United Russia has developed measures to limit drug prices. Unified speech mode in an educational institution Http unified speech RF monitoring form

Last week, deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma went to summer holidays. The corridors of the Moscow region parliament were empty, and again political life It will begin to seethe here only in September. But before that, deputies of the United Russia faction, who constitute a confident majority in the Duma, at their meeting summed up the results of the work for the six months and discussed plans for the fall.

Perhaps this was the most representative meeting of the faction in Lately. It was attended by almost the entire top leadership of the regional Duma and the Government: Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Valery Aksakov, Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region Alexey Panteleev, Chief Federal Inspector in the Moscow Region Nikolai Shuba, First Deputy Chairman of the Government Igor Parkhomenko, Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region - permanent representative of the Governor of the Moscow Region region in the Moscow Regional Duma Boris Grigoriev, representative in the Federation Council from the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov, State Duma deputy Oleg Kovalev, Secretary of the Political Council of the Moscow regional branch of the United Russia Party Valentin Drusinov. It is obvious that the authorities in the Moscow region pay very close attention to the work of United Russia deputies.

The head of the United Russia faction in the Moscow Regional Duma, Ivan Zhukov, spoke with greetings to everyone present.

“The session was difficult, but fruitful,” Ivan Zhukov summed up the results of the six months. “The President of Russia and the Party put forward a number of tasks for society that should largely change the lives of Russians for the better.”

According to Ivan Zhukov, the measures taken to formulate legislation contributed to improving the quality of life of the population, the implementation of priority national projects, attracting resources to construction, industry and agriculture.

As Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region Alexey Panteleev noted at a meeting of the faction, today, in absolutely all indicators, the Moscow Region is using its potential much more effectively than neighboring regions, including the capital: in terms of rate, economic growth, volume of investment and industrial production. He also praised the deputies for their work, saying that the Moscow Regional Duma “can be held up as an example for the decisions made and the level of responsibility of the deputies.”

Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Valery Aksakov, who was recently accepted into the ranks of the United Russia faction, told the audience that within the framework of federal legislation, MOU deputies adopted 272 laws in six months to develop the region’s economy. At the same time, the speaker of the Moscow Regional Duma praised the deputies for their work on the regional budget, emphasizing that 62% of the funds included in it are spent on social sphere. “There are no such high indicators in any Russian budget,” Aksakov noted.

Secretary of the Political Council of the Moscow regional regional branch of the United Russia Party Valentin Drusinov thanked the deputies for their good and productive work, noting that the deputies of the faction and the regional organization of the party are part of a single team led by a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia Party, Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov . “A team,” emphasized Valentin Drusinov, “that with understanding solves the tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation, the party and, most importantly, the residents of the Moscow region.” Words of gratitude and wishes on behalf of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko to stay in the same mobile mode were conveyed to the faction deputies by the chief federal inspector in the Moscow region Nikolai Shuba. He also noted that the Duma today looks very authoritative due to the fact that its main backbone is the faction of the United Russia Party.

Already at the Duma meeting, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Boris Gromov, addressed the deputies. He told the deputies that Russian President Vladimir Putin highly appreciated the activities of the Government and deputies of the Moscow region. At the same time, Boris Gromov called on the deputies not to relax, since “there are problems that need to be solved.” According to the head of the Moscow region, one of the problems concerns energy in the Moscow region, which today delays the development of the region’s economy in all areas, including housing construction.

Expressing gratitude to the deputies for their effective work, Boris Gromov said: “We really work with you in close contact, by the way, to the envy of so many regions. Let them continue to envy this. You and I have a single task, goals and concern - so that our The region continued to develop powerfully and dynamically, and residents had the opportunity to live better and better every year.”

Press service of the Moscow regional regional branch of the WFP "United Russia"

Details Created 04/16/2018 13:30 Author: Kovach S.N Views: 3202

A unified speech mode is a system of requirements regulating the activities of participants educational process in order to provide conditions for optimal speech development students. This system presupposes compliance by all participants in the educational process with speech norms, education speech culture and a culture of competent writing for students in lessons in all subjects curriculum and in the system of extracurricular activities.
Students' speech should be expressive, which is achieved by a variety of vocabulary, rich grammatical structure, and appropriate use of emotionally charged means of speech.
For students’ speech culture, such skills as the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor’s speech, be attentive to the statements of others, the ability to pose a question, take part in a discussion of a problem, etc. are also important.
The success of work to improve students’ speech culture depends on the coordinated activities of the entire teaching staff of the school, on how uniform requirements for oral and written speech are observed by students and teaching staff.

1. Regulatory documents

1.1. Regulations “On the Unified Speech Mode” in general educational organizations Vologda region» developed in accordance with the following documents:
- Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation"(with subsequent changes);
- order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval of the federal state educational standard primary general education"(with subsequent changes);
- order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education” (with subsequent amendments);
- order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education” (with subsequent amendments) - hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard SOO;
- order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher ( pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" (with subsequent changes).

2. Purpose of the Unified Speech Mode

2.1. The main tasks and goals of the Unified Speech Regime:
- compliance by all teaching staff and students literary norm in the field of spelling, grammar, spelling, punctuation and calligraphy;
- mastering interdisciplinary concepts and methods of action (for example, the formation and development of the foundations of reading competence, types of speech activity in all academic subjects, improvement in the process of studying educational subjects skills of working with information);
- combining the efforts of all teaching staff of educational organizations to prepare students for oral exams, final essays, as well as to create essays and detailed written statements within the framework of intermediate and final certification of students;
- competent design of educational organization website materials, documents and visual aids.

3.1. The powers of the administration of an educational organization include:
- coordination of work on the introduction of the Unified Speech Mode;
- inclusion of issues about uniform requirements for oral and written speech of schoolchildren in the work of pedagogical councils, in the system of intra-school control;
-organizing the exchange of experience among subject teachers and holding joint meetings methodological associations devoted to the issues of improving the speech culture of students;
-development of requirements for maintaining notebooks, checking work, types and quantities tests, work on speech development, inclusion of issues of monitoring compliance with the Unified Speech Regime in the regulations on intermediate certification of students.
- exercising control to ensure compliance with the Unified Speech Regime by students and teaching staff (Article 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”).
3.2. The object of control can be the types of activities and content elements being tested at the intermediate and final certification of students.
3.3. The object of control over the implementation of the Unified Speech Regime by teachers of educational organizations can be the results of the state final certification of students, professional competitions, certification of teaching staff.
3.4. The methodological association of teachers of the Russian language and literature leads and coordinates the work on the implementation of the Unified Speech Regime in a general education organization.
3.5. Teaching staff are obliged:
- maintain any documentation in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Speech Regime and in accordance with spelling and punctuation norms, other norms of the Russian literary language;
- ensure that all materials (ads, stands, newspapers, notes on the blackboard, presentation materials, etc.) comply with spelling and punctuation standards and other standards of the Russian literary language.
3.6. Teaching staff should Special attention pay attention to lexical work with students, instill skills in working with books, including reference literature and dictionaries. IN educational activities it is necessary to use tables, posters with difficult words for each section curriculum, stands “Write correctly”, “Love and know the Russian language”, “Are we speaking correctly?”

4. Requirements for oral and written speech

4.1. Requirements for students:
4.1.1. Any statement by students orally and in writing (a detailed answer on a specific topic, a report, a description of a physical or chemical experience, review of a friend’s answer, etc.) should be assessed taking into account the content of the statement, logical structure and speech design.
4.1.2. Students should be able to:
. speak or write about a topic while respecting its boundaries;
. select the most significant facts and information to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement;
. present the material logically and consistently (establish cause-and-effect relationships between facts and phenomena, make the necessary generalizations and conclusions);
. use correctly and accurately language means to formulate a statement;
. construct a statement in a certain style (colloquial, scientific, journalistic, etc.) depending on the purpose and situation of communication (in a lesson, meeting, on an excursion, on a hike, etc.);
. answer loudly, clearly, observing logical stress, pauses and correct intonation;
. draw up any written statements in compliance with spelling and punctuation standards, cleanly and accurately.
4.1.3. A statement that adheres to:
. rules of pronunciation and stress;
. rules for the use of words in accordance with their meaning, as set out in dictionaries, and the features of use in various styles of speech;
. rules for the formation and modification of words, as well as the formation of phrases and sentences in accordance with the requirements of grammar;
. rules of spelling and punctuation, mistakes are not allowed in the spelling of studied terms, capital letters V geographical names, in titles historical events, V proper names writers, scientists, historical figures and etc.
4.2. Requirements for teaching staff.
4.2.1. During the educational process, teaching staff must:
- show in lessons examples of correct, expressive, clear, precise, pure speech;
- systematically plan students’ activities aimed at developing the skills necessary to work with text (Table 1); oral and written communication skills (Table 2); skills and abilities related to searching for information and bibliographic data (Table 3);
- make all entries correctly and accurately, in legible handwriting: on the board, in the journal, diaries and notebooks of students;
- to promote knowledge about speech culture and speech etiquette among schoolchildren and their parents.

Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Sergei Neverov at a press conference in TASS.

United Russia will create four groups to monitor the implementation of high-profile laws. The results of this work will be presented in the form of a report to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Secretary of the United Russia General Council Sergei Neverov said at a press conference in TASS.

We are talking about a set of amendments to the trade law aimed at supporting domestic producers, amendments to environmental laws regarding the creation of forested green belts around major cities and megacities, as well as in the law on the involvement of unused agricultural land into circulation.

Some of the laws in question are of a framework nature, including at the regional level. These are important, high-profile laws, the passage of which in parliament caused resistance from various groups. We have created four monitoring working groups, we invite experts and activists to take part in this work. The result will be joint reports that we will present to our president, Neverov said.

Preservation of the Russian forest fund

Sergei Neverov, speaking about amendments to the country’s Forest Code, noted that they were adopted with difficulty. According to him, there was some rejection on the part of the timber industry.

They opposed the creation of a register of unscrupulous forest tenants - those who, contrary to their obligations, do not engage in reforestation, do not take proper measures to protect against natural fires, and do not restore village roads destroyed by logging trucks. But at the same time, it is important that the norms of the law do not become an instrument of unfair competition, says the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia.

“In the same block there are issues of creating forest and green belts around large cities and megalopolises (the so-called “Green Shield”). Those who planned to build cottage settlements on tidbits of land, those who look at city parks solely from the point of view of the possibility of infill development, were also not delighted with the adoption of these amendments,” Neverov added.

Nikolai Nikolaev, head of the Center for Monitoring the Implementation of Presidential Decrees “People's Expertise” of the ONF, will monitor the implementation of the law on the conservation of forest resources. And Vladimir Gutenev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the law on the “green shield”.

Every piece of land is used

To involve unused lands in circulation, it is necessary first of all to find out “the readiness of each region to conduct objective, understandable monitoring of how the lands are cultivated and whether they are cultivated at all,” says Sergei Neverov.

At the same time, as Nikolai Pankov, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, who is responsible for the implementation of the relevant law, informed, “today, 28 million hectares of land in Russia are privately owned. However, nothing has been produced there for 5-8 years.”

According to the norms of the adopted law, it will be possible to repurchase land from careless owners for its further use in production. The law is already producing results. At meetings with farmers, agricultural producers confirm that they have an interest in expanding production. Our main goal is to convince the owner of the land to produce products, and if this does not happen, then transfer the land to those who can work on it. The addition of 28 million hectares of land will give us more opportunities for production. We also expect that new law will create new jobs and lead to an increase in wages for agricultural producers, Pankov asserts.

Support for domestic manufacturers

"United Russia" has been striving for several years to support local producers of products - to provide them with access to a wide market, Neverov stated.

Therefore, the law “On the Fundamentals of government regulation trading activities" (Law "On Trade"). At this spring session, we introduced amendments to it, the adoption of which was also quite difficult, with a lot of opposition,” said the Secretary of the United Russia General Council. - They were accepted. For example, the amount of remuneration for chains is limited to five percent of the price of purchased food products (previously 10%). However, at meetings in the regions there is talk that networks are trying to get around these restrictions, essentially leaving everything in place.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption Irina Yarovaya will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the trade law. According to her, it is necessary to monitor the conclusion of supply contracts and other agreements between retail chains and food suppliers. Yarovaya promised to pay special attention to socially significant goods, as well as compliance by retail chains and food suppliers with antimonopoly rules.

We are in constant interaction with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). We intend to ensure such interaction as part of our monitoring, and most importantly, our allies in this monitoring are manufacturers, who find it very difficult to find a public platform and declare that they are being forced to deceive, Yarovaya said.

Earlier, at a meeting between Vladimir Putin and representatives of the leadership of parliamentary parties, the head of the United Russia faction, but with the participation of experts, activists and representatives of public organizations that monitor the most significant laws.

The event with the participation of Vladimir Putin and the leaders of parliamentary factions is a kind of preventive measure before the Duma elections, said member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Georgy Fedorov. The President, the expert believes, wanted to once again directly hear from faction leaders their vision of the results of their parliamentary activities and talk about how they further see their work and how they conduct analysis political system countries.

“The main thing is that parties do not use elections for destructive purposes. That is, Putin wants to gather everyone and agree on acceptable rules of the game. This step, in particular, is another signal to society that there is a dialogue and it will continue in the future,” Fedorov said.

TO XXI century a person has achieved a lot: he is surrounded by roads, high-rise buildings, cars, functional devices. These things, however, cannot completely remove people from nature; powerful and unruly, it will always influence society. A person can only learn to predict her behavior and build his plans in accordance with it. Environmental monitoring was specially created for these purposes.

What do we know about the word “monitoring”?

The word "monitoring" originated in Latin, then migrated to English, and later became established in the Russian dictionary. Thus, monitor means “reminding”, “supervising”, “warning” and is interpreted as a whole complex of regular observations, assessments and forecasts of any object, in order to control and, if possible, optimize the processes occurring with its participation.

What is environmental monitoring?

If we are talking about environmental monitoring (hereinafter referred to as EMO), then it is clear that the object of research in this case will be nature and its state, as well as the changes occurring in it as naturally, and as a response to human activity.

Where did this concept come from?

Officially, what environmental monitoring is was decided in 1971 at a UNESCO meeting before the 1972 UN Stockholm Conference, which was dedicated to this issue. It was then that this term was first used.

However, in the world, professional monitoring of fluctuations in climate, weather, and its phenomena was carried out long before this - about a hundred and a little years. These include well-known meteorology, seismology and other types of observations and measurements. Nowadays, the range of research is rapidly expanding, the number of parameters being measured is growing, and a network of special stations is developing. At the same time, there is a statement from those involved in environmental monitoring that these activities simultaneously complicate problematic issues requiring immediate resolution.

Is there one monitoring or several?

Monitoring can be very diverse; to create a holistic picture of a given subject, it would be useful to become familiar with its various types.

Based on the goals and objects, sanitary and hygienic, environmental and climate monitoring are distinguished.

1. Sanitary and hygienic is primarily concerned with monitoring environmental pollution and comparing its quality with hygienic standards MPC standards(maximum permissible concentrations) identified for protection, health and safety favorable environment life activity of the population.

2. Environmental monitoring plays an important function in the global environmental control system. Concentrates primarily on renewable resources and analyzes human impacts on ecosystems and their response to human stimuli. This is the main purpose of this type of monitoring. The task is to study the typical, most common response effects not of individual organisms, but of their communities (ecosystems).

This type of monitoring includes the following types of control:

For atmospheric air. It is characterized by the fact that a set of program observations is aimed at accumulating data for subsequent evaluation and use as a basis for predicting possible changes in the future.

Beyond the hydrosphere. Its peculiarity is that it monitors the state of affairs in waters of different levels, we are talking about surface and underground.

Behind the lands (soils). Observations are carried out on the state of land cover and soil composition, in accordance with which decisions are made on measures to protect the land from negative impacts external factors.

For radiation. Accordingly, the status and conditions of background radiation are assessed.

3. Climate monitoring is an environmental service that, as usual, deals with monitoring and forecasting climate changes and fluctuations. It is similar to an ecological one, but its subject matter is not within the entire biosphere, but only in that part that influences the formation of climate. This is, as you know, the atmosphere, surface water, snow masses, etc. Climate monitoring is closely related to hydrometeorological observations.

Other classifications of monitoring can be given.

So, depending on the scale, they distinguish:

  • Biosphere, also known as global. Within its framework, monitoring of general worldwide processes in the biosphere of the planet is carried out in order to predict and warn about emerging emergency situations and extreme threats.
  • Impact. It works on a smaller scale - local points (district or even enterprise). Reports on anthropogenic influences (industrial facilities or individual sources) and emergency situations (in the event of disasters, accidents, calamities, epidemics).
  • Biological. Narrowly focused observations of biological resources - plants and animals. Bioindicators are used for these measures. Research is carried out on the territories of nature reserves or in other environmental zones.

Monitoring the natural environment

A necessary condition high-quality management of environmental properties is proper organization monitoring systems.

The MOS system includes four main blocks:

  1. Observation (implies obtaining data on the general condition of objects under observation). They are carried out with a certain frequency, at clearly established intervals, which is very important for obtaining a complete and clear picture. Observations can be made either by individual stations (pointwise) or by their entire network. In order to separate anthropogenic and natural (natural) modifications from each other, it is necessary to store data for past years for comparison with previous indicators. This will make it possible to more accurately calculate the intensity of processes and predict their consequences.
  2. Assessment of the present condition. The information obtained from the previous stage is analyzed by specialists who are able to accurately determine the degree of deterioration or, conversely, the well-being of the object’s condition, establish the reasons for this, and outline trends in subsequent variations in its condition.
  3. State forecast. At this stage, not only the future is assumed, but also attempts are made to support the hypotheses with certain evidence (calculations, indicators, etc.).
  4. Forecast assessment. The results obtained are again evaluated and then conveyed to the audience in one format or another.


The authorities responsible for the country are most concerned about the state of the environment; they are the ones who organize activities to study and protect nature in order to provide citizens with comfortable living conditions. Such activities in government structures are usually called state monitoring environment (GEMOS).

Legal regulation of GEMOS

Being extremely important, this activity of the state is fully regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. This area is covered by such legal acts as the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, the Water and Forestry Codes, the Federal Law “On the Protection of atmospheric air"and a number of others.

In addition, regulatory articles on MOS are available in all natural resource and other regulatory legal acts. For example, sanitary and epidemiological authorities carry out their work on social and hygienic monitoring, on the basis of the Regulations on such monitoring.

Who carries out environmental monitoring in Russia

The legislator has exhaustively established the entities that organize and carry out environmental monitoring of the environment in Russia. First of all, the entire system of authorized bodies is headed by the Government of the Russian Federation. Its structure includes the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and their subordinate federal environmental monitoring services and agencies competent in the area under consideration. For example, these include: federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography; The center for environmental monitoring and hydrometeorology is the Federal Service of the Russian Federation of the same name, which also includes Rybnadzor, as well as other government authorities.

What is environmental monitoring in the Russian Federation

At the state level, GEMOS is designated, firstly, as a comprehensive system for monitoring the natural environment and its condition, assessing and forecasting its changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. And secondly, as environmental monitoring carried out by federal government bodies and regional authorities.

From the history

GEMOS activities began in the 1930s back in the USSR. At that time, in connection with the problem of water consumption, research and control of surface and underground water bodies was relevant.

In the 50s, the first tests of nuclear weapons were carried out, so it became necessary to identify and organize the fight against radiation pollution natural environment.

1972 was marked by the creation of a number of special organizations, departments and services performing similar environmental monitoring functions, so their preservation in the renewed Russia was considered inappropriate. Therefore, in 1993, the Unified State System of Environmental Monitoring of Russia (USESM) was created, and the main goal was to ensure the safety and protection of the environment. The tasks were observation, storage and processing of information about the status of the environment, as well as research and comprehensive analysis identified data and subsequent informing citizens and interested parties in this area. However, this attempt also turned out to be weak; the environmental monitoring system survived only until 2003. Because her concept stopped developing and the goal was not achieved. Today there is a new decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the organization and implementation of GEMOS.

Functions of environmental monitoring in the Russian Federation

Among the large number of them, the main ones can be identified:

  • Monitoring the state of the environment in places where anthropogenic influence factors are located.
  • Analysis, assessment and identification of trends in modifications of the state of the natural environment under the influence of both biological and anthropogenic phenomena.
  • Providing the needs of the state as a whole, its officials, organizations and citizens with complete, competent, reliable information about the state of the natural environment. This is important because it is necessary to prevent or reduce the negative consequences of adverse changes.

Features of the organization of GEMOS in the Russian Federation

Some Soviet hardening of Russia led to the construction of GEMOS, the activities of which are strictly regulated. In our country, GOST standards adopted back in the days of the USSR are in force ( state standards), SanPiNs (sanitary norms and rules), RD (guiding documents) and OND (all-Union normative documents). State environmental monitoring of the environment is carried out using special observation stations connected to a network and information resources of the state data fund (hereinafter referred to as the SDF). The named elements are parts of the Unified State Electrical System.

State data fund

For better quality and mobile monitoring great importance has a GFD. It must be said that until 2013 in the country control over environment carried out by many competent authorities. As a result, research data was scatteredly preserved in the locations of ministries, services and departments, and their interchange was difficult.

The salvation was the creation of such a valuable resource as a fund. This is one Information system, where all the data obtained during monitoring is collected, which, of course, solved the above problem.

05.04.2018 16:33

A meeting of the Russian Language Council was held today at the Regional Government under the chairmanship of Deputy Governor Oleg Vasiliev. The event was attended by philologists, writers, journalists, literature teachers, methodologists, as well as representatives of universities and cultural and art institutions in the region. The main topic of discussion was the question of the procedure for introducing a unified speech regime in general education organizations in the Vologda region.

“We are holding the first meeting of the Russian Language Council this year. Today we have several questions, they are quite serious. One of them will become a complete innovation. We must consider the proposal to hold the first congress of philological teachers in the region. Also today we will discuss the introduction of a unified speech regime in general education organizations in the region, since the topic is relevant. “Being able to speak, write, and communicate correctly in Russian is the task of our entire society.”, - Oleg Vasiliev addressed the participants of the meeting.

A unified speech regime is a system of requirements regulating the activities of participants in the educational process in order to provide conditions for optimal speech development. This system assumes compliance by ALL participants in the educational process with speech norms, education of speech culture, competent execution of all materials, documents, and visual propaganda in the institution.

“Currently, no measures have been developed at the federal level. guidelines on the issue of introducing a unified speech regime, which requires certain work in this direction in the region", - said Lyubov Vorobyova, Deputy Head of the Department of Education, during her speech.

The professional standard for teachers, adopted in 2017, puts forward new requirements for the professional competencies of teachers. One of them is the ability to organize communication activities students. This means that increasing the level of Russian language proficiency of schoolchildren directly depends on the qualifications of teaching staff. In this regard, specialists from the Vologda Institute for Educational Development made recommendations at the Council to develop an additional professional development program for teachers of general education organizations “Unified requirements for oral and written speech of students in general education organizations.”

Members of the Council decided to recommend to the heads of general education organizations to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of a unified speech regime. Representatives of the Vologda Institute for Educational Development will work to intensify the activities of methodological associations of general education organizations.

The meeting also discussed the results of a trial final oral interview in the Russian language in 9th grades in the region. To date, 650 students from 10 educational organizations in the region have taken part in it. The results showed that 96.3% of students received a “Pass” in oral interview. Passing the final interview next year will give 9th grade graduates access to the State Examination Academy. This year, the results of the final interview will not affect admission to the final certification.

Professor of the Russian Language Department Guriy Sudakov made a report at the Council meeting on the First Congress of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature of the Vologda Region. It will take place in October 2018 at the Vologda state university. Participants of the congress will be met by 20 educational organizations of Vologda. The participation of teachers in the V All-Russian Belov Readings “BELOV. VOLOGDA. RUSSIA". The materials of the teachers' congress will be prepared for publication.

For reference:

The Russian Language Council was formed in March 2015 and approved by a decree of the Regional Governor. Its main goal is to unite the efforts of various public, scientific and government structures in the study, development and use of the Russian language.