Requirements for joining the National Guard. Service in the Russian Guard by conscription. Conscription and military service in the Russian Guard

1. Requirements for candidates when entering military service under a contract, in military units of troops national guard Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 33 of Section V of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract are established:

A citizen entering military service under a contract must own state language Russian Federation, as well as meet the medical and professional-psychological requirements of military service for specific military specialties. To determine whether a citizen meets the established requirements, a medical examination and professional psychological selection activities are carried out.

Medical examination of citizens is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Military Medical Examination. Based on the results of the medical examination, a conclusion is given on the citizen’s suitability for military service in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5.1 of this Federal Law; doctors supervising the work on the medical examination of citizens, based on the results of the medical examination, give a conclusion on the citizen’s suitability for military service in the following categories:

A – fit for military service;
B – fit for military service with minor restrictions;
B – limited fit for military service;
G – temporarily unfit for military service;
D – not fit for military service.

A citizen who is recognized as fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions can be accepted for military service under a contract.

Activities for professional psychological selection are carried out by specialists in professional psychological selection in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service. Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of a citizen for military service under a contract in specific military positions:

A citizen who, based on the results of professional psychological selection, is classified in the fourth category of professional suitability cannot be accepted for military service under a contract.

A citizen entering military service under a contract, in addition to the above requirements, must also meet the level requirements:

physical training.

In accordance with Article 34 of Section V of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service,” a contract for military service may be concluded by:

military personnel whose previous contract for military service is ending;
military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription and received before conscription for military service higher education, as well as military personnel undergoing conscription military service and having served for at least three months;
citizens in reserve;
male citizens who are not in the reserves and have received higher education;
female citizens who are not in reserve.
The first contract for military service can be concluded by citizens aged 18 to 40 years.

2. The procedure for selecting candidates for military service under a contract from among citizens not in military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription into the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

The basis for registering citizens as candidates is their applications submitted to military units, filled out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237.

Military units register and accept for consideration applications from citizens who have expressed a desire to enroll in military service under a contract.

The commander of the military unit reviews the accepted application and gives instructions on conducting a medical examination, measures for professional psychological selection, checking the compliance of the level of education, professional and physical training with the requirements established for those entering military service under a contract.

An application from a citizen who has expressed a desire to enter military service under a contract may be returned by the commander of a military unit on the grounds provided for in paragraph 5 of Article 5 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237, for the following reasons :

if he does not have citizenship of the Russian Federation;
if on the day of concluding the contract his age does not meet the requirements of the Federal Law, and also if this person does not have the right to enter into a contract in accordance with the Federal Law;
when convicting him and imposing punishment, conducting an inquiry, preliminary investigation against him or transferring a criminal case to court;
if he has an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime;
if this person was serving a sentence of imprisonment;
if this person is subject to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances (before the end of the period during which this person is considered subject to administrative punishment).

Along with the application, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Regulations, citizens present a document proving their identity and citizenship and submit:

a completed and signed application form for those entering military service under a contract;
an autobiography written in your own hand in free form;
a duly certified copy of the work book (if available);
duly certified copies of documents confirming professional or other education;
duly certified copies of marriage and birth certificates of children (if available);
two photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm (only for citizens who are not in reserve and female citizens);
a photograph measuring 9 x 12 cm (the last name, first name, patronymic and date of photographing are indicated in ink on its back; the photograph is certified by the commander of the military unit and the official seal of the military unit);
a duly certified copy of the birth certificate;
extract from the house register.

A citizen can submit a reference from his last place of work.

The grounds for refusing a candidate entering military service under a contract to conclude a corresponding contract with him are:

absence from military units troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, vacant military positions according to the candidate’s training profile or the military specialty he received;
decision of the certification commission of the military unit, approved by the commander (chief) of the military unit, on concluding a contract for military service with another candidate based on the results of a competitive selection;
decision of the commission of the military commissariat or the certification commission of a military unit on the non-compliance of a candidate entering military service under a contract with the requirements established by this Federal Law.

A contract for military service cannot be concluded with citizens in respect of whom a conviction has been made and who have been sentenced, in respect of whom an inquiry or preliminary investigation or criminal case has been submitted to the court, citizens who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing crimes serving a sentence of imprisonment.

If a citizen is denied a contract for military service, he has the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority, the prosecutor's office or court.

For reference:
The procedure for selecting candidates for military service under a contract from among citizens not in military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription into the National Guard of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 22, 2013 No. 924 “On approval of the Instructions for the selection of citizens and military personnel for military service under a contract in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.”

Currently, this order is being processed for the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (due date: the first quarter of 2017).

Once it is released, it will be submitted for posting on the website.

Journalist Dmitry Bevza spoke about his son, who served in the mortar division of the Russian Guard. According to him, the young man lost 13 kilograms due to poor nutrition. Bevza also claims that his son was deprived of the opportunity to engage in sports training, and there was practically no combat in his unit.

“My son served in the mortar division of the ODON named after. Dzerzhinsky, which is not just part of the Russian Guard. This, as I understand it, is the largest separate part of the Russian Guard. Moreover, it is stationed not in the taiga forest, but in Balashikha near Moscow. That is, in theory, it should be exemplary,” Bevza wrote on his Facebook page.

He stated that his son lost 13 kilograms, “despite the fact that he went there a healthy, pumped-up moose. Just from poor nutrition. There are no opportunities to engage in physical education and sports in the unit.”

The soldiers’ diet included “uncooked pearl barley, a lot of rotten and moldy sauerkraut (several centimeters of mold had to be removed from the plastic buckets that were brought to the kitchen). Well, of course, watery soup with potatoes. But apples were given approximately five times during the entire service. There was practically no fruit at all. I got the impression that the food in the zone is better,” the journalist believes.

According to him, the form was of monstrous quality, and the placement did not imply personal space:

“There isn’t even a simple locker. The soldier is assigned half of an unlocked nightstand. Well, accordingly, personal belongings are stolen relatively regularly. Goodbye powerbank,” noted the author of the post.

“What are the soldiers of the Russian Guard doing? Mostly they work for free. Unloading cars, loading cars. cooking, cleaning, putting things in order, repair and construction, snow removal in winter and so on. Leave is given only within the unit's territory. That is, the relatives don’t have the opportunity to come, meet the fighter, sit and talk,” says Bevza.

In his opinion, meetings with soldiers are reminiscent of meetings in a zone, that is, with inspection and in a limited area in the unit itself, but at any moment you can declare a quarantine and cancel visits.

“You come to Moscow from Altai, and they tell you: “Go back this weekend, visits are cancelled.” The girl may not be allowed to see the guy, because visits are limited to relatives only. By the way, suicides also happen in the unit. During his service there were several sons. Basically, the “classic of the genre” girl went to her best friend,” the journalist said, noting that the internal nickname of the fighters of the operational companies who stand in a cordon at football, city day and other “holidays” is “gansy,” the journalist was indignant, comparing the service in the army with serfdom.

He noted that one battalion in the division is combat-ready - the special forces "Vityaz", but military personnel work there under contract.

Is it possible military service by conscription in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Rosguard)? Service in the Russian National Guard (National Guard) by conscription - reviews, legal advice.

Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (VV MVD of Russia) is a structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation that carries out tasks to ensure public safety and internal security of the state. In 2016, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia were transformed into troops of the Russian National Guard. What are the features of conscription service in the units of the Russian Guard (National Guard) and what tasks they perform will be discussed below.

Military service by conscription is considered an honorable duty for a man, and the branch of the military in which he will serve often matters only for the soldier’s personal pride. The state is equally important to the “elite” units - the Aerospace Forces, Airborne Forces, Navy, Marine Corps, and troops called upon to protect strategically important objects within state borders. Therefore, each branch of the military has a special purpose, which was developed based on the experience of previous generations and military science. This experience was paid for with considerable blood.

The state has always needed armed force not only to preserve its sovereignty - protection from external enemies, but also to protect internal order. Russia is a very socially contradictory state, the history of which is replete with riots, uprisings, and separatist manifestations aimed at splitting internal unity. This trend can be traced throughout the history of the state.

For the first time, the prototype of the internal troops was created under Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. He specially gathered for three months personally devoted young nobles who served to protect Moscow from mob riots. Subsequently, these functions were transferred to the guardsmen for a short period. Peter I also left a mark on the history of the internal troops. It was under him that armed detachments of disabled people and recruits unsuitable for combat service began to be formed to maintain order in cities and fight rioters. But Alexander I can be considered the founding father of VV. It was by his Highest Decree on March 27, 1811 that disparate military teams of disabled people, subordinate to the provincial authorities, were resubordinated to a single high command and acquired the status of military formations with absolutely specific goals - protecting the interests of the state from internal enemies.

The Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs were created in 1992 after the collapse of the USSR. The troops included all former formations of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, stationed on the territory of the RSFSR. On April 5, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the creation of the National Guard (Rosgvardia) on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Tasks of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Rosgvardia)

The troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation were transformed from the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and are intended to ensure public and state security, as well as the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The legal basis for the activities of the Russian Guard is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2016 No. 226-FZ “On the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.”

Read also: How is the service going? Russian army- pros and cons that a conscript needs to know

In the minds of many conscripts, for whom military conscription is terra incognita, the new name of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is mainly associated with special forces units involved in military conflicts in the territory North Caucasus and confrontation with terrorists during the liquidation of the most famous gangs. Indeed, these special forces are included in the structure of the military formations of the Russian Guard, but its basis is still not elite groups designed to solve highly specialized tasks and making up a small percentage of the number of the National Guard, but still military-type armed formations performing the tasks defined in Art. 2 Federal Law “On the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation”.

The Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Rosgvardia) is entrusted with the following tasks:
- participation in ensuring public safety and maintaining public order;
- security of important government facilities and special cargo;
- participation in the fight against extremism and terrorism, etc.

For these purposes, the law provides for a mixed type of formation of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: conscript service - 20%, contract service - 80%. That is, young men serving conscripted service in the National Guard constitute a minority. According to reviews from conscripts, they are usually involved in service at the sites of strategically important industrial enterprises, nuclear energy and patrol duty in populated areas. Military conscription service, which lasts for 1 year, just like in the Defense Ministry troops, provides for the possibility of concluding a contract.

A significant increase in the authority of the Russian Guard is the fact that from now on its tasks are not related to the protection and escort of persons under investigation and prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty (until 1996, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provided security for correctional institutions).


In accordance with Article 33 of Section V of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract are established:

A citizen entering military service under a contract must speak the state language of the Russian Federation, as well as meet the medical and professional-psychological requirements of military service for specific military specialties. To determine whether a citizen meets the established requirements, a medical examination and professional psychological selection activities are carried out.

Medical examination of citizens is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Military Medical Examination. Based on the results of the medical examination, a conclusion is given on the citizen’s suitability for military service in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5.1 of this Federal Law; doctors supervising the work on the medical examination of citizens, based on the results of the medical examination, give a conclusion on the citizen’s suitability for military service in the following categories:

A – fit for military service;
B – fit for military service with minor restrictions;
B – limited fit for military service;
G – temporarily unfit for military service;
D – not fit for military service.

A citizen who is recognized as fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions can be accepted for military service under a contract.

Activities for professional psychological selection are carried out by specialists in professional psychological selection in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service. Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of a citizen for military service under a contract in specific military positions:

A citizen who, based on the results of professional psychological selection, is classified in the fourth category of professional suitability cannot be accepted for military service under a contract.

A citizen entering military service under a contract, in addition to the above requirements, must also meet the level requirements:

physical training.

In accordance with Article 34 of Section V of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service,” a contract for military service may be concluded by:

military personnel whose previous contract for military service is ending;
military personnel undergoing conscription military service and having received a higher education prior to conscription, as well as military personnel undergoing conscription military service and having served for at least three months;
citizens in reserve;
male citizens who are not in the reserves and have received higher education;
female citizens who are not in reserve.

The first contract for military service can be concluded by citizens aged 18 to 40 years.

The basis for registering citizens as candidates is their applications submitted to military units, filled out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237.

Military units register and accept for consideration applications from citizens who have expressed a desire to enroll in military service under a contract.

The commander of the military unit reviews the accepted application and gives instructions on conducting a medical examination, measures for professional psychological selection, checking the compliance of the level of education, professional and physical training with the requirements established for those entering military service under a contract.

An application from a citizen who has expressed a desire to enter military service under a contract may be returned by the commander of a military unit on the grounds provided for in paragraph 5 of Article 5 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237, for the following reasons :
if he does not have citizenship of the Russian Federation;

if on the day of concluding the contract his age does not meet the requirements of the Federal Law, and also if this person does not have the right to enter into a contract in accordance with the Federal Law;
when convicting him and imposing punishment, conducting an inquiry, preliminary investigation against him or transferring a criminal case to court;
if he has an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime;
if this person was serving a sentence of imprisonment;
if this person is subject to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances (before the end of the period during which this person is considered subject to administrative punishment).

Along with the application, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Regulations, citizens present a document proving their identity and citizenship and submit:

a completed and signed application form for those entering military service under a contract;
an autobiography written in your own hand in free form;
a duly certified copy of the work book (if available);
duly certified copies of documents confirming professional or other education;
duly certified copies of marriage and birth certificates of children (if available);
two photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm (only for citizens who are not in reserve and female citizens);
a photograph measuring 9 x 12 cm (the last name, first name, patronymic and date of photographing are indicated in ink on its back; the photograph is certified by the commander of the military unit and the official seal of the military unit);
a duly certified copy of the birth certificate;
extract from the house register.

A citizen can submit a characteristic with last place work.

The grounds for refusing a candidate entering military service under a contract to conclude a corresponding contract with him are:

the absence of vacant military positions in the military units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation according to the candidate’s training profile or the military specialty he received;
decision of the certification commission of the military unit, approved by the commander (chief) of the military unit, on concluding a contract for military service with another candidate based on the results of a competitive selection;
decision of the commission of the military commissariat or the certification commission of a military unit on the non-compliance of a candidate entering military service under a contract with the requirements established by this Federal Law.

A contract for military service cannot be concluded with citizens in respect of whom a conviction has been made and who have been sentenced, in respect of whom an inquiry or preliminary investigation or criminal case has been submitted to the court, citizens who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing crimes serving a sentence of imprisonment.

If a citizen is denied a contract for military service, he has the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority, the prosecutor's office or court.

The procedure for selecting candidates for admission to military service under a contract from among citizens and military personnel undergoing conscription military service in the National Guard of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the order of the FSVNG of Russia dated May 15, 2017 No. 139 “On the procedure for selecting candidates for admission to military service under a contract in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, determining the compliance of candidates with the requirements for citizens of the Russian Federation entering military service under a contract and establishing requirements for the level of education, qualifications and physical training for candidates entering military service under a contract in troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation."

Issues of accepting citizens for military service under a contract in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation are within the competence of commanders of military units.

To enroll in military service under a contract, a candidate must contact the commander of the military unit in which he plans to serve.

You can check the availability of vacant military positions at the headquarters of the districts of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, whose contacts are posted on the official website of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

Other types of public service

The emergence and change of legal relations in the service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation is regulated by Chapter 4 of the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ “On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, the effect of which is extended for persons holding special ranks and serving in the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of activities of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation, in the field of arms trafficking, in the field of private security activities and in the field private security.

Qualification requirements for employee positions include requirements for the level of education, length of service or length of service (experience) in the specialty, professional knowledge and skills, and health status of employees necessary to perform the duties of the position being filled. For positions of ordinary personnel and junior commanding officers, secondary general education is required.

The procedure for citizens entering the service to undergo a military medical examination is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination.” The procedure for professional psychological selection for service is established by the Rules for professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2012 No. 1259.

Based on the results of the military medical examination of citizens entering service, the military medical commission issues a conclusion on the suitability of such citizens for service in the following categories:

A – fit for service in internal affairs bodies;
B – fit for service in internal affairs bodies with minor restrictions;
B – limited fit for service in internal affairs bodies;
G – temporarily unfit for service in internal affairs bodies;
D – unfit for service in internal affairs bodies.

In relation to certain positions of ordinary and junior command staff, the head of the federal executive body may establish qualification requirements to the level of physical fitness.