How to keep different diaries as they are. Secret notebook: learning to keep a personal diary. Sketchbook

Many people like the topic of a personal diary, but at the same time, many are faced with the question - how to keep a personal diary? What to write there, how to format it, what to draw and many other questions. We have prepared for you best tips on designing and maintaining a personal diary.

How to keep a personal diary

So, first you need to say that a personal diary is your personal space, where you write down your thoughts, important events, spend time, in general, everything that is connected with you. A personal diary can also be called your friend, who will never betray you, to whom you can entrust all secrets and secrets.

The external design of the diary is important, because your diary is your face. You must always remember to be careful in design.

Now let's talk about what to write in the ld, what to draw and how to design the ld. The most important rule is no rules. Your diary should contain what you like, everything you want to see there. How to keep a personal diary It's up to you to decide. You can draw there, write about important events, paste in various interesting clippings from newspapers and magazines, also paste in tickets - well, whatever you like.

Subjects appearance A personal diary can be varied, but you need to remember to be careful. You can sew the cover, decorate it with drawings, decorate it with ribbons - make it bright and beautiful, so that it is pleasant to pick up!

And finally, let's talk about what can be a personal diary. It can be a simple notebook, you can buy a beautiful notebook, and even make a personal diary from an old book!

As you can see, keeping a personal diary is absolutely not difficult because there are no rules. See design ideas in the “Personal Diary” section, get inspired, create!

Start with a quote or verse. Opening your new and still empty diary is a little scary. If you don't know where to start, write down one of your favorite quotes or poems. This will help you find inspiration and also relieve the stress that comes with writing your first journal entry.

  • Write down other quotes or poems that you like in your journal.
  • Please indicate the recording date. Don't forget to date each new entry. This will help you remember the day when a certain event occurred, or trace the chronology of your notes and life after some time. Select a date format.

    • In a formal diary you can indicate full date like July 14, 2018.
    • You can also use the shortened version: 07/14/2018 or 07/14/18.
    • If you have a new diary every year, then you can enter 14/07.
  • Alternate between different types of posts. It is not necessary to adhere to the same type of entries throughout the diary. A journal is a place to record your thoughts, and thoughts come in many different forms. Among other things, the following options are possible:

    • regular notes divided into paragraphs;
    • to-do lists;
    • drawings;
    • poetry;
    • stories.
  • Make short notes. It is not necessary to write down several sheets of paper in a notebook each time. Sometimes one paragraph is enough a short summary events of the day, especially at first.

    • You also don't have to stick to short entries only. If you want to write down a lot of different ideas and thoughts or what happened during the day a large number of events, then voluminous recordings would be quite appropriate.
  • Use a hint phrase if you don't know what to write. Sometimes there will be so many or so few thoughts that it is not clear where to start. Try writing, “So today I…” and then write down the first thing that comes to mind. After this, difficulties with the topic for recording should disappear.

    • Similar hint phrases can be found online. The Internet is a great source of inspiration.
    • If you don't know how to start such an entry, then write in the form of a regular letter with the date and address at the top of the page.
  • Write about what you want to forget. At first glance, this is counterintuitive, but writing in a diary helps you forget certain events. Put your thoughts on paper and your brain will return to this topic less often.

    • For example, you find yourself in an awkward situation at work or school. Write down all the details of this incident in a diary to get it out of your head and not return to the situation again and again.
  • A diary can be a chronicle of your Everyday life, a statement of your most personal thoughts, or simply serve as a cheat sheet to remember what needs to be done and when. There are no specific ready-made rules for keeping a diary, and it all depends on your passions and preferences, but there are general recommendations for those who decide to start keeping their own diary, which are given below.


    Keeping your own diary

      First you need to decide where you will keep your diary. Will it be a notepad, a notebook, Word on your computer, or another word processor like Red Notebook? You just need to make sure good quality your future diary, since it will be used daily and will need to be stored for quite a long time. In addition, you need to take into account that the diary will accompany you on your travels and trips, so it is better that it has a hard cover and thick paper pages (unless, of course, it is an electronic diary).

      Choose good writing materials. If you decide to use text editors, you can skip this step. Choose a fountain pen that you enjoy writing with and that doesn't jam or leak. You can also use a pencil, but in this case you must take into account that graphite tends to wear out, and you may lose your notes after a while. Everyone has their own preferences when choosing a pen: some prefer specific brands, some simply like to write with gel, fountain or ballpoint pens. Think about which of these types is most convenient for you, which does not distract from your thoughts. This is very important to determine from the very beginning.

      Set a time to journal. Regardless of where exactly you will write, it is better to set a specific time and stick to this schedule constantly. This will help keep your entries regular and make journaling a habit. And if you like to write down the thoughts that come to your mind right away, then choose a pocket notebook or compact notebook that is convenient to carry in your purse or pocket. This will allow you to sketch and summarize them in a final form at the end of the day.

      Choose an environment that is best conducive to journaling. Try writing in different places and in different time until you find the best option and the environment in which you get the most successful recordings. This could be your bedroom or a cafe where you can concentrate over a cup of aromatic tea or cappuccino, or it could be your office. The main thing is that you feel how words form into thoughts, and thoughts into small sketches about what worries you at the moment.

      After each entry, write the date and time. This may seem like a waste of time, but the fact is that the events described in diaries, as a rule, are clearly tied to the time and date of their description, and years later you will be able to recreate a picture of your past with minute accuracy.

      Start writing. Just start writing down your thoughts as they arise. That is, write what first comes to your mind. If you are at a dead end, then simply describe what you did during the day, or try to formulate those events that made the strongest impression on you recently. Such a beginning can get you out of a dead end and a second wind will appear when it is written by itself, easily and simply.

      • Try to think of your journal as thoughts on paper. It is not at all necessary that every thought has an ideal formulation from an artistic and literary point of view. Don't be afraid of confusion, grammatical and punctuation errors. After all, this is your journal, and this is your space in which you can write down and organize your thoughts and feelings.
      • Do not be shy. If you don't plan on showing your journal to anyone else, remember that it is just for you and don't worry about what other people think. Express yourself freely, because this freedom is what journaling is all about.
    1. Be creative. Try different styles of writing in your journal. You can, for example, write poetry, scripts, or use a literary device such as stream-of-consciousness writing. In addition, you can make sketches, pencil sketches, illustrations and collages in the diary.

      Know how to stop in time. The inability to stop writing is akin to overeating. Learn to stop in time and remember that you should always leave something for tomorrow. Don't exhaust yourself to the last drop, try to save some for the next entry. Sometimes it is useful to determine in advance the amount of writing in the size of one page.

      Review your notes regularly. This can be done either immediately after writing, or a few days later. This will allow you to make certain adjustments to your notes along the way and analyze situations and events from the point of view of the past days.

      Keep writing. The more entries in your diary, the more valuable it becomes. Train yourself to write regularly and never stop writing for long periods of time.

    Journaling by schoolchildren

      First, the student needs to determine the purpose of the diary. This could be a teacher’s task to write down their impressions of the books they read, or the timing of certain life events, or the need to keep notes about their sports training regimen. Be that as it may, the purpose of the diary must be determined from the very beginning, from the very first entry.

      Stick to a specific schedule. You will likely need a certain number of entries to complete the task. Don't leave everything until the last day. If you're not sure you can stick to a schedule, set an alarm for the time you plan to write, or ask someone close to you to remind you when to write.

      Date each entry. Begin each new entry with a date. You can also mark exact time records.

      Write introductions. After the date, write one or more sentences as a preamble to the entry. Here are some tips to keep in mind when journaling as a school assignment:

      • Describe what you learned. Write about how you plan to apply what you learn in your own life.
      • Quote those passages from the book or article that you think are most significant. After the quote, write why you liked this particular idea.
      • Describe your thoughts or impressions about the task. For example, if you were to write a journal about a book you read, you could share your impressions of the characters or events described in it as you read.
    1. Write in the first person. The diary is your personal narrative, so it must be written in the first person. This means that you should use the pronouns "I", "my" or "my".

      Stick to the required amount of entries. If your assignment clearly defines the scope of each entry, then try to adhere to these requirements. If there are no clear instructions, then use a word count of 200 to 300 per entry.

      Write your conclusions. Since your notes are the result of your thoughts and impressions, each entry should have a clear summary, stated in one or two sentences as a summary. For example, you can start your conclusion with the phrase: “Today I learned that...” or “I would like to know more about...”.

    • It is not at all necessary to address the diary to someone. Just start writing.
    • Take your time, don't rush and don't rush. Write calmly and with concentration. This will make your entries more informative.
    • If you have taken a long break from your notes, do not try to fill the gap by describing everything that happened during that period. This will ruin your diary, kill the sense of immediacy and freshness of what is being described. Just continue writing as if there was no break, describing the thoughts and feelings that come to your mind at the moment, and along the way, the necessary memories will come to your mind and pour out onto the page of your diary. Think of your journal as snapshots of your life, not as an all-encompassing video describing every second of your life. Exactly!
    • Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with negativity that we can write exclusively about it, obsessing over everything bad and terrible. Try to remember something good that happened during the described period of time. Subsequently, when you re-read your notes, looking back, you will be pleased to remember funny and cheerful events, it will make you smile and cheer you up!
    • Write dialogues and interesting conversations. Use direct speech as in books.
    • Writing can be overwhelming. Maybe once you start writing, you won’t be able to stop, and this activity will become your lifelong habit!
    • Sometimes inspiration comes in the bathroom while you're taking a shower. Try to capture these thoughts and write them down in your diary, summarizing your day.
    • If your diary turns out successful and you become... famous person. then it will become an excellent basis for a book of memoirs.
    • Write about certain periods, indicating their specific time. For example, you can write out a lesson schedule: 1st lesson from X: XX morning to X: XX afternoon, 2nd..., and so on.
    • Write addresses, phone numbers, email your best friend. You might be interested in reading this in the future.


    • If your journal contains extremely personal thoughts, make sure that it is kept in a safe place that is not accessible to others.
    • Never take your diary to school. In 90% of cases this leads to loss of confidentiality.

    Each girl has a personal diary, with which she shares her most intimate secrets, thoughts, and life events. In order to beautifully design your creation, while making it easy to find the desired entry in it, you need to adhere to some rules, namely:

    Always write carefully and do not make marks on the sheets;
    highlight important information in a different color;
    at the beginning of the notebook, leave a few pages for content; the diary itself can be numbered or buy a model where numbering is provided;
    A bookmark will help you find where you left off.

    For girls, it is important to hide personal information from prying eyes; for this it is better to buy a model that includes a special lock. The disadvantage of such a notepad is that the keys are easy to lose and the mechanism quickly breaks down if opened frequently. Having chosen a regular notebook, you need to hide it well, without using the usual places under the pillow, in the table or in books.

    You can write any thoughts in your personal diary if you use a little trick. It consists in coming up with an encrypted alphabet in advance. Simple things that you won’t be ashamed of if your parents find him can be written in the usual way.

    Many girls divide their personal diary into semantic parts: culinary recipes, interesting ideas, jokes or funny phrases, secrets, poems, advice and others. This is very convenient, since when you use it it will be easier to find what you need. In addition, on paper you can express:

    Thoughts and reasoning about each day, in what situations you did bad or good;
    lyrics of your favorite songs;
    your dreams, in the form of drawings or cuttings;
    plans for every day;
    short notes and conclusions about books read or films watched and much more.

    It’s no secret that other people’s problems seem insignificant to many; this happens because it is much easier to solve them from the outside. Such a notebook will be a good psychologist for girls, because by copying your trouble onto a piece of paper, you can see it in a different color and find the right solution.

    Now many models are sold with beautiful drawings, however, you can supplement it with your own, paste in photographs or beautiful pictures as they did before. Knowing how to fill out a diary, you can make it the most original and beautiful, besides, no one forbids you to spy on interesting ideas on the Internet.

    A notebook for girls can be filled out, highlighting each thought with bright blocks with drawings; they will be easy to navigate. In addition, the sheets will be “live” and colorful, and not simple gray texts. For this you need to buy colored pencils, gel pens, colored markers or felt-tip pens in advance. The latter will not be suitable if the notebook has very thin pages, otherwise the reverse side will be damaged.

    A notebook with special pockets in which you can put notes, newspaper clippings, tickets, and small photographs looks original. Interesting clippings can also be glued to pages.

    Another tip on how to fill a notebook is to design the cover beautifully; here you can give free rein to your imagination and make it from fabric, wrapping paper, ribbons, lace, rhinestones, shells or other improvised materials. Moreover, it is not necessary to decorate in one day; you can stretch out this process for some time.

    Each girl decides on her own how to fill out her diary, because this is not at all a prerequisite, it is the impulses of the soul. You shouldn’t take notes every day if you don’t want to, you can take out a notebook once a month, and no one will judge you for it. Manuscripts written by an inspired author are always more interesting than those written for granted.

    Despite the ability to create diaries on the Internet, paper versions that need to be filled out by hand are still popular. You can make them yourself by adding decorations, or buy a ready-made notebook.

    Why keep a personal diary?

    For each person, a diary has its own meaning, for example, for some it is an opportunity to reflect on life and analyze their actions, while for others it is an interlocutor who will always understand and not judge.

    Why keep a personal diary:

    1. The written lines help you better understand your own inner world. They will give you the opportunity to analyze your actions and draw the right conclusions.
    2. By filling out a diary, a person expresses his feelings and emotions, which ultimately allows him to feel relief. All this leads to a decrease in the number.
    3. A diary is a great opportunity to save the brightest moments in life, and most importantly, the emotions and thoughts you experience. You can re-read it at any time, thereby taking a trip into the past.

    How to start keeping a personal diary for girls?

    First, you need to decide where the recordings will be made. This could be a notepad or notebook. The simplest option is ordinary sheets of paper, which are then fastened with a stapler or any other method. There are also special notepads with locks that allow you to hide your notes from others.

    If you are interested in how to beautifully keep a personal diary, then it is worth considering several possible options decor. Firstly, you can use various magazine clippings for decoration, and fill everything in with multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens. Secondly, original diaries are obtained if they are designed using the scrapbooking technique. In general, the main thing is to show your imagination and do everything as you like.

    Tips on how to start keeping a personal diary:

    There are simply no rules regarding a personal diary. The point is that every person has the right to express their individuality.