An alien invasion is beginning? What to do in case of an alien invasion Alien invasion

This is based on the words of the prophet Ezekiel, where he predicted an approaching tornado from the north. In his prophetic dreams, he could contemplate a luminous cloud, in the center of which there was an object and four living creatures, with wings and human features. The Prophet was so impressed that he even fell to the ground. What he saw was awe-inspiring. He could see how these creatures instantly move in space, and moreover, Ezekiel heard a voice from heaven.

It is generally accepted that this prophecy explains the existence of UFOs today and future alien invasions of Earth. Famous engineers and scientists tried to interpret the prophet's recorded vision into reality. For example, back in 1973, NASA engineer J. Blamrich was directly involved in the creation of a unique rocket called “Saturn,” which delivered a team of researchers and scientists to the Moon. They managed to accurately model the aircraft that the prophet Ezekiel described in his message.

Elements of aerospace technology helped them in this. As a result, all the details of modern flying equipment exactly matched the ancient descriptions, right down to the seat and helicopter engine. Theologians also predict an alien invasion. But they believe that this will look like a Last Judgment that will lead to the end of the world. In their opinion, numerous popular contacts of humanity with aliens are now associated with these predictions.

One of the fathers of Orthodoxy believes that the presence of a UFO will directly testify to the fulfillment of the predicted Antichrist, his reign for a short time and the coming of Christ Jesus for the second time. According to theologians, this unidentified otherworldly object has the ability to quietly guide the actions and life of a person in general. It is also generally accepted that other well-known prophecies spoke of a future alien invasion of earth. More and more often they refer to the Gospel of Luke, in which this evangelist wrote about “a terrifying sight and a great sign.”

Alien invasion of Earth

This period of time will occur before the coming of Jesus and, as some believe, famous predictors, this will happen at the end of the current millennium. It is not for nothing that one of the American projects for the study of UFOs has the symbolic name “sign”.

The fact that such a possibility of an alien invasion still exists is reported by one of the bookmakers in Britain. At the same time, they believe that this will happen by the end of this year 2015. The representative of this company, Alex Donohue himself, gave an interview and said that he himself did not believe in the chances of an alien invasion and considered it a joke. But as it turned out, this is quite real.

This fact was also recognized by a representative of a well-known company. After all, this is confirmed by carefully conducted research, and therefore, as many believe, the possibility of the existence of alien life cannot be ruled out. In the UK they even published a book in which they outlined in detail an action plan in case such an unusual situation arises in humanity.

As you can see, many are truly imbued with this possible problem of the future and are trying in every possible way to protect themselves. Of course, it's easier to do this when there are as many details and explanations as possible. But no one still knows how exactly contact with aliens will occur. Some believe that this will be in the form of communication not with intelligent beings, but with robots. What explains this vision of the situation?

Peace or military conquest?

Human research and capabilities are extremely limited. Although earthly civilization has achieved a lot. We know how to launch research aircraft into space without a person on board, and create equipment that can reach stars and the outskirts of the galaxy. If a person can do this disabilities, then robots will be even more able to do the impossible, for example, conduct observation or make contact.

The question is different:

“Can this contact be peaceful on both sides of civilizations?” Many well-known researchers speak with one voice that, after all, there will be not a peaceful, but a military invasion.

It is assumed that robotic invaders will fly to earth and complete their mission. After all most of modern progress is associated precisely with military technologies. And the limitations that civilization experiences are primarily related to space. If these two factors are combined together, then the presence of robots on earth does not sound like science fiction.

Psychic says it's inevitable

Today even ufologists talk about this. Every year, similar statements about a possible alien invasion are heard at conferences. The famous psychic Richard Atkins loudly declares to the whole world that this probability today is almost 100%.

At the same time, he confirms his information with cases where people were abducted by aliens. Among these cases, like ordinary people, as well as astronauts or military personnel. According to Atkins, all chapters will soon be large countries will stop hiding the truth regarding the presence of aliens. This will entail great bloodshed and death of civilians caused by natural disasters, behind which the invaders will stand.

If anyone survives, they will suffer the fate of enslavement by the conquistadors. After all, aliens may be very interested in the availability of labor, which they need for development. And these are just a few possible options how future events will develop. Scientists around the world are closely continuing research in this area.

There are less than three weeks left before the big intergalactic war. Ufologists predict an alien invasion, and it will happen on April 22. Researchers are confident that dozens of combat spacecraft are approaching our planet; they have already passed Mars and are approaching Earth.

Spacecraft supposedly reach up to 500 km in diameter, and their radio signals can already be heard at a frequency of 11.546 GHz. This message with a link to a certain research group “World of Scientific Discoveries” appeared on April 1. Although it looks like a joke, earthlings really have something to fear.

On the last day of March, two unidentified flying objects were spotted in the sky over Turkey. The plates, seemingly miraculously shaped, circled over Ankara and disappeared into the depths of space, forcing ufologists to remind themselves again. Such phenomena are not accidental, they believe. Moreover, these are not isolated cases. UFOs began to be noticed more and more often.

UFO Institute

Another strange object in the Turkish sky was noticed from the window of an airliner. A video posted by one of the passengers shows an oddly shaped cloud slowly moving along the plane. The author of the video, Kerry Forides, believes that it was a UFO that got into the lens. These shots quickly spread online, already gaining half a million views. Users' opinions are divided: some consider it a military aircraft, while others believe that aliens will come soon.

Video:, user: kerry forides

Chinese scientists have no doubt about this either. The lunar rover from the Celestial Empire, Changʼe 3, sent pictures to Earth in which ufologists spotted an alien base. The far side of the Moon supposedly hides a terrible secret from us. George Graham, a famous UFO hunter, is sure that objects unusual for the lunar surface were brought with them by humanoids. Obviously, for the invasion of Earth. Ufologists started talking about the fact that the Moon could be an intergalactic base back in the 60s, when, after studying photographs of the Earth’s satellite taken by NASA, they discovered many cavities and tunnels. And these moves could only be created artificially.

Video:, user: Streetcap1

Astronomers are also adding fuel to the fire. Scientists from the University of Southampton have recorded more than 70 bright short flashes in space. And the worst thing is that their nature cannot be determined in any way. These flashes are known to change brightness too frequently. Mysterious impulses have led to even more talk that we are not alone.

Photo: M. Pursiainen, University of Southampton

The International Space Station was recently literally surrounded by 7 unidentified flying objects. In just half an hour from 23:20 to 23:50 on March 31, a virtual UFO hunter, known online under the nickname Graham, during a live broadcast from the ISS, counted 7 strange objects at once, which, according to the researcher, are actively watching us.

"The fact that we are still breathing on this beautiful planet means they are here to help us or they are just watching us," Graham told the Daily Star.

As evidence, Graham cites this video, where you can actually notice strange objects, some of which even glow red. At the same time, the governments of countries, the expert believes, are simply hiding the truth from us, and, in fact, they have been in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations for a long time. But ordinary people This is supposedly not supposed to be known.

Video:,user: Conspiracy Depot

The beginning of spring in general turned out to be very eventful for ufologists. Another video of a giant UFO in the skies over Austria has caused real controversy among researchers of extraterrestrial civilizations. Some are sure that this is just a video montage, for others it is yet another proof of the existence of aliens.

Video:youtube. com, user: SECTION 51 2.0

And residents of British Cornwall also recently witnessed the flight of an alien ship. Kiefer Krishnan filmed the UFO while surfing on the coast. Noticing a mysterious object in the sky, he immediately took out his camera and took several photographs. On them you can see an alien ship in the shape of a sphere with a translucent structure. Many users agreed with the surfer’s opinion that the picture depicted an alien spaceship.


But even if the invasion of humanoids on Earth on April 22, as ufologists predict, does not happen, and the aliens do not manifest themselves in any way, there is another date that can change the balance of power in the universe. The “others” plan to make their first contact in 2033. The popular Conspiracy channel believes that until this time, aliens will simply watch and study us. And only when our way of life is explored will they decide to invade. And this may take extraterrestrial civilizations about 15 years.

True, there is still no consensus among ufologists about the purpose for which aliens visit us. Whether it will be a friendly visit or a real intergalactic war - scientists have not yet come to the same opinion. But it seems that no one doubts that this visit will take place sooner or later. ​

Anton Goryachev

We all know that human civilization, by historical standards, has an insignificant history. This is 5 thousand years BC and 2 thousand years after the appearance of Christ. A total of 7 thousand years. This period is characterized by a high way of life, state formations and the steady development of progress. Man himself has existed on Earth for at least 200 thousand years. Its first representatives appeared in southeastern Africa, and then gradually settled throughout the planet.

Let's compare these two figures - 200 thousand and 7 thousand. The difference between them is 193 thousand years. The time limit is huge. But it is noteworthy that for almost 200 thousand years a person lived in a cave, had stone tools, wore animal skins and did not even realize that it was possible to live completely differently.

And suddenly a radical change occurred. For some unknown reason, people acquired certain knowledge. They united in state entities, they began to build large cities, process metal, and it all ended with powerful scientific and technological progress.

It took man only 7 thousand years to reach his current heights. Why didn't he think of all this before? After all, he had a huge period of time. An endless series of generations have passed on Earth, but representatives of none of them could even invent a wheel or learn how to make glass. These people only knew how to hunt and somehow organize cave life.

From the above, a logical conclusion suggests itself: someone helped people acquire certain knowledge. This mysterious someone taught them construction, united them into organized public entities, instilled basic cultural skills and ultimately laid the foundations of modern civilization.

Speaking about a mysterious entity that gave people certain knowledge, you involuntarily raise your eyes to the sky. It is there, behind the clouds, that the bottomless cosmic abyss is located. Billions of stars and planets coexist in it. It is not at all impossible that in the vast Universe, far, far from the Earth, there is intelligent life. It can exist on tens and hundreds of planets. Representatives from one of them appeared at a certain period of time on old Earth.

These space aliens were highly organized beings. Finding themselves on the blue planet, they very soon came across ancient people who had a primitive level of development. The aliens gave these creatures new life. They taught them a lot, and then flew away and were lost in the cosmic abyss. For primitive man cosmic entities, naturally, were gods. Since those times, various religions began to emerge, based on the worship of celestial beings.

Any statement requires evidence. Aliens from outer space have tried very hard to leave a minimum of traces on the blue planet indicating their presence. And yet, if you think about it and compare individual facts, you can create a certain picture that clearly confirms the alien essence of some phenomena.

Aliens on Earth

Let us first turn to “ Old Testament" This is a collection of sacred books. They constitute the pre-Christian part of the Bible. They highlight completely different aspects of that distant life, which is called “before our era.” A lot of information is given about primitive times. These most interesting stories begin with the First Book of Moses. Being.

What do we find out? It turns out that God settled a man named Adam near him. Then he created a woman for him. These people ate the forbidden fruit and gained certain knowledge. They suddenly realized that they were completely naked and began to feel embarrassed about it.

If we discard all the fantastic components, then it is quite possible to assume that the commander of the alien ship that landed on Earth ordered representatives to be brought on board human race. These were backward cave people. The spaceship seemed to them like paradise, and the crew members were sons of God. The commander himself acted in their understanding as a god.

It was on the ship that the ancient people were taught the basics of culture and instilled in them certain knowledge. No wonder they began to be ashamed of their nakedness. After this, the guests were sent to Earth, where they began raising livestock and farming. These were the first steps of people towards a civilized life.

In this case, aliens appear as intelligent and humane creatures. They do not do anything bad to earthlings, but on the contrary, they try to turn the latter into reasonable and civilized people.

However, if we turn to the mythology of the ancient Sumerians, a slightly different picture emerges. Aliens flew to Earth on the huge planet Nibiru. The Sumerians called these creatures the Anunnaki - the race of gods. Each of them was enormous in stature and had a ferocious disposition. Otherwise, the aliens looked completely like earthlings. They ruled people until the Great Flood, which happened more than 13 thousand years ago.

Apparently it was a terrible natural disaster. It claimed the lives of most of the inhabitants of the blue planet. Only a few survived. They laid the foundation for modern civilization. After the catastrophe, the gods flew away, leaving the pitiful remnants of humanity to the mercy of fate.

Not only the Sumerians were keepers of secret knowledge. The priests possessed them Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Nowadays, a certain version has developed about the Anunnaki, which is how mysterious cosmic beings are usually called.

Aliens lived on Earth for a very long time. What did they need in our world? Gold. It was from this that they recreated the damaged protective shield of their planet. They used earthlings as rough labor in the mines. Along the way, the Anunaki taught people advanced technologies and instilled in them the rudiments of culture.

After the Flood, much of this knowledge was forgotten, and some remained in the memory of people. They were the impetus for a new life. Civilizations arose in China, Mesopotamia and on the banks of the Nile River. It is possible that in Atlantic Ocean there was a huge island. It was on it that the mighty state of Atlantis was located. It was the most progressive and highly developed among all.

Atlantis perished again due to a natural disaster, and the surviving inhabitants mysterious country moved to the American continent and Eurasia. Thus, they accelerated the development of other civilizations of the Ancient World.

Aliens in America and Africa

The presence of huge pyramids, both in America and Africa, can serve as indirect evidence that aliens once felt at home on Earth. It is unlikely that ancient people could have created such structures assembled from huge multi-ton blocks. And it was simply impossible to process stone blocks perfectly in that distant time.

The remarkable thing about the pyramids of America is that they are crowned with large, flat platforms. They could well serve as a place where alien aircraft landed. It is very convenient to land on majestic structures rising above the ground.

Typical American pyramid
A temple was built on the top much later. If you remove it, you will be left with a flat area. It is quite suitable for landing a spacecraft

Take, for example, the grandiose buildings in Teotihuacan. This is the city of that America that did not yet know Columbus. It is located north of Mexico City. The pyramids located here amaze with their enormous size. But they were not built by the Aztecs. As they themselves claimed, the huge stone structures were erected a thousand years before their tribes appeared near Lake Texcoco. This is the year 1256.

This means that the pyramids were erected at the very beginning of the 1st millennium AD. e. They were built by giants, whom the Aztecs called kiname. The Anunaki were also enormous in stature. So maybe they are the same alien race. The pyramids themselves appeared not in the 1st millennium, but long before the birth of Christianity on the sinful earth.

Among these giants, the Pyramid of the Sun is striking in its size. Its perimeter length is almost 1000 meters, its height reaches 64 meters. In terms of its dimensions, it ranks third in the world among all the pyramids. To the north is the Pyramid of the Moon. Its height reaches 42 meters. According to official science, these two pyramids were built in the 3rd-5th century. This is much later than the Egyptian pyramids. But progress during this period of time was not so striking that mere mortals, possessing the most primitive tools of labor, erected such gigantic structures.

But under the Pyramid of the Moon lies another structure. Its age is estimated at 2200 years, but is it true? There is no answer to this question.

It is not difficult to realize that this complex of pyramids is very reminiscent of a cosmodrome. Pyramids with flat tops are landing sites for spaceships. The Pyramid of the Sun is a flight control center

And of course, the largest pyramid in America is the Great Pyramid of Cholula. It is also popular as the Great Pyramids of Egypt and rightfully ranks second in the world after them. The greatest creation is located in the city of Cholula (Mexico, Puebla state). Its perimeter is 440 meters, its height reaches 77 meters.

Looking at the grandiose structures, we must not forget that this is just a miserable part of a huge construction complex. Most of it is hidden underground. The Spaniards filled up some of the pyramids, erecting Christian temples on huge hills, and in other places volcanic lava and His Majesty Time tried their best.

An example of this is the Cuicuilque pyramid. It is located in a suburb of Mexico City called Cuicuilco. For millennia, the structure rested under the volcanic lava of the Shitle volcano. It was discovered only in 1917 by local archaeologists. How many other similar creations does the earth hide from people’s eyes?

If you think carefully, a completely logical conclusion suggests itself: ancient people could not build something like this a large number of huge stone structures , if only because they did not have the appropriate equipment. We must not forget that the indigenous peoples of America did not even know iron and horses. How they dragged and processed stone blocks, and then assembled pyramids from them. Such construction would take hundreds and hundreds of years. People would be born and die, engaged only in the construction of such buildings. In the end, there would be a riot, and everything would end in a bloody massacre.

There are also pyramids in Africa. Their architectural appearance is somewhat different from the corresponding buildings in America. They are not crowned with flat platforms. But the quality of the processed and carefully fitted blocks is amazing. True, not all such structures can boast of this. Only a few are admired. These are the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Pink and Broken Pyramids of Dahshur, and the Djedefre Pyramid of Abu Roash. Pharaoh Djedefre is also credited with the initiative to create the sculpture of the Great Sphinx.

All these scientific statements are sewn with white thread. First of all, the question is raised by the fact that after the Great Pyramids, brilliant construction technologies fell into oblivion. All subsequent pyramids were built from unprocessed stones. They were held together with mortar, and such structures fell apart very quickly. They really look like the man-made creations of our distant ancestors, who used the most primitive construction methods. The great pyramids still stand to this day, amazing people with their perfection.

So who built them and for what purposes? There is clearly an alien trace here. But these structures were not spaceports. The Great Pyramid complex was powerful energy station. It gave the aliens energy, and through it they communicated with other planets. The human mind cannot comprehend these technologies. They lie beyond his understanding. But this does not mean that they never existed.

The aliens stayed on Earth for a certain period of time and then flew away. Our distant ancestors tried to copy the pyramids. But they did not have the necessary knowledge. That's why they built wretched man-made creations. Over time, the Egyptians completely abandoned such structures. But in the memory of the priests there remained those times when aliens lived on the blue planet. All this was expressed in the corresponding legends and myths.

From all of the above we can conclude that at one time The Earth experienced an alien invasion. Mysterious entities have left their mark on the planet. But modern science This version is completely rejected. Rationalism and stereotyping prevail in people's minds. The presence of aliens can only be proven with specific facts, which naturally do not exist. But there are testimonies of thousands of people, our contemporaries, who had direct contacts with unearthly entities in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Aliens exist

Do aliens exist or not? At first glance, the question may seem rhetorical. But let's turn to dry and dispassionate information. Let's start with the well-known Roswell incident. It happened in the summer of 1947 near the city of Roswell (New Mexico). This is a mountainous region in the southwestern United States, bordering Mexico. “Land of Enchantment” is the official name for the state territory.

Roswell incident

A certain farmer Bill (according to other sources Mark) Brazel lay peacefully in his bed. It was late. The man had already begun to enjoy Morpheus’s embrace, when suddenly a loud sound of an explosion frightened the god of dreams.

The farmer jumped up, got dressed and left the house. There was impenetrable darkness all around. The sky was gloomy, covered with black clouds. There were no stars visible. The Moon did not shine in the night sky either. Bill or Mark Brazel waited for some time, but there were no more sounds resembling an explosion. The man returned to bed and waited for the timid god.

In the morning, the farmer decided to find out the nature of the mysterious sound. He got on his horse and rode out into the field. After 500 meters, metal fragments began to come across. They looked like very thin sheets of tin. In addition to metal ones, there were also some strange dark objects. Bill or Mark dismounted and picked up one of these items. It turned out to be almost weightless, but hard, like a bar of steel. The metal also looked unusual. Despite its fragile appearance, it was impossible to bend it with your hands.

After driving a couple more kilometers, the man saw a large metal object. It was shaped like a disk. Its body was torn, twisted and had many dents. Near the object, Brazel discovered motionless bodies resembling human shapes. Some of the creatures showed signs of life. But the farmer, not burdened with medical knowledge, could not help them. He considered it most prudent to report the terrible discovery to the authorities.

The power is the sheriff. He immediately transmitted the information to the US air force base, which was based near Roswell. This was the legendary 509th Aviation Regiment, whose B-29 strategic bombers dropped atomic bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The regimental commander, Colonel William Blanchard, assigned Major Jesse Marcel to check the message. He went to the scene of the incident, examined it and immediately gave the order to cordon off the area. But these measures came too late. Many people already knew about the disaster. Nosy journalists were not left out either.

Lieutenant Walter Haught, in charge of public relations, made a statement in which he directly indicated that a crashed alien disk with the bodies of the pilots had been discovered. Apparently no one authorized the lieutenant to say such a thing, since the base commander completely refused to confirm the words of his subordinate.

The mysterious object was taken to the base and then handed over to the high command. Where the remains of the pilots and the mangled hull were sent, what research was carried out - all this remained a secret behind seven seals. The Pentagon generals did not say a word to the press about the strange flying object, saying that there was no incident. As for the farmer and the young lieutenant, they saw an ordinary radar probe. There are many of these that fall in open areas. Brings them in from the Alamogordo landfill. The same place where nuclear weapons were tested for the first time in human history on July 16, 1945.

This event was called the Roswell Incident, thanks to a book with that title written by Moore and Berlitz (author of a book about Bermuda Triangle) in 1979. In it, the authors tried to recreate the chronology of those mysterious events that were reliably hidden from the public by senior military officials.

Eyewitnesses to this incident were interviewed. There were more than enough of them. There was even a photographer who allegedly photographed the disk itself and the bodies of the dead aliens on the instructions of the military. There are great doubts about the photographer, since he was a civilian. In state air force Naturally, they had their own photography experts. Therefore, to involve an outsider in this matter, and moreover a civilian who does not obey military orders, would be the height of stupidity.

Still from a secret film

Already in the 21st century a film appeared. It shows military medics performing an autopsy on an alien corpse. Whether this is a genuine newsreel or not is difficult to judge. But the footage looks very natural and believable. By the way, in 1994, the investigative body of the US Congress requested documents related to the Roswell incident from military archives. Nothing secret or unusual was found.

At the same time, it became known about the secret military project “Mogul”. Its purpose was to monitor nuclear tests carried out in the USSR. In this project, weather balloons filled with acoustic devices were used. At the air force base near Roswell, they knew nothing about the tests.

The Congressional Commission concluded that there was no mysterious object of alien origin present. Moreover, there were no alien bodies. The weather balloon actually suffered an accident, and people’s rich imagination turned everything upside down. Thus, the Roswell incident received its logical conclusion. But many researchers did not agree with the decision of the investigative body of Congress and remained unconvinced.

A flying saucer or UFO (unidentified flying object) is also an indirect confirmation that aliens exist. This object is a mysterious luminous phenomenon in the Earth's sky. Sometimes it emits a very faint silvery light and takes on three-dimensional shapes that resemble a round disk.

This disk moves at tremendous speed and turns at right angles. At the same time, it is absolutely silent, instantly disappears from sight and also unexpectedly appears in the sky. All this looks fantastic and unreal. Hence the huge interest in such a mysterious phenomenon.

For the sake of objectivity, it must be said that 90% of all UFOs eventually turn into IFOs (identified flying objects). But there remains 10%, the true nature of which people cannot explain. This is a lot for the planet.

TO this issue These days, not only ufologists, but also government officials take it very seriously. In all countries of the world, scrupulous records of flying saucers are kept. In most cases, they are not seen by huge masses of people, but only by those who, in their own way, job responsibilities happens in places remote from the earth's surface. These are pilots flying supersonic aircraft, sailors sailing in open ocean; astronomers observing the cosmic abyss, astronauts located at a great distance from the blue planet.

But sometimes a flying saucer appears in front of thousands of people. This happens in the so-called “windows”. These are the places where UFOs appear most often during a certain period of time. The "window" then moves to another location. As a rule, in sparsely populated areas, mysterious substances manifest themselves much more often than near large cities.

But if such an anomaly appears above a large populated area, then this event is widely covered in the media mass media. You can, for example, name the Petrozavodsk phenomenon. It happened on September 20, 1977 in the sky of the city of Petrozavodsk (Russia, Republic of Karelia).

An oval-shaped and very large flying object hovered over city buildings. A thin beam of golden color appeared from the object. He began to make oscillatory movements. This lasted about 15 minutes. Then the beam disappeared, and the object soared high into the air and disappeared. After this, people discovered round holes in many windows. No glass fragments were found.

In 1978, UFOs appeared and disappeared over Washington over the course of several days with enviable regularity. They resembled cigar-shaped silvery formations. And on January 20, 2009, during the inauguration of the 44th US President Barack Obama, a cigar-shaped silver object also appeared in the sky not far from the Capitol.

The inauguration was covered by thousands of television channels from all over the world. Tens of thousands of journalists gathered in Washington that day. The mysterious object was captured by many television cameras. It didn't look like a helicopter or a big bird. Something incomprehensible was moving in the sky. Then it suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace.

There are hundreds of such cases. A flying saucer appears in the sky, emits a white glow, and sometimes a beam from it descends to the ground. Then she soars up with great speed and disappears into the vast blue. Such phenomena can only be explained by the interference of alien entities in the lives of earthlings. No other more or less reasonable and scientifically based arguments come to mind.

An important proof that humanity regularly experiences invasion by aliens is contacts with aliens. It sounds incredible, but there are thousands of testimonies confirming that people come into close contact with mysterious creatures with enviable regularity.

Of course, everyone understands that most of these eyewitnesses have never even seen any aliens. These people are driven by the desire to become famous, to appear on TV screens, in magazines and newspapers. Therefore, experts are very skeptical about such statements.

But among the tons of outright garbage, there are also statements from those who actually experienced the influence of extraterrestrial entities. In particular, people who have been on alien ships acquire paranormal abilities. They become clairvoyant and receive an amazing gift of healing other people from various diseases. That is, such a person begins to live a completely different life. At the same time, he remembers almost nothing of what the aliens did to him.

Why do extraterrestrial visitors come into contact with people? Apparently they are studying human body, experience its capabilities, get an idea of ​​the potential of the brain. At the same time, such contacts can be described as kidnapping, because they occur against the will of a person. In addition, it is unknown how many earthlings disappear forever from the blue planet. Cases of people disappearing without a trace number in the millions every year. You can't attribute them all to high level crime.

In a word, contacts with aliens do not bring any positive results. They only cause harm. Representatives of other planets look at people in the same way as people themselves look at the same ants. Aliens are not interested in a person’s thoughts or feelings. For them, he is just a living experimental creature. In some cases, having received all the necessary information, the aliens return people to Earth, but much more often they apparently simply destroy them as waste material.

Therefore, there is hardly any need to rejoice when meeting brothers in mind. They may turn out to be soulless, like a machine, creatures. They will be guided only by their own interests, and the motives of people will be an empty phrase for them.

In such a situation, the policies of many governments deserve understanding. High-ranking officials undoubtedly have information about unearthly creatures, but are in no hurry to share it with the public. Why do we need extra excitement, inspiration, emotional upliftment of huge masses of people? A meeting with aliens could end tragically for the entire human civilization. It is entirely possible that something similar has already happened on this sinful earth.

The aliens themselves, in the minds of people, have two legs, two arms, and walk vertically. They have large heads, huge eyes, small stature and gray skin. True, some eyewitnesses claim that the aliens are tall. Similar creatures were observed by several hundred schoolchildren in 1983. This event took place in a summer camp near Krasnoyarsk (Russia, Siberia).

After the morning assembly, a group of schoolchildren came across a strange creature sitting near one of the houses in which the children lived. The incomprehensible creature had an elongated small head, on which large dark eyes stood out in contrast. The creature's arms and legs were long and thin. The body resembled a thin log and was dark gray in color.

The students, seeing the mysterious creature, ran away screaming. The creature also felt uncomfortable. It stood up to its full height, which exceeded 2 meters, and disappeared behind the house.

The teachers combed the entire camp, but found no traces of the mysterious creature. However, during the day, an incomprehensible entity appeared several more times in different parts of the camp. She terrified the children and tried to immediately disappear from sight. By evening, several more strange creatures appeared.

Several dozen schoolchildren stumbled upon this group. The humanoids stood next to the sports ground, and when they saw people, they turned sharply and headed towards the fence surrounding the camp. They easily jumped over it. At the same time, they did not run away, but simply jumped up and ended up on the other side. The entire group disappeared into the forest and was never seen again.

Such incidents happen quite rarely. But it is precisely thanks to them that the images of aliens are recreated. In general, aliens are absolutely not like people. The only common thing is the number of limbs and the fact that guests from other planets walk vertically. It is almost impossible to distinguish the gender of humanoids. Apparently he is completely absent. This suggests a conclusion: the reproduction of alien creatures has nothing in common with the reproduction of people and animals living on the blue planet.

This is a completely different world, completely different entities. They do not resemble humans not only externally, but also internally. Their spiritual life remains a secret behind seven seals. Therefore, when meeting aliens, it is necessary to exercise maximum caution, and not run towards them with open arms. It's better to be over-watched than under-watched. Only in this case can you ensure maximum safety.

And yet contacts with aliens remain a big question. The very invasion of aliens on Mother Earth is also a big question. There is no clear and precise evidence here. It is quite possible that there were never any aliens. Majestic pyramids and huge ancient cities can be explained by the fact that on the blue planet, long before our civilization, other highly developed cultures of earthlings existed.

They all went through certain stages of development, and then disappeared from the face of the Earth for a number of completely natural reasons. These could be natural disasters, nuclear wars, epidemics. Between these civilizations there are time intervals of hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of years. It is quite natural that merciless time has destroyed all traces. They can only be found at the bottom of the oceans, and under a multi-kilometer layer of volcanic lava. So great discoveries are yet to come.

The article was written by Alexander Semashko

Apparently the aliens have been planning an invasion of Earth for quite some time. And all the people they abducted were used to create human-alien hybrids, as well as trained in order to further contribute to the invasion process that had begun.

This was stated in an interview by Dr. David Jacobs, who studies UFOs and, in particular, abductions that the inhabitants of the Earth are subjected to by aliens. He is the author of three books, which set out his opinions on this matter.

Dr David Jacobs explains that his 38-year research may shed light on alien abductions and their true goals. In his interview, he claims that the Grays (as he calls the aliens) are planning an invasion. This is precisely the main purpose of kidnapping earthlings. Many people who claim to have been abducted by aliens say that during their abductions they were programmed to facilitate the invasion process by calming panicked people. Dr. Jacobs also says that there are already many alien-human hybrids among us, and that these people will help the aliens conquer our world.

As Dr. Jacobs said, we are not at all sympathetic to aliens from other worlds, and there can be no coexistence between our races. Here only a complete “absorption” of our human civilization can take place. Therefore, aliens constantly, over a considerable period of time, collect complete information about the structure of our body and our social structure in order to understand us. To do this, they often resort to experiments that are carried out on people they kidnap.

According to David Jacobs, he has been studying the stories of people who survived abduction by aliens for many years. According to them, alien beings studied them very carefully. But they didn’t always stop there. Sometimes they conducted experiments on earthly women by placing embryos in them, in other words, they carried out artificial insemination operations.

According to Carmen, in this way the aliens are trying to create a special race of humanoids who have not only human DNA, but also alien DNA. A race of people with higher intelligence. Many people have told her stories about those who fit this description. And that's a fact.
According to Dr. Jacobs, aliens are constantly watching us using technology similar to a kind of television screen. Through it they observe how people behave in Everyday life: how children play ball at a picnic, how people treat their children. Thus, they are trying to understand us, to grasp the difference that exists between our races.

“You might say,” says Dr. Jacobs, “well, let them watch... But such observation is not at all so good and healthy for all of us.”

According to Jacobs, watching us and kidnapping earthlings is not so scary. Something else is interesting here. The aliens program abducted people to do certain things. Which? In particular, to reassure earthlings at the moment when aliens begin to conquer our planet, telling us “Everything will be fine, don’t worry, there’s no need to resist and fuss.”

“For many, many years, alien beings have been studying us and programming abducted people to assist them with all their might in the process of taking over the Earth. And this is not just my opinion, it is actually possible,” says Dr. Jacobs.

According to him, he has spent the last 20 years doing research related to alien abductions. Based on his research, he can conclude that these abductions in themselves are not a danger or problem for earthlings. The problem is that aliens use technology on abducted people that allows them to control their minds from a distance.

According to David Jacobs, the whole question is how to prevent an alien invasion. What we can do? Unfortunately, the doctor does not know the answer to this question. But this problem is more than real, and such an invasion may follow in the very near future.
Dr. David Jacobs makes extremely unoptimistic predictions for the near future of humanity. But when it comes, is it the future? Maybe in the next year or two...? Who knows….

Looking at the night, dotted bright stars sky, everyone at least once thought about what is there, in the Universe, where a person simply cannot get. Various theories arise, but the most common is the theory about extraterrestrial inhabitants who are intellectually superior to humans by many times. The topic could not help but touch on cinema. Here are alien invasion movies, a list of the best.

Alien Invasion: Battle for Los Angeles (2011)
Suddenly, a threat hung over the city of Los Angeles and the entire Earth. The government comes to the conclusion that alien creatures are trying to colonize them. An alien civilization destroys all life in its path. People are forced to fight for existence, races fight for survival. A large-scale battle has begun around the world. A detachment of Marines is faced with the task of liberating Los Angeles no matter what.

Alien Invasion: Battle for Los Angeles / Battle Los Angeles (2011)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $70 000 000
Premiere (world): March 8, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): March 11, 2011, "WDSSPR"
A country: USA

Starring: Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Michael Peña, Ramon Rodriguez, Will Rothaar, Corey Hardrict, Jim Parrack, Gino Anthony Pesi, Ne-Yo

The Avengers (2012)
Brief summary of the adventure film. Loki, Thor's half-brother, returns, and this time he is not alone. The earth is on the verge of enslavement, and only the best of the best can save humanity. Nick Fury, head of the international organization S.H.I.E.L.D., gathers outstanding champions of justice and goodness to repel the attack. Led by Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow go to war against the invader.

The Avengers (2012)

Genre: science fiction, fantasy, action, adventure
Budget: $220 000 000
Premiere (world): April 11, 2012
Premiere (Russian Federation): May 3, 2012, “WDSSPR”3D
A country: USA

Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
The film takes place in the near future, when a race of aliens attacks the Earth. Having destroyed everything in their path and taken millions of human lives, they were ready to spend last Stand, which would destroy humanity forever. Realizing that this was their last chance to survive, people pooled all their forces and threw them into the fight against the conquerors. Colonel Bill Cage, who has never been on the battlefield, also takes part in this battle. He dies within minutes of the fight.

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Budget: $178 000 000
Premiere (world): May 28, 2014
Premiere (Russian Federation): June 5, 2014, “Karo-Premier”3D
A country: USA, Canada

Starring: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, Noah Taylor, Jonas Armstrong, Tony Way, Kick Harry, Franz Dramech, Dragomir Mrsic

Independence Day (1996)
A huge alien ship approached our planet on July 2. Small ships separated from it and entered the Earth's atmosphere, and now no one knows what to expect from this visit. However, it soon becomes clear that the aliens did not come with peaceful intentions and at night the ships begin mass destruction largest cities peace. Huge waves of hot plasma destroy everything in its path: cars, factories, buildings, people. The next day, the US Air Force attempts to attack the alien ships.

Independence Day (1996)

Genre: fantasy, action, adventure
Budget: $75 000 000
Premiere (world): June 25, 1996
A country: USA

Starring: Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Robert Loggia, Randy Quaid, Margaret Colin, Vivica A. Fox, James Rebhorn

Transformers (2007)
For many centuries, two races of robotic aliens - the Autobots and the Decepticons - waged a war in which the fate of the Universe was at stake. And now the war has reached the Earth. At a time when the forces of evil are looking for the key to supreme power, our last chance for salvation lies in the hands of a young earthling. The only thing that stands between the evil Decepticons and the higher authorities is the key, which is in the hands of a simple boy. An ordinary teenager, Sam Witwicky is preoccupied with everyday worries - school, friends, cars, girls.

Transformers / Transformers (2007)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $150 000 000
Premiere (world): June 12, 2007
Premiere (Russian Federation): July 4, 2007, UPI
A country: USA

Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Rachael Taylor, Anthony Anderson, Jon Voight, Kevin Dunn, Julie White

Sea battle (2012)
For many years, humanity has been sending signals into space and waiting for a response from alien civilizations. But there is always a possibility that the aliens may not be friendly to Earthlings and we are in vain trying to meet them. After the report of Edgar Mitchell, a NASA astronaut, in 2009 in Washington, the world realized that there was indisputable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Contact became inevitable and soon took place, but as skeptics feared, the aliens turned out to be extremely aggressive.

Battleship (2012)

Budget: $209 000 000
Premiere (world): April 3, 2012
Premiere (Russian Federation): April 19, 2012, UPI
A country: USA

Starring: Taylor Kitsch, Tadanobu Asano, Brooklyn Decker, Rihanna, Liam Neeson, Alexander Skarsgård, Jesse Plemons, Gregory D. Gadson, Hamish Linklater, John Twohy

Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
Twenty years have passed since the first alien attack on our planet. Humanity has not yet fully recovered from those terrible events, but was able to master the alien technologies on the basis of which it was created new system Earth defense. Part of this system is deployed on the Moon, where a secret system also operates. military base. Dylan, the son of Stephen Hiller, who died several years ago, joined the army and became a fighter pilot. The military leadership is confident that the aliens, leaving our planet, left a beacon on it.

Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

Genre: fantasy, action, adventure
Budget: $200 000 000
Premiere (world): June 20, 2016
Premiere (Russian Federation): June 23, 2016, “Twentieth Century Fox CIS” 3D
A country: USA

Starring: Joey King, Maika Monroe, Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Vivica A. Fox, Bill Pullman, Jesse Usher, William Fichtner, Brent Spiner, Charlotte Gainsbourg

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
1873, Absolution, Arizona. A stranger who has lost his memory arrives in this remote American province. The only hint of his past is the strange shackles on one of his wrists. The wanderer quickly learns that the residents of the town are not welcoming to strangers, and in general they only go out onto the streets on the orders of Colonel Dolarhyde, who rules the area with an iron fist. Soon the strange behavior of the residents is explained. Periodically, terrifying creatures fall from the sky and take everything.

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller, western
Budget: $163 000 000
Premiere (world): July 29, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): August 11, 2011, “Central Partnership”
A country: USA

Starring: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell, Adam Beach, Paul Dano, Noah Ringer, Keith Carradine, Raoul Trujillo, Clancy Brown

Scary Movie 4 (2006)
Journalist Cindy Campbell is still reeling from the terrible events that happened to her recently. To change the situation, she gets a job as a nurse for an elderly woman. Soon Cindy meets her widowed neighbor Tom Ryan and falls in love with him. It would seem that life is starting to get better, when suddenly aliens land on Earth and want to destroy all of humanity. Tom and Cindy engage in a desperate battle with the aliens...

Scary Movie 4 (2006)

Genre: horror, comedy
Budget: $45 000 000
Premiere (world): April 12, 2006
Premiere (Russian Federation): April 13, 2006, "Cascade"
A country: USA

Starring: Anna Faris, Regina Hall, Craig Bierko, Bill Pullman, Anthony Anderson, Leslie Nielsen, Molly Shannon, Michael Madsen, Chris Elliott, Carmen Electra

Pixels (2015)
Another alien invasion of Earth... You say: “What could be more banal?!” Yes, if this time they had not appeared as universally popular heroes computer games. A team of former gamers is called upon to fight the aliens, including: the President of the United States of America; a dwarf prisoner, a great connoisseur of the fair sex; a paranoid bore who firmly believes in the theory of a universal conspiracy; a professional loser and cynic who showed great promise as a child.

Pixels (2015)

Genre: cartoon, science fiction, action, comedy
Budget: $88 000 000
Premiere (world): July 16, 2015
Premiere (Russian Federation): July 23, 2015, “WDSSPR”3D
A country: USA, China, Canada

Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan, Peter Dinklage, Josh Gad, Brian Cox, Matthew Lintz, Sean Bean, Jane Krakowski, Dan Aykroyd

Ender's Game (2013)
Brief summary of a science fiction film. The action takes place in 2135. Humanity has survived two invasions alien race"Zhukers", having only miraculously survived, and is preparing for the next invasion. To search for pilots and military leaders capable of bringing victory to Earth, a military school, where the most talented children are sent. Among these children is Andrew (Ender) Wiggin, the future commander of the International Earth Fleet and humanity's only hope for salvation.

Ender's Game (2013)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $110 000 000
Premiere (world): October 24, 2013
Premiere (Russian Federation): October 31, 2013, "West"
A country: USA

Starring: Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin, Aramis Knight, Suraj Partha, Moises Arias, Kailyn Rambeau

Mars attacks! (1996)
Our planet has undergone a monstrous attack. The Martians, passionless and soulless beings, these little green creatures, land in the desert from their spaceships and then advance in all directions. Metropolitan Washington, Las Vegas and other cities are shaken by powerful explosions, the destruction is endless... The US President calls on the command of his armed forces to take action, but the opinions of the commanders themselves and the two generals are divided.

Mars attacks! /Mars Attacks! (1996)

Genre: fantasy, comedy
Budget: $70 000 000
Premiere (world): December 12, 1996
A country: USA

Starring: Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito, Martin Short, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michael J. Fox, Rod Steiger, Tom Jones

5th wave (2016)
An alien ship with aliens, whom people nicknamed “Others,” hovered above our planet. Their main goal is to destroy humanity and take over the planet, and they will not stop until they achieve their goal. The first thing they did was turn off the electricity and plunge our world into darkness; then the aliens took over big cities, having previously destroyed them to the ground; the third wave was an incurable virus that took the lives of most people on Earth; after all this, they descended to Earth and began to destroy those who managed to survive.

The 5th Wave (2016)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller, adventure
Budget: $38 000 000
Premiere (world): January 14, 2016
Premiere (Russian Federation): January 21, 2016, "WDSSPR"
A country: USA

Starring: Chloe Grace Moretz, Nick J. Robinson, Ron Livingston, Maggie Siff, Alex Rowe, Maria Bello, Maika Monroe, Liev Schreiber, Zachary Arthur, Tony Revolori


Signs (2002)
Life never spoiled farmer Graham Hess with amazing events and incidents. Exactly until the day when he saw that his cornfield was dotted with incomprehensible, giant signs of crushed stalks. Residents of a small town in Pennsylvania are trying to find a solution to this phenomenon. But no one craves to find it more passionately than the farmer himself, because the fantastic events taking place in his field challenge everything he knows and believes in in this world.

Signs (2002)

Genre: fantasy, thriller, drama
Budget: $72 000 000
Premiere (world): July 29, 2002
Premiere (Russian Federation): October 17, 2002, "Cascade"
A country: USA

Starring: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Culkin, Abigail Breslin, Cherry Jones, M. Night Shyamalan, Patricia Caelember, Ted Sutton, Merritt Weaver, Lanny Flaherty

The Gendarme and the Aliens (1978)
All earthly enemies have already been defeated by the fearless detachment of gendarmes and their sergeant Cruchot. All that remains is to measure your strength with the aliens. And they actually land in the vicinity of Saint-Tropez. Cunning creatures do not appear in their true evil form. They take on the appearance of the gendarmes themselves, differing from people only in that they drink oil and rust from water... This leads to countless comic situations and it is unknown what would have happened to the earth if it were not for the idiotic courage of Sergeant Cruchot.

The gendarme and the aliens / Le gendarme et les extra-terrestres (1978)

Genre: fantasy, comedy, crime
Premiere (world): January 31, 1979
A country: France

Starring: Louis de Funes, Michel Galabrew, Maurice Riche, Jean-Pierre Rambal, Guy Grosso, Michel Modo, France Rumilli, Jean-Roger Cossimon, Mario David, Jacques Francois

Men in Black (1997)
Aliens are secretly living on our planet. To resolve issues of their protection, a bureau of cooperation with extraterrestrials has been created. Terran agents have modern technology interactions with aliens. Bureau veteran Agent Kay recruits police officer James Edwards. A newcomer to the bureau receives the code name Jay. Agents receive a case about a representative of the race of “beetles” invaders - an illegal alien. The Beetle, which has possessed the driver Edgar, mercilessly kills everyone in its path.

Men in Black (1997)

Genre: fantasy, comedy
Budget: $90 000 000
Premiere (world): July 2, 1997
A country: USA

Starring: Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Vincent D'Onofrio, Linda Fiorentino, Rip Torn, Tony Shalhoub, Siobhan Fallon, Mike Nussbaum, Jon Gries, Fredrik Lehne

Starship Troopers (1997)
In the new millennium, mortal danger looms over humanity. Countless hordes of giant intelligent beetles from the distant planetary system Klendat threaten all life in the universe. Elite unit soldier Johnny Rico and pilot Carmen, as part of the Earthling Starship on the space warship Ticonderoga, are sent into the ominous depths of space to decide the fate of the Earth in the final decisive battle. In their hands - modern weapons and the future of the human race.

Starship Troopers (1997)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $105 000 000
Premiere (world): November 4, 1997
A country: USA

Starring: Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards, Dina Meyer, Neil Patrick Harris, Jake Busey, Clancy Brown, Michael Ironside, Patrick Muldoon, Seth Gilliam, Rue McClanahan

Gender: X-Files (2011)
Brief summary of the film "Gender: The Secret Material". Two English geeks go to one of the most significant fan events in the field of fantasy - the ComicCon convention in America. Along the way, not far from the famous Area 51, they meet an escaped alien named Paul, who asks for help getting him home. While trying to escape government agents, the heroes accidentally kidnap a woman and stumble upon a stoned witness to Paul's emergency landing on Earth.

Gender: Secret Material / Paul (2011)

Genre: fantasy, comedy, adventure
Budget: $40 000 000
Premiere (world): February 14, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): March 24, 2011, UPI
A country: USA, UK

Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Jason Bateman, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Hader, Joe Lo Truglio, Blythe Danner, John Carroll Lynch

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
In the midst cold war A flying saucer lands in Washington: the envoy Klaatu and his powerful robot Gort, delegated by the federation of planets, arrive in it to deliver an ultimatum to the peoples of Earth to stop nuclear testing. Panicked military personnel open fire on the spaceship and wound the envoy. Klaatu realizes that the only way to come to an agreement with earthlings is to get to know them from the inside: he escapes from the hospital and begins his own exploration of the planet.

The Day the Earth Stood Still Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

Genre: fantastic
Budget: $1 200 000
Premiere (world): September 18, 1951
A country: USA

Starring: Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray, Frances Bavier, Locke Martin, Patrick Ahern, Walter Bacon, Rema Bai

Falling Skies (TV series 2011 – 2015) (2011)
As a result of an alien invasion of Earth, one of the sons of history professor Tom Mason is captured and his wife dies. She turned out to be one of the millions of people who died at the hands of aliens. People who are lucky enough to be alive enter into partisan detachments, unite to resist the invaders. In the TV series Falling Skies, the Earth is attacked by two types of aliens - the upright, well-armed Mechs robots and the insect-like Skitters.

Falling Skies (TV series 2011 – 2015) / Falling Skies (2011)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller
Premiere (world): June 19, 2011
A country: USA, Canada

Starring: Noah Wylie, Moon Bloodgood, Drew Roy, Connor Jessup, Maxim Knight, Seychelle Gabriel, Will Patton, Sarah Carter, Colin Cunningham, Peter Shinkoda

War of the Worlds (2005)
No one would believe at the beginning of the 21st century that everything that happens on Earth is vigilantly and attentively monitored by beings more developed than humans; that while people went about their business, they were examined and studied. With endless complacency, people scurried around the globe, busy with their affairs, confident in their power over matter. Meanwhile, through the abyss of space, creatures with a highly developed, cold, insensitive intellect looked at the Earth with eyes full of envy.

War of the Worlds (2005)

Genre: fantasy, thriller, adventure
Budget: $132 000 000
Premiere (world): June 13, 2005
Premiere (Russian Federation): June 29, 2005, "UIP"
A country: USA

Starring: Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, Miranda Otto, Justin Chatwin, Tim Robbins, Rick Gonzalez, Yul Vasquez, Lenny Venito, Lisa Ann Walter, Ann Robinson

The Invaders (TV series 1967 – 1968) (1967)
The hero of the series "Invaders", architect David Vincent, was returning home after have a hard day. He stopped the car in an old ghost town to take a break. But at night he was suddenly awakened by something: he saw a strange object landing on the ground in front of his eyes. From now on, David will have to convince a skeptical world that an alien invasion of Earth has begun. Aliens are creatures from a dying planet who have unique knowledge in science and have weapons of incredible power.

The Invaders (TV series 1967 – 1968) / The Invaders (1967)

Genre: fantasy, thriller, drama
Premiere (world): January 17, 1967
A country: USA

Starring: Roy Thinnes, Kent Smith, Mark Russell, Max Kleven, William Windom, Lyn McCarthy, Alfred Ryder, Michael Rennie, Anthony Isley, Diana Hyland

Dark Skies (2013)
Strange things begin to happen in an ordinary suburban family. Electronic devices turn off for no reason. Children find dead birds everywhere. Their home is infiltrated by alien creatures who, for some reason, are keeping an eye on the family. The more strange, mystical things begin to happen in the house, the faster it becomes clear: mysterious creatures who have flown from another planet in search of a new life are hunting the children living there.

Dark Skies (2013)

Genre: horror, fantasy, thriller
Budget: $3 500 000
Premiere (world): February 21, 2013
Premiere (Russian Federation): February 21, 2013, “Top Film Distribution”
A country: USA

Starring: Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, Kaydan Rockett, J.K. Simmons, L.J. Benet, Rich Hutchman, Mindy Crist, Annie Thurman, Jake Brennan

Phantom (2011)
The events of the film take place in Moscow. Two friends, Ben and Sean, come to the capital to present a new online service. However, their idea was stolen. The guys go to the club. There they meet Anne and Natalie, American tourists. Here the guys also discovered a guy named Skyler, who stole their idea. But unexpectedly the fun of the young people was interrupted by a global shutdown of all electrical appliances and the complete disappearance of electricity. When our heroes took to the streets.

Phantom (2011)

Genre: fantasy, thriller
Budget: $30 000 000
Premiere (world): December 22, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): December 22, 2011, “Twentieth Century Fox CIS” 3D
A country: USA, Russia

Starring: Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella, Rachel Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, Veronica Vernadskaya, Dato Bakhtadze, Gosha Kutsenko, Nikolay Efremov, Georgy Gromov

Skyline (2010)
A group of friends after a late party wakes up to a bright light shining through the window. It turned out that huge spaceships that draw a lot of people inside. Friends decide to immediately leave the city. The next day, the US military tries to attack the aliens, but the bombers and drones are powerless against the aliens. Even after one of the alien ships was shot down.

Skyline / Skyline (2010)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller
Budget: $10 000 000
Premiere (world): November 11, 2010
Premiere (Russian Federation): November 11, 2010, “Central Partnership”
A country: USA

Starring: Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, David Zayas, Brittany Daniel, Donald Faison, Crystal Reed, Neil Hopkins, Robin Gammell, Tanya Newbold, J. Paul Bomer

Space: Far Reaches (TV series 1995 – 1996) (1995)
2063-2064. The Earth was attacked by alien invaders. Recent graduates of the flight academy were able to successfully repel the forced attack on our planet - most of them sacrificed their lives. An unsuccessful attempt to conquer the Earth from the fly provokes the aliens to more severe actions - but they are also repelled by earthly forces.

Space: Far Corners (TV series 1995 – 1996) / Space: Above and Beyond (1995)

Genre: fantasy, drama
Budget: $5 000 000
Premiere (world): September 24, 1995
A country: USA

Starring: Morgan Weisser, Kristen Cloke, Rodney Rowland, Joel de la Fuente, Laney Chapman, James Morrison, Tucker Smallwood, Robert Crow, Tasia Valenza, Michael Mantell