Famous natives of Kostroma land. Cities where Russian writers and poets found inspiration

A fairy tale is a true story, a fairy tale is a dream, a fairy tale is a story... This amazing genre includes not only a kind, beautiful, wise word, an exciting plot, but also the highest feelings, impulses, sanctified by the soul of the people, the fate of the author.

If all people read fairy tales, then the world would consist of nobility, kindness and love as the basis of all life energy, all good human deeds.

We, the Kostroma community in Moscow, believe that children absolutely need books: well-written, kind, informative.

That's why and open the project “Kostroma Tales”. So that there is more goodness in the world and one more worthy book!

Kostroma community in Moscow – public organization. Us Muscovites are in different time More than 300 people left their native land and united to provide possible assistance to their native land. Each member of the community, in his free time from his main work, takes part, to the best of his ability and ability, in events, in specific matters for the benefit of his small Motherland. For several years we have been implementing the charity project “Good for Children”.

All information about our multifaceted activities is reflected on the website http://kostromacommunity.rf

"Kostroma Tales" The project is also charitable. Native fairy tales will replenish the book fund of regional and rural libraries in the region will be sent to cultural, educational and social protection. The book will also be donated to children without parental care. A circulation of 3000 copies is required.

The total cost of the project is 350 thousand rubles.

We have already done the preparatory work, collected part of the funds, prepared the illustrated book for release, and selected a printing house with the best prices. Now there is no need for money to print the collection.

For a book to come to life, 150 thousand rubles are needed for a circulation of 1000 copies.

If we collect more (we hope this will happen!), increase the circulation to 2, or better yet, to 3 thousand copies, then the book will be in every rural library!

We need your help and support! The manuscript will turn into a book only thanks to you!

Members of the Kostroma community donate their creative works to encourage those who support the project.

The "Rewards" section will be updated.

Each project participant will receive their own prize!

And the collection opens with an amazing, cheerful, mischievous and at the same time sad fairy tale by Sergei Savin “About the cat Masha.”

Once upon a time there lived a cat, Masha. She lived in a small house on the edge of the city. And she was... Wherever she had been! In the grove where they grow big trees, on slippery roofs and even, scary to say, in a landfill where various interesting things are thrown away. This was her favorite place to go.

But one day this happened: running away from a big dog with angry round eyes, Masha found herself on a completely unfamiliar street, on an unfamiliar tree.

- Wow! Where did I end up? – thought Mashka and, having made herself comfortable on a thick branch, began to watch the hooligan dog who was barking under the tree.

- It won’t be long before you’re late for lunch, what if it’s a long-barking dog!

But the dog quickly got tired of the entertainment, and he ran away, wagging his tail contentedly. The cat Masha washed herself and was just about to get down from the tree to go to lunch, when in the house opposite, in the window, among the flower pots, she saw a strange stranger. She was strange in that she had almost no tail. It was amazing! But what was even more surprising was that she had the kind of pink thing tied around her neck that girls wear on their heads. I think it's called a bow.

“Very unusual, beautiful,” thought Masha and, getting excited, began to tear at the bark of the tree with her claws.

The beautiful stranger with the bow smelled the geranium flower and disappeared into the depths of the room.

Returning home, Masha climbed onto the stove and began to think:

- Why don’t I have such a bow? Why am I worse? No worse! That cat doesn’t even have a tail, but I have the longest tail, and I’m the best at catching mice. True, I have not yet caught the largest and most evil Rat Nightmare, which Timofey the Cat told about. But I will definitely catch her.

And then, when Masha the Cat was scratching behind her ear with her hind paw, a very successful idea came to her mind.

Anyone who is smart knows: if you give someone a gift, then usually after a while they give you something too.

This means that you need to give a gift to a man named Uncle Seryozha. He also lived in a small house. The cat Masha sometimes played with him when she was in the mood, and Uncle Seryozha fed her.

Without delaying a moment, Masha went to the landfill and caught a mouse there, then returned home with a gift in her teeth, jumped onto the bed and put the mouse next to Uncle’s mustache.

He opened his eyes, shouted joyfully, waved his arms, jumped out of bed and ran out of the room with a gift.

“I was so happy,” Masha thought approvingly, “he ran off to play.” “She jumped onto a chair and purred contentedly. - Now he has to give me a bow!

But it took a long time to wait for a return gift. The cat Mashka even decided to get angry and did not meow for two hours, but Uncle Seryozha did not pay any attention to her. Then she upped and went for a walk on the embankment.

She got a bow in the evening, but it was made of paper and for some reason was on her tail. At first Masha was happy and tried to pet him, but couldn’t catch him because he was flying away. She chased him and chased him, and then she got tired and lay down. The bow is tired too.

“It’s just some rustling misunderstanding, not a bow.” Why is he flying? – Masha got angry and carefully extended her paw towards him. The bow remained in place. Then she pinned him to the floor and tore him away from her long tail.

No, this misunderstanding did not suit her, such a smart, beautiful and striped cat, especially on the tail. Then Mashka the Cat again scratched behind her ear with her hind paw, and another good idea came to her mind.

She thought like this: if for a small mouse they tied a paper bow on its tail, then for a large mouse they would definitely give it a big pink bow, the same as that of a strange cat.

When Mashka the Cat put the big gray mouse on Uncle Seryozha’s bed, he was even more happy than the first time. He screamed and waved his arms like crazy, and then went out into the street with the mouse. Uncle Seryozha returned for some reason upset and without a bow.

The book will be in hard cover, with color illustrations by the artist of a sunny mood Olga Vysotskaya.

And the famous fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" by Alexander Ostrovsky with brilliant illustrations by the artist V.M. Vasnetsov.

The collection includes three amazing tales by an already famous artist and writer Efima Chestnyakova(with illustrations by the author).

In total, the collection will include 22 works from 7 Kostroma authors:



Sergey Savin came to Kostroma by assignment, after graduating from the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. He worked as an engineer at the Kostroma land management enterprise. It was on Kostroma land that his literary talent manifested itself, here he began to attend a literary studio, write and publish in the local press, and became a member of the Writers' Union. In Kostroma they still remember and love his fairy tale about Masha the Cat.



Marfa Sokolich (Elena Sokolova) from two years until admission to geographical faculty MSU lived in Neya Kostroma region, he considers this city his hometown. I started writing by accident. At first she collaborated with the press, now she writes fairy tales, short stories, and plays. Became a laureate and winner of All-Russian and International literary competitions. He has more than a hundred publications in various magazines and almanacs. Currently, her four books for children have been published by a Moscow publishing house.



Vasily Bocharnikov became a Kostroma resident in 1964fourty three years. In 1969 he was accepted into the USSR Writers' Union. He was the editor of radio broadcasting at the Kostroma Flax Mill. Lenin. He published a lot in the central and local press, was named a laureate of awards from newspapers and magazines “Rural Life”, “Gudok”, “Peasant Woman”, etc. In 1981 he was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR”.




Boris Bochkarev moved to Sudislavl, Kostroma region, in the sixties. By that time, he had already traveled around the country, managed to work on a collective farm, was a laborer, a digger, a concrete worker, the head of a rural club, a shepherd... He graduated from the Literary Institute. Gorky, then worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Author of nine books and numerous publications. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Honored Cultural Worker, laureate of the Kostroma regional awards "Recognition" and named after A.F. Pisemsky. He was deputy chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Writers' Union and led creative seminars.



Victor Konstantinov lives in the village of Savino, Parfenyevsky district, in the homeland of his ancestors. And he was born in Moscow, graduated from the Financial Institute, served in the army, worked as an employee of a research institute. Then he graduated from the Literary Institute. Gorky (poetry seminar).

Published in newspapers and collective collections, he is the author of a book of poems “I Stay” and local history works. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia and the Parfenyevsky literary association "Nadezhda".



Efim Chestnyakov was born in the village of Shablovo, Kologrivsky district, Kostroma province in 1874. After graduating from the Novinsk Teachers' Seminary, he worked as a public teacher. Then, in order to realize his talent and calling to become an artist, he studied in St. Petersburg and Kazan. After which he had to return to his native village, where he lived in peasant labor and worries until 1961. In 1914, the fairy tale “The Wonderful Apple” was published in the magazine “Solnyshko”, and the publishing house “Bear Cub” published a book with his three fairy tales and the author’s illustrations. After his death, his books began to be published, as well as books about him: the artist and storyteller of the Kostroma land.



Alexander Ostrovsky, having come to visit his father, who was tired of Moscow and bought the Shchelykovo estate in his homeland, fell in love with the Kostroma land. After the death of his father, he bought the estate from his stepmother and settled in Shchelykovo. It was here that his famous “Snow Maiden” was written.

Alexander Ostrovsky became the founder of modern Russian theater, he was a corresponding member St. Petersburg Academy Sciences and winner of the Uvarov Prize.

He died in 1886 on his beloved estate. Alexander Ostrovsky was buried in the village of Nikolo-Berezhki, Kostroma province.

Excerpts from works:

- Nice to meet you. I'm Santa Claus! - said the stranger.

Vera clapped her hands with delight.

- Grandfather, I’ve been waiting for you, I’ve been waiting for you...

And Vanya jumped up and exclaimed in confusion:

- But you are a fairy tale! You don't really exist!

- How can you say that! – Vera almost burst into tears, and Santa Claus ran his hand over his beard and asked:

- Then who am I? “He was silent for a while, then added quietly. – A fairy tale is the same reality as everything around... and even more...

One day the Mosquito Ant saw him, sat down on a burdock tree and said:

“You’ve become completely black from your work, your mustache is touching the ground, you can’t see anything around you.” You'll never know what a mosquito's life is, bastard.

- Why should I know your life? - asks Ant. “I have enough of mine.”

However, he stopped: the burden was too heavy.

“You are a dark insect,” said the Mosquito. - What can I say?! Ants love their work.

The volume of the book is about 300 pages. Book circulation from 1000 to 3000 copies, depending on the funds collected.

Both children and adults will enjoy reading!

On Kostroma land, rich in historical, patriotic, literary traditions, its own fairy tales will appear. And that's great! We love our native land and are proud of yet another spiritual discovery.

We invite you, dear friends, to become part of the Kostroma Tales project!

“about writing and writers of the Kostroma province, written by himself Literary map Kostroma region. Pisemsky A.F. So, before you, gentlemen, is the 19th century, somehow alone, broadly...”



Scientific and methodological department

about writing and writers

Kostroma province,

written by himself

Literary map of the Kostroma region.

Pisemsky A.F.

So, before you, gentlemen,

Somehow one, widely known

in the capital's literary circles

a certain Mr. N. got into very

an unpleasant story. For taking part

The poetic portrait of N. is noble and well-read, the style, the theme, the necessary aphorism.

Smart, handsome, rich, well-mannered.

But the muse, the flighty maiden, And caused first “Oh!”, then “Ah!”

He was not affected by success.

He is in ladies' and girls' circles.

I knew Byron and Democritus, Drinking bitter poison from defeat, Sophocles, Hobbes, Parmenides, Instead of fiery awards.

And he composed a sad picture of fate for the young ladies.

Dozens of subtle epigrams.

But, gentlemen, that was not the case.

Vanity - you are a real demon, N., without getting ready to retire, I dreamed of creating N. my masterpiece, I thought about a different kind of work today.

To eclipse the victories of all bohemians, Without grieving about the situation, To glorify the family tree.

Our rake drove up to Bui.

He fretted the pen until his fingers hurt, Looking for satire, subtle meaning, We found him on the way to Buysky district of the Kostroma province, where he was heading to his beloved aunt.

Historical background The word “buy” itself means tall, brave, bold.

A large district with its center in the city of Buye was formed in 1778.

Along with the status of a county town, Bui also received a coat of arms:

in a blue field there is an iron anchor with a buoy tied to a golden rope, indicating the name of the city.

In the 1st half of the 19th century the city grew rapidly. Parochial schools and a hospital appeared. The population was engaged in arable farming, gardening, cattle breeding and timber rafting. There was also a brick factory here.

His aunt was famous for her education and erudition, as well as for her very wide circle of literary acquaintances. That is why our hero shared with her the idea of ​​​​creating a kind of research work in the field of literature on the topic: “Notes of Mr. N. about writing and writers of the Kostroma province, written by himself.”

The aunt liked the idea because her environment was replete with creative people. In particular, her close friend was the poetess, who lived in those years in the Tolstikovo estate in Buisky district, Yulia Valerianovna Zhadovskaya.

Auntie said that Yulia Valerianovna Zhadovskaya was born

–  –  –

A.I. Kornilova Very interested in Yulia Valerianovna’s stories about her relationship with Anna Ivanovna Gotovtseva, about her meetings with famous contemporaries, our Mr. N. set out.

personally meet one of them - Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky, who was born in 1798. in Moscow in an old and rich princely family belonging to the Rurik family and descendants of P.A. Vyazemsky Vladimir Monomakh.

Pyotr Vyazemsky’s poetic gift manifested itself after a series of trips to his estate - the village of Krasnoe-on-Volga.

Their result was the appearance of three poems at once: “Evening on the Volga”, “Morning on the Volga”, and “Star on the Volga”.

–  –  –

“And incredulously and greedily I look at your flowers, Who, a strict stoic, will coldly accept greetings and beauty?

I’m proud of him, but I’m also timid;

I don’t dare to fully understand your unspoken reproach...”

Nowadays, the village of Krasnoye is associated among contemporaries not only as the land of goldsmiths, but also as the birthplace of P.A. Vyazemsky - one of the great poets of the 19th century, a man of extraordinary spiritual generosity. On the site of his former mansion, only an ancient linden alley remains - a wonderful place for holding local history readings dedicated to P.A. Vyazemsky. Since 2008, such readings have been held here annually.

As a widely educated and erudite person, our Mr. N. loved to read the latest newspapers and magazines. And among other publications, he especially liked “Notes of the Fatherland.” One day, his aunt caught him reading and asked what captivated her nephew so much that he, usually punctual, even missed dinner time? Mr. N. was captivated by the stories of a certain Pisemsky A.F.

It turned out that this name was well known to the aunt. She knew little Alyosha back in the days when he lived with his parents in the Chukhloma district of the Kostroma province.

Historical reference Exact time and the place where Chukhloma was founded is unknown, there is evidence that the city existed in the 10th century, but not on the southern, but on the northern shore of Lake Chukhloma, where the Avraamiev Gorodetsky Monastery was later founded. The year of foundation of the city of Chukhloma on the southern coast is considered to be 1381. Chukhloma was not a trading city. Its population subsisted on crafts and small trade.

A significant part of the residents were engaged in fishing and gardening. The only enterprise that existed in Chukhlom was the brewery of the tax farmer Nelidov.

Pisemsky Alexey Feofilaktovich (11(23).03.1821-21.01.1881) famous writer. Born in the Ramenye estate, Chukhloma district, Kostroma province.

His family is an old noble one, but Pisemsky’s closest ancestors belonged to an impoverished branch.

The writer's father became a soldier in the troops going to conquer the Crimea, rose to the rank of major in the Caucasus and, returning to his homeland, married Evdokia Alekseevna Shipova. He was, according to his son, “in the full sense of a military servant of that time, a strict performer of duty, moderate in his habits to the point of puritanism, a man of incorruptible honesty in the monetary sense and at the same time severely strict towards his subordinates;

serfs were in awe of him, but only fools and lazy people, and sometimes he even spoiled the smart and efficient.”

Pisemsky’s mother, according to his recollections, “was of completely different characteristics: nervous, dreamy, subtly intelligent and, despite all the inadequacy of her upbringing, she spoke beautifully and was very fond of sociability. There was a lot of spiritual beauty in her, which became more and more evident over the years.”

Alexei Feofilaktovich spent his childhood in Vetluga, where his father was a mayor. The child, who inherited her mother's nervousness, grew up freely and independently. “I was not particularly forced to study, and I myself did not really like to study; but on the other hand, I loved to read and read, especially novels, with passion: before the age of fourteen I had already read - in translation, of course - most of the novels of Walter Scott, Don Quixote, Phoblaz, Gilblaz, The Lame Demon, "Serapion Brothers"

Hoffman, the Persian novel “Hadji Baba”, etc.

The building of the Kostroma gymnasium Already in childhood, Pisemsky showed an ability for philosophical, abstract sciences. At the age of fourteen, he entered the Kostroma gymnasium, where he began to write, and became addicted to the theater, and in 1840 he moved to Moscow University. From Pisemsky’s memoirs: “...I thank God that I chose the Faculty of Mathematics, which immediately sobered me up and began to teach me to say only what I clearly understand.”

In 1844 Pisemsky completed a university course. In 1846, after serving for two years in the Chamber of State Property in Kostroma and Moscow, Pisemsky retired and married Ekaterina Pavlovna Svinina, the daughter of the founder of Otechestvennye Zapiski. The choice turned out to be extremely successful: family life brought a lot of light into the fate of Pisemsky.

E.P. Pork In 1848 He again entered the service, as an official on special assignments to the Kostroma governor, then was an assessor of the provincial government, an official of the main administration of appanages in St. Petersburg, and an adviser to the Moscow provincial government. His official activities, plunging Pisemsky into the depths of the minutiae of everyday provincial life, had a significant influence on the material and method of his work.

He entered the literary field for the first time with a short story “Nina” (in the magazine “Son of the Fatherland”, 1848), but his first work should be considered “Boyarshchina”, written in 1847. and, by the will of censorship, appeared in print only in 1857. This novel is already permeated by everyone characteristic features Pisemsky's talent is characterized by extreme prominence, even roughness of the image, vitality and brightness of colors, richness of comic motifs, predominance of negative images, and, finally, excellent, strong and typical language.

In 1850, Pisemsky sent the story “The Mattress” to the young editors of “Moskvityanin”, which was a resounding success and put him in the forefront of the then writers. In 1850-54. his “Comedian”, “Hypochondriac”, “Rich Groom”, “Piterschik”, “Batmanov”, “Section”, “Leshy”, “Fanfaron” appeared - a number of works that have not yet lost their inimitable vitality, truthfulness and colorfulness. Various moments of Russian reality, not yet touched upon by anyone, were here for the first time the subject of artistic reproduction by N.G. Chernyshevsky, in a review of the literature for 1855. called Pisemsky’s story “Is She Guilty” the best work of the whole year. When in 1856 The maritime ministry organized a number of ethnographic N.G. Chernyshevsky took business trips to the outskirts of Russia, Pisemsky took over Astrakhan and the Caspian coast. The result of the trip was a number of articles in the “Sea Collection” and “Library for Reading”.

In 1858 Pisemsky took over the editorship of Library for Reading;

his “Boyarshchina” finally came to light, and in “Domestic Notes”

His novel “A Thousand Souls,” written based on Kostroma impressions, was published. The novel was a kind of encyclopedia of Kostroma life mid-19th century.

Even a modern reader can easily feel the flavor of Kostroma and its districts. This novel, as his most deeply conceived and carefully crafted work, reflects the artistic views of the author more than any other.

Simultaneously with the novel, Pisemsky’s famous drama “Bitter Fate” was published in the “Library for Reading”. The basis of the play is taken from life - the author participated in the analysis of a similar case in Kostroma. In the image of a Great Russian peasant, in the program folk speech Pisemsky was never surpassed by anyone either earlier or later. Descending into the depths of folk life, he created living types good people. Delivered in 1863

on the Alexandria stage, Pisemsky’s drama was an extraordinary success. The production of the drama was one of a kind. Pisemsky with the peasant drama that attracts “Bitter Fate”

attention of a wide public.

Kostroma was not only the writer’s homeland. Here he spent half of his life. And most importantly, most of his works, including the best of them, were written here or reflect the life of the population of the former Kostroma province.

The end of the fifties and the beginning of the sixties were the apogee of Pisemsky's glory.

The reputation of a wonderful reader added to the fame of the talented writer. A brilliant and authoritative critic, D.I. Pisarev, dedicated sketches of praise to him.

Pisemsky corresponds with Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Maikov, D.I. Turgenev. Pisarev At the beginning of 1862 Pisemsky moved to Moscow. From Moscow he sent a new work to Otechestvennye Zapiski. This is “Pussian Liars” - “a purely Rubensian collection of living and vibrant types of Russian provincial life.” His move to Moscow coincided with a turn in the direction of his work.

Pisemsky turns to a new subject of denunciation: a series of drumbeats paints financial businessmen in bright colors. “Undermining” is dedicated to the highest administration;

"Baal" and "Financial Genius"

they expose concessionaires, stockbrokers, and capitalists of all kinds of crimes. These plays were stage plays and were a success. “For better or worse, I always wrote what I thought and felt,” Pisemsky said to himself shortly before his death.

The name of our fellow countryman is immortalized in the name of one of the Moscow streets. In Kostroma, in the house where the writer lived with his family and where A.N. Ostrovsky, S.V. Maksimov, A.A. Potekhin and other writers visited in March 1981, House in Kostroma, a memorial plaque was installed where Pisemsky lived.

In the Regional Fund scientific library The writer’s rich literary heritage is preserved:

lifetime editions, full meeting works in 3 volumes, collected works, individual works, the magazine “Library for Reading”, edited by Alexei Feofilaktovich and publications published today.

The memories of people who knew Pisemsky clearly imprinted his characteristic and strong image, in which his weaknesses were significantly outweighed by his strengths. He was a good-natured man, with a deep thirst for justice, free from envy and, despite all the awareness of his merits and talents, surprisingly modest. With all the features of his spiritual make-up, from the inability to assimilate foreign culture to spontaneity, humor and accuracy of judgments of simple healthy meaning, he betrayed his closeness to the people, reminiscent of an intelligent Great Russian peasant.

The main feature of his character became the primary advantage of his talent. This is truthfulness, sincerity, complete absence“tension, the desire to say more than one’s understanding, to create something beyond one’s creative powers.”

This talent was quite enough to give a strikingly true and clear picture of the elementary simple structure of pre-reform Russia.

Fascinated by the rich spiritual world Kostroma writers our gentleman was really able to write his research work, conceived by him in his distant youth, a work telling about the great people of the Kostroma land, about their lives and their works, about the rich land that gave the world so many literary talents.

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Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy, researcher Far East.

The Kostroma land has long been famous for its famous natives. These are the Tretyakov brothers, former co-owners of the Kostroma Big Linen Manufactory, who assembled the famous art gallery; philanthropist Fyodor Chizhov, with whose capital public schools were built on Kostroma land; Ivan Sytin, book publisher and educator, whose books, dictionaries and calendars still attract attention today. And how many famous navigators the Kostroma land has given to Russia and the whole world! Among the very first explorers of the Far East are Gennady Nevelskoy and Nikolai Boshnyak, the rulers of Russian America are Terty Bornovolokov and Ivan Kupreyanov. The Kostroma land has also made its contribution to the art of cinema: the famous Andrei Tarkovsky and Mikhail Pugovkin are natives of our region.

1788 – P.P. Svinin, writer and journalist, founder, publisher and editor of the magazine “Domestic Notes” was born in the Efremovo estate, Galich district.

February 14, 1799- A.N. was born in Kineshma district. Grigorov, founder of Russia's first secondary school for women (Grigorovskaya Gymnasium).

January 27, 1802- P.D. was born in the Neronovo estate in Soligalichsky district. Cherevin, writer, Decembrist.

June 11, 1802- M.M. was born in the Ivanovskoye estate in Buysky district. Korsakov, Decembrist.

July 11, 1812.- E.S. was born in the village of Yablokovo, Makaryevsky district. Zirinov, architect, artist.

December 5, 1813- was born in the Drakino estate of Soligalichsky district G.I. Nevelskoy , researcher of the Far East.

February 19, 1816- A.I. was born in the Pchelkino estate in Galich district. Butakov, researcher of the Aral Sea.

May 5, 1817- Born in Soligalichsky district. V.A. Kokorev, entrepreneur, philanthropist, founder of the Soligalich resort.

Alexey Feofilaktovich Pisemsky, writer.

March 23, 1821- was born in the Ramenye estate of Chukhloma district A.F. Pisemsky , writer.

September 19, 1821- I.G. was born in Kostroma. Pospelov, Archpriest of the Kostroma Assumption Cathedral.

January 28, 1824- A.L. was born in the village of Kholopovo, Soligalichsky district. Seryakov, academician of engraving.

September 15, 1830- N.K. was born in the village of Ushakovo, Nerekhta district. Boshnyak, researcher of the Far East.

March 12, 1834- E.E. was born in Kologrivsky district. Golubinsky, Russian historian Orthodox Church, academician

November 4, 1835- N.N. was born in the village of Semyonovsky, Nerekhta district. Selifontov, archaeographer.

September 17, 1838- I.I. was born in the village of Voznesenskoye, Makaryevsky district. Voznesensky, musician.

October 20, 1844- D.I. was born in the village of Rozhdestveno, Nerekhtsky district. Tikhomirov, teacher-educator.

Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin, book publisher.

February 5, 1851- was born in the village of Gnezdnikovo, Soligalichsky district I.D. Sytin , book publisher.

October 5, 1857- I.D. was born in the village of Minsk, Kostroma district. Preobrazhensky, local historian.

November 15, 1860- P.I. was born in the village of Ivanovskoye, Kostroma district. Biryukov, writer, first biographer of L.N. Tolstoy.

December 12, 1868- in the village of Pogreshino, Nerekhta district, Archbishop Nikodim (Krotkov) of Kostroma and Galich was born; in 1995, as a Russian confessor and new martyr, he was canonized as a locally revered saint.

December 31, 1874- was born in the village of Shablovo, Kologrivsky district E.V. Chestnyakov , artist, writer.

January 4, 1880- A.N. Solovyov-Nelyudim, poet, was born in the Galich district in the village of Shoksha.

March 30, 1880- I.M. was born in the village of Baranovitsa, Kologrivsky district. Kasatkin, writer.

October 26, 1886- G.S. was born in Kostroma. Petrov, chemist, inventor of plastics.

December 6, 1891- I.S. was born in the village of Parshuki, Kostroma district. Loginov, poet.

November 19, 1900- A.A. was born in the village of Kryukovo, Nerekhta district. Novikov, military leader, Air Chief Marshal, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

August 10, 1903- N.P. was born in the village of Svyatoye, Kostroma district. Aleshin, writer.

March 19, 1904- A.A. was born in the Aleksandrovskoye estate, Kineshma district. Grigorov, historian, local historian.

November 10, 1904- P.A. was born in the village of Samet, Kostroma district. Malinina, chairman of the collective farm, twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

December 26, 1905- N.I. Vinogradov, admiral of the navy, was born in the village of Surikha, Vetluzhsky district.

July 6, 1910- B.P. was born in the village of Monakovo, Galich district. Konstantinov, physicist, academician.

March 15, 1915- N.V. was born in the village of Ilyinskoye, Kostroma district. Babushkina, skydiver, world record holder.

July 17, 1917- D.K. was born in the village of Protasovo, Nerekhta district. Belyaev, biologist, academician.

Andrei Arsenievich Tarkovsky, film director

October 29, 1922- A.A. was born in the village of Pakhtino, Chukhloma district. Zinoviev, writer.

July 3, 1923- M.I. was born in the village of Rameshki, Chukhloma district. Pugovkin, actor.

September 2, 1925- Yu.V. was born in the village of Deshukovo, Makaryevsky district. Smirnov, Hero of the Soviet Union.

July 2, 1926 – E.P. Prokofieva, writer, was born at the Ulitino cordon of the Turilovsky village council of the Palkinsky district.

April 4, 1932 – was born in the village of Zavrazhye, Yuryevets district, Ivanovo industrial region A.A. Tarkovsky , film director and screenwriter.

August 15, 1942- A.S. Olyunina, Olympic champion in cross-country skiing, was born in the village of Pchelkino, Sudislavsky district.

April 11, 1948- G.A. Yartsev, a football player and football coach, was born in the village of Nikolskoye, Kostroma region.

May 19, 1972- A.V. Golubev, Olympic champion in speed skating, was born in the village of Karavaevo, Kostroma region.

Studying in class literary reading work by N.A. Nekrasov’s “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, we learned that the events described in it took place on Kostroma land, where the writer often visited. In our research, we decided to find out how the fates of 19th century writers are connected with our small homeland.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (/78) N. A. Nekrasov was associated with the Kostroma region throughout his life. The Nekrasov family estate, Greshnevo, was located near the border of the Yaroslavl and Kostroma provinces. The opposite right bank of the Volga, lying opposite Greshnev, already belonged to the Kostroma district. The poet often visited here.

Nekrasov was closely acquainted with many natives of the Kostroma province. The most famous among them is the poet’s “friend-friend” Gavrila Yakovlevich Zakharov, a peasant in the village of Shoda, Kostroma district, to whom he dedicated his poem “Peddlers.” Another acquaintance of Nekrasov is the peasant of the village of Vezhi, Kostroma district, Ivan Savvich Mazaikhin, who became the hero of his famous poem about grandfather Mazai.

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (1825–1893) A.N. Pleshcheev - Russian writer, poet, translator, was born in Kostroma, in the family of an official who came from an old noble family. Many of the poet’s works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred romances were written by the most famous Russian composers based on Pleshcheev’s poems.

Alexey Feofilaktovich Pisemsky () A.F. Pisemsky is a novelist, playwright, born in the Ramenye estate, Chukhloma district, Kostroma province. He studied at the Kostroma gymnasium, then at Moscow University. He served as an official in the Kostroma Chamber of State Property. In 1919, the Chukhloma Museum of Local Lore named after A.F. was founded in Chukhlom. Pisemsky.

Efim Vasilyevich Chestnyakov (1874 - 1961) E.V. Chestnyakov (Evfimy Samoilov) - Russian artist, writer, poet, sculptor, born in the village of Shablovo, Kologrivsky district, Kostroma province. He lived almost his entire life in his native village. He studied painting and drawing in St. Petersburg with the famous artist Repin.

Returning to his native village, he lived like a peasant: he plowed, sowed, mowed, and in the winter he was engaged in painting and sculpture. All his life Chestnyakov studied and recorded ditties, songs, and ancient rituals. He himself composed fairy tales, sculpted various sculptures and toys from clay. He did not sell his works, did not show them at exhibitions, but simply gave them as gifts to his fellow villagers. Therefore, art experts for a long time they knew nothing about Chestnyakov.

After his death, museum workers came to the village of Shablovo. They found, carefully restored Chestnyakov’s works and transferred them to the Kostroma Museum fine arts. In the village of Shablovo, the house-museum of Efim Chestnyakov was opened in 2004. The Kostroma Region annually hosts the Generous Apple festival and the Chestnyakov Readings.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky () The life and work of the great Russian playwright are inextricably linked with the Kostroma region. His father acquired the Shchelykovo estate. Alexander Ostrovsky liked these places so much that he began to come here every summer.