The rain fell in the calm. Information retrieval systems. What ways of connecting sentences in a text do you know?

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Kramskoy’s portraits are distinguished by the depth of revealing not only the psychology and character of the model, but also her charm and charm.

Kramskoy’s search for beauty in life, the desire to rise above everyday life, to make something unusual, beautiful, and pleasing to the eye out of the ordinary, were expressed in the famous painting “Unknown.”

The thirst for beauty, the ability to be enchanted by external beauty, harmony, and perfection was as strong in the artist as the belief in the need for self-sacrifice, as admiration for the strength of the human spirit, for courage and fortitude of character.

Comparing the sketch for “The Unknown” with the painting, we see that it is based on the same plot, the same composition and the same model. While impartially and objectively revealing the character of the person being portrayed, Kramskoy does not endow her with either beauty or charm; the woman is both prim and arrogant, her lips are compressed contemptuously, her eyes are narrowed arrogantly. The face is full and slightly puffy.

A completely different image appears in the picture. The turn of the head has been slightly changed - it is proudly raised, with a slight, as if condescending bow, turned to the right. This gives a woman grace and elegance instead of restrained stiffness. All facial features are thinner, more graceful, the expression of large shiny eyes, densely covered with eyelashes, has changed. Aesthetic pleasure is brought by the masterly rendering of a gentle female hand covered in a glove, the velvet fur coat tightly fitting the figure, and the ostrich feather swaying in the wind. Kramskoy subtly senses the beauty of all this, but the skillful depiction of accessories does not distract the artist’s attention from the inner meaning of the image.

This beautiful but unattractive woman is cold and arrogant. She is very reserved and reserved, but her imperious character is not difficult to discern both in her demeanor and in the impassive look of her eyes. The outer beauty and sophistication of the woman did not hide her human coldness. In this portrait, Kramskoy embodied a certain type of woman, in which beauty, devoid of spiritual charm, constitutes the main character trait.

The image of the “Unknown Woman,” which combines beauty and at the same time spiritual emptiness, is the only one in the artist’s work, but it is so interesting and significant that it involuntarily becomes a kind of mystery that hides the artist’s true intention.

Beauties of Russia

One day I asked the fifth grade kids to write about Russian birch. And they wrote almost nothing, although they saw her almost every day. And it hurt for the guys. But it is not their fault, but ours, that we do not develop observation, impoverishing their spiritual world.

Birch has long been a favorite tree in Russia. They affectionately called her birch, birch, or even beauty, girlfriend. She does not have branches, but green curls and silky braids; On Trinity Day they dressed her up like a bride, sang songs to her, and danced around her.

From her came the names of cities, villages, rivers: Berezovka, Berezov, Podberezye, Berezniki, Berezan, Berezina... And how many Berezins live and work on our land is impossible to count. There was also a month like this - Berezozol.

For many centuries she selflessly served people! It was used for firewood and coal, they made tar from birch bark, made light tueski for strawberries and mushrooms, it was suitable for carts, pitchforks, sleighs, in the winter they steamed in the bathhouse with birch brooms, and in the spring they drank birch sap, treated themselves with buds, leaves, and chaga for ailments . It was also needed for the soul: they sang songs about it and wrote poems. Song tree of Russia.

She is always different: either she smiles at the sun in the morning with her wet light leaves, or damp after a cold rain she will present herself as a pitiful orphan, when the night is ahead, and she cannot warm herself up. It will be a pity for the birch tree. She can babble with the leaves like a child, rustle them, and talk and sing, or suddenly she will rustle in the wind, sigh heavily in a storm, can be silent for hours in the calm and even think and daydream in the evening.

Like a person, she can rejoice, smile, be happy, but she can also be sad, mourn, hate, be indignant. Watch carefully.

What a fashionista! Either she will decorate herself, like a girl, with earrings in the spring, all different ones - golden, emerald, lilac, and in winter she will dress in frost, as if she is going down the aisle, then she will be covered with a head of pure snow; in April, she likes to wrap herself in one snowstorm - greenish, when the buds burst, and then in another - golden, when it blooms.

Birch is clean and tidy. Every winter its birch bark is cleaned, every spring everything is tinted and tinted with white betulin.

Birch forests love mushrooms, in the spring here you will hear the first chaffinch calls, tits and tap dancers feed on buds, bees fly here for propolis, woodpeckers drink the first sweetish juice, and behind the thick foliage the oriole hides its golden feather from the human eye.

The birch grove is always light and cozy, even on a cloudy day and twilight: after all, birch trees glow. No wonder they lined the postal routes of Russia. That’s why our copses are so bright and festive. Their thoughts are always songful and joyful.

Birch trees chill in the January cold and languish in the July heat, wash themselves with rain and dew, and the wounded ones cry large tears. They, like us, grow up, get married, grow old, die. The birch is beautiful even dead: it lies in the grass and daisies, straight and white, like those daisies, washed by the winds and rains.

I really love the grove, where I know every birch tree by sight. And I notice which one is sick, which one has become more magnificent, which one is crying when the birch sap flows.

There are birch trees in many countries. Maybe they are slimmer and whiter there, but to be able to please so much, to have a soul - I don’t believe it - there are no such birches there. After all, our birch tree is not only our beauty, but also a piece of the Russian soul, a piece of our Russia.


In the windless pre-July season, we return from hunting along a winding path. Each has a canvas bag on his back filled with loot, shot over the course of several hours.

The hunt was surprisingly successful, so we were not upset that the dogs could not find the four ducks that had been shot.

Exhausted from walking, we lay down next to a fallen birch tree, covered with some kind of creeping vegetation. Not on a spread woven tablecloth, but on silky moss, slightly silvered with a thin cobweb, we laid out the food for the road. These included purchased groceries and non-store-bought household items. Pickled mushrooms, fried sausage, buttered rye cakes, condensed milk, beef liver, baked potatoes slightly rolled in ash, and a sip of a drink infused with some strange drug will seem delicious in the fresh air to the most sophisticated gourmet.

It is difficult to compare with anything the charm and pleasure that you experience when you lie by the fire, on the bank of a nameless river in the thicket of the forest.

Conversations arise on the most unusual and unexpected topics: about trans-European express trains, transatlantic flights, Siberian frosts, monkey tricks, skilled craftsmen and much more.

Occasionally, the conversation is interrupted by uninvited guests: gadflies and mosquitoes. They are rightly called by travelers the scourge of the northern forests.

A gentle breeze barely ripples the grass. The blue sky is visible through the branches of the trees, and gilded leaves are held here and there on twigs. A spicy scent fills the soft air.

Leaden clouds suddenly appeared in the distance and lightning flashed.

It is unlikely that we will be able to shelter from the rain in time.

Fortunately, a forest guard's house was nearby - a low log building. The owner's son, a short-haired boy dressed in a short coat, nodded his head to us in a friendly manner.

The lightning flashed, the furious downpour first paused and then completely stopped its chatter.

The elements no longer argue, quarrel, or fight.

Frustrated hordes of clouds are carried away somewhere into the distance.

Leaving the house, we first follow an already traveled country road, and then along an asphalt highway, which has replaced the former unpaved road.

Three lives

In her first life she only ate. She crawled only to move from the leaf she had eaten to another, while still intact. She ate it too, crawled to the next one, which faced the same inevitable fate. This happened again and again, hour after hour, day after day, and in the endless monotony of this there seemed to be something senseless and eerie. Green, motionless leaves, ground and swallowed, turned into her flesh, also green, but moving, crawling stubbornly towards a goal known only to her.

The caterpillar grew, of course, but this growth did not in any way correspond to the amount of food it consumed. She ate for future use, and the excess of what she had eaten was hidden, compressed somewhere in the recesses of her being, turned into reserves of energy, for the manifestation of which its time must someday come. It was a great and terrible meal, far exceeding the needs of her present life, aimed at the future, which was still so distant. Perhaps she imagined it in some hazy, joyful pictures, or maybe not.

When the leaves began to become hard and yellow, she stopped eating and crawled differently than before, not changing the leaves, but looking for a secluded, safe cramped space. And she found it - in a crack in a rotten log. The end of her first life was approaching, and she pulled the thinnest, elastic thread from her mouth and began to wrap it around herself. The thread was laid row after row, forming a shell, cover, cocoon. Shroud, maybe. Having finished weaving it and wrapping herself in it, she froze, completely numb, as if she had died.

The enormous, months-long period of her second life did not exist for her at first. She was on the verge of non-existence, in deep darkness, and she herself was darkness. But from a push, an order from outside or from within, the energy that she had accumulated with her great summer food awoke in her. She woke up and began to work - non-stop, tirelessly, with torment and pleasure for her. Her long, dull body, covered with a cocoon, began to soften, blur, disappear, gradually turning into something completely different. Some strings were stretched in its monotonous mass, rods appeared, rings closed and hardened. She was born, created anew for another life, and the material of creation was her old self, who knew nothing but food.

The cocoon-shroud weakened and burst from the pressure from the inside, and then it all fell apart, finally, and she, new, born for a third life, found herself in a tree crevice under the spring sun.

She was a butterfly now and sat for a long, long time, warming up, drying out, and filling with strength from within. Then she opened, finally unfastened her wings, moved them up and down, twisted her head, strained her all-seeing eyes - everything was so clear, light, elastic, complexly subtle, akin to the air and the sky, and not the earth. It was necessary to go into this family and closeness, to merge with it. And she flew, and the air and the sky instantly accepted her as their daughter, as they accepted birds, and bees, and flower petals in the wind.

She didn’t just learn to fly, she remembered the skill of flying, spending more and more time in the air every day. And she didn’t just fly, but danced a dance of joy and freedom, feeling that it contained both her essence and purpose. She also ate lightly, joyfully and for a very short time - she landed on a flower, penetrated its sweet depth with her proboscis, drank the nectar and flew away, again merging with the air and sky. And all of her in this third and last life was freedom and beauty embodied.


Although for a real hunter a wild duck is nothing special, but, due to the lack of other game (it was early September), we went to Lgov. Lgov is a large steppe village located on the swampy Rosota River. About five miles from Lgov, this river turns into a wide pond overgrown with dense reeds. There were countless ducks here. Ermolai and I walked along the pond, but, firstly, the duck did not stay close to the shore, and secondly, our dogs were not able to get the dead bird out of the solid reeds. “We need to get a boat, let’s go back to Lgov!” - Ermolai finally said. A quarter of an hour later, we boarded the boat of Suchka, once the master’s fisherman, and sailed along the pond. Fortunately, the weather was calm and the pond seemed to be asleep. Finally we reached the reeds, and the fun began.

The ducks, frightened by our unexpected appearance, rose noisily and, tumbling in the air, splashed heavily into the water. Of course, we didn’t get all the shot ducks. Vladimir, to Yermolai’s great surprise, did not shoot well at all. Yermolai shot, as always, victoriously. As usual, I feel bad.

The weather was beautiful, and, clearly reflected in the water, white round clouds rushed high and quietly above us.

When we were about to return to the village, an unpleasant incident happened to us.

Towards the end of the hunt, as if saying goodbye, the ducks began to rise in such flocks that we barely had time to load our guns. Suddenly, from the strong movement of Yermolai - he tried to get the dead bird and leaned his whole body on the edge - our dilapidated ship tilted and solemnly sank to the bottom, fortunately, not in a deep place. A moment later we were standing in water up to our necks, surrounded by the floating bodies of dead ducks. Now I cannot remember the frightened and pale faces of my comrades without laughing (probably my face was not distinguished by a blush then), but at that moment, I admit, it never occurred to me to laugh.

Two hours later, we, exhausted, dirty, wet, finally reached the shore and lit a fire. The sun was setting, and its last rays were scattering in wide crimson stripes.

(According to I. Turgenev)

The meadows are blooming

The first flowers are always bright to attract pollinating insects: lungwort, coltsfoot, dream grass. Then everything is dressed in gold: ranunculus, dandelions, primroses, marigolds, celandine, bathing suit. Following the gold, a new outfit is white: chickweed, white porridge, lilies of the valley, daisies, angelica. And in mid-June, all the colors in the meadow will mix: white and yellow, red and blue, silver and bronze, crimson and lilac.

The meadow of Maryina Dol is covered in cuffs. Although its flowers are inconspicuous, yellowish-green, you won’t pass by; you will definitely stop to admire the large and living pearl-drop that remains after dew on a wide, funnel-shaped leaf. And closer to the forest, in the shade there are geraniums, cyanosis and angelica caps: blue-blue, lilac - and everything is nearby.

The slope behind the rare primrose pines was decorated in yellow. And below is a whole necklace of wildly blooming strawberries.

Closer to the lake, in the lowlands, forget-me-nots nestled. There are many of them, they are so small and clean that the turquoise border by the water dazzles your eyes.

And the further you go along the meadow path, overgrown with small knotweed, the more diverse the flowers and herbs, the more luxurious the world of meadows. The plantains have not yet faded, the lilac bells have not yet drooped, the dandelions have not yet burned out in the heat, but the daisies have already turned white, the wild peas have turned blue, and the red lights of the carnations have lit up. And new rainbows shone over the meadow. The tall columnar trees glowed crimson, the bluegrass is dressed in lilac, the foxtail is red with its stamens, and closer to the forest, like a belt from the dawn, a pink stripe of crayfish inflorescences.

The hedgehog has blossomed, its spikelets are sometimes still green, sometimes already bronze, shimmering in the sun, shining. And the meadow fescue is already gathering its oatmeal grains. And there is also white clover and red clover, scarlet gum and drooping gum, spreading yarrow, burnet, speedwell.

This is already a real flood of colors, and the young summer keeps interfering with them, interfering with them. They are thicker, brighter, more varied. And he won’t stop, he won’t calm down, apparently he won’t choose the right color yet.

June dews are light and short-lived. The meadow dries quickly. The heads of the bells rise, the bluegrass straightens, dozes, bumblebees and bees, butterflies and beetles, mosquitoes and midges wake up. And here the birds are happy, singing at the top of their voices. And the meadow began to ring and smell. And you can’t stop looking at it, you can’t breathe enough of the spicy herbs and honey in the air. But oregano, sweet clover and meadowsweet, which contain so much of the odorous substance - coumarin, have not yet bloomed.

How beautiful the world of meadows is in all its diversity!


The sandbank was golden in the distance, stretching from a dark, steep bank with overhanging trees into a quietly sparkling, drowsily brightening river, disappearing behind a distant, vague forest.

The water stretched like living silver to the other bank, and the wind, infused with field herbs, barely noticeably shook the young shoots creeping along the eaves of the steep bank.

A pensive smile, undisturbed by the presence of a person, lies on everything: on the blue sky, on a lazy, gentle river rippling in the wind - and it seems that this smile is as mysterious as the whole life of nature. Even a half-pulled plank, a boat hollowed out of wood, seems not the work of human hands, but a forest giant, blackened with time, fallen from its native shore, and a fisherman’s hut, nestled under the very cliff, resembles nothing more than an old, old mushroom.

A middle-aged but strong old man in a linen shirt came out of the hut and listened to the distant sounds of the bell, which, weakened by the distance, barely reached here. And moving his eyebrows, like a cat full of fur, he turned and, stepping heavily on the crunchy sand, walked up to the spread out string with hooks tied on and began to sharpen them with a file and wipe them with a greasy rag so that they would not rust in the water.

The old man hasn’t seen anything in a long time, but he, putting his black palm on his visor, admires for a long time how the water plays and the unbearable shine of the water fluctuates. Then he takes a narrow oar lying at a distance and pushes the boat into the water, involuntarily resembling a large ant dragging its prey.

(According to A. Serafimovich)

Swift birds

This is not about the twitch-crakes who most the routes to Africa and back are overcome not on wings, but on feet. This is about wagtails, which have thin, wire-like legs. But he’ll run across the grass, you’ll never catch him, don’t try. And it’s her, there’s a glimpse of her black cap on her head. And if he notices that you have paid attention to her, have been staring at her, then he will try to show all his agility, all his skill: he will stitch in front of you from right to left, and mince from left to right, otherwise he will again set off straight along the path - he will run, run, run little ballerina shaking her long ponytail. But suddenly he stops, looks around and again from right to left.

And how easily she runs, like a little wind-up toy, and so fast, as if she were wearing light running shoes on her feet.

Sometimes it will rush in front of you, then let you get close and close and suddenly it will easily rise into the air: it will dive in free flight once or twice and then scamper along the ground again.

How many times have I admired the wagtails while walking along the lake, and I still haven’t gotten enough of them yet. She is also beautiful on a branch of talina by the water - she will sit, swing her tail and freeze, like a statue - she will show all her beauty: a black satin breast and tail, and on its sides there are white stripes, and even the same on the wings. And the cheeks are white. And next to them are two black beads of restless eyes.

But she can't sit still. And now her simple ringing trill began to flow over the lake, over the low waists: tsiti-tsyuri, tsiti-tsyuri.

There are no words, she is beautiful by the water, on a bush, light, graceful, but still, on the path, when she runs along it, she is better.

Capercaillie current

In spring, it’s good to be in the forest: the air is especially fresh and fragrant, the smell of rotten leaves and thawed earth spreads everywhere.

The impressions associated with the spring hunt for wood grouse are indelible in my memory. It has not yet dawned at all, and a transparent night silence floats over the sleeping forest, in which every rustle and whisper can be clearly heard. A branch will crunch under your foot, the ice crust will crack, covering the shallow but wide swamp, and again there will be silence.

When you walk through the forest, you stop from time to time and listen: you want to get to the place of the current on time, when the wood grouse has not yet begun its song. You listen carefully, and suddenly a sharp, abrupt cry is heard in the air. Soon another one answers him - and a ringing roll call begins in the swamp. You listen intently to the forest darkness, constantly glancing at the hands of the clock.

In the east, deep in the forest, an almost imperceptible light glimmers between the treetops, and the darkness of the night begins to gradually dissipate.

But now, in the distance of the forest, the sounds of a capercaillie song, elusive to an inexperienced hunter, are heard. A characteristic clicking and chirping sound is heard from a distant thicket and fills the pre-dawn forest silence, shimmering in the air with mysterious and exciting sounds.

Give the capercaillie time to sing, and then you can slowly and carefully move in the direction from which the first reflections of the morning dawn can be seen and the capercaillie song can be heard loudest. You need to move as carefully as possible, otherwise you will not be able to get close to the bird. As soon as the wood grouse is silent, you freeze in place and stand motionless. When the capercaillie sings, you move again to the place of the capercaillie current, where the ringing trill is again clearly heard. In the scarlet light of dawn, the capercaillie appears as a massive, chiseled figure made of ebony. Only a slightly noticeable movement of this figure indicates that this is not a dead object.

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Russian language

for general education


Edited by academician

Russian Academy education

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

Textbook matches

Federal State educational standard Moscow "Russian Word"

2011 Bis_8.indd 1 09.26.2011 16:59:52 Authors:

E.A. Bystrova, L.V. Kibireva, T.M. Voiteleva, N.N. Fattakhov Edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Education E.A. Bystrovoy Russian language. 8th grade: textbook for educational institutions / E.A. Bystrova, L.V. Kibireva, T.M. Voiteleva, N.N. Fattakhova;

edited by E.A. Bystrovoy. - M.: LLC TID "Russian Word - RS", 2011. - 380 p.


Basic theoretical material;

Additional theoretical material;

We read, we speak, we write;

Creative task;

Russian language in the world of other languages;

A task of increased complexity;

Our assistant is the Internet.

Types of analysis:

Phonetic: blow1;

Morphemic: suburban2;

Morphological: parents3;

Syntactic: At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.4 (A. Fet) Bis_8.indd 2 09.26.2011 16:59: Russian language in the circle of Slavic languages ​​I. The languages ​​of the world are different in all respects. Some have existed for thousands of years, others only a few centuries. The role of languages ​​in interethnic and international and even intranational communication is also different. There are languages ​​that serve one nation and even nationality, and languages ​​that belong to several nations. Some languages ​​have a special mission - to serve as a means of communication for many, if not all, peoples of the planet Earth. Among these languages ​​is our Russian.

The structure of the languages ​​of the world is different. But the degree of difference between the languages ​​of the globe is far from the same. A Russian can understand a Ukrainian without much difficulty, but will not understand a Spaniard or Japanese at all. What does this depend on? The languages ​​that people use can be related to each other and, on this basis, unite into groups. This relationship is explained by the fact that languages ​​belonging to the same group have a common ancestor, or, as linguists say, go back to a common proto-language.

II. The group of East Slavic languages ​​includes Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, which separated into XIV-XV centuries from a common ancestor language - Old Russian (Common Eastern Vyansk) language. Back in the 13th century. the ancestors of modern Eastern Slavs - Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians - spoke a single ancient Russian language. Historical events divided the ancient Russian tribes;

the dialects they spoke became independent languages. The changes that took place in them over several centuries led to a number of serious discrepancies.

Bis_8.indd 3 09.26.2011 16:59: But these differences are not so great as to deprive speakers of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​of the opportunity to understand each other during mutual communication.

Do you know that...

The language is called Old Russian because the Eastern Slavs, having created an independent state - Kievan Rus, formed a single ancient Russian nationality, from which later, around the 14th-15th centuries, the Russian (Great Russian), Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities were distinguished.

III. The Old Slavic language made a great contribution to the development of the Russian language. The oldest Slavic written monuments that have reached us were written in this language, which are dated back to the 10th-11th centuries.

Old Church Slavonic is the first literary, written language of the Slavs. It is based on one of the South Slavic dialects.

Russians call it Old Slavonic, and Bulgarians call it Old Bulgarian. Written monuments in this language belong to the famous Slavic educators Cyril and Methodius. Their mission to create a literary language for all Slavs became possible due to the fact that at that time Slavic speech was still relatively unified. The Old Church Slavonic language did not exist in the form of living folk speech; it always remained the language of the Church, culture and writing, but was understandable to all ancient Slavs.

The language of Old Church Slavonic monuments was influenced by the Old Russian language, as a result of which the East Slavic version (edition) of the Old Church Slavonic language, or Church Slavonic language, arose. This language characterizes Old Russian monuments copied from Old Church Slavonic originals, and a number of our own Old Russian works.

Bis_8.indd 4 09.26.2011 16:59: 1. Remember the distinctive features of Old Church Slavonic words and determine whether these words are Russianisms or Old Church Slavonicisms. You write them in two columns. Pick a pair to go with them (Russian or Starosla Vyanskaya). How are these words different?

Hair, gunpowder, hail, sweet, cold, citizen, good, temple, frost, ear, verb, brave, environment, side, time, beard, road, moisture, power, partition.

2. Eliminate judgments that you consider incorrect:

a) Old Church Slavonic is the language that all Slavs once spoke;

b) Old Church Slavonic is a common language literary language all Orthodox Slavs;

c) Old Church Slavonic - South Slavic language;

d) Old Church Slavonic - the language spoken in Ancient Rus';

e) the Old Church Slavonic language influenced the Russian literary language.

IV. In addition to the East Slavic subgroup, the West Slavic (Polish, Czech, Slovak) and South Slavic (Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovenian, Macedonian) subgroups are traditionally distinguished. The languages ​​of each of these subgroups have a number of features, the differences between them are significant, but still the Eastern, Western and South Slavic languages ​​have much in common with each other, since they are part of a single related group of Slavic languages.

All ancient and modern Slavic languages ​​descended from the Proto-Slavic language (it is also called Common Slavic or Common Slavic language-base). It served as a means of communication for all Slavic tribes living in Central and Eastern Europe. Scientists do not have any original Slavic written monuments at their disposal, so its structure can be partially restored on the basis of a comparative historical study of the surviving Slavic languages.

Bis_8.indd 5 09.26.2011 16:59: The similarity of the Slavic languages ​​among themselves is manifested in vocabulary, word formation, sound and grammatical structure. Their similarity can be explained not only by relatedness in origin, but also by the relatively recent collapse of the proto-Slavic language.

Do you know that...

Experts - linguists and historians - are still arguing where the ancestral home of the Slavs was located, that is, the territory on which they lived as a single people and from where they dispersed, forming separate peoples and languages. Some scientists place it between the Vistula and the middle reaches of the Dnieper, others - between the Vistula in the east and the Oder in the west. Now many experts believe that the ancestral home of the Slavs was in Pannonia, on the Middle Danube, from where they moved to the north and east. As one of the proofs that the Slavs were in Central Europe, they cite, for example, the lexical similarity between Slavic languages ​​and languages Western Europe. Compare the Latin and Russian words hostis - “guest”, struere - “to build”, fornus - “horn”, paludes - “flood”.

(Encyclopedia “Linguistics. Russian Language”) 3. Read the text. What new things have you learned? By what method do scientists establish the relationship of languages? Which languages ​​are “close” relatives of the Russian language, and which are “distant”?

Tracing the history of related languages ​​and comparing them with each other, scientists noticed that these languages ​​are similar in many ways and they have many “common” words, similar in meaning Bis_8.indd 6 09.26.2011 16:59: words that sound approximately the same. Having analyzed the occurring “coincidences” using the so-called comparative-historical method, linguists identified patterns of sound correspondence between “common” words and developed strict rules that make it possible to establish not only the fact of the relationship of languages, but also the degree of relationship. And now we can confidently say that, for example, Slavic languages ​​are related to each other, since the rules that prove this apply to them. In particular, there is such a rule, according to which all non-borrowed Russian words with the combination -oro- have -ra- in Bulgarian, -ra- in Czech, and -ro- in Polish:

Russian Bulgarian Czech Polish city grad grad grod gate gate vrata wrota cow krava krava krowa Or this rule: where a Russian says re, ri, a Pole will definitely say rze, rzy (zhe, zhi): sea - morze (“maybe”), mushroom - grzyb (“gzhib”), etc.

In other words, if “common” words in Slavic languages ​​are bound by strict rules of “phonetic translation”, then these languages ​​are related.

By applying the rules (and there are a lot of them!) it is possible to prove that Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages closer to each other than to Polish or Czech, and these two, in turn, are closer to each other than to Russian or Serbian.

The next degree of kinship connects the Slavic languages ​​with the Baltic. You can be convinced of the closeness of these languages ​​by leafing through the Russian-Latvian dictionary and finding in it such pairs of words as: head - galva, ice - ledus, friend - draugs, etc.

More “distant” relatives of the Slavic languages ​​are other Indo-European languages. For example, the Russian language is “second cousins” with German, which can also be proven using the comparative historical method.

Bis_8.indd 7 09.26.2011 16:59: 2. Highlight microthemes in the text. Do they match the paragraph boundaries? Make a plan for the text and use this plan to tell about related Slavic languages ​​and the degree of their relationship with the languages ​​of other groups.

3. Find sentences in the text with participial and participial phrases. Explain why they are separated by commas.

All related languages ​​are united into a language family, which may consist of more or less separate language groups or branches.

One of the largest language families in Eurasia, which has also spread to other continents over the past five centuries, is the Indo-European family of languages. Common ancestor, the ancestor of modern Indo-European languages ​​was the common Indo-European base language, or the Indo-European proto-language, which existed in ancient times and several thousand years before our era, for some reason, was divided into several independent branches. They could be neighbors, have intense contact, and develop similarly. However, it could have been different: the speakers of an isolated language broke away from the main body of “relatives”, migrated to other regions, communicated closely with speakers of unrelated languages, picking up new sounds, words, syntactic structures from them and forgetting much of their previous heritage. Every new language could share further, and then everything would repeat itself. Therefore, related languages ​​can be similar to each other to varying degrees. As a result of the collapse of the Indo-European proto-language, branches of Indo-European languages ​​appeared and eventually formed modern languages, belonging to the Indo-European language family. One of these branches of the Indo-European proto-language was the Proto-Slavic language.

4. We carry out linguistic observation. The Indo-European root *kol-*kel had three meanings: 1) ‘to move, rotate’;

2) ‘beat, stab’;

3) ‘to rise, to grow’.

Analyze which of these meanings the following Russian words go back to: wheel, okolet, ear, chain mail, knee, ring, brow, okolitsa, kolobok, kalach. Consult etymological dictionaries for help. Work in groups. Present your research in the form of a report.

Bis_8.indd 8 09.26.2011 16:59: 5. The distribution of languages ​​by kinship is called genetic or genealogical classification. Look at the drawing. Name the language groups that are part of the Indo-European family of languages.

6. 1. Look at the drawing from the book by A.A. Leontiev “What is language”

(see p. 10) and using the drawing ex. 5 determine: words from which family of languages ​​are presented in the picture. What language groups do these languages ​​belong to? What is the name of their common proto-language?

Bis_8.indd 9 09.26.2011 16:59: 2. Compare the words denoting “gray predator” in different Indo-European languages language family. What did you notice? Draw a conclusion in what ways similarities between related languages ​​of the same family may be manifested.

7. From the lists below, exclude:

a) non-Slavic languages: Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Greek, Estonian;

b) dead languages: Latvian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Latin, Russian, Old Church Slavonic, ancient Greek;

c) languages ​​not related to South Slavic: Serbo-Croatian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Old Church Slavonic;

d) languages ​​not related to Western Slavic: Czech, Ukrainian, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Bulgarian.

Bis_8.indd 10 09.26.2011 16:59: We repeat the spelling (East) Slavic, (ancient) Russian, (Old) Slavic, (South) Slavic, (Old) Bolgarian, (Church) Slavic, or..ginal , (West) Slavic, gru(p, pp)a, (common) Slavic, letter (n, nn)ost, subli(n, nn)y, (comparatively) historical..s, (Indo) European, sp ..tsialist, (Russian)Latvian, m..grit, g..n..tic, g..n..alogical, cla(s,ss)ification, (ancient)Greek..skiy, (Serbo) h..rvatsky, sl..vatsky, sl..

Let's test ourselves 1 Among the following language names, find synonymous names.

Old Slavic, Proto-Slavic, Old Russian, Common Slavic, Old Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Russian, Slovak, Great Russian, Common East Slavic, Slovenian.

2 Based on theoretical material, complete the diagram.

parent language-base Proto-Slavic language South Slavic _ group of languages ​​(Old Russian) (Polish, Slovak (_, _, _, _) cue, Czech, etc.) Modern Russian language Bis_8.indd 11 09.26.2011 16:59: Speech (we repeat and learning new things) §1. Text. Types of speech Remember What is called text?

What role does the title play in the text? What can he express?

What questions should you ask to determine the main idea? Subject of the text?

What is the difference between narrow and broad topics?

What ways of connecting sentences in a text do you know?

What is the difference between description and narration, narration and reasoning?

8. Read the sentences in two columns. Which of them presents the text, and which contains individual sentences? How did you determine this?

Name the features of the text.

There was pine blossom. Standing rain with a bucket from the sky to hit the pine tree with a stick gloomily pours. The branch smells like the sky, like the thick yellow and pine of a restless spring.

the cloud surrounded us. Slowly, with mushrooms and strawberries, the golden scent of the forest settled in the calm. A breeze with pollen.

fields bring warmth.

Bis_8.indd 12 09.26.2011 16:59: 9. 1. Read the sentences. Can we call them text? Why? Restore the order of the sentences according to meaning and write down the resulting text.

We entered the room and approached the sofa. “Well, get out, baby, don’t be afraid,” my mother suggested. The animal's muzzle was very funny: its upper and lower parts were gray, and in the middle there were wide black stripes stretching from the nose to the ears. From the wallet appeared an oblong muzzle with a black nose, shiny eyes and very small erect ears.

One day my mother called me: “Yura, look what kind of bottle I brought.” Mom was holding a purse; there, on a bed of grass and leaves, someone fat in a silver skin was fidgeting. I rushed to the house. The fur is light, silver. How entertaining he is! The baby got out of the bag. The baby immediately realized what was happening, took the entire pacifier into his mouth and even closed his eyes with pleasure. Mom took a bottle with a pacifier from the cupboard and poured milk into it.

2. Prove that you have completed the text. How can you title it?

Come up with two or three headings that will fully correspond to its content.

3. Underline the means of communication in the text. Draw a conclusion about how the sentences in the resulting text are connected - sequential or parallel.

4. Find a description in the text. What parts does it consist of?

I. The text consists of sentences related to each other lexically, grammatically and in meaning.

The text must be integral and complete.

The text is integral, if from the beginning to the end of the text its parts are united by one topic (and not many), it is not interrupted by irrelevant digressions or unnecessary details.

The text is considered complete if the topic started in the text is fully revealed and a complete answer to the question posed is given.

An excerpt from a text (scientific, artistic, journalistic) can be a text if it is understandable without any explanation and has all the features of a text.

Bis_8.indd 13 09.26.2011 16:59: The text has a general theme and main idea. The title in the text can express the topic or main idea.

The text may contain hidden meaning.

In terms of volume, the text can be small - two or three sentences - and large - a story, a novel.

10. 1. Read the titles of the topics. Mark the boundaries of each topic.

“A day that I will never forget”, “Sunday walk outside the city”, “Favorite corner of nature”, “Nature of our region”, “My summer holidays”.

2. Optional task: write an essay on one of the named topics.

11. Read a fragment of the table of contents from a textbook on the Russian language.

Which of these topics is broad and which is narrow? How are they different?

Basic methods and means of connecting sentences in the text Chain and parallel connection of sentences in the text Title as a means of connecting sentences in the text Order of sentences in the text. Word order in a sentence Address as a means of connecting sentences in a text 12. Read a fragment of the table of contents from a history textbook. What topic - narrow or broad - is included in the title of the chapter?

Chapter VI. Society, church, culture in Russia in the first half of the 19th century § 17. Slavophiles and Westerners § 18. Russian Orthodox Church § 19. Russian utopian socialism § 20. National roots of Russian culture and Western influences. Science and education § 21. Russian literature § 22. Architecture, theater, painting, music Bis_8.indd 14 09/26/2011 16:59: 13. 1. Read the headings of individual paragraphs from the Russian language textbook. Which titles reflect a broad theme? How do the other headings relate to them? In what order should headings appear in a table of contents? Restore their sequence and write them down.

Period Question mark Exclamation mark Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence Ellipsis Functions of punctuation marks at the end of a sentence Dash between the subject and predicate Dash after the naming form Dash in an incomplete sentence Punctuation rules Dash between members of a sentence Intonation-semantic dash Connecting dash 2. Come up with your own examples of wide and narrow topics Submit your answer.

14. 1. Read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov. Do you think this poem has a title? How can you find this poem in the table of contents of the book? Have you ever come across such texts without a title?

*** In the wild north, a pine tree stands alone on a bare top, And it slumbers, swaying, and is dressed like a robe in the snow.

And she dreams of everything that in the distant desert, In the land where the sun rises, Alone and sad on a flammable cliff A beautiful palm tree grows.

2. Find examples of poems without titles yourself.

Bis_8.indd 15 09.26.2011 16:59: II. Some lyric poems do not have a title; its absence is indicated by the sign *** (three asterisks). In this case, they speak of a zero title. If there is no title, the poem is called by the first line, and by the entire first line, and not by part of it. In the table of contents of a book, a poem without a title should be looked for by its first line.

15. 1. Read the text. Name the key words and phrases necessary to reveal the topic and main idea. What is the main idea of ​​the text? Determine its topic, choose a title.

You will see green willow everywhere: in vegetable gardens, in orchards, along highways. It grows a lot along the banks of forest rivulets and along streams. People call willow by different names.

The forest has not yet turned green like spring, but the delicate willow is blooming, reflected in the melt water, with yellow puffs. When the sun warms up a little, bees fly out of the hives and hover over the flowering willows, collecting golden pollen.

Willow is an unpretentious tree. You can cut down or cut off its thin trunk and stick it even shallowly into the ground - it will take root, take root, and begin to grow.

From the beginning of spring, nightingales settle in the willow thickets and tirelessly sing their songs. The roots of willows protect dams built by people from erosion by spring water. From time to time, shuddering from an unexpected wind, the willow whispers quietly, revealing the silvery underside of its leaves.

How beautiful is this willow hanging down over the water, reflecting the sky and clouds floating into the distance.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov) 2. Describe the structure of the text. Name the type of speech (description, narration, reasoning, mixed).

3. How many paragraphs are there in the text? Why do you think the author divided the text this way?

4. Write out the first sentences of the paragraphs. Read what you got. Can we call this text? Prove it. Has Bis_8.indd 16 09.26.2011 16:59 been preserved: the main idea of ​​the text? Draw a conclusion: what is the role of the first sentences of paragraphs in the construction of the text?

5. Do parsing written sentences, explain the punctuation marks in them.

6. Find spelling patterns in the highlighted words. Explain their spelling.

16. Consider the diagram, draw a conclusion from it about the means of communication of sentences in the text.

Linguistic means of connecting sentences in the text lexical morphological syntactic synonyms pronouns word order antonyms adverbs introductory words lexical repetition conjunction incomplete sentences forms of the same word syntactic parallelism types tense forms of verbs division of syntactic construction 17. 1. Read the texts. Prove that these are texts in front of you.

Write down the means of connecting sentences and draw a conclusion in what way the sentences in these texts are connected.

1) One late evening I went out into the garden, to the well. I placed a dim kerosene “bat” lantern on the log house

and took out water. Leaves floated in the center. They were everywhere. There was no way to get rid of them anywhere. Brown bread from the bakery was brought with wet leaves stuck to it. The wind threw handfuls of leaves on the table, on the bed, on the floor, on the books, and it was difficult to walk along the paths of the garden: you had to walk through the snow, as if through deep snow. We found leaves in the pockets of our raincoats, in our caps, in our hair - everywhere. We slept on them and were thoroughly saturated with their smell.

(K. Paustovsky) 2) A warm spring day is ending. On the tops of the stupidly frontal mountains the glow of the evening sunset is fading. Light, thinning clouds float across the sky. The last gusts of wind subside.

It's getting dark quickly. In the frozen blue of the sky, the stars light up one after another. (Gr. Fedoseev) 2. What method of communication does the first diagram illustrate? And the second?

1) 1 2 3 4 5 2) 2 3 4 3. Can texts combine both sequential and parallel connections of sentences?

18. 1. Read an excerpt from the story “Let's get to know each other.”

Think about how this text is structured - by type of description, narration, reasoning? Prove it.

We live in the Caucasus. Our city is squeezed by mountains on three sides. The city is covered by a horseshoe of mountains. Immediately beyond the river, the mountains are green and low, overgrown with crooked wild apple trees, wild persimmons and thorns. These mountains are called Prosvirny Kurgan and Kizilovka. Here in the hollows it is always cool, there is a light silence and there are wild boars and snakes.

Behind these, low and green, other mountains rise, gray, steep, as if carved from huge stones. Nothing grows on them, not a blade of grass, not a bush. There are strong winds and eagles rule there. It is interesting to watch how an eagle, having risen from some bare rock, rises upward in wide, slow circles, never flapping its wings and only moving the black, finger-like feathers at their ends. He can walk in circles in the thick blue sky for several hours, and then suddenly, folding his wings, with black stones Bis_8.indd 18 09.26.2011 16:59: he falls from a height down to the ground, and immediately rises again, holding in his paws gopher or field mouse.

And above these gray ones, another mountains are piled high, white, with purple and blue shadows, looking like clouds that have fallen to the ground and split apart. These are the grandchildren of the old man El Brus. That's what they call them - Elbrus. Our school is located in such a way that the entire mountain range is visible from the hallway windows. In the morning the snow on Elbrusyat is always pink, at noon it is dazzlingly white, and in the evening it is blue, gradually turning blue. Elbrus itself is not visible from our city. (N. Vnukov) 2. How many semantic parts are there in this text? Why is the text divided into paragraphs this way?

3. Determine the method of connection between sentences. Find and write down means of communication.

4. Write out comparisons from the text. Indicate the way to express them.

19. 1. Read the text. What is his main idea?

(1)…(2) He main character complex circus art, a hero who poetizes physical perfection, courage and human will. (3) In searching for an artistic image and solving a particular act, directors, artists, musicians and other circus workers help him. 4) But it is he, the artist, who has a direct emotional impact on the audience.

5) Impeccable mastery of technique is one of the main conditions for the profession of a circus artist. 6) Many circus acts include elements of sports and require excellent sports training from the performers. 7) But, nevertheless, circus art is significantly different from sports. 8) The circus is, first of all, a spectacle, the creators of which, without thinking about victories and records, strive to achieve an aesthetic spectacular effect. (According to T. Zakirova) 2. Which of the sentences below should be the first in this text?

Bis_8.indd 19 09.26.2011 16:59: 1) Circus is an art of the greatest precision.

2) At the center of any circus performance is the artist.

3) Any circus genre has special features and properties inherent only to it.

4) A circus performer is not only a person with first-class technical and physical dexterity. But also an actor who creates a certain artistic image.

3. In what meaning is the word technology used in the text?

1) The set of tools and means of labor used in social production, as well as the area of ​​human activity associated with their production, use and improvement.

2) Machines, mechanical tools, devices.

3) A set of professional techniques used in any business, skill, or art.

20. 1. Read and prove that there is a text in front of you, name the signs of the text. Formulate the topic and main idea of ​​the text. Does the title reflect the topic or the main idea? Define the text style.

The Eighth Wonder of the World The Seven Wonders of the World were created by people in ancient times: the majestic Egyptian pyramids, the beautiful statue of Zeus in Olympia, the hanging gardens of the Assyrian queen Semiramis in Babylon, the temple of Artemis of Ephesus, the gigantic statue of the god Helios in the harbor of the island of Rhodes, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and the lighthouse in Alexandria. Since then, when they come across a work of human hands that goes beyond the scope of an ordinary phenomenon, they say with admiration - the eighth wonder of the world.

Without exaggeration, Russian wooden architecture can be called such a miracle. Using simple tools - an ax, a skewer and a chisel - Russian carpenters built magnificent churches, cut down fortifications with towers, residential buildings and simple household structures. They rarely used a saw; it was more convenient to work with an ax.

Bis_8.indd 20 09.26.2011 16:59: Builders who worked with wood had many secrets.

Here's one of them. On a cut of a cut tree, annual rings are visible, from which you can calculate how old it is. These rings are located unevenly: on the side where the north was, they fit closer to each other, on the other side - less often.

When the logs are placed in a log house, they are turned outward on the side where the annual rings are closely spaced, where the wood is denser and, therefore, more durable.

An ax in the hands of an experienced craftsman became a universal tool: it can be used to cut down a tree, trim it, “smooth” a board or timber to a shine, and carve a spoon.

The entire building was assembled without a single nail; the peasants could not afford iron parts, and they were not needed for construction: the wooden structure was thought out in such a way that the logs, laid one to one, could not be moved from their place.

(According to L. Lavrentieva and Yu. Smirnov) 2. What means of communication did you encounter in the text (pronouns, forms of the same word, words of the same thematic group, etc.)?

3. Determine in what way(s) the sentences in the text are connected: sequential, parallel or mixed. Prove this with examples from the text.

4. Check in the dictionary lexical meaning highlighted words. For the words gigantic, choose synonyms more conveniently.

5. Write out a sentence with a participial phrase. Explain the punctuation in it. Do the parsing.

6. Make a plan for this text and write a short summary based on this plan.

What do you know about the seven wonders of the world? Search online 7.

information about one of the monuments listed in the text and prepare a short report about it.

21. 1. Read the text. Give it a title and determine the type of speech. Explain why you came to this conclusion.

Everyone knows how beautifully and temptingly the bright tufts of lingonberries peek out from the dark glossy greenery in the fall, but few Bis_8.indd 21 09.26.2011 16:59: who noticed how this evergreen shrub blooms. It never even occurred to us that that inconspicuous flower fry over there could infuse a huge forest with its aroma. I said “inconspicuous flower fry” and thus undeservedly insulted one of the most graceful and beautiful flowers. You just need to take the time to pick a few branches, or even better, get down on your knees and carefully look at them.

What seemed the same from afar will amaze you with its diversity.

Here are almost white, but still pink bells gathered in a drooping cluster at the tip of a dark green branch. Each bell is no larger than a match head, and what a smell! These are lingonberry flowers. (According to V. Soloukhin) 2. Try to read the text without adjectives. What impression did he make on you? What is the role of adjectives in the text?

22. 1. Read the text. Give it a title. What type of speech does it belong to? By what signs did you determine this?

The rain fell in a calm, monochromatic, gelatinous sky.

The noise continued all night. By morning it became quiet. It just dripped copiously from the trees.

The rain had passed, and the festivities began by the river. Never before, with the most rapid melting of the deepest snows, has there been such a flood on our river. But still, our river is too small to seriously harm people even in such a flood.

I walked along the shore, not thinking about anything, admiring the truly extraordinary sight. I stopped at one place.

The water in this place hit the curved bank and went in circles. A monotonous weak squeak began to reach my ears. I listened and realized that there was not one creature squeaking, but several, and somewhere very close, almost at my feet. Having taken a few steps along the shore, I listened again and then I saw a tiny dimple at the toe of my boot, which seemed to me to be a huge rubber boot. In the hole, huddled in a ball, tiny creatures lurked, helpless, like all cubs.

I wanted to know whose cubs these were, and I began to look around. From behind the top of the alder tree, frantically, continuously raking its paws to stay in one place, a muskrat looked at me with its black beads. Having met my eyes, she quickly, fearfully swam to the side, but an invisible connection held her as if on a thread. She returned to the alder bush and again began to look at me, rowing tirelessly in one place.

The muskrat stayed on the water about two meters from me, which is incredible for this extremely cautious, extremely timid animal. It was heroism, it was the mother’s self-sacrifice, but it couldn’t have been otherwise: after all, the cubs screamed so alarmingly and so invitingly!

I finally left so as not to interfere with the mother doing her eternal job - saving her children. (According to V. Soloukhin) 2. Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text. Find sentences in which it is expressed.

3. Write down verbs from the text that denote a sequence of actions.

4. Will the words monotonous, monotonous be contextual synonyms?

5. Highlight the semantic parts in the text. Make an outline of it and retell the text according to this outline. What type of plan did you use?

23. Does the text correspond to ex. 22 this compositional scheme?

What type of speech is this sequence typical for?

1. The beginning of the action.

2. Development of action.

3. Climax.

4. Denouement.

24. 1. Read the text. What is its theme, main idea? What do you mean by the title? What role does he play in the text? How else can you head this text?

Bis_8.indd 23 09.26.2011 16:59: Robin The most songbirds usually do not sing in the fall, but the Robin sings in the fall. Because the dawn comes every day, even in the fall, the dawn comes every day, although it is no longer the same as it was in the spring.

And Zaryanka’s songs are no longer the same. Not so loud. But the point is not in the voice, but in the fact that you want to sing. Even in the fall.

There are four times of day - just like there are four seasons.

And every day in the fall there is spring, you just need not to miss it, you need to get up at dawn, and then you will find spring in the middle of autumn.

She is not like she is in the middle of spring. Not everyone recognizes her.

Over there, the birds are silent and do not notice spring. A short autumn spring - a short autumn morning... The birds are silent... No. You hear: it’s the Robin singing. Bird of Dawn. She senses her spring, even if this spring is in the middle of autumn.

And she sings, encouraging spring: hold on, spring, it’s nothing that you were born in the middle of autumn, it’s so beautiful - a piece of spring in the middle of autumn.

The Robin, the bird of spring, sings... There are four times of day for every season of the year. (According to F. Krivin) 2. Determine the type of speech. Justify your answer.

3. What means of communication are used in the text? Write them down and determine how the sentences in the text are connected.

4. Choose examples of words with roots -zor- - -zar-. Explain their spelling.

5. Remember how reasoning is built. Find the thesis in the text. What arguments does the author give? Is there a conclusion to this reasoning?

25. 1. Read the outline of the complete reasoning.

Which of these Rationale Why? should?

Thesis Conclusion 2 arguments because therefore 1 3 examples 2. Analyze the reasoning from exercise. 24 according to this scheme. Find the thesis, arguments, examples, conclusion in them.

Bis_8.indd 24 09.26.2011 16:59: 26. 1. Read the text. What type of speech would you classify it as? Why?

A day full of events and impressions flies by quickly, but then, in memories, it seems huge.

A mediocre day (if, for example, you lie on the couch from morning to evening) lasts for a year, and you begin to remember - an empty place, as if it never existed. (V. Soloukhin) Does this happen to you? Which days do you have more? Do you agree 2.

3. Optional assignment: write a short essay about one of these days in your life. What type of speech will you use?

27. 1. Read the text.

(1) Fogs rose from the fields, from the meadows, from the waters and melted into the heavenly azure, but in the forest the fogs lingered for a long time. (2) The sun rises higher, the rays penetrate into the depths of the thicket through the forest fog, and there, in the thicket, you can look at them directly.

(3) The green paths in the forest all seem to be smoking, the fog rises everywhere, the water sits in bubbles on the leaves, on the needles of the fir trees, on the spider webs, on the telegraph wire. (4) And, as the sun rises and the air warms up, the droplets on the telegraph wire begin to merge with one another and thin out. (5) Probably the same thing is done on trees: drops merge there too.

(6) And when, finally, the sun began to warm the graph wire fairly well on the body, large rainbow drops began to fall to the ground. (7) And the same thing in the coniferous and deciduous forest - it wasn’t rain, but as if joyful tears were shed. (8) The aspen was especially trembling and joyful when one drop falling from above set a sensitive leaf in motion, and so lower and lower, the entire aspen, sparkling in complete calm, trembled from the falling drop. (M. Prishvin) 2. What type of speech is this text:

a) narration b) description Bis_8.indd 25 09.26.2011 17:00: c) description of the condition environment d) reasoning 3. In what case is the method of connecting sentences in the text incorrectly determined:

1st and 2nd sentences - sequential 2nd and 3rd sentences - parallel 5th and 6th sentences - sequential 7th and 8th sentences - parallel 4. Find the third “extra” in each column

below heavenly coniferous foggy stronger cobweb deciduous cobweb above rainbow falling special 28. Explain the types of speech based on the diagram. What type of speech will your message be?

narration Speech reasoning description of the subject place the state of the human environment 29. 1. Read the text. Determine its topic and main idea.

Find confirmation of this in the text. How do you understand the meaning of the title? Explain.

Best Report Doctor medical sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of the Academy of Sciences, etc. and so on.

Well, is such a person supposed to wash the floors at home?

Varvara Pavlovna is washing. And this is not a whim, not a game of the people, from the very midst of which she emerged.

“I wash the floor and wash myself,” Varvara Pavlovna smiles. - Do not understand? As soon as I take the wet milestone in my hands and start walking Bis_8.indd 26 09.26.2011 17:00: fall on the floor, I remember everything: my native village, childhood, grandmother, mother, all the foundations on which my parents, and ancestors, and I were brought up . And then such a renewal occurs in you, such strength is born... Believe it or not, for me this is the best rest. Lesson from the North. And in scientific terms, connection to the battery of childhood, which, it turns out, has inexhaustible energy. In any case, I gave a report on this topic in Paris, and, you know, not a single report of mine was as successful as this one. (F. Abramov) 2. Prove based on the diagram of exercise. 25 that this is reasoning.

3. How do you understand the words milestone, foundations? What vocabulary do they belong to?

4. How do you feel about what is being said in the text? Share your “secrets”.

We repeat the spelling D..treasury, a(k,kk)umulator, (not)and..scooped, sh..rstka, k..shelka, def..division, para(l,ll)elny, otech.. steve(n,nn)y, t..atr, (across)everywhere, (in), (slightly)slightly, (from)rarely, (in)differently, (not)loud.., to. .rosiny, gr..m..zditsya, (half)day, ts..rkovaya, profession(s,ss)iya, e(f,ff)ect, r..cord, el..ment, r.. zhi(s,ss)yor, v..l..colepny, (first) class(s,ss)ny, t..technical, sn..rovka, art(s,ss)tvo, p..ramida, a(s,ss)Irian, Efe(s,ss)kaya, Spanish..linsky, m..vzoley, production, zoo(?)quality,, (c)handmade .., (dark) green, impression, l..zur, ra(s,ss)judgment.

Testing ourselves 1 Look at the diagram. Based on it, compose a detailed report about the types of speech. Give examples.

According to the nature of the speech activity of the participants in communication:

monologue (what is it?) Dialogue SPEECH (when does it happen?) Bis_8.indd 27 09.26.2011 17:00: By way of speaking:

oral SPEECH written 2 1. Read the text.

Each tree has its own price!

It will blow with the wind, and a mile away you will hear the linden blossom!

An invisible river of honey aroma flows from her through the bright July grass. In calm weather, countless bees flock here to work. The old tree, brightened by flowering, hums and makes noise with bees flashing and flickering among the flowers and leaves. More honey is collected from one linden tree than from a hectare of flowering buckwheat.

The bird cherry blossom has no similar use, but it blooms early, at the time of spring awakening and the riot of all earthly forces and juices. That is why the lyrics of secret meetings, first dates, and hot girlish love are connected with it.

But the bird cherry and lilac bloom, the grass withers, the leaves turn yellow. Even the bees are carried away into the warm, stuffy omshaniki. The colors of withering dominate the autumn surroundings, and not one of the trees that festively decorated our land on summer days is now able to be a decoration. Who will notice the same bird cherry in September, who will pay attention to the jasmine, who will not pass indifferently past the rosehip thickets! (V. Soloukhin) 2. What type of speech does this text belong to:

1) description 2) narration 3) reasoning 3. Determine the method of connection between the 2nd and 3rd sentences in the text:

1) sequential 2) parallel 4. Indicate the means of expression in the sentence:

An invisible river of honey aroma flows from it through the bright July forbs.

1) metaphor 2) comparison 3) personification Bis_8.indd 28 09.26.2011 17:00: 5. In what meaning is the word color used in the text (from bird cherry color):

1) Same as flower.

2) The best part of smth.

3) The flowering period of plants.

6. Give a synonym for the word fade.

1) bloom 2) wither 3) turn yellow 7. Find the “extra” in each group of words:

1) flower, bloom, bloom, colored, fade 2) bloom, bloom, blooming 8. Indicate the third “extra” in each column

flickering hear flickering fade decorating collect invisible linden rainy bird cherry countless lilac §2. Speech Styles Remember What is a speech style?

What is the difference between conversational and book styles?

30. Consider the diagram and, based on it, talk about the classification of speech styles. Describe each style: area of ​​use;

goals and objectives;


linguistic means, genres.

Bis_8.indd 29 09.26.2011 17:00: Speech styles Conversational Book language poorly official-journalism scientific formal business literature conversation abstract, letter, note, poem (direct review, statement, essay, poem, personal, review, trusted - report, play, telephone plan, feuilleton, story, ny), theses, receipt, interview, story, conversation, summary, summary, article novel, story, abstract instructions (for a newspaper, epic letter, magazine) SMS 31. Read the sentences. For what purpose are they used? Determine which functional style each sentence is typical for.

1) How not to admire the beauty of these endless fields and forests! 2) What are the features of the speech of the main character of this work? - First of all, in the use of dialect words. 3) You should prepare well for the test.

4) Our task is to persistently acquire knowledge. 5) Dialects are the speech used by the indigenous population of a particular area. 6) It is prohibited to cross the street in the wrong place. 7) Steppes are usually called large flat areas with grassy vegetation that developed in an arid climate. 8) On an island covered with pine trees, where time immemorial The pagan Slavs made sacrifices to the thunderer Perun, the tourist camp is noisy.

Bis_8.indd 30 09.26.2011 17:00: 9) And what about a summer, July morning? Who, besides the hunter, has experienced how pleasant it is to wander through the bushes at dawn? 10) What are you mumbling about? - Hello, Maryivanna!

1. Read an excerpt from Fox Mickey's Diary. What style of speech can this text be classified as? By what signs did you determine this?

My owner Zina looks more like a Fox than a girl:

squeals, jumps, catches the ball with her hands (she can’t use her mouth) and chews sugar, just like a dog. I keep thinking - does she have a tail? She always walks around in her girl's blankets;

but he won’t let me into the bathroom - I’d like to peek.

Yesterday she boasted: you see, Mickey, how many of them I have. Arithmetic - dictation - essays... But you, you poor wretch, can neither speak, nor read, nor write.

Woof! I can think - and this is the most important thing. Which is better: a thinking fox or a talking parrot? Yeah!

Write... Laugh, laugh (I hate it when people laugh)! - I also learned to write. True, my toes don’t bend; I’m neither a man nor a monkey. But I take the pencil into my mouth, step on the notebook with my paw so that it doesn’t move, and write.

At first the letters looked like crushed earthworms. But Foxes are much more diligent than girls. Now I write no worse than Zina. I just don't know how to sharpen pencils. When mine fails, I quietly run into the office and steal from the table the human-honed stubs. (Sasha Cherny) 2. Write out words of conversational style from the text. Are there any common words among them? Find synonyms for them. Why do you think the author uses quite a lot of such words in the text?

3. Is this text a monologue? If so, is it a narrative monologue or a reasoning monologue?

Bis_8.indd 31 09.26.2011 17:00: 33. 1. Read the text. Determine what its purpose is. In what area can it be used? What style does this text belong to? Indicate the main features of this style.

Earth is unique because it is the only planet we know of that supports life.

Earth is one of the planets solar system, its component.

The center of the solar system is the Sun. The sun is a star, a hot ball. It emits a huge amount of energy - heat and light - into interplanetary space.

2. Characterize the sentences according to the purpose of the statement.

34. What style will you use to:

exchange opinions about the weather, report information about a thunderstorm, draw the onset of a thunderstorm.

35. Read the words and expressions. Which of them are used only in official business speech?

Petition, August, tax office, golden hands, ultimatum, crybaby, mammals, plunderer, looked into water, plaintiff, owner, linguistics, able to pay, memorandum, bonus, outgoing, enroll.

36. Form the nominative case form from these nouns plural. Highlight the nouns that have variants. Which option is used in formal business speech? Make two or three sentences with these words.

Director, passport, accountant, contract, inspector, driver, sector, mechanic, cream, professor.

37. 1. Give a stylistic assessment of the constructions “the director signed the characteristic” or “the director signed the characteristic” if we are talking about a woman. Which construction do you prefer: a) in a strict business speech;

b) in scientific speech;

c) in a live oral conversation with friends?

Bis_8.indd 32 09.26.2011 17:00: 2. Make up sentences characteristic of an official business style with the nouns doctor, surgeon, professor, accountant. Use the predicate verb in the singular past tense.

38. Match these nouns with verbs with which they are combined in business speech.

Order, reprimand, official letter, invoice, financial report, censure, control, gratitude, appeal, consultation.

Words for reference: present, implement, direct, draw up, establish, assign, announce, take out, issue, submit, present.

39. Read the sentences. Correct the mistakes in them and write down the correct options.

1) On school holiday Several awards were given. 2) On the eve of my birthday I got sick. 3) In the spring, as a result of melting snow, the water level in the river increased. 4) Business bustle reigned in the school assembly hall. 5) They did all this seriously, without blinking. 6) The work must include as many people and horses as possible to cope with harvesting potatoes. 7) Unfortunately, on high level is the number of road traffic accidents. 8) Upon the arrival of the guests, my grandmother sent me to the store to buy bread.

40. 1. Read the text. Determine the type and style of speech.

The language of the Internet is a new type of communication - oral written communication, since it combines the characteristics of written and oral speech, and also has its own properties determined by computer communication. The main form of existence of communication on the Internet is written Bis_8.indd 33 09.26.2011 17:00: form, but all the rules of written speech are violated here, since communication is largely informal.

Written speech is always carefully thought out, organized, checked, corrected, and clear. In this respect, the closest thing to written speech is The World Wide Web(world wide web), the farthest are chat rooms and virtual worlds. As for emails, the situation is twofold. Some people send messages without checking, without worrying about spelling errors, while others, on the contrary, carefully check their messages, even more carefully than regular letters, in order to avoid a “scandal”. The language of the Internet is close to traditional writing in that it lacks extra-linguistic elements, although web pages contain virtual elements such as photographs, maps, diagrams, animations that help to better understand the text.

The language of the Internet, combining the features of oral and written speech, differs from them. This means of communication can do what other means cannot do, therefore, it must be considered as a new type of communication. The features of electronic texts leave their mark on the language, and together with the features inherent in oral and written speech, they make the Internet language a real third means of communication. (According to N. Akhrenova) 2. Remember how written speech differs from oral speech. What speech styles use these types of speech?

3. Do you agree that “the language of the Internet is a new type of communication - oral and written”? Where on the Internet is written speech used, and where is oral speech used?

4. When you write letters on the Internet, do you follow spelling and punctuation rules? If not, why not?

41. 1. Read the text. Determine his style. What genre can this text be classified into? What does the title reflect? What role do interrogative sentences play in the text?

Bis_8.indd 34 09.26.2011 17:00: Do not trample flower beds Is it possible to write about tulips in a newspaper?

Or are flowers a topic only for poets? No! This topic is important for everyone. Without flowers, people's lives would be poorer.

Flowers decorate parks and squares, streets, houses and apartments of people. Flowers bring joy and beauty to your home.

Only careful treatment of flowers will help preserve their beauty, as well as the beauty of cities and houses.

Try writing this text in the announcement genre (at school, 2.

on the street), statements. What will change in this text? Why?

42. Remember works of different genres from the literature course.

What works are these? What genre does, for example, the work of A.S. belong to? Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter"?

43. Optional task: write a short essay on one of the topics “How I learned...” and “How to learn...”. Formulate the first in the form of a humorous story, the second in the form of instructions. What verb forms will help you complete the task? Draw a conclusion about the role of verbs in the text.

44. 1. Read the text expressively. What style or genre does it belong to?

Just yesterday, melting in the sun, the forest was the last to tremble with leaves, and the winter, lushly green, lay like a velvet carpet.

Looking arrogantly, as before, at the victims of cold and sleep, the Invincible Pine did not betray itself in anything.

Today summer suddenly disappeared;

White, lifeless all around, Bis_8.indd 35 09.26.2011 17:00: Earth and sky - everything is dressed in some kind of dull silver.

(A. Fet) 2. In what meaning is the word dim used in the poem:

1) cloudy, opaque;

2) dim, weak (about light, light source);

3) without shine, lifeless, inexpressive (about eyes, gaze);

4) transfer meaningless, uninteresting.

3. Choose synonyms and antonyms for the highlighted words.

4. Write out a sentence with an adverbial phrase from the text, take it according to the members of the sentence. Do morphological analysis participles, indicate how they are formed.

5. What picture did you imagine while reading this text? What feelings did you experience (sadness, joy, melancholy, or something else)? What language means helped you better understand the poet’s mood? Find epithets and metaphors with which the author creates a picture of nature.

Stylistic analysis of the text A complete stylistic analysis of the text is carried out according to the following plan:

1. Characterize the communication situation (conditions and tasks of speech) in which this text can be used.

2. What kind of speech: casual - official, precise - vague, specific - non-specific, elevated - dispassionate, figurative - no imagery, appealing speech?

3. Indicate the linguistic means with the help of which the speech features you named are revealed (words, phrases, sentences).

4. Draw a conclusion: what type of speech does this text belong to?

Partial analysis is carried out on one or more questions.

Bis_8.indd 36 09.26.2011 17:00: 45. 1. Read the text. What style of speech can he be classified as?

What style features are found in this text? Find in it signs of different styles. Prove that this is not a stylistic flaw.

In our area, the name reed is not at all what it is called in some learned books. In our opinion, reed is a tubular plant, intercepted by special knots, like those found in grain straw or bamboo. This reed is used to cover roofs, take away the walls of village outbuildings, smear them with clay, heat beds and stoves, and mother’s children use it to make melodious pipes and whistles. And also arrows for homemade bows.

Over time, I grew up, learned to read books, and this is where the confusion emerged. Sometimes I’d look in a botanical reference book: reed! I’ll come to my village: reeds, they say. What then, I wonder, is reed? We don’t know, they say, we don’t have anything like that, it doesn’t happen. Well, it’s not common: which one is on the Bukanov swamp? So long, empty inside, with a tassel at the end? What's this? Well, they laugh, this is the reed! What is unclear here?

My fellow countrymen are confusing something, I thought in confusion, they must be out of step with science. From previous illiteracy, I guess. They didn’t study stamens and pistils... Many years later I found myself in the Syrdarya floodplains. That's where the thickets are! The pipes are as thick as a finger, the horseman rides, so the plumes flutter above his head. I ask the local residents, the Kazakhs, what kind of plant this is? “Reed, this reed.”

Here, it turns out, is the point: the same plant has two different names. Reed is a Slavic name, and reed is a Turkic name. It turns out that it was not my fellow countrymen who made a mistake, but the scribes who made a mistake: for the sake of greater learning, they began to consider reeds and reeds as different plants. (According to E. Nosov) 2. Look in the dictionary for the meaning of pairs of words: carp and carp, market and bazaar. How are they different? Do you know similar examples?

3. Conduct a complete stylistic analysis of the text.

Bis_8.indd 37 09.26.2011 17:00: 46. Based on the materials in the table, compose a message about the style and features of colloquial and book styles. Give examples from the texts of the exercises in this section.

Styles Means colloquial book Vocabulary Colloquial, colloquial Mostly bookish, dialect vocabulary is also used Morphological nouns Contextual nouns abstraction concrete Syntax Small sentences Many complex sentences, many interrogatives, mainly adverbs and exclamations, declaratives, non-exclamatives, incomplete declaratives Intonation Unforced, emotional Formal, dispassionate §3. Conversational style 47. 1. Read the text. Describe it in terms of style.

Highlight the most striking linguistic features in it.

The late morning was already turning white through the windows. I overslept... I jumped up, throwing off my sheepskin coat.

Alexey Filipich! Why didn't you wake him up?

What's the hurry? There's a snowstorm in the yard.

I jumped out onto the porch. The icy wind with snow, like a wet sleeve, smeared my cheek. The forest was noisy. Angry white tongues rose and showered the bushes with frosty dust. The path along which people go to the ice hole for water was covered up. I stomped around in the hallway and returned to the warmth.

What a blizzard,” he said, throwing off his sheepskin coat.

Bis_8.indd 38 09.26.2011 17:00: “A blizzard is when the wind comes from above and the wind turns it below,” responded Alexey Filipich. - And this is a northern blizzard, the sky is clear.

What a rich language winter turns out to be! In the city, we have two concepts for the entire cold season: snow and frost. And here it is important what kind of snow, how it fell, and when it fell, high or low.

And every time - your word.

Alexey Filipich, blizzard and blizzard - understandable. What about the snowstorm?

Buran? - he thought about it. We don't say that. There is a snowstorm in the steppe, however. A bad wind... like a blizzard in the north. And if it pulls downwards, it becomes snowy and low.

But you said - kurzhak?

The frost, therefore, is shaggy, after the night's cold... (According to B.

Petrov) 2. Write down spoken words from the text. Choose stylistically neutral synonyms for them. Read the text, replacing colloquial vocabulary with common vocabulary. How will the meaning of the text change?

3. Write down words with a “winter” theme. Did you know all the names? Do you use them in speech? Make sentences with them.

4. Retell the content of the text in monologue form.

48. Consider the diagram of the speech situation. Remember the features of conversational style and determine speech situation and the task of speech. Make a coherent statement about conversational style.

communication For what purpose? message impact Speech official setting situation Where?

informal setting with one person With whom?

Genres of conversational style - conversation (direct, telephone), conversation (friendly), story, letter, SMS.

IN works of art Any stylistic means may be included, including elements of conversational style.

49. 1. Read the text. Determine his style.

Yegor listened obediently and sighed: ah, he lives badly, ah, badly. He brought his family to the extreme, he brought himself down, he felt shame in front of his neighbors - Fyodor Ipatych says everything is right, everything is right.

I am ashamed before my wife, and before my son, and before good people. No, we must end it, this life. We need to start another one:

bright and reasonable...

Yes, to turn your life around is to become a master: that’s what the old people used to say.

The truth is yours, Fyodor Ipatych. Oh, really!

You know how to hold an ax in your hands, I don’t argue. But it makes no sense.

Yeah. That's for sure.

You need to be led, Egor.

It’s necessary, Fyodor Ipatych. Oh, we must!..

Yegor sighed and lamented. And the owner sighed and thought.

And then everyone sighed. Not sympathizing - condemning. And Egor, under their gaze, lowered his head even lower. I was ashamed.

And if you delve into it, then there was nothing to be ashamed of. And Yegor always worked conscientiously, and lived peacefully, without self-indulgence, but it turned out that he was guilty all around. And he did not argue with this, but only grieved greatly, cursing himself for what it was worth. (According to B. Vasiliev) 2. What features of the conversational style are presented in this text? Give examples.

Bis_8.indd 40 09.26.2011 17:00: 3. Find in the text and write down synonyms and antonyms.

4. Write out phraseological units from the text. What does it mean? How can it be replaced? Make a proposal with him.

5. Look up the meaning of the word reverse in the dictionary. What layer of vocabulary does it belong to? How do you understand the expression “to turn life around - to become a master”?

50. Distribute words and expressions into two columns: a) colloquial, b) stylistically neutral. Find synonyms for them.

Boy, laugh, think, truth, plop, talk, lie, entertainment, jump up, a little, tell, eyes, at once, chat, slander, wander, ingenuity, a little, hang around, talk, open your eyes, clothes, laugh, attract attention , interpret, walk, clothes, at the same time.

51. Find fragments of conversational style in the works you study in literature lessons. Why do you think elements of conversational style are introduced into works of art?

52. 1. Read the text. What style does it belong to? By what signs did you determine this?

In the evening of that day, the residents of Yuryev looked back in surprise at a strange-looking passerby. It was long and thin as a pole. On his head was a towel twisted in the shape of a chal. His face was covered with thick black stubble; he had not shaved for at least ten days. The black jacket, worn over a naked tanned body, had the sleeves rolled up above the elbows.

The huge space from the jacket to the ground was filled with blue satin trousers. There was nothing on the man’s legs; his head was dangling, tied to his backpack.

Peering into the thick black stubble, one could see that he was a very young guy with cheerful black eyes and a swollen bright mouth.

What confused the Yuryevites most of all was the flat wooden box carried by the guy on a belt over his shoulder. Some before Bis_8.indd 41 09.26.2011 17:00: they believed that he was a gypsy farrier, others - that he was a Serbian warlock, others took him for a wandering photographer, others - for a magician: the turban was embarrassing. But it was not difficult to spot an ordinary sketchbook in the box. (V. Soloukhin) 2. Name the means of communication of the sentences in the first paragraph and determine the method of their connection.

3. Find in the text words that are used in colloquial speech. Why does the author include them in the text? Find synonyms for them.

4. Determine the type of speech. What components does the description of the hero's appearance consist of?

53. 1. Read the text. Determine the type of speech.

The driver finally came up almost at a run, again showing how he was in a hurry, quickly counted us, checked the waybill and accelerated. We went.

We went to go, but we didn’t go far. Nothing else could be expected from our bus and from our driver.

The driver, a small, fidgety, roguish little man, looked like a sparrow - the same leaps and bounds, sharpness and lopsidedness in his movements, and the roguishness was visible not only in his face, where she positively shone, but also in his entire figure, and when he sat with his back to us, it was clear from the back that this one would not disappear anywhere. I began to guess why he was delayed in the control room: it was not his flight, and this was not the bus that was supposed to go on the line, but out of some calculation of his own, he persuaded someone to replace him, then he persuaded the dispatcher - and here we are, having departed out of sight for two blocks, we stand again, and our driver with a bucket in his hand jumps like a sparrow in the middle of the road, begging for gasoline in order to make it to the gas station. In the end, we barely made it to the gas station, and there we moved on. (According to V. Rasputin) 2. Analyze the text and tell us what features of the conversational style are presented in it.

3. Write out words with the same root from the text, sort them according to their composition, and indicate the method of word formation.

Bis_8.indd 42 09.26.2011 17:00: 4. What does the phraseological unit out of sight mean?

5. Find a comparison in the text. What means does the author use to describe the character of the hero?

54. 1. Read and compare two texts. What are they talking about? What do their contents have in common? What is the purpose of each text?

1) Swan in the zoo Through the summer twilight of the park Along the edge of artificial waters Beauty, maiden, savage - A tall swan is swimming.

A snow-white wonder floats, An animal full of dreams, Wavering in the bosom of the bay, Purple shadows of birches.

Her head is silky, And her mantle is whiter than snow, And the marvelous two amethysts Twinkle in her eye sockets.

And a bright radiance flows;

Above the white curve of her back, And all of her is like a sculpture of a wave raised to the sky.

(N. Zabolotsky) 2) Spring fell early and friendly that year - the snow melted in one week, and the water in the lake began to rise not by days, but by hours. Well, what if the lake and the river come to the rescue? What then?

After all, beyond the lake, in the lowlands, all the wealth of the collective farm: farmyards. And therefore, without waiting for the river to begin to show its strength, we decided to build a dam on the side across the river.

There was a huge crowd of people. It's fun to work with the whole world. Carts, cars. The kids scattered like ants across the fresh sand.

And in the evening, when they had already finished the embankment, suddenly someone shouted:

Bis_8.indd 43 09.26.2011 17:00: - Swans, swans are flying!

Where and what kind of swans? In the old days, swans could easily fly, but now you only see them in pictures. Maybe that’s why these rugs with swans are in almost every home?

And swans actually flew in the evening sky. The swans climbed high. Like two white boats rocking in the blue expanse. And as they began to approach the forest, they gave a cry: accept, earth. We've been flapping our wings all day, it's time for us to rest. And they pulled, pulled to the dense spruce forest, there, to the Swan Lakes, where the dawn spread like red.

Well, rare guests have arrived. “They brought something,” the people began talking when the swans disappeared behind the forest.

It must be cold,” said old Zosima. “It used to happen like this: snow fell from the swan’s wings.”

How can one not listen to the old man - and while they were walking to my place, they were only thinking and wondering: how long will winter last?

(According to F. Abramov) 2. By what criteria can these texts be classified as the language of fiction?

3. Characterize the texts in terms of vocabulary. With the help of which expressive means is a poetic image created in the first text?

Find features of conversational style in the second text. Why does the author introduce them into the text?

§4. Scientific style 55. Read the text. Determine his style. How will you prove this? Compose a reasoning answer, supporting it with examples.

Sometimes words with similar meanings appear in a language due to the fact that in different stylistic groups of words, in different genres of speech, the same object, the same phenomenon can be called differently.

For example, the words eyes, hands, goes, this, in vain and others are commonly used. In the sublime, poetic Bis_8.indd 44 09.26.2011 17:00: ethic style of speech, their synonyms will be words that are outdated for the modern Russian language: eyes, hands, coming, this, in vain.

(N. Valgina, D. Rosenthal) 56. 1. Read the text expressively. Determine its theme, the main idea. Choose a title that reflects the main idea of ​​the text. What style is this text? Justify your answer.

Old Russian art is one of the most remarkable phenomena of folk art. The works created by ancient Russian artists have rightfully gained worldwide fame.

The first dawn of ancient Russian art falls on the XI-XII centuries - the era of the Kyiv state. The sophistication and perfection with which the earliest monuments of ancient painting that have come down to us were made (mosaics and paintings of the St. Sophia Collection in Kyiv, St. Michael's Monastery, icons) indicate the existence of major artists at that time.

After the division of the Kievan state into separate principalities, many local schools of painting were formed in Russian cities, acquiring their distinct, deeply national character: Tver, Rostov, Novgorod, and later Moscow.

Moscow painting developed during the XIV-XV centuries.

At this time, a whole galaxy of outstanding masters was working: Andrei Rublev, Theophanes the Greek (Byzantine by birth), About the choir from Gorodets, Danil Cherny and others.

The works of art created by Theophan the Greek are characterized by deep psychologism and often a dramatic image (frescoes of the Church of the Savior on Ilyin in Novgorod).

Andrei Rublev painted cathedrals in the Moscow Kremlin and in the city of Vladimir. He managed to put great content and philosophical depth into them, and performed them with such skill that he began to be considered the best artist in Rus'. They imitated him and learned from his works.

Bis_8.indd 45 09.26.2011 17:00: Distinctive features Moscow painting of the 15th century became: softness and sincerity of the image, exceptional expressiveness of the silhouette, melodiousness of the line, a more complex than before, colorful range.

Mainly preserving the iconographic features of writing, Russian artists of the 17th century began to depict a huge number of details taken from the life around them: such in their paintings are details of architecture, views of cities and temples, images of hilly mountains and valleys. The leading artists in the 17th century were Simon Ushakov, Joseph Vladimirov, Nikita Pavlovets - the so-called royal isographers. (E. Kamenskaya) 2. How many microtopics does the text include? What are these microthemes?

3. Name the words that serve as means of communication between sentences.

4. Find in the text adjectives formed from proper names, make them morpheme parsing. Why do you think some of them are written with capital letters and others with lowercase letters?

5. Make a plan for the text. What type of plan will you use (simple, complex)? Write a short summary of the text.

I. You already know that the main purpose of scientific style texts is to bring information to the attention of the addressee, name scientific facts, explain them, prove them scientific point vision. This determines the features of texts of this style, which are manifested at the level of vocabulary, morphology and syntax. Thus, scientific texts mainly contain messages and do not involve questions and motivations. However, in scientific texts There are also interrogative and incentive sentences.

With the help of incentive sentences Look... and Compare those... make references to the literature. These phrases occur so often in scientific speech that in writing they are designated by the generally accepted abbreviations see and cf. (the very presence of such abbreviations is a clear sign scientific style). These sentences, of course, do not express real motivation, but only convey information about what works or examples the author used.

Bis_8.indd 46 09.26.2011 17:00: In scientific texts, interrogative sentences are often used as rhetorical questions (from the Greek “rhe torike” " - "oratory"), which do not require an answer, i.e. they express not questions, but messages. If in the text scientific article says: What reasons determine this phenomenon?, we understand that the author does not expect an answer from readers, but, on the contrary, he himself will tell further about the reasons for the phenomenon in question.

57. Read the text. What style and type of speech does it belong to? By what signs did you determine this? Analyze these signs and talk about the features of the scientific style of speech, giving examples from the text.

On Earth, liquids are fluid, easily change their shape when poured from one vessel to another, but retain their volume. In other cases, for example, when the mass of the liquid is very small or in a state of weightlessness, the liquid takes on its own shape - the shape of a ball. When a liquid is compressed, large elastic forces arise, and it is often said that liquids are practically incompressible.

How can we explain the fluidity of a liquid? Because the molecules in a liquid are arranged randomly. All neighboring molecules “touch” each other, but each has a different number of neighbors. If some molecule, without approaching its neighbor, changes its location, this will not lead to a change in the modulus of the force of molecular interaction.

How then do molecules move in a liquid? They oscillate around the equilibrium position for some time, and when the opportunity is given, they make a jump to the vacant place, changing some of their neighbors. Since these jumps can occur in any direction, the nature of the movement of molecules also turns out to be chaotic. (G. Stepanova) II. The genres of scientific style are abstract, review, review, message, report.

Bis_8.indd 47 09.26.2011 17:00: An abstract is a short summary of a book, an article outlining its content (usually in the form of a list of the most important issues) and sometimes giving their assessment.

An abstract is a text of three to five sentences, regardless of the length of the main text. The annotation describes the structure of the book (article): what sections, parts it consists of, a list of the main issues set out in the book;

to whom it is addressed to;

the presence of illustrative material (tables, figures, diagrams, etc.). Such brief information are in almost every book, and they are placed on the back of the title page or, in rare cases, at the end of the book.

58. Read the annotations. Does any of them contain an assessment? Analyze the linguistic features of the annotation text and syntactic structures. What components of an annotation can be identified?

Suggest your own version of annotations for these books.

1) Semenyuk A.A., Matyushina M.A.

School Dictionary Russian language / A.A. Seme nyuk, M.A. Matyushina. - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2010. - 624 p.

The dictionary is addressed to students in grades 5-11. In addition to the interpretation of words, dictionary entries provide grammatical and stylistic notes that help to present the features of a particular word, phraseological combinations, derivative words, as well as etymological information. Examples of illustrations accompanying the interpretation allow you to see how the word is used in speech.

A dictionary is a necessary reference tool not only when studying the Russian language and literature, but also in everyday life.

2) Nikolina N. A.

School morphemic dictionary of the Russian language / N.A. Nikolina. - M.: LLC TID “Russkoe Slovo - RS”, 2010.

Bis_8.indd 48 09.26.2011 17:00: The vocabulary of the Russian language is constantly being enriched, since it is directly related to the life of the people and reflects the changes taking place in our society. A dictionary makes it possible not only to understand the structure of a derivative word, but also to understand its meaning and origin, as well as to comprehend its correct spelling. A dictionary will help explain the structure and all related words, their writing. By analyzing the structure of words, one can trace the connection between the history of the language and individual words with the history of the people and their culture. The dictionary is based on the vocabulary used in Russian language textbooks and in the works of Russian writers studied at school. The dictionary will be a reliable assistant in difficult cases will tell you how and why this or that word is written, how it should be used in speech.

3) Krysin L.P.

Language in modern society: Book for students L.P. Krysin. - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008. - 208 p. - (Treasury of knowledge).

The book, in a popular form, talks about the role of language in modern society and about the problems associated with the social differentiation of both society and language. The author shows that the Russian language, which we perceive as a single language, is in fact stratified into many social and functional varieties that are used depending on the profession and age of people, their gender, the level of their education and culture, and the place where they born and live, as well as on our intentions, on the purposes of communication, on who we come into contact with, and on many other factors.

The book is addressed to high school students, as well as to anyone interested in the life of language in modern society.

III. There are mandatory and optional components of the annotation.

Required annotation components:

Book title.

Bis_8.indd 49 09.26.2011 17:00: Imprint.

Brief description of the content.

Please note: the main thing in the book summary is a brief description of(not a retelling!) of its contents.

Optional annotation components:

Information about the design of the book.

It is also advisable to reflect in the annotation how this publication differs from others related in topic, or from previous works by the same author (novelty of content, coverage not known facts or the originality of their interpretation). The task of the author of the summary is to provide information about the book in a few sentences so that the reader wants to read it. The abstract, therefore, is a kind of advertisement that should interest the reader and convey the essence of the book.

59. Read and compare the texts of the annotations. Are all the components of the annotations present in these texts? Name them.

1) Russian writers about language: Reader / Author.-comp.

EAT. Vinogradova and others;

Ed. ON THE. Nikolina. - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008. - 584 p.

The anthology contains statements by Russian writers about language, selected from their articles, letters, and diary entries.

These statements help create a holistic picture of Russian verbal culture of the 18th - early 20th centuries and open up great opportunities for studying the language in all its manifestations.

The book can be useful for students when writing essays, preparing reports, abstracts;

for the teacher, the materials in the anthology will make it possible to make the lessons of the Russian language, stylistics, and rhetoric more diverse;

philology students and graduate students will be attracted by the breadth of linguistic interests of Russian writers - this information can be used in coursework and dissertations.

2) Gogol N.V.

Portrait: Story / Intro. Art. and comment. A.V. Fedorov;

Artist S.G. Gonkov. - M.: LLC TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008. - 112 p.: ill. - (Russian classics in illustrations).

One of the most famous and mysterious “Petersburg stories” by the great Russian writer is dedicated to the problem of art and the purpose of the artist. The story of the painter, who did not overcome the devilish temptation of wealth and fame, shows Gogol's understanding of true creativity as a religious service. Any gift implies responsibility, and this idea has not lost its relevance today:

“Whoever has talent within himself must be the purest of souls. Much will be forgiven to another, but it will not be forgiven to him.”

The illustrations were made by the artist S.G. Gonkov.

Soloukhin Vladimir

Summer flood

Vladimir Alekseevich SOLOUKHIN

Summer flood

It rained every day. In the end, the earth was so saturated with water that it did not take in any more drops of moisture. That is why, when a wide, dark hole appeared in the sky and from there poured abundant, summer-like warm water, our quiet peaceful river immediately began to swell and swell. Along every ravine, along every ditch, streams raced, jumping over tree roots and over stones, as if their only task was to reach the river as quickly as possible and take part in its revelry as much as possible.

The rain lashed like ropes along the backs of streams and streams, whipping them up. The stronger and more sonorous the rain beat, the more excitedly, the more quickly the countless streams rushed.

Above the ground itself, about half a meter, there was gray smoke. Large drops of rain crashed onto the ground, turning into dust and tiny splashes. Exactly the same gray smoke could be seen above every roof. Everywhere, confidently filling the surroundings, a steady, intense noise persisted. From time to time thunder struck sharply and deafeningly. It was strange to hear him, because the whole sky was gray and flat, stormy, and not menacing, when there is black blue and wind and everyone knows that it will soon pass.

The rain fell in a calm, monochromatic, gelatinous sky. It seemed that now there would be no end to it. The last thing one could expect was thunderclaps, nevertheless there were thunderclaps, and each strike, like a whip, whipped up the already furious rain.

The noise continued all night. By morning it became quiet. It only dripped copiously from the trees, and, if you listen very carefully, from the grasses.

The rain had passed, and the festivities began by the river. Never, with the most rapid melting of the deepest snows, has there been such a flood on our river, such a water field, as now. The river immediately tore off and carried away all the lava, lifted everything that lay on its summer, seemingly safe banks: firewood, firewood, logs, logs, haystacks, haystacks, garbage. Having overflowed its banks, it flooded some meadows, some fields of green oats, golden rye, and white flowering buckwheat. In the lower villages, she approached the vegetable gardens.

In Ostanikha, near the river, there are bathhouses nestled on the bank, like rickety huts on chicken legs. Now only the roofs of these baths remained above the water, and everyone was waiting for them to be lifted and carried away.

But still, our river is too small to seriously harm people even in such a flood. Let's say a kitten gets playful in the hut: well, he rips off a curtain, well, breaks a glass or a vase, well, what else can he do? After all, it’s a kitten, not an elephant, not a bear or a tiger.

On the contrary, everyone was interested in looking at such unusual water for our area. Some said: “If only we always had a river like this!” The old people remembered when - fifty or seventy years ago! - they saw such water. The pious old women wailed: “It poured for one night, and what happened! And if it had been forty days and forty nights, there would have been a flood. Just wait, the abysses of heaven will open up!..” The boys ran near the water itself and looked at the combine operator Anatoly Lamanov fumbles with a basting in the hope of catching a chub or pike.

I walked along the shore, not thinking about anything, admiring a truly extraordinary sight.

Tall alder bushes now showed only their tops. One could see how the water bends the bushes to one side along its current, and they spring back, try to straighten up, taking advantage of the slightest relaxation of the muddy streams, and therefore constantly bow as if wound up.

The old willow was flooded to the very top. Various little birds scurried along its branches, screaming anxiously and pitifully. Probably quite a few cozy, lived-in nests (the same with chicks over time) were flooded with this water.

In one place I stopped, staring at the wrapping. The water in this place hit the curved bank and went in circles. Along the edge of the wrap, the movement of water was slow, as if lazy, but closer to the middle it became faster and faster, finally forming a rotating water hole into which everything that floated past was irresistibly drawn: straw, hay, wood chips and even bubbles born there, where the water was combed by the branches of flooded trees.

I. Be. Autumn rains are ahead. It's going to rain. “What, like rain?” ( Tvardovsky). Clouds covered the sky: it will rain. It’s getting dark: it’s about to rain. It starts to rain. It waited (usually for a long time). A light rain is drizzling. It started dripping and drizzling. The short May rain began to rustle. “The rain whispered quietly with the forest” ( Bunin). The spring rains began to make noise. The rain began to fall, intensified, and dispersed. The rain began pouring down and pouring down. It started to rain. Frequent rain falls. The autumn rains have begun. The rains have started pouring and pouring. A tropical downpour broke out. "Stifling showers are falling" ( A. Platonov). “Showers were pouring into the bedroom windows” ( Parsnip). The abysses of heaven opened up (usually ironically) - about heavy rain, downpour [according to the biblical legend about the Great Flood, which was accompanied by downpours for forty days and nights]. The downpour gave way to light rain. Rain falls infrequently. It rains and rains all day. It also rains in January. The rain doesn't stop, it drizzles and drizzles. “It’s dirty, there’s a fine cold drizzle” ( Prishvin). Drizzle hung in the air. The weather is cloudy: fog and drizzle. The rain gradually subsides and stops. The rain stopped, passed, ended, stopped. The rain died down, died down, died down. The sound of rain fades away. The rains have stopped. The summer rain sprinkled and stopped. The rains have passed. The autumn rains are behind us. The downpour is subsiding, has begun to subside. The rain passed away. No rain, drought. All summer - not a single rain. “One snowflake is not yet snow, / One rain is not yet rain” ( Derbenev And Shaferan). “It’s either rain or snow, either it will happen or it won’t” ( Dahl). “There will be rain, there will be fungi; and if there are fungi, there will be a box" ( Dahl).

s Heavy rains that<...>In the twinkling of an eye, fruitful fields are devastated; thunder and lightning occur ( Lomonosov). It was very cloudy outside and there was a little rain ( Poroshin). Open it, you see that it’s raining and cold ( Kurganov). The Creator lavishes mercy on us; / Rains from the clouds on the fruit of the earth, / And sheds a ray of sun ( V. N. Petrov). All the rainy clouds are gone<...>And suddenly a red day shone ( Osipov). ...The dark, disturbed soil flashed everywhere, on which the rain lashed ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). Not the frequent autumn rain / Splashes, splashes through the fog: / The young man sheds bitter tears / On his velvet caftan ( Delvig). More than two hours passed. The rain didn't stop. Water flowed in streams from my heavy cloak and from my rain-soaked head ( Pushkin). / The stormy wind was breathing... It was gloomy: / The rain was dripping, the wind was howling sadly ( Pushkin). [Laura] And far away, in the north - in Paris - / Perhaps the sky is covered with clouds, / The cold rain is falling and the wind is blowing ( Pushkin). [Baron] With three children, half a day in front of the window / She was on her knees howling. / It rained, and stopped, and started raining again, / The pretender did not move... ( Pushkin). We began to climb the mountains, meanwhile the rain stopped and the clouds cleared ( Pushkin). There was a smell of damp, cold wind, the gorge began to roar, and a light rain began to fall ( Lermontov). We returned to our room. The night was stuffy, the windows were opened, the rain had subsided, there was already a light rain... ( S. Aksakov). The samovar had been boiling for a long time on the table in the living room, but not in the shade by the porch, because it was damp in the yard; the rain just stopped pouring in buckets ( S. Aksakov). Now the rain has begun and the thunder is ready to burst, / The mowers run quickly under the tents ( Nekrasov). It’s probably going to rain, / Bulls are walking across the sky, / Evening is getting closer... ( Nekrasov). Here the right side / was covered with one continuous cloud / became foggy, / became dark and began to cry: / Rows of gray threads / hung to the ground ( Nekrasov). An hour later there was a whole downpour, and our walk was lost ( Dostoevsky). It doesn’t get dark anywhere, the storm doesn’t thicken; perhaps, here and there, bluish stripes will stretch from top to bottom: then barely noticeable rain is falling ( Turgenev). Boring picture! / Clouds without end. / The rain just keeps pouring down, / Puddles by the porch ( Pleshcheev). The weather had already changed significantly by then: the rains had stopped, it was dry and cold... ( Leskov). The rain continued to pour; the wind rustled in the trees; the darkness still made it difficult to discern the road ( Grigorovich). - Eh! “Yes, no way, rain?” he said, raising his head.<...>The gray clouds that seemed to be running right over the roof actually began to separate the raindrops... ( Grigorovich). [Kukin] It will rain again! Every day it rains, every day it rains - definitely on purpose! It's a loop! This is ruin! Every day there are terrible losses! ( Chekhov). It was quiet, not hot and boring, as happens on gray cloudy days, when clouds have long hung over the field, you wait for rain, but there is none ( Chekhov). It was grey, dull, cheerless; at least light a fire; everyone was complaining about the cold and the rain was knocking on the windows ( Chekhov). And it’s already starting to get dark, there’s a noise in the forest and it’s drizzling... ( KorolenkoKorolenko). Here a drop, like the head of a nail, / fell - and, with hundreds of needles / Furrowing the backwaters of the ponds, / A sparkling shower jumped - / And the garden rustled with rain ( Bunin). ...A downpour with thunderclaps falls on the roof again, there is darkness all around and lightning falls vertically... By noon it was floating again, clouds appeared and rain began to fall ( Bunin). Then there was darkness, fire, a hurricane, a torrential downpour with crackling hail, everything was rushing everywhere, trembling, seeming to be dying... ( Bunin). The rain flew by and burned on the fly. / I’m walking along the ruddy path. / The orioles are whistling, the rowan trees are in bloom, / the catkins are turning white on the willows. / The air is life-giving, moist, fragrant. / How honeysuckle smells! / The leaf bends with its tip downwards / and drops pearls from the tip ( Nabokov). The clear days are ending; now it will rain, cold, mud ( V. Veresaev). The menacing clouds sped away, / And the rains poured down. / Great, tearless!.. / Hope, believe and wait ( Block). The spring rain danced and cried, / The thunderstorm froze. / I’m bored with you, Sergei Yesenin, / Raise my eyes... ( Yesenin). [Merchant] It's a simple matter - the end of the world. [Pop] And in my opinion - a flood. [French] And it wasn’t a flood at all, otherwise it would have rained. [Raja] It didn't rain ( Mayakovsky). On the spacious deck there are blue doves / All the rain drank, and the rain dripped ( I. Severyanin). - Well, it’s not raining at all! - Proshka said in an elderly voice.<...>Well, no way: even if you lie down here and hit the ground, wet the idol! ( A. Platonov). It's raining, it started pouring an hour ago. / The canvas of the trees is boiling. / It's raining. Two sons are sleeping at the dacha... ( Parsnip). The clouds hang in the wires like tight strands of tow... / The rain falls incessantly, indistinct and prickly. / Now it pours, now it sows, now it drums on the glass... ( Tushnova). A single drop of rain fell vertically into the water. Thin circles appeared from her. Then immediately the grass began to stir around us, the grass began to whisper, all the water was covered in small circles, and a weak but distinct ringing sound floated over the pool. It was a quiet warm rain ( Paustovsky). By the road, a green oak / The leaves rustled with hookah, / Over the weary land / The long-awaited rain gathered ( Tvardovsky). ...The rain babbled over the garden, / A million small drops / Reflecting the sun... ( Inber). Spring, spring in Paris. Yesterday there was a light smoke of weak, transparent rain, as if recovering. Today there is no rain, everything has become brighter, fresher... ( Inber). The clouds are gently lowered, / The rain is splashing, / Round, like a tear ( Inber). October... Favorite time of year, / Rains, fog, beautiful weather, - / Write, write, write ( Inber). The gray shards rustle, / They pass Ladoga ice. / It was getting colder, the wind was stormy, / The persistent rain was drizzling ( Inber). The glowing side of the sky frowned with clouds. There was a whiff of the musty warmth of the swampy lowlands - it was about to rain ( Shukshin). The rain made noise and danced on the road with a thousand long sparkling legs. It boiled and gurgled in ditches and puddles... ( Shukshin). But one day winter turned false. The sky was covered with low, swirling clouds, a drizzle began, followed by rain, and then drizzle again ( G. Medynsky). The cold rain waxed and waned. Either it rained down like a large shot, or it floated like the finest muslin dust ( Kataev). And the downpour continued and continued, with no end in sight ( Kataev). From one sunny smile / The saddest rain will stop crying ( Plyatskovsky). It rained every day. In the end, the earth was so saturated with water that it did not take in any more drops of moisture ( Soloukhin). Burbots, now revived in the cold weather, are wandering in the black water. Only the rain rustles, only the wind whistles in the branches, but neither rain, nor leaves, nor wind is visible ( Soloukhin). Rain is coming. At first the drops were large and sparse, then it thickened all around, it started pouring, pouring... The rain did not let up... - Well, it started, damned one! - Vasyutka cursed the rain ( Astafiev). It was a boring, fine rain, and not even rain, but a mist - thick and foggy-gray, as it should be in the Baltics in November ( Astafiev). With the autumn laziness, a tedious, heavy rain was falling ( E. Nosov). Unnoticed, a quiet, unhurried rain begins to fall. Onega loses its violet shine, becomes dull and rough, drizzle covers the horizon ( E. Nosov). What other characteristic things do you see in the desert?.. Several times we observed rain evaporating before reaching the ground ( Peskov). Rain, evening rain through the drainpipes. / Wet walls, green mold and moss... ( Matveeva).

II. Who. What.

Rain - precipitation in the form of water drops, jets; It is also possible about a multiple mass, overthrowing, directed somewhere. “Rain, rain - water in drops or streams from the clouds” ( Dahl).

B. Rain is the same as rain (usually short-lived, not heavy).

Rain - very heavy, torrential rain. “Torrential rain, downpour, downpour - torrential rain, the heaviest, and if it lasts, then torrential rain” ( Dahl).

Drizzle, drizzle - very fine, drizzling rain. “Drizzle, drizzle - the slightest rain” ( Dahl).

Mga - light rain turning into fog. “Mga - the smallest rain, as if in a row; wet cold fog; rubbish, stucco - wet snow and rain" ( Dahl).

Opposite: Rainlessness - lack of rain, drought.

“For a hunter, rain is a real disaster” ( Turgenev).

“Sitnichek is the finest rain; downpour - torrential, the heaviest; slanting, whipping - slanting rain, in the direction of a strong wind. Terrible rain - with a thunderstorm; wet rains - autumn, prolonged bad weather. Senognoy - rains during mowing" ( Dahl). “Rain is rye for a peasant, but a louse for a barge hauler” ( Dahl).

s Raindrops that cause bubbles on the water mean long-term and heavy rain ( Florinova Economy, trans. with him. S. Volchkova, 1738). Rain is a collection of small drops of water falling from the atmosphere onto the surface of our globe ( , trans. from French Levshina, 1788). But the cloud has moved, / Pop is covered with his hat - / There will be heavy rain. / And the right side / Is already bright and joyful, / There the rain stops. / It’s not rain, there’s a miracle of God: / There are skeins hung with golden threads... ( Nekrasov). The north became dark and covered with clouds; From these clouds something was rushing towards the city: either a downpour, or a tornado ( Salt.-Shchedrin). -... Involuntarily, I felt uneasy at the sight of this thunderstorm... this downpour. Not a downpour, my dear, not a downpour, - the grace of God, - sheer grace! My heart couldn't be happier! ( Grigorovich). ...At this time something fell and clattered along the road, then on the shafts, and on the bale. It was rain ( Chekhov). I listened to the rain. He recited a sonorous chorus / Knocked in the darkness on the roof and balcony, / And all night he was an inseparable spirit / With my soul, which did not go to sleep ( Balmont). And, going berserk at everyone, / Rain, the firstborn of creation, / Handful by handful, handful by handful, / Came out with noisy assurance ( Parsnip). What is rain? This is air with a layer of water. Tropical rain is solid water with a layer of air ( Mayakovsky). [Wolf] Great. I'll go to the wolves. / Water flows down their sides. / The water sings like a mother, / When it gently pours on us<...>/ We call it: life. / We call it: rain ( Zabolotsky. Poem of the Rain). If lightning is a plan, then rainfall is the embodiment of a plan. These are harmonious flows of images and words. This is a book ( Paustovsky). The dray cab was ordered at three o'clock in the afternoon, but shortly before that it began to rain. “We’ll probably have to postpone the move until tomorrow,” Aunt Nasha reasoned with Daryushka. But we began to beg not to do this. “It’s not rain, it’s rain,” we assured. - It will pass now ( Inber). - The whole earth is tilting, and the seas are pouring out. All these rains are seas that fall back to the earth ( Inber). Rain- God opens, at His will, the heavenly accumulations of water, which, according to the ancient Jews, were located above the sky. This is "water from heaven"<...>- a symbol of free and fruitful grace ( A. Men). Sleep, poor people! You will never know what July rain means in the night garden ( Soloukhin).

III. What. Rain can be life-giving, life-giving, and beneficial. The rain was short and short. The rain with bubbles on the puddles is continuous. The summer rain was warm. Autumn rains are cold. Rain and hail are destructive to crops. Acid rain is harmful to the soil. “It’s not a big deal to rain” ( Dahl).

s Both summer and autumn were rainy; / Pastures and fields were drowned. / The grain in the fields was not ripe and was lost; / There was famine, the people were dying ( Zhukovsky). We settled down in bivouacs. The overnight stay was short and the night was extremely rainy ( Pushkin). But the cloud grows: its front edge stretches out like a sleeve, tilts like an arch. The grass, the bushes - everything suddenly darkened... What's the rain like?.. What's the lightning like? Here and there, through the thatched roof, water dripped onto the fragrant hay... ( Turgenev). Well, the weather, God forbid!.. People haven’t harvested the oats yet, but it’s like it’s raining, God bless him ( Chekhov). The clouds have fallen from the sky. / Mixed rain and snow. / Hieroglyphs of hotels. / Hieroglyphs of advertising... ( R. Rozhdestvensky).

IV. Which. Heavy, torrential, friendly rain. Heavy, persistent rains. Heavy rain showers. Stormwater (rain). A continuous downpour. "The most exciting cold shower" ( Leskov). Short, shallow, sparse, weak rain. Light, weak drizzle. Heavy drizzle. Frequent heavy rain. Warm mushroom rain (promotes mushroom growth). Cold rain. Quiet, cold drizzle. Gray, foggy drizzle. "Misty Rain Net" ( Bunin). Rain with snow, with grain. Thunderstorms, showers. Autumn gray haze. It's raining, it's raining! What a rain! "Crazy Rain" ( Shabrov). Quiet rain. "Windless Rain" ( A. Platonov). Rain streams, drops. Rain streams, streams. Rain water, "dozhukha" ( Dahl). Earthworm (crawling out after rain). “Earthworm or earthworm, used. for making fishing rods" ( Dahl). "Sea Day (When It's Drizzling)" ( Dahl). Direct rain (no wind). Slanting rains (in the direction of the wind). Dry rain (during a dust storm; special). Acid (sour) rain (detrimental to vegetation and soil fertility). Star (meteor) shower (the appearance of many falling stars - meteors) in the night sky. Meteor Rain(about the abundant fall of meteorites on the Earth).

Golden rain fell (about someone who suddenly became rich). Rain of arrows and stones. Rain of bullets. A shower of lead, machine-gun fire (about continuous, continuous shooting). Petals rain down from the blossoming cherry trees. "A whole rain of fruit" ( Gogol). Rain of reproaches, reproaches. "Rain of Luck" ( Okudzhava).

s At this village a terrible downpour with thunder attacked us ( Lepyokhin). Marshmallows, playing and frolicking in the bushes, let out a rain of flowers on Chloe ( Levshin, trans. “Idylls...” by Gesner, 1787). She is already spewing out [the abyss of Vesuvius]<...>through the thick rain of ash, an immense flamethrower ( "Muse" op., 1796). [Philaletus] And wealth flows to him like a river, rains golden rain on him ( Karamzin). They didn’t eat for three days and three nights, / They drank only rainwater, / Accumulated in the hollow of a stone ( Pushkin). The speed of a well-aimed sight is the only way to catch up with this fast-flying bird with lead rain ( S. Aksakov). Through silken eyelashes / Two tears appeared... / Or were they raindrops / Of the incipient thunderstorm? ( Tyutchev). All day she lay in oblivion, / And shadows covered her all. / The warm summer rain was pouring - its streams / Sounded cheerfully on the leaves ( Tyutchev). That song caressed the ear, / Quiet and gentle,<...>/ Like the sound of spring rain / On young leaves! ( Nekrasov). But autumn gave us clouds, / And a current of extinguishing rains; / And the ashes of the cornfield became quicksand / And the harvest made people happy ( Glinka). Since lunchtime, two clouds, one blacker than the other, came together in the middle of the sky and stood in one place for a long time... Finally, all this was resolved by a downpour of rain... ( Turgenev). Light spots glided across the fog and slanting stripes of rain, like frosted glass, but immediately faded away - it was the rising sun trying to break through the clouds... ( Chekhov). The distance noticeably turned black and, more often than every minute, blinked with a pale light, like for centuries... - And it’s a cover image! - Kiryukha shouted ( Chekhov). It was raining heavily outside. A cab driver with a covered top, all wet, stood at the entrance ( Chekhov). And it’s great to see you off in this weather! I would stay at home. Look, it's raining! ( Chekhov). “It’s okay, the weather will clear up,” Fyodor Petrovich repeated, looking at the gloomy autumn sky, from which fine, dust-like autumn rain was falling “hay” ( Mamin-Sibiryak). Rain and hail rumbled across our garden and roof ( Korolenko). The rain is pouring, cold as ice, / The leaves are spinning in the clearings, / And the geese are flying in a long caravan / Flying over the forest ( Bunin). Glass, rare and vigorous, / Hastening with a cheerful rustle, / The rain rushed by, and the green forest / Calmed down, breathing coolness. / Here is the day! This is not the first time: / It will spill and disappear from our eyes... / How these golden showers, / Frighteningly, made us happy!.. ( Bunin). Under the first splashes of golden rain / Submit your face so greedily. / Look for false shelter under the birch tree, / Even though it’s there, the porch is close ( Balmont). I was leaving the garden when the rain began to pour, warm, heavy, the kind that was expected to saturate the earth ( Petrov-Vodkin. Spring rain). He walked up the mountain, exposing his back / to the streams of cold rain, / and to the happy picture / did not turn around as he left ( Khodasevich). It was raining, - not rain, some kind of light drizzle - the sky hung dark, cloudy ( Fadeev). But you've already been warned. / Someone is watching you from below: / The damp ravine is covered with dry rain / Dewy lilies of the valley. / He separated and stood up, / Hanging with droplets of tassels, / A finger, two from the leaf, / One and a half from the rhizome ( Parsnip). Troughs and tubs, / Incoherence in the morning, / Rainy sunsets, / Damp evenings ( Parsnip). The surroundings and the fortress, / Covered in reps, / Lost in the pouring downpour, / Like under a road leather ( Parsnip). Rising from the rumbling rhombus / Before dawn squares, / My chanting is sealed with a seal / Inexorable rains ( Parsnip). Willow leaves amid the rainy haze / Will flash like painting on the glass. / I will see behind the wet greenery / the Universe’s hiding place from the inside... ( Parsnip). I, of course, knew that there are drizzling rains, blind rains, blanket rains, mushroom rains, spore rains, rains that come in stripes - stripes, oblique rains, heavy rolling rains and, finally, downpours (showers). But it’s one thing to know speculatively, and another thing to experience these rains for yourself and understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own signs, different from the signs of other rains ( Paustovsky). [Savrasov] The linden trees were blooming, the rains were as if not water, but silver was pouring from the sky - where is all this on your canvases? ( Paustovsky. Isaac Levitan). ...A thin moon of the very first quarter rises above a finely churned cloud.<...>Right there, along with the moon, heavy warm rain falls: one drop per minute ( Inber). Listening to the singing of the bees, closing your eyes, / Lie under an old tree and wait: / With a gust of wind, ripe plums will pour in / Purple rains ( Inber). Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region, / How the endless angry rains fell, / How the tired women brought us krinkas, / Pressing them like children from the rain to their chests ( Simonov). The wet sand rustles underfoot. / Pure blue above the exploded cloud. / A humpbacked rainbow diagonally / Belted the flying rain ( Surkov. Mushroom rain). Bare clay soil does not hold moisture. Hollow and rainwater are not absorbed, but flow off or evaporate ( Chivilikhin). And on the grave... there were white flowers... / And flags fluttered heavily. / The rain was steep and heavy... ( R. Rozhdestvensky). Unexpected and blessed / rain is raging in our yard... ( R. Rozhdestvensky). Autumn tremors in Tsinandali Park. / Unexpected rain. Lingering ( Okudzhava). Summer, when it rains, one would rejoice at it, washing, fresh, heavenly, listen, enjoying, its smooth, confident noise ( Soloukhin). The rain is strange, fine, as if through a sieve, and also through the cold November fog ( Soloukhin). ...Almost every night it rains over the bridgehead and the nearby coast, sometimes wild and short, sometimes lingering in the autumn, covering the local area like water dust, calming the war and the people ( Astafiev). It was drizzling warm, fine, fog-like rain ( Peskov).

V. Whose. A cloud has moved in, the rain will be ours. What are our northern rains compared to tropical showers? I miss our northern rains! It's not our rains there - it's a completely different climate.

s Again and again, / with my face buried in the rain / in his pockmarked face, / I wait, / splashed by the thunder of the city surf ( Mayakovsky). You will sleep: I was promised night! / My friend, my rain, we have nowhere to rush. / We have time ( Parsnip).

VI. Action. State. Relatedness (connectedness). The rain washed the trees and grass, washed down the dust, and freshened the air. “The wind carried the smell of rain and wet earth” ( Chekhov). The city is washed by the rain. The rain watered the earth and irrigated the fields. The ground is abundantly wet with rain. "Frequent network of rain" ( Grigorovich). Torrential rain filled ditches, ditches, and flooded basements. Incessant rains have washed out roads. The slanting rain and snow cuts your face. Rain and hail damaged crops and destroyed seedlings. The rain brought down the dust. Bread and grass were beaten to the ground by showers. The downpours overfilled the reservoirs and created the threat of flooding. The city is shrouded in fog and drizzle. The cold drizzle penetrates to the bones. Drizzle settles on roofs and asphalt. Get caught in the rain, downpour. Get wet (stand, walk) in the rain. "Getting wet in a sudden downpour" ( Nabokov). Run, hide from the rain. The rain came and caught me on the road. Heavy rain ruined all plans. Wait out the rain (under a canopy, in a barn). "Strands of Rain" ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). Prayer for sending rain. Making rain is one of the elements of a pagan ritual. West wind brings rain (sign). The rain will soak you, the sun will dry you (last). “It was bad weather, but the rain got in the way” ( Dahl). “The rain did not leave a dry thread; wet like a yusha" ( Dahl; “Yusha - Zyuzya, thoroughly wet from the rain”).

s God his sun shines on the good and the evil and rains on the righteous and the unjust ( Buzhinsky). A little rain, according to the signs of our fellow countrymen, foreshadowed a safe journey for us ( Lepyokhin). There was a terrible storm, a thunderstorm, and heavy rain flooded many streets in Moscow ( Karamzin). This rain, no matter how short its duration, / Deprived of strength by drought, / Abundantly watered the field, / And it revived the hope of the farmer... ( Krylov). And the rain passed in its own stripe. / Having driven away the heat, / He cooled the air; nature came to life, / And all the greenery seemed to be renewed ( Krylov). ...Clouds flew in from nowhere, and a blessed downpour watered and revived the dead land! ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). He didn’t hear/How the greedy wave rose,/Washing away his soles,/How the rain lashed his face... ( Pushkin). Somehow it suddenly became especially quiet, / The sun was playing in the sky through a cloud. / The cloud was small on it, / But it burst into fierce rain! / Straight and bright, like steel rods, / Rain streams pierced the ground ( Nekrasov). I go to the rustle of the golden field. / Sad, wretched plains!.. / Will God not take pity on us, / Will not revive the burnt fields with rain... ( Nekrasov). The rains sometimes fell in torrents, but did not cool the atmosphere at all, but only added dampness and phlegm ( Goncharov). The peasant joyfully welcomes the rain: “The rain will soak you, the sun will dry you!” ( Goncharov). Already through the broken window / The dim sky looked out into the gloomy attic, / Dispelling the darkness. / And the rain purred along the gutter, / And the wind howled like a beast... ( Polonsky). The road, washed out by autumn showers, turned into a continuous swamp... ( Grigorovich). ...The roar of the storm died down for a minute, and again the murmur of streams and the monotonous sound of rain was heard, which fell in strips on the trees and rolled down onto the road ( Grigorovich). The only movement that was in the air was the quiet movement from top to bottom of microscopic drops of mg or fog descending ( L. Tolstoy). - Rain started!<...>This is thank God... The grass and trees feed on the rain, like we feed on bread ( Chekhov). ...The sight of a gray sky and rain tears on the windows take away energy and make you feel blue ( Chekhov). Soon a heavy downpour hit, covering with the noise of rain streams and the gust of wind, and the groans of the pine forest... ( Korolenko). The pale lilacs are nailed to the ground by the rain... / The song of the nightingale has fallen silent; / Incessantly an angry voice can be heard / Of a spilled stream ( Block). The rain cleans with wet brooms / Willow droppings in the corners. / Spit, wind, with armfuls of leaves, - / I’m just like you, hooligan ( Yesenin). It’s already dawn, with cockroach paint / The shrine is outlined in the corner, / But the fine rain with its early prayer / Still knocks on the cloudy glass ( Yesenin). The rain covered the sidewalks, / the crook squeezed in puddles, / wet, licking the corpse clogged with cobblestones in the streets, / and on the gray eyelashes - / yes! - / on the eyelashes of frosty icicles / tears from the eyes - / yes! - / from the downcast eyes of drainpipes ( Mayakovsky). Is drenched in the spring rain, / Warmed up by the spring sun, / My land is dressed in the veil of spring, / Is immaculate without fault ( Balmont). And the silver rain watered the golden fields, / In every grass there is a refrain: “And me, give me water too!” ( Balmont). The wilderness became lower and lighter, / The grass was matted in the bushes, / And, smoldering in the autumn rain, / The dark foliage turned black ( Bunin). Every day he starts a barrel organ under the window. / Monotonously and sleepily he sings about one thing. / The old sky is crying, the monkey is getting wet by the rain, / An elderly actress with a tired face ( Vertinsky). ...The rain itself, without rest, rose to its feet again, awakened by the tickling warmth, and gathered its body into the clouds ( A. Platonov). Zakhar Pavlovich went outside and stood in the moisture of the warm rain, singing about peaceful life, about the vastness of the long land ( A. Platonov). In the fog of cloudy ruins / Meeting the morning dawn, / He was almost immaterial / And not dressed in life forms. / An embryo, nurtured by a cloud, / He was worried, he was seething, / And suddenly, cheerful and powerful, / He struck the strings and sang. / And the whole oak grove shone / With the lightning brilliance of tears, / And the leaves of each joint / Stirred around the birches. / Stretched by thousands of threads / Between the gloomy sky and earth, / He burst into the flow of events, / Hanging upside down. / He fell from afar, with an angle / into gray clusters of oak forests, / and the whole earth, with a mighty bosom, / saw him, trembling ( Zabolotsky. Rain). The rain is pouring down large peas, / The wind is breaking, and the distance is unclean. / The tousled poplar closes / The silvery underside of the leaf ( Zabolotsky). My umbrella breaks like a bird, / And breaks out, cracking. / Noises over the world and smokes / Damp hut of rain ( Zabolotsky). The park came to life. The linden trees are blooming. / People in summer hats are walking. / When they enter the house, / They are overtaken from behind by the smell / Of flowers dripped with rain ( Parsnip). Everything is alive with changing weather. / Rain floods the roof gutters ( Parsnip). At night the farm was dreaming: / Cirrus clouds prevented sleep. The rain covered / The Niva with a quiet step / Cautious drops ( Parsnip). Thunder struck unexpectedly, at random - / A furious blow and a prolonged roar. / And then a light noise rushed by, / Hasty, joyful and wet. / The rain made a quiet noise, singing, / Watering the yard and the roof of the house, / With a whisper, calming the violent anger / From the height of falling thunder ( Marshak). Heavy clouds, filled with cold moisture, hang above the ground. Slanting sheets of rain cover the open spaces ( Paustovsky). The leaves have begun to fall. Leaves fell day and night... The forests were drizzled with rain of flying leaves ( Paustovsky). And I still stand, not daring to move, / as if I was accidentally surrounded /<...>heroes, / relatives, loved since childhood, / smelling of mint, / currants, / honey, / washed to their hearts’ content by the mushroom rains / in the sultry meadows of Oryol and Kursk ( S. Vasiliev). The rain healed everything, made me cry, / chatted, started talking excitedly, / poured down, flowed, fell, dripped. / I didn’t walk, but rowed with the current ( D. Samoilov). As soon as I hear, as soon as I hear, / I don’t really understand right away: / Either the rain, crashing on the roof, / Announces the pitch darkness, / Or the north wind sadly / Howls and groans in the chimney... ( Mezhirov). Cold drizzle covers your face, hands, and jacket. And everything around is kind of dull, shiny, mercurial ( Sladkov). The recent rain crushed the young forest near the ravine like grass and brought down one and a half thousand cubic meters of earth into a hole ( Chivilikhin). The rain lashed with increasing force, eroded the top layer of the earth, exposed broken stems and ears driven into the ground, washed them and thereby further aggravated the picture of catastrophic devastation ( Soloukhin).

VII. Necessity. Beforevfalsity. Opportunity. Desirability. Sushi: if only there was some rain! It would be nice to have some rain! Rain is needed in the spring, during sowing time. The ear is filled with grain: it needs rain. There are clouds all around: it might rain. No matter how it rains! Since spring - at least one drop of rain. “If only it had waited” ( Dahl). “Mother of God, give rain to our barley, to the master’s hops! (hello rain)" ( Dahl). “God grant that it rains, I’ll get into the fat one!” ( Dahl; about heavy rain).

s Rain pour down on the crown of the head, / Fall down, the life of the whole earth! ( "Muse" op., 1796). Now the rain started to fall. / Taffeta flowers are asking Jupiter here: / Is it possible to stop the rain; / They scold and revile the rain in every possible way. / “Jupiter! - they pray, - stop the rain, / What is the way in it / And what is worse in the world? / Look, you can’t walk down the street: / There’s only dirt and puddles everywhere from him” ( Krylov). Every peasant / has a soul like a black cloud - / angry, menacing - and it would be necessary / for thunder to thunder from there, / to rain bloody rains, / and it all ends in wine ( Nekrasov). “...Yes, I’d better see you off,” he added, “to know that you won’t be able to wait out the rain... ( Turgenev). The autumn night burst into tears of icy tears, / No fire on the earth, no star in the widowed azure, / The wind wants to tear everything down, the rain in streams wants to wash everything away ( Fet). ...The rain fell harder. There was no other way to hide from it than by freeing the hay from the bottom of the stack... The rain, which had turned into downpour, could now fall as long as it wanted... ( Grigorovich). Thunder rumbled dully beyond the hills; there was a breath of freshness.<...>It would be nice if it rained! ( Chekhov). In the evening at the Avilovs'. Thank God it's raining! If only tomorrow would be as torrential as possible! ( Bunin). “Oh, if only it would rain now,” he thought, “the rye would rise!” ( Bunin). It was gray and cool, she kept looking out the windows: would the rain ruin my trip? ( Bunin). Boys and girls / Candles and willows / Brought home... / A distant breeze, / Rain, a little rain, / Don’t blow out the fire! / On Palm Sunday / Tomorrow I’ll be the first to get up / For the holy day ( Block). There is no need to be afraid / of rain or / of hail. / I’m flying around a cloud, / a flying cloud ( Mayakovsky). And I stand in a tangle of / Cool elongated bodies, / As if the rain for a moment / wanted to merge with me ( Zabolotsky). And so that the mind can be healed again, / Let the rain and the whirlwind strike at once! ( Zabolotsky). So that the four suns do not sparkle, / Illuminating Igor’s army, / There will be thunder on Kayal today, / It will rain and lash with arrows! ( Zabolotsky). It’s all snow and snow, be patient, period. / Surely the rain would have passed sooner / And with a bitter poplar bud / The modest table would have been flavored by my friend ( Parsnip). What did you have to wait for? Storm water flows and soil slumps. The rain could damage the banks of the canal ( Paustovsky). Everything was unusual that year in the south. At the end of autumn, when the tiresome, but essentially not evil, rains were supposed to fall, suddenly<...>twenty degree frosts began ( Inber). And then he remembered well, / How in the field, the small and the big fell to their knees / Under the pitiful singing. - Dozha! - / And into the haze / They stretched out their hands ( Soloukhin). And in my mind I threatened the weather forecasters: “Eh, why didn’t there be any precipitation? If only there was a good rainfall" ( Sartakov).

Rain, pour, rain, pour, / On me and on people, / And on dear Movo / Forty buckets for one (joke; ditty). Urine, urine, rain, / On our rye, / On grandmother’s wheat. / On Grandfather’s barley / Water all day ( sentence). Rain, rain, let it come, / Let the peas grow, / Rain, rain, more, / The grass will be thicker (sentence). Rainbow-arc, / Bring us rain ( sentence). Rain, rain, have fun! / Drip, drip, don’t be sorry! / Just don’t kill us! / Don’t knock on the window in vain! / Splash more in the field, / The grass will become thicker! ( from the song).

VIII. What is it like? It's been cloudy, rainy and cold all week. Northern summer can be wet and drizzly. It's rainy today, but yesterday it was clear. "It's raining outside" ( Dahl). “It’s drizzly, drizzly outside” ( Dahl). “It’s waited, it’s cleared up” ( Dahl).

s They plant these [trees] in the fall, and in other places throughout the winter, as long as it is not rainy or frosty ( Manual Dictionary of Natural History, trans. from French Levshina, 1788). October 3. And it’s lashing with rain, and it’s twisting, and it’s muddy, it couldn’t be worse ( Prishvin). The rain fell/and passed. / The sun / in the whole world. / This is / very good / for both adults / and children ( Mayakovsky). By evening the sky was overcast and it rained all night ( Avdeev). It had already rained at night. There were puddles in the yard ( Trifonov). It was difficult to listen to it [the rain], because it thundered heavily against the iron roof of the hut. But it was still possible to distinguish its squelching in a puddle near the slightly open door, and its even, steady noise in the distance: here it was on the road, but here it was just on the ground around the village ( Soloukhin).

IX. How. The rain flows in streams, pours into three streams, and lashes in large drops. The rain flows continuously. The rain is pouring down like buckets. The rain is pouring down like a continuous wall. The rain began pouring down in torrents. "The rain falls like a downpour" ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). The rain makes a steady, monotonous sound. The rain beats quickly and steadily on the roof. The rain is like a wall. The rain is drizzling as if through a sieve. "Rain pours from the clouds in rivers" ( Karamzin). Dry leaves rain down. Arrows fly like rain. Scolding and reproaches rained down. "Rain through the sun, through the sun (at the same time)" ( Dahl). “It’s already raining, pour it with a ladle!” (hello rain)" ( Dahl).

s Like rain I will flow with words; / And they will fall like dew to a flower, / My broadcasts to the valleys ( Trediakovsky). How to walk in the mud and in the rain that pours down? ( Fonvizin). Then it was the month of January; rains poured incessantly ( Pantheon of Foreign Literature, 1798). The rain does not always pour like rain / On the motley face of the fields ( Kapnist). [Philaletus] And wealth flows to him [Erast] like a river, pours on him like golden rain ( Karamzin). The Peasant took up the ax, / And to the Tree, as a friend, / He rendered a service: / A large space was cleared around the Tree; / But his triumph did not last long! / Now the sun bakes the tree, / Now it hits with hail, now with rain... ( Krylov). Over the side exhausted from the heat / A large cloud swept by; / Not a single drop refreshed her, / She poured out like a great rain over the sea / And boasted of her generosity before the Mountain. / “What good have you done / with such generosity? - / The Mountain told her. - / And it doesn’t hurt to look at it! / If you shed rain on your fields, / You would save the whole region from hunger: / And in the sea without you, my friend, there is enough water” ( Krylov). ...And suddenly everything was drowned in darkness... the night became even blacker, the rain fell with double fury, as if Perun had dissolved the clouds fraught with water... ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). Over the darkened Petrograd / The autumn wind drove the clouds, / The sky breathed damp cold, / The Neva rustled.<...>Rain on the window / Knocked sadly ( Pushkin. Yezersky). And he felt sad / that night, and he wished / That the wind would not howl so sadly / And that the rain would knock on the window / Not so angrily... ( Pushkin). Finally, a cold stream began to sneak into my tie, and soon the rain soaked me to the last thread ( Pushkin). The Countess began to undress in front of the mirror. They tore off her cap, decorated with roses; They took off the powdered wig from her gray and closely cropped head. Pins rained down around her ( Pushkin). The guard prayed, / Bowed to the right, to the left, / And, clearing his throat, said: / “I didn’t sleep all night; / Unfortunately for me, / There was terrible bad weather: / The rain poured down like that, / Wet my whole shirt” ( Ershov). A strong wind suddenly began to roar overhead, the trees began to storm, large drops of rain began to knock sharply, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out. The rain poured down in streams ( Turgenev). ... Stealthily, slyly, the smallest rain began to sow and whisper through the forest ( Turgenev). The rain hung like light smoke, / In vain the steppe around was thirsty, / And above me alone / At dawn there was a rainbow ( Fet). The next day it rained in torrents, and the storm roared as before ( Grigorovich). As if through a sieve, the nasty autumn rain drizzled ( Chekhov). He could hear the heavy wind-driven rain pounding angrily on the glass and paper of the window ( Chekhov). The wind subsides when it starts to rain. Only the rain makes noise, knocking like small shot on the young rye and dry road ( Chekhov). For another two minutes, through the rare rain, the pond and the shore glowed with a red-opal light... ( Korolenko). Shot-killed needles rained down from the tree ( Kuprin). ...As if on purpose, it rained for three days, running steadily, knocking on the roof with thousands of paws ( Bunin). ...A torrential downpour poured in, cutting us off with a furious roar... ( Bunin). The rain lost its consistency and came in gusts, turning into showers and drizzle ( Arsenyev). Where does the moisture come from? Has the helium gone down? / Did the nitrogen rain? / How did the roots of the mysterious spruce trees grow / In the snow of glacial heights? ( Morozov. Dream of the North Pole). Endlessly, hopelessly / The sour rain drizzles... / Waters the walls, roofs, / The earth, droshky, horses ( Sasha Cherny). It rained heavily for several days, and Presnya seemed to be knee-deep in liquid, tin-like mud ( A. N. Tolstoy). The rain splashes through the sieve, / The pressure of the cold grows stronger. / As if everything is covered with shame, / As if in autumn - shame ( Parsnip). At this time it was sowing from above, as if through a sieve. My coat is swollen like a sponge. With your fingers right hand I tried in vain to grab the handle of my suitcase and finally spat on the wet grass ( Bulgakov). The rain poured suddenly and caught the centuries halfway on the hill. The water fell so terribly that when the soldiers fled downwards, raging streams were already flying after them ( Bulgakov). The rain falls like a veil and hides the world from me. And let him hide it from me. I don't need him, just like no one in the world needs me ( Bulgakov). Night rain hangs over Sevastopol like impenetrable smoke ( Paustovsky). The debris lies like a rain of stones, / There will be no traces of the mosaic soon. / One wall hung without support / And is held together only by a miracle and ivy ( Inber). Leaves become yellower. The days are shorter<...>/ Schoolchildren have longer lessons, / The rains float like an oblique wall. / Only sometimes in the sunshine / It’s still cozy, like spring ( Inber). In the rays and thunder, over the cooled earth, / From the chaos of ring-shaped vapors / The rains fell like a flood ( Inber). The monotonous gray sky hung motionless over the airfield. With the autumn laziness, a tedious, heavy rain was falling ( E. Nosov). The frost tortured me with the Neva ice. / In the hot vines beyond the Desna / The heat scorched my face and hands. / Over the Moscow River, lashing lashingly, / Refresh the shoals of rain ( Mezhirov). And there is no better / Nomadic share - / Around the world / In a shaking cargo truck. / So that the rain, howling, / Falls heavily / On the windshield / Wet glass ( Mezhirov).

X. How many. There was little, but a lot of rain. Only a few rains fell during the dry summer. There were only two or three rains in June. In July there was only one rain, and that was a rare drizzle. Not a single rain since spring. Wall of rain. Streams of rain. In autumn it rains countless times. Lack of rain and dryness lasted all summer (about lack of rain, drought).

s Several lightning flashes during four heavy rains ( Manual Dictionary of Natural History, trans. from French Levshina, 1788). All the rain poured out at night, before dawn the stars appeared... ( Prishvin). Our sail hung<...>showing signs of life only when he wanted to playfully knock my hat off or dump his supply of rainwater on me ( Bukhov). The Reds occupied the city. Entering it, they seemed to bring with them unspent charges of rain, the roar of the autumn sea ( Inber). It rains many times a day, rains of different calibers and different degrees cold ( Inber). Mom brought a drop of rain in her beak and gave it to Skrip, the first haircut ( Astafiev). ...Together with the watery fines, rare, large, pea-sized drops flew to the ground. It was as if two different rains were falling at the same time ( Soloukhin). Above the estate<...>the wind was raging, streams of rain were pouring down from the sky, threatening to blow away the dilapidated thatched roof... ( Bykov).

XI. How much? The rain is getting heavier and heavier. "Rain<...>flowed stronger and stronger" ( Gazdanov). In spring, moderate rain foreshadows good seedlings. As autumn approaches, the weather becomes increasingly rainy. The rain soaked everything to the skin, to the bones. So wet in the rain - at least squeeze it out! The downpour was so heavy that they were unable to light a fire. “Rainwater is fresher and softer than any other” ( Dahl).

s The purest is rain water ( Notes to the Gazette, 1741). The weather is rainier in autumn, / And people are more talkative in old age ( Krylov). ...It started to rain. It gradually intensified and, after half an hour, began to make the same noise as today’s shower ( Somov). They set up huge fires and wanted to dry out... On one side it was burning and steam was pouring out in clouds, on the other - at the same time the dress was three times wet from the rain ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). The sky was covered with clouds; I hoped that the wind, which grew stronger hour by hour, would disperse them. But the rain began to fall and fell heavier and more often ( Pushkin). Three miles from the station** it began to drizzle, and a minute later the pouring rain soaked me to the last thread ( Pushkin). Yesterday God gave such rain that it made a furrow; now the earth is damp... ( S. Aksakov). A fine but constant rain moistens the soil much more deeply than a downpour that comes instantly and passes instantly ( S. Aksakov). It’s raining, it’s raining more... / Ran low, / Got it wet ( A. K. Tolstoy). The rain fell finer and finer... ( Turgenev). Following the thunder, such a terrible downpour poured down that it seemed as if the whole lake had suddenly capsized over Stepanchikov ( Dostoevsky). ... The fine rain drizzled through the cold snow, as if through a sieve<...>The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the wind is gusty and stronger ( Melnikov-Pechersky). And the rain keeps pouring down and beating, more and more often, and crushes into the roofs and windows stronger and stronger ( Goncharov). The hunter and his dog were wet to the bone. They were caught in the largest and thickest rain ( Chekhov). A sharp wind wanders through the thicket, / Whips drops at the window. / The rain is more even, dull and more frequent / Spun the spindle ( Sasha Cherny). ...From noon it invariably turned gray and began to rain, but it became thicker and colder ( Bunin). The rain hit the ground with such force that, as in childhood, terrible thoughts about the flood began to flash ( Bunin). More likely from sleep than from rooftops; rather / Forgetful than timid, / The rain trampled at the door, / And the smell of wine cork ( Parsnip). Blacker than the evening, / Deeper than the showers, / And the songs of the shepherd / With more mournful nights ( Parsnip). The rain came down even harder. The cart swayed and slid, as if floating along a black, greasy river ( Shukshin). It began to rain outside the windows of the hut. Not like during the day, not broken off the chain, but quiet, insinuating, rustling ( Soloukhin). The harder, the more sonorously the rain beat, the more excitedly, the more quickly the countless streams rushed ( Soloukhin). There is silence now. The rain is so thin that you can’t hear the rustle on the leaves. All sounds are drowned in a whitish haze... ( Peskov).

XII. Which (among similar ones). First spring rain. The first drops of rain fell. In a dry summer, every rain is a blessing. Winter is coming: these rains are the last.

s It was one of those nasty country rains that usually, once it starts, last for a long time, for weeks... ( Chekhov). The first splashes, large and heavy, fall like black dots on the dusty road ( Chekhov). And it’s a great joy to see ducks / Diving in the pond before a thunderstorm. / Hear that in the thunderstorm path / A huge howl is heard. / Under the first splashes of golden rain / Submit your face so greedily. / Look for the wrong shelter under the birch tree, / Even though there it is, the porch is close ( Balmont). And there the first cloud approaches, the first thunder rumbles, the first warm downpour falls ( Bunin). The first rains of autumn began, without time, without benefit ( A. Platonov). At night, Zakhar Pavlovich woke up and listened to the rain: the second rain since April ( A. Platonov). The rain will probably be the first to come out of the forest / And ask where it is, where it is muddy. / Another volunteered to follow him / And this is under his dictation ( Parsnip). Creeping wider, wider, / The cloud obscured the earth. / The first drops, big ones / Dropped anywhere ( Tvardovsky). Warm, heavy rain rinsed my head, flowed down my face, down my neck, down my collar, and drummed on my sheepskin coat. It was welcome rain - the first this year ( Shukshin). The first large drops of rain fell on the glass windows; the trees in the hospital garden perked up, shook their branches, made noise ( Shukshin). Just at this time, a thunderstorm broke out completely inopportunely, one of those July showers that are remembered for several years later ( Kataev). The first, timid spring rain fell<...>Grunya stood for a long time, throwing her head back slightly, taking in the gentle, cool rain in her face ( E. Maltsev). A gentle rain was falling. Just like the one / Who filled the field with darkness, / Who saved the one crawling on the pillbox ( Mezhirov).

XIII. Where. Rain in the city, over the city. There will be some rain in places (from the weather report). Rainbow: it rained somewhere. There are slanting streaks of rain on the horizon. There is some drizzle in the air. There are drops of drizzle on the window. A blue haze hangs over the shore. Tropical downpour (in the south, in the tropics: very heavy rain in a tropical cyclone).

s Rain whirlwinds are spinning / Among the storms raging in the sky ( Bobrov). So what? Not a week has passed, / Like a rain cloud over a nearby mountain / Dissipated... ( Krylov). “Hey you sleepy grouse! / Unlock the doors for my brother, / In the rain I’m all wet / From head to toe” ( Ershov). Above the door, around the dim, greasy lantern, rain splashes flew ( Chekhov). It became soft, and soggy, and soggy. / It’s so hard to breathe from the dampness. / We look at the sidewalks as if they were glass, / We look at the sky - there is rain and darkness in the sky... ( Khodasevich). Here the distance is visible in a spacious frame: / Behind the river is a meadow, behind the meadow is a forest. / Here the showers like black pillars / Pass along the edges of the heavens ( Khodasevich). There were cold rains in Moscow, it looked like summer had already passed and would not return, it was dirty, gloomy, the streets were wet and black, glittering with the open umbrellas of passers-by... ( Bunin). There are ripples and fog everywhere. / Carts of belongings are everywhere. / It's raining everywhere. / Sorrow is everywhere... ( Parsnip). Sandpaper sticks to my feet. / The hammering gradually subsides. / Raindrops above the stitches, / Like birds resting in the branches ( Parsnip). The shoots of the shower are dirty in clusters / And for a long, long time, until dawn / They sprinkle their acrostic from the roofs, / Blowing bubbles in rhyme ( Parsnip). A roar of thunder passed across the blue sky, / And again everything was silent. / And a moment later we hear, / How fun and fast / On all the green leaves, / On all the iron roofs, / On the flower beds, benches, / On the buckets and on the watering cans / The passing rain is knocking ( Marshak). Levitan left about a hundred “autumn” paintings, not counting sketches. They were depicted<...>lonely golden birches; a sky like thin ice; shaggy rains over forest fellings ( Paustovsky). How to leave this dear life, / Where the rains sing under the starry net, / Where the trees, with the thinnest branches, / As if they hold the heart with gentle strength ( Inber). Thunder will sound. The rye will whisper as if alive / In the field. / Where is the tear, where is the raindrop / - You won’t understand ( Inber). The rain poured down like a continuous wall. It was a Black Sea subtropical downpour with its rapid streams and the finest water dust ( Perventsev). Don't rush, don't rush, let's wait. / Let’s forget the urgent matter for a moment. / Look: the grass came to life in the rain / And the old tree became younger<...>/ And the stones and grass sing in the rain, / The lake waters sparkle with silver. / Take your time, don’t run, let’s wait, / Let’s listen to the gentle voice of nature ( Surkov). Your non-Russian city / Still unfamiliar to me, - / Maple in the light rain, / Your alley is narrow, / Under the cold rain / Headlights are too bright, / Homeless couples / In your alley... ( Tarkovsky. Rain in Tbilisi). Young rain sways in the sky, / The winds fly across the sleepless plains... / I wish I knew what awaits me beyond the distant line, / There beyond the horizon ( R. Rozhdestvensky). Somewhere far, very far away / It’s raining mushrooms. / Right by the river, in a small garden / The cherries are ripe, bending to the ground ( R. Rozhdestvensky). I look at the photo: / two pigtails, a stern look, / and a boy’s jacket, / and friends standing around. / Outside the window the rain is still falling: / there is bad weather in the yard. / But habitually thin fingers / touched the holster ( Okudzhava). ...The same rain is also falling over the river, but, of course, in complete, impenetrable darkness... Both black rain and black wind prowls in the black alder bushes ( Soloukhin). Throughout the boiling contact between land and sea, the cold steam of a flying drizzle swirled, and along the entire coast, along its entire length, there was the persistent roar of the surf ( Aitmatov). Above the clouds / Scattered / Wise constellations, / Under the clouds / Rain, / Yes you, / Yes silence ( Mezhirov). I understand little about December, / which is expressed by rain and garden. / Where the rain is, where the garden is - you can’t tell. / Here the wedding of two elements is happening. / Their coincidence cannot be separated / by eyewitness power ( Akhmadulina). The rain kept getting more and more annoying; Nastya imagined that she heard the drawn-out, annoying creaking with which he fell to the ground. The grass, soft and far from ripe, received it silently, the leaves on the trees trembled chillily, and a foggy drizzle hung over the Angara, as dull as in autumn ( Rasputin). The wind suddenly subsided, the flickering of leaves outside the windows disappeared, and rain thundered on the roof ( Bits). Here we have fogs and rains, / Here we have cold dawns, / Here on an uncharted path / Intricate plots await ( Dobronravov).

XIV. Where. The rain lashes the windows and hits the roofs. The slanting rain hits the window. The rain is knocking on the glass. “The wet lashes of the June shower / Fall into the mountains” ( Mezhirov). “Rain on the young is happiness” ( Dahl).

s And straight into the stranger’s eyes / From the clouds pouring rain, hail, whirlwind ( I. Dmitriev). And if a cloud waters, / Wandering, its dense leaf, / From its branches, already poisonous, / The rain flows into the flammable sand ( Pushkin). It's too late. There is a river under the window / It makes noise - and with the storm at the same time / Thunderous rain knocks on the window ( Lermontov). The blue sky could be seen / Through the cracks of the old dome, / Rain sometimes fell into these cracks / Fall... ( Nekrasov). Large raindrops were knocking on the dark windows ( Chekhov). The wind rushed, tore off a mass of already yellowed leaves in the garden, and after it raindrops flew sideways with rare large hailstones ( Korolenko). The old garden hummed gloomily all night, / The rain made noise, and, like drops of tears, / It fell into the cold snow on the ground / From the bare branches of groaning birches ( Bunin). The lightning was drowned in darkness, with the roar of thunder / The downpour fell onto the roof of the midnight house ( Bunin). And the din would break in: “The rain has been sent / To hell, where did Makar send the calves / Didn’t go away...” ( Parsnip). And, playing with thunder, the word rolls in a white cloud, / And the shining rain bursts into happy flowers ( Zabolotsky). Beyond the horizon, swiftly, as if from a sling, / Through the clouds, illuminated by the sun’s mane, / Stormy slanting rains flew to the ground ( Inber). And the latter rain knocked on the window, / and she was silent, and he was silent. / And he turned to leave, / and she did not fall to his chest ( Okudzhava). Rain fell from high clouds hanging motionless over the sea. It was straight, warm, and no matter how much it rained, it all flowed into the small coastal pebbles like a hole ( Soloukhin). A sleepy rain falls / On the soft grass. / The single-track runs, / Mushrooms grow silently, / And in this grace / I live on earth ( Mezhirov). Between the fishing line they wobble / Whirlwinds of the single track. / And neat, even, / As if / From a watering can, / On that single-track / Rain is falling ( Mezhirov).

XV. From - Before (in space). Rain poured down from the rising clouds. Rain fell from the sky. “Rain is falling from the fog, / Drops are falling from the roofs” ( Tarkovsky). It's raining from the west. The rain soaked me to the skin, to the bones. Where the wind comes from, that’s where the rain comes from (sign). To escape from the rain into the water (old proverb: to get from one trouble to another). "The rain has penetrated to the bones" ( Dahl).

s It’s a pity that the weather is bad today, / There’s no sun, the shakos don’t shine<...>/ There is hardly anything dry on the soldiers, / Streams of rain are running from their faces... ( Nekrasov). He knelt on the window and put his head in the window, the fresh wind blew straight into his face, large drops of rain dripped from the roof directly onto his nose - this refreshed him a little ( Ostrovsky). “Gold, gold is falling from the sky!” - / Children scream and run after the rain... - / Come on, children, we will collect it, / Only we will collect it with golden grain / In barns full of fragrant bread! ( A. Maikov). The shepherd looked at the sky, where the rain was drizzling, at the forest, at the clerk’s wet clothes... ( Chekhov). Dark rain clouds were approaching from the east, and from there there was an occasional sip of moisture ( Chekhov). Direct, sparse rain sparkled in long glassy threads from a new large cloud ( Bunin). The drivers huddled under the canopy / And whispered angrily. / From melancholy skies / Rain splashes like a sieve ( Sasha Cherny). The time of year is unknown. / The darkness swirls like a veil. / Falls vertically from the sky / Small water beads ( Sasha Cherny). Like shame and reproach / In flocks of leaves and crows, / And rain and hurricane, / Whipping from all sides ( Parsnip). Above the meadows, loose clouds dragged themselves from across the river, clinging to the willows that had flown around. Rain poured down from them annoyingly ( Paustovsky). A thin drizzle fell from the low, hanging gray sky. She sowed silently ( B. Polevoy). They were raindrops / Flying from light to shadow. / By chance, for the first time / We met on a stormy day ( Tarkovsky). The cloud, slowly curling up, floated to the north, revealing a sky covered with gray haze, from which it was no longer a downpour, but a fine gray rain ( A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky). Tea emerged from a saucer. / The world emerged from chaos. / Rain - from a cloud. / And from morning - noon... ( R. Rozhdestvensky). The rain fell in a windless, monochromatic gelatinous sky. It seemed like there would be no end to it ( Soloukhin). An invisible wind squeezes downpours from the clouds. And on the other side of the mountains there is a lot of dry land ( Peskov).

XVI. When. Spring, autumn rain. Warm summer rain. In autumn it’s either rain or sun. Autumn drizzling rains. Sometimes it rains. Short, prolonged rains. The long-awaited rains. Short spring rains. It rained all summer. It's rainy time. Rainy season (part of the year with heavy rainfall: autumn in mid-latitudes, summer in tropical and oceanic latitudes). Sudden downpour. July showers. It never rained during the entire month of September. Morning and evening drizzle. November drizzle. Clouds gathered before the rain. In the evening it started dripping. In the morning a light rain began to fall. We left in the rain. We walked in the rain all day. When it rained (when it rained, when it rained, when it rained) the roof began to leak. My feet got wet in the rain. In the rain - the best dream. After the warm rain, mushrooms began to appear. After heavy rainfall, earthworms crawl to the surface. After the rain on Thursday (last: in the uncertain future, not soon). Before the rain, the fish don’t bite (sign). Wind during rain - to clear weather (sign). “They don’t cover huts when it rains, and they don’t even drip into a bucket” ( Dahl). “It’s snowing and raining at the same hour” ( Dahl). “Frequent rains, violent winds” ( Dahl). “Rain will pour holes into Kazan, bringing winter (Oct 22)” ( Dahl).

s In the rain, I don’t step foot out of the hut ( Cantemir). During the southern and southwestern winds in summer it rains ( Krasheninnikov). Already in the Glass we have Barometers / They want to foretell, as soon as there will be winds, / As soon as thick rain will rustle in the fields, / Or, having driven away the clouds, the sun will dry them ( Lomonosov. About the benefits of glass). On June 30th, a rain cloud came with the wind ( Lomonosov). This Rain immediately stops as soon as the wind disperses the cloud that is raining ( Manual Dictionary of Natural History, trans. from French Levshina, 1788). The downpour followed us all day like a jealous husband, the wind penetrated into the innermost folds of the soul ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). It happened when everyone was running under the roof, I wandered in the rain for hours, listening to the talk and roar of the clouds... ( Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). Not far from the village of Kazbek we moved through Crazy beam, a ravine that turns into a furious stream during heavy rains ( Pushkin). The Terek rushes between the mountain walls, / It wears out the wild shore in waves, / It bubbles around huge rocks, / Here and there it digs a road, / Like a living beast, it roars and howls - / And suddenly it calmed down and became humble. / Lower and lower, falling lower, / He’s running barely alive. / So, after a storm, exhausted, / The rain stream flows ( Pushkin). In the rain and slush, he is forced to run around the yards; in a storm, in the frost of Epiphany, he goes into the hallway, just to take a break for a minute from the screams and pushes of an irritated guest ( Pushkin). The day was cloudy and there was a light drizzle at times ( S. Aksakov). Oh! How long will it take us to get dirty in the mud, / And drizzle in the rain? ( Vostokov). ...Everything around shone with a strong double brilliance: the brilliance of the young morning rays and yesterday’s downpour ( Turgenev). The rain began to drizzle again and soon poured down in streams. “What a flood,” the forester remarked, “we’ll have to wait ( Turgenev). The sun will bring life here from the stone itself, when a tropical downpour waters the earth for at least a few hours ( Goncharov). The night threatened with bad weather<...>Where is his boy now? Where will the poor child hide if by midnight an icy downpour pours in and a thunderstorm breaks out... ( Leskov). As soon as thunder struck and a terrible downpour poured down, all the people located near the mountain<...>instantly jumped up and started running around the mountain... ( Leskov). ...On Christmas Eve the thunder struck, the rain poured down, and it poured and poured without stopping for two days and three days... ( Leskov). The sky is not yet sending rain, but in the distance heavy, gloomy gray clouds are already beginning to swirl ( Grigorovich). The rain didn't last long<...>the sun came out again, and the roofs of the dachas, the old linden trees of the gardens on both sides of the main street glistened with a wet sheen, and water dripped merrily from the branches, and water ran from the roof ( L. Tolstoy). In the morning the rain was no longer knocking on the windows, but the sky was gray like yesterday ( Chekhov). ...Before Maslenitsa it started to rain heavily... ( Chekhov). ...Thunder rolls high, then brilliant rain begins to fall through the sun, quickly turning from the heat into fragrant pine steam... ( Bunin). August was full of warm rains, as if falling on purpose for sowing, with rains right at the right time, in the middle of the month, around the feast of St. Lawrence ( Bunin). Every day it rained, the horses carried, scattering clods of blue chernozem mud, the fat, saturated rye with moisture dropped wet gray-green ears onto the road ( Bunin). On Monday evening it was raining, the hazy sky over Paris turned dull red ( Bunin). Yesterday's rain has not dried yet - / There is green water in the grass! / The abandoned arable lands are sad, / And the quinoa withers, withers ( Yesenin). It was the end of November, there was already frost in the morning;<...>besides, it often rained for a long time... ( Gazdanov). Yesterday afternoon I was at a short time pouring rain, and after it in the evening fog began to rise in the lowlands ( Prishvin). The daily dim sky in the morning and drizzling rains do not upset me at all... ( Prishvin). A fine autumn rain falls on the fields, and millennia falls, and the stones are cut... ( Prishvin). It rained all day and night, and the drops incessantly knocked on the roof... ( Bulgakov). Recently, this forest clearing / It rained like a surveyor and a surveyor. / The lily of the valley leaf is heavy with a spoon, / Water has filled the ears of the royal candles ( Parsnip). And when the radiant / Sultry morning again / Dries the boulevard puddles / After the night shower, / They look gloomy due to the occasion / Of their lack of sleep / Centuries-old, odorous / Unfaded linden trees ( Parsnip). During the first winter thaw, under New Year, on Vasilyev’s evening the showers came, washed the snow from the snowdrifts, and melted to the ground ( Parsnip). Almost immediately after the lightning, rain falls on the ground ( Paustovsky). The painting “After the Rain” contains all the charm of rainy twilight in a Volga town. The puddles sparkle. Clouds go beyond the Volga like low smoke ( Paustovsky. Isaac Levitan). The colors seemed especially soft because of the autumn haze that hung motionless in the air. And when it rained, the softness of the colors gave way to brilliance ( Paustovsky). For seven days the rain has not stopped. / And there is no one to stop him. / More and more often a gloomy thought flashes, / That the whole village could be flooded ( Rubtsov). Wait for me, and I will return, / Just wait very long, / Wait when they bring sadness / Yellow rains, / Wait when the snow is blowing, / Wait when it’s hot, / Wait when others are not welcome, / Forgetting yesterday ( Simonov). I hear your distant voice, / We cannot help each other, / And the rain knocks on the roof all night, / Just as it knocked all night then ( Tarkovsky). The earth hums under the nightingales, / basks in the May rain, / but the tin soldier / is condemned to eternal feat ( Okudzhava). And among millions of windows, it is necessary that there is one illuminated window on which you always knock,<...>and it will be warm after the cold September rain... ( Soloukhin). At times, when the water stopped flowing, the world was filled with the rustling of drops in the trees of the garden, in the currant bushes, in the tall nettles near the tine ( Soloukhin). The old people remembered when... they saw such water. The pious old women wailed: “It poured one night, and what happened! And if there were forty days and forty nights, there would be a flood. Just wait, the abysses of heaven will open up!..” ( Soloukhin). It rained that day - it finally gathered during the hot summer, when it was time to harvest the grain ( Bykov). At that same moment, a warm festive rain fell on evening Moscow, on its roofs and pavements, varnishing the dim city and splashing golden drops across the black mirror shine ( Gorenshtein). It rained all summer. / Above me / The ashes of a flying thunderstorm stirred. / And the war ended in the spring. - / I stayed to live just in case ( Mezhirov). And today the rain is falling again, / Every drop is memorable to the soldier. / And while I was walking, I suddenly came across a pillbox, / Which I myself had once blown up ( Mezhirov). Closer to Easter, the rain will begin to settle, / The snow will melt, the earth will settle - / Moscow region black soil ( Mezhirov).

XVII. From - Before (in time). From September to October it began to rain. Since yesterday morning it has been pouring and pouring. It's been raining since the evening. It's drizzling in the morning. From May to June not a single drop of rain fell. We stayed out until the rain. We managed to remove the hay before the rains. It rains from morning to evening, as if the winter crops would not get wet. If it started raining since lunchtime, it will last for a day (a sign). “As long as it rains, you can’t mow” ( Dahl).

s Since time immemorial, the skies have been pouring with rain / Over the native side, / Bend, groan, broken under the storm / Since time immemorial, native forests... ( Nekrasov). It’s been dull and rainy since the morning, / Today turned out to be an unlucky day: / For nothing in the swamp I got wet to the bone... ( Nekrasov). Until the rainy evening / The good fellow ran / And the grumpy comrade / He catches up near the village ( Nekrasov). The rain had not stopped since early morning. We really didn’t do anything to get rid of it! ( Turgenev). From the very morning there was a light rain, replaced at times by warm sunshine... ( Turgenev). Not a drop of rain fell from the very spring of St. Nicholas, from the time the water began to enter low water, until Ilyin’s day ( Salt.-Shchedrin). - Get to Chernevo before it rains... look how cloudy it is! ( Grigorovich). From mid-June to the end of July there was no rain to freshen the air; the hot earth cracked and turned into stone or dust... ( Grigorovich). It rains almost every evening. As it started to charge on the tenth of May, it continued throughout May and June, just terrible! ( Chekhov). Starting this morning, a sharp cold wind began to blow and the most disgusting rain began to drizzle ( Chekhov. Letter to M.V. Kiseleva, 1890). From morning to morning there was a continuous rain, fine as water dust ( Kuprin). Yesterday afternoon it rained until the moon rose, about ten o'clock. Today from twelve o'clock it's the same again ( Bunin). It rains from midday until night. And at night, although not like that anymore - until the morning ( Bunin). Since the end of September, our gardens and threshing floor have been empty.<...>The wind tore and tore the trees for days on end, the rains watered them from morning to night ( Bunin). Suddenly everything sang menacingly and went dark, and for a long time nothing was visible, until frequent and heavy rain began to pound on the ringing roof ( Gazdanov). Spring worked all night without rest. / The rain burned the linseed oil until the morning. / And steam pours out from under the purple lid, / The earth smokes like a pot of cabbage soup ( Parsnip). The rain sows, sows, sows, / has been drizzling since midnight, / like a muslin curtain / hanging behind the windows ( Tushnova). What about the roof? How long will you live under this old birch bark? Until the first rain ( Abramov). ...Such [rain] will not stop in half an hour, but will continue until every grain of earth is covered with warm water... ( Soloukhin). It turned out to be a cold, slushy day, light rain had been drizzling since lunchtime, and was monotonously knocking on the roof, which was swollen with moisture ( Bykov). ... Since yesterday, this cold rain has been pouring incessantly, so much so that one had to wonder where there was so much water in the sky ( Solzhenitsyn). The Indians called the Valley of Death “burning land.” From June to October<...>the ground is really on fire here<...>, and raindrops evaporate in the air without ever reaching the ground ( Peskov).

XVIII. For what. Pray to God to send some rain. From the rain I took an umbrella and put on a raincoat. They took shelter from the rain in a hut. Sheltered the hay from the rain. Rain pipe (to drain water from the roof). Rain barrel (for rainwater). Sprinkler (installation that sprays water when watering). Rain stations (to determine the amount of precipitation; special). Storm drainage (to remove rainwater). From rain not into water, and from fire not into fire (old last).

s Umbrella, canvas on hoops stretched and protecting from rain on a boat ( Full French and Russian. Lexicon, 1786). Having loaded the carts with wives, children, old men and women, covering them with bent bast from the rain and sun,<...>poor settlers started to hit the road... ( S. Aksakov). The children surrounded their mother and father; some showed a basket of mushrooms, some eagerly recounted their impressions of the thunderstorm and how they hid in the hay from the downpour... ( Grigorovich). I looked at the trample flowers at my feet and noticed that they were all closed. “It will rain,” I told Fedya. - How do you know? - By colors. I showed him the closed flowers... - Why do they close before the rain? - To prevent rain from knocking down pollen ( Paustovsky). Sleep, poor people!.. In the rain, you try to quickly run for cover so that<...>a dozen or two extra drops did not fall on you ( Soloukhin). ...They [the earthworms] now lay relaxed and stretched out as long as possible, perhaps so that more raindrops would fall on them during the night ( Soloukhin).

XIX. Why. Without rain (during drought, rainlessness), the earth dries out. The crops are dying: there is no rain. Everything got wet from the rains: the country roads spread out. Due to heavy rains, rivers and streams are swollen. Crops fell under the rain. We got soaked to the skin in the rain. Flight is delayed due to rain. Despite the heavy rain, people gathered for the rally. The chickens ruffled their feathers in anticipation of the rain. The sun sets behind a cloud (in a cloud) - for rain, there will be rain (sign). Rainbow from north to south - expect rain (sign). Swallows fly low above the ground - it will rain (sign). If the rain begins in large drops, it means it will end soon (sign). “If God gives rain, rye will also be born” ( Dahl). "Big rain bubbles, for the rain" ( Dahl).

s The whole earth is crushed by lack of rain ( D. Rostovsky. Book of Lives of Saints, 1705). When the wind comes from the west, there will be stormy and rainy days ( Tatishchev. Brief economic notes to the village following, 1742). Of course it will rain; / A terrible cloud rolled in ( Sumarokov). Grass on the steppe<...>in vain, from the heat and lack of rain there, he burns naked ( Komov). The road was dirty everywhere and due to the former small rain<...>slimy ( Zuev). A little rain, according to the signs of our fellow countrymen, foreshadowed a safe journey for us ( Lepyokhin). Despite the storm, despite the cold, despite the rainy moisture, / In the fence [the good tree] the stakes grow above all others ( Nikolev). ... On the window / All the living flowers / Spread out in all their beauty / And became fragrant from the rain, / Fresher and fluffier ( Krylov). The interior of the grove, wet from the rain, was constantly changing, depending on whether the sun was shining or covered by a cloud ( Turgenev). I had already been wandering through the fields with a gun for several hours and probably would not have returned to inn on the big Kursk road, where my troika was waiting for me, if the extremely fine and cold rain, which from the very morning, no worse than an old girl, pestered me restlessly and mercilessly, had not finally forced me to look somewhere nearby for at least temporary shelter ( Turgenev). The ugly day begins / - Muddy, windy, dark and dirty.<...>/ We look at him through a dim network, / Which flows like tears down the windows of houses, / From damp fogs, from rain and snow! ( Nekrasov). - There has been no rain for the fifth week: you know, they have angered the Lord God because there is no rain ( Goncharov). If it weren’t for the wind that dispersed the clouds, the rain would probably have poured down long ago ( Grigorovich). And there was no time left to think about anything, because such a continuous downpour poured down on them, under which the only thing left was to fall on their faces ( Leskov). He [Vronsky] no longer thought about how this rain would ruin the hippodrome, but now he was glad that thanks to this rain he would probably find her at home and alone... ( L. Tolstoy). The grass scorched by the sun looks sad, hopeless: although it will rain, it will never turn green ( Chekhov). On rainy days he did not come to the dacha, he stayed in the city; the damp country weather had a bad effect on his bronchitis... ( Chekhov). [Voinitsky] Now it will rain, and everything in nature will be refreshed and breathe easy... ( Chekhov). A few days ago there were heavy rains: now a flood has rolled out of the forest wilds, and now the river is swollen... ( Korolenko). And from the calm that reigned everywhere, from the purity of the sky and air, it seemed that there would be no more rain ( Bunin). From the fogs and rains, the roofs of the huts turned black and smoked on the gloomy days... ( Bunin). [Snake] Go and talk to the wolves, / They will give you an account, / Why water flows from heaven ( Zabolotsky. Poem of the Rain). But things tear off their disguise, / Lose power, lose honor, / When they have a reason to sing, / When there is a reason for downpour ( Parsnip). As always, to any change in weather - no matter whether it’s rain or sunshine - restless roosters across the river were crowing at the top of their lungs ( Paustovsky). The black earth roads turned from the rain into lakes of sticky mud ( Paustovsky). We want to play tag in the meadow, / not wear a coat, but just a shirt. / If suddenly there is rain and slush outside, / while preparing our lessons, we want not to cry ( Brodsky). For the second and third time, the jerk grunted in the lowland, and the major still sat on the hill left over from his native guardianship. Opechek rotted, it was covered with clay, wet from rain, from which the stove was built... ( Belov). It was a rainy, cloudy day, and, probably for this reason, Dresden reminded me of Leningrad ( Peskov).