guy or write about it. It really depends on the beginning of the conversation whether your conversation will start or not. Moreover, this applies to girls who have not yet entered into a relationship with the addressee of their letter.

So, come up with an appeal. If this is your boyfriend, call him “beloved” or “native”, let him feel through the message how warmly you are addressing him. If you're already very close, feel free to use the adjective "wanted".

You can write to a guy whatever you want. Imagine what words would make you happy? Write to him what you feel at the moment. Let him know what is dear to you.

If your chosen one is far from you, write that you miss him very much, that you miss his affection and care. Tell us how you dream of touching his hair, lips, etc. In such a letter, you must try to convey to your loved one the feeling of warmth and comfort that he will receive upon arrival home. After reading your letter, he should want to see you even more.

After the next date, you can just flirt a little with your loved one. If your relationship has already gone quite far, you can write about your sexual fantasies. There is hardly a young man who does not like to read such passions.

If your relationship has just begun to develop, try to write on topics that he is interested in. Praise him for something, write that you really like his hobby or something similar. You can discuss your favorite films with him, at the same time learn a little more about him.

You can also sometimes send him simple short SMS, for example, “good morning, bunny”, “sweet dreams”, “wake up, sunshine”, etc. Such a message every time will remind him of you and bring a warm smile to his face.

Whatever you decide to write to a guy, write sincerely. He will definitely feel it and will respond to you in return.

People in love want to please each other. But it is not always possible to be there, and you have to use the means of communication to write to your loved one. Write a sweet message to a guy to cheer him up and show your love.

When you write pleasant things to a young man, write sincerely. You should not come up with something through force, because in this case any phrase will sound strained and false. Better think about what you really love in this person, appreciate and consider good. Be sincere about your positive thoughts.

What to write a nice guy in SMS

There are not many characters in SMS messages, so you need to be able to write concisely and succinctly. You can express all your feelings with short phrase and smiley. Sometimes it’s enough to write “I love” or “think of you” to please a guy.

If you are not dating a man, it is better to choose neutral messages.

Through telephone messages, you can send wishes of good morning and good night. If the interlocutor has an important matter (exam or interview), wish him luck. Write that you believe in his strength, and he will succeed. The guy will be pleasantly surprised by your wishes, and this will give strength to cope with all the difficulties.

Send a compliment at work to cheer him up. You can write "I love your strong hands, I want to feel your hugs sooner." Or something intimate like "I miss your sexy ass." Emoticons can be used to set the tone of a message so that your mood is clear.

What to write to a guy on a social network

On the Internet, it is much easier to express your feelings. More characters are placed in the messages, which means that nothing will hold you back. Write him a verse of your own composition or find one that suits your mood. You can drop a quote that reflects your feelings.

Take advantage additional features social networks. You can leave not only nice text, but also accompany it with an image or a song suitable for the occasion. You can even leave your own drawing with graffiti.

Write a letter

If you do not like your own handwriting, you can print the letter on the printer.

Think how nice it will be to receive a handwritten letter on a piece of paper. There you can use all your imagination to beautifully frame the message. Add a picture of your couple or a lipstick kiss mark.

Write an email. It can be sent to a work address so that in a series of work routines a man receives a reminder of his beloved. He will be pleased to take a break and read your letter. But for corporate mail, do not use too intimate information, because the text may be available to other employees.

Communication in social networks - modern effective method meeting and communicating with the opposite sex. There is an opinion that commenting on the entries on the page of a young man can quickly attract his attention and arouse sympathy for the girl.


Think about where and what kind of comments would be better to leave. It depends on how well you know him and how detailed his page is. If the guy is not yet on your friends list, but you want to attract his attention and arouse interest in you, select those pages that are available for viewing and editing. It can be an avatar, some photo albums and a wall. Also, if you find publications from a guy in any community, you can take part in their discussion.

To attract the attention of a guy, it is enough to write one or two words that will be compliments in his direction, for example, “beautiful” or “cool avatar”. At the end, be sure to add a smiling or laughing emoticon. You can even limit yourself to one smiling or winking emoji as a comment. This will be enough for the guy to want to go to your page. You should not leave a lot of notes, just comment on 1-2 photos so that you are not considered overly annoying.

If you already know the guy and he is your friend, you can leave more comments and do it more often. Since all entries will be available to you, you can comment more often. Rate photos, videos, and other posts and be verbose. You can praise the guy for his creativity or appreciate his humor, etc.

Pay Special attention on commenting on the posts on the wall (main page) of the guy. You can express your point of view regarding a particular publication and its content - agree with a current quote, give an example from your own life, etc. Also, to look more creative in the guy's eyes, try commenting on his post by posting a song or animation below that makes sense.

Do not forget to put "likes" - "I like" marks, which are available in almost all social networks. It is not necessary to comment on each entry, but at the same time, you can safely put marks, which sometimes, better than any words, will make the guy pay attention to you. And if he appreciates brevity and is easy by nature, you can leave funny emoticons under his records.

Even more than likes, reposts are valued - sending other people's publications to your own page indicating the source. Repost a few of the guy's posts that you think are the most important. As a result, he will understand that you have common interests and views on life with him.

Some young people do not know what compliments are best for girls. If you want your chosen one to appreciate your eloquence and feelings, or just want to win over a familiar female person, find the most pleasant words.


The interests of modern girls are quite diverse. Therefore, it can be difficult to understand which life aspects it is better to focus on in a compliment. Surely the fair sex will be pleased if you note her attractive appearance.

You just need to do it wisely. Now it is not enough just to tell a woman that she looks great. Such praise may remain completely unnoticed, because this phrase has become stereotyped. The girl will appreciate if you mark her style, as the desire to dress fashionably and beautifully is inherent in female nature.

Try to highlight the most remarkable details in a female image and praise them. A girl who carefully composed her ensemble, thought through accessories, tried on her hair and makeup, this will be very flattering. In addition, a woman does not expect a deepening into such trifles from a man, so a compliment will be doubly pleasant.


Women's dignity does not end with a beautiful, well-groomed, refined, attractive appearance. Believe me, the girl is waiting for warm, sincere words about her character, personal qualities, professionalism, skills and abilities. Some of the fair sex will like such compliments even more than the praise of beauty. Highlight some positive trait girl, mark the merits of a colleague if you want to do something nice. The girl will like the mention of her femininity, grace, well-developed intuition, taste, intelligence, sense of humor, kindness and generosity.

Some girls will not remain indifferent if you note their housekeeping skills. If a woman seeks to create comfort at home, works on the interior, she will be very pleased to hear compliments addressed to her about her refined taste and high organization. Some guys don't notice how much housework their ladies do. It happens that a man even forgets to praise the dish that his wife worked on.


The phrases that girls will be pleased with include declarations of love. Men, due to their own low emotionality, rarely show feelings, but in vain. Tenderness uttered at least once a month will make a woman happy. Also, the fair sex is impressed by young people who aloud make joint plans for the future. If a girl is seriously passionate about a guy, she expects steps from him to develop relations, including words about how their union will be built in the future.

A woman will be glad to hear from a man an offer to go on a trip that she has long dreamed of, or about going to her favorite restaurant, to a long-awaited movie show. Be more attentive to the tastes and desires of your partner, and she will be grateful to you for such an attitude.

Remember that not only men are eager to prove themselves in bed. A woman is also pleased to hear in her address words about her own sexuality, looseness, desirability. Therefore, do not skimp on the praise for your chosen one.

The girl will be pleased if her ability to deal with children is noted. If she strives to be the best mom, praise her skills in raising a child and the ability to care for him. By the way, such a compliment will be double, because you will notice both the merits of the girl and the success of her child, which will also please the mother very much.

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About what words should be said to a partner during sex and how to do it, says the director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", a family psychologist, a consultant on interpersonal relationships Elena Kuznetsova.

What should I say

And they believe everything they are told, so that even the most primitive compliment will be received favorably.

“Women love compliments a lot, men love them more. And if the quality of a compliment is important for a smart woman, then for a man it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care if ordinary praise was addressed to him or not. accept all words of approval. And you should always praise a man, before sex, during sex and after it, ”advises the psychologist.

before sex

Before you proceed directly to the process, you can: clothes, hands, eyes. You can say about long eyelashes. It would seem naivety, but all this “works”, so that everything that a woman’s eye falls on can be given a compliment.

During sex

First, verbalize everything you see and feel. De facto.

“Men are inherently pragmatists: “I am working now, you must evaluate and specify my work,” Kuznetsova explains and advises during sex, especially his manhood. Praise the man's technique. You can, for example, talk about the poses he chose, clarify in which of them you saw the sky in diamonds.

Secondly. . This sounds like a compliment to men. In the process, a woman can even swear, and a man will react normally to this.

“It may sound a little strange, but men like to imagine themselves during sex, and they already enjoy it. And if a woman in the process also says something obscene, this spurs men doubly, ”the psychologist states.

You can also tell a man that you like it when he is with you. This spurs the partner on and encourages further action.

Third, don't be indifferent. “Deed” thank the man for his efforts, also give him pleasure. You can, of course, directly check with your partner that he would like you to do it, but this is too primitive. It is better to silently seize the initiative and see how your lover reacts to your actions, how good he is. At the end of the process, you can ask: “Anything else?”, while the question should be asked with a voice.

after sex

Here you can make a compliment that expresses your gratitude for the efforts of your partner: “I felt so good”, “You know how to please me”, etc.

The only caveat is that all this should be said immediately at the end of the process, when both partners, as a rule, are. As soon as you get out of bed, this kind of compliment will be inappropriate.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Me and You dating agency, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

However, if you didn’t immediately express admiration to your partner, then you can catch up by sending him a frank SMS describing those incredible ones. It will definitely be pleasant to read such confessions to a man.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected]

Sometimes it is so difficult to express gratitude to the man who is next to us, because it is limitless. And perhaps there are women who think that they are simply used, offended and even able to quit, after all, most of them love their men very much.

Why is it important to feel grateful to a man?

Because a man is a support and support. The man does the most hard work in the world - he has to earn and support his family, pay bills, protect the house from adversity, increase prosperity.

And no matter how indignant women who took on someone else's role of breadwinner or leveled their rights, depriving their husband of the opportunity to express themselves, it is important to understand:

Only female sincerity deserves all the benefits that a man gives us.

But what happens?

A man who tries his best for the family, instead of Thank you, in response, hears more and more demands and reproaches, claims and unrealistic expectations.

And husbands leave those who do not know how to be grateful ...

Why don't we women believe in our men?

How to believe and how to inspire a man?

Gratitude is the hidden power of female nature, it can work wonders.

Women's gratitude for a man is the wings that carry him higher and higher, dragging his beloved, his Muse, into transcendental distances.

We women can easily inspire our men! And gratitude is one of the forms of his inspiration. He will strive to do even more for that woman who knows how to thank. For every act, purchase or gift. For what he is. Because he is with you.

Moreover, a man needs to be thanked 10 times more than he really deserves. And then the moment will come when, in response to your gratitude, he will do 100 times more.

How can a woman express gratitude to a man?

  • warm words (“Thank you!” or “Thank you, darling”)
  • compliments and words of admiration (“You are my very best”)
  • praise to his mother, kind words to her about a good son, as well as to other people (it is desirable that he hear everything out of the corner of his ear)
  • good mood and well-groomed house
  • unbelievably delicious gourmet dinner
  • relaxing massage (whole body, feet, etc.)
  • semi-erotic dance
  • sophisticated intimate caresses
  • by letter (SMS, postcard, drawing, craft, etc.)

As you can see, there are many ways, maybe you have your own proprietary secret, share it in the comments. And now we will try to express gratitude to the man with the help of a letter.

« Hello beloved!

I am very grateful to you that we are together.

Thank you for taking care of our family. Thank you for the attention you give us. Thank you for bringing money into the house, always asking what you need to buy. Thank you for paying the bills and supporting our family, as well as spoiling us with something delicious and unrealistically expensive.

Thank you for helping around the house, for regularly taking out the trash, for every nail driven in and for every light bulb screwed in every time.

Thank you for your protection, which we feel together with the children. We know that you will save us from any trouble, and we believe that you are the strongest.

I am grateful to you for the prosperity, kind words, gifts and time that you spend with us.

Thank you for your reminders and willingness to help in any matter. Thank you for the responsibility you have taken on!

Thank you for making our home and life better. Thank you for the love we feel!

Health to you, darling, we are very happy next to a man and dad like you.

What mistakes do women make when expressing gratitude verbally?

A man is a different world. And this world is not as sophisticated and gentle as the female one. Therefore, if you want to express gratitude, it is better to choose words that do not deprive your husband of masculinity.

Calling him "kitten", "honey", "uti-way", you risk losing a real man. It is also unreasonable to praise for an impeccably performed women's work, it is better to simply thank for HELP.

Compliments, kind words should emphasize his masculine qualities, such as strength, courage, responsibility. And to be a happy woman nearby is perhaps the best gratitude for a man. Because if she is happy, there will be peace, tranquility and harmony in the family. Every man and every woman dreams of such a house.

Being able to thank is a very useful quality in relationships between a man and a woman and not only. Thank your chosen one for everything pleasant, even if it is a mere trifle, and he will be more willing to please you further. How to say thank you to your loved one a man for a small change or some serious romantic act? There are several ways to do this both with words and without the help of them.

Reciprocal pleasant little things

Did your boyfriend give you something small, but very pleasant, romantic? Moreover, does he do it with enviable regularity? Thank him with kindness for kindness - you give him all sorts of nice things, make surprises. Men value actions more than words, and therefore such a manifestation of gratitude will be valued by them much more than the word “Thank you”.

love notes

Leave your loved one love notes. To write one, you only need a few seconds of your time, a small piece of paper, and a pen/pencil. Stick such a note in his jacket pocket or in his wallet. You can buy a board with magnets, on which you can draw with felt-tip pens or chalk and then wash it, and stick it on the refrigerator. Then you can write every morning there all sorts of nice words to your soul mate. Or buy letter magnets and add words from them.

Get Involved

Even if you are very tired after a working day, and your man came home in a bad mood, find the strength in yourself to find out what happened, to sympathize. If he does not want to talk, feed him, let him rest, and then find out what and how, and ask if you can help. By doing this, you show concern and let your loved one know that you care about him.

Say "thank you" and hug

Say "thank you" to your man and be sure to give him a hug him, for one without the other does not count. You can also kiss - it certainly will not be superfluous. If you are sincere, your betrothed will appreciate this and will continue to burn with the desire to please you again and again.

Take over his duties

Of course, you are not asked to do all the housework yourself, but if a man gave you an amazing romantic dinner for two, you will please him very much by washing all the dishes yourself, even if it is exclusively his responsibility, and even bringing him breakfast in the morning. bed.


Another way to express gratitude is touch. Touch your man more often, take his hand, hug him, put your hand on his shoulder.