Bermuda Triangle brief information. Bermuda Triangle - interesting facts. What is the Bermuda Triangle

There is one incredibly mysterious place in the Atlantic Ocean with the terrifying name “Devil’s Triangle” (“Bermuda Triangle”) - there, under a strange set of circumstances, people, planes and ships disappear without a trace. In the article we will look at several cases of loss of transport and aircraft, and also try to explain the reason for this phenomenon.

This mysterious zone is bounded by a triangle whose vertices are the southern cape of Florida in the southeastern United States, the island of Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Sea and Bermuda in the northwestern part Atlantic Ocean.

Mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle

It’s not without reason that sailors call this place the “triangle of death” and the “cemetery of the Atlantic”: for several hundred years, travelers who find themselves here find themselves in suddenly formed fierce storms, unpredictable whirlpools, unexpected calms and a strange yellow fog.

According to eyewitnesses, in this place of the Atlantic Ocean, light spots covered with foam sometimes form on the water, emitting a glow. Sometimes the glow is so bright that astronauts can observe it from space. Even Christopher Columbus, crossing this part of the ocean, wrote in his ship's log about this unusual glow.

Supporters of the existence of anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle area claim that over the last hundred years, about 100 ships and aircraft have disappeared in this area. They also report on other features of this territory: here you can find serviceable ships abandoned by the crew or move in space and time.

According to some reports, about a thousand people disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area - their corpses were never found.

Disappearance of the Avengers flight aircraft

The disappearance of the Avengers flight on December 5, 1945 is often associated with the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon. The squadron consisted of four torpedo bombers, whose pilots underwent a retraining program for this type aircraft, as well as a fifth torpedo bomber, piloted by experienced instructor pilot Charles Taylor - it was this pilot, who flew the Avengers for about 2,500 hours, who became the leader of the entire flight.

Five torpedo bombers were to make a standard training flight over the ocean: a typical exercise included two turns and practical bombing. The route was well studied, the weather forecast was favorable, the cars were perfectly equipped for those times.

On board the planes there were life jackets, inflatable boats with food supplies, flares and emergency radios; The fuel reserve on the vehicles was enough for five and a half hours of operation, while the duration of the training flight, according to all calculations, should not have exceeded two hours.

Information about what happened to the cars after takeoff is quite contradictory. It is known that the problems for the Avengers began about an hour and a half after takeoff: the leading torpedo bomber, piloted by Taylor, had both compasses out of order, and the entire “five” strayed from the intended route.

The flight wandered over the Bahamas for several hours in search of the right direction, and when fuel supplies ran out, it was forced to land on water. Communication with the pilots was unstable, and by the time they splashed down, it had completely broken off.

ABOUT future fate The squadron knows nothing; the wreckage of the aircraft has never been found. During the hearing of the case of the disappearance of the Avengers, one of the speakers said: “They disappeared, as if they had flown to Mars!”

Disappearance of the Martin Mariner seaplane

That same night, two Martin Mariner aircraft were sent to search for the Avengers, and communication with one of them, aircraft No. 49, was lost in the area of ​​the approximate location of the missing torpedo bombers.

The coast guard team saw an explosion in the air (presumably from this same plane), after which they observed a column of fire over the water for about 10 minutes.

Aircraft No. 32, sent to the area of ​​the explosion due to difficult weather conditions, arrived at the site of the alleged crash only 3 hours later; Several coast guard ships were also sent to search. However, the search operation was unsuccessful: no traces of the plane that crashed into the ocean could be found.

On the morning of December 6, 300 aircraft and 21 ships were sent to search for the missing Evegers and Martin Mariner; A group of volunteers searching the coast also joined the large-scale search and rescue operation. 5 days after the planes went missing, the active phase of the search was stopped, and the crew members were officially declared missing.

Disappearance of S-119

20 years later, in June 1965, approximately 400 kilometers from Miami, the C-119 plane disappeared under unknown circumstances; there were ten crew members on board.

The investigation was unable to establish the exact cause of the disappearance of the C-119, which gave rise to several versions of what happened among researchers, journalists and ordinary people, the most unusual of which is the theory of the plane being abducted by aliens.

The fact is that during the same period there was an orbital flight over the Bahamas spaceship with astronaut James McDivitt on board, who saw and photographed an unidentified flying object with what looked like hands in the disappearance square of C-119.

Some sources claim that McDivitt subsequently retracted his UFO claims and also said that he had nothing to do with the pictures.

Perhaps the media simply made up this whole flying saucer story, but perhaps the reason lies elsewhere: NASA simply forbade the astronaut to talk about this topic.

Possible causes of mysterious incidents

There are dozens of different hypotheses explaining the mysterious incidents in the area of ​​the devil's triangle.

Some experts put forward a version about the influence of unusual weather phenomena, others talk about the abduction of ships and aircraft by aliens or inhabitants of the mythical Atlantis, others are confident in the existence of so-called holes in time and faults in space.

There are also many people who are confident that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle does not exist, since according to their calculations, disappearances in this territory occur with the same frequency as in other places of the World Ocean. And searching for debris at sea is not an easy task, especially in the Bermuda Triangle, where there are many shoals and storms and cyclones often form.

So why does this place inspire so much horror in pilots and sailors? Why do navigation devices fail here? Like with scientific point view to explain the disappearances of people, planes and ships without a trace?

Causes of extinction in the Bermuda Triangle:

Some scientists suggest that the so-called wandering waves are “to blame” for the mysterious incidents. These lonely 20-30-meter rogue waves arise completely suddenly and have nothing to do with tsunamis: their appearance in the ocean is not associated with underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and in general does not depend in any way on catastrophic geophysical processes.

Scientists believe in the existence of abnormally high waves for a long time They didn’t believe it, because according to science, waves higher than 20.7 meters cannot form in the oceans. Only in 1995 was the first wave recorded in the North Sea, the height of which reached 25 meters.

This fact contributed to the emergence of a project called “Wave Atlas”, the main task of which is to monitor the ocean surface, compile a worldwide atlas of wandering waves and statistically process the data obtained.

After the research, some experts began to argue that rogue waves could well have caused the death of large ships in the area of ​​​​the terrifying triangle and throughout the World Ocean.

According to one version, a possible reason for the appearance of so-called ghost ships (i.e., abandoned by the crew of ships) on the high seas is infrasound generated on the water under certain conditions.

There are natural and man-made sources of infrasound.

Natural ones include:

  • earthquakes
  • hurricanes,
  • storms,
  • lightning strikes.

And the work of various equipment is considered man-made:

  • heavy machines,
  • fans,
  • turbines,
  • jet and ship engines, etc.

Infrasound has a depressing effect on nervous system, can harm the organs of the endocrine system and internal organs living creature. According to research, infrasound waves cause dry mouth, dizziness, coughing, choking, ringing in the ears and other signs of problems in the body.

Many scientists are convinced that under the influence of infrasound, the crew, succumbing to panic, can leave the ship, which is not in physical danger.

3. Human factor

It is quite easy to lose your course in the Bermuda Triangle area, especially considering the fast currents, frequently changing weather and the huge number of islands scattered throughout the area, similar to each other like twin brothers.

For the disappearance of the Avengers, for example, many blame Lieutenant Taylor: having gotten lost, he mistakenly determined that the flight was flying over the Florida Keys, so the center advised him to steer north, guided by the sun.

But it is quite possible that the Avengers were much east of the Keys and therefore, moving north, they flew parallel to the coast for some time. The decision to fly west was made by Taylor too late: fuel supplies were running low and darkness was creeping up. The “Five” was forced to splash down, and the sea that evening was extremely rough.

4. Imperfect technology

Presumably, many incidents in the Bermuda Triangle are associated with imperfect ships and aircraft.

For example, the mysterious disappearance of the Martin Mariner is usually explained as follows: fuel vapors from this type of aircraft penetrated into the cockpit, and it was enough to simply light a match for an explosion to occur; Rumor has it that the pilots of these planes called them “flying tanks” among themselves.

One of the hypotheses explaining the disappearances in the “triangle of death” is the formation of bubbles filled with methane hydrate in the depths of the ocean; The “ripe” bubble rises to the surface of the water and, bursting, forms a funnel into which the ship is drawn.

Methane rising into the air can also contribute to plane crashes: its interaction with a hot engine leads to an explosion.

6. Comet on the ocean floor

According to this hypothesis, 11 thousand years ago in a place that is now called the Bermuda Triangle, a comet fell to the bottom of the ocean. According to some experts, the electromagnetic properties of this celestial body can distort the data of navigation instruments and even disable aircraft engines.

For centuries, pirates have terrorized sailors crossing the Atlantic Ocean. This theory can explain many mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle area, but not the disappearance of planes.

In the 70s of the last century, pilot Bruce Gernon from Florida, flying over the Bermuda Triangle, fell into a strange, rapidly growing cloud, gradually transforming into a tunnel.

According to the pilot, he had to fly inside a tunnel that was rotating counterclockwise. A few minutes later, the plane emerged from the cloud and found itself in the Miami area. It is noteworthy that the flight took 28 minutes less time than usual.

9. Compass malfunctions

In the Bermuda Triangle area, the compass needle points not to the magnetic north of the planet, but to the true (geographical) one, so ships can, without even knowing it, start moving in the wrong direction. But usually the difference in compass performance is taken into account by sailors when plotting a course in this area.

Warm and cold air masses colliding with each other, the fast flow of the Gulf Stream, tropical cyclones in summer and sudden storms in winter all create difficult conditions for the movement of aircraft and ships.

Bermuda Triangle: an insoluble phenomenon or a great hoax?

Disputes between supporters of the existence of anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle area and skeptics have not subsided for many years. Some of the events that happened there remain a mystery without a solution to this day, but most of them are still either amenable to logical explanation or are fiction.

Science fiction writers and hoaxers (this includes some writers, as well as journalists) love to embellish and modify information: they confuse dates, places, names of ships, and deliberately suppress any facts that could easily explain the tragedies in the Bermuda Triangle. There was a case when information appeared in the media about one missing ship, which in fact did not disappear anywhere, but was calmly plowing the expanses of the Atlantic Ocean.

We are, ordinary people With our inherent curiosity, we have one weakness: a love for all sorts of mysterious, terrifying stories. This is probably why we so like to believe that the Bermuda Triangle hides something mysterious and fantastic.

The bottom topography in this water area has been well studied. On the shelf everyone specified places Many drillings were carried out in order to find oil and other minerals. Current, water temperature in different time year, its salinity and the movement of air masses over the ocean - all these natural data are included in all special catalogs. This area is not particularly different from other similar geographical locations.

We will talk about a place that is traditionally (deservedly or not?) considered the most terrible, the creepiest place on the planet. "... Many ships and planes disappeared here without a trace - most of them after 1945. More than a thousand people died here. However, during the search, not a single corpse or wreckage was found..." These words begin the description of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle by the American writer Charles Berlitz, now this phrase is quoted with pleasure by both opponents and supporters of the hypothesis of the existence of some strange mysterious place between Florida, Cuba and Bermuda, in other words, an anomalous zone.

Bermuda Triangle Map


Sailors call the Bermuda Triangle differently: “the triangle of death”, “the sea that brings misfortune”, “the cemetery of the Atlantic”. For many centuries, travelers suddenly found themselves here either in mysterious calms or in sudden fierce storms. Even Christopher Columbus, having found himself in this part of the ocean, wrote in his ship's log that the crew noticed special spots emitting light on the water. This mysterious glow - light spots on the water covered with foam - is regularly observed today. Sometimes this glow is so strong that it can be seen even from space. American astronauts who launched on Apollo 12 reported that during the launch they noticed an unusual flickering in the Bermuda Triangle area. Strange calms, whirlpools and unexpected storms - all this was told about by the brave souls who visited danger zone. As well as about the incomprehensible malfunction of all instruments, wildly rotating compass needles, local deterioration in the weather, which confused the pilots. About the mysterious changes in environment warned by the mysterious yellow fog that obscured the horizon.

The Bermuda Triangle sometimes poses a real physical threat to unwary navigators at sea and in the air, since it is one of two places on Earth where the compass needle points in the wrong direction. magnetic pole of our planet. As a result, ships and planes may be heading in the wrong direction without their crews even realizing it. Perhaps this is why even the marine inhabitants feel uneasy here: fishermen have more than once observed a strange picture - fish swimming belly up.


Representatives of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Society of the United States published a message: "All attempts by the US Air Force, US Navy and Coast Guard to plausibly explain these disappearances cannot yet be considered acceptable." Richard Weiner, author of a popular book called "The Devil's Triangle", wrote: "Mystical, strange things happen there. I believe that they are not always explained by human and instrument errors, mechanical failure, vagaries of weather and magnetic anomalies." Explanations from UFO expert John Wallis Spencer, who wrote no less popular book"The threshold of extinction" seems even more fantastic. Spencer proves that aliens from outer space founded their colony on the ocean floor. “For their scientific research,” he writes, “these highly intelligent creatures use missing ships, planes and their crews. Of course, my hypothesis seems implausible, but this is perhaps the only explanation for all such cases.” Theories mentioning aliens from outer space when it comes to the Bermuda Triangle are emerging more and more often.

Many claim that all these ships and planes were abducted by UFOs rather than sunk. UFOs are most often talked about after investigations conducted by commissions of the Marine Department. During one of the hearings, the following words were heard about the missing American bombers: “They disappeared, as if they had flown to Mars.” At the same time, the message of a radio amateur who heard on the radio the frightened voice of one of the pilots of the disappeared five is often mentioned: “Don’t follow me - they look like aliens from outer space.” This message intrigued Charles Berlitz, a Yale graduate. He was literally fascinated by the legends of the lost Atlantis and adapted one of them to explain the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle. Berlitz's theory is that Atlantis once housed a giant solar crystal that is now at the bottom of the ocean. “This crystal,” says Berlitz, “sends false signals to ships and planes and sometimes drags them into the depths of the ocean.”


The Bermuda Triangle became notorious back in 1840, when the French sailing ship Rosalie was discovered drifting near the port of Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. All the sails were raised on it, all the necessary equipment was available, but the ship’s crew itself was absent. This seemed very strange. After inspection, it was found that the vessel was in excellent condition, had no damage, and its cargo was intact. But where did the crew go? No entries clarifying the essence of the matter were found in the ship's log.

The name “Bermuda Triangle” was once coined by Vincent Gaddis, an American writer, author of a book about sea mysteries. He wrote: "Draw a line from Florida to Bermuda, from there to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through the Bahamas. Most shipwrecks occur in this triangle." Well, reporters tried to make the name “Bermuda Triangle” become a household name when describing numerous disappearances or shipwrecks. True, this does not explain many of the mysteries associated with the mysterious and dangerous “triangle”. Take the British frigate Atlanta, which sailed from Bermuda to England in January 1880 with a crew of 290 people, most of whom were young trainees. The ship disappeared without a trace; the most thorough searches yielded nothing. Six British Navy vessels patrolled the area where the Atlanta disappeared, within one mile of each other. The search lasted four months, but no traces of the disaster were found.

In 1881, the cargo ship Helen Austin, within the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle, came across a ghost ship - a schooner with sails flapping in the wind. A large cargo of mahogany was found on board this strange vessel, but there were no traces of the crew. The captain of the cargo ship could not believe such luck. He decided to take the abandoned ship in tow and sent his people to it. Suddenly a strong squally wind blew up. The ships were thrown away from each other, and the schooner was lost from sight. Two days later, the Helen Austin again saw the ill-fated schooner slowly drifting across the sea. The sailors sent there earlier were dead. But the story with the mysterious ship did not end there. The captain of the Helen Austin was determined to get the schooner with its expensive cargo at any cost. But a storm broke out again, and the mysterious ship with new people on board, sent by the captain, again disappeared from sight. This time it's forever.

First mysterious story The 20th century was the disappearance of the US support ship USS Cyclops in 1918. On March 4, this masterpiece of engineering, 500 feet long and displacing 19,5 thousand tons, sailed from Barbados in the Caribbean Sea to Norfolk. When the Cyclops, with a crew of 309 people and a valuable cargo of manganese ore, disappeared, everyone decided that it had been blown up by a German mine or had been destroyed by a submarine: the First World War. However, when access to German military archives was gained, this assumption had to be rejected. A careful study of the documents showed that there were no mines or German military submarines on the ship’s route. On the day the ship disappeared, the weather was excellent, the sea was light and the wind was light. All this dismisses the idea of ​​a shipwreck during a storm. The Navy command reported: “The disappearance of the Cyclops is one of the most mysterious secrets in the history of our fleet."

US Navy support ship USS Cyclops 1911

Over time, more and more very strange cases began to be reported in the area called the Bermuda Triangle. In 1925, an American freighter disappeared while traveling from Charleston to Havana. The next year, the cargo ship did not arrive at its destination. In 1931, a Norwegian freighter disappeared along with its crew. He was last seen south of Cat Island, one of the Bahamas. In 1932, the schooner John and Mary was found south of Bermuda. Her sails were neatly furled, but there was not a single person on board. In 1944, the Cuban cargo ship Rubicon was found adrift off the coast of Florida. There was only a dog on board. All these ships were completely different. They differed in the amount of cargo, size, and age. But all disappeared under similar circumstances: none of the ships transmitted an “SOS” signal by radio, although all ships had radio transmitters and, in addition, there were no storms in these areas at the time of their disappearance. Even the most thorough searches in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle could not explain the reasons for the disappearance of these ships and their crews. The only exception is the case with Japanese cargo ship"Raifuku Maru." In the winter of 1924, he sent a chilling message while somewhere between the Bahamas and Cuba. Last words the radiograms were as follows: “The danger is incredibly great... Hurry... We cannot escape...” No one ever found out what kind of danger it was. Even more mysterious is that the ship, hurrying towards the Raifuku Maru, having heard a call for help, did not find anything in the indicated area: no debris, no bodies. This was another victim of the Bermuda Triangle...

The most famous incident mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the base on December 5, 1945 naval forces USA in Fort Lauderdale and never returned. Their wreckage was not found.

According to Berlitz, the squadron, consisting of 14 experienced pilots, mysteriously disappeared during a routine flight in clear weather over calm seas. It is also reported that in radio communications with the base, the pilots allegedly talked about inexplicable failures of navigation equipment and unusual visual effects - “we can’t determine the direction, and the ocean looks different than usual,” “we are descending into white waters.” After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them, and one of them - the Martin Mariner seaplane - also disappeared without a trace.

According to Kushe, in fact the flight consisted of cadets performing a training flight. The only experienced pilot was their instructor, Lieutenant Taylor, but he had only recently been transferred to Fort Lauderdale and was new to the area.

The recorded radio communications do not say anything about any mysterious phenomena. Lieutenant Taylor reported that he became disoriented and both compasses failed. Trying to determine his location, he mistakenly decided that the link was over the Florida Keys, south of Florida, so he was asked to navigate by the sun and fly north. Subsequent analysis showed that perhaps the planes were actually much further east and, heading north, were moving parallel to the coast. Poor radio communication conditions (interference from other radio stations) made it difficult to determine the exact position of the squadron.

After some time, Taylor decided to fly west, but failed to reach the coast; the planes ran out of fuel. The Avenger crews were forced to attempt a water landing. By this time it had already gotten dark, and the sea, according to reports from ships then in that area, was very rough.

After it became known that Taylor's flight was lost, other aircraft were sent to search for them, including two Martin Mariners. According to Kushe, aircraft of this type had a certain disadvantage, which was that fuel vapors penetrated into the cabin and a spark was enough for an explosion to occur. The captain of the tanker "Gaines Mills" reported that he observed an explosion and falling debris and then discovered an oil slick on the sea surface.

But the data is from the post-war period. On February 2, 1953, a British military transport plane with 39 crew members and military personnel on board flew a little north of the Bermuda Triangle. Suddenly radio contact with him was interrupted, and the plane did not return to base at the appointed time. The cargo ship Woodward, sent to search the supposed site of the disaster, could not find anything: a strong wind was blowing, and there was a small wave on the sea. But no oily stains, no debris...

This list, which already consists of fifty ships and aircraft, ends with the death of the Anita cargo ship. In March 1973, it left the port of Norfolk with coal and headed for Hamburg. In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, it was caught in a storm and, without giving an SOS distress signal, is believed to have sank. A few days later, a single lifebuoy with the inscription “Anita” was found in the sea.


Supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery have put forward several dozen different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include speculation about the abduction of ships by aliens from outer space or the inhabitants of Atlantis, movement through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal reasons. None of them have yet been confirmed. Other authors try to give a scientific explanation for these phenomena.

Their opponents claim that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft disappear in other areas of the globe, sometimes without a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of the disaster may prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. Finding debris at sea is not an easy task, especially during a storm or when the exact location of the disaster is unknown. Considering the very busy traffic in the Bermuda Triangle area, frequent cyclones and storms, a large number of shallows, the number of disasters that have occurred here that have never been explained is not unusually large. In addition, the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle itself can lead to the attribution of disasters to it that actually happened far beyond its borders, which introduces artificial distortions into the statistics.

Methane emissions

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the sudden death of ships and planes by gas emissions - for example, as a result of the breakdown of methane hydrate on the seabed. According to one of these hypotheses, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, in which the density is reduced so much that ships cannot stay afloat and instantly sink. Some suggest that methane rising into the air can also cause plane crashes - for example, due to a decrease in air density, which leads to a decrease in lift and distortion of altimeter readings. In addition, methane in the air can cause engines to stall.

Experimentally, the possibility of fairly quickly (within tens of seconds) flooding of a ship found on the border of a gas release was confirmed if the gas is released by one bubble, the size of which is larger than or equal to length vessel. However, the question of such gas emissions remains open. In addition, methane hydrate is found in other places in the world's oceans.

Rogue waves

It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. wandering waves, which are believed to be able to reach a height of 30 meters.


It is assumed that under certain conditions, infrasound can be generated at sea, which affects crew members, causing panic and hallucinations, as a result of which they abandon the ship.

Welcome readers of the site “I and the World”! Today we will talk about what the Bermuda Triangle is and what secret lies in it? You will find out where and specifically in which ocean this dangerous territory is located, why everything disappears there, its location on the world map and why it is dangerous.

Every day planes and ships cross the borders of this anomalous zone. Every pilot and captain is in danger of not arriving at their destination, but this place cannot be excluded from the life of the whole world, since thousands of tourists travel through it every year. Many people simply don’t talk about the Bermuda Triangle for fear of incurring “wrath” from the depths of the ocean.


Who first discovered the Bermuda Triangle to the world? In the middle of the 20th century, the American E. Jones published a brochure called “Bermuda Triangle”, but simply no one noticed it. The facts of its existence were discussed only a few years later, when in one of Charles Berlitz’s books the stories of mysteriously disappeared ships were described in all colors.

Name of the mysterious place

What does the mysterious zone look like and why is it called that? The coordinates of this unusual place: part of the Atlantic, between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. If you draw a line between these points, you will get a triangle with an area of ​​4 million square meters. km. But people talk about missing objects even beyond the borders of the “terrible figure”, which numbers more than a hundred sudden disappearances.

Why does everything disappear here?

True, the death of ships cannot be explained by mysticism: there are many shallows, a huge number of fast water and air currents, and cyclones and hurricanes are born too often. Another mystery of this place - warm current Gulf Stream. What happens when warm and cold air collide? They form fog, and overly impressionable tourists tend to see this as something scary, dangerous and mystical.

It is also impossible to explain the mystery of this place due to the peculiarities of the relief under water, which does not allow parts of sunken objects to be found. Science is also trying to explain the secrets of the death of ships and planes by the formation of huge methane bubbles on the surface of the ocean, which emerge from oceanic cracks under water. The density in the bubble is too low and when an object falls into it, it immediately sinks to the bottom.

The photo from space shows air masses forming vortices, rushing in a circle at speeds of up to 50 km/h. They raise columns of water up to 30 meters high, which fly at incredible speed and fall with high altitude to the ships. There is no chance for a small object to survive.

There is also information about infrasound signals that the ocean emits, warning of the imminent occurrence of a storm. What happens if you get into the zone of such signals? They begin to put psychological pressure on the brain, causing the most terrible visions in people’s minds. After this, the person flees by jumping overboard. An empty ship can drift for decades before being accidentally discovered.

The legend about the Mysterious Atlantis, which was located in this triangle, also plays a significant role here. As if it is she who sends signals from the depths, causing interruptions in the systems of ships and aircraft.

Another interesting fact is the opinion that in this area space is curved and objects fall into the 4th dimension. It is not known for sure whether such time gaps exist, but there are cases when planes disappear from radar for several minutes and then appear again. Some people notice this and some don't.

And recently, American meteorologists, having examined photographs from satellites, came to the conclusion that hexagonal-shaped clouds hover over the anomalous zone, which “explode” and form air currents rushing down at speeds of up to 270 km/h. Such a wind, hitting the surface of the water, can raise waves up to 40 meters in height. They capsize ships and disrupt the navigation of liners.

Unsolved mystery

For many decades now, scientists around the world have been trying to solve the puzzle of the Bermuda Triangle, but to no avail. It’s sad to look at photos of sunken ships - it’s so scary to suddenly die for no apparent reason. But if you don’t believe in all these mysteries, feel free to go here for a dose of adrenaline.

See also video:

And we say goodbye to you until the next mysterious articles. Please share the information with your friends. Goodbye!

The Bermuda Triangle is the name given to the area in which ships supposedly disappear every year, and other anomalous phenomena occur.

Also, storms and cyclones occur more often in this region than in others.

At this point in time, there are many versions trying to explain the cause of the mysterious anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle.

Let's try to figure out what the ill-fated Bermuda Triangle is.

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

It may seem to some that the anomalous phenomena occurring in the Bermuda Triangle have been known for a very long time. However, it is not.

Journalist Edward Jones first reported on the mystical disappearances in 1950. He published a short article about various mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle, calling the area “the devil’s sea.”

But no one took his note seriously. However, since that time, unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft have become increasingly recorded in this region.

In the late 60s, articles about the Bermuda Triangle began to appear around the world. This topic began to attract more and more interest, as ordinary people, and many scientists. Around the same time, he wrote his famous song about “The Secret of Bermuda.”

In 1974, Charles Berlitz wrote the book “The Bermuda Triangle”. He described in vivid colors many mystical disappearances in this zone.

The book was written in living language, since the author himself deeply believed in the mystical secret of the Bermuda Triangle. Soon this work became a real bestseller.

And although some of the facts presented in it were very dubious and sometimes scientifically incorrect, this could not in any way affect the popularity of both the Bermuda Triangle in general and Berlitz’s book in particular.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle

The boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are considered to be the peaks of Puerto Rico, Florida and.

It is worth noting that the “triangle” has only a symbol on the map, and its boundaries are periodically adjusted.

Bermuda Triangle on the map

This is what the Bermuda Triangle looks like on a world map:

And here it is in approximate form:

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Today, there are many theories with which scientists are trying to explain the anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle.

We will look at the most popular versions to help you decide for yourself which one looks the most convincing.

Mysterious gas bubbles

At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of scientists managed to conduct a very interesting experiment. They wanted to find out what would happen to the object while it was on the surface of swirling water.

It turned out that when bubbles were present in the water, its density decreased and the level rose. At the same time, the lifting force exerted by the water on the object decreased.

It was also possible to prove that if there are enough bubbles in it, this may well lead to the sinking of the ship.

It is important to understand that the experiment was carried out only in laboratory conditions, so whether the mysterious bubbles are related to the sinking of ships remains a mystery.

Rogue waves

Rogue waves in the Bermuda Triangle can reach up to 30 meters in height. Interestingly, they form so quickly and unexpectedly that they can easily sink even a large ship.

Practice shows that the team simply does not have time to react to such a rapid appearance of a mysterious wave.

One of these tragedies occurred in 1984 during the regatta.

The forty-meter ship "Marquez" was the leader in this sports race. While he was in the Bermuda Triangle, a sudden squall began.

The result was a huge wave that sank the ship almost instantly. 19 people died in this tragedy.

Scientists studying the behavior of wandering waves explain their appearance as follows: when the hot waters of the Gulf Stream meet a storm front, waves arise, resulting in a gigantic mass of water rising upward.

What is surprising is that initially the wave height does not exceed 5 m, but very soon they reach 25 meters.

Alien Intervention

According to some people, the territory of the Bermuda Triangle is under the control of alien creatures exploring the Earth.

After contact with people at sea or in, the aliens allegedly destroy ships so that no one knows about them.


This theory is very plausible and rational. According to it, disasters occur in the Bermuda Triangle area due to the fact that storms and storms begin there very unpredictably.

Clouds with mysterious charges

Quite a lot of pilots flying over the Bermuda Triangle said that during the flight they were in black for some time, inside which electrical discharges and blinding flashes occurred.


According to this hypothesis, a sound may appear in the Bermuda Triangle, forcing passengers to leave the vehicle.

And although infrasonic vibrations are indeed present on the ocean floor, they still do not pose any threat to human life.

Relief features

Some scientists suggest that the cause of the anomalous phenomena is the relief of the Bermuda Triangle.

Indeed, in this zone on the seabed there are many hills reaching 100-200 m and underwater cliffs up to 2 km high.

In addition, Bermuda has a continental shelf divided by the Gulf Stream. All these factors may indirectly explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Mysticism at the bottom of the triangle

Recently, traces of a sunken city were discovered at the bottom of the sea, in the Bermuda Triangle area. After studying his photographs, scientists were able to examine various structures with mysterious inscriptions.

According to experts, the buildings represent ancient architecture.

An interesting fact is that among the buildings in the photographs there were also . There is an opinion that American scientists actually knew about this find for a long time, but deliberately kept it silent.

Perhaps in the future we will learn a lot interesting information about what really happens at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

It has been known for a long time that not only sea vessels, but also planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. One of these cases occurred in post-war years, and immediately became a real sensation.

On December 5, 1945, five American Avenger-type bombers took off from Fort Lauderdale Airport. From that time on, no one saw them again.

Initially, the flight went quite normally, but later the crew of one of the planes informed the dispatcher that they had lost their route.

Then the pilots reported that all their navigation instruments simultaneously failed. After a while, information was received about a sharp deterioration in weather conditions in the flight area.

And although the dispatchers tried to direct them along the right route, for unknown reasons the crew did not respond to commands.

For some time, planes circled over the Bermuda Triangle, claiming that they saw a certain “white wall” and “strange water”. Then the connection was lost.

The next day, other aircraft were sent to search for the bombers, but this did not yield any results. It is still unknown what happened to the American squadron and 14 members of its crew.

In the early 1990s, scientist Graham Hawkes claimed to have found the remains of bombers on the seabed. To prove his words, he provided photos taken with a special camera at great depths.

However, this evidence was not enough to accurately identify the bombers.

In addition to the very fact of the disappearance of planes in the Bermuda Triangle, many questions remain. For example, what explains the strange behavior of pilots who deliberately ignored the instructions of air traffic controllers?

After all, they could have landed after only 20 km, but instead the pilots turned in the opposite direction.

According to the opinion, some powerful influence was exerted on the crews, as a result of which they were unable to make decisions of common sense.

Ship in the Bermuda Triangle

In 1918, the American cargo ship Cyclops suddenly disappeared in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, with more than 300 people on board.

The 165-meter ship was last seen on. The Navy soon organized a large-scale search operation, but failed to locate the Cyclops or its wreckage.

A version was put forward that the ship was sunk when it collided with a huge wave. But in this case, a lot of things and oil stains should have remained on the water, which was not found.

Whether people will be able to unravel the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle or not, only time will tell.

Perhaps more advanced equipment will help scientists figure out the true causes of the anomalous phenomena occurring in Bermuda.

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The Bermuda Triangle is an unexplored area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean where anomalous cases occur: missing ships and planes, failure of transport equipment, etc.

On a world map, this triangle can be distinguished by connecting three vertices: Florida, Bermuda, Puerto Rico. The Bermuda Triangle on the map can be limited by three lines: starting from Florida we draw a line to Bermuda, from Bermuda a line to Puerto Rico, and from Puerto Rico back to Florida through the Bahamas. This is just a guess. Where it is and what shape this zone has is actually not known.

On the map, a triangle connects the places near which anomalous cases most often occurred. The Bermuda Triangle has brought mystery to our planet, which humanity already knows so little. Because of his mystery, he managed to scare the human race. After all, a person is always afraid of the unknown. There are various hypotheses that in fact should explain anomalous cases. But alas, the theory requires to be proven. Unfortunately, this has not happened yet.

Secrets of the seas and oceans, underwater secrets and sea legends. All this has attracted the attention of people throughout human history. Ancient maps depicting sea monsters, legends about the Kraken and the amphibian people are legends on which more than one generation has grown up. Times change, but one thing remains unchanged - the ominous glory of the Bermuda Triangle. Today this magical name has become a symbol of everything unknown that happens in the World Ocean. Scientists and researchers have been thrown off their feet, trying to explain the events that took place in this anomalous zone. And, to be honest, they are not very successful at this.

Triangle or not?

The territory, called the Bermuda Triangle, actually has no clear boundaries. The highest points are considered to be Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. But a good half of the unexplained incidents happened outside this zone. Although very close. Researchers often adjust the position of the triangle at their own discretion, tying it to other geographical landmarks. Many people associate the location of the Devil's Sea with Cuba or Haiti. And there are plenty of other examples.

Interestingly, the name Bermuda Triangle itself came into use relatively recently. In the 50s of the twentieth century. Therefore, you should not think that the legends are rooted in hoary antiquity. The most amazing thing is that it became possible to track the tragedies that happen every now and then in the Sea of ​​the Damned only thanks to modern technology. It was with the help of instruments that it was possible to obtain data about unknown objects within the study area. And a plane or ship that disappears from the screens of all monitors instantly makes you think seriously about the otherworldly power of the Bermuda Triangle.

Terrible events in the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1945, scientists and rescuers began to specifically monitor the space of the Bermuda Triangle. Thanks to their efforts, more than 140 thousand lives were saved. It would seem that this is the answer, but it was not so. The data the researchers obtained only added more questions. Since the start of tracking, more than 100 pieces of equipment have disappeared in and above the water area. These are military aircraft civil aviation, ocean liners and small yachts. It's amazing that most of disappeared from them without leaving a trace. No debris, no oil stains, nothing.

The ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle area has been studied far and wide by scientists. Obviously, they couldn't let any remains out of sight. dead people. But nothing of the kind was found. This makes it absolutely serious to say that the Bermuda Triangle is the Graveyard of the Atlantic. A supernatural cemetery. It is worth noting that scientists were not in the Bermuda Triangle to investigate mysterious events. Although many enthusiasts present the matter in precisely this light.

What are scientists doing in the Voodoo Sea?

In fact, the Bermuda Triangle area is of considerable interest to scientists. Expeditions carried out studies of the seabed, its topography and minerals. Geological structure crust of the earth under the ocean floor. Scientists studied the Gulf Stream, the influence of water currents on the atmosphere and weather conditions. A lot has been done scientific discoveries, but they did not bring us an inch closer to solving the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes that, by chance, found themselves in the death zone. Scientists have proven that the Bermuda Triangle is a unique part of the ocean, with unprecedented properties and conditions. But, unfortunately, this did not explain a lot of tragedies.

It should be said that scientists did make one important discovery. But this was not given wide publicity. Although they did not keep silent either. In 1992, American researchers analyzed the bottom. And in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle they discovered a huge pyramid. Incredibly, its dimensions are more than three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Scientists spent more than a month studying this underwater object and provided some information.

In addition to its enormous size, the pyramid is distinguished by an absolutely smooth surface. Sonar signals reflected from the object showed that the material from which the pyramid was created was in a perfectly flat state. There are no shells or algae on its surface. Nothing that indicates a long stay in salt water. Obviously, the ocean cannot have any physical effect on the pyramid. According to eyewitnesses, the material itself is something similar to either glass or polished ceramics. No division into blocks was also noticed. Research on the pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle has not been officially carried out. But, most likely, they are simply classified.

Atlantean legacy?

In light of this discovery, it is interesting to recall the legends that the inhabitants of Atlantis created repositories of knowledge and the gene pool of humanity before the death of their continent. The same vault is supposedly located under the Pyramid of Cheops and under the Potala Temple in Tibet. Versions that the disappeared continent itself is located in the Bermuda Triangle area have not received confirmation. There is a hypothesis according to which the Atlanteans went to live in the ocean. Where they remain to this day, living safely in domed cities.

At first glance, the theory is fantastic. But if we put aside skepticism and take a closer look at some facts, then the impossibility of such a course of history becomes less obvious. Today, luminous flying objects are often observed near the coast of Puerto Rico. And in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle, similar phenomena have been noticed more than once. Bright cigar-shaped objects that took off straight out of the water and made zigzag movements. The territory of the Bermuda Triangle is carefully monitored by US Navy intelligence. But she has not yet been able to answer anything intelligible.

What mysteries does the Sea of ​​the Damned contain?

In any case, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. And someday humanity will receive an answer to the question: “What is hidden in the Bermuda Triangle.” In the meantime, we can only wait and listen to new reports about incredible incidents in those waters. Wait, realizing that the Cemetery of the Atlantic has many more surprises in store. And they are unlikely to be pleasant. Whatever it is - the secrets of disappeared civilizations or attempts by UFOs to monitor the Earth - the Bermuda Triangle will frighten and attract researchers from all over the world. Their main task is to make sure that the terrible anomaly does not claim human lives.

7 most interesting theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

  1. Comet
    According to this version, a comet fell to the bottom of the ocean 11,000 years ago - exactly in the place where the notorious Bermuda Triangle is now located. Heavenly body It could well have unusual electromagnetic properties capable of damaging navigation instruments and aircraft engines.
  2. Methane hydrate
    Huge bubbles filled with methane hydrate form deep under the surface of the Bermuda Triangle. When such a bubble “ripens” and rises, a giant hill forms on the surface of the water, from which the ship “slides.” Then the bubble bursts, forming a funnel into which the ship is drawn. With airplanes it is even simpler - gas from the bubble rises into the air, comes into contact with a hot engine and an explosion occurs.
  3. Secret government tests
    The base at which proponents of this theory are sinning is called the Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). According to the official version, this company is testing submarines, weapons and sonars. But there is also a version according to which it is there that the government contacts extraterrestrial civilizations and tests various kinds alien technologies.
  4. Flying saucers or aliens
    According to this theory, an alien ship is hiding in the depths of the sea, which, unlike the previous version, is studying us and our technologies. Or, at worst, there is a “gate” to another dimension unknown to earthlings. At a certain time, the gates open, ships sail into it and planes fly in.
  5. The compass points to true north, not magnetic north.
    The Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on Earth where a magnetic compass points to true (geographic) rather than magnetic north. In a normal situation, when plotting a ship's course, sailors take this difference into account. And in those areas where the compass works differently, it’s easy to get lost and hit a reef.
  6. Difficult weather conditions
    The sky over the Bermuda Triangle is indeed quite turbulent - warm and cold air masses constantly collide, leading to storms and hurricanes. Plus the fast current of the Gulf Stream. All together, of course, creates a certain risk for any type of transport.
  7. Human factor
    The Bermuda Triangle area is a fairly lively place. The tropical climate and crystal clear blue water attract both experienced pilots and sailors and amateurs. With changeable weather, fast currents, and the large number of twin islands scattered throughout the region, it's easy to lose your course, run aground, or find yourself far from where you can refuel.