Learning sarcasm. Useful tips on how to learn sarcasm and how to respond to it

Knowing what sarcasm is, you can jokingly offend a person, point out his mistakes, or even offend him. This style of conversation is aimed at making people laugh, but with a hint of dark humor. You can hear sarcasm almost everywhere, from your bosses to your own children.

Sarcasm - what is it?

There are many jokers in our world and they are different. If someone begins to play an evil joke on another, then he uses a technique that since ancient times was considered accessible only to people of high ranks and titles. To understand what sarcasm means, you need to go back to the origins of this word.

It has Greek roots and several translations: “tearing flesh”, “tearing meat”, “biting lips”, probably referring to the state of a person who has heard something unpleasant addressed to him, dressed in the form of a joke. Dictionaries explain the meaning of this word as an evil mockery, an offensive, insulting joke, with the help of which they want to show someone in a negative light.

How to recognize sarcasm?

It is very easy to distinguish sarcastic statements from ironic or humorous ones. Each of them has its own semantic meaning. The least offensive are humorous jokes that can make you think and laugh at a problem or a person without humiliating or insulting him. Irony is a more “poisonous lady.” She can allow herself not only to joke, but also to prick with one phrase or another without too much pain.

Even fleeting statements with sarcasm are especially sharp, poisonous and offensive, but it is important with what message they are uttered. At the same time, the speaker, as a rule, understands perfectly well that he is offending a person, but this is what he is trying to achieve. In this case, it is worth responding to the words correctly in order not to close yourself off.

How to respond to sarcasm?

A difficult and very painful question is how to relate to this speech style on the part of another person and how to react to it. It has been noticed that sharp sarcasm is heard not about everyone, but about those who allow such jokes to be directed at them. Often such a person turns into a “whipping boy”, and everyone and everything is making evil jokes about him with or without reason. You need to protect yourself from offensive jokes and you can do this in the following ways:

  • get rid of complexes;
  • learn to respond to sarcasm with sarcasm;
  • If possible, attend personal growth courses.

Psychologists say that ridicule is allowed towards people with complexes, suffering from various fears or constant anxiety, often without even realizing what they are to blame for. This can continue until offensive words are spoken in response to the offender, and this will be done in public. As practice shows, a sharp, no less sarcastic answer well sobers up the presumptuous joker.

Sarcasm and irony - the difference

In order not to be offended by any joke and not to make a tragedy out of every word, you need to understand where sarcasm and irony are and how they differ. If everything is clear about sarcasm, with the help of which they want to openly offend a person, then irony, having a negative evaluative content, is more veiled. It may not directly, but covertly express ridicule or exposure. Sarcasm is a cruder and more offensive form of jokes. As for irony, you need to try to grasp its subtle meaning, which is not given to everyone.

Is sarcasm good or bad?

If we are talking about those who use sarcastic statements more often, then as a rule they turn out to be smart people, but to one degree or another deprived of attention, love, and care. Or, on the contrary, they are satiated with the blessings of life and consider only themselves worthy of attention. True, such darlings of fate, as a rule, in their evil jokes slide into banal rudeness, ideally not understanding what sarcasm is.

The entertaining art of sarcasm has nothing in common with it, since it presupposes mastery of the word and its skillful use. At the same time, the addressee of sarcasm is quite specific, and the thought, accompanied by a sharp and cruel joke, is clear. There is no need to guess whether sarcasm is good or bad. Depending on whose hands this weapon is in, the result of its firing may be different. At the same time, we should not forget that the wonderful actress Faina Ranevskaya became famous not only for her acting skills, but also for her sarcastic phrases that are relevant and have long been quoted.

  • It's better to be a good man, “swearing” than a quiet, well-mannered creature.
  • Horseradish, based on the opinions of others, ensures a calm and happy life.
  • Under the most beautiful peacock tail hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen.
  • Why are all women such fools?
  • Do you know what it's like to act in a movie? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and they take you on a tour there.
  • To gain recognition one must, even must, die.
  • Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. Actually, there are only two perversions: field hockey and ice ballet.
  • Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, immoral, or leads to obesity.
  • I hate you. Wherever I go, everyone looks around and says: “Look, it’s Mulya, don’t make me nervous, she’s coming.”
  • Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?
  • Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with oneself and one's shortcomings, which I have never encountered in mediocrity.
  • I’m watching this film for the fourth time and I must tell you that today the actors played like never before.

How to learn sarcasm?

Be that as it may, sarcasm implies the impudent behavior of a person and him, but if you start using it incorrectly, you can run into big trouble. Those who want to make sarcastic jokes should know how to learn sarcasm and irony without putting themselves in an awkward position. The main thing if you want to offend someone is to:

If you quickly begin to practice yourself in ironic statements, then within a month you will be able to show off your eloquence. The main thing is not to go too far, because sarcasm, although humorous, is sometimes offensive. In life, this skill is very useful, because correctly constructed speech with notes of insolence helps to open many doors.

Sarcasm and sense of humor

Almost any speech should contain a piece of humor. Sarcasm is humor, only with the addition of mockery. In other words, these are two styles of speech, the existence of which without each other is impossible. Shy people cannot use them in their speech, and this is where the misunderstanding of sarcasm comes from. By developing one ability, a person automatically learns the second. The main advantage is that by learning to make daring jokes, people can gain status in society.

No matter how strange it may sound, not all people can use and understand sarcasm. This does not depend on any abilities, intelligence or other qualities. In fact, the key to success is just an accurate understanding of the concept itself, as well as the ability to “read” sarcastic notes in people’s speech. It is also worth remembering that sarcasm itself can be different. It can be compared to art, which is given to some people more than to others. Therefore, if you do not understand sarcasm, perhaps the problem is not at all with you, but with the one who is trying to use it.

However, how can one learn sarcasm enough to not only understand it, but also use it? There aren't any universal methods that would be acceptable to everyone. Instead, we’ll try to figure out what sarcasm is, how you should react to it, when it’s appropriate, etc.

Sense of humor

First of all, sarcasm refers to humor, although the satirical category is much closer to it. Sarcasm involves mild mockery and cocky behavior disguised as wit. From this alone we can conclude that it is extremely difficult for timid people to both use and understand sarcasm. Usually unsociable and withdrawn people suffer from this condition. Most a shining example inability to understand sarcasm is a character in the series “Theory Big Bang» Sheldon Cooper, who spent many seasons learning to understand sarcasm. His example proves that sarcasm and a sense of humor are inseparable.

How to improve your sense of humor? This is as much a philosophical question as “what is the meaning of life?” Improving your erudition will help a little, reading books, preferably satirical ones, sometimes even watching various films and television shows where you can find satirical humor.

Improved vocabulary

Why are most writers great at sarcasm? Because their vocabulary is much richer than that of the average person. This is another key to understanding and using sarcasm. Simply put, well-read people will master sarcasm much faster than those who do not develop their vocabulary. Unfortunately, it can only be expanded by regular reading or working with texts of a different nature. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to learn sarcasm and irony, then books are the best way to help.

In essence, sarcasm is a manipulation of subtext, which must be supported by the correct intonation. This is why it is very difficult for many people to understand whether a person is telling the truth or not. However, vocabulary allows you to better grasp the meaning of what was said, which, of course, will make it possible to recognize sarcasm in time.

Try to avoid "toxicity"

You've probably seen situations in life when sarcasm performed by some people looks funny, while others cause aggression and a negative reaction. In the latter case, it is called “poisonous”. This is sarcasm that has acquired negative overtones and does not imply jokes and humor, but outright ridicule. This should be avoided, because such an application of this concept will constantly spoil your relationships with other people.

That is why it is important to know a sense of proportion, which you need to be able to understand no worse than sarcasm itself. Unfortunately, this understanding usually only comes with experience, but you can influence it now. When using sarcasm in speech, do not try to offend the other person; in most cases, this will allow you not to go too far and use the so-called “correct irony.”

Choose the right place, time and situation

The classics have repeatedly argued that sarcasm must be accurate. This means that you need to use it only in cases where it is appropriate, and not when you want it. By excessively resorting to this tool, you will also create a negative feeling in the people around you. Also, you should never turn sarcasm into a broken record, that is, do not constantly repeat the same memorized phrases and jokes. An ironic expression said several times will lose its relevance.

Seriousness is the basic rule of sarcasm

If sarcasm is an art, then it has only one requirement - you need to be serious. Sarcasm, which is spoken with laughter, immediately turns into a joke, and most often an unsuccessful one. The peculiarity of satirical humor is that you convey it solely by twisting the meaning, without showing it. This is why ironic jokes and sayings are the most difficult to understand.

However, in this case, how can you make it clear to a person that this is sarcasm? Especially if he doesn't know you very well? In this case, use the most common “hints”, which are a smile and even a grin. It is only important that it is not malicious and sarcastic, as this will give sarcasm the previously mentioned “poisonousness”.

To summarize, it should be noted that one of the synonyms of sarcasm is wit rather than humor, in its usual sense. If you want to understand it as best as possible, then you need to strive for this constantly. Sooner or later the result will not be long in coming.

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There is a fine line between sarcasm and irony. If you want to learn the art of putting people in their place with sharp, destructive judgment (sarcasm), the first thing you need to do is learn to show trust, not arrogance.

laugh at yourself, joke subtly and not be rude, crossing the line of ridicule.


Read more fiction, look documentaries and comedy shows, expand your horizons and vocabulary. Sarcasm

- not sarcasm, but a pathetic attempt to attract attention, which always ends in failure. Have you noticed yourself that the jokes of narrow-minded people

characterized by shallowness, vulgarity and

Sarcasm must be used with caution, otherwise it will only cause confusion and rejection of others. Friends will start to avoid you for fear of being “stung” for no reason. And someone will start to hate you. To masterfully master

First you need to train your sense of humor. After all, people who simply spout poisonous phrases, criticize without humor, look mean, repel and irritate.

Be original and

Don't repeat yourself. A subtly noticed detail always sticks in the memory for a long time. There is no need to return to your joke again if it caused a strong positive reaction.

Remain calm and equanimous. A sarcastic statement made with a completely deep and serious expression on your face will be very effective. Say funny things as if you were a television announcer, without hiccups, without suppressing giggles, and clearly articulating your sharp point.

Don't abuse your talent. If sarcasm constantly abounds in your speech, most likely, your circle of interlocutors will rapidly decrease. Stay good-natured in your ridicule and people will feel comfortable and cheerful around you.

Make sure that your interlocutor

That you are not speaking seriously. Be creative in your approach. Use your body language. Follow the rule: never say “Just kidding!”, reveal your sarcasm either with a smile, a grimace, or a wink.

Use sarcasm appropriately

It is easy to offend with a caustic statement

Pushing your best friend away, hurting you

Make one mad

Smart people remember your statements for a very long time, especially if they are close to the truth. Drink water into your mouth at a time when you should remain silent.

If previously it was believed that the accumulation negative emotions in yourself leads to deterioration of health, and therefore it is necessary to pour them out in the form in which they are in you, now scientists are increasingly talking about the importance of self-control. And this makes sense, because intemperance can irrevocably ruin relationships between people.


Become the master of your emotions. If you find yourself in a difficult stressful situation, the first thing you need to do is calm down. To do this, slowly take at least ten breaths in and out. In this way, you will bring your internal state into balance and will be able to analyze what is happening calmly and objectively.

The simplest and most common rule is: if you can’t

Try it

attitude towards her. Take a leap into the future and imagine whether you will care about this problem in a week or a month. If you forget about it in a day, then why spoil your nerve cells and only increase

Think about what place the ongoing conflict plays in life. For example, such a trifle as rudeness in public transport or the rudeness of a work colleague - is this so important for your life path, for your realization and your happiness? The word “your” is key. Distinguish between yourself and those around you, because most often they

caused by their own problems, not yours.

Find something positive in a problematic situation. Every phenomenon has both a negative and a positive side, therefore, if the boss or

do not express themselves with the most

On the other hand, maybe you should think about changing your environment.

Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say a lot of unpleasant words that, at the moment of reflection, have little to do with reality. After working with breathing, it is better to say that now you are not ready to negotiate, you need to think and weigh everything.

If a dispute is still inevitable, try not to become personal, but to direct criticism towards the phenomenon. Of course, in the process of a dispute, irritation may arise in the

Having an opposing opinion, so control yourself and


Our body

is associated with our mental state, so physical relaxation will help calm down and dissolve negativity. Tighten your body except for the head area, and then completely relax, thinking that by doing so you are throwing off the entire burden of problems. Yoga will help you, as it teaches you how to control yourself and your body.

Just a few lessons a week, and the next stressful situation you will certainly appear calm and confident.

By approaching life with humor, you will save a huge amount of nerves. It would seem that there is nothing easier than laughing or joking about yourself, but no, human pride and ego will not let you relax even for a second. In order to develop a good sense of humor, you need to remember a number of rules that must be followed.


Remember to reframe. If you are not satisfied with something, you

you can find positive sides in this by slightly expanding

the analyzed area or simply turning everything upside down. And if everything is really so tragic that it is impossible to find any advantages, understand that this is precisely the invaluable experience that many people lack.

Admit your shortcomings. Understand that everything that is a minus for you in the here and now and cannot be corrected is actually a plus in another

Once you truly understand this, you will feel much better about yourself, which is one step closer to your goal of learning to laugh.

Know how to change lanes for each of the three

- yourself, the other actor and an outside observer who observes all this. Imagine that each of these sides has its own point of view and its own prism of view, and then the comedy

the situation will be able to appear before you in all its glory.

Keep it simple. People are not interested in abstruse, in-depth

with irrefutable argumentation and confirmation on all points,

simple and easy

So leave it to them. Smooth out the corners, joke and smile more often,

not taking it seriously. Imagine that this is all just a game.

Helpful advice

The key method for learning to laugh at yourself is to forget about your social status and imagine that you are in the company of friends.

Almost every person understands how important it is to be able to remain calm in any situation, even the most difficult. However, the problem is that it is precisely in such circumstances that it is most difficult to maintain a cool head. To develop your self-control, you can use the following tips.


Even the most ordinary meditation will bring you peace. Take a comfortable position (for example, sit in a comfortable chair), turn off all external stimuli, such as an alarm clock, telephone, TV. Then close your eyes and try to relax. You may not be able to do this the first time, but it’s still worth trying to learn, because this is the best way to stay calm.

Try to become an observer. Try the following exercise: imagine that you are separated from your body and can observe everything that is happening. Just be aware of your surroundings

But don't interfere with it.

If you notice that you are starting to get angry or tense, try breathing deeply. Often, just a few seconds of breathing is enough to find calm and calmness.

all the anger comes out. If a dispute is ripe, it can easily be stopped by taking a break with deep breathing.

It happens that those around them who hold irritation and anger inside themselves (for example, because of a bad day) can throw out these

on you. Remember that their problems should not become yours. Don't take their attacks to heart, let their negative feelings stay with them.

It only takes a few minutes to think about

Find the reason for it

And then try to find the best way out of it.

In difficult situations, it is important to remember

the result you ultimately want to get. For example,

What if you sent your shoes in for repair, but not only were they not repaired, but they were also damaged? Of course, you can make some noise and argue, but the question is, will it restore your shoes? Necessary

only what will bring you closer to your desired goal, so you need to think and act as rationally and intelligently as possible.

Something bad happened - laugh at it, or even better, at your behavior in this situation. Think of a funny quote about yourself and you'll feel like you've regained your peace of mind. The ability to joke is an essential component of spiritual development.


  • how to learn to stay calm in 2017

The main difference between people and animals is the ability to joke, that is, to have a sense of humor. A joke is a person’s ability to make others smile and laugh. Not all people are naturally witty, you have to learn this.

You will need

  • Wit, the ability to joke.



laugh. If you

Then your laughter should resemble the babbling of a stream, and not the roar of a dump truck. Practice. Laugh with everyone.

Get together in fun and big companies, tell jokes. Don't miss this opportunity.

Identify for yourself those areas in which you could really “expand” with your sharp humor. For example, if you are not interested in politics, then it is better not to amuse your friends about this topic - your sharp mind will not be appreciated. It will seem insincere and therefore not very witty.

Come up with witty answers to trivial questions. You can become a person with a good sense of humor without making jokes at all. Come up with a couple of phrases or phrases for different

For example, to the question “

are you doing?" you can say “everything is fine”, or you can answer “not yet”

“or “the prosecutor has business, and I have business to do.”

Don't be offended if your friends don't take your jokes. There is an incentive for improvement. Even if they are acquaintances

That laughing at you is funnier than laughing at your jokes. Build your joke in such a way that the final

contradicted the initial one, this actually strengthens it. For example, “At the entrance

commandant He demands a pass from those entering, but if they don’t give him a pass, then he lets him in anyway.” This is one of the techniques of wit -


Use the technique of reduction to absurdity and the wit of absurdity. These techniques are inherent in the situation itself, which contradicts common sense. Professional comedians use


Don't joke about a topic that was discussed three hours ago. Make sure you are heard in the company. If you are not understood or heard, never repeat or explain the joke. It still won't help. The joke should be at the right time and place.


Direct your wit at anyone and anything, but not at your loved one. You may lose it.

Helpful advice

Remember that a person who laughs lives longer.


  • How to learn to joke or the basics of wit
  • how to joke correctly

The comedy genre is rightfully considered one of the most difficult. First of all, because a sense of humor is a delicate thing. For each person it is unique, filled with different individual characteristics. A sense of humor depends directly on a person’s worldview and intelligence. The task of a satirist, humorist, writer is to find his own path to each specific person whom he wants to make laugh.


Believe in yourself. A sense of humor is inherent in almost all people. If you understand someone's humor,

You can

and themselves. You should not give up on yourself if you cannot make a joke or some witty remark immediately, being in a specific situation of communication with

But always think ahead and come up with your own super-witty

Even if the joke comes to your mind after a few hours, after one or two days, after six months. Train your mind and its reactions. Sooner or later

and the witticisms will begin to come on time.

You're lucky if you don't need to improvise a joke, but rather write it. This means you have enough time to come up with it. Most of the jokes, anecdotes, and witticisms that you have heard in life are the fruit of intellectual effort. Smart thoughts and

from the sky. People make them up. If others can do it, so can you. What is humor made of? From your intellectual baggage, from your horizons. It is important not to forget about this and constantly improve, namely, a lot


Be attentive to the speech of the people around you and the events that happen to them.

Practice constantly. Write down several jokes a day. You can start a blog in which you must write at least 10 jokes every day (promise yourself!). Set goals for yourself and break your own records. Track people's reactions, read the comments left. This way your self-confidence will constantly increase.

Try to understand

humor. What do you usually use?

phrases that make you laugh. Pun, contradiction, illogicality, absurdity, unexpected “plot twist,” paradoxes, accurate observations, originality, etc. Discover your individual laws of successful writing

Write down any puns or nonsense that comes to mind. They don't have to be advertised. Just give them a way out; if you don’t brush them aside, but start analyzing and refining them, then over time the quality of the jokes will improve.

Carry a voice recorder or notepad with you. Nobody knows when a brilliant idea will strike you. As a last resort, you can always write down a good joke that comes to mind into your phone. Use topics that are close to you. It's always easier to joke about what you know.


Don't listen to too many other people's jokes. And if you decide to watch a comedy show or a performance by your favorite satirist, set yourself a clear goal. This analysis will help you work on your own style.

Helpful advice

Read your pearls to one of your friends; their reaction, even if it is negative, will most likely be sincere.

Often the desire to joke in a group leads to an awkward situation when no one laughs after the joke. Although it seemed like a very, very successful joke. The above situation suggests that either someone does not know how to joke, or everyone else does not understand jokes. There are two ways out: either develop a sense of humor or change the company.


A sense of humor, like the ability to read and write, is not innate. If desired, it can be developed. Undoubtedly, nature gives some people the talent to make people laugh, some people have the ability to make funny jokes over the years, and some people have to specially learn this. But you shouldn’t be afraid that you’ll have to learn something new again: developing your sense of humor will be fun and exciting.

Be interested in humor: watch humorous programs more often, read humorous stories, jokes, listen to others joke. Over time, quantity will definitely turn into quality: the most successful and funniest jokes will be remembered and form a baggage of humor. After a while, some good joke will come to mind by itself.

Remember: like company, like humor. In one company it is customary to laugh at vulgarities, obscene jokes and all kinds of obscenities. The other values ​​subtle humor that is incomprehensible to the uninitiated. This rule is one of the components of the success of any joker. It’s not difficult to make a group of friends and like-minded people laugh, but to make them laugh stranger more difficult.

Make fun of your interlocutors with extreme caution. The ability to joke with a person so that he is not offended is the highest aerobatics in the art of humor. In a relationship with

When talking with your boss or parents, it is better to refrain from this type of humor altogether. It is easy to offend a person, but it will be difficult to prove that it was a joke. It's much safer to joke about yourself, about a fictional character, or just about a situation.

Try to come up with your own jokes. Come up with funny answers to everyday questions like: “How are you? “Kiss me first!” Try to use well-known jokes in unusual situations. Remember the most famous proverbs and sayings and come up with other, funny endings for them.

Trying to be considered cheerful and playful, keep it in moderation. A well-timed joke will make the team laugh. And constant banter can be perceived as bad taste. If the conversation is about serious things, trying to say something funny will be extremely inappropriate. During a conversation about cars, an anecdote about the love affairs of Lieutenant Rzhevsky will not be perceived by others as successful and funny.

Don't despair if you ever failed to make a good joke. Try to do it naturally and at ease. And remember: not everyone likes even the famous comedians Zadornov and Petrosyan. There are people who consider their humor not funny, unoriginal and even flat.

Helpful advice

When choosing a target, make sure the person understands the principle of sarcasm. Children are not the best targets for this as they tend to take sarcastic remarks seriously.
Sarcasm can be perceived by a touchy person as a reason for conflict. Be prepared to hear profanity, curses, or aggressive attacks in response.

How to learn sarcasm

Sense of humor

Sarcasm involves mild mockery and cocky behavior disguised as wit. From this alone we can conclude that it is extremely difficult for timid people to both use and understand sarcasm. Usually unsociable and withdrawn people suffer from this condition. The most striking example of the inability to understand sarcasm is the character of the series “The Big Bang Theory” Sheldon Cooper, who over the course of many seasons learned to understand sarcasm. His example proves that sarcasm and a sense of humor are inseparable.

How to improve your sense of humor? This is as much a philosophical question as “what is the meaning of life?” Improving your erudition will help a little, reading books, preferably satirical ones, sometimes even watching various films and television shows where you can find satirical humor.

Improved vocabulary

Why are most writers great at sarcasm? Because their vocabulary is much richer than that of the average person. This is another key to understanding and using sarcasm. Simply put, well-read people will master sarcasm much faster than those who do not develop their vocabulary. Unfortunately, it can only be expanded by regular reading or working with texts of a different nature. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to learn sarcasm and irony, then books are the best way to help.

In essence, sarcasm is a manipulation of subtext, which must be supported by the correct intonation. This is why it is very difficult for many people to understand whether a person is telling the truth or not. However, vocabulary allows you to better grasp the meaning of what was said, which, of course, will make it possible to recognize sarcasm in time.

Try to avoid "toxicity"

You've probably seen situations in life when sarcasm performed by some people looks funny, while others cause aggression and a negative reaction. In the latter case, it is called “poisonous”. This is sarcasm that has acquired negative overtones and does not imply jokes and humor, but outright ridicule. This should be avoided, because such an application of this concept will constantly spoil your relationships with other people.

That is why it is important to know a sense of proportion, which you need to be able to understand no worse than sarcasm itself. Unfortunately, this understanding usually only comes with experience, but you can influence it now. When using sarcasm in speech, do not try to offend the other person; in most cases, this will allow you not to go too far and use the so-called “correct irony.”

Choose the right place, time and situation

The classics have repeatedly argued that sarcasm must be accurate. This means that you need to use it only in cases where it is appropriate, and not when you want it. By excessively resorting to this tool, you will also create a negative feeling in the people around you. Also, you should never turn sarcasm into a broken record, that is, do not constantly repeat the same memorized phrases and jokes. An ironic expression said several times will lose its relevance.

Seriousness is the basic rule of sarcasm

If sarcasm is an art, then it has only one requirement - you need to be serious. Sarcasm, which is spoken with laughter, immediately turns into a joke, and most often an unsuccessful one. The peculiarity of satirical humor is that you convey it solely by twisting the meaning, without showing it. This is why ironic jokes and sayings are the most difficult to understand.

However, in this case, how can you make it clear to a person that this is sarcasm? Especially if he doesn't know you very well? In this case, use the most common “hints”, which are a smile and even a grin. It is only important that it is not malicious and sarcastic, as this will give sarcasm the previously mentioned “poisonousness”.

To summarize, it should be noted that one of the synonyms of sarcasm is wit rather than humor, in its usual sense. If you want to understand it as best as possible, then you need to strive for this constantly. Sooner or later the result will not be long in coming.


You can get acquainted with a person’s worldview only with the help of a long-term study, accompanied by sincere motives and a positive emotional background. However, we often fail to see the true face of our interlocutor, losing a potentially reliable friend or partner. The main reasons are a person’s lack of eloquence and skills to consistently express one’s own thoughts, maintain conversations on unfamiliar topics, and defuse the situation with a joke. You need to be able to present your personal talents correctly, having learned in advance.

The rarest sign of wit is sarcasm - the art of constructing a dialogue in a stressful situation or a caustic but reasoned remark towards an opponent. Only a few have such a gift, so it is highly valued in society, becoming a personal characteristic of a strong-willed, educated and strong-willed person. This skill can be developed by regularly practicing communicating with friends. If you are interested in acquiring or improving your talent, then ask yourself vital questions, the answers to which will help you achieve the desired result: What is sarcasm? And how to learn it?

Features of the construction and use of sarcastic expressions

When deciding on terminology, it is important to remember that sarcasm is an effective verbal “weapon” related to countermeasures. The main goal of witty expressions is to hurt the opponent’s personal feelings, to disrupt and invade the hidden world of children’s complexes. People who know how to skillfully appeal in a conversation with arguments and exude caustic phrases try to stir things up in a dialogue with an unpleasant person, breaking into the depths of consciousness. In everyday life, such a talent becomes indispensable in the following situations:

A conflict that flares up in a love relationship can be redirected in a positive direction by saying a witty expression at the right time. A partner who is in the mood for a quarrel will appreciate your attitude and the hidden subtext of a sarcastic phrase.
With the help of an appropriate joke that leaves no chance for the opponent to debate, you can answer an unpleasant question. U talented people, endowed with eloquence, in the everyday vocabulary there are prepared answers that help put their counterparts in a “dead end”. The main thing is to exude confidence in the process of pronouncing the phrase, so as not to provoke the emergence of doubts in the mind of the interlocutor about the correctness of your behavior.
Sarcasm becomes a powerful argument in controversial situations, putting the opponent in an uncomfortable and awkward position. If you feel that your counterpart is getting ahead in a lively dialogue due to arguments, then you can bring down his ardor with a “sharp” phrase. It is important to set the right goal - not to ridicule the childish complexes of the interlocutor, but to subtly remind him of personal fears.
IN Everyday life Appropriate sarcastic expressions earn respect from others, who have the opportunity to appreciate your intellectual abilities and gift of eloquence. However, do not flirt with trying to “hurt” a large number of people - you risk setting up a whole army of “humiliated” and “insulted” counterparts who may descend to revenge.

If you regularly try to fend off your opponent’s attacks, which are invariably present in a conversation with, then you will learn to correctly express your own thoughts. Having mastered the skills of sarcasm, it is important to first project the phrase on a subconscious level, thinking about the consequences. After analyzing the expected reaction of your counterpart, you need to draw appropriate conclusions - in some situations it is preferable to remain silent without escalating the situation. A rational approach makes it possible to prevent the emergence of conflict situations, which often end in uncontrolled aggression of the opponent.

The art of humor: learning sarcastic expressions

If you are determined to develop your sarcasm skills, it is recommended that you adhere to the following training recommendations:

Practice regularly on friends and loved ones, warning them in advance about the scope of your intentions to prevent resentment and misunderstandings.
Choose a successful comedian on the domestic or foreign stage, whose performances contain many sarcastic expressions. A stand-up like this is a free lesson on building a dialogue with the public, helping you learn to determine the psychological state of your opponent.
Don't get caught up in coming up with a joke while you're in a relaxed state. If you consciously project in your mind various options for the development of events, frantically going through humorous statements, then you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. The uniqueness of sarcasm lies in wit, which is characterized by suddenness and rapid orientation of thought processes.

Be careful in choosing the person you plan to make sarcastic jokes about. Preliminarily assess the mental state and balance of your opponent to prevent misunderstandings between the parties.
An integral part of a sarcastic person is the ability to perceive jokes from other participants in the conversation. Do not try to engage in moralizing, explaining to those present the meaning of your own joke and questioning the “barbs” of your opponent. Adequately evaluate humor - if you find it funny, then enjoy the moment.
Learn self-criticism - an effective way to dilute a tense dialogue with appropriate and with a witty phrase. Such “barbs” are accompanied by respect from others, because only strong-willed and self-confident people can joke about their own shortcomings.
Develop associative thinking, because to master sarcasm you will invariably need “unhackneyed” comparisons that are interesting to the audience present. It will not be possible to surprise society with a hackneyed joke in which 2 words have been changed, which is why witty comedians are highly valued in society.
If you have success in coming up with sarcastic statements, then practice on skeptical people who are experienced in the field of humor. An independent assessment and genuine reaction from your opponents will help you draw appropriate conclusions by adjusting your own behavior.
You will have to learn to joke witty and intelligent. Being well-read will help you, in a short period of time, form on a subconscious level an appropriate, witty statement that will amaze others. Knowledge of hyperboles, litotes, metaphors and other literary terms will simplify the process of constructing “barbs”.
Think over the image in advance, because witty jokes, spoken in a convincing timbre and with suitable intonation, “come in” more often. Self-sufficiency is a personal characteristic of a comedian who does not hide his shortcomings and is able to competently present to society the mistakes of his counterpart.

Sarcasm is a “dangerous” talent that only a few can master. Inability to intuitively feel the fine line between “dark” humor and provoking a conflict situation. Evaluate rationally own strength so that in an attempt to “show off” your wit, you don’t lose a loved one or find a sworn enemy in an offended stranger.

Remember that the main purpose of sarcasm is to make others laugh, caused by a caustic phrase or a relevant remark. There is no need to look for a reason to use acquired skills in conflict situations violating an opponent is an extreme measure, which is recommended only for self-defense. Do not overuse sarcastic expressions - the value of statements lies in their uniqueness, because wit is appropriate only under a certain set of circumstances.

18 February 2014, 17:57