Linguistic dictionary of D e ​​Rosenthal. Dictionary of linguistic terms. Dictionary of literary and linguistic terms Allegory

A.N. Tikhonov, R.I. Khashimov,

G.S. Zhuravleva, M.A. Lapygin, A.M. Lomov,

L.V. Ratsiburskaya, E.N. Tikhonova





Russian language

Under general editorship

A.N. Tikhonova, R.I. Khashimova


Flint Publishing House

Publishing house "Science"

UDC 811.161.1(038)

BBK 81.2Rus-5ya2

Published with financial support Federal agency in Press and Mass Communications within the framework of the federal program “Culture of Russia”

G.S. Zhuravleva, Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor - “History of the Russian language. Dialectology";

M.A. Lapygin, Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor - "Graphic arts. Spelling. Punctuation";

A. M. Lomov, Dr. Philol. sciences, prof. - “Syntax”;

L.V. Ratsiburskaya, Dr. Philol. sciences, prof. - “Phonetics. Phonology"; "Orthoepy";

A.N. Tikhonov, Dr. Philol. sciences, prof. - “Lexicology”, “Morphemics.

Word formation", "Morphology";

E.N. Tikhonova, Ph.D. Philol. Sciences - “Appendix No. 1. Information on lexicography”,

“Appendix No. 2. Information about linguistic journals”;

R.I. Khashimov, Dr. Philol. sciences, prof. - “General linguistic terms and concepts”,

“Appendix No. 3. 100 languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Russia”


THEM. Kurnosova, Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor

Encyclopedic dictionary-directory of linguistic terms and concepts. Russian E68 language: in 2 volumes A.N. Tikhonov, R.I. Khashimov, G.S. Zhuravleva and others / edited by ed. A.N. Tikhonova,

R.I. Khashimova. – T. 1. – M.: Flinta:

ISBN 978-5-02-033354-3 (Science) (1 volume)

The encyclopedic dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms and concepts is the first comprehensive publication on the Russian language, which is of an educational nature. The dictionary contains not only an interpretation, but also a description of the basic concepts of general and Russian linguistics.

Addressed to a wide range of readers: high school students, literature teachers, students of philological and humanities faculties, scientific and university workers. It is of interest to everyone who is interested in Russian as a native or foreign language.

UDC 811.161.1(038)

BBK 81.2Rus-5ya2

ISBN 978-5-89349-788-5 (Flint) (general)

ISBN 978-5-02-033305-5 (Science) (general)

ISBN 978-5-89349-894-3 (Flint) (1 volume)

ISBN 978-5-02-033354-3 (Science) (1 volume) © Flint Publishing, 2008


Among the many linguistic lexicographic publications, we bring to your attention the “Encyclopedic Dictionary-Reference Book of Linguistic Terms and Concepts. Russian Language" is intended primarily for university employees, philology students, and literature teachers, since the range of linguistic problems and concepts is determined by the programs of universities and pedagogical universities in the specialties "Philology", "Russian Language and Literature". The information contained in the dictionary-reference book may also be of interest to a wide range of readers: it is intended for students of lyceums and colleges, students and teachers of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. It is addressed to everyone who wants to have a deeper knowledge of the modern Russian language, its history, general linguistic problems, as well as to obtain brief sociolinguistic information about the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia.

A modern reader, and especially a philology student, often feels the need not only for a brief interpretation of the meaning of individual linguistic terms for educational purposes, but also for a more complete understanding linguistic phenomenon. Obtaining the necessary philological information in modern conditions is associated with significant difficulties: the need to turn to numerous sources - aspect textbooks, dictionaries, etc., which is associated not only with a painstaking search for the necessary information, but with time and material costs. “Encyclopedic dictionary-directory of linguistic terms. Russian Language" is a compact publication on the problems of Russian studies and general linguistics.

The reference dictionary is encyclopedic and at the same time educational in nature, which determined the thematic and alphabetical arrangement of articles and the principles of presentation of the material. The thematic arrangement of articles was determined by the stages of studying certain sections of linguistic disciplines in higher education. educational institutions. The dictionary consists of three main parts: 1. General linguistic terms and concepts. 2. Russian language. 3. Appendices (No. 1. Information on lexicography; No. 2. Information on linguistic journals; No. 3. 100 languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Russia).

The main composition of the dictionary covers the terminology of Russian and general linguistics, which is found in periodicals “Questions of Linguistics”, “Russian Language at School”, “Russian Speech”, “Russian Literature”, in textbooks and teaching aids of academic or university type.

The main part - “Russian Language” - consists of the following thematic scientific and educational disciplines: “Phonetics. Phonology", "Lexicology", "Morphemics. Word formation", "Morphology", "Syntax", "History of the Russian language. Dialectology", "Orthoepy", "Graphics. Spelling. Punctuation". These section topics provide a systematic description of all levels of the Russian language. The articles provide information about the composition and nature of the Russian language: the phonological and phonetic systems, phonetic processes and orthoepy are described; the diversity and richness of vocabulary and phraseology, the origins of their formation and features of modern functioning are revealed, the lexical-semantic, stylistic, dialectal, social and professional categories and properties of the word are characterized; detailed description morphemics and word production in the Russian language were subjected; The morphological and syntactic properties and categories of the modern state of the Russian language are considered. For educational purposes, the authors of articles on morphological and syntactic systems considered it necessary to present articles on all parts of speech, systems of declension, conjugation, methods of formation, features and types of syntactic units.

Articles about dialectology and history of the Russian language provide an opportunity to show the historical roots, ways of formation and formation current state of the Russian language, with the main attention being paid to those phonetic and morphological processes that contribute to the understanding of the properties of the levels of the Old Russian language, its differences from the Old Church Slavonic language. Information on graphics and Russian spelling completes the “Russian language” section in the structure of the dictionary.

Course “Introduction to Linguistics” (“ General linguistics", "Theory of Language") is presented in the section "General linguistic terms and concepts", necessary in the philological training of students and for a deeper understanding of various aspects and phenomena of the Russian language. This section includes linguistic terms not previously noted in dictionaries, as well as individual articles on current issues and the history of linguistics, and on methods for studying linguistic phenomena. The dictionary entries presented in three appendices will help the reader better navigate the search for additional information.

Such a structure makes the dictionary-reference book unique in nature and convenient for the systematic study of problems of the Russian language.

The authors of the sections proceeded from their own understanding of the need to include certain terms and concepts, so lacunarity in the composition of the vocabulary and presentation of material is inevitable. However, this does not mean that the encyclopedic dictionary represents any one point of view. If necessary, dictionary entries included direct statements by linguists or presented their views on understanding the essence of a problem or term, i.e. the presentation of language material is preserved in the author’s version. The selection of terms and presentation of the material are experimental in nature and necessitate testing in the practice of using the dictionary, so the authors will be grateful for all critical comments aimed at improving such a publication.

The idea of ​​​​creating a real lexicographical work belongs to the honored scientist Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, Professor A.N. Tikhonov (1931-2003), who was the first head of the Laboratory of Educational Lexicography at Yelets State University. I.A. Bunin, therefore the work on the encyclopedic dictionary-reference book was carried out mainly by the staff of this laboratory (Prof. A.N. Tikhonov, Prof. R.I. Khashimov, Prof., Candidate of Philological Sciences E.N. Tikhonova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor G. S. Zhuravleva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor M.A. Lapygin).

Scientists from Voronezh and Nizhny Novgorod State Universities were also involved in the creation of the dictionary: Doctor of Philology, Prof. A.M. Lomov, Doctor of Philology, prof. L.V. Ratsiburskaya.

The preparation and publication of the dictionary became possible thanks to the enormous support of Rector Yeletsky state university them. I.A. Bunin doctors pedagogical sciences Professor V.P. Kuzovlev, who pays great attention to the development of philological science and Russian culture.


1. Dictionary structure

§ 1. The reference dictionary consists of the following sections and parts:

Part 1. General linguistic terms and concepts.

Part 2. Russian language, including the terminology of the disciplines “Phonetics. Phonology", "Lexicology", "Morphemics. Word formation", "Morphology", "Syntax", "History of the Russian language. Dialectology", "Orthoepy", "Graphics. Spelling. Punctuation".

Part 3. Appendices: No. 1. Information on lexicography; No. 2. Information about linguistic journals; No. 3. 100 languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Russia.

§ 2. Articles in each section encyclopedic dictionary- directories are arranged in alphabetical order. General alphabetical list(vocabulary) is given at the end of the dictionary, including articles in the Appendices, indicating the page where this article is located.

2. Headwords

§ 3. The title word of the article is given in bold in capital letters and has an accent.




§ 4. Terms in the Latin script are given at the end of dictionary entries for a given letter of the alphabet.

§ 5. If the term is a phrase, then direct word order is used and the term is listed in alphabetical order of the first component of the terminological name.




3. Dictionary entry

§ 6. The dictionary entry has the following structure:

a) headword or phrase;

b) the title term is accented;

c) if there is an option, it is given in brackets;

d) definition (interpretation) of a term or concept;

e) illustrative material;

f) list of references.

§ 7. To facilitate understanding of a foreign language term, the source of its origin is given in brackets, indicating, if necessary, the composition foreign word, For example:

AGIONIM(Greek agios “holy” + onyma “name, title”).

ADSTRAT(Latin ad “at, about” + stratum “layer, layer”).

ARGO(French argot "jargon").

STAFF(Latin persona “face”).

§ 8. If a linguistic concept has associated terms of smaller semantic scope, then they are given in the same dictionary entry in light font or in bold font, for example:


Fractional numbers.

Cardinal numbers.



Academic grammar.

University grammar.

Historical grammar.

Contrastive grammar.

Logical grammar.

Normative grammar. Normative-descriptive grammar.

Explanatory grammar.

Descriptive grammar.

Generative grammar.

Synchronous grammar.

Comparative grammar.

Comparative grammar.

Comparative-historical grammar.

Universal Grammar.

Formal grammar.

§ 9. The meanings of polysemantic terms are given under the numbers 1, 2, etc. (see, for example, articles SEMANTICS, PHRASEME).

§ 10. If a term has a synonym (the option is indicated in brackets), a shorter name used independently, then both terms are indicated, with synonymous terms given at the end of the dictionary entry, while a more extensive interpretation is given to the term that is more common in educational practice:


GERMANISTICS. Syn. Germanic linguistics.


INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. Syn. Indo-European family of languages.

§ eleven. Some terms have not only synonyms, but also antinomic/antonymous names:

EXTERNAL LINGUISTICS. Syn. extralinguistics. Ant. internal linguistics.

EXTERNAL SPEECH. Ant. inner speech.

§ 12. The compilers of the dictionary believe that the proposed definitions or interpretations of individual terms are self-sufficient. However, in order to understand the meaning of the term, its systemic connections, it becomes necessary to take into account its use in a broad context - in the terminology system of a given linguistic concept or section of the science of language. To do this, in the dictionary it is sometimes advisable to compare a term with another or with more common name corresponding linguistic phenomenon using a system of marks, links (see, syn., ant., cf.) at the end or in the text of a dictionary entry:

PRAGUE SCHOOL. Cm. structural linguistics- at the end of the dictionary entry.

ASTRONYM(cm. cosmonym) - in the text of the dictionary entry.

ATOMISTIC LINGUISTICS. Wed. structural linguistics- at the end of the dictionary entry.

MACROTOPONYMY. Syn. macrotoponymy. Ant. microtomonymy, microtoponymy. Cm. toponymy- at the end of the dictionary entry.

§ 13. If a term is ambiguous, appropriate references are made, if necessary, to each meaning after interpretation:

INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE. 1. Syn. world language, world language, universal language, universal language. Cm. official language, work language. 2. See artificial language.

The educational and encyclopedic nature of the reference dictionary allowed the authors to combine, in some cases, thematically related terms and give one general dictionary entry. Such an approach will allow the reader to consider the linguistic problem as a whole and combine a group of terms in a specific system. Yes, in the article LETTER after interpreting the meaning of this general term, its specific meanings are revealed in terms of: Subject “writing”. Pictography. Ideography. Phonography (verbal-syllabic writing, syllabic writing, phonological writing); after general characteristics term PRONOUN a description is given and relevant information is provided about the linguistic phenomenon, concept: Personal pronouns. Interrogative pronouns. Indefinite pronouns. Determinative pronouns. Relative pronouns. Negative pronouns. Possessive pronouns. Demonstrative pronouns. Reflexive pronoun. Pronominal demonstrative words.

4 . Illustrative material

§ 14. All illustrations are given in italics: some of them indicate the use of the term in a linguistic context, while others are quotations from the works of writers showing the functioning of this linguistic phenomenon in speech: SEMIOTIC. Adj. To semiotics: semioticcwhat system;LET'S LET'S TAM. A word or short phrase used to name rivers: Berezina, Tissa, White Nile;EPITHET(Greek epitheton “attached, added”). A word or phrase used as a definition or circumstance with a certain stylistic connotation. An epithet is a stylistically significant (containing a trope or emphatically characterizing the subject of speech) word or phrase in the syntactic function of a definition or circumstance, for example: The fight is holy and right(Tvardovsky); ...and the young city... ascended magnificently, proudly(Pushkin).

§ 15. If you need to highlight any word or morpheme in the quoted text, then the example is given in bold italics: MODAL WORDS. Modal words are unchangeable words that express the attitude of the entire statement or its parts to reality, grammatically unrelated to other words, but intonationally prominent in the structure of the sentence, for example: For some reason Yakov remembered that in his entire life he,Seems , never caressed her(Chekhov). Fly to Marsof course , not difficult - all you need is ultra-lyddite (probably , it's something like gasoline)(Tynyanov).

5. Abbreviations

§ 16. For the convenience of readers, taking into account the educational and educational nature of the dictionary, a minimum number of generally accepted linguistic abbreviations is used, including variant, original abbreviations. A list of such abbreviations is provided separately. The list does not include abbreviations like see, etc., etc., etc., AD, cc., c., g. etc., since they are easy to decipher, read, accepted and widely used in any scientific and educational literature.

R. I. Khashimov


Avest. - Avestan

AN - Academy of Sciences

English - English

ant. - antonym

Arm. - Armenian

archaic - archaic

Belor. - Belarusian

biol. - biological

Bulgarian - Bulgarian

bot. - botanical

bran. - abusive

v.-luzh. - Upper Sorbian

military - military

eastern-slav. - East Slavic

issue - release

VYa - Questions of linguistics

geogr. - geographical

geol. - geological

Ch. - main

Dutch - Dutch

horn - mountain

state - state

Gothic - Gothic

Greek - Greek

rude - simple - roughly colloquial

dB - decibel


diploma - diplomatic

diss. - dissertation

add. - acceptable

Assoc. - assistant professor

Old-German - Old High German

Old Greek - ancient Greek

other ind. - ancient Indian

other Russian - Old Russian

zap. - notes

zap.-slav. - West Slavic

sound - onomatopoeic

meaning - meaning

zool. - zoological

IAN. SLYA - News of the Academy of Sciences. Literature and Language Series.

fav. - chosen

Izv. - news

iron. - ironic

excl. - exception

ist. - historical

art historian - art history

Italian - Italian

Ph.D. - Ph.D.

book - book

book - bookish

caress. - affectionate

lat. - Latin

Latvian - Latvian

Leningrad State University - Leningrad State University

lit. - Lithuanian

LSV - lexical-semantic variant

LSG - lexical-semantic group

mat. - mathematical

MSU - Moscow State University

honey. - medical

places - local

miner - mineralogical

million - million

ms - millisecond

Morsk. - sea

beginning - initial

NDVSh - Scientific reports of higher education

neutral - neutral

not right. - incorrect

nesov. V., nsv - imperfect species

new - new

region - region

general glory - Common Slavic

OLYA - Department of Literature and Language

official - official

ped. - pedagogical

trans. - portable

under. - similar

watered - political

Polish - Polish

Portuguese - Portuguese

village - village

poet. - poetic

contempt - contemptuous

neglected - dismissive

adj. - adjective

prod. - production

simple - simple

vernacular - colloquial

prof. - professional

publ. - journalistic

decomposition - conversational

RAS - Russian Academy sciences

ed. - editor

RR - Russian speech

Russian - Russian

RYAZR - Russian language abroad

RYANSH - Russian language in national school

RYAS - Russian language at school

With. - page

SAN - Dictionary of modern Russian literary language/ USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute rus. language T. 1-17. M.; L., 1948-1965

sard. - Sardinian

Sat. - collection

north - northern

sec. - second

ser. - middle

Serb. - Serbian

syn. - synonym

glory - Slavic

owls V., St.- perfect view

specialist. - special

old - old

old glory - Old Church Slavonic

Taj. - Tajik

abstract - theses

tech. - technical

tr. - works

thousand - thousand

Turkic - Turkic

Uzbek - Uzbek

Ukrainian - Ukrainian

outdated - outdated

uch. - scientist

physical - physical

Philol. - philological

finance - financial

FN - Philological Sciences

folk - folklore

terms. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia., 1966. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary linguisticterms. 2nd edition. - M.: Soviet...


    DICTIONARY OF LITERARY AND LINGUISTICTERMS Allegory (Greek allegoria ... synonyms 4) antonyms 61. What linguistic the phenomenon is illustrated by the highlighted words in, ... 4) antonyms 62. Which linguistic the phenomenon is illustrated by the words contours - ...

  • Linguistic markers of experience translation in (oral) narrative research concept knowledge experience experience management


    Respondents conducted in terms conversion analysis, and formal linguistic analysis of the features of updating the named... we are making an attempt to develop an operationalizable linguisticterms understanding of experience. For this...

  • Dictionary of literary and linguistic terms Allegory


    Dictionary of literary and linguisticterms Allegory is a trope consisting of an allegorical depiction...

  • Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

    See what "" is in other dictionaries:

      dictionary of linguistic terms- a dictionary containing linguistic terms and their interpretation... Explanatory translation dictionary

      dictionary of linguistic terms

      dictionary of linguistic terms- A lexicographic publication presenting the metalanguage of linguistics in a systematized form...

      Dictionaries of linguistic terms- Dictionaries of linguistic terms are a type of industry terminological dictionaries. According to the method of organizing vocabulary material, all S. l. i.e. they are divided into actual dictionaries (lexicons), alphabetical or thematic registers of terms of various... ... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

      See: linguistics. Contents 1 Dictionaries 1.1 Monolingual dictionaries (with interpretations in Russian) ... Wikipedia

      A dictionary that provides an explanation of the meaning and use of words (as opposed to an encyclopedic dictionary, which provides information about relevant objects, phenomena, and events). Dialect (regional) dictionary. Dictionary containing... ...

      encyclopedic dictionary Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography

      encyclopedic dictionary- Lexicographic publication represented by different genres: 1) general encyclopedia; 2) linguistic encyclopedia; 3) dictionary of linguistic terms; 4) cultural dictionary... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

      dictionary as a genre of scientific reference substyle- includes different kinds information: a) information about the linguistic properties of the lexeme, its meaning; b) definitions of terms in the field of various sciences... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

      A dictionary containing terms of a certain field of science, technology, and art. see the dictionary of linguistic terms (in the article there is a linguistic dictionary) ... Dictionary of linguistic terms


    • Dictionary of linguistic terms
    • Dictionary of linguistic terms, O.S. Akhmanova. The dictionary contains and explains about 7 thousand terms from all linguistic disciplines (phonetics, phonomorphology, morphology, syntax, lexicology, linguistic stylistics). The terms are accompanied by...

    1. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms / O.S. Akhmanova. – M.: Editorial URSS, 2007. – 567 p.

    2. Big Dictionary Russian language / Ch. ed. S.A. Kuznetsov. – St. Petersburg. : Norint, 2010. – 1536 p.

    3. Large spelling dictionary / Comp. E. N. Zubkova. – M.: LLC “House of Slavic Books”, 2012. – 928 p.

    4. Culture of Russian speech: encyclopedic dictionary-reference book/ Ed. L. Yu. Ivanova, A. P. Skovorodnikova, E. N. Shiryaeva; RAS. Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradova. - M.: Flint; Science, 2003. – 840 s.

    5. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov; edited by N.Yu. Shvedova. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2008. – 797 p.

    6. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms /D.E. Rosenthal, M.A. Telenkova. – M.: Astrel: AST, 2009. – 624 p.

    7. Russian language: Encyclopedia / Ed. Yu.N. Karaulova. – M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2008. – 704 p.

    8. Dictionary of foreign words and expressions / Author-comp. E. S. Zenovich. – M.: AST: Olympus, 2006. – 784 p.

    9. Dictionary of foreign words. – Mn.: Modern writer. 2006. – 608s.

    10. Dictionary of structural words of the Russian language / V. V. Morkovkin, N. M. Lutskaya, G. F. Bogacheva and others - M.: Lazur, 2007. - 420 p.

    11. Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. M.N. Kozhina. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2008. – 696 p.

    12. Tikhonov A. N. Morphemic-spelling dictionary of the Russian language / A. N. Tikhonov. – M.: Astrel, AST, Harvest, 2007. – 704s.

    Internet resources:

    1. Certificate. Ru: reference and information portal “Russian language”. − Access mode: http://

    2. Collection “Dictations - Russian language” of the Russian general education portal. − Access mode:

    3. Culture of written speech. − Access mode:

    4. The world of the Russian word. − Access mode:

    5. National Corpus of the Russian Language: information and reference system. − Access mode:

    6. Rhetoric, Russian language and speech culture, linguoculturology: electronic linguoculturological courses. − Access mode:

    7. Philological portal − Access mode:

    Educational edition

    Olga Vasilievna Bondarenko

    Irina Vasilievna Kostruleva

    Elena Pavlovna Popova

    Russian language and culture of speech


    (lecture course)


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    Ministry of Education of the RSFSR


    BBK 81.2R-4

    Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A.

    Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms: A manual for teachers. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M: Education, 1985.-E99 p.
    The reference dictionary in a clear and accessible form for the teacher will give an interpretation of the most commonly used in educational and methodological literature linguistic terms (about 2 thousand)

    Purpose of the reference dictionary
    In the Soviet era, dictionaries of linguistic terms were repeatedly published, intended for different purposes and different circles of readers. In the early 20s, a small-sized “Grammar Dictionary” by N.N. Durnovo, addressed to the teacher high school and compiled in the spirit of traditional Russian linguistics From other positions - the positions of the so-called “new teaching about language” - the terms in the “Linguistic Dictionary” of L.I. were interpreted. Zhirkov (2nd edition published in 1946), designed for philology students when studying the course “Introduction to Linguistics.” The dictionary of linguistic terms by E.V. was designed for a wider and more diverse range of readers. Krotevich and N.S. Rodzevich, written in Ukrainian (1957). Relatively recently, a linguistic dictionary was published by the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR, compiled by R. Grabis, D. Barbara, A. Bergmane. The most complete not only in Soviet, but also in foreign linguistics (contains an interpretation of about 7 thousand terms) is the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” by O.S. Akhmanova, meeting the needs of the most qualified readers.

    Of a special nature, associated with certain directions in linguistic science, are the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” published in our translation by J. Maruzot (1960), “Linguistic Dictionary Prague school"I. Vaheka (1964), "Dictionary of American Linguistic Terminology" by E. Hamp (1964).

    The presence of various dictionaries does not exclude, however, the creation of a special reference book on linguistic terminology, designed primarily for a literature teacher, in whose practice there is often a need not only to clarify the exact meaning of individual linguistic terms, but also to more fully disclose their content for educational purposes. Obtaining the necessary information from the available scientific and educational literature is associated with significant difficulties and is a very painstaking work; it is necessary to turn to many sources, since a high school teacher (in brackets we will add - also a philologist student) has to deal with various sections of the science of the Russian language , such as vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and spelling, graphics and spelling, word formation and morphology, syntax and punctuation, issues of stylistics, historical grammar, history of the literary language, dialectology, lexicography, as well as general linguistics should be added here.
    Composition and structure of the reference dictionary
    This dictionary-reference book provides an interpretation of the most common linguistic terms. The vast majority of them are traditional terms of wide use, covering the entire terminology of the school course of the Russian language, a smaller part consists of more specialized terms of university practice, among which are also the terms of structural linguistics, increasingly found in linguistic works, in particular in periodicals not only academic or university type, but also in such widely popular ones as the magazine “Russian Language at School”, “Russian Speech”.

    The sources for selecting the dictionary were scientific and educational literature of various nature, primarily used by secondary school teachers, we mean the works of leading Russian linguists, university and school textbooks and teaching aids on individual disciplines included in the linguistic cycle, periodicals of theoretical and educational-methodological type.

    The purpose of a reference dictionary is to interpret terms as references, and not to systematize and unify them. The compilers mainly included widely used terms in the dictionary, and left the terms of individual use for the dictionary of individual linguists or an academic dictionary of linguistic terminology. Thus, numerous A.A. terms are not included. Shakhmatov, which have not received distribution in the literature. For example, only A.A. Shakhmatov noted the categories of nouns faces And impersonality, disparagement And derogatory, singularity And pairs, aggregates. The same is observed in A.M. Peshkovsky, V.A. Bogoroditsky and other linguists and methodologists.

    The terms in the reference book are arranged in alphabetical order. If the term is a phrase, then it is alphabetized by the first word, not the stem, for example:
    abstract vocabulary

    abstract nouns

    colloquial vocabulary.
    This term is also given elsewhere by the stem word with the corresponding letter, but with a reference, for example:

    conversational vocabulary cm. colloquial vocabulary.

    If the term is used in the Latin script, then it is given in its place in alphabetical order. For example, singularia tantum is given after the word synharmonism.

    All heading terms are emphasized (both primary and secondary, if any).
    Construction of a dictionary entry
    The title word of the article is given in bold lowercase letters. In cases where the understanding of a term is facilitated by familiarity with its foreign language etymology, the source of its origin and, if necessary, the composition of the foreign language word are given in brackets, for example:

    antonyms(from Greek anti - against + onyma - name). If a term has doublets, they are listed after it, for example:

    morpheme variant(allomorph).

    These same doublets are also given in their place in alphabetical order, but with reference to the main term, for example:

    non-member adjective. Same as short adjective.

    When choosing one of two equivalent terms, preference was given to the one that is more common in educational practice. In some cases it could be a Russian term, in others it could be a foreign language, most often an international one. For example, in pairs ending-inflection, imperative mood - imperative preference is given to the first term, and in pairs ABC - alphabet, pronunciation - labialization- to the second.

    If a term has associated terms of a smaller semantic scope, then they are given in the same dictionary entry from a paragraph in a light font, spaced out, for example:

    functions of the word.

    The function is communicative.

    The function is nominative.

    The function is aesthetic.

    Terms that are specific subdivisions of the main term are given in their place in alphabetical order, but with reference to the main term, for example:

    future simple cm. Future tense.

    If the term to which the reference is given does not form an independent dictionary entry, but is part of an entry devoted to a term of a broader heretical scope, then the reference entry indicates in parentheses the place where to look, for example:

    explanatory conjunctions cm. subordinating conjunctions(in the article union ).

    If a term has several meanings, then all of them are given from a paragraph in the same article under numbers 1, 2, etc. (see, for example, article style in the reference dictionary).

    If, in order to understand the meaning of a term, it is advisable to compare it with another term, then after revealing its meaning, a note is given Wed, For example:

    Indent... compare: attack, endurance.

    Considering that often the definition of a term, which in itself is sufficient to reveal the concept contained in it, does not, however, give a complete idea of ​​its place in the system of a given section of the science of language, the scope of its application, etc., it seemed useful to strengthen the practical focus of the reference dictionary and provide a more detailed article, revealing the scope and content of the corresponding linguistic phenomenon, characterizing its use in a broad context (see, for example, articles amphiboly, antonyms, introductory words).

    With this understanding of the tasks of a reference dictionary, it turned out to be possible, in some cases, to give thematically related terms in the form of a general dictionary entry that has a reference and educational character, which does not, of course, replace a manual on vocabulary, grammar, etc., but allows the reader to consider the whole group terms in specific system.

    Yes, in the article phrase After disclosing the meaning of the general term, information regarding specific terms is provided:

    Types of phrases according to the degree of cohesion of components:

    A) phrases are syntactically free.

    B) phrases are not syntactically free.

    Types of phrases according to their structure:

    a) simple phrases.

    b) complex phrases.

    Types of phrases based on the main word:

    1. Verb phrases:

    1) with a noun;

    2) with an infinitive;

    3) with an adverb;

    1. with a gerund.

    2. Noun phrases:
    1) substantive:

    a) with a noun;

    B) with an adjective, pronominal adjective, ordinal number, participle;

    c) with an adverb;

    D) with an infinitive;

    1. adjectival:
    a) with a noun;

    b) with an adverb;

    c) with an infinitive;

    3) phrases with a numeral as the main word;

    the role of the main word.

    4) phrases with a pronoun as the main word

    3. Adverb phrases:

    1) with an adverb;

    1. with a noun.
    At the end of the article it is given Short story development of the theory of phrases in Russian grammatical science.

    In other cases, the explanation of the term is accompanied by a description of the grammatical phenomenon it expresses. For example:

    non-union complex sentence. Complex sentence, the predicative parts of which are connected by the interconnectedness of their meaning and structure, by rhythmic and melodic means without the help of conjunctions or relative words. They differ:

    1) non-union complex sentences of homogeneous composition (with parts of the same type). According to the meanings they express (simultaneity or sequence of events; comparison or opposition of actions, etc.) and according to some structural features (enumerative intonation or intonation of opposition, uniformity of tense forms of predicate verbs, the possibility of inserting coordinating conjunctions), sentences of this type can be correlated with complex sentences. The white blanket has been thrown to the floor, the house is empty, Vera Nikandrovna is alone(Fedin). You are eager for war - we have strengthened the world(Bezymensky);

    2) non-union complex sentences of heterogeneous composition (with different types of parts). According to the meanings they express (relations of conditionality, cause-and-effect, explanatory, etc.) and according to some structural features (intonation, the order of the predicative parts of a single whole, the lexical composition of the first part, etc.), sentences of this type can be correlated with complex sentences. Fight alone - life can't be turned around(N. Ostrovsky). Sometimes the horses sank up to their bellies: the soil was very viscous(Fadeev). Fedor understood: it was about communication Furmanov).

    With this classification, transitional or intermediate types of non-union complex sentences are possible, not correlative with complex or complex sentences, for example non-union proposals with explanatory relationships. The weather was terrible: the wind howled, wet snow fell in flakes...(Pushkin).

    Another classification of non-conjunctive complex sentences is based on various types of intonation as the most important formal aspect of their construction. The following are distinguished:

    1) enumerative sentences. Silk does not tear, damask steel does not fray, gold does not rust(proverb):

    2) comparative sentences. Summer stores, winter eats(proverb);

    3) sentences of conditionality. Fear of wolves - don't go to the forest(proverb);

    4) explanatory sentences. She imagined a picture: a fragile boat rushing downstream(Veresaev):

    5) connecting sentences. All the objects around were clearly and exaggeratedly real - this is what happens when you don’t sleep all night(Sholokhov)

    In cases where a term has different interpretations in linguistic literature, the reference dictionary sets out different points of view on the essence of the issue and provides a brief history of its development (see, for example, articles type of verb, voice of verb, subordinate clause, phoneme ).

    The illustrations in the dictionary entry have a dual character. Some of them show the use of the term in a linguistic context. For example, in the article alphabet After the interpretation of the term, illustrations are given: Russian alphabet. Latin alphabet. Other illustrations are quotations from the works of writers, showing the functioning of this linguistic phenomenon in speech (see, for example, the article author's words ). All illustrations are in italics. If a word needs to be highlighted in the quoted text, it is given in italics. Morphemes are highlighted in bold italics.

    The reference dictionary contains a few, quite understandable abbreviations ( Greek- Greek word lat.- latin word, French- French word etc.).

    The 3rd edition includes new linguistic terms that have recently become widespread, and the necessary corrections and clarifications have been made. In some cases, the terms have received a more complete interpretation.
    List of used dictionaries
    Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M., 1966.

    Vahek J. Linguistic Dictionary of the Prague School. Ed. and with a foreword by A. A. M. Reformatsky, 1964

    Grabis R., Barbara D., Bergmane A. Dictionary of linguistic terms. Riga, 1963.

    Durnovo N.N. Grammar dictionary. M.-Pg., 1924.

    Zhirkov L.I. Linguistic dictionary. M., 1946.

    Krotevich E.V., Rodzevich N.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms.

    Maruso J. Dictionary of linguistic terms. Translation from French by N. D. Andreeva, ed. Reformatsky A.A. M., 1960.

    Hamp E. Dictionary of American Linguistic Terminology. Translation and additions by V.V. Ivanov, ed. and with a foreword by Zvegintsev V. A. M., 1964.

    abbreviation(italian, abbreviatura sloping, brevis-short). 1. Words formed from the names of the initial letters or from the initial sounds of words included in the original phrase (initial abbreviation ).

    Letter abbreviation. An abbreviation made up of the alphabetical names of the initial letters of the words that form the original phrase. RSFSR(er-es-ef-es-er) (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic).

    The abbreviation is letter-sound (with mixed). An abbreviation formed partly from the names of the initial letters, partly from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase. CDSA(tse-de-sa) (Central House of the Soviet Army).

    Sound abbreviation. An abbreviation formed from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase. University(V higher at educational h avedenie). TASS (T elegraph A agency WITH Soviet WITH union).

    On the grammatical gender of indeclinable initial abbreviations cm, genus.

    2. Same as a compound word. Komsomol. Ministry of Education

    abbreviation(from lat. ab-from + brevio - shortening). A way of forming words (nouns) from other words or phrases. Cm. truncation at 1st value.

    paragraph(German Absatz from verb. absetzen - move away). 1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the line (red line).

    2. A segment of written or printed text from one red line to another, usually containing a super-phrase unity or part of it, less often - one simple or complex sentence.

    ablative(ablative) (lat. ablativus - positive case). In some languages, a case with the original meaning, with the meaning of separation or removal. Can correspond in Russian to the genitive case with prepositions from, from, with or instrumental case.

    ablaut(ablaut) (German Ablaut - alternation of vowels, revocalization). Morphonological alternation, playing the role of internal inflection. Send - send - ambassador. I'll collect - collecting - collection - collect.

    absolute time. Verbal tense form, independent of other tense forms in a sentence, determined by its relationship with the moment of speech. I I'm reading a book; I was reading a book; I will be reading a book. Wed: relative time.

    absolute synonyms cm. absolute synonyms (in the article synonyms )

    abstract (lat. abstractus - remote, abstract) vocabulary.

    A set of words with an abstract meaning of quality, property, state, action. Usually this number includes only abstract nouns that have a grammatical expression of the category of abstraction (certain word-forming suffixes, the absence, as a rule, of a plural form, incompatibility with cardinal numerals). Shine. Fuss. Hardening. Studying. Industrialization. Property. Essence. Silence. Enthusiasm. In a broad sense, based only on the semantic principle, words from other parts of speech can be included in abstract vocabulary. So, comparing, on the one hand, adjectives stone, round, blue, loud, sweet, fragrant, rough etc., denoting external materialized signs perceived by one of the senses, and on the other - adjectives kind, sincere, experienced, moral, smart, sad, lazy and so on. (especially adjectives formed from abstract nouns), we find in the second group words with a greater degree of abstraction, which with the specified reservation, i.e. without taking into account grammatical indicators, can be classified as abstract vocabulary. A similar distinction can be made between verbs of concrete action ( write, read, chop, walk, throw etc.) and verbs expressing feelings, internal state, etc. ( love, hate, have fun, be sad, hope etc.): verbs of the second group have a more pronounced abstractness (cf. their correlation with abstract nouns love, hate, fun, sadness, hope).

    The question of the broader use of the term “abstract vocabulary” is subject to further study by linguists.

    abstract nouns. Same as abstract nouns.

    Other books by the author:

    BookDescriptionYearPriceBook type
    The dictionary-reference book in a clear and accessible form for the teacher provides an interpretation of the most commonly used linguistic terms in educational and methodological literature (about 2 thousand) - Enlightenment, (format: 60x90/16, 400 pages)1985 540 paper book
    This dictionary contains about 20,000 words representing difficulties of various kinds. The reader will receive information about spelling, pronunciation, word formation, learn grammatical and... - Iris-Press, (format: 70x100/32, 832 pages)2016 236 paper book
    Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language1985 280 paper book
    Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian languageThis dictionary is intended for a wide range of readers. It contains about 30,000 words representing difficulties of various kinds. If a word can cause a certain difficulty, then... - Russian language, (format: 84x108/32, 704 pages)1984 540 paper book
    The dictionary-reference book in a clear and accessible form for a literature teacher provides an interpretation of the most commonly used linguistic terms in educational and methodological literature (about 2 thousand) - Enlightenment, (format: 84x108/32, 543 pages)1976 360 paper book
    Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian languageThis dictionary is a revised and expanded edition. It contains about 30,000 words representing difficulties of various kinds. The reader will receive a certificate of writing, pronunciation... - Russian language, (format: 70x100/16, 414 pages)1987 770 paper book
    Directory of linguistic termsThe reference book provides an interpretation in a clear and accessible form for the teacher of the most commonly used linguistic terms in educational and methodological literature - Enlightenment, (format: 84x108/32, 496 pages) Methodological library schools 1972 100 paper book
    Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. 20,000 wordsThis dictionary contains about 20,000 words representing difficulties of various kinds. The reader will receive information about the spelling, pronunciation, formation of words, learn grammatical and... - Iris Press, (format: 70x100/32, 832 pages) From A to Z2016 185 paper book

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